e e e e e e e e e this me is being held in conformance with the Sunshine Law notice of time date and place has been furnished to the Bergen Record rwood news notice has also been posted on a bulletin board of the administration building would the clerk Cony take the role mayor Jano here Mr brck here Mr sakola here Mr martinello here Mr rundo here Mr Richie here Mrs Weber here everyone Cony stand for the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands under God indivisible liy and justice for all let's have a moment of silence for all World veterans and all veterans across our country who have served our in our country who have given up the ultimate sacrifice so that we could be free and assemble The Way We Are Tonight with the clerk finally do to prayer we thank you for everyone gathered here now thank you that you know each of us by name and have caused us to walk with you we say that we are dependent on you and our our trust is in you completely as we surrender ourselves in adoration we ask that you would come by your Holy Spirit and Inspire our hearts today come fill our lives with your love fill our conversations with your grace and truth fill this meeting with your presence we ask this for your glory and praise amen amen good evening everyone and under my report I'll be very brief uh tonight we'll be we have a lot of uh policy votes and a lot of uh uh ordinances that we're going to be passing we'll be passing our budget for 2024 also as I said at the last meeting uh summer's coming in good weather's coming in a lot of events are being uh brought into our burrow by different organizations and clubs and I ask everybody to kindly uh support all the clubs and organizations that are hosting events throughout our burrow on Saturday I will be uh attending the uh Northwest Bergen mayor's meeting and uh at the next meeting I will report back to you on what the the Mayors uh had to report on uh the main topic of the meeting will be uh each Town's budget and how uh they FedEd with the the Burrows and how uh they uh progressed with their budget I'll get back to everyone on that when we meet once again Financial administrative committee Mr Richie thank you mayor apologize here travel that wasable I'll hold my report and comments until uh the budget thank you thank you fire and police protection committee Mr brck uh thanks Mr Mayor um in the month of April we've had uh seven calls uh five uh heating related incidents one fire alarm and one uh one MVA uh with a pin and extraction uh which was successful we also have three young firefighters that uh just completed their firefighter uh one course uh so I congratulate those three individuals and that's all I have sir thank you very much Public Safety Committee Miss sakola thank you Mr Mayor for the month of March the top responding crew members in order are Ashley studo Jake scow and meline bonitz the majority of runs occurred on Saturdays with the second place day being Friday and third being Sunday 11 of the runs were breathing problems seven were Falls and the remainder were mixed between a number of other incidents there were also two mutual Aid runs to Allandale in March thank you thank you Recreation and health committee Mr monello thank you Mr Mayor um just a couple of announcements tonight uh everyone should have noticed on the town website that the pool registration is now open um get your registrations in early um so we have a great year ahead of us for the pool um the baseball association has their opening day scheduled for April 27th going to be a great event they have a lot of new sponsors this year have over 430 kids signed up and 100 volunteers so so um great event planned for that day um Waldwick soccer still walwick soccer football club is still accepting registrations for their travel soccer program for the fall um you can sign up at Warriors fc. org and also the Football Association opened up their registration um I hear cheerleading is running fast so um folks should sign up soon to take advantage of um registration while they can uh that's it thank you Mr Mayor thank you very much public committee Mr rundo hello Mr Mayor uh final report for the DPW as of 4924 uh spoke with uh Marcus rowski uh got the update from him as the superintendent is on vacation this week enjoying his time in Jamaica lucky for him uh they finished all the digs and determines on the proposed streets that are going to be paved he reiterated that as well as fixing any storm drains on all those streets they began prepping the pool for the season uh it's been drained acid washed and it's getting ready for paint uh Spring Cleanup in town properties is in progress uh they started that this week as well uh several Road cuts on Prospect AV um there was an installed seepage pit not tied into the storm drain sewer line uh but it's just a seepage pit as per a complaint from a resident that there was pooling on East Prospect uh yard waste begins pickup starting today um for the water department hydrants were flushed in District three it's complete they began flushing District 5 mid last week uh one of the hydrants on Highwood AV was flushed on Thursday the 4th leak was identified by Resident on the 7th and the hydrogen has been put out of service and it's continuing to leak um valves connecting on four Wells four and five installed and at HCA Park and a valve was replaced over the weekend on Gateway valve at salate and walwick scheduled for this coming Saturday uh that's all Mr Mayor okay thank you very much building and grounds committee Miss Weber thank you Mr Mayor um not too much tonight the uh the electrical charging stations um that were installed over in the new parking lot here we're just waiting for public service to come and do the hookups uh wvac uh Renovations continue uh the bathroom is underway should be completed in 3 to four weeks and uh we're currently comparing some quotes for a new HVAC system over at wvac as well that's all I have thank you thank you very much B administrative Steve uh thank you mayor I'll actually hold my comments for other agenda items okay B clerk Kelly thank you mayor um tomorrow is the deadline to change your political party affiliation uh May 14th is the last day to register to vote in the June primary election sample ballots will begin to be mailed on um May 22nd and the deadline to apply for a mail and ballot by mail for the primary election is uh May 28th that is also the deadline for unaffiliated voters to submit their political party affiliation declaration form um to Bergen County uh Commissioner of registration in order to receive that a mail and ballot for the primary election um that's all for now thank you I'll Grant administrator Matthew uh thank you mayor I'll just add on Council martinell said about pool registration it is currently open the early registration deadline is May 20th all registrations can be done online but if any Resident has any issues always feel free to give us a call or come in person and we'll be happy to help assist and that's all there our attorney Craig thank you mayor nothing for this I have a I'll speak on further agenda items are we going into closing no no item for close session tonight okay Chief Financial Officer Colleen thank you Mr Mayor um most of my uh report uh is based on the tax uh Department side um just want to remind everybody mostly uh anybody that's listening um that the uh May bill is still due as sent out which is based on the old reval um it's your uh August and November payments that are going to be reflected of reflective of the new assessments and what's going to happen is we calculate the full tax bill based on your new assessment we subract out what you paid the first two quarters and then that remaining balance is what's going to get split between the uh August and November bill so August and November have always been like the I call it the catchup quarters because um the budget you know doesn't get passed until now this the school budget the county budget so we actually you know aren't going to get a rate until sometime in June most likely um actually even later than that because uh ultimately we're probably going to end up sending out an estimated bill for August uh but I've been getting a lot of calls in regard to uh how everything is going to you know pan out with with the assessment and the bills and people seem to you know understand it in a lot of cases people's uh you know amounts are actually going down so they're put estimated to go down I should say so they're put ly surprised um it's another opportunity for me to plug anybody that knows seniors make sure they get in here and at least talk to me to see if they qualify for the senior freeze program it's the best program you know uh for them uh it takes the base year and freezes it they still have to pay their taxes uh but they get a reimbursement from the state uh and then even for the non seniors uh there's the anchor program which you really don't have to do anything before uh the state supposed to you know take your uh income tax data and send you an application if uh if you qualify um but you know these programs are are very important uh for you know for people to know and you know my staff myself were there to answer questions for people uh and just want to remind people that you can pay online now through the burough website uh unfortunately the post office the May turnaround time is is horrendous um and we're finding that people aren't happy when they find out that their mail hasn't gotten here as quickly as you know they had anticipated so there's there's always that opportunity to pay online um and that's all I have for today okay thank you very much consent resolutions and resolutions of the governing body be it resolved that the following resolutions herewith listed by consent having been considered by the governing body of the burough of walck are hereby passed and approved 2024 1220 approval of consent 2024 121 approval of minutes regular meeting March 26 policy vote a Gordon McIntyre president of superior trademark Inc 45 zetti Street request to tie his some pump into the storm drain at the corner of zetti Street and boner place prior to boner Place Improvement uh project Paving B BFW post 1049 and American Legion Post 57 request to hold a Memorial Day Parade and ceremony on Monday May 27th from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. as described in their letter dated March 27 2024 2024 1222 approval of a social Affairs permit for gear Block Brewing Company LLC and 2024 123 appointment of the 2024 pool lifeguards and finally 20244 payment of vouchers do we have a motion and a second to accept motion by Mo second by Katie anyone on the question not L take the role I need a motion in a second I'm sorry I didn't hear it thanks sorry right Mr brck yes Miss sarola yes Mr martinello yes Mr randoo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay cler kindly read ordinance number 2024 D415 this is ordinance number 22415 an ordinance continuing the municipal open space Recreation farmland and historic preservation trust fund in the amount of uh dollar sign 005 per 100 of assessed value until changed motion second is an order to pass this ordinance on first reading and that it'll be advertised on local legal newspapers that required by law setting a public hearing two weeks from tonight's meeting soon there or soon thereafter as the matter may be reached do I have a motion in a second motion by Joe second by Michelle on the question yes so uh mayor back in 2000 there the little history on this before you know know to give everybody the feel for it back in 2003 the burough did a referendum to establish the open space trust fund it's a non-binding referendum but they you know you go out to get the sentiment of the voters and that's what Statewide a lot of the municipalities were doing it passed obviously overwhelmingly so you've had an open space trust fund which goes to purchasing Parkland uh you know Veterans Park the gazebos things like that uh you've had it on your book since and started collecting it since 2004 what this ordinance does is just reaffirms that to continue the collection of it it's a half cents per $100 of assessed value and with this ordinance it'll continue it in perpetuity anyone else from the council if not CLK take the rooll Mr brenick yes Miss sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes countly read resolution number 2024-25 sure that's the way W of the reading in full of the 2024 Municipal budget do I have a motion in a second to waver the reading of the full budget everyone has a copy of it was in the back or it's it's on our website for everyone's review have a motion in a sec motion by Michelle second by Andy CL please take the role Mr brenick yes Miss sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr Rondo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay and now we're going to have a public hearing for the uh 2024 Municipal budget anyone from the council would like to comment on the budget that we will be passing tonight thank you comment that's okay sure go right ahead and and you can hear me okay okay great I just wanted to make a few comments on the budget um you know again I think as I said as we introduced this budget um I think this is the budget that I'm I'm very proud of I'm proud to have worked with everybody on and and and I want to thank everyone who was involved for for putting it together um it's it's a really good budget just to kind of bring this back to ground if you look at your uh your tax uh bill um as we always say the burrow accounts for about 20% of your total uh tax bill um 70% of it roughly comes from the school 10% from comes from the county so um you know our contribution to the uh total tax bill for every resident is about 20% as we as we approach the budget this year um we kind of broke it into a few phases is we we we first uh kind of evaluated the Appropriations and uh various areas in which um you know we're kind of out of our control for for increases uh we saw things like group health insurance uh increase statutory expenditures like the uh Pension funds that we contribute to um uh you know just certain things that are kind of out of our control and for the most part the B did a really good job of keeping costs flat um in areas that we did have have control on when we focused on Capital budgets uh it was fantastic ftic uh we we had a lot of conversations about not just kind of short-term uh kind of capital projects that the B should prioritize but also thinking five to 10 years into the future uh what various infrastructure projects and and and various improvements we like to contribute to the town and starting to think how we can generate new re revenue streams throughout the burrow uh to you know to to enable um uh those those future projects so uh this Council and and and and the mayor I think a really nice job thinking both shortterm and longterm and within the uh capital budget this year I think there's some some really fantastic uh initiatives the purchase of 197 whiteoff really I think is a testament to uh this mayor and council's commitment to open space as we talk about Redevelopment in parallel um and so I think that um is really fantastic as always Road resurfacing went in um an investment in the uh the HVAC and and and Roofing at the pistol range I think uh really kind of takes two boxes first it makes it much a much improved uh environment from a safety perspective uh but this infrastructure project could potentially uh lead to new uh revenue streams uh from increased use uh uh Etc um as we looked at uh the revenue from taxes um you know we lost uh Revenue in areas um uh we gained in in in small areas as well and in the end uh we we we we used about 34,000 uh more from our fund balance uh to to kind of balance this budget and so when we pulled it all together um you know the net gain in taxes this year is is is 1% which is about $47 for the average household in Waldwick so again I think that we're we're committed uh to to trying to keep taxes low uh but also be fiscally responsible and not set us up for failure in the future so again uh really proud of this this uh this budget and uh thank you for the opportunity to speak on it m thank you anyone else yeah I just like to thank Mike for his work and Leadership on this process he did a I think a great job in in his first year at at doing this and uh thank the staff between Steve and Colleen and Kelly and and Tatiana and Matt for all the work they put in and all the department heads U was tough process we we had to cut any kind of fat that there was in the budget not that there was much before um we're trying to keep it as lean as possible but still give us the capability to make that Capital investments in our in our infrastructure and open space as might talked about was we need to really look at what we can do for the future to find new revenue streams otherwise uh we we as Mike said we can never tax enough to to stay ahead so really looking forward to working with the council and and the mayor on what we can do to continue have that open space and look at sensible ways to increase our our tax revenue for the town thank you anyone else uh thank you mayor I just want to make a couple comments reiterate some of the um things that were mentioned um I want to say thank you this was my first budget with the bureau um so I appreciated the process and and all the insight and knowledge um I just want to thank the mayor and Council especially the finance committee and um definitely staff we have some challenges just with increasing costs and obviously we need to get a lot of projects done we have a lot on our plate um but we're excited to get started and I think we should be pretty proud of this budget and and the process so thank you anyone else if not I close the council's comments and open up to the public anybody from the public would like to comment on the budget that we just uh introduced if not I close the count uh the Public's comments and I um ask for a motion and a second to pass uh uh this uh pass this Mo this pass this ordinance on second reading and that the clerk be authorized to advertise it in local legal newspapers that's required by law motion to Second motion by Mark second by Joe clerk take the role Mark and Joe yes that's right that's resolution not yet now I'm going to do it now would you do would you read resolution 126 yeah this is the order resolution number 2024 1226 is a resolution to amend the 20 2020 2024 Municipal budget do I have a motion in a second motion motion by Andy second by Mo anyone have a question R Mr brck yes M yes Mr marelo yeso yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay now would you do resolution number 2024 d127 the adoption of the municipal budget yes do we have a motion and a second motion by Michelle second by Joe since they're both here anyone have a question clerk please take the role Mr Bron yes M yes Mr Martin yes Mr yes Mr Richie yes m yes okay thank you very [Music] much B Bond ordinance with the clerk kindly read 2024 [Music] d06 sorry ordinance number 224-6212 550 to pay the cost thereof to appropriate federal and state grants to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds anyone from the council would like to comment on this ordinance that was just read uh sure I'll just comment briefly this is just the bond ordinance to cover our our general capital projects includes things like road paving it equipment Traffic Safety Equipment police equipment U things like that any anyone else from the council I close the council's comments anybody from the public would like to comment on this bond ownness that was just read if not I close the uh Public's comments and ask for a motion a second to pass his ordance on second reading and that the clerk be authorized to advertise in a local legal newspapers as required by law motion by Katie second by Michelle clerk please take the role Mr brck yes Miss sakola yes Mr marello yes Mr randoo yes Mrs Weber yes would the clerk finally read Bond ordinance 20246 ordinance number 20247 bond ordinance to authorize the making of various public improvements and the acquisition of new additional replacement equipment and machinery and a new Automotive vehicle including original apparatus and Equipment INB for the water utility of the burough of walck in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $288,500 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds anyone from the council like to comment in this ordinance that was just read um thank you mayor um similar to the previous Bond ordinance this just covers capital projects and equipment in the water department only covers uh vehicle new machinery and general infrastructure projects anyone else I close the council's comment anybody from the public would like to comment in his ordiance that was just read if not I close the Public's comments and ask for motion a second to pass the on on second reading and that the clerk be authorized advertis in a local legal newspaper that's required by law motion a second motion by Andy second by Joe clerk please take the role Mr brck yes M sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mrs Weber yes okay clerk kindly read ordinance number 2024 d09 ordinance number 20248 and ordinance amending chapter 4 48 fees section 39-2 construction code uniform of the revised ordinances of the burough of waldock to increase certain fees in this section anyone from the council would like to comment on this ordinance that was just read what this is doing is that we went through our books and we we found out that there was certain fees that were not you know they were too low so what we did was we tried to raise our fees so they're comparable to every of the town but not making the fees in W too high but what we did was we just up them a little bit in the building department all anyone else from the council if not I close the council's comments and I open up to the public anybody from the public would like to comment if not I close the count uh the Public's comments and ask for a motion in a second the fastest ordinance on second reading and that the clerk be authorized to advertise in a local legal newspapers as required by law motion and a second motion by Andy second by Michelle clerk take the role Mr brck yes Miss sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mrs Weber yes okay clerk finally read ordinance number 20240 10 ordinance number uh 2024 nine n round nine oh I'm sorry nine nine in it's 202 24-9 in ordinance amending chapter 48 fees section 42- 3.1 dogs late fee of the revised ordinances of the burough of Waldwick in its entirety to clarify when late fees appli anyone from the council would like to comment in this ordinance you like to take sure um this really is just making the uh us charging a late fee a little well a lot fairer to the residents so that they have time to get their um dogs Ry shot in the month that it's due and not um get a late fee anyone else from the council like to comment if not I close the council's comments anybody from the public would like to comment if not I close the council's comment and ask for a motion a second to passes ordinance on second reading and that the clerk be authorized to advertise on a local legal newspapers as required by law second uh a motion by uh Miss erola second by Mr Richie uh by I'm Sorry by Mr martinello take the role Mr brck yes Mr sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr randoo yes Mrs Weber yes okay clerk kindly read ordinance number 2024 d10 ordinance number 2024 d10 and ordinance amending chapter 48 fees section 52 Waldwick junior Police Academy to increase participation fee anyone from the council would like to comment on this audience that was just read but this is every this is the third year in a row that the uh uh police department is having a Junior Academy it's like a weak camp for the residents of our burrow our young residents and uh this year we decided that uh or the police department had decided to raise the fees because the course of everything else has went up so what we're doing is we're just increasing the fees so that other uh so that when they come to this event for the week there's stuff that they could uh take home with them that it'll they you know they could we could afford to give to them anyone else I close the council's comment anybody from public would like to comment in his audience that was just read if not I close the Public's comments and ask for a motion a second to pass this ordinance on second reading and that the clerk be authorized to adverti on local legal newspapers as required by law motion and a second motion by Andy second by Mark clerk please take the role Mr brck yes Miss sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mrs Weber yes okay CL kindly read ordinance number 20241 ordinance number 20241 an ordinance amending chapter 63 noise control section 62-22 specific prohibitions uh of the revised ordinances of the burough of Wal to change hours for week nights and weekends anyone from the council would like to comment in his ordinance that was just read yes sir yeah what this is doing is just amending uh certain noise ordinances for sound uh like music and stuff like that from parties to bring it more in in line with the surrounding areas we had a our existing ordinance was pretty outdated at 9:00 p.m. uh just brings it to more reasonable with the towns in the area going to 10:00 uh during the weeks and 11:00 p.m. on on week nights and and holidays this doesn't include any kind of you know lawnmowers and stuff like that people aren't doing that kind of stuff it's just talking about certain types of noise and just bringing a little bit more uh enjoyment to our our residents during especially the summer months coming up thank you anyone else I close the council's comments and open up to the public anybody from the public would like to comment Teresa Sherman um I am trying to figure out how this ordinance will benefit the majority of residents in town um 9900 p.m. on a week night is not unreasonable to ask your neighbors to be quiet and 1 p.m. on a weekend is not unreasonable either occasionally neighbors have parties whatever you're you're going to be sympathetic to them and not complain but to have an ordinance set every day of the week on week nights when people have to get up for work the next day that people could be loud until 10 p.m. in my opinion does nothing to benefit our the people who live in Waldwick um same on the weekends 11:00 p.m. is is late I might be aging myself but just to uh be in line with surrounding neighbor surrounding towns it doesn't matter what surrounding towns do we're Waldwick and we're our own entity and I can't see inconvenience meing our residents to have uh loud noise Outdoors until these very late hours I just can't see it benefiting our people thank you and and I'd like the council to consider that fact thank you anyone else from the public with regard to the noise we just need your name just richworth no no no just your name okay thank um with regard to the noise it's only at night and there's no morning hours or did I miss that morning hours or 7 a.m. 7 a.m. yeah that doesn't change that didn't change so with that in our neighborhood we have an open dog C that came to this body and got permission to have their business their business was told they can only have dogs outside parking from X time to X time and I think it was I want to say 8:00 a.m. to 1: p.m. I think I'm being fair I have these dogs barking at 7:00 a.m. they're outside and they are barking till 11:00 at night outside and I agree with the last person that was here I don't see amending noise audiences to make them long at nighttime hours when people have to work is to the benefit of anybody not withstanding the dog C which is obviously not following the rules thank you this ordinance doesn't address that that that doesn't change [Music] yeah in your regards to what you you just said what we could do is we could present your case to the zoning board that's the the board that the zoning officer because that's the board that approved all that well well we we could try to do it again if you don't mind anyone else I close the uh Public's comments and ask for a motion a second to pass's ordance a second reading and that the clerk be authorized to advertise in local legal newspapers as required by law motion a second Mark second by Joe CLK take the role Mr brck yes Miss arola yes Mr martinello yes Mr randoo yes Mrs Weber yes number M ordinance number 20242 an ordinance establishing chapter 48 fees section 90 vehicles electric charging and parking fees of the revised ordinances of the B of Waldwick Matt uh this ordinance establishes charging ranges for level three Chargers and level two chargers for the level three Chargers we have a possible range of 40 cents per kilowatt to 80 cents the benefit of having it in a range is that the council could change the uh fee by resolution rather than ordinance the ordinance also preemptively puts charging ranges for level two Chargers should the burrow ever acquire them in the future additionally for the level three Chargers because the goal is to have the uh vehicles in and out quickly it sets a penalty if your vehicle is in the parking spot for more than 45 minutes there is then a quarter charge per minute extra and following the passage of the ordinance we'll be the resolution to set the specific charging rate for the level three Chargers anyone else from the uh Council if not I close the council's comments and open up to the public anybody from the public would like to comment on this that was just read not I close the Public's comments and ask for a motion a second to pass his Ence on second reading and that the clerk be authorized to advertise on local legal newspapers as required by law motion by Mark second by Joe clerk take the rooll Mr brck yes Miss sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mrs Weber yes cler kindly read ordinance number 2024 D13 no now we're going to do resolution number 2024 128 authorizing electric vehicle charging rates okay Motion in a second we have a motion to Second motion by Mo second by Michelle anyone on the question if not FL take the role Mr brck yes Mr ARA yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes uh Mrs Weber yes okay now we'll do ordinance number 20243 correct ordinance number 20243 an ordinance amending chapter 12 fire department of the revised ordinances of the buau of walck to account for recently approved bylaw changes approved by the governing body anyone from the council would like to comment on his ordinance that was just meant read what did you this what this ordinance does is this uh incorporates certain changes that the mayor and Council approved that the fire department had requested in certain bylaw changes some of those bylaw changes required Amendment to the ordinance that's what this accomplishes to be consistent anyone else from the counil I close the council's comments anybody from the public would like to comment on this ordinance not I close the Public's comments and ask for a motion a second to pass this ordinance on second reading and that the clerk be authorized to advertise in a local legal newspapers that's required by law motion by Andy second by mock take the RO uh Mr brck yes Miss sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mrs Weber yes alert kindly read ordinance number 20244 ordinance number 20244 and ordinance amending chapter 87 swimming pool Municipal section 874k rules and regulations of the municipal pool of the revised ordinances of the burough of Waldwick to clarify closing hour of the municipal pool anyone from the council would like to comment in ordinance that was just read what this is doing is that we at the end of last season we ped a lot of the public asked them what the what the ideas were about the pool and we found out that they would like the pool to be opened earlier and closed earlier so what we did was we changed the hours of the pool so the pool is opening earlier and closing earlier and that's all that this is is being this is all this is doing anyone else not I close the Public's comments and I open up to the public anybody from the public would like to comment in this ordinance that was just read if not I close the Public's comments and ask for a motion a second to pass the dorance on second reading and that the clerk be authorized to advertise in a local legal newspapers required by law have a motion by Katie second by Andy take the role Mr brck yes Miss sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr randoo yes Mrs Weber yes okay ordinance number 20246 we're going to be pulling we're not going to be discussing that tonight no correct so doing um oh on your agenda yes so it so what I did is because we're removing 16 17 now will become 16 okay okay so it's we are going to do 20 uh 204 4-6 is on all the agendas that the public has and that's ordinance number 20246 and ordinance to amend chapter 32 animals to add article six pet um shops of the revised ordinance of the burough of Wallick to prohibit the sale of dogs and cats by retail pet stores in Waldwick a motion and second is in order to move and pass this ordinance on first reading and that it be advertised in local legal newspapers as required by law setting a public hearing 2 weeks from tonight's meeting at 7:30 p.m. or soon there thereafter as the matter may be reached I have a motion a second motion by Katie second by Michelle on the question thank you so being an animal lover I'm extremely pleased that we're introducing this ordinance uh this ordinance stops the sale of commercially raised puppies and currently over 140 towns in New Jersey have passed this type of ordinance this is a bipartisan issue that stops the sale of puppies obtained from puppy mills and hopefully will reduce the animal cruelty associated with the pet store industry responsible breeders are not the target of this ordinance this ordinance simply seeks to prohibit the retail sale of cats dogs and rabbits in pet shops and I feel this is a win-win legislation for animals and I'm proud waluk is participating thank you anyone else motion to Second motion by ktie yeah got it you got him take the role Mr brck yes Mr arola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes uh Mrs Weber yes okay any unfinished business from the council nope any uh new business from the council yes um Mr Mayor I'd like to discuss uh the environmental committee there's a meeting on the 21st of April oh sorry there was a meeting on the 21st of April uh was the first joint uh meeting of the beautification and environmental committee as per the ordinance change um there was good attendance uh by the environmental committee and some members of the beautification team and they're looking forward to doing some projects this year uh we have a EPS uh collection this Saturday uh Joe orvitz will be running the drive and we'll be partnering with Allandale as well and we're looking at uh a date in April to do a townwide cleanup uh of burrow Park and the park outside of HCA thank you Mr Mayor anyone else any new business not public comments anybody from the public would like to comment please come to the podium just give us your name for our re please you don't have to give us your address good evening Chris Pia I'd like to present a petition to you all um uh regarding noise pollution from the PS n substation as well as um as well as addressing parking overflow from the veterinarian uh Center on Hopper AB I'll read the petition and uh this contains 53 residents of uh the burrow Park neighborhood um our Tranquility is uh constantly being disrupted by these two major issues the first is an excessive buzzing buzzing noise coming from the hopper a uh substation it's really a Non-Stop piercing uh noises has become recently unbearable as a 24 seven audio disturbance that's uh re uh addressing and disrupting our residential neighborhood the second issue pertains to overflow parking that's being done by the employees of the Bergen County ven bearing Center on on uh and primarily Alexander a though we have um discovered parking on on on uh uh streets nearby now this this particular situation near and Dearing to me it provides massive danger for anyone who who walks down our street there's been several near misses with the young families in our neighborhood especially those that are walking over to the learning experience and enjoying the the daycare and the the nearby uh vcinity to it to address these um problems I'm I'm calling on on on on support and action from the council members mayor and and department heads to take immediate action uh we have had uh residents of the burough Park neighborhood has had no success in partnering with psmg to employ the necessary measures to remove the noise that has started this began once the um Transformer exploded uh a handful of weeks or or months ago uh they they have shared with some neighbors that they intend on um helping to reduce the noise so that noise in the six years that I've been in in my um house on hoav was non-existent until that Transformer exploded and they opted to uh do a replacement on the um overflow parking matter uh I'm looking to ensure residential safety and return our uh our neighborhood on Alexander back to its uh peaceful drive that it once was particularly whether we can do it through action as to um what erected the Bergen County veterinarian Center through their variances that allowed them to um to build that structure or if necessary establish a residential permit parking within the burough Park neighborhood so that both the veterinarian as well as ja canle and the super doome uh do not use our our local neighborhood as overfall blow parking that's my ask of the council thank you guys for for listening and and I and I hope that I and others can express our concerns to get these resolutions you're Chris right that's me you you emailed me I did and I emailed I sent it St today uh uh Steve and Kelly we we were talking before the meeting and what we're going to do is in regard he'll talk about the PNG because he's been with them but with the what we were talking about about with the the parking what we're going to look into is and we're looking into it fast uh to to make all the streets their residential parking only I think what yeah permit parking which would be for residents and I think that'll help I think it'll help a lot we've done it in other uh streets in the town and not going to just be like Alexander or or uh the street that goes into burough Park it'll be the street all in that area and that'll probably give a message to the the park the people there that you can't park there you know you know you have quality of life that you're very concerned about and uh we you know we have to do something uh in regards to PC and G you know Steve will talk about that but this is not going to you know we're going to have to P you know we have to pass ordinance and resolutions we're going to have to do a lot of leg work to do this but tonight we as a council are promising you that we will start it tonight great thank you mayor okay he'll talk to you about the p no no he'll talk to you about it okay um yeah just to follow up on P I know I've talked to some residents in the area I talked to you the other day so just a followup pcng has notified us you know they're aware of the issue obviously I know they've reached out to the residents in the area they are um starting to engineer and design a permanent sound barrier structure there um there is some some time issues with that it's like any other public project it takes some time they have to do the whole design process it uh publicly bid it award it and then construction so we are looking at you know several months most likely for that solution to actually be in place um so they have invited me to another meeting followup meeting um on May 2nd I believe so I'll see the status of that right now um try and get an update for you all um I today this afternoon I actually reached out to the BPU the Board of Public Utilities who oversees all public utilities like psng so I did submit a claim um and I'm waiting to hear back on them I'm hoping since they kind of regulate the whole process and that project that we might be able to to help expedite things but want to make sure that they know that the buau is interested in this and and we want to remedy the situation as quickly as possible do we have clarification as to what that permanent structure would look like is it four sides and a top is a single you know sound emanates from all Direction and it reflects uh from another structures so that I don't know yet I'm hoping to get that information on the next meeting in May very good thank you Steve actually curious on on this one was I I went by there when I started hearing about this and definitely hear the sound it's very noticeable um do they say did PSC and say why what the change was that caused the sound so what they told me was it's obviously it's a new Transformer that replaced one that that broke um all they've said was the PPU came in inspected it and said it is functioning properly so the hum isn't a result of it performing you know improperly or anything like that and that's about all the the information I was given on that um but obviously there is a noticeable hum they admittedly said it is louder than even our noise ordinance allows for so they are looking to reduce it they're not going to I don't think they're going to be able to eliminate the sound but they should reduce it to acceptable levels anyone else again um with regards to the humming I I actually don't hear it in my house but with what you said was it puts out this noise and it's normal the other question to me environmentally is is it safe is it giving off magnetic residence or something like that that should be looked at maybe by the EPA or any other agency that [Music] feels yeah I'll I'll bring that question up [Music] absolutely recently moved here but since it has began I've been experiencing terrible migraines that include nausea from it that I didn't have before the Transformer blue I do live directly across the street from it so I think there might be something to look in more specifically there [Music] anyone else having a problem again with the Sewer Authority there were trucks there this morning quarter to 6 okay um as we know they're not supposed to get there till later than that last Saturday there was three anchors there 5:30 in the morning we called the uh police they just the trucks just sat there for 45 minutes uh I've documented every time that it's been there for the past month who I talked to who's the sergeant on call nobody has even gone down there they're supposed to call the authority that come up to and now the uh the smell is starting to come back because the weather called this morning nobody what what are we going to do there something got to be done with the Sewer Authority with the smell that this town gets with the trucking now they're coming from Pennsylvania Connecticut New York State and yes um Monday morning when I went to dialysis there was a Delaware truck there and wal's getting all this waste and not nothing's coming back in finance to this town and we pay the same probably rate as everybody something has to be done smell's going to start again when you called you called the police or you called yes I do and they didn't respond to you at all not at all we look into this yeah well I'll follow up know I I mean I'm not going to throw anybody under the bus the names I gave you know the Sergeants but nobody could you could see it right from our house it's right there there's no uh police car that comes down I you know I don't know if they call the Sewer Authority I'm sure they do you know they do document everything at the uh police department but no when they call down there they're supposed to send the representative up to get air samples supposedly nobody ever comes on you know by the uh Firehouse by the ambulance white slain vanan never see a truck never and it was nasty today we really reach out to the G joh the mayor you know how many times we I've down and we talked I know you know we do we you know the town should put a gate there and let them you you know what I'm saying I know just I mean we should call we let's call him up and tell him he has to come and talk to us about why at 5:30 this is happening and when it shouldn't be happen this morning uh zuda trucks are idling in the the shopping center there two of them yeah the market mhm you know it doesn't help the environment in a way not suppos to idle NE and what time was that today it was 10 to six and Mr Rose can verify that okay the truck okay well could we reach out to the police first and then we have to get the no you know what else happened the other day when I called now you mean here calling here right no when I called the uh police yeah and not even a minute later the ambulance got that's my excuse my expression that I'm calling them they have more important things to do God forbid somebody needs the police or the ambulance you know I mean the police then going down to a Sewer Authority and and do an inspection on the truck we should reach out to danubio and just explain to him that the truck for idling which is against our ordance which they're breaking the ordinance they out there waiting to get in which is they're waiting with time and they're not supposed to be in the property until a certain time right that's why they're that's why they're sitting in the they're idling outs and not supposed to ID yeah but 45 minutes to an hour just sitting there you know and on weekends it's supposed to be 8:00 and not not after four during the week and 5:00 you know they just constantly and from you know all the different states okay I mean I mean I don't want to get the police you know no no no no no but they have to follow procedure follow yeah they have to follow a procedure in place let's find out what took place and let them tell us what took place even though we know from you and then what we'll do is we'll reach out to tomorrow morning all the and ask him and the hours that they're allowed we we you guys the council you know had the the meeting when was supposed to be nothing before 7 right Saturday nothing before 8 nothing after 4 right right yeah R restrictions on where these trucks can come from their business no sometimes no that's sometimes depending on sometimes a trailer is registered in another state but the cab is from here the original plans are strictly Burg in no I know what I'm what I'm saying is they they sometimes use trailers just they're borrowing tanker trailers from other places but the rig that pulls it is registered in New Jersey the waist can be coming from someplace in New Jersey even though the trailer is not registered in New Jersey just so that you're aware of that my daugh yeah okay I followed the trail all the way from Cornwall New York all the way back to twice so that's not very yeah I mean the idling is an issue that's against the law so and the time that they and the time yeah the noise just tell John Thea he's got to come okay thanks mayor thank you anyone else good evening my name is Christina de I actually came um because of the uh problem with the noise at the PSU substation I appreciate you looking into that figured while I was here I would also bring to your attention I'm not sure if the burough is aware um there's significant erosion problems in Bur Park um I don't know sorry just asking I'm sorry I didn't hear what just said I'm sorry oh um I guess I come closer to this there's uh significant erosion problems in burough par um behind the playground I think probably because a lot of the trees have died out basically the water just runs right down from the road um to the creek it washes everything away I'm thinking more long term you could see now it's exposed a little bit further towards the Pavilion a lot of the backfill that was used to create the area you could see broken Ceramics you know busted up pavement so the burough might want to look into this long term just to make sure it's addressed before it becomes a bigger problem if this also near the the Lions Club Park uh that's where it is so the bother playground I mean the roots are very exposed there as well um and you could see the trails after storms where the rain just comes down off the pavement so I don't know if they want to look into some form of mitigation or planting just so that we can continue to enjoy the park we're going to be working work on that Park also is going to be shut down for a little bit and it's going to be fenced in also they're redoing the whole park okay it needs to be face yes so that while we're doing all that look into that also okay thank you very much yeah I actually brought this up to the administrator a couple weeks ago we noticed it that whole Stream area going down into the baseball parks and behind there uh especially with the extreme amount of rain we've been getting lately the uh the water coming in there has definitely took a toll on the bang of those uh those streams there so we brought it up a couple weeks ago to start looking at okay thank you and we have have met on site with our Engineers so we've kind of done a just informal evaluation we know there there's other hot spots I guess I'll um along that whole area there are yes and then I probably should have come a few years ago my children are older now but I don't know if it would be possible for the bur to look into doing a traffic study with the lack of sidewalks families walking to the Park entrance because there's Vehicles parked right there in the bend um kids on bikes families are forced to walk literally in the middle of the road and it's not a full two-lane road as it is I don't know if it would be helpful if just in the bend there was no parking or if sidewalks were put in on one side but again as the main entrance to the park it might be worth looking into for safety reasons yeah as we look into the parking issues and we look that up kind of the take a look any evening or Saturday you can really see anybody coming to the park you know really since we're looking at the parking issued a for you know because of the uh yes the veterinarian we could look into that also well that is is residents parking there yeah so well we have we'll you know we'll take that into consideration thank you very much for your time thank you anyone else [Music] Teresa Sherman I'm wondering what streets are going to be paved this year you have um I do have that if you give me a minute I could probably pull it up if not I could email it to you tomorrow morning okay the full list okay and also I noticed they're digging up on East Prospect Street that was just paved last year are they going to be repaving the entire road we had adopted an ordinance that if they dig up a road within a certain number of a certain amount of time the uh company that digs up the road has to repave the road um so that work was done by us we are going to have it or at one of our contractors for a project for that seat pitch pit um so it will be infrared to try and blend it as much as possible but they're not going to be repaving the entire too bad it wasn't done okay um as far as the sound barriers that you mentioned going up at the um psng site my concern with sound barriers as a previous person discussed um that the noise will hit the sound barrier and then go elsewhere in town um I truly sympathize with these people dealing with this sound it would drive me crazy um can't you find them for this noise this constant noise that's so disruptive to them to the people that live there can't we find pscg for the noise [Music] so I mean because you said they're looking at making an improvement they're but they're they're governed by the BPU so we can't over we don't overse them they're a public utility that's under the jurisdiction of the BPU so we can put pressure on the BPU to investigate and hit them with any type of uh we'll say sanctions or penalties that they want but they're really probably govern on the BPU I don't know if we would really have [Music] jurisdiction because it just seemed you said they're going into the planning stages and then they'll have to get plans made and then get plans approved we're talking couple years it would be more months it would be this year is the goal but it's still a significant amount of time yeah so I think some sort of pressure to speed it up to help these people would be a nice thing to do on our part um I would also like to um say that the Ambulance Corp meets the third Monday of every month um and at our last meeting they announced that uh they're making a plan for June 6 to have a friends and family CPR class again which was uh very informative last year and um very helpful in showing an introduction to CPR um and that the Ambulance Corp was on standby at the PBA egg hunt that was held um the day before Easter and I just wanted to congratulate the PBA on on a wonderful Easter egg hunt Christopher cadell Easter egg hunt it was well attended there were hundreds of little kids there and um they seemed to all have a very nice time it was nice to see all the young families there I was up by the Press Box watching it it's amazing how quickly everything dis disappears and um it was nice to see grandparents with their grandchildren there um who I used my kids used to hunt eggs with when they were little so it's nice to see the generations coming back and also back to the Ambulance Corp they um had 44 calls in the month of March that were answered by 18 members and they had 24 calls to the Bristol 24 of the 40 four calls were to the Bristol um no I'm I apologize five calls were to the Bristol 24e to date to the Bristol we have all that I know but it wasn't said so I said it I know that and would you do me a favor when you speak to your president would you have him call me because he gives us a report every month and he leaves out everything that you're telling us no it was I got it from the same report well no I would like him to call me so we have to discuss what's going on because it's like we're not told being told things and you're telling us things and it's I no disres to you Terry but it's like I think you're undermining her because she is the charge of the the layers on for the ambulance court and and you you're constantly telling us about how many times you go to the Bristol we've called the Bristol and we've had a big argument with the Bristol about what you've been reporting to us and our relationship with the Bristol has been tamped and that's all I want to say and I'm not going to go any further with it but I'd like to have Mr papendick give me a call tomorrow morning he has my cell phone number all all of the information I provided tonight was in the email and I don't see it here yeah it was on the report that was um the monthly run report that um Miss sarak Cola quoted from yeah just get the numbers it's on page two or three I only got two P yeah did you get this I don't see anything about the and the uh CPR course the friends and family CPR course was discussed at the meeting and I'm bringing it to you as the vice president of the ambulance Court to inform our residents of this wonderful course thank you for your time and if you have him call me tomorrow I appreciate that very very much anyone else not do I have a motion to adjourn motion motion by Andy second by Mo all in favor I okay