[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] he [Music] he [Music] welcome to the vucha County council meeting the meeting will begin in 10 minutes [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] a a [Music] [Music] a [Music] w [Music] w w [Music] a [Music] [Music] welcome to the vucha County council meeting the meeting will begin in 5 minutes [Music] [Music] all [Music] go [Music] want [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] welcome to the vucha County council meeting the meeting will begin in 2 minutes [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] watch [Music] [Music] okay if everybody wants to seat find a seat we will get started [Music] shortly wow see how that works so at uh precisely 4 pm we will call the May 21st 2024 valua County council meeting to order and the way that uh we start our meetings um we're going to change just slightly but we're going to start as we always do um uh with a prayer if you are part of a faith group who would like to participate in uh an invocation you're welcome to do that just send an email to Carissa green it's actually K the letter K green volusia.org this is K green over here to my left and she will get you all set up to do that are you going to pray Don so and then uh right after the invocation um which today will be by Pastor Mo Hawkins from the No Limit Praise Tabernacle in Dand right after he's done we will uh have the Pledge of Allegiance and then what's going to be different today is we're going to go right into a very special Proclamation for a a member of our community who deserves our recognition um so if you would uh stand with me if you care to for the invocation Pastor Mo amen let us pray father God in the name of Jesus Lord we thank you for this day this opport opportunity to first serve you and Lord we pray now that you would give wisdom God to these council members God whom you have put in those chairs God and Father we pray now God that they would put you in their hearts God as every decision that they make God that it would be God for the betterment of your people father father we ask that you continue to bless this County God all its citizens father we pray God as business is discussed today Lord God that it will be done in such a way Lord God that it will bring peace God and unity even if the decision is to degree to agree to disagree so father we pray now for your presence in this room God we pray now God that you would give understanding God that you will bring Unity as we tend to the business concerning our County we thank you for your blessings God that rest upon this County God and upon this these men and women that are in this room we ask this in your son name in Jesus name name amen am i al to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible for liberty and justice for all you may be seated have to do a some of you when you came in might have saw a lot of activity down in the Rotunda and we had the opportunity to add a member to the Florida veterans hall of fame um I can't see him but I'm sure he's sitting there Joseph cinski and we wanted to carry that over to this meeting um he was uh awarded a special plaque in that Hall of Fame one of seven people um to earn that honor um we all of us in this room honor our veterans um and our First Responders um Joseph it's it's our honor to have you here today and Jake oh there he is Jake will do will start to the uh Proclamation um for Mr sazinsky congratulations welcome again Joe this is a proclamation from Valia County Florida whereas josa Joseph cinski is a true American patriot who served honorably in the US Air Force during the Korean War and whereas he served as a crew chief for f84 jet fighter bombers with the 49th fighter bomber Squadron in Japan and Korea and was later deployed to the United States to join the 4701 Airborne early Warning Squadron in Sacramento California and whereas after leaving the military M Mr shinski founded firms that provided technical writing and contract Engineering Services both of which supported the Aerospace industry and whereas he is a renowned asset to the veteran Community understatement having served as president and commander of the Korean War veterans association import orange vice president for the State Association and first vice president of the Veterans Museum and education center in Daytona Beach and whereas he has been inducted into the Florida veterans hall of fame which honors military veterans who throughout their works and lives during and after the military service have made a significant contribution to the State of Florida and whereas he is wife of 68 years Anita 69 69 live in Port Orange and have two children for grandchildren and four great grandchildren now therefore we the County Council of alucha County Florida do hereby Proclaim May 21st 2024 as Joseph shinski day in Valia County and urge all residents to honor his out this outstanding man for serving his country community and local veterans dated this 21st day of May 2024 signed by the County Council Joe thank you so [Applause] much all right now now Pat's gonna make us do some stuff so don't don't sit down yet how do you want us what are we doing Pat here come on over here I got you brother here I'll take this okay you take my hand yes let's see if I can see everybody oh I can okay wait a minute I'm sorry going through okay all right you go first okay all right this row take one step that way everybody go one step that way okay this is nice I see you one more oh okay all right another step that away okay okay I see you ready I'm done okay what's up oh okay oh yeah let's get him in there okay all right you want to be in you get in there too that's nice ready okay one now you two stay my grandon he always wants to get pictures okay now I'd like to ask ask the previous inductees to come forward for another picture all right yes you can sit down [Applause] oh okay all right than you what a great way to start a fucha County council meeting in the in the presence of of greatness and someone who has served so honorably all of those men and their families so Karissa would you call the role please Mr Reinhardt here Mr Robbins Mr Santiago Mr Demsey Mr Johansson Mr Kent here Mr Brower here so we do have a uh a quorum six of us um we will start as usual with uh public participation um if we and we do I will um call your names um you also have an opportunity to speak on items this is uh the first public participation you can speak about anything that you want on uh County matters um when I call your name just uh come up to the podium please try and make sure you have a microphone uh close to your uh mouth so that we can hear you it is being broadcast um to thousands of people don't let that make you nervous and uh you have 3 minutes to um speak to the council uh there is a clock above my head and on the monitor in front of you uh please stay within three minutes because we have a lot of people that want to speak U First today he's going to show you how to do it is John Nicholson yes I've been here before John Nicholson Theona beach side um I've been bringing this up wherever I go whenever there's a meeting of city or county um we're in an age where it's politically correct and it's killing us all right we choose uh people by their Race by their religion by gender um the last time I heard there's 49 genders I know two and I don't care to know anymore all right so uh I understand people have differences however by concentrating on our differences it's hurting us in the long run when I grew up we were not considered a community of salad we were a melting pot because what people did was they felt into the community and join the community we're not doing that anymore we're keeping separating people constantly and that's hurting us I often talk to you about the value of Daytona Beach Daytona Beach is the uh Center of development here on uh fuchia County we're the political engine for the county our tourism is very valuable to the county so if you've read the paper on Sunday the city is Raising half a billion dollars to put into Midtown in the last 17 years there's only been two projects on beide well three three when you can include the uh the Tona Grand but all the money that spent one for the boardwalk 750,000 one for the median 750,000 that's it from the city it is imperative that the hotel people get together we would not be here today if the hotel people had paid attention to something outside their front door something other than rooms and beds they have to know what's going on they told to beach if you walk down it it's deteriorated terribly it can't be everybody wherever they go it's pristine you go on a cruise ship you can't find a piece of paper go to Disney you can't find a piece of paper go to day Beach not a problem it concerns all of you Orman Beach makes money off the vents Daytona Beach everybody makes money off the the events in Daytona Beach you can't kill the goose that lays the golden EG you have to pay attention to what's going on we're being sued because we don't represent our citizens on our city commission the paper came out yesterday 84,000 people in the city of dayona beach we divided it on 70,000 people one of our zones is over 12 12,000 people over capacity they are not being represented thank you Angie Sutton if you would if I didn't say it when you when you come up to speak just tell us uh what part of the county you're from you don't have to give your entire address for safety reasons but your representative here would like to know where you're from um Angie Sutton District 3 um I'm here to speak out against the proposed motor motocross track um there was a public meeting with over 200 people in attendance and we've not heard anything since um the flooding the noise the lights and the constant traffic are all an immediate impact to those of us in the surrounding neighborhoods take it somewhere where there is more of an open area and less of an of an impact there are so many more logical places for it to go in my opinion that's Somewhere Out along us92 along the Daytona Beach area Daytona Beach has many many hotel rooms restaurants the beach for people to do not just for the people that want to come and ride those of us in the neighborhoods are not against a project like this we're just against a project like this in our backyard there's always already so much flooding due to all the new construction happening around us that no one is taking that into consideration and thinking about us all you see are dollar signs tamoka Farms Road Corridor has grown so much and is just continuing to do so Town's West has caused our area to flood the worst it has ever flooded during a hard rain we have standing water in our yard heaven forbid we get a hurricane during the last hurricane my grandson was in our front yard in a John Boat with a motor whipping around just having the time of his life because we had so much water and it takes days for it to go to go away and then we have mosquitoes so then we're on the phone with mosquito control constantly trying to get them to come out and are you taking into consideration the traffic this will bring to tamoka Farms Road the main entrance is right on a very dangerous curve have you um thought about that tamoka Farms Road is only a two-lane road and is already overcrowded even though every traffic study that's done for every new project States otherwise just ask anyone who lives off of it that tries to pull out of there in the morning it's like taking your life into your own hands you either sit there and wait forever or you just pull out and floor it to get into the flow of traffic we're simply asking that you take us that are already there into consideration and look for a more suitable place for this facility thank you thank you Andrew Schneider and you will be followed by mateline Hall thanks for the time this is my first time I'm Andrew Schneider and I'm from the Port Orange area and I'd also like to speak about the proposed motocross track my family's with me over there um we don't get time off um I had to take time off and bring the girls here to talk about this so it's a pretty important topic to me it's my first time here first time speaking about this and I live behind the proposed track um and I would just like to say from a qualitative perspective um I am against this because uh we move to that specific area um one of my main concerns is the noise um and I would also Echo the person who spoke before me in saying that um there seem to be again I from my very limited perspective from I I don't have the the data that you have in front of yourselves um other areas that are far less populated um we specifically moved to this area because we enjoy being further away from the city we enjoy the the zoning that it is and it seems like it's being rezoned in this area for something that is is highly commercial for commercial operations and not into consideration for the families that have built uh have bought these homes in that area and so I'm bringing my family here today um I'm taking time off my wife's taking time off we don't have anybody watch the kids because it's important enough to us to talk about um this issue I'd also like to Echo um comments about the traffic and my concerns there um potential smell that blows into our area um dust that can blow into our area the flooding that already is in the area um and uh I thank you for your time and meline Hall is coming forward and um next we after mine will be Elizabeth Caprio ditto everything that was said before me so I won't repeat any of that I am from um District Two and um I live in town west Westport on Town West Boulevard I'm the last subdivision that got built we built out there to have quiet and peace but I have several questions that need to be consider considered the economic impact it's going to have on our existing residents especially the value of our homes we now pay taxes on a high value and if our property drops will our taxes drop that's number one and I know we have to fight that ourselves to get our taxes changed um the noise pollution I work at Daytona Speedway um as a go-kart driver I come home filthy and that's a an ass asphalt track we're going to have dirt tracks no asphalt except for some parking the filth the the dust the noise we don't see a sound barrier anywhere on the plans that you presented the plans show an open area with no housing I don't know how old that map was it that was drawn on but there are so many houses right across from there and when you see it but you also look at the other plans that they showed in comparison there are no homes around any of those the one in Gainesville the one all the I don't remember benett Park all these different places it doesn't show any homes at all and they're finished so the third thing was how are you going to help communicate to the news no one told us about a meeting I don't know where people find it um it says that you're going to make it available for the community to hold meetings for residential feedback we've had one meeting I found out after the fact I we did went through all of your um agendas to see and I have exact timeline when it was proposed when it was talked about when it was presented and it's I don't see any Community feedback coming here except for the 200 people that got lucky and found out about it and then there was one more quick quick quick oh what other sites have you considered besides the one on tamoka Farms Road because the traffic I'm right there at that intersection that traffic is horrendous we put up with bike week we knew it was there we understood that when we bought our home we put up with um bike toober fest we knew about that before we bought our home but we had no idea about plans three years ago to put a super motocross track that does not serve the children but it serves adults who can pay for it you're putting in RVs padding parking that's not for kids our neighbors who think this is a great idea think their kids are going to walk across the street and go ride their dirt bikes they got another thing coming thank you as Elizabeth Caprio and you will be followed by uh uh Debbie Forester my name's Elizabeth Caprio I'm District 2 Port Orange um did to everything that's been said ahead of me about the Motocross I also did not find out about the meeting for feedback until the day after it happened and I heard it on the news um I haven't heard anything about an environmental impact study the water that sat in the woods off of tamoka farm sat there close to a month um I would hate to see what would happen without it and I don't know how dig how far you'd have to dig down for that to go anywhere I can't imagine the winds and the water combined coming into the Westport community that at the most is five and a half years old um coming into that Community as well as into K to coina Cove and hawk nest without the benefit of those trees it would have the same adverse impact of removal of the mango trees has had on the people that live on the coastline there is a substantial amount of wildlife across the street in this area that is being considered including some Eagles that come down and fish in a Retention Ponds they're absolutely gorgeous I can't imagine I'll ever see one fly around again um and I want to know what the flood plane will change to right now Westport Reserve is not considered a flood zone we know that that can change in the drop a hat you remove the natural barriers and you subject all of us to to ruin we I grew up in Central Florida when I retired we moved I I moved to Connecticut many years ago when I retired my husband and I moved here we looked at many places in the Port Orange area including Pinnacle the noise from 95 was prohibitive kamoka Road not bad we know about bike week we know about October Fest the other odds and ends we can actually hear from the Daytona 500 when it's going not when you're right up next to it but we can hear it I can't imagine motorcycles with no muffl with deciple levels that go 106 to 125 dozens of them at the same time try it in your backyard thank you Debbie Forester thank you for your time Debbie KR Forester commander of Orman strong um in the spirit of honoring all who serve I'm here to let you know about an event we're having it's going to be uh Saturday June 1st um from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. takes place at the Orman Memorial arts and gardens it's this eth annual Orman strong um JJ Martin and a military veteran first responder family appreciation day um it's going to be insides we have AC and it's free event for everybody the community can participate uh the Orman Memorial art and Gardens was founded by World War I and World War II veterans we wanted to have it there before but it wasn't open at the time that we usually have this event so we're excited to go there cuz our veterans are getting older slower but our enthusiasm doesn't waver for Our Heroes um master of ceremony Colonel bof mckenrick um United States Marine uh retired live music by Randy McDonald everybody will enjoy um free food art resources fun for everyone every military veteran and first responder will be honored with a service Medallion and a goodie bag most importantly um events like this and other veteran events and what you guys did um today for Joseph cinski gives us all a renewed sense of Pride and dignity and purpose and we appreciate you and the whole community that comes out and supports us thank you Orman strong out thank you Emily Foss followed by Larry Wesley hello my name's Emily and this is my first time speaking at a County council meeting my my pastor and some members of my church as well as the families at my preschool are asking me to come here today to speak about a traffic issue that we have in front of our business so our preschool is a nonprofit it has about aund some families that attend the preschool so on any given day parents are dropping off and picking up and there's no left turn lane into our preschool so it's a two-lane road and um I just wanted to bring your attention to some statistic ICS about left turn lanes and how important they are so in valua County over the last year there's been 3,127 crashes now while we may not have had a fatal accident at our particular non- intersection or no turn lane there have been a lot of close calls over the years and there's been a 39% increase in the State of Florida from 2013 to 2023 in total crash fatalities here in the State of Florida and because many of our parents are constantly voicing a concern that they feel unsafe with children in the vehicle turning into our preschool I'm asking that when you guys start your project to widen Taylor Road that you would consider putting a left-and turn lanane in front of our preschool and church to serve our families on a daily basis and I also have some statistics from the Federal Highway Administration that exclusive turning lanes for vehicles remove stopped vehicles from through traffic left turn Lanes at intersection substantially reduce rear end crashes so this is something that we're hoping to provide for a lot of the families in our community and I also just want to say on a personal note that I've been working at this particular preschool for 18 years now and I have personally witnessed some of these close calls myself and that it will definitely have a significant impact on our families an impact on what preschool they choose for their children should they not want to make that left turn into the parking lot or if they're fearful of having those close calls happen to them or their left ones so I ask you to consider adding that to the expansion of Taylor Road thank you for your time thank you uh Larry Wesley I I'll add as you oh I don't have to tell him then okay the clock above my head is on can you see it yeah okay it's running Larry Wesley uh 39 Sandra Circle news merab be and I'm involved with Our Savior Church as well Emily did a great job in presenting what we're trying to get here and uh I don't want to see what happened on Grand uh let's see was it Grand Avenue out there in the land where a grandmother and about what three children got killed uh because uh there was no proactive thing done as far as turning lane or thank God you came up with a circle that's beautiful idea anyway uh I talked with a previous pastor and mayor Bernett and Minnie uh his assistant and Danny Robbins and Jake Johansson's I think Matt probably you guys talk I call you the Three Musketeers you know Johanson robins and Reinhardt you know uh but anyway we need that turning Zone these children this is precious cargo coming to this preschool we don't need it for the church we need it for our preschool those parents coming in about 7:00 to 9 o00 in the morning dropping off kids if you can't put a turning lane you can at least put a I got a minute left how about that all right you can at least put a sign school zone flashing light maybe some paint down that uh signifies a school zone they're going through there right now at over 55 miles per hour and I talked to Mayor brette he said when there's an accident there there was an accident Su car she was our Church secretary she has is still under litigation right now a rear end pushed her into the oncoming traffic and uh my pastor doberstein that's up in Wisconsin right now told me that is still under litigation and now you people are aware of the problem let's be proactive here Danny's on top of it he's talked to the engineers talked to the Florida Transportation people and uh it's time to you know I'm throwing you a bonus here it's an election year do something get it done before you know September school year starts I think they're practicing graduation right now school's almost over but you can have this ready easy if you put a little effort into it get it over by you know next school year September if you give me the equipment I'll do it myself you know what I mean it's not that hard people let's get her done and five s six five come on people help help help us out here I don't want to see a uh disaster the reason I told Mr Wesley that the clock was running above my head because it had not been um but just in case you come up and speak and the clock goes off it's still on on the monitor in front of you but it seems like the clock above me is working now now okay uh John keer uh thank you sir um John ker District 3 uh I spoke to Y all some time back about and uh I was tortured in the bluch county jail over here in Maine on uh February 5th and 6th of 2021 for not wearing a rag from my face okay I'm I'm a grown man and I don't force anybody to do anything and no one has a right to force a rag or over my face or an injection in my body all right and uh I here we are about 3 years in and I'm not hearing any talk about it in our the government uh nobody seems to want to talk about it I'll debate anybody anytime anywhere and I want to debate any leader in our government who says they have a right to put a rag over my face or any authority to put a rag over my face because you don't and they don't um we're a country people talking about democracy that don't understand what democracy is is I will debate anyone on this planet on Democracy the world does not understand democracy there's no such thing as an Earthly democracy democracy is a spirit of cooperation it's the spirit that taught men how to toss a coin head or tails because that's fair and it's equal and democracy is always fair and equal here's a I'll give you a quick explanation I I challenge anyone a definition of democracy try to get someone to define democracy here's the definition democracy is 100% voluntary equal and fair agreement the moment you get outside of that you're no longer in a democracy you're in something else you might be in a democratic process and that's what for instance when you toss a coin heads or tails you're you're in a democratic process that's what voting is voting was invented by democracy but it is not democracy voting is democratic it is the process that democracy acts in which all parliamentary procedure is democratic it is the process that democracy operates by America is not a democracy we are a representative Republic where democracy can take place but it's never it's not mandated by law democracy can never be mandated by any law and it it it it's not a physical thing it's that understanding that we're equals the kind of equality that takes place when you for instance toss a coin even though we all have different money and we're different heights and different physical abilities will me agree is my time up thank you yes sir I would love to give a PowerPoint sometime on Democracy on this Council okay that brings thank you that brings us to uh item uh one uh the approval of the agenda can I have a motion to approve the agenda motion to approve the agenda motion to approve uh by Vice chair Kent is there a second second Johansson second by Jake Johansson all in favor say I I I any opposed and the agenda is approved um 6 to0 uh which brings us to the presentation that we had the proclamation I would need a uh a motion and a second to approve the proclamation that was motion to approve by second johans Matt Reinhardt and the second was by representative Johanson um any questions all in favor say I I hi and opposed and the proclamation is approved 6 to0 that brings us to item three the consent agenda does any council member have an item they would like to pull for a comment or for a vote uh Danny Robbins uh chair item F please say that again item f f f okay and uh councilman Reinhardt okay Matt Reinhardt is the same uh item F chairman motion to approve the consent agenda absent item F second Johansson it could be with item F it's just it's just for comment oh I didn't hear if it was for comment I didn't hear that do you want it pulled for a vote or for comment uh for for for a vote I just want to discuss maybe tweak it a little okay okay so approve consent agenda absent item F second Johansson I have a motion to approve the consent agenda all except for item F by Vice chair Kent and the second was by uh councilman Johanson um all in favor of the the balance of the agenda item please say I I any opposed that carries six to zero and we will move to item F George there goes your perfect record well the pressure is relieved we'll start a new streak starting next week and this is an item on the award of funding for water and swim safety programs chairman if I may um I I read over and reviewed everything I just want to bring a couple suggestions uh forward I think for maybe some checks and balances um Brad can I bendure here for just a minute I was looking at some of the verbiage Brad uh in here when it came to uh the award and funding of the water and swim safety programs uh thank you guys first and foremost for for uh bringing this back to us and and giving us some options here uh I like the program is it possible that we can how can we make sure that the uh the YMCAs and the city Daytona Beach where that money stays with this program and kind of doesn't get lost in the mix do we have a plan on on how to make sure that's earmarked with some of these organizations so it's a cost reimbursable Grant just like many that we do so they have to prove that they've had expenditures for this program in order to get our money we just don't give them a lump sum okay and uh great that's what answers that um I see also too that it limits um this funding to go towards I guess folks with pools um I would like to add some verbage in there you know the number one is that correct no sir so the the the swim lessons you do not have to have a pool but a component of this are alarms for folks and they have to have a pool in order to get one of those alarms that we provide as well I would like to expand that um because uh obviously not everybody has a pool but they do have um a lot of there's a lot of canals uh in Luchia County ponds drainage uh or retention Pond Farm Pond on their property um can we open that up to to those folks as well and not just limit um uh that you know absolutely we we need to look to make sure that they'll work in those larger bodies of water we don't want to give folks something that won't work but yes obviously with the with the pool sensor yeah I get it um but I'm talking about for like the window sensors and the door sensors yes sir sounds good that's all I have and I'll make a motion to approve if there's nothing else okay so far we have a motion to approve item F uh by representative Robbins and the second was from representative uh Reinhardt and uh Matt yeah just real quick um thank you for that by the way I didn't I didn't think outside that that was a good idea um I was actually pulling it for discussion we had started this conversation with the city of Daytona when they first were made aware of this and and they're extremely uh they were hard at work right away on it so um I know uh commissioner kantu was very active in that so they're very appreciative of the fact and I would like to see it to where they have the opportunity to pursue this again um 275 kids just and Daytona uh will get those types of lessons that's 275 potential lives that could be saved as a result of it so my thanks to y'all for doing that appreciate it thank you Vice chair Kent thank you chairman I'm excited about this this is the right thing to do when Wyatt was able to start crawling um we put him in infant swim research I watched it work firsthand absolutely incredible for kids that can't even walk but know how to roll over and float and living near any body of water I would recommend that every parent get their child swim lessons or infant swim research Dr burall I do have a question for you on this because $20,000 to the YMCA and they're going to provide swim lessons to 200 children throughout vucha County now the city at Daytona Beach $20,000 and they're going to provide swim lessons for 275 students why can Daytona Beach do it better than the YMCA and and have we spoken to the YMCA and said hey Daytona's given us 75 more lessons here for students we want you to step up and and provide the same you're getting the same amount of money I think it's a healthy conversation that's valid I don't think it's irrational I think it's a reasonable question to ask and if you don't ask you won't know yes so I thought your question was going to be um do you have to be a YMCA member because we made sure that was not the case um to access thank you for clarifying that because that was part two okay um the Daytona one is supplemented by their city so they're they're being supplemented by other um government funds for this whereas the YMCA uh is not but there's a sliding scale so the YMCA gave us a number they may be able to serve more based on that sliding scale of income just like they use for their membership it all depends on if you have someone at the lower end or the higher end it so I saw where the YMCA you know could it could be free or it could be discounted for Daytona Beach is it free or is it the same sliding scale it's it's income eligible so there's an income threshold and is that in income threshold with the YMCA as well yes that sliding scale I'm going to vote for this I'm going to approve it because if this amount of money saved one little baby it's worth it but I want I'm hopeful that the conversation and maybe another council member will speak up as well is that if Daytona is doing 275 I want to see YMCA Andor put in the question mark any other group Orman Beach New samna Port Orange I don't care do it as well as Daytona is doing it your point is well taken this is the first time we've done this RFB and I think it aligns with uh George's leadership and your goals to be nimble when we see an issue in the community but also protect the public trust and your points well taken we put it out for bid next time we'll make sure that there's kind of a uniform this is what you're getting for each unit sure and and you know publicly I just want to I want to publicly thank councilman Robbins because he spearheaded this and brought this up was it 6 months ago eight months ago something like that it it was something something it's something like that and um this this is is positive for kids in the community and I'm really pleased that you brought up not you don't just have to have a pool because there are many that live near a pond or a canal or a ditch and when you see those things on the news or read about it it's absolutely brutal I will say as well the the state saw the need for this and they've started a a $500,000 pilot program that's similar and I've asked our health department director how we can access some of that funds going forward so you know we can leverage our funds or or not use our funds in the future I'm I'm pleased to hear that and since I still have the floor since no one else has jumped in yet and the chair hasn't unrecognized me um and I'm pleased that the state I didn't know that I'm pleased that the state is offering up a half a million dollar I mean here we are in in valuchi county and um we're looking at $73,000 so it might be something that Mr Booker if he's in the house uh George he can tap into and something that we can talk to our um delegation going to Tallahassee and and you know Statewide a half a million dollars I'll leave it at that councilman Johansson thank you sir uh just to get clarity the the window alarms are only for the windows that give access to the pool correct I'm looking to our professional building code please car it's not for all windows in the house so those alarms they come in packages of four and so it will be a package that'll be given to a house we won't determine we will not be installing the alarms on each individual house if I come to the county and say I have 16 windows are you going to give 16 door alarms window alarms out perfect probably be one package for household but great discuss and and the the the request from councilman Robbins to add the canals and the ponds that's for the the water intrusion alarm only correct that restriction was just for the water intrusion alarm which is for a pool um but it could might be able to be used on other B right but not not the window what what I'm trying to do is prevent somebody from saying I got 16 Windows because if if a kid can get out of back window and go to a pond the kid can get out of front window and go to the pond according to building code a kid can't get out of the front window technically and go into your pool because you either have to have a fence or or some other way not to get in it so those things are protected we don't necessarily protect ponds and and canals with uh fences according your building Cod so what what I don't want is for five people to come up and set their house up for Success at the expense of PE other people that need it so I want to make sure that we don't do something great here that makes us um inefficient in the future our goal would be to help as many residents as possible this is a supplemental program that's not to retrofit your whole house right yep I I know what it's intended for um and and I love the program like many other programs we do at the county but but but keep in mind as we talk about other programs this is this is the government doing something that maybe a Mom and Dad should be doing uh uh having said that I I support 100% thank you thank you so we have a motion on the floor to approve the award of funding for water and swim safety programs with an expenditure of $73,900 and the motion carries 6 to zero thank you and that brings us to uh item four we do have members of the public who want to participate in this uh item four um I asked to be to have this uh placed on the agenda it concerns the legend uh Beach parade in Pont Inlet which I hopefully all of you are aware of it's a a very very popular parade it happens once a year outside of turtle season and it is so popular that many residents and visitors that go down to uh to view the parade um are not able to find uh a parking spot there's very limited parking in in Pon Inlet um so I'm asking the council what I'm what I hope to get uh to today is we we can't take a vote and just approve um to allow cars to park during uh the parade it's got to go through several steps and so I am asking the council um U to make a motion for staff to proceed to review this potential change and return the matter to the council so that we can be well ahead of the 2015 legislative session because it has to go to the state legislature as well it did before to even allow the parade um so this doesn't require you to vote on the final decision it brings us the information needed to make an informed decision at the same time we have received uh a letter from the mayor of Pon Inlet um very timely we also have members of the uh ponette City commission here that will uh that will speak um she has offered the the council has offered to uh seek uh parking um off of the beach through uh their own city- owned property and through uh private uh businesses I think we should proceed with that as as well and let the city um see if if they can lock that in however I would like to do both sment simultaneously I think we still need to move ahead and be ready for the legislative session because the the benefit to our residents if the county does it is that it's it's locked in if it's improved it's a if it's approved down the road and we're allowed to have parking not driving although you have to drive to the parking place but to allow people to go down the beach Street approach um turn left go north and and park um they know that they can do that every year if it's private businesses providing parking we don't know if that's going to continue from year to year one year it might be in place the next year they might choose um to to not do it for whatever reason so I believe that we should approve um um or pursue both of them um and all of the details after that we the council would decide if uh the FWC says it does not adversely affect our incidental take permit which this uh shouldn't um because it's outside of turtle season U it's not nighttime driving and it's not driving all up and down the beach it's turning uh to park and so that everyone in Valia County and our visitors can enjoy uh um the parade so that's why it's um on the uh on the agenda um so that we could discuss it and decide uh if we would like to um start the process which will take uh some time uh attorney Dyer how we don't know yet when they they um we know when the legislation will start we don't know when there um we would be required to uh to inform this of these meeting we would have to have public meetings or re informedness of of this ordinance right it would the valua county delegation meeting in anticipation of the 20125 legislative session the date of that has not yet been set as you said um so we would if Council wishes to proceed with this um anytime we have these Beach issues we have four Sil of issues which we address in the agenda item the first is the chair is referencing is Seeking a special law uh to allow uh parking on an area that is currently designated as non-driving um council did that previously for the purpose of the reenactment of the historic uh Beach event uh Beach race the other Silo is the federal permits that CH also referenced um your staff could get with the federal government the um uh to find out if they would treat uh changes to the permit as a minor or major Amendment uh a minor amendment is what they uh accepted last time uh for this event if it's a major Amendment there's some that is a bigger deal that we you talk about and report back to you with information um the third Silo is the issue of customary use um up and down the beach people's property line varies on how Eastward or seaward that goes so the Public's use of many parts of the beach is actually occurring on private property um we would need to review that as well because there's certain elements that we have to achieve um in order to have customer use which in other words allow the public to use this property that is ordinarily private property without compensation um and the last issue which doesn't apply in every case is are there any contractual commitments or issues that we must resolve okay thank you uh any questions for the attorney any questions at all yeah okay I'll let the uh the people from the public let's let's start with the city of of Pon sunlet that uh um are here I know that mayor paritzky um is out of town um so Michael disher the city um ponon lit city manager thank you honorable members of the council and County staff yeah in your packet you have a letter from the mayor mayor paritzky she sends her regrets that she couldn't make it here today um you Mr chair Broward you already covered a lot of the points in letter but I'll just kind of hit some of the highlights You There is some concern within the town about the the issues that may be raised um if this process goes forward what we wanted to offer instead is to uh work with our private property owners our commercial properties and see if we can get some of them to offer um you know parking space for this event uh the town also has up to 160 spaces of its own that could be used for this purpose in total there's 875 spaces that could potentially be used for this to accommodate parking in the town and that's in addition to the 345 that are already being used for visitors and for staging for this event so um it would be really helpful to us if you had a certain amount of parking or number of spaces in mind um that we could work to to secure that number so I'll be happy to answer any questions that you have and councilman white is also here as well okay thank you we'll see how it proceeds councilman white skip white Pon senet Town Council good afternoon Council thank you for allowing me to speak on this important issue the Legends parade held annually at historic nor turn along the stretch of our beautiful beaches is one of the most popular events we host each year we get visitors from all over the us as we commemorate Racing's history right here in Pon CET the Legends parade is another example of excellent coop cooperation and coordination between Valia County and Pon Sate Town Council we value our partnership with the county and as always we look forward to working with you on all important matters that come before US based on my research the current proposal under the consideration would potentially violate the following under the ITP that's supported by the habitat conservation plan number one upon senent designation for natural Beach Management Area see page 110 111 of the habitat conservation plan number two the vehicle access restriction for the natural Beach Management Area see page 113 table 30 of the IC of the hcp number three vehicle restrictions for natural Beach management area under special events see page 114 page table 30 of the hcp and item J on 115 these are just a few of the issues that will require substantial amount of staff time legal research and amendments to the state law before additional Beach parking would become available the Florida legislative session does not begin until March 4th 2025 one month after this event I've Pro provided supporting documents for your review from the hcp in addition the sand replacement Pro uh project which should be underway during this time of the event takes place may present challenges in terms of practicality amendments to the state law the habitat conservation plan and the instal take permit could bog down legal and legislative red tape for now the good news in recognition of needing additional parking our local PS Inlet business Community has come together to support this event we all look forward to I've spoken with several business owners who expressed a willingness to allow visiting race fans to park on their properties alleviating the shortage of parking spots that gave rise to the Chairman's concerns with your permission I'd like the opportunity to submit with you a formal plan that will achieve this objective in time for next year's event and save County staff a great deal of time money and effort I'll be willing to organize this formalize this and bring this back to you in upcoming meeting I'll be H happy to answer any questions you might have look forward to hearing from from The Proposal questions okay thank you very much um we don't go away okay we usually don't allow questions to the public coming in but this is usual we have two uh two members of the of the ponon lit um Council and staff here um so if if anyone does have a question for them uh councilman Reinhardt I believe does um how many these locations that you're talking about that are willing to support this they've been in business for a long time correct correct there are actually some business owners but also private land owners private land owners and if I can quickly tell you Jerry's p which is actually across from the off Street bark parking uh Frankie has agreed to allow us to use the parking lot but just to the west of that is about a two acre field that actually is owned by Bobby Blake Bobby's a friend of mine Bob been in there for a while Bobby has committed to doing that the other issue we other opportunity we have is actually over at Winter Haven park across the street the 7-Eleven Mr Singh there's actually about 2 and 1 half acres of vacant land behind the 7-Eleven which I've already contacted both those individuals friends of mine they've agreed to allow us to use that parking we utilize that parking a lot in ponet as we always have our events our Christmas parade and things like that so you're looking a little bit over four acres of open field that we can utilize if need be M we've never been in this position before it continues to grow which is wonderful we don't want to see this parade go away the town sponsors the parade those spots that you refer to were they utilize last year no they were not so I will say I was at the Legends parade this this past year um I commend your law enforcement as well uh which was entirely handled by the town of Pon Inlet they handled all of it there was no Sheriff's Office that I saw it was strictly done by the town of Pon Inlet and they did a phenomenal job it seemed seamless in and out and there's only so many ways to come into Pon Inlet and only so many ways to acit it so one um that being said I commend with the the fact that it was handled in the manner in which it was now you're going to make more parking available as well yes okay you brought up a good point which was what I was going to bring up before when this Legends parade happens two things number one it's before the state legislature convenes yes number two we don't even know who at this point who that legislator is that's that's essentially it's not a vacancy but it is a vacancy number three um it's right at the heart of the S renourishment when we go to dredge Rattlesnake Island and that sand placement that we miss Fentress did a phenomenal job as did the town of Pon inet to secure those 50 easements in order to to maintain and stockpile that sand a lot of people had ask the question when they stockpile the sand is it going to be one big pile of sand no so there's going to be trucks on it on so you're going to have that truck activity at the same time that's correct okay so um I I'll wait to hear more Mr chair thank you um all good questions uh I was going to ask you as well have we used those parking places in the past you said no no we have not um and which is my concern we've we've had parking has been an issue and this is not a complaint this parade runs like clockwork every year it's really well done that's one of the reasons it's so popular people come from all over the county outside of the county to see this um there have been people that couldn't find a parking place even though like councilman Reinhardt says there's only well there's two ways you you can come in along the river along the ocean to get in Pon Inlet um uh I took my family one year and we we never could find a place to park we talked to law enforcement and there wasn't any place so we turned around and went to a restaurant on the river closer to Port Orange I forget the name of it Hidden Treasures who Hidden Treasures I don't think is there another one Boondocks Boondocks okay um sat there had a great lunch and talked with all the people that were in there that had the same thing happened they went to the parade couldn't get in not not everybody I didn't talk to everybody in the restaurant but um so that's the purpose of bringing it up is to allow more people to enjoy an incredible thing what my concern I think we should absolutely proceed with having the city seeing what you can do to provide more parking what I'm proposing um wouldn't be in time anyway for this year that's correct for all the things are going but so it it provides for the future because things Chang and chair can I make one comment you know uh North turn comes to the Town Council every year looking for support um we have new owners at North turn which I think they've been there for about three years now um it's a lot of work for them to put this Legends parade on and and we try to support them and help them as much as we can but the feedback that we're getting from the community about opening up the driving Beach is so negative I don't want to see them stop this and just go away and that's how serious this thing has become and that's why we're here today you want it to continue going but if North turn gets enough enough pressure from the residents the local residents they'll just stop doing the parade and they're the ones that actually put it on and I don't want to see us to go through that if we can have Alternatives and not go through this process yeah I don't either that would be a shame if for all of us if the resident said no to everybody else in in valua County um my you know you mentioned numerous concerns about the ITP we we went through all of that when we first established a parade and had to go to the Florida legislature and um found that it it wasn't quite as daunting um uh as some people might have expected there's there's a I'm not saying that it was entered here but there's always been that Fear Factor from uh some in the public that if you ask for anything with the ITP it's all going to go away and uh and that wasn't the case yeah one other point on that if I could chairman you know if you go and look under special events um there's very strict rules on special events and the reason that the cars were allowed on there is they have to go through individual training before they're allowed on the beach and it plainly states on on table 30 and again I have copies for everyone over here it plainly states on there that special events um they have to go through training and if you look over on T page 30 also the public has no access ever period to to this driving on this the private beach and I'm sorry the natural Beach management area so if you look at the documentation that I supplied to you guys it's it's it's pretty cut and dry so I don't think that we'll have our our trainer out there training each resident that wants to drive on the beach and it it stipulates that in the rules and we wouldn't need to we could handle it the same way we handle Beach driving in in the rest of uchia County where you have somebody in a in a toll booth telling you to turn on your lights do this it takes a few seconds and then we could have that could be in volunteer we could even have volunteers um just like we do at the fairgrounds directing the traffic showing you where you to uh where you were supposed to park um and you asked how much if we had a a mile of of beach to allow parking stopped there at 12 feet apart we could have 800 um 880 cars double parked and when the parade goes on it's a wide Beach um um and that that could be permitted so I'm absolutely think we need to proceed with what what the city has offered to do I'm um little concerned or disappointed that it hasn't been offered po but sometimes the parade has grown every year it gets more popular and more people come so that's um U that could be the reason for that uh Matt Reinhardt chair one quick question um the special event because and forgive me because I wasn't on Council back then was that did that include parking or just the route of the vehicles to go onto the beach that was just the route of the vehicles going on the did not that that special event that we've done or that we have passed is just for the route of vehicles to go not parking that's correct and have to be trained on exactly where to drive on the beach and that's it's not just you make a left you turn your lights on you roll your window down they have to be driving on the wet sand from the highest tide of that morning 2 o'clock after the morning until 2 o'clock in the afternoon they have to be driving on the wet sand on the wet sand and you know with so many things that have been brought up with what you said about the special training um the fact that the special event that we gotten approved for the Legends parade from this point forward without negatively affecting the incidental take permit um the fact that Pon Inlet is willing to go out and and secure that parking and that's something that you can do every year because they come to you for that assistance anyways um that being said I I I'm a no on this as far as us seeing it any further so I know there's no motion I'm just making a point so thank [Music] you thank you thank you Vice chair Kent thank you chairman to the Town Council of Pon Inlet I applaud you all for coming with a solution you know it's rare a lot of times you know people just present a problem but they don't they don't present the solution and um I thank you for doing that um Town council member white you you mentioned briefly driving on this private beach and I went when I heard it that was a misstep I know it was no I know it was but didn't get past me right that's fine and and that is my concern is that is that what the town of ponsinet thinks is this their private beach and how dare anybody think that they're going to access it not even close and let me address that one piece um and you and I've had the discussion before um a lot of the property owners actually physically own to the mean High TI line which is based on a 10-year average and our um attorney addressed it earlier um majority of the property that you're looking at right now is all the way into the mean high tieline so we do not and I know it's you know ITP and control the sand that comment was not made that we think it's our beach because we don't all we're trying to do is protect the environment that's there and not confuse people that are coming on there right now we're having a ton of issues all across Valia County of managing the rules and regulations the codes of ordinance that we are put into place right now this just adds more to it yeah I I appreciate you you know clarifying that and I'll just say briefly um on the comment of the ownership to the mean high tide water line I I had a a meeting back in 2005 2004 with a group that was trying to do highrises in Orman Beach they didn't like my answer and they told me in that private meeting looked right at me and said Mr Kent who do you think owns that property behind my hotel and I said the people own that property he let me know real quick I own that property and I pay the taxes on that and I told him and you can keep the people off of that beach and he said no I I can't I can't do that but he wanted me to know he owns it and he pays the taxes on it and it it made made my the hair on the back of my neck stand up back then because you know if there's there's one thing I want to make sure I convey because I I I started this conversation and I'm going to end it with thank you for coming with a solution is is that that beach is not private that beach is a public beach and it's for anybody to access so thanks and the way was explained to me from the state is yes you own the land to the mean high tide line but we have jurisdiction over the sand and that's that's the statement thank you uh Vice chair can't that um I'm glad you brought that up it's troubling to me it was troubling when I heard Mike Dyer say it and and you talk about the private beach and people not being able to drive on I think attorney said private property it's a public beach it's always been a public beach the public has been greatly restricted from using that beach um it's been established for decades that vehicular traffic is public asset um access I'm reading from a letter from the county attorney from 2022 it said the special local law should be amended to expand the allowable forms of vehicular traffic including public parking as an exception to this statute the previous Council that approved the parade didn't take that up I just think that we should so that in the future if things change um um the the Public's ability to participate in this parade um doesn't go away I'm I really appreciate the offer that the city is making that you'll go to the private residents private businesses but we won't always be able to depend on that um so uh Vice chair Kent yeah chairman I and I appreciate every everything you're saying and you may not agree with this and that's okay because you know you brought this up and you have that right you're a chairman and part of the rights of a chairman is you can put things on the agenda when I first got elected I read this thing frontwards and backwards to see how to get things on the agenda maybe and like I said maybe you don't go along with this and that's fine but the town of Pon Inlet has come to us with a solution why cross that bridge and get get stuck in it if if this solves the problem if the problem comes up again and it's not solved why don't we jump feet first at that point and and tackle it then um I think I don't know but I think this might solve the problem um I I commend uh again the town for going almost door too to talk to these business owners you know it listen it's good for business in pona you know listen pona needs to make sure you all say our doors are open we want you down here come and spend your money we're One of a Kind no I've seen found no place in in anywhere in the world with a town and a beach and access to the river and an inlet like you all have it's a it's a gem and your business owners deserve every bit that they can get so I'm just saying maybe this fixes it if it doesn't then lead us down the way to fix it okay uh councilman Robbins want wants to speak I'll just answer that real quick I let's do what the city wants to do the reason I think that we should also pursue this is because it's a long process and we would find out fairly quickly um if FWC says this is a major or a minor and no if we should pursue it at all this doesn't what I'm asking doesn't require us to say okay it's done it just takes that next step uh councilman Robbins thank you chairman um guys I think we're we're getting into debate um just just an observation um we're not there yet I'd like to hear from the rest of the public thank you uh Pon Inlet I have nothing for you guys city manager did I thought I heard you say you would like to say something yes thank you yeah I did I appreciate your your comment about having certainty and so that's where the the towns properties at least could come in so there are potentially 160 spaces that are not being used that are owned by the town for that purpose thank you thank you very much uh Mike Dennis I believe was the last public speaker hi thank you my name is Mike Dennis 177 Blue Heron Lake Circle Orman Beach Florida uh I think it's great that the city you know how often do you get a problem and a possible solution in the same thing but if I'm driving down there and my choice is to park in uh Jerry's Italian Grill parking lot and lug my chairs and my cooler uh to walk over to the beach because I want to hear that Thump Thump Thump Thump you know on my shirt and you know feel the vibration that flathead V8 you know back in my day Flathead b8s were all over the place I was born in 47 so a lot of those cars are older than me you know uh probably older than some of you all of them will be but anyway um one of the things about the ITP is St John's County has a similar ITP and guess what the 4th of July untrained drivers can go park on the beach at night in Turtle season let me repeat that untrained drivers can park at night on the beach during Turtle season for the Fourth of July celebration so the ITP is not this big clamshell that's restricting us and I'll email you all of you the the ITP and the page number that has that but anyway I think it's uh maybe we can't make the 25 legislature but boy we should be looking at it for 26 and Beyond because uh part of their uh parking places are empty lots how long does the empty lot last on the beach you know uh unfortunately sometimes a long time but really uh you're at the whim of the owner and developer so I think you need to look for a longer term solution while you look at a short-term solution and you know it's great that you got the problem and the solution and maybe even a a a long-term solution to to look at thank you you thank you and that's the end of uh public comment on this item uh Vice chair Kent I just want to ask the elected Mr white one more question could you come up please I like your sense to solving problems what's the furthest distance on these possible four acres to get from those lots to the event rough guesstimate 300 yard possibly okay you know 300 300 yards would the would the town I know you can't speak for your entire town but would maybe you be willing to talk to your town about maybe Pon Inlet for that event um hiring out a shuttle service during that event to help solve this and let me make a comment about that you know and again the way the parade comes down it comes down South Atlantic so if you step right outside Jerry's Pizza or the vacant land that I'm talking about you catch the cars coming down the road and then if you walk across the beach to the the public parking on the beach you catch them again so there's not a lot to shuttle if that makes sense thank you makes a ton of sense thank you Council any other comments then we need uh a motion and a second to do uh one of three things to allow the city of Pon Inlet to save this um to proceed with their plan to uh create more parking um one of two things or certainly to allow them to do that and start this long process so that we're protected uh for the future um uh Michael Dyer sure just to to clarify the town's proposal on how they wish to handle that would not require approval of the county at all that would be a town decision okay for the off uh for the additional parking yeah I just thought it would be nice to get a sense of the council that they wanted to do that um Vice chair K thank you chairman I just want to tell you and the council and those listening publicly I applaud your efforts on beach access and vehicular driving on the beach I'm I'm there I think with you nine out of 10 times if not 10 out of 10 I'm not going to make a motion on this and I'm going to tell you why even though I applaud your efforts with it I want to give Pon Inlet an opportunity to fix this and if if it doesn't fix it then I will help lead the charge to say hey councel this didn't work let's um let's do chairman brower's idea and it you know it might set us back a little longer but from what I've heard today I feel like this is a common sense approach to solving this and um hopefully making this event even better I just wanted you to know why I wasn't going to make the motion for it even though I applaud your efforts okay thank you uh councilman Dempsey yeah I kind of same thing is uh there my cohort here um basically I always prefer to let the local government deal with something I don't think these guys want somebody from the land telling them how to run their business over Beachside so I'm kind of the same way I think it's great that we're trying to do it personally I think Beach driving is awesome but I'm a Delan guy so I'd rather let the locals deal with their local issues and that's the only reason why I'm not going to make a motion along with Troy all right thanks Jeff councilman Ry thank you chair and I'm I'm the same uh I'm a big home rule guy and the home rule goes to the county being able to tell the city what to do if you have a solution which you proposed I'd like to I'd like to see you successful on that I appreciate your efforts as well to solve this for for me the home rule is that the beach is the County's home rule it's our responsibility and we're supposed to uh to do this so I was really hopeful that we would that you would move ahead and find additional parking so that people aren't turned away that the county would move ahead so that that was um locked in for future Generations uh Vice chair Troy Kent just before this is done um Town member white I just wanted to publicly say it meant a tremendous amount to me with my decision today you showed up you were you were here not just your manager but you were here your mayor couldn't be here but you showed up thank you thank you and I think we can all see where this is going I'll ask one more time for a motion and without a motion there's no there's no need for me to hand off the gavel because there won't be a second um to the motion so PS Inlet it's in your hands we're turning it over to you and asking you to uh um to find additional parking and and manage um this parade on on the public speech all right that's item four thank you both for for coming in the uh Town manager that brings us to item five which is another uh beach access issue and um I'll start with that in just a moment we do have numerous members of the public that want to speak to this um this this item comes to me I think you'll hear this as we go along but it comes to me from uh the public um and specifically from uh the Main Street Merchants Association who came and asked for help in restoring the uh um crowds of people to this very core part of our beach between uh the boardwalk and East ISB which was closed about 22 years ago when that was closed um that whole area died it had nothing to do with parking and this is not about adding parking to the beach it's about making this section of beach a destination again which it was before it attracted locals from all over the county it attracted Out of Towners it was a popular part of the beach it was not seedy it was not um there was people of all ages there however since we remove uh vehicular access on the beach um we've lost I don't know what the percentage is maybe one of the merchants will tell us but we've lost a lot of what used to be mom and pop owners of of establishments up and down that section of beach um so there's many storefronts that are empty there's restaurants that have gone out of business the uh the um Board Walk is empty do you have those pictures can you just put a few pictures up for me and I'll tell you this is the boardwalk this was last week um I went to a graduation at the Ocean Center walked down to the beach to see what the crowd was on the boardwalk that's the crowd Crow next photo please this is the entrance uh the very iconic entrance from Main Street this beautiful Arch that Daytona Beach is investing a lot of money in to um to restore welcome to the world's most famous Beach and then there might as well be a sign that says do not enter um it's blocked off you can't use it while I'm standing there one of the few remaining business owners from the boardwalk um came to me and said can you he asked me if I was Jeff I said I was exchange Pleasant he said can you help me um restore this area um my business is not what it used to be um he is a long-term business holder there and he's seen changes next slide please so uh one of the business owners came to me in person there I've been talking to owners owners for several months when they came to me and said can you please help us it was from the association meeting um this is the beach in front of it there's no people on the beach very very few there's chairs and umbrellas anticipating but the people aren't there um next slide same thing was there another picture is that the last one pardon me I believe you only sent four okay I just wasn't counting so that's the state of our beach since we um decided to do this again just like in the last item I'm not asking for a vote to put cars back on the beach I'm asking for a vote to start the pr process in a timely manner so that we'll be ahead of the March 4th 2025 legisl legislative session um this does not in any way interfere with the city of Daytona Beach's Redevelopment areas of the Ocean Walk The Hilton or the plaza it's not interfering with that it doesn't go that far north what it would do is to make this section of Beach from East ISB to the boardwalk the destination once again that it was before this is a core section of our beach that was once thriving and a favorite destination for the people that we represent our local represent and um tourists alike U at the time when you could get to the beach there um it again it was not um seedy nor an isore it was vibrant it was fun it was exciting and it attracted people from all over um Florida since this essential beach access was was closed down it has declined the people stopped coming they didn't come to because they could park on the beach they came because that the beach was there and it was a beautiful beach to enjoy and on top of that there was a boardwalk they could go to Main Street the businesses along the way um many of those businesses have closed most of them were locally owned uh by residents who loved our beach and loved Daytona as as much as we do um the boardwalk has declined I told you about the U the business owner that I met there so this is not about making this section of our public beach a parking lot this is about restoring it as a destination our own residents the people that we represent um can enjoy once again and have asked for repeatedly for 22 years they have been against this closing of of the beach this this is a simple ask to send this back to staff in order to lay out the steps necessary for a timely um to bring back in a timely manner to comply with state law I am asking this Council to make a decision that has proven to have the opposite of the predicted results to reverse that decision the the reason this was done was for economic development and the belief that it would bring a flock of people in the exact opposite has happened it's been devastating to the Beachside Community to the business that that are there and it's it took away a favorite part of the beach from people like me that grew up and worked on the beach so I'm asking you to respond to the business owners who still remain and have asked for our help um this is both a real Economic Development question and a reversal of a failed policy many of our constituents have never liked it lets Remain the 60% of the beach that is closed it doesn't touch that we once had 47 miles of beach that we could drive in there's now 17 there's been far more Beach access taken away than what we have left um this has been a disaster for beach access as predicted by the late T Wayne Bailey and I'll just I'll end my comments here with a quote from him uh when he chaired the uh fuchia County Charter Review Committee says the rate of public beach access and enjoyment should be clarified and codified the committee has found that there is a definite need to protect the traditional rights of public access and enjoyment of valua beaches today the public rights of access to the beach was a which is a legally protected right would be meaningless if vehicular access was not allowed fucha County Charter Review Committee final report in 1986 vehicular access is beach access now what finally what has changed since 1986 um has this um I I got a letter from a constituent says you're living in the past you're living in the 70s and and 80s well let me tell you what hasn't changed what I'm asking to do is not create a parking lot in the beach but create real access for the people that live here here and the people that come here who can drive right on the beach park their car and for a couple hours or a half a day be Beachside Property Owners they can everything they need they can have in their car they can bring out their Habachi their floats the kids can play safely and yes Beach driving is has been proven safe for decades I worked there for 10 years we we would get maybe one person a year hit by a car and that was somebody backing up and usually didn't even break a leg because of sand absorb it it has 10 miles an hour it has been proven safe so we allow people to come down and enjoy the beach with everything they need when we have parking and we do have parking right across the street from this area right across the street from the boardwalk I parked there I was one of about seven cars that park there people aren't parking there and going to the beach and going to the businesses they're not going to the beach because they don't want to haul their um their cooler full of food and beverages their floats their kids and granny and walk across all that traffic and try and get to the beach and at the end of the day reverse that process and haul all that stuff back it's what made Daytona Beach famous to begin with that you could park there and have everything you need to enjoy a day coming from danan Delon Springs or Daytona Beach so that's um the purpose of this I'm asking this Council to start the the process so that we can bring some relief to the business owners and our own constituents who have asked us to open this beach councilman Jake Johansson thank you sir I'm I this is kind of a a we've done this before but your staff in this case since you're proposing this or or or bringing this uh the facts so I I have a few questions um I'm not familiar with the the Main Street Business Association or will they will will they be presenting or or are they here today got we do we do have some members got him um uh d did we need did we include do we need to include um other stakeholders uh um the Chamber of Commerce comes to mind um did we talk to them about this or or uh what's their input and um uh are there any other stakeholders like the city of Daytona that you know we just saw Pon Inlet chime in and and provide us some uh information on that item have have they chimed in um those those are questions I would ask this seems to um you know something I'm I'm willing to talk about but it seems to be seems to have come up with a not a lot of time for me to ask those questions of those people that prepare and and make sure all the stakeholders have been notified plus as I think we all have uh we got a lot of email this week about this item and and and by and large I would say 85% of it is stick with what you got don't allow it there was there was uh there was a few people that that want it um so can can you pause just for a second yeah since you're asking questions I'll I'll answer that that's what this is this is starting that process of reaching out which you just said has already started we are we are getting a lot of email this is a long process that takes time and it gives everybody a chance the probably the most important things for the chamber um and other stakeholders to find out is the same question that's already come up what would the FWC sit is it is it a major or a minor change it if it should be a minor change because this is not a Turtle Beach um it's not during Turtle season and it's not at night which the FWC is allowing other counties to do we have the mo well I'm going to just stop there cuz I I don't want to so conclude your question no I I I think that's I think that's the extent of my questions um um you I go back to a comment made earlier which which I respect in the charter it says you can put anything on the agenda um usually we discuss things the the agenda before and we we agree to set a date down range for an item to come back to us so so staff can do research or we can do research uh uh in in this case this didn't happen so um um I'm I'm I need more time I personally need more time so uh I have too many questions asked right now so I'll I'll end it right here and wait for the conversation from the business owners and and the debate thank you okay well again that's that's what this is a time for us to for everybody to do the research because it's not it's not going to happen today it's a long-term process I don't see any other Council members up yet so let's move to the uh public comments uh Derek green hello Derek Green from Orman Beach could I ask we go to the third slide that was up earlier I'm in management uh with Beach Reynolds and refreshments of uchia County LLC we're contractor with the county to provide Beach Services I'm an operator of Beach rental concessions in the track traffic free beach my family and I have been in business there for 43 years in that third picture you had those were my umbrellas and they were all down and if all the umbrellas are down we were either on a red light with lightning in the area or the wind was 20 M an hour or greater so not very representative of a good beach day I remember 25 years ago council members discussing this issue for the proposed traffic free area I remember phrases like revitalizing the core and having an option for beachgoers to have a traditional Beach experience I've been there these last 25 years and I'm here to say that these statements as I remember them have worked it is a different type of beach experience from a traffic Beach and I understand cars on the beach in areas without off Beach parking available but there are people who seek out and intend to park in the off Beach parking in the core and it is popular and it does get crowded the whole mile on weekends gets packed with people and high tide weekends when the incoming tide condenses and forces everyone together it is hard to keep people out of the one lane emergency Lane that's set up for emergency vehicles to add another Lane to make it two-way traffic and a row for parked cars and increase the conservation Zone from 15 fet to 30 ft and add space for a u-turn at Auditorium as there is no Beach Approach at Auditorium would leave no room for The beachgoers Who utilized the off Beach parking and have come for the traditional Beach experience I don't have pictures and I know it's hard for people to get to the beach on say a high tide weekend so I have a couple of webcams that usually show a good view of the crowds uh Ocean deck Spectrum News 13 webcam it usually points to the north uh showing the south side of the pier and the Hilton uh wkm G Click Orlando webcam usually faces South showing the north side of the pier and you can see the activity that I'm talking about on a weekend or a high tide weekend uh and that we just don't have the space for what's being proposed thank you thank you uh Thomas Caffrey thank you Council um thank you staff uh my name is Thomas Caffrey I am Orman Beach resident and I am a business owner on Main Street in Daytona and current vice president of the Main Street Merchant Association um Beach driving for us I I grew up here I went to Bonner Elementary at the other end of Main Street it's called you know Fair View back then um it's always been here it's always been something that I thought has been wonderful uh we did it as a family when I was a k K uh into my early 20s um they got rid of it in March of 2000 right around there um I guess there was a vote that it was going to be revitalized I was too young to pay attention to that um I don't see any revitalization over there um all I see is is vacant Lots vacant buildings um torn down monuments um I uh I get a little emotional about it because it really is terrible what's going on over there um there there's nothing good about it it's really really really poor um the homeless that hang out under all of The Monuments that are there are terrible um and it's not because they don't have other places to go it's just there's nobody there to kind of shoe them off um I uh watched all the buildings get torn down historic buildings buildings that were were near and dear to me and uh on behalf of the Main Street Merchant Association we really want this back we want it to be a discussion we want it to be better for the area I don't think what's being done right now is there the parking lots that are there aren't even paved parking lots they're just torn down shells of buildings that they're using to park cars on so nothing over there has been revitalized it's way way worse all of the buildings we used to have the busiest McDonald's in the country we used to have the busiest Taco Bell in the country right there we don't have anything over there anymore we used to have Shell Seafood we used to have some really really exceptional places over there they've all gone and they didn't start leaving till after 2000 when the beach was closed um so that's really all I have to say um but I appreciate you guys having this it's really really important to us it's it's an amazing situation that you guys are hearing it kind of quick in in in your uh opinion but this is a conversation that's been had by this Council for a very very long time since it was closed kind of battles back and forth so I know it's a difficult one and I appreciate it thank you John Nicholson John Nickson Daytona Beach side um I've only been in Daytona Beach 40 years so when I hear people that say that I've been there this is what it used to be like they're wearing rose-colored glasses I've heard oh we've lost all this beach there used to be a place called dff said on the wall s were all these old pictures and the water used to go out to the casino 50 years ago 100 years ago and now the water's only going out to the casino the exact same location so how much did we actually lose when I first got here I used to walk the beach about five miles when I got up towards belir Plaza there was the old bernardini house the uh Sand Dune in front of it was 20 foot high then hurricane Floyd came in and all of our sand dunes vanished and guess what we found at the very bottom of the Sand Dune a seaw wall nobody builds a seaw wall 20 feet down under the ground without a reason because at the time that place was built in the 60s the seaw wall was needed the sand was that far down we went 26 years without a major hurricane before Floyd you're not here now they say that there was no development well what you don't understand is that the reason it's stopped the city stopped it if you look what Anderson proposed it worked in front of my house there are seven properties developed there's the old Marriott the Hilton Ocean Walk Windam Theona Grand Ocean the resorts all that was built until we got to the portion where the pictures were taken where the boardwalk is 20 years of a lawsuit it was just settled last year like a week before Anderson died he didn't have enough time to build it so it was prevented from being built and the area south of Main Street what they're talking about there were seven proposals and the city turned each and everyone down three condo hotels and the um Hall of Fame the swimming hall of fame from Fort Lauderdale was supposed to go in they turned it down just two three years ago there were two hotels for just south of Main Street and the city foued them up wouldn't let them go in the city is causing all of this it is not the project the project worked and the city prevented it yes it's true when Main Street stre stopped it was the highest grossing approach in the county tons of money it stopped dead and literally you could watch the stores close down Main Street goodby don't vote for this Tom guest sense thank you Mr chairman uh members of the council City County staff uh I'm Tom guest I reside in Alman Beach and I have had businesses and rental properties on Main Street since 1985 I've seen a lot of things that have happened and you depicted uh some of those very very well uh so I don't have to repeat a lot of that uh but uh you know you did say that you know it was a project that uh uh was brought up and uh it didn't work it hasn't worked so let's try something else you know when there was uh beach access and driving and parking on the beach I'm also president of the Main Street Merchants Association so we you know we have discussed this and you know everybody in the association is pretty much in tune with getting it back uh to what it was there was uh when we go back to uh uh 22 years ago or 25 years ago and driving was taken off the beach people used to come down there they used to go to the beach they used to park out on the beach and maybe they'd get TI land on the beach they'd come walking up Main Street Main Street was a thriving Place back in the day and this this wasn't uh I mean there was a lot of things that happened uh to make Main Street what it is today and uh there's no need to go into all that but the first year that uh driving was taken off the beach the first summer the Main Street Merchants suffered a 50% loss in their business that's how much it has hurt Main Street You Know It uh uh it was uh very important to us and you know you you you said that uh this was a long process to get something done let's get the process started so we can get back to what it was back uh when I opened the business there in 1985 you know I've seen a lot of businesses go away this wasn't the only thing that heard there was you know there was a lot of other things and uh you know a lot of us that have been uh concerned with Main Street and Beachside know some of the things that have happened uh and I don't have time to go into all of this but you know it's uh uh I come I I came down I moved down here from Maine and I Liv down at Wells Beach there was a section of beach there Moody Beach which is now a private beach the people that own houses along that Beach on the beach do we want to see something like this happen you know let's open this up let's draw some of these uh let's draw some of the uh vacationers back that want to drive on the beach thank you thank you sir Amy pile hi there everybody uh my name is Amy pile I uh am a 14-year resident in the Daytona Beach Main Street Redevelopment area I live two blocks from Main Street um I sit on Daytona Beach's Main Street Redevelopment board and the Bike Week task force I'm not representing those boards or the people on them with these comments um but you might find that both of those boards would support this move um during many of our meetings we've discussed how to bring more activity to Main Street I believe that when Main Street access to the beach was closed to driving it seriously inhibited the business and activity there main Street's essentially a dead end and it looks like one you saw the pictures right now the beautiful coina Archway at the foot of the pier is dingy dark and unattractive it's a mess the gates at both Main Street and Harvey Avenues look kind of pointless and uninviting sometimes in a state of disrepair are hanging halfway open the properties on either side of Harvey have become blighted and trashy plagued with graffiti for decades it's looked like something is really missing there and as if we're waiting for something to happen and someone to care again and maybe this move is the way to do that I have a few neighbors who would rather have no driving on this beach but we can still have it all to ourselves most of the year and especially at high tides during the summer early mornings we have plenty of time to enjoy that on our own you'll hear from the Main Street Merchants which you just did that opening it up for driving will bring customers to their starving businesses shuttered buildings will be reopened activity will discourage vagrance and vandalism parking woses can be alleviated always talking about a lack of parking in that area beach access instantly improves for improve beach access will instantly improve for local underserved families as well as physically challenged individuals it's good for everybody but most importantly it's the restoration of a legacy of Beach driving in datona that must be preserved this is something that makes us unique I hope if this discussion is fruitful that the city of Daytona and Valia County will pair this with the momentum from massive improvements to East ISB and initiate a promotional campaign that will make headlines and cause a tourist boom tourism boom imagine the headline people are flocking to Daytona Beach again to be among the first to drive from Main Street onto the beach in decades who can argue with that so please pursue this just check it out you always have a chance to vote later but let's get the information thank you Mike Dennis Mike Dennis or Beach Florida uh in traveling around Florida I have seen success whoops success everywhere on the beach EX except here so you know one suggestion is to just put blinders on and say no it's the best we can do why not look into it what's it going to cost staff's time you know you guys are supposed to direct staff so if they come up with a whole lot of problems oh well we can't do it but if they come up with none well gez maybe we can do it again as you travel through Florida look at other beach towns and I'm amazed at some of the West Palm Beach for example last time I was there there was like a a three-foot cliff in the sand you know we have the most beautiful beach in Florida I think and yeah i'me I'm Prejudice and I've been here since uh 56 so I am a long time I got a lot of uh sand in my shoes and and so on so take the blinders off look what's it going to cost us look what's the possibilities thank you an Ruby and Ruby um Beachside Daytona in a million years I never thought I would get up and say anything positive about Beach driving ever I just find it puzzling but what I also find puzzling is why Main Street and our core tourist area in Daytona Beach looks as bad as it does and I think we have a a a a rebirth of the Merchants Association I think they're asking asking for one lever to consider pulling this one lever get the information you're not voting today to approve or disapprove of this but get the information there are so many things that the city and the county could do to work together to improve Main Street parking lot C is a mess we need a botran trolley system that would connect dun lot and Granada and Beach Street to the beach side that would help the merchants there are so many things the city and the county could be working on together and this is one of them it could take years to get the the beach driving actually restored and at that point you can hear from the other people you can actually make the definitive vote but without the information you're just hamstringing them you're saying well we're going to take that solution away from you so why look into this get the information and the stakeholders that you want to hear from the chamber the hotels let them come up with some Solutions on how they can help make the Beachside be less blighted in the core tourist areas they don't just get to say no no we don't want that because it's got to be a it's got to be a joint solution and I think tonight this could start with just asking for the information learning about what it's going to take how long is it going to take if this is a 10-year process the merchants could have revitalized it all by themselves by that but let's start it I think it's important and I never thought I'd ever say that thank you thank you uh that's the end of the the people that uh signed up to speak and during public comment um one of the things that I considered you know when the merchants came to me and said you know do this I I have spent a lot of time in this area on the beach but one of the things I considered was the vendors that are there um when I long time ago when I worked there and the beach was absolutely packed the concessioner there was Bill Finley had a float stand chairs umbrellas he became a millionaire there and he paid the Lifeguard who sat in front of his um in front of his uh concession um he would pay them extra to keep the floats in waste deep water because he didn't want to lose any of his floats but the fact that there was Beach driving did not hurt their business um when I was there and took the pictures that you saw uh uh and I'm not arguing with the um with the vendors that came here I support the vendors and I think um I've looked at at your business and it's it looks good it looks sharp your equipment looks good you're doing everything right um but I walked to beach I walked to Boardwalk um I don't know what was going that there um it was overcast but there was not um lightning there that day what I did see somebody sent me this morning a um a video that I did four years ago during the campaign same area took a video of the beach took a video of the boardwalk it looked exactly the same as those pictures I put there is not a soul on the beach there was finally I said in the video oh wait here comes two people walking down the boardwalk this is revitalization you have heard from local business own owners that have their life invested in this and they're asking us for Help The Help is not some scary thing it's as the last speaker said it's taking a little step forward an incremental step to get the information that we need to know if this is wise or not I believe it's wise but I'm not asking you I'm not pushing you this Council into making an an all or enough decision I want to help you get the the information that we all need there is absolutely a direct correlation between the death of this section of the beach and the removal of Beach driving in that area um don't don't take this away from the merchants that have come here and asked us for our help uh Vice chair Troy Kant thank you chairman um for recognizing me but but also thank you for bringing this up and uh advocating for a a possible change here Council and those listening you know those of you know me know that I was born in the Halifax hospital um you know that I've lived here my entire life I wasn't surprised to find out that in the early and mid 90s Taco Bell in Daytona Beach Beachside had the number one sales when I heard this for the entire nation when you went by Taco Bell at midnight to 3: in the morning there was a line out the door behaviors were appropriate and the place was making money hand over fist so to hear that there were others that had the highest sales in that area that doesn't surprise me either um chairman do you mind if I asked Mr Caffrey to come up I I have a couple questions for you is that okay chairman it's good with me if the rest of the council doesn't object Mr Caffrey um how long have you owned your business on Main Street uh six years about kept the doors open for six years yes sir why Main Street knowing that that beach access was shut down there um it's a funny longer question maybe I have time for but we bought my friend Christa and I bought the building together as an M because we knew that we could um have a business twice a year and make a lot of money we didn't plan on opening up a business we planned on just doing itinerate vending like everybody else does in that area um so we we started out doing it that way first uh October we didn't occupy the building U we rented it out for a handsome amount of money and then um we decided we didn't want to do that anymore we wanted to develop the building we wanted to restore the building make it better um not just do this do do it something better so we started with pallet classes and a wine bar um on Main Street uh we did it that way and then we uh that was a a whole thing we didn't even want to be a bar they wouldn't allow us to do Bob b um as an art studio they said that's a bottle Club so we had to change that we had to revamp that then for the Hop cycle we had the 15 passenger pedal bike uh we don't do that any longer too much insurance too expensive to maintain um and then we became a brewery we actually had to go to the city City and uh change the law to become a brewery in that District because they didn't allow it for us I applaud you for trying and and your open year round yeah seven days a week and you keep people uh employed yeah uh we got about eight employees I publicly applaud you for having the guts to do what you're doing it takes guts takes initiative it takes Drive I don't have any other questions thank thank you very much for that Miss Ruby Mr Caffrey and the other people that spoke I just want to tell you that um over 10 years ago I served on the Beachside Redevelopment committee I was I was Orman Beach's representative there were roughly 15 to 20 people on this committee there is a novel um of recommendations that this very smart group of women and men who worked for a year presented to the county of uchia and to the city of Daytona Beach I would recommend you go to the city of Daytona Beach and say where is this document and why haven't you implemented any of it I think it's a great first step because like I said this was a lot of work by a lot of people for a year of their life for it to get sheld somewhere and it's just collecting dust so I want to make sure that that that is there um I I grew up in Norman Beach and surfed across the street but I can tell you I would go to this location often when the surf was good and we would drive on the beach we would park right there the place was thumping with people it w there were appropriate behaviors back then Beach Rangers were there lifeguards were there concessionaires were there and everything seemed to work there's no doubt in my mind that this decision back in 2000 created essentially a private beach and I can see why certain business owners who um make money from the people that stay in the hotels don't want anything to change but you have a main street that is starving and for you sir I'm sorry I don't remember your name but you said the first year that it was implemented there was a 50% decrease in sales it just is gut-wrenching to hear that like who thought this through stop the insanity okay the proof is in the pudding look at the results this isn't a happy cheerful place I want a place like shells to go eat at like I did when I was younger you you go meet with Lyn Flanders the director of the Ocean Center lovely lady uh you know thank you George for hiring her but you know you go meet with her and then say hey let's go to lunch around here here I don't know where you're going so chairman I will make a motion after I hear from everybody else to direct staff to bring this back for more information we're not voting on this tonight to change it you know we have we've got the things we have to do but this is one that there's there's meat on this bone and I want to chew on it a little bit thank you uh councilman Dempsey yeah um ditto Troy I agree with everything you just said um and thanks chair for bringing this up that's one we don't always agree but he's not bitter um yeah I I I I I don't go to the beach anymore because I'm old but when I was younger than my son yeah back in the 1900s with Mr Nicholson down there and uh watching him with a swim cap I remember it was busy back then my son and I would park on the beach go swim go on the boardwalk play in the video games at the arcades get the ice cream walk around go down and get my seafood at the McDonalds the F of fish and uh it it was I always remember it being busy now I haven't been back there I'm a Westside guy but I'm hearing it's dead and I'll take your word for it that the economy down there um is dying and I know we do a lot to help other businesses in Daytona we did Daytona one we do the Deb street revitalization with which I've always said makes it even harder for the Main Street people to survive I knew some business owners on Main Street back when it was thriving they were talking about how difficult it was to maintain uh a business year round I know some seasonal guys that did very well during the Bike Week events and the race week and all that but yeah I I think it's great we need to look into it I don't necessarily trust the wisdom of our predecessor councils so I think this is something that's important enough to you know Revitalize I wish we could go back and undo some other stuff from previous councils but at least this is a good one to start with so I I'm in favor of looking into I'm not saying I'm voting for it but I we do need to look into it to help the merchants so I'm supporting you too Jeff thank you councilman Reinhardt thank you chair um I had again uh to kind of echo what uh Mr Johansson said didn't have a lot of time to look into it and I understand what we're doing you know as far as giving it getting information to give us time to to have those conversations um I actually only had the the ability to talk to a few people one of which was the sheriff's office because Public Safety is a big concern of mine um and and maybe I dig too deep into it thinking about the type of vehicles that were driving on the beach uh when that driving was allowed um different from what we have now I mean we did a great job by removing the squatted trucks uh with visibility so I think I think that's a plus um if you would ask the Sheriff's Office uh they have an area that they can respond to in that emergency area Lane um and they were telling me that often times they wish they could just drop a line just to try to get people out because at certain times it is packed and people have become accustomed to the fact that it's one area of the beach is on driving that being said I also understand your concern though too uh and the fact of your businesses um knowing all this I I have a question I guess for you George um we're not going to be able to even do that until November to where we can even talk with the individual that's going to be in that seat whoever that may be or any of the other state legislation because they're all up for re-election so there's no guarantee on who those individuals to be so you can't have those conversations until that time I'm a buy step type person you know and I'd like to know what those answers are um does it warrant taking it further and uh so I leave it to to you George if if that's a question you can ask is that true well the timing part is correct uh you know we have to it will take time to uh discuss with our legislative delegation that'll be and really that's uh something they're going to look to what you guys are saying this is something that this body wants um and of course also there will be other constituents uh that will be in play uh mainly uh like I say the city of Daytona Beach and what does their body uh want to do um so uh I would say before we approached anybody uh that way we we need to know what you know our official stance is and what their official stance is before you can take it further to the to the state yep okay thank you point of order chair uh and then I I have a a reply to your question as well uh there's a point of order what's your point uh chairman uh just to stay in process to keep the flow going on this item um we're obviously into debate uh if we can um call for a motion in a second so we can do it uh by the book Thank you well we are doing it by the book that he asked questions of the County Manager um there there might have been some debate down I think Troy asked questions Don you bad you were guilty um so unless you want to override my vote I would say your your point is not well taken because everybody's asking questions right now this is important chairman uh respectfully I didn't say it wasn't important problem is we there was with the exception of Matt and I get that that we need to talk about it I just want to follow the process because there was about 30 minutes of statement but um I'll do whatever the the will list council is looking to do I have a question for Michael D Matt just said that the process was going to the state legislature first and my opinion the way I understood what we've what was laid out here is that the first step would be to look at um the incidental take permit and find out whether or not the FWC uh thinks it's major or minor um am I wrong is that the first step or would the step First Step be going to the I think the legislature needs that information as well yeah I you know I mentioned before there's four issues that we kind of have to deal with or silos of issues you really almost have to deal with them at the same time yeah um so you have the state law issue to restore Beach driving which you'd have to get to the delegation they would have to support for it to move forward you have the federal permit as you said about working with the service on whether they would treat as a major or minor Amendment and what would have to be done um you have the issue of the customary use and also contractual commitments I know there's a development agreement between City Daytona and Ocean Walk properties there may be others that um could be things that are obstacles potential obstacles for us I think we need to explore all those if you want us to move ahead thank you that that's why I said it's a long process there there is a lot and that that's all that's happening here start the the uh process Vice chair Kent thank you chairman um George Andor Mike Dyer who what elected body makes the final decision on the beaches in blch County I don't care who answers it one or the other it depends on the issue the council has uh sole regulatory Authority the legislature has control over the beach driving issue and the federal government has authority over activities covered by the ATP and ITP I didn't hear you say any City the only thing the city would come in with whatever contractual relationships that may exist due to the fact that we uh made agreements at the time uh when it was taken off uh with uh I think some of the development community that was U there and that would have to be researched gotcha and I don't know that I am going to eventually vote and support this I never would have voted to take the driving off ever I never would have done that but what's done is done and I don't have a DeLorean or any other type of time machine to go back um at 88 miles hour so so um but when I was a City Commissioner in the city of Orman Beach there were a lot of things I wanted to change about the beach cuz I feel like this beach was mismanaged by this County and I'll just say I can appreciate that we want to hear from Daytona Beach but it's one of the reasons I ran to have a seat at the table instead of being served on the menu so um and and to Mr Reinhardt just I appreciate your comments but as far as as far as what staff is working on and George don't take this the wrong way because I'm a fan of yours and what you do with staff but you do what this elected body directs you to do period you don't lead us we lead you we set policy and Direction period so if we want this to go on the front burner of Staff then we tell you we want it on the front burner with staff and that's that's how it is and that's how it's supposed to be um I will make a motion at this time to direct staff to bring this item back to us and look at all the pros and cons of bringing Beach driving back from International Speedway Boulevard to Auditorium Boulevard in that motion George or or or Mike do you need a date certain to bring that back you don't okay and I'm not going to put a date certain on it um I'm going to say whenever staff can can bring that back there's my motion okay we have a motion on the floor by um Vice chair Kent to um send us back to staff to look uh at all the different parameters The Good the Bad and um um pros and cons no date certain is there a second second second by Don Dempsey thank you um so now we're in debate um uh councilman Johansson thank you sir um I'm really not opposed to this discussion however I I do want to reflect back to um our our early uh early in the year I think it was February I know it was February 20th um we had a conversation about uh our goals and where this particular item uh fit the goal as as it pertained to the state of the county and and I suppose it could be Loosely placed into one of these goals um um but but I don't know where so if if it does get voted for followon discussion I I really would like to know where it fits and why it's important enough to bring right now um it it wasn't a a County Council goal we never talked about it in our goal setting and and I'm not opposed to this but it it it's not a goal and and I think it takes away from some of the stuff that that we'd rather well that Council would rather do not individually um and so you know with that I I'm trying to like like we sometimes say I want to try to stay on on task I think the I think the conversation and the communication with the stakeholders uh the chamber um uh the the um the other stakeholders the city who who we do impact we just said we didn't want to uh impede on PS Inlet for their program it's our beach I don't I don't want to uh impact Daytona without having a conversation I think those conversations could be had without directing George to have that conversation um and and up to this point um I I haven't heard people clamoring um to to put driving back on the beach in this area Al although again I'm ready to discuss it um but but they are talking about flooding and they are talking about other things so I wonder what the importance this is it it doesn't come at no cost it's not like we can have a conversation and and not incur uh lawyer time and and and um and executive uh uh leadership time talking with all these people so um it it does come at a cost and you know Danny I were talking about a book I'm reading on on on acquiescence may maybe this is not the right time maybe it is but maybe it isn't the right time to talk to the the state about uh getting driving back on the beach when we have other things that are important that we discuss with the state and resolve um uh I've seen that asking the state for too many things at once means you get none so um uh I I'm I'm a little uh conflicted right now on the on the timing of this um and and uh those are my concerns and I appreciate the time thank you councilman Robbins thank you chair I just like to go over a couple things here when it comes to the correlation between business and and why things are possibly the way they are uh in Daytona Beach uh many know I was a police officer in Daytona Beach for for quite a while um at times I've known every uh square inch of that city um uh in the '90s and 2000s so what's different how did we get here so in the 90 2000s what do we have that we don't have now we had over a 100 special events that's the start uh I've said it before on this Council that um Daytona Beach as our pretty much our economic driver um we better be thinking of other things because we don't have special events we're we claim to be a special events town that has no special events or very few I probably count them on one hand okay um we had MTV we had Hawaiian Tropic events we had a wide openen spring break where there No Holds Barred you know when I was a kid I saw this my eyes lit up I said oh my God this is this is amazing right when I got down here in 2003 a little bit different okay it wasn't just that um we heard uh vending like everyone else does things that are seasonal now why is that is it a business model is it because we don't have special events um crime I can tell you firsthand crime in Daytona Beach is uh worse than Deltona um back then we didn't have uh the population that we have now it is doubled okay um Staffing police officers is an issue we can't get them in the city it's always been that way it was like that before uh I was a cop there it was like that when I was a cop there and it's going to be like that a cop there uh after I was a cop there um the transients we have a lot of transient activity in our Beachside in our business and core area you have to ask yourself once again why aren't businesses coming here and do you want to bring your family here I will not bring my family through or to they Tona Beach without the scanner app on my phone to see what's going on when and because I know that the the some of these careers that we expect our tourism to go there's public safety issues graffiti everywhere transients drunks prostitutes they're everywhere I would disagree to say that that Beach driving is the sole issue here or or the Catalyst cuz I I know for understand that it's not and I agree with Mr Kent where it says hey if it was up to to maybe us or or me I I wouldn't have messed with it I would have tried cleaning up some of the other areas before we took this big leap but to uh go down this road uh uh and try to to do some of the stuff now there's a lot of other things that need to be cleaned up before we we um put this cart before the horse um I believe this is premature uh I don't know personally why there's a motion on the floor um uh and that's just my opinion because uh I've uh like all of our other council members this isn't the first time this subject has come up at any point in time we can request information uh we heard this chairman uh in 2021 when we took office I believe you brought it back in 2022 for discussion um and then uh now now we have all the information alls we have to do is literally type A TW line email staff may I have the background information on this enter okay um and then we get it um what I don't want to see now is getting bogged down uh even though this is a valid issue like uh we had members of Pon let's say there's a way to do this an efficient and effective way to do this um we have un unanswered issues right now with the city of Daytona Beach this is going to affect them and their Merchants their businesses we need to have them at the table so we're not on the menu okay um we have thousands of yards of linear feet uh excuse me thousands of yards of easement between Auditorium and Main Street that we would have to lock down um we don't have the beer if they wanted to prior to even bringing this up we saw it in with the dog beach we saw it when it came to the sexual offenders we saw it when it came to other public uh uh public uh safety issues that several of us initiated all this stuff is is is readily available um chairman if you need more time to to get this I'll be willing to to hear uh your story and you know bring it back but I I think this is um premature uh staff has a full plate um I'll support you if uh if you bring this stuff back to us but to to have to have them chasing a uh a windmill is is not the direction I'd like to see go thanks councilman debsy yeah I um I was really torn on this and uh I did a lot of thinking over the weekend about it and I hear what you're saying about the timing and right now we don't even know who the legislator is that's going to be representing this area but short of a referendum on beach driving what better way for the voters to express their desires than voting for the candidate that sees this the way they want you may have one candidate that's for Beach driving you may have one candidate against it who better than the voters on Election Day to determine which person they want in office the one supporting Beach driving or the one against Beach driving um I was a prosecutor for the beach back dooring the times of MTV and I remember working the substation over there behind the Ocean Center and we had a portable jail we processed people right there in and out for every misdemeanor and I mean it was a Mill and uh but I also remember how thriving the economy was back then I don't know if it was so much dangerous it just brought in a lot of people it was was very vibrant back then and even during the non-event events or times um it was always crowded I just always remember it was always a good time taking my son over there and doing beach stuff and walking around so I like I said I haven't been over there in 20 years but I'm taking everybody's word for it how bad the economy is over there on Main Street and now that we've created competing areas with the Beach Street revitalization in one Daytona these guys really have an uphill battle on their hands so I do think it's right to talk about I think the timing of this issue might actually be perfect because it is election season and it might be something that should be discussed and debated by the uh the potential candidates at the legislative level at the local level and you know let the voters Express their desires at The Ballot Box so um I'm I'm actually in favor of this now I hate to make the staff go through this again but like I said I don't necessarily like the decisions of our predecessor councils um if I could this is our first time yeah I've never got to vote on this 20 years ago and if I could get in a you know Superman costume and go back in time and undo SunRail I would undo SunRail in a second if we could but here we are if we could undo Troy if I was on the council 20 years ago I'd probably be against getting rid of Beach driving as well but I'm not saying it's the best I'm not committed one way or the other but I think it's fair to bring this back up for discussion and that's where I am thanks thank you I'll I'll take my um second bite it won't be long um you kind of trying to get a feel for where we are on the council there's only six of us here today if it's a 33 vote it fails so we need need uh a fourth U person to say I want to move this ahead and let um the public the cities um Everybody um hear the debate which will take some time why where does this fit in um to our goals um I don't see them yet I asked for the goals to be put up but it was you know there's a lot going on um uh but this fits in I would say because it's Economic Development and we have all stated up here that we want to help businesses Thrive that we want to bring more businesses here let them see a council that's friendly to business and and giving them just one more tool in their Arsenal to be successful it's not the it's not the Silver Bullet the Main Street Association has to go out and do other things as well to to be successful but this is a tool that they need and why now because they ask for it and because for three years I've had public ask um for it and it's um you know to table it to bring it back I've already done that it's I brought it up it got tabled brought it I brought it back because of this Merchant Association that sits in front of you here and the the public that said um um we really need your help to do this um why aren't businesses coming here I'm not even going to go there but I am going to say this is an opportunity to show them that um that we are uh that we listen to our businesses and we try and do everything we can to make their lives um uh to make the possibility of them being successful uh um a real possibility and that we don't stand their way it's it's it's interesting everybody's for Beach driving well now we have a chance to vote on it we we actually have a chance to say yes I'm for Beach driving let's vote to see if it's even possible in this area that's what stands here it's we can't we can't say I'm I'm for it I'm for it and um and take this tool away from the merchants and the residents U the city will come to the table as we go through this process um the chamber will come to the table it gives that's the process it gives everybody a chance to come and speak to this um the um I I want to I want to give the people that came here that represent um you represent all the merchants on Main Street I I want to let you know that this Council supports Economic Development and we will dig in and see if if this is possible incidental take permit the state legislature I had a town hall meeting last night with um uh representative Webster Barnaby who was a staunch Beach driving supporter when he ran for County Council now we we don't know if he'll get reelected he's also up for re-election um so let them let them come to the table why now because it's it's a pressing need on the core beach side that has been ruined when we did this it's it's it it gives us an incredible opportunity to reverse a decision that hurt Beachside merchants and residents alike so I'm I'm asking for um one of the three people on this side just to give it the opportunity this side of of uh the Das who have reasonable questions and are not ready to vote today for the final thing but I'm asking you to vote today to let it take this little step forward so that we can all get engaged um I think it's that important uh Vice chair Kent thank you chairman putting um I'll make that comment just a second but I'll just say even though I made the motion for this I want you chairman to know and Council I want you to know and the public that's here and listening it doesn't mean I'm going to support this but I'm supporting having the conversation I promised this Council something and that included all of you and I'm not going to play politics here but I'm I'm Gonna State some facts I don't know Jeff Brower really I I know he didn't support me in the election too bad because I won but he made a decision his decision he didn't know me he doesn't know me we've never had a phone conversation we don't hang out nothing like that but I promise this Council if you have something that's important to you it's important to me removing the three-day waiting period on gun sales creating a program at the jail so our inmates can have a farm to table sort of you know situation there talking about a Motocross in a wildly inappropriate location [Laughter] okay but but darn it you read our rules this isn't the oneperson gladiator show you better have some people that like your ideas or you're going to get nothing accomplished like me or don't like me agree with me or don't agree with me for all of us I there's things you bring up that I like and things you bring up that I think are wackadoodle but let's have the discussion because each of you represent over 100,000 people and if it's important to you it's important to me and I'm going to offer you the exact same thing that I'm giving every council member nothing more nothing less I think it's disingenuous to not give you that opportunity that's why I made the motion and that's why I I stand by the motion I hope that you all would would do that for me you can shoot me down with it if you don't like my idea once you've heard all of the facts but gosh not having the conversation not having the conversation about getting our local V County residents on the beach at no extra charge with their vehicles notice I said no extra charge not not free because they're already paying for it and guess what the Consultants gave us 8 million reasons why this is a good idea $8 million new dollars which is going to be coming back up to us George I'm hoping pretty soon here but if we didn't have if you didn't allow me to have that conversation it would have been dead in the water and that doesn't feel good and um I want to give you the same opportunity to to be successful on something that's important to you which is why I want to support this today thank you councilman Johansson yes sir I I'd like to add uh so the Public's aware um we we had a few Merchants here uh that support driving on the beach and and thank you very much for coming um uh in addition to that we received a bunch of email from a bunch of hoteliers um in the area and and I consider them um business owners in the area too and and by and large not 100% but by and large they are opposed to it for for opposite reasons different reasons are big they don't live here you got one of them is a foreign investor all that doesn't matter they are business owners here and and they have a right to uh Express their thoughts about how their uh tenants how they're how the people that fill those beds and what they think and and those folks get feedback and and provide it and um uh so so part of part of that input is is important to me too and like I said um the majority of them um are are not for it so I I have to take that into consideration as well and and oh by the way getting that information happened pretty quick happened within within days so um I'm I'm just a I'm a a little bit I I I go along with Mr Robbins on this I think more homework could have been done prior to bringing it to us I don't I don't necessarily see the rush and and therefore I'm I'm a little I'm I'm a little less torn than than Mr Dempsey is on it at this point Thank You councilman Robbins thank you chair I just want to offer some clarity to things Carissa can you restate the motion for us the motion was to direct staff to bring the item back to us and look at all of the pros and cons to bring back driving from International Speedway Boulevard to Auditorium Boulevard in Daytona Beach thank you that was awesome okay to bring back information my point was Council we want to take a vote to request information that none of us need a vote or permission to ask for that information that is the motion essentially none of us need the permission or the vote to ask for information to staff to bring it back to paint this picture that this Council does not support Economic Development uh chair or the prior counsel I think is highly false and and and to the point chairman uh about two years ago you had actually voted to to cut the economic development budget by 2 to four million so I just want to be clear on that that that that statement is false and I I don't want this counsel or myself or anybody to get that black eye um uh or paint a picture to our business community that we rely on that we do not support our businesses because uh we we absolutely do um at this point point we're looking to bring back information I don't have a problem with that but is this at this point we know that we don't need a a vote to ask for information from our staff this isn't our first rodeo are we doing this for just politically symbolic I want to be effective and efficient with our time there's a a way to do this in a process it's nothing against the the the the the merchants it's nothing against Beach driving I think there's some political theater here I think it was impeccably timed and we're voting on essentially something we don't need permission to vote on we don't need permission to get the council's uh permission to get this information uh essentially that's the motion I'm just putting the dots together for you was that it okay I don't see anybody else up uh but that was a almost an accusation and so I'm going to respond to it I didn't use my five minutes what you just said is absolutely false we I did need to ask uh for that information I went to the county attorney and asked him and he said bring it before the council and get them to agree to allow us to dig in and bring you back this information there's just a lot here that has to be done this vote I'm not asking you to vote on beach driving today I'm asking you to allow the County Attorney to do what he has told me needs to be done that he wrote in the package for this item of the four things that have to be done and in order to do that he needs this Council to direct him to do that that's that's what the vote is for that's what I'm asking I don't see anybody else that wants to talk so um I'm going to uh ask Isa to call for the vote to move this ahead in an incremental step to bring back the information that the um uh to direct the county staff to bring back the information that they have told me they need County Direction County Council direction for councilman Robbins thank you uh for the record believe Mr Dyer uh did provide this information on beach driving sir when when you had brought it back up in in 2022 we had an agenda item on it he did provide all that information and I believe it was in uh attached to the agenda item um I saw the headlines for it last night when I Google searched it I saw the West TV uh uh update on it and it was from somewhere in 2022 maybe October so we you and I have been provided this information on it chair I just don't want to get amnesia different different Council and the attorney said I needed to get the my my point was Council to vote for you and I have the information you're saying you don't have the information you brought it up two times thank you hasn't been brought before this Council caressa would you please call the role Mr Reinhardt no Mr Robbins no Mr Dempsey yes Mr Johansson no Mr Kent point of clarification yes chair what is your point um Mr Dyer correct if this a 33 vote it dies th that's correct if I am on the winning side of this can I bring this back up the answer is I think yes I just want to hear it from you publicly you can make a motion to reconsider the vote because Mr Santiago is not here and we're not a full Council so I'm going to play little chess right now News Journal any other media that's here I'm going to vote no on this so that I have an opportunity to bring this back up when Mr Santiago is here because I think this needs the full discussion of the entire Council puts a lot of weight on Mr Santiago but you know hey that's part of the job Mr Dyer is that correct that I can bring this back up if I if I'm on the winning side of this if if you're on the prevailing side yes if you're on the prevailing side you would make a separate motion to reconsider if it would come back right I would I would need Maj Mr Santiago to be with the majority and any may not so to the Main Street merchants and to all of those out there this is strictly a chess move no Mr Brower uh yes so the uh motion fails for this time at um 4 to 2 2 yeses four NOS thank you don't come up yet thank you all who came in go eat dinner we will uh we will take a break until 7:30 um it's almost 7 o'clock I don't eat I don't know yeah it's almost seven is that the sun's still out thank you do do the right do the right thing I'm surprised that well I don't know about that we should have all the information back e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] w [Music] f [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the vucha County council meeting the meeting will begin in 5 minutes [Music] down he [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he [Music] you have do welcome to the vucha County council meeting the meeting will begin in 2 [Music] minutes that's a right there [Music] that's all was [Music] F yes [Music] yeah exact okay we will resume the meeting at 7:31 um with item six amendment number one to agreement number W go36 with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and budget resolution appropriating Grant funds this one's Revenue it is thank you Mr Mr chair council members good evening Ben Bartlett Public Works director before you um on this item is an amendment to our grant agreement with the D um for an additional revenue of $25 million for the upgrades to our Southwest Regional Water Reclamation facility down in De Barry uh this brings our total uh grant-funded amount of money on this project to just over $60 million um we are currently in design anti ipate uh awarding for construction in this fall and then completing said construction uh at the end of 2026 and recommend approval of the uh Amendment as well as a budget resolution for a previous Grant from the water mandrin district as well as this amount of money happy to answer any questions you might have motion to approve a motion to approve item six by Vice chair Troy Kent second second by [Music] councilman Johansson is it you don't mind if I give it to him either way he can take it any uh questions we also have Michael oror here if anybody had a oh you're here for the next one no actually shout out to Mike he's working hard to get this grant money for us he deserves all the credit on this one okay questions comment all in favor say i i i any opposed and motion carries 6 to zero item seven contract with amcon Development Group LLC for the Spruce Creek Flyin Water Treatment Plant improvements yes sir so this is an award of a Construction contract for some upgrades to our uh Spruce Creek Flyin water treatment facility um it's some much needed work needs to be done out there to bring that facility uh up to uh current standards um the engineer's opinion and cost was 2.1 million lowest respons and responsible bid was 1.78 million from amcon and we recommend approval of the contract happy to answer any questions move approval that was vice chair okay Vice chair uh Kent makes a move to approve second just came from uh councilman Reinhardt questions for staff discussion all in favor say I I any opposed and the motion carries 6 to Zer well done Michael thank you item eight discussion on removal of criteria four and five from consideration in review of variance applications and approval for the growth management director or designate to wave the 2-year survey requirement for variance application director Irvin good evening clay Irvin director of growth and Resource Management uh back in March uh council member Santiago identified that there had been some conflicts where staff was making recommendations of denials on variances and you saw the pdrc approving it excuse me the planning Land Development regulation commission approving them and some of those were coming here in front of you as far as an appeal and he felt that perhaps a revisit of those criteria bringing back to you what originated in 2021 from the actual planning and Land Development regulation commission was to drop two of the five criteria entirely out of consideration um we currently have five criteria that staff evaluates they have to meet all five for staff to recommend approval first one are their special conditions or exist or circumstances for the property that the circumstances and special conditions are no result of the property owner and that literal literal interpretation of the code will deprive the property owner of a right shared by others the two that we are talking about possibly getting rid of are the variance granted as the minimum minimum variance that will make it possible for reasonable use of the property building or structure or sign and that the grant of variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose and of this article in the Count's compreh Ive plan so if this is done uh what would happen is you would have those three criteria that are still uh as I said that are really tied to making it a unique circumstance so it's not going to make it necessarily any easier it's just going to allow for those three criteria uh the council uh is also being brought up to speed on what we require for a variance currently we require a variance uh a survey no uh older than two years uh we want to make it consistent with what we do with other applications which allow it up to five years and and typically what we're looking at is if you have a survey that's three to four years old and we can verify through aerial photography that the survey is accurate and precise then we would be able to accept those so staff is really here for your direction if you feel that this is an appropriate action we can prepare an amendment to the zoning ordinance present it to the planning land planning and Land Development regulation commission and bring it back for your action after that councilman Johansson yes hey clay white um is there is there any Merit to having five and three of them be mandatory and two of them be optional or or are you that was the original concept that the planning Land Development regulation commission wasn't that that was to keep all five but saying that you only had to meet a majority of those in order to gain a recommendation of approval from staff got it um but the importance of one through three more so than four and five yes sir you know again that really identifies why a variance is needed you don't want to just hand out variances because someone doesn't like the setback that they're or the height restriction they have you want to make sure that there is a unique circumstance that allows for this deviation from the zoning regulations that would normally be applied so that's why you see one two and three are that way but again if the council feels that keeping all five but making it such that staff only has in their review if they find that a majority of the criteria are met can make a recommendation of approval approval that's another option uh that's the end of my questioning any other questions uh any comment Jake Johansson thank you sir I I'm we we're going to have a workshop either this year or next and uh to talk about permitting and whatnot and and and I I want to allow staff to be smart but agile I want them to engage their brains and and be able to make decisions I would like to give them as much latitude as we can possibly give them um to get things approved uh uh and and and go to plr DC with a with a good product so I'm I'm inclined to um to give them the latitude to to give them the option of of picking the the three that that fit if you will or or that they that they have to have a preponderance of the criteria um and and also to to wave the survey I think that's important so um uh is that clear clay I can make a motion well I think we're in order for us to take action we would want a motion specifically directing staff to prepare an amendment if you want me to I can kind of like yeah yeah go ahead and I'll tell you if that's what I want uh so what I'm hearing is uh prepare an amendment to the zoning ordinance to allow for uh U staff to utilize three of the be a majority of the five criteria making recommendations to the planning and Land Development regulation Commission on applications of variances and granting the growth and Resource Management director op uh availability of waving the two-year requirement if sufficient data is available that is my motion Carissa did you get all that motion did okay uh motion is uh as just stated by uh Don uh I'm Sorry by um Jake Johansson I'm looking at all the names here and the second uh came from Matt Reinhardt any further questions Jake did you have a no okay no other questions any comments all in favor of the long motion just stated say I I I any opposed motion carries 6 to0 item nine appointment of three members to the Personnel Board and this Chris you can correct me and give us some more detail but I believe any member could make this any councilman can make this nomination correct any member can make this nomination I did just want to make note that Vince Ryan he was recently appointed to the educational facilities Authority that is a dual is holding board so he would not be able to serve or be appointed to the Personnel Board at this time so that leaves uh that would leave maryan Connors and Paul chipo to be appointed to the board we actually need three so we will'll only get two today the board can continue to function right I think with two we got a quorum so we can function and go and we'll keep recruiting for the third I did also want to note that between the time this agenda item was posted um another member did resign so there are two additional vacancies if you appointed these two people today oh we we'll work on that but two is a start is it that tough of a board active board busy board it's not uh it's not that active uh it but it has usually three four cases a year and uh but what we our our pressing part is also to make any changes or updates to the Merit rules and regulations uh the Personnel Board has to review that as well that's the The Log Jam we're facing right now and there are rules that are dated that need to be changed and updated as laws have changed so so if Council acts on the two today we'll return with the other two shortly okay uh Matt Reinhardt I'd like to nominate Maryann Connor Reinhardt nominates Maryann Connors and Danny Robbins nothing okay I was left up we have another nomination I I'm I'd like to nominate uh Paul chipo Jake Johanson nominates Paul chiok and that's all that we have available today um and yeah that'll work okay um Jake any question or comment I thought you punched it it you just didn't punch hard enough okay uh all in favor of the two nominees Maryanne Connor and Paul chipo uh answer in the affirmative yes and he opposed he threw his off with that we used to be seeing it differently it totally it bungled us up I had four heard four different responses um all in the affirmative though so the the two are um nominated and approved 6 to zero we have one more uh on item 10 at large Westside and District 4 appointments to the cultural Council correct and these nominations would need to be from within the council members District so it would need to be on the west side for Mr Johansson and within District 4 for Mr Kent says district one Westside would that not be done it was right Mr Johansson had previously appointed Reggie okay and so um even though it's district one she is the only wests side gotcha applicant okay uh Vice chair K yes Council I'll nominate David Hart from the East side for the district four from District 4 and councilman Johansson sir I I'd like to I'm going to do a West Side Don because I care about the west side and that's all I get to choose um so Reggie Santilli was removed um uh doing missing two or three meetings but she had some personal issues that have been resolved and she's willing to jump back in so I'd like to nominate Reggie Santilli to be reinstalled okay and no applicants for District 5 still okay so we have uh Reggie sanelly nominated by U Jake Johansson Vice chair Kent nominated uh um David Hart any comments questions all in favor of these nominees say I I any opposed and the appointments are approve 6 to0 and that brings us at 7:46 to public participation and um John Nicholson jenon bide uh you should have got these on your uh desk um I was sitting on my porch uh somebody gave me a new magazine called new America was giving me a headache so I jotted down a couple of things that I thought one why we should not be where we were proposing it secondly a better location where there were no people we own the land and we had the possibility of having a fantastic uh location sorry Don I don't want a small I want a huge best of America facility so uh if you would please just take a look at it see what you think about it I know my handwriting is the pits but you could read most of it uh secondly with regard to a comment we had earlier on five uh sorry Jeff those pictures it's our slowest uh time of the year secondly the weather was not great and third I understand it's uh it's not really great on beat side but it is not anything that the county did and thank God toi is here uh the county tried one time to have a city actually all of A1A to take a look at what could be done to improve it our mayor was on that committee and didn't show up did a couple of times but was no interest then it was brought before the city commission and it lasted all of about 2 minutes that was a discussion they refused to discuss it I'm sorry that's not working with the county there were the beginning if you look drive over the bridge take a look at the North End of the CRA seven buildings built before Jim Chism showed here seven he got an argument with Beats side and he says I can't work with him so for 17 years nothing was done on the beach side that's a long time we went through three economic booms and nothing was built how can you have it where they're building everywhere we had seven property or seven uh people trying to build hotels on the beach side in that area and the city voted it down seven times I mean Bellagio who would not want a Bellagio and the city said no right you can't do that and say you're for development all right no matter what you do if the city's not behind you and they're not going to help it's a waste of time like the meeting that we talked about all right the city would didn't back it a Year's worth of work by a lot of people and nothing got accomplished so I'm asking you remember I I said you have all of the communities got to be involved with dayona Beach because it fouls you all up think of all the money that we missing one of those projects $10 million a year in taxes and they didn't want it thank you and that brings us to uh closing comments from the county manager George reonal yes sir uh first I wanted to bring up Motocross uh well at the last uh meeting uh at the end of the meeting you know we talked about uh we were going to be looking at other locations and we sent out uh um well you requested and we're getting together maps and stuff of of other uh lands we're diligently working on that as we speak uh I guess I just looking for uh Direction on the on the the landfill site uh do because of the concerns that are out there and we are looking at other areas I didn't uh I wanted to know if you guys wanted me to stand down from that site and put our efforts uh into the other sites that we're looking at okay uh let's find out uh councilman Johansson thank you sir uh yes I I fully support um um bailing on this site at this point and the other thing that that Don mentioned the other day is that the $10 million price tag if it's a different place and it costs more than 10 mil I think I'm still out but um at this point there's enough uh concern from uh um a plethora of east and west side constituents that that I think I think it's um I think it's in our best interest to look at other places um uh and you know uh on and that same vein um I would I'm I'm hoping you're talking to again other cities to find out because I I know there's other lands that you might might have access to to make this work with somebody else we talked to the we have talked to the city of Daytona Beach because of what they're doing yeah and uh we also uh we're leaving no stone unturned and again I think this the importance is the overall price tag uh and you know yes that was on our land we already had but if it's going to be super high to develop it it might be better off getting land that's easier to develop and that's the what we'll weigh and we'll bring back and hopefully we'll have a couple of options to come back with this time good thank you that that's my opinion thank you thank you uh don Dey I'm sorry done hold up I want to hear about the jail first before we need hear something about corrections uh councilman Reinhardt NOP not going to bring it up so there you lost the bet um I was going to say the same thing with respect to uh the location and the price tag um are you looking for a motion in a second do you need that or is it it would be helpful just not so much for me but I think more for the public out there to to I'll make a motion to look for a different location to abandon this this location okay councilman Reinhardt I'm I'm a a tad bit disappointed that you did not take that opportunity right there from councilman Dempsey to say yes you to say yes you were going to create a program for small engine repair and have this thing working out of the jail darn it keep a fast ball hide inside he didn't swing second we don't have one yet okay we have a motion uh by Matt Reinhardt to direct the county manager and staff to look for alternate locations and seconded by Jake Johansson I think and to uh and ignore this one yes I said to abandon this one to abandon this one I just need some clarification okay Matt um is this to abandon the propos location or excuse me the the location that we had that the meeting on or the landfill property as a whole that location that was mentioned so just that specific okay I'll wait for uh discussion councilman Dempsey yeah I I seem to be the point guy on this issue and just for the record yeah I know and I've said this over and over at nauseum and but for this Consulting group I would have never been labeled as being the councilman who wants to uh bring in a $10.3 million facility right next to Halifax Drive because I'm I've never once said $10.3 million I said I don't want to spend any more on this than we do on pickleball okay which I think has been totaled at 3.5 million I do think if we're going to spend $35 million to help people play pickle ball we should at least spend three and a half million to uh help kids have a place to ride because I think we all know that there's a need for it there is a demand for it even the people who are opposed to it still aren't against they all agree there's a need for it so yeah I don't want this location I didn't want it from the beginning but somehow it just ended up in my lap and I guess that's the way this job works but no I agree we should find a new location I'm not trying to impose this sport in somebody's backyard like I told that nice lady the last meeting I don't want I wouldn't want this in my backyard I get it so though I I do agree there might be other locations I think we should have probably hired Mr Nicholson as a consultant before we flew these people in from Chicago and spent all that money to have them come up with a $10.3 million price tag which to me is absurd and I would never support a $10 million price tag on this either and the location I don't believe they thorough I don't think they looked into it at all quite frankly I think it's a terrible location and but there is a need and I think we got to go somewhere with this because there is definitely a demand out there for it um and I would like to explore the other areas of the Landfield like John pointed out because I actually met with an environmental consultant about John's proposed location to the east side of where that or the north side of where that meeting was held and it seems like that might actually be a feasible spot and I believe it's further or far enough away that the neighbors to the South wouldn't complain but I'd like to explore that as as well so yes just 100% no 10.3 million and not that particular location on landfill property so thank you guys for at least entertaining all this Motocross discussion since I brought it up over a year ago thanks pleas chair Kent thank you chairman and not only entertained it but I think you had if not unanimous close unanimous support to entertain it and talk about it which goes back to my point earlier tonight of this is not a one person show you have to have support um if you want to get anything accomplished and then on this issue I publicly want to thank John Nicholson because you came with a solution you know you don't you don't just come here and and tell us you know we're doing good or doing poorly but you came with you thought this out and you put effort into it and um I will leave mine here to be included you have a copy okay for the official public record I'm I'm pleased that you have that and Don you know I didn't know you until the I never met you till our first day when we got sworn in and um for a guy that's voted down everything I've ever wanted to do I always tell people they say how about Don Dempsey and I go he's a heck of a nice guy I can't get him to support anything but he's a heck of a nice guy I'm pleased that you've allowed and I think it's how you live your life common sense to rule the day I too never heard you talk about $10 million or that specific location so I'm in agreement with this motion um that we uh I think Jake how did you how did you word it no no I know but when Jake spoke first he said something about did you say Nick's the location or you use something else yeah I probably said Nicks cancel it wasn't it was it was great whatever it was n next so I'm I'm I'm in agreement with that I think we can look at at other locations and just like you would not bring something as wildly outrageous as $ 10.5 million I would not bring up an idea on how to get our BL kind of residents on the beach at no charge without a real solution which was 8 million new dollars I'm still working on you Don I'm still working on you thank you councilman Robbins thank you I just wanted to make sure um Matt Don that um you know listening to the uh community's concerns I just didn't want to take the north side of landfill off the table because um um towns west you know traffic wouldn't be going down that way and it could be used still using as an outlet um and help alleviate any traffic impacts the area um we wouldn't be able to uh obviously use that that bad corner there I'm not not in favor of that by Halifax by any means but on the North side I just didn't want to take that off the table just yet because um you know there is uh um we have some good buffers there you know and in in some good area so um I'd also like to see you know I looked at a lot of the uh proposals it's kind of like we got the TSH Mahal price um you can't eat an elephant one bite just like Rome wasn't conquered in a day you know and um I think if we kind of get a uh not just a Taj Mahal price but hey let's get our foot in the door price and let's see how this works up and evolve um maybe we don't need a black top roads in a black top area maybe we can get away with shell or or millings maybe we don't need um electric and and Sewer dumps on the property just yet there's plenty of campgrounds that don't have it guess what you can call up a um a portter truck to come pump your stuff and it's and it's and and you're done or take it with you um but I would just go with the bear I would just keep in mind uh Don and go with the bear Basics uh for now and staff if we can get um almost like different levels whenever we you know whenever we're looking at it uh let's get a Bare Bones price on on these projects and then get the uh the uh power windows and power seats price you know all the bells and whistles so um that's it thank you I I agree with uh everybody George I think um except I would I I don't want to change the motion or the second but I'm going to have a hard time supporting um anything on County property my preference would be and I think you have some options is private property run by a private operator and then the taxpayers of Lucha County have a pretty good protection from liability and um um so uh don Dempsey clear we're so we're not this Motion in the second we're voting on is not to eliminate the entire landfill property just the proposed site directly north of Halifax and just to remind you what Russ said there's government protections government immunity that Russ talked about last time we were here and remind you the Speedway Daytona Speedway is County owned property and that's a very a much more dangerous location that Mr Johansson risks his life on frequently race car at his age to to boot but I'm kid said that last time the speedway was County owned property I'm not really sure that's that clear cut um well and I did talk to the county attorney about it there's there's differences in those two examples because um and we can speak more on it but the the uh Speedway property is leased to the racing District race District insur leases that to um NASCAR NASCAR so NASCAR is obviously going to be responsible by contract for their own liability so um what Russ was none of this is saying that liability is a concern that should kill the project or support the project through just liability there is uh some protection in general law from strict liability for governments operate this kind of property um and but if we're negligent which we have people alleged that whether they're right or wrong often we would have to defend that but um we can provide more information on that okay and I think a lot depends on how you structure it whether it's a third party operating it with the lease where they have to provide their insurance or are we operating it and it's our problem there's lots of different ways may I respond to that because I have a little bit of understanding a corporate law myself and uh will will it Point order okay I'll be quiet no I just want to know if it'll affect the the vote to abandon and pursue all Alternatives if it doesn't then it's a conversation for later to abandon abandon the current property that's not okay you're right I'll just I'll just back down but I respectfully disagree with that line of thinking as well I think we could do exactly the same as what Nascar and the Speedways doing on this property through the prop proper structuring MH I'm not sure you and I are disagreeing okay I just want to make sure that weing it to a if you're leasing it Tod party that's responsible for their own negligence then point order that would defend and adify us I don't think you and I are disagree and what is your point the point is that the the banter that's going out does is not gerine to the motion you're right the motion is are we going to abandon the current Motocross location and as George said leave no stone no stone unturned in finding an alternate location it was clarified that it doesn't include getting rid of any other part of the landfill including where the garbage is now as far as I'm concerned so the only thing that that we're not doing anymore is considering the current location that Hunden provided us with the diagram so this conversation does have anything to do with that I would like to call a question or okay Mr Kent on there Mr Kent wants to talk and I to answer your question nobody's abandoned the the motion uh yet it hasn't changed Vice chair Kent no I didn't and to clarify I didn't say abandon the motion abandon the property and had we done that it would have abandoned the motion is what I meant so we have not abandoned the property Vice chair Kent uh thank you George if this gets voted on the affirmative I'm just my uh I respectfully request that you direct a um press release to go out asap about us abandoning this location and that we reach out to the good people on Halifax Drive and and just let them know so they can sleep better at night exactly our here my whole intent of bringing it up is to get some people a little rest thank you perfect okay so we this motion on the floor still stands uh uh seconded by Matt Reinhardt uh or motion by Matt Reinhardt second by Jake Johansson we've knocked it around all in favor say I I any opposed the motion carries six to zero well you did you have speak well speaking of rest uh I was just going to uh say that uh I will be out next week uh for a few days uh taking a few personal days this conin will be uh in charge in my absence and I am always available uh via phone so with that I hope uh everybody uh has a great holiday weekend we got a big coming up it's big out at the beach we'll have a lot of people busy I always like to uh remind everybody the County government has a lot of people that work uh through holidays night shifts um so when we're out there enjoyin a holiday I just like to always think about all those who don't get to do that because of all the nature of what we do and I just send out my appreciation to all of them thank you thank you uh Michael have a good evening okay that brings us to uh councilman Reinhardt thank you chair um I would Echo George what you said to all those that are out there working over this holiday we pray they have a safe one um I sit on a couple other boards other than the six that were assigned from the county uh one of which was the Boys and Girls Club um which I'm very passionate about we had an event this last Friday for celebrate the children it was a terrific rfic event um a lot of money was raised um and uh which helps that project and or that program quite a bit so if you get the opportunity in upcoming years I would recommend you attend um there is another one I sit on the domestic abuse Council and there is a an event coming up on Saturday June 8th um we are attempting to get a uh a rehab done to the current facility uh which is well needed and a lot of these dollars will help with that for uh individuals that are in need that are victims of domestic violence and lastly uh Happy Memorial Day to all thank you councilman Robbins I don't have much I was looking for a showdown between uh Don and and Mike I've always been curious to see where that would go but uh no uh everybody did a good job staff thank you for uh everything you guys did and you guys have a good holiday be safe councilman Dempsey no I think it was fishing Saturday night with my son watching the sun go down and I just started thinking I wonder if the liability for the speedway would be the same as the liability for a motocross track if we structured it in the same way as a uh as the speedway so Mike what do you think could we structure this Motocross site on County owned property to have the same protections that the speedway enjoys with their races on County owned property you could perhaps get there if you're talking about a situation where you're leasing County property to a private party they operate they're responsible and it and defend and identify us isn't that choice C there's three choices yeah there's one that'd be one structure yeah so that's one of the options that's been presented to us a which is county owned operated and everything B private public partnership or see the same thing the speedway enjoys right yeah yeah okay so if we choose option C we're right in bed with the speedway with the same protections right so if Jake gets hurt he's got as much chance of suing us from his car as he would jump in a triple on his dirt bike that's one of the attractive options to Contracting with a third party right okay so I would ask that the staff continue to look at County owned property look at the other locations at the landf at the landfill because they may work best so and that's all I have thanks guys okay and there being no objections counselor uh we'll go to Jake Johansson a bunch but quickly um I attended the East Central Florida Regional planning com uh Council uh this week with uh Danny um few things that uh I want you to have a little bit of situational Awareness on uh couple months ago weeks ago our uh lawyer or councel for the uh Regional planning Council passed away unexpectedly so we put out an RFP for new law firm and they will take over on October 1st uh until then uh our our previous law firm uh will pick up what this lawyer was doing for us um uh the regional planning Council will have a EOC tabletop with uh with our crew coming up in the next uh I think it's next week if I recall um so they'll be help facilitating that and they are spending a lot of time working on Military resilience mainly uh on the space coast and in Orlando um with some some minimal effects on us uh on to Career Source board um as I think you recall uh they are going through a merger where uh bravard is merging with merges a a two nice of a word they're they're they're absorbing the flag Valu uh Career Source uh Administration so uh we're in the middle of that right now the uh result will be a threers Consortium which will be one bravard County council member one Valia County council member and one Flagler County council member most major decisions for the Career Source provard flly Valia that have equity in Valia County since we after all pay um uh all have to be um unanimous decisions for the most part so uh we will not be um um I don't want to call it bully but we won't be guided by bravard without having uh some say in it um the board positions as it turned out based on the Census Data Bard will have 13 board positions valua will have 12 and Flagler will have three that board sits right below the threers Consortium and that's the staff will um will answer to for day-to-day operations um uh Laura Coleman and The Bard and Flagler attorneys have been working very hard on the Ila the interlocal agreement um and and I am pretty satisfied that she's done a great job at getting us um uh equal footing with the new organization um and we are looking at the bylaw right now all this will happen on July 1st with the main intent of ensuring that our old Flagler Rua Career Source Services um are not hindered having said that there are already one or two that will fall off the plate at least in 2024 uh just because of all the things that are happening they can't juggle that many plates um but I will work with uh my counterparts to make sure that they get at least considered in the budget for 2025 uh one of the things that that I will ask um and it will I think I think it may come to you as part of the Ila that we need to discuss at the next meeting on June 6th will be my um my standby or my alternate and the suggestion from uh Career Source does that alternate be a staff member and I am suggesting uh that it be uh Suzanne uh unless George and Council say otherwise but um she'll be the Stucky um so so that's it and and that Ila uh will will be on our agenda for June 6th uh something has to be done prior to July 1st so um uh take a read through that and ask staff any questions you have um Motocross we talked about thank you for that um I would like the public to know that yes Matt Danny and I are are friends and we find ourselves in the same place a lot but we're not old buddies and we don't talk outside the sunshine so just to be clear um I I think you hand this out Mike to everybody or George yeah I think John put that out there for everybody that uh Bookers gave you all this these are uh some talking points uh that have already gone I think to uh uh Congressman wal uh we missed the the cut off this year um and then um we talked about it a little bit this afternoon and everybody kind of talked about staff's uh work this weekend I appreciate that very much uh don't forget that this this holiday coming up is Memorial Day and a lot of people aren't able to sit in these chairs and and state their opinions about the freedoms we don't give them or the freedoms we do give them because they gave their lives for those freedoms so um I I hope you all at least take a second to think about all those people and if if you don't can't grasp how me it many it is um YouTube a video of of or uh take a look at a YouTube video of somebody walking through Arlington or or the veterans uh cemeteries around the nation and see how many white uh tombstones there are uh for for the folks that have that have passed for our freedom and and that's just State Side there's plenty of uh of others in Europe so uh it's pretty amazing and um it's important that we take the time to to remember those those gentlemen and ladies that gave their lives for us thank you sir Vice chair Troy Kent thank thank you chairman and um at large member Joe Hansson I can't say it any better than you just did about Memorial no about Memorial Day thank you for bringing that up and sharing that with everybody if anybody doesn't know where to go to a Memorial Day ceremony Orman Beach at Rockefeller Gardens on Monday will'll have yet again an amazing event I believe it starts at 9:00 A.M but don't hold me to that and um I'd love to see you there if you can make it just a a couple of things the first thing I want to do is I want to thank this Council the gentleman that got up that brought his wife and his kids to the meeting talked about how he had to take off time to for from work to attend this meeting and it's my hope that he only had to take a couple of comp hours because this Council voted to have half of our meetings in the afternoon early evening George thank you for being uh thoughtful on the agendas on our evening meetings it's it's much appreciated and I just thank this Council for um their support with with that yesterday I had a great District dialogue for residents meeting at the Orman Beach Library it was a wonderful turnout there was excellent conversation and discussion my next District dialogue for residents will be in four months on Monday September 16th at the Holly Hill City Hall from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. we talk about anything that any of the constituents or members of the public that want to talk about I just have two more quick things George I loved loved what I heard tonight is that you're taking a few days off it's it's you and Mike are the only employees that we can direct I almost feel like we should direct you and Mike to take time off and I I'm not saying that to be funny I think we're all better when we stop and recharge our batteries a little bit you two it's it's almost like you're married to the job and it's not a dig at you it's the job it requires a tremendous amount from you and I'm going to say take this time and I'm going to ask you to please take more time when you deem it appropriate and George that's not just for you that's for Mike now unfortunately you two I'm also going to ask you keep your phones on you because if something happens we we need you um My Hope is that what I'm sharing with you it will then transfer to all of your employees the only difference is please tell them to not take their phones with them they need to go and enjoy and recharge their batteries and get away from it and just enjoy be be married to their spouse you know at the end of the day this is this it's it's just a job and I'm appreciative of the work that all of your staffs do but George and Mike you are the lightning rods at times um but that's why you get paid the big bucks so take your time and take and take more time I I loved hearing that you're taking some time off Mike you're up you need to do it next and last but not least uh my baby who is 17 is is graduating on Friday I can't believe it bit so I want to congratulate him and all seniors throughout Valia County that are graduating this week you know hard work equals great results and I'm proud of all of the seniors and uh especially proud of mine thanks thank you just a uh a couple things um I also had several uh town halls in the last um week um one of them was not advertised at all because it was a Halifax yacht club which is a private organization and they asked that it not be made public so they invited their members it was quite interesting a good turnout and just like Mr Kent just said uh when I go I don't go with a canned speech I introduce myself might say a couple things and I just open it up for questions the public loves to ask questions and I think it helps with the constant complaint that we hear that government doesn't pay attention to us and nobody listens so it's good to get out and listen the one last night at the City of Lake Helen I actually did with um uh Webster Barnaby the the um uh their local representative and it was U very interesting uh questions glad that we went um did a lifeguard Proclamation at headquarters and he's standing in the back of the room so I'm going to say this I was really glad that Mark Swanson attended that with me I think it I think the staff that was there appreciated it um it it doesn't surprise me that you were there but just showing interest in your in the men and women that that work there uh I enjoy their questions and and their update on what they it's it's everybody knows it's been a tough year for them with the change in um law enforcement responsibilities and then the retirement of uh of uh their their director of of um so mark thank you for coming to that you didn't eat any pizza did you no okay um then also one of the things I enjoy most uh is an opportunity that I get from serving on this Council was also working with the IRL Council and um been able to work with a private clam farmer who has leases from from St Augustine all the way down to Oak Hill and he periodically deposits young clams in the water because it helps clean the water it's a clams and oysters are are very helpful in in cleaning water there it's an all day Affair except for this time last week he deposited 10 million clams about the size of a head of a pin and if you look at them under a micr scope it looks just like a clam shell everything um just tiny but it took a few minutes because for the first time he deposited those clams from a drone so it was really interesting to see the blend of technology and um God's creation of clams to clean up water and I I look forward to that um Mike Sullivan and I and the director of the IRL Dr defreeze are working on a program to restore the seafood industry in Valia County and it will it will start with with clams and oysters that's it's you know started now but it needs to greatly expand and um he's uh Mike Sullivan just has tremendous ideas on how to do that along with um Dr Osborne at Whitney research lab in St Augustine so I'm excited about seeing that develop um the um Clay is not here so I oh he is shoot I was going to talk about you if you weren't here I wanted to thank uh clay and Carrie linger um we've all had residents call in and say I've had trouble with something in the county uh um I had a had a con well he's not really a constituent he's not a full-time resident here he owns homes of South Carolina and volia and Valia is his secondary home but he had an issue that he couldn't get solved with permits with fence and windows um use good competent uh contractors to do that who didn't call for the um the final inspection and the resident didn't know he was supposed do he thought the anyway I spoke to Clay about it and and he this part-time resident has a home up for sale and it was closing in a few days and he was in an absolute Panic now I don't know what he sounded like when when Carrie spoke to him but uh to make a really long story short they were able because the the permits had been pulled they expired they were able to um resubmit the permits and get it taken care of in a really timely manner and I love seeing that uh we're not always able to act that fast and be that responsive because Clay's division is is one of the busiest um in the county but clay I wanted to say I Carrie's not here I hope that you will pass that along to Carrie tell him that the the um the resident appreciates it he went from a I never want to come to valua County again to well maybe I'll buy another property so we'll see what happens there so the next thing I want to say I wanted to preface it with that because I I do appreciate the hard work that code enforcement does um Mike I had brought up before the Mike Dyer the possibility of um code enforcement officers wearing body Canam because it protects them from hearsay from you know from it protects them it also protects business owners and property owners that they know that um it helps them trust us more that they know that what we say stands Mike you sent out an email and said there are some considerations about that since they're not um uh pure law enforcement um so my question to you is I I would like to continue that discussion what what do we need to do you need to to bring it back to the council and discuss all those different um parameters and the way it will affect us and we are um we are in the process with my office and George's staff bringing something back to you for you to have that discussion uh discussion um uh based on prior Council Direction what makes it a little the best we can tell it has not not really been fully embraced by non-law Enforcement Officers by your local governments yet and I think the reason is doesn't mean you can't do it I think the reason is that because of the Privacy statute on recording uh because they're not law enforcement they're not exempt so they have to get consent and and violations of it are scary because the personal liability of the code officer you can see the county and it's a it's a felony so you would have to get consent before you would start recording before they ever turn it on or and or because I think you could do this at the same time or maybe Su pursue this you know we'll say this when we have the fault presentation to you is we could ask the legislature to have changed that Privacy Law to include your code officers in that exemption um I I will say that the way the law is written now it does it does put your staff that would be using them that aren't law enforcement in a more difficult position they're going to have to be trained on how to do that and obtain consent and that's something that police officers currently don't have to do for example if I come up to you and I'm a code officer I have to get your consent before I can start hit record on my button writing in writing or I could be charged with a crime so it does put a little more burdens or obligations on your staff if if you to do that okay but you're bringing it back we can discuss it uh councilman Robbins something on this yeah just to support you on that uh I don't know if I I brought it up or not um Street crimes and when we did knock and talks and stuff like that we would always even though we had a body camera we would always have a form that we would deploy uh as well it literally took 10 seconds to read the form to the the person that you did whether it's a casual contact uh or a uh you know a reason that you you were there took 10 seconds to get that form uh signed you f it away and uh you could still maneuver around some with the proper protections but I would I would be willing to support you with that and uh as well as make it a legislative um priority but at least we'll have the form or a uh uh in the event uh that um legislative action isn't taken we can still push forward I think thanks okay uh next to last thing we've talked about the uh the writing um this your idea was for competition um since that no the the motocross track it's competition get off the phone um the uh since that even before that's come up I've gotten a lot of questions from people that there's no place to ride and uchia County and that's a common thing I see on Facebook there's no place to ride in Valia County the uh I asked the uh Brad bball uh about that and he said no we actually have 32.6 miles of where you can legally ride an ATV not for competition but just for father son daughter mom daughter dad um and he sent a a map I think I think councilman Robbins has posted did that map or that information before no about where you can ride an ATV and then in any case I'm going to post it pardon uh most of it is around uh lake Lake George Forest um not all of it but a lot of it so um I'll I'll ask uh I'll ask Brad to email that to you as well I can't email it to you I could email it Brad's gonna send it out I already talked to him to everybody good CU that would be good for the public to know it is popular it's a very popular sport and it would be nice I've I've heard from several riding clubs that have asked me why do we have no places to ride so we can give them this information I've not ever ridden there have you go to a cal forest and ride yeah but want it in vucha County well you you understand that's that's unmonitored very dangerous one-way trail system so there's a lot of head-ons you know I'm talking about in a controlled environment where there's flaggers where there's you know easy access for uh Personnel in case of an injury or something like that but yeah I know people who been severely hurt riding in those uncontrolled Trail systems but that's completely different than the sport of motocross that's trail riding and I understand that I is I I'm hearing from the public to say that why can't we go ride somewhere now and so I actually went pardon yeah I went through great that it exists I didn't know about that I went through that argument in New Hampshire never lived there but I would go up every winter and ride um um snowmobiles and same thing narrow you're talking about narrow pass um not two lanes and you're always looking for the other guy coming towards you the um some of the population tried to get rid of it completely and they did for for about a month and then um the writers banded together and I think the ratv writers would do the same they banded together and say look it's kind of like the dog beach what what what's being done we'll pick up we'll make sure there's no garbage there we'll we'll grade the but anyway that has nothing to do with us in New Hampshire except that it's could be similar to this a riding area for ATVs if clubs would agree to um police it keep it clean and um and uh do what they can to keep it safe um actually in New Hampshire the fear was head on collisions but it fortunately it never happened um I don't know if you can go is well you can go just as fast on his show a broken toe from my headon that I had on a trail snowb no dirt biking okay up up north all right thank you um so thank you George for sending that out to everybody and last thing I also want to mention Memorial Day my family really enjoys uh Veterans Day because there's there's a bunch of vets but Memorial Day is takes it uh several notches above um about three weeks before my father died at 89 years old he had served as a medic in the US Army he served as a medic during the D-Day evasion fortunately because he might not have ever come home he was not on the beaches of Normandy he was uh in London at a hospital that received the guys that got arms legs and heads blown off on the beaches um but he he received those guys that were flown in I had no idea until the last two weeks of his life when he finally o opened up I kep tell me about your service Dad they told me about an 18-year-old kid that came uh from Normandy he my father knew he was going to die the kid didn't know it cuz you probably don't want to admit it and he was literally my father's arms and the kid said I don't want to die but tell my mom and those were his last words and when he when he told me that it put Memorial Day in a whole another light because so many people Jake has already said this so many soldiers um didn't get to come home they gave their lives for us they put everything on the line and even some of the guys that came back like my father and thousands of other liked them were forever changed um because of what they saw and for their willingness to go up to that line and put themselves on the line so Memorial Day is really important might do we we probably have listed on our Facebook page or the website different Memorial Day events around the county pardon me yes sir we will post that as we get closer to the date toward the end of the week okay all right um that's all I have we will adjourn the meeting at 8:39 e