call the order thank you everybody for coming it's nice to see some some books here um uh so welcome to the commission meeting uh City ventner March 28th 2024 uh start with the flag salute unit States stands Nation thank you roll call Lisa commissioner Kel here commissioner Mento here mayor langra mayor langra is absent you um our open public meetings announcement uh pursuant to the open public meetings adequate notice of this meeting has been provided the agenda has been posted in City Hall and on the city's website www. venders City .org one other uh meeting announcement the meeting announcement live stream remotec comment disclosure is listed in our agenda um and I just want to take one minute before we have a brief presentation for uh um a moment of silence for a vettiner resident and uh veter lifeguard Quinn Adena who um we lost tragically uh early this week and our hearts go out to uh his parents um Michael advina and Claudia advina who are um people we all know in the community and the whole Community aches um for their loss the visitation is tomorrow at 10: am. at wiberg in Lynnwood um but I I just want to express my um ourf condolences as well moment of silence please thank you um we have H one presentation tonight it is uh um a a the effort of a lot of hard work with this is a mouthful from the New Jersey State Association of chiefs of police accreditation commission right also known as njs H CPAC C which is more difficult to say so uh we have the director Harry dogado here and he has a uh I'd like him to call him forward if you could and um speak to the the group um if you have if you have a minute and then um we're all very proud of the the chief and the and the department and it isn't just U uh it's it's it's just it's it's not just knowing that the work that has to be done it's the actual execution of it that I think we're most proud of they're they're following this and also the fact that the police department has done it for so long so just do I have context of what I'm about to uh uh uh say about your Police Department so uh there's about 300 agencies in the state of New Jersey a little bit over that have actually made it you know one time to this accreditation process because it's rigorous it's 112 standards that you have to meet many of which require multiple proofs of uh compliance so 54% of those I made it once 32% I made it twice when you say when you look at those that made it three times to the program that's drops to 19% four times less than 8% 7.89 the vetner city police department falls into uh a um a lead group of law enforcement agencies in the state of New Jersey that made it five times putting them in an elite group of less than 3% what 3.6% of all the agencies in the state of New Jersey that are accredited so it's consistency it's the commitment over the years that actually made them stand uh stand out so if you indulge me for a couple of minutes I'd like to share with you the significance of the achievement this was probably made for Joe's for the chief's height not mine um so the ventner city police department has once again made a commitment to adhering to best practices at the state and National level in a highly regarded Statewide law enforcement accreditation program this program administered to the New Jersey State Association of chiefs of police and the New Jersey Law Enforcement and credit edtion commission has held to transparently demonstrate the professionalism and preparedness of state's law enforcement agencies the New Jersey State Association of chiefs of police law enforcement credit Edition program is purposefully designed to enhance professionalism and transparency in the state's public safety system now during this uniquely challenging times in the threat to our life and safety encouraging law enforcement agencies to follow standardized practices and policies is a potentially life-saving and coste effective investment or time and resources accreditation gives an agency a prep Ness plan and a verif a verification of Excellence um ACC creation status represents a significant professional achievement in the vetner city police department following best practices has become part of their culture is the way they deliver Police Services to their citizens so this March 14 2024 the veral city police department received this prestigious reedit status for a fifth time it demonstrates the chief chief fer for firm commitment to maintain my CR status to remain on track with State and National standards and the continue expectations for Quality professional and ethical policing ASO Police Department believes in the foundation of accreditation which as I mentioned before lies in the adoption of 112 standards containing a clear statement of professional objectives the agency aderes to accreditation as a Progressive and Time proven way of helping them calculate and improve their over performance the vetner city police department has been carefully measured against an established set of state and National standards and in many instances I'm proud to say they have exceeded accepted practices in the field of law enforcement and officers um government officials can be more confident in the agency's ability to operate efficiently and meet Community needs and officers in accredited agencies certainly can take pride that they have been objectively measured and recognized for their professionalism in adherance to the high standards now after the three years uh there's an onside visit as we call this a final assessment and in it we certainly look for things just to make sure that over the over those three years all these uh and there's a few hundred U proofs of compliance that need to be uh demonstrated are demonstrated I must say that the Vietnam City Police Department had an excellent final assessment and I'll just paraphrase out of a report that is forwarded to me and then it goes to the commission which is what the vetner police department was able to participate on March 14th under the leadership of Chief Joseph buner the vetner city police department demonstrates a high level of competence leadership and professionalism it is the opinion of of the assessment team that the vendor City Police Department is a highly professional and committed agency which exemplifies all of the tenants of law enforcement accreditation at the state and National level so it is indeed my honor here today on behalf of the New Jersey State Association of chiefs of police and the New Jersey Law Enforcement commission to congratulate Chief Joseph pner accreditation manager Lieutenant David GLE the members of the ventner city police department the mayor the at the council and those citizens that they so proudly serve for achieving their fifth re accreditation joining a very very exclusive group of law enforcement agencies in the state of New Jersey that have made this important commitment to excellenc in policing so to all indeed congratulations this is where you get to Flap Police Department with certificate for the fifth time so it's all yours now Chief you earn thank you congratulations appreci thank you Mr picture thank you Chief appreciate it thanks okay so so uh moving on with our Workshop portion um we we have no department head reports we have no Capital discussion um and then we will move it to minutes this is our our Workshop session and then we'll have a a a time for public comment at the end of this session and at the end of the main session um so we'll have minutes both of us were here for that so that we we can um uh we can both approve minutes from our January 25th and February 22nd meetings um and we have no ordinance introductions but we have a number of adoptions of previous ordinances that we went through through at the last meeting um so I don't know if there's any reason to go through them but I'll list them we have uh an ordinance uh adopting a green purchasing policy uh we have an ordinance that we and these are adop for adoption so we did the discussion at the last meeting um we have an ordinance uh that introduced the salary ranges for the entire city um we had an ordinance that uh uh dissolved the ad hoc committee um for no reason other than it was about becoming less of uh of a of a attended committee meeting and the the meeting the committee themselves felt as though they were communicated uh in a on a good way with the with the city if we choose to bring it back if they ask to bring it back we will um we had an ordinance um setting salaries for lifeguards and this was something that we uh did a lot of research with to make ourselves competitive with other cities uh to get um high quality lifeguards um uh and then we had an ordinance um uh preparing us uh for traffic uh no parking on street ends which is um to be adopted so that we can go forward with um making the street ends more um unified and the ordinance unifies them uh so then we will go into resolutions and contracts um at by consent um so the first uh the first resolution will be authorizing service agreement with cm3 for hbac maintenance services for venor City municipal building and Public Works facility and the second one is tied to that if um uh uh which is services for the community center annual these are annual contracts that we do every year if Rick if you have any other comment you want to add to that other than it's a it's basically and cm3 has been a a trusted uh U supplier for that they they always seem to be able to have a um get get get their answers we need quickly and the services we need quickly um the next resolution will be regarding um no parking and bikes on the boardwalk for events that are run by The JCC so there are Marathon events and runs on April 7 June 1st and October 19th so this is codifying the uh no bikes or boardwalks for that time and we push out on social media so that people aren't um so that fewer people are on the boardwalk when those events happen there are huge events that take over almost the entire Boardwalk for certain periods of time um the next resolution is uh 095 that will be authorizing enforcement of no parking within the city from April 1st to June 30th so this is our three-month every year kind of Maintenance of things that take shape when we have emergencies things of that nature um so again this is kind of a housekeeping ordinance um and then we have a change order for improvements for uh uh uh Marshall Avenue Dudley and the Heights on Oxford Avenue streetscape um this is a fairly large project that is coming to an end this is the final final contract amounts for that um with some change orders um give you had any comments on that or that project I think it's um it's kind of at the tail end of right almost done um then we'll have um resolution regarding um approving rates charges and fees for 2024 for the recreation department um there's um really no changes the fees in this case um they're more in the addition of services so we're adding a number of different um camps a CSI Camp a uh Marine Science Camp a soccer camp so there's no real um uh the the our biggest most popular Camp which is the sports camp is no no change in fees there um did you have any other comments to that it's pretty B basic but it's nice to know that we're adding and to that effect fact we're still looking for um uh surf camp uh so if anybody uh anybody wants to be a surf camp coach and the audience stand up um we also have uh so the next ordinance is awarding patina Associates for the design bidding and construction for a new generator at public works so this isn't the construction portion of it this is for uh replacement and redesign for a new generator and the Public Works uh complex right so um and then we have the Public Works forward agenda today this is a uh uh P authorizing 099 is authorizing the purchase of an F-150 pickup truck for the water sewer department under State contract um which is something that we all have to do um and then uh ordinances number 100 101 102 103 10 4 and 105 are all tax abatements for um homes throughout the city one on 24 South Hillside one on nine South Cornwall one on 6713 Atlantic another on Atlantic 6711 Atlantic 8 South milbourn and 9912 North Harvard these are all tax abatements uh which is I think a program that in the end um benefits the city and keeps the momentum of building uh brisk so then uh um then we have a resolution 0 106 which is uh extending our uh interlocal agreement with Longport for the sharing of code officials for an additional three months can I address that firstly yeah what what this resolution does is actually uh terminates the existing contract upon three months notice uh we had looked at this in the offseason as we were preparing the budget and uh didn't feel that the Construction office really was uh positioned anymore to continue to provide the service to Longport at the level that we were doing and at the cost that we were providing it so we entered into negotiations with Longport uh with an eye towards terminating the service this was uh this three-month agreement is intended to give them a transition period to be able to either hire their own staff or third party or or something else but we're going to wean them off of getting the service from us I see uh at a substantially increased monthly rate uh this is going to pay us $10,000 a month for those three months okay uh previously the contract paid 46,000 for the whole year I see so this is to our benefit for both financially and in the long run to make sure that our office our Construction office is able to keep up with the the workload that they have just servicing the Venter properties because as you all know there's been a lot of construction activity um and the more time we spend in Longport the more time it takes us to do our own work so I think this is going to be an improvement both in efficiency for the department and also financially for the city yeah so it's V are first as far as capacity goes and and that's what this ordinance does it makes sure that our our department is right we intend to maintain this was done very amicably and uh we both agreed in the future uh to still help each other on an as needed basis if something happens you know we're going to be there for each other s right this is this is not in any way uh an adversarial relationship good good right thank you uh to that uh related is that um within the code enforcement office um resolution 107 appoints provisionally Dino Cavalier to the title of uh construction official effect of April 1 not right and and as mentioned at the last meeting that's due to the retirement of Jimmy anneso whose last day I guess is actually tomorrow he's retired effective April first and Dino is now going to be the new construction official great great uh so that brings us to the 108 which is a resolution um awarding the Venter Avenue signal ventner Avenue signal synchronization project to ferazi concrete so this is um this is in the Venter Avenue and I did sit on a meeting months ago when this was being proposed so it's a traffic signal and intersection improvements to to all the intersections um on the Atlantic City side of Dorset Avenue that have not been done by the county so far so this is Oxford Victoria Waymouth Nashville Baton Rouge all along veter Avenue um the designs and controls will be similar to the county project uh that was completed last year so the the Ada ramps and um but we were we um we improved the drainage some of those were done without proper um proper sort of thought to drainage and also the streetscape around them a lot of those have poles in the center of them that have um uh that have these new boxes around them so they the the companies have spent some time to make sure there's the the traffic the pedestrian traffic flow is and I think it's going to be attractive too some of them actually um create bump outs that um I think will calm traffic a little bit on the corners and help people not um Park in the 20 20 20 foot zones on the corners um and be um and have the same uh uh sight impaired um facilities um in the uh as you hit the button and it tells you when to cross and when not to cross so that's the ordinance and it is not to exceed 2,938 3 $63.75 and then uh we're adding at the bench are there any questions about that no um we're we're adding at the bench uh appointment of Roger McLaren um to be our zoning official right Roger a lot of uh that works at the on the planning board and is a a huge wealth of knowledge um he's constantly working I get emails from him on Sundays when he's reviewing plans he's a great he'll be a great asset um to have to have more uh have alongside the rest of that team and this vacancy is also created by Jimmy Agnes's retirement he was he was the construction official and Zoning officer so right all right so that's good so we we're um I'm big big fan of Rogers um then we'll have approval of minutes of of bills and payroll uh any discussion items and now I'll open to the public any comment on any of the things that we've uh enumerated so far um there'll be a time at the end of the of the the regular meeting once we open it and that to to speak about anything you like about the the city or any matter you have in mind to speak of um but this is is a moment just for things that we've already spoken about so far if anybody has uh public comment please stand and give your name and address seeing none Jim do you have any in the is there anybody on Zoom who wishes to speak or comment on any of the items that have been discussed or have been voted upon please make yourself known in the chat feature by raising your hand and I will unmute you no no okay hearing none I'll close the public portion for the workshop okay to open the okay and I'll I'm sorry before you do Le we're we're trying to like whisper here just going to ask you the question the appointment of the zoning officer should be a provisional appointments since it's competitive or not there is a competitive title so when I put it into camps we will put him as provisional okay and Roger will right I just want to be clear because the resolution didn't specifically have provisional in it well so should we amend that before it's adopted so we have two things if if moving forward if Roger is going to be this position fulltime for years ande then and I would say let's we'll put we can add provisional into the title it'll be part-time right that it doesn't matter parttime fulltime so provisional if this is only going to be a temporary thing he could be in there as a temporary appointment for six months and then another temporary appointment for six months now we're hoping he's going to be here for 10 years so then I would put him in camps as provisional okay so we can just on the fly when you do that resolution can we just insert that word before you vote on it understand we're good to provisional zoning officer is that where provisional appointment appointment yep provisional appointment where would that oh appoint for new okay provisional appointment of that's a workshop for you in the now there for at the end just y to app Point provisional I see because it's a competitive item okay so when we get to that in our so so we can still so that's that that that is by um um so it'll be by consent by consent so so we're just should we pull it out or is it okay to just by consent and on the record that it's beenis great so just include that number got it 2024 2024 d19 and 109 will now read resolution of the city of ventner County of Atlantic stadi New Jersey appointing Vision Roger McLaren zoning officer effective April 1 2024 yes right that's that's what you got it okay so um we call to order the regular meeting all right did do public there was none all right motion to call the order uh all in favor to to call the order the regular portion of the meeting all in favor I I um approval of minutes I have a motion to approve minutes I'll make the motion I'll second the motion roll call Lisa commissioner creel yes commissioner Mento yes uh no ordinance introductions uh next is uh can I have a motion to have public hearing on ordinance 004 ordinance of the city of vendor state of Atlantic adopting green purchasing policies I'll make the motion as described I'll second all in favor hi hi any any comments from the off from the uh from the from the the gallery or from Zoom for this in the next couple ordinance that are being introduced after commissioner Kel announces that it's a public hearing if anybody on Zoom wishes to speak or comment on the ordinance please make yourself known in the chat feature by raising your hand and I will unmute you thanks Jim there's a there's a handful of these coming so hearing none and and just to be clear these are public hearings so this is the last opportunity so this is in the green purchasing policy the last uh last public hearing hearing none I motion to close public hearing on ordinance 004 motion I second all in favor I and taking action on ordinance 004 I have a motion to adopt ordinance 004 green purchasing policy motion to adopt second Lisa roll call commissioner crille yes commissioner Mento yes and item 22 is uh public hearing on ordinance 005 the establishing salary ranges for 20124 for the city of Venter officers and employees and replacing all ordinance or part of ordinance here to for adopted the provision of which are inconsistent here with motion to open for public hearing I'll make the motion I'll second all in favor I I hearing no comments I'll make a motion to close public portion on hear on ordinance 005 motion I'll second all in favor I then uh taking action on ordinance 005 I will um motion to adopt ordinance 005 on salary compensation and salary ranges for 2024 I'll make the motion I'll second roll call Lisa commissioner crille yes commissioner Mento yes okay next ordinance for public hearing is ordinance 006 city of ventner County Atlantic replacing ordinance uh 201825 an ordinance creating an ad hoc committee for the city of ventner and ordinance 201831 ordinance amending same also known as chapter 22 of the cold of the city motion to open public hearing on this ordinance I'll make the motion I'll second all in favor I hearing none I motion to close public hearing motion second all in favor I all right uh next is ordinance adoption so uh make it can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 06 um repealing the ad hoc committee I'll make the motion I'll second roll call Lisa commissioner creel yes commissioner Mento yes and next is ordinance uh public hearing on ordinance 007 ordinance city of ventner County of Atlantic setting salaries wages and compensations for the member of the venor city lifeguards so this is public hearing motion to open for public hearing motion I'll second all in favor I I quiet motion to close public hearing on ordinance 007 motion second all in favor I and taking action now on ordinance 007 for the compensation of members of the vendor City lifeguards motion to adopt motion I'll second roll call Lisa commissioner creel yes commissioner Mento yes okay uh only one more here two more um next is ordinance 008 amending chapter 214 the code of the city of vendor entitled vehicle and traffic specifically section 14-29 entitled schedule one no parking motion to open public hearing on ordinance 008 I'll make the motion I'll second all in favor I I hearing none I motion to close public hearing on ordinance 008 motion I'll second all in favor hi I okay um next is uh ordinance 2024 008 amending chapter 214 uh entitled Vehicles tra and traffic specifically 214- 29 entitled schedule one no parking I'd like a motion to adopt ordinance 008 I'll make the motion to adopt I'll second roll call Lisa commissioner creville yes commissioner Mento yes okay commission may I just make a quick Point here just for for the record and hopefully for the public there's there's been I understand some uh misinformation reported about the uh effect of this ordinance I think there was a report that indicated it was going to create uh two new parking spaces on every block that that that's not accurate uh what we represented and what we stand by is that this is intended to just create some uniform uh rules for each block for the purpose of uh enforcement consistent and also to just kind of clean up some of the uh mismash of painting on different streets being painted in different ways U the reality was I think that it'll create two additional parking spaces Citywide it wasn't every street so uh it wasn't really designed to create parking spaces it was designed to kind of just clean it up and make it consistent from one block to the next right yeah and from for my part I think it's it and we spoke with some other residents about it to make uh we needed to do this paperwork in order to get it uh in in order to to to enforce it correctly and to have the um the painting being uniforms what hasn't changed is that we need um uh we need ample room for uh Public Safety vehicles to turn around so they're not forced to to to back out of it of those Street ends uh it's staging for Public Safety these things haven't changed um and it also allows handicapped um people to be dropped off and picked up at Street ends on the beach during the summer so those dynamics of the street ends haven't changed um we're just um trying to codify it in one in one F swop so yeah so thank you for clarifying and it's adopted um so moving forward resolutions um we need a motion to adopt by consent resolutions 20249 2 to 202 24- 0108 and 109 so I need a motion to adopt by consent I'll make the motion to adopt second and roll call Lisa commissioner creel yes commissioner Mento yes okay all right that was mouthful next is uh approval of bills and payroll uh Amy I have a motion uh to um Amy can you uh Supply bills and payroll payables for this period is 23449 11080 payrolls for this period $627,000 payroll I'll make the motion I will second Lisa roll call commissioner creel yes commissioner Mento yes all right we have uh no announcements or safety reports uh commissioner Mento you have any comment or report I have no report tonight okay neither do I we've had school board of estimate went smoothly today and um I think we're all um um proud of the the school and the work they do was a a big hurdle I have no other comments but we I will have a motion to open oh I just want to put on the record that letters went out today to all uh registered voters in District 3 and put on the record that their voting location has changed will no longer be at the school it will be located over at our library but in the nutrition site so it's closer to Newport Avenue but letters did go out today so people in District three should be receiving those letters probably within the next couple days and we should get a a social media push on that as well because a lot of people don't look at social media but a lot a lot of people look at at both so we I'll make sure we get on that um because it's coming soon right yes um any other uh comments or reports no nope not so I a motion to open or public comment on anything that any um residents or or guests here would like to speak about motion to open for public comment I'll make the motion I'll second all in favor I any any comments from the public about anything at all I have Nicole jobi would like to speak I just asked her to unmute hello everyone my name is Nicole jacobe uh I'm a 12-year resident I live on Edgewater Avenue um we my husband lambrose and I were local business owners we own the grand um brand Greens and Grains uh I came on here here last year around this time were're concerned parents uh like I said we lived on we live on Edgewater AV um Edgewater AV is a very very highly trafficked Street year round but especially in the summer um it's five blocks from dorab to serab and these people just drive and pick up speed as they're going down Edgewater Avenue it is very very dangerous for children pedestrians we have some handicapped children in our neighborhood um it's gotten worse progressively uh I'm trying to get to the bottom of what we can do as far as um getting some flashing stop signs just one at least either on Oxford or Somerset which is in the middle of you know the five blocks uh to force people to stop because they turn onto Edgewater and they pick up speed for five blocks and they either speed around Somerset which is um you know a oneway or they speed down Siri and you know last year I came on and uh you guys did send a few police officers out I guess to you know ticket people but that's not a solution and you know I have a 5-year-old here and I have a four-month-old here and um you know I really need to know what I need to do as a resident and a business owner and a mother to get a stop sign on the street I know what we have on Mammoth now is probably a direct result of the same issue granted Mammoth is a way longer stretch but it doesn't diminish you know the issue that we have here and not only that people are constantly driving the wrong way now people are speeding there's no oneway signage there's no wrong way signage but the main thing if they were forced to stop Midway on these five blocks we would have a lot less issues so I'm just trying to figure out you know what the steps are that I can take so we're lucky enough to have the chief here but I will respond in just to kick off but thank you for thank you for your comments um and I agree Edgewater is one of the most narrow streets in the city and it has a very it's very difficult to navigate on a good day um there are some intersections where there there should be I think better signage for one way and wrong way there that have because the the traffic pattern um can in can can seem to allow you to go make a right um and head back towards Dorset Avenue when you cannot and you should not so I think we can do better on the wrong way and and on the wrong way and no entry and one-way signage we can look at that um I can kick that to Public Works and to the police department but um I being in this position for eight years I've heard that this type of a request a number of times and the city doesn't have control over stop sign locations and they can't be used used for traffic calling so stop signs are are Department of Transportation issued and they have um they have to have certain requirements to have a stop sign added so they're there that that that well that may seem like it's the uh uh it's something that you could add I'll ask the chief to make more comment on that if you have any um to for traffic cing Alternatives we did put out um we did put out Vehicles there I remember a couple years ago to to to calm traffic but I think um I think that's a an issue that's you know happens on that that particular block because people are trying to get around Dorset Avenue traffic yeah it's it's a long straightaway and not unique to like you said we get complaints about a lot of other parts of town um you do not control speed by putting stop signs at intersections that's been proven and you know it's not just a theory that we have here that's a national standard um what I would look to do and and Rick's here from Public Works we have the speed radar signs that we see um throughout Town yeah um we do have the ability to to place one we just have to find you know a location where maybe is a pole or some grass area that we can erect the pole so they're not stop signs they're they're actually Radars saying you're you're speeding right yes yeah not only does it tell the driver of the vehicle what speed they're going but it collects data for us to analyze over a period of time to show us what the maximum speeds were what's the average speed times a day um you know days of the week and and so forth so we will definitely look to uh to implement that we have two other requests throughout town so we'll have to prioritize and and see what one is uh more pressing for now but we will get to that in a couple weeks we'll do a speed analysis essentially is what we'll do there so the there is an section there that has um when you when you when you tee into Edgewater that that has a frequent um that fre I think you mentioned that people go down the wrong way um I think it's before Somerset and before Oxford it's closer to Dorset Avenue Derby yeah B what what did you say Derby Derby yes Derby Avenue there's um it should say Derby's on the on the other side yeah yeah Derby's on the other side right yeah Dudley on Dudley Dudley oh Dudley okay yeah we we we had I think you recall um Ed Stinson the prior superintendent Public Works and I we went out there um probably close to a year and a half two years ago we did a full analysis of that area and we erected some better signage um particularly the complaints were coming out of Oxford Avenue so traveling south on Oxford um they were making the right hand turn going towards Dorset and we saw that there was a lack of some signage there and we we added to do not enter and the oneway sign there we can you know again you know Rick Santoro and I can go out there schedule an hour or two go out there and do another you know walk around and see what signage is needed in some areas and then like I said we'll put the the radar the radar sign sign which will'll actually be a speed study you know that'll gather all the data for us and it also acts as a deterrent because it displays the speed yeah so if there is a if there is some something else we can take action on this radar sign is goes into I guess it's called stealth mode and it actually just takes it takes data so we'll be able to know and it'll make a case for uh for any other any other further study or yeah see what we see what we need to do and then also to to to exacerbate it there's I think at least three houses being being constructed right now on that block yeah that's yeah I'm actually hoping that's going to prevent speeding I don't mind the construction um but we live between Oxford and Somerset and if you need to put the radar in my front yard you're welcome I have no issue with that well what we'd look to do we like to get it towards either halfway or about two yeah we're halfway so if we put it down at Dudley it's not really going to serve a purpose because yeah we're literally exactly halfway because we're in the middle of Oxford and Somerset block which is looking probably somewhere probably saoke Avenue Somerset would be where we would look to put it that would be the optimal locations okay yeah and we'll we'll we'll Circle back you can email me in in the in a week or so once we get this set up and we'll keep in touch especially letting us know when your greens and grain is going to open because we love moral Day weekend we're hoping we're still shooting good wow that's great that's great congratulations we're happy to have you there I think it's gonna be a great location for you Starbucks has been holding the project up just so everybody knows oh well they got have another espresso and work a little harder exactly okay thank you all right thank you thank you Nicole right any other comments from the public hearing none uh motion to close public comment motion I'll second all in favor I I and then we have no executive session requested you're needed and I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn I'll second all in favor I I thank you don't d