all right of course you ready I guess waiting for Keith some motion at the very end good evening everyone sound so alive out there good evening Welcome to our regular meeting of city council Tuesday July 23rd at 6:34 p.m. Mr aosta here Mr Fred skini qua Mr Spinelli here Mr Vargas Dr Arthur here please rise for our Pledge of Allegiance my pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America to the rep for stands public notice of this meeting pursuant to the open public meetings act has been given on December 13 2023 by the city clerk in the following manner posting written notice on the official bulletin board in the lobby of City Hall providing written notice to the offices of the Daily Journal in the Press of Atlantic City and filing written notice in the office of the city clerk of the city of Island partains a motion that the pre-meeting conference and regular meeting of July 13th and the work session of July 16th be approved as submitted so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes I resolution 2024 309 a resolution recognizing Carmen de Georgio upon retiring from public service effective August 1 2024 parent attains a motion that resolution number 2024-25 be adopted according to law so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion i' just like to wish Carman uh retirement good health and retirement and just enjoy life in general you don't have to come here and deal with all the craziness just don't tax yourself [Laughter] [Applause] good any further comments from Council no just a minute he's out of order you're out of order Alan come on Mr patoski Mr aosta yes Mr franchis skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes Madam president it's normal to read the resolution first and then you could have people speak yes yes we'll let you know Giorgio assume the position whereas Carmen de Georgio began his career with the city city of vland on July 31 1989 and whereas Carmen has furthered the city's Mission by providing valuable public service to the VIN community and whereas Carmen has earned the respect and confidence of his co-workers and employer throughout his many years of faithful service whereas Carmen de Georgio has earned a well-deserved retirement from the city of island effect of August 1 2024 ending his Public Service career in the Department of Finance Tax Collector's office as the tax collector now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and Council of the city of Island extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to Carmen de Georgio for a career of loyal and meritorious service with best wishes for many years of health and [Applause] happiness thanks thank you [Applause] is there anyone that wishes to speak on behalf of Mr deorio before he gets we're letting him take shots at [Laughter] you I won't be too long winded uh please state your name you have to worry you got three minutes now um I got the clock Alan bernardini 2419 East land of Sab New violon New Jersey you'll have have to Pardon if I have a couple cough coughing spells because I just got over a terrible head and uh chess Co um 30 some years ago I decided that the time of my with the city was was ending and I needed to retire because I put in 40 some years my wife had a surprise 60th birthday party for me and uh I said Monday I'm going to go in and see Tony and tell him I want to retire well I did that and I told him that what I like to do and see if I can see someone would like to take this job uh that would like to do it because it's an important job at the city you collect all the revenue you're the you're the main stay of what goes on in this city I had uh Tony's permission to talk to Harry Maloney who was the director of the utility and I went into the uh the uh electric utility accounting office and saw the first person I spoke to was Carman I said Carman I'm retiring oh I said oh God you're you're too young I said well I'm too old because I've been here too long I said would you like to be the tax collector he stepped back he said what do you mean I said I have the mayor's okay to talk to some people who are one person that'd like to do this job and I think you would do a perfect job because college graduate you have an accounting degree and I know the work you've done up here in the utility because we've worked together so with that I uh went up to the mayor and told him that uh Karma was going to take the job and do it well I know how great a job he's done because I always fought to be 90 some percent of my Collections and he was he has been constantly for the years he's been there 97 98 985 that's a big job to do with $114 million budget so I'm proud of him that I made the choice and he accepted did it and he's done such a great job and just a little tidbit and I'm done my wife bumped into Joe Pella who was the assessor about six months later he said Pat is Alan mad at us he says he hasn't been back in City Hall in six months she said we were sure he'd be excuse me he'd be back you know nip excuse me and she said oh no she said in fact he doesn't never even talk about the office I had paid my dues and when I walked out of there that December 31st 1998 I walked out there with a clear conscience that I did what I had to do and I had the tax collector's office in good hands thank you thank [Applause] you is there anyone else it's all yours you need to know my address wood no those of you who don't know me I am Carman de Georgio ales for many years I'm not a woman you know I surprise a lot of people when they come into the office after all these years and for the first few months that I was you know working as The Collector everybody thought I was Alan bernardini so I know they didn't know who Allan was I said I said he was a little taller than me and better looking but I want to thank everyone you know uh mayor counsel colleagues and Friends want to thank my wonderful wife Lisa who's been by my side now over 34 over 34 years that I've known you if not longer married for 32 my children Nicholas and Matthew I'm very proud uh to be your father these guys have excelled become young men working hard on your own I'm very proud I want to thank my parents my mother Josephina unfortunately cannot be here right now she's been going through an illness for the last year and a half my father who passed 14 years ago Franchesco they were Inspirations Inspirations to me they immigrated from Italy they wanted a better life for their families they came over here with their own families mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters they worked so hard to provide us a good life they were genuine individuals we didn't have much but they LED their families and they loved their friends we as their children never knew we never went without anything we didn't know that we didn't have much so education was a very important thing important important to them and I was grateful to the gift of that they provided me with a college education to me and my siblings and still in strong moral beliefs and guided that guided me through my work and through my career and through my life right now allowed to open a lot of doors for me working at manufacturing as a controller at the Wheaten Industries working for the electric utility the city of irand though I am truly fortunate tend to retirement on my own terms I it's been an honor working for the city of Island serving its wonderful citizens I got the most Joy of working you know serving our senior citizens the most at the at the most part of crucial times when it was covid throughout the years made great friendships with them helped them our office was Second To None uh we they stepped up to the plate we became H&R Block some of them learn how to do tax returns but uh we filled out a lot of forms for the U Senior Center C and we're able to get him a lot of help with the deductions their electric heating assistance food n mortgages and it was a that was a a very proud thing I was very happy that we did that and I always promised Allen that time that I keep that tradition going of keeping customer service you know a Forefront so through the years I had the privilege of working alongside many of you many of whom some of them who have retired and it's been an extraordinary experience it was filled with a lot of collaboration support and I cherish every memories I have to say I remember my first the interview that I came here in 1989 with the electric utility and it was probably towards the end of June and it was a 1:00 1:15 interview and I waited and uh it turned out to be about three and a half hours and I ended up uh meeting it was Dennis desanti Ray Lawson Harry Maloney Ed roetti Linda Dean bud cavalo I kind of went through the whole one after another I came here for like a half hour interview and and went down the gamut and I remember meeting Harry he's I mean I went through Ray and Dennis explaining how what was going on explaining what I did and Harry Maloney and Ed roetti were there and um a funny story you know Harry's explaining to me electric utility the grid how we were the only ones one of the only generating ones and then I you know talking about his the accounting and he one thing that he mentioned to me that utility had uh two books and I looked at him funny I said two books I said I said I Saidi have a little question on that I said 'what do you do with the second book I hope you're not cooking it you know and and it was a budget book and a FK book of accounting so that's how the utility operated back then it was using the uh New Jersey BPU we filed multiple reports annual reports throughout the years I prepared at least I remember if even when I finished at least my last one was my 11th one that I did um Harry was an interesting man too I didn't uh I was one of the first people that had computer experience coming in here so I knew Lotus the predecessor prior to EXL so once Harry knew that I ended up on a lot of Special Projects all over the city of hland you know and Allen was there with me with one I ended up six months later in Florida we put in a cashiering system if remember correctly Dy we went down to Florida got the city computerized with that so it was a lot of work and a lot of uh work for our you know inventory systems that we didn't have have costing systems that we didn't have across the board water you know I expand the N utilities building Wells a lot of um at that time assessments that were going on through the city because the city was growing in uh developments so those were good times so I really I want to thank that time mayor Campanella the city Administration Allen thank you for those years of support too for letting me be the T you know we the tax collector to serve this great town I'm glad I got to work alongside you got to know you in the break rooms that we used to have back in the day there were good times to my staff you guys are second to none you're honest people hardworking people there's no one better I've been to other towns called to help out and it's what we do here you are like Tax Collectors most of the staffs don't even do a third of what you do and even the collectors don't so kudos to you Dy I had Margie I had Rosemary Agustin you show me a lot of things back in the day I had to sit at every Department I remember going to EMS setting up buildings everything l& putting systems in today everybody just presses a button doesn't know how it works but we had a know the notes and bolts of it so I'll be taking some time off I got a long honeydew list to get some things done I will be returning back to the workforce I I still have many things to accomplish I will stay active in public service keep an eye out what's going on listen in here in the community you know use the term of baseball back in the day you know life threw us a curveball when my mother got sick and things change well but I was taught not to chase a bad pitch but to wait to knock one out of the park and I hope you know and I think I will and I hope to keep building at leave something here that I left that youth guys can build on so on that I wish you and your families good health the very best in your future endeavors may you all achieve success prosperity and a lifetime of fulfillment thank you for everything and God bless all of you thank you [Applause] I have resolution 202 24-31 a resolution recognizing Kathleen Fon upon retiring from public service effective August 1 2024 hear attains a motion the resolution number 202 24- 310 be adopted according to law so move a second is there any discussion by Council on this motion Kathy uh once again happy retirement stay in good health you will be missed my my weekly visits into the office sometimes uh one of you two girls is it that and rich is out or Keith is out and we sit there and have conversation so uh it it has been great but enjoy retirement enjoyed life and uh stay healthy congratulations and come on over congratulations Kevin come on down up see she got the flowers I Cent her that's Keith is going to read to you the proclamation hey first of all we have a motion and a second we need to have a vote Mr aosta yes Mr franchini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes thank you whereas Kathleen fernon began her career with the city of vland on July 30th 20 2000 whereas Kathleen has furthered the city's Mission by providing valuable public service to the vanen community a little lower please Kathleen has earned the respect and confidence of her co-workers and employer throughout her many years of faithful service and whereas Kathleen fernon has earned a well-deserved retirement from the city of Vin and effect of August 1 2024 ending her Public Service career in the city clerk's office as keyboarding clerk 3 now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and Council of the city of Island extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to Kathleen foron for a career of loyal and meritorious service with best wishes for many years of Health and [Applause] happiness I will miss you Cath if go over to the microphone I will not does anyone I will note for the record that not many of our retirees actually retire on a definite calendar year basis and Kathy will retire August 1st that will be the 24th year to the day of her [Applause] employment is there anyone in the family who wishes to speak no do have some hold on C this is my son please state your name oh my name no him uh my name is Donald Tharp uh thank you 1158 East Avenue since I'm just kind of Following the Leader here um wasn't really expecting to speak tonight um certainly at a loss for words um and could speak for a very long time um but I guess to keep it short and sweet um my mother has someone who's taught me that uh like the gentleman before has said uh C Falls um if anybody's a Phillies fan and remembers Jamie Moyer I don't think he ever threw a fastball and I don't know how many fast balls my M's actually seen in life um it's been uh you know curveball slider but anything that's come across um you know she's figured out how to deal with um if we're going to keep with the whole baseball analogy um even if it's just a means of spoiling a pitch and figuring out a way to um to keep moving forward um little by little um it's not so much how fast you move or you know how long it takes to get to where you want to go it's a matter of actually getting there um it's having a goal in mind and um locking on to it and and maintaining I don't often get a chance to tell you how proud I am of you usually you're the one telling me how proud you are of me um but that that's certainly something that's reciprocated I'm sorry everybody for having this sentimental moment um but thank you um to everybody who's given her this opportunity Mr Petroski um I remember when she first spoke about you know entering the city Workforce um one of the things that she had to do was she was uh timed on how many words she could type in a minute and it's it's it's archaic now when we think about how my 5-year-old daughter can probably type more words than I can um on her cell phones but you know at a time when that was crucial you know to think of how important that was and to know my mom was able to do it when I really didn't you know I knew how awesome of a homemaker she was um and you know how how tight she she ran the ship at home but for her to enter the workforce you know not as a college graduate not as a 20-some year old woman who with no kids without a house to worry about you know she she entered the for at a tough time and she maintained the course and 24 years to the day later here we are so yeah congratulations Mom thank you Son thank you thank you hi daughter is also sitting out there Brook rose stand up for Mom my I love you too and Tony my boyfriend who's always there for me my best girlfriend n who sitting next to Carmen that I'm so happy I'm retiring with my cousin Michael my sister Colleen her husband Kevin and my niece Heather thank you all for being being here Keith thank you for a wonderful career I do remember that day taking that uh typewriter down the shore and I'm like I haven't typed since ninth grade and they're all like just try it I remember at the time it was Kathy the Primo upstairs in uh human uh resources and she's like Kathy you can do it I go to sit down my hands were so sweaty she goes what's wrong I said I have to go to the bathroom get myself together but I see so many great people out there that I worked with and it was a pleasure and Bobby D always Rick Tanetta the council members Keith oh my God Maran thank you all I am so proud to work for the city of Island and receive this retirement and my son was right boy did I go through a lot of challenges you know I didn't think at 39 I would have to go to work but it's okay it was fun I always smiled and uh now I have five grand children and life's going to be great yep and good old Tony's gonna hire me two days a week he's like Kath come in as much as you want I said I don't want more than 10 hours so everyone take care I thank the Lord too because if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be where I'm at and it's a wonderful Council up there and good luck with the election thank you Kathy take care God [Applause] bless I have resolution resolution 2024-25 and approving the transfer of Ven police duty weapon in recognition of years of service with the ven Police Department here contains a motion that resolution number 20 24-31 be adopted according to law so move there a second is there any discussion by Council on this motion I know Mr Cooper is not here but uh we wish him the best of health and his retirement uh from the police department and uh best wishes and enjoy the rest of your uh rest of your Senior Life uh have a good time that's all I can tell you like to add to that uh I worked with Cooper for many years good officer good training officer too and also on the other side in the military side so coup like we used to call him congratulations enjoy it and welcome to the club vski aosta yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes public comment provides an opportunity for members of the public to inform the governing body about their views the governing body prescribes to City council's bylaws and the New Jersey statutes on open public public meetings when engaging during public comment as such each individual shall have a five minute limit to comment cannot yield time to another individual may only approach the podium once during public comment for any one topic vulgar offensive language is prohibited and city counil will not engage in dialogue with the public during this time governing body maintains model courtesy and respect and requires members of the public to do the same and at this time Mr Lewis Steve Lewis it has a presentation regarding the gold star mother's Garden uh good evening everybody uh Steve Lewis Finland New Jersey uh would like to start out by calling uh the director of Public Works and property Mr may please come up can't hear you Mr Lewis put the mic up okay at this time I would like to ask the director of Public Works and property to come up Mr N I always say if you have a good supervisor whose people request uh respect him they will perform their duties 100% this is true of you and youre I would like to thank you and your crew for all the outstanding work they did on the goldar mother's Garden I watch as they worked everyone gave 100% 110% plus they took great pride in doing so they are to be commended I thank you sir uh at this time I would like to present you fa thank you Mr Lewis uh he was white like the heartbeat to the driving force to ensure that this got done with councilman of Argus and the support of all Council without the driving force I don't know if this would have happened but it turned out to be a beautiful function not only the dedication there but everybody got together and worked tremendously together to ensure that the Gold Star Mothers were remembered thank [Applause] you about three years ago after uh Memorial Day service councilman Vargas asked me to go across the driveway he wanted to show me something I saw two brick pillars with a metal gate and the remains of a water fountain covered with a cement slab and the grounds there are grounds and cement benches around it councilman Vargas explained to me that this was the mother's Gard of remembrance design designed by Wilbert Harrison Fenton in May of 1920 two years after World War I canari said I want to fix this I told him I would be honored to help him in any way I could this was the beginning of a wonderful Journey my grandfather William Arthur Herring was a World War I veteran uh councilman Wars informed the city council and the mayor of his plans they all approved right away there's no hesitation at all the mayor approved so uh and there was a lot of planning going on by Mr Vargas a lot of planning um he spent thousands of hours doing this project he had to make many decisions decisions on how to this property should look the ground was cleared grass was planted the fountain restored the pillars were clean the original gate restored new fence matching the gate was installed new sidewalks widen enough for wheelchairs were were poured around the property and a sidewalk inside the gate as well flag poles went up and lights new benches were brought out L down on the cement once secured plans were made for the Statue of the gold star mother was planned we located a sculptor in Stone Harbor New Jersey his name was Gary jetti owner of Beacon art Avalon Studio he made we made many trips to Stone Harbor discussing how the statue should look a small model was made and agreed upon Gary used his wife Nancy as his model of the statue finally the statue was finished ready to go in Lebron Foundry in Chester Pennsylvania owned by Larry Welker uh was to do the job to make the statue the Statue before the statue was sent to The Foundry an eagle scout and his father came into uh Gary store and um he had told Gary that there was a mistake with the Statue the flag was upside down the point of the flag was supposed to point up and not down and uh so that was fixed and then the of course the statue went up to Chester and once uh we had um I lost my place here I'm sorry we went to The Foundry during making several trips to The Foundry Mr Vargas and I were given a tour and how it works we were shown each step of the process we talked to the employees they are true Artisans Mr Vargas and I went to watch the first poor next trip to The Foundry was to choose the patina and see how it applied the statue was brought to V by Larry and placed on the marble slab between the two flags of course councilman Vargas was busy making plans for dedication ceremony while the statute was being made on July 6th 2024 the dedication was made now being gold star mother's guard counsman Vargas did an excellent job and is to be commended for this over the time we took many trips to Stone harbard and Chester Pennsylvania we also made many phone calls discussing ideas this is what I learned about the man Albert vus he's a caring son to his mother loves his wife children and grandchildren he is a patriot who served this his country in the United States Army then served the city of Island police officer retiring from both now serving the people of Island as a dedicated city councilman I am proud today to call Mr Vargas my friend I have a flag this flag was used in making of the statue it hung at Larry's store and he used it with his wife is the model to make the statue this flag the flag in this case originally hung in front of the beon park Avalon Bron bronze Studio the studio is located 9412 2 Avenue Summers yeah summer Harbor New Jersey Stone Harbor New Jersey sculptor Gary create jetti created the goldstorm mother's garden statue located in Lis Park fin New Jersey his wife Nancy DTI was the model statue and she held this flag Gary gave this flag to me to be presented to B city council Albert Vargas it's with great pleasure that I present this flag to councilman Albert Vargas [Applause] I also have a photo this photo is of the statue at the park represent this to as you know I made many I took many photos this event so this is for you also for your wife and speak first while Mr Lewis and Mr Vargas have done a tremendous job in doing the work that they did to dedicate uh the program in dedication of the gold mothers I do want to also thank the wives of those two men behind every man there is a great woman and so Mrs varcas Al Al's wife and Mrs Lewis will you come forward please [Applause] and Al also has two daughters that helped as well we can't pay you enough but and for Mrs Vargas I chose the money tree there are not enough dollars in the world that we could pay you for all the support that you gave alen Mr Lewis and all the reefs that you made as well so this one is for you the peace lily of course is for Mrs Lewis and we have a couple of other plants for the daughters if they would come forward as well so please come up thank you so very much for all the work you did in putting the together thank you no doesn't matter no you're welcome thank you speech oh Mr Vargas said speech speech L we just wanted to let you know that we do appreciate all the work that you've done and thank you so very much what can I say about this uh thank Mr Lewis Without You thank you if I may say one more thing uh there was a lot of work done a lot of time done for this uh gold star mother's Garden uh Memorial i' driven by different times and I found trash all over trash on the benches and I would course pick it up so for those people that are leaving their trash I ask please pick up the trash respect those that this is honored for thank you it's always a little different when you always giv rewards out toing my career um but it's always different when you get one so I just want to thank my family always thank you I'll get you for this than thank you and congratulations to all the retirees as well we would ask that if you could quietly quietly exit the room we appreciate it thank you did you just use the gapl I did whoa is there anyone else in the public who wishes to be heard at this time no one else in the public wishes to be heard don't don't see it we will conclude with our agenda continue our agenda sorry I have ordinance number 202 24-39 ordinance of the city of island in the county of Cumberland New Jersey approving the execution of a financial agreement with respect to the Oak Road Redevelopment area which is ready for a public hearing Teran attains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-39 be taken up for a public hearing and open to the public for a discussion so move I second Mr Acosta yes Mr franchis Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes is there anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 20 24-39 no one k attains a motion that the public hearing on ordinance number 20 24-39 be closed so move I second Mr aosta yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes chair contains a motion that ordinance number 202 24-39 be taken up for a final reading and adopted according to law so move I second there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr franches skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 202 24-39 ordinance of the city of island in the county of Cumberland New Jersey approving the execution of a financial agreement with respect to the Oak Road Red velopment area this ordinance is adopted Mr patoski please submit ordinance number 202 24-39 to the mayor for his approval or disapproval yes thank you you're welcome I've ordinance sub 20 24-40 ordinance authorizing the execution of a contract of sale and other documents necessary for the acquisition of certain property in the city of Island known as 726 East Wood Street block 3016 lot 17 for 275 $ 5,000 to be used in connection with the city's code blue obligation which is ready for a public hearing here attains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-40 be taken up for a public hearing and open to the public for discussion so move I second Mr Costa yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes is there anyone in the audience who wishes to be heard on ordinance number 20 24-40 no one shair attains a motion that the public hearing on ordinance number 202 24-40 be closed so move second Costa yes Mr franchis Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes j attains a motion that ordinance number 202 24-40 be taken up for a final reading and adopted according to law so movees second is there any discussion by Council on this motion yeah I would like to just state that uh we've gone through a lot of pains to try to find a building for code blue and for our health department to run their clinics Etc looking in all different parts of the city and uh finally came to a conclusion of something that we all thought was suitable and uh was easy to access uh for the population that would be servicing so this is a great find and hopefully it'll solve some of the problems yeah and I want to add U hopefully we can use this uh property for the summertime for for cooling station another option for I'm sure we could anything further Mr aosta yes Mr franchis yes pelli yes Vargas Dr AR yes ordinance number 202 24-40 ordinance authorizing the execution of a contract of sale and other documents necessary for the acquisition of certain property in the city of V known as 726 East Wood Street block 3016 lot 17 for $275,000 to be used in connection with the city's code blue obligation this ordinance is adopted Mr patski please submit ordinance number 20 24-40 to the mayor for his approval or disapproval yes thank you you're welcome I've ordance SE 2024413044 first reading so move second Mr aosta yes Mr franchini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr arther yes ordinance number 202 24- 41 and ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number eight which is Revis the classification and compensation plans for the city of onland tax collector and tax search officer here entertains a motion at ordinance number 20 24- 41 be passed for the first reading and that a public hearing be held on Tuesday August 13 2024 at 6:30 p.m. so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr Francis Kini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas Dr Arthur yes I have ordinance number 20 24-42 which is ready for a first reading here attains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-42 be taken up for the first reading so move second Mr aosta yes Mr franus skini yes Mr spelli yes Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 202442 an ordinance to amend and supplement ordinance number eight which Revis the classification and compensation plans for the city of island security guard part-time and full-time he attains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-42 be passed for first reading and that a public hearing be held on Tuesday August 13 2024 at 6:30 pm so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes I have ordinance number 202443 which is ready for a first reading a attains a motion that ordinance number 202443 be taken up for the first reading so move second Costa yes Mr Francis Kini yes s Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 202 24- 43 ordinance authorizing the execution of an agreement of sale by in between the state of New Jersey Department of Treasury and the City of Island for certain property known as 860 North Orchard Road Block 21001 lot 53 gains a motion that ordinance number 202443 be passed for first reading and that a public hearing be held on Tuesday August 13th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion just let everybody know this is uh the old uh State School West that was abandoned by the state and um we are running out of industrial land and that's what this is going to be used for so we I guess can cut 8 to 10 Lots out of it Etc so that being said that's what we're doing with this property thank further Mr aosta yes Mr franchini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr arth yes I have ordinance number 202 24-44 which is ready for a first reading Ken attains a motion at ordinance number 20 24-44 be taken up for the first reading so move second Mr aosta yes Mr Francis Kini yes Mr spelli yes Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes ordinance number 20 24-44 ordinance amending ordinance 201757 chapter 81 of the code of the city of Island entitled Landis theater Foundation board of directors a contains a motion that ordinance number 20 24-44 be passed for the first reading and that a public hearing be held on Tuesday August 13th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. so move second is there any discussion by Council on this motion none Mr aosta yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes we'll move now into the consent agenda items 2024-25 313 it's a resolution authorizing the execution of consent for Access forms and restoration agreement ments with the United States Environmental Protection Agency to perform remedial investigation remedial action removal activity and restoration activity on certain City properties related to the former kilton company Superfund Site 2024 d314 is a resolution authorizing the execution of a settlement offer and Di Minimus payment in accordance thereto pursuant to the comprehensive environmental response compensation and liability act 42 United States code section 951-961 site 2024 d315 is a resolution providing for the insertion of the county year 2024 budget of the city of Island a special item of Revenue made available by Revenue realized from the state of New Jersey Department of Transportation fiscal year 2023 municipal aid program in the amount of $49,444 and an appropriation of said budget for like sum on purpose 202 24- 316 is a resolution granting permission to the Von and police department to conduct a public display of fireworks on August 6th 2024 between 900 P p.m. and 11 p.m. at the Von High School complex Cheston Avenue and Brewster Road 2024 317 is a resolution authorizing a Professional Services agreement with Marathon engineering and environmental services Atlantic City New Jersey to provide additional Environmental Testing a property located at 860 North Orchard Road in an amount not to exceed $551,000 202 24-38 is a resolution authorizing in agreement with penon Associates Incorporated Haden Heights New Jersey for professional Design Services for the Reconstruction of Southeast Avenue 2024-25 is a resolution awarding a contract to arak Paving Company Incorporated Hamilton New Jersey to complete the 2024 Road program various locations amount of 1,559 th000 202 24- 320 is a resolution awarding a contract to Rico construction Corp doing business as Rico demolition Belmore New Jersey for the demolition of of structures at 544 East pair street block 30009 lot one in the amount of $487,000 202 24- 321 is a resolution awarding the contract to Fab Builders Incorporated V New Jersey for the city of vland fourth floor Renovations in the amount of $753,000 202 24- 322 is a resolution awarding the contract to Riverfront Recycling and Aggregate LLC Camden New Jersey for Italia Avenue drainage repairs in the amount of $247,500 is a resolution awarding an open-end contract to Osmos Utility Services Incorporated Peach Tree City Georgia for pole inspection treatment and reinforcement in the amount of 30 $300,000 20 24- 324 it's a resolution awarding an open-end contract to Ferguson Enterprises LLC clemon New Jersey for the Furnishing and delivery of meter pits covers and fittings for the V and water utility in the amount of $1 12,290 21 202 24- 325 is a resolution awarding an open-end contract to Northeast Electrical Services LLC Williamstown New Jersey for for Furnishing of electrical repairs and emergency services for the water utility in an estimated amount of $440,000 2024 326 is a resolution authorizing Award of a contract to cayenta a division of Harris computers bernabe British Columbia for Caya manage services annual agreement for vanana Municipal Utilities Administration in an amount not to exceed $59,500 202 24- 327 is a resolution amending resolution number 20 24-17 to correct a typographical error therein 2024 328 is a resolution authorizing the issuance of an amendatory supplemental change order number one in the amount of $114 14,610 127 to Professional Services contract number c23 d007 purchase order number 23- 04221 issued to CME Associates Camden New Jersey 2024 329 is a resolution exercising the option to extend contract c22 d118 for Furnishing tree trimming and removal for overhead line clearance for the electric utility distribution division 20 24- 330 it's a resolution approving charge against VAR ious land for land clearance and authorizing said charge to become a lean upon such land and to be added to and become part of the taxes to be assessed and levied upon such land 2024 331 is a resolution approving shorty reduction release or renewal as submitted by the city engineer 202 24- 332 resolution authorizing directing the refund of taxes 202 24- 333 is a resolution cancelling the unexpended balance of American Rescue funds designated for water main extension projects in the amount of 1, 6774 1964 2024 334 is a resolution providing for the insertion of the calendar year 2024 budget of the city of vland a special item of Revenue made available by revenue realz from state of New Jersey local fiscal Recovery Fund American Rescue plan act for water infrastructure improvements in the amount of 1,677 4196 at an appropriation in said budget for like suon purpose I have a draft uee 5-year plan report from the Department of Economic Development and request the report be received and filed I have a motion to request the planning board Rec uh consider a restriction for the distribution of hypodermic needles for the injection of illegal drugs within 1,000 ft of any Daycare Center Park Church liquor store school public charter parochial private vocational or college as measured by the shortest distance property line to property line or designated school zones similar to zoning restrictions for the sale of cannabis or alcoholic beverages for consumption a contains a motion to approve all items on the consent agenda so move second there any discussion by Council on this motion I would uh vote Yes for all the resolution accept that that motion at the end that'll be in now I can do that got his y p that one anything further Mr aosta yes Mr Francis skini yes noted okay Mr Spinelli yes Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes all the formal business thank you Mr at this time are there any comments from Council yes um just congrats to the retirees um hope they uh do well and Keith your retiree she's just too happy for you I don't know I don't know what happened there um just want to thank Mr Mrs Lois for their help with the Goldstar mother's Garden um for their hard work I want to thank Al's three bosses that's right for keeping El Street uh during this event uh I was there firsthand and it was very entertaining yes um and I just want to say you know how do I describe alv Vargas so not to get mushy but he's he's just a good guy with a big heart and speaks with a Brooklyn accent uh it's been a pleasure for Le eight years to get to know you I don't know if anyone knows that him and I graduated high school together though I didn't know him 81 well you have to announce it uh so it's been a privilege and um we're very fortunate to have you that's all I got councilman aasta at this time um no no further comments councilman Spinelli as as always uh again kudos to the retirees Alan your family you you Ron has finally right on one thing you are just a great family of people Al and I have become very good friends up here uh and his daughter and I became good friends because we were in mville teaching uh when she was there so uh all that's good uh Mr Lewis always above and beyond and anything that you do to help us and we appreciate appreciate that so thank you uh another thank you goes out to all our city workers Public Works Jimmy and I have become good friends since he's been here but not because of that it's just because he has motivated his men to really do good work and his new hirers have all been great people uh that I've seen on the street and spoke to when he's not around uh they don't necessarily sayare good things about him but he does get good work out of him so I don't any joking Jimmy but all a city hall um you know we made a a considerate effort when we came into office to try to bring City Hall up to a standard uh where people were pleasant uh Pleasant to the community when they came in etc etc Pleasant to us when we ask questions because sometimes we weren't supposed to ask questions when we first got here and that ended real quick because I asked a lot of questions uh and they've really come around and stepped up their game so let's thank the Rick and Bobby and and mayor fucci and all the directors and supervisors in City Hall thank you our police fire EMTs probably the best in in New Jersey and and I can't State enough on on how good they are I've used the EMTs I thank God I haven't needed fire and police so uh they have been great August 6 National Night Out V High School come out it's a great night for the community to come out you see uh the police dogs put on a show and there's fireworks and there's all other kinds of stuff the firemen do a whole bunch of stuff so it's really great uh that's in vanon high we have a concert series going on at Jetro Park uh every couple weeks somebody's playing at the park uh Prime predominantly uh for our seniors but some of the new acts have been coming in that are a little bit bigger shows uh for the younger group of people uh I'm saying younger they're probably the 40s and 50s 60s people uh karaoke event coming up in September uh there was just the dancing in the street event had about 150 people in front of the Avenue it was absolutely a stunning event to to watch they had a dance contest everybody and their brother different of demographics it was just the community meshing and our community is a Melting Pot of people and that's exactly what it was so that was a lot of fun uh and they're going to have more of those types of events so go on the city website uh it's all all that stuff is generally up there uh go on the Facebook page there's a lot of that stuff there as well uh stay informed and get involved thank you very much councilman Vargas I just want to start with uh congratulating all our retirees I known them personally for so many years now um so congratulations to all of them and I hope they they enjoy their retirement uh some of us retire but we don't like me uh one day I will uh retire retire but um it's hard it's hard it's hard I got 10 years old it's hard to walk away when you say 81 and you said well you don't say that I was 71 St we that's when Ronnie was a champion I just want to say he was a champion wrestler wrestling for those that don't know that he was a wrestler in his time and I still won't battle with him right now but uh and third ID like to thank my family for being here for everything they've done for me Mr Lewis thank thank you and without the employees Jim thank you I've said this two weeks ago but thanks again I appreciate it without them this would have never happen on go ditto ditto ditto ditto thank you to everyone for all that you've done to contribute to the well-being of vand it shows um very much and we all appreciate what each and every one of you do especially Mr Lewis who is is our sixth council member yeah um whether he wants to be or not he's always here and we're grateful for all that you do for the veterans and um for the mother's Garden as well thank you Mrs Lewis for sharing him with us thank you Mrs varcas for sharing your husband with us and also to his daughters thank you so very much we appreciate all the work you've done with nothing furthers a motion to adjourn the meeting we move second Mr aosta yes Mr Frances skini yes Mr Spinelli Mr Vargas yes Dr Arthur yes