e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay going to call the Thursday May 16th public meeting to order have a roll call please miss Brock here Mr smaga Mr cantino here Mr Krauss here miss pellet here Dr Ross here Mr Sweeney here Mr Zimmerman here we have a quorum okay I recommend that the board enter close session for the purposes of discussing legal personnel and student matters I have a motion please so moved mov by Mr cantino seconded by Mr Zimmerman all in favor hi hi we are in closed session where are we going e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e it is recommended that the board return to open session may I have that in form of a motion so move move by Mr cantino seconded by Mr Zimmerman all in favor I we are back in Open Session roll call Mr Slam please miss Brock here Mr smaca Mr cantino here Mr Krauss here miss pellet here Dr Ross here Mr Sweeney here Mr Zimmerman here miss fedich here we have a quorum could you please rise and join me in Pledge of Allegiance I to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible for thank you item F Mr slam the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with provisions of the ACT Vernon Township Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be published an adequate notice has been provided and notice this meeting has been properly posted and accordance with the New Jersey open public meeting wall just a couple quick notes uh the next work session is Thursday June 13th uh and the next public meeting will be Thursday June 20th thank you item G the approval of minutes slam of a motion to approve all the minutes as listed so move by Mr Zimmerman second second by Mr Krauss roll call vote please Miss Brock abstain Mr cantino yes abstain we noted Mr Krauss yes abstain we're noted Miss pellet yes Dr Ross yes Mr Sweeney yes Mr Zimmerman yes motion carries um no it doesn't uh items one and two don't carry so uh if it's the microphone so depending on the number of um individuals that weren't at a meeting we can still pass the minutes uh if we have the eyes of the majority of who is left that was act the meeting okay so there were there were four four people voted for it so that's okay yeah okay very good thank you there's no president report because we have cake tonight Mr Rogers you have the floor to make Vernon a great place to to live and raise children in and it and uh just looking out crowd it always makes me smile and happy and make me remember why I chose to be an educator only a few years ago the first we're going to present the 2023 24 Governor's educator of the Year award recipients and the 20232 24 Educational Service professional award recipients uh congratulations to the following 2023 24 governor of Education of the year I'm going to read bios on each person for Walnut Ridge Miss Samantha bubendorf our preschool recipient of the governor's educator of the Year award consistently displays exceptional dedication and Innovative approaches to early childhood education her her empathy skill and teaching and capacity to motivate young minds genuinely to distinguish Hiser this is mov d and and I'm one of the lucky ones that get to travel to all the different buildings and I personally know everyone that's being recognized today and I get to see them with all different age levels across the district I see some uh current college students and uh high school students and people along all different ages and I remember I remember when they were in uh kindergarten first grade so it's it's it's truly an honor proceder Mountain Mrs Heather Zenny is an inspiring figure in an educational Community who forcers an environment where students can flourish and Thrive while actively developing strong Partnerships with parents and Guardians to enhance students education her dedication as an exceptional educator is evident in our diverse teaching methods tailor to meet students social emotional and academic needs as well as our unwavering commitment to communication with families and support for colleagues which exemplifies her collaborative spirit and continues Drive for enhancement Mrs Heather is in I'd also like to thank her because she allows me to uh engage in uh math talk and and math play uh in in classroom I'm often on the floor with our students so thank you for that as well roling Hills Mrs Lisa Hall was selected as this year's Governor educator of the year for roling Hills Primary School described as a stellar teacher and a continuous student she consistently Endeavors to learn strategies necessary to enhance students learning experience and has made a difference in the lives of our students for many years Miss Lisa Hall and I know all the efforts that was put into the flexible seating over the years as well lsbury Hollow through our Innovative teaching methods and personalized approach Mrs Cindy Gazza has empowered her students to achieve academic and social emotional growth Beyond expectations her leadership within the building and the special education department has been instrumental enforcing a culture of excellence and inclusivity with Cindy Gaza lto Mr Rob Henry is undoubtedly one of the best Educators at Glen metal middle school and is more than deserving of the governor educator of the year award Mr Henry is patient caring and compassionate and he works hard to deliver lessons that will engage and excite his middle school students Mr Henry cares about the Vernon Township School District and the students have been positively impacted by him through the years Mr Rob Henry I believe I believe Mr Henry comes to school at 7:30 in the morning and leaves at uh 6:30 at night 6:15 he's involved in our cclc program as well at the high school one of my old freshman football players it is with great pride that the Vernon Township High School con congratulates Mr Joseph burn as our governor educator of the Year a true Testament to his dedication to education Mr burn is an exceptional te educator who effortlessly connects with students of all levels inspiring a passion for learning he provides students with a sense of belonging in his classroom and his genuine care has left an indelible mark on every student fortunate enough to be in his presence Mr Joe burn it's always nice when I when I recognize everyone for their efforts and it and it's really telling uh students who enjoy coming to school and enjoy their teacher and and feel welcomed uh thank you all for for your for your efforts as educators of the year now for the educational support professionals at Cedar Mountain Mr Mark Pisco serves an indispensable asset to our school Community demonstrating exceptional proficiency as a technology coach and providing support to both students and staff and navigating educational technology his dedication expertise and unwavering commitment make him an invaluable resource ensuring a smooth transition and understanding of techn technological facets in her curriculum while fering an environment of support and collaboration Mr Mark Pisco at roolling Hills Mr Stacy Blanco our newest interventionist was selected as a Rolling Hills ESP recipient for the 2023 24 school year this fine educator has worked diligently to properly implement the RTI program pouring over student data to ensure that she's providing the appropriate in interventions for each struggling learner while providing support for our Educators and administration Mrs Stacy Blanco at lsbury Hollow Mrs Donna Pudo creates a nurturing and inclusive environment where students feel safe to seek guidance share their concerns and find support for their educational emotional development her dedication and expertise in the field of Education along with her unwavering commitment to the welfare of students makes her an except choice for this prestigious award Mrs Donna Puda at Glen Meadow Mrs Kelly curtain is more than deserving of the educational services professional of the Year award at glal Middle School Mrs curtain has made a significant difference in glal Middle School's ABA program and within the Greater vtsd Community Mrs curtain is a skilled collaborative and knowledgeable professional who promotes the success of all for the betterment of students Independence and quality of life Mrs Kelly her at the high school congratulations to Mr Adam Coleman on being selected as Vernon Township High Schools Educational Service professional for the 2023 24 school year as his dedication and hard work as our anti-bullying specialist has earned him this commendable recognition the time and effort he puts into daily support our staff and students is exceptional he's committed to creating a positive and safe School environment and the Vernon Township High School Community is lucky to have them Mr Adam Coleman I listen we we do this as a team and a community so I'm gonna ask everyone that earned an award that I just called up here to stand up and I'd like to round the walls for everyone we do this together as a team thank thank you very much uh Mrs Tara holdr has received the New Jersey Department of Education 2023 exemplary Middle School educator congratulations on her on her selection next is the year next is the years of service awards for 45 years of service at the Vernon Township High School Mrs Mary Jean Ryerson I've seen her every day after the high school she's in charge of testing and if anyone doesn't know as an educator usually May is the month of testing I will drop this off to her early in the morning this is Janine Brady for 25 years at Glen Meadow Middle School this is Janette emmer for 25 years I've burn in Township High School this is Aaron Hill for 25 years at Vernon Township High School this is Katherine laar for 25 years years at Cedar Mountain Primary School this is Deborah Lynch for 25 years at Rolling Hills Primary School this is Jennifer hoage for 25 years Rolling Hills Primary School Joanne Pomano for 25 years at Rolling Hills Primary School Diane some small D for 25 years at Glenn meow Middle School Mrs Morin Sweeney for 25 years at Cedar Mountain Primary School everyone for their over 25 years of service we could do some quick math on this a little bit later I love I love the math that's involved everyone that's been honored for their years of service can you please uh SL stand to be recognized thank you very much now I will honor the following retirees whereas the retirees retiree has dedicated themselves to the Vernon Township School District displaying an unselfish commitment to our children exemplifying the ideas of professionalism and the standard of Excellence has requested retirement and whereas the Vernon Township Board of Education together with his with his citizens wishes to acknowledge exemplary service that the retiree has provided to our children and now therefore be it resolved that the Township Board of Education does hereby extend its appreciation and gratitude to their FES and recognition of their exemplary service to our school district and be a further resolve that the Vernon Township Board of Education spread this resolution in full upon the minutes these are people who have retired at different times during the year um so I'm just going to uh say their their name in the building that they were working at last Mrs P Mrs Pat BR uh secretary at the central office Mrs Kathleen D Christo Rolling Hills primary school secretary Miss Danielle eeman Walnut Ridge School part-time Aid miss Patricia Hoy ring Hills Primary School a Mr William leri Cedar Mountain Primary school custodian Mrs Nancy lezzi lsbury Hollow School Aid this Pat rackliff Lee Central Office business administrator Miss Joanne Pomano ring Hill Primary School Aid Miss Jane Stacy ring Hills school custodian miss Karen pello par Rolling Hills primary school aid and a Vernon Township High School teacher that re wants to remain anonymous I also want to give a special thank you for Gia federici for her dedication and contribution as a 2023 24th school year student representative to the Board of Education thank you Gia for the many hours you have spent with us that concludes our celebration of our our Educators for years of service and exemplary service thank you for all that you do we will now uh I believe take take a break shortly to celebrate uh your accomplishments uh and and spend some time with you uh before we break into uh the rest of the board meeting thank you all for coming and thank you all for your many years of service and putting a smile on all the student space that you that that you uh work with on a daily basis we're got to take a short recess for uh to enjoy you know the cake and camaraderie thank you very much there's cake e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e you needed a couple stay away for the rest of time oh a little C okay we're GNA resume our meeting all right item J uh ladies and gentlemen we're going to start again too good of a party nobody wants to leave item J is board member candidate interviews fortunately we have two two very qualified candidates for the Board of Ed M Rose Ahern and Miss Alice Nichols so the process is going to be we're going to ask we're g to interview Rose Ahern first because she was the first applicant and then Alice Nichols second because she was the second applicant and then Mr slam will you take Miss Nichols out and we will interview Miss Miss Ahern now oh oh thank you Mr gasto okay Mrs Ahern we've never met it's nice to meet you finally I think please don't be intimidated by this normally it's in the library and it's a lot less intimidates please we're not that that bad John Krauss has the worst bite but I'll keep my mouth shut so what what we're gonna do is we're going to ask you two questions and and the third will be tell us something about yourself so the first question is what qualifications and your characteristics make you the best candidate for the open seat on the board of education um ever since my son started going to school I thought it was important to see what was going on in the school district um get involved and so by that I started getting involved in the sca by running for a board position uh I thought it was important so I could see what was going on how I could help kind of understand what's going on I'm Not Gon to lie to you guys it was also for me to understand what was going on to see if we needed to send them to Catholic school just because you hear everything that's going on um I grew up in the Vernon School System I know what qualified candidates that you we spit out right like I am one and it really helped me out through college so I really like to get us back to where we used to be um so this year I was the Cedar Mountain sea president with my Cedar Mountain sea team I think we've done a tremendous job not to Pat ourselves on the back but we've truly made a difference at the school by as you guys have noted in your board meetings by being thoughtful our generous donations and stepping up to the plea when times were tough uh we donated Brain Pop JR which was an important tool set especially for the first grade uh classrooms kindergarten also uses it but it was a tremendous help and aid for those first class first grade classrooms that had high numbers and just could use an extra tool in my frame of mind I like to take a very practical approach I am an accountant so I'm very conservative and practical in that matter and I think that is something that we could use and I try to think things through as my parents have taught me and plan ahead um which what I think would make us make me a great fit for the job um so besides BrainPOP we've also done technology updates to help make sure that kids started young with coding addition subtraction and this was all by talking to the school professionals right Mr cook our librarian our art teacher right getting to know figuring out what what they could do to make their job better and how we can help the students progress thank you so with my background in finance my eagerness to want more out of our schools um I think that would be a great fit as well as all the proof that you guys have seen that we've passed out our donations and Leadership SK skills you've been wonderful what is your understanding of the role of a board member and the tasks and responsibilities associated with that role yep so understanding of the process understanding the school system right the budget the concerns of the public uh being inquisitive asking questions right and making sure that things are correct or um on the right track keeping an open mind thinking outside the box while trying to find appropriate Solutions um with the key role to do the very best for the students and to make sure that they have a well-rounded education do any anybody have any specific questions they want from Mrs you have anything that you want to add that you haven't already discussed you want us to know about you I mean I'm a very get in the weeds type of person and very committed to things so um as I think that many can attest I'm pretty sure I've seen most of you around town right um I've also been very dedicated and said doing lots of things at Cedar Mound so it's almost like I feel like I'm already part of the board community and stuff so thank you very much quick question do you plan to run in November I do have other commitments right like theier so I feel like this is a good fit for me to get my feet wet and then understand if look this is a long term I don't want to speak off I also work part-time I do do the sea and I would like to make a difference and see if this is a right P for me as well but I am a committed person that I think that this would be a great opportunity for everyone thank you very much Mrs Aaron thank you thank you um you can stay for the second interview don't harass the next person no booing welcome back Mrs Nichols thank you thank you for having me this evening so we will have two questions for you and then maybe third what qualifications Andor characteristics make you the best candidate for the open seat on the board of education thank you again for having me this evening I'm very excited to be here uh one reason I'm excited is because I work in a school district in the central office setting I feel like I am kind of familiar with the inner workings of the school district and I've actually been doing a lot with our business office recently so learning about how School budgets work how deficits work how we do all the fund balances and all that kind of super fun stuff as we just went through our budget and had to make some cuts and some pretty tough decisions went into that so I was able to see the process from that side of it and I think that will help me be on the board of education to see what this side is like also from characteristics I think I'm a very caring person and I really just I really value the education of our youth and I think it's very important that our board of education does a good job balancing the budget constraints that we have especially in Vernon while also balancing what we want to provide for our children because we want to provide them with the world but given our budget constraints we run into some difficult things so I like to think that I'm good at balancing those two things out thank you what is your understanding of the role of a board member and the tasks and responsibilities associated with that role uh the role of the board member is typically to set policy for this School District uh there's a huge policy manual which at my last District I actually used to manage the policy manual so I'm really familiar with a lot of the policies and how they work and everything I did a lot with straft Esme um I was a little bit of a policy nerd I redid our whole manual because I a lot of our policies weren't updated so I really went through them all and dug through everything like that that's a it's a good quality yes I thought it was exciting some people made fun of me for it but I really enjoyed it because I learned a lot by doing that I learned a lot about the schol school district and the decisions the board makes and what goes into those decisions and how those policies actually impact students so the main role of the board of education is to set the policy and then also to hire the superintendent and to uh work on the board of education and to um approve the agendas and everything like that thank you um is there anything that you'd like to us to know about you that you haven't already said uh I'm a pretty passionate person uh I really take pride in what I do as my job I love working in education I've only been in education for about almost nine years now and I really embraced it and really want to make this my career and I thought that I could really give back by being on the board of education as I know it's a lot of work and I know I understand what goes into it uh I do want to point that I am not conflicted as my position in my current district is not unionized you plan to run in November yes I do I have to give you a packet do anybody else have any questions thank you very much Mr Nichols we will be going to Executive session to discuss the two candidates and then we'll come back out with uh a recommendation so motion right you something to say what hold on all right is recommended that the board enter into close session for the purposes of discussing board member candidate interviews may I have a motion please so mov Mr cantino second second by Mr Zimmerman all in favor I opposed okay we be in Clos session for a little while please excuse us thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay it is recommended that the board return from closed session motion please so moved move uh motion by Mr cono second by Mr Zimmerman all in favor I we are back in Open Session before I make the uh call for nominations for the vacant board member seat I would just like to say to the two candidates thank you so much for your interest and for the candidate that doesn't get the position please consider running for the Board of Ed in November thank you may I have a call for nominations for the vacant board member seat I'd like to nominate rosar for the position there any other candidates okay being that there are no other candidates it is recommended that the board approve Rose Ahern to fill the vacant board member seat effective approximately June 20th through December 31st 2024 I have a motion please I so moved moved by Mr cantino second second by Mr Zimmerman I have a roll call vote Please Mr is slam Mr Cino yes Mr Krauss yes Miss pellet Dr Ross yes Mr Sweeny yes Mr Zimmerman yes Miss Brock yes motion cares congratulations Mrs Ahern you have been selected congratulations and thank you for both of your interests thank you Mr s uh Jennifer Smith will be contacting you with all the particulars and the secret handshakes and such secret handshake thank you uh item M public participation we're going to open the meeting to the public everyone will please identify themselves and what municipality that they are from and they will be limited to five minutes the meeting is open to the public nobody in the audience anybody online I can't hear you Mr peringer you have five minutes okay I just want to comment on uh and first of all wish uh all the best to all the people who were honor today and hold on a second hold on a second yeah give us a minute we're experiencing some brief technical difficulties okay hey you're five minutes should we try it can you hear me yes okay can I talk no no not yet wait okay I get the okay from our it people all right it could be his okay try again Mr peringer can you hear me hello that e apologize the first time in this venue I understand okay try again okay Mr par I'm sorry no problem can you hear me yes sir okay can I speak yes you can okay good I will uh I want to wanted to congrat congratulate all the people who got nominated and honored today and I want to single out one person which is Mr Henry and I'm glad you finally honored him he used to be my son's teacher for five years in special ad and my son still talks very highly for about him and so do I and he really really has made this his his creative teaching methods and his insight and feeling for the needs of my son he has made a Everlasting and still present influence on my son so thank you for honoring him and that's all I want to say at this time thank you okay um item n student representative report Miss federici so the junior prom is this Saturday AP testing is done after this week than God uh field days are coming up for lsbury ring Hills GL Meadow and the Freshman senior prom is May 29th everyone is getting prepared for the end of the year and I am thankful for this opportunity that I was given for this position thanks thank you it was our pleasure to have you as our student representative I mean that I mean and I'm sorry that you've had to sit through some of these budgetary very long night but thank you so much for your input over over the months really mean that but maybe you'll get elected again next year s Rogers item o uh superintendent report I have a lot of uh good news to uh share with everyone uh some of it's familiar to with Mrs uh tarishi just let us all know AP testing has been taking place at the high school and we're seeing an increased number of the students taking the AP exams uh Vernon Township High School is recently ranked 195 in New Jersey in the US World the news report rankings in 2024 up 15 spots from last year the ranking is based on a number of factors including test scores advanced placement course work and exams graduation rates Etc May 14th with her second ESL English as a second language family night of the year it was a night for for teachers administrators and families to get together as a community the night consisted of eating activities and a question answer session about the program and testing most importantly allows our multilingual families connect with each other tomorrow night we encourage everyone to attend our out outstanding event at Lansbury Hollow Middle School from 5: to 800m they're going to transform this gymnasium in less than 24 hours this annual event highlights the talents of our students in all schools please support our stud students and enjoy an evening filled with art inspiration and Community spirit it's a great event and uh I look forward to attending it every year uh please please please come a unified club dance was held by Deca and the unified Club at the high school on May 9th all students are were welcome and could bring a guest from the school the high school's choir and band held their spring concerts in the past week congratulations to the students for the outstanding standing performances the vernant tach up High School junior prom thank you Mr federi will take place this Saturday May 18th at the high school gym and cafeteria next week ver Township High School will be holding ceremonies for the Humanities Honor Society and stem Honor Society and CTE inductees congratulations to the following athletes for the recent accomplishments in Spring Sports boys volleyball team for capturing their first n Jack volleyball title Sophia Hall who was in the front row earlier tonight was the NJ Track and Field small schools champion in long jump Jack Turner and Gabby ceretta set the school records in a 200 2,000 meter steeple chase the Vernon girls lacrosse is currently 4-1 our division Sydney vassel is currently chasing the girls across record in goals scored she currently has 217 the program record is 243 the boys golf team made the state tournament for the third time in the last four years the girls golf player uas sakin plays fourth in the county tournament as a sophomore girl soft softball sophomore pitcher Miranda eing Housen who started for Varsity just this year has over 100 strikeouts on the season senior Mariana kova Gomez has become one of only six players in school history to reach 100 hits in her career here at Vernon The Glenn meow Middle School chorus concert was held on May 1st and the spring band concert was held on May 14th the Mental Health Association presented teen use of social media on May 2nd at Glen metto middle school during the students enrichment period this Workshop which is funded by the New Jersey division of Children and Families discusses both the positives and negatives of social media and teaches students how to be aware of how social media impacts them and to be mindful of how they use it the Lansbury Hollow School students will participate in the spring band and orchestra concert on May 20th students at Walnut Ridge participated in workshops on May 6 through 8th sponsored by NJ cap these age appropriate workshops focus on helping students be safe strong and free that's the New Jersey child assault prevention program informational matters will please announce the Vernon Township High School students as D artist of the month for May their artwork is at the board office and we also have artwork from Cedar Mountain Primary School students at their artwork displayed in the municipal building during the month of May and congratulations the Cedar Mountain Primary School student James mcdermid who won Arts Sonia's national student of the week for his artwork number two recommendations it is recommended that the board approve the following appointments on page 11 letter B let it instead of 20 days it should be for 18 days I want to make that change 18 um number 2A it has recommended the board approve uh the also one on the our addendum to the public agenda as well the following appointment 2B is recommended that the board approve the following appointments for the 2024 esy extended year program which runs Monday through Fridays the exception of 74 and 75 and commences on 71 uh 2024 to July 26 2024 for a total of 18 days letter C it is recommended that the board approve the following staff for TST meetings at the rate of $40 per meeting letter D it is recommended that the board approve the following staff for summer evaluations at the rate of $400 per $400 per evaluation as per the contract letter A it is recommended that the board approve the following staff for summer case management not to exceed 20 days letter F it is recommended the board approve the professional development travel conferences conventions and work workshops letter G it is recommended that the board approve the harassment intimidation and bullying school safety random drug testing reports letter H it is recommended that the board approve the following policies regulations for a second reading and F and final approval letter I it is recommended a board approve the Vernon 2024-25 Vernon Town trip actually longer than that uh sorry sorry yes for next year the Board of Education educational chart for next year attachment a letter J it is recommended that the board approve the following job descriptions in attachment b letter K the Hib grade report beginning with September 201 2011 2012 school year our school district has con conscientiously implemented the requirements found in antibullying Bill of Rights act all vernant public schools have met or exceeded every requirement for the 2022 23 school year and has been posted on website and is attached the School rated on a scale between 0 and 78 which is attachment C at this time or any questions regarding the 2022 23 HIV grade report it is recommended that the board approved the vtaa contract effective July 1st 2024 through June 30th 2027 attachment date all right may have motion for the items a through l so moved moved by Mr Krauss seconded second second by Miss pellet uh discussion anybody questions I have a question concerning where it says per DM rates over here for um the extended school year program and it says perdum rate for all the teachers and stuff and when you get over to the a is that per DM rate $18 or is that an hourly rate it's it should be a per per DM hourly rate yeah because it says per DM rate in here and I didn't think people are going to work for $18 is per day it's hourly so it's an hourly thank you Mr gr Goodbody else um regarding letter I the organizational chart is there any significant change to this this year or anything we should be aware of that's different I reviewed the chart and it looks you know looks good to me I was just wondering if there was anything like that you might want to highlight well it has changed quite a bit in the last two years okay um I believe that we just uh tried to make things a little bit easier made sure that we we had all the positions noted on there even if there an extra box on the bottom Etc I don't think there I don't think there are any major changes I have a question about about that too okay there's a a box on here where nobody reports to anybody trying to remember where it was the one on the bottom no all right it's been it's been corrected no I know I know that okay it's corrected perhaps that was the one that's corrected I have a question about the uh substitute teacher for the rate of pay for the summer it says $197 12 that correct on page 12 right I'm looking I'm making sure that I substitute teachers one those are for the yes the per D those are the per DM rat for the teachers yes what is what do we pay our teachers now that are Subs during the school year um I believe $150 paying them more these are for specific IEP uh needs and I believe that these teachers are have have the certifications no do we have a problem getting substitutes in the summer for for this for this program and and the students where the students are comfortable uh yes oh the teachers versus substitute teachers okay I mean the substitute teachers okay I got you okay I I was looking at the other teachers Mr swey I apologize that's all right so I'm I'm thinking that we're paying them too much we're paying them more than they're getting paid during the school year and they're not putting in the same amount of hours so I'm okay with it this year but this we have to change it for next this we have to reduce these substitute rates so that they're consistent with a regular rates yes I apologize I was looking at the teacher teacher rates okay that's all and I believe that the last two at the bottom of page 12 are hourly rates as well yes the the prum rate is is hourly right so there I'm gonna have is there a reason for that the difference between what we're paying for the summer sub teachers and the I'd have to I'd have to ask the uh yes the person in charge of the program about the uh past practice on that I know that's we paid paid last year and I don't remember if I asked the question about it last year but I I had a chance to look at it and I forgot to call you about it sorry yeah just to clarify that's where the the bottom of page 12 is where it switches from per DM to hourly the last two yes Rose okay yes that's what it's TR it's fairly obvious but right you make sure it's right so does this come out of some kind of a grant or does this come out of our budget it comes out of a a budget as IEP mandated uh services and I know it's 18 days corre right so I have on page 14 I have to obstain the 19th down they're not numbered I just counted down it's number 19 14 section B GNA V stay as noted enough right yes okay okay R just one quick more question a substitute teacher is not going to work unless a regular teacher calls out right correctly okay fine then we're actually paying less than that yeah anybody else uh roll call rot Please Mr slam Mr cantino yes Mr Krauss yes Miss bellet Dr Ross yes Mr Sweeney yes Mr ziman yes abstained but noted Miss Brock yes motion carries thank you Mr Rogers item P business administrators report I'll go over the informational items uh letter A use of buildings and grounds as noted below B build trips as noted below um and moving on to recommendations is recommended as the board approve the following Financial reports list of checks number 92614 through 9277 for May 2014 and then of 1, 326,885 that's attachment F1 list of hand checks for April 2024 and the amount of 4,589 8587 that's attachment F2 uh transfers for April attachment F3 and purch for ail 2024 amount of 86,1 7495 attachment F4 letter B approval of the board secretaries and treasures reports as noted below it's attachment F5 F6 and attachment f6a that does include a revised Treasures report for the month before there is a h small error from the treasurer on fund 60 which is Food Service letter C uh May 2024 Transportation quotes as noted below we also have the Vernon Township Board of Education report the completion of the school business sorry School Bus emergency evacuation drill to the Board of Education as noted letter D sent received whereas the special services department has determined that individual students require special education placement based on their individual needs and whereas special services department has determined that services or need will continue through June 30th 24 whereas the special services department has determined that the school service flows most appropriate placement therefore be resol for Township Board of Education approves the contracts is listed below so this is a received uh student uh there is a slight correction the total should be $1,573 63 which one that is the uh Sandy wallpack uh receiving uh contract 26 yeah so that's under letter mind D top of page 27 it should be what 12 what uh 12573 63 that's the per rated amount for the rest of this year and that is a uh receiving contract letter e it is recommended the board approve the disposition of following items as they either obsolete or indust repair letter F it is recommended the board approved to accept the following restriction a total donation of 8,929 74 from the Cedar Mountain Primary School SCA this donation will be utilized to provide field trip transportation the cost of field trips and snacks were kindergarten in first grade uh kindergarten is uh down on the farm which is the Sussex County fairgrounds and first grade is space farms letter G is recommended the board approve to accept the following restricted total donation of $1,160 from the cedar Mount Primary School sea this donation will provide inflatable rental for cmps field day and ice pops for all students letter H is recommended the board approve and accept the following restrict total donation of $ 5,630 from the cedar Mount Primary School SCA this donation will be utilized for each student to design and make a keep stake pleate for mother's Father's Day and a$ hour the Scholastic for each student that has a breakdown as noted below uh letter I is recommended the board approve the disposition of property of 243 D 3100 senior Chromebooks by allowing the choice to either keep their devices or to donate them back to the district letter J is recommended the board approved to accept the following restrict donation of $4,500 from Rolling Hill Primary School sea this donation will be used for garden improvements and used by students during the school day H as noted below letter K is recommended the board approv and accept the following restricted donation of $1,200 from Rolling Hills Primary School sea New Jersey snake man will provide an assembly for all students to enjoy during time opposite their field day schedule letter L is recommended the board accept to to I approved to accept the following donation of $58.99 from Rolling Hills primary Wasa the purchase of a GBC Ultima 65 thermal R laminator will be used for educational materials as well as building enhancements letter M is recommended the board approv to accept the following donation of $1,000 for Rolling Hill Primary schoola to be utilized for the Brady ryr music assembly focus on students having F music as they celebrate their abilities letter N it is recommended the board accept the following travel for members is per po board policy 0147 travel for board members may occur only upon prior approval by a majority of the full voting membership of the board and travel shall be in compliance with section four of PL 1991 c. 393 and section five of PL 2001c 178 as noted below oh is recommended the board approve renewal of Frontline education of iir $ 23,796 50504 Direct $646 professional Learning Management $1,772 absent substitute management $22,000 22563 app tracking $ 14,327 43 and employee valuation management $1 13,662 And1 Cent for a total amount of $859 1419 back to July 1st 2024 through June 30th 2025 letter P is recommended the board approve the change order number 1 1531 for the vant chip high school fire alarm project with Act and the amount of $56,000 732 $ 5673 sorry I'm ni steam here that's under uh esnj 21- 2241 which is a co-op contract letter Q is recommended the board approved Brandon Brown Metro LLC as the district medical pres uh medical prescription Dental en Vision Insurance Consultant July 1st 2024 through June 30 2025 for a fe of $20,000 per year that's attachment f 7even letter r is recommended the board approve the Quasi entities for Township School District as noted below letter s has recomed the board approved the following list of medical doctors psych psychiatrists neurologists educational Specialists and other individuals as agencies who will utilize as needed to assist CS when necessary appropriate for 2024 2025 school year as listed below letter T it is recommended the board approve resolution for reappointment and related items for the 2425 school year which begins on July 1st 2024 be resolved by the Board of Education of Township Vernon that all policies regulations courses of study curricular Student Activities textbooks student records and Personnel systems presently EX in existence as established by act and practice of previous Board of Education are to remain in force and effect until such time as the present Board of Education necessitates change by way of resolution we a farther resolve the following appointments and related items be approved for the 2425 school year as indicated below down to letter U to make sure I didn't skip something uh also note that it includes um rates related services and tuition that is based off of the letter that we reive the is we off the letter from we receed from the state of New Jersey in it was late February may have been early March this year um and that is based off of the prior Year's audit so that's based off of 2223 uh audit numbers letter U has recommended the board approve the anay agreement between the Vernan Board of Education and the Sussex County Educational Services Services Commission for the 2425 school year res for services are included in attach letter V is recomended the board approve the memorandum of understanding buying between West Ed and rning Town School District to participate in a NOA ma study at no clost to the district back May 17 2024 through September 30th 2025 letter W is recommended the board approve the agreement between call Tower Inc and the Vernon Township School District for Voiceover IP calling service in the amount of $1,552 cents per monthly re cost and $44.96 as a one-time Port fee for a term of 30 6 months letter X is recommended the board approved to accept the following restrict donation of $216 from Cedar amount Primary School sea this donation is for for cmps students teachers St facility continue learning for the 2025 school year letter y is recommended the board approved the accept following restri donation of $1,799 6 from lbur Hollow School sea this donation will be utilized for fuel trip bus transportation to Museum Village for grade five letter Z is recommended that the board approve the attached shared services agreement between Vernon Township Board of Education the Vernon Township of Vernon uh for outdoor maintenance that's attachment F10 letter double A it is recommended that the board approve the New Jersey state contract number m2075 lease agreement between Vern and Town School District and El tomorrow's office for district copers effective July 1st 2024 through June 30th 2029 add a monthly rate of $477 that's attachment f11 and then we have letter BB it is recommended that the board approve the agreement between burn and Township Board of Education and Skyland Urgent Care LLC for the provision of medical services including drug and alcohol testing and physical examinations effect of July 1st 2023 to June 30 2024 a cost of $100 per student exam performed that's attachment F12 I have these in form of a motion please so move move by Mr cantino second second by Miss pellet discussion I have a question upon d so we have this list which I thank you of approved schools that would send students to but I don't see Sanderson WP on that list that's coming here they're coming to us they're coming to us my bad okay I'm wondering field trips uh B the last three rows they do should they have a amount a monetary amount there or am I it's on page 22 sorry so um it's board expense unless noted uh so that would be coming out of the operating account it doesn't appear that uh the practice been put the actual cost there um at least from me the board expense yeah so would be board board expense I think that's just in know whether it's from a grant or a donation okay gotcha cor so the motion says determine that the school listed below is the most appropriate placement and it lists serson that's a d again D again sorry now it a sent received on top by you read it the third whereas says whereas the special services department has determined that the schools services to below is the most appropriate placement that Sanders it does say send Reed on the top yeah but the wording says send well maybe our team has to agree so my understanding is that um one of the steps in the process would be kind of essentially a tour of the student and potentially in their parents of our program uh but also that our special ed Department would have to agree that the program was suitable and accept them in the placement um the wording could probably be cleaned up a little bit there but that's that's the meaning but they're coming to our school they're coming here yes and that 12 five coming to us yeah so that that that's just the prated amount for the rest of this year and that's tuition and transportation yep correct well can we approve it that it says they're coming if they're going whereas the services so if you're at the third whereas um they was the most appropriate placement yeah so they would have to they would have to approve of the placement of of of the placement of the student here does it say that that's not I don't disagree with what you're saying but that's not what this says this says we're approving 12,5 to go to Sandy that's what this says it says receive get that school should be us word school should be us different that just could be anything words we're sending yeah I think the wording change up but essentially we're receiving the student and they're coming from s so do you have to take it out of the motion uh let me take a look and read through it real quick we have no sent can we take the word sent out yeah just received it isn't clarified the chart where it says schol and underneath it says received yeah it says reive sent somebody out would it say sent instead I understand the top says sent Reed she's saying the table to says receive that says received right on the table and and our team does have to accept that they have to you know agree so maybe that's why it has that word I mean but it doesn't say the name of the school just below has the most let me just change the wording so the Ser special services department has determined that um agreed to accept uh maybe we say IND District program is the most appropriate placement or something on those lines what if we just take Santa it out uh then it would it could be a little confusing because then makes more sense to be we say from and to we could say from and there you go so we can add a separate column and says S no I clarify it right all right so I'm going to add a row there um and it's going to say received from and sent to okay under sent to uh it'll save Vernon Township and in the columns we should I know it says in the all the way in the left column but the headings should be it should be a 10-month prated and 10-month prorated extraordinary Services as well I know it says it underneath but yeah so it says right prated with a start date of of May 6 okay so that's not the full year tuition the full year tuition would be higher so I add just three to go back so I added it says School sent to then it says burn Township School District and next to it it has the regular column it says school instead of saying receive 2023 2024 it says received from 2023 2024 and then it says s wall pack and then it has the remaining information as is on the on the motion all right so Mr cantino we're going to have to amend the motion that you approved and that you seconded Jen so can I ask for a motion to amend so move am Carl amended and Jim will you second we're amended the motion and now discussion about the amended motions as listed by right I might just have something about double A that that's a fiveyear lease agreement and that price never changes it just stays at 477 just before we go on we would uh to amend it we would just need to have uh if we do a Voice vote because we I'm sorry discussion now to discuss all yeah we didn't not discuss we didn't move anything or I mean we didn't go past the discussion stage right and we can't vote on it because then we voted on it everything that we're still discussing yeah so what I would say is probably just change the original motion to combine it so that we are amending that motion and calling um and voting on alls yeah so it's all in one okay but we right now we're discussing okay uh did you get your question John that did you say it's the same price for five years yeah yeah because it lists the price in the contract five years years Ina that's good all right thank you that's all I want to know um I just get a little Clarity on this memorandum of understanding between westad and bur Township about no what is that that's uh it's for them that do research and a survey with the uh with the Inova mat that we have in our district okay for them meaning West West West Ed and who are sorry I don't know who West it's a it's a third party research company uh to transition from a research based program which know is to an evidence-based progr they're basically researching to see the effectiveness of progr okay so we're just agreeing to allow them to do okay great and then I just wanted to thank all of our scas because there were a lot of um money so I did a quick tally it's about $30,000 thank you so much to all the very much thank you I think yeah it's just amazing happy to I'd like to particularly shout out NJ snakeman who my son is getting very excited about for rolling out can't wait to hear what NJ sneakman has to say um R item uh C page 23 just the first item it's uh contracted qf 054 decad ago into Yogi bar meaning yoga Barry Stadium which which is in Monclair it just says Yogi Barett I would imagine yeah just make it put Stadium down there yeah because going Cemetery Cemetery in monair yeah well there's also a museum as well yoga be Museum um I have a question about item n also I I went to this seminar and to my understanding it was just $99 there were no other char and this says uh $212 55 page 28 in our in our check off the top of my head I don't know the cost but uh I'll hold up at $99 this sound familiar I'm not sure why the there' be no submission yeah so maybe theyed that or off the bat so if I don't submit anything that okay I mean we're not going to be doing there's going to be no other charges for the board okay um so we can switch it to the 99 it probably included my opion but okay okay we're changing that to 99 do we have to amend again no um better wait there will be no there will be no other charges No it should just be the fee and the mileage so but no mileage will be submitted okay anybody else have any other questions roll call please oh can I just ask one more thing I'm sorry can I just ask one more thing sure I was wondering about oh and um this is the renewal of Frontline education that all the different Tech tools that we use and everything and you don't have to have an answer for me now I'm curious if we have what our procedure is sort of to audit or take inventory of the you know I know how schools can like accumulate Tech tools over years it's like sometimes they're offering them for free and then they're not anymore but we're using them but we're not really using them so I'm just curious not necessarily tonight but in general to learn more about how we kind of take inventory every year and figure out what's the bang for our buck and how well things are working for us that kind of thing we did a deep dive into this one if you go to our Tech committees uh or or admin meetings as well and uh we did try something different for a cost savings and it didn't work out too well and we we made wanted to make sure that we had the tools that we needed to uh perform in a in a very efficient manner great I see a lot of head nauy out there and during the budget process uh worked with it to see usage reports to see the level of usage with different um softwares as well sorry say that again Ray no no I could hear Russ but I couldn't hear you Ry yeah oh uh during the budget process one of the things we did was look at different softwares and with it and see how often they were being used see if negotiate prices down okay probably we probably the deepest di we did this year in making sure that we we saved every penny through technology uh we reworking part uh agreements Partnerships and just getting under deadlines for certain things to make sure rates were lower than if we waited too long for certain things as well so kudos to our it supervisor great who happens to be present tonight raise your hand Matt yeah thank you Nick Nick Nick well that was a faux was the last guy terrible terrible sorry about that I didn't call you Ted anybody else have any questions roll call please I understand understand technology we have to wait for technology Mr Krauss yes Miss pallet Dr Ross yes Mr Sweeney yes abstain and item n Please Mr zman yes abstain letter s hospitals Newton hospital Miss Brock yes Mr Kino yes motion carries thank you Mr slam public participation we're GNA item Q we're going to open the meeting to the public please identify yourself and tell us what M municipality you come from and you will be limited to five minutes you're going to hold me to the five minutes Mr Sweeny what's that said you're going to hold me to the five minutes four four minutes and 50 seconds right now good evening my name is Nick demac I am assistant principal one of us at bernon high school my municipality is Stockholm New Jersey I think it's very important to at some of these meetings when there's lots of debates and lots of conversation to offer praise and thanks it is a good time to always reflect on that especially in the the month of May um I do want to start off by I'm going to personally Echo what Mr Rogers did and thank Gia you have represented Vernon Township High School on our and our student body with excellence and I thank you because every night when you're here for four hours some people go to work you come in and you're there at 6:30 6:45 the next day to keep your learning going so kudos to you and I know you get the back hopefully on here tomorrow next year excuse me at the board uh at the student body selects you so kudos to you I'm going to say thanks there um I would also like to Echo thanks for for my Fellow membership I am the btaa President I represent myself and there's 14 of us there was a question about the organizational chart and how it's different um you can look at the last five years and one way that it's different is the number of boxes on there has greatly been reduced our administrative staff has greatly been reduced over the last five years and every one of those boxes one position but when we support district office and we support our Personnel when one of those boxes go goes away those job responsibilities don't go away either so our other people have picked up those without questioning anything when there so with that said I do want to thank the board for approving our contract for the next three years and I do want to thank the negotiations team I believe it was uh it was a very we it was a good faith good conversation and I do want to thank everybody for the Fidelity I could say on their behalf that I believe that they represented the community and represented the board with Fidelity and I do thank you for that I do also want to time thanking our community associations I don't know if you recognize this but the Board of Education just approved close to $33,000 in donations raised by our community associations I know there's not many of us there but thank you thank you that is that is amazing we are a community the scas do so much for our students do so much for our teachers do so much for our community that's just one Testament of it fundraising and then you approv the money but they did the hard work and they're the ones that collected it and our our students benefit so thank you to all the community associations um Mr Rogers I did the math We There was we recognized people with close to three we recognize 11 people with close to 300 years of service who are still members serving our community but they are some of our last week if you did not know as a board it was teacher appreciation week and I personally just want to thank a lot of those people that you recognize tonight I have had the pleasure and privilege of working with over the last 18 years of my career here in different roles and they do a wonderful job each and every day but they are just a tidbit of what we have here in this amazing community in this amazing district and I want to thank the leadership of our central office as well and it's been it is always right you got to give thanks and praise where it's do because sometimes what you're doing up there as I know I do myself is a thankless job so thank than you for taking the time out I hope everybody has a wonderful rest of the evening and good night thank you thank you thank you very much Mr demp anybody else anybody online okay close the meeting to the public open board member Forum anybody have anything um I would just like I'm G to interrupt so I would just like to thank all the people that were here today that were recognized you know i' like to talk to the vtaa and vtea which was last year but you know negotiations are never easy I think both sides came out relatively unhappy and happy but we worked together it was process I will say dealing with one group of people is a lot easier than dealing with nine people groups of people but it all worked out and you know being on the board a lot of volunteers the sca so it takes a lot of people to make this ship run all different parts all different levels volunteers teachers custodians everybody it's not an easy process but I firmly believe we're going in the right direction today Mr Rogers brought up the world news report we're up 15 spots or something like that so just like a big ship it don't turn on a dime so I do believe we're going in the right direction thank you thank you Mr zimman Miss pellet yeah I just wanted to correct something I made a reference to last meeting that the substudy takes place in the gym and it takes place in the cafeteria just wanted to correct that and then I wanted to kind of say similar to um Mr Zimmerman that since I've been on the board uh we've been through Co we've been through funding Cuts we've been through staff cuts and it was teacher appreciation week and we just really appreciate that all that everybody's been through the last few years and that people are still doing a great job and it's just really gratifying to see um you know just coming together through all of that and still motoring on and like we said getting better moving up in the rankings that's just such an achievement with all we've been through so thank you all thank you Mr Bel I'd like to say I'm very proud of the Vernon staff students families and Community um it's it's a group effort all the way around in in public education and I appreciate everyone's commitment to our community and and and our public schools and and I look forward to making progress in in years to come and art I look forward to seeing one everyone at Art standing tomorrow at lsbury Hollow as well um I wanted to recognize all the teachers for teacher appre appreciation week and thank them for the hard work that they do and again congratulate all the teachers who were awarded tonight um and also I wanted to note we approved the shared services agreement for with the township of Vernon I'm very happy to see that moving along and again thank you to the scas for those donations that is incredible work that you do and we are Beyond grateful for what you do for our schools thank you anybody else I had the pleasure of attending the town council meeting the other night um they had a open discussion about Zoom meetings uh they will be probably voting to either do continue with it or not I couldn't read grp to find out what they're doing Zoom meetings um they also called for uh the governor to sign the the new open public records uh act uh changes the modernization of it um and they went over their budget they did not approve the mayor's uh $50,000 for a after school busing so that didn't go that was removed from the budget just want to let everybody know um and was was kind of civil so was okay okay anything else motion to adjourn so move Mr cantino Mr Zimmerman all in favor hi we're done thank you very much every