went through the paces so uh we appreciate everything you've done congratulations you know congratulations God bless him I think the uh at this time direct go too far this is a proclamation from the office of the mayor whereas Lou pania began his career with the city of violent on March 3rd 2008 and where Lou has furthered the city's Mission by providing valuable public service to the violent community and where Lou Lewis has earned the respect and confidence of his co-workers and employer throughout his many years of faithful service and lwis platania has earned a welld deserved retirement from the city of Island effective June 1st 2024 ending his Public Service career in the violent Police Department as a sergeant and where is in recognition of service to the city and its residents the mayor city council and violent Police Department intent upon presenting to Sergeant Pia his service weapon now therefore I Anthony fucci mayor of the city of Island extend sincerest thanks and appreciation to Luis pania for a career of loyal and meritorious service with best wishes for many years of health and happiness signed May 28 2024 mayor Anthony R fucci city of Island at this time we'll have the vote Mr franchis Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes thank you [Applause] oh you left the love for me thank you um I'm not going to talk too much this is not about me this is about uh Sergeant batania here but one one thing I do want to note and uh I do want the community to understand is and and I'm not just saying it's for Pat because he's a good friend of mine I've said this to other people that have retired at volum police department and along with City Administration breeds great officers it's what we do it's in the department that really understands the oath that we swear and this is a prime example of it I mean luk platania I've known him for a long time since he came on in 2008 he's worked at multiple areas of the department Street crimes K9 Road officer Street Sergeant I mean he he's been he's been in a lot of areas and he's affected a lot of lives in a very very positive manner and he's a true definition true definition of what The Thin Blue Line really means to officers and there's a big big misconception out there of what people think the Thin Blue Line means and they think that the Thin Blue Line is officers standing together taking care of each other covering stuff up that's not what it's about The Thin Blue Line Is Us officers swearing that oath taking that pledge bonding together and creating that barrier to protect those that can't protect themselves to help those that can't help themselves and to fight for those that can't fight for themselves maintain order and peace so you can go out and have fun buy your groceries go to the store without fail that's what the Thin Blue Line is about and this is a prime example of what he understands that them blue line is so I I congratulate you I love you as a brother very very sorry to see you go because what you have done for this community the positive impact that you've had and they may not understand it but you've saved lives and you made lives better in the time that you were here we appreciate you we love you and we're here for you always thank you chief on behalf of the mayor when mayor fi took office he made it a tradition that every officer that retires from the violent Police Department is presented with a flag of The Thin Blue Line in appreciation for his faithful service to our profession also a retirement pin sir present you with theint blue line flag congratulations on your retir like this Stu type of stuff uh I built a lot of great friendships here um some of my best friends are here friends I never knew I was going to have um was one of the hardest mentally guys I met here and then I kind of took that on too I apparently heard a story my son was told by our Barber who's also a police officer that I was wasn't very approachable but uh I just I put my my all into it um got a lot of good friends here got some good officers coming up it's just my time to to walk so uh for everybody that knows why that's why you're here and I really appreciate it and the chief the city you guys been top honestly put me at ease with everything all the compound things I going obvious you guys and to my wife and my family uh you got to have somebody to go home to and if you do it makes it way easier we a lot of this stuff so thank you very much and thank you community [Applause] one final word about Sergeant platania he's an officer that led from the front he's not one of those guys that tells the guys go get this like let's go get this let's go take care of this and he's a true leader and again he's a great loss to our city but I'm happy that he's able to enjoy his retirement thank you everyone appreciate thank you I have resolution number 202 24-22 a resolution committing Diane fiser of D Lee promotions pains a motion that resolution number 20232 22 be adopted according to law so move back is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes I have a proclamation from the mayor whereas Diane D Lee fiser Fell in Love with boxing during her teenage years after watching Friday Night Fights with her father Jack travan and whereas after various setbacks Diane took her father's advice became a fixture at Atlantic City ring sides which became the boxing capital of the east coast and whereas in 1997 at the age of 49 Diane applied for a New Jersey boxing promoter's license and the name D Lee was born and whereas D Lee became a household name in the east coast boxing industry following her first major Pay-Per-View soldout event at the Tropic count Casino showroom naming the fight card Ladies Night Out and whereas D le received many honors and awards such as New Jersey promoter of the Year first woman to promote co-promote a heavyweight championship bout aired on HBO Ray Mercer versus Vladimir pitco and was inducted into the New Jersey Boxing Hall of Fame the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame the cand County Women's Hall of Fame and into the national Boxing Hall of Fame in April 2024 and whereas her most precious and proud moment was establishing the F first youth boxing program at the Boys and Girls Club of Vinland for which she is board member now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and City Council of city of Vinland New Jersey commends Diane d fiser for her service to our community and for educational and Vocational accomplishments that are truly a knockout we extend best wishes to her and all her future endeavors mayor Anthony or fucci city of Li Diane [Applause] they're my friends [Applause] [Applause] hi everybody I'm not going to talk long but I'm going to tell you when I went to get my license in violin for New Jersey I was the first woman so it took me five months seven months and I could not get it there somebody said come with me I'm gonna introduce you to somebody somebody may remember a junk man on the boulevard so I went up to him he goes what's going on I said I can't get a license in in Jersey because I was a woman hello this kid's from our town you give her that license guess what I had it the next day it's all about who you know I guess so when I know you guys I can't say that but thank you thank you everybody for coming than I resolution number 2024-25 resolution recognizing the Cathy and Ralph jro here we go try again I have resolution 2024 d224 a resolution recognizing the Cathy and Ralph jro family and Joseph Nicholas from Joe Nick K9 Training Academy for their gracious donation of a dog which will serve as an arson detection assistant for the Von and fire department chair entertains a motion that resolution number 2023 d224 be adopted according to law so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes public comment provides an opportunity for members of the public to inform the governing body about their views the governing body prescribes the city council's bylaws and the New Jersey statutes on open public meetings when engaging during public comment as such each individual shall have a five minute limit to comment cannot yield time to another individual may only approach the podium once during public comment for any one topic vulgar offensive language is prohibited and city council will not engage in dialogue with the public during this time governing body maintains model courtesy and respect and requires members of the public to do the same and at this time if if there's anyone in the public who wishes to be heard please come to the podium director director shut the door please it is closed now the other one's open Steve Lewis Violent New Jersey can I hold can you hold on just one moment please thank you Mr Lewis Steve Lewis V New Jersey uh I want to make a comment on Memorial Day Services the other day uh Mr Lia excellent job the city workers that cleaned the park and power watched all the statues or the stones and the crosses they did an excellent job there to be commended uh they don't get recognition I don't as much as they should but they did a really nice job on the park with the sidewalks and everything and really look clean uh the reefs they had around the flag were nice uh so it was a wonderful event went off quite well and uh there was a lot of people there that I've never seen that many people there before so I hope it stays that way and uh I appreciate it thank you thank you Mr Lewis is there anyone else in the public who wishes to be heard at this time if not hi my name is Sheena Santiago I'm the coordinator of events for the city of vand and I'm here one more time to let you know about the upcoming events for the public uh on June 19 uh on the steps of City Hall at 5 p.m. is going to be the Jun ceremony so we're inviting the public to be there I believe on a Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. and uh on September 6 at the Landis theater uh the city is sponsoring another karaoke competition uh we have to do a second one because by public demand we had 20 contestants at the other one and uh we held it at the Eastland golf course and we had around 300 people went there in the in the contestants and we decided that because we have so many people on the waiting list that want to come to the next event uh we decided to do a in a larger place in a larger venue because we can put 700 people in the Landis theater and the first price is going to be $500 the second price is going to be $300 and the third price is going to be $200 and that's going to be on September 6 at 700 pm at the Landis theater and if anybody wants any more information about it about any City events you can always call me at 856 794 4000 extension 4169 or you can call the business administrator Bob Dickinson he has the Leist two of all the events uh and he would love to get calls from the public he loves the that kind of calls and uh on September or you can call Paul SP because he helps me at all my events um or on September 8th uh there's going to be a food truck festival and this year um the mayor Anthony fucci and um Mr spinali they taken over the food truck festival and it's going to be done between 8th and East on Landis Avenue across from the Landis theater the whole block and we're going to have 24 food trucks according to the measurements of our wonderful and the best engineering uh Department of any municipality and our road department Kevin Wright uh so if anybody wants to sign up for to be uh one of the vendors they have to have a violent um permit up today from the health department they have to have a fire department permit if they're going to use a food truck anything that you're going to use to cook you got to have a fire permit so if you don't have that you have to contact the city and see how you can get them and you also have to provide the city with insurance and those are the three requirements prior to registering and I'm asking people to hurry up and do it because we're almost there we have a lot of in a lot of people inquired to be vendors this year and the event is going to be held from 12: in the afternoon until 8:00 p.m. we're going to have live music we're going to have two live bands playing all day one of them is going to be secret sauce rock band the other one is going to be so soe at just B and we're going to have entertainment all day plus uh there's going to be a movie a matin at 100 p.m and it's free for the children and their families and the other matin is going to be at 3 P.M and it's going to be the movie migration so if you call me I'll give you all the information about the event and let me see what else that's it for that event and then um the city's also holding celebrating the the Italian culture and we're going to have two events for that on October 13 is going to be a homemade wine competition like we did in the past and uh it's going to be at eastling and that's going to be from 100 p.m. to 6 to 6:00 pm at eastling golf course on Sunday October 13 and the next day um there's going to be a flag racing ceremony of the Italian flag at 1100 a.m. on October 14 on the steps of City Hall and at 12:00 pm after the event is over anybody that wants to go to the free luncheon any senior citizen at the North Italy hall there's going to be um an Italian launch uh for senior citizens and those senior citizens that are interested in getting tickets for this event they can also contact me and I'll tell you how to get the ticket and thank that's it for now with our event thank you thank you sha there anyone else in the public at this time thank you Edwin Alicia director of safety and president of the United veterans Council I just want to publicly thank um everyone that took place in the uh all city employees who took part in making our 2024 Memorial Day ceremony of success the park looked clean and the grounds were wellmaintained kudos to public uh Public Works director Jim Neer and his staff the recreation department and the violent uh the violent High School ban our very own Alexander braic Sheena Santiago I the is Department Public Relations administrations office and all of the First Responders and volunteers the crowd was larger than I recall in recent years and violent looked really good thank you so much appreciate your help thank you you're welcome if no one elsei I have resolution 2024-the the exclusion of the public from a meeting between the mayor city council City Clerk and staff business administrator and staff city solicitor and staff Chief Financial Officer and staff and City Assessor uh tax assessor concerning matters relating to litigation in which the public body is or may become a party and matters falling under the attorney client privilege and authorizing disclosure of minutes of said meeting as provided here in he contains a motion that resolution number 2023 20 24-1 198 be adopted according to law so move second is there any discussion by councel on this MO motion none Mr Francis Kei yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes here attains a motion to recess the meeting to go into a brief close session at this time so moved okay Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes thank you for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e chair attains a motion to reconvene the meeting so moved second Mr franchini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes I have ordinance number 2024 d27 an ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number eight to just revise the classification and compensation plans for the city of an various titles of ibw local 210 unit 3 legal analyst and Deputy Municipal Emergency Management coordinator which is ready for a public hearing here attains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-27 be taken up for a public hearing and open to the public for a discussion no move s Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes is there anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 2024 -27 no one here entertains a motion that the public hearing on ordinance number 20 24-27 be closed no move Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes here attains a motion that ordinance number 202 24-27 be taken up for a final reading and adopted according to law no move second is there any discussion by councel on this motion none Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 202 24-27 in ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number eight which Revis the classification and compensation plans for the city of Island various titles of ibw local 210 unit 3 legal analyst and Deputy Municipal Emergency Management coordinator this ordinance is adopted M patoski please submit ordinance number 202 24-27 to the mayor for his approval or disapproval yes thank you you're welcome I ordinance number 202 24-28 an ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number 8 which establish the classification and compensation plans for the city of on then social worker aging which is ready for a public hearing CH attains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-28 be taken up for a public hearing and open to the public for discussion move second Mr Frances Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes is there anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 20 24- 28 no one chair obtains a motion at the public hearing on ordinance number 202 24-28 be closes no move second Mr franus skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes entertains a motion that ordinance number 202 24-28 be taken up for a final reading and adopted according to law so move second there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 202 24-28 an ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number 8 which establish the classification and compensation plans for the city of Island social worker aging this ordinance is adopted Roski please submit ordinance number 202 24-28 to the mayor for his approval or disapproval yes you're welcome I've Ed summer 202 24-29 ordinance amending ordinance number 20 23-0 eight as amended chapter 8 of the code of the city of Island entitled automated external defibrillator a entertains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-29 be taken up for a public hearing and open to the public for discussion move second Mr franchini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes is there anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 20 24-29 no one chair aains a motion that the public hearing on ordinance number 202 24-29 be closed so move second Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes here entertains a motion at ordinance number 2024-25 be taken up for a final reading and adopted according to law no move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion yeah I'd like to thank Mr barcy for taking this up this way we didn't have two possible suicides Mr Francis Kini and Mr Tanetta one would be acceptable any further comments none Mr franchini absolutely Mr Spinelli yes for Ronnie's law Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes thank you ordinance number 202 24-29 ordinance amending ordinance number 202 3-08 as amended chapter 8 of the code of the city of Island entitled automated external defibrillator this ordinance is adopted Mr patoski please submit ordinance number 20 24-29 to the mayor for his approval or disapproval yes thank you you're welcome I ordinance number 202 24-30 ordinance amending ordinance 2009- 68 as amended chapter 660 section 66092 of the code of the city of Island entitled tobacco and Vapor Products which is ready for a public hearing a attains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-30 be taken up for a public hearing and open to the public for discussion no mooved second Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes is there anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 202 24-30 no one Cars a motion that the public hearing on ordinance number 202 24-30 be closed no move second Mr Francis Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes he contains a motion at ordinance number 202 24-30 be taken up for a final reading and adopted according to law so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance SE 202 24-30 ordinance amending ordinance 2009- 68 as amended chapter 660 section 60- 9.2 of the code of the city of Island entitled tobacco and Vapor Products this ordinance is adopted Mr patoski please submit ordinance number 202 24-30 to the mayor for his approval or disapproval yes thank you I ordinance number 202 24-31 ordinance amending ordinance 221-4286 Article 1 entitled cannabis establishments which is ready for a public he aains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-31 be taken up for a public hearing and open to the public for a discussion so move second Mr Frances skini yes Mr spelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes is there anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 202 24-31 no one chair ands a motion that the public hearing on ordinance number 202 24-31 be closed don't move second Mr Frances skini yes Mr spelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes heent contains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-31 be taken up for a final reading and adopted according to law no move second there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr Frances Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 202 24-31 ordinance amending ordinance 2021 d42 chapter 266 article one entitled cannabis establishments this ordinance is adopted Mr pki please submit ordinance number 202 24-31 to the mayor for his approval or disapproval yes thank you you're welcome I have ordinance number 2024-25 32 be taken up for the first reading so move second Mr Francis Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas Dr Arthur yes number 202 4-32 in ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number eight which Revis the classification and compensation plans for the city of Island auditor accountant trainee here obtains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-32 be passed for the first reading and that a public hearing be held on Tuesday June 11th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. no move second there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes move now into the consent agenda items 20241 199 is a resolution providing for the insertion in the calendar year 2024 budget of the city of vinand special item of Revenue made available by Revenue realized from the state of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection 2021 recycling tonnage grant funding allocation in the amount of $536,500 and an appropriation in said budget for like selling purpose 2024-25 budget of the city of Island a special item of Revenue made available by Revenue realized from the Bureau of Justice assistance under the fiscal year 2024 Patrick Ley bulletproof vest partnership and award in the amount of $1,347 76 and an appropriation in said budget for like sumon purpose 20242 2011 is a resolution providing for the insertion in the calendar year 2024 budget of the city of Vinland the special item of Revenue may have Avail available by Revenue realized from vland revolving Loan Fund vland Industrial Park West Campus vland New Jersey in the amount of $600,000 and an appropriation in said budget for like someone purpose 202 24-22 resolution providing for the insertion the county year 2024 budget of the city of Island a special item of Revenue made available by Revenue realize from the Wawa foundation in the amount of $5,000 and an appropriation in said budget for like suon purpose 202 24-23 is a resolution providing for the insertion the calendar year 2024 budget of the city of Island a special item of Revenue made available by Revenue realized from a state of New Jersey vision of highway traffic safety 2024 distracted driving cracktown you drive UT text you pay in the amount of $10,500 and an appropriation in said budget for like sellon purpose 202 24-204 is a resolution authorizing extraordinary unspecifiable Services agreements for health benefit coverages for employees of the city of Island prescription 2024-25 is a resolution authorizing the execution of a professional service agreement buying between Seaman Energy Incorporated Houston Texas and the City of Island for spring outage support for unit 11 and Clayville generating stations in the amount of $28,995 192 pursuant to a long-term service agreement 202 24-26 is a resolution amending resolution number 20 23- 627 authorizing the qualified purchasing agent to award purchases for various Motor Vehicles equipment and accessories available through Cooperative pricing systems of which the city is a member 20242 7 it's a resolution authorizing an agreement with Manders morigi ported in farell architects of Island New Jersey for professional architectural engineering services in connection with window replacement at City Hall 204-208 it's a resolution authorizing the purchase of one Recon Custom Body truck in an amount not to exceed 72,3 63 pursuant to a regional Cooperative pricing agreement with middle sex Regional Educational Services Commission Cooperative pricing system 202 24-29 is a resolution authorizing a contract award to a state contract vendor asphalt paving systems Hamington New Jersey for the pavement preservation Services the amount not to exceed $352,400 is a resolution awarding an open-end contract to anxer Incorporated Pittsburgh Pennsylvania for the Furnishing and delivery of LED Street lighting for the Von Municipal electric utility distribution division in an estimated amount of $1 14,580 2024-25 d212 is a resolution authorizing Award of a contract to bonfire fiber LLC Denver Colorado for Broadband utility Consulting and project management in an amount not to exceed 8,466 $640 202 24-23 is a resolution awarding a contract to Dil Safety Equipment Incorporated Buffalo New York for the Furnishing and delivery of three Groves ready rack extractor 35 PPE washer and three Groves ready rack smart dry six allpurpose drawing cabinets with components and accessories for the vanen fire department in the amount of 59,000 363 2024-25 is a resolution authorizing Award of a contract to Atlantic Coast alarm Incorporated ma Landing New Jersey to install a camera system at the new Fire headquarters 2024-25 is a resolution approving charge against various land for land clearance and authorizing said charge become a lean upon such land and to be added to and become part of the taxes to be assessed and levied upon such land 204-216 is a resolution cancelling outdated checks issued by the city of vland 202 24-27 is a resolution approving shorty reduction release or renewal as submitted by the city engineer 2024 D28 is a resolution granting permission to the mayor's office of the city of Island to conduct a public display of fireworks on July 4th 2024 with a rain date of July 5th 2024 between 900 p.m. and 10 p.m. at the Von High School complex chest Avenue and Brewster Road 2024-25 is a resolution providing and authorizing the payment of bills and demands against the city of Island 202 24-22 is a resolution declaring the existence of an emergency requiring drainage replacement on magnola road east of Lincoln Avenue in James Court and authorizing the payment of bills for said Services 202 24-22 is a resolution authorizing a contract award to a state contract vendor lawmen Supply Company of New Jersey in corporated Cherry Hill New Jersey for the purchase of firearm ammunition in the amount not to exceed $4,180 202 24-22 3 is a resolution authorizing the execution of an amendment to the shared service agreement buying between Mars River Township and the City of for municipal court services 2024-25 is a resolution authorizing a contract award to a state contract vendor Dell Round Rock Texas with regard to the Microsoft Enterprise volume license agreement 202 24-22 is a resolution approving the volunteer membership of Peter maroon and Diane starn to the office of emergency management in two 202 24-22 is a resolution granting the renewal of alcoholic beverage licenses for the liing period July 1 2024 to June 30th 2025 chair attains a motion to approve all items on the consent agenda no move second there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr Francis Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes that's all the formal business I have Madam president thank you Mr patoski at this time are there any comments from Council yes I'd like to congratulate to all the retirees I wish them all good luck and good health also the uh children that came up to do flag they pretty cool uniforms actually they were very nice uh I want to thank my colleagues for their support on my AED ordinance um I know I'm I'm payment butt when it comes to this but as everyone knows uh if someone suddenly drops in this room God forbid uh we have an AED right outside we know it works because we check it um there are people here that are certified because I know because I certified them um and uh and that's all good unfortunately a lot of people that U purchase ads whether they're um they're mandated or not um sometimes they neglect and with all good intentions and place them in areas that are that can't be seen and uh that defeats the purpose so one if you can't you have it but you can't find it and then the second is that oh once I got it it doesn't work because I haven't checked it and that's very discouraging uh because um as stats will will say is that if I'm able to to shock Paul within the first minute um there's a 90% chance of survival all right uh according to his wife that she wants me to wait 10 minutes but probably 20 yeah probably 20 but every minute thereafter you lose seven to 7 10% um so by five or six minutes um you know you really decreases the probability of that person being resuscitated but if you have it make sure it works and then make sure is it in place that everybody can see it thank you thank you Council Miss uh ditto on the retirees uh we wish them the best of luck in their retirement in their new life and stay healthy congratulations to Diane Fischer on her accomplishments in the boxing area uh she is definitely a Trailblazer uh also the V is putting on the car show this coming week I believe it's June 8th or something of that nature um so Landa saen will be uh crowded with better part of 10,000 people probably walking looking at the cars things of that nature Mr Lewis you put your car in so he will be there uh my son is actually putting a car in so I will be there uh Etc and um that's usually a pretty good time you heard all the various events that were going on uh in the city if anybody in City Hall has not had the opportunity to see the firehouse go see it it is impressive uh and our guys deserve to have a nice place after what they've been staying in for the past few years but um no one should complain about anything in this wouse once it gets going come August uh it should be ready so it's coming in early which is a good thing and uh kudos to Chief tra Matana for pushing it and the Landis theater consistently has concerts on the weekend so if you want to see good bands at a cheap price please help them out that's it Al fargus yes I like to also congratulate all the retirees today also Diane fiser for on the Boys and Girls Club coach Al congratulate my my my colleague here for the good fight and and uh he means well I mean we joke around it's a serious thing and uh I hope that we never use it Ronnie uh and I hope they just collect us but um if needed they're there and thank you and thank Steve everything you've done thank you like to also congratulate the retirees as well and wish them all the best in this next chapter of your lives and also to Diane congratulations on what she's been doing as well as Ronnie's law thank you you finally got it in there finally got it in there we hope again I hope we don't have to use it but and Liz You' been a good disciple because every place we go you ask do you have an a man she's she's got look for the sign now yeah look for the sign sign it can only help change the quality of life of somebody that really needs it so thank you for for all that you've done to get that in place and also thank you to the students for coming today from Leaders of Tomorrow Early Learning Academy and it's always a pleasure to have the young people here to uh lead us in the flag salute and at this time anything else if nothing further chair entertains a motion to adjourn the meeting I'll move Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas Dr Arthur yes thank you and have a good night