pursuant to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in accordance with the law the agenda has been posted in this in City Hall and on the city's our meting announcement live streaming remote comment disclosure can be found on your agenda I'd like to start our meeting with the swearing of our new commissioners for I Lance B langro Jr L langro to Solomon swear Solomon swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey constitution of the state of that I will bear true faith and Allegiance true faith and aliance to the Saint to the and to the government established in the United States government established in the United States and in this state in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all du the office of commissioner office commission according to the best of my ability congratulations congratulations I swear swear I will support the Constitution of the United States I support the Constitution of the United States Constitution of the state of New Jersey constitution of the state of New Jersey will be TR fa Allegiance bear true Faith Al to the Saint to the Saint and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this St under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and impartially that I will faithfully and impar justly perform justly perform all the duties of the office of commissioner all the duties of the office of commissioner according to the best yes okay repeat after me I do do Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the government established in the United States government EST establish and in the state in theate under the authority of the people the authority of people and that I will Faithfully impartially adjusting performed all the duties perform all the DU of the office of commissioner the according to the best of my ability my ability so help me God huh oh yeah about that down there do it again so y yes so thank you call back to order welome at this time I'd like to call for a roll call commissioner langra here commissioner Mento here commissioner Kel here at this time I'd like to call for a motion for mayor I will excitedly nominate Mr Tim Kel as our new mayor I will second that thank you commissioner creel yes yes thought that a first second commissioner Mento yes commissioner langra yes congratulations we get the right one so now for one more oath and then we're done with the changing of the seats um this says commissioner I got to do that's mine it's down there Y where go i h Timothy I Timothy swear swe I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey constitution of the state of New Jersey I will bear true Faith to the Saint to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and under the authority of the people under the authority of the people that I will faithfully and partially and I and partially justly perform all the duties justly perform all the duties of the office of Mayor the office of Mayor according to the best of my i'mna yeah sure at this time I'd like to turn the meeting over to Mayor Kel Thank you Lisa and thank you all for coming here I just have a a brief a few brief words um first of appreciation um I first want to thank my wife Jennifer dami she's always supported me been my sounding board then for my ideas offers advice and encouragement I highly recommend any public office marry the smartest person they know that's what I've done I also want to thank my daughter Anderson Kel who has taken the role of Chief humility adviser her sarcastic use of the word dignitary and phrases like I think that's a you problem dad have kept me grounded honestly this this work can take toll on family time and I appreciate their their support and understanding uh the time it takes away from us as a family but um over the last eight years the Imagine vendor team the three of us um helped transform this city from a drive-through City with vacant storefronts to a destination with vibrant activities businesses um we've pulled every Li every lever we can find to make vener a better home when more competitive for investment and Leisure dollars uh We've we've reformed ordinances and policies bringing very tou Plaza activating decades old liquor licenses these are the foundation of the renewed interest that you're seeing and in commercial and residential investment in Venter um on the planning board Lance Champions the best practices Because He Lives them every day as a professional planner in the finance department Maria looks past the spreadsheets and looks for strategic thinking for ventner we are the three of us Pro development believing that measured development brings the opportunities we need for a successful City and this is a city-wide effort um you're so I want to thank you for your confidence and your votes for the three of us um but it also was a a vote for the reflection and and the competence in the entire city Workforce and I just want to briefly I promise I won't be long by the numbers um we have a new business administrator Tom Sharon we have a longtime labor attorney solic Nicole curio um they help US Marshal the efforts of 339 total full-time part-time and seasonal employees in ventor those are the men and women that they keep the city running they keep it clean they keep it safe um and they keep and the responsive to taxpayers there's 22 including our Clerk and our tax assessors and finance and city hall there's 31 seasonal Beach Checkers under Chief fussner we have 63 police staff including dispatch that are ready 247 365 and Summer Staff and winter crossing guards under Rick Santoro and water and the water department and the the the Public Works Public Works and Recreation 93 staff in that department under Chief Cahill 45 fire department staff that manage millions of dollars in facilities and apparatus they're already 247 365 under Chief Bergman 85 lifeguards staff to keep our beaches safe all summer long I just want to give a round of applause to those people for the transformative work they've helped us do in venor so we as Administration don't always agree and I'm sure we won't in the future but we always respect each other's Specialties each other's opinions each other's priorities and we inevitably reach a compromise that suits the city's progress first not any one of us as individuals um I'm deeply grateful for the trust and support of them and and this and the rest and the entire city that you've shown us to and I'll the honor to serve as your mayor I I can't imagine vener being a better place but I think we can still make it a better place thank you with business Clos missions and congratulations to your team and looks forward to seeing soon thanks stop thanks I do have some businesses right yeah so um so we do have a short meeting we do have some uh we do have some business so I will work through the agenda here um before we wrap up we have uh we have a resolution 2024 D 145 is a resolution uh City vender County of Atlantic state of New Jersey designating departments and Boards of directors in public works parks and public public property any comment on thate this is you're GNA vote yeah I know we're on this right now do that right up front Okay no these are our departments that we're going to stay with for the most part moving things around with the changes sorry moving things around with the um changing seats a little bit so but for the most part we're staying in our stay in our lanes right so these are the resolutions for each of us as department heads um and the Departments that under that that we've always have always uh um been we've been accountable for and that is um uh so this is your resolution Lance mine uh uh Maria's is resolution 20241 146 uh designating Department board of directors of Revenue and finance and then a third one for myself uh 20241 147 state of New Jersey designating Departments of Public Safety um so that would close the workshop p of our meeting Lis wants us to vote on those right yes we're going to vote we shoulde on these individually since they're listed individually so I need a motion is second and then we'll do roll call for I'll make a motion to adopt 2024 d145 second all in favor call please Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes have a motion to uh motion to adopt resolution 2024 d146 make a motion to adopt resolution 2024 d146 second I have a vote Lisa commissioner langra yes to yes mayor creel yes motion to adopt resolution 2024 d147 make a motion to adopt 2024 d147 second I have vote Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor cable yes okay thank you moving on to the that would end that now that will end the workshop portion of our meeting I I imagine we have no presentations we have uh no department head reports today we have no Capital discussions so the following uh items are scheduled for action on today's commission meeting um so uh we have no minutes to adopt we have no uh ordinance introductions and we have no public hearings but we do have uh resolution for uh consent so we have um consent agenda includes uh resolution uh are we admitting going to pull 15 pull 158 so do we want to go through the consent agendas the uh some we should just discuss them real quick yes okay so uh so I'll I'll enumerate the agendas for resolution resolution 2024 d48 resolution city of Venter County of Atlantic state of New Jersey authorizing participation in the inter interlocal purchasing system so this is a system that we use uh we have used in the past so it's a a a reuping of that uh agreement to benefit us for purchasing right as a group with other municipalities uh 20 24-1 149 is resolutions toity vender County of Atlantic state of New Jersey awarding Remington and Vernick for construction management services for ventner Avenue signal synchronization project not to exceed 22678 so this is a project that has been underway and they were um classified about to start about to start and these are the traffic signals from Oxford to Jackson right Oxford Jackson on v v Avenue uh 202 24-15 has been removed 202 24-1 151 has been removed 202 24-1 152 resolution City vender County of Atlantic state of New Jersey New Jersey determining the form and other details of offering uh 9,500,000 General obligation bonds series 2024 the city of Venter County of Atlantic state of New Jersey and providing for the sale of such Bonds in addition to determining certain matters with respect to the sale and issuing of uh anticipated Bond notes so um Mar this is something that had a very big packets yep for backup yep it lists the um the specifics and the form and bonds and notes so this allows us to go out to the bond sale for all our Capital Improvements vehicles and things of that nature and different projects too structure so just about every department is is is uh from the effect is going to is going to benefit from the effect of this Bond ordinance and um this is what we um this is a um what we've done ordinance on this is what we had done the ordinance on last couple meetings right so this is and we had a public hearing on it right right um and then so we after we get through this we will vote as a uh as group um 202 24-1 54 uh resolution city of Ender County of Atlantic state of New Jersey awarding line striping within the city and traffic line so uh not to exceed $43,500 so this also includes the this is the street ends on the board on the boardall yep re restripe those um fire zones and we got to go back to 153 right and we have to go back into 153 I'm sorry so resolution one 224 or 202 24-13 resolution uh city of vener County of Atlantic state of New Jersey awarding the blason Associates construction management services and inspection services for board Rock reconstruction not to exceed 248,000 so this is in part of the grant of the yes this is the boardwalk reconstruction project it's a $14 million project $14 million project and this is the oversight of by law design um 202 24-1 155 resolution city of venner County of Atlantic state of New Jersey authorizing uh place-to-place transfer of liquor license Dash uh number one number Z 22-33 I think you skip G mayor we did that we did I did yes so uh this is uh for liquor license transfer of PL from place to place so it's the same work uh same company going from support Woodfire Pizza uh uh Inc 6501 Venter Avenue to Aroma restaurant Inc at 5206 Atlantic ventner Avenue uh in New Jersey so this has all been vetted by our Police Department as proper um next is 2024-the no parking on Atlantic Avenue eastbound parking lane from Portland to Fredericksburg Avenue on Sunday May 26 this Sunday from 4: am to 12: noon for the Kenny whan Memorial Scholarship run so that is order of business um next is 202 24-1 157 resolution city of vetner County of Atlantic state of New Jersey author authorizing salary adjustment for class one officer Isabella zangi effective May 12th 2024 um one of our class one officers back and getting a slight increase um we are pulling 20241 158 from today's uh proceeding ution city of Ender County of Atlantic state of New Jersey authorizing closing of escro eoms and I have a before you before you I'd like to take you back for a moment to resolution 152 this is actually a combination it's a resolution that authorizes both sale for actual sale Ser BS of half million that's for uh a couple of different ordinances that go back to 2020 2021 20 22 uh one of which is for General improvements and the other was for water and SE utility improvements so that's actually when you see Bond sale for those you're only allowed to do notes for a certain period of time you B over annually at app point plan we have to go Department of financing and that's what we're doing here with this particular U set of ordinances the second piece of this is a authorizing a note sale so short-term financing for the other things that are still out there that have been authorized to to be performed so and that's for 16, 400,000 so it's it's both bars and notes that we're doing right thank you thank you um part of the part of the benefit over the years is we are at a double a rating now for our bond sales MH so that's a benefit for our rate and the amount of money that we pay for the for the money um so look forward to that y we rating increase I think maybe three years in to your term two or years all right so I'd like to um off for motion to uh open we're GNA do public on the workshop public on the work so we're okay so I have I have one more suggest that you vote on that will sear and that's part of the consent agenda okay2 separate yes okay so it will be that is kind of the end of our Workshop we can go right into the regular session right just have public at the end want okay you want to do that sure so um so we will motion to close um workshop and motion to open our uh regular our regular meeting I'll make that motion second uh let call the word a regular meeting uh we have no uh appr no approval of minutes no ordinance introduction uh no public hearing no uh ordinance adoption so I call for a motion to adopt resolutions 20 24-48 to 202 24-1 51 and 20 24-1 153 to 20 24 156 and 15 159 157 and 159 correct y yep so motion to adopt resolutions as described I'll make that motion second I have a commissioner langra yes commissioner yes mayor Kel yes we go back and do 15 and we have uh 152 so I have a motion to adopt resolution 2024-25 two second please second have commissioner lra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes we have no bills and payroll we do I'll read the bills and payroll if you like sure so we have bills tonight in the amount of 5,641 15173 and we have payroll in the amount of $613,500 z121 for digital media 24- 01025 for trash and 2401 034 for recycling all payable to the ACA you um any uh we have any remarks uh we have announcements or safet report I'm sorry we have a vote certainly commissioner lria yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Creo yes I'll get it straight sooner um we have uh uh any announcements or safet reports I and uh or any remarks by Commissioners few things yeah just a couple things so um toward to City this morning first of all thank you guys for all coming out and thank you for your confidence in our team this as I said on Election night is a team we are all in this thing together so we really look forward to another four years of of working to better our city um we think we've done pretty good so far we're not done and I said that the other night um we have some things we want to do better uh we want to clean up our as commissioner crood said that night we want to do better with our downtowns and our business areas um we have some plans for that we've set aside some dollars in this year's budget for that um so with that said I just did a for the upcoming weekend I did a tour of the island of our city today Beach looks good except for about uh what's what street avelyn to Fredericksburg um they're going to have tough times tonight in high tide um on days we have high tides we're going to have difficult time to have beaches there um so come join us up at the North End we're the north side the pi come join us my wife's saying no we don't need more people up that's cath no we gotta welcome people up so um so we are going to have a little bit of difficulty with um our beach when we have full full moon High Tides there but um the city's ready for the weekend um Public Works has been working hard PD saw those guys out there a lot today fire department's ready oh all of our beach Patrol guys we'll have four beaches open I'll let you talk about the beaches a little bit but there those guys are ready to open up for the summer so again thank you guys for coming out thank you for support over the last eight years and and for the upcoming four do you have any sure commission comments I'll just Echo the comments that commissioner lra and mayor kille made of our appreciation for everyone here and looking for forward to the next four years and I see a lot of faces in here that personally helped me and helped us get the signatures we needed to get us here to get us on the ballot so thank you because is without you guys out there uh on the sidewalk and go in the homes and uh friends and family here uh we wouldn't have even made it to the ballot so I really appreciate it and um nothing happening in revenue and finance so uh there's no difficulties there no difficulties in so not right now anyway so are running pretty smooth thank you for being here so um just briefly um we do have a huge weekend coming up um the concert first concert is sat Saturday uh we have the opening of the so take a look at our Facebook page we have the opening of The Beach on Saturday in at 10 thank you Donna and then we Don and then on Monday we have the Memorial Day uh at nine o'clock heny wh and run wh and run on Sunday wh on Sunday and the farmers market of course oh I can't wait on Friday tomorrow 8:30 tomorrow 8:30 the opening of the farmers market no early RIS no early greatest East the greatest the greatest Market on the East Coast yeah right here um at St James um so my last remark before I open for public comment is a shout out to my mother is on Zoom Irene Salado hey and my sister Paula and my cousin Tina Grill hi Mom Henrietta Shelton said hello she called me did she she called me yesterdaytime friend y of our family y Henry Shon um so open this up to public comments I have a motion to open for public comment so moved second anybody in the audience or on Zoom that wish to say anything please make yourself known with your name and address see see none in the in the in the chambers and anyone on Zoom Jim Cindy Jim's on vacation no no one on zo anyone raising their hand on Zoom okay motion to close public comment so moved no executive session and I have a motion to adjourn I'll make that motion second it all in favor hi hi all right we're done 65