Paladino corresponding secretary Ashley studo uh congratulations to all the officers and I wish him a successful 2024 uh one of their members uh Melena japion St national anthem and God bless America at the uh Veterans Day ceremony held here congratulations to Melena on a wonderful job she has a beautiful voice and uh thank you to the legion members for a beautiful ceremony honoring our veterans it was well attended and that made um me very happy for the veterans of w walak will be doing standby at the trees tree lighting ceremony on December 1st and that's all I have for now thankk you could you let them also send us a letter who the new offices so we have it for our record sure and also uh I have the fire departments because I'm trying to update everything for the new year a list of all their members and whoever got a blue light if they could so that we know what's going on with all the lights because everybody's we've been signing lights to people I want to make sure everybody's well deserving of the light okay thank you thank you Recreation and health committee M Weber is not here but she did tell me like I reached out before please please go on our website to see all the events that are coming up in the month of December Public Works committee Mr Richie thank you mayor quick update so last last time we were here we talked about a water tank that the DPW had attempted to basically empty and clean and we were having trouble with it it was the first time they had ever done that they were successful uh since our last meeting in uh basically getting it emptied cleaning test results came back uh gave it the all clear so they to be uh refilling that tank and I think they're scheduling the next one for next week or they're scheduling the next one next week so uh successful Endeavor first time the GTW in town has done that they did that all while uh it's been like all hands on deck the last month for leags that's pretty much what what they're living in all so check the schedule online for when your pickup is there's uh three pickups for two districts and two pickups for the remaining so uh that is that is my report man thank you very much build and ground committee Mr um they also stabilization at the same time on this one also improvements to East Prospect Street and under design or the wh spawn Rehabilitation um improvements to the boner Street Bon place andson um I did not attend the planning board but they only also enir because did good week it was very busy had a lot of people there very well attended um had a very time a lot of requests um also I did to attend the vet day ceremony and it was very very well attended also I think actually one of the better ones probably because of the weather thank you our Min thank you mayor uh a few things to note um just to say budget planning is underway uh we've been collecting our 2024 requests from the Department um currently and we hope to have the public meeting schedule out sometime next month for everybody uh you'll see tonight there's a a resolution for Budget transfers I just want to note that this is a a standard process that simply allows us to transfer money from one budget line to another where there might be a shortfall due to things like increases in costs or unanticipated expenses and also I want to note that we are very excited that we are undergoing a new um fullblown website redesign um so we we have a new company that we're working with u Matthew and I have started that process we've had a couple meetings so far um I think the new website is going to give us a lot of new tools um that'll make us be able to communicate with residents more efficiently um faster better info and um so we're looking forward to that we have another meeting scheduled tomorrow and we look to cut over probably sometime in February to a brand new website and that's all I have thank you thank you Clark Kelly thank you mayor um We are continuing to work with the state and our records management efforts to clear that upstairs this room over here um it's coming along nicely we have a bit more to do um the building records have been relocated as well um I want like to thank all the residents who participated in our uh families for families food drive we did um have two overflowing barrels um head down there um and we were able to Aid at least 120 families um for this season both in Bergen and pay counties and um just want to thank everybody for making those donations uh the 2024 calendar will be headed to the printer on on Monday um we've included some additional Pages this year so the calendar will run January 2024 to uh through January 2025 which will cut down on the calls that we've already started to receive to for people asking us when they're going to get their calendar um the we have included uh Council meetings schedules for white goods Electronics bulk uh yard waste we actually added leaf collection this year hydrant flushing and the Christmas tree collection dates um because those calls already started to come in um also new is um white with Steve's help white goods electronics and bul collections are on our the homepage of our website for residents to schedule their pickups um and the deadlines have changed for white goods and electronics to the Wednesday before the scheduled pickup um and those deadlines are also included in the 2024 calendar um I'm going to expand a little bit on the holiday events um because we have a lot of things going on um starting with our Christmas tree lighting on December 1st at 7M um there is a a a pre um event going on that the library is hosting for us from 5: till 6 o'clock it's a family uh a fun family crafting uh with also A Christmas Story read by the mayor and that's again at 5:00 and then the tree lighting will start immediately after that at 7 um the manora lighting is on December the 7th at 4:30 in front of the Waldo public library and everyone is invited to attend and we have now added um the Allendale Waldwick PBA uh 217 or is doing the Toys for Tots and we will also we also have a um container downstairs so you can bring unwrapped toys for infants to age uh 13 years old uh to either the uh police department or here at burough Hall by December the 7th and that's all I have thank you on the calendar you want to put the month before on the month that's you have like we actually did do that thank you very much you're welcome administrator Mr Matt uh thank you mayor I'll just go over a couple items on the agenda tonight we have authorization to submit a Grant application for the state of New Jersey 2024 American Rescue plan firefighter Grant uh this is the second year this grant program has been in effect uh every year our fire department budget budgets for PP equipment uh last year we requested $60,000 we awarded 28,000 we'll be about the same application this year just also want to thank uh Jeff Stevens of the fire department for assisting with the application and getting me the materials I need to submit uh also on the agenda we have a uh contract award for a new uh water truck a new truck for the water department uh this was funds that was budgeted back in March or earlier in the year so happy to get this approved and and we have a contract for jobs for blue for off-duty police scheduling uh we pass an ordinance the council passing ordinance a few months ago authorizing this to occur and this is just the formal contract the services come at no cost to the B and that's all thank you consent resolutions and resolutions of the governing body thank you mayor be it resolved that the following resolutions herewith listed by consent having been considered by the governing body of the burrow of walck are hereby passed and approved 2013 315 approval of consent 2023 316 approval of minutes October 24th regular meeting and closed session meeting uh policy votes a approval of the walck Lions Club Christmas tree sale starting 5:00 pm on December 1st as well as use of the buau utilities and Equipment B W uh Waldwick Lions Club request to use the administration building council chambers for annual children's Christmas party on December 10th 20 23 from 12: to 3 with permission to set up on Saturday December 9th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 2023 317 approval to submit a Grant application with the state of New Jersey for the fiscal year 2024 American Rescue plan firefighters grant program 2023 318 award a fair and open contract to Cliffside body Corporation for a utility body water truck in the amount of 93,587 2023 319 award a contractor jobs for blue for Services relating to off-duty employment of off of police officers for police related activities 2023 320 change order number one to DTS Trucking LLC for the Avon Street Bank stabilization in the amount of 8,850 2023 321 approval of the storm drain connection and inspection at the corner of Line Road and two Cypress Court for some pump water discharge 2023 322 authorized release of dumpster escrow for 12 Maple Avenue 2023 323 cancellation of taxes block 49 lot 41 2023 324 authoriz Redemption of tax title lean number 17- 00613 2023 325 authorizing the cancellation of unexpected General Capital ordinance balances 2023 326 authorizing the cancellation of emergency resolution number 2023 241 water system Improvement project 2023 327 approval of budget appropriate ation transfers and 2023 328 uh payment of aers do I have a motion in a second to accept motion by Katie second by Mike anyone have a question please CL take the role Miss sakola yes Mr Richie yes Mr shatz Mrs Sherman yes before we go on the U introduction of ordinances or or public hearing the attorney you have anything to report oh thank you mayor nothing for this we do have three items for closed and there will be action after close session on one of the items thank you public hearing with the clerk kindly read ordinance number 2023 d11 ordinance number 2023 number 21 an ordinance to amend chapter 91-348 of the code of the burough of Waldwick hereby removing handicap parking spots for private residents and updating handicap parking permit numbers anyone from the council like to comment and voting that it's just read we discussed this at the last meeting but this is is when someone has is has a disability of being handicapped there has a parking spot giv turn the front of their house and they do pass away what we do is we take the spot back then also what we're doing is we're also updating all our handicap pop and permit number so everything is all you know working inaccurate anyone else I close the publ I closed the council's comments and asked the public to if anyone wants to comment on this ordinance I was just read if not I close the Public's comment and ask for Mo uh motion a second to pass this on second reading and that the clerk be authorize advertis local legal newspapers required by law and Mike CL take the road wait who up I didn't Who was Mo K Terry Terry I'm sorry Katie Katie thank you Miss s Cola yes Mr Richie Mr shatz Mrs Sherman yes okay we have an introduction of ordinance yes gr kindly read ordinance number 20232 ordinance number 2023 number 22 and ordinance amending chapter 48 fees section 91-12 point2 vehicles and traffic paid parking fees a motion is in order and a second to move and passes ordinance on first reading and that of the advertised and local legal newspapers required by law setting a public hearing two weeks from tonight's meeting at 7:30 p.m or soon thereafter as the matter may be reached do I have a motion in a second motion by second In by Mr Paul on the question what this is is Park and Ride is increasing it fees to 10 cents what we're doing is we're updating our code so that we have this fee on record with everything else anyone else have a question about this so it's Park Mobile who's increasing their fees we're not increasing our fees Park Mobile doing raising at 10 C yes anyone else if not clerk take the RO mola yes Mr Richie Mr Mrs Sherman yes okay any unfinished business from the council yes I just wanted to congratulate everyone on the successful food food drive uh it was a great picture Kelly put up on the um distribution it was great to see um and I'm wondering the status of the reevaluation process have they visited all the homes already and well I can tell you visit a time around this week so oh okay I wasn't there on Friday I told Steve he wasn't there on Friday he left me a note saying we'll be here on Monday and Monday came and they were there at the time in which they told us nice they walked around the house and they said thank you very much and what he gave us a number I think his number was number 83 that's if we need to talk to anybody about it he didn't give his name he just said I'm Number 83 so we said thank you very much are they almost done though we're getting close I want to say we're probably 85 90% of the way done hopefully maybe by the end of the year okay thank you and they're very helpful with the residents because a lot of the the seniors and Tamron are a little nervous about opening up their doors for them and a couple of the residents asked two people from the group to come and then a couple of residents also had their children there and they were very happy about it they felt very comfortable with these people coming into their home right which is good very good thank you okay any other any new business from the yes a good question I know mentioned couda no just from what you see uh which is the nice bright yellow stairs which have seem to they're a little bit safer they have that skid resistant um you know paint on there they're brighter at least as far as I know that is where they're stopping at this point um I'm hoping that is just to get us through winter and in the spring they're going to do even more on the rest of the bridge and then um after that we're still having discussions on some longterm solutions for a replacement or taking it down whatever they want to do yeah the work is hopefully not done thank you anyone else not I have we have to do those oh okay you you L talk okay we have some discussions of floating holidays uh 2023 d330 Steve you want to just let me know the Fourth of July it's the 4th of July one um so we're just discussing the way the 4th of July lands next year the calendar um Fourth of July is on a Thursday so the thought was to um you know add a floating holiday on the fifth to make that a 4 and just to note the we would still have the recycling center open that Saturday but it would be closed then on the 4th of day what's a floating holiday so we have a floating holiday in everyone's contracted in the Personnel manual so it used to be it's Lincoln's birthday teal technical Daye it used to that everyone essentially just got a extra vacation day but in order to make it more stable for the entire for all employees we just chose one day for everyone and on the calendar like for that works that makes sense don't make sense for Friday usually that'sa that's not that's a full holiday that's a full holiday so we'll have the resolution at the December 12th meeting okay or reor I don't remember and then we'll talk about 2023 d33 sure so this is the homeowner our Waldwick uh homeowner program uh Improvement program and uh we didn't want to hold this up for the December meeting um as it's timely to have um this resident get her work done uh prior to Winter really setting in so we didn't want to hold it up so it's just authorizing the execution of her agreement which we did these back in June and August for several other people who have also qualified for the program um so we're just looking for a motion and a second on that and this resident came into the Town M so that understands what's going on and how payback is if there is any payback correct do I have Motion in a second motion by Terry second by Mike or take the rooll Miss sakola yes Mr Richie yes Mr shadz yes Mrs Sherman yes okay talk about 2023 d331 um Matt did you talk sure this is a resolution to authorize bids for two of our projects for bonard at Hudson Avenue honestly I forgot to put it on the agenda prior to this weekend was on there just anyone have a question about this I'll just not matter that both these projects um we're receiving Community Development block grant money for one of them and then uh do money for for the other V do I have a motion and a second to accept it motion by Paul second by Katie clerk take the role Miss sakola yes Mr Richie yes Mr Sha yes Mr Sherman yes okay publish comments anyone from the public would like to comment on anything please come to the microphone state your name but do not tell us your addressy thanks to no no we don't ask no more for that we have a situation that's been occurring for quite some time in my tenure at wal I have a neighbor who um most recently and who has in the past been called in the police department for frivolously for dog parking motorcycles etc etc over decades now most recently um it was brought to my attention by the police showing up at my doorstep frivolously for my dog's being let out by my neighbor uh that my dogs bark they bark when people walk by they bark when the recycling truck comes by they're not barking for hours on end it's for short stance of time and the police department is showing up they I've had two calls in the past two weeks and the dispatcher in the previous in the most recent call asked the anonymous complaint how long the dogs were barking in 10 minutes was the call I had spoken to the administrator after the first call my dogs were let out by a neighbor they're helping me out and I I fenced in my backyard I spent over $10,000 fencing in my backyard to kind of board everything off I have ring cameras all over my house so that in the event that any instances show up I can protect myself I cannot believe have to come to this as but again takeone Dees so my point or my my question to you and the reason for my email last week was because I would like to understand the noise ordinance a little bit better or maybe investigate the noise ordinance um or re-evaluate it because dogs barking for 10 minutes and and police showing up at my house within five minutes of a phone call which I over requested and I have the voice records love to share with you I'm I am just wondering frivolously why the police department is paying attention to these calls coming to my house I spoke to the bird administrator and I'm happy that the timeline was asked for because a dog barking for 10 minutes I do not believe is in violation of any of the noise ordinances we just like to understand what is or isn't a priv call because I'm feeling targeted and I feel like there's a position of power being used right now for the police to come to my house so I will let I did receive your email and I did not respond back because I was on vacation we gave I spoke with Steve about it make sure he reach you and then I also called our attorney and he is aware of the situation and go explain yeah I mean I I spoke to the to the police department as well and it's they investigate any call that comes in they don't know from whether it's frivilous or not the Call Comes in they send people out to investigate every single call no matter who makes that call so I can over request how many telephone calls are being made for dogs barking for 10 minutes and every single one of them will be investigated you can submit an openest you have to submit it's got to be specific you can't just make a blanket open request like that that's it's over BR what they call over BR okay but this is specifically you know the police are showing up my house after after my DA's paring for 10 minutes and I have I'm sorry no I just understand I I understand what happened I completely understand what happened but what I'm saying is calls come in the police department all the time okay they have a responsibility to investigate okay there's no you know I know you're saying there's an abuse of power or something like that but it's it has nothing to do with who makes the call or anything a call comes in they have to they have to do something and investigate whether it's frivolous or whatever that's a different story but the I guess I guess what I'm having the most problem with regarding this is judging by what I'm hearing and what's going on in these Council meetings there's like a real need for the police department and and fire and ambulance etc etc and these calls coming in repetitively to my address for 10 minutes of dog I mean really like shut your windows for 10 minutes I promise you the noise will stop and it just bothers me that I'm wasting tax dollars to have these police officer the policemen women the the police department come to my house to drive by to sit outside my house because I do have them on the ring camera sitting outside my house what are you looking for you're not going to find anything it's the middle of the day if all of the dogs inv wal with in the middle of the day at 12:00 in the afternoon it it just seems a bit it just seems like an overreach today it really does it's not like it's happening after hours and that's why I'm imploring you investigate the noise ordinance because if it's unclear or somebody's calling thinking well a dog is barking after 10 minutes I'm just going to call the police it's a waste of my tax dollars honestly and you know I would I would ask that we look at the noise organs then and hone in on it and make it a little bit more specific so I as a citizen of Waldwick can pay ATT to the rules because as far as I'm contr as far as I'm concerned I am and I'm still having the police department called on me 10 minutes is not we've been reading through it and I know we we've spoken on it already so I know the attorney and I will dive in a little bit more and see there's tweets that could be made and I really appreciate telling asking the police department to to question how long have the dogs been markting because now I have direct timelines and I have direct times so that I can take my own action should I need to but I'm not the only one in the town who has a dog and I'm trying to help the next person who's going to come into this problem and it's something we can we can look at the noise ordinance and a lot of it could be education of the public too we can advise the public and educate the public and maybe when they when they get their licenses or their vaccine rabies it can be socialized so everybody's Crystal Clear everybody the owners and the people who call Nam should be crystally C thank you for your time Happy Thanksgiving anyone else if not do I have a motion to go into close motion by Paul second by Katie all those in favor