e e e e e e e e okay my tape is on ready yep this meeting is being held in conformance with the Sunshine Law notice of time date and place has been furnished to the Bergen Record and Ridgewood news notice has also been posted on the bulletin board of the administration building with the clerk county take the role mayor Gano here Mr brck here Mr martinello here Mr rundo here Mr Richie here Mrs Weber here oh miss sakola everyone conly rise for pledge of [Music] allegiance Al the United States of America and to the rep for it stands Nation indivisible and justice for all let us have a moment of silence for all our walc veterans and all veterans across our country who have served in our Wars and who have given the ultimate sacrifice so that we can be kept free and we will be honoring them all on Monday on Memorial heart pleas good prayer we thank you for everyone gathered here now thank you that you know each of us by name and have caused us to walk with you we say that we are dependent on you and our trust is in you completely as we surrender ourselves in adoration we ask that you would come by your Holy Spirit and Inspire our hearts today come fill our lives with your love fill our conversations with your grace and truth fill this meeting with your presence we ask this for your glory and praise amen amen amen good evening everyone and uh under my report it'll be very brief um first of all uh Monday is me is Memorial Day as we always do we we March in the parade this year we uh have shirts that we'll be wearing so they will be distributed to use on Friday I'll drop it off to your homes when I get them to bring so you could wear them during the parade and then every meeting in and may I'm sorry June July and August if you would if you don't mind wearing that shirt you don't have to wear a suit uh for the summer months even though we just have one meeting per month also on Saturday we had the Girl Scouts of different troops three different troops uh come into the burrow Hall and um go around the town and uh plant flowers for us they did a very good job it was very nice to see the parents out there supporting their kids and the kids were very very uh happy I think the best thing they like to do is dig the worms up out of the dirt but they were very uh they enjoyed going around helping out the burrow uh we are also going to go around where they planted to see if we need some fill in and then we'll we'll take care of all that uh also don't forget we have our car show coming up in June and other events that'll be coming up which someone else on the council will probably be talking about that's all I have to report financial and administrative committee Mr Richie sorry mayor uh no report this evening of a few things for um new business thank you fire and police protection committee Mr breny Mr Mayor the only um the only item I have tonight is just to inform the public it's going to be a mutual Aid association meeting tomorrow night at 8:00 at company 1 if you're in town parking might be a problem in the back by the police station just a heads up other than that you call we come that's all I have thank you very much Public Safety Committee missa thank you mayor the Ambulance Corp had their monthly meeting last night they'll be attending the Memorial Day Parade as well as the car show they will also have a CPR class at the library on June 6th they'll be at graduation on June 18th July 4th they will be at Allandale fireworks and the Ridgewood parade and they announce two new members um the thank you note was also sent with a donation from the dilger family for responding to their home there have been 28 calls this month and seven of 28 were to the Bristol and that is all thank you you better get your voice ready for your wedding I know Public Works committee Mr rundo I'm sorry I'm sorry Recreation and health committee Mr Martino thank you Mr Mayor a brief report tonight um just a reminder that registration for uh fall Waldwick MM Park Junior Football is still open and they have a fundraiser that they like me to remind the public about they have a warrior wine tasting night um Fiesta in wof on June 7th from 7:00 p.m. to 10: p.m. uh Reg tickets are still available for that so they're encouraging people to come out and support the program it's going to be a fun night also for walwick Rec Soccer registration is still open for the fall um go out and register soon as teams will be forming and uh the boys and girls in the wal baseball association are looking forward to marching in the parade um this Monday and participating honoring our our troops that's it thank you thank you Public Work committee Mr Mundo uh yes Mr Mayor I do not have anything for tonight thank you thank you very much building and grounds committee Mrs Weber thank you Mr Mayor um the uh WV the walvac bathroom uh Renovations have been completed and just to remind everybody that the pool is uh set to be opening this Saturday at 10:00 a.m. um that we have the charging stations installed and they're up and running uh thank you to everyone that was involved with that um we assisted the the mayor and the Girl Scouts along with uh councilman rundo on uh Saturday with the plantings and they did a great job they had a lot of fun doing it and uh that's all I have thank you thank you very much B administrator thank you mayor um just want to touch on a couple things on the agenda you'll see a couple professional service contracts on there um for improvements to scheler Avenue and our Ada curb ramp program so we're looking forward to getting those started and um that will coincide with our road paving program which is set to begin in September thank thank you B clerk Kelly thank you mayor uh resolution 2024 1556 um we will be adding to the consent agenda resolution 2024 172 which is to authorize a refund of a tax court judgment for Block 101 lot 1.02 um due to the fact that there's a Time limitation and we won't have enough time for the next meeting also um you'll see one liquor license renewal they'll start to they've started to come in however uh in order to renew them they must have tax clearance so only uh Nell's had tax clearance others have had tax clearance but haven't paid other fees Nelly's have paid all the fees and they have tax clearance so we can uh you can approve that one this evening um for elections um if you're a vote by mail voter and have not received your vote by mail ballot please call the county at 201 33672 um the deadline to apply for a mail-in ballot by mail for this primary election is um May the 28th which is also the deadline for unaffiliated voters to submit political party affiliation declaration forms um to the county uh to receive their vote by mail ballot by mail uh early voting period is May 29th through June uh 2nd it's Monday through Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Sundays 10: to 6: uh the two closest uh locations while there are a lot of locations the two closest ones for Waldwick residents would be the wof public library uh shop meire room at 200 Woodland Avenue and the Ty senior center in Woodcliff Lake on 411 Chestnut Ridge Road um that's all I had oh and I also just wanted to um we have our Flyers ready for the summer concert we have our summer kickoff concert with midlife crisis that one's going to be at the walck pool from 7:30 to 9:00 um we're going to have different uh patriotic giveaways and we'll do be doing a most patriotic dressed contest the other um concerts that we have booked for uh the summer are uh June 26 the Christine Spiro Duo and August 21st Tim gon and September 4th the community band of Waldwick those are all at Burrow Park from 7:00 to 8:30 um you'll see that July has been uh deliberately left off because we're looking to do um a Christmas in July movie uh maybe having the uh Grinch appear um so we're working on putting that together now um and we'll have more details and that'll be on a separate flyer but um we're looking to do just something different in July and Christmas and July might be good uh that's all I have thank you very much uh Grant administrator Matthew uh thank you mayor as councilwoman Weber stated the level three Chargers are up and active they've been used every day they are on the charge Point Network charge Point gives us a great amount of data on how they're being used the revenue and that's brought in from them uh Colleen R CFO has set up its own own escro account to put the bills for the utility into into our system so we'll have a clear understanding of how much revenue we're making off of those Chargers uh but without very much advertising even after the first two weeks I've already seen usage uh go up in them uh additionally as we wait for our 2024 local Recreation grant for Lions Park uh we received some good news from the state regarding our 2023 Grant the expiration date originally was at the end of 2023 and given at the pro 2024 but given the project is most likely be we had done in 2025 we had put in for an extension which was recently approved so I would expect at the next meeting we will award a contract to Boswell engineering for the Professional Services which this grant will uh be used for getting the extension definitely made our life easier without having to break it up into more paperwork and Etc that's all for me mayor thank you very much attorney Rob Deany representing uh Craig anything uh yes Mr Mayor thank you um I spoke with Mr bang on the way here this evening and he advised that the only update we have from legal is that we are in the process of uh planning a closing date for the property at 197 whiteoff Avenue uh to take place sometime within the next couple of weeks okay thank you very much and we're not going to close for anything uh no okay thank you consent resolutions and resolutions of the government body be it resolved that the following resolutions herewith listed by consent having been considered by the governing body of the burough of walck are hereby passed and approved with the addition of 202 4172 authorized refund of tax court judgment block 101 lot 1.02 2024 1557 approval of consent 2024 158 approval of minutes regular meeting May 7th 2024 policy votes a Justin verdesca requests to hold a block party on June 22nd from 12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. with Hudson a to be closed between Howard place and the end of the culdesac of the service road with alcoholic beverages being served and with the exception that fireworks are not permitted in the street B Warrior football club request to use Pavilion a on June excuse me June 8th from 4:30 to dusk for a party with alcoholic beverages being served C adal bante requests to use Pavilion a on August 31st from 2: P p.m. to dust for a party with alcoholic beverages being served D Lisa Dickinson request to use Pavilion a on October 12th from 1: to p.m. to dust for a party with alcoholic beverages being served 2024 159 award a fair and open contract to Cliffside body uh Corporation for a single axle rolloff truck in the amount of $793,000 2024 161 awarded non-fair and Open professional service contract to Boswell engineering for Engineering Services Ada curb ramp upgrades in the amount of $444,000 202 24 162 authorize a first renewal of a 5-year agreement with the Waldo baseball association 2024 163 award an open Ed and Professional Service contract to Valley Health System Inc for drug and alcohol testing in the amount not to exceed $5,000 2024 164 authorized advertisement and receip of bids for a single axle rolloff truck 2024 165 authorized liquor license renewals 2024 2025 2024 166 authorized burrow auction 20246 67 appointment of the 2024 head swim coach and assistant swim coach 2024 168 authorizing the burrow of walck's tax collector to prepare and mail estimated tax bills in accordance with pl1 1994 chapter 72 2024 169 approval of chapter 159 for the 2023 New Jersey DCA local Recreation Improvement grant for Lions Park in the amount of $70,000 2024 170 uh tax over payments and 2024 171 do I have a motion a second to accept motion by Mr rundo second by Katie anyone have a question on anything nope please take the RO Mr brck yes Miss sakola yes Mr martinello yes with the exception of the wal baseball one I'll abstain on that one okay uh Mr randoo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay we have one public hearing with the clerk conally read ordinance number 2024 -9 ordinance number 20249 an ordinance to repealing place chapter 84 Street excavations anyone from the council like to comment in his ordinance that was just [Music] read um yeah just to recap this is kind of um beefing up our current ordinance uh we're completely replacing it um adding a 5-year moratorium on all our newly paved roads just to add some protection um from cutting into anything we just spend a lot of money on Paving anyone else I close the council's comments and open up to the public anybody from the public would like to comment on this ordinance that was just read if not I close the uh public comments and I ask for a motion to second to pass this ordance second reading and that the clerk be authorized to advertise in our local legal newspapers as required by law motion motion by Mr brck second by Mr martinello clerk please take the RO Mr brck yes Mr arola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay we have one introduction of ordinance uh with the clerk highly read ordinance number 2024 D20 ordinance number 2024 D20 an ordinance amending chapter 91 entitled residential parking permit a motion to second is in order to move and pass this ordinance on first reading and that it be advertised on local legal newspapers are required by law setting a public hearing two weeks from tonight's meeting at 7:30 p.m. or soon there after as the matter may be reached do I have a motion in a second mtion by Mr brck second by Mr Richie on the question what this is is that we talked about this uh a couple of weeks ago we had some residents come to us that uh live in the area of burough par and there was a lot of traffic in their areas so what we did was our administrator they had a petition and everything with people signing everything our administrator met with them told them what we are doing what we're doing is the area all the streets that lead into burough park in that area what we're doing is we're having a uh permit parking by resid it's only from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and I think the residents all know about this you met with them talked with them the gentlemen who came here to discuss his concerns happy and and agreed with all those anyone else anything CL please take the role Mr brck yes mola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay anybody from the Council of any unfinished business no one okay anybody from the Council of nuis yes thank you mayor just a a quick uh quick item there was some discussion uh about potentially providing some support for compliance on property maintenance and code uh violations in town I just wanted to throw my support out there absolutely in favor of it I think that the uh from for a part-time uh employee it's definitely something the budget can can withhold especially since we're halfway through the year so anyway just wanted to voice my support uh of that me the administrator and I talked about that a lot he had a lot of meetings with his uh administrators from the surrounding towns and it's something a lot of the towns are doing we we have Joe here that does a fantastic job but Joe can't go out and and watch everything and then also go to homes so he needs a help in hand and it's kind of frustrating when we have the council calling up the administrator saying what about this what about that then you have the residents calling saying what about this what about that so now we're going to have someone that we can say to them go out there and you can tell us what about about that and that's what we're doing that for any other new business sir yes Mr Mayor uh like to present uh regarding the environmental committee meeting that we had on 516 uh the the team met uh both the environmental beautification and green team uh there was no one from an attendance from the beautification team one of the requests from the environmental committee is if it's possible that we can get a flyer out there to solicit new members for both the Green Team and the beautification committee um this way we can uh we don't have to rely on the Girl Scouts all the time to do any plantings within the burrow um another item that came up uh the team has been working diligently uh regarding the flower box uh program we've been discussing with Steve uh Dave Isaac's Tom McCormick have been very uh proactive uh he actually did some preliminary drawings of what the proposal is they're getting the numbers for the total cost uh we're looking at it as a peac meal type project or eventually doing some other Bridges within the municipality but we like to start there over by the burough pool um if it's possible and secure some grant money to do the work but we will probably within the next month have a full Proposal with the scope of work and uh all the costs associated with it yes thank you Mr Mayor just like to acknowledge um the spring Sports teams from the high school entering into their uh state playoffs we have the girls lacrosse team who had an unbelievable season participating in state playoffs on May 22nd we have the girls and boys uh softball and baseball teams both in the state playoffs they start this week hopefully uh teams can get out folks can get out support them unfortunately the boys baseball game is at 1:00 because they have prom that night so I know a lot of residents won't be able to get to it but uh good luck to all the boys and girls participating this week in the state playoffs thank anyone else any how's everything with the K show you any other help from the town everything under control what always right and everything else everything the same as we do every year okay good okay no problem yeah what I'll do is we'll send one of the police officers down there to uh speak to you like on Thursday before the event so that you could talk to them and find you all that stuff okay great anyone else okay if not public comments anybody from the public would like to comment please come to the podium just give us your name not your address please szo I would request that in the future whenever the recycling guide comes out since it changes every year yeah I know there are changes in them like last year we had aerosol cans no longer on here and this year it was added pizza boxes so I would appreciate if you would put the year the Year on it so the next time this comes out in January it'll be noted as 2025 second of all I noticed that when you have a white goods pickup on the example right now is June 3rd you have have to go to the previous month the 29th is the deadline for letting you know please pick up this item now it doesn't make any sense to me that you don't put the notice on the 29th saying now is the time to schedule for white goods pickup because when people flip the calendar and go to June 3rd oh it's too late so what I request is you go to the previous month and and say schedule your white goods C pickup now I noticed that it also happens between June and July so I'd appreciate if that was noted on the calendars and last but not least I see Mr Bang's not here did any word on how much we're getting from the suit yet uh no I was not uh I was not made to we any update okay thank the suit is concerning the forever chemicals sure thank you sure I'll follow up with Mr bosung on that after the me whatever I I'll be here next meeting okay thank you anyone else Al Al Cen sorry I missed two meetings folks we got a list only because you get old and you're not thinking like he always did both of them I was ready to come watching television I woke up 7:30 but next month I'm not going to be here either my wife and I are going to celebrate our 55th anniversary in Alaska she still with you huh no I'm still with her she allows you to be with her well congratulations congratulations much anyone else if not do I have a motion to adjourn motion by Katie second by Andy all those in favor I those opposed everyone have a safe and happy