welcome you to our July 23rd 2024 Board of Education meeting we are calling the meeting to order and it is 7:01 p.m. and if everyone could please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance a reading of meeting notice the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the pro provision of the act the Verona board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published in the Star Ledger posted with the township of Verona and the Verona Education Association posting of this meeting setting forth the time location and agenda were posted at the Verona Board of Education Office and on the Verona Public Schools district website copies of tonight's agenda and resolutions have been made available to the public via the Board of Education website Mr Cruz if you could please call attendance Mr wer present Mrs Bella here Mrs Farrar here Mrs prisco here Mr Boon here we have Quorum thank you wonderful thank you moving on to our agenda I need a motion please to approve our minutes um resolution a one moved so move by m Waka seconded by Mrs Vella are there any discussions Mr Cruz if you could please call rooll Mr W yes Mrs Vella yes Mrs farar yes Mrs prisco yes Mr Boon yes motion carries thank you moving on to our superintendent report Miss Ty ji good evening I have a couple of um things to discuss tonight but I want to start out with the the exciting one the fun one so tonight uh we have two students with us that um both reached um the esteem rank of Eagle Scout and we just would love to make a proclamation to both of them so um going in Alpha order just to keep it fair um the proclamation um the first one is to Christopher Caldera and uh whereas the Verona Board of Education recognizes and celebrates the achievements of its students and whereas achieving the rare and prestigious rank of Eagle Scout is a testament to dedication leadership and service to both community and Country and whereas Christopher kalara a student at Verona High School has exemplified these qual qualities and has earned the esteemed rank of Eagle Scout therefore it is proclaimed that the Board of Education acknowledges and commends Chris for his outstanding achievement and commitment to the principles of scouting be it further proclaimed that the Verona Board of Ed extends its sincerest congratulations to Chris for his perseverance leadership and dedication to Excellence as demonstrated through his attainment of remarkable accomplishment in earning the rank of Eagle Scout congratulations ch now our second uh esteemed uh Eagle Scout is Luca tadesco whereas the brona Board of Education recognizes and celebrates the the achievements of its students and whereas achieving the rare and prestigious rank of Eagle Scout is a testament to dedication leadership and service to both community and Country and whereas Luca tadesco a student of the Verona High School has exemplified these qualities as and has earned the esteemed rank of Eagle Scout therefore it is proclaimed that the Board of Education acknowledges and commends Luca for his outstanding achievement and commitment to the principles of scouting be it further proclaimed that the Verona Board of Education extends its sincere congratulations to Luca first perseverance leadership and dedication to Excellence as demonstrated through his attainment of the remarkable accomplishment and earning the rank of Eagle Scout congratulations um if I may comment I'm probably ethically probably should recuse myself but I'm going to go ahead here um this is particularly um moving for me as well I know both of these two young men from uh the time they were Cub Scouts and going to some of our summer camps I I know the group two here in Verona is going on summer camp at the end of the uh this week and just reflecting on that uh persevering through storms runs to the hospital uh a mini tornado uh what else snakes and then when we don't have snakes we have Bears um the the troop here and the Cub Scout packs in Verona are amazing and that the work that that these young men and hopefully future uh young women will be putting through um is really um extraordinary and and for as small of a town as Verona has to see the number of eagles Scouts that we have seen come through uh is just a testament to the dedication of the people here and uh the role that Verona schools have in uh helping Foster that and encouraging that uh really means a lot to me so um uh watching you two grow up um it really will be something that I remember and I wish you all the best going forward thank you gentlemen thank you Mr Boon yes congratulations again to both you boys um on your wonderful accomplishments and for representing Verona so well I wish you both the best in your uh College experiences and make sure you always come back and visit us so congratulations again to you and your families and then you have your report right I do so the first uh component of my report and I Jo uh Mr fucia was able to share my screen I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to so I can take it um is the required graduation report and um so before I get into the actual report just to go over um what New Jersey requires with regard to graduation uh there's several components so um no fewer so um New Jersey requires at least 120 credits um in specific areas to graduate um they also allow for school districts to increase those that number of credits uh per board policy so many years ago Verona board policy 5460 High School graduation um uh requires 130 credits um in in specific areas to graduate so um those specific areas are English language arts math which includes a requirement of Algebra 1 and geometry and one course of higher math laboratory science which requires biology and then a second course in chem environmental science or physics and one more lab science social studies uh actually the requirements here are world history Civic and US1 and two um financial literacy physical education and health Visual and Performing Arts World languages and 21st century life and careers as well as technology interspersed technolog is the only one that doesn't have a specific credit requirement but the technology standards are supposed to be addressed throughout the um this actually comes out to 97 and a half credits and then the state recognizes that students will have elective opportunities to get them to the 120 our students don't have any problem getting to the 130 um because we we offer um a a variety of of interesting electives for them so the second component and I'm condensing this because it's a little bit more complicated than that but a passing score on a statutory uh State assessment so this last year our students um were in the pilot group so the 2023 graduate graduates were not required to pass that state assessment this is the first year that's students in New Jersey are required to pass the New Jersey graduation assessment or the NJ GPA graduation proficiency assessment I'm sorry um and it's interesting because that there's a battle in the legislature and at the Department of Education the state department of Board of Education as to whether or not that test is even going to continue so uh we don't know how long we're going to have that test in place but right now uh you are required to sit for and pass uh both sections math and language arts on that test or a substitute competency assessment which is like PSAT sat there's a whole list of of um competency uh assessments that can be substituted for that the caveat with that is you can't if you take the PSAT and you make the cut scores to pass but you don't sit for the NJ GPA it doesn't get you graduated so you have to at least sit for the NJ GPA and then do well on any number of those um substitute competency assessments if you don't have the substitute competency assessment and you didn't pass the uh njpa you can also do a portfolio appeal which is really a long process of students working with individual teachers to demonstrate that they've met the New Jersey student learning standards in um at uh English language arts Algebra 1 and geometry so um that's kind of three Pathways one pathway you you know you score the test you get the requisite cut scores on the test second pathway is a substitute assessment third pathway is by doing a portfolio and then there's local attendance requirements and um if if anyone is interested board policy or the VHS academic program has the specific number of credits in each subject area so I'm required under board policy um and uh 18a um to report annually at a public meeting no later than September 30th so we thought we just kill it early on get it out of the way so I'm supposed to report on the number of students who graduated the number of students that graduated Under The Substitute competency test process the number of students graduated under the who graduated under the portfolio appeals process the number of students receiving a state endorsed high school diploma as a result of meeting any alternative requirements for graduation is specified in their individualized education program or IEP um the total number of students denied graduation from the 12th grade class and the total number of students denied for the reasons of not meeting A B C or D um or absc um the only other way student um can be denied graduation is if they don't meet the attendance requirement so just to go through this the total number of students that graduated uh from Verona High School in uh June of 2024 I have to look at my paper because the zoom thing is in front of it is 175 um that was 168 VHS graduates and then seven students that were placed in out of District placement um that met the graduation requirements uh the number of students that graduated Under The Substitute competency test process were 39 we had 18 students graduate using the port portfolio appeals process um uh eight students one VHS graduate and seven out of District students met um their state required or state endorsed diploma uh as a result of an alternative requirement specified in an IEP we had one student um that was denied graduation from the 12th grade class and uh but that student uh uh is working in a port summer portfolio appeal and we anticipate graduation in August 2024 which keeps uh that student St in their uh cohort so um we are working on we just tested a whole group of kids from the 11th grade that did not um did not pass uh either one or both of the NJ GPA on H A Summer um um administration of that test again they will have one more chance in the fall we're hoping they all P they didn't all take it Dr Miller has to numbers what had like 11 that showed up yes so the other half will take it again in the fall okay let me just unshare um so summer in uh Verona School District is extremely busy um from the end of June into the first two weeks in July are reserved for the closeout of the prior year reports are filed with the uh Department of Education uh financials are closed out and um we start planning for the next school year so you'll notice on tonight's agenda we're we're um approving some curriculum writing um we have been approving lots of purchase order requisitions for um supplies and resources uh to support those curriculum in programs um the our maintenance staff is busy uh cleaning and getting the schools ready for open preparing classrooms um and Staffing the most important thing we do is staff um research clearly shows um that that's where you put your effort into U hiring as best um the staff that we can find so there are four categories of staff and school districts teachers other certificated staff which are School nurses child study team school counselors media Specialists Etc um and administration and support staff which can be anything from custodians administrative assistants par professionals substitutes um cafeteria AIDS Etc so the good news is we are almost completely staffed uh with regard to teachers and other certificated staff we have three positions that are still open one of them we have final interview for tomorrow uh for a business education teacher at at Verona High School and we are still looking for special education English and a Spanish Le replacement to very difficult positions to find um we think we may be able to cover the Spanish leave replacement with six period assignments because that teacher turns in January um we do still need support staff especially uh par professionals and substitutes although we are I'm very happy to report and uh Mr Cruz is also probably very happy to report that we are reducing our Reliance on agency par professionals we have we've begun to hire many more Paras um it's been uh Mrs Simmons working very diligently to make sure that we are um finding people um because while agency Paras are available to us they're more expensive than um Verona School par professional and we still have one opening for the administrative assistant at FM brown but I know Dr Lanzo is actively interviewing now just a reminder that we have we will have policies on our next board agenda and one of them will be the student attendance policy which is going to correct some of that those errors that have been um kind of perpetuated here um for a while I'm not sure when that policy was written initially um but it's been at least since 2018 and it's led to some chronic absenteeism that we need to clear up again like Mr Waka said when we' talked about this last time if if you're sick we want you to stay home but our policy allows for parents to take their kids on vacation and get excused absences that's not what we want to per we want to perpetuate and I have a quick security update um so I met with um a representative from crg which is critical Response Group if you recall um my first year here we um partnered with the state of New Jersey actually paid for this we partnered with crg to upload interactive maps of all of our schools that would be available not only to our own uh police officers in a crisis but also to any surrounding law enforcement agency that would be responding to a crisis at in Vera schools so they are uh they they've been done uh one of the reasons it took so long is that there's been so many referendum projects um no one had like really updated building maps for any of our buildings so finding a map that was complete enough to make this project actually functional so once we got that to them uh now we're we're experiencing a little bit of a software issue with getting those Maps uploaded um I think Mr um uh balage when he gets back from vacation has a a good solution for that though um I'm waiting for quotes on some consultants if you recall at the last meeting Mrs Farrar asked me to um get some information about potential Consultants to come out and you know help us review our plans and review our physical plant I received one it is for $35,000 I didn't think it was going to be uh an inexpensive uh uh I suspect that the others that I'm waiting for will be a similar in cost um and and uh alternatively I can request the office of school preparedness and security planning uh which is a joint division between the NJ doe and Homeland Security um send uh a field service rep uh to us and and have them help us assist in uh assessing our plan and process as well as our physical campuses now that's obviously going to be a lot less expensive it also is difficult because there's only three reps one for northern Jersey one for Central Jersey and one for South South Jersey um there was something that I came across though in doing my research so NJ dooe and the office of homand security and preparedness have identified a site assess tool it's a free app that uh you can use to um assess your own bu your own building and plan um and uh it's put out by Rems which is the Readiness and Emergency Management for school's technical assistance office um so I'm looking into what that entails and and how much training it requires to do it effectively and uh and with my meeting with crg um the representative offered to come out and do tabletop exercises with our administrative team and with the district safety personnel so what a tabletop exercise is is they present a scenario to you and you work through how you would respond to it and it's like practice for things that we I mean we do lockdown drill every month right we do we do those drills but it's kind of absence of scenario so um that we're going to take them up on because they offered it for free question about that that's not just like your typical school shooter coming that's like chemical spill in the chemistry lab and what do we do or fire in yes the gym um in another District um one of the tabletop had to do with a teacher who had a physical disability and how are they going to get that person out of the building in case of emergencies so anything like that could um could be uh considered a tabletop so that's my report for this evening um I just have a couple questions I'm sorry um to follow up on the on the safety issue is there any additional Consulting help we can get from the Town Police Department or is that just not something that they do or I mean the Verona Police is always very helpful they attend our drills um they provide support um we have a um I mean chief Kieran went over our plan and signs it so they do that I I think just the concerns with regard to whether or I think what Mrs farrar's concerns with and who are you with her you can speak to that uh and Mrs Bella's concerns is we have these plans and they weren't followed and as a result we had someone enter our schools um we know that doors need to be locked at all times regardless of whether there's kids in there and they weren't so um like that's going to be my job to make sure okay we work really hard on getting these very comprehensive plans do our staff know them and are our administrators in the buildings following them and if a person is not if habitually not following safety protocol you know are they being counseled appropriately um yeah well we now have three trained safety specialists in District I was trained that's a 4day four full day training um Mrs Paul mzy was trained and um Mr merkler was trained so we have um most you only you're only required to have one okay never have too many you never have too many I sorry sorry no you go ahead I just had a question about the the graduation the NJ GPA and the graduation rate if I did my back of the napkin math correctly um it looks listen it's uh it looks like we about 33% of the graduates that just graduated either required the alternative assessment or uh the the portfolio yeah too high yeah is do we have plan assuming that this is the the way the state goes which um is do we have plans in place other than keeping kids to take the test over over to adjustment part of our strategic plan and I think part of the issue that we experienced this year is we introduced in September um an unpacking the standards uh uh exercises for our teachers and we're very surprised at how much they needed that and again we have great teachers this is not um I'm not imputing them we have an obligation as administrators to make sure that they know where the standards are and they know what they are and that they know um not just this is the standard what does that look like in a classroom and at what um rigor level is the standard written because if the rigor level of the standard is up here and you're teaching it here you're teaching it but are you teaching it enough where kids are going to actually do well on it that's first and foremost and we're going to be working on that for the next several years it's not a one-year thing second we have to impress upon our students the importance of NJ GPA because it hasn't counted for so long our students have not and and not just us this across the state have not taken that test seriously so um you know we we are really trying to um make create an environment where it's important um we haven't had a graduation requirement ever you know I mean HSP which I think I took so to to that end um taking it seriously and you mentioned right now uh there there's alternate paths so that you could use SAT but I know you're still expected to sit and you know my suspicion is that the students so this is a two-prong question I guess students that take the SAT act and they go in and take that test they're just you know what am I doing here is is the approach using a crystal ball and these are the two questions one do you see there becoming a time where the state says okay it's an either or or so if you do the a SAT act you don't have to sit and then the second question is what is the requirement what what's the bar the threshold for the SAT act if that were to happen you know that's a good question and I don't have that information right in front of me I can get it for you what the what the cut scores for each of those tests are um the cut score for NJ GPA is a 725 which is a high bar the the issue with GPA is that it's testing kids on material that they may have learned three years ago um and it's uh not that they're not related and geometry and algebra are related but you can actually do really well on the algebra section and not well on the geometry section and not make the cut score um so your first question is what's the chance that the state is going to say you if you take sat you don't have to take GPA um considering there's such a War over GPA um that could happen uh we know when Park was a part of our lives uh um I have to say park is for those people that hated Park Park raised the bar in assessments because the hspt was a minimum basic skills test it was a bad test and um when Park came in by making those questions really rigorous and when we first looked at those some of my teachers in my former District couldn't answer them and it wasn't because they were poorly written it's just that they were really rigorous they took a lot of thought um so by when Park came in it really raised the level of rigor in our teaching because I remember being in a um the commissioner's convocation the year that Park was going to be uh given for the first time as a practice test as a not practice but as a pilot test and um you know they always told us you shouldn't teach to a test don't teach the test don't teach the test don't teach the test and Tracy s who was the uh Deputy Commissioner of education at that time said uh this is a test you want to teach to because this is a test that if you're teaching to it kids are learning so it was an interesting take uh so and they did at some point say if you're taking the AP English Literature or AP L language um you were ex and you and you did well you were exempt from taking uh Park so they have they have done that before uh so I can see it happening again um this whole GPA thing came out of the fact that um New Jersey changed the rules along the way and circumvented the law so the department of Ed their own law they uh no federal law yes so GPA is required under no child uh just gonna say No Child Left Behind formerly No Child Left Behind now is uh every student succeeds act um and the fact that we get money from that um means we have to follow the federal law and we weren't so um have to have to see how they're going to circumvent it next time I have a question sure um I'm really happy we have a new student rep here but I don't know who he is oh I'm so sorry yeah we're gonna he's gonna speak so we were gonna introduce him okay um you I just can I just circle to I'm sorry can you hear me I just want to Circle back really quickly to security before we move on um I forgot you were here Mrs farar sorry no I'm here I hope that everyone can hear me um so I think the obviously this excuse me the 35k is is a is a heavy is a heavy cost I'd still be interested to see what the other Consultants come back in and kind of what they're offering for that um but I think that the tabletop exercises are a really good place for us to start especially because they'll give us the practice we need without cost and then you know the fact that we have the three security specialists in District I'm wondering if through the tabletop exercises and our own anecdotal notes we can utilize and Leverage the the the district security specialist to kind of turny this out to teachers to ensure that we're seeing a regular you know regular PD where we where we see fit or where we think needed if that's kind of a place maybe that we can start for much less cost than obviously a consultant would be yeah totally absolutely um I think the tabletop exercises and there's also another organization that um I that I actually used when we were making our plans it's it's got a weird name it's called I love you guys um and it it's there phenomenal organization they don't do Consulting but they do training their trainings either half day or full day and they focus on two things plan development and and uh crisis response and reunification and if there's any place that almost every school district across the country needs help with it's how to reunify because it's really hard to practice I think that sounds great because I I think like anything else right we we all can get myself included right we get like kind of laxidasical with things and then we you know hear something happens and it kind of triggers back something and we we're reminded of kind of how how to you know keep security high so I think if we're able to bring those agencies in for that support it would be a great place for us to start and again to kind of just keep the momentum consistent and and moving to support the teachers and administrators and we all know that when you do a drill once a month it becomes ubiquitous and and you and it people just they it does become part of your canvas of uh of of what you know and do it becomes almost like muscle memory to to just everybody lock down and um yeah so I agree thank you Mrs far I just wanted to touch also on security as well I think when we spoke about this probably about a year ago um Diane you mentioned reaching out to I think his name is Mike po from Milburn because they have a really really incredible system with cameras and and screens is there any way we can maybe reach out to him and see who he maybe he has a contact of a company well he's a specialist himself so I don't know he's he's a security specialist so he runs their security program they just added um a whole another level of security Personnel in their District um I actually had we had two different meetings set up he canceled one I canceled the other and we have not gotten together but I can reach out to him they have a new superintendent over there too in great I just remember you speaking about him and um I know of him so it would be nice to me to get his ideas because I hear that they have a really great system there they spend a lot of money yeah well i000 it's a bargain right I know I think that if we are going to you know eventually down the road look to do something we want to do it the best we can possibly do it for do it the right way um yeah and not throw good money after bad at a system that's not going to meet our needs correct perfect right thank you thank you moving on to our agenda so um I'm going to just skip real quick Mr Miller if you don't mind I'm just going to go and introduce our student rep our temporary Stu student rep who's filling in until the um until when the elections in October probably September oo so this is Jack Latson Jack will be a senior so welcome Jack if you have anything you would like to uh report out on please feel free just press the button and it'll turn green thanks Jack being here um okay so I have two things to report on so on Monday June 17th VHS hosted a field a senior Field Day for all the graduating seniors that was run by last year's School President and Vice President Shay Hagerty and Gabby agzo uh they did a great job planning event and the day featured many relay races tug of wars and a powderpuff game among many other things and then on a little bit of a more personal note from May 29th to June 10th my brother and I ran a district-wide toiletry drive at all six of the schools as well as the Verona Public Library we collected over 1,000 donations which have all now been distributed to the food pantry at the Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit the human needs food pantry Bridge's Outreach and Tony's kitchen uh I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who donated this drive wouldn't have been possible without the support the community and the Verona Schools administration and you and your brother for organizing it exactly yeah I know those places that you cited Jack are very very um in need and and do a lot of impact around the entire County so thank you for contributing and thank you for being here on a night um out of out of your life thank you very much Jack and moving onto our agenda we have Mr um Dr Charlie Miller here our director of curriculum to go do his presentation NJ [Laughter] GPA uh good evening everyone and I think we've talked a lot about this already but I we are under uh State guidelines of report just by August 15th so our next board meeting in August is after that so we'll talk about that tonight we made a short slideshow uh welcome everyone here and our viewing audience so here we go it's give one second so that I okay we're good now all right here we go so as we talked about before this is uh we have to follow law njsa 18a so it's administered to all grade 11 students uh it's the ELA and math I'll make this brief because Mr jeppi already went over this in in pretty good detail but like this our Juniors take it but it measures the language arts grade 10 standards and math is algebra and geometry and yes some of our students take it as early as Middle School um on May 3rd the cut score was changed from a 750 to a 725 for both the ELA and for the math and uh we for this year I'll show you the results but this year we had students Mr merkler and I had students come in on Monday and today uh seven students yesterday and eight students today for math so language arts and for math to retake the assessment this morning so thank you students for coming in on a summer day uh say they took two sections of language arts yesterday and one two sections of mathematics today and uh like Mr jeppi said uh if they don't meet that cut score we do have substitute compet competency tests they can take the ACT SAT PSAT we administer every October so we'll talk about that in a little bit and then if all else does not work for our students we will do a portfol portfolio process and that will start in uh January good news is we got results back today uh our summer student did pass so that's good so that counts towards our graduation this is just an example in case you don't know what it looks like this is the front of the NJ GPA individual student report on the left is language arts and on the right is mathematics the students name is blocked out for private purposes again 725 is passing this student received the 759 so they are graduation ready uh and Mathematics they received a 763 and they are graduation ready on the back on the top we have the reading and writing results and it breaks down the legend at the bottom says an exclamation means not yet the arrows going to different directions as at or near passing and the check means Above So this student was proficient with literary text informational and vocabulary uh under the writing they're at that add or near for written expression and for knowledge and language of conventions on the lower part of the back of the report that our parents received uh again you have your same Legend uh for mathematics major content expressing mathematical reasoning the student is not meeting that yet uh I will cite Carol D not yet means that they eventually will additional and supporting content is a check and modeling and application so this is what the parents see on the back uh going into uh some bar graphs for the last two years for the njpa ELA results the two left are Verona and the two right are yeah if you could slide that thank you so we have Verona and language arts 85% of our students approximately last spring met uh 725 or higher this past year these are different students but 93% met uh compared to the state which was 80.5 uh two years ago and then this past spring we increased 8.6% from the year before and the state did a 1.1 again different students but looking at statistically uh when we have to break down our results into our subgroups the subgroups have to be greater than 10 uh you'll see green is good so for most of our groups the green is very high I drew a bar for about two-thirds for our students with IEPs pested as well so that's really exciting news and then I just taking away the percentages these are our number of students so when you see female and male these are the actual numbers who who passed with a 725 or higher who did not so again very small numbers for language arts if you look at the average scale score in 2023 we were 767 and then this past spring we were 782 so that's a 15o increase inre if you look at the state they had a two point uh increase uh when we look at the GPA disaggregated results for the average scale score you will notice that 725 is the passing score and um orange represents this year so all of the results are higher for the scale scores which is excellent news uh when we go to mathematics we have in 23 and 24 for Veron an increase of 7.6% and the state had a negative. 3% a decrease actually so we're pretty proud of that our kids are working hard as well as our teachers and I would say some parents that are trying math at home with their children uh for the Math's aggregated results we have our male and female results and then our other subgroups the one group that we still work on is our students with IEPs it um testing algebra and geometry is proving difficult for some of our students uh but we'll have a little REM what we'll talk about what we'll continue to do at the end and Mr DJ zeppy mentioned some of that in her report when we go to our average scale scores we had an increase of eight points from uh two Springs ago to this spring and the state had an average increase of one so it looks like we are starting to perform even better and that's our goal is to get better every year uh the disaggregated average scale score so purple is 2023 and the Orange is the past spring and again 725 is the P score all groups are meeting that except for our students some of our students have an IEP notable achievements again our 2024 Ela graduation ready scores were uh 8.6 uh Point increase uh while New Jersey was only 1.1 students with IEPs the scale score went from 713 to 742 and in mathematics we increased 7.6% while the state went down slightly like a little less than half a point areas to focus on will be mathematics with our students with IEPs particularly uh next steps uh so what we already uh worked on the first step so our students who are are seniors this year uh are already an opportunity to take the njpa again so we weit uh hopefully we'll get the results back sooner than later so we will know uh we will continue like we started last year to focus on unpacking the math standards along with all of other standards but for this test our math standards create appropriate learning targets uh we will be doing lesson planning in Atlas all of our teachers so this will be really exciting to see this of real time and then uh matching eventually working on matching our assessments so that they match the targets as well as what the standards say we can do all three like Mr jeppi said then we will be experien more success uh review District evidence analysis uh statements and Mathematics I was going to put an example up but the state does not allow us to show the picture uh we can only do that with between administrators and with some teachers uh but I did give an example of one thing that we could focus on for our NJ GPA math but it is vast it's solving quadratic equations in one variables there are many different ways to do that and it depends there's many different levels at which to um but if you're interested I'll post this you can click on that if you're bored we can work on that later uh that stuff excites me so I like that stuff and then uh we have created a math lab um with our administrative team at the high school along with uh our director of counseling Mrs arrian uh to work on students we anticipate who may have a hard time with the test in March we're going to uh offer this for them in the first semester to work on topics and areas to bring them back up to the level so that they're prepared for the test so that is new for us and we're also using map yes yeah that is correct we're using map for our algebra and geometry students at the high school correct thank you and then uh that's all that I had I tried to keep it short I know you were talking a lot about it in the past I'm please ask questions sorry sorry to be a buzz kill I do have a couple questions yeah sure you want me to go back to certain slides perhaps but these might be General enough in seeing them quickly I don't think I loved what I saw with the Hispanic um numbers in Hispanic success so yes I think I saw that in two spots right back here that was one that's aggregated yeah um that was one of them um I know I know the sample size isn't huge but percentage wise uh it is concerning and and so the question there twofold do we have a sense of why that is and what are we doing to try to improve on that yeah sure when you see that I think all of our teachers uh especially if we're using map uh we can see that ahead of time because it pulls it out like students individually we don't look at them split up like this when we're teaching but if we were to see something like this and we share these results with our teachers we in a such in a way flag the students to say like look out for who these students are uh map will tell us this this result will tell us this and ultimately teaching and assessing students will tell us us but it's really differentiation it means if the student isn't performing at that ability can we reassess the student would be one thing you can do uh We've made that more of a common practice if you don't do well in assessment There's an opportunity to do corrections or to try it again because is the goal to get a certain score is it to learn the material um and are these students are they dropping into the district later or are they have they been with the district that's a great question I don't have that answer yet that's a great question now yeah be curious to see see um the other question this is probably really pedantic but when we were talking about percent increases were we talking percentage points or actual percent percentage points so if I go back to here again they're different groups of students but overall like two-thirds of our students in 23 passed math whereas about SE a little more than seven out of 10 students pass so the percentage increased and I tried to show I don't know if I did it on every slide uh I tried putting actual numbers there as well like so these are actual numbers for math if I back up the language arts because sometimes a lot of our samples are smaller than 100 especially when we present uh njs like some schools are really small uh so you would see the same thing here so you can see the real numbers sometimes when you see the percentages sometimes the numbers tell us sometimes it's like oh my goodness like 65% but that's like you know 17 at a n you know 206 uh I always say this is uh one measure of assessment but I think as we continue to unpack standards and to uh make lesson plans visible for all through L and Atlas and connecting with assessments these will only go up there are there is some things that Mr jeppi mentioned too some kids we find don't take tests as seriously as they should they're not they come in and they maybe didn't get a good night's sleep or they and I think when they come in in the summer their parents are like so so we hope the word gets out that's like yeah just take it seriously in March and then you won't have to come in in the summer and take the assessment again and there are some students to be honest with you if you look at their IEP they are a much lower uh grade level identifier than an 11th grade they just some are not at that level and we're trying to get them there I just have can we go um and look at the slide where you had the percentages sure uh which one a certain subject or let I I guess the English would okay so we have percentages here the ones that um it compared us to the oh to the state state yeah sure okay that's the scale score yeah and then but didn't you have one more yeah I did so that would be right here this is Verona and that's New Jersey oh to the right so we have Verona scores and we have the New Jersey so I mean I'm I'm happy that we're above State average I close it's it's a little too close to my comfort yeah well 93% is is I think uh pretty good for our our students passing we of course we want it to be higher um but you know when you break it and when you disaggregate it you'll notice some groups are stronger than others IEP and even the 504 students um you know a 504 student that's a kid who could have a hand issue is not necessarily even AP student doesn't necessarily have a cognitive disability not always right so agreed I I I think that there's there's a lot we're missing there and we need to figure out what's going on is it students who get extra time are not taking their extra time that happened with my daughter sometimes because she wanted to go to lunch is it you know is there other reasons why these students are not doing well on this test and on the standardized test though not using their extra time is not necessarily an option because they're required to sit there for the entire extra time regardless of whether they're taking the test or not so that could be a motivation I don't feel like taking this test anymore right but we do have students who don't uh utilize all their time we had it today with giving some of our students there was 90 minutes for each section and some students were done both sections before 90 minutes and can we just look at them the math one as well here is math yeah there I mean again we're looking at 70 72 yep 73 that's a c well in it's in our current great scale it is yeah that's to see yep um yep I I you know I we all would like to do better I think we need to do better I I can I can I jump into I'm sorry I'm not I can't see if anybody was getting ready to talk yeah sure go ahead go ahead um I think too that you know in listening we're we're very um and and Mr deppi mentioned this earlier as well and I think it was it was touched upon a little bit but we're very assessment heavy and in kind of the thinking of you know switching the assessments or giving students um an opportunity to be reassessed and and I believe wholeheartedly in assessments but I think that you know when we're looking to to make the the numbers move we have to look at what are those assessments telling us and then talk about how the instruction is being supported so how we're supporting the teachers in looking at this data and then determining what the students need and then changing the instructional approach or else we're just going to continue to see the same numbers if that makes sense I can't give it away I because it's still embargoed but I do want to point out that at the high school this year um last year's NJ um SLA scores uh in Algebra 1 were absolutely dismal I mean really yep not good like under 20% of our kids passed so we formed a professional Learning Community to go to um fors Point our two algebra teachers um really focused significantly on looking where our students were missing the mark why were they missing the mark how is our curriculum supportive is our curriculum aligned properly does it move through the curriculum uh appropriately does our curriculum hit all the standards and we saw a huge jump MH algebra scores this year now again they're different kids right but our algebra scores have been not great from group to group to group to group we saw a marked difference this year and I can't tell you that change yet because they're still embargoed but when Dr Miller's back here in a month or so the njsla so we we've seen where you when you focus and now those same two teachers teach geometry right they didn't focus in the same way on the geometry and we didn't see as big a bump and the geometry scores so the power of professional learning communities the powers of power of teachers working together looking at student data understanding the standards understanding how the standards relate into a curriculum document and understanding and coming together and making decisions about what instruction supports this makes a difference we've seen it absolutely thank yeah thank you to to kind of follow on on that too the NJ GPA is taken when exactly March March so I think there is some evangelizing of the importance to the students that needs to continue because at that point uh particularly forun the um act burnt on getting ready for their AP exams for those that take AP so it's as Miss perar was saying we're assessment heavy but and so this one in the area of priorities in the students Minds I'm not saying that that the reality they're like I'm done and and so I I just don't know how it would be it would be helpful if I mean my opinion if they gave it in June after they're done with geometry like they wait and of course test which is what park was right three quarters of a year then they give an algebra one geometry assessment it would be nice to administer that when they are finished with geometry like well that was the whole point when when Park came out they were GNA because that's what the regions are in New York and I know the regions are going they're given they're given immediately at the end of the course but yeah that was Park's intent I remember being in the cafeteria years ago explaining it but they should give it you know and the reason why we're here is because when we went with Park uh in our in like in our I guess in the law in New Jersey uh you're supposed to give it a junior test but they were emphasizing you could take the assessment as a sophomore as a freshman and they were the state was sued so we've gone back to this they switched gears left Park and went back to this but our students still are required to do the algebra the njsla and algebra geometry and English nth grade English as well they sit for those three tests in ninth and nth and 10th grade and then they have to sit for the junior test as well yeah have we looked at how students as a cohort are doing on the njsla in Geometry I guess algebra we'll present that to you versus how they're doing on this yep on the well this this has not been around this has only been two years yeah we don't have a lot of data here yet but we do show what will show you that we are growing in our cohorts for majority of our cohorts are growing on ons is two years and enough gonna give us enough data many how much we need we we only test our ninth grade students they don't test in 10th all right so there's a gap there is it don't they test in Geometry they do but it would we test our the law is now three through nine oh so it's only the ninth grade geometry kids so are only that's correct celerated thank you for clarifying that I it's been reduced all geometry used to be all geometry yeah it used to be that would only be the accelerated kids so the kids that already probably would be doing well it's the accelerated kids in the geometry side but in the algebra side it's the kids that were not accelerated yeah and that's where we saw our go throughs from math 8 to algebra one but we can't say percentage right but then and then you get the whole maturity standpoint well you do they just better students as a sophomore as a whatever and again I I I would ask this for the whole state it would be nice to give the algebra geometry at the end of Out of geometry I think you would have I mean a long time goes by and when you don't practice finding certain things they're just they're just not there and it it makes sense when you look at the state and Verona do much better on the NJ uh on the J GPA in language arts because those standards are repeated over and over and over they build it's not they not discreet um equations and and understandings it's um practices you continue to practice the language arts standards over and over and over and over and over again but and I didn't include 22 but in 2022 when we came back I mean we were like at 45% passing it was it was really low so we've come a long way I'm sorry to interrupt no go ahead um but I might be off here too if we look nationally New Jersey students yes perform abnormally well in the math and science sections on the SAT yes so I I'm just having a hard time squaring this disparity yeah and we can uh when we present AP we can go over um with Mr wz he helps us with this um AP potential and where what student help what students actually achieve AP potential it comes from how well they do on the PSAT and so it's a good predictor and so sometimes we'll see well this these students got three like and which is a passing score but they're predicted to get that so it's not like the they're the p is a good predictor for how they will do now they can exceed it they can always be exceeded but a lot of times you'll see and it there's been dissertations written on this where they're pretty accurate so we'll give that lens too when we present AP in the fall because it's interesting because like we're the goal is always to try to get a three or higher because that's like the average um I would say here uh what would be good news for us is to continue to increase uh and again uh Ela is just more predictable uh all the teachers I think are trying really hard to try to uh support our students with this it just I think Park's point a few years ago and it did up the rigor was give this when you're done because that's what New York has done my mother-in-law is 82 and she took the Regent exam all right so if you take it it in when you're done you're going to have a higher success rate and I think the state would have a higher success rate as well but who knows the politics of this we may have something named diff something different a couple years from now so um yes and so I guess the real the my final closing is making sure that our students who um did not pass we make sure that they pass it and creating uh a math lab for students who we we are early detecting who we think may have trouble with this we think we're going to have success with these students when they take the test in March because they're going to try to fill in gaps this fall math lab is really just targeted intervention for students that need it right so we will have those students most likely take um uh the map growth assessments as well as making our own in-house assessments and we'll measure their progress and hopefully prepare them more because we have some students who take this who are in Calculus BC and Calculus AB as juniors uh so they do pretty well on this but we have other students like you know Algebra 2 is a very tough course and even if you're taking it doesn't guarantee success all the time that you're because they don't even finish Algebra 2 before they take they take this early they take it in early March and they say they give it early because of graduation Etc well the rationale is that so many kids are not going to pass it we want to give enough time for them to take it again and again but if you gave more time maybe more kids would pass and you wouldn't a catch too and we say sometimes math it is another language and we say It's Greek well a lot of people it does look Greek we're trying not to have that happen but uh and it's confidence with our studed mathematics that the Greeks invented mathematics yeah they wrote A lot of it uid U did a lot of work there I learned that in Disney was that spaceship earth orip and the Phoenicians yeah totally well we get our base 60 from them from the Babylonians okay so that that's all that I have for today there'll be more discussion when we go over njsla most we can't report out we get feedback I broke it all down to sh it with Misty jeppi and our administrators uh but we don't get real feedback until the middle of September it would be nice if the state's listening to get back a feedback now so while we have the summer to break down all the information and to get it to our teachers they're not listening but they're not listening but in case there's a shot there's nobody down there I don't think so down there so thank you again for for listening and all your questions Dr Miller yes thank you for coming out as always uh moving on to our agenda we have our business administrator report by Mr Cruz yes uh good evening everyone uh hope everyone is enjoying the summer uh although we're at the end of our uh summer academic session here in Verona it is a hectic time of year as uh Mr jeppi uh shared um one of the things that our builds and grounds Department the B&G team is working hard preparing our school facilities welcome to welcome our students and staff um this for this new school year and in addition the business office as well as uh closing out the 2324 fiscal year and preparing for our annual audit uh this fall um in finance we um for tonight's um agenda we do have the May secretaries uh treasury report and the transfer report they're all in agreement uh one uh update that I do want to share uh that uh this month is an opportunity for the board uh to refinance or uh re uh it's also called a refunding of Debt Service Bond of the 2015 referendum of 9.9 million uh this bond has about seven years left um if the uh re uh if the refunding analysis holds and were able to refund the bond in the spring of 2025 uh the estimated cost savings to the Verona taxpayers is approximately $430,000 over the course of the remaining seven years uh this is actually uh excellent news for the taxpayers as it does um uh alleviate some of the tax levy uh burden and the increases um and in those remaining years um I will also continue providing uh more information in the fall as we get closer to that time frame our advisors Phoenix advisers will continue to monitor the markets uh for favorable conditions um in those regards and this concludes my update for tonight thank you thank you Mr Cruz does anyone have any questions comments moving on to committee reports did the finance committee meet and have anything to report on that Mr Cruz did not mention uh we did meet uh just a couple quick things um we talked about um a bit about the the POS system for school lunches um I think we decided it's our recommendation to kind of remain with the system the company we the provider we have now pending um having to go out uh for bid for the school lunches in general um whether that is we enter the federal school lunch program or not we don't have to make that determination right now but we do have to bid those out this year because we're we're getting to the end of that contract um we talked about the Chrome books that are being purchased that's that and then um there was a balance about approximately $140,000 balance in the referendum uh budget uh line so right now our recommendation the committee recommendation was to kind of hold it uh see what happens with the play rounds just in case there's any sort of funds that we may have to contribute as part of uh the potential settlement if not um Mr Cruz says we can just kind of absorb that back into our buildings not buildings and grounds Capital Improvements our Capital funds U and use those throughout the district as needed and I think that is it unless there's yeah the point of sale provider was the that and the the balance so yeah you does anyone have any questions or comments moving on um no other committees met so we're going to move on to our public comments on agenda action items only only if there's something we are voting on please state your name and come to the podium and you'll have three minutes seeing none we're moving on to discussion items anyone have anything new or old business that they would like to mention um I was just real happy to see the uh life skills folks in their plant sale at the high school uh was last week um and not so much I mean I was excited to get the plants at a at a nice bargain uh but I did have the opportunity to see the life skills people in action uh the students were uh marking up the plants and then uh working with uh the sale and um the handling of just the basic Commerce so it was just a a really well orchestrated event and I was just really happy to see the engagement the students there were really uh plugged into it so it was it was fun thank you um I just want to add I um attended the Willy Wonka Summer music program last week on Wednesday evening here at the high school from our our students um I just have to say what an amazing performance the students are just incredible the amount of talent but the amount of work that they put in in like three and a half weeks and Mr mortyn and his wife um Mrs mortyn and their dedication to the program um Mrs Jay our our retired art teacher for Designing all the artwork and and music teachers and everyone it's just it was incredible to be there um the sets the costumes just everything the students were just really really amazing Oompa Loompas it was just adorable and um so thank you to everyone that put any everything they put into that because Summer music is really yeah really incredible and I hope to see you know it continue and even though with Mr morn retiring he he said he's still gonna continue to do the Summer music program so again kudos to everyone on that and anyone else have anything I just wanted to um because I got an email about it uh the false sports physical forms are due and the the participation forms are are out and have to be filled in so if you are sports physicals have changed the njs AA made a change so I know Mrs uh palmeri put out a pretty um in-depth letter to the sports parents indicating that the changes are happening it's not our change it's the njsi aa's change yes so yeah we had my doctor was like oh this is a new form yeah it's a new form it's a new form um so yes so those are out and if you have a child who participates who's thinking of participating in a a false sport um you really got to get on top of that because you did miss the vote yes thank you that's important announcement anything else okay moving on to correspondence do we have any correspondence none great moving on to our resolutions starting with our Personnel resolutions I need a motion please to approve resolutions A1 through A6 move second motion by Mr Waka seconded by Mr Boon are there any discussions seeing none Mr Cruz if you could please call roll Waka yes Mrs Pella yes Mrs Ferrar yes Mrs prisco yes Mr Boon yep yes motion cars thank you moving on to our education resolutions I need a motion please to approve resolutions B1 through B15 so Move Motion by Mr Boon second by Mrs verzella are there any discussions I have some questions about B15 yeah um I can answer those hope okay it I know we we talked about this last year it there's some very low numbers and I was actually trying to look back to see if they were the same coures but I couldn't find my agenda from um some of them are some of them are most of them are not okay um you know I I just I'm hesitant and I see that it looks like some of them are doubled or tripled up yes so those are the ones that will run because it's one class period so like music theory AP music theory and music Capstone were on the were on the the list last year because they tend to run low but they're all taught in the same period so you add up three um uh two three four five so that's close to 10 um and you know AP music theory um is a is a Capstone course right so it's it's something that we want to continue to offer maybe let me go through some of the things that I saw and I might you circum you know answer your question before you ask it so um Latino literature and I just have to open up something here so I can have the information that I need so there are um True Crime which we we mentioned last uh last meeting creative writing humor and literature monsters and literature band books Latino literature and page to screen these are new new courses called selectives so this is the first time we're running them and selectives are not electives um but they are optional um second half of the Year courses for uh students that are taking um English uh English four so instead of five credits of English four which satisfies the requirements for the njsla they'll have two and a half credits of English for that satisfy certain um uh standards and then these areas of Interest so we're hoping to really give kids a a great opportunity to take something that they really like versus you know um a year of that every student's doing the same thing so adding these selectives don't change the number of six periods that we need nor do they change um the number of teachers that we need so they were cost neutral to the district um I do see you know if you don't have these numbers but I can tell you True Crime is the winner uh with 97 students registered so it would be easy to um yeah um we could certainly um look at whether or not those five students in the U power of the pen would like to go into one of the other courses um there's so many sections of True Crime and creative writing has 45 students registered humor and literature has one section of 22 students monsters and literature has one section of 15 students and then page to screen has three sections of 38 students so we have some areas that you would have similar sections um periods so that students wouldn't have to change their whole course load to get into um a section but what that's going to do is it's going to um um what we would do then is we would go back to those other courses um and potentially split our larger courses so that teachers are not part-time now right but um and we certainly have large enough classes to do that um so that's the selective so that was this verse two um drama and Theater Arts um these are so drama five is concerning uh Theater Arts is a is a semester two uh so there is time to encourage kids into that um the board can you know make those decisions as to um what to do whether you want to approve those small sections that's why we're here that's that's why the policy was written um the teacher that teaches that would uh does have some other sections that are larger so it's not going to affect um uh you know that person schedule AP Chinese language and culture that was one of them last year that was running at two so it's running at 9 now which is you know close to 10 and um I I I would suggest that the board run this um so let's talk French because French is suffering throughout the district and this the French problem actually begins at hbw um we only have six students in sixth grade that opted for French um so um we the greater discussion over the next several years is is French phasing itself out of our schools and do we have to look to see if that's um still a viable option for um for our students so um French one having three students this was a conversation that occurred um with our high school French teacher uh the director of School counseling Mr Cogdill and um she has offered to and it should say it does not but French four honors and ap5 uh language and culture are being taught in the same period okay and um she offered um the teacher offered to do that in order to keep the section of three in hopes to bolster and to bring more kids into French two the following year we generally don't offer French one at the at the high school level because Kids come out of you know hbw having completed French one I'm I'm is inclined or I excuse me I am inclined to leave the French program open because it it does feel like it's a direct result of the issues at hbw and well we had a teacher on on uh you know she on leave that we could not replace for many weeks so those students are not feeling comfortable going into French 2 so so looking longer term if we have it you know have that pipeline coming you know even if it's not this year I I I just feel inclined to keep that door open um if we can build that back up and that's I agree with you and and so that's two years in a row two different teachers have had long-term leaves from the French program at hbw so what this does is it allows those first three students to feel more comfortable taking French one and maybe staying in the program and it also allows those students that registered for French 2 that find French 2 too difficult for them place to move if they need to and stay in French yeah I I I just rather keep that do you know how many kids we have in French too that's the only one that's not on this it's over 10 it's 10 or more it's oh yeah more yeah yeah I can tell you in two seconds just log in sorry double Authentication would be proud the French two has 15 students French three oh it's here so we see um four yeah well actually no French 3 has 28 in total there's a section of 24 and a section of four and we were we are still looking at balancing but there was a lot of Singletons those kids were so they were um it's hard to balance that but we're still working on balancing so there's 20 across French three there's 28 students it's fairly Health yeah it's fairly healthy okay um the next um low course is uh graphic design image development and digital publishing digital publishing is our yearbook program so I think that one has to run with nine students and we generally uh see some kids that move into it yeah um and the others are all running during separate periods so um if I miss some oh uh fabrication and design so fabrication and Design One in semester one has 20 total students so this is one of the smaller sections um we do believe that with 20 students in total we can encourage more students into that and try to balance that that other section that's a popular class it's hard to get it is sometimes so it is I think the only one that kind of on the bubble is drama really right drama question I have that and I mean we have um an awesome theater and arts program here the question Playing devil's advocate is can we fulfill those students needs by offering that as a club if we can't do it as a class we already have a club a drama club right but so what's the the class difference well it's a it's a class they have to do well right they um sorry that's but and I my daughter did take it last year and she will probably be mad at me if I say no to it but it's um they do a lot of improv work they do um in the in the class yeah they do like student directing of little plays and stuff like that in the class well you can still do that in the from my feeble memory I believe you can still do that in the club environment right you can but just just know if if we're only talking about this one or two um halfe courses there this is a net no cost to us we don't gain anything back if we don't if we don't run it we don't gain it back right and and if I recall I mean last year I don't think either of these courses were on our list I don't believe they were so it might just be kind of a blip well you know what we are we are offering more electives you know so we're seeing a watering down in some of the electives um in in in an effort to um not only have Digital Imaging electives because that's really what the high school had limited now we have the selectives although that's not taking out of our electives because that's a second half of a required course um but we are we we have begun to offer some uh new electives in in stem Etc uh that might be watering it down and maybe we need to do a better job selling these courses you know I have a quick question yeah I'm sorry um from a curriculum lens are there are there curriculums written for each of these new selectives there are to be approved this evening they're working on them yes we're we're approving the payment of those curriculum okay so right so then um the so it's a net cost plus the curriculum writing and implementation right I just want to make sure I'm understanding this so curriculum C the only cost is the actual curriculum writing the writing of it whatever textbooks we would need to support these um textbooks or or um in this case it's probably not going to be TT books it's going to be um so then each so what I'm wondering is each year when we're seeing these new electives those curriculums are being written um are we are we also and forgive me because I I did forget other than some of the um the Mandarin classes from last year but are we also like like it seems like there's a lot of new electives and maybe I'm wrong here but are we bringing in new electives each year or are we being kind of strategic in um offering some of the same electives year after year so that if a student is in their sophomore year and they can't take it they're taking in their junior we're reusing that curriculum or is that how this works or is it new each year um if if the course is being offered for their first time we write the curriculum once um and then we put it on a fiveyear cycle to see if it needs to be changed over the fiveyear period um so are we offering I guess that's my question so we're offering that elective over the course of the five while while we have it is that how we've been typically yeah and and many of our electives have been offered for 10 or more years uh depending on if a course starts to die so we're not seeing enough interest they'll they may put it into retirement and offer something else um we did offer a new course last year in uh robotics for the first time um the fact that we didn't have a high school robotics level was in you know being a science person was unacceptable so I'm glad we offered that um but we also offered game development last year so then it's really just these selectives that are really fully new this year this year yeah okay oh no and AP Studio Art okay thank you you're welcome thank you anyone else Mr Cruz if you could please call roll yes uh Mrs brazel Mrs farar yes Mrs prisco yes Mr Boom yes motion carries thank you excuse thank you moving on to our Athletics and co-curricular resolutions I need a motion to approve resolutions C1 through C4 so moved motion by Miss Bella seconded by Mr Boon any discussion Mr Cruz if you could please call roll Waka yes Mrs fella yes Mrs Ferrar yes Mrs prisco yes Mr Boon yes motion carries thank you moving on to facilities I need a motion to approve resolution D1 moved motion by Mr Waka seconded by I'll second it by Mr brazel are there any discussion Mr Cruz if you could please call roll Mr wer yes Mrs frella yes Mrs Farrar yes Mrs prisco yes Mr Boon yes motion carries thank you moving on to finance I need a motion please to approve resolutions E1 through E7 motion by Mr Boon seconded by I'll second Mrs gala are there any discussion Mr Cruz if you could please quot roll Mr wer yes Mrs Rella yes m M Farrar yes Mrs Mrs prisco yes Mr Boon yes motion carries thank you we do not have any um resolutions for governance and policy so we are going to move on to our public comment portion of the meeting if there's anyone from the public wishing to speak please State please please approach the podium once recognized please State your first and last name for the record you will have 3 minutes to address the board there will be no cross dialogue during this public portion if there is a question that can't can be answered only the superintendent attorney or president will respond and we'll do so at the end of the comments you will be granted one time to speak and there's a total of a limit of one hour for public participation no one's coming seeing none we are going to adjourn meeting our next any a motion first to thank you motion by Miss Vella seconded by Mr Boon thank you our next scheduled public meeting will be held on August 27th 2024 beginning with confidential session at 6 PM public session at 7 p.m. in the Verona High School Learning Commons it is 8:26 p.m. and I am juring the meeting and I wish every everyone a good rest of the summer let's go met oh everyone if I need a um voll call roll call oh everyone all in favor yeah that's it all right thank you thank you all for coming bye guys thank you feel better Mrs Brar