okay our tapes are on hang on just let's just make sure this goes there we go I waited too long that's why the me being held in conformance with the sunshine lore notice of time date and place has been furnished to the Bergen Record and the Ridgewood news notice has also been posted on the bulletin board of the administration building will the clerk finally take the role mayor J here Mr brenick here miss sakola here Mr martinello here Mr rundo here Mr Richie Mrs Weber everyone finally stand for the pledge allegiance I pled Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all let us have a moment of silence for all W veterans and all veterans across our country who have given the ultimate sacrifice to serving our Armed Forces to keep us free so that we could assemble the way we are today would the clerk please do a prayer we thank you for everyone gathered here now thank you that you know each of us by name and have caused us to walk with you we say that we are dependent on you and our trust is in you completely as we surrender ourselves in adoration we ask that you would come by your Holy Spirit and inspire our hearts today come fill our lives with your love fill our conversations with your grace and truth fill this meeting with your presence we ask you we ask this for your glory and praise amen amen this year the mayor and Council posted the third annual holid [Music] people T we will start with the most outlandish um house which was 65 Street [Applause] second in the row [Music] [Applause] 23i and best overall 58 Midfield gr mandin [Music] [Applause] Jordan thank you and then my report will just be very simple what we've been doing is we've been bringing the town together for 2024 we have a lot of uh new uh Council people on the council and together we'll be starting to work on our budget so that we will have our budgets in place uh during the right time uh in the meantime we've had our reog meeting of the planning board of the zoning board and all our boards now are coming together for 2024 that's all I have to report Financial administrative committee Mr Richie thank you man [Music] uh so the bud process everyone on the council if you don't mind please speak into the microphone so the people in the back of the room can hear you thank you fire and police protection committee Mr brenon uh good evening um I hate to do this as I'm first meeing back but I need to uh ask you Indulgence and apologize uh the family had a u um a medical issue that had to be uh addressed immediately and as a result I really haven't had the focus on uh getting together with my department heads uh my plan was to meet with the folks already so that we could have an ongoing uh Rapport they would know what I would expect from them and and they from me uh un fortunately that didn't happen yet but I assure you that by the next time we can me that will have taken place and we will start to work on 2024 thank you Public Safety Committee Miss s col thank you mayor I attended the ambulance I don't know if my mic's working but okay um I attended the ambulance Court monthly meeting held on January 15th it was great to meet everyone President John papendick ran the meeting and they discussed many important important topics including training standing committee appointments High School Outreach and much more I also want to mention that on January 17 Wallback members Adrien dorski Jake scow and Ashley statuto responded to a CPR in progress officer cron Freeman Garcia and petti were also present along with the valley paramedics multiple AED shocks were administered our new Lucas machine was utilized to perform continuous CPR compressions the patient is still being treated treated at Valley an incident impatient specifics are admitted due to Hippa finally the ambulance SC has gone on 30 runs in January through January 22nd for 21 of those runs the unit arrived on scene in under five minutes and for seven runs in under 10 minutes their busiest days were Saturday and Sunday that's all I have thank you thank you Recreation and health committee Mr monell thank you on January 18th I attended the Board of Health meeting uh the existing board was reelected for 2024 including president Kathy toing house and vice president Donna Paladino a new meeting schedule was set and republished meet quarterly in 2024 um we reviewed the activity reports for November and December during that time covid-19 Hospital relations were in a low status in buron County after the holidays they noticed that it's risen to a high number in buron County they continuing to monitor that influenza and RSV cases to be high around the state um they had a rabes clinic only 16 animals were brought in for shots participation was down so the team was looking at ways to better advertise next time to hopefully increase the number of animals who come for the r vaccination also the contract for Northwest Bon County Health commission was approved for 2024 on Recreation front I attended the wal baseball and softball meeting on January 17th after 35 years Mar Mena has stepped down as long-term president of the association we all thanked him for his service and Troy Seer will be the new president of the association registration is now open for wal baseball and salt ball we have programs from prek through 8th grade F has been sent out through the community links and it's posted on the bur website opening day is scheduled for April 27th hopefully the mayor has his ping arm ready um and then lross w boys and girls participate in a co-op program with alale hocus M Park Saddle River and upper sadd river met with the president of that organization they wanted to let us know that registration is open and a flyer is posted the announcements for the bar website that's all I have thank you very much public birth committee Mr rundo thank you Mr Mayor uh was fortunate enough to uh meet with the gpw uh earlier in the month met with Mike Lor he's the uh Co on person uh and we went over a lot of the things that the DPW is responsible for all the department heads the water uh met the DPW team the entire team they held everybody back so they could actually meet everybody individually um we also went over recycling work allocation and some of the start times they had three incidents this month with regards to snow removal um all of which were Flawless um you the feedback I got from most residents was that the there when they let early in the morning to go to work can't ask for more than that so we sent out some notes to him and thanked him and his team for for that work um also started uh discussions regarding shared services and the outsourc services and the preventative maintenance and equipment maintenance schedule um that's allk thank you very much fing grounds committee Mrs Leber thank you Mr Mayor um we are currently working on a 2024 project list with a capital budget uh Focus will be on critical infrastructure facility maintenance and improvements departs and building uh renovation to the second floor of the municipal Volare for the Northwest bur Regional Health commission to move in and the wall um bathroom and kitchen reservations are going out to B over the next few we our largest project going right now is the real operation of the PE that's currently underway and on schedule um we did have a little bit of a setback with the um charging station being installed here at the municipal parking lot they will be a bit delayed but um I'll keep you up today on that's all I thank you department head administrator thank you mayor um a couple things the um Assessment program has completed and every property owner in the buau should have received a letter um earlier this week we you know there's probably a lot of questions and there's some people in the audience who are here for that um we're more than happy to answer some general questions toward the end in public comment but really if you have specific questions about your rate or report anything about the inspections you call for an inspection if you didn't let them in the first time you really need to reach out to um appraisal systems I think to schedule that uh we have in-person hearings beginning tomorrow um all the inperson meetings are going to be held up here in the council chambers um throughout the day we'll also schedule some evening and weekend hours um so definitely check the contact info on that letter um of the state you can you can schedule by calling 20493 8530 Monday through Friday between 10: a.m. and 4 pm within five business days of of your letter or you could schedule anytime online seven days a week at as nj.com scheduling hpn that's also posted to our website and you can feel free to reach out to my office and we'll give you the same as well um budget as councilman Richie mentioned we've had a couple meetings um we are scheduled to have our a capital budget discussion special meeting next Tuesday January 30th that's a 6:30 pm start and we are scheduled to have our operating budget discussion on Saturday February 3rd and that starts at 8:30 a.m. if you want to attend those sessions you're also aware of a lot of water um and flooding issues throughout the buau we've tried to address as you can uh if you haven't called and you have an issue please reach out be more than happy to come out and meet with residents one onone and go over the situation um there's a lot of issues around town so it's not unique to to one set of streets we're trying to address it as we can um you know we've had we were made aware of issues on Scot Street on mayay and we've addressed those with residents and we have some plans in place um I can see some of the residents here tonight so be happy to follow up with you so please if you haven't recorded anything and you have an ongoing issue just let us know so we could kind of put it on our list and we'll try and address it as best we can uh the Home Improvement program Flyers are updated and they're posted on the website now we share them out on our Communications channels and we'll par copies available downstairs in the lobby and at the library um we have a resolution on for the hiring of a new DBW laborer one to start our DPW um this week actually it's approved so we're excited about that's have a new position filled and I think that's pretty much it yeah thank you thank you for clerk Kell thank you mayor I just want to call attention to resolution 20 2457 which is uh we're amending a resolution from 2023 for the um Bergen County Community Development Regional committees uh Mr Shera sat on the committee and with his um resignation we need the mayor needed to appoint um new m members so that's for 2023 and while we were at it they asked us to go ahead and do the um fiscal year 24 covering period July 1 to 2024 through June 30th of 2025 and that's resolution 22458 also today Colleen um gave me an update to resolution 202468 that's authorizing a refund of a permit fee for 19 West Prospect uh the amount is um $140 it just was it's allocated a bit differently so um that resolution is has been updated so I want to to make you aware of that um also um with regards to the calendars the digital version is available on our website we really can't stress enough for residents to take the time to read the information contain in the calendar because it's up toate it's accurate and it will help you to do a multitude of things um uh with elections uh now I'm going to elections um we have a very big year ahead of us with the presidential and the county committee election which will be um discussed at the Bergen County election with the Bergen County election officials uh at our annual meeting February 22nd um just a quick note April 10th is the deadline to change your party uh political affiliation declaration forms we have those forms on our website uh dog licensing is ongoing uh the late fee goes into effect on March 1st uh we have so far issued 333 licenses um anybody who is looking for a rabies clinic um we have some upcoming uh hocus is February 15th uh woff is March 16th Ridgewood is May 8th and Midland Park is May 13th we have a flyer that um Steve has been posting it's also on our website um so if you are in need of a vaccine there are um clinics around uh and a reminder for anyone who was uh Tatiana called um that their dog license is ready they can come in and pick those dog tags up um I want to thank the residents who have donated to um downstairs we have an overflowing barrel and stuff on benches and on the ground and it's it's so great that people have um are willing to help those in need so this first batch of um donations are going to the Center for food action and then uh once it's emptied and hopefully we can fill it up again it'll go for families for families and this is going to be an ongoing um donation drive for the year and we'll just alternate between those two uh venues that's all I have thank you thank you grant administrator Matthew uh thank you mayor uh generally at this meeting in past year there would be a dozen or so resolutions awarding non-fair and open contract to various vendors last year the state waved the requirement of that to be done by resolution and the council gave me the authority as a purchasing agent to handle those contracts myself so if any member of council Republic wants to know which vendors have been awarded these contracts I'd be happy to share some examples would be our chemical company for the pool our water testing company Home Hardware but all paperwork has has been collected as needed to make sure we're following the law uh councilwoman Weber touched on the two bids that were advertising this week so good to see those two projects moving forward uh additionally we're accepting tonight 89,000 from the county open space ramp for improvements to Lions Park we've already received 70,000 from the 2003 ECA Recreation Grant and we're authorizing another application to the 2024 Recreation grant for the same project uh Steve myself Michael Tor and and Jim mcness are engineer met today uh to discuss these and other projects and we think a tentative goal will be to have Lin's playground fully redone by Memorial Day of last year and that's all thank you Captain F covering for burrow attorney chis thank you very much mayor I have nothing to report we not going to close that anything thank you consent resolutions and resolutions of the governing body be it resolved that the following resolutions herewith listed by consent having been considered by the governing body of the burough of Wal are hereby passed and approved 202 2455 approval of consent 202 2456 approval of minutes recess December 12 2023 regular meeting held January 6 2024 and the reorganization meeting held January 6 20124 policy votes a Ashley basul requests to use Pavilion a on April 13th from 12: to 5: for a birthday party with alcoholic beverages being served uh B Mark cell requests to use Pavilion B on July 13th from 12: p.m. to dust for a gathering with alcoholic beverages being served C Nora and Dennis Smith request to use Pavilion a on July 20th from 12 P.M to dust for a birthday party with alcoholic beverages being served D Waldwick pistol and rifle Club request used Pilan a on September 8th from 6: a.m. to 6 p.m. for the annual picnic with alcoholic beverages being served e Arthur bartold and uh the Waldwick High School class of 1974 request to use Pavilion a on on September 21st from 12:00 p.m. to dust for the 50th class reunion with alcoholic beverages being served F The Village School request to use the oval on June 12th from 12:1 for um their eight graduates um to gather for yearbook signing 22457 amend resolution 20232 208 authorizing the annual appointment of the municipal representatives to the Bergen County Community Development Regional committees for the fiscal year 2324 2024 58 authorized annual appointment of the municipal representatives to the Bergen County Community Development Regional committee's fiscal year 24 covering period July 1 2024 through June 30th 2025 20459 authorizing application uh to the 2024 DCA local Recreation Improvement Grant 20246 authorizing acceptance of the 2023 Bergen County open space trust fund uh Municipal program Grant for Municipal Park improvements burrow Park Ada accessible playground fencing papers and benches 2024 61 award a fair and open open-ended contract with uh Rachel's and Michelle's Oil Company Inc and the amount not to exceed $150,000 202462 award a fair a non-fair and Open professional service contract for risk manager for Frank cellia Professional Insurance Associates 2024 63 authorize advert advertisement and receipt of bids for interior renovations to the walck volunteer ambulance Corps 2024 64 authorized advertisement and receipt of bids for the burough of walck administration building second floor interior Renovations 202 2465 appointment of laborer one Harrison linards 202 2466 adoption of the 2024 Council manual 22467 authorizing refund of permit fee to 36-4 tamaron drive and 202468 authorized refund of permit fee for 19 West proc prect Street 2024 69 senior uh citizen uh deduction refund 20247 Redemption of tax title Le 23-00 632 and 202 2471 payment of vouchers you have a motion in a second to accept motion by Mark rundo second by Joe anyone have a question well I have a couple of things I just want to T base on um 2024 d64 you've been hearing everyone talk about the administration building second floor interior alteration you come out of the build you come out of the the uh doorway over here right across the hall the whole length of the building has a storage that we've had for years what we decided to do is cut the storage out and we are renting the area we're redoing it and we're renting it to the border of Health which is on Prospect Street right next door to hamster they will be coming into this area they will be paying us rent and they will be here in our building uh serving the residents of the burrow also the 2024 -67 which is authorized refund of a permit in Tamron now residents were allowed to impose their patios so what happened is with the with the approval of course from the building department this resident decided to enclose it but when they started to do the work they realized that it was too much water in that area that they would have to go down too deep to remove the water so they decided that they did not want to do the project so the um the the building department refunded their money but they really didn't do much just give them a permit to give them a permit to put on their the window anyone else work please take the rooll Mr brck yes Miss sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay introduction of ordinances the kindly read ordinance number 2024 da01 ordinance number 2024 d01 and ordinance amending ordinance number 2020-01 to add section 10 -6 beautification subcommittee duties and responsibilities and renumber remaining sections accordingly a motion and second is in order to pass this ordinance on first reading and that it will be advertised in local legal newspapers as required by law setting a public hearing two weeks from tonight's meeting at 7:30 p.m. or soon thereafter as the matter may be reached do I have a motion in effect motion by Mike second by uh Michelle anyone have a question what we're really doing with this is we have a beautification committee we have have a environmental committee we have a green team beautification committee is not really formalized it's it's just the committee that was set up what we are now doing is we're formalizing the committee to be part of the beautification I'm sorry be part of the the environmental and be part of the green team so now when the beautification committee is out there beautifying our community they will have the environmental committee working with them and they will have the Green Team and vice versa so there going to be one committee doing everything people will be saying the same there's going to be no change no movement it's just going to be a bigger group of people working for the better of the community and we felt this is will be a better thing to do there'll be more money being given out to the beautification committee so that they could continue to do their work that they've been doing for the last couple years which was a great asset to our borrow anyone else what we take the RO Mr brck yes Miss sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr rundo yes Mr Richie Mrs Weber okay anyone from the council have any unfinished business anybody the ciz new business it's an introduction it's an introduction to the audence in two weeks you have a right to you can come and say something but we're going to talk about it at the meeting in two weeks anyone else or please take the role I did that already oh okay anybody I'm sorry any other new business nope publish comments anybody from public would like to comment please come to the microphone just state your name please do not your address and if you don't mind could you just turn to microphone say I'm address the audience I forg I forgot to turn around I forgot to turn it around you done good thank you no no no no just your address just your name um I'm 32 year resident of w my first counsel name and you consider my uh uh all previous grades was being supported nothing to complain about so thank you um I'm here today to back up Stephen hopefully if I'm not saying this correctly I'm not betraying it but the uh the water situation that we have on Scott Street um is pretty severe uh again I'm a 32e resident along the Casey family the sterer family I'm actually considered a in W so there's a lot of history on the Block something severe has happened here and it's nothing I think the town did it's nothing I the residents have done but uh since August uh we've had this flowing water situation that's ruined our properties and um just to backup Stephen he gave a very good support and Mike Lor and DPW came out support but uh something severe has happened and we really need the town to help us on this that this is something that's way above us and again I think this is a mother nature issue but uh Stephen I thank you for the report and I do would like to get a video to you we'll do that all one okay thank you so much thank you and just whatever you know just keeping keeping get in contact with stepen he'll be than happy to help you want to just talk to you a little bit thank you mayor uh yeah just real quick because we did have a meeting today with our engineer and we discussed um you know our letter and everything but just a follow up we are looking towards a do Grant um for next year's application to work on Scot Street which would address a lot of the drainage issues so just wanted to provide you that update I think we mentioned it but we're we're starting to formalize some of the C thank you very thank you anyone else does she want to sit down she can sit down um I'm over 50 year res of and I know a lot of your but we just asked your name in the SC Street I am a full 81 you can see inen to began my driveway to walk the dog for my grandchildren I have to brag onto the telephone po that's at the bottom and the ice just melted today and I have to jump over the puddles running water moving running water this just started as Ken said in uh August September I pictures of it now 30 years ago I have the records at home we had a water problem in the back I have an evening across the backyard and they never maintained it but they did come then they put a camera down and I think something happened a pipe must have broken I mean I'm there all these years living I would know but I am a full RIS and if something happens to me I'm afraid at the end and if a neighbor walks on it or people walk their dog there so I asked the town they loan me some cones so I now have two cones on one end two cones on the other end all kinds of sludge blowing there I think it's a health and honestly I think you have to get the root of the problem I think you're just putting Band-Aids on it with that proposal that I got I don't think that gets to the problem don't cameras and go into the pipes and see what's going on the back uh yeah just follow up on that so we have had our leot detection company has been out we have camera the lines there doesn't appear to be any brakes or anything in the lines um and there is no leing pipe that has you know been detected they've actually been out a couple times to look at it was St Street built on wet lands on a SP this is what I hear well that I I can't speak to you'd have to look at that but it is in a very low line area so the the water table's very high there unfortunately we just have we've had so much rain and so much water it just has never had a chance to go fully down I think that's part of the problem but um yeah we're we're doing everything we can we are going to investigate we're going to work on the Swale in the back along the EAS I don't think that's the problem I really don't I mean the engineers were out once I know I don't know since then but I think it's you have to get the root of the problem not just bandaid that's absolutely what we're trying to do going to show you hopefully nothing happens no no do I don't need your address thank you Rec I say the past three months ago I guess it was my wife was walking down that way to trip in the pocket down there and she her WR an and what happens is keeps on coming back and putting the C back down which makes it worse I think because after two or three weeks the holes get bigger they get water deeper right now there one I'm just putting bandaids on this is not working is there anything we can possibly do to get this thing rectified and completed this year or next year I mean I've been there 47 years and they came down my street once in 47 years so does anybody have an answer to this just ay this is Hudson Street you said Hudson yeah so actually Hudson and Bon are scheduled for reconstruction this year uh I have to check two hson so I'm trying to first know which one you're on there's two Hudson Avenues with the so which don't need your exact address but which yeah let's touch base afterwards and I'll I'll talk to you about that just so we get a little more information you Chris I also on the side and I would just like to ech what Mr said and another res that will probably come up after me and share pictures of the street that we have now been was interruped before you guys settle your budget last year you gave us a verbal commit that and you came down and you looked at it with all the cracks and divots and everything else and yet to know bit so I appreciate what you're saying that we're on the agenda for this year but I have to tell you disappointed that the the request has not been met so I would also like some form of either a written letter or a guarantee based on the taxes we pay in this town and what we're committed to when we moved in in 2002 and the road has not been paid over 33 years and last year you told me that the shelf life of the road is only 25 years and when I shared this with all of you last year I have gone back and pointed to other STS in this town been paid twice in that time period since so I I do think that it's time for the town to step up and take care of their residents especially when you've given a verbal commit that this is something follow through it's disappointing that I have to come in actually have this but um we have a neighbor that is falling I twist my ankle because I have to walk out to Route 17 get the bus 5:00 a so the sun isn't up and there are a lot of divs in the street you have children on the street that skateboard that ride their bikes what happen if it's time that that street gets the attention sir while while you're speaking I was just checking my email to confirm that was that's being paid that is a section being paid we've awarded a contract we're hoping to have the pron meeting within a month and the work should be happening I would say March or April this year that cont is this going to go all the way down Hudson all the way back past Richard or is it just the front end of the because you have patches and they just don't hold up with the WEA so I'd be interested to know if you're uh I want to verify to be 100% certain uh but I am almost positive the entire F I don't want to say 100% I don't know 100% but I can get you that information tomorrow okay should I follow up with you sir myself or Steve you're morning welcome excellent thank you for your time thank you children this is also how people walk from sure and this is definitely the street that we're working on am I right Matt anyone else um following up to the Scott Street situation with the water I noticed that Smithfield Road which is very near Scott Street some of my neighbors have a huge problem with water um so much so that they have garbage cans on their sidewalk because the ice is so thick and there's always water there so um perhaps the whole area is experienc some of water situation so maybe Street um I know that the storm dreams were able to in the water during on the neighbor streets on the neighbor property is um the other situation that I could see as a problem is before a big storm is predicted we always get the nixel alerts however the storm dreams are always covered in leaves so I think that's a huge problem storm should be cleed out on regular basis and if you know AIG storm is coming through why the to empor the other problem is everybody keeps cutting down trees and no one's uh trees take in water and um this to be but people take and don't trees [Music] and not lastly getting back to uh ordinance 2024 number1 um I read the ordinance and was quite interested in it um as you know the beautification committee is a a group of volunteers who go out and P up wall we plant deaths we the plaza building we work there on nearly a month basis huge bags of weeds we plant flowers throughout the burrow impatien the spring moms in the fall we work with Parks freshening up um The Gardens particularly um's a lot we've done a lot of work on har Avenue I we do a lot of nice work in town and I have a good group of dedicated volunteers who like to get dirty like to dig holes and Wonder time um I read your ordinance and to me it read like a job description for the D um and I found that Prett interesting because to ask volunteers to do some of the things that are on this list is kind of um and I'm just curious and i' may why body feels the need to involve themselves in planting flowers and pulling Leeds and overseeing it and I'm also curious how planting flowers and weeds and cleaning or clean but pled flowers how that has anything to do with environment when the beautification committee first started um I am found member of the community and the sole purpose of the committee was to do nice things for the town it was to make the town look prettier to encourage um perhaps other people to plant flowers and make their property nice um we saw it as if the town is nice people will want to visit the town spend money in the town shop in the town go to our Parks move to town that was our go to have a nice CB of Feld We Had No Agenda other than doing nice work for the town and with this ordinance you're turning a nice little group of people who just say hey uh har Gard looking a little overrun with weeds anyone want to go there on Saturday and clean up yeah great idea we'll get 10 people over there working hey uh you want to clean up public safety building it's almost Memorial Day it looks like H let's do some work okay we'll go there and C um this with this job description is um horrendous to put it and um I just want the m not the council to really think about do they really need to be so involved in the dirt and the needs in your town that you feel it's necessary to put this little Commit This little group of volunteers under a environmental which has nothing to do with and for the record the mayor mentioned how to get more people to join the beautification committee if it fell under the environmental commune uh when the the group was first started and probably for a year and a half the um emails L to the environmental Comm and no one came no one came to help so emails would go out those who responded those who came great emails go out people came people responded great this went on and on and on and on as people stopped as people never showed an interest in the community they were removed from the mailing list and now we have a group of approximately 24 dedicated people who come nearly every time we have a work as we and um I would just like the mayor and Council to relook at this ordinance and decide if this is really done to align committees is it done thank you thank you anyone else thing i' like to do is to welcome all the new men this year I wish you all Lu hope you do as good job as what is being done here during the year I saw someone take down 15 live trees some of them 24 around now some towns have ordin that to take a live tree down you have to register if the tree is dead of course take but if you want to take down lme trees you should really I mean wal used to have a lot of trees and we still have lot the whole back of my house is trees but I believe if people want to take trees it should for thank you now now just to uh cut our tree since it's come up twice now so the state is actually requiring um they they've adopted a model tree ordinance so actually this year we are going to have to tackle trees and and have that greater discussion on them to let you know it is on our minds right now [Music] so I'm not going to get you know stripping that's not right thank you good even my name is I'm here the topic of on October 12 turned 36 super those are notar with tral do the ma stent my neighbor immed reply was sorry Tex conversation nebor that's de [Music] mycn super out the Amazon description for light applications Bri again was Far bright the entire the light has a color temperature color temperature higher than 3500 commerci and this is commercial liting resal sure absolutely so when I Conta when I contacted my neighbor the discussion was neighor at one point in conversation my neighbor what do you want me to do this onlys Sab adjusted the angle of Life make but my neighbor still has life prison and light in my neighbor home especially Liv you might say some blind which I have my living room was a place of peace and quiet morning wife and IA comes I want to open my windows my I can't do that [Music] my [Music] nebor I think need help looking at [Music] our [Music] lighting [Music] my like I correct for12 shall be adequately shielded in the in this case down my this home but it's [Music] not and so it emits very statev lighting also mentions of which another town here ask the counil rearch manys faing the same Sho you might be aware 2022 [Music] cover for public Street um I could I could also mention ordinances in La branch and ocean can share with about um again I'm going to file this week I really I don't have support of the what we're going to do first we'll have our U building inspector go out to the resid and she just you know check it all out and everything we'll try to make him go there at night because do it in daytime it's not worth it so you know we'll let our our gentleman Joe go out there and review everything then get back to it I mean I don't know I mean I can't tell you what to do but why don't you let Joe go out first and pulled off before you put a formal complaint in to see because maybe he'll go out there and talk to him and something could be done if at that point nothing could be done you know we will discuss this at at our meetings about with the AUD as you looked at our administrator been looking at our ordinance while you're talking and we'll look at other ordinances but we will send Joe out first thing in the morning to let him know about this and we'll send Joe out now just give me the address of the home do you know it okay we'll send Joe out there tomorrow evening brother thank you anyone else I deliberately came up a second time to keep my topic separate but as I come up here every year and I talk about thead being paved I also inquire about a negotiation with the baseball team and for that program to use that proper sport I understand this year it's up for renegotiation what going to do with that property is that going toti or has that been RTI for a dollar um yeah so nothing has been renegotiated yet um one of the our plans since I came here is to try and get a better grasp of all the different organizations their usage field time everything um so I've been working with Matthew and administration and we're trying to come up with a schedule um um we're actually we're working with councel in martinel also to address all these issues kind of get everyone at the table together at some point and kind of talk through some of this and you know come up with different scheduling options field permits things like that so not necessarily specific to that but just kind of overall we want to get a handle um on everything kind of recreation and F time so what I'm hearing is is the goal is to set the example for opportun all yeah I mean from my perspective right now it's kind of just doing some research back finding seeing what the usage is what the needs are you know facility improvements different upgrades and like that so kind of just the whole picture first and then we try and Zer on what you're talking about specific fantastic thank you for sharing that I forward toar the follow thank you and sir just to your first point I did confirm with our application it's the entire Road of awesome thank you anyone else not do I have a motion to adjourn motion by Mike second by Katie all those in favor all those oppos