e e e [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good morning everyone today is March 8 and this is the um meeting of the blua forever advisory committee I'd like to welcome everyone here and just a very quick reminder to everyone to please silence her cell phone so that we're not interrupted um as we're trying to uh evaluate what folks are saying and we have everyone here so if we could have roll call please wonda vanam Jessica gal here Steve Crump here Kelly frasa here John gamble here Derek mascolo I'm sorry I heard the last name dere yeah so Derek lontine here John Macaluso here Suzanne sneer here David Sosa here we have a quorum thank you okay first up is public participation and again if you are here to speak on a specific property and would prefer to wait to speak until that property is called that is fine um the only sheet I have is from Nancy weary okay very good all right that brings us to to the approval of the January 12 meeting minutes does anyone have any corrections additions any comments on those minutes okay if not could we have a motion please so moved do I move to adopt the minutes do we have a second second okay motion by Miss SC second by Miss shriber uh meeting minutes of January 12 are approved and that brings us to new business I'm sorry we didn't do a vote yeah we need moving right along it's going to be a quick meeting could have a vote on the approval of the January 12 minutes all in favor please say I I any opposed okay now we're official all right new business and the purpose of today's meeting is the um review of the properties that have been deemed eligible and sorting into the A and B list well good morning Tim Telfer land acquisition manager for the volu forever program as we move into the Sorting process we just wanted to kind of pause for a minute here and just review our purpose uh for this next section of the meeting this is where we're taking the properties that were determined to be eligible at the previous meeting and we're placing them on one of two lists um what we call the a group or the B group a group are those projects that the committee has found that are um uh entirely ready to move forward there are no out standing issues there are no other items that needed to be amended or or addressed on these projects before staff can negotiate with a land owner and bring that in front of the County Council for consideration of a purchase the B group are the are the uh projects that may need something there may be an outstanding item it may have some uh relationship with um for example our partners there may be something related that we're aware of related to um certain access issues or something that doesn't normally fit the full criteria the vola forever program but is solvable and it's something that we can move it eventually to the A-list and complete a purchase on any questions on that before we proceed okay so the first item that we have for your consideration this is the tamoka Farms Road Project this is a fee simple acquisition approximately 411 acres in size staff scored it at 10 out of 21 and it is within the um Florida ecological Greenways net Network which is also called the Florida Wildlife Corridor and with that said we turn it over to the committee for discussion Tim I'd like to add to that real quick uh Nick D resource stewardship director this property is also directly adjacent to the Longleaf Pine preserve which borders the boundary of this parcel to the west and if I could ask was this property also on the a list in the previous um Lucia forever the 20 the 2 to 2020 if I remember that yes yes it was okay okay very good all right any questions to staff on this property Mr Sosa just a quick question like the front part of that it said it was like pasture land would the vola forever um use that like to rent it out for cattle uh as an additional source of income uh it's possible so anytime there's a current p on a property uh cattle leases are a uh permitted use of the conservation lands and uh they do bring some Revenue to the program as well all right thank you any other questions okay a motion on this property I move that we put it on the a list I'll second it okay we have a motion by Mr Gamble and a second by Mr Macaluso Al those in favor I I I I any opposed okay very good carries unanimously next property all right the next property is the Lake Helen project Area North fee simple application of 25 acres received a score of nine of 21 and is located in the Lake Helen area so there's a couple of uh updates that I can provide on this one also first um I'll let the committee know that I did attend a city of Lake Helen uh commission workshop on February 22nd where this item was discussed um as a result of that meeting the city administrator is gathering some data on the properties that are under consideration and returning that back to the city uh commission for consideration on the 14th um this is all in the context of the questions that staff asks uh within when when there is a potential project within a municipality and so the first thing we do is we approach the municipality and see if they are in favor of the project if they're in favor of the project would they consider being a financial partner and then we have a discussion about who would be the ultimate manager if this property was acquired so there was a there was a very good discussion at the city commission and um as I mentioned the city manager is now Gathering bring some information he's going to return to the city commission uh next Thursday and they will have more of a formal discussion and potentially take some action on that so I appreciate the opportunity to provide the update okay so at this point there's been no form that's correct they're still gathering information yes very good questions I have a question the City of Lake Kella um they had given a letter of support I know they agreed upon it in June of 22 and finalized it with the new commission and the new mayor in January does that not because I don't see that in here so so we did previously present the letter of support um and if if the committee committee would like to see that again we can make it available V via email okay Miss go I think the the letter of support was to have the property designated I think the update is whether or not they've dedicated funds at this time officially that is correct yeah okay yeah M triber um I have two questions is this property um yes sorry is that better is this property competing for um development right now so there the the uh Northern piece that we refer to as the dandi property uh as I understand there the owner is exploring the idea of developing a an assisted living facility on that property at this [Music] time okay is that in a I don't know if you would know this but I'm going to ask it whatever um is that in a septic area or a um hookup area so I do not believe that there's sewer available at this property okay and so the hydrology there was hydrology report in our packet did you guys do that who did the hydrology report last month's last month's packet last time I believe that was in a packet from a member of the public wasn't it it was not something that staff put together if I remember right so yeah and I'm going to have to affirm that we we would not put together a hydrology report we would try to put together some information about the Basin for example we had a discussion last time about the Basin management action plan I will also say that I you know as a result of our previous conversations I have reached out to the St John's River Water Management District the out this property and what they do uh they've kind of changed their structure a little bit uh in situations like this they actually send the potential applic they send the application the potential acquisition to their Basin manager so now they have a manager assigned to each of these drainage basins that is that is essentially kind of shepherding the uh water quality issues and and commenting on development and other um potential projects that could uh mitigate uh the water quality de degradation we have not had any response back that was about 2 and a half weeks ago that we made that request and they have not gotten back to us [Music] yet okay so did the owner do the hydrology report who I'm asking if anyone knows who did it [Music] can can she please come speak because I I just like to know who did the hydrology report Miss we you did turn in a public um speaking request you want to address that or anything else um the hydrology uh report that I submitted to you all was done by Clear View graphic I believe it's called with Alex zinsky independently anything else M no okay anyone else questions or comments Mr G yeah I'm uh interested in what kind of uh uh Woods uh Forest uh Exotics um I know we ran into this uh on a previous in similar in the area have you have you guys put your feet on the ground in there and taking a look at that further than what we saw last time staff has staff has made a site visit uh it's mostly hammock type habitat so not a lot of fire dependent communities on site um there were observed of Exotics which is common on a a paral of this size around a city limit okay I got a question Tim Nick if we were to acquire this what would its purpose be what would be the greatest benefit is it water recharge is it um turning it back into a long leaf pine stand which I'm guessing was probably the original thing if you went back before settlers arrived what would be the is it just to prevent uh development what's the benefit well the answer is it could be all of those is the benefit so um it would preserve from development um it could be used for Public Access such as a uh small Recreation Area uh maybe a light Trail the pavilion picnic for Public Access um restoration to longleaf pine that would that would need a much uh deeper look into the rest of the surrounding area and connectivity to other other habitats U but it would provide a small uh preserved area that is U what we call Urban interface um um so if this was purchased W with the city and ourselves who's going to manage it we've reached out for discussions with the city about the city taking over the management okay so is the city capable of doing uh they'll be discussing that at their upcoming meeting okay still on my tou yeah just a couple quick questions on that so just um to get back to this scoring if I recall correctly that's sort of assuming that I want to call it a lower score is uh based on you didn't yet get those approvals from the city or the management commitment or the funding commitment but once those essentially on are on board if that does happen then the score would be higher than nine is that kind of correct um not exactly the scores are based off a uh fixed set of data uh the decision you're talking about are on the uh on the management and the financial side whether we would have a partner or not so that does not play into the H scoring past what we've already scored okay um another quick question you had mentioned you did site visit if possible if you guys have any photos of on the ground stuff could you email those to us perhaps it's just nice to see kind of the um you know better than just overhead overhead looks you know very green to me so um and you said it's a hammock kind of habitat so I'd love to see those if you have them so the photos are on the website they are on okay V's website okay check it out um and yeah otherwise I I just think uh yeah obviously we need to know more a little bit from the the what the city's going to do but I'm hopeful that uh they um agree to help in the way that they can and uh I definitely um want to not just be like a you know which which comes first kind of situation like you know so I don't know what what it's going to look like today but um definitely um keeping the door open and hoping this can work out just my opinion on that okay thank you Miss SC I did have a question the Natural Area description says that it's um made up mostly of invasive species um do we have a based on the site visit is it pretty extensive coverage of those species types got sure so uh from what I understand the answer is affirmative yes okay and this is more of a comment than a question I will say that in terms in my mind of ranking a versus B when we rank things on the a list I think we're telling staff we want this go out and do whatever we can to make a deal um the b list is we want this perhaps if the city partners with us that proposal would give the council reason to shift it from B to a and so that's just initial okay I am I have a question so am I understanding this correctly and please um bear with me that this project because the conversation hasn't happened on the 14th yet can't move forward that valua forever won't take this on its own that it requires the matching funds to move forward to move forward today the the purpose of today's meeting is just to place it on the a or the b list so it has no no bearing regarding the matching funds well the A and the b list um doesn't mean it cannot be purchased it's just a priority order by Council so uh Council has the ability to have things purchased that are on the b list uh but the a list would be the priority ones for the program and if it's on the b list will it come back onto the to the board to review after um let's say the meeting it would not need to come back to the committee once placed on the a or b b list unless there is a major change um Council can at their Authority uh purchase a property on the b list so once it gets placed on the a or the b list that's council's list for acquisition but it's not requ um back to my first question it's not required for the city to be a partner it is not required for the city to be a partner for it to be eligible for the a or the b list okay thank you Mr yeah I I I think a lot of this property is contingent on the partnership between Lake Helen since it is within the City of Lake Helen um I'm not quite sure of the policies procedures you you guys use um would there be any way to table this from A to B list in order to have the City of Lake Helen come up with yes we're willing to manage the property or yes we're willing to go 5050 you know as a cost share or is that something that doesn't happen I will defer to uh legal but I believe that would require a motion and a vote yeah you you can absolutely move to table things um it would require a motion and a majority vote but absolutely tabling is is an option um yeah I think that's there's no there's no additional I step you need to take that so I'm sorry I don't want to speak out of turn here but I specifically requested to table the Ford property east of buo Creek State Park when that came before us a couple of years ago and I was told that it could not be tabled and we had a vote so I'm just and that's on record by the way I'm sorry I don't actually know when that happened or what the situation was so I'm I'm not really able to speak about what the difference was it might have been something to do with the timeline that we were looking at um but I don't see any reason you couldn't table this now take it back up at the next meeting now again the the Cycles move so if something is not placed on the list it might not be acquired as quickly does that makes sense U so if you don't put something on the list and it doesn't start the process so perhaps that was the situation but I can't really speak to what the difference was because I wasn't there for the prior I want this on record because quite frankly this is really aggravating I remember it like it was yesterday the park ranger was not here from tamoka State Park or the tamoka Basin Parks it was a partially different committee and I specifically asked to table it at the time and I was told that we had to vote for the a list or b list and that was what needed to happen a comment Mr gamble was first I believe yeah I want to remind everybody is we are strictly advisory to the council correct it yes correct our A's and B's have to go in front of the council for them to do it if we choose to put it on the B and the city makes a pitch they can show up at the council meeting and ask the council to put it on the A-list correct that's a very easy thing to happen here right correct okay I just remind we are advisory we are not the final word so okay Mr Crump I believe you did you have a comment yeah I just the nominator can request to pull this from this meeting at this time correct if the nominators said you know what let's not vote right now do you mind if we postpone it I think you have to honor the nominators they've done a lot of work to bring this thing before us and um for us to table it is kind of disrespectful for them whether we agree with what they want or not so they've they want us they haven't seen any indication that they don't want us to vote on it and place it a or b list yes and we don't have anyone here from the City indicating that that's what they wish and I think something that's been brought up and we need to keep reminding ourselves is that we are in an advisory capacity only Council has the authority to move these from the b list to the a list and Council has the authority to purchase the property that's on the be list so what we do today or at any of our meetings we are only making our advisory comments to councel who then has the authority to move forward Ward or not so I think we need to keep that in mind um as we're discussing this did someone else have any comments Mr Lage oh yeah I just I thought there were members of the public I just did want to hear if there was any more comments before we vote on anything but I'm sure you'll give that chance Miss SC yeah I just want to note from a timing perspective that was brought up on the Cycles If This Were to be tabled then we we are then the road block if this property is ranked as a or b and the city comes forward in a very short time and says here's our proposal that could go to Council in the next month and a half you know you don't know if it has to wait for us to come back because we tabled it and then vote then we are delaying potential acquisition and that delays it going to council as well so did someone else have something so I would like to make make a motion to put this property on the a list I'll second that okay before we do a vote we have a motion and a second to put the property on the a list do we have any members of the public who want to make any other comments okay happed okay so we have a motion and a second to put the property on the a list all those in favor please signal by saying I I all those oppose I I okay we're going to need a roll call on this one please Wanda vanam no Jessica gal no Steve Crump no Kelly frasa yes John gamble no Derek lontine yes John maruso yes Suzanne sniper yes David Sosa no okay I have five to four for no you are correct yes okay motion to place this on the a list fails do we have a motion to place it on the b list I make a motion to place it on the b list okay motion by Mr second second by miss shriber all those in favor of placing this on the b list please signal by saying I I I I any opposed okay I believe we have un unanimous in for the b list and again um just so that everyone knows this is our recommendation and now it's in the hands of council and also in the hands of City to uh get additional information in hand before this goes in front of our County Council okay next item uh can somebody Advance a slide one please okay uh so we didn't have a slide for it uh but um the next item that we wanted to uh follow up on is we had a a request by a Committee Member to uh to present the U current budget level uh within the program um and so that has been provided and I I don't know if there's any discussion um if there is discussion I would like to say a couple things on the matter but I'll leave this up to the advisor committee um to let me know okay anyone have any questions on this no okay if I could just make a comment and I don't want to speak out of turn but I want to just um go back to our 2020 to or 2000 to 2020 program and uh just remind members that although it looked as though we had a healthy Reserve in that we actually had all of our funds committed by 2011 or 2012 so we went for eight years under that program with no funds to look at new properties so keeping a healthy Reserve I think is is a good thing um and we do have a number of properties I believe in the pipeline and we also have a number of funds committed do we not do we not have a grant that we have to have matching funds for we do we have a funding award the regional conservation partnership program award from the federal government that requires a $25 million match we have um offers out on um multiple properties right now um and um I guess the other thing I would say is when you look at this number um please understand this is a tool that staff uses in discussion with partner agencies this Reserve level opens up the doors for us to partner with other entities on on large projects we have had those discussions recently L um and and I hope that you support staff when we say that um this program is O opportunistic uh we don't always control when these opportunities arise and it's helpful to have dry powder at that time to try to take on a large project okay Mr Lage yeah just um to make sure I understand the number um because uh you had U chair had mentioned um there might be some committed but I think would be under the number or the title encumbered right I mean that's if there was any money in the incumbered part which it shows a zero that would be the committed already to either purchase or partner is that where that would show up and it would get encumbered once the acquisition has been in the final stages and approved by Council but um we do have dur negotiations internally we do have a in our internal mind how much that property would be okay and then just for the record I guess for anyone who who doesn't see what we're seeing the budget is the number is 15, 867,000 if they need it the problem is you use future collections for paying that off so that's I think what Wanda was talking about is they spent a lot of money up front and they use future collections to pay off that debt so uh the 15 million really for a creative Finance director is really just that's cash in the bank and they can do a lot more with it than that so if they choose to so that's for the staff people that work out so and again the financing end of it is not in our mandate our mandate is that we evaluate the properties we decide if they're eligible and then we place them on either the a or the b list and that is the function of of our group um the financing end of it is not something that is in our purview so any other questions comments Mr ryber so um with what you just said um I do have a question that does relate to finance but it actually crosses over to what we're provided here and with the statement that you made um while ago concerning when they ran out of funds um my question or my comment I don't know maybe comment question together is when you work with the state um Florida forever there is the possibility that Florida forever can outright purchase land without fucha forever correct of course correct okay so as you put we have a lot of properties in the pipeline right now and uh some very large ones that could be costly that could actually and I understood where you were going because I'm paying attention so I would hope that staff even though this is not in our purview would do everything they can which is what I think you were trying to say in your own way and if that's not it I don't want to put words in your mouth but I'm hoping staff can do everything and anything they can to get Florida forever to purchase properties outright not always looking for matching funds so um last Friday Nick and I traveled to Tallahassee we met with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and and the uh Florida Department of Agriculture and consumer services to discuss both Partnerships and their outright purchase um so we are certainly trying to do that as much as possible and when we I I I know there can be a frustration on the landowner side and on um uh program Observer side at the pace of some of these projects it does not happen very quickly it takes a while to get your partners aligned on major purchases to get the land owner in agreement on a course of action and and trying to encourage them to maintain their patience throughout the process it is a long Endeavor that we go down to try to bring those outside funds in but we were there in Tallahassee last Friday we had a very productive meeting we have um some commitments that we hope will materialize in the near future and I'll add we we always try to leverage funds the best we can the more we can leverage funds with other programs the longer we have acquisition money to purchase Pro uh land that comes through this program thank you I appreciate that and I see Florida forever purchasing land outright across our state without other matching funds and that's the reason I brought it up and it went along with what we are discussing right here so thank you any comments or questions on this topic okay very good anything else from staff I we do have a a number of other items I'd like to to go through with the committee under staff comments um and and I'll leave the next two open to the committee members at the previous meeting we we had um committee members um uh request discussions about the nomination process and we had a Committee Member uh request a um Workshop this summer to go over ordinance uh uh changes um and so I just kind of wanted to put that back in front of the advisory committee to see if there was any further followup we can certainly schedule any type of workshops or um um discussions we can certainly gather any background material that would help with uh some of your um uh your thinking your comments would you prefer to have a motion to have the extra meeting to go over this is that what you're looking for a motion from us so if there are those topics this probably the best way to capture that is to try to schedule a special Workshop in the summer we can go over the ordinance itself and we can get more in depth on how the program mechanics work and and get your Fe feedback on any recommended changes that you have for us okay very good would someone like to make a motion that we hold a meeting like that I'll make a motion that we hold a special meeting in the summer go over ordinances and any other subjects that come up I'll second okay motion by Mr maaloa second by Mr Sosa that we hold an additional meeting uh all those in favor I I any opposed okay very good okay the next one one I have is uh a bit of an update and um and we may look for some consensus from the committee for a communication back to the County Council but on the 19th we have an updated AB list that's going in front of the County Council you're going to see um all the projects that you've placed on that list be presented to the County Council and you're going to see uh action on two items that are already on the a list number one is the Bor property that is going to drop off of our A-list and that's at the request of the landowner um sometimes these things happen happen but it doesn't mean that the door is closed will return when circumstances are better the other one is Atlantic Center for the Arts Atlantic Center for the Arts is a project that we had been um pretty far down the negotiation Road and we had reached an impass but we don't think it's it's dead it's not it's not a fatal issue that we're dealing with here it certainly is solvable so we are making the recommendation to the County Council that they consider moving that from the a list to the b list and that is something that you know we certainly want to report back to you all on and make you aware and you know we certainly don't need a we don't need a formal action from from the advisory committee on this but um you know if if you had any comments for us we'd certainly receive them if there's a consensus for this action we certainly would like to report that to the County Council okay so I'm sorry Tim are you saying that you would like to have a consensus from the committee on that so you would prefer to have us do a vote on that well the the consensus would a a very valuable tool for us to discuss with the County Council yes okay M rber you're you're asking for consensus on well obviously the bailor properties off automatically right because you're saying it's not going to be on the list anymore at all is that correct okay and the Atlantic Center for the Arts you're wanting a consensus for us to move it to the b list you're you're not taking the action we're we're looking for a consensus that you support this action that staff is recommending to the County Council okay um so it's not it's not in your purview to make a formal action here the council's already placed it on the a list you don't have the authority to move it to the b list staff is recommending that it be moved from the a to the b list and we're simply looking for the support of the advisory committee okay would anyone like to make a motion that we support staff's actions before we did you have a question first yeah just I have a comment I'm just I'm not seeing that I I definitely don't think we have enough information to to make such a move I understand there's stuff behind the scenes and that's understandable but if it's going to happen without us I don't think it's appropriate for us to support something without I don't know knowing more about it personally so um that's just my opinion there are mechanics of transactions that you will not have exposure to um I have to I have to let you know and and it's and I also want to say it's not always going to be appropriate for us to get into those details if the transaction doesn't work out we certainly don't want to harm the land owner here so you're looking more for a consensus that we are supporting staff in their decision given that staff has information that we don't have to possibly move this from the a list to the b list so that some of these issues can be addressed yes ma'am yes okay sorry I I have a technical question so um if we vote to Move It from the a list to the b list it actually supports it staying viable correct as opposed to us doing nothing and it being on the a list but with an issue so I would consider I I would encourage you to to look at it this way you would you would be essentially providing a recommendation you would not be making an action you'd be providing a recommendation I understand so I'm a little torn here because I understand what um Derek is saying we don't have the information and we can't get the information but yet we're asked to move something from A to B but it's not really in our purview is that I thought that was what you said while ago and now we're making a motion to do it so I'm kind of like caught in this circle if I'm looking for something a little more substance here to vote when you when you determine that a property is eligible the next step is you make a recommendation to the County Council on whether it's placed on the a or b list and then the council makes their decision once the council's made their decision it's in their control from that point forward it's not something that comes back to the advisory committee for formal action staff has a recommendation that we're presenting to the County Council and we're looking for your support in that recommendation and that that that's all this item is intended to be and we're not looking for a vote right now to play to move move this from an A List to the b list we're just saying that we're supporting staff in their recommendation to council and then it's still in council's perview as to what they do with it correct correct okay yes we were bringing this back to the committee's attention because there has been a a major change in the uh negotiation status and you're just asking for support on your change okay um so what was the motion that you had asked for there is no motion on the table I'm just asking if someone would like to make a motion indicating that we support staff and what they are doing on this property um if we don't we don't need to do a motion if we don't want to say that we have a consensus that's the main reason I spoke up Wanda that that was all because when you started with saying you were asking for motion I then I completely lost what we were doing that was what I was trying to clarify yeah no we were just asking if someone would like to make a motion that we are supporting staff's recommendation a on this we're not actually moving anything we're just saying whether or not we support staff's uh desire to do this Miss scal I think that instead of focusing on in the specific properties these two if we wanted to show consensus the committee could say or could motion that we understand that after ranking there are sight specific circumstances that we could not have predicted and we support staff's recommendation on where to target staff resources and time to get the most priority out of this project this program which may include recommendations to Council of changing something from an A List to a B list I'll second that motion if you call that a motion sure motion so so moved and seconded all those in favor signal by saying I I I any opposed okay any question question though okay mrage um well I I want to ask specifically about this one I know we did the general thing that's that's fine um but for the Atlantic Center without you know I don't want to know if I can ask around the edges of maybe you can't tell me exactly but was any of the discussion about like changing the footprint of the project like is it won't actually be that same amount like they want to say are you allowed to say that at all perhaps I'd say the the uh in general like if you're asking the Acres have changed or the shape of it has changed uh the answer is no that is all that has all been the same okay that's good to know okay anyone anything else from staff I have a series of project updates I'd like to provide the committee before we move on good okay so we Hade a little bit earlier discussed the regional conservation partnership program uh there's a number of major steps before those funds are available for us us to access um the first major step is called is what's uh called the negotiation of the programmatic partnership agreement and actually this is going to be uh between the uh um um Department of US Department of Agriculture and Atlantic um electoral conservation trust pardon me eleral conservation trust they are technically the awarde of this program however since we're their major partner we have been involved in every step of this process that uh PPA that's the acronym that we all use to discuss it the PPA has been drafted and is now circulating for review within our organization this is a major step after um 5 months of negotiation on the terms of this agreement we still do have two more agreements to go there is a direct agreement between vucha County and the um U nrcs that we'll have to execute but we are uh we have a pretty good Pace going right now it looks likely that we'll have this thing um captured by late summer early fall and then will'll be operational in late fall early winter with the rcpp funding any questions on that okay so I mentioned that we have um a number of offers out right now uh first is for an Agricultural easement on one of the projects that we've had this has been a long time in in discussion it's with the landowner right now we should be able to return to you folks in a short time with a with hopefully some positive news after extensive discussions there uh the stern steam project is one that I can mention we believe it's very near closing um these projects have a lot of um similar to the ACA discussion there's a lot of issues that arise on Pro on projects along the way um but we are nearing completion on that one we we are um uh just finishing up some last minute items um so I I mentioned that Nick and I had some pretty positive discussions uh in Tallahassee last Friday um without getting into too much detail on them uh theep has uh mentioned that they would like to um essentially uh utilize some appraisal work that we've already started on uh a major project uh in uh Central valua County uh we have a second one that they were unsuccessful in negotiating on that they've asked us to take the lead and try to negotiate on uh so those are two projects that we have potential Partnerships with Florida Department of Environmental Protection and we have expressed to them we would love to see them spend 100% of their money um but we may need to put some cash into these transactions we just have to see how they transpire and then the last one um and I and I can name it but but it's um because they've named it to us the double e Eagle agriculture easement is something that uh Department of Agriculture and consumer services has said that they see this as one of their priority projects and we intend to engage with them on this very very soon and and um hopefully bring that easement uh back uh in front of the County Council in the near future so those are my project updates that I have right now okay any questions on those okay so sounds great I do have one last wrapup item before we move on from staff comments and that is the binders that we distribute for these um meetings if you could please turn those back in that's a that's a big budgetary item for us and we'd appreciate getting those back Mr Dunham did you have anything to add Janny but do not no you're good okay all right so that brings us then to uh Committee Member comments any comments or questions from committee members yes I have a I have a conflict on the September 20th meeting and I just wanted to make a note of that that I unable to attend that meeting if if there's any other people who have it maybe I'm available the week before or the week after just not that week okay so you're looking to move the September 20 meeting if it's possible all right do we know if council chambers are available um just a quick comment I don't think it has to be a Friday I know sometimes you guys were making accommodations for me so I I just want to say it could be a Monday too if that's only time available if we have to change it throwing that up okay let's I'd say for now let's stick with the day that we voted on and then see once if we can if council chambers is available then we can see if other people have any conflicts with those States I just want to make sure I gave you that in advance so for the chambers calendar the 13th and the 27th are both available and they're both Fridays and the 27 yes so would be way better for me the 13th okay so do we want a motion to move it is does anyone have a conflict because we have this date set and if other people have conflicts with moving it then we need to leave this state as it is any conflict anyone okay so would someone like to make a motion that we move that meeting to the 13th I'll make a motion to move our September meeting to September 13th from the 20th second okay so we have a motion for Miss RCA and a second for Mr CR Miss Crump yeah to move the meeting from September 20 I believe it was to September 13th all those in favor hi hi okay very good thank you all right next uh one other comment about the summer meeting maybe the first two weeks in July as when to have it or not have it yeah when to have it because I'm like gone before and gone after but I don't need necessarily to I can miss one if I need to so it's it's good to me if we do it on July 12th it's my birthday I'm Sorry Miss good I said if we do it on July 12th it's my birthday can be a party nothing better to do on your birthday but press to me I would suggest not the week of July 4th there's a lot of other travel and vacation that week so I'm open to any the week in the maybe the 12th the 12th if Fridays are and we don't need council chambers for that obviously we can do that in any of the training rooms or yes yes we can find and it may be better to find a different format where we kind of sit around a table rather than just kind of face each other directly so you guys can have a little bit more dialogue back and forth yeah agreed is there a motion on the table I'm sorry is there a motion on the table not yet we've already made a motion to hold a meeting so now we're just making recommendations in ter for staff's information so I don't think we need a motion on that they'll get back to us okay comments questions from anyone else I got comment okay very good all right um I left our last meeting confused and a little concerned it was there were so many nominations that we've received that were in our packet that were incomplete these are nominations that apparently didn't have the willing seller agreement and it's it's I'm concerned that we're looking at properties properties are being offered for sale by people that are not the owners or not authorized to represent the owners and it's coming to the staff and then the staff is tasked with doing something so what is maybe I need to ask Tim what's the process what happens when these incomplete nominations come in so the resolution uh discusses nominations and it lists a required number of uh elements for a nomination to be completed and be placed in front of the advisory committee and I'll take responsibility for this there have been times in the past where we have um we presented items that did not necessarily have a uh willing seller letter attached to them and uh that is contradictory to the resolution itself um you know I'll just leave it there yeah you know I I find it representing the agriculture side or at least speaking on on their behalf as a as a landowner we receive multiple letters not every week but monthly maybe wanting to buy your land or offering to buy your land I just throw them away I have nothing more I don't reply no I just throw it away but what we have right now is a process where a land owner has to opt out they're they're not choosing to opt in to valuch Forever they're being forced to opt out otherwise they're on this list and it's and the public saying you know can say hey I saw you wanted to sell your land no I'm not on that thing they're like yes yes you are you were submitted to sell your property the fear I have is that when you get the wrong when this happens to the wrong landowner and I've got several I can think of off the top of my head they are going to be hot they're going to come after us for the government trying to take their land and that's because they don't want to sell it and that's not our intent I have no trouble with the third party representing the landowner that's fully understandable but to do it with this process where we're not being forthright it's disingenuous and it's it has as I see it a very low potential of actually bearing fruit if the land owner if you if everything's complete and the application is signed and delivered let's work on it let's talk about it let the staff work on it but otherwise it has I don't see the Merit of it and frankly I find it unethical to offer to sell something that is not yours I would never put a for sale sign on your car with your phone number I would like to see what the other comments are I know Miss gal had something along that line I think a couple meetings ago that maybe she primed the well to me to open my eyes but yeah and I'll I'll comment on it I think that there was kind of discussion in terms of being transparent in terms of what properties are being nominated and where that fell within our purview and we had a good discussion on that um but I think I mean I 100% agree I think that if we don't have every box checked it should not come before us in any way because that creates a perception that we're taking official action on it and it's not within our purview and it doesn't meet the ordinance so yeah good I'm sorry could could could this be a a topic for our special meeting because I have I have questions as well and and I'm agreeing with what's been said nominating a piece of property with the owner not knowing yeah and I think um we have to keep in mind this is a voluntary program this is not a compulsory program and I do not want to see our program looked at as being an instrument where we're trying to force a land owner to do something and that was my concern when we originally voted that we made public um the properties that had been nominated so I do think um that this is a good topic for our Workshop that we discuss this further because right now we do have a motion that we voted on that that that list be supplied uh to the committee members and um at this point we've tried it I agree I don't think it's something that we should be doing um and I think it's excellent topic for our Workshop so I I'll just kind of wrap that up if I can by saying that um I think Mr crump's and Miss gab's comments have a lot of weight and um we are in the trust business with land owners there are other avenues they can go to make more money or have a quicker transaction if that's what they desire and I and I don't want to do anything to erod the trust that that we we need to build particularly with the agricultural Community this is not only an important group that we're interacting with now but with this Federal award coming it's extremely important that we maintain the relationship with the agricultureal community going forward so these these words have weight to us okay Kelly go ahead the way I understood this uh previously before I was on the board uh cuz I had nominated a property within my city that I felt needed you know um conservation but the issue was that the particular property owner was under an investment company and I wasn't able to reach out and unfortunately Tim wasn't able to reach out to them either so it never came before here and never got to that step without the approval of moving forward from the property owner or management I I I'm I'm a little confused on how would a property come before us without having the approval of the owner yeah it's not coming before us for a vote we're being supplied with a list and the the list is public as to what properties have been nominated and you mean on the portal I'm sorry on the portal whereas I think if somebody does a public records request and it goes into excuse me part of the discussion had been whether or not that list should be included in our notebooks which I agree we should not be doing um but this is something that I think will be a good topic for that meeting and something that we did vote on and perhaps need to take a step back and look at it more in depth and perhaps do another vote after our Workshop this is not intended to be regarding any particular Committee Member oh no I'm I'm not taking in that sense I'm just trying to understand how with somebody being able to observe and say well this is potential de development or this land has not been utilized and it's a real nice Green Space you know how do why move forward to maybe they don't know about Valia forever or even Florida forever if it qualified for that but it would be an option to start conservation yeah agreed agreed and once a nomination is made then staff moves forward are what we're debating and what we need to decide on is just how public should those negotiations be I mean we we I understand wanting to give the land owner the opportunity uh but we have to be very careful that we're not being looked at as trying to be compulsory yes in our actions that I do agree on okay Mr Lage yeah I just want to follow up on what Miss Miss Frasco was saying because yeah I I too I think um you know it's important to kind of know if it's being nominated but I I do I guess we can talk about it more in a committee of a meeting or you know in the future but um yes it's two fundamentally different things I don't consider anything that's just um you know being shared as information like something that's part of our review per se like just having a you know a a document that has the you know how much like we we're provide to that information on the budget isn't doesn't mean we're taking action doesn't give that appearance at all I feel that's just a service to the public not and we're just here to observe really it's not at all the same thing as as giving a perception uh I mean I I see that as a wall like there's two parts to this mean there's just information to the public and then there's our action so I I I don't really see a conflict but um we can discuss how to make that more clear I guess um in the future okay all right any other questions comments do do you all want to decide on a date for that Workshop I have the calendars up okay so you would prefer that we decide on a date for the workshop now I would too yes okay all right what what works for staff I think we need to start there as to what would work for you in terms of uh holding the workshop and then we can discuss potential dates I I I think for my calendar it's going to depend on how long the workshop workshop's going to be if it's an hourlong Workshop I'm very flexible if it's going to be a six or eight hour Workshop My flexibility is limited so do we have a tentative idea on a time frame for the workshop that's hard to say because we don't know you know what we're going to talk about so um I would say for sure a morning a morning or afternoon yeah or afternoon correct yeah a morning or an afternoon I don't think we want to make it um we don't want to limit ourselves to like a two wind twoh hour window or something like that we I think need for sure to give ourselves at least four hours quick for staff well I was just going to point out to the committee that we also have an echo advisory committee meeting on July 11th that we would need to work around that July 11 so July 11 is out from your perspective how's the 12 Nick Friday the 12th is good on my calendar it's good on my calendar good on my on so meeting all right so for a birthday cake that's right Miss gal what time would you like to have your birthday party on the 12th preferably morning because I may be doing things that very good okay y so we're looking at July 12th do we have any known conflicts for July 12th no okay just I just had a question so again so the the one that's been changed so far just to recap make sure I'm taking notes so we have another July meeting then at the no we don't yet we did not change okay no because I I just want to say it's if there's an option on any of these meetings I guess uh maybe we won't have it I mean totally separate meeting but later in the same day because sometimes like if I you know I'm missing work that whole whole day basically sometimes so it's morning could be this meeting and then afternoon could be the workshop but I just thr that out there from my preference I guess meeting we discussed is a workshop right the additional meeting is a workshop okay yeah yeah I meant yeah I should have said that better meeting for the normal I was confused are we starting at8 or 9ine n nine okay three hours 3our meeting then right okay 3our meeting okay any other comments requests M rber you look like you're thinking I am but I'm going to keep it to myself but thank you for asking okay so right now we're potentially looking at July 12 the morning or afternoon we did we decide morning was best for everyone yeah 9:00 a.m. okay okay so no known conflicts for July 12th okay all right would you like a motion on that or are we good with just talking I think we're good yeah we're we're good you're good okay all right all right so we're going to look at July 12 for a workshop not chers less formal setting it will be yes it it may actually be a different location y okay okay all right great when's When's the next meeting did it get moved next meeting oh it's on on May 3 May 31st is the next I got it I got it any additional questions comments on any topics I got one quick thing Tim Nick on the um special meeting coming up in in July that we just said can we submit topics that we'd like discuss to you for the for that meeting so that Workshop yeah and and we'd appreciate that if you have a meaty topic if you could let us get a little bit of research done ahead of it I think it would help the discussion at the workshop yes all right very good definitely yeah good point good point okay all right um just one comment that I would like to make and I think um it's hard for us as committee members sometimes to understand the amount of work that begins once we have selected uh a property to be eligible and once we have placed it on either the a or the b list there is an incredible amount of work that that kicks off and I think to us sometimes we say well we put it on the a list what's a hold up here you know let's get this bought let's move forward with it but um I would just ask everyone to keep in mind the amount of work and time that staff puts into every one of these properties um to do their job their due diligence in order to put it in front of council so that we can move forward with it and and I think they do an incredible job um they put a a tremendous amount of time regardless of the size of the property it takes a lot of time and uh I think they do an excellent job on it and I just would ask everyone to remember to be patient with them uh and with the process in general because it's a very timec consuming process and we don't see results instantly like we would all like to see results instantly um so just if we could keep that in mind okay anyone anything else if not would someone like to make a motion to adjourn so moved motion for Miss SC to adjourn a second Mr gamble has a second all those in favor I I okay meeting adjourned thank you everyone that was awesome ni meet you oh really any questions or anything you want to discuss out and get back to counil will decision keep the question anyone authored to speak so I just C C uh oh I said oh the wor it's like e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e