okay we're on we're on y got yep um so just to continue I think we're we're down to OEM right now emergency management there's really only one thing to note there there's been a request for uh some vehicle equipment which is just a truck cabinet for the new vehicle that was purchased last year um $5,000 you know seems like a legitimate request but I just want to note that is in there what did the truck have um it's just to fit in the back of the vehicle and VAR storage open yeah ex yeah like a rack system just you know for equipment for need there's an emergency yep so that's really kind of thing this year um wvac so one thing to note there with walvac and fire um there has been requests from each Organization for U clothing allowance increase so I just wanted to put that out there this does not have this budget does not have it included in there um so it's just kind of something for discussion you want to yeah so for both of those um kind of in column H you'll see that essentially I just put what they spent last year right um rather than like the walvac spent 21,000 kept it at 21,000 uh fire spent only 156 so rather than bump it to 20 I just kept it at 156 just a little background on that with wvac um it's a flat amount that they get um we pay them their clothing allowance and whatever is left Contrition okay so you that's notal that's not what they actually spent we had for a while so we take insurance payments 21 as well as we ended up this year spending about $9,000 yeah they don't their budget's 21,000 yeah and they only this year asked for one Capital item for pagers seems like a pretty fair request M okay but is everyone good with the fire uniforms was why do they justify why they need more it was 15 we budgeted last year 20 we spent 156 and we just the the other thing with the closing fire bance is um am and am never know add okay so 20,000 is ordinance we have an ordinance that says 20,000 yeah it caps it at 225 but it caps it but we can so we can go up to that we can play go up to it but they they got 156 this year they used theyed 15 156 next year so yeah and and listen I think that uh again I'm I'm I'm hearing this given to understand that even there there are some checks going out to somewhat inactive uh fire uh how are they reporting the numbers are they using the Nippers report which is the actual official state um documentation that goes to the state of New Jersey as to response time speak to that I I get a report from the chief basically shows percentages I because I used to do it when Gary was here and I gave him exactly what was the real numbers and that caused a lot of trouble but as far as I was concerned it's a document it's a legal document and if it gets you know cross cross referenced against what goes to the state no one can ever argue it so I don't know if that's how it's being handled but I think that's something that needs to really be looked at and I I would I would push back and ask about that but I would leave it at 156 yeah 156 is a yeah leave it at 15 six and it'll be my Todo to find out uh how they are uh based on that report that they give you a little cion no no thank you Andy um way they're going they throwing out members so they don't have to worry about new members they're they're decreasing in size I think um the Andy the training is is another one listen I I I understand um along those same lines the the training budget more than doubled and I'm just trying to understand that one yeah so that all right we could jump around wait did you not want to talk about the safety equipment yeah where's that that was something that I brought up yesterday yeah and you have also remove assistant chief um yeah that's right so we we'll jump into the fire department oh okay oh I thought you going all the way down no okay oh no yeah yeah um so a couple things to not just in contracts first initially I think even yesterday when we had met that was higher um 7500 was actually taken out of that originally we had accounted for that was the um amount if they were to switch to County dispatch services so they put that in there and their original request we're not going down that road so that's that was pulled out so that actually dropped that line down pretty significantly um from what we originally showed you guys then uniforms we just talked about um um can I stop and ask a question about that um the reason why we're not going county is is it a financial savings or what well it's just a much bigger discussion um because it would affect operations on our side um the county to be honest from my perspective I actually went toward the facility heard them out they admittedly said they're not quite ready to take on New Towns yet and this was just for fire so there when to be honest right now trying to get new towns in and involved so they're in this weird space where they need new towns to sign on before they could hire more dispatchers to cover the need so the feeling there is a little bit uneasy right now that they're actually ready to take on any T but I thought it was a cing it would Bey yeah so for just fire it would be a little bit of cost savings um add in the benefit because in some of the research I did back in November talking to other towns that are fully with the county they are not happy at at all with the the level of service they're getting they're having a lot of problems and one of the issues is once you switch over to County you cannot come back out because you switch all your equipment your frequencies over to them and then you're pretty much stuck so you had a bad experience to come back out they regret so what I think I'm hearing is that it might be a it might be a cost savings for us down the road once uh once the county gets uh technically speaking yes but I think it would be in our best interest improve their services be a safety issue for us we don't know what's going to happen yeah I was just uh I just wanted more information about got certain people pushing Steve just to be objective with it is there any way to calculate what the savings would be yeah I think we could get I'll get a more solid number just one in my head but I don't I'll get you because if it's like $500,000 it's different if it's $5,000 it's you know what I'm saying in the grand scheme I want to say it's like several thousand so it's fairly insignificant for that big of a move you're talking about totally Shifting the your you get Radio Systems in there yeah the pagers would have to be upgraded which was included for ,000 Logistics behind it side if it doesn't work it doesn't work right corre so you know and I mean I'm all about to say the money but if the system is not mature enough yet to accommodate all of the the towns that looking for and I don't know and are the cost based on the current model so if they have X number of people as they incorporate more and more people does that cost go up because they're County people they're not going to be making chump change and I know well they're trying to increase the salaries too to attract and retain problem with those dispatchers you know nationally Statewide is retention so and I know just quick note there's some other things at play Within the region there is another regional service that is available to us that's a higher cost so it's something that would really have to be explored detail Steve I have a question it's not highlighted but more than a quarter of the contract cost comes from sell other for iPads for 3900 what does that cover so um for my understanding it's all the the data plans for the iPads in the bra it's talk fire yeah yeah yeah that's 99% of that is just that yes so when you go out when you go out out of the firehouse you know not only where you're going but what you're going to see when you get there where is there a hydro where is there a secondary water sour mhm uh height of buildings perhaps uh everything's Encompass there as long as they get the correct address they're in pretty good shape yeah then with the ebat dispatch system as people go on they click that they're going to be responding so you know your Manpower as well Tak a lot of have a che vehicle clean we what doesn't leave his Drive why is it get clean so that was a carryover could explore yeah I mean if it's not leaving his driveway which is a known fact yeah getting the new one last year maybe no is that from Co cleaning Chief's vehicle $1,500 if it doesn't leave his driveway why are we paying $1,500 to have it clean but don't they clean the trucks and everything at the firehouse I'd like to know what the $1,500 is going to are we paying APC to wash it Car Wash yeah but what do they wash when they don't use it I think we should revisit the fact that we have two on the road as well um two no two and Driver two well that's what I'm saying I go out for a walk every day and I see one parked in the same spot every single day so um it may get it may get better use if it's on the road more in which case we'll pay for the car washes right yeah maybe maybe that could be the detective's car ,000 small dollar there's a lot of soap in there soaps $2,000 so got to pay more money for R but the budget was the budget was $2,000 last year so I think what we have to do is you have to have a conversation about what's going on with your vehicles why is the carh being done why are Vehicles staying on your driveway why are they not on the road why if you go to work if the vehicles there are not on fire they this number I think it's a larger discussion I agree very lar yeah and um what we were told in the beginning not being done now and the plan is to follow up with them soon we're trying to have that as part of our kind of OEM discussion we could we could follow up together on that one if you want to follow up I'd be happy to I mean I'm not picking but the thing is oh I am picking the residents should not have to see cause in the driveway when they fire the I agree and the safety equipment was the one I had the question on so do we just not buy safety equipment last year just actually at the end of dece okay so it just is an updated literally just signed the PO yesterday actually reached out the problem with the okay was it 6,000 was it like a full 6,000 I I'm pretty sure it's that full amount I'll follow up the exact cost that you get just let me know that just okay and I guess while we're having the discussion with the fire department on the training as well yep so that one they said they just ordered new harnesses so the training is to cover the training on the new equipment what's a harness so there's different types yeah um we have a ladder truck in town anybody goes on a lad truck has got to be harnessed um and it's it's much the same as a it's along the same lines of of a mask okay that mask is your mask this harness is your horness yourness okay and it's it's fit to you okay some are larger than others but yeah I just flaged I just I just flagged any item that was greater than 100% no no not at all 100% increase you're not a you're a t-shir fireman doesn't count yes doesn't count okay that's the answer okay can I ask you a question Bud um this training is like thir year right unfortun the answer was I don't know but I'll find out because we should put in the bud what okay I'll find out I don't know yeah but definitely for this year new piece of equipment so bu police why we going 150 to 400 what's different um what's different is they just haven't utilized the full amount we recent years wello we're actually dropping it it's going from 800 to 400 oh I'm sorry I didn't see that yeah um and that was even you know they only spent 150 but there was a request for some uniforms vests things like that so we kept selling is does that does that money um filter through the chief's account from the town correct or is there a separate line item if you will for the fire police so this is in their their operating budget Fire operating budget which the chief has the ultimate say over and the fire Poli the chief controls the fire Poli but it's a separate line item for fir polies M the fire chief is the one that makes the decision so it's all within his budget and he can discretionally move it from one line item to another within the budget that he's allocated yeah I mean you say move you could charge to a different line as like if he wanted to buy gloves for the Department because he didn't have any money for that he could reallocate that money from the fireplace to buy the gloves what we tell departments is that you know if you weren't budgeted enough in a particular line item still charging for that line item will be prepared to explain why you went over rather than play games you know moving to money um so you know that should only have fire but so whatever they buy in the fire police should be going to the fire police correct else to see it if it's not so if they overe expend that that line I mean ultimately at the end of the year if they spend you know overspend their whole budget by 400 it would yeah um so we could skip down yeah fire prevention's pretty easy there was one little change we cut it down a little bit they had a request for a new computer system um would actually streamline things in that department so um we want to keep you know some money in there um and that's also for iPads for inspectors and things like that they should also be coming online with Edmonds through the same module um as a construction code it's all inspection based so they should fit within that also and just note that it says vehicle computer equipment technically that's where uh vehicle money has been budgeted that none of that money is for title right fire um street street and road maintenance traffic paint hardware supplies we kind of kept where it was it was a little higher um last year we actually think so the utilization number is a little higher just because things were just charged to a different line um you know some some things for water might have come out out of there so I think that's where that difference is we feel good about keeping it pretty healthy though at 175 just anticipating some more traffic the dra BAS F did we confirm was that just paid out of capital we think out of capital and water just kind of yeah charge to a different line so we're just going to keep it at 8500 keep it there yeah and we'll just make sure that it gets Char gets charged we'll try and clean that up make sure things are being charged to the proper lines and hand tools again you know last year they just might not have had the need or it might have gotten charts you get the line again might have gotten order some of the tools but talking to them they would like to that in there just in case obviously you never know when shovel is going to break like that so that's pretty fa the CDL training everybody is everyone DW has so no we have one who's in school still right now and we have one that is very close done with the schooling and looking to take we have apologies about the time frame uh yes can everybody follow so we we we don't have an adopted I don't think we have a formally adopted ordinance or resolution on how to deal with reimbursement for certain things and we've had issues in the past where there was a he said she said scen you know scenario so it after we get through the budget it may be something we want to revisit I think yeah I think including something like that in the policy would be a good idea um kind of along the lines I think I mentioned this before just with any type of education if you take a class and you know it fits the role of the job good but a certain time limit on that deci to leave us with a license and we want that yeah time leave right away I mean that's uncommon in any industry both public and private right we don't have anything on the and that could be something in our employe not not specific not specific to okay so we'll do an ordinance yeah I was just at a session we discussed this and they did say that those agreements are very hard to enforce it's always good to they did recommend having them on the books but just know if you say someone leaves within two years they pay 50% back you might not always get that money back but it's still good to have it on on the sure and I think the dispute this case was the individual was expecting 100% reimbursement whereas the burrow was expecting a 50% reimbursement and just laying that out clearly I think is going to avoid any future that was a misinterpretation on the administrator ex exactly but without it in a policy it's it's open to yeah yeah I agree question I know there's different types of ways you can do it too like taking the class wor and then passing the test that's there's different reimbursement rates yeah I know too because otherwise if you never take the test right why are you taking the class if you're not really yeah so yeah and there's things you know you might might give them one shot at the test if if you don't pass the first time like we're only going to pay for one time time I have a question on the boots and gloves that one is like $2,300 less utilized than what we budgeted for do we need to budget for that much money 229 de yeah so that and correct me if wrong but that's budgeted for the max amount that's yeah so I I keep track of their spending but not every DPW member always uses their allotment it's up to them to really buy stuff and we reimburse them okay thank you um going down to snow removal so actually maybe should have highlighted that one but that was one that Colleen and I kind of looked at and felt pretty okay about cutting that back from 2023 you have a snow trust where some of that get made up but still you want to have some there you never know what Winter's going to bring so I I have a question the New Jersey transit property is there do we own do we get a a fee from them when we plow it or is there a no we're required to maintain the we're required that's the deal we have with them that's the deal okay we're working on a new deal with them but that was still be in there we'll still be yeah okay responsibility um skiping down there's not much we could go into Solid Waste it's all contractual obviously there's some increases there we're all fortunately aware of so we're we're contracted with them for five years right and we can is it five years or three I can't remember five years this is year two we're starting now year two so we should expect for the next four modest increases but in year five they could hit us with another 4,300,000 increase last year when we went through this exercise we we agreed that we would at the very least to be objective look at what it would cost if we brought that inhouse and it's going to take several years to get that operational so hopefully we can start to revisit that this year there'll be some capital capital expenses some potential employee costs but I mean this is yeah it's half a million dollars so you know we should reach out to the county county one one time we had a ma meeting with the share service director and he was saying that the county if we're willing to but maybe we should reach out what about composting that's my environmental hat keeps coming back 30 to 40% of our waste is compostable if we had some type of program that we did in house we can potentially offset that number by 30% by wait by wait uh we just had a meeting the other day and one gentleman one household is generating close to 2,000 lb so one ton what's that and we have what 4,000 residents approximately so if you say on average that's 4,000 tons at $90 a ton that's $360,000 a year potentially if we put a program in what's compliance like with residents though on something like that though you probably get what 5% 10% that follow it I'm certainly not gonna dig through my trash and separate no not after it's already done different models there's different models I mean yeah so he knows he can be perfect person to talk about too there's different models there's the old way you know everybody just green items your vegetables now a lot of these uh outsourced companies will take anything that is biodegradable meat bones anything so if you were to take your trash and just say okay I got another trash can so I got a recycling can I got my garbage can which you can't take and then the other stuff that it's just another bin and then you have a collection system where you collect it and you drop it off or you have the people drop it off some programs will utilize a a a key point where you drop it off or other towns will pick it up um the towns are finding it's very cost effective problem right now is the the Outsource companies that charge you it costs more than than throwing it out but if you go and do some type of program where you know you look at it you know Steve and I talked about it I mean we have that big place down where the where the leaves go and we got that's our property um there's grants available that you might be able to get the initial startup done and then you have well then and that just assuming if you just throw it there and you eliminate your waste the other thing is it potentially could be a source of income because the the material is actually got value yeah so even if that offset your your cost to collect the revenue that that generated you're still almost positive just under $400,000 a year that's huge really yeah yeah see you might do it now oh I won't but if everyone else then then it'll came and picked it up I appreciate but I mean again that's making you're I'm talking about on average if you say on average it's two now a home that's got four people and they might generate 4,000 pounds I didn't think and it's the right thing to do it's worth to look at I think it's something we should look at at yeah to seriously look at it because I think it's got potential I mean it's a big it's a big big and the other thing that you could always think about is if we do it here does it open up the opportunity that you could bring other towns in and process it and now you're generating income from other municipalities then maybe we get a zero net on our disposal cost any downside to it smell smell we already have smell okay first of all we well just blame it on the S did I say that no it's going to be I mean you're on record an it's Anor robic it's an Anor robic um the thing is it gets so hot it really you get those piles up that you if you went to a place that has this in the winter time those piles are probably close to 100 to 150° so it's cooking even in the win even in the winter time so even so well very no this very top of line put it somewhere like the mold would there's different systems out there where where you could have very large if you had vast open space just put it out in a big field and have huge piles there's other systems that it's it's a Vortex system where you really need just a small plot of land like a less than a quarter acre of land right simple asphalt then basically you just cover it a shrink big rubber mat um and it Cooks it even quicker so processing is actually quicker it contains the smell we should put in I think so he's got a lot of P property yeah how much property your a pool pool give me your Cabana house when you barue you can smell it so it's just an option that I think you know wor while exploring definitely worth I would see it as like two phases one is just the processing collection is lot to work out if you got something in place then you would look at the actual marketing of it and how to do profit right but one of the issues with food was just in New Jersey is they're trying to push it there's nowhere for it to go correct so the state's pushing it but they don't have the facilities to process so that's where so we think it could reduce roughly 40% of our waste costs I would I'd rather I'd say 30 all right so we're looking like potentially could be as high as 40 but I would say because people like yourself that don't want to do it uh the odds are that the 30% number is probably more realistic the model average CI well you got Jo yeah but I think it's like else it's ifch it catches on and I think as you see more younger folks they're very top of mind that you know we have to live here um piles are getting larger and larg and we're running out of space to get rid of waste Dave zakowski how much he does and he's just doing vegetative waste I know I think it's a great idea so one possible thing too that we've kind of talked about Loosely is there's pilot programs out there available that are going on in some other towns in the state to just gather data purely from data collection to see kind of what you actually pull out and how people respond to the program so for I would say maybe a few thousand dollars say you get 50 to 60 households to sign up for this pilot program which would be a drop off program you know the town could subsidize it or charge a fee to participate in minimal you know maybe $40 $50 for six months right and then you collect all that data how much food waste you actually collect from those people add it up and you could put some numbers together to get better idea you be want to be in the pilot I think if and then facility if you if you got restaurants to sign to to buy into it too technically in the state of New Jersey there is there is a law that states that they are supposed to as Steve alluded to there's only one facility you have to be within 25 miles of it right it's in the middle of nowhere so nobody utilizes it okay they put it's typical they mandated a law they nobody's within 25 miles of it correct correct okay so then you don't have to do anything correct right okay sounds like a St yeah sounds like a good oh okay so but they could I mean but then theoretically if we started something the the the businesses could be included in it too right yeah yeah and with the business now but with a business you can charge correct so you can charge that's what I that's that was kind of my end game and it would be and I mean I look at it this way if their tipping fees are 50 every time they tip we said we'll charge you 25 yeah um for them it's it's easy for them to get involved because they're like hey it's going to cost me half of what I'm paying right now and they probably generate the most but right now we don't see that because yeah we don't see that it's a private it's privately handled so pull some information together maybe come up to that formal pitch yeah so I think is if if I to summarize there were three things so the first was maybe speak to the county about them doing trash collection see what their policy an alternative is what would our costs be and what are the logistics if we were to do it and then the composting we do it the right of course yeah so we're looking at yeah so I think if we look at all of these no I got go you know look at all Kelly no Kelly fell and busted her nose running okay com what we already out I think if I think if if you want anything like that to be successful we'd have to pick up we'd have to subsidize pick up for res I don't think so yeah what you do break yeah yep running where are you all right I'll be right there okay bye sorry we need the ambul get it right away should go a public public uh buildings and grounds yeah um we'll jump down to public buildings and grounds so just a real quick couple things to you know cont contracts we like to keep that high just in case there's increases things pop up you know the same with building maintenance maintenance on all the buildings um you know we wanted to keep fairly healthy I see in one of your scenarios you dropped it down which I think would be fine you know there was a couple ideas for this year as maybe painting you know th Hall Lobby working on some of the office spaces actually could use a spru up at this point so just keep that in mind I think it is an area where we like to have some cushion but also an area that we could work with I think the type of pent scaff contract okay building sometimes it's just too much with like scaffolding and things like that yeah yeah know they paint the building is over old yeah complim alls main yeah when we had the meet the Jersey stainable meeeting here the other night a lot of the towns that were here they complimented how nice this room is we have to touch how the color the colors were nice and how were nicely updated and yeah so I I you know proposed 135,000 for that line item just just assuming that it could go a long way I so what what did we spend you know do we have a sense for how we utilized the 130 last year yeah I think it would just it's you know this is this is a you're going to hear this probably from all of us every year right but this is the year where we need to be very like careful and just because of the reassessment and what we're trying a lot of residents feel like they're being they're being cooled in three different directions between us the school and the reassessment so you're looking for a print out on the which one I just I'm trying trying to understand I don't even just how did we spend the 130 and is it reasonable to expect that we could spend 135 and get everything that we we wanted done with that buet do they do do we do preventative maintenance on a lot of the items like the HVAC and things like that their contracts where they do PMS on those yes there is now the Police Department fire department they're all in good shape they can use some improvements yeah the the roofs we're actually we seem to be in good shape for I mean areas of the police have been done like there's some upgrades I think more cosmetic upgrades I think some painting and carp painting here also not here not this floor I think you should yeah I think the office SP use some work attention so we'll get more details on that same same repairs the vehicles which is just below it trying to understand you know how did we spend 186,000 on repairs do we really need to add it add 10,000 to it yeah again that just kind of another line we like to keep healthy for just in case and just to note on some of these this was an area where I believe we had some significant transfers to other lines where we were short because other areas were pretty lean okay all the vehic yeah just whether 2023 was a heavy year or Lighty year with uh repairs I think is really the level of detail out there yeah I I just have a question I want to go back for a second What fields do we paint for $6,000 where is it's under it's under Building Maintenance field soccer and lacrosse field well that'ss what we've been told the only one that uses now is Warriors FC which is a Club program so I don't see why we should pay for paying their fields um is that no put belman is a cross rapael is uh he doesn't run anything I thought he he doesn't do he helps oh okay but the FC is U Brian dodwell and uh Mike uh Gabriel Gabriel yeah mik Gabriel and they have nothing to do with the burrow they have not anything to do with the burrow and why are we doing it that's the question so that's kind of one thing we are starting to look into this year is kind of some formal agreements and maybe changing the keys for some of these on our property use to field so you know field maintenance if we want to provide that then it should be included in some some yeah I mean I mean when met with them obviously it's way off topic but that you know they complain about uh the quality of vets field there's still problems there with the drainage and um some of the grass it's is gone in some of the areas where they use it heavily they're the only organization that uses that field heavily now re says they don't use it it's just the the travel soccer organization and then their other area that is probably underutilized right now because of the field quity quality is trapan and that supposedly is Board of Ed property but we pay to maintain it so that program that that fed field they're charging people to use the field they get money they charge kids a lot of money and we're getting nothing we get nothing and and weing and we striping we got look that we already started those meetings absolutely I mean that you know what it's for our residents to be a different story but this is for people that they are residents let let's put that yeah there but it's a club it's not like a private organ yeah it's a private club you have to join whereas it's not the school kid right okay all right we look into that one understand we're paying double Midland part right roughly um yeah I wouldn't go into detail over ear contracts necessarily I would I would like to renegotiate that how do we pull them in and so we in the early process of that right now so that was they wanted a three-year contract we actually pass for one year so we kind of have this year just because of the timing we really had to move forward um but I think that's a big area where we can explore all our different options and negotiate some different committee that okay have a committee to look into other options we have some leverage right now uh and we should use it absolutely okay and on a different note uh what the conversation you had with them they want to meet with us I've thought about it and I'll we'll meet with them as long as they give us what we're asking for with the money which they haven't done yet you tell us why we're spending that much money then we meet you know how we feel you know what we want from you you know you got to give us us a little bit before I down you can't keep on asking and they give us nothing I might be out of line but I don't think so yes so we did request some details over the services how they got to the numbers that they're providing us we haven't received those detail yeah we kind of got their formula sheet but there was no numbers plugged in so there's some questions hanging out there that were're still pursuing with them as you can see you know they combine register our services their nursing services us to be broken out and build separately right they lumped everything into one contract so it makes it even harder to kind of go line by line and really see what Char what is the nursing service what is the nurse do that's the one that does the baby CL and then the regist how many people participate in that so for the for the registar the mayor had asked um me and Tatiana if we would be if we would take that on and take the training and state state exam and become the registar and the deputy registar and we said said that we would do that so um because if you look at the reports since I've been here I mean it's minimal of what they do for register we don't have a funeral doar we we we don't have a hospital we don't have it's it's so minimal and they're charging us really an arm and a leg so they don't have many M certificates coming out I know that for a fact yeah because he's doing you know most of them so it's very minimal if you were to look at those reports going back you would see that the registar services are pretty minimal they might be doing a little bit as de certificate but the thing is not that many people are dying in their homes in W yeah it's still not a lot it's really not a you know the training wouldn't be a burden for you it wouldn't be yeah we could do it we have we actually have those numbers now that we're getting the monthly report so we're seeing what's coming nothing yeah anyway so that thank you we're working on that we have a year kind of we have long year to do that cuz I had a question about like all their breakdowns too that they have those like little nickel and dime things the ledge assessment Terminex and that's something we kind of flagged as we have to really physici fees for the child health conference that should be split between all the yeah if it's that's continuing ed for their folks then right and they're not really spending General Building mainten so the way the child so the child health clinics um there's a yearly um admin registration fee it's $125 it's been that since before I was here right um if a child goes and has um vaccinations it's $20 and then if it's a um exam and even if it's an exam with um vaccinations it's $35 that's the total so um and then I just build the towns that those fees but it certainly is not en you know encompassing what is being charged yeah so you know at the very least the admin fee would need to increase um I'm not sure who sets the I haven't looked at it who sets that rate that it's 20 and 35 you know I don't understand why you're the one billing I don't know yeah if it's that one of the other things we're exploring as well then they have a fee in there for stigma free yeah they they have not got that organization off the ground we haven't done anything with s Tri question them about that I even went to the yeah I mean it's nice to have because it's a yeah every town has no look it's hurts to be shabby but I don't know my I guess my question was is that what the stigma free the $1,500 is that what's supposed to be used for outreach or is that what's what the for when they do a program Stig free name no when they do a program they do give away stuff okay they haven't done it yeah because I went to the luncheon last spring I there was nobody there I was the only person there from walwit you and the nursing the nursing Services they had they combined it with the total because they now have outsourced that to Valley so we don't even have a our own public health nurse supervisor anymore okay big something we really um and we do have a meeting scheduled so for Board of Health up we could ask them Splat out now what is this meeting with the with the two Commissioners we'll set it up I'm still back and forth now us is that the one we f up yeah well I I I well I don't mind going to a meeting with them but before I have a meeting with them I want to know give me total for what we're asking for then we then we'll sit down talk just they have to realize that whatever they want to talk about it's not going to change here room don't yeah that's that's off the table already that's what I mean L right now over yeah I want to know what that why we pay in full disclosure I Sit On The Board of Health in the town I live in last year I was the president I think I'm going to be the president again but so I've been doing this for a number of years um and we have a really good shared uh Health Service with uh Wayne um that we do so I have a little bit of good you'll be on yeah I think you told me that already tired yeah no that's that that's one thing that we have to look into I mean it's like years ago when we had the promt with the SE auor figured it all out and we would be in charge a lot and things with the priests we got to look at this same way so mayor then at the very least before we even sit down with them should we request oh I'm not going to sit down with them until they give us what why we pay what pay I I I told Steve to arrange a meeting but now I've thought about it for the last couple of days and you know you you're not giving us the information we need so why should we sit down and talk to give us what we need we have it and then when we sit down we'll know what we're talking about but if you're going to come and talk to us about a room don't come and talk to us about that because the council already decided it's not beneficial for us can we give them a deadline to provide this info CU what if they just walk Us in like six months and never give it to us yeah you're right we we'll give them a set date if they don't just they AR they're not they're not private it's not a private are they semi-private okay the the other leverage we have is they're using our our space right so the deadline can be you don't give us this information get that out and everything we we we'll we'll we'll tow it away and send you a bill now should I mean this is L the subject the bo of heal should we reach out to the other towns that are associated theard he to know what we're doing or just do it well so I think we've already been talking been working closely with another town another neighboring town I don't want to mention anybody now um but they're fully involved and want to be closely involved throughout this whole process so we'll update them um that neighboring Town makes perfect sense to partner with just due to old agreements anyway so I think we could kind of go thatch out but we'll give him fr the interest of time should we just hit the ones that change dramatically we still have quite a bit to we do yeah oh yeah yeah at this pace we'll be here another two hour netive okay what about the bus trip for the SC what's going on with that why that um bus trip they requested an increase um so we kind of played with that line a little bit and what were they last year uh it was like yeah th000 more which basically adds another trip for didn't we go last no we didn't we didn't we gave we gave a bump at our 100 annary theyed tooc because and it's because they didn't have enough money to do a fourth trip so a fourth bus trip part of the issue I I think this year they did their three and they had like let's say 800 left and the trip was like, 1500 they asked for the increase last year we told him no we said that's your budget I got I got a sof off I I agree I agree they're my people we didn't do a whole lot for them other than this no I think that you know what they they never take advantage and they always invite us to events and you know they enjoy our pool yeah so I think we should just let them have what they they don't you know they don't misuse it it's just for them I know you don't have it highlighted but um we could certainly knock down the concerts and just do three concerts I mean I really think that you know if we Tatiana and I were talking you know and she suggested why don't we just do like a really big and cool one at the pool and then just do two other ones um you know and we had that Christine Spiro was here she was $500 Tim gon is 500 like we there are bands that we can get that are you know very reasonable and you can bring this down to 6,000 you know even to say 3,000 I mean plus there's a lot of a lot of groups out there now they might want to do it for nothing and also we Steve had talked about seeing if we can get some sponsors yeah I think we we have a lot of sponsorship opportunities just in town I know banks are pretty willing to do that H that bank I have yeah they do like there's there there are options and you could probably drop this to three um safely yeah we still give them I know it wasn't highlighted and you know but you can still give them we had kind of made a mental note of that one to talk about yeah because there's a gentleman that uh he wants something to play for us but he doesn't want he doesn't want take money yeah there's a lot of options we have and we could and so I mean I would say 3,000 is more than sufficient I think the big the big one here was um the sports equipment and games went up yeah so that um highlighted in that line is paint which AT3 $133,000 so the thought behind that is I think last year so there was a big leak problem at the pool right they painted the pool actually seemed to really help talking like 4 Ines of water a day I think it actually might have been more than that um just with the painting so that seemed to really help um they wanted to paint it again this year so you know looking for about another 13,000 I think we did it out of capital last year but the thought process is to just incorporate it into operating and kind of keep it there because it might not need to be done every year but probably every other year really once you start painting you need to keep painting and that's what happened we they we hadn't been doing it so the feeling is that if we do it again then we really have that seal good seal good seal and next year we probably won't need to do it and then the following year we will just exactly what at least we have it there so if we hit it or not and the DPW painted it really the supp that is there's a lot my W paint around do a burgundy burgundy all right paint around the W when I leave make it burgundy so that was that that main reason and you're going to add eaters well so hopefully actually researching solar covers um that's not included in this yet but that's probably the most realistic option putting a heating system in is very the solar covers do work the solar covers yeah for that size pool might actually go pretty did you go in the pool last year after they painted it uh no I didn't I didn't either I I was wondering if the temp if that keeping that water in there should have yes it should have helped with the with the temperature we not putting that 50 Dee water in there [Music] every no we're fine never only stop way to keep we're recording correct okay we start pumping water out of the b um and then just real quick going down chlorine we know keeps going out going out um so we just want to keep that nice and healthy there how about Sal I was we that last year to converted also very I think we talked about that last year there was like conver the conversion Fe but I don't think we got a total pamon converted did I they pay $3,000 just convert and they save money on the chlorine but they save money on the chlorine I don't think a pool like that is it's that's a big it's a lot of Maintenance too different we'd have to filtration I don't know what's underground and how about like [Music] kind of what they have is with sword treat all right just an idea what is what is pool events that you got rid of the what conival Carnival line we hadn't been really charging till honestly I think that's kind of why we're just getting rid of that yeah I mean yeah we think we kind of combined and just had recre know we we wanted to put something back just out of concerts public events um skipping down to court pretty straightforward um they utilize a lot more of the interpretation Services of what that got a bum oh we have to pay for that yes and we don't get reimbursed for no you required to offer that um going down a lot of just contracted we're going to ities um again we kind of noted this was an area we did cut back on already we don't want to go too far um but there was a cushion built in there so we cut back already a little bit I think about 15 total oh are we um about are we putting um fenses in in the firehouse that that the lights gr off and they open up the doors and go on those lights are on every we talk to them about that I know with I know there's an OSHA regulation that you can't have those sensors in certain areas where there's a safety concern because we tried to do that yeah we tried to do that in our warehouse and halfway through on the forklift the lights went off on the driver so it so yeah we asked for it to be removed and then we found out we were an ocean violation by having the Sens I mean it those like I mean I don't know how much I know is being wasted but yeah if you're not in the building there LEDs in there or are they still conventional uh that's you know where those swapped over too LEDs which facility I'm sorry the firehouse I guess Firehouse they were I know the most recent project was Fire Company 2 was where they swapped them out fire company 1 I can't say that was already done but it wasn't part of the project swapped out for them I mean I thought they they asked for uh door you know senses and we said yes aren't we going to do it or maybe they didn't look to see if that was a thing they could actually do I've been trying to actually find where it's stated hav't I know OSHA's different I think they're Pia they're a little different but but it's probably something similar yeah because I mean if they need to you know cuz you're you're in there doing something and the lights go off on you you're right from problem Those sensors aren't always yeah accurate like if it doesn't know that you're on the other side and you know something's blocking you your movement and they'll shut off all right I'm skipping down you can go to public events um really the only thing to note there was the seasonal decorations we did add you know couple thousand to that we bought some new decorations for the tree lighting and burrow Park this year so that's where that addition came from and it also is to take put the lights up on the borrow buildings um and down um then going down I mean pension and social security these are all we're obligated to sure go up um grants the special emergencies that's coming not included this year so that came out um and then we have not tackled water yet so disregard that whole bottom so that pretty much BR the end well the only other major change here is capital and Debt Service because we brought the capital budget down so far yeah we have 225 budg Capital that we want so 75,000 um so I add all this up right and we look at the the big police cars moving the capital expense down payments save and we mve 10,000 here 10,000 there out we're looking at a we have 64,000 extra in Appropriations here so that's assuming 2.1 2.2 rly Surplus we could be looking at 164,000 in EXs I keep saying BR it's not BR sorry but um 164,000 so that's where we're at um that's what we kind of have to work with we have potentially 164,000 year we could we could reduce the amount of surplus used right to balance that out to zero and if we winess tax dis theamed years right amount anti I'd like to see a 1% I mean to give a 0% we got to know for 10 years we we did nothing nothing nothing nothing and then all of a sudden but we give a 1% that's not fair because what usually we're being like you know 1% get us ,000 extra revenue toal 8,75 on an average home to Municipal increase $21 househ what's the average uh 4243 so you're looking at 2% no that's for year and two 2% is $42 a year no I'm saying that the average oh oh I see be closer to the six or seven days then the rates are going to change too and what was last year right so the rate will change so it will still be $21 so um $21 1% increase 47 for 2% $51 for 2 and A4 and $55 for again Municipal portion of the total budget is do you think sir 1% thought I know what you're going to say you know what I'm going to say I don't want Mr I'd be okay with one I'd rather see Zero but 1% would be you know the most plus all the other things are going to go up this year obviously school I mean they have such a surplus I wish they would not increase but they have I'm sure they will and you know we're probably going to to get any other increases and people already got hit with the revals even though not everybody got increase so I'd be willing to go to one but I would prefer zero but one would be okay 1% so I'll try to keep this short I think practically speaking it does nothing for us either way we don't have an $85,000 problem in our budget we have a problem that's millions of dollars we depleting Surplus at a rough you know we could be depleting Surplus a million dollars a year the extra 85,000 we collect in taxes this year is not going to do anything and we'll run out of surplus before we can tax our way out of the problem so whether we do 0% or 1% is not doing anything for our budget um you know so I think we should anything we say here today we're coming back we're going to have more discussions I think that the honestly I think that the the debate is between zero 1% right now let's look at Capital let's make sure that that's fully lined up I don't want to commit to 0% or 1% if Capital doesn't come in where we want and our outlay for down payment goes back up $100,000 then that changes things dramatically right also I I want to look at some of these these these uh areas that we've been talking about renegotiation uh some of the line items where there's questions I I just don't think we have enough information yet um but I I I personally don't know where I stand um so you want to wait till I think we still need some more information but I think even on some of the renegotiating you're not going to see that we're not going to be able to see that sating now on the renegotiating it depends on how quickly we can get them to move you know if we start Towing uh Vehicles out of our lot we may get to the we're already set by contract for this oh for this year so that don't have a lot of Wiggle we'd be looking at 25 for that okay okay keep in mind mentioned earli first we're not regenerating we're we're we're this is a huge problem we're only we're adding back so little to Surplus this year um but I still don't think that we could we could raise I mean how much we have to raise taxes to to regenerate that money right it's just not possible so raise we couldn't so whether we raise it 0% 1% or 10% we're we're still we still have a huge uh issue issue we're getting a in a bigger hole again 100% I just don't think that this is a hole we can dig out of with with taxes right so we tread water so with with an increase I don't even think we can tread water for a little while we can no I mean if we're losing a million dollars a year in Surplus in 7 years we will have gained $700,000 in tax revenue with 1% % increases we'll have Z in our our Surplus and we'll have to cut $2 million from our budget to be able to uh to be able to make it Balan so the math doesn't add up that's why I'm saying whether it's 1% or 0% or 2% our bigger issue is we need to generate another million dollars to a million5 in tax revenue over the next five years in order to be able to survive on this on this trajectory so think for now if I understand correctly we kind of we went through we know where we have adjustments we have followups we'll get this much tighter um so we have an idea this is all pending you know audit run and report so we'll pull everything together I think by the 13th we should have that want me after after that's how we usually the agenda there's not a t right now yeah to go earlier later whatever I just I just have to re notice it so it's fine you sure you went earlier sure fine so we'll we'll have an we'll have an updated budget sheet sent to you as well as the updated Capital the only thing we'll have to talk about on the 13th is water capital we hav't addressed that yet but it's it's a smaller budget Le less for debate and if we could just maybe pinpoint going on with before our next Mee so do you want me to Ren notice the February 13th meeting to start at s here the regular meeting regular and I'll model out for everybody what a 5year Outlook looks like if we hold taxes this year versus a 1% just so everyone sees what what are the fin finances potentially look like we'll assume a 10% increase in our insurance costs next year 3% increase 4% increase in all of the other expenses and let's just see what this looks like so we don't have to guess if you have any questions prior to and I would imagine we'll talk offline but we'll have another meeting next week at least fire to 13 yeah and and I sorry for being non-committal I also want to make sure we're not missing number here and uh we're all based on the information we have in front of us of course could change yeah of course things can change as the week goes on any uh old business oh that is any new business no there is no you did that you seen a motion to adj do I have a motion to adjourn motion by Mike second by