call to order the May 99th 2024 event of Commissioners to order everyone please uh rise for the flag salute pledge Ali to the United States of America to the rep stand one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all I'd also ask for a moment of silence this evening um vener lost a pretty important person our community Mary maano um former mayor Beth Holzman maano her mom and former commissioner uh Paul mcan's wife um she passed early this morning after somewhat of an extended Illness but uh just ask for a moment of silence in her memory thank you thank you roll call Lisa commissioner creel here commissioner Mento absent mayor lra here pursuing to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided the agenda has been posted in City Hall and on the city's website at www. ventner we have our meeting announcement live stream remote comment on disclosures if we do have issues with the live stream we will just shut that down and continue our meeting um no presentations this evening we have no department head reports no Capital discussion the following items this is our workshop for people who are new to the meeting it's our Workshop meeting we will go through our full agenda and then re reconvene our regular meeting and take action on those items uh we do not have any minutes to approve we do not have any ordinance introductions we do have two ordinance public hearings and adoptions we'll go through those right now the first is ordinance 2022 that's 012 it's a bond ordinance providing for the repair in our rehab of our Boardwalk um we received about not about wece received $7.1 million from New Jersey boardwalk preservation fund we're going to essentially match that with another 7 million in bonds to get us from that that 7.1 would take us from Jackson Avenue to Sur Avenue on the boardwalk we want to at least get to the pier so we're going to add at least 7 million to that number to get us to the pier with our uh Rehabilitation of of the boardwalk any questions on that no do you need a hearing device are you okay can you we have a we have a hearing it looked like you were here you were trying to hear you wna it plugs in then you can hear thing I can talk right into the microphone when you reti it's hard it's hard and the the Acoustics are tricky in this room they are I'll try and move closer to the microphones to so it picks me up better is that better can you hear awesome um so in our meeting we'll have a public hearing on on that uh the next one is also public hearing and Adoption of ordinance 2024 d013 Bond ordinance providing for various General Capital Improvements byid and in the city of ventner appropriating $3 million and authorizing the issuance of $2.8 million in bonds or notes to finance part of the cost thereof and this was a myriad of items um from infrastructure improvements to vehicles to I think there was police police and fire dollars in there as well for equipment for both of those entities anything specific Tom big chunk for beachville right right there a million dollars of that is is the beachville update on that because we do get a lot of questions um we did experience a lot of a significant amount of erosion from between R pier and the Margate Pier um the Army Corps has just provided us with plans that they will Implement over the next winter to replenish that sand it will not be here for this summer so we're going to have some significant issues with Beach depth um during um our high tidde so that's going to be a struggle specifically in the Philadelphia and Buffalo Avenue areas seen it yeah yep it's been it's been difficult down there and this is happens every three years but that third year we've lost most of that sand so those are the two bonds or ordinances that we will be um having a public hearing on and hopeful adoption but those monies are in addition to what the the D would include it correct so what just to to so the federal government covers 75% of the cost yeah the state covers 25% and then we have a percentage of that I think it's 10 of that 25 right around that number so that's our portion of it it's broken down into those those um okay proportion and this this is an estimate it may turn out more or less but we wanted to have it in place so that when the project is ready to roll we've got our contribution yeah right last few years it's been last few times it's been about that amount and they base it on how much sand they actually pump on our beach right so the plans show very limited um improvements from the pier going towards Atlantic City um some walkover some replanting of the dunes things of that nature some resloping but the significant fill is between our pier and our border of Fredericksburg Avenue good so we we got those plans I think the first week of May or last week of of April so we've been last week our city engineer took a look at them and we're in good shape we will then go through resolutions uh by consent resolutions 2024-25 we're adding 144 here on the bench this evening it's a change order one of our construction on infrastructure projects so the first item is uh 2024-25 hours for replacement of some stones that were washed away during some fire hydrant testing any questions no follow it along 202 24-39 is uh authorizing burden comp Den company to replace the library Tower clock not to exceed $2,321 um we tried to get it repaired no one wanted to touch the repair so we getting it completely replaced so we'll have a correct time on our library clock more than twice a day um resolution 2024 d140 is an interum appointment of Mark suin as police inter room Lieutenant we've got someone out on leave and the next one is is similar uh and resolution 141 excuse me is inter imployment of Lindsay O'Donnell oconnell excuse me as police interim Sergeant that's the second time she stepped up into that role too so I would assume same with Lieutenant um Mark uh supran yeah um they step up and and cover that role well they've done it a couple times for us yeah resolution 142 is authorizing a refund for tax overpayment and 143 is appointing members to the ventner City School Board we will be reappointing um president Doug vaji they'll determine if he's still the president or not we don't appoint that right and then Michael Hagen Hegel gance is also going to return to that board and the last resolution as I said is 144 and that is uh change order number two final amended vendor Heights Improvement uh project for Marshall Avenue Dudley Avenue and Oxford Avenue and that is in the amount of increase the amount by just under $6,000 $ 5,963 on a total contract amount of 362,000 right percentage wise not a bad yeah no no that's that's pretty good so those are our resolutions we'll go by uh consent and then we have we'll do our bills and payroll then our discussion item we do have one discussion item and that is on the ordinance is titled one thing but that's not what we're going to call it motorcyle and motorbikes but it's really for pedal assist bicycles on the boardwalk Nicole you have a you prepared something for us yes so um I went back and there I guess there has been some discussion uh in the public and then amongst the Commissioners about having pedal assist bikes in the age of ebikes now um that would be permitted on the boardwalk and looking at the ordinances there are several Provisions I think that might need to be changed depending on what you want to do as a commission so the first one you should have there is chapter 153 which talks about motorcycles and motorbikes so we would have to if you look on your the documents I gave you all the red is what would have to be changed so the first says low-speed bicycle lowspeed electric bicycles would be add just to the title under the definition section and this is um code reference 15 3-3 definition it talks about motor motorized bicycle when I looked at the statutory definition of motorized bicycle what you see in the red is actually what's in the Statue now so corre I think we would have to enhance that definition regardless all right and then lowspeed electric bicycle means the two or three- wheel vehicle with fully operable pedals and an electric motor of less than 750 watts that meets the requirements of one of the following classifications and then there are two classifications the first classification is really the one that I think um the commission was most looking into in terms of Permitting it this specifically says it's classified as a low-speed electric bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches 20 miles an hour the class two essentially has a motor that helps um move uh absent the the pedals so we yeah I think we were leaning towards the pedal assist yeah pedal assist one which was seems to be that class one those are the the statutory definitions as they currently exist under title 39 section 153 D4 would have to be um amended to say use on the boardwalk the first sentence of that uh currently reads the operation and use of motorized bicycles shall be prohibited so in addition to motorized bicycles we would add the class two low-speed electric bicycles and then a sentence added that says the operation and use of clo class one low-speed electric bicycles would be permitted on the boardwalk and a designated bicycle path only operation and use shall be limited to the daylight hours except from July 1st to Labor Day on Saturday and Sunday such Vehicles shall only be pered to operate from 6:00 a.m. to 12: noon and that is the same restriction that we currently have for bicycles under a different section of the code coincides with our Beach hours pretty much the busy Beach hours yeah yeah and it's Saturdays and Sundays only so that's the one section that would have to be amended if this is what you would want to go to the next talks about the boardwalk under chapter 79 under the definition of vehicle under chap uh par paragraph uh or section rather 79- three the definition of vehicles being amended to include lowspeed electric vehicles class one and two and would we have to take out class two in that if we don't want to have the class two's allowed or is that just a definition just defining them yep yep so this just says this was how we would Define any vehicle um under restrictions is where we would add paragraph d currently it says no vehicle shall be permitted to be used or operated on the boardwalk and the approaches there too at any time except as here in provided so what that's saying is all these vehicles that we've defined not permitted on the boardwalk except so we have um added an exception under paragraph D the low speeed electric vehicles class one only they would be permitted on the boardwalk in accordance with the provisions of chapter 153 which is what we just went through right those would be the only amendments to that particular article now oh good yeah the next one so um what Tom was just asking is under Section that same section we were looking at paragraph C it talks about chapter 75 so if you look at the next piece I gave you is is where I think we have to have some discussion talks about chapter 75 right bicycles roller skates and skateboards so under this article or chapter in the code there are many requirements and restrictions and rules that are in place for bicycles um in the city so for example 75 D2 do you have you have it mine was out of order that's all oh I'm sorry Sor right just was it was there it just was one behind the 72 okay under 75 it talks about registration inspection under the current ordinance all bicycles unicycles adult tricycles owned by residents of the city and ventner and operated on the highways and the boardwalk would be inspected and registered with the Department of Public Safety and then it goes about on about how that's the process for that um we don't do that so we might want to take that out yeah we don't inspect bicycles okay I think we have like a a bicycle Rodeo we still do that police used to do it preo um where they would have something in the spring where kids could bring their bikes and they would get a you know check their helmet and that fun stuff okay yeah I I think that's something we should have me registering all the bikes would be a yeah hercula and pass when I read it I thought it was but if you're a visitor or yeah yeah I mean it it looks like the last time this was touched was 1979 yeah I don't see the benefit they actually used to go to the fire department my understanding was and register them at the fire department yeah it says the firehouse on Winchester Avenue on Friday we can keep this in it's pretty specific you know if you're absent that's what happens so do we want to then this whole section would be struck foring that registration practical that's just not practical all right so that's we're gonna had a minimum amend that the next is audible signaling devices no person shall operate bicycle unicycle or tricycle unless it's equipped with a bell or other device except a bicycle shall not be equipped with a siren or a whistle so I don't know we're doing a deep dive here yeah this is a pretty deep dive for um just trying to I get it all of these when you otherwise that there was actually someone coming up that has contacted me about making about enforcing the bell and ordinance in the past but I again I think it's it's a it's it's a little almost decious a little over the top to have in the ordinance why don't we do this because this I don't want to go I think SE by section items here lights and brakes yeah why don't we take a look at this individually the section 75 unless there's something in here specific no I just wanted to while we were adding this definition of low speeed electric vehicles under the current regulation that we have under um 153 which we're amending it specifically references all of these it's this one it's the chapter 7 we would have to look at this what I don't want to do is go through line by line in this tonight and and we can individually go through it and say look come back to you with suggestions yeah that some of these definitely need to be taken out yeah unless there's something that really specifically speaks to the class I don't know that's the thing you know iass Lights making sure only one person's on the bike at a time well what this does in some cases it it gives especially if more than one person riding restrictions that I'm looking at um if someone's inappropriately riding down the boardwalk with two or three people on a bike that gives our police officers more some meat to say look you can't do that please take your your shenanigans that's where we're going to treat an low speed class one like a bike right would that we just want to insert that word where yes that's that's the only reason for bringing this forward no I see why you're bringing it for it I just think I like I said I don't want to go through each one of these sections here I think we can go through it individually and then come back with suggestions on how we need to edit it and I'll give Chief as well yeah I think everything you've said so far I think he's pretty well in line with the enforcement side of the non throttled bikes the ones the class ones but the but we can go through this with him and get his get his feedback on it too agreed okay then we have vehicles on beaches chapter 72 yeah the same kind of idea just if we're gonna go through this and make the proper amendments I wanted to make sure we captured it everywhere I didn't you wanted them to be on permitted on the beach at all um but I do note that under 72-12 says operation of vehicles they no vehicle could go over 10 miles an hour so on the beach on the beach correct I would think this would that would be allowing them would be fine in the offseason but during the summer becomes problematic the offseason few and far between that are down there right um but during the season riding a a battery powered bicycle down the beach with I can see that on July 4th riding in the crowds that's that's problematic um so I think that might be something that we would allow them only offseason Labor Day to or even the end of September to May something to think about all right we think I'm note I I I mean my experience is You' only see them after hours on the beach sometimes during the season couple times I've seen yeah and then the last one person unnamed that I've know buing down the beach in a you a full fully throttled the the last chap chter that kind of tied in with that first one we looked at is this 174 and um I'm not sure this one I think goes back to 1943 so I'm not sure talks about not bring bringing baby coaches and prams up on the second deck of recreation here what is a it's a pram because I didn't know it's a what a UL like aage baby car okay I say that word say the word that how it said it perambulator I did look it up though there so that's what it told me okay I think you can eliminate those the baby coach and the ulator um and keep bicycle tricycle and then I would add definitely add the uh low speeed bicycle in that as prohibited and I didn't know if you wanted to take a look at that fine too it says $10 yeah that should be increased all right so we we'll Circle back that should be consistent with what riding a bike illegally on the boardwalk is yeah same same same number and I I don't remember what that was off the top of my hand I think 25 200 200 wow okay 500 and then 1500 okay all right I think we'll do some homework but thank you for that this that's very well done yeah really good detailed information for us do you want the um the ones that were redlined to to to be I first reading next I think so yes yeah yeah yeah I'm going to get get them run by run by Chief please first so this might be we' like to get done for o day absolutely yeah I think we can all right so I'll put this in as bin tonight okay good sounds good thanks thank you all right um we're going to open it up to the public for any comment on items that we have already discussed tonight any items on the agenda so if you have any comments we'll go to zoom first anybody on Zoom Jim that wants to make a comment on agenda items only is anybody on Zoom wishes to comment on any of the agenda items please raise your hand or make yourself known in the chat feature and we will unmute you no up to those in in attendance here tonight if you have any comments on items on the agenda please step forward state your name and make your comment or ask your questions H haran uh president of the veter pickle bable advisory committee on something on tonight's agenda yeah it's uh 2024 013 okay for the bond yep okay so I'm just here in support of the recreation Bond I think it's the article in down Beach said it was for a million dollars so if that's what it is is to be able to reconstruct redesign uh improve uh for you know the whole recreation facility I think that's a great thing I speak for many members there's over, 1300 uh local and seasonal members uh that come and play at that uh pickle ball I don't know about tennis but I know there's a lot of tennis people and basketball is very active in the summer as well so I'm just here I know there's people on Zoom there's people here in support okay the bond yeah thank you so the plan we did some temporary work on the pickleball courts I'm sure you're with that they should be good to get us through this season yes our hope is that we bid out a project in the fall um to do over the winter time to redo the pickle ball courts some of the tennis courts the basketball court we're not going to be able to reopen this summer our GIF our insurance carrier has told us that it's the the asphalt has broken up so much underneath that it has to be completely removed and reconstructed um don't want to do that during the summer because it would restrict access to the rest of the park the playground there the recreation facility so I think that's going to have to wait um until the fall as well okay so I'm sorry for the basketball players um but no alternative for the basketball players we do have some courts out at Titus field I'm going to talk to to Rick and see if maybe we can pull these these um backboards and maybe move them out there I don't know we kind of use that area it's kind of a part parking lot and basketball court out there so um it makes it a little bit problematic um so we might have a little bit of issue with our basketball courts this summer I'm sure that'll it gonna make some people unhappy but we're we're kind of stuck with it we got told by JF what month and a half ago that we can't yeah I I'm I'm hopeful I want to TCH Bas with Matt dur the city engineer that we may in fact be able to go in and do the basketball courts before the summer okay and pickle ball would hold until until the fall but um basketball courts are out of commission anyway if we can uh stage it in such a way to get in there and do it I think we had a proposal and an estimate on doing that work and it didn't seem to me as though it was going to take all that much time okay so we're going to look at that please have mat let we'd love to get them open for the summer maybe it's a little late but you know sometime in June you get them open that'd be good also the I mean I know the Summer's busy but the weekends are busier than the weekday so could be something that could be fit into the mid midweek yeah contractors we don't let them work in the weekend I thank you for what you do what you do what Rick does we're very much in support of you know how you listen and how you came through with what we did at the you know even though it's temporary come October whatever we're going to do and redesign it's gonna be awesome great I know great thanks for thanks for anyone else any comments my name is Paul Rogers and I just also want to say we're in support and thank you for uh wanting to improve that we are so pleased with that um my parents lived for 25 years on Somerset I taught my boys to R blade on but before was shuffle board courts long before is basketball so we really love that you're advancing Community efforts for that because in addition to Pat and everyone else there's oh some of our clist friends are all playing pickleball every day in venor because of that thank you great thanks Paul all right anyone else Zoom first yeah I'll give one more shout out on Zoom anybody want to comment on anything on our agenda tonight you're still public kind of comments before we'll still do public hearing so we'll get a second shot all right with that we'll close the public portion and we'll look for a motion to close the workshop and go ahead motion to close the workshop and open the public portion of tonight's meeting I second all in favor I I so we'll call to order our regular portion of our meeting and we have no minutes to approve and we'll have a public hearing on ordinance 2024 d012 which is the boardwalk funding of 14,110 , 689 motion to open public hearing on ordinance 20240 one2 second all in favor all any comments on zoom on the bonds for the boardwalk funding any comments in the audience on the boardwalk funding Bond seeing none we need a motion to close motion close public hearing a second uh all in favor I I any a motion to adopt ordinance 2024 - 012 motion to adopt ordinance 2024 012 I second roll call please commissioner Kel yes mayor lrea yes in a motion to open the public hear on ordinance 202 24-13 which is the $3 million Bond ordinance authorized issuance of 2.85 71 142,000 in bonds or notes the finance part of the cost thereof motion open public hearing on ordinance 2024 d013 as described second all in favor I I okay open public hearing on this ordinance this is the ordinance that will fund some of the recreation improvements anybody on Zoom Wishes the comment please raise your hand no seeing none we'll close the public anybody here any comments on that all right motion to close motion to close public hearing second all in favor I I in a motion to adopt ordance 2024 d013 motion to adopt ordinance 2024 d013 as described second roll call please commissioner Kel yes mayor lra yes I need a motion to adopt resolutions 138 through 144 by consent motion to adopt resolutions 138 through 144 as described and discussed okay and we'll need we have approval of bills and payroll Amy yep uh payables for this period 1,182 3021 payrolls for this period $628,500 the block parties this weekend right Saturday yep 10 to 4 10 to 4 usually a really always a really good time always a usually a big turnout kind of like a spring cleaning day for the city yeah so he's already there he's already he's cleaning now um that's it y all right all I have couple other things um one other kind of personal comment Michael Carr one of our residents owner of local business um had some recent health isues we're wishing him a healthy recovery um from Florida hopefully be back up here soon um Tuesday is election day Tuesday is election day there's a few people running that we know yeah um so go out and vote talked about the the public works and the pickle ball already and the repairs woodwalk uh Street end striping we are getting prices we got bids tomorrow coming in to strike those ends of the streets going up to the boardwalk um if that occurs uh under a threshold we're going to be able to award at our at our 23rd actually we won't have to award we can do it by the the approval right have been threshold I think with two of sign the requisition go ahead purchase order confirming resolution on the 23rd yep great also in that 23rd meeting we'll look to pass a resolution on the wind turbines that we discussed yep one to assist with the funding of the litigation as well as to support um the other Town coastal towns and kind of objecting to where they're being placed right and we're going to be very specific about where that is um as we've said from the start we're not against clean energy and other ways of creating energy but just not within 8 to 10 miles of our Coastline right that's what we're trying to push for so and then lastly this is my last meeting as mayor so um I've enjoyed my time here in this seat and I believe that I've done the best job that I could um I took this responsibility Midway through for mayor best term um I embraced it I took the opportunity go last 15 months was able to create some new relationships with neighboring Mayors Mayors from all over the state you're gonna like that no you really do you get to meet people from North Jersey and it's a whole different they're big city we're we're you know we're not so um and learn that about how how to represent your community different ways of doing things like that and I hope I brought that back it's an exclusive group and while it was great to be honored with the the title it's not without its burdens the demand of your time certainly increases with commitments that include Outreach from residents both positive and negative weddings local meetings on development as well as Regional meetings in Atlantic with the Atlantic County Mayors Association Statewide Mayors Association um it gets to be cumbersome sometimes you'll you'll feel that um I thank my family Kathy Kelsey and Evan uh for understanding at times when I'm not at home and Miss spending time with them I have always as commissioner and mayor kept the best interest of the city in mind and I will continue to do that as I step back into my role as City Commissioner and look forward to helping Tim as he transitioned into the role of Mayor at our next meeting so good luck to you I will be here we we'll we'll get this done as well as we both can so thank you good luck to you so that's all I have um we'll open it up the public on anything wants to talk about we'll go in the audience first Diane you've been waiting patiently I wasn't going to go to zoom without getting you up here first okay um Diane burck three nor North Cambridge Avenue Venton um I wanted to bring something officially to the attention of the Commissioners um I am currently in the process of the building project and one of the frustrations that I'm finding uh with that is the start stop start stop issue with inspectors uh coming in to have things inspected I'm not criticizing the inspectors nor the process that things need to be inspected however um I think that we as a community could do a more efficient uh job in some ways or I'm asking you to explore how things can be done uh faster uh whether it be more people to do the inspections um some of them could be possibly done with a video um that would eliminate the need to drive to places and cut down time um we're sort of in a crunch time now because everybody wants their jobs uh completed by Memorial Day uh and this now becomes a quality of life issue as the construction jobs are being held up and held up and held up um Port parties are between two houses so it's not just a one house it's in front of two houses sidewalks are delayed to get um completed so there's and and you know not a passageway safe passage for the blocks um our community is building all over the place subas projects are on almost every block um also for the people that are out of their homes um now it's a delay of a month two months three months because it's to start and stop waiting for an inspection to take place so that the next phase could um take place Ling mil sh rle house taking an exceptionally long period of time next to you and that was inconvenient to real quality of life it's impactful it is impactful and Diane it's actually right on point and T can see Tom Grennan um so it's not necessarily A Personnel issue it it's was more of a volume issue our building permits we've issued more building permits in the last three years postco than we have in in multiple years in the past so it's it's just a fact of the volume of everybody wanting to renovate their home or build a new home um what we just went through and what we just hired that it will start on the 15th is we've gone to a third party to do our inspections um we had a deal with Longport um where they used our inspectors and that was part of the problem and when we started seeing these issues of delays on inspections Tom came to me and Dino Jimmy Agnes just retired as part of that we lost him which was a great resource um and we had this issue with Longport where they were taking our guys more than they were they were here so we said look we got to pause that relationship find a better way to do it in the meantime we talked about a third party so on the 15th of this month we will start with a company I forget the name of the company but it's j dority Trinity Jay Dorth is the owner of that company I've known Jay since I cut my teeth out of college down in lower Township he was an inspector down there he created a company that does this all over the state now he hires the inspectors they take those fees and they do the inspections they have more people than we do um so that'll help speed these things up it will still go through our office so you'll still do the same process it'll come here Dino and our guys in house will coordinate those inspections I think we're keeping um building inspection and a couple of other Electric electrical sub code everything else fire Plumbing all that will go to Trinity um we hope that that it's a very successful Model A lot of towns have gone to this um so that's how we're going to interact and try and get it done faster because you're right you know there's three houses on our block right now well mine just finished so and look just be happy you don't have to go to another Township to do it which is what I had to do same what you're gonna have to do when you st Maria's going through it now okay we can't have our people inspect our properties so we have to go to egg harer Township or another town to have them come in and do it so try with two on your street I think going on one after the other right one after the other different time period so you've got this overlap of of constant construction yeah so it sounds like we're going to be more administrating yes and the boots on the ground will hopefully increase that that volume that is our hope that and that's what actually Trinity does they speed things up you have anything else on on that just getting getting the shared service going long for it's going to make a big difference we was we were spending maybe 40% of our time uh doing service for them that was delaying the ability to service our own people so there was the main impetus behind us moving to terminate that agreement uh was to improve the efficiency of this office and I'm confident that it will so um I coincidentally had a conversation with the staff in there today and you know people that have worked in that office for 10 years said they busier right now than they have ever been yeah so easily easily yeah we've looked at the numbers and they are definitely uh rais without the really the commensurate staff raise but it also sounds like we're getting a the windfall of the other trades the electric and the that are that were being used by Longport now we've got that volume going to us y right and you can't find subcode inspectors yeah we've tried we've tried to hire them for the last three years and you can't get anybody to apply for the job um we did hire staff we have two more clerical people in here than we've ever had um about a second career back recation oh you're here you in thanks but thank you yeah appreciate it anyone else ma'am come on up um my name is Kathy pigor and I live at 70003 vent Avenue in ventner and I only home for a while and um I'm having a problem with and I know it's in the ordinance with dogs on my strip of green grass the little stripp you name between the street and pavement the governor strip yes that's it so um they uh people are just I mean I I try and plan and make it look nice which we're supposed to do always have flowers in my garden I try and do the grass and SE it and people just take the dogs sometimes they don't pick it up I've had people he on the steps where my grandkids sit in the front of the house dogs the dogs right but the dogs uh you know like they leave it and when pick it up and I like dogs I like pets but especially in the summer and Y at me they argue with me if I say there's an ordinance you're supposed to pick it up you know and don't don't throw in the grass because I understand wance means the curb your dog between the curb and the little white part of the street correct then it washes down the draining not our grass because we have to maintain grass I'll spend $400 getting seed and S and doing it it's not supposed to be the grass but everybody argues with me it's the glass and it's l it's supposed to be right the curb in the street the white part of the street not the gr what really is means is not on public on private property you're supposed to have your dogs use the private property which is that Governor strip yeah so so that govern street is my property right no it's not well why do I M because you're required to under the ordinances so you're required to to maintain all the way out to the curb so you mean that's not my property shared RightWay what it's a shared property well it's the right of way of the street so the the the right of way and the cart way of the street are two different things the cart way is from Curb to curb that's where the cars drive and cars park the right of way is probably 20 F feet wider than that depending sometimes 25 feet wider it's typically 50 or 60 feet wide and that goes to your property line so most of the time the sidewalks and that Governor trip is in the street RightWay that's owned by the city but you're required as a resident a property owner to maintain that property to the curb and what can I maintain if everybody's good well that's that's something that you know if you see that if you see someone consistently doing it you can report that to our not emergency line 2201 right 823 2201 call PD you can report it if you see the person you know description description and and you know they have a an iris not Iris Setter nobody has Iris Setter they have a a gold retriever and you know they're they're here every day okay just report it to our non-emergency well they're usually there every day I mean I don't catch them so but you're saying that that strip of grass they can go on they really can yes they can yes so it's part of the I I live on the same condition I mean I saws four pets four different people the ball goes in that white part curvy dog it says the right part of the street not the grass and they pick it up and of course the urine goes down the drain which means to me I think that's a lot healthier isn't it well it' be ideal but because the grass if you put on it it kills it the dogs if they if they keep it in the same spot all the time that's correct no yeah because they send so they do right most of the time so how do I well what I I have grass in front of my home too when my own dog goes there so I I hit it with the hose you know that that's if you have irrigation it should help but if you don't like I don't have it I just hit it with my hose like at least once a week just to rinse it off a little bit um it's a problem people don't care and that to me they can be they can be so I would not confront them yourself I would call PD um and if it's the same people yeah same people you see I would call the police department and but they say we're allowed to go there so how can I they are but they have to pick up the waste if yeah but beinging is the problem you're not gonna be picking that up they're gonna kill the GRS oh okay thank you thank you for coming out anyone on Zoom have any comments anybody on Zoom have any comments they wish to speak on no than seeing none look for a motion to close public portion motion to close public portion so moved seconded sorry all in favor I I all right um we don't have any executive session tonight all right motion to uh adjourn motion to adjourn all right second all in favor I I done