okay you ready okay my tape is on this meeting is being held in conformance with the Sunshine Law notice of time date and place has been furnished the Bergen Record and the Ridgewood news notice has also been posted on the bulletin board of the administration building would the clerk conly read the role take the role mayor Gano here Mr brenick here Mr martinello here Mr rundo here Mr Richie here Mrs Weber here everyone kindly rise for the Pledge of [Music] Allegiance I pled alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation indivisible jusice for all have a moment of silence our walck veterans and all veterans across our country who has given the ultimate sacrifice so that we can be free and live a free life and assemble The Way We Are Tonight the clerk please do a prayer we thank you for everyone gathered here now thank you that you know us each of us by name and have caused us to walk with you we say that we are dependent on you and our trust is in you completely as we surrender ourselves with your in your adoration we ask that you would come by your Holy Spirit and Inspire our hearts today come fill our lives with your love fill our conversations with your grace and truth fill this meeting with your presence we ask this for your glory and praise amen [Music] amen good evening everyone just a couple of items under my report um last Saturday I attended our mayor's annual meeting at which time all the Mayors talked about their budgets uh and how their process was and how they achieved what they had to achieve uh walwick looks very good we're a role model for everybody which is good a lot of towns did the same thing we did a lot of towns have issues but uh at the end of the day uh everybody is working everything out for the betterment of the community also Monday which was yesterday I had a uh a 5k meeting for the the 5K that's going to be on May 5th very interesting meeting if you ever sat at a meeting with Stan Kowalski you would know it's very interesting and uh they are a week away almost and they're doing very well uh he would like everyone to come out and support him and support the 5K it's supposed to be a very uh good me a good run this year uh the um theme is Cinco de Mayo it's on May 5th so um they have over 400 and something Runners uh Runners already and and a couple of I think a hundred maybe Walkers so they're doing very well and uh as I said they're asking you to kindly come out and show your support we've had a couple of residents give us calls about certain items and concerns they have in our community as I always do I forward everything over to our administrator Steve and what he does is he follows up on the call but before I do send it to him I send an email out to each person telling them that we will look into it and our administrator will get back to you as soon as he has um some information that he h he could share with you so if you ever have any issues and you send it to me Steve gets it and you'll get a phone call from us we've had some concerns about people with deer um the mayor has had a meeting about this uh there is no support from the county and there's no support from our elected officials about this so theoretically each town is on their own we try to merge the towns together to work something out but unfortunately it didn't work so Steve and I and and Kelly talked a little bit this evening about this and we're going to try to see if we could have some type of a game plan or some type of statement so that um anybody who called me and asked me they will find out if you call me and ask me a question and you then tell me I don't want you to call me back I want an email from you you will not get an email from me you will get a phone call I'm very cautious and very leery about what I say I've got hurt a couple of times and after 12 years you learn be very careful not that everyone does it but we have to be careful in this day and age that's all I have to report Financial administrative committee Mr Richie thank you mayor uh no report this evening thank you very much fire and police protection committee Mr brck oh thanks Mr Mayor just a quick report um in January we had 20 calls that we responded to in February we had 15 March 29 and so far this month we've had six we've had four gas heat related incidents uh one activated fire alarm and uh one motor vehicle pin now we've also had three uh three new members that completed firefighter one successfully and that's my report this evening thank you very much Public Safety Committee Miss Sarah ker is uh not cannot attend tonight but she did send me a report to uh to read about uh the ambulance Corps will be covering the baseball parade this Saturday as well as the 5K race on May 5th Allandale or hocus at Midland Park emss will also be assisting at the 5K so far for the month of April there was 33 runs with 24% of the runs on Saturdays the large majority 12 of the runs were Falls for 27 of the 33 runs a unit arrived on scene in under 5 minutes a new ADA compliance Suite called as assess B was added to the new buau website this month this this allows users to make various accessibility adjustments based on their needs so that they can have much better use user experience while interacting on our website you can adjust things like the font size the use use of a screen reader adjust the brightness contrast mute sounds stop animations and more uh she is very happy this is done if anybody has any concerns about our new uh website and you have any ideas that maybe could help us uh Steve is very uh open to any comments and he'll take anybody's phone call so that you could uh tell him what you think might be able to uh help them in Reading uh going on our website that's all that we have uh for uh Public Safety Committee Recreation and health committee Mr martinello thank you mayor um this last week we attended the Board of Health meeting for the quarterly meeting um they reported that a lot of the covid cases are on a low status in in the in the community and in New Jersey overall um we also announced that they're or they're looking at into doing a walking program which will be a great opportunity for the community to get together and uh walk around different areas of the town maybe into the into the park or um around different neighborhoods and it's going to be the the marriage challenge um he's very happy about that um they also completed audits of all the schools in terms of their vaccination records and everything is up to date there um it completed various inspections for new establishments here in town um doing a great work with uh keeping up with those inspections on Recreation front I want to remind everyone that uh registration for the pool is open um make sure you get your early bir discounts getting those in as early as possible um on the baseball front as the mayor alluded to we have our opening day parade um for the first time in many years uh the kids will be walking from walwick high school down to burrow Park um we have the police and ambulance Corps going to be out to to support and uh they're looking forward to it the boys and girls have all made signs for their teams to to walk with and we also have a record number of kids signed up this year over 430 kids with about 100 volunteers so um most numbers we've had in wal baseball in probably 20 years um so very good there um Waldwick Recreation soccer has opened there registration for the fall you can visit their website for more details there as well as the travel organization is still holding Tri outs for um fall teams so um encourage all the residents to come out for the Baseball opening day the kids would love to wave at people as they walk down the street and uh look forward to um a great event that's it thank you mayor and I want to thank you Mr monello to for uh forcing me to do this walk my wife is on the uh the recreation health committee for the burrow because she's a she's a Works in in a nursing field assistant living and and she came home Thursday night after the meeting and I'm told that they're going to bring a scale in here they're going to weigh me and they're going to see before and after not only that my wife threw out all my candy and my cookies so I have nothing in the house so my wife said to thank you Joe for this you're welcome you're welcome what brought up but he didn't say nothing against it good friend huh sorry I trust you were there another one thank you Public Works committee Mr rundo uh yes Mr mayor um as you know uh we've had several uh cones placed on East Prospect da uh the DPW and the water department will be looking at Water boxes for lead um they're hoping that they don't have to penetrate the roadway and everything will be done from the curb side in um they also had a leak on salite that was rectified last Saturday um with regards to uh finally fixing that leak uh leaking water valve what else we got I have an inquiry out to Mike for some uh information from the DPW but he was on vacation so still waiting for that and then uh I'll probably report on that at the next meeting thank you thank you buildings and grounds committee Miss Weber thank you Mr Mayor um we started doing uh the the uh Paving work over on Hudson and boner um over the next few week that it started so you'll be some piles of dirt over there I saw but uh that'll be done soon um they're working on that uh wvac uh we need a new HVAC system in there so the vendor has been selected and the work will start over there in the next few weeks in regards to the charging stations PS has hooked them up we're just uh the electrician has to come back to charge them up so that they can be used uh the town pool has been cleaned and they will be paint they will be doing some painting over there um I went to the library board meeting last week and they're going to be starting some bath bathroom Renovations in the next few weeks over there they've also started a new program they're working out the bugs on it so it hasn't gone live yet but it's called The Library of things um where you'll be able to borrow uh small appliances um I believe a leaf blower is one of the items an electric leaf blower but things like that but that'll be um accessible to to only to Residents um and then also I don't know if anybody's noticed it but the pine tree in front of the library died um and it was removed uh I know the mayor and is working on a replacement for that um and that's all I have thank you thank you very much AB administrator thank you mayor I'll save my comments for other items thank you Al borrow Clark Kelly um I have nothing tonight mayor but we need to go back to do the public hearing on the submission of the 2024 Bergen County trust fund Municipal Grant okay for Park development let's who the attorney and we go back to that I have no report you have no report thank you so much Mr attorney uh thank you mayor just one report we're still cond conducting our due diligence on 197 wof we're almost complete we should still be on time to hopefully close by on the property by the end of May that's all thank you are we going to close tonight no items for closed okay KY would you like to take over with the public hearing sure St and I will do this you got it so we're this is the public hearing on the submission of the 2024 Bergen County trust fund Municipal program for Park development funding application for the liance club Memorial playground at Burrow Park block 154 lot 34 217 Pine Street Waldwick New Jersey um Steve's going to make some comments about what this project is which is really a continuation of the last one but if you want to go into a little more detail then we're going to open it up to any council members who may want a comment and then we'll open it to the public to make any comments they would like to on this application thank you um so yeah this is pretty simple application it actually mimics the 2023 application exactly um it's really just for playground equipment um Ada upgrades general maintenance uh new service uh surface excuse me um which we're looking to do that uh rubber surface and to replace the mulch which will make it uh more accessible and ADA Compliant um so this is really we're hoping to pair this with last year's um and increase the amount of grant money that we could dedicate towards us um if we are able to do that we also applied for a local Recreation Improvement Grant in conjunction with this so with the two combines we're looking at about um think somewhere in the range of $320,000 in grant money which would be fantastic um the total cost we have right now is around 500 $50,000 all in so you know we'd be looking at about maybe two 250,000 um out of pocket for next year's capital budget do we reach out to the exf for all about this too so asking them some their input we will yeah so uh probably next meeting actually we'll probably have the award to um begin the design and engineering and at that point we'll engage Waffa and and other committees okay anybody else from the council not anybody from the public would like to comment if not close the public I close the Public's comments then we I need a motion in a second have a motion in a second to accept this res for this res resolution 20241 129 endorsement of the submission of the Bergen County open space trust fund Grant application for Park development at the Lions Club Memorial playground at Burl Park we have a motion by Mark second by Andy anyone have a question would you like to the clerk take the role Mr branck yes Mr martinello yes Mr randoo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes thank you there a future for you here okay consent resolutions and resolutions of the governing body be it resolved that the following resolutions herewith listed by consent having been considered by the governing body of the burough of walck are hereby passed and approved 2024 130 approval of consent 202 4 131 approval of minutes regular meeting April 9th 2024 policy votes a BFW post 1049 would like to request uh to clean up burrow Park and Veterans Park on Saturday May 4th from 9: to 11: as part of national VFW Day of Service B Donna Paladino and the Italian American Social Club of Waldwick request to use Pavilion a on June 9th from 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. for a botche ball tournament with alcoholic beverage is being served C the Waldo Public Library request to install a story walk along the walking paths in burrow park with the exact locations to be determined once Grant is received D Christopher Gilmore requests to use Pavilion a on July 14th from 11: to 5 for a birthday party with alcoholic beverages being served 2024 132 amendment to resolution number 2022 353 to authorize the execution of a grant agreement with the Bergen County Community Development block grant for boner Place sidewalk and Street improvements 2024 133 award a fair and open contract to DLS Contracting for approvement to Harrison Avenue in the amount of 100,000 24785 2024 134 award a non-fair and open Professional Services contract to drg Architects for roofing and HVAC replacement at the waldock police firing range in the amount of $48,990 2024 135 appointment of a full-time telecommunications officer Christian James Gormley in 2024 136 appointment of a perdm telecommunications officer Matthew Christopher Hillman 2024 137 release of vacant property um ES grow for 41-2 Tamron block 16316 lot 224 22 41.2 excuse me and 2024 138 payment of vouchers you have a motion in a second motion by Joe second by uh Andy on the question first of all number policy vote a what that is doing is we are having a WWI cleanup day they are going to be part of our cleanup day so really we don't really have to have a policy vote with that but we're just going to let it go because that we're all going to be working together for uh the cleanup day also um 2024 d132 what this is doing is we're swapping out Patrick wey as our administrator's name on everything to Stephen Neil's name who's now our administrator also 2024 d133 what that is is that uh we awarded the bid for the uh Harrison Avenue project project uh it is fully funded by cdbg and seven bids came in and that's all I have anybody else or take the road Mr brck yes Mr martinello yes Mr randoo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay we have public hearing two of them clerk count read ordinance number 20245 ordinance number 20245 an ordinance continuing the municipal open space Recreation farmland and historic preservation trust fund in the amount of what is it half a cent per $100 of assessed value until changed sorry anyone from the council would like to comment on this ordinance that was just uh read thank you mayor I just this is the open space trust fund that the burough has been collecting since 2004 this is just a continu it uh on the books anyone else if not I close the Public's comments I'm I'm sorry the council's comments anybody from the public would like to comment in his audience that was just read if not I close the Public's comments and ask for a motion in a second to pass this ordinance on second reading and that the clerk be authorized to advertise it in local legal newspapers as required by law motion a second motion by Mo second by uh Michelle CL take the role Mr brck yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay ordinance number 2024 D6 ordinance number 20246 an ordinance to amend chapter 32 animals to add article 6 Pet Shops of the revised ordinances of the burrow of Waldwick to prohibit the sale of dogs and cats by retail pet stores in Waldwick anybody from the the council would like to comment the that was just right just I'll speak on this is an ordinance to ban what the has become known as like puppy mills and that in the burrow there's proposed state legislation this mirrors the state legislation but instead of waiting for Trenton to act uh the burrow is being proactive and getting this on the books before because who knows what how long it'll take in Trenton and councilwoman Sak is very active with this she's a she's a puppy and a dog person and she wanted this to be done right away so that we could protect our little four-legged creatures anyone else I close the Public's comment uh the council's comments and ask anybody from the public would like to comment on this audience that was just read this is the question about U couple people in town that do rescues is that to do with rescue C there's 15 20 30 dogs C anything to do that the they sell them excuse me that's that's the whole point of the ordinance is so that people purchase them from rescues and shelters as opposed to a pet store thank you anyone else I close the uh Public's comments and ask for a motion a second to pass his ordinance on second reading and that the clerk be authorized to advertis in local legal newspapers as required by law motion the second motion by Joe second by Mike CL take the role Mr brck yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes we have two introduction of ordinances with the clerk kindly read ordinance number 2024 17 ordinance number 20247 and ordinance amending chapter 48 fees section 824a dumpster container permit escrow required an motion by Mike second by Joe anyone on the question with this is this just to to change the fee structure there there's no change in the fees this is really just to clean up the language um and the the only real change in this one is the fact that you always consider these escros at the council meetings but it's never been on the books so we kind of wanted to just kind of clean it up uh none of the escros have changed okay thank you anyone else CL take the role Mr branck yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes clerk kindly read ordinance number 20248 ordinance number 224-18 an ordinance amending chapter 82 streets and sidewalk use of this revised ordinances of the burough of walwick in its entirety motion and the second is in order to move and pass this ordinance on first reading and that it be advertised in local legal newspapers as acquired by law setting a public hearing two week from tonight's uh time or soon thereafter as the matter may be reached do I have a motion in a second motion by uh Mark second by Mike any one on the question with this what this is I'll start then you can help out no what this is doing is that a lot of times a lot of people have building materials they put in front of their house for the garbage to be picked up and it's hard for DBW anybody to pick it up you know concrete and all that stuff so what we're saying is that you could leave your garbage outside in the street pick up but there's all the stuff you have to get a dumpster and you have to have that stuff all put in the dumpster and there are fees for this and the dumpsters will stay there for three months and you can do all this stuff did I do it right well basically yes but it it it prohibits anything but the dumpsters to be on the street and you have to get a permit to do that and that's really what this kind of again cleans up the language of things that we've been doing but it it really did say that people could leave whatever they wanted to out there and so so that cleans that up and it also um you can't have any dumpsters or containers on the streets from December 1st through April 1 for obvious reasons snow removal so that's all that it does it's just cleaning up all the stuff we have anyone else CL take the role Mr brck yes Mr martinello yes Mr Rondo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay anybody from the council have any unfinished business anybody from the council have new business sir I just like to remind everyone that this weekend is the uh townwide um garage sale um for all the residents in town hopefully uh people can go around support each other's neighbors and get rid of their uh unwanted items and uh make it a successful day for the town thank you thank you anyone else yes yes Mr Mayor uh environmental committee met last Thursday um we had a member of the public uh bring up a good point regarding the public safety building uh why the cardboard is not contained and picked up by Gada um you know we we hold the residents to the same standard we should also hold by that for ourselves do we have a container for it or do can we get a container for it so that at least it's picked up by Gada or make does g pick it up from the public safety building yeah we're actually going to be reaching out to them on something else so we'll we'll add that to we'll include that on our visit okay um EPS collection was successful uh we filled three quarters of a 40- yard dumpster um want to thank everyone that came out uh was Joe's first uh first try at doing this so he did a good job can we keep him yeah we can keep him okay um there was a question regarding the tree ordinance in town if the environmental committee needs to help uh one of the suggestions that they mention that if we put some logic and writing in there saying that it has to be trees that are from New Jersey so that they're not evasive trees uh when people replace them uh if that could be added I don't know if that's part of the actual yeah so and actually met with the arborist on Monday afternoon um should have a draft out to all of you and then the environmental committee but what we decided to do is the NJ tree Federation every year releases an updated list of suggested plantings they're all native to New Jersey ones that'll do well and survive here so we kind of have it instead of actually having a list that we'll have to update all the time we just refer to their list that they update all perfect um last item was regarding Bergen County uh Hub met to discuss flooding on the Saddle River um I guess Bridgewood was the one that drove this uh meeting uh two weeks ago I guess they're the ones that are affected the most because they are further Downstream from the Saddle River and as everyone feeds into it it becomes a bigger and bigger problem uh the ask is is there any way that um we as a a council or mayor can bring it up at a some type of meeting to bring all the other Mayors in in line some of the suggestions were you know a rain Garden like we put in our property as uh suggestions for people so that we can mitigate all the extra water going down the river because as we know as it goes further down the river it gets worse so somebody down in uh in Loi gets hit the hardest uh Ridgewood is probably the closest to us um and one of the other questions I came up with with regards to a lot of dialogue has been going going on in brockland regarding the dumping of uh the overfill of a sore plant up that way how that's potentially affecting the uh the river and since the river does come through our town um if we've seen any spikes or anything with regards to um contaminants that's just an Ask that's all I have Mr Mar if you send me an email requesting what you asking of the mayor my next meeting in uh May we to bring it up on the new business okay right I will all right thank you let them draft the letter yep well just you know bullet points so yeah yeah whatever you feel yep they need to know oh trust me they they have a list oh good anyone else from the council if not anyone from the public would like to comment on anything please come to the uh Podium and state your name please Eric report since the last meeting we talked about sewer there was 22 trucks came through before uh four of them before 6:00 the rest before s and you know I don't we don't bust their chops a quarter to 7 but um on a Saturday three just lined up completely for a half hour just e going crazy and the smell odor starting again because of the W um have done you guys have asked for police I do get the dispatcher and the sergeant on call um twice the dispatcher had no clue who the sergeant on call was so and I know like I said I could see from my house and my neighbor right the first one going down the L you know when we call none of the officers go down to check head over I don't know what we could do number one that's one thing number one find out why the officer does not know who is on duty why I you know like I I'm not like I'm not going to throw anybody on you just asked us to do something so we are you know dispatch me and then also reach out to danubio again and just tell them listen we're supposed to arrange a meeting you you keep on pushing this off we need to meet because it's idling is going to have to stop because we could is there any way we could go after the authority these trucks you know you don't go after the trucks go after the authority mayor I think they did it a long time ago and you know and they they find them like $250 but really that's nothing for them in a way you know yeah so we'll definitely we have more followup I did reach out to the authority after the last meeting um we're just working on an actual sitdown meeting we're trying we're going back and forth with dates right now so we will have another sit down with them um I did also meet with the police to kind of go over their procedures um we have police reports so yes I know yeah I don't they are following up so I don't know if there's a discrepancy there so we could talk more on that and I'd be happy to follow up but we do have the logged complaints formally addressed by the police department so we could follow up some more on that Mr Mayor may I ask a question sure Mr leor when you call do you tell them that they're in violation of the idling yes okay first I said as as per you know when I come to the meeting that the uh Council said do this do that and U they're just sitting there I mean you can you know they're pretty big Titans I'm sure you see oh no no I understand because I mean if they're a violation of the idling then the trucks can be cited yeah the state law and we also have our own resolution I don't know yes so it would still um hold but the one issue that came up um is when the police get there they approach the truck the truck goes off so and that's I'm not defending anything but that's the situation that's really happening so it is difficult for them to site them at that point if they they turn the vehicle off well that's you have to tell theia yeah so that's really is there a legal issue there I don't know but we'll have to talk with the authority and really just they have to Rel relay the info to the truck drive the other thing uh mayor and Council I don't know if you've seen uh the uh car washed on Franklin fir uh Saturday we coming down from allenvale and uh going towards wal cars in that lane trying to make a left hand turn into the car wash and the tractor Trail was coming down and and the car was coming out where the bagel store is there a Valley and the thing is when they put that car wash there planning board was specifically and it was came here too there was not supposed to be any parking on Franklin ter to get into that car wash it's going to be I mean I'm I know I'm crazy but I don't want to see an action anywhere St Authority or there I mean if we the town can compos to State no left turn you know coming down where the old M the Green Building is the old M Ty building um no left turn into that barage again I don't want to see anybody get hurt and it was almost an accident the other day when Kola truck was coming right out of the Sewer Authority come I mean they're big and you know you got to stop for them and there's going to be again the planning board when they put that through was supposed to be no parking on Franklin C did you send Joe there did Joe's been there they see there's no problem now there's a problem I see there's no cars and then there is yeah no Saturday it went even past almost Sushi I I live right there and it every Saturday it's like that I don't want to disrupt anybody's business but if it was part of the uh planning Authority and the approval to not have a line there I thought when it actually first open it was supposed to be by appointment only yes um you correct so um it's a lot of beautiful cars don't get me wrong and it's not like we're bringing uh the drgs of society into Waldwick for that place it's bringing in Revenue to the town I want to see everybody's business do well but it is a very busy road there I mean Steve from Avenue printing how to put and the cleaners had to put you know customers can get in now then Jo tomorrow yeah thank you everybody thank you Eric anyone else uh Theodore sanso first of all and going through some of the videos on previous meetings I must congratulate the person that made a petition concerning the address the parking on Alexander and maybe the humming from psng that I think is a very good idea because it does one thing it improves the communication within the town people feel as if they have a voice second of all it eliminates somebody coming to any one of you and saying can you fix this problem I personally don't like how that happens I think if you want to have a change in the code have a petition I mean you may turn around he had one excuse me he had a petition yeah I know I complimented him uh okay what was I okay it prevents you from having somebody whispering in your ear and something happens and nobody else in the town knows what's going on all of a sudden we got an ordinance uh you should I don't know if we have something within the code that allows us that requires a petition for the change of code okay it's very similar to Amendment the Constitution okay within the Constitution you have a procedure on how to amend it I think it's a good idea to have a similar situation or procedure in changing our code okay and it just clears it up it's very opening to the public and it sounds great and just as a side issue on the comic side you know why Transformers h because they don't know the words that's 40 Years of electrician okay uh Mr bosang any word yet on the settlement from South Carolina any how much we going to get that's basically I don't know if you have the final number yet you may not and I realize everybody's got to do their arguing and their asking anywhere I do can I absolutely I it's it's ironic you brought this up I was on the phone this afternoon or yesterday afternoon with our Council to ask that exact question the way they explained to me the numbers are going to be generated is based upon the contaminant level and that's how it's going to be distributed so they do not have a a number yet to give us they we've asked them for it we should at least have I told them I'd like at least an estimate to present to the public but uh they're they're going to work on that but I I am following up with them to try and get this for everybody thank you very much uh also one other thing concerning recycling you know I work at the library I take the garbage out and I bring the recycles down to the recycle center in putting out the garbage maybe it was a month ago uh whoever's doing the shredded paper from here is dumping it into the garbage I know it's supposed to to the recycle center so that's one other thing that may have to be addressed your shredded paper is going into the garbage not to the dumpster which is we're required to bring shredded paper to the dumpster which I understand so it's that and last but not least I understand about the tree out in front of the library in your consideration is just me speaking because I'm the janitor there can I not have a flowering tree because you got flowering trees along the sidewalk now and it gets nothing more than tracked all over the library okay so if if possible whatever your choices are will you please consider something that doesn't drop a lot of we were going to put bamboo no that's not allowed it's not allowed well thank you for listening and please have a good evening you too anyone else oh my my way Watcher sorry baros I'm concerned about the pool right now when they refill the pool with water what water is going into the pool that's that's water right from the main right from the main we have an issue with water now right from the water now we got people going into the pool yeah we're not supposed to drink it but it happens they'll swallow it by it this happens what's the procedure what's the proced to be on that water is treated with chlorine and treated by chlorine doesn't treat for posos that's kind of where you're referring to it is the same water that's into the system the Coline is not going to purify because they said nothing will clear the water no it it will not kill posos so we're going in the pool with the the regular water that the the neighbors shower we shower with it you're taking a shower shower wash your hands yeah same water but he won't be washing your hands when you're going to pool you'll never know number two the striping along the bridge over white on whitef Avenue going over the railroad will that ever be restriped because this a those people are crazy out there they'll pull out they won't stay in a single Lane they'll take up both sides now we got two lanes of traffic approaching that bridge we have one car coming out of Harrison AV and you're taking up both lanes um yeah so actually that was part of our request to the county at the end of last year along with a bunch of their intersections I want to say about six to eight intersections um which they have agreed to restripe we did ask for that the bridge also they haven't gotten me back to me on that specifically they're waiting to pass their budget before they could um do their Road program their striping program so I'll follow up with them again and ask about that specifically um it should come along when they do the intersections but I'll have to I'll make sure okay thanks thank you anyone else if not do I have a motion to adjourn moot motion by Mark second by Andy all those in favor all those oppos