##VIDEO ID:_a8KtUOTq8I## the uh August 15th V venor Commission meeting thanks for coming everybody faces we're opening up the zoom now if uh everyone rise for the flag salute pleaseed to flag United States of America to thetion indivisible Thank you Lisa roll call please commission langra here commission Mento here mayor Kel here Lisa would you please read the open public meetings notice pursuing to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided the agenda has been posted in City Hall and on the city's websitea would you please read the live streaming announcement the city of venor offers live streaming and the option of public comment via remote access participates remotely will be muted during the commission meeting except during the public comment portions of this meeting any person attempting to disrupt the meeting may be denied access at the discretion of the city in the event remote access is unavailable due to a technology malfunction or other reason beyond the city's control the city will not pause or stop the live meeting the city commission meetings are held in person and the public is welcome to attend the best way to ensure an IND individual's ability to publicly comment is to attend in person so that the comments may be made in the event of a technology malfunction the city reserves the right to discontinue offering public comment via remote access at the discretion for any future meetings Thank you Lisa so tonight's presentation we'll be administering oath for three new police officers in the city of anner very very excited uh first up will be uh Dominic capella III you want to come up we'll uh where you went to the B so Dominic so this is go through it and I Dominic I do Solly swear youly swear th support Constitution theti of the United States United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey Constitution State of New Jersy that I will bear true faith and allegiance that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the saint the same and to the government established and the government established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state with the authority of the people the authority of the people that I will faithfully and I will faithfully and partially partially justly perform justly all the duties all the duties of the office of the office of police officer police officer effective August 19th AUST according to the best of my skill and ability according to the best of skill and my ability yeah um have you sign one of these so administering you that's me sign here good thank you very much thank you all right next is H Patrick Quinn guys have the same haircuts swear I support the Constitution United States unit States and the constition of State St and our bear true faith our be true faith and allegiance to the Saint and Al to the sa and to the Govern established to the government established in the united states in the United States and in Miss and under the authority of the people people and that I will Faithfully I Faithfully partially and partially justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the office of duties of the office of police officer police officered august 19 a 19 according to the best of my skill and ability ability so here you go get signus all right Anthony Rivera I will support the Constitution and I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States the of the state of New Jersey constitution of the state of New Jersey I will bear true faith and allegiance that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the government established and to the government established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people that I will faith that I will Faithfully partially partially justly perform and justly all the duties of the office of all the duties of the office of police offic police officer effect of August 19th effective august 19 according to the best skill ability according to the best of my skill ability you go one [Music] second yeah these guys will take care want to get along with the officers yeah sure come on guys get out oh should we keep this up this [Music] side all right see September we'll start doing our department head reports again was place to all do yep catch up have you guys you're welcome to stay you don't have to no you guys are the Highlight let's it it is definitely the highlight of the congratulations thank you Mass accident you don't have to stay I'm out all right so that that presentation is complete uh next there will is department heads we have no department head reports this evening but as commissioner mangra said we' like to restart that um Capital discussion there's no Capital discussion this evening just wait until for supporting no I agree I agree okay the following items are scheduled for Action um at the eight at today's portion of the commission meeting this is a workshop portion of the meeting so the following items will be acted on during the regular portion of the meeting immediately following the workshop uh we'll be approving minutes from July 25th 2024 regular meeting think we're all that we were all here for that um uh ordinance introduction we have one ordinances scheduled to be introduced this evening it is amending chapter 114 d38 um increasing Towing fees so this is bringing us up to uh what other we we we uh we discussed this last uh at the last meetings is bringing us up to what is really what the market is um item 11 uh there is one ordinance scheduled for public hearing and adoption it's the ordinance amending chapter 38 of the city code um establishing creation of position of police chaplain within the city of ventner so this is a non denominational it's uh not required it just gives us internally another Avenue for police officers to um to have some sort of counseling if they need it not and it is not paid any other questions about that we discuss that um resolutions and contracts uh we'll go through the following resolutions to be voted on uh by consent um if uh commissioner Mento and commissioner Langer if you have any questions please pipe in um resolutions uh these are resolutions 2024 d230 2249 uh the first 230 authorizes application to the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the vener plaza traffic signal the um yeah just an update on that and Mr Greco is here um what the county is requiring them to install traffic signal at the newly created ospry place right um Road it was a road but it was just unnamed um part of that is a significant Improvement it's about an $875,000 improvement so when Mr greo mentioned that to me I said well we can apply for a grant to help with that right um so we reached out to our our grant coordin Jim Rella we met this morning with Ed Stinson our city engineer and Tom cheron we put together an application this will authorize us to make that application not sure how much of the funding we will get but it would end up being a kind of a public private partnership with Mr Greco and and the ventor plaza so certainly make that intersection much safer right um and allow better access to to both of those both ventor Plaza and the the adjoining property so that's what that's all about Mark's here if you have any questions about it I mean not that we need tonight is really just the allowing we have to pass a resolution to allow us to apply for the the grant so that's what we're doing right Lance the light at the firehouse does that get no not that fire that's already there no does that go away no so two lights back to back s this is the other end of the plaza oh the other end oh I'm thinking place okay got it right and so this is between that and Dollar General yeah yeah yeah this is basic this is the exit and away on the Atlantic City side of the plaza right right I think it's it's starting to become more of an it is it has been it has been but now I think it's going to be more of an entrance because you've got you know the Burger King Starbucks coming in Greens and Grains and there's a lot of people that'll see that and want to come right in there and that's that's the first entrance they're going to hit so yeah to make a leftand turn on to well to an out of the plaza this will be much safer yes and it also helps the the bus traffic pattern that was one of the things that that they did they changed the whole bus traffic pattern right with the post office and and the bus transit New Jersey Transit coming through there right we're going to get letters of support from both of those entities to help the Grant application great so great well I hope you know fingers crossed and and as as always the plaza has been has really become a great welcoming entrance to the city it's been it's nice to see that first impression really turn into a welcoming Center there so thank you for all that I did have my first Whopper yesterday oh yeah it's first ever no first ever there first there at that it's a nice interior very really nice start so um so now that we covered the Whopper we're going to um 224-231 uh this resolution accepts the retirement of uh f O'Neal who's he's just here who's just here uh Frank joined the Venter Police Department 1999 vanc through the ranks and is retiring as a police Li tenant and of course we thank him um for his service and all the best wishes on his retirement he's um in his in the last few months or so he's helped out training our specials uh and been on the bike but he's always been a great front face for the city of vetner as all those men are trained to be interacting with the public any questions on that no well he'll be missed it'll be missed right um Navy gu say retired Navy oh I didn't know that um resolution 232 this resolution is a chapter 159 budget amendment um adding to a grant for the Labor Day drives over or get pulled over enforcement this will run beginning um August 16th through September and the award amount is $2,100 so there is a um added in uh Revenue there questions on that nope uh 20204 d233 this is a refund for Sports Camp the uh the participant was wasn't able to attend um 202 4-23 4 is a refund for the surf camp uh also the participant was unable to attend um 2024 235 is a refund for building permits and the amount of $392 the project was cancelled and the refund um to the par to the applicant was Freedom Forever is being uh refunded um the following seven resolutions 2024 d236 through 242 are all for tax abatements showing that that program is active think we all still support it um these include the following addresses 103 South wi Aikin 8 North Cambridge 17A North Portland 21A North Melbourne 5501 Winchester 2702 Edgewater and lastly 106 North Derby that is uh that is through um M um n is um retirement of James Arts effective um September first uh James arens another police officer um effective September 1st Jim uh began working for the police department in February of 2008 and again we thank him for all his services and the best in his retirement good luck to him yeah um lot of experience there um the next three resolutions 2020 202 24-24 uh -25 and d46 are all refunds for ES grow um and R 224-247 resolution is uh for change order three uh for final faag and concrete company is this uh you have a we um basically it's it's a decrease in the overall contract by $112,000 um good project management on that from our our one of our sub Engineers so they did a great job very a did a great job in the project this is one of the tough ones this was extremely difficult project mouth Avenue is a web of under underground pipes um to work around and replace um we ended up extending this by a full block we did Harvard Avenue in that area the sewer line as we were tying into it kept collapsing so in order to stop that from happening we just replace that whole line with with new new product so a good project also included the work out on Lafayette Avenue out in front of the school which we are actually getting bids to fix a not part of this project on the other side of the road there's if you drive it you can see there's a a call a pothole because it's l it's linear it's separation of the asphalt so we're gonna we're gonna fix that as part of a different project but just so you know it's getting fixed this was a massive project this main replacement on Mammoth Avenue and um so I did actually hear that from some residents that they were pleased with the way the contractors behave yeah it was it was a struggle at the beginning I'm sure you remember there was the roads were a little rough shape but we we got um that under control and at the end of each day they were able to be driven by the local residents which what you need yeah they have to get to their homes s it worked out good excellent thank you um resolution uh 2012 24-248129 she previously was with the county several years and then she was with the casino Control Commission um she came to the finance office and um you know it's very important to always have people trained and cross trained and back up because you can't be in a position where um somebody goes out and nobody can do anything you can't pay our bills we can't pay our employees we can't do work on our um accounting we can't do our investments whatever so um she immediately embraced getting her um um certified Municipal finance officer license which is a um big ordeal and you may remember Amy got it a little earlier it involves I think when I was doing it 30 years ago nine classes so it might be more now and it's pretty intense and it's a pretty intense test and uh we had you know made a commitment to her as she goes down this path to um get get that license that certificate and you know continue to educate herself which I believe is very important in all professions um that um we would look to her to be you know the in in this position and to be the backup for our CFO and so that's what's being proposed here tonight because she did all that she passed and colors in well here she does a good job for us you know very happy head down and she works hard yeah I support I mean having that backup is is key because don't realize how much until you need it you need when you need it you need it right especally with Lottery money going around you know somebody can hit the lottery tomorrow and hear you know Lottery you know people employ would move if they W aotter Would S for spite right we're not going to take any polls on that one yeah um yeah speaking of we have so excellent so the next resolution 20124 d249 and thank you for that support on it to% yeah um this authorizes a refund for 112 South Waymouth Avenue for first quarter taxes that was a duplication of payment um and that covers all of the uh uh resolutions by consent um which we'll vote on later uh approv uh next is approval of bills and payroll we'll be approving bills and payroll this evening uh discussion items there's one discussion item uh revocable license for 5400 Edgewater Avenue uh would you like to to add some comments to that sure so the resident there at the 5400 Edge border it's very narrow shallow lot along the bulkheads so these Lots always have trouble getting uh their steps in uh not walking steps like we do on our phone steps to get into their homes right because they're elevated now so they've applied to uh to do that our city engineer as Stinson has reviewed it they provided the correct documentation just looking at some EDS notes the property's extremely limited up in lot depth of just over 17 feet it's an undersized lot planning board did Grant them approval uh to construct uh the home it's actually not steps I thought it was steps in this case it's actually for a planter a raised planter yeah and one of the things you know edar Avenue it floods we're trying to do some things that that'll help change that but they've asked to be able to put a elevated planter so those plants would be able to stay alive when the road does blood you elevate them up put them in a this planter and it keeps them alive and adds Green Space to the uh to the property so I thought the steps had to come down too but they must have been able to change that right in order to u to get access to the building so so you property yeah it's a three 3.75 foot encroachment into the right of way for a depth of 14 ft wide so that's supports it and won't interfere with our public sidewalk or anything of that nature so and it adds Aesthetics okay may may it's one of the conditions that the planning board required that they get this encroachment in order to proceed right they got their variances um so if Commissioners are in agreement with it we can do a resolution at the next meeting to proceed accordingly I would certainly support it they have um checked off everything necessary under the the ordinance in order to move forward so right yeah I I support it as well I remember the application and it's a well-design uh difficult lot um then we'll have uh that's that's all um we'll have a public comment um on any items that have been discussed so far can have motion for open public comment so moved second second roll call Lisa commission langra yes commission Mento yes mayor C yes so at this time members of the public can comment on anything we have discussed so far there'll be another comment section at the end of the regular meeting to discuss anything that would like to be discussed uh if you wish to speak now please come to the microphone state your name address for the record and uh we ask you limit your comments to three minutes because the down Beach the paper said that short ter would be discussed was that an error be discussed today I would limit your news you us instead of so social media yeah so he no he made a comment on social this is um so he made a comment on social media that said you could come and you can come at any meeting and make a comment but there's nothing on the agenda for short-term rentals tonight that's kind of a a uh it was kind of a u i guess a mistake a mistake on his part I guess you could say or or semantics on his part but just so you know this is a this part of the meeting is for anything that we've discussed so far we haven't discussed that obviously but if you want to stay and talk about short-term rentals at the end of this or any meeting you can have any comment you'd like and we'll discuss short-term rentals with okay so so there'll be an opportunity after so what we just did was go through what we're going to talk about the meeting once we vote on that we'll open it up again we'll ask you to sure um any other comments on the zoom platform on things that we've discussed so far anybody on Zoom wishes to speak or discuss any of the items that have been discussed so far please make yourself known by raising your hand or within the chat feat you'll be recognized no okay seeing none um may have a motion to close public comment so moved second second roll call Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes at this time I have may have a motion to close the workshop portion of the meeting and open the regular session I'll make that motion second roll call Lisa commissioner lra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor creel right calling to order the regular session and I have a motion to approve the minutes from July 25th 2024 regular meeting I'll make that motion second roll call Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes 20 can I have a motion to introduce ordinance 20 ordinance 202 24-02 one as described make a motion to introduce ordinance 2024 021 second can roll call Lisa commissioner lra yes commissioner Mento mayor Kel yes M 21 can I have a motion to open public hearing for ordinance 202 24-20 I'll make that motion a second second roll call Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor creel thank you um 20 um may have the uh yeah open it to open to the public any um any comments on ordinance 20242 this is an ordinance amending chapter 38 of the city code of Venter establishing the creation of the position of police chaplain within the city of ventner Department provided under njsa 4qa D14 anybody on Zoom wish to comment on this ordinance no hearing none can I have a motion to close public comment so moved second roll call Lisa commissioner lra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 202 24-20 as described I'll make that motion second roll call Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes okay and I have a motion to adopt resolutions 202 24-230 through2 24 d249 by consent I'll make a motion to adopt by consent resolutions 2024 d230 to 249 second roll call Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Cel yes right um Lisa could you read bills and payroll please certainly we have bills in the amount of 1,274 580 $580 68 we have payroll from 721 to 83 2024 in the amount of $751,000 74 cents thank you may have a motion to pay bills and payroll so moved second I second and I recuse myself from 131 digital media 1741 recycle and 1790 the trash Bill thank you have a roll call Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Freel yes announcements and safety reports I don't see any announcements or safety reports this evening uh commissioner comments at this time I'd like to ask commissioner langra if you have any sure comments so first just an update on the boardwalk Grant we had a meeting today with Tom and and Ed Stinson talking and Jim Rella talking about finalizing those plans and making some middles to DCA um we had a good phone call last week with one of the most helpful state employees that I've run across in quite a long time um I forget his first name Michael Geodon um really helpful Guy this is a lengthy process it's a lot of money um it's a lengthy process and Dot the eyes and cross the teas so he's the guy that's helping us great um still have our question on whether we're going Herring bone or straight you know there is a section that is straight up in front of Vasser so I would suggest you guys go and take a look at that it's we've gotten the number back on the labor what we think that's going to cost estimated we don't know the number of of what the whole Project's going to cost yet but roughly $236,000 20% we would save us in labor because you don't have to cut the angles you don't have to drill as many holes it's it's a whole different thing we don't have the number on the savings on the material yet if we go straight if you go angle it's much more labor intensive um so and we have couple of thousand little small pieces left over yeah a lot of wasted material lot of wasted material um we're going to have to make that call pretty soon probably September I would think yeah I think the the plan is to go out to bid to purchase the decking material uh by the third quarter or fourth quarter of this year but sometime between October and December we want to actually get the order in for the the decking yeah we're probably going to do it SE we're going to do that separately from bidding the project we think we can get a better price in the lumber just ordering it and have them whoever's going to supply it stock stock pilot for us until we're ready for it um and then bid out the rest of the job for construction all this work has to be done by December 2026 right so we're going to be pushing to get this stuff done so that's the update on the boardwalk um we also have a recreation grant that we're going to try to use to upgrade Seashore park right um there's some problems with that site that need to be upgraded we have about 50,000 Mountain not about we have $50,000 in a Rec Grant so we're going to use it to reach out to Leathers who designed it and built that Park so we're going to have to have them come in and give us an estimate on what needs to be done the last time we did it was about 90 grand yeah I think in 22 you got a price for like 93,000 some odd dollars so assum assume it will be higher than that now but with the $50,000 Grant that'll pay for at least half of it and then looking at that proposal today there a substantial amount of refurbishment that was proposed to be done so I I think it's worth pursuing that I do too that that seemed to be the most we already have money to do the other work there the basketball court the tennis courts and the pickleball courts right um and we have some discussions about the the courts how we're going to do them but basketball court should go out to bid that's I have that on the next um should go out to bid sometime mid-september right to redo that basketball court that would be new fencing poles resurfacing the whole thing so it'll be nice um I reached out through Tom to to each of you guys to talk about the um crosswalk signage that I want to add along Atlantic Avenue and we we'll add Venter Avenue as well these would be the non-controlled intersections that we would beef up the signage there with with better signage there I did want to do the flashing lights and all that about 300 pop 300,000 pop we're going to hold off on that for a little while um to do the the flashing things maybe it's some intersection that are highly used that are Again non-controlled by traffic signals we we're we're talking about um you want I'll leave you to talk about the GES or oh no well I was just going to say that especially in the areas that are um that are that are like our business districts are right where people are going back and forth the businesses are parking nearby I think those intersections and the the crosswalks are not there's some cases where there's no crosswalks yeah we we can add those well this on the port portion of of um veter Avenue that's a county we have to get their approval for things but I don't think they would have an issue if we're paying for it right so um last two things I have is one tomorrow night is the gy Lifeguard races um 615 Salk Avenue right this is a different race than everybody else holds these are these are uh they simulate rescues so they're pretty exciting to watch um there's a lot of Chinese fire drill kind of stuff going on with the relays and different things it's it's a fundra to watch if you get a chance to come down and see it support our lifeguards yeah they have a dummy that they take out and they rescue the dummy and they bring it back in the boat Y and U yeah it is it is different it's a kind of unique to us better it is it is um and you want to talk about the the cup that's sitting there the elephant in the room we talked about oh yeah yeah well just to make comment there is a large trophy here that commissioner langra and I won what was the score again 11 to1 was it 11 to1 oh I did know that yeah I'm think it's the base in a uh in a a contest of skill and talent in pickle ball against the city of Margate um we came out Victorious I think all of our departments they all kind of uh one after another they all kind of uh um played pickle ball against their counterparts and um and we kind of uh we anchored that relay of a game I guess and brought it home for I think it was the cheering I think was the we had commissioner Mento was there cheering us on she had pom poms and everything I think the Mrs L yeah Kathy was the pickle juice event I think uh there was some discussion about not having it in the middle of the summer but for me it's such a popular sport and it's and it it created I mean the the the courts were completely packed every every Court was every Court in that you could every place you could fit a pickle ball court they fit a pickleball court and it was constantly going on it was a really really kind of showcase that that did it did it was it was a lot of fun playing against uh Mike and and Kathy yeah they they've proclaimed that they're going to take lessons and come back harder next year at us so yeah it'll be fun they set up a little bleacher area with with tents and everything it's a really nice event had these guys mic Tak hear thing yeah that was which you might not want to hear yeah yes it it was a really fun event I was lot of lot of Gest going back and forth it was it was fun but all right and uh Comm Mento any okay so commissioner Mento is revenue and finance and as I said a number of times there's nothing too exciting or sexy going on in revenue and finance it's business as usual um however our tax bills did go out they went out late because we had to wait for um the numbers from the county who has the wait for the numbers from the state so that means um we all have till August 23rd to pay our tax bill which is usually due between August 1st and 10th so that's a good thing um our assessor is is busy looking at all the improvements that have been done and telling that up so other than that again it's business as usual but we do have an event coming up uh something fun and um it's called mja mja it's our fourth year it's a community Italian pasta event to bring everybody together after the close of the season season it's hosted by Red Room we have a nice Entertainer who does all the old Dean Martin Frank Sinatra and Italian songs it's really a lot of fun the um ticket sale should be starting tonight or tomorrow it's limited to 125 it's under a tent the Street's blocked off and it's really a great day uh it's September 29th it starts at 2 runs till 6 and uh the rain date is I believe October 6 so um get your tickets we have a great time and it's a great way to bring veter Community together for a nice afternoon of delicious food prepared by the Red Room delicious desserts and our Entertainer Vic Rino great it feels like you're in a family dinner is what it feels like with aund of your family members there and and usually dancing ends up happening and people bring out wine if you feel like you're it's like a an Italian Village type of like you're in The Godfather but there's no guns right no guns no guns nice yeah no it's a great event um um I I really don't have too much other than say that we are right in the thick of the summer season um it's been a very active uh you know July was very active throughout all the Departments um you know it's not um not uncommon to have I think our total uh for July in the police department was um 2,300 I think I know because I'm looking at the number 2326 calls for service just in that month that's typically our busiest month if you start to divide that in your head by days and hours 80 a day two what's that 80 a it's like 80 a day yeah um that's why I'm in CL yeah there you go I would be scratching that on a piece of paper but these are um you know these are uh this is a this is how this is what happens in a in a in a in a city that's a that's a lot of activity and our guys are very professional I like to they they they they treat everybody with respect and dignity and um uh and and we're another successful Summers of books and again they manage these concerts because there was just one last night really well yeah yeah and that's just and you know that's just July that's our one of our busiest months and then at the end of the summer we'll see what the what the um what the beach Patrol was done it's uh it's been a particularly active um been a little cold but it's been an active an active ocean that's all I have um if uh uh if that's okay we'll open uh so open up the um the for public comment I have a motion to open the meeting for public comment so moved second roll call Alisa Mr lra yes Mr Mento yes fa Kel yes so we are now open to the public to discuss any topic of Interest please come to the microphone state your name and address for the record and um and you can uh have the floor thank you um I'm Susan Lightman and I live at 10 South Marland and work here for four months during the summer and another two months on and off in the winter so I said we live in that house half time uh so let me start I have four neighbors comments none of them could be here and one of them wrote an extremely long email uh to commission uh no I'm sorry to I have it here to um to Mayor kille I'm not sure you a chance to read that from oise Kaplan but let me start with Dennis kleinman's comment because it's about the family atmosphere of this town um he States ventner is a family oriented Community that's why the restaurants are not permitted to sell alcohol you Commissioners should be in favor of rentals that support that Community atmosphere what is anathema to that atmosphere is the presence of party houses if the community can agree to take action to prevent such party houses that will go a long way to alleviating everyone's concerns party houses have certain defining characteristics they're very large they house a huge number of unrelated individuals at any time and there are shortterm rentals three days because that's a Min throughout the year not only during the summer season um their Commissioners is your job um to make sure that our family oriented community does not become a residential H housee Community such as we see happening in bantine and that's from Dennis clan um uh um frean at 105 sou milon writes just ask for a comment I am strongly in favor of a 7-Day women stay uh throughout the year for short-term rentals to avoid parting houses with large parties uh and the noise parking problems and destruction of the neighbor and community feing that they cause J Martin AT3 South Maran had one simple climate she comes in the winter for weeks at for a week at time here and there she has a d with parking spaces but she Parks the street in front of her house to make room for her children who visit um there was a party going on uh in the house across the street to South Mary which is a massive party house um there were cars related to that 3-day stay and for the first time three years she found graffiti on her car and was awful graffiti was the words a few the car because she parked on the street and that was very distressing to her so there are I don't know how many of houses there are but I live across the street from one of them and it's 102 South milon if you look it up in the Airbnb site they had given the house a name the owners had in the they bought it specifically to rent as they're never there although they didn't tell the Neighbors about that they refurbished the SI incredibly so there's eight bedrooms it has the seat two to three people each each with its own private bathroom s his W as it says on the a bite and of those eight bedrooms six have can sleep three at a time because that of how the word there's a full black in the main floor and a full black in the den and it's clear that they can suit fit another two people in the den so they easily can sleep 20 and that's one35 we're tested we've counted between 18 and 23 people there although I don't think he's a pres for that on multiple occasions um especially in Winter interestingly because in the winter people don't come for the sand and the beach in the sun because it's cold they come to gy this is a big house and they come from the Philadelphia area and those three day weekend days are absolutely to party and during so that that was just a comment that they come in the winter um in June short um the first week in June that we were here religiously that house turned over every 3 days at the end of three nights a group would leave in the morning the cleaner would come for 3 hours and by 5:00 p.m. the second seter of venters were there s to a problem where the second Center of venters who had large number very nice people actually when they left couldn't put their crash in the trash receptacles I wrote to commissioner M this because they were already F previous large party so they put on this on Sunday morning as I was bring bringing my trash out and I ran over because I talked to him a couple times said you can't do that if you do that on Sunday Morning by Monday all the bags will be ripped apart and the seagulls will have had a hay day and the street will occur in this and they said they they tried to call the owner stepen you on three occasions that morning and he didn't answer I don't know if that's common or uncommon and there was Moran inventer who was his representative and I understand that's cold you have someone Liv and they did not um so they discussed them themselves what they should do and they bought all 10 bags back in the house and what at the owner's problem but if I hadn't seen that you would have had a mess on that BL that was probably the single worst thing that happened that I'm aware of so I again I don't know how any of these houses that you have but you don't want to make V here into a town where people buy large properties to redo and reconfigure the inside for large groups and make a massive amount of money as a as a near commercial property the they all a SE that has happened in multiple blocks in Brigantine um so when I pulled the neighbors and said what do you think the Commissioners should do what what's the easy what's the the night the fix it just to Mar does and so in Elise ka's email to May cal um she says ventor should change its shortterm ordinance to match mortgage which is quote season monthly R should be permitted or shall be permitted during the time period from May 1st to September 30th and she further writes I think this would strike a fair bounds from residents who live on the same block as the shortterm windows and of the short-term Windows it would result in less turnover less parking problems and fewer large noisy parties while still allowing Property Owners an opportunity to R their home while it is not loose it would also significantly the lihood that properties are used solely as short-terms which is not compatible with the surrounding residential communitys that exist that are currently alive every three days to different groups of people are operating like commercial Enterprises in the residential Zone and this is unfair to home as well as year round TS who want to live in a stable community with other MERS so I think i' I've covered everything I know that there's no one here um to counter this argument because you didn't advertise that this would be discussed so I guess I really want just enter it into the record so you can just announce that you will discuss it more fully in September um thank you I I I'll just say two things before commissioner langra it's kind of his uh area to be specific in Code Enforcement but I'll just say just two things one is that we we as a group were uh are gathering data for the end of this season based on the ordinances and changes that we made over the last few years to review all the data that we have on how many houses we have that are issues the police reports and the code enforcement reports and the other thing is if you ever see people are somehow some for some reason res res don't like to call the police officers not emergency line they feel as though they're bothering the police that they're inconveniencing them or that they would be some kind somehow it's somehow frowned upon which is really not the case you know you heard you may have in here you heard we have 2,000 cases just in one month some of them are for you know loud you know disturbances of the peace um but that's okay that's what our police officers are there to do and that behavior can be checked that way but I I think commissioner langr will talk a little bit about what the what the chain of events is when you have what so-called Animal House property which we've done some things to avoid right I'm sorry I didn't call the police because I they're here to prevent serious crime don't them there's another party house across the Atlantic Avenue so if you could let us respond to your your yeah your comments so if you don't report it we don't know about it so that's beh doesn't change so if you don't report it then it doesn't so what what mayor's talking about is in September we're going to get a report from our police department and our code enforcement officers that go out and inspect all of these short-term rentals if I can just interrupt a second they' they've created a a a procedure in that they they ask certain questions while they're while they're going to these reports and to find out who's the owner are you renting and they and so we're able to sort of to to sort of classify and then an analyze how many of these calls are for short-term rentals or not so it's it's it's helpful if you call them and we have enough of a police force to handle the important things they triage it like anything else if there's an accident or a serious matter they take care of that but if if there's not then we take we visit things like cats and trees and right you know so what we would ask you and your neighbors if you see issues the trash would have been perfect to understand trash is a perfect example because what can happen is and and two years ago we had probably two months three months worth of meetings on short-term rentals we had excuse me last year last year so and we changed our regulation I was here for that you Chang so you yeah so there's both sides to every story um a lot of our smaller businesses need those those interchanging of of people coming in and out we don't have hotels here I actually had guests in town this weekend and their daughter asked me why doesn't ventner have hotels so well years ago they're all converted to condos so we don't have them anymore um so our way to bring in visitors other than owning a home here is rentals the ter the trend is moving to these short-term rentals we're working with that it's a it's a fluid process that we change some things last year we think we've done pretty well in in solving a lot of the problems not all of them we want to see what happens when we get that those results so if you guys do call the police it's helpful to us because then we know there's a a problem um the trash we could have handled that by either sending our Public Works guys over to pick it up it goes into the same dumpster and it goes to the same landfill so we don't get charged extra for that it's a little Manpower from our guys but we can do that if needed um but then that also gets put on the record that this house didn't follow the rules and that's a that's a strike against them if they have so many strikes against them we don't issue their meral license the next time right so that's that's why we we really need you and your neighbors if there's an issue yeah so to to contact us and let us know that's a really important distinction that may that commissioner langra just made that that if you do not report it then in the city's mind or any legal mind that there has been no issue so it's it while it may be frustrating at your your home if we we we we put in the device of having a merchant teal license that not every city has you know we are a short Community we're near a resort Town Atlantic City so we we take you know we we've taken responsibility that that people do want to come here and part of our way of managing that is to issue a merch merchan license that can be taken away if their people abuse the their their right to rent their property out um and I I understand that's a very big property but there's also rules in place based on square footage of bedrooms how many people can they can do and if they're in compliance with that but all these things can come into question if if you say there's 27 people that are there's seven call cars and 27 people you know that then then those kinds of things can be can be investigated they do have occupancy loads so they and our inspectors went out there this week and inspected the site I'm waiting for that report now so your email and your neighbors comments are helpful to us because our code guys went out and and are looking at it um I will also say that you were right they are a commercial use in a residential Zone and they're it's a privilege that they have to be able to do this we're trying to find a balance where it helps our businesses and doesn't hurt our residences and if we get enough complaints from the residents it's going to swing that way because you guys are the the bulk of our community we want to help the businesses but we're also not going to do it at the expense of our resident taxpayers and the like so it's a balance we're trying to trying to find why do you think a minimum seven way rental in this season would hurt the businesses if that's all that their offers then would get renters through our families that and and a lot of the the short-term rental operators had concerns about that it would cut back on the number of people coming into town there's a lot of folks that come into they come into Atlantic City for a weekend this isn't really in the summer it's more offseason where they're here for a tournament for their child basketball cheerleading whatever so they'll come in Friday Saturday night and go home Sunday so the the the minimum stay of seven days would be problematic for that um and we do have we set it up where it's based on your number of bedrooms so that's how we we said I think the the minimum was three we did make an exception for for one Studios studios they're not going to have big parties there so we said you know they can come in for one night they came for so three bedroom might if that if there's eight bedrooms you say then wouldn't that be a seven the Min the minimum was three was three we started out with we started out with three and that's what we want to see if that's working if it's not we might have to up or change the device and say you know uh more than four bedrooms yeah would be a might be a seven discussed that last summer and there were um folks in the audience who said I live in my home but I have the entire upstairs my kids are gone and I rent that out that's not a party house and I'm very sympathetic to what you just said about two you know three day stays sports event Atlantic City um so that doesn't change the feel of the neighborhood as much as a mega house with 20 people we also discussed different L minimum length of stays for four or more bedrooms and three or less right and that might be a solution that might be that should be all year long because the Winter's much greater problem I think than than see Mor okay they can the large groups come for bachelor parties and frat get togethers in the winter and we're not invited to any of these you're not invited I'll send you an email the thing is um and this is Dennis Kleinman wrote this that he thinks he can go in on Airbnb in ventner and find one day stays so do you verify you go through all or six you do and you make sure that try try to catch not catch you do verify and you verify a contact that lives in the city of bner they're supposed to they they're supposed to provide that to us as part of their Americal license situation like we talked about earlier is if we get a client when we go there and ask for the contact person or if we don't respond then we don't know whether they have somebody or not they're listing somebody when they get their license so they're not getting the license unless they fill all the requirements of the application so that does require them to have a local agent real estate agent but a local person that is authorized to act on their behalf if there's a problem year3 was finally adopted in June of 23 but we had a lot of thees already in place so the Ser of 23 really didn't anything this is the first F Ser that we've had with the new just said we're collecting the data at the end of this season well get together workshops and whatever and you guys can decide if you need to twak it or not collection is that the the discussion about the Min stay three days seven days what it would be and that was one that we left revisit some history to on right so thanks Tom yeah okay thank you thank you for coming out will this be discussed again in September we're hopeful we're going to get our reports in we have two meetings a month in September so we're not sure which meeting so check our agendas check the website the agendas are always posted it's it on for a discussion maybe we can put it in a water bill that kind of thing okay all right thank you very much on social media thank you all right um any other public comments on any topic of Interest either gent it's just your name and your yeah um I'm um I my family were generally here off and on during the winter live in Philadelphia but we do uh spend a decent amount of time here in the summer as well and wanted to give some commentary also around um short momental short time rent to for home um but I'm very sensitive uh to the importance of maintaining the community uh experience and so uh as someone who does um participate in short-term rental um I know we really try to be mindful of who it is that we rent to uh the length of time uh that we try to we try to rent for as long as possible then embrace the fact that there's a certain C of folks that only like to come down here for about a three to four day stay uh and for those of us who um some of that income just to be able to support the Chas of being able to home enj the community it's something that's really important to us so definitely want to make sure that we support uh ined neighbors but also just recognizing that uh for some of us who this support being able to have a vacation home um just want to have on the record um something do flexibility would be important thank you thank you sir I I think it's true I think you have to look at these that that the the enforcement has to be towards the Bad actors not not the people I I'm personally almost only rent airbnbs when we travel with my family and we found it a way to to get to know the community a little better than just being in a hotel room you get to it's just seems like a more authentic experience so you know I I naturally support the idea but not the Bad actors right um anyone on Zoom with any topics of Interest anybody on Zoom wish to speak or comment on any items Rick has his hand up yep go ahead Rick hi everybody first of all uh congratulations on your trophy win for pickle ball um I live at 645 Mammoth uh I just had a couple questions um one uh I see a a lot of uh when we're on the beach these Beach canopies that take up um a very big area of the beach um and I see quite a few of them I know a lot of other counties are restricting the size uh of these canopies I wanted to know if uh ventner can do the same thing maybe um if they can use the first 20 ft of the beach from the boardwalk instead of taking up the 40 by 40 foot area that these canopies take up um that would be a big help uh since there's really not a lot of space uh around the Lifeguard to sit if you want to go into the water instead of walking um you know a half a block to go into the water near the lifeguards um my second uh question is I'm a fisherman and excuse me I like to fish especially during the day and I know that um they don't allow you to fish uh on the beach near uh the lifeguards because people are swimming but I noticed that from the Lifeguard at Newport all all the way to the fishing pier uh there's really no where you nobody's really allowed to go in the water because you have to be near the lifeguards I wanted to know if there would be fishing allowed on the beach during the day uh you know where people aren't supposed to swim because they're not near a lifeguard um and my last question is um between Memorial Day and Labor Day uh bikes I know aren't really allowed on the boardwalk after a certain hour but um I just wanted to know if there was any thought of change for that uh to be able to ride bikes on the boardwalk uh after you you know the allowed time uh especially I go bike riding late at night around 11:00 or so and there's really not that many people if any on the boardwalk at that time but I was asked to be I was asked to get off the boardwalk and ride my bike on the street where I really don't feel that safe because of the traffic um and it's a lot easier to ride on the boardwalk I wanted to know if there was going to any change for that that's really all I had thank you thank you as are all really good topics um as far as fishing on the beach I think we can talk about it there's there might be some unintended consequences of allowing that um but I can bring that up to our to our staff the tents did I did you say there is a on size but there is believe it's 10 by 10 for the ordinance we don't show where you can put them but we limit the size we limit the size but not the location yeah the there the past the past few weekends um they have these tents um they're they have to be H with yeah yeah they're huge I mean they take up at least 30 by 30 foot area and this last weekend when we were on the beach there was two of them right next to each other right behind the Lifeguard right and and it's really really tough especially at high tide um to get anywhere close to the beach where you can go swimming instead of again walking a half a block uh on the beach just to be able to get into water before the Lifeguard yells at you you know so it it's really a hassle for that and you know I don't mind the other tents they're they're fine but these other ones are absolutely massive and take up a lot of space yeah so there's a popular new design that has the sandbags with legs right and they kind of create an area around the 20 by 20 that ends up being 30 by 30 there's a couple corre yeah it kind of does create I think that might be an issue um you know enforcing that can be problematic but I'll I'll Workshop it with the the beach Patrol and the and the police department um you know the other cities that made the restrictions are that lost lot of sand during um during the winter storms and they and like an Ocean City they restricted it and while because there's literally no place to put a tent and actually have many people um using the beach that's where the main restrictions we still have a pretty wide restriction but I like your your thought I think has some Merit to have them in the you know what we call the hot sand as kids right right right right and the last thing you mentioned was about um about the bikes I'll leave it to the other commission to weigh in from my point of view I've heard as many comments about the people that want to use the boardwalk to walk and feel um that they they typically do not use the boardwalk to walk on hours um when the bikes are there and they they because they can sometimes feel as though they're um unsafe with bikes are if there's a number of bikes or if the bikes are moving quickly um some some older individuals don't feel comfortable um but as you say in the in the in the late evening hours after 10 o'clock um there are very few people but you know it's a it's a shared space so you have to walk that that line and there are bike paths on um Atlantic Avenue for those hours as well but I know you may have a yeah different opinion I I brought this up at a previous meeting and we're gonna probably discuss it as we get into the fall Because by the time we brought it up in in July it was too late to change anything this year um but would like I would support something where maybe not at 6 but maybe after 8:00 pm right you would allow bicycles up there until the next morning at at no when we were 10 AM when we noon no noon to 6 noon um to run through the night to be able to use a lot of folks come back from working in Atlantic City and use the boardwalk for biking to get back and forth so that's I've heard it that that way um so I mean yeah we we we we're not like racers or anything like that and we're very cognizant of our surrounding we're just you know bike riders just wanting to get some exercise and ride on the boards because I think it's nice to watch the water and to be able to stop and and sit on the benches and all that kind of stuff so we are cognizant of the surrounding and we're not we don't we're not crazy you know we we're not you know yeah so Rick to break off here we're gonna shut down the public comment for three minutes but the this may not this this kind of enforcement may not be for you you're not a bad actor but but if you open up the boardwalk to biking then you kind of it may be a freefor all and you might have you might have more people using a bike than people are comfortable with so it's not we have to look at it from a a not from a the you know enforcement for the all the 30,000 people that are joining us in the summer not just the right right so there's 30,000 opportunities for someone to not act the way you do right so if uh if we can if I think we hit your three topics if we can move on to anyone else that may have a topic of Interest anybody else on Zoom wish to make any comments no no thank you um may I have after all comments can I have a motion to close public comment so move second Lisa can I have a roll call commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes uh item we have a tonight we have executive session Lisa will you please read the disclosure the New Jersey open public meetings act permits the discussion of certain matters within executive session as an exception to certain provisions of said law the venor City Board of Commissioners wishes to discuss certain matters which qualify as exception in executive session no action binding upon the Board of Commissioners will be taken within executive session and the discussion conducted in Clos session will be disclosed to the public when legally permitted and when the public interest will no longer be served by keeping such matters confidential the matters to to be discussed or attorney client client privilege and mayor for the record there's two matters to be discussed one is a with regards to pending litigation and the other was a Personnel matter that also involves attorney client privilege and there may be action taken after the uh no you're good to go thank you um coming out of executive sension we have a statement from our solicitor uh yes uh as going into uh executive session one of the items was potentially going to result in action um as a result of that the Commissioners are going to consider a resolution approving a settlement agreement in a general release between the city and employee uh Danon duffen as settlement agreement is on file with the clerk's office uh this the resolution would also authorize the mayor to execute the agreement on behalf of the city so if you have if you would like to entertain a motion for that resolution as described can I have a motion for that resolution as described by our solicitor please I'll make that motion second roll call least commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor creel yes all right all right um uh having uh reached the end of our agenda I and see no further back um like to the motion for adjournment so moved second second roll Callis commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento May yes adjourn thank you