e e e e e e e e e on okay ready can I gav the G this meeting is being held in conformance with the Sunshine Law notice of time date and place has been furnished to the Burgen record in the Ridgewood news notice has also been posted on the bulletin board of the administration building with the clerk county take the role mayor Jano I'm here Mr brenick here miss sakola here Mr martinello here Mr rundo here Mr Richie here Mrs Weber here everyone Conley standord to pledge allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God in divisible liberty and justice for all a moment of silence for all our Waldwick veterans and all veterans across our country who have given the ultimate sacrifice to serve their country so that we can remain free also a moment of silence for police officer Christopher gell who tomorrow will be his 10th anniversary of his death also a moment of silence for Corey camper Tori who uh was killed in Butler PA and also let us pray for those innocent people who are still in the hospital that were injured the clerk kindly do to prayer we thank you for everyone gathered here now thank you that you know each of us by name and have caused us to walk with you we say that we are dependent on you and our trust is in you completely as we surrender ourselves in adoration we ask that you would come by your Holy Spirit and Inspire our hearts today come fill our lives with your love fill our conversations with your grace and truth fill this meeting with your presence we ask this for your glory and praise amen amen can I ask you a question is that seat for somebody being bed there's a microphone underneath it that I can't unplug otherwise it throws the whole sound off okay it's a it's the new system that's why sorry on the proclamation are presentations a young uh Eagle Scout named Derek mayano uh will be doing an Eagle Scout project he met with me a couple of times I asked him if he would like to come here tonight to uh to tell us what he's doing he had other commitments that he had to take care of but what he is doing is he's putting he's uh designing a bench almost like what's in front of our building here but he's doing it at the library he met with the library board of directors they agreed to what uh he proposed they liked the the the design they changed it a little bit with him they they went back and forth on what they wanted him to do and uh I signed off on it now we're sending it up to his uh I guess the his uh Personnel people who have to now give him the okay to start the project uh he's going to be doing fundraising to raise the money for this he's going to probably be doing a car wash and other events I told him uh to give us the dates in which he's going to do that especially a car wash we could publicize it and advertise it all over and I guess all of us have dirty cars so we can maybe go there and support the the eagle scout uh last Friday I performed a wedding here uh the couple got married on Friday at 700 p.m. here and they left and they got married in a a ceremony with their family in Aruba so right now they're in a ruber celebrating they live here in walde they've been here for about 10 years and uh it was very interesting to meet these this uh bride and groom who comes from my hometown in the Bronx uh that all I have to report Financial administrative committee Mr Richie thank you mayor good evening everyone um so you'll see on the agenda tonight a few ordinances uh essentially um what these ordinances are doing are allowing us to take the ARP money that we had originally uh budgeted for the posos filtration we ended up uh spending money out of capital for posos filtration so we're amending an ordinance to be able to use this ARP for other projects such as the Malcolm Street pump so there's a lot of a lot of language in here but essentially this is us moving uh essentially a spend from one Lem line item to another uh since our last meeting we also had a finance uh committee meeting to discuss the potential Financial uh exposure to the main that broke last month where we we had loss of water for about a day it looks like uh the bills total around $80,000 for fixing that overtime Parts uh Etc so we explored three options to be able to pay for the the unexpected uh the unexpected um uh payment uh the best option that we have at the moment which is one that we've recommended I spoke to the mayor about it uh is to essentially use the capital uh our water capital budget which is a separate capital budget from our primary we have a line item there for I think it's 120,000 uh uh with and and and essentially what we do is we put that into the budget every year uh for unanticipated uh INF ructure projects or maintenance that's that's required uh we're about halfway through the year and we had not had an immediate need for uh the use of that line item so uh at the moment the plan is to essentially use uh that money that was allocated for water projects um and essentially move any uh kind of prospective projects that we have into the next uh fiscal year so uh you know C certainly that was I think the the resol the the kind of the conclusion that we came to um so anyway that that is uh all I have to share this evening mayor thank you thank you fire and police protection committee Mr branck oh thanks Mr Mayor I'll keep this short thank you um as of uh as of today the department has responded to uh 24 alarms um combination of structure fires Mutual Aid calls um and etc etc etc um everybody as well uh there's one uh there's one apparatus that's out for service it will be back shortly and that's all I have sir okay thank you very much the new misses that's me that's you thank you mayor so for June Wallback had a total of 59 runs I'd like to thank the 18 members who responded during June the top responders start with April trainer who went on 33 runs Ashley studo who went on 32 and Adrian kayaga who went on 28 runs there were a number of town events that they attended including cluding the car show high school graduation CPR training at the library and the junior Police Academy on June 15th walvac WPD and Valley paramedics responded to a bicyclist who had experienced cardiac Aris while cycling on Crescent AV CPR was performed and shocks were delivered via the AED and our Lucas device was used to maintain maintain chest compressions the patient resumed spontaneous circulation and regained Consciousness within the ambulance on the way to Valley the patient made a full recovery after after a stin was placed in his artery due to a 95% blockage walak also has a few new members some in college and some in high school that's all thank you thank you very much Recreation health committee Mr monello thank you Mr Mayor um this week we have our health department uh quarterly meeting on Thursday um and in terms of recreation um this week uh wal junr football is holding their annual football camp they had to postpone today because of the uh hot weather to keep the kids safe so they moved that to to Friday um our cheerleaders are having Camp later in August and uh right now the association is having a fundraiser selling Warrior magnets um for football and cheer and get your magnets you can go to wmp jfca on uh Facebook they have a link there for their advertising and also uh soccer is looking forward to starting their season in in the fall um and that's it thank you Mr Mayor thank you Public Works committee Mr rundo uh yes Mr Mayor uh spoke with Mikael lour got an update on what's going on within the past month since our last meeting they're continuing to replace catch basins on the streets that they're Paving getting that up to date uh water filter work is ongoing to get all the wells online working with the third party vendor to get that up and running uh stuns were removed as well as dead bush in front of the library uh to and eventually they're to rep the tree that is missing uh hydrants are being replaced as well as well as curve boxes and stops uh that need to be replaced as needed from the water side uh they're doing in-house mechanical work in pm on all the police cars and the DPW vehicles uh V housee is taking care of that supposed to going outside uh they were doing work on Street this week and they removed the fence that was there uh as per some uh information from a resident and they will be removing the dead brush and bushes on the west side of the building so we don't have any fire issues since they're bone dry that's all Mr Mayor thank you very much building and ground committee Mrs Weber thank you Mr Mayor um this uh spring and summer has been uh quite interesting for us here um we had a flood downstairs from a hose bib we had some flooding from fire suppression and um some issues with some HVAC in a couple different in a couple different buildings but everything is back up and running uh the DPW helped with the repairs downstairs and uh the HVAC systems are all up and running and we're looking into having some uh these buildings put on especially for the HVAC onto preventative maintenance the uh posos is um the wells are all in service and there's some preliminary testing that still has to go on but uh that's all thank you thank you very much uh B administrative Steve thank you Mr Mayor uh I do want to comment on resolution 2024-25 so in order to begin training um a new person in that in that slot we conducted interviews um met with the chief and the two current lieutenants and we interviewed three candidates uh from the Civil Service list and we would like to recommend um Sergeant David pasetti to the position effective January 1 2025 that it that's it I'll comment on some of the ordinances later on okay thank you very much borrow clerk Kelly thank you mayor um we do have a bunch of additions um for the agenda this evening um under the policy votes there were two that are Timely just because we don't have a meeting um in between um when they would be happening so those are the two for Lauren gell um they are everything that is new is in red we're also adding to the consent agenda resolution 2024 209 which is the execution of an order for the provisional authorization and designation of an acting Municipal Court Administrator between Waldwick and Ramsay um This was um provided by our court administrator and the uh the courts are are requiring them to do this so that's why um it they kind of wanted it like yesterday but gave it to us today so um so we have to pass that uh 2024 210 is to authorize a refund of $100 to Samantha turko for a pavilion security deposit um that's really just um we deposited the wrong check so we need to we owe her $100 um Steve just talked about uh Sergeant passor ready and then uh 2024 212 came from the CFO and it's a cancellation of 2024 taxes for Block 134.0 lot 9 and those are the additions for this evening and what else do I have to talk about I want to talk about resolution 20 2024 196 is a Raffa license for the waldor Lions Club I have everything um so that can be approved as well as 2024 197 is the autocab license for All County car and limo I have all the required documents and fees for that uh and I think that's it for me thank you okay thank you oh and you want me to talk about the we had to cancel our concert tomorrow evening um the head of the band was in yet today actually and he just they had done a concert on Friday night um in um Allandale and he just said it it was really brutal and they um the storms are supposed to hit kind of the same time tomorrow so um they asked that we uh postpone it so they are going to give us some dates in August and we'll uh make that happen and and get Flyers out for everybody that's all I have thank you yeah grant them administrator Matthew uh thank you mayor on tonight's agenda we have an approval of a chapter 159 for the 2024 ARP firefighter grant for $55,000 uh that allows us to use anticipated grant money uh in the current budget cycle uh we actually just got the award letter today so the amount is correct as well as the fire department has provided me with uh the quotes what they're going to be buying with that money so we'll be able to uh procure their equipment uh shortly after this meeting hopefully um additionally since the last meeting we have received full reimbursement for the electric vehicle Chargers we received 50,000 uh from psng and 75,000 from njd as well on tonight's agenda we're accepting two bids uh one is for a single axle rolloff truck uh we received one bid for that which was to be expected uh the vendor Hudson County motors originally wanted us to buy it off of a national Co-op that's a lot of tricky paperwork that the state doesn't like us to use so we went out to bid with their with their specifications or similar name brand and they were the only uh vendors submit a bid so we're awarding that uh additionally we have a bid for the ada8 Cur ramps uh we received six bids for that and the low bid actually came in underneath the engineers estimate which is always a positive and that's all from me thank you very much Alber attorney Craig uh thank you mayor we had the County Tax Board hearings last month um they're set for deliberation or earlier this month I guess it's yeah last month June they're set for deliberations uh next week so we should be getting the results of those hearings around this second third week of August the decisions will come out um the only other item I have is all the docks have been documents have been submitted to the uh Council for the posos litigation the water consultant that the burough has hired provided the last items of technical specifications well testing and everything that is required in order to submit the final claim so hopefully within you know a short period of time we should be getting some preliminary numbers as to what the burrow can expect back from the uh from the lawsuits we've also um started the process to file a second claim in another litigation related to posos and hopefully we'll be able to recoup some money back from them as well from that company as well so that's all I have mayor thank you are we going to the close tonight yes we have one item for closed session uh no no action will be taken after though probably be a 20 minute discussion okay consent resolutions and resolution of government body be it resolved that the following resolutions herewith listed by consent having been considered by the governing body of the Bure of walck are hereby pass and approved 2024 189 approval of consent 20241 190 approval of minutes regular meeting and Clos session meetings of June 11 2024 policy votes a Katherine Woods request to use Pavilion B on July 28 on July 20th from 400 p.m. to dusk for a party with alcoholic beverages being served B Striker requests to use Pavilion a on July 24th from 12:00 to 6:00 p.m. for a party with alcoholic beverages being served C Richard McDonald requests to use Pavilion a on July 28th from 10:30 a.m. to dust for a party with alcoholic beverages being served D Lauren gell requests to use Pavilion a on August 10th from 2:00 to 6: P p.m. for a party with alcoholic beverages being served e Lauren gell request to use Pavilion B on August 31st from 2: to 6:00 p.m. for a party with alcoholic beverage is being served um f Kelsey uh Redmond requests to use Pavilion B on September 21st from 11:00 a.m. to dust for a party with alcoh beverages being served G John kwit and paig maiello of 40 cely uh Place request to install a fence in their backyard with a sanitary sewer easement that runs through their property as described in the attached letter and drawing of July 9th 2024 with the DPW superintendent to inspect the holes prior to the contractor installing post and concrete over the easement H Waldwick football club requests to use U Veterans Park field from August 15th to November 20th Mondays four to dark Tuesdays four to dark Wednesdays four to dark Saturday 1 to 1: p.m. to dark and Sundays 8:30 to 12:30 and approval to add a light tower for October and November I Waldo Chamber of Commerce request to turn the town teal for the month of September for ovarian cancer awareness month as per their letter dated July 11th 2024 191 award a fair and open contract to Marini Brothers Construction Inc for the 2024 Road resurfacing program ada8 curb ramp upgrades in the amount of $4,285 2024 192 award a fair and open contract to Hudson County motors for single axle rolloff truck in the amount of 135,136 for the award of a fair and open contract to DNL Paving Contractors for the 2024 Road rehabilitation project the amount of $474 3133 20241 194 award a non-fair and Open professional service contract h2m for rehabilitation of the water storage tanks 1 and two engineering legal permits and contingencies in the amount of $126,000 2024 195 award a non-fair and Open professional service contract to community grants planning and housing for housing Rehabilitation administrative services and Case Management Services in the amount not to exceed $ 55,800 20241 196 approval of Rafa license 20244 for the Waldwick Lions Club 2024 197 approval of the autocab license for All County car and limo LLC 2024 198 authorized release of dumpster escrow for 6 Brady Street 2024 199 authorized release of dumpster escrow for 56 Grove Street 2024 200 appointment of the registar deputy registar and altered registar of vital stati itics 2024 20101 accept resignation of DPW labor of Phil soby 2024 202 appointments of clerk 1 Recreation 2024 203 accept donation of bottled water 2024 204 certification of the annual audit 2024 205 approval of chapter 159 for the 2024 R firefighter Grant in the amount of $55,000 2024 uh 206 Redemption of tax title lean 23- 0063 8 2024 207 payment of vouchers 2024 209 execution of an order to of provisional authorization and designation of an acting Municipal Court Administrator between the municipality of walck and the municipality of Ramsey 2024 210 authorized refund of $100 to Samantha Turco for Pavilion security deposit 2024 to1 promotion of uh Sergeant David Passaretti to Lieutenant and 2024 to12 authorized cancellation of 2024 taxes for Block 134.0 lot nine do I have a motion and second to accept motion by Mark second by Andy anyone have a question I think most of the stuff was answered by either uh our administrator our Clerk or to Grant administrator so if not clerk take the role Mr brck yes Miss sarola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay public hearing we have one clerk kindly read ordinance number 2024 D21 give it back uh ordinance number 2024 number 21 an ordinance authorizing the burough of Waldwick to enter into a lease agreement with the Waldwick High School graduation ball Inc for use of the old DPW complex anyone from the council would like to comment on this audiance that was just read I know that before you just before you talk I know that everybody knows that this year they are not going to be doing a 2025 um grad Ball but I don't think it's fair and right that we do not give them uh the space anyway because we don't know what's going to happen in 2026 2027 moving on the space doesn't benefit us at all it's it was it stored everything that they have and I know this Council all were involved with grad balls and to just let it go is wrong so I would like to allow the council to just let us have it for this year just ask the administrator to ask who's ever in charge of the grad ball to turn the keys and if there's any codes to get in change the code so only we have it and if they ever have to get into that building they have to have somebody from the DBW or somebody from Administration go into that building with go in the building with them to make sure that uh they go in and out right away because it technically it's still ours yes no Mr may I completely agree I think uh we should keep that agreement in place and uh allowed the storage facility still to be there uh which I think uh that future classes will consider that in 2026 2027 um so to keep that tradition going and keeping our partnership with the board of education on that uh uh facility I think would be uh good thing to do and to keep the uh process in place to continue it moving forward there was a lot of parents that called me a couple of weekends ago about this and uh they were very nervous they were very concerned they wanted to come here and I said let us take care of it as a governing body and we will make sure that the the students of this community will benefit from a tradition that we we won't try to destroy anyone else I close the council's comments anybody from the public would like to comment on this ordinance that was just read if being none I close the Public's comments and ask for a motion and a second to pass dis ordinance on second reading and that the clerk be authorized to advertise it in local legal newspapers as required by law do I have a motion a second motion by Katie second by uh Joe clerk take the role Mr brck yes Miss sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes introduction of ordinances with the clerk kindly read ordinance number 2024 d22 ordinance number 2024 d22 Bond ordinance to amend in its entirety the bond ordinance number 20238 entitled Bond ordinance to authorize the making of various public improvements and the acquisition of new additional or replacement equipment and Machinery new communic ation and Signal system equipment and a new fir Tru and new Automotive Vehicles including original apparatus and equipment in buy and for the burough of Waldwick in the county of burken state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $ 4,341 500 to pay the cost thereof to appropriate the burough open space trust fund monies a PSG Grant and federal state and County grants to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of Bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds adopted on April 11th 2023 a motion second is in order to pass this ordinance on first reading and that the clerk will be authorized to publish set ordinance and notices of hearing in accordance with the law with the public hearings on said ordinance to be held on 7 p.m. or soon thereafter as the matter may be reached do I have a motion a second motion by Mark second by Michelle anyone have a question on this uh sure just to add on to what councilman Richie stated earlier um this is an amendment to our previously adopted uh Capital Bond ordinance from 2023 um this is just allocating the American Rescue plan funds into that ordinance as a a funding mechanism um specifically for the Malcolm Street Pump Station rehab project um we saw a significant increase in that cost so this kind of works in our favor um and overall we'll actually see a decrease in the amount of debt we're taking on by doing this amendment anyone else clerk take the role Mr brck yes M sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes with the clerk conly read ordinance number 2024 d23 ordinance number 224-232 amend it in its entirety the bond ordinance 20239 entitled Bond ordinance to authorize the making of various public improvements and the acquisition of new additional or replacement equipment and machinery and a new Automotive vehicle including original apparatus and equipment in by and for the water utility of the burough of Waldwick in the county of berken state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of 1, 36,600 to pay the cost thereof to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to Bride for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds adopted on April 11th 2023 a motion and second is in order to pass resorts on first reading and that the clerk be authorized advertising in U in the newspapers in accordance with uh our rules sing a hearing two weeks from tonight's meeting at 7:30 p.m. ass soon therea as the matter may be reached clerk take the role no I need I need a motion in a second I'm sorry motion by Andy second by Mike now you may take the role Mr brck yes Miss sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes would cler the clerk kindly read ordinance number 2024 d24 ordinance number 2024 d24 ordinance to amend ordinance number 221-1 storm water control ordinance chapter 97-88 through 97-101 article 6 site plan review nine sorry nine site plan review okay a motion and a second is an order to move and pass this ordinance on first reading and that the clerk be authorized to listed in legal newspapers acquired by law sing a hearing 2 weeks from tonight meeting at 7:30 p.m. or soon after as the matter may be reached do I have a motion in a second motion by Michelle second by Mike on the question uh sure Mr may this is pretty much just some changes uh handed down by the state um to the storm water ordinance um so these are just required rule changes anyone else clerk take the role Mr brenick yes Mr sakola yes Mr marello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes clerk count read ordinance number 2024-25 ordinance number 2024-25 and ordinance to amend chapter 87 swimming pool Municipal section 874 rules and regulations for municipal pool to add AA hate speech policy a motion in second is an order to pass this ordinance on first reading and it will be advertised on local legal newspapers as required by law setting a a public hearing two weeks from tonight's meeting or soon thereafter as the matter may be reached do I have a motion a second motion by Mark second by Joe on the question what this is is that we've been noticing or our pool director has been noticing and speaking to our ministrator about it that there's a lot of negative and nasty language being said at the pool against each other against children against maybe adults and we do not tolerate that we have a zero tolerance for that here in the burrow so what we're doing is we're passing a ordinance to make sure that everyone follows the ordinance and make sure that you know no more hatred a little bit more love anyone else yes as much as I agree that this this is a good policy to be put in um one of the things I just had an issue with possibly be an issue and I know Craig you reviewed it as well but for the second offense regarding the minor that's sending them home um basically that's dismissing them from the pool property correct correct I don't know if you would want to do that or if you want to have a parent come to retrieve them that's the that would be the only thing just because they're a minor and I they're supposed to be in one place and we're dismissing them well children I think are supposed to be there with their parents anyway I agree but I know there there are could we add that that would be the only yeah could we add that verbage in there we add that verbage in yes okay what if parents aren't home are we going to make determination on Guardian next person all that stuff may have to be I don't know you know I would just be afraid if something happened to somebody's kid you sent them home and there's an issue on the way home you're right that's the only well they could you know he would have to stay out of the pool and maybe stay into the in that club area where the life St turn everybody into kind of a babysitter I hope it doesn't have to come to that but right well we'll we'll put the verbiage in and if there's anything also you could put in that if they we can't get in contact with someone that they will stay inside the the uh the area where the lifeu St yeah I mean it's a shame it has to and they'll have to be supervised by a lifeu until their parents shame has to come to that but I know there's yeah we got to protect them also yes anyone else clerk take the role Mr brenick yes Miss sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay anybody from the Council of any unfinished business if not new business I have an item for new business I think all of us on July 2nd received an email from uh some residents from Allendale in regards to wanting us to open up the Dead End Street on um Dana Drive which is here in Waldwick they live in Allandale and they butt up against Dana Drive and they would like us to open up our Dead End Street for them so that uh if they have to sell their home or anything like that the people that are going to buy it will benefit um we did not respond to them I guess you all got the email from the administrator telling you that him and I talked not to respond um I think we have to set it straight tonight uh personally I don't think that we should open up a dead end street that all the residents of the burrow of Waldwick have been enjoying that's why they bought their house in that area maybe so that someone in Allendale could benefit from a sale of a house plus you know this is Waldwick not Allendale and you know I I don't think it's the right thing to do anybody else have any thoughts on this I agree Ken I I agree Mr Mayor I I don't know there's if there's no benefit to residents of Waldwick uh on that street so what what reason would we have to uh change a curb cut for one resident of of vendale yeah because I said we have been asked by potential buyers whether they would be allowed a driveway cut on Dana I spoke to our uh building inspector and he feels that's opening up a big problem there what happens if that home has a party you'll have everybody's uh in that party on Dana Street which they never had before Dana Street's a quiet street why should we disrupt it anyone else so um I mean I personally didn't look at it all all that closely I didn't you know drive over to the location their property goes directly up to the road there they own all that they own the property to the road The Hite is on 1 and a half acre pel which has considerable font Frontage on Dana Drive okay so they take so are they taxable to Wald too based on that no that's all Al yeah and it's not fair to a residence on day I agree I was just wondering if there was any I think this house before was an issue with us I'm sure it's come up before right with the yeah but not with these people I think with the people before them I'm not sure but um what would you like us to do I I recommend that we have our administrators speak to them and say that we discussed it and the street will stay closed it's walwick property yeah yeah I don't have an Mike yes I agree yes Joe Joe Joe yeah absolutely okay okay any other new business yes thank you Mr Mayor um just would like to commend all the officers who participated in the bike ride for officer Goodell this past weekend it was a very hot day and to U bike 38 miles for their um their fallen brother is a is a great experience to be a part of I'm was happy to be there and uh thankful for all the people that came out to support yeah you have to tell one of the officers to make sure next year he he rides his bike yes he can't sit in air condition anymore repeatedly we'll have to keep an eye on them you and I anyone else if not publish comments anybody from the public would like to comment please come to the the podium and just state your name for our records please okay here we go hello everybody Ted szo uh regarding the lease whatever you want to call it concerning the old DPW garage to the board of ed is that in effect for one year so every year you have to renew it because you've been doing it one every year what's going to yeah what's going to happen is this year we they will not use the garage the next year if the graduating class decides to come back which they are it starts all over again okay so because I know you've been doing it every year so this is in effect for one year right uh oh I had another question but please excuse me I forgot have a great weekend you too don't sweat too much anyone else if not uh do I have a motion to go into close motion by Mike second by Michelle all those in favor all those opposed thank you very much have to meet you downstairs