e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay we're going to call the meeting of the July 11th session of the Vern Township Board of Education to order 6 o'clock roll call Miss Ahern here miss Brock here Mr smagala Mr centino here Mr Krauss here miss pellet Dr Ross Mr Sweeney here Mr Zim we have Dr Ross is here got Dr Ross all right we have have a quum okay it is recommended that the board enter into Clos session for the purposes of discussing legal student and Personnel matters I have a motion so moved moved by Mr cantino second second by Mr Krauss all in favor I we are now in close session we will go to the Mr Mr e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right uh it is recommended that the board return to public session I have a motion please so move move by Mr cantino second second second by Mrs Ro Ms Ross Dr Ross all in favor we are back in Open Session Mr slam may I have a roll call please miss Ahern here miss Brock here Mr samaga here Mr cantino here Mr Krauss here miss pellet Dr Ross here Mr Sweeney here Mr Zimmerman here we have a quorum thank you please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance please rise I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you slam item C the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in accordance with provisions of the ACT Vernon Township Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be published an adequate notice has been provided and notice this meeting has been properly posted in accordance with the New Jersey open public meeting law thank you uh just a quick note that next public board meeting will be Thursday July 25th okay thank you item D public participation and open up the meeting to the public for agenda items only and your comments please limit your comments to five minutes anybody in the audience care to come forward identify yourself in the municipality that you live in nobody all right then well I'm going to close the meeting to the public for now and then we'll move on to item e board report summary Finance building and grounds okay we weren't able to meet this past month but the cell phone bids are due today yeah so we're yeah received the cell phone bids today we have uh received four proposals um and those are being sent to our attorney for review uh anticipate that uh for the July 25th meeting we will have someone on uh to be approved for award should buildings and grounds to and finance meet before that or uh I'll reach out and we can set up a meeting uh you I'm just saying okay that's fine yeah I want we uh we usually we usually meet before the uh the public meeting okay okay Mr cantino miss pet is out there is a meeting she's scheduling a meeting in the near future curriculum you're out of order yeah it's it's July like I don't know if she she said a specific date yet she put a few days in it yeah yeah yeah so she hasn't come back on the day I think the 23rd was mentioned a few dates yeah I I responded I was available for any of those uh partnership the next partnership meeting is in October so and then the new policy committee so as my first official job as a chairperson I have nothing to report we're meeting next week l a lot of new riew thank you Charles I like it good syct report special services okay now we have a couple of ad hoc committees I don't think that the appenism ad hoc committee has met not yet but we're putting dates together for when we're going to do that all good good thank you but and thank you so that went quickly item F board goals uh oh indeed I uh kind of dropped the ball this week I've been working a lot domestically I wanted to put together a calendar for all our dates and I just haven't done it and we decided that we would meet car Dr Ross and Jen pellet to go over our goals and we haven't so yeah we have that draft that you brought helpfully that first time that we talked about them that we all talked through so that's our I think we're good with those can we meet on like very soon to really write them out so that all the board members can uh have some right we talked about having them so we could always see them yeah yeah and these will be discussed once we have something to discuss yep so uh maybe next week sometime yeah can you free up your time I know you're very busy you can find me at beach one not Wednesday he has another commitment thank you Dr I'm gonna talk to miss pet as well great so then we're going to move on to item G number one reports and informational items a is harassment intimidation bullying random drug testing and school safety reports in attachment ws1 Item B is enrollment report as of June 19 2024 attachment WS2 number two are all the recommendations it was recommended that the board approve the following I just have one question about the uh attachment ws1 what does oh no it's w it's WS2 what does el esls mean total special ed and esls they've changed that acronym many times Vinnie uh English has a second language esls I gota look at that it's yeah I'm pretty sure it's English as a second language essential Services i' have let me get back to you on that um that's an acronym that I haven't seen uh used recently in this report so I'll check in with spe special services and see what that is than I'm Sor I me to thr your curve bow and some of numbers are as as of July as of June 19th and I I know some of the added District placements are reported lower because we didn't graduate the students from that chart yet so we're looking at right now we're I think around 25 over what is the kindergarten enrollment look like um I've checked in with Kristen we're still good where the the class sizes are well below 20 in kinderart anybody have any questions about those all right sorry they sometimes will change within the within the weeks leading up sum is VY month for registrations for sure Russ I just had a question too with the one before W2 W1 WS one the just just a from my own knowledge you the the fire um evacuation plan that you had sent out I saw there's there's one shelter in place and the rest R all evacuations is what is the rule is there supposed that do you alternate a a shelter in place or or I I would have to ask Scott it it may have been uh if if it's a drill sometimes it may be an incident during the school day that that counts as as a as a as a drill as a drill when we act when uh something actually happened but I'll check with Scott there may have been an incident on the 7th of uh of June where we sheltered in place okay yeah I mean the only reason why I was wondering because you know I'm looking at this and I'm like I I don't even know what we're supposed to do I know we're required to do one fire drill a month yeah but I didn't know about the other if you ask me that question with Scott he's got his whole chart of what and when he has to do it number green alerts uh you know shelter and place Etc okay but so again I not 100% sure but I I'll be sure to reach out this stock okay thank you okay thank you uh recommendations I'm sck sure okay so uh 2A it's recommended that the board approved the following uh appointments changes Etc transfers as listed below uh these are not in addition to any other uh positions they were either created when we submitted our budget or due to uh people leaving and going elsewhere or uh or vacancies being created when they take on the other positions letter B is recommended the board approve the following staff for summer 2024 curriculum work letter C does recommended the board approve the following staff for summer case management not to exceed 20 days letter D it is recommended that a board approve the positions for the Vernon Township High School summer acceleration program which runs Mondays through Friday uh commences 624 through 72 they're almost done and they're having great success I believe it's uh 40 some classes that will will be uh recovered this summer so that schedules uh schedules do not have to be altered in seats uh taken up next year letter e it is recommended that the board approve the following 2024-25 statement appointments is listed below letter F it is recommended the board approve the professional development travel um with the provisions of the New Jersey statutes anotated njsa 18a 11-12 for Vernon T tools employees letter G it is recommended that the board approve the L uh see another another acronym probably get me language instruction education program yeah they wrote it out here for you this time for me as well a threee plan starting with the 2024-25 school year through the 2026 27 school year we have a motion for the recommendations so move move by Mr Krauss second second second by Dr Ross um questions or comments the Wilson level one certification is that the reading stuff for dyslexia and all uh not necessarily dyslexia is a multi-tier approach to reading for struggling readers okay and does g that language instruction education program part of is that part of that L thing for uh MLS for ESL students okay report state I will move forward okay thank you I have a couple questions Charles uh for a the appointments Russ we're we're we're this is a net zero we're not adding new positions these Replacements or part of the the what's in the budget for this year right correct okay um two I was just curious how you come up with the days since I I feel like how how do we know curriculum is going to take four days of updates and I I guess my biggest concern is when we have a high number of of participants in that committee and we're scheduling a whole week or three to four days in in there which which ones are you looking at specifically two to eight El correct them yeah just just just in general I mean is it I mean is this like a standard that you guys it's always takes one if it's a yes and if you look at that amount a lot of the other summer work is at perum rates of over $500 and when you look at the amount for for this this type of curriculum work it's 125 a day so we're getting a lot out of the money and and working with the teachers and getting getting them to have input on on uh on a lot of the curriculum and let see what else we doing a lot of the curriculum which is necessitated by qac next year as well I think we have a new mathematics for English and math new standards were released and we have tol by sept okay and by having the teachers be a part of creating the uh the changes to line them to the New Jersey SL SLS and it make it's a lot easier to do than at the start of the school year as the kids are coming in so um at that price it's probably a quarter of the price what the people are getting for their pum work over the summer okay yeah but I mean it's you have a way of coming up with these like yes it's it's based on uh well we have few now it's based on the the administrators who involved with the curriculum instruction and their past experience and talking with people people throughout the school year during common planning about how many days they need to make sure that finish it up to finish it up to get it solid so when when we're rolling out in the new school year we presented it to the teachers ahead of time so they know what they expect what the changes are going into the next year okay sounds good um then I go to D um this and I this is this correct this it ended it ends tomorrow right tomorrow the 12 and my only concern with this is really I'll just get to the the point of is you know and I know this happens um but this is something even if we don't have a name of what the rpos are this something maybe next year we can have prior we we know we need two two rpos for for this um this is for the accelerated summer school right we're kind of voting on it after the fact that's why I'm just saying maybe next next year yes we could just work on ahead of time you don't have to have names if you don't have a name who's going to do it but right I don't know if that's even legal if we could put no name in there right I think you have to have a name you have to yeah I think yes some of these have changed versus who they were going to be oh okay just updates and and to standardize the amount over the summer as well okay and it ends the 12th tomorrow tomorrow uh yes I just check it when like I said we're close to 45 classes that the kids had recovered yeah that's pretty that's pretty good good job yeah there would there would need to be a name because that's what uh would provide the authorization to pay them to pay okay um forgive me if this seems like a silly question but so where were these are people who are being who are replacing people who were already there we had rpos in the building uh I think it was a standardize the rate with RPS over the summer that makes sense there was an inconsistency I think across buildings okay thank you Char you weren't done yeah no I got uh E I got two more so e um just question about how the steps work in longevity is this the same is this the same is this do the steps pertain to how long they've been in the district or how long they I guess these are all coaches and um these are stiping stuff so right so letter e so if if the coach for soccer has been there three years they're on step three or is it has to do with their how many years are in the district as a teacher yep it's a soccer coach's first year she's on step one okay so the steps go with how many coing and that's as for contract and Longevity is um that goes as a teacher or or is that the same thing it's just you've been the coach for so many years again based on the contract I usually go through the chart and look at the steps and see maybe after a certain number of years they get longevity okay for a position for for that position right okay all right and then the last one was e I'm sorry that was f um and this just a curious um we are spending money on the training I think Wilson's a great program and I know this district has been very good with a lot of the teachers that already have it and been doing it but um I know it's from a grant funded but are we so what happens if a teacher here does not get their sort I'm I'm assuming this is like any kind of other certification where you take a test at the end right and they say okay you passed you can teach my class my my Wilson stuff so it's actually pretty involved yeah so do they if they don't I mean is it everyone is guaranteed the pass or if they don't pass what do we do like do they are they not allowed to be involved next year in it they're not allowed to be involved in the multier level of support that we offer maybe with what with certain types of training with the students and to be honest with you we we have one of our teachers in District trained for this this is normally a 27 $2,800 course yeah but because we have the person trained we save about ,7 $1,800 per teacher through this online process because we have someone trained in this so we're getting people certified and I'll be honest with you what happens during the school year is you don't know when you have when you have a leave you need a leave replacement some of our difficult Replacements are to have somebody Wilson trained to step into a spot I mean it would be great if all the teachers could be well I know you guys in education might have a little failing but I've seen it work so I I think it's a great program you have I just want to make sure like even though the money is being invested in it you know like um you know it's it's if somebody doesn't pass it you know I mean is a return rate always or do teachers normally just pass these certifications do we ever have a situation where somebody goes for a certification online and then we have sometimes they they may be signed up for a certification and don't go through with it in the past but uh I think we have a great level of success we have committed dedicated teachers that usually put the time in to pass the course and like I said at we're say we're saving a great a great deal of money on the course the way we have it set up with in District as well to save us 17 $800 uh 178 $1,800 per teacher for this situation and it's it's always nice to have like when like a need might present itself after we we do some of the testing dur the year where a a student needs Wilson support and if we don't have a Wilson certified teacher there to help support that student or you know we're we're holding the student back on uh making uh reading progress at early age which is some of the the key ages to pick up the reading skills yeah you good yep I'm good if they don't pass do they reimburse us like I said I let me look into what's happened in the past but I I think I I would have I would have noticed something like that all all I have is I have somebody that might not they might sign up for a course and not take it and then do we get charged still no they wouldn't get charged we would ask them okay anybody else can you UNL me what G is though that program is and why for year uh leap I a multitask over there that can answer your question it's for our it's a plan that we have to submit to the state for our ESL students so it's basically asking information about how many students we have in the district how many teachers we have certified that can serve them um the breakdown of our district grade level wise things that you mean elll yes got that that's all I found out through uh the internet eligible for speech language Services okay all right if there are no further questions may I have a roll call vote Mr slam Miss Ahern yes Miss Brock yes Mr saglia yes Mr cantino yes Mr Krauss yes Dr Ross yes Mr Sweeny yes Mr Zimmerman yes subing section a number 12 motion carries okay thank you you're up item H Mr slam recommendations letter A it is recommended the board approve the submission of the application acceptance of the funds for the 2425 Perkins V CTE Grant in the following amounts Perkins Reserve $769 Federal $1,281 for a total of $952 75 letter B sent whereas the special services department has determined that individual students require special education placement based on their individual needs and whereas the special services department has DET determin that stud services are needed will continue until June 30th 2025 and whereas the special services department has DET terman the school/ service listed below is the most appropriate placement therefore be resolved the r Township Board of Education approves the contracts as listed below letter C is recommended the board approve change order number c-02 for the water filtration upgrades at Walmart Ridge school on the amount of $2,519 40 letter D is recommended the board approve the Revis renewal of food service contract for the 2425 school year between burn Township School District and M's Food Services that's attachment ws3 letter e it has recommended the board approve the proposal from R review Paving for the repaving of Glen meow middle school parking lot in the amount of $221,800 under the Morris County cooperative pricing Council contract number six letter F is reced the board approved the proposal from Riverview Paving for the repaving of abortion of the Vernon Township B school parking lot in the matter of 8,146 under Morris County cooperative pricing Council contract number six letter G is recommended the board approve the proposal from Denville line painting ink for the restriping of the Vernon tacha High School and Clen meow Middle School parking lots and the $1,975 under Morris County cooperative ricing Council contract number 36 letter H this recommend the board approve the proposal from haral e p p and Associates Inc for engineering inspection surveying and project management Services related to the Vernon Township High School and Glenn meow Middle School raving projects in an amount not to exceed $28,000 letter I on a recommendation of the business administrator the board approved excuse me the board approved to accept the funds for the needed M Lai Lai 21st century cclc continuation Grant year four in amount of $400,000 letter J is recommended the board approve the propos proposal from North Eastern interior services for the replacement of the fire doors in Vernon Township High School and amendable 107,000 for $40 under the hunon County Education Services Commission contract number HC c-s d2f thank you Mr we have a motion please so moov moved by Mr Krauss second second second by Miss Brock questions comments opinions I do Mr slam where are we getting all this money from so the Glenn Meadow project um for Paving is part of the revised budget it was on the list of projects that were on the uh revised budget that was okay yep and the high school uh High School um so high school we had uh essentially special education students that are coming back to District uh based off of the timing of these projects we're trying to time these with the town uh which is allowing us to get much better pricing uh so essentially we're transferring some funds uh from that saving the Savings in transportation for the adri student to get this project uh completed in the timing that will allow us to get the better pricing very good thank you tell me about I'm sorry ahead I want to cut you off that's okay I have a question about the um the grant that we're getting it says approve to accept the funds for the N mlow 21st century can you elaborate on that because that's a pretty big amount so that would be our that's the grant we filled out for one thatc there for a few years so it went up in value and and it provides talk a little bit about it to after school Monday through Friday three hours day and then in the summer we have a summer program as well all the students can attend for free it pays for all the uh staff and all the activities that your students are doing uh so we've done up 4,000 which is wonderful and uh we actually just submitted uh for approval today so that we can go forward with the application process this week that's for all six seventh and eighth grade students after school that's incredible thank you do we know what cclc stands for 21st century Community Learning Center okay cool good job with that acronym after school program for yes where okay great a day in the summer amazing and we're looking an opportunity I believe at after next year or another year to try to expand that to other schools if possible it's very valuable for Glenn meow it really is for the kid for the kids is is does it look like that Grant is gonna stick around for a while or any word from the state or yeah it has been so far okay so is this our third or fourth year our this is this will be our fourth I'm sorry Mr slam what about the uh what filtration upgrades tell us about the the change order so during that project um essentially it was determined that the water is being discharged into a pipe um that is leading out and was blocked so essentially the pipe is being scoped uh the water is being routed um so we no longer have an issue with the the water backing up there essentially so the pipe is being scoped cleaned out it's being cleaned out and rerouted 25,000 anybody have any other questions comments opinions I have a question just because I'm not clear on how it works do we currently have Partnerships with these vendors or were these things put out for bid so we are part of the co-op so and um at some point I'm going to have a training on searching I just kind of got sidetracked all the budget presentations um so essentially when you have a Cooperative you're a member of The Cooperative The Cooperative themselves actually go out to bid now the positive side of that is when there's a Cooperative they have kind of we'll say a bigger net right so there's going to be more people interested in getting a Cooperative bid because that's going to be potentially hundreds of schools and in this case it's schools and towns and municipalities whereas if we were just to go out to bid uh there may not be as many people interested less competition maybe not as good not as good L's compation usually means not as good pricing right um so as being since we're a member of this Cooperative we don't have to go out the bid they went out the bid for us already so now we can use the contract that they awarded through their process that makes sense thank you so the the f and g are with the Mars County cooperative and J is with The Hunton County correct yep and uh for the uh Paving projects uh kind of mentioned a little uh but we've been working with uh the town engineer uh and he's been helping us coordinate our Paving uh of the parking lot at Glen Meadow and repaving a portion of the high school parking lot with the timing of the town's repaving of Roads uh now what that does is we're already a member um of these cooperatives uh however generally it's tough to get big companies like that up here to S parking lot but since they're already Paving roads uh they're more than happy to tackle on a couple parking lots uh while they're already um mobilized and is the town engineer this Harold P and Associates is that uh yeah that that's the firm that he he he works with it's Corey Stoner is the town engineer so we don't have to go out for bid on that because of the amount uh service and it's a service no service okay thank you does it does a town can't they Pro don't they do striping I mean were they able to help us out with striping instead of having to Source it out ourselves um so I'm not sure if the town does their own striping uh but this striping right here was coordinated through the town engineer okay um so it's probably who they use in most yeah and it's under the same contract so with you know I don't know specifically but I would assume that if he kind of arranged it through that Co-op and that's probably the co-op that they generally Ed to but I'd have to look into that farther I'm not 100% sure on that and then I just had one more question about the uh B extraordinary Aid portion of the outo district is this stuff um and know extraordinary Aid we don't always guarantee to get we paid for but this stuff has been filed that we can maybe get reimbursed for portion so the way that the extraordinary Eid application works is um and I don't have the cut off off the top of my head but essentially there's a certain number uh related for public schools and a certain number for private schools or anything over that dollar amount you can then apply uh for Extraordinary Aid to try to get some reimbursement so we're still on yeah so well it would be at the end of the year so the it's a report that's done uh at the end of the year so we would add up everything from that year and that's what we' use for the report okay so so it would be the total cost for one student at that school any any uh Services associated with it and then you would look at the cut off number and anything above that would be applicable um the cut off number generally is better uh to for private schools because private private schools you can usually do a little better with and that's why we use Ida uh which is a grant a Federal grant that we can pay for tuition for we us use that towards public schools because it's not quite um there's there's more of an advantage to go with the private school for short a to the cut off number our our school year ends August is that the summer would be included at the end of the year or so uh June 30th uh the school year ended and then so this is we're at the very beginning of the next year okay ready one quick question sure so the items that were on the revised budget are these amounts in line with what was on the budget or are they over under so um for Glenn Meadow initially we were looking at repaving um just the bottom Loop and the top Loop it wasn't going to include repaving of all the Lots um the additional lots are just going to be resealed and then restriped uh how we're going through the co-op uh we're actually able to repave and restripe everything for the same cost as what was in the revised budget so that's where that advantage of the timing of hey they're up there Paving roads they don't mind throwing in you know a parking lot we have to work the timing out so that's something that you know each year you know as we have Paving projects uh we could work with the town engineer on to see if the town also has Paving happening which I imagine they most likely do because there's a lot of Paving M happen you have to break it up um where we could take advantage of that again in the future and same thing with the high school were we able to get so with the High School uh when the cost came in lower for Glenn Meadow um and then I saw that we had savings and transportation that portion of the high school wasn't part of the revised budget but we're going to do a transfer uh to fund that right so that's the portion of the high school that where the Ada parking is um where it's probably the worst portion of the high school other than the curbing at the front of the school it's probably the worst Asphalt in that area so we're unable to repay all the high school because that would be very expensive so we have to break it out into the sections and that was the worst section uh we're also going to be doing um some um uh herbing and sidewalk replacement in that section uh and part of it is timing that because we want that to happen before you do the repaving and we're going to work with uh the town on that as well or the town um engineer thank you Mr slam it's important that you know it's nice to get some repaving done for the best price yeah appreciate it always looking for savings I anybody else roll call please miss Brock yes Mr smaca yes Mr cantino yes Mr Krauss yes Dr Ross yes Mr Sweeney yes Mr Zimmerman yes Miss aern yes motion carries okay item I public participation for any items not on the agenda please uh limit your comments to five minutes and uh the motion the the meeting is open to the public introduce yourself and what municipality are you from I just wanted to talk a little bit about the uh Wilson Reading Program I am a Wilson level one practitioner and so I wanted to share some of my knowledge that I've gained over the past six years um it's the program is designed it's um it's test as you go and it's it when I say it's rigorous it's like it is rigorous you have one chance to pass the test you don't pass the test you can continue taking the program but you won't receive certification so anyone who invests their time um is highly motivated to to do the work um Additionally the work you do when working with a practicum student is done before or after school hours so anyone who's doing the W schol program is highly motivated and they already were because they signed up wanting to um level one certification is really part of our tier one and tier 2 intervention in the RTI model um it it's used in every classroom uh every day it's part of our um foundations bonics program Wilson foundations is there Al together um and the teachers work collaboratively so CPT is alive with uh talking tier one and tier two and who didn't get 80% and has to go back and retach and retest um more teachers we have that are trained the better for our students and then when a student pops up we have tier one intervention ready we have tier two intervention and teachers who are trained to read the data and respond for the students um I just completed my 60 hours of independent research ification and it was as rigorous as the first time but this time I didn't have a trainer from Wilson to kind of help me out as I hit any bumps in the road so it was rigorous it was a it was a fun June um it's a really great way to catch early intervene and release students who just need that additional support so that they can um continue to learn to read write and thank you thank you anybody else um we have anybody on line we have one attendee no one stands up okay there's nobody who else who wants to say anything I close that section of the meeting and move on to open board member forum does anybody have an item that they would like to discuss I just wanted I just wanted to thank you for adding this this this uh meeting in to hire all these extra uh these positions that we that are Des that are needed for our district that will help support our students in our learning so uh thank you for passing the budget and getting this me meeting so we can hire people that are ready to start to start of school year Mr um I would just like to thank and acknowledge um Mr slam Mr Rogers mayor Rossy the Town Council engineer Stoner for doing the shared services to get the parking lots done or much more than we could have afforded so since I've been here it's the first time I've seen it on that level so I hopefully it'll be the beginning of something mooving on thank you good point Ray good point nobody else motion to adjourn so Mr Mr Zimmerman second Mr cantino all in favor I world's record it is it is finish