##VIDEO ID:-xlqohVp-TQ## call to order this regular meeting of Theon Council for Monday the 18th of August 202 Madam clerk would you please read public meetings act bu stat notice requirements for the open public meetings act have been satisfied with respect of this meeting of the township Council the meeting time and date were included in the public meeting notice along with the public internet link and telephone call and information said notice and meeting agenda was posted in the municipal building and sent to the official newspapers of the township the Verona City Grove times and the Star Ledger at least 40 48 Hours proceeding the start time of this meeting the agenda and public handouts can be viewed online at Verona nj.org counil meetings a public comment period will be held in the order it's listed on the meeting agenda and instructions on how to comment will be provided at the appropriate time thank you madam clerk to call R Council Holland here councilman Roman here deputy mayor makoy here mayor Toro here mayor also present is Township manager Joseph Garo Deputy Township manager Kevin oan toship attorney Brian myself municipal clerk J KY thank youever please stand for the pledge of Le flaged States two items for the mayor's reest today might have okay all this yeah um so the open space committee met to review potential properties for preservation in Long Run uh we review possible uses and improvements for T owned open SP that we already have additionally reviewed the financial status of the open space Trust trust fund and the potential impact of the upcoming property tax revaluation on trust fund Comm welcom new members who were immediately engaged in the process which was wonderful to see and brought a uh some great experience with them to the committee like to thank our Police Department Public Works and EMS uh who were out last night in the storm uh fortunately wasn't as horrible as we've had um but there was still some disturbances and disruptions uh as the hurricane season approaches I ask everybody to be prepared and I heard all residents to really heed weather related warnings um when the National Weather Service issues a warning means something is imely happening versus a watch which is a possibility and it does take a significant amount to actually for them to issue a warning so I urge everybody to actually follow them almost all of the incidents that we tend to have that are almost tragic are you know horrible car accidents and things like that tend to be because people are out when they shouldn't be so I uh I hope that everybody will hear those warnings uh and we forward from there and finally I wish our students uh best wishes for their return to school September um and I wish our teachers and our support staff uh a great return to work that's and that is my report Mr Fay on good evening mayor and Council hopefully you're all doing well I only have a few items also um we'll start with September 11 which is a Wednesday at 8 A.M at go Ro reservation we'll have our annual uh ceremony you know remembering uh 911 tragic things that occurred on that particular day um then we have prob leave these all with the town clerk on Tuesday September 24th we have a senior Wellness which is at uh Cody Arena 560 Northfield Avenue from 10:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. uh if you're seniors in you can contact uh Anthony p in the public information office and finally on Fall Festival already coming up Tu the fall uh Sunday September 29th uh from 11:00 a.m. to 3 pm. at the ess6 County Environmental Center rain date will be Saturday October 5th um we're going to have a full fun day for H crafts display seasonal refreshment canoeing hiking pumpkin patch etc etc etc and Mr Mayor that's about it does anyone have anything for me I I have one item I would like to encourage our residents to attend barktober Fest on September 7 at the tur Back Zoo um it's a pet adoption day right yes at T Back Zoo if I went I would go home with every dog but um but that is a a wonderful offering at the zoo so don't tell my wife who she will come home with a dog that I don't need what is fine all of them is the problem J this is true anything else anything from thank you this m thank you mayor um on the agenda just a advisory on the rfps for Street skate design will be coming in September 9th and then we will set up a later date for the mayor and Council for the proposals to be presented to the mayor and Council uh fundraising by professional firm is being dismissed with the various groups and just for discussion of the council I did send you a draft policy of naming uh I'd appreciate your comments on that draft uh that will help me get that and final form for you staff is already reviewing it as is the town attorney um item 18 on my agenda ever field will take up uh after our guest presentations on solar um we have report that uh has been prepared for you on on the project in our request to go out for final design um and then the Bromfield Avenue veteran ban on Project is completed and fully funded by the community and you'll see those up the next holiday they'll be up during uh veterans month and Memorial F solar feasibility project good evening uh I will quickly go through my report I will defer on the discussion on never until after our Sol presentation but I'll highlight some of the items on my report uh for this evening um the pool R study continues uh we did meet today to discuss some of the uh current finances and and figures for the current pool season we're pulling that into uh final form on the Strategic plan and the rate recommendations which will be discussed and presented to the council either in late September or early October uh smoke testing continues on the sewer collection system again this is a an important project to identify the source of all the extraneous flow that's coming through our sewer system we have approximately completed 50% of the collection system throughout the town and we continue to proceed with that smoke testing throughout the rest of the town over the next several weeks uh we also have uh two larger projects that are out for RFQ for the Wastewater Plant that's the ubd disinfection system and the micr screen project we'll be receiving those r use in uh on August 28th and we'll be making recommendations for contracts in September uh similarly the clarifier pumping station project is ready for bidding as soon as we receive authorization from the ibank uh as far as our water balls go the lind Drive well project continues uh remains on schedule we'll be back in service by the end of the year Fairview Avenue well again we are waiting still for ibank authorization uh we do have a pending appli to Green Anor so they uh we're waiting for them to communicate with each other and give us authorization to advertise that project again uh same vein with clar Drive Pump Station we have uh permits received from the state the revised plans have been submitted to the ibank on July 29th and we are waiting for ibank authorization uh we are looking to schedule meeting with ibank on a number of pending projects that we're waiting for authorization on uh we as as far as the parking meters go we did install our parking meter kiosks we do have training for parking enforcement tomorrow we do expect the new parking meter kiosk to be placed into operation in the coming one two weeks um we continue to advance our local government energy audit again that's another presentation that we anticipate this fall uh we are waiting for the final version of recomend but that will be a separate presentation to the council U and then the Ada playground continues uh the contractor is actively installing playground equipment they will be advancing through the other site work on the project over the next two to three weeks and it will leave them ready for installation of the pre-fabricated Ada restroom uh approximately at the completion of their remaining site work so they are remaining on schedule with that project uh with Lyon Avenue uh we did meet with the complete streets technical assistance team on August 14th they have uh recommended a number of temporary demonstrations for traffic and speeding control uh issues on Lyon Avenue uh those are going through final review and recommendations and then we'll we will be coordinating communication and workshops public workshops as we move forward and we will implement fin recommendations into the final design for Paving in 2025 um number of our other Paving projects are complete uh we did have a uh we did attend the preconstruction meeting for the County's blomfield Avenue repaving project uh we had anticipated some striping on Bloomfield Avenue to help identify and delineate parking spaces versus travel lanes and to also delineate uh 25 mile per hour speed zones on Bluefield Avenue the striping and the U the markings in the road were postponed so we can hear the the Contra uh the County's Paving schedule at today's preconstruction meeting the contractor does begin this anticipate beginning Construction in late September or possibly October uh it will be a full repaving of the entire length of Bloomfield Avenue they did identify that they anticipate because Verona they haven't identified exactly which side of Bloomfield Avenue they will be starting but because Verona is centrally located on Bloomfield Avenue they expect the paving to occur in 2025 for Verona uh so in that light we will be scheduling the striping on Bluefield Avenue for one evening this week uh the pickle ball courts are being prepared for final bid documents and will be advertised for bid in the next several days uh We've continued to work on on number of street tree issues we've completed our windshield tree survey we've met with the shade tree commission and we have continued to advance the removal of several hazardous trees and trimming of hazardous trees or hazardous branches We are continuing to work with Shade Tree on ongoing Capital Investments required to maintain the street tree needs um in the interest of time I think oh and then one other item worth uh identifying is the town hall windows and repointing project uh we have't working with the architect we are nearly complete with the final bid documents and we are anticipating uh going out to bid in the next several weeks for the window replacement and repointing this is Phase One of a two phase project we be we will be bidding the entirety of the project to see if we get favorable prices but again that will be anticipated for sometime anward sometime in late uh 2024 or Construction in early 25 thank you Mr any questions Council R um just any kind of interim update on on what they're finding during the smoke testing anything any early results uh they've been sending weekly results as they complete each section uh that they've been working in there there's been a mixed bag of of findings there are um there are some uh properties that have been identified to have roof drains or lawn inlets tied into the sewer system uh there are a few catch basins throughout the township that have uh seem to have some sort of interconnection with the sewer line so as we're finding these items we're we're documenting them we're tabulating them and then we'll be working with uh Boswell in preparing a phase approach to try to address and eliminate as many of these interconnections as possible again in the interest of trying to reduce and eliminate as much of this extraneous flow as possible from the sewer system thank you other questions okay thank you you guys are introduce yourself good evening ladies and gentlemen of the council mayor my name is Walt Jordan I'm vice president with djent Energy Partners and I'm here to talk about solar with you guys today um not president who was supposed to be here but because of the weather was canceled was Adam from uh C Innovations our strategic partner so with that said before I get started I just have a few quick things um first thing is I want to thank youall this is a thankless act that you guys serve your community serving in my hometown on my pnz and EDC boards it is it is a great service that you provide to your community so yall should be commended for that second thing is as I'm presenting today I thrive on your interaction so I'm a little different than most knock me off my Axis ask questions throw me a curveball in the middle of my presentation I welcome that interaction as we get started so the way we go in your packets there you will find copies of some 3D renderings that we've put together for some sites we've been working with Kevin and Joe um and several variations of of different locations different spots trying to find the ones that work the best and so that's what we're going to talk about today how these things tie together working through the feasibility of project here so first one that we've got is the Lakeside Avenue parking lot uh really like the way this this looks um from 3D rendering and how we've been able to put this together um the lot obviously is going to need some work to it to accomplish this establishment but um this is a this is a really cool project and and sets up nicely for the aggregate net metering that's available to the town um and using the power production to be pushed forward um to other sites so in the interest of interrupting you as you requested yes ma'am how large is this um yeah from a you talking about from a square footage standpoint or from that's a good question that I don't have the answer to that's helpful yeah thank you yeah in the Solar space we measure everything in Watts though and I do understand that I think it's just helpful to get a concept of you know height space associated with it okay so from the height and the space associated with it um you're going to have and we can do it a couple different ways it can be anywhere from a 9ot clearance to a 14ot clearance so in the in the interest of you know my my biggest concern would be snow plows right I'm a little allergic to those in part of the world that I come from but uh I know it's a big deal here so make it big enough so we get a snow plow in there so that we can clear the snow out of there um from the snow drips and whatnot but what it's essentially whatever the size of that parking lot is is going to be the size of the of the solar array system on top so since you're touching on it because I I wrote it down right here what about the snow look so about so that's an easy question right so traditionally your snow loads you want to have a 60 to1 ratio and your dead loads right and so these are all engineered and designed to carry at a minimum of 60 to one can go a little higher than that so um we installed them in South Dakota we installed them in the Buffalo New York areas where they see the most snowfall in the country right so um they're engineered to handle that um specifically to your CL and this will be maxed out from the snow and this is pitched so all snow goes off the back of it that's correct okay so then then back to the council woman's question the height so I'm guessing the height would be a lot higher in the front but in the rear traditionally 14 feet okay traditionally 14 feet slops back to nine um we we would we would design it from an engineering perspective again to make sure the snow CL can get in there and do his business and get out thank you absolutely if I if I may before any if you're gonna speak you got come up so yeah before any work is done and my name is Tom Brown I'm CEO Company um well we're gonna we'll submit all engineering documentation with the the the business office and we'll in in that process we give all the engineering doctum that show the snow loads so we show that um everything can beat or exceed the standard set by the city for the city and the county as well as the state so thank you yeah so the next location that we have here is is the municipal lot um again 14 feet on the front 9et on the back we can make adjustments to that as necessary um this just gives you a nice bird's eye view pels are going to go from a production standpoint so any questions on the municipal parking lot one um I'm not seeing any sort of equipment yards or other you know infrastructure facilities associated with this is the entire system integrated in the canopies or does it require ground mounted facilities as well no ground mounted facilities so all the inverters um and everything is run um to the closest utility meter that's there either we bore underground or we'll trench one or the other so thanks this is Municipal parking lot number two similar to parking lot number one so this is your waste treatment facility currently um part of this incorporation here is we've got a u we've got a roof coating built in um over the the metal shed and I'm going to talk about that a little bit more a little further in the presentation and why that's important in the process and how our system works tied in with the roofing and the Sol being a single unified engineered component to clarify for the public the the image is actually showing our DPW garage which is near the waste water but it's actually on first Gage yes we when we put this together there were several variations that we put together and there were a lot of questions surrounding where we could put panels and how they could affect certain parts of the waist treatment facility so um this is this is kind of where we landed at the end of the day you know there's an old pan an old system there that's out of service I think it's on one of the other buildings there it's currently on that building it is on this building okay yes yes did you real did you explore putting it on the building across from this the other maintenance garage there as I know that roof is getting replaced soon so we we have talked about it but that was not confirmed when we put this together okay it it can be done that's an option that's that's readily available my recommendation is having a roofing background as a whole is put solar on it I'm G explain further about that here in a minute good is there a reason not to put over the digestors so we weren't sure because we're not in the digestor business um we weren't sure if this how much the sunlight had an effect to it and blocking the sun could affect the digestor and the productivity of the tester that was that was looking at the an aial of the facility right now and it does look like the existing panels are on the advanced treatment building and the office building there um and I think is the older system that's uh that's off I'm just kind of curious if there's any not to replace that system in it in its current place as well so the one that we've got drawn here if I'm not mistaken Kevin you can correct me but the one we've got drawn here on this particular roof that's the roof that I'm almost certain has the panels on it right now currently yes there there might be some on there but if you look um if if you would basically you see the you see the D the the tanks in the lower left picture there yes sir if you went basically a little further to the left and down uh you would see the plant administration building and the uh and the uh Advanced treatment building and that those buildings have panels on their roofs that's the system that I'm referring to that's um that uh is out of service okay it's a much smaller roof than what you've G got drawn there so so you might not be able to get as much panel density but that's where we had uh solar at one point okay have a look I do think there is some small solar on the BPW garage and if I may um I think we should probably look at that first off it's it's not operating and it's decommission from just from a safety standpoint just you understand solar panels are going to always continually change electric or S into electricity so we we we should remove those and then dispose of them appropriately for you um at a minimum but it's also a really good idea possibly we could add additional solar if it makes sense but right is the building electrical systems probably already set up for tie in and everything yeah there's already an interconnection approval there so with an existing interconnection approval the utility won't require us to do it again as long as we match the exact same system AC size but we should definitely explore that and I think we will Mi yes right so the next slide that we have is the community center um we've got a new roof built into this you can see we've we've replaced the uh black EPDM roof with a white TPO roof um we've also added in um the GAF cool series shingles um specifically for this project and there's a there's a direct correlation as to why we've done that and then we've also added in some additional uh parking lot structures as well so we bring this together we talk about where our costs fall how the costs play into this and so friction point on the front end right the friction point is The Upfront cost and and how the project comes together this is based on a cash model um with the city of Verona owning the actual project themselves and it comes and through the Department of Treasury and the direct pay portion of it under the IRA which is the inflation reduction um that offset that $8.9 million cost and then how we've arrived at those figures so what I've done is I've broken down H facility uh from model that goes with it and if you look on the layered in the we've got in the New Jersey first this is a offset on these when we're talking about the locks is just going to be a little bit different where we're we don't have a utility bill that we're going to offset from to to look for an Roi so essentially all of generation station is going to be layered back into your other facilities where um you're using power from a solar perspective want to ask about one of the figures I saw here you're showing the annual energy use I'm looking at some of these parking lots and you show 1.8 million kilowatt hours is that intended to reflect the existing energy use that the facility would be using be like CH don't see how a parking lot would be you know what what does that number represent so e chares so yeah so um one of the what what's happening out this program and again you'll be breaking some ground here so we we'll we'll take our time to make sure that it's all approved before we move forward with spending but um we're using this land which obviously doesn't create or use energy or it doesn't use energy um but it'll be applied to your energy bills so what you're what you're seeing there is actually the amount of energy that would be created so it's not going to it doesn't reflect how much power is being used on the site but it does reflect how much energy will be offsetting on your other bills your other energy builds okay so that's that's the expected annual generation of each of these of this site yes that is correct and and it's and it's escalating over time as the as we project you know Energy prices to go up over time okay so well the the the actual generation you know in kilowatt hours is not going to ask it's actually going to go down corre it's going to decrease half a percent a year okay and and then also sorry one more um you list a federal tax credit here obviously we're a government entity and we're not you know paying federal taxes is that a just a cash credit so yeah so the way the direct pay works is the incentives from if you were a for-profit entity are issued to you in the form of a tax credit but since you are a government entity through the IRA back in 2022 they've created the direct pay portal and then you get a check directly from the Department of Treasury right um I I really appreciate you guys updating this presentation to provide some additional look into the the financials here because I think it's really helpful in your spreadsheet you're identifying the New Jersey T-Rex um I would just ask that you take a closer look at that and determine whether or not it's actually going to be the SRA 2 um that this project would qualify for and whether or not those financials remain the same um because I'm not sure if the timing would uh allow for trre credits in regards to the t- credits right one of the problems that we that is available with is it's it's it's not going to be it's not necessarily consistent for how they're going to issue it over the course of the next 15 it's made some they've made some changes um previously and and here we are in the new state now so all we can do is predict based upon the modeling and the data that we've got available to us as it sits right now and as those changes are made throughout the years it could fluctuate up or down okay I do still think it's not the T-Rex any longer it's probably the S to right exactly so um it's called the suie credit thank you um and I'm gonna again it's it's it's similar to the fact that it says federal tax credit when it when that's not labeled properly for for a nonprofit so that's a software ofic no and I I do appreciate that I just wanted to make sure that like there is some information and if that Baseline number in in the spreadsheet is based on a prior T formula I just want to make sure that you're confirming the the suie um formula so if if we can just confirm that that would be tremendously helpful yeah so what happens is um we're g when as you know sounds like you're very familiar with the with the programs in New Jersey um we make an interconnection application obviously that verifies that we can do the aggregate program which again is uh being adjusted and and your city has already had conversations with the PSG on this particular matter the other thing is we make application for the financial payment which is a separate application and then we qualify on that and that's the case when we can lock in the rat so so if there's timing changes and and so the actual hard numbers um as we move forward in this process will make that application that'll be the first applications we make is to for the financing uh picture from the state as as well as the interconnection application and then before the city is obligated to pay you know for this project these projects going forward we'll lock all that those rates in the interconnection applications yeah this is uh the figures for municipal lot one um it's layered in exactly the same way as we showed on the previous slide and I've broken these down for you um my location was the graphs so what what the graphs represent is the yellow represents what we can produce in solar power obviously in this particular property we don't have a utility offset so it's going to Max it out the way it's structured from a software standpoint so um couple of the other properties it'll show the actual utility usage for that physical property so there's your Wastewater Plant that we offset and you know it's a nice system capturing a percentage of the power that's there so um that's your biggest power consumption um station in the entire um Fleet of Verona facilities that we've seen Municipal lot two can you talk a little bit about the your first the second column here uh on and equipment equipment replacement you have a project it out 30 years correct is that the total replacement cost no it every 15 year so so the panels come with a third-year warranty and and a 15-year labor warranty that come with it from the manufacturer okay see the jump at year 15 well the reason there's a jump at year 15 is because of the inverters okay so inverters are like a set of top they're just going to wear out that's going to be the conversion of DC to AC power um and they just wear out so that's why that cost is associated there in year 15 so that it can be accounted for so as as a good Steward to the solar industry it is our recommendation that you have the system serviced a couple times a year make sure you don't have any corros wires um I don't necessarily know that cleaning your panels is necessarily overly important you'll get enough snow and annual rainfall that they should be washed on their own just by Nature I don't know if you guys have a heavy bird population pigeons or geese something of that nature that could create some some challenges that are there it's like we're at a dairy or you know somewhere like that if this was in Arizona or Nevada where your annual rain falls less than 10es a year but that's a different story from the purposes of cleaning them so it's meant to to work on the system make sure the system is functioning properly that you know everything's online and moving forward recommendations twice a year have the system checked so that's what the o m accounts for in that in that perspective thank you so this is the community center you can see we've got 100% um of the total um from the power usage that we get from the kilowatts um being offset from the solar on our biggest Productions coming in the summer it's it's interesting when you're in different parts of the of the country where your biggest Peak months are um and your power consumption um down in the South it's always in the summer because you're running the AC on full blast and here yall run in the furnace in the winter on full blast so um it's always interesting to see how those those Teeter depending upon where you're at is there any reason why the Verona pool was not looked at in this because I understand that that building when it was designed they actually specifically built that roof to be structurally adequate for solar but um because at that time there wasn't net metering they never put system on it but that's another po facility we have good question so we reviewed the we reviewed the uh the pool um we looked at the pool and um realistically when we were we were trying to tailor it down where we were going to go with the project that was that was one that for whatever reason was was pulled out of the equation the economics order not favorable or yeah it it just didn't come together um the way we were looking at it um the size for it and the cost and then you know the real the real power that you can get from there would be to add more parking lots uh with parking shade structures Etc so that was was really kind of the option that was there um and so that it was more favorable to go to the other Lots instead so we've got a total of about $7 million in incentives um this is a two megawatt system as we've designed it um obviously there's a lot and and to be fair to this there a lot of data that we don't have and the town doesn't have for that matter that can help us really dial in and and get us closer to what we're looking for from an interval data standpoint and and working with your utility Prov to gather that information so that's part of you know where this process goes is you know putting together the interconnection doing the engineering doing the studies with the interval data uh putting together a more robust more dialed in concrete system but as it stands right now the incentives are great um the system the size system is huge and this also gives you a facility by facility offset for um where the power generation is versus um versus what you can make from the solar so these are some fun numbers here but is real quick if you wanted to go over the sizes um I can go those through those really quick with you we can also send them moment just follow so the environmental impact of this so this is an of million M 682,000 trees planted so it's got a it's got a very significant environmental impact as far as you know reading the meeting the city's car Net Zero goals uh from a sustainability standpoint and and doing our part so um these are the figures you know 38,000 tons of carbon saved is a is a pretty spot-on number um that's a that's a nice nice ad for for the environment there okay so next slide here is is the PSG the aggregated net metering program team systems stat we've been in communication with PS and um with Kevin and myself we've uh waste water that's I had mentioned earlier which is 2 million kilowatt hours all right so we're going to shift a little bit we're going to talk about the roofs how the roofs play into this and why the roof is important so the first roof that we're going to talk about and the first type of roof here is we're going to talk about the community center so what I've done is I've speced this roof with the GF cool series shingled roof it's part of the cool roof ratings Council it's energy star rated um it's also Title 24 out of California as well which are all very important um and in this exact proposal it's part of your direct pay incentive so 40% of your roof cost can come back to you in the form of a direct pay from the Department of Treasury by creating what we call the single unified engineered component here's how it works traditional roof you go to Home Depot and you buy some shingles you're going to get a black asphalt mat threedimensional shingle laminated with 30 year whatever you want to call it and it's going to have a UV reflection rate that's less than 10 actually probably closer to five and the reason is the black asphalt mat and it's going to absorb heat well with the cool series is what it does is it's not made with black asphalt mat it's got a UV reflection rate depending upon the color choice of anywhere from 70 to 80 and what that does is that gives what we call the bounceback effect and the way that the bounceback effect works is our panels are double-sided like like double-sided tape right so we collect sunlight on the top side and then we have a panel on the back side that's catching the reflectivity from the roof and we're converting that into power as well using the attachment methods with the roof it becomes a one two so we're capturing the reflectivity of the roof and then we're using the substrate of the roof to anchor down the racking system recognizing that as a single unified engineered component we've also speced JM for the flat roofs in the community center um using two layers of 2.2 inch ISO and a half in HD ISO board and using the reflectivity of the TPO roof again to capture that power um also to capture that reflectivity off of the roof and so to give you guys a little bit of an example this slide shows how that bounce back works so it's a bifacial module so all the sunlight that hits that panel is going to capture as much of it as we can we can't capture all of it and then what passes through heats up that membrane or heats up that cool series shingle and the bounce back comes right back into the panel on the back side catching that and turning that into power so any of your roofing systems that you're going to replace the bifacial module is what allows you to capture 40% of that cost back and a direct pay which is part of the incentives package that we've laid out couple of other cool features this is uh this is the monitoring system and how the monitoring system looks um this is in Fort Worth Texas at Tanger Outlet Malls and this is during the total eclipse back in April 100% totality and you can see where the where the eclipse took place but this is the monitoring that's in livetime that can be at your fingertips from your phone from your iPad from your desktop Etc so you have the ability in lifetime to monitor exactly what you want you can dial into a single cell on a single panel if that's what you want and this part of this comes back to the maintenance piece that we talked about in EO and M side right so you'll get an alert like a text message or a notification on your phone that'll say hey row four panel L produced 80% less power yesterday than it has the two days before so the system is able to generate and give you all kinds of data compounds it on a regular basis allows you to be able to in lifetime know what's going on with your system at all times so we're using the ZN shine bifacial module 2,955 lbs this comes with a 30-year warranty and the 15 year labor warranty using a tier one panel also comes with 20 Sun grow inverters using with Tao rapid shutdowns as well really like the Tao piece to it that's a safety factor that plays into it with your um firemen there's a fire on one of these facilities heaven forbid but it gives them the you know the safety factor from being able to come in and fight the fire and not have to worry about being electrocuted um from the system still being on still being hot producing power Etc so some successful projects we are the solar installer for UPS um our first large format solar project was here in New Jersey for UPS specifically um we've got I think 13 UPS uh distribution centers here in New Jersey that we've put together this is Sher glass in vinand New Jersey I listened earlier mayor when you were talking about you know weather warning weather watch Etc well this was finished and installed and interconnected a month before hurricane Sandy there was no damage to the panels there was no damage to the roof this is the largest rooftop uh at the time it was the largest rooftop glass manufacturing plant in the world um that we installed so the system performed beautifully in the most adverse condition U conditions and when you work with a glass factory there's a couple of key components and I'm bragging a little bit here but they never lost power they have a boiler and they have a furnace that can never lose power so this facility's power was never turned off during this entire installation and this installation will be about two megawatts today um or excuse me about 10 megawatts today so this is uh depford schools um also in New Jersey another large format solar project that we've done here in the state and then I also understand that you guys have a facility that yall are working on putting together from the standpoint of um your emergency services so police Fire EMS Etc and we've been in contact and had some initial conversations with the architect um pushing forward on that to have the discussions of solar and have the discussions of using the right roof to be able to capture that cost back and it goes hand inand with what we've shared with you guys today is that that exact system will work the same as it pertains to the new roof that's going to go on the Emergency Services Center you're going to pay for the roof regardless but this gives you the opportunity to capture up to 40% of that money back um through the direct pay initiative by putting solar on that facility there's a lot of unknown still at that project but just kind of planting the seed that those options are available couple more yeah go far away the bif facial modules that you talked about are they on like the parking garage areas too and do do you get as much production from being in that area as it with a roof no you don't get quite the same production unless you've got a white surface underneath there that's going to reflect up right so your parking lot is traditionally going to be black um so it's not going to have the same reflectivity that you would get from a TPO roof or PVC or a metal roof so we we will use the bifacial module on the got it and then backing up to the that cool series roof is that is that a 30-year roof or is it a 50-year roof I know like edpm flat roofs are 50 but the other one that you were talking about too the TPO what's the life of that let's stay with cool series for just a second okay so back in around 2010 GF changed the game and they went away from the 20 year the 25 year the 30-y year model and they went to what they called the Lifetime right and so they don't they don't use that vernacular anymore but the the roofing system comes with a 20year no dollar limit warranty so that's labor and materials across the 20-year period it's got 160 mph wind rating it's also got the new hdz technology with the uh Durock um glue system and The Wider nail lines for it and it's probably the most it's got an unlimited wind rating but I mean it's probably one of if not the best shingle in the market to this very day so when you talk about TPO the options that are available in the project when you talk about TPO you can do a no dollar limit warranty it's going to come with a 20-year manufacturer's warranty out of the box right but if you start to get into the ndls which is we've priced here you get into a 10 year 15 year 20 25 or up to a 30-year um no dollar limit warranty so year 17 year 22 there's a problem with that roof it's under the war and it's going to be the cost to replace the roof at whatever that cost is 22 years from now 17 years from now however that works and so the manufacturers there're with us before during and after the install to certify the installation and as one of their preferred contractors that's how you're able to push out that indl to you find that they last longer because they solar panels over them or that's just the life of them because they're generating great question so yes they they will because they're not taking all of that UV reflection only the only Roofing product that's out there is a silicone roof coating is the only Roofing product that the sun doesn't cause depredation to so when you talk about the solar panels it's almost like having you know a patio cover in your backyard right it's going to be cooler underneath your patio cover it's not taking the direct sunlight it works the same way it's going to extend the lifetime of the roof yes just because the UV reflection doesn't tear down this is reviewing all of these different all the different Financial there are different estimates for when we see positive cash flow from them assuming we get all of the government incentives looking at a liability on Township about $1.7 million right um I guess question for you and for our Administration is has anybody aggregated all of these numbers and come up with an estimate for exactly how long in years it would take between our cause savings on our utility bills plus what we're putting back into the system or when we would realize a positive cash flow on this all together yeah so the overall um modeling that we've come up with is roughly right out about 12 years and is there a financing cost we're paying on on the system is that in at into this or we you know we have to bond for the cost out of our own know as toship debt the financial model this happen be bonding our okay so when these numbers were determined do that include the bonding costs the interest and all of that these these are all preliminary numbers all of this will be going to the auditor but because we've been in administration work on this for year it's at the stage where we need to bring you up to speed on where we would be going and and is the council uh conceptually online with this so we can keep moving with what we're doing it would all go to the Auditors also next we already cleared the company via co-ops and those guidelines got to deal with Administration has with other vendors and since our first at this point in time but there is a lot of work to do yeah this first point I would just like to see as we go forward is we're to install all these items and every year they decrease in their efficiency right eventually there's a sweet spot as far as when with the financial benefit up is when we actually see that PO up cash flow and of course once we hit that that number that we're actually turning in profit goes down every right um to the point that when we have to replace these items when the warranty expires we're looking at another cycle of that or you you don't have these things um the other so that's the economic analysis see on that is when we have funding costs included when you have interest because everything costs twice as much when we Finance it right uh which could minimize any savings that we're getting depending on what the the bond payments will look like so that that's something that we definitely need to say um the other piece of this is is there an expense for disposing of these items when their useful life bus up what does that look like so good question as far as let's start with the disposal piece right um we have panels that we've been modeling since the mid 90s that are still performing today at less than a 10% degradation tool now it'd be like using a typewriter when you got access to an iPad from the technology standpoint of where they're at we're we're at a real place as far as solar goes from the R&D standpoint it's not like in you know 2002 2003 you go to Best Buy and buy a computer and by the time you got home it was you know it was obsolete because the technology was changing overnight we've really made big strides using these bifacial modules and we really kind of hit a plateau from that standpoint um we've got a project down in Puerto Rico that we're working on they installed panels in 2007 we're using what we call a 250 model um here we are you know 15 years later 167 whatever it is and you know these are a 550 so that just kind of gives you the evolution of where it's come to a lot of the R&D money right now is really being sunk more the battery space and it is in the Solar space solar Space is really kind of landed in a good spot and then to further that when you talked about earlier about the degradation of these panels you're going to see most of your degradation in the first five years and they really just kind of level out after that and you're going to probably see less than a 5% degradation case studies indicate you know that the numbers are lower than that but to be conservative roughly you know 5% is kind of a good place to start and the system and the modeling how you put this together does that for us right so it's it's accounting into that from the degreg standpoint have I I I want to address the specific questions though end of life and what do we do with the system all right so um we just did a study for Bare Pharmaceuticals on a large array that they were putting in um basically what we found was that because there's value to recycling the materials because the the racking systems are aluminum and now the solar modules that are being designed a lot of glass a lot of recyclable material there is a value to those um which offsets the labor cost so what we're looking at in the removal of the system is really how much is the um the value of the of the recyclable selling of materials how much of that offsets the labor cost so what we found in this particular project for Bare Pharmaceuticals was that was it break even number um we can do an analysis for example on that facility that you have some older modules on and uh we can get some quotes on that for recycling cost versus the the labor cost and well that'll give you a really good idea of of the of the long-term cost but if there is a need to remove or replace modules in the future which is something that we're starting to see in the United States because the solar industry is now around that 20 25 year mark As far as the large solar projects go New Jersey for example is right at 20 years um um that is BEC a very big con you know something that people are very concerned about looking into um again um the good news is that there's value in the recycling so um I would say that we're looking at a 5% cost of the original installation for the removal complete removal of the system the other thing that um wanted to point out too is in these systems that we're installing we are going to be putting in new roofing systems so the ROI on a roof is basically Infinity right there's no return on investment for a roof but by incorporating the solar which is the design that the city is looking at right now there is an Roi on those roofs so as Walt mentioned before anytime that we can incorporate a roof into the design that's a value to the city because you're going to get a return on that dead investment that so that's something that we'll highlight when we work with the everyone on the numbers to show that yeah there is a longer Roi but we're paying for roofs which don't generally have an Roi that so there is added value there for a city you know where that would just be a capital expend that you would never recover but in this case you get new roofs that last 30 years and you get get to recover the cost of any thought questions coun yes um thank you for your presentation my first question is about the reflective so when I look at your slide um in your presentation I believe it was slide 177 in addition to providing the benefit of additional solar generation am I understanding the slide correctly that it actually helps to cool the facility as well right because we're not absorbing all of that heat so it actually would hopefully help us to reduce some of our energy consumption to cool spaces like the community center that's correct yes ma'am okay so that would be an energy savings as well yes um so let me add one more thing to your question there on the insulation Factor when you talk about the roof the roof's going to go to an R30 on the installation currently right now it's got a black EPDM roof on it that's got a UV reflection rate of zero it was made and invented to make snow melt faster and it's probably got a half inch per light to one to two inches of um SPS underneath it that's it's really maybe an R5 r s somewhere in that range so it's going to make a drastic difference in the heating and cooling inside of that building as well well that's very helpful because we do have a lot of recreation um uses in that facility and so it can't get very very stuffy at times um I just want to say thank you so much for your presentation clearly a lot of time went into it I want to thank Kevin and Joe as well um for their leadership on this I think it's really important um I've been an advocate for us finding uh creative ways to reduce our energy consumption including utilizing solar I do agree with the mayor that it would be really helpful to get into the financials a little bit deeper um I do think that there's more opportunity but I appreciate that you were candid that there's more granular data that you can drill into and there's opportunities to really get this to a more final stage that you're in a more conceptual point and that you wanted to hear our feedback after about a year of work on this and so I do really want to say how much I appreciate the time spent on this project I think there might be opportunities for additional roofs as some of my colleagues referenced um and i' really challenge us to find ways of if I look at your slide correctly you're saying that we're only offsetting about 25% of our load if there's an opportunity for us to offset more than that I think that would be really helpful and when we talk about financials we also need to consider the fact that the costs are only increasing um and that net metering actually is offsetting um our tnd D costs as well as the commodity so like I think it's really important for us to understand how those costs are increasing over time and so how you know continuing to generate this electricity is actually saving us more money over time as those costs go up um in fact we're going to see large rate increases from the utility and uh on the commodity side probably within the next six to 12 months so it's very substantial and it's really important for us to be doing what's necessary to offset those costs that being said I would also um challenge the municipality and so the administration to really look at how we would maintain both these roofs and these solar facilities so that we don't have a situation as our other solar facility um was not fully utilized um so if there's an opportunity there for us to have Lessons Learned on our prior project but again I just really want to thank you I'd love to get that drilled down more detailed financial analysis but I understand that what you're looking for this evening is just kind of Buy in on the concept and I I definitely think that it's a positive concept that we should explore further and then really start ironing out some of those finer details very one other thing to add um on your last statement there if you look in The Columns of each one of them there's the O andm cost that's that's the the cost from a group that specifically does that makes sure the system is generating and does the monitor excellent so you don't run into the same issue where you've got paper weight sitting on your roof okay yes it's not very worthwhile at that point no any other questions guys well thank you thank you questions comments time us appreciate I mostly I kind of want to see sort of our team and our finance people sort of looking at this because I'm concerned about things like our bonding our aggregate bonding capacity or you know there's there's a lot of things we need to look at our specific financial situation do some of our own modeling that's really kind of what I'm looking for I like this conceptually I think it's you know I've pushed for anything we can do to to manage utility costs in the past and this is obviously you know does this it's just a large scale project I want to make sure that it doesn't you know that it fits in the rep of the puzzle here and and yes it was on the council's list for the past two years to had to so we appreciate this coming to coming to the table then yes I I think my comments I was add to what I have before um I think that Finance piece is going to be really big and pretty thorough analysis I think the other thing that we need to be cognizant of as well is the proposed insulation on L Side Avenue uh in looking at that graphic in comparison to the other homes and St was little overwhelming so I think we should be aware of the impact on our neighbors there um and uh and really speak to the homeowners around that area uh yeah just the other the other places don't have that kind of say that went to M KN we may have to do some adjustments collection of house yes so I think the councilman Roman's suggestion uh because like you said we've been talking about this for years something that we've wanted to do but the Verona pool was the one that always comes up because it's full sunlight all the time uh and I'm thinking if we did the parking uh covered parking there we have two two different parking levels there uh I think that's an ideal place for I think think that's an area we should really look into if if we were to replace Municipal lot two and move those dollars over to the pool that would probably you know there's there's obviously an opportunity that's there we've I think would you give me 20 25 sites to look at something like that a lot right so we have a lot of buildings yes yeah it's great I'm I'm happy to do it right this is this is fun for me strangely so you know the pool can be an option right there if there's a building that y'all want to see solar on specifically I mean you can put solar on this building and replace these shingles with the cool series roof if you want to I mean we just Reed this building a couple years ago fair enough I understand I understand I saw some water stain so that's the way of thatting know because my my thoughts are always the parking areas are great because summertime obviously we all know it you come out you get in your car uh it might stop people from turning their car on but they're automatic starter 15 minutes before they get to their car uh and even with EVS now you won't use the electric to keep the car as cool if you were you were in the covert area so I think these areas are really I think important areas that we should look at and I do agree with the mayor that the structure to cover that entire lot with structure that that looks looks massive so I think that's an area maybe we can take some away from there and add up to other areas just my thought but thank you again for your presentation else before we the def May on his concerns twice and going over list important is that this evening what we need from the council to stay on schedule is authorization to go into design which is what you need to final design before we even go to bonding so another review we losing time on potential next potential grants if we don't get designers so we'll go over hopefully field again our questions from the deputy mayor stti C had and our responses to those questions thank you again um so we did as as Mr mentioned we did sit with the deputy mayor to review the Everett field concept plans uh we did we did sort through some of the comments uh I think some of the comments are well received and and and uh can uh final Design Elements can be uh modified to reflect some of those suggestions and comments I think namely there was some maneuvering and manipul cting of the area in left field and Beyond the uh beyond the left field fence and in the behind the third base fowl line in which there's an opportunity to to gain some additional playing space to extend the the fence line from 165 ft to potentially 190 feet somewhere in that range again a lot of these uh will come out during final design as we locate the final uh locations of retaining walls and we we move some of the walking paths to extend that area uh there to accommodate some of those changes we would need to relocate on the proposed site plans where the some of the proposed trees and the proposed scoreboard were initially shown uh we can find other spaces on on the site or along Elwood Road or west road to plant additional trees if we can't find spaces on site uh but those were some of the modifications that are very easily Incorporated uh there was some discussion about the idea of um redesigning or changing the concept of the first based bleacher side where uh currently it's proposed with prefabricated aluminum structures with a walkway behind them uh there was a suggestion to uh incorporate some sort of Stadium style seating with with some sort of concrete bleacher kind of seating where you're utilizing the existing slope uh and pulling the walkway in front of those again um the idea would be to we would need to maintain this site as fully ADA Compliant uh in order to do that we could design both seating areas uh one each of them has separate alternates on the base bit of the project and we can make a final selection based upon what the uh contractor bids come in at so we can look at both options in the final design stages there was also some discussion as far as the paving material for the parking lot along Glo Field Avenue and u i I think there is obviously an awareness that there needs to be some a sensitivity to the storm water uh requirements for the site uh all of that is played out in the final design stages when The Final Storm water design is is um is prepared for this final design plan but as far as the paving materials go uh there is an opportunity uh to install a permeable or perious Pavement in that area to help assist with some of the storm water requirements I think the idea of of anything less than uh permeable pavement would be uh would not be recommended just because of its uh maintenance concerns um and the usability concerns and and the U the potential for creating uh either wash out of of less uh less stable materials or or tripping hazards because of of some uh wash out from other kinds of construction materials but there is certainly an opportunity to design that and I think the plan's actually called for that parking lot to be uh P perious pavement uh so again in further of of uh advancing the project I think the intention would be to anticipate designing that in that manner um and the last item that was was really uh an open discussion point was the final location of the um the snack bar restroom and announcement Booth uh there's a discussion about potentially reconstructing the existing building or or building that structure at the location of the existing restroom um there's a concern about whether or not um tying into that existing sewer line would would be feasible from a new location behind home plate uh the the plans anticipated an entirely new sanitary sewer run uh the existing sewer line from that existing structure is uh it's it's aged it's um it doesn't have the proper pitch and there's a history of backups and it's the backups I think are largely related to the flatness of that sewer line and the age of the sewer line so the intention with the project was to construct new Sewer Lateral for that building um regardless of of the final location but uh I did have an opportunity to speak with vbsl this morning um they did feel strongly about uh the location being behind home plate uh they have verbally committed to the donation of that building and that donation is is rooted in it being located behind home plate they felt very strongly about the location um and and that's um again I hopefully the concern about uh eliminating sewer um sewer costs that was going to be a part of the project anyway so hopefully that mitigates that concern as far as the location uh and the location behind her BL I think that generally summarizes the point of the project that we're at I think again to Mr daro's point the the advancement of the final design allows this to get the project to a point where it can be considered shov already and it could be eligible for an application to cdbg when they open up reprogramming funds again we were successful last year with the Ada uh playground for The Ada restrooms uh this would present present itself as another opportunity if we could Advance the design to get it to a quote unquote shovel ready project questions comments man thank you uh so I will thank uh both the manager and the deputy manager for meeting this week I appreciate your time on this you definitely touched on everything we went over the one addition uh I did esort also and you put it in the email so you said it would be okay is a small walkway close to Bloomfield Avenue that goes out the West View because obviously if people are going to come down to you know Park sometimes they Park on West View so they can come down and have some sort of walkway onto uh onto the field down there so that thank you for that uh the one thing as I stated uh before even in council meeting uh the location of that Fieldhouse uh my my main concern is number one the maintenance of it uh the sewer line going that far and I I went further and I calculated to scale from the drawing uh it does run it's we're going to run a new line and of course I knew we're building a new house we put a new sewer line in uh to run it to Bloomfield Avenue is at least 350 feet uh to code quarter inch per foot for sewer lines that means I I'm okay with this plan but I I feel before we move forward we should get Public Works to check the depth of the main sewer line on Bluefield Avenue you because calculating that out that uh it's about 87 7 fo3 in it has to be below grade to have the proper uh pitch for that sewer line to make it uh if not and we have to use ejector pumps talk to any expert in commercial use ejector pumps they just clog and the maintenance on them is going to just be a nightmare and of course it's not going to happen in the middle of winter it's going to happen in the middle of summer when that Field's being used uh and then we're going to be back to page joh there so I that I think moving forward that's something that's major I think we have to check that first before we say yes to this uh I'm okay with a lot of the other things uh I do you know I I I go to some games up at Lind Drive I go to both of those fields up there uh as far as the Fieldhouse and do we really need a Press Box up there I don't think we really use the one at freedom and liberty that much so uh that's the only thing with that if the bbsl is 100% for that uh then I may bend on that but I just don't think that it's something that we really utilize at our other fields but other than that I'm okay with all this I would like to see what we're going to do with that uh first base line along Elmwood Road as far as incorporating uh the retaining wall in with the bleachers there just the concept that we have already uh I I I do think that that moves the bleachers back it gives a more a larger area in front for people that a lot of people do stand to watch the games uh it creates a nicer area there and it brings that ADA walkway off of the wall behind it and I just think that keeping that ADA walkway which has to be level all the way around or certain a certain elevation that means that that's probably the lowest so you got the highest wall there I think if we move the Ada walkway in front of the bleachers it lowers that retaining wall and it it makes for a smoother transition around the field uh I appreciate your consideration for the uh Third Base Line the north side of the property uh as I stated in our talk having the bullpen and then the uh excuse me the uh Dugout and then the bullpen right there and the bleachers further down left field uh I know they use the bullpen for batting practice also they have a net on it it would really have blocked the vision of half the people sitting in the bleachers so I appreciate that the area behind it where it is is a perfect location it could still stay there uh and it it brings the bleachers closer to home plate so the people the visitors that's the visitors side uh they get a better view of the game so I think that's overall that's a better fit for that area uh and then I appreciate left field I also spoke to some people on vbsl they the left field 165 fet was a concern and I know we were offsetting that by raising the fence and putting a net above it but I think if we can get to 185 190 ft out there uh I think that's ideal for that I mean right Field's gonna be 205 uh Liberty field is the walls up there are 245 feet so I think it opens up uh I think a greater amount of people that can play out there for that so I appreciate your time and the revisions I look forward to seeing them on paper but I I will obviously say yes to move forward to do this uh pending any other concerns of the rest of the council if I could just answer the one of your comments the I did have an opportunity to also speak with our public works department today about the depth of the sewer on Bloomfield Avenue okay um the the the sewer line is deep enough to accommodate the sewer run the other thing that we do have working for us for us is that the home plate location is the higher point on the the the site compared to Centerfield in the parking lot so we do have the slope working with us we're not fighting on that so between the slope that's working with us and the depth of the sewer line on BL Avenue we were able to confirm that that design would work and as I mentioned the first base seating side we will have dual designs to put that out for alternative bit options and I look forward to seeing that I I have plans to talk to a couple other people on vbsl I I also think and I didn't bring this up but I think having the bathrooms and the snack bar behind home plate I do think it's a bit of a distraction I also think that's a good Revenue maker for the bbsl uh so to put it all the way there a lot of people stay in the parking lot uh to watch the game so that moving it to the location of where it is right now I think it'll be a more active and and and more Revenue generating area for that but that's up to them if they think the same then I'll definitely be presenting that to them during the week questions um thank you mayor um fbsl was was firm on their building this building they're donating it to the township it offsets the cost for us that's where they wanted to Refirm that today I will go back to the shade tree commission we didn't have time they were one of the stakeholders that I don't think it's a big issue with the trees and planting them in other locations but that was from our original meetings with the all the stakeholders environmental Commission the shade tree we kind of did all that homework for you ahead of time in bbsl we're on the phone again today just to confirm their position the building they're donating so we need would like to have the authorization of the castle to go out to get final design that's not going out to bidding that's not going to bonding we can't move forward unless we go into final design we'll be discussing these tweet weeks for a long time if we don't and you'll see that in the engineering and and those aspects that have to be done on topography engineering drainage compliance with storm water you don't get that in conceptual design Council woman Hall thank you I just want to say thank you for your diligence and perseverance on this project Kevin and Joe um I know that this was another one of your long list items that we gave you when you came to the township of Verona I think it's really important to revitalize this field um we have a tremendous baseball and softball Community here in Verona um there was a huge number of kids enrolled in the program this past spring I was very impressed to see it and I think it's so important for us to have an important and revitalized recreational ass um asset on Bloomfield it is something that people see when they drive into our community and it should be a showpiece for our community I think this concept plan is definitely getting us there I want to compliment you both on leveraging grant funding um and from the state as well as uh working collaboratively with stakeholders and constituents like the dbsl to get this ink kind contribution I think it's really important that we were able to reduce the cost of this for for rate U for our taxpayers and I I do think that it's worthwhile for us to get to that granular U final um final planning stage so I would be willing to move forward so that you have what you need so that we can start ironing out some of these wrinkles as I said earlier and we can make sure that this project is ready to move forward and we can get to a final design so that we can go out to bid instead of um continuing to try and work on this concept plan when really the time and place to do that it's in the final design stage so again I want to thank you so much for taking us through this process and I'm very comfortable with you moving to final design so thank you so much just brief moments obviously thank you for all the work that's gone into this um as far as the construction specifics I do look to the deputy mayor for his analysis of this of everyone that's up here he knows building construction and the pitfalls you can get into in in building a facility very very well so I appreciate his analysis on on that and uh hopefully a lot of his ideas can get incorporated into this project um what I really concern about myself is Amplified sound um that's the one thing that I would be opposed to having at this location um I think that in terms of just basically you protecting the neighborhood and so on that's something that I think that should not be happening here uh so I wanted to ask what the current thoughts are on on that as far as the usage policy the one the one positive aspect would be in the position behind home PL any amplify sound be directed towards Bloomfield Avenue we don't have their exact schedule when when lights go you're on when the lights go out um so whatever the time frame of games that's when there would be Amplified sound and we could discuss the deal level with the pvas with them um for meetings very honestly but one positive aspect is is all the treat behind it and versus the sound going from where it is now it was to be built there directed right toward its residential HS versus where it is proposed it's actually directing it towards blomfield Avenue which may be a plus for the resence right but sound is you know sound is not unidirectional it does it does disperse a lot there are houses that are immediately adjacent to this field it doesn't you know you can point the speaker down at the ground and they're still going to hear it it's still you know still something that would pretty disturbing on a you know on a weekend to the resident neighborhood to have that so that's you know my my biggest concern any other comments counc in room no I I so in the final design plan though we would make sure that any facilities we were constructing would be compliant with d regulations such as the noise regulations right so I I think that might get to your actual concern is that we would have to make sure that any facility constructed would not be creating noise pollution that would violate any of the state regulatory standards I'm not so much worried about where the regulatory standard threshold is my opinion is if somebody is in their house and can hear it it's too much um I just I don't you know this field where this is located this is a neighborhood facility this is you know right next to people's houses um I simply don't want someone sitting there you know all all day on a on a weekend day hearing announcements I'll close that the conversation on this then thank you uh I I think we everyone up here on this Council I don't usually say that speak for everybody but we all want this field to get done uh and we want it to get go to design I'm willing to say yes right now but we have to keep in mind we're building a field for the kids we're not building a playground for the kids we're not building a snack stand for the kids we're not building bathrooms for the kids all those are important but we're here to design a field so that it's playable for baseball and softball we're talking about all these other things that go out here you know we're off on just let's get the field squared away first and then worry about all those other things around it and and I think we have the field set the one major was left field and we're moving it out a little bit more so let's uh I'm willing to say yes just to get this going to final design but I want to see the final design before I see us thank you Mr thank you that was the intention get it to final design so you can see all the engineerings and you'll see those final designs as the community will be and then we'll be able to with your authorization Bond it go out to bid uh any other comments like the speaker announcing whatever we'll talk to bbsl and find out what exactly is your plan for this and and how You' be announcing I've seeing too many little Le games where they love to hear their name announced so we'll talk to them so I'll I'll close out the conversation in thanking the administration for your work on this it is something that I I I will reflect the deputy mayor and he stole a little bit my thunder but he's great so it's fine um but I think this is everything something that we've all agreed on on getting done from the start I know it's something that I I pushed as soon as I got on Council I I think when a design like this and putting everything together and trying to make a design that will last for multiple generations of kids going through that it is a bit of a process uh I appreciate the administration and neia responding to concerns we for the public certification this concept plan had kind of been revised at times and I appreciate the the uh the deputy mayor using not only his common sense but also his background and building to come up with some suggestions for for here as well um and I think that shows good teamwork I and this is a process that when we build anything we want to make it well in government it does take a little time to do so uh I appreciate everybody's comments I appreciate the public comments um and and ask for the Public's understanding as we you know government work isn't done immediately as Mr Garo has 55 years experience in the government probably tell us um but I I'm glad to see the project moving forward I think the the tweaks of concept plan are positive um and I believe I can based on the comments speak for the council saying to the administration you have our go ahead to go to the final design phase think as far as policy for usage we have usage policies for all of our Fields right when they can be used by whom they can be used that's where your sound goes piece goes into um parking you know things like that we need to have some that's conversations that we have down the road um and I would expect the the rec committee to provide some feedback on that and our director of community services and vbsl uh because in the end just like the comment I brought up with uh Lakeside Avenue an hour ago we are in a neighborhood and we have to be good neighbors and we have to make sure that providing a benefit for certain individuals doesn't negate the the health safety and life quality levs right so that's that's really where we are though in all I think that the redesign of this field will improve the quality of life for the neighborhoods um especially with the playground that I desperately wanted and I thank you for including that in there uh um but I think in the end it does increase quality of life and honestly for anybody that drives to rone it'll increase the quality of life by not looking at the current uh which is a i b a stain on our wonderful Township uh infrastructure so uh let's do it thank you mayor and un said credit for the council concerning all the grants that we've been able to achieve was really Tren by the governing body um charging us to find every feasible way to reduce the cost this so thank you thank you thank you do you have anything else for your report no have no voice left through Council reports I'm going to uh relinquish the chair of the Deputy Mayor so I can have a health Break um and he'll continue with the his report VI thank you Mr Mayor my report is short tonight uh I will Echo the mayor uh thank you to the public works and our emergency services for their work last night during the storm uh and all they do during those uh those late hours in the dark when it's things are overflowing and it's pretty dangerous out there uh thankfully this area didn't get hit all that bad however it was bad but other areas like Connecticut got really hit pretty hard and I I feel for them and wish them well uh the only other thing I have is the uh sustainable Verona had a meeting and I will have more details at the next council meeting but they're going to have an EV Fair on October 5th uh details and location uh will be uh at the next meeting and uh that is all I have for this evening so I will pass it on for Council report from councilman Ro all right comments are some to be brief also thank you to the Township's Emergency Services Public Works Department for getting us through that storm they always do a fantastic job and in deal was with those events I'm glad we didn't have more issues than we did and I also wish Council Holland a happy birthday it's very thank you it's not my birthday currently it was recently since our previous meeting Council woman H your next and happy um so yeah I'm a year older um thank you for bringing that up right also just I've moved past my birthday so just just AR um so I just want to acknowledge um that it is August and um we are taking a break from some of our regularly scheduled advisory committees as we prepare for the start of school year so um I just want to recognize those committees and I look forward to meeting with them again in September I also want to acknowledge some of the significant rain events that we've had lately after a very dry summer I am aware that some of our friends and neighbors have definitely experienced another flooding event in their neighborhoods and that this is very troubling and that this most recent rainstorm last evening was not as significant as some of the ones that we saw in 2021 and 208 uh 2018 and it really reminds us that there's just more work to be done um so I want to thank the township Administration for your continued leadership I know that you've worked hard to address and mitigate some of the concerns of various neighborhoods I know that there's more work to be done I did receive feedback from some residents in the Forest Avenue um area so I I do hope that there's opportunity to address some of their concerns as well um I also want to acknowledge that Labor Day weekend is coming up so I hope everybody has a healthy and safe holiday at the end of the month or the beginning of next month and um I want to just acknowledge that my daughter and I will be running in the Labor Day classic so I won't be beating anyone on this Council but it will be fun to run with my daughter for the first time um so that concludes my report thank you so much thank you this time I will open for public comment on any item anybody wish to discuss before the council Madam CL would you please read the public par stations anyone from the public wishing to speak on any matter please raise your hand by pressing the raise hand button on your monitor if you're dialing in by phone you can press star n if you're attending in person please raise your hand before approaching elect turn runs recognize clearly state only your name and Township of residents for um Township of residence record you are not required to provide your street address however if you do please note that these meetings will be posted on the Township's YouTube channel the addresses will not be redacted for any purpose you'll have four minutes to address the Council there will be no cross dialogue after everyone wishing to speak has been heard the council May address your comments and our questions thank you madam clerk Mr vessa welcome hi Mr vessa Verona I won't give you my address but you probably know where I live anyway I had uh an idea in my neighborhood someone has painted one of the street poles or the light the poles purple or maroon actually can we have a project or contest or something uh strip polls solid solid Rune gray stripes polka dots just just something for fun that's that's all that is and I understand Mr Mayor you went to Italy I did would you like to tell us about your trip did you meet your colleague I I will tell after public comment is is over okay so that's that is planed thank you okay else good evening everybody Mr Mayor Deputy Mayor mrco councilwoman how you doing uh just a couple points oh sorryy your name sorry Cory Shore Verona um ever field um very um happy today about the continuation going forward for ever field um I do agree uh with the mayor about the uh sound policy is that every field that we see has some type of sound policy whether you know 10 o'clock in the morning or 7 o'clock um at night while living in the forest area I know I was walking with my kids and every morning on Saturday like 10:00 11 o'clock I hear the football announcements so um I know there's concerns about the community and the the sound but you know it's Not Gon I don't think it will happen at like 9 10 o'clock at night or you know six o'clock in the morning so I just I understand the community but I think there should be some kind of you know policy and the rec committee is obviously will look into it and give some recommendations uh the solar uh panel project um this is something that um I've been emailing uh the Deputy town the uh sorry Deputy town uh mayor on this um I also agree that I'd like to see uh the pool looked at as well because I think there is a lot of space there at the parking lot to generate energy I want to thank the council for moving from six to nine members um at the recreational committee um I know we're in a 20-day period before that passes but our next meeting is in mid September September 17th so if it's possible to look at the appointments potentially and maybe at the next meeting pass some appointees I know uh the clerk is working very hard to um get that process going and I'd like to thank uh community fairs and the recreational um Department um two days ago three days ago the fall programs rolled out and um I saw a lot of programs a lot of um kids that were not on the weight list anymore that they were just assigned into their whether it's soccer or um or um one of the other um programs I had no complaints which was very nice and um I saw that some of the weak programs that the kids were getting uh that some of our programs starting after 3:15 which was much better than 2 o'cl was not conducive for Working Families so I want to thank the Community Affairs I'd like to thank Dave I'd like to thank uh to Michael I like to thank the entire team there for working with us over the last couple years at Recreation uh committee to get that done so um have a great uh day have a great rest of the summer and thank you for your time than you than you so much for hearing me today my name is Lauren yon and I live in Verona um I appreciate the comments about the noise in ever field I also appreciate consideration of time frames I will say that um as a mother of a young daughter I'm so excited that we are going to move forward with this hopefully she's better at softball than I was horrible but what I do remember about softball is that it wasn't about like all the stuff that we had it was about what color t-shirts we had where we were going for ice cream after it was about uh Picking Daisies or for me it was about Picking Daisies in the Outfield um and just really being with my friends and I think that that's like purely American and nostalgic and kind of what baseball is supposed to be um so I do ask consideration about the noise being that I do live very close to this place I do think that it goes beyond whether someone's trying to sleep um maybe just that like cup of coffee that I'm trying to have on my back deck at noon to get through the rest of my weekend day after a hard day at work um I appreciate that kids want to hear their names called um but I did take my daughter on a very very very expensive vacation for her to meet all the princesses on a cruise ship and all she wanted to do was being this tiny thing when we got back to Verona it was Memorial day we went to the pool and I book her back in school she didn't talk about the princesses she didn't talk about the food she talked about going to our town pool and to kids I think that's really what's matters it doesn't matter if they have a stateof the artp system they just need a safe place to play so thank you hi Sarah ofarrell Verona New Jersey at the August 5th meeting like many others I've attended I Rose to express myself over an item that concerns me and many of my neighbors I'm always polite I try to keep it simple and friendly and I feel that I express myself clearly and cly as a stakeholder my opinion was dismissed as if this disc as if this discussion is a one-way street I was clear in discussing ever field that my older children had grown up playing there which at the time had a working bathroom snack bar and grounds maintained by the volunteer parents including me I was clear that I would like to see an improved concession stand and the much needed ADA Bathroom and that the field is very important and should undergo improvements I stood to merely express my opinion and my objection to a PA system that will carry through the neighborhood each time a game is played and sought to maintain a large beautiful existing sycamore tree that was not displayed on the plants apparently my residency in our town and my residency near Everett do not qualify me as a stakeholder of one of our public Parklands what would qualify me and after I spoke one of the vbsl parents stated that he understands about the PA system noise and said that he himself doesn't like it near his home and that a sound system wouldn't be a deal breaker for them again we did not buy our home next to an existing Sports Complex still I was answered with of course it will be a policy that will limit the use of the sound system as if there is such a policy within Verona's current code that limits PA system use because there isn't bronis chapter 339 noise under 339 2C loudspeakers amplifiers the use of copes mechanical loudspeakers or amplifiers of any kind for any purpose upon the street of the township is numerated as an act sound to be loud disturbing and making unnecessary noise in violation of the code so it's quite the opposite of what was referred to as a basic standard sound systems aren't a basic standard the basic standard is that residents are afforded the right to live in peace without undue noise or nuisance Cedar grows new state-of-the-art Little League field on Grove Avenue doesn't have a PA system nor do the Little League fields for rosand Fairfield Essex FS Caldwell or west cell I feel that I was invalidated for my right to stand here and protect our neighborhood from a condition that doesn't currently exist and should not exist going forward even according to our own code and we can also hear the football games where we live at um Everett field all the way from the high school I can hear the score I can hear everything the noise does travel it's very loud and I think that our peace is just as important thank you so much thank you Mr thank you anybody else I'll close a comment um to Mr vess's point I know the poll you're talking about uh I walk by it every day with your crown radar uh I guess the question that I have for the S Administration is is it actually legal to paint a street pole any color but the metal is there any is there anything that prohibits the good question there I don't know have to look it I it's a please do that's S I think the the idea of having some neighborhood contests on that is kind of a cool concept so um but I can tell you the the maroon painted one in my neighborhood certainly was an improvement over the one that was kind of rusting um that would be good to to look into it might be fun for like a events or something like that get people to pay to paint them that be even better uh to Mr asking about my my trip Italy um I did have the opportunity to Brown in uh Italy for a short time only a couple hours unfortunately with our itinerary mayor tomasi was not there when I was there but he did love the flag that we gave them and all the students with whom I was traveling my 80 closest friends um a picture in front of the the U Rona Coliseum which was a beautiful Landmark uh with the flag and uh I was able to get the flag to the mayor uh and his one of his staff members was able to take it and I did get a call from his chief of staff and uh inviting me back unfortunately I gener just didn't worked for it but if I'm in R Italy in the next you know 10 10 months again I will be stopping in uh they were very nice and um the administrational so provided a a hat which he was tickled to hat as well so thank you for that um Mr sha as always I I appreciate your your Insight and your willingness to uh to look at the policies I think that uh we have some applications for the rec committee that are outstanding so we may be in a position to do an appointment at our next meeting uh because of 20day theod have been satisfied so I see no reason not to uh to move forward with appointments for our first September meting um Madam clerk if you could just resend those to everybody just so we know that would be wonderful uh to Lauren I'm sorry I didn't catch your your last name I really appreciate your your sentiment um as somebody who played right field and left out in baseball uh as a kid um I despite being a horrible baseball player um I still enjoy and remember fondly my time doing it so um and frankly I think you're right in I I don't necessarily I don't think I'd be able to describe the the field to you right now but could certainly describe the the fun that I had there but Mr farell I I'm sorry that um well I think I as you you know um appreciate your your sentiments it's something I discussed earlier I do apologize for the dismissiveness by which you by one of my colleagues and uh and I I know I'm committed to hearing all public comment um and receive emails we talk to the public all the time but I don't want that to dissuade you from coming here and sharing your thoughts again especially as we as we move forward with this project that is a few feet from your house so please come back and please share your thoughts um any other comments on public comments all right um that concludes the public comment we will be going into our hearing and Adoption of ordinances the uh next item on the agenda is ordinance number 202 4-28 on second reading B CLK which please read the title of this ordinance into the rord an ordinance vending the standards of the C2 professional office and business Zone District by establishing assisted living facilities as a traditional youth coor space as a Madam cler can somebody move the ordinance please I'll take councilman Roman for the motion is there a second I'll second a second by the deputy mayor and now it's time for public hearing on ordinance 2012 24-28 same public comment statement as earlier applies however the comment is limited only to this ordinance hey I don't see anybody jumping out of their chairs on this one is there any Council discussions very on Madam clerk please councilman Holland yes councilman Roman yes Deputy Mayor maoy yes mayor Toro yes mayor uh 2024 28 zero will be published according thank you madam clerk we're moving on to our CL resolutions we have a light um consent agenda this evening we have the August 5th 22 minutes we are accepting the national opioid Grant and refunding escrow and we do have a resolution for executive session which will be happening this evening would somebody like to move the consent agenda so Move Motion is made by the deputy mayor there a second second second is made by councilman Roman now it's time for public comment on presentent agenda items the same public applies the comment is limited to these four resolutions and the minut anybody has comment sign very none uh any Council comments caring on Madam Roes coun yes counc Roman yes Deputy Mayor maoy yes mayor churo yes mayor resolution K1 through K4 will be numbered 143 through and including 146 uh okay we do have an addendum but I believe you're pulling the resolution on the addendum are we moving forward with us so the administration is removing that from the agenda so we do not even need to table that we will move on to doing unfinished business uh first item on of new B finish business this evening is the opposed attendance policy which I thank the C attorney for drafting uh at my request um well I'm this up any comment on this uh s of councilman Holland this time thank you um I think this is worthwhile and I really just want to say thank you to the recreation advisory committee for bringing this forward I know that it was a strong recommendation that came forward from the committee I'm grateful to see it moving forward it is certainly something that I had raised at prior meetings and I want to thank Mr Short's leadership and uh bringing us to the council thank you thank you Council any other comments on the policy yes may just a couple questions of uh section one here we have any public member that does not attend the required number of meetings shall be notified by the appointing party we have Town Council mayor or manager just be the cler would be the the appointing authority so the person or the group that appoints would be in control of removal usually removals the same way so my idea was to have whomever it was that appointed that act as a group or act as an individual who did the appointment the contact okay because that would be the same person who will decide ultimately if they should be removed okay I I have kind of the same thought as the deputy mayor and that Mr Roa um that was just my thought yeah I I do think maybe we just add in um through the Township Clerk perhaps whereas you know for the notification through the Township Clerk and that way we have the records maintained if the clerk is doing those emails and everything's one place uh because Clark handles everything else related to committee appointments so I think you're right in that the appointing authority would need to initiate the notification but I agree with the deputy mayor that the notification should actually be made by the T CL and my thought there also was because the clerk we actually appoint and the clerk notifies the appointments the when we do appoint yes then the other one here like within 14 F days of notification the member May appeal the decision of removal by requesting a hearing uh should we maybe or maybe added if necessary uh because I'm just thinking back to uh there was an appointment on one of our on a resoning board where someone was in a car accident and they didn't attend for I think was six months uh and and no one really knew it so I mean obviously if they're notified uh then they just say well here I was in a car accident or there some reason they didn't make it and that's an acceptable uh the hearing the hearing isn't a necessarily a formal hearing with like a judge or whatever so in that instance okay they would receive the notice they would say hey here's my doctor's note or here's whatever or the family would contact or Verona being small in many instances you would actually know that and it wouldn't even get to the notice so the appointing authority although it goes through the clerk um would take that in consideration before they sent the letter right if you didn't know and the person just wasn't showing up then obviously the letter goes up or goes out rather if they didn't hit the right number of the percent of meetings but on their hand if you knew that they were out again for medical for themselves or their family you would you just know that's John and they were only 65% but they're back now in the loop they haven't missed a meeting the last four meetings but they were out because you know they had a family member sick with theys just in the next paragraph the same thing with the uh thank you I I have a couple comments Mr uh the in the writing says all public members is attached at least 70% of being sell each year when we're saying we're saying year calendar year okay I yeah what however we Define that I'll do calendar would be interesting if somebody this is something we have to to start thinking about is whether it should be calar year or whether should be an year because if somebody misses a meeting in December then misses a meeting in March and then misses the meeting in June they've missed three meetings and r atively close time so I would I would rephrase it if if maybe as um in any year period in any in any 12 months versus a year and any 12 months and that way it could be dynamic because some people are appointed in July some people are appointed in December um the other thing that I would has to be included in here is that this is done by uh that the uh has to be put on the agenda on the so if it's a mayoral or or manager appointment would be listed as in their specific agenda if it's a council matter it should be done by res so then it's a debatable uh it's a debatable item so there would be resolution to agree to notify them and then there would be a a resolution on an appeal simp be on the mayor's agenda manager report or Council will pass by resolution Council will pass by resolution a a uh agreement stating that the person's next ex is out yeah I think it's this looks good I think the appeal timelines are are helpful um and it's a worthwhile policy especially when we have committees that have a lot of interest to make sure that we maintain we have anything else Madam clerk do you have any comments knowing that you administer this I don't me to put you on the spot but because you're our person on this actually I have a question please if would the Comm chairs should they be recording her meeting on the attendance or just as this comes up and it's they realize that it's been close to 70% well we should be getting minutes right is there so I think that that is I'll keep track through the minutes that I receive that would be the best way to do it because I don't know if it's difficult for us but the committee chairs in role of enfor ment of the ordinance so I think we should probably keep track on on the EV but I think one of the things is is that as I think we've spoke about before having found of an sop guide for committee chairs is making sure or when they send the minutes or whatever they could just actually make it very easy and just put an email who was absent right somebody comes in halfway through the meeting in my opinion they made an attempt to be there they're present right I don't want to you know disqualify anybody for that reason I think for the Public's edification our reason of doing this is not to just remove people from the committee because we're the appointing authority of the Committees is to make sure that we have the the right people on the Committees who are consistently present in order to make decisions one of the issues that we have is that when people are absent and then have to deliberate on something that had been an item of discussion in a previous meeting unless they were able to to view and not every uh not all of our committees record so if for instance if you're has model examples of the planning board and the zoning board where we do actually have recordings of those meetings if we miss a meeting and want to participate we actually have to sign an out the that we've watched the entire meeting uh in the entire meeting in it's it's length and reviewed every document which can get very interesting if you have really big documents that were on a projector or something like that that you have to look at so sometimes our numbers simply don't participate because it's actually honorous to try to recreate the meeting any other items on this all right I think we can put this on for yes we may have to go back to agenda your request of removal um item one but not item two no I know that's second on because the addendum as a discussion item thank [Music] you um okay so first reading for meeting September Mr sure you and our next item of new and unfinished business is a discussion of um having a resolution to authorize the planning board to conduct a preliminary investigation to determine whether property located at 383 Bloomfield Avenue which is the corner of blomfield and park uh to the east is a non-c condemnation area of Redevelopment uh we have our planner here to assist us in this process I'm sorry we're up you're up on the 383 poon field if you have any thoughts comments presentation it'll be that are you talking about okay um the assistant administrator myself met with Hest I think was a few months ago three months ago yes in June in June right um so we um you know I did a preliminary uh review of the site and I think uh just based on that um it has potential for an area in need of Redevelopment investigation um and um you know once authorized we be happy to start the study so just for the public we we recently did this with another property not too far from here 320 BL 320 the process is is that if we if we authorize the planning board to do this then you do the redevelop the St TR if the criteria which are the criteria if any that allow under statute and area need of Redevelopment would apply in the circumstance you then present that to the planning board at which the planning board conducts the the investigation meeting people off the abilities public comment and then the planning board sends a report back to the council with a affirm response correct so basically um it's very technical um everything is as for the uh local Redevelopment and Housing law at rhl um there are six criteria very specific we have to provide evidence so um you know again I cannot promise whe they'll meet or not meet but it h shows potential and it is the the property owner the developer is so would def to uh who pay for that so so the property owner in the last case did this property own has indicated U that they will do it a reimbursement the attorney had concerns of finding it initially okay but so there just be backward owner first time any questions yeah are we looking to move this tonight for anticipation at you can certainly move it tonight and the council the only reason this was on for a new business is because sometimes the council wants things in new business before you move it but again as the mayor's indicated is just simply a resolution sending it to the planning board to do a study so you're not really call taking any action and this is a resolution not ordinates that's correct and the resolution is in your p i uh somebody like to a resolution I would move forward so moved I will second it any discussion on the resolution itself look forward to the report thank you hearing no further discussion I'll open public comment on this item only public com replies we have a public comment on 33 blomfield Avenue there enough post public comment any further Council discussion none Madam clerk J please call the RO councilwoman Holland yes councilman Roman yes Deputy Mayor maoy yes mayor tamboro yes mayor um resolution M2 will be number 2024 d147 and will be referred to the planning board thank you m any at this point I'll open for public comment unless anybody has any other public comment on any item that anybody would like to discuss same public comments stes he on I will close for the comment we have passed a resolution to go into executive session will any official action be taken no that that is the case we will see everybody at our next meeting in September thank you very much