good evening Welcome to our 20124 violent High School athletic banquet Today We Gather to celebrate a group of remarkable individuals whose dedication perseverance and hard work have truly set them apart being a high school athlete is no small feat it means early mornings and late nights countless hours of practice and the constant pursuit of Improvement while many of your classmates went home after school to hang out with friends make some money working or to scroll through Instagram and Tik Tok you chose a different path you have balanced academics and Athletics and demonstrated that hard work and discipline are keys to success as violent High School's new athletic director I'm honored and humbled to have been a small part of your athletic Journey this past year I want you all to know how proud of you the people in our Athletics office are and how much they care about you every single day Miss Ashley s over there by the music Miss Jen Jimenez who's collecting tickets up front Mr Jeff Haynes and myself all work together reflecting on our current practices and exploring new opportunities to promote the student athletes of vland high school with it with help with the help of administration and the board of education here are a few of violent High School's athletic accomplishments this past year we fielded our first ever female golf team here at VHS our wrestling team hosted their first ever Pete Adams Memorial wrestling tournament we hosted the cape Atlantic league and Cumberland County championship tennis tournament for both boys and girls we sent Megan and Morgan Harold Alvarez to Rucker University to participate in the women in sport the national women in sports day we nominated Eve Ortiz and Tyrell pal to each receive $500 athletic scholarships we hosted countless College signings where we saw our athletes take the next step in their athletic careers we are now providing snacks to our athletes before practice every day and now through our new social media platforms run by Miss Miss Ashley s with some help from Ali parent and tnf Camera along with the dedication of our VPS broadcasting team your success has been shared with more people than ever before you will hear many awards and accolades announced by our coaches tonight such as Cape Atlantic League Allstar scholar athlete coaches award team captain all are remarkable accomplishments that the recipients will remember forever however Beyond these titles and trophies I want to let all of our athletes know that your participation in athletics here at violent high school has awarded you something far more significant and that is the skills needed to succeed in life I now ask everyone to stand as we play a recording of our select choir singing the National Anthem and our Alma moer and the [Music] of thank you hey we have many distinguished guests here tonight from violent High School administration Central Administration and the Board of Education to speak speak on their behalf board president miss Kimberly kispa good evening and welcome it is my great pleasure to address you tonight as we honor our exceptional student athletes on behalf of the vinin Board of Education first and foremost congratulations to each of you for your dedication your hard work and remarkable achievements your commitment to Excellence both on and off the field and in the classroom have brought immense Pride to vinand high school your perseverance discipline and teamwork are commendable you have set a high standard for future athletes I would like to thank our acting athletic director Jeff Haynes and our incoming athletic director coach CIF and the entire athletic department your leadership and tireless efforts beyond the scene behind the scenes ensure that our athletic programs run smoothly and successfully your dedication has given our athletes the opportunity unities and support that they need to excel to our coaches thank you for your invaluable guidance and mentorship your commitment has been instrumental in shaping these young athletes into the outstanding individuals that they are today to the families your unwavering support and encouragement have been crucial to your children's success your sacrifices and dedication do not go unnoticed this year has been filled with Incredible achievements and Unforgettable moments Beyond on the victories and Records it is the friendships camaraderie and life lessons that will endure success is not measured by the number of wins but by the Integrity sportsmanship and passion you bring to everything you do we are incredibly proud of all of you and everything you've accomplished and we look forward to seeing the amazing things that you will achieve carry with you the spirit of violent High School athletics and continue striving for excellence in all that you do congratulations once again to our senior student athletes we wish you all the best in your future endeavors and to our girls softball team good luck tomorrow night you've got this ladies you'll have a great following thank you on behalf of central Administration we have director of curriculum and instruction Miss susette de Mari good evening and thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to our talented and accomplished student athletes tonight we recognize the important role that vinent High School athletics plays in our community and I want to thank all of you for your commitment and hard work and congratulate you on another memorable school year I would like to thank our entire athletic department staff for their care support and commitment to our student athletes our coaches for your countless hours of both on and off the field guidance and Leadership that no doubt made a lasting impression I would also like to thank all of our our parents and families for supporting our athletes and coaches throughout this year and finally congratulations to our highly talented student athletes you are able able to balance a rigorous academic schedule with the demands of your chosen sport you instruct each other you encourage each other you cooperate and communicate and are role models to your classmates seeing so many of you here this evening shows me that you are well prepared to be leaders no matter what path you choose to pursue congratulations again and best wishes on behalf of VHS Administration Tanner building principle Mr Justin Adams I am not nearly as eloquent or well spoken as Mrs deari or president kispa so I will keep this quick so you guys to move on to the awards good evening student athletes parents coaches staff members and community members it is with great honor uh that I was asked to speak tonight sports played a large role in my high school experience and my life so far uh because they run parallel to everything you will experience in life the traits you learn like coachability resilience teamwork accountability and Leadership will suit you well as you go on to the next chapter in life whether it's the Military College the workforce or just finding yourself in society to all the athletes here tonight you have earned every award that you are about to receive nothing has been given to you over the past four years you've been able to prioritize being a student first and foremost but excelling as an athlete as well I commend each and every one of you here and I will leave you with a quote from my favorite coach of all time Jimmy V Jim valano in a speech that he gave at the 1993 esps and if you do not know who Jimmy valano is as an athlete put aside your chemistry homework put aside your AP homework and watch his YouTube video tonight his quote is short and simple it's don't give up don't ever give up if you're able to live by these words you'll not only find success on and off the field but you'll find happiness in life as well I thank you guys for allowing me the time and to the student athletes congratulations again okay on behalf of our athletic trainers we have acting athletic director Mr Jeff Haynes good evening uh again for those of you who don't know me since I'm relatively new I am the acting athletic director for the next uh about two weeks before uh shift takes over um and I apologize to anybody that heard my speech the other night but I'm going to say the same statement I said at the hall of fame meeting uh at Hall of Fame banquet I was asked by Dr rosi uh at the board of education office in early November if I would help fill fill in for the athletic director that was Ill and I had retired recently so I could watch my kids play ball and that's why I'm dressed this way I'm heading to a ball game right now um and I said all right I'll give you two weeks this is my 127th day I think right now and the reason I'm here is because of the student athletes and the people that I've met here in violent it's just been a wonderful uh experience for me um I know they're trying to keep me here a little bit longer so I just might end up doing that so anyways on to what we're here for um the next award uh is being honored uh on behalf of the athletic trainers and uh DT was supposed to be here to present but unfortunately they had a um little family emergency I can speak for her on my own and my short time here that the two individuals about to get this award are two individuals that I think violent can be extremely proud of these two young ladies when I first started here could be found at every home basketball game every home wrestling match and I'm sure at other times at practices that I might not have seen they were here helping in the athletic trainers room setting stuff up for games and events uh getting ice uh even probably pitching and taping somebody if they had to um so the two uh individuals are going to come up here and accept this award I I'm so proud for them um I'm also excited for them that they're going to be playing uh tomorrow on the South Jersey state championship softball team as well hoping to go to the state finals later this week so at this time like i' like to pull bring up Morgan and Megan arol Alvarez [Applause] okay we're going we're going to move on with our team sports presentations we're going to call the entire team up to the front um starting with the fall season and then winter and then spring we ask for the head coach to proceed up to the microphone while the players line up in front of the stage so starting with boys cross country we have Coach the shields so will all the boys cross country players make your way up to the front of the stage good evening everyone um first of all let me just let me tell you that it was a pleasure to coach these young men they've been with me for the last four years and like I said the the pleasure was truly mine um the number one thing I can say about these young men is is the character they character shines like no other they're great leaders they always have my back and like I said I'm going to miss these guys tremendously um we had a we probably had our best um cross country season over the past four years this year and uh we actually won our first cly County cross cross country Championship since 2015 I've had the pleasure of having these three young men with me follow me on through indoor track and Spring Track and um like I said I'm going to I'm going to really really really miss them because again their leadership and all that they did not only on the track but also here in VI High School with their academics and the two of them are honor students the three of them are all three of them are honor students excuse me all three of them are honor students I apologize oliz and like I said they are student athletes first they're student athletes first and again uh we stress to them all the time you know Sports is nothing but as as um coach said it's life okay it's what you're going to learn in life you get a job when you leave these hallways you got to be the job on time you got to do the very best you can you got to help each other and you just got to be the best person that you can be and like I said I'm so proud of these young men and I know they're going to do fine out there I have no worries whatsoever like I said I want to cry right now because I I've just had so many happy years with these guys and they make coaching very very e easily okay and um the gentleman we have sitting here right before you is ran Jeffrey Trey roas and Landon Gentile Adamson and my cross country award is going to go to Landon Gentile Adamson who's my team captain [Applause] thank you coach and now our girls cross country team proceed to the front for Mr uh for Coach Joel Haider this is the toughest part for me usually I'm out on the field yelling um I just want to say that I am truly blessed to be a coach here at violent High School to coach with such tremendous athletes students my peers and have such tremendous support from our parents that we see in everything and a lot of the couldn't be done without the support of our athletic maintenance department who helped me tremendously this year out there set the course up make sure that we had the paint down correctly the poison ivy was down nobody got sick nobody got hurt nobody turned an ankle except for your Mainland then you have to hear it but you know that's just Mainland um some highlights from this group and again I am truly blessed to be with such a wonderful group of young ladies we're only honoring our three seniors but I had the pleasure of coaching 14 young ladies this year and that was truly an honor uh some of our highlights we finished seventh in South Jersey group four sectionals which is our best finish in the last 25 years a couple things with that just so you know we are going against the very best in South Jersey that are traditional cross country powerhouses so this year was very special I was very proud of them the team finished no worse than fourth in any of our Invitational meets again because of the leadership from our seniors and Par our support from our parents and our coaching staff and I am truly blessed by coaching with Coach Elliot the shields we work together without him you know we'd be in trouble and I am truly blessed again to have a fabulous assistant Miss dly please give Miss Dian douly a round of applause as she is graduating this year some other highlights we are two time defending County Champions and we scored a perfect 15 points in the county meet which means we went one through five our senior athletes I have team captain Nichol Giuliani she is our two-time defending County Champion I have team captain Eve Ortiz unfortunately Eve couldn't be with us tonight Eve got a special award uh she had the Don dancer njsiaa scholarship award that coach sealo talked about at the very beginning I thought that was very special to me I knew Mr dancer for a lot of My Life um previous before this my previous chapter of my life before I came to Violent I knew him well from my mentor he introduced me to him so it was a special honor to know that Eve was a recipient of an award with his name and I have Shannon Shannon was our team manager and Shannon kept us safe and also kept Mr chaalo from having to pay a very large Bill if we lost our toe tags in Cross Country you have to have toe tags that's how they do the scoring with the automatic timing and if you lose a toe tag it's $100 don't ask me how I know this I'm just giving you the the idea what happens but Shannon kept us all straight she made sure we had water she made sure she took care of the girls we were somewhere else on the course Shannon was always able to communicate to us if we need needed to get back to the start Finish Line to make sure our athletes were safe again it's a truly honor to coach these young ladies and thank you very much um our senior Award winner tonight goes to Eve Ortiz and unfortunately Eve's not here ladies and gentlemen girls cross country thank you coach okay we now ask the members of the girl soccer team to head to the front for Coach Leslie garton good evening on behalf of the girls soccer program I want to thank the Board of Education Administration our athletics department as well as all of our parents for the support of our program this year we finished 77 and two making it into the playoffs we had two seniors make First Team all conference for the cape which anyone that knows soccer the cape Atlantic league is the toughest division that you can play in within our league so we we play some tough competition we have a great group of dedicated girls who unfortunately most of them seniors couldn't make it tonight um this year's seniors not in attendance are um manager Sophia peepe Sophia Stockbridge and Jesse Donnelly and last but not least we have our senior who is here tonight um who is a perfect example of what an athlete should be she came to every practice prepared willing to do whatever it took was happy even on the worst of days um and somebody that our underclassman could really look up to um so this year's coach's award is going to go to Jenny Espana Mendes okay next up is girls tennis and Coach Vince Luciano good evening under their leadership the past four years on the court they won over 100 matches 12 individual County titles three Cumberland County Team Championships and two Atlantic uh Cape Atlantic League championships that's for the boys and the girls sorry the amazing thing is they did this with a combined GPA of 4.22 in attendance tonight from the girls team we had Mariah I missed the bus Maldonado Alyssa often injured Garrick and four time four-year captain and this year's coach's Award winner ganina spranza [Applause] okay next up is cheerleading with Coach margareta broom good evening I so wish my assistant coach was here because I hate public speaking anyway so I just want to thank Administration and um the athletic staff for all the support that you give cheer and assistance I know I can be a pain in a butt but thank you guys very much as I was told today um for fall um these ladies I'm G to miss them um so much I have I've had a great great Squad this year um some of the highlights for fall that we enjoy so much are the parades of course the Christmas parade and the beo parade um and seeing them Master the halftime dance and um perform it they have a lot of fun doing it so that is one of our highlights um so and for one of my accomp accomplishments for Kylie Gonzalez is Miss monogram everybody give her a round of applause very well deserved okay so my seniors are Alicia finger niia Henry senia Harris Amaya day kellyanne Burgess Kylie Gonzalez and our rowy Joseph ansar who did a wonderful job this year um for a coach's award actually I also want to say that Kylie Alicia kellyanne Ria were all my captains for this year and they did an awesome job job so thank you ladies very much okay for the coaches award you know we look for more than skill when we're choosing captain and coach's award um the two ladies that I chose this evening have um shown growth and maturity and commitment um for this young lady whenever we had a dance that had to be choreographed or cheers that had to be taught she always came through for us no matter what I know we drove her crazy in our band app asking her to help us but she never let us down um the coach's award this evening goes to miss Rah Henry all right thank you guys very much um and I'll see you I'll see you okay next up is the football team and Coach goo just go to the the table okay you guys are spinning like that all right first and foremost congratulations to all of our senior athletes being honored here tonight thank you for all those in attendance tonight it means a lot it means the world to these kids our student athletes a huge thank you to all the staff members that put together this honorable event their hard work that's not going noticed lastly in speaking on my senior football athletes this particular senior class is very special to me and they know why I appreciate you young men for your courage and standing up for what you believe in keep that energy moving forward and utilize it in all your future endeavors I love you men and you know that um as far as my coach's athlete award my coach's athlete award goes to a young man who to me epitomized a program athlete someone who started a bit rough around the edges but stayed the course and wound up excelling both on the field and in the classroom and that young man's name is ryant maven what okay next up is the boys soccer team with Coach Paul Meyers good evening big thank you to all of the people who helped us the entire soccer season it's it's a rewarding season but it's certainly an exhausting season it starts in the Dead Heat Of Summer uh with camp and Clinic D you know two a days and we're we're a team we're a family so throughout that whole summer we stick together we push through uh we have Team meetings and the main thing is sticking through the struggles no matter how big or when things get rewarding after a big win celebrating those victories through the highs through the lows you stick together as a family and I think that was our theme this year I'm so proud of this group of seniors because during the season we had those moments injuries uh moments where we had to play a game and double overtime after a tough loss and we had to be resilient and pick up you know the next day of practice and realize we have a game two days away and we can't focus on that tough loss we learn from it we move forward and that's what this group tried to instill to our underclassman so I'm excited for the future next year the year after Etc because of this group right here when you have have a good group of seniors they set the tone every day from the summer Into The Fall season and the underclassman are always watching and they notice these guys working hard we've played over half of our games into into overtime through those tough challenges we we remained resilient and we challenged ourselves every day to to get better to improve we went undefeated from October 10th until October 21st it was a a moment for our program a five-game unbeaten streak that included a double overtime victory for senior night against Cumberland regional it was a special moment for the program because we had been losing throughout the game we tied it with about a minute to go and won it in overtime and each of these men they were all on the field we had one athlete that was named all South Jersey his plaque had not arrived until after the season after our fall soccer banquet so my assistant coach coach hag is present him with that plaque tonight he was named all South Jersey boy soccer Noah snof we have a great group of seniors that are up here tonight Eric rblo Johnny Figaroa Nathan Mendes Gil Donado Diaz Anthony Sanchez Cruz and Jonathan vergera big round of applause please our coach's award as discussed by our our whole coaching staff was given to an athlete whose encouragement support and positive attitude were consistent no matter a difficult week no matter if somebody was having a rough day he was on the field as our goalkeeper for that 3-2 double overtime win Eric rblo e okay our final fall sport is field hockey with Coach Kate k good evening and um I just want to start and thank everybody for showing up and I wanted to give a big shout out to our athletic training staff um Dara and TD put effortless time into making sure all of our student athletes are taken care of before the season during the season and then even after the season they take like the amount of hours that into what they do is endless and for field hockey just like all the fall Sports when we start in the summer the push to make sure all of our athletes are in shape and are aware of what they need to do has become a very big crucial part of that um this year we have four seniors to honor for field hockey these girls have stuck it out and it's funny that no one else has kind of mentioned it these seniors started their freshman year playing sports during covid and that was such a different season for their entry into High School athletics and for our four seniors three of them started and we had one join in halfway through her High School career and it's been such a great addition to learning how to be resilient and the fact that these girls have done remarkable things in the four years that they've been here is astounding I'm sure you'll hear quite a bit about the Harold Alvarez girls they are definitely a part of our field hockey family here um at vinin high school not just softball Not Just Sports in general but overall the the impact that they've made has been drastic so starting with our seniors we have Michelle um dong sheep was one of our senior Captain she came out um sophomore year and has made a huge impact on our team doing all K types of things with our girls because she put in the time and effort to make sure that our play ERS that would in come in from our middle school program knew exactly what we needed to do um she was one of our three-year starters um she's going to be playing or not playing sorry continuing her education at Ruckers This um next year we have daia Russell another uh three-year starter she's another one of our senior captains um Denia is a big standout on the team this year because she would was relentless um and she made sure that when things needed to happen she was definitely there to um help all of the underclassmen that we had we because these girls dealt with four seniors dealt with 15 freshmen um so they really helped to mold the field hockey family that we have here at viny high school um they made sure that they LED our team by example it wasn't just do as I say it was showing them um through the way that they treated everybody our last senior that I want mention tonight is Megan Harold Alvarez she has been a captain for the past two seasons um she is a four-year Varsity starter for the uh fighting Clan and she broke five records this season um which is phenomenal across the board for the different things that you can do in hockey so one of the big records she broke um she had the most goals uh by a senior and for a season so she scored 29 goals a season which is phenomenal she had the most assists uh for seniors she scored had 15 assists um 18 total for a record um she was 13th in the state for goals this season um which is again another astounding fact when you look at the fact that there's hundreds and hundreds of athletes in the state that play this this sport um and she's one of those standouts uh she score has a record for violent high school for scoring in the most consecutive games eight games in a row um she was was able to put the ball in the net and that obviously led to the 29 goals for the season um so the good thing about all three of these ladies is they are true leaders on the field and off the field and um really sad that we are losing them but it's great to see that they're going to be doing great things um Megan's going to be going on to play field hockey at Millersville and continue her education there um so I wanted to make sure we we made those notes there and um Denia is going to be our coach's Award winner this evening she stepped up all summer this past this past year she made sure that when we run summer practices when the weight room is open that all of our middle school athletes all of our high school athletes are aware of what they need to do and are conscientious of what they need to bring to the sport and she helped cultivate the culture we want here for vinent athletics to be a family a sports family it's not just about coming to do a sport and leaving and then not taking anything back to Violent it's about knowing that when you come here you're welcome and that everyone has something to bring that's unique and Denia definitely helped to create that culture so thank you we will start our winter sports season with boys basketball and Coach Dan Russo good evening I'd like to thank everyone for coming out tonight to support our fantastic athletes here um kids do a great job here work hard every day it's not easy um being a student athlete in any situation you got to be able to uh take care of your academics as well as the sports end of it one thing I will say to some of the seniors who are going to continue their playing career that I always would tell my former players finish make sure you finish if you have an excellent opportunity which a lot of you do don't take it for granted finish a small percentage of kids and student athletes start college with the athletic piece and are able to finish it takes a lot of hard work and commitment that all of you understand so make sure you take advantage of your um opportunities parents congratulations you know Guardians grandparents you've been able to get your Stu young student athletes this far great job getting them to practice his games it takes a huge commitment it's not easy to our VHS board members that are here tonight Mrs kispa Board president Mr medo Mr sabran it goes a long way with the teachers and the coaches and the players that we have great support from you we thank you so much and our VH Administration is here tonight we appreciate your support as well it means the world to us thank you I'd like to acknowledge our former athletic director as well who's done a lot for all of us in this room Mr Donnie Robbins who's moved on to a new position in District let's give a nice round of applause for Mr Donnie Robbins he was our athletic director for nearly 20 years and did a great job with that being said with our new VHS athletic director coach Sylvester Shalo congratulations let's clap it up for him all the direct uh decorations tonight tables all this whole thing he's got a great supporting staff with a assistant athletic director Miss Ashley SE and Miss Jen Jimenez as the athletic director secretary great job thank you so much okay boys basketball team you know we had eight wins this year wasn't the best season on the uh with our record but the kids competed every day they gave me all they had and at the end of the day as a coach that's all that matters um as you can see we have two seniors up here one senior's playing basketball as we speak we were a very young team a lot of sophomores a lot of Juniors we even had a freshman play in Varsity um but these guys did all that they could to win games and uh represent the program with honor and I'm very proud of them their leadership uh will carry down to the next group coming up and I see a a great future for the violent basketball program um the first student athlete I'd like to recognize who's not here is Alex Rodriguez please give a round of applause for him Alex is on an a team and currently has a game tonight or he would have been here the next student athlete I'd like to recognize who is uh to my left um senior sha Riggins sea did an excellent job for us and when he's hot there's not many kids that can shoot better than him uh Shan's close to a 3.7 GPA plans on attending Montclair University next year and um is going to do his best to uh walk onto that team so nice round of applause for Shawn next senior to my right alofi sod nickname Jerry Jerry also does excellent in the classroom he's a 3.9 GPA and believe it or not Jerry came to us as a basketball player only but I convinced his mother to let him play football and Jerry will be attending division 2 College next year in I think it's North Carolina living Stone so let's give him a big round of applause for that there some of the older people out there tonight there's a great movie called The Water Boy and I told Jerry what mama don't know won't hurt her Jerry is our coach's Award winner this year congratulations Jerry let's clap it up appreciate everybody in this room it's so great to see all the r and gray out tonight wish everyone the best in the future thank you okay next up is our girls basketball team okay Coach Breeze couldn't be here so I'm going to read his speech the season started off as usual with our holiday toy drive sporting our city Tech commemorative uniforms the girl celebrated 115 years of girls basketball here at violent High School along with the national women in sports day and the passing of Title 9 legislation our 2023 2024 season was filled with ups and downs the girls were competitive in every contest this year brought tough injuries that contributed to some setbacks the award ceremony is always a bitter a Bittersweet time of year it is difficult to say goodbye to our seniors but is also exciting to see these young ladies mature and go go off to a new chapter in their lives without further Ado please allow me to introduce our violent high school girls basketball seniors we have skyin Oola attending rcsj for psychology and playing softball next year Isabella masas is attending rcsj for teaching next year toia Duncan also attending rcsj and she will be playing basketball next year coach breezes coaches Award winner is Amaya day Amaya is the type of player who would quietly change a game she did not get much playing time early in her High School career but saw major minutes during her senior year when you needed her to score she would and there were times when she surprised you with a crazy bucket Amaya works hard all year and never complains she keeps going no matter how tired she may be she never misses a practice and will give you her all aaya will run through a wall for you not only is Amaya a heck of a basketball player she is an outstanding student she has perfect attendance this school year and is graduating summum lad she has received the school council award four years in a row she will be attending rcsj for business management in the fall I am grateful to have met Amaya and honored to have had the opportunity to coach her I am certain that she will achieve great things hey next we have winter cheer with Coach margareta broom good evening again um thank you um again for the support everybody um winter season is a very short season however um we do have an amazing time time um this year a majority of our team was new to cheer so um I am proud to say that they caught on very quick they only had what two weeks to learn all the material and they did an amazing job I'm very proud of them um I'll say a little bit about the three seniors this this for this tonight um Rah Henry she was my manager and again anything we needed dance she helped choreograph she was there she helped the girls who needed a little bit more assistance s cheer um off to the side and she again was our Rock um so thank you Ria um Joseph our Rowdy um did an awesome job too he um was very eager and enthusiastic to do anything that we asked him to do any events um he was more on top of the schedule than I I was um so thank you Joseph and last but not least sasia Harris um who was new to cheer as well um she only had one season under our belt when we threw captain at her for winter and I think that she rocked it um very mature very responsible and I appreciate everything that she did for the season so thank you um with that being said that is why CIA Harris got the coaches award thank you next is boy swimming with Coach Sarah Bennett thank you all for being here to celebrate our graduating student athletes boys swimming had a winning season and our first playoff run in a number of years as our team has been in a rebuild was a massive team effort especially given the way each and every swimmer showed up and showed out in our final regular season meet to PowerPoint into the tournament there were time drops across the pool race after race meet after meet we had eight swimmers on our Cal championship team including all three seniors one senior also qualified for States and was named First Team all conference with one of our Juniors also being named as an honorable mention 23 swimmers and managers reached Varsity status with our three seniors achieving it once again as they have all of their years on the team the seniors also known as the three Michaels are the first class who I have coached as their head coach for all four years and I am incredibly proud of all of their hard work and dedication swimming is very challenging physically and mentally with late nights at practices and meets early Saturdays when you would rather still be asleep and I think you might still be when you walk in the door and a long season spent diving into the cold pool day after day you should all give yourselves credit for everything you have accomplished Michael DeVito was our team captain he started swimming at age7 and will be attending Messiah University and majoring in cyber security Michael jardino is the 400 meter freestyle record holder he was a me of Champions State qualifier in the 500 yard freestyle in his Junior and senior years started swimming at age 12 and is joining the Coast Guard Michael pantelon knows when to direct the team in moments that are serious and the ones that are light-hearted started swimming at age 11 and is joining the Air Force I'm proud of all three of you as is our entire team and our coach's Award winner goes to a swimmer who is a leader in and out of the pool and our team captain Michael DeVito next is girls swimming and Coach Michael Schneider okay all right good evening everybody I'd like to start by echoing uh my colleagues and congratulating everybody for their accomplishments uh during the season um shiff and Ashley I wanted to thank both of you also uh shiff and Ashley kind of started taking over the transition in the middle of our season um so I know it was really difficult as much as I was calling emailing and texting both of them but uh you guys had our backs we very much appreciate it we look forward to the future with both of you uh this year's girls swim team faced the challenge of replacing 12 Varsity letter winners from the previous Squad this required us to ask a bunch of young kids including six freshmen to step into important roles as well as our seniors to step up and lead the maintaining of our team culture in the face of these challenges the team competed at a high level in one of the toughest conferences in the state tallying a six and3 record spending the final couple weeks with the regular season ranked in the top 20 and earning the number four seed in the South Jersey sectional tournament unfortunately we came up short of our expectations in the tournament but we were encouraged by the growth we saw and the experience we gained we also went on to have a strong showing at the individual meet of Champions at that meet the the 200 medley relay of Ava Smith Isabella saltar who is standing to my left Lena Smith and leam Mako finished 13th in the state AA Smith finished 15th in the 100 butterfly and Lena Smith finished 22 in the 100 breaststroke uh Ava Smith was selected all South Jersey third team by the South Jersey coaches association she and her younger sister Lena were both All Cape Atlantic League American Conference first team selections and Olivia masuchi was an all Cape Atlantic League honorable mention selection um the two seniors that we have in attendance tonight are uh Isabella salar to my left and Emma Negron to my right uh both of these young ladies along with their four classmates all for uh were named National inter Scholastic swimming coaches association academic all-americans this year Emma will be attending Monmouth University next year majoring in occupational therapy and Isabella will be continuing her swimming career at Rowan University where she is going to study veterinary medicine and our coach's Award winner this year was Isabella salar I just wanted to get up and say one other thing real quick um I would probably regret it if I didn't but in a couple weeks is the 2024 US Olympic swimming trials in Indianapolis Indiana and uh one of our alumni Rachel burnhard class of 2013 will be competing for the third consecutive time um might be the last time she's 30 she just got married but uh she did finish eighth in the 200 breast stroke in 2021 uh they only take the top two so getting there would be quite the accomplishment but uh if you happen to see finals races on TV at night look for Rachel burnhard she will be competing in the 100 and 200 breaststroke okay now for our winter track and field team you have Coach Elliott the shields e good evening again everyone excuse me okay um I think I've been doing this for about 35 years now and uh I just want to say that this group of um athletes that we have before you um have been one of my best okay um I've had uh years I've definitely had better Talent as I said before but again just standup people with a lot of character yes give him my hand you could be a great athlete it'll carry you for okay but some at one point and one time in your life that athletic ability is going to go from you okay but one thing you will always have is your character I tell these athletes all the time okay it's not what you do when everyone's around it's what you do when you're by yourself when everyone's not watching the way you carry yourself and stuff like that and um that's our basis here for this track team is to is to build men and women of character we have had over the last couple years over 100 kids out for our winter track team over 100 we have kids that run competively for the team within that 100 another 24 just come out to keep in shape they play other sports softball baseball they come out and they take part in the team and that's something that um I've been very proud of just being able to work with all these um athletes over the years the winter season it's a long season I'm going to tell you I know Greta said it was short it's a long season um we don't have too many facilities that we run at we have to go uh travel a little bit to run to the facilities you get home late at night but you know what this winter this winter season it brings a lot of Joy because I get to see these kids interact with each other I see them grow I see him have just a great time enjoying life and it's well worth it to me I'll take the tiredness when I see um how these kids are interacting with each other how they treat each other and just how they're living it's just um it's just a beautiful thing to watch and see um just so you know we've had over this winter track C we have over 56 personal records set our 4x8 00 meter relay team our girls 4008 by excuse 4X 800 meter relay team of niceta Juliana Eve Ortiz Ashley Newton and geina calow they broke their own School record uh they broke it earlier in this season ran a 1033 and then came back into Freedom Games in New York and ran a 1017 to break their own School record again this year so let's give him a hand for that it's a great achievement I would like to thank my assistant coaches who again you know they do the bulk of the work and I appreciate each and every one of them um and the job that they do uh coach Hubbert uh coach Hendricks and also coach uh Mike cus along with Coach Silvia Gars that they all helped out this winter uh track season this year um in my haste because I was trying to make the night short I really didn't get to talk about my my um my coach's Award winner for cross country and I never I didn't say enough about him I just want to correct that mistake right now uh Landon Gentile Adamson um like I said he's been my he's been my right-hand man okay look at him as all do as all as I do all my athletes as a son he's got my back when my back is turned I know he's going to run this the ship the way it's going to be and like I said from his from his his time he came in as a freshman it's just been such a a joy to have on the team so Landon thank you so much for all you've done for me over the last four years I greatly appreciate you and now to my uh coaches Award winners uh this first man wow you ever just come across somebody just always cheery have that smile on their face and it just lightens your day it really does you have a bad day you you see his face and he's smiling and it just uh just brightens your day this man um I've had teachers ask about him you know who's the kid you got on your team he's always Smiler he is such a nice man such a nice young man and trust me when I say they are not lying this got to be one of the best human beings on the planet really really I really really mean that his character the way he treats everyone whether they know him or not um you just want to know who he is he really does he was our by the way prom King this year so congratulations on that as well so my coach's award is going to go to Mr ran Jeffrey [Applause] all right um yeah um on the girl side it's going to be a little hard for me El I start crying please forgive me um I met her actually in Cross countries and um you know I hear a little voice like that coach shs but you she actually question what we doing today and stuff like this I'm like I always ask Joel who's that young lady from the um timea from her reception here um she has just just been a joy to coach I um it's one thing I always say about her she always gives me her 100% no matter what and and she's become I don't have a daughter my daughters have always been the young ladies here I've coached and I've taught here at the high school always wanted a daughter but couldn't have a daughter but uh I look at her and and like I said I take her as that she is my daughter um she always comes across before she goes to class she comes across she gives me a hug every day and before she goes to class she comes to the gym she gives me a hug and she's off the class and I always look forward to that and I'm like come where's she at today if she's not there that's how I know she's not in school and um like I said it's it's it's hard it's hard when you see these kids go on after the years and wow like I said I've been doing this for a long time and I always get choked up at this point but um I just wish God's blessings on all these athletes as they leave these walls and I just want to say that I'm proud of all of you and especially proud of her like I said uh it's my heart I'm not g to lie she's definitely my heart um my coach's award goes to miss Nica juliani [Applause] I'm Sor that's it for me and our final thank you coach our final winter sport is wrestling with Coach Jake homc good evening seniors parents coaches and administration seniors congratulation on your upcoming graduation from violent high school and achieving various honors and accolades with your respective sports teams violent high school wrestling has enjoyed two of its best seasons in the history of the program in the last two this year the team earned an 18-9 record and were Cape Atlantic National division champs for the first time since 1988 and a share of the conference title also in the last two seasons we've won 30 7 matches that's more than the last five seasons combined we earned our second consecutive njsa group 5 playoff birth in a row after not having qualified for the group playoffs in over 30 years this year's wrestling team included our our our most Cape Atlantic League allst star in school history with six all stars and one honorable mention finally we placed fourth out of 10 teams at The District 31 tournament and sent five wrestlers to the region a tournament this year's group of seniors Lee sinowski Roland Dixon Gavin Gallow and Josh kinchin were directly responsible and a reflection of the success that our team had during this season as well as the last one it takes a tremendous amount of DED dedication and sacrifice and to time to and and time to wrestle it's often said that once you've wrestled and achieved everything else in life is easy I'm also going to quote a posist coach who spent the better part of his life and career with us in mini wrestling organization as well as um a coach to myself and a partner and Coach to my father who coached the program for a number of years it's often the little things that matter Pete Adams some individual accolades are as follows leis and Kowski a 21- 10 record 14 pins and a cape Atlantic League honorable mention Roland Dixon 4-8 record in his first year in competition provided added depth to our team Gavin Gallow his second year wrestling 27-9 record 18 pins Cape Atlantic League Allstar District 31 third place and a region 8 qualifier and last but not least Josh kinchin a 31-8 record in his senior season Cape Atlantic League Allstar a district 31 second place and our first fifth Placer in the region 8 tournament one match away from the state tournament Gavin Gallow plans to attend Allbright College in the fall and Josh kinchin is also looking at his opportunities for college as well to my left you see Gavin Gallow in the center you see Roland Dixon on the right you have Josh kinchin my coach's Award winner for this evening is Josh kinchin okay to kick off our spring season we have the baseball team with coaches Jones Seth Bermudez and Steven Gonzalez good evening thank you for everyone coming tonight um the three senior athletes that we have with us are Mikey Sanchez Anthony Gonzalez and Benny Andreoli over the past four years that this senior class has been a part of the baseball program they have accomplished 56 wins two playoff wins and one Cape Atlantic League Championship this senior class has represented our program well as their behavior record and grades reflect every senior player is furthering their education through college trade school or the military I am proud of each and every one of them our coach's award tonight is going to Benny Andreoli who a he is a threeyear varsity letter winner he was all conference as a sophomore honorable mention this season and will be attending Rowan University loved watching the boys baseball team they had a lot of success over the past four years next up is lacrosse with Coach Kevin Coring e good evening everybody thank you to the uh board members and the and the administration here and congratulations to all the athletes and the parents who raised such fine people hurry up Destiny get up here uh the five soon be five uh seniors that are up here right now you're hard pressed to find anybody in this school that works harder than they do out on the field every single day and in and in the classroom uh coming out to a sport that they had no prior experience or some of them no knowledge of beforehand and despite our record excelling every single time they're out there our seniors we have Giovanni Franco Ashton Taylor our uh our goalie Destin colazo who is graduating a year early uh and the only one crazy enough to step step in front of those shots thirdy year senior Gavin Gallow and our only fouryear player um a person who I admire greatly uh excels in the classroom on the field he he's in select choir he is in band and balances a job all at the same time our coach's Award winner Jeremy Flores okay next up is the boys track and field team with Coach Elliott the shields uh kind of think I like coaching oh it's true it's true um our boy Spring Track Team again a lot of them were the same uh winter track athletes and again was a pleasure to have them out here um we've had a lot of success out here there a lot of personal records this year and I don't know if you've been looking on mil split or any of the other things they've been some incredible Feats out there this year by these um New Jersey athletes especially South Jersey we've had three um 100 meter sprinters go under 10 three and the 100 meters they running a college time and the 200 to 400 and some of the distance events so the competition was very stiff out out there this year and um I just want to say congratulations to one of our athletes who be moving on to the group four state championships he's not a senior but I do want to recognize him uh Mr Chris Thomas he made it in two events he's made in a high jump and a triple jump so congratulations to [Applause] Chris going on to the state championships uh this year we're very uh fortunate to have uh three County Champions um standing before us first of all in the 100 meters we have Carlos Melendez [Applause] Jr also winning a county championship in two events again in the high jump in the triple jump was Chris Thomas he's a sophomore and this year we had a rare occasion to have a freshman be County champ in the 3200 meters this year Mr Max Gardino so we had a lot of success out there in in Spring this year and I'm looking forward to seeing what these guys produce for us next year on to our seniors again I wish you the best like I said I just love this group of athletes um a lot of them I've had I've taught I've coached their parents their older brothers sisters and then like I said it's just been a joy having them on the team and again I just again I just like the direction that they're going and what they're all about so God bless them um my coach's Award winner this this evening is a man that came on a couple years ago and boy when I said what he came out to the track boy did he show out he uh became in his first year I became one of our best burners on the team best leaders on the team and he's always out there working very very hard he gets down on himself when he doesn't do as well as he wants to but again like I said no athletes has their best day all the time okay you just keep working hard and you keep pressing on which he has and like I said I know he's going to do very very well as he moves on to college and he continue that track and filled career I'm very proud of him and I wish that God bless your endeavors as your future Endeavors As you move on past these hallways my coach's Award winner is Mr Carlos Melendez Jr [Applause] next is the girls track and field team with coach hubard at this time I'd like to say thank you parents let's give those parents a big round of applause we haven't received a round of applause Jeff for the parents and Chef thanks for uh starting out this new athletic program here at vinand high it's appreciated you've worked well and great success and I want to say to miss canetta we didn't plan this we're matching look at that all right here we go all right here we go girls track team uh was an incredible year we set a couple couple records we got four school records in track and field some which which has been there for 36 years uh we have um the mile with Georgina calow she broke to school record three times she's going to the state championship this week uh she might even break it again she's one of the top seven girls in the state of New Jersey also we have thank you thank you Ashley Newton also set uh a 36y old record uh broke his 36y old record with 1122 in the two mile she was ranked third in group four uh this past season also our distance medley set a record uh we we're the top distance medley team in group four in South Jersey like to give them a big round of applause and our pville McKenzie Calo Moore also set a record which is a wonderful uh 9 feet 8 in good job at this time I would like to let you guys know uh we have the coaches award you you might not really think it's that big but for our students that are up here and and for me this was one of my first awards and it's important it's important to get this award to be acknowledged because this might be the only award you get that might be the only award that goes up on that wall in that house and and that's important because we just don't know you try so hard I I got mine 40 years ago and that was the first thing I put up on there that was one of the first things that I ever achieved and since then I've achieved a lot of accolades through the years but understanding this is not just a senior award it means a lot to these girls and I know they work hard at this time we'd like to acknowledge our seniors uh first one uh nah uh she ran the hurdles this year Mrs lead better she finally this weekend she's been coach coach the mil split has all the times and Records she finally broke in to the 17s she's on mil split she is so excited and she came up and I was we were high finding at sectionals that's group four uh championship of South Jersey uh kicked it out kicked it out so I want to give her a big round of applause thank goodness you finally gotten a 17s very good very impressive same thing uh first year out we have uh zarya Jones uh she came out and she's just been trying with coach caneta and she's been working working I I kept saying we got to work on it a little more and she set her personal record this past weekend and it was 75 ft she's on Mile split great achievement I like to give her a big round of applause all right unfortunately uh we have the third one she came out on the track team Miss day uh due to circumstances that she couldn't control she didn't finish the team the season with the team but let's give her a big round of applause thank you God bless and good night okay next is our boys crew team with Coach Paul Meyers all right so big part this program only um 60 athletes on the crew team in general and we only have out of those 60 plus athletes four seniors so Michael's one of the the boy seniors that we're going to discuss tonight uh we're gonna say the other names and our girls coach will be coming up shortly but I want to give first a thank you to uh three individuals that have helped me in the fall and in the spring uh Joe petett uh Mike a and Dave gansy for all their hard work three gentlemen from our our maintenance program and they've done a great job all season for me so thank you to those three guys the violent boys crew team is one of the um best rowing teams that I've coached in my seven years as the vinin crew coach we had success in our races which are also known as ratas including um winning a silver medal at the county championships at Lake lenpy and thank you and a respectable showing at the stotesbury rata which is the largest High School rowing event in the country in Philadelphia the seniors on the boy side Michael deito Brendan Martinez and Barry Valerio are three of the boys in our Varsity for boat I encourage each of you to watch the movie boys in the boat it was directed by George Clooney uh it's a it's a book based off of the uh rowing team from Washington that ended up competing in the Olympics you'll see how challenging and tough the sport of rowing is and these three seniors on the boys side set the tone for our over 60 athletes each day leading leading stretches getting the the boats ready the ores ready they were Dependable accountable and they did things before the coaches even needed to ask they truly cared for each other they stuck together and that's where the success came from their hard work showed as seniors and everybody picked up from there and I give them all the credit in the world uh we were very blessed with you know truly four seniors um coach Carly on the girl side will talk about uh you know our our female rower but we're we're very lucky to have those four amazing seniors um the coaches award is going to go to our team orsman award that orsman award for the past couple of years that he won at two years in a row is voted on by the athletes and it's based off a person that kind of does the little things at our boat house cleaning up things you know leading by example putting things away um without even needing to be asked two years in a row he won that award so it was a no-brainer that Michael DeVito was our coach's award for this season thank you [Applause] next is girls crew with Coach Carly Farrell good evening everyone I'm going to start talking about how our season went we had a very successful season this year with a couple second and third place races with by our Varsity for boo our JB for boat got first placed in couny County championships on Mother's Day at lenye Lake which we brought a trophy home with that but I do not have it with me today um my one and only senior Hannah KO Hannah is very dedicated and determined to this sport she would always show up to practice with a smile on her face and was ready to work hard Hannah was an amazing leader to her fellow teammates she was always encouraging to support them to try their best and to never give up Hannah will be also awarded with the Dr McAn scholarship at our banquet on the 11th and she's also the coach's [Applause] award okay we have two a letic programs left I purposely saved these two for the end because uh our the whole Community is so proud of these two programs um this group is a smaller group but for the first time ever our female golf team with Coach Jim ha uh good evening uh first I'd like to thank the Board of Ed and Central Administration for approving a girlson golf team here at vinyl High School Vine high school girls golf is the only girls program in the cape Atlantic League um first time first the only one uh all the other schools are a co-ed program so uh our girls were able to compete this year at six different events every Wednesday um the cape Atlantic League had girl only events where there would be 32 to 36 golfers they would play uh nine holes we would play uh different courses like Union League shoregate uh right here Eastland and violand our home course was buav Vista our girls are very lucky to play on those courses I don't think uh they realize how lucky they were to be able to play on those courses um I start off the season with 15 girls I ended the season with 15 girls um of those 15 of those 15 I only had one senior so I have 14 uh girls coming back eager uh they got the feeli the the itch to play golf and um I saw some of them in school today and they're like coach when can we play uh it's not season now we can't get together you have to play on your own but you know I'll help you out in finding courses uh discounts whatever I can do to get you out there um we so as the season went on um the girls they were nervous you know they didn't like playing with other girls they didn't know um so as the season went on they were like how come we can't play other schools like the boys do so I went to my athletic director Mr chaalo and I asked him can we reach out to some of the local schools you know in the Tri County delce Cumberland Olma uh and shallot they have gr only program to see if they would you know play a match so the only one that reached back was C and Regional so we were able to host it at buav Vista we played them and um we finished the season one and0 so we were undefeated for this season I like to acknowledge my six Varsity golfers since they are the first Varsity golfers for Vine high school girls golf uh my number one was Alena Bono um Alena qualified for the cape Atlantic League which they only take 12 golfers um she competed in that and and did great very well that um my ex and no particular order I have uh cydney Kon Kylie heg Sophia mazowski Maria Papa Danel and Angela kasabas those were my six scores every Wednesday day um my other girls you know they competed at practice I took the best scores and and it seemed to be the same six um my coach's award goes to Elena Bono uh Elena Bono could not be here tonight because she is competing in a golf tournament today so she's running a little late but uh like again thank you to uh Central Administration and the board of ed for approving this opportunity for the girls of Island to play golf thank [Applause] you okay I accidentally skipped over one of our Sports and it's actually one of our fastest growing Sports here at VHS that is our boys golf team with Coach Paul LAN [Applause] sorry I can't match up to an undefeated season coach but uh great job thanks shiff and Ashley Administration fellow coaches to the athletes boys and girls out there tonight well deserved you guys earned this this is your night great job [Applause] I had the privilege of coaching this year's boys golf team and we more more than doubled our win total uh from last year while being in the most competitive and difficult conferences in South Jersey the Highlight was winning the Cumberland County Team Championship I played at Eastland Country Club on May 22nd we have a lot of young talent and we look forward to a bright future I was privileged to be part of coaching this year's senior class including Trevor Donley Demitri Papa Danel and Leo class our team was led by a senior named Carson iolo is not here tonight had the lowest scoring average was named All Conference honorable mension our team captain who you see in front of you no doubt led by example he's a true gentleman greeting me every day with a handshake and a smile now as you know golf is a game of Integrity in my 34 years of coaching Matthew Campanella has shown this quality more than anyone I have ever coached therefore Matthew you got the coaches award and you get to design a team uniforms Next Year bud [Applause] okay our final team currently preparing for the South Jersey vers Central Jersey sectional championship game tomorrow with Coach Mike Reed as our girl softball team [Applause] they're constantly picking on me I don't know why first off I'd like to thank Administration for all your support and help athletic department as well and a special thank you to the board of education for believing our Dream this year and allowing us to go down the Florida to get our season [Applause] started this has been an amazing year for our softball program currently we're 25-2 the group Fourth South sectional Champions we won the Cal American Division going 12 and0 and tomorrow tomorrow we're playing for a chance to go to the state finals to be potentially the top out of 885 group four [Applause] schools of our senior standing here um we have Sky Oola who was our prom queen this year and my three team captains Gianna peka Megan Harold Alvarez and Morgan Harold Alvarez Morgan was named all South Jersey first team All Conference first team and was also selected to play in the senior All-Star game at Gloucester next week she also recorded her 100 hit this year and currently has 20 and [Applause] Counting and my coach's Award winner is Morgan Harold Alvarez she'll be continuing her academic career as well as her softball playing career at Morgan State University next year yes Morgan Morgan State yes we know thanks Meg and I can't wait to get on the field tomorrow with these ladies and go to the next step of the states on Friday [Applause] thank you ladies and gentlemen that concludes our event the girls game is tomorrow at 4:00 at Marboro high school it's about two hours away so we hope to have a decent group out there thank you all for coming and one last congratulations to our seniors for