good evening I call the order of this regular meeting of Theon attwn Council today is Monday December 4th at 7 o' p.m. Madam cler read the open public meetings act conf St the notice requirements of the open public meetings act been satisfied with respect to this meeting of the fell Council the meeing time and date were included in the public meeting notice along with the public internet link of telephone call and information set notice and agenda was posted in the municipal building and sent the official newspapers of the township the Verona City Times and the St Ledger Le 48 Hours proceeding the start time of this meeting the agenda and handouts can be viewed online at Veron meetings the public comment period will be held the ordance listed on the meeting agenda and instructions on how to comment will be provided at the appropriate time thank you madam clerk would please councilwoman Holland here Council MCG here councilman Roman here Deputy Mayor maoy here mayor Toro here may also pres is coun Township manager Joe Deo Township attorney briya Township manager Kevo myself clerk J CL please stand of the United States of America and the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all everyone couple items on my mayor's report for today first I would like to thank the B clergy Council for hosting a a beautiful Thanksgiving service um and for everybody who joined it was a very nice turnout um the service was very meaningful I appreciate the opportunity to address the uh the group as well and a special thank you to the first and only Presbyterian Church of Verona for uh hosting the event that evening at their facility and for the wonderful reception afterwards I would also like to thank all the First Responders on our Police Department fire department and rescue squad who worked on Thanksgiving Day uh there really no days off in those Realms and especially for volunteers who were available and answered sever emergencies on that day um we had a fantastic fair in the Square on Saturday I've been going to this event for about 15 years I think it was probably the best one we've ever had uh the weather was outstanding I think the found Administration for ordering good weather um it turned out very well um and the uh the cfic center was just was packed everybody was excited um so thank you to all of the community organization ations that are there our vendors Public Works Department police department buildings and grounds our public information officer Lisa North for need to the event and did a fantastic job and for all the Emergency Services once again who are there toh provide coverage for the event um and a special thank you of course to Santa Claus for coming and lighting tree uh the Verona Fire ental Commission will be meeting next week uh the application for the June commissioner program is Du this Friday so if you know of anybody who's a u high school student a current freshman sophomore junr who was interested in the environment and is looking for leadership opportunities uh please check out the FR environmental commission website or information on that it is really going to be an amazing that concludes my comments we will be having a short planning board meeting also this um at this point I'll invite Mr C to come up from County leison tell on the good news SC well the first good news is the administration Vera called me for the weather and I that's for the for health comment right but some nice things uh on the 7th of December we're getting our bid back for the r ation of our tenis cours at Corona Park so that's coming in the near future let see so I do have so that bid will be coming back this week to Pardon is that GNA be ly for pickle ball I I do not know I just put the bids out I don't really look at the specs but you know you never know that's curious uh so don't ask questions about the bids that is my other half um all questions are due eight days before the opening and the opening is December 7th so there is no more question to be asked okay um this Thursday again December uh 7th Thursday we are having a food distribution of a th turkeys and a th000 box of food at the Calvary Baptist Church at 66 South Grove Street in East orange starts at 9:00 a.m. but I would recommend getting there a little bit earlier so uh you can get your turkey or your box of food um let's go to Kips Castle this week December 7th to the 10th uh the castle is open from 12: to 4: if you're looking for additional information the phone number is 973 433 7469 uh and the hours are from 12:00 to 4:00 it's also going to be open on December 14th and December 20th and the address is 22 cresmont Road and that's in the township of BR uh and lastly um our holiday lights I think we had over 10,000 people come this past weekend just a view the lights uh we encourage it's free we encourage if you want to bring donate non person food a winter coat or toys which go to Toys for Tots and uh it's open from December 8th to the 31st we are closed Christmas Eve which is December 24th and December 25th but after that we are open you know each day and we encourage every to come out I went a few weeks ago simply gorgeous if you've never been there please do so it's a very very nice holiday event that's my for this evening and any questions or comments any questions Mr except for but you'll get back to us as soon as you can on that right I will when the bids come in after uh they get evaluated and uh we get it on the agenda thank you very much thank you and the final item um I would like to welcome the arto Women's Club this evening to our meeting as we saw beginning at our last meeting I'm inviting one town Organization for month to come and share their mission what they do how to join um and also of course we are recognizing the Women's Club for their annual phenomenal uh project which is the lighter night um so if you would please come forward we'll have questions and comments you just introduce yourself for the record and anybody here with you that recognize we'd love to hear everybody hey I'm Connie Evans I'm the co-president of the Verona Women's Club we have with us Kathy mortera uh special state project lamea matters Federation secretary Maddie Strauss first vice president Micky Lawrence second vice president and Pam wake H oh I'm sorry and I didn't see ranne Bourn our treasury rosan snuck in a little she's she's sneaky that way okay I would first like to thank the mayor and the council for inviting us here tonight to tell you a little bit about our club The Women's Club at Verona was founded in 1893 as the Isabella literary club the club was instrumental in founding the Vera Public Library the Vera Women's Club is a charter member of the New Jersey state Federation of women's clubs and also a charter member of the general Federation of women's clubs we are one of the few Charter clubs left in the state of New Jersey we sponsor the Verona Junior at club which is a service club for middle and high school girls and we also support and work with the Verona Junior Women's Club which we initially sponsored in 1926 the Women's Club of Arona celebrates their 130th anniversary this year membership in our club is open to women of all ages who are interested in community service and form new friendships we meet seven times a year at the community center and we have several social events each year as well through our fundraising efforts we are able to make allocations to many local organizations we give to the Veron a rescue squad fire department Library Children's Fund local food pantries women's shelters and we also provide community service scholarships to Verona High School seniors our major fundraiser each year is share your light night thousands of luminaries are lit in the Civic Center and throughout Verona symbolizing neighborhood Unity we hold our townwide garage sale in the fall and we have a trivia night in late winter we have many uh many smaller fundraisers throughout the year and we have food drives to benefit the Holy Spirit food pantry we also participate in different Federation projects on the district State and National level our current special state project is the Emanuel Cancer Foundation which provides supportive care to Children undergoing Cancer Treatments other Federation causes we participate in are food drives and providing support to veterans in April we plant the pin wheel Garden at the community center in commemoration of national child abuse convention month although we work hard we also try to find time for social events we have international dinners several times a year as well as uh craft sessions and some of our members get together to crochet hats and blankets for newborns in area hospitals I think most of our members would tell you that aside from the satisfaction we get from helping others we have made some of the most meaningful friendships of Our Lives thank you for giving us the opportunity to tell you about the Women's Club of Verona and thank you for the interest you have shown in our club I have brochures here with all the information uh for anybody who would want to join would you like for me to leave these for you certainly and I'm sure the council members would like one and then down Center as well you want me to sure I'll read that my wife thank you thank you thank you like head back to the live case counil I'm sorry I just want to sh I was talking to Evans about this not too long ago but um on my street we have one of the I think the most lit up streets on Cher or light night um and it really is beautiful to see and every year it's my tradition to walk down to the Civic Center uh with my dog to see the lights and I think he also looks forward to it um but it's uh it's just absolutely stunning to see that and it's such a a great expression of community Unity so I'm glad that not only are you doing other wonderful things like donations and supporting on food pantries but you're also they bringing the community together and my neighborhood for sure um on that night your street almost every house on Sunset lights up it's beautiful it is uh it really is stunning from going down it's like a plane Runway though when that comes through but it is uh uh it's absolutely stunning and it really is show and now the ne our neighbors were ramping it up a little bit with some holiday cheer with each other and and it's it is bringing us together oh that's nice thank you for that um and I'll uh open up to and the other the other just comment I wanted to make in seeing some of the members with you tonight um a lot of these are distinguished women I have met through other groups I've been involved in um and Miss Bine was one of the first I think that I met probably 15 years ago as a teacher here in the high school is the uh the head of vac um so you're really drawing from uh some wonderful uh wonderful ladies so uh it's clear why the organization such a success any other questions or comments from the council Council um I just want to thank you all of you uh for the members that are here and not here for your service to our community and really the longstanding legacy of the Women's Club I also loved how it was highlighted in the um new movie about the foundation the founding of the Verona Public Library to go back 130 years is really extraordinary and the general Federation Women's Club has a tremendous history here in New Jersey including saving the Palisades from development which is one of the legacies of the Women's Club in New Jersey and I'm a proud member former member of the junior Women's Club and participated in many Women's Club Federation events regionally so I salute all of you and I also want to just highlight the tremendous work you're doing with the juniorettes uh which is a community service opportunity from middle school through high school first bringing that entire age group together is so important but also instilling these values of service and as a parent there are some opportunities to pass that along with our youth you're one of those core opportunities for young women in our community and I love their social media account and I love your social media account and I love seeing the projects they're working on and for as a former Junior seeing my friends children their daughters now participate and passing on that generational uh service is really tremendous I just want to thank you all again and I look forward to Saturday thank you it may sound repetitive but it's definitely uh deserved a thank you for all your volunteer hours that you spend giving to Verona I mean I after 130 years I I mean I can't imagine how many hours that would be but thank you and and just a note of the share your light uh I know one of our neighbors kind of stole your idea for Christmas Eve and they lined the street with the bag so it's it was Santa's Sleigh Ride uh Airport runway for for Santa so and I see that night all the time and it reminds me of to share your nightl yes it's just it's a a beautiful idea and it's it's something that's very nice for to thank thank you allone I just want to say thank you to all of you for coming this evening I I think your organization is outstanding um and 100 130 years of history is is truly a testament to the the organization's dedication to this community um the amazing things that you do for our youth and just for the community at large like identifying the different organizations that you contribute to um just it just highlights The Amazing Power of women when they get together and organize and so um I just really want to thank all of you and I'm really looking forward to Saturday's well thank you awesome thank you I'll just also just say thank you for all of your service to this community um people wonder why you know we always try and figure out why Ron is so special to so many people and we look and see we have these memberful service organizations that give people the opportunity to give back and to get to know their neighbors and uh it's just a wonderful Testament to what you do to the community it's such a long history of service so thank you very much for everything you do and congratulations you're welcome now we have a proclamation you're free to sit at this point Thank you and we'll do a proclamation and anybody here please come up we'll take a nice recation reads whereas the Woman's Club a nonprofit I'm sorry a non-political non- sectarian non-commercial service organization to demonstrate Fellowship social inter intellectual growth and cooperation working out the vital problems of the day and whereas the Women's Club of Verona is a member of the New Jersey state Federation of women's clubs and the general Federation of women's clubs which is the oldest and largest women's organization in the world and whereas founded as the Isabella literary Society in 1893 now the Women's Club of Verona was instrumental in the founding of the Rona public library in the 1890s and whereas their efforts have FL us on our community by warning scholarships to the high school graduates and recognition of the students involvement in community service and whereas the women's C of Verona has sponsored two girls to the girls Career Institute residential program at Douglas College supports the brona public library the brona Children's Fund the brona rescue squad and fire department the brona foundation for educational excellence and many other local national International programs according a town ride garage cell each October and whereas on Saturday December 9th 2023 the Women's Club will hold the 15th annual share your light night a fundraising event origina in Mexico that is now a worldwide event and whereas Rona residents purchase luminary kits from the brona Woman's Club to display in the front yards along curves or in driveways creating a ribbon of light symbolizing neighborhood Unity luminaries glowing to form a ribbon of light now therefore I Dr Christopher tamboro mayor of the township of Verona to hereby recognize the Verona woman's and thank them for their service and wish them continued success as they celebrate their 130th anniversary this year as a charter member of the general Federation of women's clubs witness whereof I here to set my hand and pause the official seal of the T of Verona New Jersey to be a fix on this fourth day of December and year 2023 and if you would like to join us up here you you can come right in here little I actually feel quite tall right now okay how that that's good many thank you foring were one final item on mayri report it was list on the agenda but I will report doesn't have to technically be in addendum we have two appointments to theal commission this evening um the first is we had a vacancy in a regular member so we moving up her doll uh tasu to the regular member position and Adam buer uh will be the alternate one position those are mayor's appointments there's no need for the action on thank you for your service um all continuing service and Adam for stepping up to help the uh um the commission I I spoke to him this past week and I was very excited to get ready and I think some of his skill set will be phenomenal to helping the commission all right uh next up Mr dico the T managers report thank you mayor um item number one ordinances from January the department heads will be looking at the Town Coes again recommending ordinances that should be amended and new ordinances that are pertinent to our operations I can tell you that the various teams in the various departments are doing enormously well I received the first complement on the new zoning office today uh that took two years uh they're doing great it's a it's a terrific team that's in there I think you'll see a lot of progress coming out of there um I am re uh invigorating the West Essex manager meetings again so that we can discuss more into local service sharing that'll be starting up again in January um which includes Cedar Grove for the fire prevention which is TE manager that's coming up again in January so we may be I'll be at the Recreation Commission meeting tomorrow night uh one because of the restructuring ordinance that you put in place establishing the two divisions and briefing the commission on those uh appointments and and moving forward with uh placement and Recreation program supervisor which may include Ada abilities if so if not then we'll be looking for another part-time candidate Uh Kevin has uh a very comprehensive list of all the projects that are underway um so he'll be he'll be reviewing all those projects uh I did get inquiries on the traffic light on Pon and Claremont that is still moving it is a private project but there is a lot of inquiry reason that was on our deck for before I came here so and monitored that December 18th you have the public safety complex presentation by the Chiefs will be here um with the architect the architect will be doing a full presentation for you um that uh that project has been submitted to the S6 County Improv Authority also and and went through their agenda and that's down at the state now um ever field comments came in from the resident uh I met with the resident and the engineer his concerns about the drainage and and slopes Etc we have a report from environmental commission we have the report from the recommission we'll be discussing all the reports uh they'll be going to the engineer that designed it so that we come back to you with those uh composite recommendations we have the I haven't seen the recommission they're meeting tomorrow there's a committee report so the actual committee has not voted on that again thank you excuse me mayor yes I just add an additional comment the Shad tree commission may also have a analysis and Report their meeting next Monday but they have signaled that they will be weighing in as well thank you um we did send an invitation to Steve for an update on his 501c3 uh come January they'll set up their bank accounts um that he's basically finished with setting it up and the 501c3 will be operating in January according to what Steve had advised me we'll try and get them in for the next meeting uh the inter local Services agreement being drafted with the Board of Ed and the services we provide the services they have provided and we'll get that finished for you to look at December January so we send it over to the board of V Board of was here we are providing an editor report just like any of your departments and your meeting in April will come to their anual report uh clerk has brought up a number of on a number of occasions the midyear election discussion uh which is always a budget item that costs the town anywhere between 40 and 50,000 to have that mid year election um Brian did research on what needs to be done and he can brief the council and it's a policy decision on part of the Govern body as to what you would like us to do we'll pass the football to D and he can brief you on what procedures would have to take place I can do it three words it's and ordinance yeah so pass an ordinance actually used to be complicated they changed a lot think it was 2011 so that was great so you simply pass an ordinance and then that will uh take effect so we have time to do that because your next election is 25 next year is an off year election for grown how does it does it just automatically extend all of our terms yes so all your terms are extended then till the November date January first well January 1 yeah know elction January yeah in former government is affected it's just yeah this is just for changing the date of the election it doesn't change it doesn't make you partisan it doesn't change the form of government does nothing else um we do have another application into cdbg uh for your um playground at the community center uh which would be for U these excess funding that they have the end of the years that they have to dispose of since we're shovel ready and we've been out to bid and accepted uh bids that are in you're in a very good position for potentially getting additional funding for that playround which should conclude that project and that's all I have for you um unless you have any questions or me I'll turn it over to Kevin who can go through all the 10 projects work on there one followup for you Mr from the last meeting um The Joint FP control board yeah slowly moving I know was anxious to get that started as I think we are um but yeah on the schedule that yes thank you the first item on my report is R we had working draft at study final I will be sent to need working with you mran the uh the public is having a hard time hearing you if we there's there is a new there's good audio for everyone prior to that point but you might need to get a second one yeah it would be helpful to have one R maybe so we can hear both the Clark and sure as well um should I repeater just pick up where I no I you can continue okay um uh lastly uh regarding wastewater treatment plant the Township is still assessing a variety of operational contracts with different vendors as part of our assessment of the the entire system and that is is still underway I'm moving on the third item is the residential escro fees uh the township the construction official Boswell our new zoning officer and our new planning board zoning board secretary met on November 28th we're continuing discussions on cleaning up the procedures of applications that come through construction and zoning and we will have a new procedure with checklists that clearly delineate and communicate to applicants what the what their expectations should be when they submit an application through those two departments that should be implemented by January 1 uh there are there is an ongoing review of the fees that are are currently being analyzed we're surveying surrounding towns and we'll come with a recommendation on what those fees what those fee recommendations will be uh in early 2024 moving on to the uh the P projects the lind drive and and Fairview Avenue wells will be collecting or accepting bids for the lind Drive project on December 8th the town will close on that construction loan from the ibank after that uh it'll be early January that we close on that we can expect the word of contract it could be conditional on that loan closing uh from the Town Council in our first meeting in January uh at that point we'll get final determin from the ibank on principal forgiveness for that project uh those figures will also be provided to new genen as part of the finalization of their rate study so they know how to um how to account for the debt associated with that portion of the project uh continuing the Fairview Avenue well we recently received the uh de Bureau of water system engineering permit the project still awaits authorization to advertise from the ibank so we currently have bid documents at 9 95% complete but we remain subject to an authorization adverti from the ibank uh bids are targeted for early to mid 2024 hopefully with an award in this early summer of 2024 and again those will work in uh those estimated uh debt figures with our rate study as well and then lastly there was a good faith estimate settlement payment circulated to the council for um a class action settlement uh that is another figure that's a a miscellaneous Revenue that the utility can anticipate and it's again one more figure that will be uh compiling in with that rate study for water and sewer moving on is to the next item is the storm water items uh Administration Boswell and the environmental commission chair met on November 30th we sorted out most of the final details of our storm water Control Ordinance will come with a final recommendation in early 2024 um and uh adoption is required by July 17th 2024 so we still have plenty of time to finalize those last few details but we made a lot of good progress on that November 30th phone call uh in the same vein the salt storage ordinance which had been discussed previously is on tonight's agenda for introduction that has a similar timeline it's adoptions required by July 1st of 2024 uh there's additional updates for the uh pollution prevention plan Municipal storm water management plan as we continue to progress through some of those other items we're now going to be shifting Focus to um making sure that all those documents are updated and uh keeping us in good standing with our Municipal storm water uh permits and then lastly we did hear back from the dp's office of climate resiliency we are looking to uh schedule a meeting I believe we scheduled it for mid January to discuss climate resiliency issues and flooding impacts in Verona uh we'll have more to report after we have that meeting with with the dp's office of climate resiliency and then I'm sorry last item on storm water is regarding the pekman river there was a uh design and permit application submitted to the state that is currently through in its review period and public comment period we anticipate hopefully getting permits for that project in uh early 2024 there's usually very uh specific restrictions on timing of year when construction can occur so once we do have the permits and we know exactly what those conditions of permit are we can then schedule final design and bidding and and uh report on the construction schedule regarding the park meter rates uh we're pulling the last few pieces of information uh we are looking at number you have a full analysis on number of meters that are broken lost revenues as a result of broken meters we're looking at overnight parking permits uh I'm compiling all that information I'll have a recommendation on the parking permits finalized for our uh January meetings uh there's a number of items on energy Supply to our Municipal accounts um we spent a lot of time reviewing the municipal accounts with njsm and the with the a of a reverse live auction we're still Gathering that information seems njsm might not be a good fit for us they're currently in the middle of a contract uh and accounts of Verona size wouldn't be able to fit into the existing terms of their contract so we're still Gathering more information on that uh we were hoping to have some information U have a little bit more of a detailed discussion uh regarding the reverse live auction potential uh but we're not ready to discuss that at tonight's meeting uh we also in investigated the direct install program offered by PNG program's been utilized by the township a number of times over the past several years we reviewed it with buildings and grounds and uh there's currently no facility needs identified by buildings and grounds that would fit into the incentives offered through that program at this point so at this point we're going to uh just reinvestigate the direct install program at a future year but we did investigate the if it was a fit for us this year which it is not um we also uh followed up with the sustainable energy Alliance program which offers residents cleaner and cheaper energy options through the power of aggregated community energy planning uh the program is currently in in between bids uh they did revert all of the contracts for for all of the residents and all the towns that werei previously in that program back to the supplier uh it's just a result of where the market is PSG rates were better than what could be obtained on the market however the I'm UND I've heard that the program intends to solicit bids in early 2024 there's an expectation and a hope that the market is Shifting so there may be a potential to provide cheaper and cleaner energy sources for Verona residents at some point 2024 depending on that bid uh we did collect bids on on the community center playground uh the apparent low bidder is Sant Jano it's in the amount of $75,000 and3 uh there was a review and a recommendation uh both from the township engineer and and uh there was a legal review by the township attorney uh due to the timing of some pending grants that we're hoping well we are receiving but hopefully more grants that we receiving from cdbg we're going to be timing up the award of that it it we hoping we'd be able to make an award of contract at the December 18th meeting because of the timing of the cdbg awards we may need to push that award into January but uh nonetheless there's uh there is the expectation that we will be making an award of contract at our January meeting and then uh the last SL on our report is a number of Grant programs and applications uh there are a number of applications that we are working with our grant writers most recently we submitted a Grant application for electric vehicles and electric vehicle charging stations we're currently working with our grant writer to submit another application for uh BCA firefighter Grant there's a resolution on the agenda tonight in association with that and uh we'll continue to work with our grant writer we have a few more applications that are due uh towards the end of this year and early 2024 uh that that we'll be working with them on very much any questions from the cand regarding your energy Supply to Municipal accounts are are bills predominantly electric or gas or is it about 5050 I think the greater demand is on electricity our gas bills are still currently uh in we have one more year remaining on the existing Supply contract so the the exercise we've been performing is is focused on the electricity uh the gas CS are still under contract electricity we're trying to figure out if there's a a cheaper alternative than uh the the PSG Supply Power and and that's that's what the focus has been at this point I I see that and um so we're focusing just on the commodity right so the alternative suppliers are only for the actual electrons whereas you would still have to be paying the psng bill for the service what I'm noticing is that we're not considering in any other form of generation or remote net metering where your generation would actually offset like your electric usage including the transmission and distribution charges well we I did have a discussion with PSG PG does not necessarily want to advocate for remote net metering or a net metering program because that is not their business model though so I I do appreciate that they're going to push you toward their existing programs but I do think we might need to look Beyond psng and I'm sorry to interrupted you but you'd said that to me at the last meeting too about speaking to PNG and I think we might need to look elsewhere because the goal is to then be like really mitigating those psng bills and realizing savings for the municipality so we might need to look elsewhere understood I have a questions um just one thing thank forther one of you beot a parking tradition around this time in the past there's been some um we've covered years de yeah it is so we're into December I just for December 1 to be covered December 6 well December 6 de 6 we decid okay all right did that answer the question okay thank you Mr I'm sorry Council oh I I have a question or comment more further thank you thank you okay great um you know the presentation on the public safety building is so important on December 18th and again I I do wish that was in January but I that recommendation was not taken up by this governing body but regardless we have to be able technology-wise to broadcast that presentation and as we recorded crystal clear so I mean right now our displays are not even on so I just asked the administration to the last time we had a presentation it did not go well we really need this to be projected so I just want to stress that if if I may we we've had a free meeting around that exact same subject uh U the architect Frank will be here week before running everything through our systems to make sure it's going to work for the public and whatever and we will be recording it so um it would be ample access by the public but yeah we already put those in motion okay and then the council will get all the presentations in advance so that we can see it on our laptops and so that we can magnify it because it is again very hard for us to see yeah Kev and I have that one covered we had them we had them in we had all the Chiefs in um and and the architect uh went through some of the dry run but there is going to be a full dry run week before here make sure everything works thank you and then I'll go to church any other comments for your for your um comprehensive reports on to council member reports that [Music] mayor thank you Mr Mayor we'll start off by Crossing off my meteor cover question text me about today uh first I hope everybody had a Thanksgiving uh I did the week before attend the league of municipalities as all of us uh and attended several classes that pertain to uh the groups that I am a on to so I'll be bringing some of that information back to them and several others I found this year some most of the classes were very informative uh I picked the right ones this year uh unfortunately I did bring back uh something else which was a sickness that kept me in bed for three or four days so I couldn't attend the Interfaith ceremony uh but I heard it went very well I uh first time I've ever missed it so I apologize for that uh I will say uh I did attend this weekend a fairen square uh I was actually uh Manning the Chamber of Commerce Booth uh and the from 12 o'clock to 4: 4:30 uh it was just busy every Booth was busy the booth next to us had a constant line of people uh as you said mayor it was definitely the the most attended Baron the square I think we've had in all these years obviously weather plays a big part uh and I think everybody was was very happy with the turnout and uh of course uh the line of thanku goes out buildings and grounds they do so much uh Rescue Squad Police Department fire department most of all for getting Santa here safe and sound uh but I have to really hats off to elas North for the work she did she was running around all day uh and then even afterwards uh our buildings and grounds and our Public Works people uh cleaning up I came back here this morning and you would never guess there I don't know how many people are in this town square I'd say a thousand plus but whatever it doesn't even look like anything went on Saturday it is spotless and they were're here today just picking up chairs and tables and stuff just to finalize stuff but they did a tremendous job so hats off to them uh and lastly I just want to uh at the end of this week starts Hanukkah so I wouldn't want to wish everybody a happy Hanukkah and remind everybody that next Monday night at 7 o'clock we have the manora lighting out here in front of uh Town Square and that is all I have for this evening thank you Deputy Mayor councilman Roman thank you just very more comments to my colleagues uh found the leag to be a very informative seminar this year and went to a lot of topics that were very relevant to Verona and thank you for the interface Thanksgiving service I was able to attend that that was a very touching ceremony and congratulations to Mayor on his comments there which were very well uh drafted and then also again big congratulations to the entire Township on Fairland Square I think it was the best one we've had ever since I've been going to in terms of attendance we really walk out with the weather so thank you to everyone that together have thank you councilman Council M thank you um I too attended the interface Thanksgiving service and fair in the Square both were really uh fantastic and excellent events and I want to thank um our volunteers and our staff for making those a reality um I too went to the league of municipalities I attended seminars on affordable housing cannabis climate change energy planning Community engagement and shade trees um I attended both uh formal and informal uh conversations on the challenges women face serving in local government and of course I went to the state leadership seminar which is always a highlight uh though I do have to admit this year I left feeling very frustrated after listening to our state leaders um I just feel like there was a lack of recognition some of the challenges that we are facing in local government uh it was a great league and I'm excited to to work with my colleagues the administration and our volunteer committees to implement some of these great ideas as I do every year I spent my small business Saturday shopping in Verona promoting small businesses through my social media accounts and touching base with small business owners Verona residents um have repeatedly uh told us as elected leaders that they want a thriving down toown and I'm thrilled to do my part by highlighting the diverse retail environment that we have I encourage all residents this um holiday season uh to visit our many retail establishments and to shop local the Multicultural inclusion and accessibility advisory committee had a meeting and for the first time Mr DAV boam joined us uh which was excellent uh the Verona Public School Superintendent was also an attendance and she gave us a very robust update on some of the diversity equity and inclusion initiatives that the Verona schools are uh now considering and implementing including inclusive schools week uh the committee is working on planning events for the first quarter of 2024 um and they played a role in helping to facilitate pictures with Santa for children who are neurodiverse and have sensity sensitivity issues um and they uh before fair and the square started those pictures took place in the library uh in a friendly sensory environment and what I heard from the volunteers is just how appreciative the parents were to have this opportunity and just to recap this was an idea that a resident had provided to me that I had provided to Steve Neil who um implemented it and it is become an really important part of our fair and the square experience uh finally the committee um did send their accessibility analysis to the entire Council um if any council members have feedback you are encouraged to uh send your feedback directly to the committee um and on Monday the shry um commission will be meeting at 5: pm at the Verona Community Center and that is my report thank you thank you councilwoman Holland thank you um I too attended the lead municipalities and very various um sessions there um including but not limited to some D sessions um that actually are applicable to the manager's report this evening so that was actually very much appreciated um I also attended fair in the Square this past weekend and I just have to comment as my colleagues have as well about like the tremendous attendance there um the only point of I think of feedback where we could maybe improve is to be miking some of our AC capella singers a little bit better because when we do have crowds they're hard to hear um ever um I was able to enjoy um my daughter's Middle School band performance um and able to patronize several of the booths that were there so it was glad to see such amazing turnout November was safe homes month um for vmac um who were also at Fair in the Square um and I just want to point out like the important work that vmac does um they've already updated their calendar for 2024 family nights as well as into 2025 um and I believe our intent to fund will have to be on an upcoming agenda um for this governing body so hopefully that continues um we also um have a recreation advisory committee meeting tomorrow night um so they have not met yet but the subcommittees that were organized at the last meeting have produced their work product for the Comm the larger committees um consideration so my understanding is that those will be considered and voted upon tomorrow evening and then at that point hopefully Recreation the recreation advisory committee's actual recommendations so of the body would be coming to this governing body we do not yet have an agenda yet for the Public's view but um my understanding is that those um that that is how that will be addressed tomorrow night um last but not least um and I do want to compliment the administration because it's actually on the Verona homepage um we are in the winter termination period so if there are residents that have issues paying their utility bills I urge you to make Outreach because there um are services available to help um so you don't have to be without electric gas or water um during this time period thank you that concludes my report thank you this concludes the council member reports this time as become our custom I'm going to if there's no objections call for public comment on any item um M clerk would you please read the local public participation statements anyone from the public wishing to speak on any matter please raise your hand by pressing the raise hand button on your monitor if you're dialing in by phone press star n if you're attending in person please approach the elector once you're recognized clearly state only your name and C of residence for the record not required to provide your street address however if you do please note these meetings will be posted on the Township's YouTube channel Chanel and addresses will not be redacted for any purpose you'll have four minutes to address the council there'll be no cross dialogue during this public portion and after everyone wishing to speak has been heard the council May address your comments and our questions thank you madam Clark we have Mr Jacobs with a electronic hand raised on Zoom hi good evening uh this is Josh Jacobs ver owner resident I am speaking on behalf of over 400 residents who recently signed a petition for enhanced traffic and pedestrian safety on Bloomfield Avenue between Park Avenue and Lakeside this is a downhill slope where vehicle traffic regularly exceeds 45 M an hour this is a 25 mph Zone we're seeking a crosswalk and a traffic light at the entrance to Verona Park the county has been ignoring years of requests from residents and dozens of reports traffic and pedestrian injuries and fatalities on this stretch of road I'm asking the township Council to take an emergency action vote to approve a warrant study for this stretch of road on Bloomfield Avenue so we can start to make some progress towards a safer downtown residents do not want to hear more excuses from County Executives with constant rumors of future traffic studies that never happen we need our local government to take immediate action we contribute what 1015 million a year in in Revenue to the county you know we don't need more tennis courts or repaved tennis courts or more pandas at the zoo like we need a safe downtown you know having a safe place for our kids to contribute towards a thriving downtown is extremely important and I would like the council to work towards uh you know action with the county on uh and I think that may start with approving a warrant study for this stretch Road thank you very much Mr Jacobs then we have Kevin's iPad hello can you hear me now yes go ahead yes hi thank you uh thank thank you uh Mr Mayor uh I would like to uh just make a comment uh regarding the uh possibility of moving the uh election to November I want to compliment the council for directing the uh the attorney to uh get into the specifics of that uh I think it's a long overdue process and and as he pointed out it's an excellent time since there are no local elections next year uh really to consider moving the uh the May election to to November the only price is just extending the terms of uh some of the current council members and I don't think most of us would have any objection to that uh sort of as a followup to that uh the you know after the last election uh many people were uh confused about how we uh select the mayor in this town uh having served on the council for eight years I I've had numerous questions where Mo most of the public felt that the top vote getter automatically uh got to be the mayor which obviously is not the case and I want to emphasize this is no reflection on on the current body but it might also be the opportunity since we don't have an election next year for uh our attorney to look into the possibility of the of the direct election of the mayor without changing the form of government I believe there are other towns that have a nonpartisan forner government where the mayor is directly elected uh I just think it it it ends confusion uh on the part of the public uh who usually expect a top vote get to automatically uh become the mayor uh this has not been the case in in Verona for quite some time sometimes it works out that way sometimes it doesn't so I just would encourage you to do some additional uh research in that area and uh maybe at some point uh next year uh our attorney could give us a report on on what that might entail thank you very much and have a pleasant holiday season Mr Ryan Mr yes Chris Riley I live at Verona um following up on some things relative to the sunset development um I know it was approved at the planning board back in September and since that time um I think there were a couple deliverables that were coming out of that meeting that were coming back to this Council one was a developers agreement and I wanted to get an update on where that is and and whether the public is going to have an opportunity to comment on that and the second thing is um I did provide some comments at the planning board meeting relative to uh traffic and I know the the two council members who were at the planning board that night um we're we're understanding I guess that's a good word to use of of my comments um and I I know one of the suggestions I made was to reach out to the county to see about getting a turning signal uh light on the corner of Sunset and Mount Prospect and I wanted to know if uh there's been any movement I know the County's probably got a a Quee of work uh you know longer than I don't know what but uh I know that it would behoove us to to get on the Queue and and if that's you know going to take a year two years whatever at least get started um I know the development is probably uh quite a bit ways uh in terms of when actually people will move in and when the when the traffic will start from uh the 200 people that are going to move in there but um I don't know when the construction is going to start and and I think the traffic is going to really really be bad once the construction starts and you have a lot of construction activity on the corner of Bloomfield and um Sunset um I Heard the uh Township manager tonight mention something about a traffic light on um Claremont and rout 23 I believe it was and some interest in that and I would just say um until you really figure out everything around um that intersection and not only just the intersection at Bloomfield and uh Prospect in rout 23 but also some of the other streets where when the traffic backs up all the traffic goes into on Sunset um both on the side of sunset relative to um I'm not sure Direction wise but the one that heads towards Bloomfield Avenue but also the direction on Sunset towards the golf course um I know from speaking to people on both sides that uh that there's a lot of traffic that just cuts through there and and you know just tries to go with apps uh ways or whatever it is that's directing them automatically so um so again just appreciate an update thank you Mr Riley I public comments okay this time I'm going to post public comment um on Mr Jacob's comments about the traffic Josh I agree with you that that is a problem there I've had conversations kind of the aison about having a um a town hall meeting related to traffic issues the county denied that request um so I believe at this point Mr diaro has had some success with working with the engineer and the county executive so um I would suggest that jarco uh attempt those conversations first um and uh perhaps can use the Goodwill that we have developed um there to to move forward but I I agree certainly that is an issue um the one other piece as far as pedestrian safety in the meantime I really do encourage residents and visitors to use the existing crosswalks at Avenue and at blomfield Avenue at Bluefield and Lakeside they are inconvenient for some places depending on where you go um but the one of the reasons I believe the county won't um do more as far as a light is that they're too close to other signals already um so while I agree with you that it would be helpful to have another item there somebody who's lived on both sides of Avenue and that on the east side of town uh somebody walks my dog frequently in that area as well that has treated several people hit by cars I understand the necessity of doing something here um so I I we'll continue to do that later okay and then perhaps if we don't get anywhere those unofficial conversations then we talk about how to take some official action to uh to move forward and um I think in some of these circumstances we hear that things have happened or not happen it would be nice to get the bottom of it see exactly who we are and then work with our engineers and and so on to do that um but once again it is a county road as as you mentioned and we are largely at the mercy of the county on many of these items um but I I agree with you in that we do not nearly get from our County tax contribution what we provide into it and uh I would like to see more of that for sure and on Mr Ryan's piece I appreciate your comments um on those items I will certainly be interested to see um first before making any decisions why the um specific breakdowns on ACR the elections that have gone up significantly so I'd like to see that before we move forward um and as far as the um I'll leave that at that for the moment uh and then Mr Riley concern Mr Mr do you have a any specific information on those where we are with those documents really yeah I do not that's something to get back to you on get back to there's anything public record will provided to them thank you okay any other I also asked about the traffic too okay um on that end as well the I think the same items apply as that goes once again it has to be added to any traffic related pieces Mount Prospect is a County Road Sunset is a local Road I think that goes once again with Mr barco's conversation um we have had other members of the public Express concerns about that same stretch of road on Mount Prospect um and as you know I live on Sunset Avenue and I've had the same concerns um and with news that the target will be going in in West Orange where the current Kmart is I think that will certainly be exacerbated so we can add that to Mr Gio's uh manator to-do list that would be helpful as well any other comments on the public comments okay seeing none uh we'll be moving on to our adoption on uh ordinances we have one item on second reading Madam th you please read the title of ordinance number 223 46 into the record this to amend chapter a 5651 schedule of fees with C Bon to amend basic water consumption rate thank you m clerk do we hear a motion so the motion is made by councilman Roman is there a second a second second made by the deput mayor at this time I will open now for public comment and hearing on boord December 2020 346 only the same public comment statement applies it's just that the comment is limited to this ordinance none I'm going to close public comment any Council discussion just a quick com comment on this we added the expiration date to the water search charge in case someone didn't look at it uh this afternoon and looked at it yesterday uh so the water does expire December 31st 2024 and I just want to note that we had to do something on this this year because that sear charge would have expired if we just let it go and it hit December 31st 2023 thank you councilwoman Holland I just want to continue my objection to this ordinance I think it's important to do utility rate making properly um at the time of its initial adoption I was objections at that time I feel that the sear charge was disingenuous in that it was an effort to obate the actual rate increase that was being recommended by the former Administration not Mr drco or Mr oent but our former Administration it was hastily presented to the council and it wasn't based on sound rate making policies I do want to acknowledge that the administration is as was documented in Mr O's report working with New Gen strategies to do a comprehensive rate study that would inform future rate making purposes and I think that is the appropriate path forward but unfortunately we are in a position where we are continuing and needing to you know make tweaks to a previously flawed ordinance and I don't want to be a part of it so I will will be voting no on this ordinance thank you uh I have commented myself on this before but I do want to uh respond to the councilwoman's comments um I think some language was used here that suggested that the council is trying to to hide or do something disingenuous with respect to the original ordinance and that couldn't be farther from the truth um and I take exception in somebody who voted on this about any suggest and such um this originally went into place when we were forced because of new regulations on the state level to purchase all of our water from pic Valley Water condition um and we do not set the rates of the pic Valley Water commiss unfortunately we are very much at their whim as far as what the rates are and the utility has to pay them back for that water um that was a conservative increase to the rate to make up for and it was based on knowing what the Val was charging on a uh on their rate and that's where that amount came from um and it was certainly actually did not cover all what the sa valy was charging and it was included as a originally as a temporary sarch charge because it was just that it was temporary until we could get our wells back online I think it is a uh it would be a mistake to not continue this because we are still buying water from the Bic Valley Water Commission and is still costing your utility our rayer significant amount of money um and if we did not renew this at this point whatever we called it or not if we did not renew it now utility would go deeper into the red uh which would only result in having to have higher rates in the future and just fortunately larger increases that would uh really shock the pockets of rate HS um so that is why I will be voting yes and once again it has been extended as a temporary search charge now assuming that the rate study gives us all the information we need and that is in progress this temporary search charge will only last really until we have a new rate suggested by the rate study um so this is really a a couple month thing but there was never any pulling of the wool over the eyes of any rate payer or taxpayer and this was done with full transparency uh through the regular ordinance adoption process with limited public comment or anybody really expressing concern that it was not being done in an appropriate way either ethically or legally and so I will be voting yes is there any other Council discussion hearing on Madam clerk would you please call the role councilwoman Holland no councilwoman McGrath no councilman Roman yes Deputy Mayor makoy yes mayor tamburo yes there ordinance 2020 346 passes 3 to2 and will be published according to the all thank you madam clerk the next item on the agenda is an ordinance on first reading would you please read the title of ordinance H1 into the record creating chapter 386 of the code of the township entitled privately owned salt storage thank you madam CLK um is there any Council discussion on this on note this is first reading we did have discussion at our last meeting okay hearing none Madam clerk please call all oh sorry uh is there a motion on this no moved I'll second second thank you the motion is by the councilman BR the second is by councilman is there any discussion no mam CL call please hasman Holland yes Council McGrath yes councilman Roman yes Deputy Mayor maoy yes mayor Timur yes M H1 will be numbered 2023 47 will be published according to Law Public hearing will be held on December 18th thank you m clerk the next item on the agenda is another ordinance on first reading marked as H2 Madam Clark would you please read the title of this ordinance and the record and ordinance implementing a voter approved increase to the Verona open space Recreation forland and historic preservation trust fund by amending chapter 6-2 of the Township Code thank you madam clerk would somebody please move the the motion is made by the deputy mayor second the second is by councilman Roman is there any Council discussion on this item for the public edification this is to codify what we put out to referendum to the voter to increase the um the open space uh trust fund on Madam clerk would you please call the allall councilwoman Holland yes councilwoman McGrath yes Council Roman yes Deputy Mayor M Boy Yes mayor Toro yes H2 will be number 202348 it will be published according to Law Public hearing will be held on December 18 all right are moving on to the consent agenda this evening we have three sets of minutes on the sent agenda and we have several proposed resolutions including budget transfers um authorizing the 2023 electonic tax sale proving fees associated with doing the tax sale accepting our of the national opioid Grant and settlement accepting the njdca 2023 American Rescue plan firefighters France and uh second ordinance related to that and then approving the final change order and contract close out for the 2023 po Renovations related to the splash pad authorizing a continued contract with law soft Incorporated for our police record software and authorizing the application of the fire grants New Jersey Department of Community Affairs and further resolution for executive session somebody please move the consent agenda motion is made by councilman Roman is there a second second second by the deputy mayor this time I'll will open the meeting for public comment on the consent agenda only same public comment statement applies none I going to FL public comment on the consent agenda as Council discuss coun mcgr thank you um first I just want to note that um because I did not attend I will be abstaining from voting on the minutes um for the Emergency meeting on Friday October the 20th um I do have a question from Mr diarco about the close out to the pool uh contract to the pool project I did send you an email earlier today but I didn't get a response I'm just going to reiterate my question we did have some issues um with getting the pool Splash Pad open um that I believe was due to a contractor error um and it acquired overtime for our staff um the opening of the week you know opening weekend so I just wanted to understand financially if that was worked out in this close out or should we was that all taken care of I believe it was and Chuck is here we did have some offsets on both sides balance out okay um I love the detail we got on the an Cyprus project and so you know I was asking if we could on further contracts see all that line item detail and I would have loved on this to have seen those offsets specifically if there's some performance issues and how it's all adjusted for future projects I think in the future all of your projects this was a all over project in the future all your projects will be laid out the same way okay so you'll have full information that you do needful to understand too when things go up and down and how things change over the course of and that's this dangered practice that you weren't getting that is true okay thank you any other comments on the agenda um I'm going to separate the minutes or I'm going to take J2 and remove that this point we'll V on that separately because it's just to the lock or to exension on a particular item so as a from parliamentary standpoint I'll just we put that on a different motion um mam please call the rooll on everything except J to councilwoman Holly yes councilwoman MCG yes councilman Roman yes Deputy Mayor maore yes mayor yes may resolutions K1 K1 will be numbered 197 through 2 and including 207 and thank you and now I'll hear a motion on J2 to 20 of emergency meetings so motion is made by councilman Roman second second is made by the deputy mayor any discussion we already have public comment on the agenda at this point I will call the C Holland yes C Roman yes Deputy Mayor makoy yes mayor T yes may motion passes 4 to zero we accus I don't uh just for the record the council was not recusing herself she was just sing because she wasn't meeting okay okay we do have one adendum tonight that is is the drives over or get pull over a grant um to insert these funds into the municipal budget which is this is any questions on that item I will hear a motion to approve what is marked as M2 so mov motion is made by councilman McGrath is there a second second the second was made by the councilman Roman I'm sorry I heard councilman first is there actually I will call for any public comment on resolution M2 first same public comments even applies but we will be isolated to discussing M see no public comment I will close it um I will start the council discussion I am pleased that the police department is participating in this um driving Under the Influence is continues to be despite so many things that we can do preventive like the liberation of R share Services um continues to be a problem that results in many tragic deaths uh and injuries and property damage in our community um so I'm thrilled that our Police Department is taking a proactive approach to this and I encourage everybody to drive safely and make wise choices um related to this any other Council comments very on M clerk would you please call the rooll council Holland yes Council yes councilman Roman yes Deputy Mayor maoy yes mayor tamboro yes may M2 will be numbered 20 resolution 2023 d2208 passes 5 to Z thank you madam CLK now moving on to new and mon business um is h2m in no h2m is not participating T they'll actually come um on the 18th that'll be a Clos section discuss they're okay thank you all right I just have one one item um as an update on St planning piece we Theo has a lot of what we did for S planning was discussing items with a significant Capital cost uh Mr yo was working with roomman heads and our volunteer agencies to get their capital requests in um what I will be doing over the next couple weeks is separating the non-monetary items from the from the monetary items so that we can start acting on some of the items that we discussed that might have opportunity costs like staff time and things like that rather than any fiscal cost to the budget and then we can take a look at those and prioritize those and then we'll look at Capital uh Mr Y and I will be talking about a more specific format this week um but this point because we are having a lot of Big Ticket items I would like to introduce what had been I've done in municipality where I served as department head um which was we have a um a capital special meeting um that takes place on a on a secret day where we can discuss the capital items rather than doing peace meal and I would want anybody who is requesting Capital funding from the council to be pres at the meeting for its entirety um the one thing that I learned and I'm sorry uh to all the department heads in advance uh but the one thing that I learned as the chief of EMS in Long Valley when I went before the township committee was we had the capital planning meetings the budget meetings was that listening to everybody else's presentations it educated me more on what was being asked for and where my requests fell into more globally what was for the council and all of different money um and it actually allowed department heads to start to think of and actually self prioritize and then come back to the council later um so Mr and I will discuss that in more detail and provide a recommendation to the council this is we had a minute thought i' share that's where we're going on that item um is there any other new or unfinished business no at this time I will open for general public comments on any item anybody would like to speak to us about Madam clerk the same public comment statement applies you want me to read it again no no everybody everybody now was here before it's open no F comments I will close public comment and at this point we have a resolution to go into executive session uh we'll be taking any official action during executive session never ex no okay well thank you everybody for for tuning in our next meeting will be two weeks from tonight on the 18th of December as soon