e e e e e e e e e I'm not waiting we have to go okay this meeting is being held in conformance with the Sunshine Law time date and place has been furnished to the Bergen Record and the Ridgewood news notice has also been posted on a bulletin board of the administration building will the clerk county take the role mayor gardano here Mr brenick he's outside for a minute oh uh Mr martinello here Mr rundo here Mr Richie here Mrs Weber here even though Al's not here tonight please speak loud and into the microphone heard it every col stand for the pledge allegiance pledge allegiance to flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all let us have a moment of silence for all our veterans our WTIC veterans and Veterans all across our country who have giving up the ultimate sacrifice fighting for our freedom so that we could assemble The Way We Are Tonight would the clerk kindly do to prayer we thank you for everyone gathered here now thank you that you know each of us by name and have caused us to walk with you we say that we are dependent on you and our trust is in you completely as we surrender ourselves in adoration we ask that you would come by your Holy Spirit and Inspire our hearts today fill our our lives with your love fill our conversations with your grace and truth fill this meeting with your presence we ask this for your glory and praise amen amen good evening everyone and tonight as you know we will be presenting our two 2024 budget under my report it'll be very quick uh first of all for the last two weeks administrator and myself have been meeting to discuss certain things about the budget and also certain things about moving forward in 2024 for the bough of Waldwick um as we go along with different things that we have discussed you'll be first ones to know about it and most of them will all be in a vote for the council to discuss also just a reminder that Thursday night at 5:30 in front of the library the first uh annual hopefully annual Ramadan ceremony will be held administrator and I met with the group of uh people who have decided to ask us to do this ceremony and we met with them at the library and uh they're looking forward to showing the burough Waldwick their religion and how they they treat each other and how uh unity and love becomes part of everyone's life so if you you are available please come and support to the Ramadan community of Waldwick as they start this new tradition here in the burough that's all I have to report Financial administrative committee Mr Richie thank you mayor uh no report this evening I'll hold my comments until we introduce the budget thank you very much fire and police protection committee Mr branck uh thank you Mr Mayor uh the only thing I have to report tonight is the fact that uh the uh president of the fire department Jeff Stevens resigned his position as such according to the bylaws the vice president of the fire department uh takes command and so we welcome Christina agugliaro uh as the president of the fire department and also uh per our bylaws uh she is uh she's allowed to appoint a uh vice president to fulfill the balance of the term and that individual is Keith hakenbeck uh we wish them both uh tremendous luck in the future and I look forward to working with them thank you thank you Public Safety Committee Miss saraha Miss saraha is not here tonight she had a a business uh appointment that she had to take care of with out of town clients that came into New Jersey but she did ask me to read a report that was sent to her by the president Mr papendick who also sent it to myself and sent it also to our administrator the policy now with the ambulance Corps is whenever a the before a meeting Mr pendic will be sending us all information that we need to know and and uh Katie will also resp uh talk about it um what H the main thing is that on Saturday um wvac responded to a basic life support response for call for an elderly man uh partly fall victim with heavy breathing officers Wan maker rale Seaford and Sanchez were on the scene the wvac members on the call was um Locus noos and Ashley statuto hopefully I said the names right this is the medical report from the call BLS 590 uh was dispatched to a home on zenetti street they referred it uh to a they went there for a basic life support radio dispatch from the burrow of Waldwick when they got there they realized that it wasn't there but Waldwick called them back and said it was at the train St it was at uh near the train station area an elderly man uh fell victim of with heavy breathing while in rout the BLS was advised that no patient contact was made in that area so then they went near the train tracks and they found the person there what they did was they took care of him they made sure everything was stable and they sent him to uh Valley hospital where as of writing of this letter everything uh he's still in the hospital uh there's been many um runs that the ambulance car had uh if anybody wants it we have copies what we'll do is anyone could ask for I would be more than happy to give you everything that you need to know about how the walwick uh Ambulance Corp is doing on a daily basis with calls a lot of people on the ambulance go been responding to a lot of uh calls from 25 uh calls uh to one call but mostly they've been kept very busy and uh they are still doing a great job protecting our residents and our community and uh that's all I have to report for Katie I probably not wouldn't have done it the right way but Katie will do it next time when she's here Recreation and health committee Mr monello thank you Mr Mayor um brief report tonight um registration is still open for Waldwick baseball and softball programs from prek through 8th grade we've had a lot of great registrations so far almost 400 kids and 80 volunteers look forward to opening day on April 27th and this weekend um March 16th we have our annual field cleanup day where we'll have members from the walck high school vars City baseball and soft teams there to help um the parents and kids from the organization um maintain the fields uh junior football held their first annual meeting or their first monthly meeting of the of the year um they're getting ready to open registration um this year expect great numbers and um new members of The League joining uh travel soccer is also holding tryouts April 22nd through the 26th please visit Warriors fc. org for more registration information they're also having soccer clinics this year in April um feel free to sign up for those on Warriors fc. org and uh finally our Midland Park Junior Panther program is open for registration for a summer camp um as you know the residents from Waldwick are free to use the mthm park um summer camp for our our children and that's it thank you Mr Mayor thank you Public Works committee Mr rundo yes Mr Mayor uh couple of things uh just want to give you some updates on some of the improvements that the DPW is handling in house uh the kitchen at the ambulance Squad is complete uh they also did the kitchen at the nurser station that is also complete uh they also painted the break room that's been due for some time over at the DPW building uh they have another two weeks of truck maintenance before it's complete they usually do that during the winter months so that this way coming into the springtime uh they don't have to worry about any mainten issues uh they're going to begin uh cleaning the catch basins in two weeks they're going to be starting on the streets that are going to be paved so that those are done prior to any of the paving work uh being done with regards to the water department uh they replaced a valve on well number two um they're still checking the valves on the streets that'll be paved this year uh they're also checking the lead copper inventory of pipes for Water Systems starting with the streets scheduled for Paving that's all I have Mr Mayor thank you very much buildings and grounds committee Mrs Weber thank you Mr Mayor um over at the um ambulance Corps at the walvac they their jents and Renovations there and those are moving along quite nicely thanks to the DPW and uh a handful of their employees who are pretty skilled at doing some other things uh we're able to take care of some of the renovations there um bathroom Renovations and flooring are next on the list there uh the charging stations over here in the parking lot the installation is moving along Matthew has some more information on that he'll speak to it later and then the pistol range we're getting some estimates on the new HVAC system and the roofing there is being looked into and that's all I have thank you thank you very much Al administrator thank you Mr Mayor um just a couple things to note our water treatment project is moving along um they are doing the the major Construction in the the area of HCA park right now um things have slowed a little bit just due to all the rain they've had some pretty muddy conditions they've been fighting against um but they are moving along nicely the vessels are ahead of schedule and actually scheduled to start arriving um throughout the month of April um so we'll have more Communications coming out on that um but they're going to try and deliver not all at once so they're at all the sites they're going to try and stagger it so one week you know one vessel get delivered to one Well site and then you know kind of stagger things that way um so we're looking forward to getting those in um but we're we're still on schedule for that um you'll see tonight there's a resolution to to appoint a new police officer uh Luke jimnez who is um pretty much all set to begin after if tonight's resolution gets approved um we also have a resolution on for a new dispatcher um we are going to be looking for pum dispatchers and another full-time dispatcher as well so I wanted to make note of that and then just lastly um we are just about ready to launch the new website we're waiting on one last piece um to transfer the domain over to our new host before we officially launch but we're excited to get that up and running um so as soon as that's ready I'll let you know and we'll communicate that out to the public thank you thank you br cler thank you mayor um dog licensing is ongoing um the late fee goes into effect March 1st and we've issued 630 dog tags to date um we will be doing a dog census um probably in May um next week under new business I'd like to discuss a new ordinance for um dog licensing under new business I'm going to discuss a new ordinance for dog licensing um late fees with regards to election um deadline to change your political party affiliation is April the 10th the last day to register to vote in the June primary is May 14th uh resolution 2024 102 is an approval of um an amended uh autocab or limo license that's for DJ limo all the paperwork has been um submitted and is complete 2024 103 is the social Affair permit for WCA and 2024 104 is the um approval of the off- premise 5050 Raffa license for walck baseball we've received um all that paperwork and everything is complete for that as well uh that's all I have for now thank you I'll Grant administrator uh thank you mayor as councilwoman Weber stated the electric vehicle charging construction has begun uh the new utility poll has been put in as well as uh construction has broken underground so far we've had no issues from the contractor which is always good news uh PS still has some additional work to do so I can't give an exact timeline on when it'll be finished but I expect it will take a couple more weeks uh once fully finished we'll put in for reimbursement for the njd grant which is 75,000 as well as for the PSG grants which are 25,000 per charging station uh we'll then have to do an ordinance establishing the fees and rules of the charging station as required by the state of New Jersey but overall happy to see the project uh finally being uh implemented uh additionally since the last meeting uh we received the award for the 2024 New Jersey ARP firefighter Grant uh we receiv received $55,000 from this Grand cycle which is almost double the 28,000 we got last cycle so that's good news and I just want to thank the fire department for helping me get the documents and information I needed to apply for the grant that's all okay CFO anything thank you mayor uh just a couple things one uh it's my annual opportunity to remind all the seniors uh in terms of the senior freeze um now uh is the time that the books are being mailed and it surprises me how that there's still people that are coming to the counter and don't know anything about the program it's it's really um truly benefits the seniors in terms of it the year that they apply that becomes what they call the base year and every year thereafter that they qualify they get a a check sent to them from the state for the difference um and I know a lot of people were concerned with the new uh assessments how that was going to affect the program uh but it it's it's not going to affect them at all uh so again you know the seniors are not going to they still have to pay the full tax but then they get uh the reimbursement back uh so that's a good thing um just one other thing we had sent out um over I it was around 500 water delinquent notices and 200 tax delinquent notices um unfortunately uh the post office took over two weeks for them to mail to deliver them to our walwick residents um it's a little frustrating because then all the interest was not calculated correctly um but they did finally uh deliver them but uh anybody that H hasn't gotten uh their their mail check in with us we can let you know um that's all I have thank you very much thank you our attorney thank you thank you mayor there's one resolution for another settlement of a tax appeal this is the last of the um long-standing tax appeals there's no other appeals that are more than a year old so this goes all the way back from 2015 um there's been some delay in trying to get it resolved but we finally have it resolved for what I believe is favorable to the buau so uh if that gets approved tonight we'll get that paperwork processed I do have two items for close session there won't be any action taken after Clos session thank you mayor thank you consent resolutions and resolutions of the governing body be it resolved that the following resolutions herewith listed by consent having been considered by the governing body of the burough of Wal are hereby passed and approved 202 2496 approval of consent 22497 approval of minutes regular meeting and close session meeting February 27 2004 policy votes a hok Education Foundation request to hold a townwide garage sale on S April 27th and Sunday April 28th and a waiver of garage sale permit fees as outlined in their letter of February 24th B Waldwick Community Alliance request to hold the annual Car Show event on Sunday June 2nd from 9:30 to 3: rain date June 9th as described in the letter dated February 29th C Waldwick football club requests to use Veterans Park field from March 1st through July 31st for you 8 9 10 and 11 practicing games as shown in their letter of February 23rd I'm sorry it was an email D um Alexandra burn request to hold a block party on May 18th from 12:30 to 9: with Smithfield Road to be closed between 19 Smithfield and 58 Smithfield with alcoholic beverages being served e Village School parents Association requests to hold a splash party at the Wald pool on June 10th with June 11th as the rain date from 3:30 to 5:30 and request lifeguards be present F Wald High School request to use the municipal pool on June 12th from 10: to 3: for the senior class barbecue with rain date of June une 13th with lifeguard staff requested G the class activity parents of trap and in Crescent request to use the municipal pool on June 17th from 3: to 6:00 p.m. for the fifth grade Splash party with lifeguard staff requested H Waldwick Middle School PSO requests to use the walck pool for the 2024 8th grade promotion party on June 18th from 1: to 4:00 p.m. with uh lifeguards I Richard Stark request to use Pavilion a on June 15th from 8:00 a.m. to dusk for a family Memorial gathering with alcoholic beverages being ered 2024 98 authorizing settlement of tax appeals for 168 Franklin concept vers Boro of Waldwick uh docket numbers do I need to read them all there's a lot of them 202499 authorized rejection of all bids for the administration building second floor interior alterations 2024 100 award a non-fair and Open professional service contract to Boswell engineering for improvement to Harrison Avenue task one engineering and design and bidding in the amount of 11,500 20 2024 101 authorize advertisement and receipt of bids for the concessions at the walck municipal pool 2024 102 uh authorize Amendment to the autocab license for DJ limo LLC 2024 103 approval of a social Affair permit for the Waldwick Community Alliance annual car show 2024 104 approve Raa license 202 24-1 for the Waldwick baseball association 2024 105 authorized waiver of permit fees to Accurate Construction LLC for wall vac bathroom Renovations 2024 106 appointment of police officer Luke jimz 2024 107 appointment of full-time telecommunications officer Austin Reed and 2024 108 payment of vouchers do we have a motion and a second to accept motion by Mark second by Mike anyone on the question um first of all a lot of these that you're seeing here a lot of policy votes or the different organizations in the town the schools and all that who every year use our pool for graduation ceremonies and for parties and and things of that nature we always reach out and help them out whatever they need also 2024 d101 that is um the concession stand at the pool every year we try to get someone to uh be in the stand that they could sell some refreshments and food to the to the people that are are using our pool our residents so what we're doing is we're going out to bid for that also 2024 d106 Luke gz who is a dispatcher right now he will be now a uh police officer going into the academy he will be sworn in by us at our next meeting the first meeting that we have in April and also 2024 d99 what what that is is that we were going to be doing some work in the um the extra area where we had storage for the Board of Health to come in but uh things didn't work out that way so what we did was we went out for bids and what we did was when Matt opened up the bids we just had to reject them because of the fact that we're not doing the project anyone else cler take the role Mr brck yes Mr martinello I just have to recuse on 2024 104 raffle for walwick baseball association everything else yes okay Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay we have two public hearings would the clerk currently read ordinance number 20 24-02 ordinance number 20242 Bond ordinance to authorize the acquisition of real property for open space and Recreation purposes in by and for the burough of Waldwick in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of 2,575 th000 to pay the cost thereof to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds anyone from the council would like to comment on this ordinance that was just read what this is is this is the property that we're buying on White Avenue it's 3 acres of property that we were working with the the owners and we came to an agreement and I'll have Steve talk to about a little bit more because he's been very active with this um yeah so this is really just to put the funding in place to um finalize the acquisition um there's no set plans I'll just say that but the the goal is I think everyone's working towards maintaining open space on that um and then you know the next phase would be to discuss what we want to do there um but this is really just put the funding in place um so we can move forward that's it anyone else I close the council's comments open up to the public anybody from the public would like to comment on this ordinance that was just read seeing no one I close the Public's uh comments and ask for a motion in a second to pass his ordinance on second reading at that the clerk be authorized to advertise it in local legal newspapers required by law I have a motion the second motion by Joe second by U Michelle CLK take the role Mr brenick yes Mr martinello yes M uh Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes FL conly read ordinance number 2024 d03 ordinance number 2024 d03 authorize the acquisition of real property known as Lots 6.02 and 6.08 in Block 136 as identified on the tax map of the bur of Waldwick County of Bergen state of New Jersey commonly known as 197 woff ab and 9 Brady police anyone from the council would like to comment in audience that was just read what this is is this is the property that we're buying on wof Avenue it's a 3 acres of property that goes from one street to another which is the ending of on Brady Street anything uh not much to add this is really unless the G attorney wants to add something I'll just clarify the first ordinance that we did put the funding in place this is for the actual acquisition right anyone else I close the council's comments anybody from the public would like to comment seeing none I close the Public's comments and ask for a motion in a second to pass his audiance on second reading and that the clerk be authorized to adverti in the local legal newspapers required by law motion a second Mo by Mark second by uh Mr Mike CL take the role Mr branck yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes [Music] introduction of ordinances cler kindly read ordinance number 2024 d04 ordinance number two ordinance number 20244 burough of waldock B Bergen County New Jersey calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget cost of living allowance and to establish a cap bag pursuant to njsa 48 col 4454 motion and order is uh to move and passes ordinance on first reading and that it be uh advertised in local legal newspapers as required by law setting a public hearing 2 weeks from tonight's meeting at 7:30 p.m or soon there after as the matter may be reached I have a motion in a second motion by Mike second by Michelle on the question actually we're going to let Colleen comment on the cap if that's okay in regard to uh M Municipal budgets there was a New Jersey Law dating back to 2004 which limits municipalities to a 22% appropriation increase or the cost of living adjustment whichever is less this year the cola happens to be the same as the allowed increase it's two 2 and a half% um however the governing bodies can authorize an ordinance to increase it to 3 and a half% over the previous year's final Appropriations this ordinance is giving the governing body the ability to allow for a 3 and 1 half% calculation and whatever is not used can be banked and carried over to the next two years for unplanned or unseen events the 3 and a half% increase over last year's appropriation would amount to an allowable appropriation increase of $366,500 a half uh allowable increase of 261,000 or take their Ro Mr brck yes Mr martinello yes Mr randoo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay our second one part 3224 d109 this is the resolution to introduce the 2024 Municipal budget we discuss what we're going to do is we're going to discuss our budget right now so before we do that I just want to let everyone know that tonight we are adopting our uh our introducing our budget thank you very much for 2024 um it's a budget that we're kind of proud of we were never really proud to when we have to raise taxes but I think we did a great job in keeping it very low at a 1% and Mike will let you know all about that a lot of people had a lot to do with this our administrator our CFO our grant administrator our Clerk and all our department heads all came together they worked very hard to put this budget together that we are presenting tonight also I'd like to thank the council who I think this is the first year in the while that we met on Saturdays and we met a lot to put this budget together uh we you know tried our hardest to be fair with everybody there's a lot of wants and a lot of needs but at the end of the day what what counts most is what we really need for our residents in the burrow and uh I feel that uh if when you if you look at this budget which it's onl it'll be online and everything you'll see that uh we we've been very generous but also we've been very firm on a lot of things and moving forward you know even though tonight we presented and then it'll be voted on and everything still you know we'll be looking at 2025 already because we can never stop we have to keep on going and our big thing as Micha will tell you is putting money in reserve that's very important right now and we were told that by Colleen very forcefully the other night and we listen to her because colen knows and if you don't put money in reserve you're not going to have it to spend use when you really need it Mike thank you mayor uh yeah I'll just say a few things it's an introduction so I'll try to keep it high level as the mayor said the budget information will be posted online tomorrow I'm assuming or maybe the next day tomorrow this week it'll be posted so um if there's questions you can reach out but I think uh it was my first year um kind of managing this committee so thank you to the committee we met probably more times before um uh meeting with the council I think this year uh than I did the prior two years so we were really trying to dig uh deep into this budget we first addressed uh our capital budget that is the budget that pays for uh projects throughout town so roads um you saw the acquisition of the property uh uh tonight uh that goes into the capital budget I think we were presented with something that we we ultimately cut down the presented capital budget by about 40 45% we we we cut it nearly in half and really asked ourselves what is it needs to have versus a wants um and I think that we did this with the right balance of protecting Wald Wick's future the infrastructure um but also kind of making sure that we weren't doing things too soon so very proud of the the capital budget the other thing that as the mayor alluded to we really spent a lot of time this year focused on a five-year plan a 10-year plan how are we going to make sure that we continue to keep a surplus and that we don't uh create a situation where uh the capital budget or the operating budget becomes too too high for the for the town to uh to essentially carry so uh I'm proud of kind of I think the the mentality that we have uh as we think about uh generating new revenue streams throughout the next couple years to ensure that we do get to a place where uh we can continue to invest in Waldwick um so that was the capital budget we we then turned our attention to the operating budget I think that uh as a testament to years prior this is a already a pretty barebones uh operating budget um you know our employees uh kind of what we spend on a day-to-day to keep the burrow going this year we were fortunate it it didn't have uh uh what I call compulsory increases uh as much this year as we did last year last year if you remember our uh our our garbage um and and trash contract went up a massive amount we had massive increases in Insurance um in pension payments things of that nature we certainly saw increases this year uh that added burden to the operating budget but it wasn't nearly as bad as we had seen in the past we were fortunate but we still kept it Bare Bones the only real addition we made into the budget was the hiring of a police officer which we we adopted this evening um uh in in anticipation of potential retirements in the future and the force being down an officer so it was absolutely the right move um and and in the end we came to a budget where uh we're spending about uh out of our Surplus I think 50,000 roughly more this year than we did last year um and uh we will uh have the tax increase at 1% which will be uh I say 40ish uh dollars per year on the average house uh in Waldwick I think we all went into this budget hoping that we would uh uh have have a 0% increase but as it all played out it just it didn't seem like it was the right move long term uh I think we could we could hold taxes but it starts to catch up with you in five 10 years from now we could be in real trouble so I think that it is a budget we're all proud of certainly we'll we'll get into more details after everyone's had a chance to look at the information that gets posted um and and obviously happy to answer any questions you may have uh but those are my comments thank you anyone else okay a motion in uh second is uh in order to move and pass his ordin on first reading and that at be advertising local legal newspapers as required by law setting a public hearing two weeks from tonight's meeting at 7:30 p.m. or soon thereafter as the matter may be reached motion a second motion Andy second by Joe CL take the RO Mr brck yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes countor read ordinance number 2024 d05 ordinance number 20245 an ordinance amending ordinance number 2023-the and employees of the Bureau of Waldwick a motion and seconds in order move and passes ordinance on first reading and that it be on local legal newspapers as required by law setting a public hearing 2 weeks from tonight's meeting at 7:30 p.m. or soon thereafter as the matter may be reached motion and a second motion by Mike Mock I'm sorry and second by Michelle anyone on the question on that um yeah this is pretty simple straightforward it's just updating the salary ordinance um this sets the maximum and minimums and the ranges for all the um non-union employees in the world anyone else cour take the role Mr berick yes Mr martinello yes Mr randoo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay anyone on the council have unfinished business not new business we have two items first one is the Waldwick municipal pool hours and fees um yeah I'll kind of start but I do you want to go first no go ahead okay um so we've had had some discussion um just internally with staff and I think we've mentioned it to all of you also um first the hours will address with the pool so we had a preseason pool meeting um with our our pool manager and the suggestion came up um to adjust the hours slightly so that's the one um proposal here or recommendation that we're making is to actually right now the the ordinance reads that the pool will close at at 8800 p.m. or Sundown um we thought that was kind of open-ended and um a little OB objective so we wanted to just put a a solid time on that just to make it clear so we're proposing a 7:00 um closing time um there was a concern from the pool manager that you know some sometimes throughout the summer 8:00 it's actually dark we don't have lights there so it becomes a safety issue so that was one concern and then the other one was um we put out a a postseason survey um to get some feedback last year and some of the things that came up were adjusting the to be more accommodating to young families so we thought actually maybe taking that hour and shifting it on the front end um and opening the pool at 10:00 a.m. to accommodate the younger families so they could come hang out for a little bit go home do nap time you know whatever and and come back um so that's kind of what we're proposing just have those set times shift hours slightly um and then kind of jumping into fees actually I'll stop there did I did I miss anything no that was good okay all right thank you um we put a lot of time in having some of these discussions um fees with the pool um we'll tie into you know Item B just in fees in general um we're we're trying to do a deep dive you know as we went through the budget process we found out you know we're we lost some Revenue um we're pretty short on Revenue we need to find new ways to generate new Revenue um fees is one way to do that um obviously you want to balance there you don't you don't want to hit people with additional unnecessary fees but I kind of just wanted to put it out there get everyone's Fe deing on you know we're looking at building department fees um our facility rental fees for sports organizations things like that the pool membership fees maybe not even the amounts but the structure of them to see if we could you know tweak it a little bit to make it work better for us and the needs of the residents so I really just kind of wanted to put that out um and maybe get some general feedback you know you don't have to answer now but that that's kind of some of the things we're looking at internally anybody have any questions right now what um Steve what's what's our current rate for the pool membership we have there's a couple different membership fees I should have them in front of me I don't have them up in front of me right now share that um but we have done a full analysis um kind of comparables around the area we do have a whole spreadsheet which we can share with you guys too um as we look at it some more but just to kind of see where we're at and the different membership levels gotd actually be interested if we can um compare that against relative use so how many times are people coming to the pool what kind of value are they getting out of that membership fee determine you know if we have a right am of cost I can give you the fees I have them uh this is without the early regist registration discounts for children 4 to 17 is $75 adults8 to 62 $80 seniors over 62 $55 non-resident children $250 each and non-resident adults 18 and older including seniors $300 each and we currently have uh guest rates which are only for walck residents uh $20 per day for 18 and over and under $18 $15 per day and this the whole season yes I do believe if you register early I think it's $10 off each of those that was stated not one yeah just for the walck resid for wal residents well the only other residents that come to our pool is Midland Park because we have an like a little in agreement with them that we use their uh program Rec program and they come to our pool um what you could do is you could review everything you have it think about it send uh Steve an email like you did last time with the Ramadan ceremony and he'll answer any one of your questions the only thing I would say is I don't want to go too too crazy on the fees you know jump up I mean you know honestly I really don't care what other towns charge all I care about we charge and I think that we have to be a little you know let's not go crazy which I know I I guess we won't and with the seniors we got to be you know yeah that's very important with the last few seasons have we done I know we did the uh survey last year but do we have like a um they have a maxim like how many people came per day so like would we would we be open to opening it up to another town also besides mland Park or is that it if you're out you're out of town we have out of town people who are from Franklin Lakes or from wof right so it's not just m it is all it's a town if they want to pay the $300 you know how many like out of town like non-residents all that we have all that yeah okay M pay a different rate right they pay a non-resident they pay the non-resident rate pay nonresident right yeah it is higher right I think one thing to note too that we notice is our numbers are down for the amount of people coming or the amount of people registering for the amount of people people buying the membership okay so obviously we'd like to see those numbers up a little bit Yeah so it's a balance we lost a lot of res residents or it's it's an even think some of the the nonresidents I'm sorry I think some of the non-residents non non residents that lost but but the fees are not just uh AR just related to the pool right we're talking potential construction fees we're talking about an entire schedule right one of them buing Department fees we actually have someid Rec um that we'll formally present but that's just kind of some of the things some of the areas we're looking at right now so just want you be aware kind of put that out there thank you anyone else Y and then the only other thing I wanted to mention is right now we have um the late fee for the dogs is is March 1st we had changed that during covid because people literally could not get that appointments so in in looking at the St St you and we kind of um enlisted Craig's help although he said do what we want but um what we're looking to do is the state will allow us to license dogs from January 1st to June 30th so there would be no penalty so now you just have to worry about the people from July 1st to October 31st and we feel that as long as they license their dog in the month their rabies vaccination due so say my dog's license is due um August 15th so as long as I They Come Into Me by August 30th uh 31st 31st um they would not get a late fee but come September 1 Tatiana is going to immediately send out late fees so that we can capture we can capture it that way um we kind of thought that was fair because everyone else is kind of getting a pass if they you know they're not they're not going to get get charge a late fee but these people who fall in this window no matter when that window is are going to get a late fee and it doesn't seem to be F it's not fair it's not really fair so as long as they licens in the month that their rabies is due by the last day of that month there's no late so that's what I am proposing um and if everybody's agreeable just again if you're going to shoot them an email just include that in there so that if we are going to go forward with that we can um we can do the ordinance for the next meeting okay anybody have any questions any other new business from the coun Mr Mayor uh I'd like to speak about the environmental committee um like to uh thank Steve uh and Tatiana uh we had some updates that needed to be uh completed on the web page uh you know reached out to them and they both took care of it rather quickly um the other thing is um we're possibly looking at a survey to send out to Residents uh to see what environmental needs they think the town needs um we're going to be working on that uh one of our members actually created the most upto-date newsletter we're going to be producing a quarterly newsletter uh promoting some of the items I think the current one mentions the EV stations um they they're all uh on the website um one of the next things that I'd like to bring up is next week on Thursday will be the first meeting that Michelle and I will be co-chairing between the environmental committee and the beautification team and that will be on Thursday the 21st at 700 p.m. I think we're going to be up here in the chambers be unless the health they'll be up here yeah they'll be up here unless the health uh team will be up here no I think you're okay and um just again thanks uh to the mayor and Council for all the assistance of moving forward with us thank you any other new business if not public comments anybody from the public would like comment anything please come to the microphone state your name only do not give us your address yeah just wondering if the they're taking any applications for new uh signs for veterans yep ongoing no we have no polls left oh no we're not sing anymore I thought we going to do the other side F side yeah we we'll take a what we're going to do is we're going to put polls like one on one side one on the other okay and probably be up for Memorial Day yeah they'll be up Memorial Day absolutely see our dvw does it now we don't have to wait for the company to come in anyone else evening everybody G um I think some of you may know why I'm here but I live on Scher next to Veterans Park next to the water tower um and I met with um Mr Neil and mayor Jano on February 16th to talk about um how unsightly that is as a resident I look out of at my bedroom window my office window um that one tank that's there is um I've come to live with it the second tank there was a temporary tank which has been pretty decent it's to the fence line only to discover that that other vessel is coming so now I have two 40ft tanks outside my bedroom window and I've asked um at that meeting um with the mayor and Mr Neil to see what we you know what the town can do to help because it's a quality of life I lived here for over 20 years um brought my kids up here that Park was always a wonderful thing for them um that water um I guess the pump house has always been there and it's been fine there hasn't been any issues with with it and now because of the water ordinances and the requirements that are you know from the the state we need to address that which I'm okay with I I understand that water is important safety is important and I'm all for that but now I've asked at in that meeting to keep that temporary tank there because at least it's decent it's not that you know unsightly on top of it it it's Veterans Park there are a ton of things going on there a lot of out of town people come and that's what they see it's in a residential area surrounding homes and it is it's awful uh plain and simple it's just awful um and I am very disappointed because when we talked we talked about several things whether it was Landscaping um trees that I asked um for my landscaper for the town to pay for me to maintain but for the town to pay and install um to keep that tank there and I haven't heard back and that meeting was on February 16th so here we are March and I I didn't hear anything any feedback well I think we told you that we won't do any work there until the whole project is complete and I think we all I think Steve mentioned to you about that vessel we have to put another vessel the way it was we recommended to bring it to bring it up to White Avenue we told you we couldn't do that if you want to um yeah so I apologize if we were supposed to follow up but we can't do any of the landscaping or anything like that no that I understand I I get that I know that the ski can't plan this time of the year I I totally understand and I understand it's a working project and obviously you can't do that but I didn't hear back I gave you two proposals from landscapers you know I asked to also purchase um about 18 to 20 ft next to my property that I've I've been maintaining all these years with the trees and I've been cutting them back on the power lines and you know over my roof and all that but um but I I didn't hear back on that either so I you know I mean to wait till o October which is something that you mentioned that you were going to do landscaping to hear back on that is not acceptable I'm coming back in the it's the summertime and I'm asking for trees on my property not to that um it doesn't seem like you know it's going to work out right I'm still going to have two 40 foot tanks there which you know is just such a joy but I invite every one of you to come to 19 scheler Avenue and take a look at what I'm looking at and I'm telling you it is it's awful and I'm extr extremely upset and very very disappointed um like I said I look at that all the time now it's it's such an iore um and I'm I'm just upset and and completely devastated by what that area of the town has got to it's a park little kids are there people are there playing basketball you know now there's going to be I guess a soccer team or a football team there all summer long I mean if this is how we want to represent the town to say oh yeah we're okay you know this is just what it is it's residential area so be it that's not acceptable unfortunately though we're not the only town that has has had to put tank in and driving around Burton County they're everywhere now they have I don't know if there's any way that they could not be white they're blue or blue like maybe a green I don't know if they can be a different color I could check or if they could be you know I doubt giant warning but unfortunately driving through every town in Bergen County they stick out like a sore thumb because the original pump stations are not made to house a 40ft tank then then why can't so because I'm in a residential area why can't that temporary tank that's there why can't that stay that one had to be taken out of service in the winter time they couldn't even use that well during the winter time because it was a temporary posos tank for freezing issues they would take it out they would shut the whole thing down but then address those issues if it's a freezing issue then address that issue that's why these are the permanent ones aren't susceptible to that and then I would like to know what is the town going to do to help me out because I I'm not kidding you I mean I have been here for over 20 years 24 years I have been on that at at that at that house and it's always been wonderful you know I've been through so many reiterations of the park the you you know the um construction of the bathrooms um it just so much of it and and now this and it's just this is I'm telling you the resale of the homes in that area are going to suffer they truly are and it's something needs to be done to make it look acceptable or or to the reflection of what walswick is but the way it is now obviously it's a construction zone and I get that okay but it you you can't just put those tanks in flatten up the land put some trees up and call it a day it's not going to work not for me well again just the followup you know we said we will absolutely follow up with you unfortunately where we're at right now we're in the middle of construction there's nothing to really follow up on until the construction is complete where we know where we're at with the end of the project and I we have your your quotes and everything but until that project is complete and we have a true understanding what we're at we really there's we can't design anything or go over that we will Absolut absolutely follow up with you in the fall on completion of it when we could actually attack it but right now that type of work that we discussed is outside of the scope of the project so it cannot be included now we are under an administrative consent order from the D which is very strict and we have to report on that repeatedly so we really can't go outside the project right now until it is complete even with landscaping and some other surroundings so we we definitely want to look into that we told you we have some ideas for some of the bush and shrubs in that area to try and add you know a nice buffer um unfortunately the tanks themselves there is nothing we can do about that at this point what about the proposal that I have on the um the shrub that the trees I'm asking for on my property line has nothing then to do with that that that I would like an answer on to that's something we'll have to discuss further because it is on your property if you wanted to go ahead and and plant on your property I'm not asking that I'm asking for the town to do that at least throw me something you know what I mean I mean I understand that you can't do the landscaping around the project I get that okay and I know that we talked about putting trees around the fencing and all of that to kind of put that buffer but I'm asking for a buffer on my property so I'm sitting on my deck I don't see that um you know or you know I asked also if I could purchase some of the the land I mean that's tax dollars to this town you know I didn't hear back on that either so there's a few things that I would just like to get a little bit more information on or if you can just you know kind of go over the notes that we had that we we discussed on February 16th and I thought that there was going to be a follow-up email to saying this is what we discuss and this is what we're going to do and I think um the mayor did say that that conversation was going to be um put out to the council and I'm not sure whether you were privy to that or you got any notes on that but maybe not they all know what we talked about Steve sent in his weekly message to them all one m I appreciate that well the last thing I want to say if any one of you want to take a ride over there and see what I'm looking at you're more than welcome thank you anyone else if not do I have a motion to go into to close motion motion by Andy second by Michelle all those in favor I no decisions will be made