okay ready okay we're on this Mee is being held in conformance of the Sunshine Law notice of time date and place has been furnished to the Bergen Record and the rwood News notice has also been posted on the bulletin board of the administration building will the cour count take the role mayor Gano here miss sakola here Mr shatz Mrs here everyone finally stand for a pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all let us have a moment of silence for all our world veterans and all veterans across our country we have given the ultimate sacrifice of serving our country to keep us free so we could assemble the are tonight and since this is the last meeting of 2023 let us have a moment of silence also for all our WWI citizens to pass away this past year the clerk finally do to prayer dear Lord grant us your guidance and wisdom let this meeting be conducive to Unity and fairness and may our actions reflect our agenda that assist our Burrow's needs not our personal goals and needs in his name amen amen good evening everyone and Welcome to our council meeting the last council meeting for the year under my report just a couple of things I would just like to thank Kelly and uh paana and our uh administrator and everyone that helped with the uh tree lighting ceremony I I think it was a great success this year a lot of people were very surprised of what took place every year we try to make it bigger and better I would like to thank Terry for being with me uh there at the ceremony with also councilman uh elect brenick and also councilman elect Joe martinello also I would like to thank Miss Sherman and everybody who was with the manur lighting ceremony too which was on Thursday we've been very busy with Ceremonies for the year uh and it's a good thing because we get to meet our residents we get to hear hear from them and we get to enjoy their their company also um it is with deep regrets that I announced that on December 4th of this month Don chelero has resigned as a council member here in the B of w Don chelero sent a letter to our clerk as per the rules or the law of the state and um he just told us that he cannot give 100% of his to us due to work in other conflicts so he felt it was only in the right interest or the best interest to resign as as an councilman there's a rule there's a way of which we have to elect someone to take his place so I will let the administrator I'm sorry I will let the clerk tell us what that is so basically what happens uh when I receive the letter from the um council member the uh County Committee of the party in which that person was gets to select three names they have their own procedure where they um select three names and vote on those and then they um give those names to me and I provide them to the council and then the council has 30 days from the vacancy to make an appointment so um we will consider or the council will consider this appointment to fill this vacancy um at a special meeting on Tuesday December 19th um at 6:00 um so I'm going to need to do a resolution to advertise that special meeting um provided that's okay with everybody we can do it via Zoom some of us will be here but if you can't be here and you can call in or we can do Zoom if that's easier for people you can't do it at all I can't do it until 6:30 the 630 you want to do 6:30 okay right 630 that's fine with me everybody right 6:30 Tuesday 6:30 Tuesday the 19th Tu okay so just so everyone knows when this process started myself and the council have no control over it we don't know nothing what goes on what we know is there was a meeting three names are selected it was fed to the the clerk and as of I think yesterday the clerk told us who the three names are so now we have to do what we have to do to fill that vacancy am I correct that is correct okay so where's just going to need a resolution uh 2023 248 to advertise a uh a special meeting for Tuesday December 19th 6:30 pm um I will do zoom and uh in some of us will be here in person right okay uh so I se a motion and a second for that we have a motion and motion we have a second by pull all those in favor all the PO okay okay thank you also keep in mind that tonight we will our meeting does not end tonight we just walk away from the podium and or the day is here and it's picked up again at the reor meeting before the reorganization meeting we have the ending of this meeting in which we honor our outgoing Council we honor citizen of the year and then we will close the meeting then and then we will pick up our reor meeting in which everyone will be swor in that meeting will be on Saturday the second the first Saturday after New Year's which is I think the sixth it's the 6th at 12 it's the 6th at 12:00 noon here in the council and that's all I have to report fire and police protection Committee in sahola thank you mayor I was also at thee on Friday oh I'm sorry it's okay it was a great event and I wanted to talk about the fire department and please be involved as well um so beginning with the fire department since the last meeting they' responded to 21 calls for service the calls R from alarms carb monoxide alarms of gas motor vehicle accidents and mutual Aid requests last Friday night we assisted with the tree lighting ceremony and they noted that it was beautiful one of the best in years which I definitely agre with so thank you to everybody that that and made that event possible last weekend members assisted the Lions Club by escorting Santa around town and then this week kicks off the annual operation Santa event so residents that wish to drop off gifts for their family members it will be happening on Tuesday and Wednesday night iany between 6: to 9: p.m. Sant will then deliver all against this Saturday the 15th the officers and members of the fire department would like to thank the mayor council and town employees for all they do in the fire department especially for the purpose of the new tower ladder and lastly would like to wish everyone save healthy and happy holidays and new year for the police department on December 1st they completed mandatory domestic violence training on the third they attended the holiday for hero ceremony at the friend's veterans home and following the each town is presented with a reap for outdoor display which the chief sent me a picture it's outside here it looks very nice on the sth of the month they presented the 2024 he operating budget requests to the administrator and CFO on the 8th they assisted sadle River Police with the Rover and carth utility pools and wires were affected as was the morning hour traffic on the 8th they also attended the lighting the weather was a very nice event well attended negative event of the night was that the Grinch show the extension cord to the tree after was live I'm sure some of us saw that um it was quickly apprehended by the police department es from the scene there's a video on the police department Instagram any miss that on the nth Serge conducted DWI Patrol there were no arrests and in January Lieutenant will be attending the njsa C command and Leadership Academy starting in January wasel the United States Military Academy at West Point in collaboration with high experienced law enforcement practitioners and Specialists the class meets once a week for 13 weeks at the moris County Public Safety Training Academy in moris PL that's all thank you Public Safety Committee Mr Sherman thank pardon me uh thank you very much uh wall back run report for the month of November 2023 they answered 43 calls uh which were responded to by 18 members one member went on 32 of those 43 calls um 30 of the calls the ambulance was in route in under five minutes and the patients ages range from 1 to 99 years of age they took patients to ha Newbridge Medical Center and Valley Hospital 10 of their 43 calls were to the Bristol with a total of 80 calls year to date to the Bristol uh four of those calls were in the middle of the night with the earliest being 2:25 a.m. uh they did standby at the Christmas tree lighting ceremony held at Burrow Park um let's see their electrical issues are still ongoing um they trying an experiment to pinpoint exactly what's happening and they're looking at options to monitor the situation the electricians were unable to find the problem because it's sporadically happening but they're going to investigate ways to figure it out uh the wal that just mailed their fundraising letter for the month of December I'm sure you all received it in your mail um I asked you in the season of giving to consider donating to the wall bath um they rely solely on donations to purchase their ambulances and medical supplies to pay for their training classes and um I ask and they ask that you please consider a donation to them I know they're extremely grateful with any money they receive and they give it right back to the residents um let's see uh okay the ambulance cor is uh look looking forward to the renovation of their bathrooms and kitchen I'm sure those bids are coming back in um they're also keeping up hope for their Sprint car to be given to them at uh near the beginning of 2024 and um that's all I have now I'll have more later thank you thank you building and ground committee Mr sha thank you Mr Mayor um of all I attended the planning board meeting on December 6 and we had one application bision another resol the water treatment system we receiv the vocal Pip this we great we're moving along nicely the PIP is being inst around station and G the start the h a long and also bece that next week um we also had hson [Music] Public Health Office Space over here is Hasen their furniture and work towards finalizing the bids at that point then start they also have going now thank you very much since some resolutions and resolutions of the governing body department heads no oh I'm sorry you want to talk I don't know Steve's first administrator you like to talk I always like to talk we keep it quiet thought I was getting away with it there thank you Mar um just to touch on the pep public notice that went out it did hit mailboxes so you should have it um got a couple calls so if anyone has calls questions concerns please feel free to reach out to my office um I'd be happy to talk to you about it um we are in the middle of doing all of our budget meetings with all the department heads and different departments um which is going well so far so we're looking for to that're really going to dive in next month with everybody um starting in January um and we have a couple Awards on for engineering projects for malcol Street Pump Station you may have noticed there was some emergency repair work that had be done just after Thanksgiving that was taking care of the pump station back up and functioning properly but we do want to get um design work and Engineering started on a full rehab of that project which is why there's a resolution on for tonight and lastly I just want to end it with a special thank you to the mayor council of the community and especially Kelly and Tatiana for the work on the tree lighting this was my first tree lighting with Waldwick and uh I really enjoyed it my L it so it was a really special event so thank you all since Kelly has a lot to say I don't have a lot to say um resolution 2023 340 oh sorry Al's going to yell at me uh resolution 2023 340 is a place to place transfer for liquor land um uh we've received all the documentation and everything is in order for that transfer to take place um if you look at the resolution it will be effective December 29th and that's within um the time frame that the C this Council can um approve that uh Toys for Tots I want to thank all the residents who donated toys for the alale Waldwick PBA uh 2117 uh we had not just the barrel but we had toys overflowing so that was really nice and that was just here they also had a beenin over at police and that was also um filled uh the 2024 calendars are at the printers the good news about the 2024 calendar is that uh when you receive them they run January 2024 through January 2025 and we'll be doing that um as we proceed with all of our calendars so that uh if we are delayed in getting it to the printers you'll still have January to put all of your appointments on so it's just this year that you have have to kind of wait um I do want to thank the mayor and Council and our administrator for their support um again this year for the annual Christmas tree lighting at B Park um we do try to do something different every year and uh the HSE drawn carriage would really was amazing so uh we look forward to next year we already have ideas um that people have been giving us and our own ideas so we look forward to that event and I just want to wish everyone a happy holiday season and a safe and he healthy happy New Year thank you thank you um we forgot to thank Mr and Mrs Claus thank you very much who was uh who was there with us I think the kids had a very good time uh being asked questions by Mr Claus about uh what they want for Christmas and for what I understand is that when a lot of the kids young children were asked what they wanted they never asked what they want for themselves they always ask what they wanted for other people like my mother feeling better my cousin getting more gifts so it's it was good to here young kids not worried about themselves or worried about other people and I think that is a testament to the parents that are raising the children very well consent resolutions and resolution I'm sorry the attorney thank you mayor just real quick there was a hearing last Friday in South Carolina on the P settlement uh I'm supposed to touch base the attorneys that are handlings for us will touch base with me either later this week or next week to get an update um on that and then hopefully shortly after that there'll be some type of direction as to how funds can be distributed how they're going to be distributed how they're going to be split up in that whole uh that whole process so I'll have more information hopefully the in the the new year begin New Year that's all we do have one item for Clos s thank you thank you now consent resolutions and resolutions of the governing body be it resolved the the following resolutions here withth listed by consent having been considered by the governing body of the burough of Waldwick are hereby passed and approved 2023 333 approval of consent 2023 334 approval of minutes November 21st regular meeting and Clos session meeting 2023 335 award a fair and open contract to DLS Contracting Inc for improvements to Hudson AV and boner place in the amount of 281,000 28128 7.30 2023 336 awarded non fair and Open professional service contract to Bosell engineering for Evergreen Street to Hemlock and Bergen Avenue to Sharon avue for water main improvements in the amount of $28,000 2023 337 awarded non-fair and Open professional service contract to the L Conservancy of New Jersey for consulting services for an open space Recreation plan in the amount not to exceed $155,000 2023 338 endorsing resolution for the Bergen County Home investment Partnerships Grant 2024 project for the Bergen County United Way meline house house housing Partners LLC for Waldwick Supportive Housing 289 woff Avenue 2023 339 authoriz a shared service agreement with Northwest Bergen County Utilities Authority for Pump Station inspection services for 2024 2025 2023 340 approval of a place toop Place transfer of liquor license 0264 d442 d003 2023 341 approval of the council reorganization meeting for Saturday January 6 202 24 2023 342 authorizes special budget meetings various 2023 343 approval of the 2024 floting holiday 2023 344 cancellation of taxes for Block 163.05 lot 30 and 2023 345 payment of vouchers do we have a motion and a second to accept motion by second by four anyone have a question me yes um on on 2023 d336 the Evergreen and Hemlock work um how is that going to affect the brand new Paving that was just put down on that road are we going to repave the roads again because it we all know what happens when you dig up a road you always get a little sinkle um yeah we this is for the design so we're we're looking look at our options uh it looks like we will probably have to go on the road which means we have to trench it and pave it um we'd have to come up with the best option you know if that's half of it or just the trench what's going to work best unfortunately was just repa um but we are also looking into maybe going in in the curve line there in the grass strip um we just don't know if that's going to be possible yet until we get the full design okay um if we are going to dig up the road I would request if he paid curb to curb to alleviate any sink holes I mean the grass line would be the most ideal but if that's not possible um and then um 2023 d341 why are we doing that meeting on a Saturday you set it up what you want to we're doing on Saturday because you asked me to I did yes that's why okay we're doing it on Saturday oh the reor meeting you mean oh I'm sorry yes because what's happening is uh you're coming off of a holiday and uh to have a meeting right the next day is kind of hard to do anything like that and we fa to give everybody enough time to to get all the schedule in order okay is that a problem [Music] uh the reorg by law has to be in within the first seven days so yeah yeah it's just we never have a meeting a public meeting on a Saturday and I wasn't expecting that so I'll have to do some rearranging thank you anyone else CLK take the r pleas Miss arola yes Mr shatz yes Mrs Sherman yes public hearing with the CL count read ordinance number 2023 22 ordinance number 223-228 fee section 91-12 point2 vehicles and traffic paid parking fees any from anyone from the council would like to comment on the go that we just read what this is as we talked about last week this is Park Mobile who uh increased their service fees to 10 cents so we have to amend our ordinance so we have this part of the interest that's all the is anyone else anybody from the council would like to comment in this ordinance that just read public I'm sorry the public if not I close the Public's comments and I ask for a motion of second to pass this on second reading I the be authorized to advertise it in local legal newspapers as required by La for a motion a second motion by Paul second by Katie Lord please take the RO Miss sakola yes Mr Shotz Mr Sherman yes we Have No introduction of ordinances anyone from the council have any unfinished business yes yeah um I didn't mention it during my report but I just wanted to say how lovely the manora lighting ceremony was with the singers and um everyone seemed to have a fun time it was fun to see uh our residents celebrating their Jewish Heritage and um even people who aren't Jewish were there and we all had a great time uh and congratulations on on the tree lighting in burrow Park the horse drawn carriage uh was just a home run and I congratulate you on beautiful event I had a wonderful time and it looked pretty the entire uh walking path from the pool was lit with luminary bags and it just looked so pretty with they were reflecting on the lake and you just walked up to the lights of the park it was really very very very pretty so thank you for all the work on that uh I also wanted to congratulate the uh walck Lions Club on their successful um delivery of Santa around town they were showing him every street in walwood and showing um him where all the little children live uh it was fun to see a bunch of my neighbors were out on our driveways waving to Santa um it's always a fun time when he's coming down the street just brings you back to being a little kid waiting to Santa uh and then a children's Christmas party was held in this room where the Lions Club provided uh free gifts for all the children of Waldwick who came here so I want to thank the Lions Club for their generosity thank you thank you any other unfinished business nope no business anybody from the coun have anything new business uh this is me I kind of touched on this when I spoke before the only reason this is under new business was it was on the original agenda then um I pulled it um met with the CFO and then we added it back on so that's why it's just under new business otherwise it would have been with all the other resolutions but this is just for the design and Engineering of the M Street Pump Station we have done just need a motion in a second have a motion in a second motion by Paul second by Katie anyone have a question if not please take the vot Miss sarola yes Mr shatz yes Mrs Sherman yes okay no other new business from the council anybody from the public would like to comment please come to the microphone only state your name for our rec please good evening John um question about Mr Sherman mentioned the um the Bristol had 80 calls uh for this year wasn't one of the agreements correct me if I'm wrong but when we approved this way back when weren't they going to handle their own ambulance services we spoke wasn't that part of the deal we pulled the we pulled the ordinance or the resolution and I've been in contact with the uh the director of that facility and spoke with Joe about this also about what's going on um what we're doing is in the New Year we're having a new meeting but it seems that's a major concern with some residents that 80 people you know this here well it's just the C well we are going to uh look into this and uh I spoke off of the administrator about a short a little bit because you know just came here but uh we are going to speak with them about it as I said I spoke with them and they didn't get back to me and then I called again and then they get back to me and finally they reached out to me and that they'll uh talk about us in theia they do make donations to the ambulance for as they said so I don't know what that means but I'll find everything out and I'll be more than happy to share it with everybody in the IM okay thank you very much thank you excuse me mayor would the uh ambulance CP be invited to that meeting no just me okay because the ambulance cour never complain so I'll find out what's going on and then I'll let them know right are you leaving or you coming Al Merry Christmas to all you have a families stay healthy can I us you I want to gratulate public work part doing a fantastic job every year they do no doubt my mind when I wake up in the morning I hear beep beep beep that road is going to be so clean that can you might laugh but I'm tell you it is perfectly clean they do a great job and I want to present them thank you thank you anyone else stand up uh I'm concerned about what happened with the rollover on 17 because I am concerned that people's vehicles in their garages were robbed to Vehicles according to news report and whatnot any advice from our Police Department or the council for our citizens to be protected please I'd like to hear what has to be done so our citizens are protected I don't think our the citizens are not protected I'm not saying they are AR I'm saying that a lot of people say put your car in the garage and sloted and whatnot and thieves are still getting through so maybe there's something more that has to be done I've read the newspapers also and listen to the advice that's been given out and apparently these people were listening to the advice they was had a break into the house to get the peys now uh does the PD have something to tell us that's what I'm after I don't want anybody here in this time getting hurt I will reach out to neither do we I'm you we will reach out to the police department I'll have the administrator reach out to the police department tomorrow and could you have him make a statement to us he could send it to me and then I will send it to Mr s okay okay I would request the whole town gu we will give it to you first thank you thank you anyone else backwards which and it's not supposed to it could it could be called it that way they do it in West Point and they do it at all the the briefings that the president and everyone have we will we will look into it and we'll we'll fix it if we have to thank you is that all you want to talk about yes good I'm glad anyone else if not do I have a motion to go into to close motion by Katie and second by Paul thank you everyone and have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year you and your