e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay last night all right I'm going to call the burn Township Board of Education public meeting of June June 20th to order may I have a roll call please Mr slam Miss Ahern here miss Brock here Mr samaga here Mr cantino Mr Krauss here miss pellet here Dr Ross Mr Sweeney here Mr Zimmerman here we have a quorum okay is recommend that the board enter close session for the purposes of discussing legal personnel and student matters may I have a motion please so moved moved by Mr Zimmerman second by Miss pellet all in favor we are in closed session e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e that's all it was a good way to lose weight for the summer all right okay it is recommended that the board return to open session may I have a motion so move by Mr KRA second by Mr Zimmerman all in favor okay we are in Open Session uh Mr slam may I have a roll please miss Ahern here miss Brock here Mr saglia here Mr cantino Mr Krauss here miss bellet Dr Ross Mr Sweeney here Mr Zimmerman here we have quum okay may please uh rise and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you Mr slam a reading of the meeting notices please the new J open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the ACT bernon Township Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be published an adequate notice has been provided and a no notice this meeting has been properly posted in accordance with the New Jersey open public meeting law uh just a quick note the next combined uh work session SL public meeting is Thursday July 25th uh as of right now okay thank you Mr slam okay uh approval of the minutes may I have a motion to approve the minutes as listed so move move by Mr Krauss seconded by miss pet uh let's take a roll call vote please miss Ahern seen as I wasn't on the board at this time Miss Brock yes Mr smackle obstain when noted but yes for the rest Mr Krauss yes Miss pellet yes Mr Sweeny yes Mr Zimmerman yes abstain we're noted motion carries okay president's report thank you Mr SL president's report I feel like we all breathe a sigh of relief after both the eighth grade advancement and the high school graduation ceremonies these past two days they were very nice Affairs I want to congratulate both the eighth graders now freshmen and the senior class of 2024 as well as their families I would also like to thank the administration and our entire staff who worked tirelessly this year under circumstances that were not ideal we are looking forward to September when we can begin under very different conditions the side of relief is only brief as we are gearing up for a very active summer as tonight's agenda clearly shows it also appears that we will be adding a work session for July we will be scheduling a work session on the of the board for July 11th to address Personnel issues suar projects and board goals among other items over the past few days I have been reviewing board policies for the purposes of changing our committees and reforming both both our currently existing committees and forming the new committees according to the direction received uh during previous board meetings accordingly the following committees are reformed with some of our newer members as follows special services will be myself Mrs Ahern and Mr cantino partnership will be Miss pellet Miss Ahern Mr Zimmerman and myself curriculum will be M pellet M Ross I'm sorry Dr Ross Mr kuss and Miss Ms Brock the finance SL buildings and grounds committee remains unchanged or Untouched by me in accordance with previous advices from New Jersey school boards Association due to a potential conflict of interests and the finance buildings and grounds committee is Mr Zimmerman Ms pellet Mr samaga and Mr Krauss the new committees are the following are new commities as directed or requested by the board community relations will be will consist of Mr cantino Miss Brock Miss Ahern and Miss Ross Dr Ross and policy will be Mr Shaga Mr Krauss misss Brock and Dr Ross at the last board meeting two ad hoc committees were created a cell phone ad hoc and an absenteeism ad hoc committee the board members on those committees are Mr Zimmerman and M Ross for a cell phone ad hoc and the absenteeism is M pellet and Mr Krauss the cell phone committee will look at the use of cell phones in our schools and come up with recommendations regarding usage the absenteeism ad hoc committee will look will look at improving attendance both committees have been formed with the overall goal of improving student performance in the classroom Mr Rogers will be naming the remaining members of each committee as both Administration and staff will want to weigh in considerably on these significant issues and it's even been suggested that members of the public participate a master scheduled draft of all meeting dates will be created in the very near future and will be discussed massaged and revised at the next work session I look forward to working with everyone in the coming months and that's the end of my comments item I public participation for agenda items only anybody in the audience have any comments that they would like to make for agenda item having none do we have anybody online who would like to comment we do not okay Mr Rogers item J moving right along we're pleased to announce that the Vernon Township High School students artists of the month have their artwork displayed at the board office as well as a municipal building I had the pleasure this last week to attend a very warm and enjoyable uh eighth grade advancement ceremony and 12th grade uh graduation ceremony congratulations to all those advancing to the high school and all those uh seniors who graduated from high school as well it was it was a very uh heartwarming ceremony for for both uh students grade levels uh the Jazz at the flats concerts took place on June 5th and June 12th this is always an enjoyable evening for burden residents uh the vths bo boys volleyball team captured their first ever n Jack title and won the first round in the state tournament over a highly seated team the girls lacrosse girls called lacrosse player Sydney vassel finished her High School career second in alltime goals for Vernon scoring 230 goals in four Varsity Seasons who's first boy you put me on the spot there huh no you don't know I'll get in trouble I think there's a there's a there's a couple names I can name and if I'm wrong I will get myself in trouble so I will get back to you on okay I met I met Sydney last night at graduation she's lovely young lady yes her mother graduated this at high school with me the same year uh in Glen Meadow track eighth grader Sam Silva broke the high jump and the 200 meter County record the girls track team took first overall in both the disc rampone relay Invitational and the county finals Samantha Janice took first in 100 meter and 200 meter and second in high jump Sam and Samantha both earned MVP of the county finals and will be freshman next year I had the pleasure of attending the Chuck Evers playground dedication on May 30th family and friends along with distri administrators and board members at attended the ceremony we're able to present preschool students uh play on the new equipment nice there's many other things in my report it's is in an attachment next are my recommendations there's a couple changes I need to make in this it's recommended that the board approve the following uh TR everything as listed I want to make a correction on line 73 there summer hours so it should be $1850 an hour not to exceed $1,554 that's page one of theendum I believe yes this the last two pages in the uh sorry book again 73 it should be 1850 an hour not to exceed 1 1554 on line 75 should be $18 an hour not to exceed $1,796 it doesn't have what line 75 on page one do it say Corrections yes they're corre they're Corrections on page two uh we have that there twice letter X it could be crossed out we made that into the agenda we had it on the addendum as well so we don't need it in both places so X is off yes on the addendum and on page 13 it says uh the clinician for the positions which commences on this is letter F on page 13 it says it commences on 624 till 712 it should be 624 2024 to 830 2024 I'm sorry where was that page 13 uhuh letter F okay the clinician Position will commence on 624 20124 to 8:30 2024 not 712 the amounts are correct it's just a it's a longer period of time over the summer again it's a quite a long table here of approximately 59 here I go 67 different uh positions transfers uh appointments Etc letter B it is recommended that a board approve the following staff for salary replacement on the vtaa contract for the 2024-25 school year that's on page nine page 10 it is recommended that a board approve the following staff for summer 2024 curriculum work letter D it is recommend the board approve the following positions for the Glen metal Middle School summer cclc program which runs Mondays through Thursdays and commences on 78224 to 81224 all to be paid with 21st century Community Learning Grant Center funds I think I had page 13 twice didn't I no oh it was my correction sorry uh letter e it is recommended that the board approve the following positions for the 2024-25 cclc program all to be paid with 21st century Community Learning Center Grant funds letter F is where I made the correction is recommended the board approve the following summer clinici and except summer uh acceleration positions will commence on 624 to 8:30 2024 letter G it is recommended that a board approve the following staff for summer CST meetings at the rate of $40 per meeting letter H it is recommended that the board approve the following staff for summer evaluations at the rate of $400 per evaluation as per the 2023 26 contract letter I it is recommended that a board approve the following positions for DT bths sum acceleration program which runs Mondays through Fridays with the exception of uh July 4th and commences on 624 2024 through 712 2024 letter J it has recommend the board approve the following appointments for the 2024 extended school year program which runs Mondays through Fridays from 71 uh 2024 to 726 2024 with the exception of July 4th and July 5th letter K is recommended that the board appro approve the following appointment for summer maintenance workers effective July 1st 2024 through August 3 30th 2024 letter L it is recommended that the board approve the certified Personnel for nights back attendance Beyond statement amount rate of $50 per night back letter M it is recommended that a board approve this person as a local coordinator for the de Devon shenice as a local coordinator for the international program for the 2024 25 school year local coordinator positions are hired and paid by educa education for international program letter N is recommended the board approve the revised 2024-25 esy RPO hourly rate of step four $35 per hour letter O it is recommended that the board approve the following 2024-25 statement appointments as listed below what a few pages for all the Sens in the fall winter spr letter P it is recommended that the board approve the following list of appointments of part-time aids for the 2024-25 school year effective 95224 letter q it is recommended that the board approve the following part-time a transfers and change of assignments for the 20242 school year letter r is recommended that the board approved professional development travel that the complies with provisions of New Jersey statutes annotated 18a 11-12 for the Vern School District employees listed in the chart that follows tile two funded and pltw Grant funded letter s it is recommended that the board approve the harassment intimidation and bullying school safety and random drug testing reports letter T it is recommended that the board approve the 2023-24 student safety data systems report for period one attachment a letter U it is recommended the board permit the superintendent to fill any vacancies that occur after the 620 2024 board meeting and before the 725 2024 board meeting the recommendation for all hiring will appear on the agenda of the next public meeting all positions must be within the parameters of the school year 2024-25 budget or deemed necessary by students IEP letter V it is recommended that the board approve the job descriptions for instructional teacher coach and District clinician letter W it is recommended that the board accept the submission and approval of the ARP safe return return plan attachment B and I didn't make it into double letters for you oh boy it's a lot to digest may I have a a motion to approve the uh some 20 some odd recommendations thank you uh motion by Mr Krauss seconded by Miss pellet uh discussion I have a question what is nights back I have a question for that too item l those are from anything from attending different uh competitions Etc on their own that aren't necessarily part of the the contract or or stien that they have I have a list of of all these night backs here uh with me as well for what program is it yeah I don't understand what it is it's like junior junior County band auditions at Jefferson Middle School uh junior Band Rehearsal hosted at GL Middle School I believe we do not have a stien for the Middle School ban so without opening up the contract and uh creating a stien as with a sidebar uh we went through compensation time yes okay and and it's not to exceed those amounts I think those are the ones that have been submitted for the year okay I have a question about item n what page is that on two down from L page page 15 thank you why do we have a step we don't this is just for uh esy we don't have a step for on on any sort of guide page 15 page 15 item n as in Nancy okay the uh revised esy RPO hourly rate a lot of the the r there were several different rates for the summer for rpos so instead of uh getting mixed up between the uh esy and uh other types of rates we wanted to be standardized so that one one rate wasn't wasn't different than than another another rate so that we had to uh people apply based on wants for the program okay a thing I have all of these positions the the AIDS uh don't we normally in the past have we've been doing these mostly closer to the start of the year and it's cre a lot of problems because uh they didn't know what their set hours were so we have been very uh aggressively trying to give them their hours ahead of time so instead of uh in August a couple weeks before school starting the hours don't necessarily work for AIDS and and they can't meet our needs or they have other jobs it's it's a lot easier to have this done now so if there's any sort of issues we can work on them before so that we could we could uh we could get the the best possible candidates for AIDS positions and people who have worked for us already in in the position that best meets in needs other students count great I mean some of them are like n cents different the steps possibly is it steps some of it yes I think they have a step they have a step column there so does it mean could that be a typo typo for example like on the on page uh 22 about uh halfway down item P there's one for $19.72 and then there's another one for $19.89 is that the we're going years experience we're going to look into the contract right now P down 22 right I mean a lot of them are the same couple that like 1980 and 1989 and yeah I guess it's like N9 cents difference for a year experience based on birthdays so are these uh positions that means the IEPs are all ready to go for next year right yes but they're always subject to change which is why you'll see some of the uh addendums later in the year as well okay okay probably just based on a step two is 1980 three is 1989 we looked at go ahead Ray we have hourly rates based on steps here so part time a uh right into the mic uh part-time AIDS uh from the contract 2425 Step One is 1972 an hour step two is 1980 an hour step three is 1989 an hour and step four is $20 24 cents an hour and that's never mind talk contract anybody have any other question Charles yeah I have I just have a couple things so I guess the first thing is not much of a question anymore because we you did make the change um I just want to make a point of it is you have ntees here and I know you Chang the date for uh letter F but previously nte was almost impossible possible to reach so when we're when we're doing the ntees are they are they practical or are we just putting a number out there I didn't go through and every check every single one but that one was a uh page 13 letter F letter F yeah and and because before you change the date it was 15 days so there was almost 12 hours a day that the person would have to work to reach that nte well they they put the they put the sum summer academic uh Credit Recovery down Ates down in this area instead of over the whole summer which it should have been okay because originally it was tied to that program and now we see the need and and and and the benefit of this program and we're running it over the entire summer so that instead you know doing that within three weeks would not have been possible okay so it used to be tied to the other program they they broke it out when they broke it out they didn't change the date change okay but normally we're looking at those dates and it's they're all I mean I probably will check now in the future but it just one stood out so we're you you guys do review and make sure those ntees are doable not we're not just throwing numbers and saying oh yes we meet we meet with the people for the summer hours and explain the their requirements okay so a lot of times they're looking for this on the agenda as well so if they look and they see a mistake as well they'll reach out they're going listen we're supposed to be working for the whole summer we we do make mistakes okay so when we we find those mistakes we'll correct them if we didn't correct them now we would have done it in July but it's very important for those roles to commence as soon as possible because the level of support for our students okay and um this's another question longevity so I'm looking at p with the part-time AIDS um yeah part-time AIDS I just want how does longevity work so when they start in September do they get paid or is this if they stay the in completion of the year or until I guess their work Runs Out do they get paid for that longevity what page are you on Charles uh uh P item P item P oh sorry 22 page 22 p is about five pages long so I appreciate it I I believe it's once they've made the uh once they've made the longevity it's part of their their um anniversary date I guess is that what it is then that'll be more of a payroll question I know we have this discussion all the time so if if they're making x amount it's from the previous years of that's how they they achieve the longevity oh so so once they get that number that is distributed through the regular paychecks but is it distributed in the beginning of the year or no it's probably I I don't know for sure but it's my understanding that it's equally equally yeah it should be equally and it uh it's for continuous service okay so my my question I guess is if somebody quit in September right they don't they wouldn't get the full amount they would get partire that's correct okay um and then the the last thing I had was uh uh V uh about the instructional teacher coaches now I I I think I have a great good understanding about this and and I've talked to a couple people over the weekend that we're in education about um about this so I I'm not sure if 100% on board with with this or I understand it um but I I I trust you Russ and I trust that you wouldn't put something on here that you didn't believe could benefit the students so I guess how we track it I would like to see and I know we're not doing the goals yet but when you have your goals I would like to see this as a goal with metrics that we can review throughout the year because I would like to see how well this program does that's great because the administrative discussion after the last board meeting was um setting parameters and how to uh had a monitor this they to report back to the board as well as to what type of student grow growth are we showing what kind of success are we having in in our full Intervention Program supported by interventionists and instructional teacher coaches okay I think that was a good question Char and especially since we are hiring so many you know early in their career people these instructional cultures will become even more valuable yes I'm I'm very proud to you know announce and if you see who we've appointed to these positions I'm very confident in their abilities and the impact they'll be on buron Township uh School District education I think sometimes our mentoring programs are not maybe up to snuff but we need to support these people and you know bring them along and I don't know if I'm happy with one of the pointies and that's because I think that that person's a really really great teacher and and I I don't think and I I think kids in the high school gonna miss out but hopefully they get that learning now from earlier on the conversation I always have with the people that apply that us you know you have a greater deal of responsibility now to impact uh many more students in your new role and not only students but uh teachers and administrators and supporting administrators and helping teachers uh grow and learn as well yeah if that teach so uh one more thing the last thing I have is on page six item number 22 seems to be redundant with page 15 item m m as in Michael it is the same position it looks like it's one is written in the chart one is written something yeah local coordinator okay what we do you want to take it off the appointment or the letter ad would this be more encompassing so take it up chart yeah we'll remove it from the chart and we'll leave letter so cross out number 22 please anybody else meing that there are no more no further questions we'll have a roll call vote please that's okay no apologies necessary 31 but you have five minutes Miss Ahern yes Miss Brock yes Mr smag yes Mr Krauss yes Miss pellet Mr Sweeney yes Mr zimin yes obain on letter P page 22 number two second one down and on page 26 24 down well under B so was page 22 number two and page 26 number 24 24 thank you or four from the bottom okay motion carries okay thank you all right item K business administrator report Mr slam I did go into the double letters I saw that significantly by the way you had lots of homework for before tonight it it has been a busy month um so uh informational items uh use of Bones of grounds as noted below that's item one uh page item one a rather uh letter B uh field trips as noted below number two it's recommendations it is recommended that the board approve the following Financial reports list of checks number 9277 through 9 2988 for June 2024 in the amount of 1, 35354 90 that's attachment F1 list of hand checks for May 2024 an amount of 4,787 49320 that's attachment F2 transfers for May 2024 that's attachment F uh three and then purchase orders for May 2024 in the amount of $24,988 24 that's attachment F4 approval of the board secretaries and treasures reports as noted below attachment F5 and F6 Transportation quotes uh letter c as noted below for quoted routes quoted trips addenda uh June contract theendum and then we also have our 2000 uh our bids that we received on May 202 uh 22nd 2024 for 2425 uh bids received on May 23rd 2024 for extended school year for 2425 I'll keep it as noted below because there are a significant number number of Parental contracts uh letter D is recommended the board approve transportation to include routes field trips and athletic transportation for the 2425 school year as shown below with the breakdowns on attachment F7 e uh sent received 2024 25 whereas special services department has determined that individual students require special education placement based on their individual needs and whereas the special services department has determined that services are needed and will continue until June 30th 2025 and whereas the special services department has determined that schools service listed below is the most appropriate placement therefore be resolved that the Vernon Township Board of Education approves the contracts as listed below now the second part of letter e is for received contracts for the 2324 school year whereas the special services department has determined that placement within burning Township School District special education program is appropriate based on students individual needs and we're as the special services department to determine that services are need will continue until June 30th 2024 therefore be resolved the burn Board of Education approves the contracts as listed below letter F it is recommended that the board approve the disposition of the following items as they either obsolete or indust rep pair letter G there is recommended the board approve the employment contract for Raymond slam School business ad Ministry board secretary for the 2425 school year with an annual salary of $175,100 letter H is recommended the board approv the Fidelity 403b and 457b plans as independent annuity funds letter I application for dual use of educational space be it resolved that the Vern Township Board of Education approves the Cedar Mountain primary schools rooms number 206 and number 202 to uses dual use classrooms for the 2425 school year are the resolved to direct the superintendent and business administrator sport secretary executes it application on behalf of the r Township Board of Education to the Sussex County Superintendent New Jersey Department of Education letter J application for toilet room facil facilities for early intervention pre kindergarten preschool programs and kindergarten classrooms Bri resolve that the Veron tallship Board of Education approves a submitt of the 2425 application for toilet room facilities for early intervention pre kindergarten preschool programs and kindergarten classrooms at wridge school the direct the district elects to use those alterntive method of compliance in according to accordance with njx 626- 6.24 II by providing toilet rooms adjacent to or outside the classroom and L of individual toilet rooms in each classroom for the resolved to direct superintendent business administrator such board secretary execute said application on behalf of the V Township Board of Education to the Sussex County Superintendent New Jersey of Education rooms in wart Ridge as listed below letter K is recommended the board approve approve Raymond slam School business prbo secretary to issue payment of bills for June 21 2024 through July 25th 2024 prior to the next regularly scheduled board meeting at July 25th 2024 and with the approval and consent of the superintend of schools and then present said bills to the board of educa to the board at the July 25th 2024 meeting for the ratification in accordance with njsa 18a 19- 411 letter L is very similar except is between July 26 2024 through August 22nd 2024 and they'll be presented at the next regularly scheduled meeting in August at August 22 2024 letter M is recommended the board approve the Glenn meadow middle school classroom Grant from vision's Federal Credit Union in the amount of $500 the purchase of an Apple iPad and apple pencil letter N it was recommended the board approved the agreement between bernon Township Board of Education and Atlantic health system in parenthesis here is Spartan Urgent Care for the provision of medical services including drug and alcohol testing and physical examinations back to July 1 2024 through June 30th 2025 is recommended the board approve renewing the policy alert and support system contract with Strauss SM Associates LP for July 1st 20124 through June 30 2025 the total cost is $496 letter P is recommended that the board approve to accept the following restricted total donation of $3,189 Lon H School sea this donation will be utilized for an anti- Bing assembly and an ice cream truck for all LHS students as a breakdown of that cost below letter Q do recommended the board approved raming SL the business administrator board secretary in accordance with njsa 18a 18 A- 21b authorize to publicly receive bids and seal them and announce the contents in absence or an availability of the qualified purchasing agent the Board of Education authorizes plan catcher assistant to the business administrator to publicly receive bids unsealed them announce the contents the effective of date this recommendation is July 1st 2024 through June 30 2025 letter r it is recommended that the board approve the software license agreement with system 3000 Inc and the bur Township Board of Education down 12,472 back to July 1st 2024 through J June 30th 2025 letter s is recommended that the board approve voler specially group student accident insurance or noal proposal in the amount of $5,256 and premum amount of $ 4,169 effective August 1st 2024 through July 31st 2025 letter T is recommended the board approve cro accident student voluntary coverage letter U is recommended the board approve the certification of implementation for the corrective action plan for the fiscal year 2223 audit letter V is recommended the board approve Rin Goldman and Spitzer uh Tony salamini as Bond Council letter W it is recommended that the board approve deposits the capital maintenance Reserve as follows whereas njsa 18a 22-2 and njsa 18a 7 g-13 perent a Ed Board of Education to establish and or deposit into certain Reserve accounts a year end and whereas the forementioned statutes authorized procedures under the authority of the commissioner on education which permit a board education to transfer anticipated excess current revenue or un expended Appropriations in reserve accounts during the month of June by board resolution and whereas the burn and Township Board of Education wishes to deposit anticipated current year available funds in capital and maintenance Reserve Accounts at yearn and whereas the ver Township Board of Education will transfer m is not to exceed $300,000 into the maintenance Reserve account for this purpose and whereas the buron Township Board education will transfer money is not to exceed $700,000 into the burning capital reserve account for this purpose now therefore be resolved by the Vern Township board ofation that hereby authorizes the district school business administrator make these transfers consistent with all applicable laws and regulations letter X it was recommended the board approved the town tax levy payment schedule for the 2425 school year that's attachment f8 letter Y it was recommended the board approve Skyland urgent care for mandatory School drug and alcohol testing for the 2425 school year letter Z it is recommended that the board approve safe at the school Alliance Insurance Fund assessment proposal for the 2425 fund year in the AM of 1 million 44 31,1 20117 that's attachment F9 double A it is um recommended that the board approve the application for participation in the 2024 eir comp competition Proposal with New Jersey tutoring Corps effective January 1st 2025 through December 31st 2029 at no cost to the district BB is recommended that the board approve the following quotes from hon County at Services Commission for their placement of fire doors in the amounts listed below that's attachment F10 cc is recommended the board approve the proposal for professional design uh services for the one R School reconfiguration schematic design and njd submission by EI Associates in amount of $18,500 DD is is recommended that the board approve the proposal for architectural and engineering design services with the kitchen replace equipment replacement at six schools by EI Associates and the amounts listed below to be paid out of fund 60 phase one $145,200 phase two $155,000 be is reced by the business administrator and that's Food Service management company the board approve a 25 C increase for breakfast at each level and 25 cent increase for lunch at each level as uh listed below FF letter FF it is recommended that the board approve authorizing execution and delivery of the grant agreement for replacement of windows at Glenn meadow middle school Under doe project number 536 6-25 d25 r501 SE project number 5360 d2525 dg5 yl and Grant number G5 d739 GG is recommended that the Border approv delegation of authority to school business business administrator for supervision of the school facilities project for replacement windows at Glen Meadow Middle School under doe project and I'll say that of the numbers that I just listed in FF to spare if you want me to go through that again isend there is one addendum that is letter HH read that whole thing right I can if you want to no it is recommended that the board approv the Honeywell uh project development agreement and selection of Esco for implementation of an energy savings Improvement project otherwise known as an EIP as follows thank you Mr slam let's have a motion please for those uh some odd 30 some odd moved moved by Mr zman second second second by miss pet been an auctioner that was some reading there discussion please I have good question one and under item C there's a bunch of sports stps and another why are they all type of expense under board would it be under Athletics or something a high school what page is it Mr 36 35 and 36 but we pay for all yeah so it's still out of the um general fund budget but it's the uh transportation and Athletics portion of the general fund budget okay and then I know you just spoke a lot but we do have a lot of newer members and maybe people from the public if you give the cliff noos version what esep is uh so we had mentioned I think at a few other meetings that we were looking at pursuing an esip so that's an energy savings Improvement project right um we are going the route of a national cop through Omnia uh to select Honeywell as essentially the Expo so they're going to be the company that um goes through and does an investment grade audit uh we then have another audit that will be done by the state uh this will be the basis to see what type of savings uh we would have uh through this program then once those savings are determined wait that's an energy audit energy audit yes sorry not not Financial energy audit for uh def Energy savings uh so the idea being that once those savings are determined you can have options that you can pick um to improve to both do these energy projects but also do a certain percentage of the of the savings can go into other capital projects I think it's 15% I'd have to double check um so the way it works is over the however many years that those savings are projected you would fund it through a bond but instead of the bond being financed through Debt Service it would be financed through the regular operating budget and it would be funded through the money that you otherwise would have spent on electricity or oil essentially so you're reducing your energy spending and you're then using that money to pay the bond payments over those number of years so then you can get capital projects uh and energy projects uh completed with those funds and the idea is that it's supposed to be an either a a it has to be a net zero impact to the budget or uh result on the savings to the budget so these bonds though wouldn't be going out to vote for the public to pay for it would increase taxes it would be self- sustaining yeah so it would be self exactly it would be self sustaining based off of the Energy savings um and then part of one of the things that we can pursue as part of this is is a guarantee that those savings will be there and then if they're not honey well will be paying the difference to us right thank you very much and is that the reason for the bond Council being hired yep that's the reason for the bond Council uh we would also be working with a municipal advisor which we already have a municipal advisor so we'll be working with both both those individuals uh to ensure that um essentially we're you know cross R adding our eyes go uh correctly going out for financing through Bond um and that we get the best rates that we can and can the bond Council fees be included in that savings yeah that can be incl that's included in the Eep okay y as as would honey Well's fees they would be included in the EIP as well thank you um I just have a question about um item n and item why and why do we use one why do we use Atlantic health for um I guess it's Al Dr and alcohol tting and then we also use Skylands from what is one for are they for different purposes they're both they both say drug and Al uh so it's for the it's for the same purpose uh so when I came on uh one of the comments I heard was that it's a pretty far drive the Newton uh so then we looked in the Skylands and were able to add them so now they're essentially two op okay well also that and it's it's less driving for parents because skylines is in so okay I see um so and and I did notice that this is great that you you know we did this anti-bullying assembly and I guess we do things like that but what are we doing about um assemblies to do with VAP to do with helping students with um preventing vaping and understanding the dangers of drug use do we have I think I've included some emails on some of the programs are ran in in gleno I believe but that would be a question directly for the administration we never seem to spend money on though so is that just like I mean because I've never seen one listed here that we had to vote on and so what makes this one that we voted on an expense I'm not positive but I believe that there have been something we voted on but dare program at all do do we have dare yeah I think M yeah it's it's it's called again it's a different name now Mrs vanon reported out on that assembly and the results of that as well but I I can get with the the building principles and probably report out I think I've asked them before I don't know if I reported that I'd love to see that because we just we do have a lot of issues with that and I'd like to know that we're properly resourcing it um and then also we used to get a monthly random drug test report and I don't we still do we do where is that in the ber somewhere s can we can we get that in our like added here it's just a page right can we just add it to our so we all see it with the uh the person out the uh student uh population and all those other and yeah we get it every work session we do okay I just haven't noticed it WS attachments and all that it's yeah I usually go through them but I I feel like we haven't gotten them cons we get them every month we've been getting them every month I believe on a regular basis okay so do we have a sense of how we're doing with that is it is are we yes I believe we' reported out to the board I think there were something data that was asked for several months ago we where we were at and that was a that was taking all those reports and compiling them together and sending them to the board for to view okay I thought that wasn't complet I thought we were still collecting that and I we were but at that was a snapshot at that time of of all that data okay so now we have it for up to year end right for this year because before we couldn't tell from this year how we were compared to last year because the year wasn't over so just wanted to make sure we can so maybe we can update that with the latest um information and you're looking at the random drug testing yeah I was curious about that because I know we changed the policy and I'm I'm wondering if I don't want to revisit policy right now but um we had a certain number that we were required to do every month and apparently now we have up to that number so I'm wondering does that mean we're not doing as many Yes again I think I believe I sent an email out to the entire board uh talking about the impact of uh the new uh drug laws and what an impact it's had on schools Across the Nation and I believe our our own our own board of education a lawyer had an article that I share with the Board of Ed as well on that topic I just think we should talk about it publicly as well because it is a very um prominent issue in our town and we getting emails to the board is great but you know we need to kind of inform the public that this is an issue our students are facing and we should be working on it I just want to make sure it's clear well I'll let the public know as well these are the common discussions that we have across all of our superintendent meetings that we have on a regular basis and it's and it's about our ad hoc committees that we formed it's about uh um cell phone usage chronic absenteeism and increased using of VAP Vapes and they are very difficult topics to tackle which is why we're forming some ad hoc to try to address those and get all stakeholders involved in the decision-making process great thank you um item n that the J brought up is appear to be just related to drug test for employees whereas item Y is uh students oh where how did you I read it in on the agenda itself or or n says it is recommended the board approve the agreement between vtea a Bo of Ed and oh I see I thought it said EA I'm sorry I didn't read it right okay so but it's a good question though why do we need both well you was yeah the distance I guess because some of them have to be done within a certain no we can we can just use Highlands to close them uh we we kept both just so there was the option um because historically Skylands not Highlands yeah so historically it's always been Newton um okay so I mean if someone's more comfortable going there it's there's no difference in cost right is it or does it is do we pay for who paid we we we we pay for depending on the situation okay um and I think the cost for Nance very slightly cheaper okay okay I just I just want to note that in item it should be noted that all these renewals that we have in attachment I think it's F7 are increases by the Consumer Price Index of 5.81% I just want that noted for the record so this uh for letter d h 38 the attachment is F7 which I have in front of me yes yes any any Reno would be with a CPI at 5.81 and then if uh it's under a bid that's because the whoever had it's either a new route or if the route was already held they did not Renew at 5.81 which means that most likely we went to bed they inre is larger than that so it appears that large portion of our transportation budget is increasing 5.81% yep and the rest would be going up more and we can only increase 2% the tax L be correct which is not the full budget but does it make sense just pointing that out it's it's definitely a difficult environment for school districts to Opera in can I go yeah I'm sorry I swe everybody done Pati waiting all these parental contracts for for transportation is that because our school buses don't run on summer time and this and and these kids need to get to their school districts so each each situation is gon to be a little different but essentially um a lot of cases it saves the district money to have the parental contract instead of going through um yeah company and then in other cases uh even if that's not you know it doesn't necessarily save money it would be based off the needs of the student where it would be more appropriate for the parent the transport than because I normally I didn't see a lot of these like during the school year but only during the summer we see a bunch yeah so so they're probably all they generally are all approved at once for the next year uh during the year if you see any kind of by themselves that's because there's a new route or a new need okay our special ed routes also limited to the 5.81% uh yeah yes if it's a renewal but a lot a lot of times what happens is if they don't renew then you just have to go back out the bed I and we also try to use the um Sussex County at Services commissioner for some of that as well because what we can do is share some of these routes uh with other school districts that are also sending to those schools which saves money for sending another school district okay one more application for dual use of educational space in uh Cedar Mountain Primary School those rooms what is the Dual use for I believe there that I would have to check the double I remember I looked at the maps some of the rooms are larger rooms where they may have a divider where um they have uh one service on one side with a few students and maybe a small class on the other side so instead of uh during that period at certain times during the week there may be two different classes in there with a few students on each each side of the divider thank you couple more um the software license agreement with systems 3000 what systems 3000 is that your financial stuff yep okay all right yeah so that's that's fun counting all right and the last one I have is uh the the certification of implementation for the corrective action plan for the fiscal year 2223 what's the corrective action plan and why are we doing it from the year before uh so the audit always goes you're always the year behind right so that's the first part the second part is the corrective action plan itself was into effect after the audit was completed and this is just saying at the end of the year that everything in that corrective action plan was completed so you you certifi at theend year saying you certific that we imp that we implemented it exactly so you're telling us it was implemented and it's done yep so that was related to um transfers um the way the answers were done before where they're big groups all match together versus now they're split out more so they're easier to follow and if they're over um I think it's $50,000 there's more detail listed there as to what the transfer is related to um and then there were also um some issues with Student Activities uh related to um essentially uh the way the funds related to student businesses that were operating through uh Student Activities so we Rec corrected that where the funds now go back to the general fund account if the general fund is being used for the supplies uh for that activity I remember thank you I have one question and I'm sorry I didn't ask it when it was Russ's we already approved it but can you just explain to me why we're accepting the back to safe return plan from two years ago and we have to accept it now it's item number W on page 31 p I know my school district put it all over the board of edge stuff too that they were accepting it back to work know with the masks and all of that stuff and Co stuff I don't know why we're doing it now I believe as part of esser's uh the grant that it's required at certain intervals I forget how many every months it's it's required um but those grants are all sunsetting so yeah I understand that so that was required for a grant that's why we had to do this I believe that we're supposed to reapproved I don't know you remember how many how many months the intervals are no usually we get guidance from the state on what plans we have to submit by what dates and we go through and it's just a requirement by the state that it's a weird thing that it was a couple years ago when we came back from Co that's what that's all about right and then and it's just like now we're doing it yes well you're worried about outbreaks like I think never to use the plan but but at the same point I think they require now because of what happened several years ago to have a plan in place just in case um any any catastrophic so it's the same plan we've always had we just resubmitted very very similar yes okay thank you maybe a couple tweaks based on what we learned right sure hopefully never to be never be used again Charles I had some um so on page 39 I just had a question about the the headings here we have extraordinary Services tuition EXT EX extraordinary 10 months extraordinary Services also I understand what the tuition is and and I'm pretty sure I know what the extra ex extraordinary uh services are but are those the ones that we can maybe recover from the state is that stuff that we we are able to submit and then um under the extraordinary eth item e right E Yeah page 39 right on the bottom it might be I honestly these two columns are is that funds variable to is that funds variable to maybe yeah it depends because there's caps on um you have to hit over certain dollar amounts right when you look at tuition um and then EXT you know extraordinary Services uh things like one to one AIDS and you know other services a student may need um so it's actually different based off of a private school versus a public school uh but yes assuming that it goes over that dollar dollar cap depending on the situation then it would go into the extraordinary aid application uh which each year I don't know if everyone remembers back from one of my many budget presentations but uh the extraordinary Aid is one of the revenues uh that would have on our Revenue breakout slide it's got to meet s qualifications for for the extraordinary yeah I remember was a little not uh straightforward right coming out um page 42 was this the you don't have to really flipped to it it was the purchase of the uh iPad and apple pencil I just wanted is that that amount covers the entire thing they purchase or is there a cost associated with it it would assume to be low but is there a cost to us it's $500 to item m m um my understanding is that it's meant to cover the whole tire purchase but um i' have to check with tech to see what model and everything make sure that falls under that right because I know there's a pretty wide range when it comes to an iPad but my understanding is it should cover the whole thing okay and then uh 43 was same thing U um John was asking about the system 32 system 32 that's your system that you're currently using we're not used I remember one time we were paying for the old system to actually bring back some Audits and stuff is that all gone with are we still not paying um so systems 3000 is used for fund accounting generally when a district uses systems 3000s for fund accounting they would also use it for um Personnel that's which is another module under systems 3000 and payroll which is another module under systems 3000 so here we use at some point uh they switch to Genesis for essentially the payroll and Personnel functionality uh s 3000 stayed with fun accounting so what you're referencing was is that schoolf right yeah schoolf which is uh through Genesis yep um so essentially what happened with the situation you're referring to that was an Oprah request for I think around 10 years of um payroll related information for staff members right so because it went back before this District was using schoolf and it went back to when they were using systems 3000 payroll module they had to pay to reopen the system 3000 payroll module I think it was I don't remember the number of was a couple thousand dollars I think they reopen it for maybe two or three months uh so they could pull that information out to answer the open request so it's no longer open right now but obviously if we had to we would have to pay to re openen it again okay so it's available but we're not paying for it if we need it we have to pay for it yeah because I I think they had been using systems 3000 for maybe like 16 or 17 years so for a while and they're still using we're still using fun counting but the rest of it is over on school F school okay and then um you had D and kind of I'm just going to group them together like because you know I'm not you know we're increasing that's increasing the the school lunches for the students you know I mean there's been a time where I I'm just have to put my credit card on the file with with the with air request it is increasing especially you have several CH children um I guess my my qu what I'm concerned more about was the reduced lunch people so does how does the reduced lunch how do that get affected by our increase to regular lunch uh so anyone that qualifies for so obviously anyone qualifies for free lunch is free but also in New Jersey anyone who qualifies for reduced lunch is also free so it wouldn't affect anyone that was only qualified Force they would they would still be free um and then the past year and I'm not going be able to quote it off the top of my head but there was a law signed in New Jersey that expanded the percentage uh related to I believe the poverty level that um people would would essentially qualify for free reduce lunch so expanded the the pool of who could qualify for free reduce lunch in New Jersey only so not federally in New Jersey and I think there are some other bills in the works uh that with the angle of expanding it farther were we letting um we're not I know we used to just send a form home and it gets tossed in the garbage part part of like we we made a conscientious effort last year to reach out to everyone because during Co everyone had free lunches and people were not applying for free introduced lunch um if you apply please apply to see if you do qualify because it does not only help you as a the family if you do qualify but it helps the school district as well with a lot of their funding and grants um I believe the law that he's talking about is going to require something to be filled out so that yes so that uh so that already that already passed and so essentially this year my understanding is that everyone is required to fill out the application or I think at the very least decline like you know check off that they don't want to fill the application um so the fill it out for yes please fill it out uh because what I have seen and basically all the districts I've been in is that a lot of times you may may think you don't qualify but New Jersey has an expanded range of who qualifies so you may fill it out not thinking you qualify and then find out you do qualify right yeah so and they say there's no such thing as a free lunch unless you qualify for this qualify for joke got two now I have to up my game um lower your game true I don't know where did we have an HH I don't know why I put that there's an HH oh that was a second on the addendum theendum okay um and this I just want to note so we're sign we're we're going we're signing this uh Honeywell as a Esco right um I know you had some time to look over their contract have we made changes from their initial contract better hopefully yes uh so we're going through the Omnia Co-op so initially and one of the things I I felt uncomfortable with the way it was initially which was it basically gave you fees that were up to a certain percentage right and without you know going through all the different fees for example could say up to 8% up to 10% you know for that specific category like design or uh overhead or contingency there was maybe five or six different categories uh and then there was um the other two were uh one other one was profit right so it did have a up two% but if you added all the up two perents up which sounded weird to say uh it was probably around 40 up to 42 or 44% of subcontractor cost right so the subcontractor cost is the cost of them anyone any of the bids that come in right um so after having a couple of meetings uh you know asking for additional information so we felt comfortable and our our new Bond Council felt comfortable putting this on for approval um it's down to I think around 32 or up to 32 or 33% so um which based off of speaking with our bond council is similar to what he's seen in other districts so it's in line with what we should be seeing uh he did say he recently saw when that was 29% but the biggest difference there is the size of the project here they're looking probably around a four or5 million project they they think there's uh enough savings for right so the project that was 29% was a $15 million project so it's a smaller percent of a larger number right wow thank you anybody so I just have one rose on uh item number two you got it y so you you would say stain on check number 9 2934 that thanks app any other questions or comments we use a catch that ahead of time so it should be written down all right roll call V please Mr slam uh just before we move forward uh Miss Ahern uh also just double check the resolution related to the donation from the that's good that's good that's good it oh okay sorry just had her oh okay sorry no no no no I just had her abstained from item number two the check the check but the other item seems not even not even there yet okay good okay just check um Miss Brock yes Mr sagalo yes Mr Krauss yes Miss yes Mr Sweeney yes Mr zaran yes Miss Ahern yes have ex obain from page 342a check number 2934 and Page 34 item PE page 34 item 43 thank you uh motion carries okay thank you item L public participation wide range of people here tonight and uh anybody in the public would like to say anything come to the microphone identify yourself and what M Mr P you from and your time is limited to five minutes seeing none in person how about uh on online Angelo nobody's participating I think we lost them when I was getting into the double letters some board members too um okay we're gonna close the meeting to the public item m Open board member Forum I'm much would like to just say mrman the FL Rec sorry so when I first got on chairman the building and grounds our first big project we try to get through is the windows unfortunately we're not doing both schools we're only doing the one but I'm glad to see after a few years we're finally moving ahead with that project I would like to thank Mr slam Mr Rogers for helping all that come through thank you yeah it's been a long time in the making I'd also like to thank you guys for moving so quickly with the new money that we're getting in hiring those teachers already 12 of them and we I understand we got more coming in but that that's very good work thank you yeah I wanted to thank you for having adding we'll probably add that board meeting in July to help things along as well and all the close reading you did tonight in in the agenda I appreciate it well that's an evidence that we they've jumped on it and we've gotten quality candidates yep I'm happy with that I'm excited to have those teachers I just want to say um this is our closing remarks right so I just want to well you anything no I just want to congratulate all the students that graduated this year um it was both ceremonies were great very hot but very great um it was good to see that many students graduate and um you know I just think we should thank the from the administrators down to to the teachers to all the faculty that help out parking lots janitors everything that they that done there's a lot that goes into this District that make it work and get those kids on that field and have them graduate so um I just want to thank all them for the hard work this year Mr snaggle I'd like to add uh board members parents and Community as well y congratulations you had an advancement and Ben had two two graduates from high school and John you had a grandon advance yeah it was it was nice to see relatives handing out those uh some of those as the employees that was nice I'm sorry Melissa you too yeah yes y I forgot about that I'm always impressed with a bagpiper it's the only place I've ever seen a bagpiper come in in graduation just blows me away thank you Mr Loi yeah that was fun a great ceremony anybody have anything else have a nice summer everybody we'll see you maybe on July 11th a special day all right I'm going to move on to adjournment have a motion to adjourn so move move by Mr Krauss second by Mr Zimmerman all favor we are ajed thank