[Music] [Music] n [Music] he [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] welcome to the vucha County council meeting the meeting will begin in 10 minutes [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] w a [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the vucha County council meeting the meeting will begin in 5 minutes a [Music] a [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] welcome to the vucha County council meeting the meeting will begin in 2 minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I'll give the second the 60 second warning if everybody wants to find uh a seat we'll get started in 1 minute that's [Music] the all right okay everybody it is 4 o'clock we will call the June 18th 2024 vuia County council meeting to order at 4: p.m. um as you know for a lot of you are regulars we normally start with an invocation we're going to do that again today but it will be a personal invocation had several two reverends to come today and due to unforeseen circumstances they won't be here on time if you are a member of a faith group who would like to participate in the U invocations here please send an email to uh K green the letter K green vola.ro will get you all set up with what you need to know and and you are welcome uh to participate so if you would uh stand with me we'll have a a moment of of silence and then we'll go right into the Pledge of Allegiance United States of America stand okay carista would you call the role Please Mr Santiago here Mr dimsey here Mr Johansson Mr Kent Mr Reinhardt here Mr Robins here Mr Brower here we do have a quorum and uh councilman Kent is on his way we will start our meeting uh with public participation uh when I call your name um please come to the front Podium if you would make sure that one of those or both of those microphones are um uh are right in in front of you uh so that everybody can hear and this is a recorded uh meeting um you will have three minutes to talk about uh anything that you care to that affects our County and um there will be a time clock on the on the monitor in front of you and on the screen over my head um so please try and stay within the three minutes allotted we have a lot of people that want to talk um first we have Elizabeth Caro Caprio and you will be followed by uh Robin magera good afternoon my name is Elizabeth Caprio I'm from Port orangee District 2 I was here a couple weeks ago and and shared my comments with the Motocross that was proposed for the landfill off to mocha Farms our lack of notification and numerous other comments um Mr brador um got my attention as well as some others before the meeting was over and we stepped into the hall and had a meeting with him at which point he said that we had been heard and they were going to look for alternative sites and we would hear about that we thought okay it had been a long day we left then I found out from listening to the meeting and I was unable to meet make the last meeting that instead of doing the south end of the landfill now it's proposed to go to the North End of the landfill Hallelujah we flood the North End there's more water in the south end it makes things worse than what they've been and we have local streets in that area that have flooded Town West for a traffic Road for all the excess traffic that this at that anything at that proposed site would take the road is a little more than a mile long it is 100% residential none of the neighbors and strangers that I've talked to about this are excited or looking forward to it they don't want there are children involved in all this traffic it's there's nothing nice that I'm hearing um I looked up some stuff I wrote a whole lot that I wanted to say and the more I read what I wrote The Angry it sounded and I decided okay I'm just not going to read this um I'm going to ask that the entire landfill area landfill area be abandoned I haven't seen an economic study um excuse me I haven't seen an ecological study I don't know how safe it would be for people to participate and do anything safely on property that winds up having sand on top of it with God only knows what toxins in there I don't know that I want to be involved in the vuia County Council conducting a Prof per for profit hazardous Niche sport um I am asking that the landfill area be completely abandoned and I'm also asking that this project not be funded in any way with tax dollar one or anything from Echo if this Project's make so much money why hasn't Private Business moved in and wanted to do it somewhere in Valia County there's all kinds of race things that they can just add on to really so you want to put the people of uchia County at risk for what a couple people to have a nice time and make a lot of noise none of us are happy with this and we all vote thank you thank you Robin magiera followed by David Smith Rob magora Orin Beach Florida good evening it has been a long and tiring and stressful 10 months for the orand and valuchi County residents that have committed their time to stop the fuel terminal build in orand Governor Dan santis wants these terminals built for fuel resiliency in the State of Florida however if they are to be built they must be built and located in proper locations locations away from neighborhoods our fragile waterways and our Wetlands last week Governor D Santa signed the state budget included in the budget is a $10 million grant for the relocation of the fuel terminal to a location in valua bravard or Flagler County this action taken by the governor says in unspoken words that the whole Road location is not an appropriate build site for heavy industrial fuel facility as says it he stands with the citizens of Warman Beach it is long past due and now is the time for the county staff and Council to Stand United with the resident in the past I have heard more than one council member State fears of litigation and having to go into a court battle The Bert Harris act has been mentioned numerous occasions by staff and councel put those fears aside the government St with the Orman Beach and you as well it is my hope that the county staff and councel take the appropriate measures to ensure that the fuel terminal does not build on Hull Road and relocates out of uchia County as we await the decision of belador terminals we the residents will continue to monitor the process and progress ress and will remain active our work as vucha County residents is not over we have requested for months to have the I2 heavy industrial zoning in unincorporated valua County assessed changed and updated what what was once appropriate land zoning 15 30 20 years ago may not be appropriate today to quote councilman Kent on 615 615 2024 valua County Council needs to clean up what our zoning will allow so that we do not allow nonsense like that to ever pop up in an area next to Neighborhood hood and Recreation we have to take the lead as the valuch County Council and fix this problem as we move forward the county staff Council and the residents need to work together not against each other for the good of uchia County we need to work together to make the correct decisions for all of Luchia County as it grows to protect our neighborhoods our older neighborhoods from flooding to protect our Wildlife water supply fragile waterways environment land and our way of life I urge the staff and the council to take a step back and examine what has occurred is occurring and will occur and lushia County regarding growth seven men you the council are making the decisions that affect the lives of over 600,000 residents and future residents and generations of uchia County I ask that you the council make your choices and decisions in the future based on what's beneficial and right for all of Lucha County residents that they are not based UN beneficial to the builders and the wealthy I ask you this question all of you sitting up there in the council you will leave your legacy Mark here in valua County what do you want that Legacy to be thank you David Smith followed by Jean Bailey I'm Dave Smith I'm out of Orman Lakes Orman Beach we have good news our state government has provided funds for us and the governor has approved it for us to move this Fuel Depot and transfer station somewhere else I'm behind Miss Magle Ora completely on what she said I would like to know what the County Council is going to do to find an appropriate alternative site for this if we have some way to dedicate a body to do it uh I'd like to know who it is we have the funds Now please find an appropriate location thank you Jean Bailey followed by Stephanie Stone hello my name is Jean Bailey and I'm here today because my son um died of um a drug overdose in Daytona Beach at Dolphin Park on A1A in Aura since then I have went out and I have purchased vending machines to repurpose them into free Naran vending machines I was here at the council meeting on February 2nd and I brought this to the attention but it hasn't moved any place so today I'm here to request that you put it on your agenda for a vote and you vote Yes for these free Naran vending machines to be placed in valua County where my son died on the corner of A1A in Aura I would like to have one I did um go ahead and put one up and I was asked within 24 hours to take it down in that 24 hours 10 of the 12 boxes were taken I own the machines Belia recovery Alliance is Furnishing the Naran vending machines I maintain the machines I fill the machines it is my responsibility to do that I am retired and I W will be doing that I have one machine already set up at the stort Marchman location at 702 South Ridgewood Avenue I have Mo'Nique here that's going to tell you how it's working for them how many they dispensed how many lives they've been able to save because of these Naran free free Narcan vending machines um they're available 7 by 24 hours a day that way the people can go get them when they need them I know First Responders have them but nobody's going to go ask for one it causes a stigma to them they may be afraid they're going to be arrested for asking for it so that's the need for these machines around Bia County the most needed area is there at Stewart Marchman at Aura and A1A and also at the voltran bus station in Dand I was approached by Nicole at uh uh the bridge homeless shelder this last week I told her I was coming here to do this and she said you need to can I give you a suggestion you need to put a machine over there I was over there three times this week Nar Canon people by the time someone runs tells me they need it and I run back over there and give it to them it could be too late that is the reason for the machines um I'm being supported by the the uh Community uh Rick's Small Engine Repair he's modified machines for me um I have uh Jacobs fabricating I have a retired vet uh Eddie Santiago that are all helping me out of their goodness of their heart to repurpose these machines um um I have uh action um I have action signs that are giving me discounts on the stickers so please put this on your agenda and vote yes thank you very much thank you Stephanie Stone hello Council my name is Stephanie Stone and I'm here to support my friend Miss Jean Bailey in her request to install the free Naran machines at A1A and Ora Street in Daytona Beach as where as as well as anywhere else where they may be needed here in belusa County I am a young adult Mother of teenagers and I definitely support the free Naran vending machines uh Beachside and elsewhere the location that Miss Bailey is asking you to approve is a very heavily trafficked area as she spoke before you know that there's been overdoses there's been a need for this life-saving medication uh it's the difference between life or death it it really is an imperative issue that we would like for yall to put on the agenda and vote Yes on if my children were at the beach this summer and someone gave them something to drink with drugs in it or if they touch something with drugs on it in the public bathrooms or on the elevator buttons I would want them to be able to have easy and readily available access to this life-saving medication Because by the time police or First Responders get there it is usually too late um so I'm here to support uh Stuart Marchman and Miss Bailey and um to get the free Nar can available and like she said um she's got the Fabricators she's got the people that are making these vending machines um she just needs the approval for the locations and this is something this could be this could be your kids this could be your grandkids this could be your loved ones that are in need of this life-saving medication so I am here as a resident of Lake Helen in vucha County to um implore y'all to please improve and support Miss Bailey in this very needed and effective harm reduction tool and please put this on your agenda vote Yes and honor and support my friend as well as um Bradley Bailey who passed away this past uh September by allowing the machine at A1A and Aura in Daytona Beach thank you so much thank you [Applause] Mindy kid and you'll be followed by Jeff waym hi I'm Indie K I'm here at support of Jean Bailey and the the Naran vending machines um having grown up around here my whole life um and been around dayona Beach for you know several years i' I've seen where the homeless people and and the the drugs and everything and I've been approached and all there is definitely a need because these people are dying um I had a brother where dogs basically caused his death too and knowing what she's going through we need to do something so when these people do overdose or you know are are given something that is like relates with fentanyl or anything like that this is a life saving opportunity for everyone and we have the people willing to do it and willing to help and the need is no cost to the the county just give them the permission put it to a vote and let us do this and save a few lives thank you thank you Jeff wayer and you will be followed by uh Larry Wesley good afternoon I'm Jeff wear I live in Delan but I'm advocating for our small steps Academy preschool in Port Orange Florida I sit on the school board of that particular institution uh what we're asking the council to consider is to establish a school zone near the entrance to our preschool at 1715 Taylor Road Traffic continues to increase at on that particular stretch of highway and every day we have 90 to 100 youngsters who are entering and exiting our preschool at that address if we can establish a school zone there we're hoping it can increase the awareness of the drivers who are coming and going on Taylor Road to be more aware and to think a little bit about slowing down uh perhaps with that relatively small investment we can avoid a tragedy that's what we're hoping for for as you factor in the consideration as to whether or not to approve this particular request historically we've already had one accident there and the person who was injured uh has permanent injury uh unfortunately we hope that we can avoid any more injuries any more accidents most of the youngsters there are anywhere from the age of 1 to four it's a preschool uh another accident there would be tragic so if we can reduce the likelihood by reminding drivers hey there's a school here slow down um I think a lot of the drivers coming through there they take the established speed limit as a suggestion and to enhance the risk even more so there's a curve not too far from that entrance so if they're coming around that curve on Taylor Road uh that just simply reduces the likelihood that the person pulling out will see them if they're coming at a higher rate of speed so again we have a enhanced risk under those circumstances so please consider establishing a school zone there around the entrance of 1715 Taylor Road small steps Preschool Academy thank you for your consideration gentlemen and uh and Ladies as well thank you very much Larry Wesley hi members I my name is Larry Wesley I live in new smna Beach Florida and uh many of you might be asking why am I involved in getting uh some lights for our preschool at in Port Orange I'm a member of the church there and I'm also uh of the Mr Fixit for the preschool setting up playground equipment and everything like that some of these kids I turn my back and they see all my gray hair and they'll say hey Grandpop you know so yeah I love these kids and I would hate to see any one of them get hurt and uh the uh funny thing is Emily uh is our director that she was here about two weeks go on the 21st and then we have that tragic accident in Port Orange at the uh Sugar Mill Elementary School and that was on the 24th that was you know four days after we spoke here about school safety and our need for it at small steps academy uh uh the death of a young child like that is is absolutely the worst thing that could could happen the family's devastated and uh uh so basically here to plead for this County I mean that get this on the agenda maybe we can get a unanimous vote here to get something done and and get on pendot that all seven of you guys are behind it and uh I'm even going to Lobby Chase traymont to get some kind of school safety law in the state of Pennsylvania uh and uh maybe you can get to jump on Chase I doubt it he's pretty fast but anyway uh I was reassured earlier in the meeting that Jay Williams is going to come down and going to talk with us and and see what he can do and check out the situation you know the 15 feet skid marks and everything from rear end collisions you know just about that close away anyway uh I would love to see this be on the agenda the next meeting and uh get this project completed uh right now they're in like a summer school camp or whatever they call it um but it'd be nice to have this done before the school year next year when not just 90 kids but we have two staff members almost in every classroom so there's a staff of almost 50 people that are making that same turn every day while people are going 55 60 M an hour trying to get to work hit 9 95 and uh your consideration will be appreciated maybe we can save a life of a child and that's what it's all about I don't want to see another tragedy that happened in Port Orange thank you thank you Patricia Franzen and you will be followed by suzan shyer good afternoon my name is Patricia fanom and I am a homeowner in be Creek Village a quarter of a mile from 874 Hull Road as you know Governor DeSantis has allocated $10 million in the upcoming state budget to potentially relocate the fuel terminal proposed for 874 Hull Road in Orman Beach thank you Governor DeSantis for recognizing the fact that this proposed site is not appropriate thank you to all of the citizens of uchia County who sent emails and made phone calls to the governor our voices were heard thank you to all who have attended County Council and Orman Beach City commission meetings thank you to all who have spoken at these meetings thank you to all homeowners in Belia County who expressed opposition a special thank you to my community of Bear Creek you continue to fight the good fight your hard work is appreciated I am more than happy that there is a very strong possibility of beler fuel terminal not being built in Orman Beach however I ask all who will be involved with negotiations that you please take a thorough look at any proposed properties a fuel terminal does not belong close to homes playgrounds or small businesses it belongs as far away as possible from people I hope that you will do your best to help other communities during the April County council meeting I presented to you 4,400 letters and signed petitions opposing the fuel terminal today I present to you for public record 22 letters and minute meetings meeting minutes the letters are from homeowners who reside in Orman Beach including many from Bear Creek Village Orman Beach citizen Le committees letters and minutes include Leisure Services Advisory Board board budget Advisory Board Orman Beach planning board and the Orman Beach City commission as we move forward I hope that all Valia County employees have learned from the many mistakes that were made two years ago when badier first approached the county I hope that new and improved procedures have been put in place so that something like this this does not happen again if beler does relocate to a more appropriate site what happens to the land at 874 Hall Road is it possible for the county to make a trade or buy the land how can the county keep groupo Mexico away from our community when will you change the zoning remove heavy industrial thank you for your time thank [Applause] you Suzanne Shyer followed by John Nicholson hi Suzanne Shyer um Orman Beach uh thank you to councilman Kent for his comments in the Orman Observer and chairman Brower for comments in the television news and for steadfastly opposing the fuel terminal also commissioner Lorie talin for her follow-through helping obtain the letters of opposition from the citizen Le boards in Orman Beach the 10 million doll question is what now the governor showed us all that he agreed with the residents that the location is inappropriate because the open-ended industrial 2 zoning was not dealt with now we Face an option of providing a Mexican conglomerate 10 million and justifying it please tell us who wants the fuel terminal it was stated that someone wanted it where are they only three spoke in favor of it and over 400 showed up to oppose it the zoning could have been changed for that unacceptable location the list of opposition letters and signatures is long from those who agree that Hall Road is the wrong place furthermore clay Irvin director of growth and resource management is on public record calling the industrial 2 zoning very open-ended County attorney Paulo sorya called it open-ended as well on March 22nd a second round of questions were submitted by email to land development manager Amy Michaels we heard back attorney sorya told us to submit questions to miss Michaels when might we receive the answers one of the questions submitted was what are the state and federal agencies that will be involved in the evaluation process or provide any information or input into the consideration of whether this fuel Farm will be allowed to go forward we do not wish 30 million gallons of fuel storage on anyone thank you to the Orman Beach residents for standing up for our quality of life Public Health Public Safety environmental concerns property values flooding issues and each other while at times enduring being called nimes As you stood here councilman Kent is right the council must fix this problem thank you for your time John Nicholson followed by Michelle uter John Nicholson Theona beats side uh the last meeting we had a uh a visit from DEA Beach's uh police chief uh one of our commissioners told me John pick a side and stick with it all right I don't see a side I don't see a side of Danny versus Jakari um I was very proud that Jakari came uh people don't realize that I opposed him as police chief because I thought he would be too quiet and too shy after U Mike Chitwood um all of you know he loves cameras I didn't think that Jakari could do it he absolutely could and we're very lucky to have him however Danny was right we may not like it but Danny was looking at Daytona Beach 10 years ago he retired 10 years ago a lot has changed all right but if you remember in front of the County building on Beach Street the homeless created a camp there it was terrible I counted 92 homeless people sleeping on the boardwalk on the benches under the benches next to the benches 150 in Breakers Park we almost had a a convention leave because of them we did have a problem we did have a problem of prostitution if it wasn't for the internet we still would but now the girls are not there on A1A and the guys are not there on Main Street and yes we did lose events people forget spring break it's no longer there BCR no longer there turkey Rod run moved out west NASCAR used to have drivers at all the hotels no no longer these things that Danny brought up are accely true the biggest problem that people don't realize is that the CRA was created in 82 10 years earlier than taking cars off the beach why was the CRA created because it was a blighted area why was it blighted 10 years before cars came off the beach people forget a company called Disney went and down the road in 1970 Disney caters to families they tght a beach catered to family it was obvious Which choice the families went they went to Disney we lost that secondly in the 70s integration when they integrated they chose this core area the C area to send it to the city's worst schools people with money are not going to send their kids to a d or an F school they moved to orand those big houses they had we broke up into many smaller houses we never recovered there are other reasons than driving on the beach and Danny brought that forward we have to look at things holistic istically there are problems in Daytona Beach and the city is now just getting to the point after 20 years of taking care of it thank you thank you Michelle uter followed by Jeremy kagus good afternoon to all of you it's nice to see you again I want to thank you for letting me speak and taking up your time right now I'm Michelle and I'm fiser vaccine injured a lot of people aren't going to let you know that we exist but we do a lot of us were coed and manipulated whether we worked in hospitals military or what have you and some of us ended up with autoimmune issues such as I did CP chronic chronic ailments that I'm going to have for the rest of my life I have Micro cotting clotting mcast vascular disease and other things besides heart palpitations ttis the list goes on WE the vaccine injured should be declared emergency count counter measures there's a law that we're trying to pass which I spoke to Corey Mills this morning and it's Cody's law it'll help expedite our disabilities when we put on our claims through Social Security also Medicaid which we really deserve Medicare the compassionate program that the onocologist patients have that have cancer can apply for this and that would expedite our disabilities and also medical insurance we should not have to decide am I going to pay my rent or am I going to pay my medications in case any of you don't know my medications loan costs $155,000 a month I was terminated from Advent hospital I no longer have my insurance my County my city my government did not help me one single bit I am used as a political prop and that's it I ended up finding a pharmaceutical company after I got an got a prescription and I got a grant which is like $140,000 because the medications I'm on now is $10,000 a month I don't go to the infusion centers anymore for 6 hours I do it at home and it's 3 hour hours a week that I administer myself and I have to adjust in different places to do that do you understand how I lived my last three years the importance of this Cody law is important to all the vaccine injured and bereaved even my eloquest is $500 a month without insurance that doesn't include the rest of my medications I have no rent last time I was here you said that I could have assistance from the county well the county you can only call on Monday they're only open at 8 o'clock and they close by 9: it's impossible to get through any of you going to help me move when I lose everything I have because I'm putting it into my own health because my own government city government everyone does not care about me I do matter I do exist and I will be out there I will remind you over and over again and I'm not trying to be mean I'm not trying to be disrespectful but there's many people who are suffering that need your help we we need your help and I thank you for letting me speak to you guys thank you Jeremy hello uh Jeremy kogus uh president bu County firefighters local 3574 uh I'm here to just speak a little Goodwill today I found myself at a convention Last Week in Daytona it was all the union leaders all the firefighters we represent 28,000 throughout the state and uh we talk about everything from Staffing to safety uh to our County Manager to the fire chiefs and our Council and I found myself in a position where you know I had a lot of positive things today and i' say about you guys and I just wanted to share that sentiment to you guys you know it's an exciting time for me I'm a 19-year County employee I've seen the EVs and flows of Staffing we we're doing things with two guys on a truck you know working quite a bit and uh the manager and the fire chief and you know the union this Council man we got it back to three on the truck and it's making an impact uh you know we're getting to the scene quicker uh we're able we're able to help those in need uh we have dual paramedics on this the trucks now um and uh I just wanted you guys to know that uh we're helping with the shortfalls at EMS you know if there's no ambulances my guys are there to ride in on that BLS it's not optimal level of service but you know it's helping and every time you guys vote s on a staffing or you keep our budget the same you know we're passing that on to the citizens and you know you're passing it on to my guys make sure they go home at the end of the night so I just wanted to say thank you about that um I want you to know like you guys have the best Fire Department in this County you know and and again every time you approve that fire station like we're going to see on this budget that staff inerting the system we're getting out the door faster we're getting our community better and uh you know my guys are going home so I'm excited about this 5year forecast I hope we can continue to stay with the budget as it is proposed um I hope we can grow I hope we can extend that level of service with the ambulances in the corners of the county in South Beach and the North Peninsula uh and in oin but mostly I just wanted to say thank you you guys are doing a good job for fire rescue you know and uh have a good night thank you Virginia agusa and you will be followed by Christine Anderson hi I live in Bear Creek oron Beach and we're still here and we do not want the fuel terminal you Allon know it's not safe and we live a quarter of a mile from it please relocate to the appropriate location none of you would want to live next to this you wouldn't want your families to live next to this we now have a chance to relocate with the $10 million Grant please help us I went to many of these meetings before and really thought that most of you supported us until the last meeting when everyone voted against the moratorium and I realize most of you don't because you don't live near the fuel where the fuel terminal is going to be built but you wouldn't want your families to live there either please if you decide not to help us then give the 10 million to us because we can't sell our homes we have over 60 homes for sale and I've been there only for eight years and we used to have like three or four homes for sale and everyone that comes says o is the fuel terminal still going to be there so we can't sell them please please just support us and relocate it thank [Applause] you Christine you will be followed by Brenda bartlo good evening my name is Christine Anderson I live in Port Orange in the west uh Westport subdivision um I'm basically here to reiterate what Liz our first Speaker uh said about the Motocross park um you have heard the thousands of reasons why this is an inappropriate um park anywhere in vucha County but certainly adjacent to uh uh our area on the west side of uh near tamoka Farms Road um I'm actually here to ask you to not fund something rather than to fund something please on behalf of all of the subdivisions that uh are along Town West Boulevard and bump into including mine bump into uh to mocha Farms Road I'm asking you to have nothing to do with this Motocross uh Park uh I'm asking you to not fund any further environmental impact studies uh any kind of other um uh expenditures on studies uh valua county has no business being in the commercial recreation area that Services a quite minute um uh fraction of people this is nothing more than a vanity project and we are in total and complete opposition to it please do not spend another of my hard-earned tax dollars on this [Applause] project Brenda bartlo you will be followed by Sheila Lind good afternoon my name is Brenda bartlo and I'm from Orman Beach over the last 10 months many of the people of Belia County and Orman Beach have shared with you our fears and concerns regarding the Bader fuel facility proposed for 874 Hall Road we have presented to this body all the reasons for opposing the facility and what is now a densely populated residential area from groundwater contamination to a 247 operation putting 162 tanker trucks a day on our roads we have made our V voices heard and our message has been cleared this proposed facility is not wanted in Norman Beach and it has no business being built in an area where we work live and raise families over these months we have asked for your help in stopping this project from being built in our Beach Community and to date we have received a resounding no on every option brought forward to this body but as you can see we are not a group that accepts no without a fight so here we are today because Governor dantz has given us one more Avenue to stop this Insanity from coming into our neighborhood and to once again implore you to use your positions along with the 10 million that the state has set aside to convince Vader that Orman Beach is the wrong place for their project I'll close with the following if you have any doubt as to whether or not this fuel Farm is a project fit for a residential Community I would urge you to look up the video of the fire at the new Star facility Crockett California which occurred in 2019 and then think back on the destruction and Devastation visited on East Palestine Ohio in 2023 and read up on the current lawsuits foued against our government and the US Navy over the groundwater contamination from the Red Hill fuel Farm facility in the Pearl Harbor area of Hawaii and then I would ask you is this really the future you want for Orman Beach thank you Sheila Lynn followed by Monique Evelyn good evening I gave up happy hour at pool one with pickle Ballers to come here to speak to you tonight so here I am last year you all passed a record high 28 amendments to valua County's code of ordinance 28 amendments amendments to permit permitted uses amendments to location requirements amendments to definition I am here today to ask you to pass one more please amend chapter 72 land planning Article 2 zoning division 7 section 72241 I2 heavy industrial classification to remove these words and I quote any industrial use or structure provided it meets the minimum environmental standards in section 72288 and is not a permitted special exception in this classification end quote in addition I am asking it that you amend the permitted special exceptions to add petroleum storage tanks or call it bulk fuel storage with additional regulations and requirements to restrict location facility size operating hours Etc keep these industrial uses out of residential areas amend the code before it comes to your backyard during the many hours I spent reading codes of ordinance for the surrounding counties to see they would or would not permit bulk fuel storage one thing was clear no other county has code so poorly worded to include the words any industrial use in their code it is truly Reckless to have it in ours amend the code remove the word any thank you [Applause] Monique you are our last speaker good afternoon my name is Monique Evelyn I am the senior director of outpatient services at SMA Healthcare formerly Stewart Marchman um a naram vending machine was donated to SMA Healthcare by Miss Jean Bailey on April 3rd it's currently housed at our South Ridgewood Avenue location um right to the end of our Breezeway which allows for access to our clients 24/7 um we've reached more people than we usually do when offering Naran in person or in office um due to the stigma that still surrounds um substance use and harm reduction strategies as of June 18th today there were 81 boxes that were dispensed from that Narcan vending machine this is the third highest number of Narcan distributions in comparison to the outpatient programs that we serve here in Valia and Flagler counties um and this has just happened within the 2 and a half months time frame at that Narcan vending machine site there are also instructions on how to use or administer and there are also local resources to help such as the valua recovery Alliance having this vending machine has been well received by the people within the community as evidenced by the increase in distributions High number of interactions via social media postings and other agencies and behavioral health professionals reaching out to us about questions on how is it that they can start this initiative Maran continues to be a great benefit and resource not only because it is free versus paying $50 at the pharmacy but it serves as a harm reduction method to people that we serve as well as others they may know who are struggling with opioid use disorder your support to this initiative will be greatly appreciated thank you thank [Applause] you and that concludes uh public participation for this part of our meeting you will have an another opportunity on items and then at the end of the meeting um first item item one is approval of the agenda do I have a motion to approve the agenda motion approve Johansson second motion to approve the agenda as uh written by councilman Johansson seconded by councilman Reinhardt any comments all in favor say I I any opposed and motion carries 7 to zero which brings us to item two the consent agenda does any council member have an item they'd like to pull for a comment or a vote chairman motion to approve the consent agenda as presented second we have a motion to approve uh by Vice chair Kent and the second is by uh Matt Reinhardt and I will have just one brief comment after the vote M Mr Brower you also have a public participation slip for I believe it's item M we do why don't I call uh Connie Colby you can come and and um speak to us before we actually have the uh the vote thought it would be my bedtime before I could am um item m is about um Halifax um building an ER at the corner of Williams in a hand in arm Beach um and I just wanted to speak to it um mostly it's about the road and some um proportionate share money for the road to the tune of a um I think it's $270,000 but they get um re um some money back when they want to do the building I guess um I should not do this without notes um what I'm concerned about is this particular location where they want to do this um is one that I go by probably five times a week um Hand Avenue is just one lane in each Direction at that location and same in front of the hospital which is right across the street from where this is going to go to um I was wondering if at some point they could maybe halt doing anything more at that location because um the roads in front of the hospital and um the road where they want to put in front of this um er location are kind of narrow and you have emergency vehicles that need to go by there um according to the Tia it shows that all of those roads in that area are deficient size-wise and they've built so many apartments along there 300 600 Apartments along Williamson across from the hospital and the hospital is building expanding too they just opened a new building there now plus a new one that they want to build plus um going higher on two of the towers so they're going to have a lot more traffic in roads that are not meant for those for that size at this point so I would urge to either get the roads built so that there's two lanes in front of the hospital especially or to hold up on doing anything else there now thank you thank you very much for your comments um I'll just quickly mention before we vote on item D it mentions the juneth Day celebration which is today at Embry Riddle and there was going to be a proclamation read from the council that's obviously not going to happen because we're all here but we do um have a representative at Embry Riddle who will read that Proclamation at the uh dinner tonight so the uh the consent agenda um motion is to uh pass as written um does anyone have any comments or questions all in favor of passing the consent agenda please say I I I any opposed Mr Robbins is out and the motion carries 6 to zero um with one member out of the room will get his vote when he comes back and that brings us to item uh three presentation from the PACE Center for girls for support of a new building yes sir council members Brad bbal director of community services at your April meeting you voted to um have staff bring back an agenda item related to the PACE Center uh request for support for their new building they've received some legislative Appropriations they're working towards some private donations and fundrising fundraising as well um they've got a presentation from you from tioa uh pory who's the vice president of pace we have Sheila Jordan here the executive director of pace fuchia and two girls who have benefited one benefited one is currently benefiting from the program in the social services Arena we like programs that are proactive rather than reactive this is a proactive program that's identifying individuals that may need some extra help um and getting them on the right path so with that I will turn it over to tcoa to um you know give the presentation and uh we're going to forego the video it was in the PowerPoint presentation for you and allow the girls to speak but uh here to answer any questions you may have with with the PACE Center as well so tooa thank you good afternoon here perfect thank you so much we do have a PowerPoint presentation but I'm going to kind of skip through some of the slides for the sake of time um members of the valua County Council thank you so much for taking time today to hear from PACE Center for girls and allowing us to present some of the phenomenal work that's being done again I am TCO pory vice president of PACE Center for Girls I'm honored to be here today joined by leaders in our community Miriam G Gabi white which is our Pace board one of our trustees we also have Kelly quch who's the co-chair of the pace Capital committee we have Tom laio who's the president of the Daytona State College and a huge partner of pace Debbie cotton president of Armen Chamber of Commerce Barb German formal County Council here um in Valia County and Peggy farmer who's the former chamber president those Community leaders are here if you want to stand please do so they're here to support um our endeavors and what we're going to share today thank you I'm also accompanied by Sheila Jordan our executive director here at our local PACE valua Center and we have two young ladies with us that's going to share in just a moment um as Leaders we understand the importance of a strong Community a strong support system that specifically helps development of our girls and those that may be facing trying times I'm an advent believer and very passionate that every child that does something bad does not mean they're a bad child or bad youth but if we take a moment and dig a little bit deeper we may realize that something bad is happening to them it is important that we address this critical issue today because it's not just an issue facing valua County but our country as a whole the CDC released a statement and released a report that showed there is a significant Mental Health crisis among girls when surveyed that was about 70% versus 28% for boys and how girls are affected with certain trauma and certain risk factors that they face when they're in their youth at PACE we understand the reason and the purpose behind this this is our philosophy it's our mission and how do we approach serving our girls that's facing adverse experiences or traumatic experiences we notice that when those things happen a lot of times there may be a low academic um scores and so we look at how do we help them academically how do we prepare them for career in college how do we provide mental health support and life skills training so they not only receive what they need while they're at PACE but when they transition out of pace they can become citizens that give back to the community and not take from the community we've seen in our impact since Pace has been around Pace has been around for 40 years next year we have 21 centers throughout the State of Florida and every year we affect and help and support 3,000 girls since our founding we have supported 40,000 girls that have showed significant change in their work in their life 21 centers in Florida we also have programs in Georgia and South Carolina when we look specifically at PACE valua demographically the girls that we serve each year we have about 85% girls um who are Hispanic 25% who are white and about 10% who are black students when we look at the grade level we serve about 60% who are high school students and 40% who are middle school students something significant to look at is the girls that we serve when surveyed each year we notice that the annual income for our girls we have 52.8% that are below $20,000 a year in income all of our girls 100% are on free and reduce lunch why is this significant these are risk factors and we see our girls each year when they're facing risk factors it affect their day-to-day risk factors can affect your grades how you think and your mental well-being what is risk factors risk factors are those things that are pre-existing that's beyond the control of our girls like family Dynamics like economic status I am very passionate about this topic and the reason I am with pace is because my own story of facing risk factors growing up in poverty and again things Beyond My Control at 14 years old losing my mother unexpectedly and at 16 years old losing my father if my teachers would have paused to understand why my grades went from unroll to C's and D's they would have realized that there was issues Beyond My Control at PACE Center for girls all of our staff are trauma informed that when they see a decline in grade if they see a decline in self-esteem or self-efficacy they understand how to approach the situation and provide the wraparound service that's needed on a day-to-day program and that's why that's needed here how do we intervene early enough to change the trajectory of our girls I have Sheila here who's going to talk a little bit about her role on the day-to-day and invite some of our girls to speak who benefit from those day-to-day programs good afternoon I am Sheila Jordan I am super excited to be here with you I serve every day as the executive director of PACE Center for Girls valua Flagler for nearly 30 years Pace has taken middle and high school girls from their usual School environment and brought them into our Center to serve as a respit a kind of Rejuvenation Center a reskilling center all of those words that we kind of know about or Buzz words but we bring those girls into our Center for a year to years give them some skills give them support counseling smaller classrooms and return them to their school or to graduation and then on to jobs with better abilities to cope with life's challenges make good decisions so they don't have more challenges also be better prepared for work or college many of our girls uh recently are going on to college with really clear plans based on Partnerships with Daytona estate and other local um uh community colleges they're getting scholarships these are girls who were not anticipated to graduate they themselves didn't believe they were going to graduate their families had situations that were again outside of the girls control but for 30 years almost we have worked with nonprofit organizations and corporations to return our girls back to the schools to their schools better equipped to deal with life we also engag them in monthly community service so they are not just receiving from us they are giving back to their communities on a monthly basis today we have two girls here we're going to ask to share a bit about their stories the first is jera she is a current student and then you're going to hear from Jessica who was in one of our first classes nearly 30 years ago good afternoon I'm jys I am 15 years old my time here at PA benefited Me by helping create bonds with the girls and help me achieve my goals I've been at PACE for eight months due to the opportunities Pace have Prov provided me I have been able to grow academically by building relationships and self-esteem I would not have been it made it to this point without Pace by my [Applause] side hello Council my name is Jessica quatron I attended Pace from 1998 to 2000 I was able to transfer to Atlantic High School where I originally started where I was not doing too great they accepted me back and I was able to walk with my class which was amazing perk of going to Pace I was getting in a lot of trouble skipping school I got arrested quite a few times my mom didn't know what to do with me she tried to put me in therapy didn't work when I attended Pace you have a social worker a therapist a counselor and there's no way I would have graduated without Pace I was able to move to Tampa right afterwards and go to college I graduated with my business management degree I've been managing restaurants ever since and I recently moved home to Daytona Beach since I've been back my little cousin Stella just graduated high school from Pace she is already accepted at Daytona State for a nursing program she also would not have graduated without this this program is one of the best I've ever come across for young girls who are in need and there's a lot of them here so thank you very much think about funding Pace I appreciate it you've heard firsthand from the girls and that's why we did not show the video we thought it would be more effective to have them here to speak for themselves but our data shows that at PACE we have as we look at our numbers because there's the emotional piece but it's also The Proven data because we are a proven research model that is effective 7 and 10 girls that enter pace and this is specific to B Pace Valia County are felling School prior to attending two and three demonstrate behaviors that correlate to juvenile delinquency and nine and 10 were disengage in school and community life when you look at once a girl finish pce fua we have two and three that approve academically 10 and 10 show no involvement and delinquency after they leave Pace nine and 10 are enrolled in school higher education or career path as you've heard from my alumni today and so the question then is why are we here we are currently our PACE fucia Center is in a building that is 100 years old we are grateful to be in the building for as long as we have but it is not conducive to where we want to take our girls even from a technology perspective we can't upgrade the technology for what our girls need it does not have the space because currently on any given time we have about 20 girls wanting to enter paace and we don't have the capacity or the space so we've had the opportunity to break ground on a new facility in order to begin to build and work toward how do we get our girls into a space that's conducive to their success and their safety so far we've been able to work with the state to secure funding we work with valua school district to secure funding the entire project is going to cost about $6.2 million none of which will go toward salary none of which will go toward programming but 100% will go to a safer space for our girls to thrive survive and be able to take in more girls than we have right now we know that here in Belia County there are more girls that need this work there's more girls that need the mental counseling and the services that we provide and so today we're asking Valia County Council to help us in this effort to bring a safe facility to our girls that need it the most and we ask that in the amount of 2.5 million that will help us get into a space that will be safe for our girls while we are still simultaneously fundraising in and looking to close that Gap I'm going to ask now for Kelly Parson quiet Tech to come and join us she's the co-chair of our Capital Campaign Committee and the capital Campaign Committee has been very effective and making sure that we're raising the money that's needed hi Kelly Parson's quiek I am the co-chair along with Terry White and several community members are on the capital Campaign Committee for Pace we're super excited about this project and all the girls that we're going to be able to serve all I want to say to you today is thank you thank you we're grateful for your consideration today I get to stand here before you and able to give back because of so many people in my life that took a chance and supported me along the way and that's what we're trying to do here for these girls we believe everyone has an opportunity to overcome adversity and achieve their dreams and we thank you for your consideration thank you and in closing I just want to share our commitment to this project is strong we stand behind it we're compassionate behind it because we see the results and we know the need we are shovel ready and eager to bring this dream to fruition so far thanks to our committee thanks to our team members we have been able to raise 2.9 Million from the state of Florida and secure a little over 300,000 in inine cost from the Bia County district and private sector um support as well however we still face a significant Gap and we need your help in order to close this Gap and continue to provide a safe space for our girls okay we have one more that wants to share Mr lassio thank you uh and Council for uh considering this proposal I just want to say I've been with the attorney state for 23 years in my early years prior to my current role as president I uh personally visited Pace to talk to young ladies about coming to college um so I can tell you firsthand that pace Works uh we have students that come to us and have done uh amazing things uh and most recently we we opened our first residence hall and we even have been able to offer um housing to some of our local students so it's an investment uh that I feel is coming right back to the community and again thank you for your consideration thank you for your time thank you very much um we have several councilmen that have uh want to speak for before we start that I'm going to ask if uh if any of the names up here have questions for for staff or okay uh Vice chair Troy Kent for your questions thank you chairman I have a few questions um how much money did the state put in because I heard 2.25 million and then I just heard 2.9 Million sure 2.25 million from the state of Florida and then the additional came from private sector fundraising okay okay and how much money did valuch County Schools put in so valua County Schools agreed to in kind approximately it averaged about 300,000 um security fences for the girl security cameras and they also agreed to provide um upkeep of the landscape from duration from the time the school opens so they've been a significant partner gotcha significant interesting uh they have a budget larger than ours um and they're going to give $250 to $300,000 in kind I just want to put that on the public record why am I not surprised um Dr bball it looks like we'll be taking if we do this $2 million from storm water runoff system for the landfill's new set what does that do to the landfill project if we take $2 million out of there and I think 500,000 from cdbg so I can speak to the cdbg um this is a qualifying project under arpa cdbg projects are the 500,000 we're proposing to use as savings from other projects and uh program income so it will not affect projects into the Future these are dollars that we've retained and the program because of um cost savings we've realized or income that we've realized from our projects I'll let the CFO speak to the landfill okay council member Ken Council uh Rhino sth Chief Financial Officer you uh the $2 million from the landfill or related to the landfill project if that funding was not provided to the landfill it would obviously become the the cost of that system would then be funded by landfill fund reserves uh or potentially impact future borrowing needs of the landfill um but what I would say is the uh the amount that was originally allocated to the landfill was 7 million so all the additional funds are already helping reduce the the contribution that the landfill will have to make this would just be 2 million more of reduction that the landfill fund would have to come up without a result okay and and this project will be in the city limits of Orman Beach and has has the city of orand um have they spoken on if they're going to participate and if so what dollar amount yes so to answer your first question the the future Center will be in Armen Beach Florida and we have currently be we're currently in negotiations on how the city will um help and support okay and then I'm glad you brought up your your chair for Capital fundraising but I'm I just need to know like where does Pace get your money for capital projects and then what is the plan for Renewal and replacement because that's a huge thing you know air conditions go down and they're not you know $5,000 anymore for a building like that I mean you're you're talking real money and you know security systems go down and fences have to be replaced and what is the plan for Pace to be financially solvent and not coming back to government bodies taxpayers and saying hey we need more money for this this this and this very great question so we have to answer your for first question what do we receive the money so private sector dollars we also work with public um dollars as well both state local and then we also look at Grants how do we sustain this we've we've worked with now six of our capital projects so we have a good number as to what it would take to operate and maintain the building so each year we sit with our centers and there is an operating line item that we have to fund raise for a year-over-year or be able to work with the foundations that can underwrite what we need on a continual basis so these are things that we do take into um account we also look at the cost savings how much it is for most of our centers to maintain a lease that we don't own versus having property that we do own right um say that last part again about the the lease compared to a property that you do own so most unlike valua because because our practice is to make sure there's cost savings on expenses for our Center so most we look at what is the cost saving for the lease whereas Valia is a little bit different it's a dollar for the lease however we have to commit to 25,000 to Renovations and upkeep right um but that has many times superseded the 25,000 just this past hurricane Ian um destroyed a lot of the property the roof we had to displace our girls for eight months to continue to provide service because the building is just not at a space that we can continue to do that very safely right okay and Council I I have comments later but I'm done with questions thank you councilman Santiago for questions thank you Mr chair and I'll just start I'm a fan of the work you all do I just want you to fill a few holes in for me of questions that that will be helpful to me you mentioned uh that it's shovel shovel ready um can you expand on that you want to speak to that sure we with the support of Our National Organization have secured a piece of land actually are closing on in in a month or so um and that land is shovel ready so we it's ready to begin our work beginning to build whatever Center or whatever facilities we are going to build on it 60 to 90 days 60 right in 60 to 90 days so the uh you said something about the national something I didn't get the whole piece as a part of a we are part of a national network 21 21 centers here in Florida and I'm saying with the support of that organization we they're buying the land okay um on the cost to build a building I think it said 6 6.2 million how how fresh is that uh estimate that's very recent because our estimation um this the picture that you see is a prototype of our centers as I said we have um several capital projects and before it was a different number but now we've analyzed and looked at budget in the current economy and this is pretty accurate at 6.2 perfect that's why I was asking that because sometimes we see old numbers um what's your timeline provided you get the funding provided we get the funding um this project will take one to two years um given the time that we've already spent um I we've already spent about six months in preparing and finding the space so I would say another year and a half um and by my calculations based on the price of the building um and what you've proposed mentioned you've raised so far it shows you're still going to be8 million short what is your plan for that and so that plan is currently in operation thanks to our committee um we are currently working again with private sector donors we also have some other opportunity for grant funding as well that we're currently applying for okay one moment Mr chair uh provided this building is built um and and and the county decides to supported or or whichever way who will be the owner of the building great question okay the owner will be PACE Center for Girls organization which is a nonprofit organization we are a subcontractor to the school district and so because we are a um 51 C3 if anything ever happens to the organization we will have to um the building for another nonprofit so there's no personal owner it is owned by the nonprofit organization um that's all my questions thank you thank you thank you uh councilman Johansson for questions thank you chairman I'm I'm always looking for uh return on investment or cost avoidance so um I'll ask the Alum since uh she's here thanks for coming what um I I'm wondering how many people pace is saved uh and so so here you are um what do you imagine your life would have been had you not gone a pace and and girls like you well again I don't think that I would have graduated um High School I definitely wouldn't have moved away I had a lot of my friends that did do well in school and I was able to retransition in with them I had great grades by the time I graduated I graduated on top of my class I graduated early I was able to um dual enroll in college and you see that a ton I was just at their graduation two weeks ago the girls are so thankful I mean they thank their families for a moment and then they just go on and on about their teachers their counselor's Pace I mean watching it full circle 30 something years later it's amazing I cried my out at that graduation and you said you had some run-ins with the law early on y I did I actually did community service in this building when I walked in today with her I said this is a little PTSD I was wiping the handrails in the window it is for us too I bet I bet but uh it just felt full circle watching these girls graduate and seeing how thankful they are and just um it's really amazing program I couldn't say enough about it there's one over near Tampa where I've been and I followed and I donated but now that I'm back in town I'm really looking forward to working a lot with these guys thank you for your answer that's all I have chairman thank you thank you just a couple more quick uh questions you all you've answered most of them your your legal structure it's a 501c3 a non nonprofit nonprofit organization how I'm wondering how you normally fund have you have you had to fund other uh construction sites and is going to the state and the county the first first step or the last step so um It's a combination we a many of the times we receive an appropriation from the state um because we have legislators that see the need in their community and we will start that way it gets us started with the program because they see the need um but we have different scenarios depending on what we're working with so we start with um legislation and then local as well as private donors that can give back to their community so it's simultaneous very to what we're doing now not only that we meet with you all we met with the state we're meeting with donors it's a constant uplift that we take on to make sure we're able to re to hit this goal thank you it when you went through the the money that um you've got from the state youve received from other sources it didn't sound like there was much from private sector from fundraisers yeah so the the difference that you see with the twoo two and the 2.9 that's private and then the remaining 80 800,000 will come from private and from Grants so it's about a million okay all right uh thank you I think everybody else is up okay um let me get George first uh County Manager George Reon wall yeah I just wanted to add a little bit to what Ryan on that answer uh the you have another item F further down we're we're reallocating arpa monies because of various changes in projects and I just want to add the logic that we had uh in in making the decision to use the arpa money here uh as a proposal in that uh we the the county received $2 million uh from a grant that the school board had uh received uh to put in broadband and we had and that displaced $2 million of arpa money uh that we were going to have into that project so uh we would have as was pointed out by Mr Kent and and if you were not to pass this it would go to the landfill um but I just wanted to say it was coming really from another project where we were funded uh Again by that school board Grant so that was our logic and using that $2 million uh to add to the cdgb to get to the 2.5 and councilman Reinhardt you had questions yes thank you and actually that was one of my questions thank you George for answering that because I know the money was allocated towards Broadband we had that savings we can use that money towards this if that was so needed and it really because we're reallocating what we're going to talk about later the landfill issue that was Mr Kent's issue which is a good question by the way um we would have have that taken care of my question is um you talked about the .8 million still left over and I know that you have made the comment about being in negotiations with the city of Orman Beach um is that tied in together by chance or am I asking a question that shouldn't be asked we're still in negotiations that's a good answer we're we're hopeful I'll say okay so that could address some of that at least some of that what you're saying okay I'm putting them on um of the individuals that and I know the success rate uh my wife and I actually contribute to Pace as well on a private uh note but um the success rate that you referred to the individuals that are in the community and Mr Johansson you know like myself the return on investment how many of those individuals stay within the community I know that um uh the president of Daytona State referred to the fact that you know the scholarships and whatnot that are offered to these young ladies how many stay in the community because I love to see that you know I I refer like what we just had at Emy riddle we had the individuals walking across the platforms taking their diplomas and they stay in valua county and work um these are success stories so absolutely I don't know the exact data on that we can look it up and get it back to you just curious yeah but I would say because of our partnership with Daytona State College it is a smooth transition for our girls um and allows them to save money to stay here and actually have an opportunity to go to school as you heard from our alumni she made her way right back to Valia County so the return on the investment is that they're giving back to their community in a way that they wouldn't have done before and they get to come back to their original high school which I thought was phenomal okay and that does that is that common that they can go back to the school that they had the issue abolutely we even have some Pace girls that work at PACE oh that's awesome and one last question if you um how many centors are in the state of Florida I heard you say the number 19 we have 21 in the State of Florida and then we just launched out to South Carolina and Georgia with programs which are reach programs where we go into the schools and help our girls as well which there have been opportunity once we're able to get this building um launch we'll be able to have some additional services that we can offer valua County by going into the schools and offering those same Mental Health Services for girls that may not me need the full day program as well so it also opens that opportunity have you had similar situations in those other counties those other areas where building is needed and you went the same Avenue as as far as abs every program um there is a huge need many of our programs have a waiting list and then once we're able to get into a facility that helps our current girls we also it gives us space to provide therapists that can also reach out to other communities and other schools that may not be able to come to pace so once we're at capacity we can still serve other girls have other councils like help those other areas yes manity is one in specific that we're working on currently they've helped and and I don't want to say the number incorrect I think because I can't remember the exact number but manate is definitely manity does some great programs go all day we can talk about jails if you want tell you about the program no I'm just kidding thank you very much I just would like to add that we we talk about the 100 girls we serve every year about 100 girls but in the 30 years of this service of this organization we continue to serve offer free counseling services to any Pace girl who needs that so if if a girl comes back two years later five years later and she needs to see a counselor there is a counselor available to see her uh at her point of need so it's not just about the girls we are immediately serving it's about the girls we serve through the lifetime of our existence in this community we have a model once a pace girl always a pace girl and I'm sorry I said one final question I do you have one more so this amount of money this is not something that you're coming back for and asking over and over again this is merely to get this building constructed to assist with getting the building constructed absolutely we already we have an operating budget that handles the I just want to make sure thank you thank you and if I may just three points as your staff member and the research that I've done is excuse me so typically they their Capital stack when we talk about affordable housing the different you know stacks of capital um their Capital stack is essentially State appropriation sometimes a federal appropriation local support and about over a million dollars for fundraising in the LA private fundraising they've done in the last couple buildings um number two this model has worked for us well where we provide some Capital seed money um you know the first place or First Step shelter Hope Place Library Joyce qac Resource Center where we provide some seed money to get the project built but they are responsible for operations from that point forward um you know that has worked well for us because we don't have year-over-year dollars um and the last Point as slipped my mind um but just as your staff member I want you to know that I've done some leg work behind the scenes to kind of understand what the ask was and and where we were situated in terms of um the the asks of other communities the last point was I did look up you know it costs about $220,000 per girl to go through their program a little less each year it cost $555,000 a year to taxpayers to house someone in the Juvenile Justice System absolutely for questions uh councilman Dempsey yes um so first of all I've been involved in the criminal justice system for 34 years both as a prosecutor and defense attorney I've heard nothing but wonderful things about your program I mean really you're you do an outstanding job um my question though is more fiscal uh you guys are have you ever sought out a public charter to be a charter school we have not um uh oh our CEO could probably speak more to that but just um briefly there are some regulations within a charter school that don't allow us to do some of the services that we know is true um significant to gender responsive with our girls specifically who respond very different when it comes to mental health or low academic scores but we have not sought out to be Charter and you know that to be true that you would automatically be declined status not that we would be declined but I know there will be some alterations to our program in order to be a charter school okay and I believe is is the one school that you have in Pensacola is that a is that a charter school or is but it's a public school it is so all of our schools are subcontracted with the school district yes scami is the same go Falls in lines with Mr Kent's questioning is why haven't you because you're a school basically right you guys educate these girls so wouldn't this be more appropriate in front of the school board that has a bigger budget than us thank you I wanted to thank you for bringing that up because I know um councilman can mentioned the significant partnership so what I mean by significant partnership with the school district the FTE dollars follows the girls which helps with the operation cost for our girls to receive the service however the teachers are Pace teachers and staff and public schools are not it is not mandatory for teachers to be trauma informed if you are at PACE Center for Girls it is mandatory that you're Trump informed and that's the difference that we provide more than just the academics we provide an environment that helps them with the mental counseling and the mental health piece but again I guess this goes back to the old question I mean it are you sure you would be declined Charter status if you brought all that up at your request yeah I'm not 100% sure however I am sure that we will have to alter our program and then you would be funded by the Department of Education in the school board so we we receive funding from Department of Education we receive funding from DJJ um that helps with our operating and they're from the local Su District currently okay because it sounds like you guys count a lot on private donations and you're you do such a good job it'd be nice to know that you were actually entirely funded by the government as a charter school I would feel better knowing that you're going to be there every year instead of just at the mercy of donors um just I was just wondering if that ever came up in y'all's board meetings or whatever yeah I'm sure it was something that was discussed we do receive significant dollars from the government but there is a portion that we do fund raise because we want to be able to provide the programs that we know as proven to our girls without taking out different elements that we know will be effective and again in this scenario it's not the fundraising for the operating it's the new building that we need to be able to house the girls all right thank you that's all I have thanks thank you okay we're still uh in questioning mode uh uh councilman Robbins thanks chair uh Brad are you available yes sir real quick I know that we have or you would know this probably better than everybody our social services um in your um preparation for this what services do we offer and which ones are I'm trying to establish if there's any overlap here where we can pull back on some other ones to maybe look at what they're doing in the future um I just need to get a a little bit better idea and clarification because I know we do do a lot throughout the community um is that something you can help out with oh through your um children and fam's Advisory Board um we you know this Council has generously provided 3.5 million dollar excuse me to different organizations to focus on community needs so Youth Development is one of those Community needs they are actually the Boys and Girls Club are as our um primary Grant recipient in that area and they actually do have a subcontract with um Pace what they do is kind of look at what are the different areas in our community and how are we serving them so when we talk about young girls 11 to 17 I think is who the pay center serves they're being subcontracted with to address that need $37,000 I believe is the grant um that we have at the moment um that that the boys and girls club have with them so um we are addressing some of those needs are we fully addressing those needs no if you look at the indicators across the state compared to mental health and depression and and and youth populations were significantly above the state average thank you um and those so um I think this program it's evidence-based it's research informed it's something that works I don't I would say that more is needed um there is no significant overlap we're paying $37,000 to address the needs of this community right now do you know how much we're spending in mental health um i i d I have to get that number for you but I can certainly help um I'd like to maybe get a little bit more information if we can I'm I'm sure we can pull it up fairly quickly mental health housing counseling and what other services that way we can compare them here in the next few minutes in terms of what we're doing what we're what we're looking at uh also if if I may I I think I have the in the so at your last meeting um you committed uh the ADM dollars so cfab is different so the C Children and Families Advisory Board is different um it's F needs of families and children in our community um there's a small component of mental health but really that ADM money that alcohol drug and mental health is a state mandated where we're provided to do that up to 25% match and I believe this Council approved $3.7 million at the last meeting um but we are required to give that to these organizations that the state tells us to so there's no um reduction there um that's allowed essentially okay and maybe this is a better question for the staff the majority of of your your girls that uh you see come in and utilize the program do you guys track that through like demographics whether it's uh ZIP code city county and are we the only County that would benefit from this service is Flagler County involved we are Pace valua Flagler about 97% of our girls are Valia County girls uh we have very few that come from Flagler um mostly because transportation is a challenge but we we serve at least 97% of our girls are vucha girls and and we do track them by demographics and zip code where do you see the most coming in what ZIP code the highest utilization is um 32114 which and uh which is Daytona and then uh 32117 they're both Daytona have we approached Daytona on um becoming a a partner cuz I know they got some arpa money as well I'm just trying to get the more the merrier you know if we can get people at the table there could be a chance you know for for this to to work so have we have we reached out to any other municipalities we have not Bia County we have met with or in process of speaking with Flagler County as well right now we only receive about five girls from Flagler and we receive money through United ways so we're looking at how can we partner with them on a greater level so we are but not the city okay I'd be interested to see uh the list of not names or anything person but just the amount that comes from which kind of cities or sections that way we can maybe collaborate and and see where we can help you possibly better you know um so thank you thank you and I think this is the uh the last councilman for questions David Santiago thank you Mr chair um Danny you sparked some questions for me too so um this is this has been very knowledgeable for me um first let me ask you this you mentioned um that the funds the FTE well the FTA I think is funding follows the student um you're saying the let me I want to put words in your mouth soort corrected the state rate that the state pays per student to the school board follows from there to your for your students for operating cost yes it follows the girl oh okay but but what I was also stating is that it doesn't follow the teachers we still have to pay our Pace teachers different no that's fine so it Don that's very similar to charter school so that's that's almost the same concept if I'm accurate so and if I may be honest we have several Charter School previous students that have dropped out or failing that have come to pace and there is a difference in the type of program that is evidence-based proven that works so while I do um honor the work that they do we do have girls that have left those charter schools and came to pace and I believe you and I believe you I that's a good thing what I just learned so um you do get the funds I was just asking that question to to drill down a little bit more so you're kind of sort of already a hybrid Charter School in my opinion U maybe not classified that way um on on the state side yeah um Danny's questioning on on on on where your students come from did did rais my eyebrows cuz you know I represent West Valia I I guess I serve on the County Council yeah Don represents West Valia also um and I'm going to guess that troubled girls only do not only come from the East side um what efforts are you do you have in plan or or future that could help me say that some of the students that live on the West Side may be able to utilize your service what how are you going to increase that yeah we we currently work um any girl or family who approaches us we do our best to support usually transportation is the is the issue we provide even now uh bus tickets for girls who live farther away places uh Delona uh I can't think of the other the land we we've provided bus transportation or bus tickets for funding funding for bus tickets for those girls so the the that challenge um I think exists for for every PACE Center and we're we're always working with funding sources like the United way or other folks who help us just provide transportation and I know you got to not to throw a monkey wrench at things but my mind is also saying to myself um you have a new land that you're buying but you're actually moving it further away from most residents in the county by putting it in Orman yes did you look at other land opportunities uh throughout the county and how how how did yeah that was it was a several years process just looking at various pieces of land to identify land we've also been working with um with Votran to figure out how to make sure we get routes that might be more conducive to serving more girls so we we continue to figure that work on figuring that out and is it possibly safe to assume though I don't like to based on Danny's questions uh on where your students come from now being located closer to Flagler from your existing location in Port Orange that the potential to serve more Flagler students is possible I don't I don't know that maybe you're closer to them why well we we're currently in orand the existing location is inor we are we are are and will be in or um that's all I got thank you thank you thank you councilman uh Vice chair Kent for questions thank you chairman yeah just just a couple more questions so the FTE dollars the full-time equivalency dollars travel with the student makes total sense right there how many teachers do you have at the Orman location what is your starting salary for teachers do you provide health benefits if so could you tell us those and do you participate in the Florida retirement system for those teachers so I can answer those our uh we have five teachers full-time teachers at our Center we have uh a starting salary that is on par of with the district 57,000 uh for teachers we provide a full array of health insurance insance benefits that include everything from all the various disabilities uh health insurance dental vision uh and we have a 403b retirement we are not a part of the state retirement system okay your starting salary is $57,000 is that right it is for a teacher thank you no no more no more questions chairman but I'll put my name back up for comments okay I think that's where we are uh unless um uh Jake or Don do you have more questions are ready for debate one more question Mr chair I apologize I I promise it'll be one more um in the event in the event this gets any type of funding from the county full funding or some funding would would you be objectionable to having Provisions in whatever agreement we come up with to allow for a clawback not that and what I I'll give you a scenario for a clawback something goes wrong and the site closes let's just say un we don't want that to happen right but if it does happen in two or three years and now the taxpayers have put in x amount of money in there and the property goes up for sale um I I would I would prefer to see a clawback in the event of the sale or the transfer for a profit location or something like that to allow the taxpayers to be in first position would that be objectionable to you in the event you get funding I would say allow us to confer with our trustees on that um and and I don't think we've done that before um but allow me to defer with them and then we can get back with you back to you on that oh Brad want to add to that so I will say I just conferred with our experts in the back of the room so as part of cdbg funds there has to be an environmental assessment done so we're comfortable um investing you know taxpayer dollars so if that came back uh negatively uh we would have to uh drop back and punt find a different site okay but and then the scenario that I gave was a little bit different but I appreciate that too so the site has to be suitable is what you're saying um so yeah if you could just take that food for thought it just popped in my head okay hopefully it never gets to that but I'm that's what I was going to say hopefully we never get that I think there's a a huge need here for that thank you Mr thank you okay I think we're at that point we're I had a question Jee okay Mr chair sorry um that's all right Mr Don uh ma'am it's you're I know you're a big organization and I'm not saying any of these people are not worth their pay but I mean your CEO makes a very handsome salary correct I um I don't know what our CEO makes I know it is public record because we are a nonprofit but I do want to state that what we're asking for today does not go towards salary um I also know that because we have fiscal responsibility we do um have oversight to make sure that our CEO salary is that that is aligned with national average for a CEO of the size of the nonprofit that we have because again while we're focused on valua County today we have 21 centers and additional programs in other states right so I know that our physical oversight our border of trustee our CFO they make sure that the salary of the CEO is compared to the national average of a nonprofit of this size but I mean she makes maybe twice of what a school superintendent would make is that a fair guess again I don't know for sure but I would compare her salary to a nonprofit so a Boys and Girls Club of our size and so on yeah I mean I I understand my concern is you guys have to struggle for funding you have to come and ask for government money you have to ask for private donors whereas if you were a charter school you know Department of Education would be paying for all this stuff so that's all I I just because I think she makes 400,000 a year is what I'm seeing is that right again I'm not sure but I do want to say I know you use the word struggling we are in the line item um with DJJ so we do receive recurring funding year-over year each Center however has the component that is fundraising that is not funded by the government um for certain things that our girls need as well as team members that are fundraisers in the community that are not um teachers or counselors and I'll just close with this I'll reiterate I I know you guys you guys do a wonderful job it's not fluff I've I've you know I represented some of your people and your students and uh I appreciate that you guys do an incredible job I don't want to see you go away I know there's been some others that have gone away in the past and you guys do a wonderful job so I don't want you thinking I'm trying to pick on you I'm just no we appreciate your questions and you're right just recently there's a well-known nonprofit that that lost um and went away well we see that this service is very significant um and I know you have criminal justice background my degree is in criminal justice so I know you can understand recidivism rate is important um our recidivism rate compared to the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice is very is about 12% um better than that and that's why we have that lying item they know that our services keep our girls out of the juvenile detention center keeps them out of the criminal justice system so they can turn around and return um their funding their efforts back to the county that invested in them yes thank you thank you any other questions Council okay uh councilman Reinhard thank you chair um just a quick comment and I'll I'll start with uh Council memp's uh that was a good question uh asking about that and the fact that being referred to as a charter school I know that I did hear uh during the questions that to become a charter school changes the makeup if you will and I think that's the best way to put it with what pace can do and I agree with you I think Pace does a phenomenal job um I know that I'm I'm very comfortable uh while I'm sitting here my wife donates more so and literally and she has to share that with me so I think that's funny so but nonetheless um in order I'd be afraid to almost afraid to that if it would change the makeup of that to become a charter school and I get where you're going but the whole purpose of this is for the building um maybe that's something you look at down the road absolutely but why we're here today is for that um it's I I think that's basically all I want to say that I haven't said already I'm I'm not one that likes to repeat things too much so um you do a phenomenal job maybe that's something that they look at in the future for the charter I get it but I don't want to see you made a comment just a minute ago with respect to how other 501s uh have fallen and and torn apart as a result of changing the makeup of their uh once government gets involved once school boards get involved um things of that nature so that would concern me um but I certainly understand and respect with what Mr Dempsey was saying because um maybe that wouldn't U would help you I don't know that's that's a conversation you need to have uh with your group but um anyways I'll leave it at that and I'd be interested to hear what my colleagues have to say thank you thank you Vice chair Kent thank you chairman and Council I want to thank you we're talking about this because I asked for it to be on the agenda you all agreed here we are we're having it full disclosure I was approached by my dear friend miam Gabi in the audience and I I taught mariam's daughter fifth grade probably 203 years ago 22 23 years ago and um you know you are a wonderful person so when you called me and talked to me about this I said I will absolutely ask to have this on the agenda I hope my council members agree with me and they did and we're here today so Mariam thank you um to Pace just so you know by the way great job you were peppered with some really tough questions this that was not easy and yeah you did you did great uh just a little background just so you know I served on the Orman commission for a long time I approved Pace having the location that you're in right now which was the former rig school which by the way Council was a an all African-American School in Orman Beach and we gave Pace that location to use for $1 a year and then I believe helped on top of that with uh facility issues and anytime we could Orman Beach was doing that so I'm proud of my support and help and I'm proud of Orman Beach's support to your your current student and your former student it was way more impactful you bringing them here than showing as a video that was great brilliant move thank you thank you for doing that and thank you both for sharing your story there's no doubt in my mind that pay center for girls is actually a wildly successful program I think you all do incredible work and I would venture to say there are small miracles that happen inside your building every day every day and and that's that's a really that's a really impactful thing for me so a couple of things Council uh where I have some some discomfort all right right so first of all we're being asked to pay more than the state paid the state's budget is is astronomical compared to valua County's budget we're being asked to pay more than the State of Florida ended up paying you know there's some story behind how that happened but I'm not crazy about that okay I just I want you all to be aware of that you hear arpa funds are federal funds but guess what they're still taxpayer dollars I always need a good answer for my constituents these are rented seats we're here for a short time and I better have a good answer when people ask me good questions and I don't have a good answer on why valuchi county is going to pay more than the State of Florida for the building I'm I'm I'm not okay with that I understand what you're saying about your CEO none of this money will go for that but Mr Dempsey I'm glad you brought it up because when you start talking about a $400,000 salary you know uh people will ask me questions about that as they should ask me questions about that so that that piece is out there as well I'm glad you mentioned that the money from the full-time equivalency follows the students I I just learned you all receive support from DJJ and also the local dist District I could see actually why the school district would would maybe back off a little bit and say Hey you know the full-time equivalent Money Follows the student it goes with them this is the money goes to Pace but now I'm just going to say at the end of the day this is a school yes we helped spend onetime money on a homeless shelter I didn't know any you know schools that were doing homeless shelter so I can understand why the school district wouldn't put in on that but at the end of the day this is a school where students from valuchi County schools are attending the PACE Center for girls and hopefully being successful I know many of them are and then getting back into their home school with their peer group and graduating with them that's it's hugely important it's um it's fantastic actually but we're not a school district we are the Valia County Council and Mr Robbins you brought up a wonderful point because orand has been on the hook helping the PACE Center for girls but I think it it would be brilliant for PACE Center for girls to go to every city where there are students from that City attending and saying we would love your financial support and it sounds like most of them come from Daytona Beach but I'm sure there's some from Port Orange I know there's some from orand uh there's a handful from Flagler um and you have to remember every one of these students it sounds like has to be brought in by vehicle so there's no busing it sounds like so the parents have to be a part of this program to bring them in so those are the questions and concern concerns that I have I'm not ready for the 2.5 million Council um you're going to have to convince me on a lower number and and go from there I want them to be successful I I want them to get the help but is this our help to give it may be councilman Johansson thank you chairman um I I have similar concerns but when you follow the tax dollar at the end of the day I don't care whether I give a dollar to the school board that would fund Pace I give it to the county that would fund Pace or I give it to the city that would fund Pace as long as my dollar gets to where it has to go um if if we don't fund the 2.5 and and we ask the school board to do it then the the it's my dollar is just going all over there to to do it so um I I don't know if if I'm sold on that on that theory um the important thing for me is is that we haven't yet gone to the cities we meaning pace um and and just like firststep shelter and all the rest of those things that are kind of all in collaborative efforts here here's another one um they're about 800k short uh they their committee members look like they're power Brokers for fundraising so I'm sure they can do it um but but I will tell you this I I I think I would like to see some cities skin in the game um City's got ARA money um it's a one-time capital Improvement or a capital program and and I think uh um I'm I'm more inclined to to say look your 800k short start knocking on mayor's um mayor's doors to see where they're going and in kind might be the play uh Mr Kent has already said that that Orman rented you that building at a a buck a day that's cost avoidance for me that's payment and kind um but uh um you know I I think it's important that you you hit up the cities uh it sounds like mainly on the east side and see if if they can help out um um and and I'll wait for the rest of the comments from my uh council members my fellow council members before I make a decision but thank you chairman that's all I have uh thank you Troy you're asking questions about um where the funding comes from who funds it those are really good questions um several people have brought up the fact that this is a school that should be a charter school and yet but that's not going to be our decision they have to make that decision and frankly I understand your um your hesitation to become a charter school because you will lose some of your autonomy and you won't be able to make some decisions that you make now that make you a successful program so I'm not going to make that decision for you and I understand that your internal um conflict as you uh as you assess that possibility what we are being asked to do here and and this is my dilemma Council um I I am not comfortable today with the 2 and a half million either but I'm also not comfortable with just taking that to other governments whether it be the cities or this is in the final analysis this is charitable giving this is a nonprofit that depends on people making their own decisions sometimes very personal private of who do I donate to and is this a worthwhile project I'm not going to repeat what everybody up here said this is a worthwhile project as far as I'm concerned you have a tremendous t uh track record but you're asking us to make a decision for every other taxpayer in Valia County should we donate your hard-earned tax money to this and for me we don't have that right or responsibility to donate money for every other taxpayer in Valia County as worthwhile as this project is in many cases we would be taking money from families that have have just as much need maybe more need maybe more uh internal conflict and they need money in their own homes for for their children and we're taking their tax money and donating it somewhere else without their permission and that's just a really hard decision if I knew that Valia County had $2.5 million just sitting around um first I would say then we're taking too much money from taxpayers but second I would say I know that's not true I know how hard staff has worked we're in budget season right now to make every dollar accountable and I know that this $2.5 million we already had set aside for uh the landfill and for the uh storm water control there for um flooding and to provide for every member of Valia County and our visitors for the next 100 years that we had a place to put garbage that's a worthwhile cause you C can you compare that to to these women's lives no but it is our that's a core government responsibility that we're supposed to take care of and now we're being asked to take that money and and donate it as a charitable as a charitable contribution um there there's no doubt that there is a need here but I am not comfortable today as I sit here and listen to the debate and look at this that I have the right or the responsibility to take money from one taxpayer somewhere and donate it um to a nonprofit that they should be making that decision on we also can't decide for Pace to become a charter school what we could do is help them raise money in the private sector because that's what a nonprofit is supposed to do they raise money and I I see the the minimal amount coming from private donations and what I see happening all the time in government is that we become the first stop instead of going out and getting private money it's the county and the cities and the state where we're being asked to take taxpayer money I just don't think that's um I don't think that's fair in economy we're going to hear in just a minute when or in several minutes about our budget that comes up today and we're going to hear that we're a low tax low tax county and I'm going to tell you that most people that get the tax bill in November are not going to look at it and say wow we're a low tax county they're going to say how in the world do I pay for this thank you uh Matt Reinhardt thank you chair um Mr Robbins had asked a question about other cities and I do like that idea um I know that Daytona has already designated pretty much all their arpa funds right now so that's the arpa part is off the table um and they do a lot of good things uh with it they have done a lot of great things and so I commend the city of Daytona for that um and I do respect what you're saying chair um I guess my concern would have been if it was more towards operational or salaries of things of that nature this is a structure that um I've seen the other building I've also seen the gymnasium that you were displaced into neither one of those are safe and I love Public Safety and I I I I stand firm on that and I think that these young ladies in the in the return of investment with these young ladies and providing them a safe structure or at least assisting in helping them keep them safe this building does that um where you go in the future uh with respect to operational costs and things of that nature um that's where you have to have the conversation like I said about the charter uh if that's a a road you want to travel and the fact that you speak to those other cities because um you just said 32114 117 I mean these are Daytona this is a lot of these young ladies uh come from that area so uh those are definitely conversation you want to have um I'm still comfortable with the fact that but I do want to hear more thank you councilman Dempsey yeah I kind of share uh the concerns with a lot of my colleagues here about the 2.5 million um it does bother me as well that this this is a school however you fashion a very good school but yet the School Board is basically stepping away from the table they're not really participating significantly I mean our 2.5 million versus there are 300,000 of basically in kind um you know I I don't know if that's really uh appropriate because it really should be coming out of department of education budget or the school board's budget but I don't think it should be coming out of the county council's budget the other thing that really concerns me is this landfill issue with the Motocross which the southern site which I didn't pick Hunden group picked it not me but after that was selected by the Hunden group as the potential site I became well aware of all the flooding issues down there I mean it's not just normal flooding I was shown videos and pictures of significant flooding that continues to go on down there on the southern end of the landfill property um I mean as recent as in the past year so I don't know what progress is being made to fix their problem I'd like to see it get fixed and I the last thing I want to do is take money from them to fix their flooding issues and kick it over to this albeit it's a great facility this is something that the Department of Education or School Board in my opinion should be kicking in and we shouldn't be sacrificing design kind of storm water money for this so I'm I'm having the same problems so thank you guys Vice chair Kent thank you chairman and um Council a lot of what you say uh this is these are healthy conversations this is a good thing this is one of the things I love about local government and one thing I've noticed about working with uh U6 gentlemen for the past um 17 18 months is uh and I will I will I will use no names of of other elected officials I've worked with but there are some that I worked with that whenever someone came and asked for money it was almost like they they vomited the money to them as soon as they asked for like whatever you want here you go you got it but you all are fiscal conservatives and we've not done that we have not just said You know here you go and um Mr Dempsey you bring up some really valid points about participation levels between the school district and Valia County but but chman you brought something up that um Council I'm going to I'm going to share with you I really had not thought of and I'm disappointed in myself for not thinking about that but you're right this is giving money to a nonprofit and these are these are taxpayer dollars and I didn't think about it that way until after hearing your comments and hearing Mr Reinhardt say my wife and I give privately because and I'm just going to say the committee members here I know all of them and they are all wonderful people the only one I really don't know is is Kelly I apologize I don't know you that well but everybody else on here I mean Bill Navara and I went to high school together um so really great people who who are here for a common purpose but I had people that refused to support me that had supported me in the past because the city of Warman Beach was asked to give money for the Mary McLoud bethon statue that's in Daytona Beach and the city all gave around $20,000 and I I said tonight Troy and Heather Kent I'm going to speak for my wife and I shouldn't do that but I'm going to tonight I will go home and write a personal check which I did but I don't think it was my job to give away P the taxpayers of Orman Beach money for a nonprofit that if they wanted to give to they could like Mr Reinhardt does so I hadn't thought about that until you just said that chairman and I thought about Mr Reinhardt you know writing a check for the PACE Center to help them and I applaud those efforts as well um but it's just it's just something else to to think about there has to be more participation I I'd like to see it from the school district I'd like to see it from the cities um I'm not saying no uh completely I want pay center to hear me loud and clear on that I started out just bragging about the support I always gave you from the city of Orman Beach and and the support I will give you up here as as a county councilman but 2.5 is too rich for my blood Mr Dempsey I think your point might be one of the most valid which is the flooding issues where we're going to be taking this money away from remember I said I have I I have to have good answers for my constituents I don't have a good answer for them on that so I'll need to hear from staff between now and the next time we talk about this because if no one else does I will I will make a motion for a continuance to bring this back so that you know if the council decides to give something to to pay center for girls then then we are able to partip iate and do that but I'll also want to hear from staff about what does that do to the flooding issues in that specific area where we're going to be pulling that money from thank you chairman councilman Santiago thank you Mr chairman um a lot of good conversations um good points made out I think on both sides um you know I I think at the end of the day I think we all agree that um the organization is a worthy organization to have in our County and they do some great work and they um I think when Brad gave us some some analysis as to you know in some cases the cost ver of a other institutional government type of uh Services versus being at PACE saves the taxpayers money um so that that um certainly was very helpful to me to show that there is a public good or cause that has a return on I'll use the word investment um so I think I think everybody's there right uh I think everybody's many people are stuck on the number and how big um we're at so I don't think we're at a no however I will counter a little bit on the on the the nonprofits because look at our budget we have a bunch of money in there for nonprofits um so we shouldn't hold them to any other standard if we're going to give money to other nonprofits I wouldn't want to use that argument against them because we give a couple other million dollars to other nonprofits so good point good point um now the question lies is to whether the council feels comfortable on the dollar amount I don't it seems like we're not there um I think Troy's suggestion of possibly postponing this I do not want to put this up for a vote because I don't think it's going to go well but I think we should postpone this and um let everybody go sharpen their pencils and come up with a little bit more strategic plan I think that can that the appetite for most of the council can be in so I think that's the best course of action um with that Mr chair uh I'll just make the motion let my other colleagues I I uh move that we temporarily postpone this item uh time uncertain until it's ready to come back from staff with more information uh chairman I'd be happy to second that if if I could just ask a quick clarifying question to the maker of the motion uh Mr reonal how much time do you think you need because I don't want I think that let me add this start try I think the time is determinant on mainly on on them getting with staff and see what they provide to staff because I think they got to sharpen their pencils I think these these powerhouses that we have on this list maybe have to look at what they can do outside to to to appease us good good good point second okay make let me make sure I've have your uh motion right we're going to table this your the motion is to table it at no time certain for the staff to bring it back with uh more information and I think they got the message yeah and we have a a motion in a second and we still have a discussion on the table but that's the motion on the floor at this point and then we have several members of the public that want to speak uh Mr chairman we've been discussing we've each have two turns at the at the two bites at the for debate we have not we've had that's what we've been doing okay with without the motion I'm I'm sorry that you didn't follow that but we've had questions I did I did follow debate we had a lot of questions a lot of debate and a lot of debate we've had uh several debate I hear the the Bell going off this is an important issue um I didn't say it wasn't I'm just saying don't have another 20 minutes each of debate when we've already been there okay I think the council heard that what what you want uh County Manager George reonal yeah there was the question about the the landfill uh and what it would do uh for flooding in that particular area uh the answer is nothing the the storm water monies that we're talking about is specifically for the cell the new cells that are going in so that it's a expensive system because it is for all the new cells which is will provide a 100-year life but that is uh required to capture the storm water that comes off the hill that we'll be creating and and capturing and in that system it doesn't do anything about the flooding that occurred down on Halifax and in that area matter of fact that all became because of the backup of that tributary um that goes down into Spruce Creek and as again which we've said many times you had a 6 to9 ft sto storm surge uh with 20 Ines of rain um and so that's why it it floods it floods whenever that backs up and uh but what's happening out on the landfill is intended to capture the storm water and treat the storm water that will be related to that cell so that's what it's for yeah I I think that was that was clear uh councilman Johansson I'm I'm beside myself where are we are we are we your we're debating the take my second bite of the Apple before we made a motion is is that where we are are we going to start the whole thing over again sir uh no I don't think you wanted to your name I don't want to you're the chairman your name was on the list so no if you don't want to talk you don't have to councilman Robins I would love to sir I just want to make sure that we're not going to start it again I'll save my comment for later um so fellow council members I I do um see this as a a a pretty hefty $2.5 million investment um but I see it I see it in our youth I see it a little bit different than than some of you um a one-time investment uh with a cost avoidance for Crime drugs mental illness uh and future social Serv Social Services all of all of which we currently fund with taxpayers hard earn cash um we we pay the ADM Bill uh we pay the cfab bill uh we give money to um to nonprofits to take care of all those things that that I see Pace as as as getting down to the root cause and taking care of it before it happens not trying to put a Band-Aid on something after it happens so um along with Mr Santiago I I I believe this a great program and um uh I I really want to support it at whatever time we decide and uh I was going to ask George a question about the uh about the um flooding but it sounds like it just got answered I appreciate it that's all I have sir councilman Robbins thank you here's uh Brad is Brad still here there you are can't even see you um earlier Brad real quick I'm just roughly crunching some numbers you said it roughly costs 30,000 a year or 55,000 so the statistic from DJJ that I read was 55,000 for youth so it's different from youth populations versus adult populations and less than 20,000 is their program okay so I just did some and in those 80 students are those 80 per year or are those 80 I'm sorry it's about a 100 girls a year at PACE fuia but 80 at any given time it's the capacity that we'll see in the new building current building I believe the capacity is 62 yeah okay so this would allow us to serve more girls so 25,000 times 80 roughly guys is 2 million right in in a year so it's something to look at I I think um you guys are definitely an asset there's no ifs or butts about it and I think you're possibly offering services cheaper than than other people so it's something that also we need to look at um this brought awareness to that obviously uh on how we're allocating and where we're directing funding for some of these Services when you guys could be doing it uh for for cheaper so I I think this is going to give us um an opportunity to get some more Partners here um and I think some good things are going to come out of it so thank you thank you for everything that you do County Manager George reonal yeah I just want to ask Karissa uh is there any public participation in this because I want to make sure we weren't missing that thank you no that's what I just said we would do that next and um nobody else no other council member wanted toh speak the first one was uh John Nicholson and Chris I only have two is that correct okay John Nicholson Daytona Beach um I saw the $2 and a half million dollars on the agenda and I had to put my name in there um if you recall uh there were several cities that did not want to pay for police officers and the school board came to you guys for almost a half million dollars the city of Daytona Beach paid for 11 out of pocket I'm not happy that we were asked to pay for other that would not all right now the school board is contributing 3% to this building well actually the fenes and whatnot we're going to contribute about 40% the state will contribute about 38% it is a school regardless of what you call it Charter School whatever it is a school and this is the second time the school board came to you or is coming to you to ask for something that they should fund this is absolutely beneficial there's no complaint about that at the tail end of this there won't be welfare there won't be crimes there won't be all this other bad negative effects for people that drop out and cause whatever happens when you you're at the bad end of the society drugs whatever all right these girls will go on to lead productive lives pay taxes have children husbands a whole nine yards win-win all right I don't mind funding the two and a half million if there was a necessity to do so but I don't see the necessity to do so all right there are other things to spend that money on are we looking at the totality I'm a holistic thinker on these things I understand all the benefits that we are going to get from this new building well believe it or not there's a empty building down the street for me a school building they just moved it to orand empty School building just sitting there doing nothing who knows what they're going to do with it they don't know they're going to store things in it this will be perfect for them 100 girls and all those free empty classrooms all right there's a possibility well they're now really down the line on this thing I'm asking you to4 $400,000 I think that's less than what George makes I think that's George has more buildings than 23 schools he has more employees all right do you have more than 2,000 employees do you have more than 2,000 residents of alucha County I think it's like almost 600,000 so he said 600,000 they have 2,000 and George is getting paid less I think 400,000 when you go nationally the national average New York has paid much more than this Southern St thank you uh mayam Gabby White good evening it's meam Gabi white I am citizen of vucha County for 45 years in 1978 4th of July when I moved to wua County WUSA cany adopted me and I adopted wua County and since then my full commitment to serve the county pace for girls I have been involved with not yesterday or the day before I've been involved for number of years number of years I would say close to 20 years being on the local board and every Christmas we struggle to find ABCDE so I've been fundraising for them for that many years not that we are in front of you it's not a think of yesterday Mr chairman members of the council that we thought of I have invited every one of you to come and see our school because then perhaps you would have known why we are asking for this building I have a daughter my daughter raised to go with me to see pace for girls I like for all those girls to have the same opportunity Mr Dempsey the school board as you suggested Mr Kent we got in touch with we didn't think about it right so we got in touch with them and they are more than willing to help us that's their first offer but to push us out just to say go come back the price of construction since when I started working on this I could have bought one of those buildings you think we didn't look at those buildings they're more expensive because we have we are Guided by Statewide Barbara just told me don't make a mad but I want to tell you one thing to Mr Kent when we got $340 million to build the interchange for city of Orman Beach you think other people in the State of Florida didn't mind that you think that out of blue we decide to come and get to uh two million and a half to build this school it's been months of working with this phenomenal staff Brad like I'm so impressed you know how many data we provided to be eligible for this we will come back and then coming at because I won't give up but the way you're looking at it is just wrong and you all have to live with your conscious because you know what our roof might fall that if you go to that building that is over 100 years old you have to look for the safety of yourself walking and these girls they live there if you go there surprise them these girls their teacher have a candle have something to make have music so they can motivate them but these girls still they come because they La the education thank you question thank you okay if I may I want to reemphasize one point that George made because I I do work with the Schoolboard finance department and I feel like they to would want some acknowledgement that the Broadband project that former Council approved in February of 22 was originally allocated a $5 million allocation from this Council based off of the expected need uh from analysis of how much each address would cost it was only after that contract was entered into by the council by the county that the school board then later came and gave the $2 million to us as a grant to help pay for that contract so staff's recommendation for arpa funding follows based off of the logic that the school board came in after the fact and gave us that 2 million that's a project that they can spend their Capital funding on they are subject to restrictions I cannot speak to exactly what those restrictions are but their ability to spend on capital is somewhat limited by State Statute to public schools uh so they would have to speak to that the school board themselves but the $2 million recommendation from staff If This Were funded was based off of the fact that the school board came in after the fact so in a way there is some School Board participation from the $2 million I just wanted to clear that up okay thank you um Chrissa uh the motion on the table is to uh postpone this for um a Time uncertain but as quickly as possible to come back with more information would you please call the role Mr Santiago yes Mr Dempsey yes Mr Johansson yes Mr Kent yes Mr Reinhardt yes Mr Robbins yes Mr Brower yes the motion passes unanimously thank you and with that it's 6:29 uh why don't we take a break bre until 700 p.m. yeah e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] welcome to the vucha County council meeting the meeting will begin in 10 minutes [Music] he [Music] he [Music] a [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Music] w [Music] w [Music] w [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the vucha County council meeting the meeting will begin in 5 minutes [Music] a [Music] he [Music] oh [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] okay [Music] welcome to the vucha County council meeting the meeting will begin in 2 minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] I [Music] :3 [Music] I I saw that yeah yeah okay it's 7:00 we will resume the meeting with item four uh and to uh save a little time and cut right to it we'll go to uh clay Irvin good evening clay Irvin director of growth and Resource Management staff has been in contact with the property owner Miss mbina uh We've also been able to help her navigate through the application process for the transform 386 so her proc her application is in in process and should be uh there should be a decision on her eligibility and what can be done with it shortly um Chris Ryan from your county attorney's office has been in touch with Miss Machi who is Miss lavina's attorney uh they've agreed to allow for the council to remand this item back to the clca and they will drop their appeal that's currently in front of you that will give them sufficient time to get through the transform 386 process and then be able to report to the clca on the status on that that will help uh be able to provide all the facts to the clca so that they can make a decision also it will address her concern that uh in regards to due process if there's any questions Donna is here available to answer anything about the transform 386 application and Christopher Ryan is right behind me who can address any concerns about remanding it to the clca is there any questions before I call for a motion no no questions uh councilman Santiago move to send back to the C LCA Second Joe Hanson nice job motion to remand it back to the CL uh CA motion by Santiago and the second was was that Jake Johansson or okay questions debate all in favor say I I any opposed and motion carries 7 to Z thank you Donna item five contract amendment of solid waste collection recycling services with FCC Environmental Services uh director Benjamin Bartlett good evening Mr chair council members uh I am Ben Bartlett BL County Public Works director uh we have a two-part uh agenda item here um the first is an amendment to the contract with FCC Environmental Services they are the waste hauler in our unincorporated area of the county they have a current contract that runs through 2027 with an extension uh a 7-year extension after that um contract allows for a five a maximum 5% increase based on the uh CPI for garbage collection that uh rate that CPI rate for this year was 5.76% FCC has requested the maximum 5% and staff recommends approval the second part of the agenda item should Council approve the amendment would be to increase the non-ad valorum assessment which covers waste collection in the unincorporated area it's currently capped at $310 per household per year last year's assessment was $279 the recommended rate moving forward would be $288 per house per year which is a $9 increase per year 3.2% happy to answer any questions would you have proposing a 75 cent a month increase for me and my neighbors sir all right uh Vice chair K thank you chairman um Mr Bartlett does that increase make sure that it covers the 5% that yes staff is yes sir giving the green light to go with okay does it does it cover it in then some um there is a um it's actually less it's a percentage wise it's a 3.2% increase um versus the 5% of the contract so it's actually less than that but right I'm I'm just saying in that fund by us in increasing this amount to our residents is it is it going to make sure that we have a healthy amount of money in that fund if needed yes sir okay thank you any other questions for Mr Bartlett is there a motion move to approve Joe Hanson motion to approve by councilman Joe Hanson second by councilman Reinhardt any comments debate all in favor say I I any opposed motion carries 7 to zero thank you thank you item six valua forever purchase of 258 acres that is correct Council before you today we have three separate contracts for uh different Parcels that are owned um you can go ahead and play so we just have some uh drone voted footage for you um we have uh three contracts before you negotiated by your team and and the state and tandem uh to purchase these three parcels and so there's um owned by the same family but with different configurations um and that's why we're you know presenting them as three contracts because they kind of different um configurations and llc's that own them as the chairman said this is 2500 Acres just as an aside this is the very first family that I reached out to that I came into my role um I know you were big on us engaging our home our large land owners um and it took us 3 years to get there it's indicative of some of these conservation purchases but your team was persistent um they appraised value of these three Parcels from our appraisers two certified State appraisers and One reviewer for each of these um the appraised value of this 25 200 acres is 4.8 million 4.83 n and our team negotiated a deal at 4.75 so came in under that appraise the average of those appraisals um the good news is this has some really big water quality benefits for the Indian River Lagoon what this does is create about a 5,000 acre Corridor north of the Lagoon that is the drainage basin that goes into the Lagoon so um it protects this in perpetuity um our partners at the Water Management District own the 2500 Acres just south of this which is the turnbo hammock Conservation Area they have agreed to manage this property um and provide uh public access on the Uplands portion what the the two Parcels on Cow Creek do is give us some more Uplands primarily wet why the dis that's why there's a discounted price so on the wet stuff we're paying about 1,600 an acre which is comparable um to the state's purchase prices as well when we're talking about Wetlands um uh I will I will say that that they've they have agreed to manage this 2500 makers and and manage the recreation component if you can pull the PowerPoint up if you have it in the deck that would be great um they've agreed to that in exchange for us managing 1,400 Acres that they plan to give us in the future which is directly adjacent to Deep Creek preserve so we'll expand um our foot our Conservation Area and Deep Creek preserve as well so you can see here I have on the left is the hydrology map so you will see basically the star is this property and there's a the turble Creek or turble uh runs through this property and drains into the Lagoon um this is the Indian River Lagoon blueway identified by Florida forever as a a very important area to protect uh the Indian River Lagoon Council has talked about acquisition in this area um so we're we're real proud of of this deal the best part yet $4.7 million and the dis the Florida forever has agreed to reimburse us 3.2 million for the purchase of of the large par parcel so also you can see in the map to the right is the subject property um the red the blue and the yellow I think Yow yes yellow purple okay the two smaller Parcels that are a different color on the left uh and the red those are the three Parcels Al together you can see all the conservation area that we've uh that us and our partners um have acquired in order to protect the Lagoon so with that I'll answer any questions you may have about this purchase questions okay uh councilman Robbins thank you chair uh Brad good job with this uh I like what I hear and what I see and I want people just to pay attention to that Drone footage going up and what they see there's a lot of green in Valia County once you get away from the coastline right so uh the you know we are making a lot of Headway in this area we appreciate that something you hit on to the exchange for 1400 Acres Deep Creek berser on that exchange have we negotiated um before we sign on the doted line what what we can do on that recreationally on the 1400 Acres so that will come back to you for uh that's a Cooperative management agreement so in order to enter that will come back to council for approval so but I will assure you we have District staff here they understand our um Council goal on expanding recreational opportunities and it will be part of the negotiation number one giving the public access to this piece but also number two how we can give the public ACC access piece to um that additional 1400 Acres I appreciate that and what kind of uh Recreation can we expect even though it's property is wet you know is there going to be any nature kind of related Trails or we like we like walking through the swamp in southeast fuia I mean it's just something we so I I'd like to introduce Chris kinow he's from the uh the Water Management District and he's given us a conceptual plan in terms of a map I'll give to Carissa if I can find it in my packet here to pull up um while he's talking or ask my team if they have one good afternoon Council glad to be here I would like to thank the long partnership that the district and County their their stewardship program that we've had it's been fruitful over the years um and look forward to more in the future so our Recreation kind of objectives and the Cy's objectives align very well it's passive Recreation focused of hiking biking horseback riding um this area as the drum fo and what Brad alluded to is very wet there is some Uplands towards Cow Creek where that like a parking area and and trails could be decided um there is a um a drainage ditch that runs East West that kind of bcts the property there's already a levy against that drainage ditch so that's almost like a turnkey Trail it be in one way in one way out but it goes through the heart of the swamp which is pretty impressive so um there's already opportunities to kind of move forward with opening up a level of recreation um pretty quickly after closing so um as far as the resource management is concerned a lot of it is going to be surrounded or focused on invasive species management um culture resource um management okay here's here's some of the the items and this is just kind of like we used um elevation models just to kind of see um where The High Ground was and you kind of see the the that straight section right there that's the oh sorry can kind of do it that way oh no I can't there there's an East West almost nearly straight section on that and that's that that's that drainage ditch that has a levy next to it there is some High Ground along it that might just need to be developed it's kind of one of those things where you don't know at all until you kind of get out there and even when you get out there you don't know at all but um to where you can have an idea where to side it from um that kind of gives you an idea of of areas to go there's also pretty good potential of cultur resources out there this county is Rich with cultural resources dating back to prehistory till it all going up to more colonial times and um It's a Wonderful piece and it's going to do a great be of high value to water quality as well thank you uh Brad real quick on on on this piece uh yall had mentioned invasive species um we have a and I used to actually hunt in and around this property years ago and I know um just from years past uh and then just being in touch with the neighborhood there are so many hogs out there and they're just tearing things up do we have a management plan um in our our folks can we offer like a management hunt in there or something to maybe Target some of that so downturn bull hammock the conservation area to the South cattle DC manages the Hogs the biggest issue on this is access a lot of it is inaccessible by a vehicle which makes it not terribly attractive to a lot of right of hog Hunters it's not off the table but our usually our first option is to have a license hog agent that that's um vetted through the district that's our typical um operation for hog Management on our conservation lands that's not to say that there could be potential in the future um with coordination with FWC that's right for for management or for Wildlife Management areas we refer to FWC um to make recommendations to us uh we do have special opportunity hunts in other places not opportunity hunts but hog hunts in other places that the district manages um but those generally have better access that make it a little bit more attractive to get in there the only reason I it is it is an issue yeah and um which usually dealt with the hog agents but you know the levies and stuff like that I go down to the seol forest yeah and it's you know right along the river there and uh you stay on The High Ground that's where they're going to be but you know if we could set something up like that or work with them that that'd be great and it gives those folks because they just lost a big Hunt Club down there um and I know this means a lot it's the way of life down there so uh thank you guys yeah we'll certainly you know and we we have another piece we believe that will be coming to you in September um that has better access that may be a good opportunity but I turned to Nick and he already said special opportunity hunt um that may be the option here and continue our Legacy and continue our Legacy that the award that we were just given as landowner of the Year by FWC for our participation in youth hunts thank you uh questions for David Santiago I I just I just need to know where the bass located and do we have access to it no no bass oh sorry that's continue to call my vot September September okay got a good one coming thank you Mr chair I moved to to approve as present it motion to approve by uh councilman Santiago second second by Troy Kent I missed my question it's a real simple one describe for me what hog management consists of generally trapping that's okay um and then you cannot transport them off the property uh alive so it's generally trapping them uh there's actually been some pretty good advances in trapping technology um there's remotely activated traps it's almost like a net system yeah um so gen it's almost all trapping to be able to get the most at once yeah and they're very Humane yes yeah it's it's no claws yeah exactly no claws okay thank you very much uh David Troy you're yes yep I just wanted to just say Dr br bball yet again you're bringing us something where you're you're knocking it out of the park for fuchia County and for our environment at the same time uh excellent work thank you team effort got a great team you do but you're the guy standing up here and um you're the leader of of that team and you know I give George that credit for for putting you in that position but you're in front of us so thank you it's also a great benefit for the Indian River Lagoon and Troy's been in local government for a long time he all of us can relate when you say I've been working on this three years it takes a long time so good job all right we have a motion to approve and a second Mr Brower I apologize if you did but did you call the public comment I didn't do you want me to do that okay Ryan Ryan Solstice of Edgewater thank you I had good afternoon but it's good evening now Ryan Solstice development services director for the city of Edgewater uh here on behalf of the city to voice support for this acquisition uh this area of the turo hammock swamp provides critical flood plane um and flood way uh within the city our largest residential community Florida shores is just east of that giant red parcel there um and protecting this flood zone is within the 100-year flood will help ensure uh preserve kind of some of those flooding concerns for those residents in there um and that the city of Eder is in support of this acquisition thank you very much okay no other comments uh all in favor say I I I any opposed and the purchase is approved seven to zero brings us to uh item number eight approval approval of agreement with Motorola's solutions for a County Municipal Fire Station did I skip seven item seven approval sorry just approval of service changes with and course responding title six report good evening I'm Bobby King transit services division director I'm going to go through this presentation pretty quickly uh as discussed um when we were rolling out the V Ride service we would eliminate underperforming fixed route in west fuchia side of the county um so we held public meetings so this is a current SL current um service slide here this is what it's changing to low performing fixed rout of course um and then here's some information on our savings that we're expecting right at the moment could increase as we go on um but we just wanted to make sure that you had the figures that we were sure of right at the moment okay so we held public meetings um and and we had some participation on both sides of the county um and we did did hear from um some folks over here on the Delan side I'm going to explain to you what we what we decided to do with um the routes on the Dand the in the Dand area a little bit as when we get through the presentation okay so this is the final steps that we have to take for the federal process for this service approval and so we want to um uh you know make you aware of some of the public comments so most people didn't really have a problem with it um we did have some folks that are regular users a fixed route um that really wanted to keep uh specific section into land and so I want to show you what we've come up with as a solution um to to continue to keep a circulator into land for for the popular places that we want to keep the um the fixed route going Hospital the um onong Plymouth the doctor's offices Walmart um Publix and and we'll still be able to do that and save save the money that um that we said we were going to save so part of the part of this is a title six analysis report and we have to we have to do this as part of the federal process there's no finding of um disproportionate burdens of any kind so that's important of course once you um approve uh today's changes um they will go into effect on June 30th so I want to show you one other one other slide and this is the circulator that I was talking about we'd had a lot of comments in the last couple days with um some residents here in Dand that were were very adamant that they they wanted to continue to have a fixed route on the green the green line area and we've been able to find a way to make that happen and continue to keep the savings that we said we would keep um so we wanted to make that uh point to you before we finish this presentation that we did find a way to make this happen um without any additional cost so that's it thank you uh questions uh David Santiago move to appr approve as presented SEC second Troy Kent we have a motion to approve as presented by councilman Santiago and a second by Vice chair Kent any other questions comment comment please Vice chair Ken thank you chairman um you took the homework assignment you did exactly what we asked you uh were still providing a great service and you're saving money thank you for that my question I do have one question it's to the council member that it's his district I just want to make sure you're good with this because that means a big deal to me this is these are your constituents are you are you okay with this oh yeah Miss King actually I know I think I know the reason for this circulator and it's awesome that they were able to do what they were intending to do but yet still service the needs of council member Dempsey if you're good with it then I'm good with it perfect yes how come he never says that to me you know guess the one we did in Deltona the one we did in Deltona you were doing a backflip for I knew you were good with it couldn't I couldn't read Don's face it's it's a bromance okay no other questions no other comments all in favor of the new plan as presented say I I any opposed plan is accepted good good job 7 to zero now we'll do item eight approval of agreement with Motorola Solutions and we've Mr Brower while they're coming down for item two um I believe it was Mr Robbins was out of the room and I just wanted to clarify his vote on item two the consent agenda it's unanimous okay are you g to kick it off I will unless you want to right okay no go go ahead thank you for coming Joe King fire chief we're here tonight to seek the council 's approval on an agreement with motoro solutions to um Implement and Supply us with a new station alerting software um what this will do it's it's the agreement is to cover the backbone and connect all the fire stations EMS stations and City municipality stations to Central Dispatch um the process real quick what I wanted to tell you that involved was we had um cooperation with all the County Fire Chiefs um County procurement County it as well as dispatch director and their staff and working through all this as well as towards the end working through this with Motorola um what this is doing is it's upgrading technology that we've had in place for many years so it's upgrading an older system of station alerting it's going to allow dispatch to get us out quicker cut down on the time of processing calls and and the tones as well as is um getting our staff out of the stations faster um I have with me today um Melissa Cavalier cavalo from Motorola as long as as well as Rob Richardson and they're both from Motorola and Trent Skiles from it which we've worked on this so if there's any questions that we may have or more discussion um I didn't want to share too much I figured we'd answer some questions for you thank you yes there are there was a question from councilman Santiago thank you chairman thank you Chief um can you give me a a scenario break it down to me why this is going to be better for the cons citizens and how it's going to make it quicker I don't know your current system so like you know today I'm going to I'm going to set the platform for you today you get a call somebody calls 911 what happens and then tomorrow when we have this system what happens differently and and I'm going to let I'm probably going to bring Tren up too but one thing I will tell you is right now currently we use what they call a stack tones so if multiple units are going on a call we're sitting there from anywhere from 20 to 45 seconds to listen to multiple tones going off for every single station before dispatch even starts talking what this new software does is it's initial tone all the units will get notified at one time there's even um options in the system where every station will have a display board that immediately the information comes up on a screen where now we're sitting for 20 to 40 seconds waiting for five to seven different station tones to go off before dispatch can even communicate to us so it's cutting down a tremendous amount of time just when you say the Stacked tones is I'm going to try it does that beep up different stuff right you know multiple tones but then it's multiple stations so it' be station one in Daytona station 11 and Holly you know our station 11 it'll be multiple stations before dispatch can even communicate what the location is where we're going okay so let me make sure I understand what you said because I'm really interested in this to make sure but so if a call is for station whatever 20 I'll make that up if a call is for station 20 today a call comes in and this tone that you're describing starts to play over the speaker system yes um and it'll go through every station no it'll go through the mult if there's multiple units going to that call so even if you're out in the truck driving around there will be if three every structure of fire we go to three fire trucks an ambulance a battalion so only the people that are going to the same call right it's not going to go through every single station it's just the units going to that call how often does that happen a lot of the I mean every call we go to is multiple responses um EMS is you know us and EMS motor vehicle accidents multiple units um it's also quicker I mean you can share more with the dispatch side of it yeah so my name is Trent skilly I'm the radio system manager for the county and um right now we're using like really really old 50-year technology with two tones going over the air 50 old people still work good I know something yeah I just turned 61 okay I'm joking goe but yeah we're using really old technology and like the chief said if we have a big structure fire and they have a lot of units going it's what they call a stacked call so dispatch is it's actually driven by CAD so it'll send out two tones for one station and then it'll stack two more tones on that for the next station if you have five or six trucks going to a structure fire it can take a minute at least to to tone out all these stations how many structure fires do you dispatch a year oh that's a good question how many and how many of those are multiple units I'm not really sure the number on the the number of structures but yeah 5% of the call so with the new system cattles will it can send out all those tones almost instantaneously with within just milliseconds yeah and I'll tell you where I'm going with my concern is you obviously new technology is good I'm not a no I'm not a yes I'm trying to learn here right now um but what I've learned about these sorry Motorola well I don't want to say sorry you guys are okay and all these other Communications companies they they every year we have this huge huge expense that they changed something in a radio they put a new switch in it and now we got to spend four more million dollars every year and then next year this software is going to be well we have the 2.2 version and you're going to come here and say we need $200,000 to upgrade to the 2.2 version if I'm going to spend if my vote to spend three was it 3.5 3.5 million is that what it is less the grants 3.5 um less the grants what's what's our out of pocket for the county 3.5 okay that's after the so it's more than 3.5 3.5 total okay um so where I'm going is that I want to be sure that this is so we're talking we're talking 5% of the calls for structure fires that we send out multiple units to to save 20 to 30 seconds and spend 3.5 million you got to sell me a structure fires so it's it's accidents on I95 it's a lot of calls where they send multiple units okay and and EAC now that they're stationing ambulances at a lot of the fire stations the Evac units will have their own uh separate call out whereas right now we don't have enough capacity in the old system to even tone out the Evac units so they just hit a warble tone to alert them on the radio so the Evac people have to listen to the radio okay so now you're selling me more okay that's what I need I needed more the other good thing about this is the the new new IP technology it's polling the stations all the time so if the one of the stations goes down the dispatcher knows it immediately what's the uh the yearly uh contract cost that we have to pay additionally there isn't any there's no licensing that continued every year it's no and I've got techs that work for me we're going to self-maintain it with with motor rollers assistance okay that's my concerns CU I again they they're pretty good at changing every year and making us buy more spend more money okay so thank you Mr chair thank you uh councilman Robin questions thank you U Chief I know the Sheriff's Office got a new program here recently where was live dispatching and as you know like you hit on Sir seconds count 30 seconds is a long time when things are going south uh so is there a service that they that Motorola maybe offers have we explored that live and how that's doing or how that trial is doing in terms of response times and servicing the did have a conversation with Tim Morgan and and Sheriff chipwood the other day and they're actually going to give us two of their licenses to try out to see how that works for us so we're working with dispatch right now to get our people signed on to that to see how it could work I mean and that's something you know we'll explore with Motorola um but recently that's the conversation I've had with Tim Morgan that's all and another part to your question um it also speeds up dispatch because in Tech Motorola technology they have a talk to text a type to text so as the dispatcher is putting the system in and they dispatch the call they're not even talking on the radio it's automatically sending out the call so the dispatchers you know still on the call with the call taker taking information while the systems already sending the call out so it's not having to put the person on hold um so there's there's a lot more involved to that it was just I didn't mean to get in One Direction of no that's it's helpful for me thank you it it's turned me to a different position just worried that they don't want to milk US every year thank you just uh couple quick questions you said that we're replacing a system that's 50 years old it's like 50 you say that earlier it's like 50 years old little little bit of difference in technology boes that just open up speakers and right um this also includes all the municipalities it ties all of us together it just ties their stations to dispatch so anything that they do to build out their stations if they want to do any upgrades that's all on them they'll work through that with Motorola after this all the Count's doing is basically it's like what we have in place right now we're connected to all their stations we're replacing that connection to the station and then anything they want to build out they'll work through the contract with Motorola so this helps every fire department to 61 locations okay that that's significant right there thank you um and then I just I wanted to verify the the numbers I don't think you have to come up Ryan it says 3.5 million but 1.7 of that comes from Grants right I'm just reading it from the I guess it wasn't a simple question he'll be up okay um any other questions uh yours as a comment Jake you have a question yeah quick question Chief does this the Name Escapes me and I don't know why but does this increase your the the County's ability to lower people's Insurance our ISO radio ISO thank you so putting this in place I mean will cut down on our turnout times and stuff yeah so it as I'd imagine and and right now to to further kind of dig into Mr Santiago's question um in in your opinion how much do you think this is can you quantify how much it's going to decrease our response time average two to three minutes none of our well response times total I mean what we're looking that is turn turnout Times Dispatch is trying to turn out all our calls in less than 90 seconds we have some that we're getting you know close to two minutes okay you know because of the process times this will help them get us out of the stations faster and more consistent but once the tones go off and our Wheels move that's all on us it's traffic it's just helping dispatch get us out of the stations get our apparatus moving faster the quicker they can get the information and know where they're going the quicker they can can roll the wheels got it and and um uh chairman already asked 50 years long time all right thanks the reason I had a puzzled look the number sounded familiar it's because it's the next agenda item the Turnbull Bay Road paved shoulders is 50% Grant funded at 1.7 million this agenda item is for 3.6 million is being funded with uh coronavirus Relief Fund transition funds so those were the funds back during the pandemic that we were allowed to use the public safety wage presumption when we did that all the savings we had for Corrections we transferred to this fund so it is in essence has been generated all from uh Corona virus money that we got but it's not specifically half a different Grant or something that's the next item okay thank you all right uh any other questions I just had one quick one I may Don Dempsey Chief I was just curious um does this help our accreditation status the iso accreditation will it will it pump us it helps us with our ISO it'll help us with our accreditation we're in the process of starting that so all of this will help in our accreditation do you know where we are what what level one to 10 our ISO right now is a five it's a five and we're actually if ISO is I think scheduled to come in November and I think right now I don't want to make any promises but I think we'd be a three re easy which is pretty what we've put in place yeah since the last Chief and transition into us just with training and everything that we've done um I I don't want to I'm afraid to be on record saying that but I think I'm pretty confident that we'd be a three well that'd be awesome okay thank you if I'm if we're not I'll come back and figure out how okay great so okay uh for comments Vice chair Kent thank you chairman just a couple of brief comments I'm I'm appreciative of council member Santiago's questions at the beginning because you're right that has happened in the past I've lived that life and seen it and I'm glad you clarified so that we're not going to be stuck with a hype bill every year and next year it's going to change and all of that but majority of my comments go to Chief king and you know if we've if we've been here 17 months serving together as a council I think you've been here 16 months or 15 months and again I give credit to um Mr rectenwald for for making the decision you know that that you were the right person in the right time at the right spot to lead vucha County um fire rescue and I'm appreciative of that you know we heard from one of your rank and file members today come and talk about how really positive things are in the fire department and that doesn't just happen that's a climate that's your leadership and I just wanted to publicly tell you I I appreciate you more than I I say um but thank you for that and thank you for bringing our um thank you for for bringing our technology up because when you're in trouble and you need help you need it now and you know when when we're talking about you know times we want them at 90 seconds but we're looking at two and three minutes you know this this is the right call to do thank you I just want to say real quick I app appreciate that and I when I got named that day as the fire chief I said that that day I just felt like right now I was put in the right place at the right time and and and I appreciate everything working with staff being able to work with the county manager Deputy County Manager it's I tell people all the time I'm starting my 35th year in the fire service and I'm having the most fun that I've had in the fire service in a long time so I appreciate that all right councilman d uh councilman Santiago thank you Mr chairman move to approve the agreement with Motorola motion to approve by councilman Santiago the second came from councilman Reinhardt any other comments all in favor say I I any opposed and it's approved 7 to zero good job um thank you very much okay item nine we will be postponed again um at the request of fot um it's not quite ready so item nine turn bril Bay will come back to us that brings us to item 10 the budget amendment reallocation of Corona virus local fiscal Recovery Fund of the American Rescue plan act good uh good evening Council Ros sski Chief Financial Officer uh the item uh I have a recommendation that I'm going make here in a minute but the item presented two different options based off of uh what was going to occur earlier today given that the pay school was uh tabled for a future meeting our recommendation would be to um enact the budget resolution with a modification the first budget uh amendment that was attached which would be on page 10-6 and 10-7 for clarity it is the one that's labeled with paay school funding however the very last line that says Title One cdbg eligible project pay School for Girls instead we would allocate that to reserves so that we would have the $2 million still available until a future decision is made and then at that point we could reallocate that money the reason for that instead of just postponing this item just like we would be postpone or um tabled item three is that the action of this Council by amending this budget gets reported on every uh the the budget gets reported on every quarterly report we do for this grant we have many other projects that we're proposing amendments to moving funding around including increasing funding for some of the storm water projects removing funding for uh projects that are complete like the reimbursement of self-insured workers comp and reimbursement of the self-insured health insurance fund for covid related expenses the Broadband project that we don't need the funds on because the school board came in with that additional $2 million Grant so because of those other amendments that I'd like to make that is my that is why my recommendation is to still enact that one but just with the very last line change to reserves instead of saying pay school and then at that point we'll bring a future Amendment once we know how Council wants to move forward with if anything on that item it would leave $2 million in reserves in the arpa fund and we can figure out where to go with that later but it would also fix the budgets for the rest of the projects okay that's clean that's clear uh councilman Santiago thank you Mr chairman move to approve as staff recommended with the $2 million moved into Reserve motion to approve uh as stated by our Chief Financial Officer um by Santiago second by Matt Reinhardt uh any questions comments all in favor say I I any opposed and reallocation is approved unanimous you and you're still here for item 11 5year forecast taxing funds yeah Mr chair I'd like to just start before they get uh okay Rolland uh again as a County uh we uh of course we'll be we're in the middle of putting together the the budget and part of that exercise we really like to take a five-year look and and today you know we hope to come out of this with a direction that'll help us finalize the budget which will be coming to you at the very next meeting uh in July and we'll setting the trim so it's in our best estimate at this time not everything is known um and certainly in the outer years uh these are forecasts but I I would like people to pay attention to those other years because they're important we can do things maybe in a one-year interval but they affect things two and three years out and I I wanted to uh remind everybody that so not all expenses are accounted for but we're pretty close at this point but things like SunRail for instance uh you know you'll see in there when we talk about the general fund uh that we've got uh we've gotten to a point and then we've pointed out SunRail as a separate uh expense not all of it only about half of it but we don't know some of the numbers that are going to come out of that yet this is our first year in so we're uh and we're working with uh other entities uh to come up with that and things like Insurance are still a question on that so could be a significant uh amount to the budget and and then in outer years as we forecast for SunRail we don't know exactly again are we going to be uh asked to do nights and weekends and other changes that will probably uh cost more money um the other thing we heard you in the capital uh discussion uh to start looking at ways uh to handle the courthouse requests from the judicial side and so I think in our plan here we've contemplated a way to get us uh towards that not obviously the entire amount it'll require debt but debt will cost and uh and when you're talking about this kind of money you'd be talking to debt payment that could be uh greater than even SunRail so you'd be you know looking at maybe in the neighborhood of $910 million uh a year in a debt payment so that's certainly significant uh and would need to be factored in so we're attempting to do that so I'm going to turn Aaron loose and I may jump in there a few occasions to make a point but again uh this is uh we're getting close to to the budget this is our kind of our shot at looking at it and looking at it what we're going to look like over several years go go ahead good evening count can you hold up one second I just want to ask the county manager I I thought at the last meeting what we approved was to hire an architect to look at the buildings and determine can they be refurbished and that's we're doing that that's part of yeah you'll see where that is but even that's not a small expense for something so big so we that's contemplated here yeah so when we get to the general fund I'll highlight that for you uh Aaron van cleek Deputy Finance director I'll try to be uh brief I'm not going to go over every slide this was put out for you guys to review uh but there are some key points that we do have to touch on I won't go over the structure you guys have seen them before the revenue assumptions are listed out here for you for just some big some of our bigger Revenue sources and the percentages that we've increased for the upcoming year and then the forecast years expens expenditure assumptions as well you can see what our assumptions are for those as far as growth factor for expenses uh some of those are known uh for the 24 25 year and then the the forecast years are just assumptions based on Trend and let me say uh on these expens expenditure assumptions uh we've worked with all the department heads and division heads to minimize wherever we can so these are targets and uh but a lot of things uh they work with us and and uh they're not all the requests for sure are are granted so to speak there's a a lot that ends up on The Cutting Room floor go ahead Aon let me just I want to make sure I'm clear on the revenue assumptions you have 8% for 2526 but has the uh count has the property appraiser confirm that yet no those are our those are our taxable value assumptions just based on the trends that we've seen from taxable value we know it is has declined so the 10.6 to 10.9 is based on the preliminary numbers that we got on June 1st we'll get another set of preliminary numbers uh from the property appraiser July 1st okay then uh in October he'll finalize the role then you have the VAB process so the actual taxable value number is known until January usually when bab concludes what um so what you have is you have a 10.6 to 10.9% taxable value increase across all your taxing funds that's actually down the last two years we were at 14% And 12% so we are declining in our taxable value uh growth each year so we're trying to forecast what those future years are going to look like based on that the the only thing I would add because I the the property appraiser recently had his property values and and he talked about property values I think the headlines that you saw there were just value we're looking at taxable value there is a there is definitely a difference there uh years ago a couple years ago we had a huge increase in just value but we didn't have that increase in tax full value because everything is capped by the save our homes cap uh and also the 10% cap on non-homesteaded properties so in essence you actually drag out that big bump that we had a couple years ago in just value we don't get this we don't see that all in one year the taxable value kind of trails the just value and so like George mentioned we're going to go over the forecast today these are only the taxing funds so this would not be of course the total budget because we have a lot of uh Enterprise funds and other funds within the budget that's included we're just talking about the taxing funds tonight so I'm not going to go over these spreadsheets although I councilman Santiago request that I read every number um but I won't do that twice twice twice right twice um I will point out on this first slide down near the bottom you see prior year fund balance sustainable that negative $5 million is still in the general fund that is $5 million we're saying upfront we're going to find savings throughout next year so we're already accounting for $5 million lower in the budget than we're actually was requesting from all the divisions um and then on this slide here you see the major capital uh 48.5 million it's like right in the middle the subtotal major Capital Improvement so that 48.5 million of major Capital we're using all fund balance so all one-time money and you see that in your reserves how it goes from the 71 million that we adopted in 24 we had um some good revenues some expenses come in lower we had some more fund balance in the fund so we have $105 million of fund balance in the general fund right now we're using 48 million of that for the onetime capital and dropping the reserves down to 56 million uh for 2425 and so the forecast that you presented here with is a partial roll back to help offset the increased cost of SunRail and so when I say the increased cost of SunRail we planned on a partial year of SunRail and current year because we thought we would we would be taking over earlier so the increased cost of SunRail is 3.3 million and so we're only uh we're only offsetting that increased cost of SunRail at the increased rate or I'm sorry at the roll partial roll back rate so it is a roll back rate from the you can see on the first slide here the 33958 down to the 3.28 um so I mentioned the use of fund balance we are forecasting to require a flat rate uh in fiscal year 2526 so next next fiscal year and then the last two fiscal years there's a potential for rate reduction depending on the east side judicial needs I'll flip back to this major Capital here um up above the subtotal for major Capital you see the East Side judicial planning so we've programmed $5 million in 2425 to begin that process um and then we have $15 million in 2627 uh for engineering needs if it gets to that level so the $5 million will get us started um any funding left over from that can be rolled uh into whatever project needs we have um for that project uh so the forecast fulfills council's direction to invest in the east side cour Courthouse as I pointed out uh we do address needs in the justice system I'm not going to read all those words you guys already reviewed this um it is a fiscal responsible forecast that sets us up uh for continued success while maintaining a low rate that we've been working at for years I can keep going to every fund unless you have questions about a specific fund that you want to stop on so the law enforcement fund you remember we enacted this last year we called it the public safety fund last year year per council's direction we changed it to the law enforcement fund that is what's going to be printed on the trim notices as well what's shown here is not a forecast because we're not trying to forecast the sheriff's expenses uh we're just trying to fund his budget so what you see is a complete breakdown of how his budget is funded and it gives you the total Sheriff's budget at the bottom because he does have other sources he has grants that he gets and those are listed out there as well um so you can kind of see where that's at and where the millage rate will need to be for the law enforcement fund it is presented at an increased millage rate of 1.5 n91 Which is 01450 higher than the rate that we adopted for 2324 I will point out that we did forecast a slight increase in the rate last year when we were uh when we were looking at the law enforcement fund um so we we kind of saw that this was potentially coming um adorm taxes generated are for the sole purpose of funding the countywide law enforcement activities the reason I point that out is because you will see on the spreadsheet the uh transfer from sales tax of $6.3 million that transfer of sales tax covers the CRA payments that the law enforcement fund has to make uh because it is a taxing fund so it has to pay into C and it covers the property appraiser and tax collector commissions so that everything we Levy in this fund is strictly for law enforcement uh this is a history of the general fund millage rate you guys have seen this slide before the only difference is the final two years have the law enforcement rate broken out uh from the general fund the adorm tax is not levied is still a number that includes both the law enforcement and the general fund uh because it's hard to make a light comparison to all these years uh when we just broke out the law enforcement fund last year uh so you can see we have almost $300 million in Ador taxes that we have not levied if we would have kept a flat rate uh since fiscal year 2018 which I will brag is that you know as a county a matter of fact I'll be meeting my County Manager uh friends uh next week uh uh at our annual get together uh they think we're nuts uh they we uh we are one of the count few counties that uh even attempt to go to rollback or near rollback the to them roll back is uh just keeping the same rate so uh but that's why if you look in the tax watch uh which will come out again uh um you will'll find that you know we have tumbled in the rankings which is a a good thing you know we're down um uh a lot lower than we used to be so that's a lot of hard work uh of the team we have and I appreciate that they've been able to be conservative and and get us uh where we're at so so then we move on to the library fund um the library fund we are presenting at the estimated roll back rate I say estimated because it's I'm calculating that estimated roll back rate we won't know it until the final values come um but we are calcula or we are presenting it at an estimated roll back rate it does include the remaining funding needed to complete the Port Orange Library Expansion Project it does fund three additional positions uh for the Pearson Library operations and then we do have a use of fund balance or onetime money of $4.6 million and that is mainly to fund the remaining uh needs of the Port Orange Library expansion the echo fund is presented at a flat millage rate of 0.20 you can see the estimated roll back rate is listed there uh it does provide the $3.5 million in funding for a new Motocross facility uh based on Council Direction so we have included that all entirely in Echo uh of course that will come back for a future vote if this was to get approved at budget time um $7 million is budgeted for fiscal year 24 25's Grant cycle and that's based on our anticipated Grant submissions and then we do have adequate Reserve for future flexibility as you could see on the spreadsheet the forever land acquisition fund is another fund that we're presenting at the flat millage rate of 0.2 and I do have the estimated roll back rate listed there we do add one position to help increase the intake speed and processing of the bla forever Acquisitions because we do have a large amount of um Federal funding that we're trying to leverage with our funding so we do need an additional person to help process th uh those land purchases quickly and we do have 11.6 million I say it's in reserve because when you look at the spreadsheet you'll see it in the reserve line because we don't we don't budget for those land purchases because we don't want to set a expectation for how much we're going to buy that land for so we keep it in reserves as we're negotiating and then we'll pull it from reserves as you guys approve those purchases and then we do have the 15% set aside for the forever Land Management operations at the $1.7 million the municipal Service District is presented here at a flat millage rate it is presented at a flat millage rate uh I have the estimated roll back rate listed there um the elimination of the communication Services tax that Council voted on last year we said at the time we did not believe we would be able to get to roll back in this fund if we were to do that um and so that is the case um the Ador taxes that we are generating in the MSD do not fully cover the transfer uh to the sheriff for patrol of unincorporated valua so the MSD is the unincorporated area the sheriff is the patrol Agency for that for that area there is no law enforcement for un Incorporated valua other than the sheriff so we generate $20 million in avalor taxes the transfer of the share for the MSD portion is uh 24 million 24.4 million the mosquito control fund we are presenting at the estimated roll back rate uh and that continues the set aside for the new facility construction that is currently under design and we do add one mosquito control inspector to be used primarily on the west side of the county and that mosquito control inspector will be reimbursed uh from municipalities that he is working he or she is working in as as well as the unincorporated area on the west side of the county then we have the port District the pon Leon Port District we are presenting at a flat millage rate uh we do continue set aside for the large scale dredging projects which will create the material that is beneficial for reuse on our beaches and we have continued development of our offshore artificial Reef system and we have a small use of fund balance onetime money of $814,000 in the port fund fire Services is the next one that we're presented we're presented at a flat millage rate for the fire Services fund it does include large Capital Investments for the capital needs and I've listed those out there and we do add three firefighters to the operations to continue that growth in in the fire that we've been working on for the past couple years this slide here gives you a good millage history of what we have done uh for the last 10 years um you can see since you know 2020 21 was the year where we we really went roll back partial roll back in in nearly every in every fund and since then we have been working hard to be at roll back in as many funds as possible or to reduce the rate year after year as much as we possibly can uh so you can see what's what's listed out there this gives you the mill mill rate options summary uh kind of just gives you a summary of Where the rates were for 23 24 where we're recommending those rates be for 2425 and you can see the ones that are listed as a partial roll back or roll back so Silver Sands bathoon MSDS the only one of the taxing funds that you won't see a spreadsheet for because that it's really just Street lighting the only reason we Levy a tax there is for that area that's the only area that pays into it and it is for their street lighting so there is no there is no other expenses in that Fund in terms of next steps we're not seeking any approval here today we're seeking any direction that Council uh would like to provide we'll get the final preliminary values um on or before July 1st from the property appra and then we'll be bringing back the recommended budget to council at the next meeting at the July 16th council meeting for uh where we will set the tentative millage rates that will be presented on the trim notice and then you'll get your budget hearings in September where we'll do the public budget hearings and with that we'll take any questions or Direction you might have you you mentioned the five million in the in the budget that are future Cuts or savings at the next meeting or one of these budget meetings will we know what they are so basically what we're trying to account for with that 5 million is vacancies um you know we have turnover we have people retire we don't fill the position right away it takes time to onboard somebody else so we have savings from every time a person retires or every time a person leaves the organization you also have to budget for the contracts that you currently have a lot of times when a contract ends we go back out to bid sometimes we're able to reduce the cost of that contract or we're able to make other changes to reduce the cost of what that what that operating expense is so we're planning on those things happening it's not any one set thing that we're saying we're going to reduce this we're planning on being efficient in our uh operations when we're looking for new contracts or when we're going back out to bid or when we're trying to procure new Services uh we're looking to get the the lowest price that we can and then on the Personnel side it really is just vacancies as they turn over in addition to that 5 million we also have 36 positions throughout the budget which we call attrition positions it gives the divisions the authority to fill the position but we don't budget money for it so there's 28 positions and Corrections that we say are attrition they can fill the positions there's nothing stopping them from filling the positions but we're not putting money in the budget for those 28 positions because they've run a higher vacancy rate and so we use those attrition positions in the high vacancy areas so that we don't have to overburden the budget um with the with the Personnel cost of that and that's that's an additional savings as well in addition to the 5 million yeah a lot of places wouldn't do that but we do it because we're confident in our team that we can uh we can find those savings and we can make that happen and again and it kind of does keep a message throughout the organization that because again they would know uh oh wait I've got three or four openings and they would typically come and hey can I do this or do that and I'd say well no because we have the $5 million you got to make you know so before we can do that so it's a it sets a bar uh in the organization to say Hey you know again we are uh there to be conservative and uh and do it with the least amount of money that we can and again we don't want to over budget that would mean that over tax the people will were going skinny and taking a chance and we have and we do have reserves so that is you know a risk that I think we're willing to take and then if something goes HeyWire uh we would be back to you during the year uh to say hey this we did not anticipate this this is a big thing could be storm related uh so but I think we're in a good position to be able to do that no storms thank you that we would all hope and we're hope they crisscross other places not here uh councilman Santiago move to approve as as presented second a motion to approve as presented by councilman Santiago the second was by Vice chair Kent uh Matt Reinhardt thank you chair um I will hit on one thing um was asked some questions about fire and yeah I see Chief King looking up as soon as I said that I commend you for doing that because everybody points out like law enforcement law enforcement you have to increase uh due to your population increasing obviously you have to service those areas same thing happens with fire so everybody kind of leads them out of the out of the loop there so I commend the fact that we're able to at least do that because uh the stations that are need of repair you know Station 15 the three additional people I commend the fact that we what it was spoken earlier today during uh public comment about the um fact that we have three on a truck now that's huge H and the fact that we can have paramedics on there as well so it was more of a comment I thank you very much for that because I actually thought that was going to go up a lot higher so I appreciate that thank you oh that's that's good um any other questions comments have a motion on the floor to approve as presented all in favor say I I I I opposed and item 11 passes 7 to Zer item 12 is a charter Amendment discussion Mr chairman if I make since I had suggested this item couple words out there okay um to the council I know I had asked about this putting up uh an agenda to this discuss and my my U my motive was so that the council can start looking at what historically has been done and proposed uh as potential Charter Amendment questions uh not advocating for any one or particular but more for so that we had the information um as we lead into it and um unless Council wants to go into the details of all of those I I I was going to ask staff to really give us an analysis or a a a break break down of how the process is coming up with the charter required uh process for creating a committee and that how that goes unless someone wants to go into the details in the file I don't want to um so that was it yes sir Russ Brown Deputy County attorney good evening Mr chair members Council uh with that as Mr Santiago said so we have the 10-year Charter review comes up in 2026 the last one the county had was in 2016 according to your Charter in section 13303 of your Charter it talks about that process you can start selecting people 18 months before the next general election so that is approximately May of 2025 for the November 2026 election I think the super Tuesday is November 3rd I think that's what I saw before I came up so it's uh 18 months before that date traditionally the last two Charter review committees uh it it our Charter requires us to have the number of people in our Charter Review Committee as uh General law provides for a charter commission for n non-charter counties and so looking at that Statute in 125 you can have no less than 11 people and no more than 15 our last two Charter reviews have had 15 total if you actually go to our if you go to voa.org and type in Charter on the search we still have our old uh 2016 review up there so you can see everybody that was elected we have an application process that goes out goes to the members of the council you select the charter review commission uh they review there's three public meetings that are required to be held to hear the public input um and they uh you know make the proposals within themselves uh majority votes comes to you and you have to Pro approve by 2third so five out of seven of the city members have to approve the amendments to put on the ballot for the referendum and with that I'll answer any questions if I missed any councilman Johansson yes chairman uh did we not um last meeting discuss the importance of being quick in case we want to do a charter amendment to get it on this next ballot and we asked about the timing what's the latest I said it might be too late we said well let's find out and and take action if we need to now we're talking about 18 to 24 months down the road I'm I'm if if the intent is to do a a a charter review and get us moving then unless you've changed your mind so I I I can so I I took Mr Santiago's question to say to forego what was asked so that we could talk about the charter review commission uh in 2026 but if you wanted to put something on the referendum for the November election you would have to have it by August 20th so we're we're backing off is that what I what I'm hearing if I may Mr CH you may no I I I guess you could just potentially describe it that way but you know I I like to read body language right too and so reading body language from the last hearing it seemed like okay we'll just hear about it I it's just purely uh guessing for me so I figured let's get the council the information uh and if someone wanted to latch on to something based on what was given to us and I'm open to the dialogue otherwise then it's just more of informative as to what's coming forward that in about what 8 10 months we'll be deciding yeah uh May of 2025 so yes sir yeah so in about 10 months we'll be starting the selection process so I'm I'm clear enough thank you that's all I have sir so there's nothing to approve unless you want to make a uh a motion to accept his presentation I don't think we have to I think we're good go to the next item you are now the resident expert on Charter amendments far from it sir thank you okay thank you Russ that includes all 12 items um and moves us to the John Nicholson portion of our meeting oh and look public participation um John Nicholson you're gonna feel badly when I Dro dead um John Nicholson beats side um a couple of things um you all saw the article in Sunday's paper with regard to uh beats side um I was having breakfast it was about 4:00 in the morning and turned beat red the staff at IHOP looked at me and said is something wrong I was so upset at the article it just all the Articles Miss so much yes we have problems but I took out a piece of paper did pro and con 26 Pro items that were not mentioned 36 38 non items that were not mentioned all right um I've already mentioned two of them failed to mention the idea of Disney heard our economy failed to mention the fact that uh integration with the uh emptying of our beat side all the wealthy people left chopped up all of those houses all damaging to us and it wasn't mentioned so I'm not that not necessarily backing Danny it's just the idea that these things were missing um they didn't mention the Daytona Grand Daytona Grand is a four star hard rock is a four star didn't bother to mention that uh Bob Davis once told me that we would never ever get a fourstar in Daytona Beach we were not that kind of a place well in about two more months we'll get our third fourar the uh Mar Renaissance will open up fantastic if you looked at the diagrams it is fantastic they're right now working on the Plaza again which will be a fourstar hopefully the Hilton will become a fourstar so having four or five or six four stars is going to drastically change the image of Daytona Beach my neighbor of course was in the blighted area where I lived all right my neighbor's house is 850 going from $200,000 to $850,000 is an increase there are 50 homes in north of Main Street that are worth over $500,000 they're building a house on the river at 1.3 million the neighborhood has changed seab breze will change when all of that happens it'll only be time before it starts moving south none of that was mentioned Daytona Beach is different somebody showed up said I haven't been here in 10 years they missed all of those tall buildings in front of my home they were not here Theona Beach is different and it will even get get better so um I'm asking you to realize and when people talk negatively about Daytona Beach remember there's good and bad with everything and the good is now outweighing the bad uh secondly with regard to the um Fuel Depot I got a perfect solution move the Fuel Depot to the landfill with the uh Motocross was and the Motocross to orand yeah that'll work solve you're out of time and and ideas okay that brings us to uh staff uh final comments uh Mr County Manager yes sir just a couple of positive things here first off uh I don't know if Ryan left the room but uh I just want to let everyone know Ryan just uh won the certified government government finance officer of the year for the State of Florida not surprising [Applause] so he uh well deserved uh I also on a good news note uh we do our uh we survey uh a random survey of the people who are customers and EMS and we've been doing this for some time and uh just this month we really uh knocked it out of the park I wanted to give a shout out to them uh there were we we give a category of very satisfied satisfied dissatisfied and very dissatisfied we had zero dissatisfied or very everybody was in the very satisfied or satisfied which 82% were very satisfied so that's a home run month uh and I just want to give a shout out uh that they achieved that and I know they're working hard all the time to improve that and lastly I you know as I hear some of the comments in the opening of the meeting I I I felt uh I didn't hear anyone thanking the council for advocating for that 10 million dollar I know uh we put in and and actually I think we got more than we even asked for but it really started with the advocacy of this Council to uh to go to the state and uh and make this happen and I think you guys deserve the credit for that so I'm I'm giving it to you and shout it out and you're saying there was one less thank you in that some of those presentations is that what you're saying that's what I was saying did everybody understand that thank you hey there's we got listeners looking at our two newspapers that's okay uh Michael Dyer County attorney yes uh earlier this week we sent you the latest legislative update we're down to 13 bills that we're tracking that have not yet been acted on by the governor so we're coming very close um and so we'll continue to keep you updated and lastly I know we've discussed a little bit about our Career Source valua Flagler uh merger with Bard County the existing organization Career Source valicia Flagler needs a windown committee just to make some basic decisions as a close up business um of kind of a probably going to be more of a technical nature um we were talking internally if it's the will of the council if we could appoint Ryan osowski to that position um or whoever you would like but so moved he just got an award he's the right guy second second that's how we we reward you for an award yes more work every reward gets a new committee it's what happens when you leave the room yeah okay so you have a motion a second no other discussion all in favor say I I any opposed 7 to zero all right thank you good night good night that brings us to uh Council comments and today's rotation starts with councilman Santiago thank you Mr chairman yeah I want to vote for Matt Reinhardt as the council member of the day you know he did a good job today thank you that's all I have good meeting okay and Don Dempsey can you clarify who the second was on that motion reinard day J Jake was a second okay Don Dempsey I'm good you're good okay this is putting a lot of pressure on everybody else councilman Johansson yeah well all on the pressure um the the question George I have for you is that small steps Academy um they brought up some things about traffic and and and whatnot and you know the question I have is is was it just a church and it became a school when did it become a school why isn't there a turn lane it sounds I don't I don't mean to put it back on them but but I want to make sure that that everything was done right and if it was done right then do we have some stuff we need to do to make it right I don't know well I don't have the whole history off top of my head but typically you look at churches for instance they have a a lot of motion on one day sure so and so when we look at that from a traffic point of view uh you know we often don't require turn lanes and things if if they depending on the size of the of the church and expected amount so but what does happen is is then when they add a school and I don't know if that's the case here now all of a sudden they become a uh something that's occurred occurring a lot more so uh on Sunday right and and many times they'll in their original construction they they'll have classrooms and things for their Sunday school mhm and then they decide to use them and we wouldn't even know in that case even though uh it be changing their use but they could do it without building anything they wouldn't be coming to us so um that's one scenario uh I I'll have Ben and I think he's talked to Jay uh a little bit about maybe this specific scenario and what we can or can't do so yeah our understanding as Mr reonal said is that it was originally a church and then they they came back for change in use and went to the city cuz they're in the city's jurisdiction and got the change in use and it never came before us for uh the turn lane associated with the uh daycare um we've done some research based on those folks coming in the last meeting and there's been two accidents in the last six years one was a rear end and the other one was um uh someone waiting and then someone tried to go around them and then there was an accident like that um I know the speakers spoke or the the folks that came up spoke to wanting a school zone um that's not something that's doable for a daycare like that but there's some other things that we can look at maybe some warning signs and that's what our traffic engineering staff is is looking at now and uh once we complete that process we can reach out to those folks we have their contact information from last time and we'll get with them on on some improvements that could possibly be made to help out with that situation got it I appreciate it Ben Mr yes sir can can I interrupt just for a second I wanted to bring Danny and it's his district I I think in in talking to the people I don't think they're expecting eternally at this point if we could just and I don't know if we go need to go to fot or whoever about just getting some signs that children Crossing yeah it's our it's but Danny if you have more to add please do it's our road um so it wouldn't be going through f it would be our decision to make and and we just doing everything uh in compliance with the mutcd no chair um Ben's Wright I want to say this was probably about a few months ago now I mean these guys jumped right on it I got an email from a gentleman sent it to sent it to Ben and and his folks and I think within a day we identified uh several um key factors in this it was our road you know know stuff with the uh the building itself so they're definitely on it uh I share the same concerns as Mr Johanson Mr Brower um at at minimum I mean I drive that road several times they're not lying um and maybe something did somewhere change if we can maybe just get some signs or just hey heads up this is you know I think I think that would go a long way 100% just my two cents U second thing I have and thanks uh the second thing chairman that I have is uh I took a I'm on the East Central Florida Regional planning council with uh Danny uh I took a brief today on their uh r2c uh kind of a a software it's it's a it's a thing they've done with uh uh UCF it's it's kind of like a software GIS map but it shows your risk rks and vulnerabilities for some of the high probability things that that we do here in the county or we get in the county high winds flooding uh hurricanes things of that nature um tidal uh uh tital flooding and whatnot and and it's a eye openening uh interactive overlay on GIS on areas that that are of the most impact so when we look at you know we talk about um our dollars or where do we put our dollars for flooding and uh you can put different overlays on where's the most uh socioeconomically impacted area uh with the most water after a storm and and you can pile all that stuff on top of each other some um uh some guy at UCF did it in in in coordination with u with theast Central Florida Regional planning and it's it's it's a phenomenal tool um I know Clay and ginger uh have looked at it and enjoy it uh it's great for us as individuals uh to look at our our properties and and type in the address and it'll kind of give you ideas on what you can do to make your your um your current home area geographically more resilient and uh uh I think it's a great tool for us uh possibly to use in the future to take a look at our our building codes how how we're asking people to build and where it may be of our uh our recommendation on council with staff help to recommend maybe some um some building code um some adaptive techniques to say okay that's that's that's the average but right here we probably needed a little bit better like stem walls instead of on slab uh uh homes um think of the Outer Banks everybody's up on stilts now not that I want to go there here but uh uh it's a great tool um I I know the staff has it it's free and um I'm hoping that that they're able to utilize this tool and I hope George or Suzanne you've at least uh been briefed on it if not I hope you see it soon um for for our for our um for our decision-making process I think I think it'll help us out a lot uh so um uh if you have time and you get invited by the uh uh East Central Florida Regional planning Council to take a brief on this uh Tool uh I suggest you you give them half an hour 45 minutes and take a look it's pretty good so that's all I have sir thank you uh Vice chair Kent thank you chairman just a a couple of items this evening Council if if you were ever second guessing your decision which I don't think you were but if you were ever second guessing your decision about should we have given George reonal direction to make some changes on how the Ocean Center operates to bring more venues for our community I am so pleased to tell you about the wildly successful evening Father's Day Sunday night at the Ocean Center with Bert ker and his list of comedians um I I called the box office late and bought two tickets there were 6900 people in the Ocean Center the concession sales topped $150,000 in concessions alone there were people from out of town who were eating in our restaurants staying in our motels and hotels having a really great time and we did it right here in valua county in Daytona Beach and George I'm going to ask you to put your foot on the gas pedal with this we need more things like this at our Ocean Center the bread and butter the conventions but we have to feed the people that live here with activities and events that they want to attend and Lynn Flanders is a absolute professional and her mind is is on board with what this Council directed you to tell her to do and it looks like you want to say something actually you know I was at the event as several others uh we had a great time and uh I will say uh great job by everybody uh Lynn uh knocked it out of the park made some late decisions on how to handle things everything went really smooth the decision on on where in the air in an air conditioned area to get everybody to go through those lines that was great it was an excellent decision she and you know what she said to me she said we learned our lesson with uh Cat Williams who's coming back from what I understand is coming back so you know she made adjustments people weren't standing stagnant in the line and the place was was packed yeah it was buzzing and and and that's big because that'll help as we put the pedal on the gas you build on these successes when they start hearing you know that they can fill a small Arena uh that's going to bring more people our way so we look forward to more announcements in the future they are going full bore and uh I thank you to the community for coming out and uh and supporting it so that's the other other part and we're real thankful and and you're right the place was just buzzing so it was it was great good stuff uh the second thing is if if my wife is listening online I I don't know why you are go do something else but if you are listening I just want to say happy anniversary it's 19 years today and um I know I'm not always easy to deal with but either are you I'm kidding about that last part I was kidding about that see I'm telling you I don't think she's listening that's why I could say that cuz I don't think she's listening but um is that is that strike one honey is that is that too soon's my card honey Don Dempsey's giving me his card to call you if needed but uh in all seriousness uh Happy Happy 19 years U anniversary it only it only feels like 20 um there the joke as well no Ser seriously happy happy anniversary um and and one heck of a week uh eight days ago I I lost my sweet mother and she watched me take my first breath into this world and I watched her take her last and I bring that up because I share an anniversary with my parents and today is my parents 58th wedding anniversary and Mama missed it by 8 days and I I also bring that up because of the absolute love and kindness that my family and I have received I received messages from most of you and I've read them multiple times they were heartfelt and caring I received cards from people I hardly know I received messages from employees in this County who I I don't know well and they said some very kind loving things and I just want you to know it it means more to me than you know in Council I'll tell you there are people I don't know that I want to consider them foes but I wear my feelings on my sleeves you know how I if I like you trust me you know and if I don't like you you know and and I get that from my mother but I like who likes me and there are people in the community that I really feel like didn't like me but I'm here to tell you they sent me letters and said things to me that guess what I'm sold I like you now you say nice things about my mother and you you're praying for my family we're on the same team man thank you for that that love and for for sharing that with my family and me it it has meant more than you know uh I even I even today got a letter in the mail from one of my former opponents during an election like mind blown you know I I pulled my son over I said look at this this is a good dude this is a good guy look at what he wrote good dude so I told my son be like like that guy anyway I won my first ever four term foure not four term four-year election on Friday and I just want to publicly say thank you to the um residents of District 4 in vucha county for entrusting me for four years in this rented seat and I'm very acutely aware that it is a rented seat and I am here to represent you and to help make vuchi County better and thank you for the opportunity have a nice night councilman Matt Reinhardt thank you chair um just a few things first um happy anniversary Troy he didn't even hear me I said happy anniversary so thank um with uh transform 386 yes uh with it uh as it evolves and it and it gets uh to a point where we're going to start some of the construction part and hiring those individuals I know that we had discussed the possibility of having um a location for an office so to speak or a ground zero whatever and my recommendation because the majority of those applicants come from the Midtown area was to be on ke Street in Midtown if that's the desire of this Council if they're okay with that or with you George or yeah we're working on uh making sure we have offices uh in that area in that area as well and Keith Street is probably our Prime okay I appreciate that thank you for bringing that up thank you um another thing um years ago there was a law that was proposed and uh implemented uh with respect to the abuse of animals and it's called pont's law and it was named after the 9mon old black labador uh retriever namon was beaten to death uh that new law provided measures for arresting agencies to charge individuals responsible under the aggravated animal cruelty statute and then allowed the court system to impose uh more stringent jail time but it gave the opportunity uh Debbie darino was the uh person that was behind that and I commend her for actions and I also uh commend uh state representative leak for taking that legislation to the state to getting that that all that law done uh she didn't stop there um she got with the the county and she got with the clerk's office and created a database uh where those individuals had to um be entered I don't want to say registered but it was only those that were convicted and not knowing much it was the very first time that they either set the parameters of it being five or 10 years that they would remain on that however uh the law itself you know it stayed with your record so it didn't really make sense well since then she has worked with semino county in the creation of the same database doesn't cost them anything and she's trying to work throughout the state to have that done um but this seino County took it one step further and if they're entered in that database it is forever and that means uh well just what it says forever and I'd like to see if we can do the same if that's possible um I don't know if that's something that we can do by taking it to a vote or do we put it on as an agenda item so we can discuss it further maybe yeah we it would be a better idea yeah okay we'll look at getting it on a upcoming meeting she has offered her assistance to bring given more inform and I would like to have the chance to research why we did what we did and that's probably the best course okay thank you um and I I think you're making that motion yes I am making that motion to bring it back if that's possible we have a second from David Santiago any questions I on all in favor of putting it on the upcoming agenda say I I anybody opposed you'll say it soon all right thank you very much um there was the uh lady that brought up the Narcan issue this evening I know this is like the second or third time that she was here and I know had an uh a situation she's very passionate about that it was obvious that she was passionate brought the people here to support her um it hit home a little my uh April of last year my brother died from an overdose so I get it and um we weren't as close but I still miss him but not to say that naram would have assisted him because he was alone but I think of how many people died as a result of it um the appearance thereof probably not the most welcoming S I get that um should we can we get somebody in contact with her to maybe offer some locations uh to assist her I don't know if County property is the answer but maybe uh put her in contact with some individuals talked a lot um her son's name was Bradley they called him boom boom my name's Bradley my mom called me Bam Bam so um we we we've talked um there's some real dangers and ex putting Narcan needs to be temperature controlled is what it says in the box and so and she's okay I have asked because we've been talking to her since about January on and off to find a solution um I've asked individuals that are applying for our opioid abatement money to include Nan vending machines as as part of their ask um one of the applicants has included two in this first round of funding and that's uh Foundation of Freedom uh found foundations to Freedom they're going to do one here on the West Side Y we're looking for another opportunity they have one for the east side we're looking for a location valicia reins or bla recovery Alliance is providing the N I have Miss Jean has actually formed a nonprofit um so now she could be able to access some of the opioid monies but my recommendation to her is to come with v as the lead partner and where she could um have an opportunity to place some of those vending machines where they're supplied by a private vendor if it's let's so for example this is to protect the county if we put it out there and we're not temperature controlling it and what if someone goes to use one and it's not there of course we have Deep Pockets and it opens us up to some we have a litigious Society just be honest so if we have a PR of partner that can do it that's the much preferred that's what I thought that's why I I thought maybe we could put her in contact with that as well I appr I wasn't aware of the fact that you've reach we talked we text over the weekend excellent thank you thank you very much all right that answers my question with that and the last thing um so the last meeting I wasn't here due to an illness but and then the meeting before that I didn't mention the jail one time well guess what part's over so Matt you do I I voted you council member of the day I know now that I can do that because I am I motion to reconsider that I I would like to just curios uh just curious is the uh inmate work program I know that that a lot of that was put on hold before as we talk about as we go into the next year um I know Staffing was the biggest issue I know that's getting better I know that we have uh a project on the horizon with respect to the green houses uh to help with the beach restoration uh you know with the uh yes the plants and whatnot um and also but I I don't I don't want to leave that work program or the farm or any of those other ideas out there and never to be hit on again and I know I don't want to take anything away from previous Council because I know Mr Robbins you had come up with a sustenance fees with respect to jail housing and I don't know what that money is going to be utilized for but is that something that can help with uh that endeavor can we bring that back to the agenda to be able to well we discuss it I'm not so sure that's necessary uh we're already working on those Crews so I'll get a report from Joe and it had it's really been a staffing issue it has I know I know that's why I haven't brought it up other other than that I mean as he gets the staff uh and we get the qualif you know as you know the CL properly classified inmates that can do it we'll be filling out more work crew trucks because there's more work out there than there are are the people there are uh and we're still getting asked when you and I had the discussion Daytona was asking for for some assistance to help with some of that area clean up but also um some of the farming issues can be done without that we have a very large compound that we don't utilize right uh there's a lot of double fenced areas that we don't utilize um we could take advantage of that I mean there there's a lot of property out there that is behind a fence or two fences for that matter um yes it would have to probably start out with minimum custody and uh that's an issue because we have a really good uh diversion programs and whatnot that are in place that reduce our and that's you know you can't have can't have them both so I get and that's some of what happened I do know uh at one time I know we were running somewhere in the neighborhood of 12 crws coming out of there and uh we did that's what West Wing is utilized for yep y so and then it was the supply of inmates that because of classification issues uh start that started dwindling and and and also good use of the inmates in the facility they can't be two places at once so a lot of I know the maintenance of the facility itself also but but really as we get back it's my goal and and we've heard you guys and we're working towards uh putting more of them back out on the street so we'll be doing that and and the only reason I brought the like I said the farm issue up it when I first got on Counsel and I wanted to to find my way my expertise to find ways to reduce cost uh one of your biggest eaters I've said it before say it again is food cost and if you can reduce food cost absolutely it's a savings to the taxpayer as well so well we capture them Hogs that they there's that okay we do a hog hunt with it all right that's all I have thank you very much barue out there thank you appreciate it councilman Robins thank you chair uh couple try to make it as quick as possible um I appreciate uh even though it's not in my district we had a lot of people come in today from Orman Beach uh concerned about the Fuel Depot um just at our earliest convenience uh County attorney County Manager can we get just some some Bill language clarification I think there's maybe a little misunderstanding if there's something that we can put out there CU really as I understand it I think we all have to remember too that we're at the mercy of the land owner uh from what I understand at at this point to make a decision um it was kind of broadcasted today just a little bit uh that that we need to kind of do this and do this now um I just want to get some concrete information out there that just should be transparent and and whatnot if we can do that uh at your earliest convenience so we're all on the same page um wrote down some notes here so July 12th 2024 the NOA Fisheries announced the uh one day of um red snapper season this year in federal waters one thing that we don't have and this is just I don't know if this is even feasible um this goes to towards our Coastal we have a lot of deric vessels and stuff um I was wondering if we can start repurposing those and creating any new offshore reefs you know within that three miles any new tire reefs like the county used to do years ago or uh repurposing some concrete Jersey barriers of our own and and kind of creating our own um habitat yes sir Jessica B County the funding that the state provides for the removal of der vessels one of the conditions of the state's funding is that we cannot repurpose or Salvage The Vessel we have to dispose of it uh if it's creative if it is a full steel Hall ship yes we don't have a lot of Steel Hall ships in our Halifax or Indian Riv Lagoon or the St John's even um majority of what you're finding are fiberglass you know junk sailboats is what they've turned into and you you have to Scuttle them you have to pull the Plastics pull the floatables pull the fluids out should be strictly metal to go down now we we are we are working through our offshore fish attraction device permit which we're very excited about and once we finish using the reef yard for the staging area for the Army Corps project then we're going to lean heavy into uh replenishing the additional 2.9 mile reefs that allow you to have Snapper 365 days a year in the State of Florida that's awesome news you know a lot of folks don't realize I mean just especially in southeast valua the the recreational boating and fishing industry is uh that's that's what they live for at employees thousands upon thousands of people down there and I know that appreciate uh anything that we can do to support that um recreational end so thank you Jessica for that um years ago we used to do the big tire reefs um no not anymore okay I won't go there then they frown upon the tire thing ah you know we do do you mentioned the jersey barrier we do collect uh concrete structures and that is uh you know one it's been our staple really and and uh and things like boxes and pipes that create spaces are very highly desirable good so I like it um couple weeks ago shout out to Ben where's Ben Bartlett Ben I'm gonna probably need you up here for two seconds that's okay it's his birthday too happy birthday it's his birthday Danny Council um I want to say about a month or two ago uh met with a bunch of people out in datona Park Estates also received a lot of emails uh just in preparation for hurricane season um I think we did this a couple years ago where we actually went out there gave an update we had about 75 people um it's no secret that they have some issues out there and we're limited by I guess it's by law uh or or or policy to that we also have limitations on what we can do and what we can provide uh with public funds due to their circumstance um what I'm looking to do is bring something in front of count because it's getting I shouldn't say hostile or more toxic there's just a lot of misinformation out there um several weeks ago I requested some information on historical Ben you did a great job I put it out there the only thing that didn't happen to me was get drugged through the street and get crucified uh for for providing that information but you 110% right there's just a lot of misinformation it's political season information's all over the place um can we bring something back here on the record uh as an informational I think there's going to be some people also coming in uh to talk about it but also to uh let Council know where we stand in this situation and the issues that they're facing and if there's anything that we can do I know we received some that uh transform 386 money to also give those folks an idea if any of that money can be applied or if we can take a vote to allocate money to to them uh I don't know how that would work um uh but uh you know I would like for something to go on record here give the people an opportunity to come in and speak but also to Lobby their their counsel for for some help if if we're legally able to yes sir um real real quick on that informational clay was uh provided a lot of that information as well so I don't want to take all the credit for what he did um as well but um yeah we can absolutely do that I know there's a lot you know Daytona Park Estates is kind of unique and what's going on out there um you know they're experiencing a lot of construction in terms of houses being built in areas where there weren't a lot before and we can provide all a lot of information as to why things are the way they are and what what options we have to to to remedy those things that would be great and I hate to to to put you through that again but it's time that we have to put something on the record that's how bad it's getting out there the the mood you know because they do have valid concerns the draining the storm water they want to know why the houses are so high uh a lot of this stuff it needs to be clarified of what's in our control and what's not but also to like I said I'd like the opportunity for the council to hear that and see if we can apply any funds any uh These arpa funds anything like that that we have left overs to help those folks out in the future uh I could make a motion councel to bring that back chair would you prefer that can we get on the yeah just make a motion and Council like like to make a motion to uh have staff bring back a short presentation on uh um what we're able to do uh in terms of storm water and help in history in Daytona States second Jake is that part of the uh You' got a series of studies that are will that one be yeah that that you know that's one of the areas that you know we're going to see uh we'll have a priority list in the next meeting when we come back with the uh the increase on the non avalor assessment for storm water utility so um that's in one of the areas that we're going to study we did actually do a previous study in Daytona Park of states that probably needs to be updated considering all the building that's going out there but yeah that'll be one thing that we'll definitely be looking at as well I think it's time so thank you yeah I think if possible I I would like to get that study before we come back so I don't want you to think we're not following up but we won't have a lot to say I mean we could give a presentation on the on the conditions but if you want kind of some science behind it I think we need time to do that study that's fine how how how long do you think that study will how involved is it well I mean they're not short they take a they take a while a smaller area if we wanted to just drill down on DPE we could probably do one quicker than we would in the larger Basin study so um going from getting the engineer on board and and and collecting the data six months maybe a little longer like we can do something and and that's all fine and fine in Danny George and I I want to simplify this the best we can but I I still think we know enough about this area um this is not something new it's been around for 203 4 40 years we know what we're facing out there I think we we have enough to bring it back if we can just get something back on a on next one or two agendas uh I think it would go a long well that would only be uh how about August well I'm just saying we can get some stuff back on the current conditions I don't know if we have anything about Solutions again that takes time but uh but if you want something on the current conditions yes we could probably get something in August let's start there okay thank you okay we have a motion on the floor uh by councilman Robbins a second by Jake to bring back information on current uh conditions in the Daytona Park Estates area um uh Jake Johansson for com yeah I have a quick question for Ben before we vote um whatever you bring back can you can you give us the history of the place as well I I think it's private property with private infrastructure and private roads and yeah there's some of that there's some of that but yeah we can the history is important make sure it's all in there because I don't want to Y and that and I'm sorry that that email that you sent out to us uh you in clay make sure all Council has that beforehand that way we're we're um aware of all that stuff sir thank you okay if there no other comments or questions all in favor say I I any opposed seven 7 to0 are you done okay just a couple quick things uh I guess I better mention that on June the 8th it was my 38th anniversary and learning from uh Vice chair Kent I will say that it seems just like yesterday when I married her nine children and 12 grandchildren later and we are opening a uh GoFundMe page for Christmas this year um but it it has it has been a blessing uh Ocean Center glad you brought it up um Vice chair Kent uh I think what it it demonstrates two things what you already said that our new director staff there is doing a tremendous job but it also demonstrated a a um huge uh interest from the public on entertainment events um um not to stop anything else because U Ocean Center actually does quite well but there's a lot of public interest um for these events and I would say that we need to get Chris Stapleton there as quickly as possible okay you want to vote on it um it's also brought up uh EMS firefighters budgets the 10 million dollar um and staff you have worked really hard on those things I think the um getting workstations for our EMS employees even goes back to the previous Council we've made tremendous uh progress on that um our employees to be happy um they they like seeing the progress firefighters it's not insignificant today that the president of the Union came in and gave staff and counsel a glowing report it it is it's was no small feat to get three people in a station it keeps a public safer but it also guarantees that all those go home safe at the end of the day when when there is is a a bad fire so and I just wanted to say besides staff you worked really hard that this entire Council um pushed has pushed hard for um uh reducing the budget wherever we can but not doing it in ways that are um um halfhazard or dangerous public safety is a priority for this Council and um so I think all of you deserve some credit as well for what we've been able to accomplish there I had a a meeting at the request of some some neighbors uh chiefly excuse me uh Jack Driscoll who is synomous with synonymous with Beach safety um uh asked me to come meet with a group group of neighbors just east of Mainland High School and I did that with it was the neighbors and the school board and it was very productive the school board um uh worked well it was you know the neighbors weren't happy there's flooding in the neighborhood just east of the of the uh high school now that it's been rebuilt it's it's higher than surrounding neighborhoods there's some issues with retention ponds the school board had gone out and hired an independent engineering company to look at it um came up with um what they believe the problem is and so now um they will attempt to get the city of Daytona Beach involved in it so that there is actually an an outlet for the uh for the Overflow um in uh that goes to sewage instead of the neighborhood so it was a i bring that up because it it was a productive meeting it was a time when although it wasn't the the whole Council but um the school board was glad to see someone from the County Council there and and um and U working with them um you have those pictures I have some pictures Liz I'm glad you're here these are pictures from the beach and I just had I wanted I had some question these are not complaints or question of jurisdiction since the since the Ocean Center is busy and popular and since we're going into the busiest time of the season I think this is the the plaza um we we keep hearing it said um especially by Mr Kent you know we need to improve be beautiful um who who is responsible is it would it be the the resort the plaza or um or the county for taking care of trash and buildup of sand along uh Beach approach um so at this particular location it's a little unique because it is our beach ramp but the plaza has their building essentially encompassing the ramp yep um and since hurricane Ian this um uh facility has essentially been been abandoned it's not being used at all past the plaza has done the maintenance um um in the area and kept it very um tidy um ultimately the areas basically within the uh the wall there or our beach ramp and we can go in there and clean that up and that's something that we can definitely do but um and something that needs to be done so you know it's frustrating um obviously there's there's graffiti and everything around there there's uh areas of that property that have fallen into disrepair because they haven't been maintained in two years but there's definitely some work for us to do in that area Okay um stay right there because you just I think you just touched on most of the other photos um yeah that's just the other side um stop there a second so for other other Beach approaches and and it's interesting what you said about the the plaza it's I don't know if it's abandoned but there's nobody there there's other Beach approaches with Resorts that are being rebuilt and their trashes everywhere they're not picking it up does that fall on us as well if it's within our if it's in our beach ramp right away it is and we do that we do that regularly now clay can speak to some of the issues I know um his folks have been out um you know specifically with this location there's been some issues with some debris on the beach and I think there's some coordination with the city on some code enforcement turn over anything that's on the beach that is identified as debris we are uh utilizing code enforcement to identify it both for uh construction and just basically damage that still may be surfacing from the storms uh we typically are going through the process of asking the property owner to work with us if they don't we she NOS the violations we are working with both our Turtle Patrol folks who are Beth libert and E eai because they are out there earlier than anyone else they identify if any of the contractors are doing anything that is not acceptable because again one of the main things we want to do is make sure D and FWC are happy with us as we're trying to ensure protection of turtles during nesting season while still allowing construction so we are taking the debris issue very seriously this is something that we're working with the city of Daytona Beach uh Ben asked about this today what we were doing and so if it's on the beach that's where Aaron perro who's one of our Code Enforcement Officers is aware of all this there's notices of violations on both surrounding properties and uh we're coordinating with uh Daytona Beach because they would have the code enforcement for the Upland portion this this particular slide it's also at the plaza is that a utility company poll can it's a it's a street light it's been on that wall for for a couple years can can we get the utility company to come and take it away we can reach out to fpnl I don't know if we already have I don't know um if if they won't remove it because it's leaning on private property um seriously I don't know if you all reached out to them or not chairman I love that you did this I love that you went and got these pictures because like that speaks a thousand words you know when you look at that and you go why it's I mean it's been sitting there so long there's a a metal rod that's popped through it and it's rusting down the side of it like come on so if if Matt and I go and push that off the wall will they will they remove it again realize that when you're dealing with storm debris and he'll be able to speak better to it than I will but there's the fact is is what can be removed and be compensated by FEMA then we basically look at what is private property debris and that's where FEMA will not necessarily reimburse us that's why over the last several years one of the things your code enforcement officers have been dealing with is debris from the Upland as it has shown up on the beach and being able to get it removed without jeopardizing re reimbursement from Fe and so yes we are going in there and we are citing Property Owners we are taking them through code enforcement and again this is something that I'll have to double check on what the status is on this particular one if we've reached out to fpl or if we're still trying to work with the uh property own try and get it removed I don't think I don't know if the property owner is here but you you would not you can still reach you but it's been it's been two years I I assume that the utility company would remove it a long time ago but I was wrong we can definitely reach out to them and get that information and see what okay thank you I think the rest of them just flip through them real quick I think that's the oh you already mentioned it this was graffiti that I think we covered up in the plaza entrance there's graffiti on doors and walls is that is that Plaza's responsibility okay yeah see right there it's Unique because it's our approach but it's their building that encompasses it like you just said so however on the on the seaw wall south of the plaza there's um there was a a vulgar word that was written there and um one of those we just took care of that one because that one just went down there with some white spray paint Mr chairman I want to add to what you're doing if you please can you go well go ahead Advance one more yeah that one that's the other construction site I think uh um Clay is that I think it's University or whatever that so um is there one more no okay uh David Santiago you wanted to add to this yeah thank you Mr chairman thanks for bringing this up can you go back to the slide can you read that does that say Matt Reinhardt 2024 no but I do have something serious I had to make it funny it's getting late okay Mr chairman on a serious note everybody wants to be a firefighter is what it says oh but on a serious note um I'm glad you brought this up you know because I I I did a drive by uh through the beach with one of our staffers a few months ago and I was I was still appalled of what I seen also and I know Clay you said there's some enforcement going on but those Hotel years across all of those cities are charging some of the highest rates they have in decades and so they're making money there should be no excuse for them to be investing and fixing their properties that's just my opinion um but I'm of the opinion also that we need to go in there and uh lay down the law because you know we've talked about the appearance across the whole Coastal area um and we need to hold everybody to a high standard um I'm supportive of making sure we back our staff to go in there and apply our code stringently on that beach we need to improve that area that's just my opinion and we do the best we can but remember the buildings are in the city so you know I'm with you I think but I as I said as I said we got to partner with them you know their success is our success exactly the seaword side of the seaw wall whose responsibility is that their it's still the the resort it's the owners of the it's owners of the seaw maybe some public shame we have an internal policy that if there is a masonry wall adjacent or on our property line we will go ahead and take a paint chip and match the paint chip and try to match as best we can the color of the masonry wall whether it's ours or somebody else's painting over a door tends to have some liability on it and we're moving a large concrete structure off of a private seaw wall from two third parties that also has some liability on it I take a lot of pain and care to try and paint what we can I try to get rid of a lot of the graffiti we work very closely with the law enforcement agencies out there to document the graffiti we track our time we track our materials so that the one if you recogniz I I've recognized the Daytona graffiti I know who they are the dope guy has been arrested before we've been able to pull our our records on how many times we've gone out and covered up his tag and we were able to get reimbursement through the court system so we document through the Sheriff's Office we keep records of these graffiti artists but if it's extremely profane we will take it upon ourselves to go and cover it up immediately as soon as we notice it and that that's across the board from Beach safety to sheriff to the concessions I I put the word out if you see it tell me I'll take care of it within the day on on that poll though I wouldn't worry about the cost the cost of the blight look for a poll to to have our staff spend two hours and take a load or maybe and pull it off I say spend it that's just my thoughts the fact that it fell on private property yeah that's the issue the cost is not the issue the issue is what she said is it's laying it's a private poll laying on private property so the beginning into just like the lady we had to deal with earlier you start to get into going on private property with government with government enforcement that's a whole different uh it's a whole different uh can of worm so but it's still Code Enforcement issue though if the P if it's a private po there's a long process we'll go through and lean their property and do it but it's uh I I I think staff and that and it depends it may be a city issue uh if because it's within the city of Daytona Beach for example that I think that's whole that's outside our beach ramp what happen in a in a hurricane I doubt that the private property owner wants it there he would probably be happy for us to remove it but um that chairman that's more may I uh yeah yes Matt yields this is why people get frustrated with government yeah I'm not blaming staff because they're protecting the county and I get it that's Mike Dyer's job Mike Dyer's job protect the county of uchia protect his council members that's his job number one um but this is where Common Sense does not rule the day that pole is hanging over a public beach ramp and if it was a tree limb hanging over you as the properer could go and cut that limb off so that it doesn't negatively impact your house or or your property I'm with you and I'm with you and I'm with you those of you that had said we've got to move quicker on this because there's a cost associated with looking at that blight for as long as we have you know if you're not down there looking at it you know it's quick to get out of your mind but you're a visitor to this area and you see that oh it just burns in your brain that's what that's what it is your pictures were impactful and they spoke a thousand words to me today um Matt thank you chair um and we may not know the answer to this I know it's a city I know I know it's a Code Enforcement issue for the city how long is I know the plaza has been vacant do we know how to get in contact with the plaza at all I mean that the owners I mean obviously somebody still owns a property and and I don't know what their int what is their intent I mean anytime I've ever asked a question no one seems to know what the owners of the plaza plan to do with that building well I'm sure the city knows how and with a city code enforcement and that's the really the phone call that needs to get made will be to the city to find out what are you what are you doing with it yeah okay is that where that poll's at yes was a plaza and the door yeah and and real quick if um I had a couple pictures um this was what it looked like before when it was operating obviously they were maintaining it completely different and then um if you could go this is that same uh University ramp today um and that's the hotel you were referencing that's being constructed we do have a uh refurbishment project for this ramp um that is about a month or so away from going to bid and it will clean that up it'll clean a lot of our what we control which is basically that fence isn't ours that fence belongs to the adjacent property owner but our ramp will be uh essentially refurbished um rebuilt and won't look like this here shortly so this has been in the works as a capital project um for some time and it's fixing to go to bid and construction it's programmed and funded for this current fiscal year do either either you or clay know if that's still under construction or have they abandoned the project it's still going on okay yeah yeah that's how it that's how it should look yeah that was uh January of 2019 that's a street view so obviously um a large portion of you know with with the building being uh essentially abandoned it's fall disrepair which is you know okay well are you done okay uh Jake Johansson been taking a look at this picture and you said this ramp is getting redone yes sir it you know we're talking about the blight and we're sick of looking at it I don't know about the light pole problem but can we fence that fence temporarily at least we can um I I I don't know the cost we can we can do it on our property we can put up a fence with I mean something something temporary but nicer that that's a foot higher than that would is that an active site there it's active construction so that fence will be gone when they open it up right correct that's one that's why I'm saying I mean ideally what I what I what I would like to do is reach out to the city and have them get with the property own or or that let me know how that goes um and and then Jessica the creative one can come up with a way to make that Pole look like a unicorn or something I don't know paint it paint paint it white all right thank you thank you thank you um Ben clay Jessica every everybody um they can put those WS on just one more quick item and I although Troy K already brought this up I it didn't dawn on me until he said it I was going to tell you congratulations on your reelection but it is it is the first four-year term qualified for so it's big deal congratulations uh the last thing uh tonight while we're here is the um juneth dinner at Embry Riddle and we were asked to do a proclamation which the council approved but we're not there because we're here um so I wanted to let you know that it it is probably at this point was read into the record at the juneth Celebration by um uh Daytona Beach City Commissioner Ken Strickland who understood that we were would be here and so he read it and told everybody that that's why we're not there we here um but it is as a significant holiday it's it's the time when um our Republican President Abraham Lincoln ended slavery and and it took a little while to do it uh um but it's an important celebration um for for America so anyway um Pat thank you for getting the proclamation done and it didn't go to waste it was read uh there tonight and with that U we are adjourned at 9:21 chman real quick question that I'm sorry I didn't see your name when yes when did when did we approve that uh was it last meeting it was today under the consent agenda it it was today correct and and when did we present it today and what was the agreement that we wouldn't put ourselves in that place they doing it the same day we I believe it it went I understand chairman because Pat told me it needed to get preapproved and I thought she did that with by email I guess what I'm getting at council is as things come up and and we we want to Proclaim every day for somebody um I'm I'm asking that we take enough heads up to look ahead like look into July and August and if you want to do a proclamation for somebody let's try to be a little bit more advanced on it so we can well they do they called uh they called on uh Friday and asked that we would do it and um so we didn't get much advanced notice we've done it every year and it was never an issue so so Jo we we do it every year can we put it on March's schedule to do the juneth proclamation approval for June a couple months early it's not that hard thank you sir and we are adjourned at 9:23 e for