##VIDEO ID:AxxDI9ZmCfQ## [Music] e e e e e for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for e e e e e age uh halfway down um chair of Van Dam shared her experience stating that during the first 20 years of her time on the valua forever advisory committee uh if you could correct that please I was not on the committee for 20 years uh I was on for several years and during that time uh we did not have that particular issue so anyone else Mr Lage I think it says July 13th on the top so the date is wrong I'm sorry the July 13 July 12 on here not sure unless that's yeah I think it was the 12th so obviously good correction I guess okay thank you anyone else okay uh anyone make a motion on on the minutes with the changes please so moved second okay motion by Miss G second by Mr gamble all in favor I I I any opposed okay very good then let's move on if we could to the workshop minutes anyone have anything there I've got one correction on page 21 uh red color page 21 in red third paragraph up it says Mr Crump shared his experience from local government perspective I believe that was Mr gamble that shared he experience it okay I know nothing about whatever that's written no experience in what was said you're H yeah okay anyone else again just a minor thing a couple places I think uh my M and my last name is lowercase it should be Capital Li thank you okay all right and then I had just one um on page six of 15 or page 16 uh 2third of the way down um or excuse me all the way at the bottom um chair vanam responds by pointing out that this approach would involve the committee evaluating properties which is not their current role um that should read evaluating properties which have not been nominated which is not their current role okay anyone else um on the page 11 since we uh just dated July 12th it says July 13th on my packet okay date correction okay anyone else okay very good uh could we have a motion on the workshop minutes please second okay motion by Mr Sosa second by Miss gal all in favor single by saying I I I any opposed okay very good that brings us to our new business which is eligibility of new properties um thank you uh up on the screen is just the flowchart of where we're currently at today so we are at the uh eligibility and ranking meeting uh we have no properties to rank today we have three applications that have been submitted for eligibility I will be going over those properties for you the first property up for consideration is the Henry Enterprise Property it is a working fors and farmlands agricultural easement application received a SCA a staff score of 13 of 19 requirement of N9 of 19 plus or minus 292 Acres it is in the uh part of the property is in the Florida Wildlife Corridor and it is directly adjacent to the lake George Conservation Area in Seville with that I will turn it to the committee very good any questions any comments okay could we have a motion on the Henry Enterprises property motion to make eligible and a second second okay motion by Mr gamble second by Mr Crump that we find the Henry Enterprises property eligible any further discussion I have a question okay m r on the um I think it was 20 acre or whatever the nursery area is um yeah 20 acres is what I wrote down is are they spraying there out of curiosity um as far as herbicide spraying um it is an active fery in some areas uh and the other part of the property is cattle as far as pasture so I can't answer directly to the uh techniques they use in the ferer but I do noce an active fery I will say uh Miss Shyer that um these these Farms best management practices used to be um voluntary now mandatory so they would have they will have adopted the all of the Farms that will be coming before you should have adopted best management practices um which you know um are research-based evidence-based practices in terms of fertilizer application herb beside application and and whatnot so they are are um committed to a regime of best management practices and and that's um something that we look for as well thank you for that okay so what does that mean what does that mean that means yes they they'll they're going to spray um You' you've got to in the foliage industry um sometimes um but if they do it's going to be you know um targeted to a certain area it's not going to be a wholesale approach um you know it's it's more about Precision when you use best management practice rather than a wholesale application you good okay anyone else all right Mr go ahead Mr yeah I appreciate that um so my question actually is about just something else that's on the map that again I apologize if you if you don't know that's okay but uh at least on like page 38 and elsewhere there's like a little box to the left that's again not part of this property but uh it says it's a valua forever eligible property I was wondering if you know what that that one is I believe it uh if you're talking about the square to the left to the west of the property maybe I missed it then I guess he might had it that is part of the Lake George in Holdings which is on the a list uh that the Lake George in Holdings consisted of about six different Parcels in the Lake George area okay so it's not acquired yet though I mean that's it is not acquired yet correct close Okay Okay anyone else all right we have a motion and a second all in favor of finding the property eligible please signal by saying I I I any opposed okay very good move on to the volia 44 properties please the next property for consideration is the valua 44 property it is a fee simple application received a staff score of 12 of 21 with a requirement of 10 of 21 plus or minus 358 Acres it is in the vucha conservation Corridor and the Florida Wildlife Corridor and is directly adjacent to the county man Dage longleaf pine preserve okay very good questions or discussion if not could we have a motion please move to make eligible okay can we have a second please okay motion by Mr gamble second by Mr Sosa to um consider the property eligible any discussion question M rver um I have a question pertaining to where it says fiveyear acquisition fiveyear under St John's fiveyear acquisition plan um it says it on the map do you want to know where that's located well the reason I brought it up is because I believe I've got to find it but back in the um criteria where it talks about St John's here it so number six where it brings up St John's Water Management recharge area it says does the property meet the criteria and it says no but yet it's in the 5e your acquisition plan on one of these Maps I just happened to notice it at the bottom and my other question is is it likely that St John's would match funds so I will say number one the the the high recharge areas is a layer developed by St John's so if it's not in their layer which this property is not we could not make it say that it's a high recharge area however separate from their High recharge overlay they also have an overlay of uh properties in their 5-year acquisition plan um which they have the same strategy as us they own a lot of the property around this one um which is strategically expand what you have rather than a Quire Islands separated from what you already own so that's why it's part of their acquisition plan and yes we've we've had some initial conversations they are a partner on our Lake George in Holdings at this point um which will probably be about a million dollars um which basically they've said let's get through that process and we can have a a a conversation about this property as well okay this on page 68 where I saw the bottom left St John's Water Management fiveyear acquisition plan and I had written that down but then I got back to the questions the criteria and then I noticed it said no so that's why I asked good question okay so it is in their five-year acquisition Board of Trustees okay very good any further questions Mr Lage uh I saw it said that there are Road easements of some kind is that correct I I I didn't know which map that was but I think it said in the text yes there are Road easements so you look at the map here so let me just back up and give you a little background on this property it's one we've pursued for many years it was on the A-list in the previous um iteration of our program we met with the property owner when I first got here after the 2000 um referendum and um we're glad to finally have it through the door I will say um but if you notice the the pro the um Road Derek that comes right through the middle of the parcel from 44 that road is used by the gun club so this property is if you if you're coming West on 44 you merge from Pioneer Trail onto 44 and the gun club is right there to the right this property is directly uh adjacent to that right now um they are using the road and therefore they have an easement to get to their property makes sense okay thank you okay any other questions very good okay we yes just just one sorry um I'm looking at the hydrology on page 70 um are all these all the lakes that are visible on the other let's see the page you have up there now including uh the hydrology points here are they all connected and what is that connection is that St John's so the hydrology here just represents the flood zone so these areas can flood but the the property is really just a true Flatwoods so under heavy rain periods these areas are likely to flood um there's very little Open Water other than the uh man-made retention pond that's already on the property okay that's a man-made retention P right there in the middle right yes okay borrow pit thank you yes ma'am anyone else Mr Lage so I guess yeah just to follow up on that so um again I guess we don't know the future if if we're owning this property with the management is but that you know the the borrow pit area will that be uh what's what's generally uh done to to reclaim that or or is there anything that would be needed to be done in your view or just longterm or kind of those go under evaluation for the management plan uh sometimes uh there's very little restoration of any that needs to be done uh they can actually be used as a uh water access for some Recreation um but if there is any restoration or if there's anything left over from the previous landowner they they do go into our restoration program if needed one of the things we do Derek is make sure that they were permitted borrow pits um and if they're closed that they are in good standing okay no that's good thank you I just appreciate the information okay anyone else all right we have a motion and a second to find the property eligible all in favor please signal by saying I I any opposed okay very good all right the next property for consideration is the Cypress Ranch property it is located in the ostein area it is a fee simple application received a staff score of 10 of 21 requirement of 10 of 21 plus or minus 86 Acres it is in the Florida Wildlife Corridor and it is directly adjacent to the county managed Wiregrass Prairie Preserve okay questions or comments Miss is it possible with our wonderful new GIS mapping system when we have situations like this where there are kind of in Holdings or out Parcels to kind of create just an exhibit that says not included for the interior Donuts yes we can absolutely do that thank you that was going be my question okay anyone else so to clarify on that are there in Holdings or is this all by the same group there are some inh Holdings in the property those are cutouts in the middle some are cutouts yes yes okay that's what I think in this area Steve you'll you'll find because TT Ranch came in and have the same issue yeah as you'll find a lot where almost like we did the fairgrounds there was lots of individual Parcels that the owners have put together over the years um and they may not have been successful of getting one or two in Holdings but we'll continue to pursue those owners of those properties um you know if we acquire it but we're seeing a lot of activity in terms of conservation applications down in this kind of M Maytown oin Road area um which is an important connection from the corridor we we were missing some pieces there at the South End of the county so to see these come in the door is um you know I think a a testament to our team to being strategic and reaching doing some strategic Outreach to these folks and I'll I'll give a little a little tip on the maps for example on a page 113 uh some of the layers that's used over in aerial you'll be able to see the out Parcels clearly on that type of map if you ever need to reference that I see it now I see how you're doing it 113 okay anyone else Mr Lage yeah so similar question I asked earlier ear on like page 102 so uh just because I uh have a hard time recalling the name so that's the the wrench above it uh fucha forever eligible property um what's the name of that one and where are we or that's on a list I think is that correct yes that is the Triple T ranch we are in active negotiations with that property now um and it is also bordering uh the Wiregrass PR preserve to the West so um this uh Cypress Ranch would provide a linkage uh if that triple t Branch was required it would provide a linkage all the way through from Wire Grass Purry preserve to the other side of wire grass Perry preserve as far as conservation land one of the things that I think we need to update the committee here because you've asked um that TT Ranch was um voted eligible sorted as a fee simple property um the owner now has um his wife does not want to leave the ranch so he's asked if he could consider an easement and we were open to that and our our goal is to get the property conserved and so that's where we are at this point still you know active negotiations going on but I just wanted to alert the committee of that change okay thank you anything else okay could we have a motion on the Cypress Ranch property please move to make eligible second second okay we have a motion by Mr Gamble second by Miss G to find the Cypress Ranch property eligible any further discussion all in favor signal by saying I I any opposed okay very good all right and with that we will roll into staff comments um I have a rather lengthy list today uh so it's very exciting times for vucha forever uh so at the September 3rd council meeting Council approved the uh previous four properties to be on the uh a list uh now there are 30 total properties on the ab list combined we are actively engaged with 23 of those properties so that means we are in stages of offers contracts or appraisals at this time um so I'd like to go down the U short list of where we're at on some of those properties uh first up is the Evans property this was the agricultural EAS easement that borders Deep Creek preserve uh we hope to close on that property in about weeks that's the status on that one uh next up was the steart acquisition the 2500 acre property down in Edgewater that we are partnering with the uh fdp in Florida forever in the future um that should go to um finish phase one surveys or phase one assessment and Survey should wrap up anytime this month and then we should anticipate closing around October November hopefully and as an aside just to point out if if you look at the agenda for the next meeting um you we have the reimbursement from Florida forever so uh we continue to negotiate the deal after Florida forever stepped away we did get a commitment from them um I think the deal full deal was 4.2 million 4.5 um and D is reimbursing us for the largest partial parcel at 3.2 million uh the next property update is the Carter Ranch um we are happy to report that FTE through Florida forever and the landowner have reached a purchase price in contract terms and that will be presented to the governor and cabinet at the next available meeting unfortunately it was supposed to be the cabinet meeting this week or next but since it was cancelled given the D debacle it will be at the next meeting hopefully uh the next property uh report is the uh pick and Cooper property uh we have a signed contract with that landowner now that just happened in the last week or two that is the 40 acres adjacent to the Wiregrass Prairie Preserve um off of pel Road um also down in the oin area the Double Eagle Ranch we've made significant progress on the contract turns we have a partner through fdax through their rural family lands program that is an agricultural easement of 990 Acres down in the Lake Harney area next up is the tamoka marsh um FTE through Florida forever is completing the title work now and shifting to appraisals and it is going through their process provide some background on that one so this is the tamoka Ford Marsh that we put on our b list um it was an attractive piece to the Water Management District so they applied for a Noah Grant um had a a option contract with the land owner um if they received the grant um they were notified in last 30 days that they did not receive the grant this team had a backup plan with DP um so D has stepped in now um it's an attractive piece to D because it will add to their park system up there so they would now are doing the title work and appraising and will make an offer I would assume in the next couple of months awesome all right um so next up is the update on the rcpp now this one has a lot of government acronyms so I'll do my best for everybody the uh Regional conservation partnership program uh we are nearing the end of our contract negotiations um actually our our portion is done we have submitted that to act who is finalizing that with nrcs so natural resource conservation service is in the final review stages of that partnership agreement uh so we anticipate that this funding source would be available very soon we're going to move quickly to try to get a cycle open as soon as we can we have a number of properties on our A-list lined up ready to go into this program as well one of the things just I think we should alert the committee of as the Act and the regulations for rcpp will require kind of a separate application process but the team is committed to taking our aess properties and holding the hand of our property owners owners and doing a lot of the work for them hopefully we could get to a point where we send them something where they all they have to do is sign and we transfer um the the data from their Florida or from their valua forever application so there will be a process there um we've submitted our evaluation criteria as the criteria that we'll use so this committee has already evaluated them um we have lined up a lot of appraisals to be able to come out the out the gate strong right uh next up is the uh update on the resolution language staff is still drafting that language um we plan to have that available to you at the U next meeting and scheduled in December um we did ship some priorities to the vucha conservation Corridor so I wanted to report there we've made significant progress on mapping and uh getting some boundaries ready we will be bringing that back at a future vuch forever meeting um possibly no uh December as well so this was one of the committee's goals for this year was to look at a strategic expansion of the valua conservation Corridor we've worked with folks who are respected in the industry and Mike thank thanks thanks to Mike and his hard work um to kind of do this strategic expansion uh Florida forever has told us that being in the wildlife Corridor is not enough you need more what what's the more you know you need more in terms of what is the ecological value how will it enhance the corridor um everything that we are going to propose for expansion is in the corridor but we have specific reasons why we want those properties they're basically filling gaps so have you had discussions with them are they happy with that or do we not know that yet they they will review stuff when we send it we haven't sent anything yet but we have um looked at other models where expansion or other entities who have went to them were who have been successful okay including engaging doctor hawor at UF you know anything that he puts his name on people will yeah you know thumbs up um so that's kind of where we are at this point um but it's large Parcels I mean we're looking at um probably some of the largest Parcels left in our County a 7,000 acre parcel at the North End of the corridor then a 5,000 acre parcel that's around Lake ashp that would provide a connection around Lake Ashby for our our Corridor um so and also kind of finish up the the corridor in the South End of the county okay great great and the uh last staff comment that I have um staff would like to discuss with the committee a request to have an additional meeting between now and December uh some of these properties that we're looking at are under some uh pressure and we believe if we can get them sorted into Council in time we can be competitive to pick up some of these properties between now and then so you're speaking of the three that we evaluated today that we would like to get those sorted to the a orb list as quickly as possible correct okay so you're looking for a meeting as soon as we can that everyone can get together on okay correct yes ma'am ashin has some dates on Fridays that the chamber's available if if that the committee is meable yes so I have Friday October 18th and then Friday October 25th and then we have um November 1st so whichever of those three Fridays and if we if those are not um available for you I'm gladly to look at other dates so the first one that you have is October 18 that's the first available um I can confirm that real quick or is October 18 is that good for staff's time frame or would you prefer earlier if we can um if if we can do earlier we can do earlier so but the 18th works for us 18th is fine okay all right uh any conflicts with the 18's not good for me but 25th is good agreed okay I was going to sayth was good for me but how about 25th make it work okay is there anything we did this very fast is there anything in our resolution that forces us to sort at the next meeting yes okay and we would like to so one of the things and just so you're aware we've um we've tried to make the program more Nimble and we've already made some changes so we've done away with the applications Cycles it's an open call take them at any time we have also um you know made the change where we're doing every other meeting one of the things we'd like to do with the resolution changes that will come back to you is put some language in there where we would be able to do both sorting and um sorting and eligibility at the same meeting and have the property owner here right now there's a notification period to the property owner and a letter um I could see where that would be a good model to follow if you have 15 properties because you have your staff writing reports on all of them even though they may not be eligible so it's actually going to give the committee more data when they make their decisions during eligibility and Miss Shyer it will mean that we have been to the property when we talk about eligibility uh if we can combine those two the sorting and eligibility into one meeting that's something that we would like to do to be more Nimble um and to be competitive in this I mean real estate market that continues to be hot in Florida it also honors our time better yes thank you so the 25th is better for me the 18th I can't do 25th's fine 25th okay all right question just on future meetings like I'm okay if they're they don't have to be like 9:00 a.m. too if they if it's easier for people other times in the day I mean if you're doing Friday just anytime Friday or even afternoon is fine if that's just feature reference I don't know if there's any preference we like 9:00 a.m. but so you know early okay apologies I could not hear everyone so is the 25th good for everyone yes good all right thumbs up all around okay very good October 25 all right and that uh closes out the staff comments and I will turn it over to the committee for for committee discussion um if we could before you do that on the Carter property do we know when the next meeting is going to be for the D um as of yesterday I don't believe it has been rescheduled yet okay so it's an actually it's actually a cabinet meeting because it's is a deal that's over 5 million so it's got to go to the cabinet so the governor CFO Commissioner of a and who am I missing there one more SEC attorney general so are they generally like every month every two three months every two or three months so there's a schedule that's printed as you continue to talk I'll pull it up and tell you when that is okay all right okay very good so um on to committee comments anyone have anything they would like to raise Miss shriber so I have a couple well question first um is there some hold up that's happening with the properties is Staff behind is there something going on I'm just asking no no we're just so we are not competitive in terms of making offers in a timely manner right now because we have to get to appraisals we have a reviewer it takes about so if you were to apply today so for these properties they we received them maybe a month ago we have this meeting our next meeting is in 3 months it'll take us probably 2 months to get appraisals and that's quick um so you're looking at even to for us to make an offer five to six months so what we are trying to do is shorten that time um and and be able to do some due diligence so for example if we were able to make it eligible today and sort the team could walk out and Order appraisals and so we would probably the goal would be to kind of cut that that time in half because we do have it's a very competitive market right now especially for high and dry properties that are you know targets for development and so we want to be competitive um in making those offers for example the Stewarts that we just bought those three Parcels from an Edgewater they had an offer from a developer a year before we could get them an offer but they were committed to conservation and so it's great when you have people like that but some people are not like that and so that's why we're trying to um make ourselves more Nimble still protect the public trust but make ourselves more Nimble in terms of being competitive in this in this market okay so I understand everything you just said I'm all for thank you speeding up our part um good use of our time as you put out there is there anything the council can do to help any of this I think that they can approve your changes when they when they come to them um which is right now we have to send send a letter after eligibility letting the property owner know I think it would be a wise use of the property owner's time if they come it's one meeting then rather than two so we're um yeah I think support of that will be helpful okay the other thing is more of a um comment farmton is going through right now um Edgewater and new smna beach and I understand this has been touted as environmentally friendly development but I'm letting you all know that the public is not very happy in those two areas um I watched some of the commission meetings it was a packed house and they voiced their displeasure so um if there's anything that can be done by staff to pursue additional conservation land in fton um working with the cities that are impacted I'm I'm asking you to or consider it I will say that um we are getting some additional conservation land as part of the northern Deering park I think that they're trying to develop I think it's an additional 400 Acres that would come to us under a conservation easement where we hold and the City of New Sam Beach I think would hold an autobond just like we do with the 33,000 Acres 30 plus th000 acres that they have under conservation easement so we would do an annual inspection to make sure that that land um is still um you know being conserved and managed appropriately so there is a little bit additional I know it's probably not as much as folks want but um when a developer was willing to give 400 we'll take it thank you for that I think the biggest shock to most people was that it was zoned mixed use industrial um I have to say even I was surprised by that for future land use yeah and I know sometimes it seems on some of these that it takes so long uh but it's good to hear that the time is now coming where we can move on these and that you've been able to get the work done and we've got a lot of properties that we can hopefully close on very quickly so that's all great news good job um any other comments Mr lantash thank you staff for those updates um so again I just wanted to make sure I the public I guess knows that applications are submitted anytime now right and that's uh I don't know if there's in particular if there's a meeting coming up if like they get it in you know couple weeks in advance of that one that that kind of would potentially be on there we still it's not really any fixed time depending on all these other factors right I I asked the team to review one in two weeks um this cycle and that was pushing it so a minimum I would ask three two or three um but we will try our best okay yeah I just have uh two other quick things so yeah I um um appreciate Miss Shy's comments as well um and I applaud the citizens who are speaking out and trying to protect more land down in Edgewater and um I I from what I've seen yeah there's a lot of uh concerns I have about yeah that farmton project but it's not for this meeting perhaps although I'm glad to hear if we're going to get some land but again I I think that's not enough uh compared to how important that area is but um my other concern is something that I'm sure was in the news and I didn't know if it's uh ever going to affect us but it was the uh that whole as you mentioned I think you said debacle of with the state parks and I just didn't know if potentially if it hadn't been um such an uproar uh this is in regard to trying to put like a golf course on uh public parks if if that's at all a risk we would ever face I suppose should it you know have gotten some State approvals risk in terms of our Properties or properties we bought our properties yeah the County Properties so we have a conservation land ordinance that um restricts conservation land to passive Recreation so if that was the ever the case um um it would have to come before Council as a resolution one of the things that we continue to do to kind of layer our protection um when we buy these properties as we change the zoning or land use to conservation so if which means you can have very little active or very little structures on those properties um and if that was to change it would require a comprehensive uh a comprehensive plan Amendment which is a public process as well um we also when we buy easements um we have a third party like alache conservation trust or autobond that is a party to them so they also have to agree to any changes that future councils would make to those conservation easements so it's a layered and nuanced approach to protection but we um have built that into our system to protect in the future I will say if you for properties that we have bought with the state the state holds title to those so that's one of their rules you know we've we've had the discussion internally at the staff level we're using forever dollars which our folks um earmarked essentially for conservation um so that's problematic I think for us and we would so we'll continue to monitor the situation um we bought some of North Peninsula if you read the article um in the Tampa Bay Times where they had a a larger number of parks where they were going to do some of this active stuff um we actually with our 86 referendum bought a lot of the property up there a little over 40% of all three Parks um we helped purchase so um that you know we were in tune to what was going on and if it was if the north pen um you know proposal was um was released we of course would get with legal to see what our options were in terms of protecting our voters um will which was conservation so we we'll continue to monitor the situation closely um all of those changes would have had to go into Arc before they became public um these guys right here Tim and uh Nick go to Arc pretty much every meeting so in Tallahassee they would have um known very quickly okay yeah thank you um and I guess just for the record I guess your interpretation is currently uh are pickle ball courts allowed in conservation just no right yeah thank you um now that's not to say I you know there is some hybrid approaches we've done in the past Deltona and thornby park is an example where the city or the partner or we could use Echo where we have an active envelope um gamble place is another one that we you know right in your in your neck of the woods where that's a easement held by The Nature Conservancy but there's like a 4 acre active envelope in a larger 120 acre piece and I think that's a good approach I mean it gets more people to The Preserves or conservation lands um thornby is another one where the city asked for an active envelope they have a playground and a trail head and we have The Preserve along the river so I think that's a better approach than trying to come back later and add an active element yeah that makes sense yeah I appreciate that and I mean your answer is is very well thought out and I mean thank you for all that clarification and I just I'm glad that you guys are uh the team working on this and and representing us um and I yeah just thank you again for that and I guess yeah thank the owners to of all the properties that we're looking at and I'm not sure if we send out thank yous but like you said when you just mentioned the stewards and you know maintain their thing I hope uh they know that we're we're thankful and all these property owners that are applying a where I'm thankful I can speak for myself when I say when they stick with us uh despite the long process but I appreciate you trying to expedite this and thank you for your time Miss frasa yes um I just want to be clear on those on those en envelope areas that you were talking about who maintains those um playgrounds or other recreational areas typically it's the manager of the property so like Deltona manages their active piece their active envelope um whoever the manager of the property is would typically maintain those um if you're looking for a specific division like for us it would be parks and wreck so we have an active envelope on Spruce Creek preserve which is Spruce Creek Park so it's the last one you're if you're cting North on US1 it's the last kind of before you get to Rose Bay there on the left that's an active park has playgrounds camping you know um and our parks and recck team manages that but it's part of the larger preserve so we get a lot of traffic there because people are going to the active and they don't realize oh there's a boardwalk and a trail where I can access the other side so I think it does a lot in getting people that may not visit our conservation lands on conservation lands so there are some benefits to it but it's more operating dollars as well so that's one of the things that we look at as well is we know how much it costs to maintain a foot of sidewalk to Edge it you know we we have all of that data and um we look at where um where it would best be suited on the property as well for example the Dome property that we're developing that was bought by this by valua forever it was a 4 acre Disturbed site that had houses on it before so it's a disturb site then we feel much I feel much more comfortable saying we're going to make this an environmental Learning Center and teach people about the conservation history of lch County um because it's been developed we don't want to take go into a situation where we've got conservation land not going to say it will never happen cuz I'm not the policy maker but um we do our best to minimize impacts to that the environmental services that will be provided by that property okay so when when you mentioned um I guess you're saying the city of Delona manages the property was that previously a city property no we bought it together so they it was a 50/50 acquisition okay thank you got a question Mr uh Brad at the last County council meeting uh County Council I don't remember who called you up and asked you talked about the goal of preservation and you said one to one now then that night I got a call is valua forever trying to buy 50% of Luchia County and I had not seen the thing so I had to go back and watch the video so would you clarify this one to one comment so there's lots of models out there and I actually I will share with the Comm committe um I asked practitioners when that question cuz this question was asked to me several months ago so I reached out to the um Kay Henderson's of the world and um what's what's the girl from conservation Florida um Tracy Dean Tracy Dean um and our our friend at alacha conservation trust and said okay guys I need some help here um and they sent me some really good succinct kind of and a snapshot of our County saying um but the consensus was 50% % we've conserved 36% with our state federal and local Partners I think that's let me ask this is it valua forever's goal to preserve 50% or are you counting stuff already preserved in the National Seashore in the wildlife Wood please say that yeah that it's state-owned land that's already and I'll add Steve that's not all public land that includes private land as well so 50% does include uh easements yes I think that's good to clarify what I think our percentage is less than 10 is that Mike can you remember on those Maps you just produced them yes it's about 8.3% 8.3% of the 36 yes that's good and I was confident that's what you meant but I needed to know for sure yes and and again we the most of the other agencies do not buy easements and actually I I did not realize this until recently that in P2000 which was the you know the predecessor to Florida forever that's when they first started doing easements which is essentially allowing folks to um keep their property and Plum Creek which we bought a 16,000 acre easement was the first eement the state ever bought so in our County and so we balance our I think in the previous iteration of forever we bought 2,000 or 20,000 Acres Fe simple and 16,000 Acres conservation eement so we balance our approach to acquisition to keep some property on the tax rolls that we do not take into public ownership because that means we have to manage that in perpetuity so balancing our approach and doing more strategic fee simple Acquisitions where it comes into public ownership as our Approach at this point it's good I think the agriculture Community appreciates the easements also because it means there's an opportunity for future generations to continue agriculture in the Mone yes oh uh my second comment was actually for Derek Derek would you tell me how do you pronounce your last name sure it rhymes with champagne so lontine lontine all all right for three and a half years I've wondered thank you I appreciate it uh Mr CR yeah okay anyone else yeah I'd like to make a brief comment um man that list of properties that's impressive folks you guys are knocking it out of the park I I don't know whether that's historic in vucha County compared to Doug Weaver era or not but man fantastic I and I like the idea of the Carter property going I'm looking forward to walking that property regularly so well I will give uh credit to Tim tiler who's not here today for being the lead on that but uh that list totals uh 15,470 Acres if we were able to acquire all that I think it's a testament to relationships matter oh yeah and it's these guys that are developing the relationships and having worked in the a industry my career and understanding that you know being fair and being honest with people is important and when you have a relationship with them you get the benefit of the doubt so develop that relationship yeah and I think one thing we're very fortunate of is that we we can be confident that we do have staff that is very experienced in this and and we can trust is on top of things so really do appreciate that all right anyone else Miss shriber I just want to clarify um I really thank you guys for what you're doing when I brought that up a while ago about is there some type of weight um you know on social media it was discussed as to um delays and speeding things up and I was questioning what they're talking about to be quite blunt so I appreciate everything you guys are doing what you put out today as far as the properties it really is incredible I think that staff does a great job and I think the committee has also done a great job truly so thank you okay and ju I have just one quick question um on the maps they're great um um and I'm wondering if when we have like the conservation lands and the Florida forever and valua for eligible lands could we possibly label those so that we as a committee can get in our heads better where the property is and what it's AB buding yes ma'am I actually already wrote that down when you when I was asked twice today I was like I'm going to okay make sure that all those are labeled so you have all the project names or conservation names for those lands okay yes great thank you easy all right anything else from the committee anything else from staff uh uh no ma'am you're good good okay all right with that I think we can adjourn and we will see everyone on October 25th thank you thank you to e