all right so not a c to order of this emergency meeting of the brona township council at 11:34 a.m on Friday October 20th Madam clerk would you please read the open public meetings act statement for this well well we it's not exactly the same statement but right so um why don't you just tell people how we what the meeting is and why it is and then we'll count that as our state yes okay um so this emergency meeting um has been called um where the public body could not reasonably foreseen the need for such a meeting although the public body um would could reasonably have foreseen the need for such meeting at a time when adequate notice would have been provided it nevertheless did not do so so um there will be an emergency meeting I mean emergency resolution immediately approved by the governing body um as this meeting is called to award contract 20 20 20233 the Reconstruction of Boston wiir and Whitney Terrace to secure $300,000 in funding from the in the form of a grant from the do towards this project with a deadline of October 21st 2023 whereas Pro the township could potentially lose the funding of $300,000 which be a substantial Financial harm to the public um thank you mad CL please I'm sorry coun councilwoman Holland here councilman Roman Deputy Mayor McAvoy you are there Deputy Mayor McAvoy mayor tamboro here okay um present on the meeting today's um Township I'm sorry I see attendees I'd like to bring them in okay we have um Township manager joose diarco Deputy manager Kevin O Sullivan and town attorney from the loyal Law Firm Patricia Malia as well as myself municipal clerk Jennifer Kieran I'm bringing them panelist thank you what everybody please join me in the pledge of allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance flag to the flag of the United stes States the Republic to the na indivisible and justice for all all right thank you we have two resolutions um on the agenda this evening or this this evening boy this morning um the first is a resolution to authorize this emergency meeting the second is a resolution to authorize the contract with Crossroads Paving by understanding um Madam Clerk and uh Madam T attorney is that we need three quarters or 75% of the municipal governing body to approve the emergency meeting uh so that would mean we would need four affirmative votes of this group to approve that today in order to move forward is that correct correct okay all right um I'm G to open for public comment on both of these items now we could just do them both at the same time is there anybody did you want to explain the second resolution yeah so the the first is the emergency meeting resolution the second is to award a contract um and as the municipal clerk mentioned earlier the reason for the special meeting is to award the contract we don't award the contract by the deadline which is actually this weekend um then we do not enjoy the benefit of about $300,000 in emergency funding um so I open public comment and being that there's no public I'm going to close public comment uh and I recognize councilman Holland thank you first of all um the resolution that I had a copy of indicates that the ordinances require three quarters of the members present which is a distinction uh between three me three quarters of the governing body or three member three quarters of those present is that correct correct okay thank you so four affirmative votes are not necessary correct as long as me okay the understanding that I got yesterday was that it had to be of all the members not members present so yeah you said yes to two different things so I just want to make sure that the um the first yes was to we need four affirmative votes and now we would only actually need three affirmative votes correct okay so we are at three affirmative votes and so I'd also like to continue with the fact that I'm recusing myself from items D1 and D2 so I am present but I am not voting on either D1 or D2 I am refusing myself from those items thank you thank you all right would anybody like to move uh resolution D1 uh your audio is low councilman okay I'm gonna move D1 is there a second all right I saw councilman mako's hand but I think I do need a verbal second joh hear me I can hear you now you're very low but just say I second please I second okay I heard you all right is there any discussion from the Council on resolution D1 okay hearing none Madame clerk would you please call the rooll how Roman C Deputy Mayor McAvoy yes mayor tamboro yes okay I did not hear councilman Roman councilman can you just okay just put your hand up as a yes please thank you we'll count that as a an affirmative vote all right the emotion carries I am now for the sake of time I'm going to also move resolution D1 which is the contract with Crossroads Paving is there a second second second by uh Deputy Mayor makoy is there any discussion from the Council on D1 seeing none Madame clerk would you please call the role councilman Roman yes yes Deputy Mayor makoy yes mayor tamboro yes yes okay so um with a three quarters vote for D1 and a uh majority vote for D2 res would be numbered resolutions 175 176 okay thank you this time I'll open for public comment on any item and I will also close public comment on any item because there is no public okay uh we do not have an executive session I'll hear a motion to adjourn moved it has been moved by the councilman Roman to adjourn and has been seconded by Deputy Mayor McAvoy uh all those in favor I I all those opposed the motion is carried the meeting is adjourned at 11:42 thank you everyone next regular meeting will be October 30th have a good day thank you thank you