that went out they were in the $4 million range okay um we don't have the final numbers yet but in 2026 we're gonna we're going to put out a n on we're going to be nineish 10ish million in just in just uh just from our capital budget so our debt service which we have to pay off every year could jump considerably it could be several hundred, more each year that we're paying in Deb Serv roll out with new Bond so I say this only to reiterate that this is not a problem we can tax ourselves out of I don't think that there's enough money can ever get from tax raises not that we want to put this on the burden of the existing the existing residents um but we we have to get very serious about finding ways to generate new revenue and so it's not the time or place to discuss it but as we me as a council I think that getting very serious about redeveloping something we're going to have to we need to make this money up uh we're going to need we're going to need a lot need tax revenue to kind of get our fund balance back to a mutal PLS until we do that we just have to be incredibly responsible with with how we're we're spending our money so to that I'll just turn quickly to the capital budget last year and the year before we went line by line what I'd like to do is just kind of summarize the finance committe findings and recommendations and then potentially discuss a few key issues that will make the budget relatively smaller or relatively large within within kind of what we talk about so just let's make sure everybody everybody's all right with the way we're going to be operating okay and and then obviously if there's questions on specific line item raise it uh we're not we're not committing to anything tonight right so we have still month to six weeks to get through this but um but I think it's it's you know going line by line can get very tedious and uh if we can I'd like to just focus on a few ke issues so the way that the capital budget worked um Steve and Colleen and Matt kind of asked all department heads to put together their their needs for infrastructure for equipment and kind of list these as needs to have or wants right and they did a really nice job of pulling all that together when we received the capital budget it was around $5 million right so for for the purposes of uh kind of you know giving you our expectations last year we spent 4 million because of the fire truck and we said to ourselves we really ought to be below 2 million for the next five years to kind of make up for that excess that we spend so we went into this conversation hoping that we were going to be around the $2 million mark in capital expenditures we got it at five and we immediately made some recommendations on things that we could pull out this year so if you look at your list um 13 15 you'll see things like the roof of the administration building public safety building uh each equating about $100,000 we kind of checks with everybody we can we can move those off for for a year or two you don't have to spend that tonight second floor Renovations last year we were estimating were going to be about $120,000 and we F to ourselves we could certainly charge the board an appropriate rent to kind of offset those cost but the estimate did come back at 400,000 and as a result of that that massive increase we're going to make the recommendation to kind of put that project on hold uh if the council agrees we'll have to have a conversation with the with the board uh you know soon so we really do kind of consensus on this one yeah but it's a $400,000 spend so let me get through all of this and then maybe we can come to to that one first um you look at Road resurfacing now uh the superintendent Mike VOR submitted about um I want to say 40 to 50% more than you do in a typical year for Road resurfacing so we went back to him and asked him whether there were roads on that list that could could take another year and bring that to a level that we're we're comfortable with so we were able to to kind of remove a couple roads and and put a quarter million dollars out of that budget and bring it down to about 49 500,000 so you're going to cut about quli that as a recommendation and then there were a number of smaller ticket items on here that were listed as wants by each department so the inflow I'm sorry the inflow and and infiltration from the BW for 100,000 um I think that that's something that we've been a discussion about going out um the pagers for the fire department sounds a little bit more like a a want than need I know it's a small small number but it is what it is the shed forage under Department I think another big topic another big item that we should discuss tonight is the range roof and H system at the police department that's a $500,000 expense I I have it in here for the the purposes of telling you kind of where we're at financially but I think we should discuss potentially ring that out when we remove the items that we recommended this ring net debt that need out to about 3.3 million assuming that we get brants uh that we get this is a big assumption right so there's risk but it's assuming that we get half of the property on White have paid for through grants you don't have that money yet so it's an assumption I think there's a level of comfort that we could get it but there is risk there I'm assuming that that that Grant's going to offset some of this debt and it brings us to 3.3 million in that Deb so what we're looking at is potentially three items we need to de the first being um the burrow Hall Renovations here which I have excluded in the 3.3 million right uh we should discuss the range rout and we should discuss Lions Park which is 700 so we're at 3.2 I think finance committee would would love for us to get lower as I said we're really looking at rolling out a very large bond in two years so I think the more that we can do to bring this down the better off we're going to be in the long run that is kind of myel Mayor how how would you how should we go through this we start maybe maybe we should have Steve sure Matt Colleen just put some and then you committee if they want to talk they're the ones that really put the budget together all right thank you there um so I think kind of maybe the the first thought we should look is the second quarter RS um you know just discuss that see which direction we want to go so I guess to kind of open it up I did adjust that slightly today um we have some money still from from last year's allocation left over so I dropped it a little bit to 350 um instead of 400 not much of a change but um I guess you know that's kind of the big question is we're really at a point we have a bid out it's ready um B opening scheduled for March 1st so we really need to make a decision if we want to move forward um it is semi open-ended I guess in the fact that we can wait to see where the bids come in if they come in low and we they get to a number that the Health commission would be in agreement to we could certainly move forward with it if you want to go that direction or P it off completely what how did we get the original price where did that come from P 400,000 what did we design extra that it warranted it could be so high or brought up higher I don't know the exact origins of the original construction estimate but I know it was put in at about 5,000 um and I think what was is 114,000 the architect alone was uh I think somewhere in the range of 20,000 kind of right yeah right so yeah one of the big things I guess that was unexpected was the Furnishings which was I say a loose agreement at least agreed upon informally was to fully furnish the space also so we did a whole proposal for that and it came in at about $992,000 I think just for with the expectation that it be built into their rent and they end up paying for it over five years right so in five years we we'll recoup what we put into the for the furnit just for the furniture correct did they ever tell us what they were comfortable with in paying for rent do the ma you're only comfortable I think what they had kind of laid out really rough numbers and incorporating everything the Allin cost um it came out to I want to say like $1,800 a month which seems like a very reasonable rental rate for a commercial space really what it is so now with the construction cost coming in at about $300,000 that spikes that so so rather than leaving that your ey the recommendation was to go back to them and say the costs are much higher this is what we would need in rent you don't want to like out out in the D the map has to work for us I don't think they'll pay it but the very least if you're going to do that you got to also incorporate they're taken up a lot of spots in our L and we didn't anticipate having a trailer and I mean I have nothing against the Board of Health but what do we pay them $100,000 a year that's a lot of money and what and now you know they're using our building I mean they're going to pay us rent but 18 that's not a lot of money no no so we we think that you know the going to have to go up to beyond what they comfortable P but we should at least offer that um since they're they're expecting it buttip correct I think you're gonna have to talk very fast because what's going on with their property there they going to lose their leas yeah I kind of um put it out there to them that we need to have a discussion immediately after tonight's conversation they kind of know we to tomorrow so I just want to make sure I'm on the numbers right so we're looking at a 33 payback on that space well so that's the other piece of it sorry I should have mentioned that it's actually based on a 10year agreement so it's not even spread out that far a l more exactly yeah know because if they're going to pay over five years the amortization of the capex for all the equipment that's about 20 that's $188,000 a year out of the 92 Plus another, a month we'll be paying $36,000 a year to rent the space set and we're still going to I was going to say 45 yeah that's on the low end 45 on the low yeah I'm being strictly On The Low End 45 uh and then we're still G to have to pay $100,000 a year to use the services right correct my map that doesn't work there's a lot of mental gymnastics get to a good number I don't want to go I don't want to go after them but I think we should just tell then stay where you are to get the count well that's another thing that I spoke with Steve about and I've been trying to do that for a couple of years now and we're all going to since we're on the subject you did ask I've asked Steve we're going to set up an exploratory committee to look into this because we don't have a three-year agreement with them this year we only have a one year so we're tied into until the end of this year and the thing is we have to worry about our pockets they've been worrying about their pockets and I mean $100,000 a lot of money and you know which I found out the other day you know you got another town that's right next door to us they only pay 50,000 now I don't think we have more people than them and and they are you they are here so I think that we have to really look first we have to let them know what we want to do then we have to let them realize that we might not be able to have them as our Board of help we might have to go we all going to look I would like to look into the C I just I just don't see how this is a viable option yeah I really don't um when you run the numbers even on the low side yeah um you know I just don't see it as as a reasonable alternative right and I I as to your point I don't think we need to keep them on the hook no because we don't want to do that no but you know there's a stop in the road and there it is this can't happen in my opinion the only thing is we we have to you know once again we have to tell them that vehicles have to be removed or they they want to keep them here they have to pay them we live in a world now that Services you know you give service you want to get tell us how much they were paying in R I know you asked question I asked and I did not on the vehicles and the storage maybe as an ol Branch we get them a month to Rel oh yeah absolutely absolutely absolutely and then if they want to use out facilities then we we'll figure out an agreement how much they have to pay I mean where did they keep these vehicles before did not have these vehicles oh so because they think they come here bought yeah wow without an agreement without an agreement so just so I have a clear is is there a consensus that you know tomorrow I have a discussion with them kind of lay out the picture of where we are what we're thinking but it is semi open-ended maybe based on the bids since it's out there already or do I think we should just we could cancel yeah because that's out there they're out there have you gotten anything back the bid date's not till March 1st the wall through is not till February 20th so it's hard enough right now the only amount of money we're out is the 20,000 that we did for architecture drops I mean do we have an idea of square foot for the average price per square foot so actually got an updated number today just based on a re meeting I think it's about $50 S I don't think I have that in front of me but it's about the length of this right pretty and then about 12 the of the room downstairs it's a big it's a big yeah big want to say 12200 but I I think either we say that I'm thank you very much not interested anymore it tell them that we're going to wait for thisit to come in it's crazy we're just prolonging what's to happen I agree prolonging is not the thing yeah they have to figure out what they have to do now we got we have to uh I mean in the spirit of fairness wait for the B and be like it's I mean BP says it's 1479 for a good Fai do that way or just say just that's just for the space that doesn't count that doesn't add in all of our utilities and all the other things Matt was going to add in that was that was something that we had asked and we didn't really get a clearance on when we were discussing you order the furnit you no no nothing we've just been compiling all the numbers yeah just didn't see a forward and just to knowe that leaves us with $85,000 to fix up the space kind of as it is um amazing job cleaning out organizing files and everything so we we can do some work to maybe M carpeted sheetrock paint it you can make it like a conference room another conference room you to make it a training center you know like people have CL have classes and stuff like and I would very much like to use it for a polling place because it's more open than this site um so that would be so that we can put more machines because I can only fit so many machines in here so I I mean I would greatly appreciate that it'll be used more with us than with that everybody in agreement yes okay I'll follow up with them early tomorrow and Oh Katie you all right with this yeah I'm in okay so just that puts us at 3.2 okay yeah you want to jump to Lions it's kind of big one so the number that's in there right now is 780,000 that's probably on the high side um I think our engineering cost will actually be less than what we have listed there it's just based on 20% now there's also different proposals within that number too so this is the high number which would be the pour rubber um base um which would make it you know fully accessible there's also $30,000 added in there for added fencing and Gates around the area um so you know there is some play there if you wanted to go just maintain the wood mulch that's there it drops the cost significantly however I would just like to know I I wouldn't recommend going that way if we're going to do it we should make it fully accessible and iance you know with the new laws that are out there our community uses that par a lot and I think that you know the deprive the kids and the residents of using the park it's not really I mean talking about a couple of bucks here and there with the right way to do it I mean it hasn't been done in a long time and and you know I I can't speak to the alliance for but you know you don't know they might start doing fundraising or kick in some stuff we don't know we haven't got that far them but they've always been very generous with cost so we do have we have our first scoping meeting with the engineer um and and some staff next Wednesday to discuss this project and really lay out maybe a rough concept of what we're looking to do kind of go over everything so this number can change a little bit like I said I think this is definitely on the high side we're also anticipating um that could go a little bit more on the grant but we have to grant money set aside for it we could probably knock it down even a couple hundred thousand do more so so right now we have about 160,000 committed grants uh to the project I would hope that that number would double uh this year I'm a little less certain about the njdca grant because that's going only the second year so I don't know if they're going to give us what we got last year which was 70,000 we got 990,000 from the county we get that money every year the amount varies but around 90,000 is a conservative estimate of what I would expect to get so on the low one I think you're a you're adding another 90,000 to at on the high end 160 you know Sten are going be looking for playground manufacturing grants to try to get get more maybe get up 200,000 but I 200,000 but I would say double doubling that I would be I would expect to happen hopefully the lowest that would be half of what's already there but and with the njdca money that you know it's us it or lose it the county money is using to lose it so if you don't use it it can't be allocated to any uh projects and the grant that you're speaking of are not contingent on this $700,000 price no so the Bergen County open space grants they need to be matched but the and jdca grants count towards the match so hypothetically if we were awarded another 990,000 from the from the county and we had 180 we had the match and we had 140 from the state we'd only have to put in $440,000 of our on mine I confirmed that with the county okay um but based on what I expect the price tag would be we would there wouldn't be any issues with the mat so is that just for playgrounds or is it improvements to open space grant money oh the grant money I believe it was written for the it's written for the the entire project the like for the DCA each year has to be a different purchase order it could be the same project so one for that would be the playground equipment another could be for the construction um I would all that money could definitely be used for this project and if we knew there were additional things by you know may we knew that we would include those specifics on this year's County application and then a couple other things to not is the Lions Club has reached out um they're going to be a part of that scoping call next week just to listen in and hear what some of our ideas are they think there's a level of involvement there that they might be interested in um and another thing that I want to discuss with them is you know beyond funding um which would be fantastic but as another nonprofit they might be able to also go after grant funding on our behalf just through their organization and contribute that to the F we have stud and everything that's being done in right and we really just want to be comfortable with that all in number just in case none of this pans out just if I I just wanted to add something that I have had experienced uh when I was in Ringwood is that we did a community build so that would take that cost out you have to have somebody from you know whoever you get it from playtime or whoever come but you get members of the community maybe the Lions Club could have their volunteers come other um volunteers could come and actually build the playground um and it's really a great Community activity um you do it kind of over a two- day like a weekend um and it was uh a really great project so and that was a way that we were able to cut some of the costs for installation send somebody to direct they send somebody to direct so play time there would he'd like he would be like the manager and he would kind of direct people knowing what abilities they had because we had a lot of Carpenters so they knew how to do certain things and other people did you know things that they knew how to do um DPW were the ones who did the concrete work ahead of time so it really was a whole Community involvement and it was really it was a good weekend so just who for thought just to cut cost if you were looking you know to do that is there a pathway to this costing 500,000 inste 700,000 I honestly I without making any guarantees I think we could probably get there yeah yeah I think just personally I'd be comfortable with 500,000 if comfortable with 300,000 offset on grants then it's only 200,000 spend spend resour get when is that sched to when will we schedu to start it finish it the estimated timeline would we have the project done by Memorial day of next year uh we would go out for bids most likely in in the fall and have them start possibly before the winter if not from March to late May is when it'll be finished so some of that expenditure won't really cash flow L happen until well you need to have the capital money allocated with this budget cycle because you wouldn't be able to fund the project with next year's funds if you wanted done next Memorial and it's the it's the entire location there right like there's like three pars there's like three separate areas based on AG be all one no no no this is a line This is a this a wooden line the wooden part no that's the handicap W yeah the other one is that's handicap and then there's original one future probably need some attention wasn't the fencing supposed to go all around the whole thing that was just for lions lions never had a fence the problem was a lot of parents were complaining about there's no fence and we just you know unfortunately what we said was that you know if you're in the PO with your child it's far enough away from the well we want to make sure that you know that was a big thing so if you're gonna if you're going to do the park over again you should put the fence in safety ISS 200 and from gr and again there's a lot of assumptions here 15,000 extra2 million to purchase the property those are and there's risk there right not guarante R we're not guaranteed I got you okay everybody all right yep let's move forward okay um maybe just touch on roads real quick kind of talk about it I know we had a healthy budget to start but just some some quick notes on that um after speaking with the DW superintendent um felt it was okay for the the five roads the last five roads on the list to take that out um so that was actually got us down to 533,000 about and then we actually also have 130 around3 8,000 in a trust from PSG for load Paving projects so that actually got us down to about 395,000 um so we put it in at 400,000 and actually I think we have about 49,000 left from 2023 so that might even drop a little bit more so there's a little play there we might want to add a few more roads if we can just that I was say those last two if look at the bottom five off the bottom where the dollars are not 24,000 44,000 to get Bun more residents happy might be worth it it's not a lot of money that was saving on those two small roads so these numbers were um the DPW superintendent's very detailed estimation so we'd have to really go at it and see where we're at but I think I mean the roads that we're getting we're not going to do they're not in no they're not really bad yeah the list that was provided is in priority order so the worst are at the very top okay and actually the top five are the ones that P isic and we're not touching Hudson's on the list but I thought hson hson and bonard are getting because you'll be the one they're done they're getting done those are those are outside of this that's a different discuss change Hudson to match Street um all right so then kind of just going down um there's sprinkler improvements which really we have to do we've had some water issues and sprinkler issues Ada ramps oh here really need to do there's a couple things that will need some follow-ups of Malcolm Street pump um Renovations we have money there we're just waiting on an updated construction estimate from the engineer which we should have hopefully by the end of the week if not early next week um we had money there that we ended up leting into this year due to an emergency so that cut that number back a little bit um and the design cost for that one was pretty significant around $85,000 um we did award that that's currently underd designed so we should have a solid idea where they going next we on that one Zer our we have no more problems with the water problems in the back back downstairs in the back room there that comes on the side of the building remember we always have to worry about the river that the river are we all right with that I mean there only we could do you need to M to figure that out not right now I would say the it might be something that needs to be addressed in the future the council have to go get s yeah we put extra sandbags out it seems to be helping the longm that should be address um going down the mini excavator I know gbw has been asking for this it actually includes a fla mower attachment too this would be split so there's 575 in general cap and then another 57 and water I think it's necessary speaking of them there's going to be a lot of water work they doing the lead line replacement work and testing so to have this machine I think would help us in a lot of areas especially with some of the um water and flooding work that we're planning you know in various swells and things like that I think it's a useful tool on that note leadline replacement are there grants available to offset Poss Capital to do those improvements there is um don't exactly know what's out there a lot of the money is going to uh overburden communities so there's a lot of people it's it's all mandated so there's a lot know nework gets a lot of money St gets a lot of money P's getting a lot of money but we don't necessarily and thead work that you're doing the services from the main to the customer Bo correct our and yeah State mandated so we would at least be responsible from the m to the curve Bo there's also some other state mandates that require all the way up to the meter corre and the municipality portion they were unclear about how how it was going to be paid so it's kind of this unknown that we're aware of they were going to like they were going to have the municipality would do the work and then split it or if the customer hired a plumber to do the work split it with the town yeah it was a weird gray area they couldn't give an answer on that and that was last year they couldn't I don't know if they've got any updates didn't seem like it we haven't heard okay um and the concern is that with a rer like with us with they're spreading it over with the butties they like you don't know yeah so kind of a question mark there and we think as we move closer to the center of town with their work and testing that we're going to find more Le lines than we have it's not a guarantee I'm not saying that but there an assumption that we might about the range yeah you want to just skip right to the range it's kind of the next big ticket item before you get there there was one other in that section there was one section which was kind of new which said reduction if possible if needed that the I yeah ini I I wouldn't totally eliminate it necessarily but I think you could cut it back it's it's good to have there we discussed doing some I I work um around Derby I believe is the area that there's a concern we don't know exactly what those costs are going to be so kind of just want to have some money in there allocated towards it I know when I met with the SE Authority um last year they had said that they have a GIS of their of the system that they could share with us and that they would assist in the family of they've been doing a lot with that yeah so they they do have a g system already of where all the stuff is and then a lot of it where our stuff that's helpful that's a big yeah contact them for the to see it it's a view only you can't edit it because they and we've always been done we've always been good with the IM good and they want to they want to get they want to they're on the same page we are with that because it messes with their plan with all the yeah so they're just as to get so what do we think we that back up to 31 I think kind there is some money left over in some other we could do a little more homework on that and see where truly I think small amount um and then sorry just a backtrack too on a couple things so Inspire the pagers um spok were done today put that on hold for this year at least that was kind of based on another possible move that is not going to happen this year so take that out um we are hoping to get some grants um so for turnout here in PBE we got 28,000 last year for the ARP Grant we submitted the same application we could he back that's very important thing yeah I mean they they need it regardless either way um so have to get it either way but hopefully it essentially wipes the line clear in terms of the expense for the bur what is this famous shed yeah the shed is just I guess they're they're starting to feel squeezed um in the current buildings so they requested some extra storage stat first of all where it's going and second of all I think from what I understand didn't they have work something out with mutual Aid did they have a storage area I don't know the answer to that they have storage area they have an offsite storage area that they share and hold hus it's a line item on our budget so I I think that there there might be a I think that there might be a a broader project um in mind uh that may or may not actually work and I actually tend to think that this is part of a little piece of that broader project that we don't know about um at this point it's it's highly speculative so I I'd say I really don't wish to care you know I don't care to to comment on that yet because I don't think it's within the realm of posib but now what do you I mean therefore um we I have not [Music] been I got time right yeah um I would like to get a whole lot more information about the wise and the W fors of of needing this what's going to be put in there and where you going to put it uhhuh um right off the top of my head you know um let me just say that I should get more information before I make a decision my gut is saying no what was listed as a wants so I I am not including that in the current calculations but did when you met with who met with them you met with them what are they going to put there they tell you I think the proposed loation was behind station two in the parking lot but now you thinkk so that's that's a ping Place one of the more important pieces to what's going what are you going to put in and and you know I mean the phatic stuff we'll have to look into it if it's other stuff that's not our concern yeah nothing specific was outlined it was more just for General storage um again my my feeling is that based on the needs of the uh the burrow I think this is something that can be pushed off and they didn't speak to you about this supp to be about anything no that's a hard that's a hard but the pages I mean what do you want to do with that they do need Pages the pages you should so the pagers was kind the initial it's something that they anticipate they will need but I think this year they can hold off um it was kind of based on the request to move to a County dispatch so if that was the direction the bur was going to take then they would have had to upgrade U but there does not seem to be a desire to go to County dispatch right now so that that need is not and that's the basis by which they put this line on of me correct talk about I was they talk with about this they've um they have pitched it there was kind of a proposal we did a little homework and are on hold right now I think it would require further discussion so if they go to the county they're going on a different bandwidth so then up well different and what happen disches the pages that they have are programmable so is it outside the B with of the current Pages it's a big disc that's why it's kind of just that's on hold for right now I mean dispatchers they go home we don't need them there's different variations I guess you could play with if you wanted to just do fire or shift everybody over so that's like it's a much larger convers we had this discussion once before and I don't think time I don't know if you were still on the council Council likes we why do we have to go to the coun and I always looked at it this way when you when you present something and then we tell you how we feel I do not like when you say well this is what this town we're not that town we're well I don't care what the next town do we need well that's a big discussion that is a very big discussion and that would just so you know to a little background I had reached out to other towns that have used the county um you know did a little homework little research where the Count's at they're not even quite ready by their own admission to you know fully take on so the count so I to take a step back unless I didn't get an overwhelming uh push for support so that's kind of where that's at hard it's no all right so before we get to the pistol range um I there's a couple things in the in the police requests there was one update actually just received today that their body W camera storage and server they had originally given us an estimate for $14,000 um it actually just came in they got an updated one based on conversations with our IT company that jumped to $337,000 just so a little background on that too is the amount of storage that takes for all the body page um is is a lot so they Our IT company feels confident that that $37,000 quote will get us where we need to be and do exactly what we need at a high level for at least five years and because the other issue with that too is it's not just the body warn cameras when they then get an Oprah request it has to be reviewed and reducted then it has to be saved separately from the original so and then when they send it out it goes across um the web but it still has to be stored for record storage separately from the original it's all mandated yeah and we're getting a lot of those requests a lot of those combined with what's tucked in that 71 is the 37,000 and then a fiveyear lump of subscription fees which is about 20 $229,000 um we don't if you really wanted to cut it back we could just go annual with the subscription fees at about five but we're paying it there's there's a benefit I think just have to remember in five years that that's going to hit yes who's the it vendor our new it vendor is coin Computer Solutions okay um is there any affiliation with a company called DS not that I'm aware okay okay I'm only asking you that because my son works there he's the guy that does the radi and I didn't know if it was proper for me to sit here and say yes or no is a vendor of ours but never come up with our vend yeah just for for different radio U body armor you know is they D for Replacements replacement weapons it's time I think they said they're about six years old so they're looking to do a full swap of all their their weapons um what's not included there is there's a possible credit back for the old guns so that might that would drop that number two anticipa yeah so I mean if you want to jump that kind of brings us to the pistol range we'll go back for just one second why don't we just do everything and then leave the pistol range well I mean because we had in our numbers that we had we working with for 5.6 million budget but the new one has 6 million and it looks like basically comes from four new lines in the ppw section four electrical upgrades single aoll off trassis a single act hydraulic PL set up and a pickup about4 million rough yeah that was added in L but we could ask for additional info on that um you know just the items they have would be fair okay so we're already a milon over think our comfort level should so adding 400 to it is just make our job harder came in late so did you get back to yeah whatever information they have on theu they yep I I have that so I'll try I think it might be necessary as well to go over there and actually take a look at that equipment that they're looking to replace um because I remember when I was on uh when I was on to the DPW I went over there when they asked for all of this equipment and granted I'm going back several years but I went over there to see what was the what was the problem and they're showing me holes right right right that happened in in things and they still didn't get it but nonetheless um I think if it really needs to be done if you've got holes that you got pieces miss the only only you got to do it if you don't you don't we had the original request and this wasn't Eng there I understand for I get that you know not for that then to dump in you know $300,000 stuff that you didn't know you needed the other day I I I agree with what you're saying yeah I'm I'm just saying that you know simple walkth through might ease the burden bit when you say no would be would be helpful okay last year last year when they asked for a lot of stuff I went there and I I took a toour with them I had no problem you're available Friday Mar you go there and talk to them did you because I'm trying to understand what they're looking to is it to replace or in addition to it looks like they want to replace and then they want to also replace 64 right one I forgot I have my computer right roll it's the one that they can use for both the if they want if they're looking for some equipment might be helpful is like a single axle dump truck that that they P that's something that we started doing at Water Company do our own Paving we could ask if there's alternatives to because that that would be about the same you know you could get a single about the same resist but then they could do like cuts and Treet where there's the issue you can actually box out okay yourself but you need a single assle to carry the for there we just wonder if the Roll Up is with the mindset that it's modular you can put on the Suter you can also utilize it to do that's what they do with that and they can also use it to do utilize it for the dump uh yeah the dumpsters you could do that with why don't we talking about that would be you know that was something that we just heard you know we did in and just the D you'll see there are some wants so I don't know if you want to just knock those out the 40 y container yeah 40 yard container know sow machine goat are things that would be helpful with their operations but I think could probably wait yes are but it's good that they put them in here right abely okay what about W everything's all right with that they need the pages that's no problem yeah they need to yeah that was their only request us and that's calculated in it is okay okay the fam is pistol R yeah so I think that brings us to the pistol range I don't have an opinion here question an opinion how absolutely necessary is it $500,000 it's a big SP and I think that I've heard mixed I've heard mixed op not opinions but I've heard mixed feedback on is required it's not required obviously safy is an issue sure not risk that's important but half million do it goes a long way if something invest now years from now it really helps us out so I know it has right but something's getting kicked here I I hope so I hope we agre something's getting kicked Milli hot but um the question is I just don't know have do we ever speak to the police chief about this I think we should speak to him do we know if they did a quality study to determine whether or not it's not in compliance that's why they need the upgrad I don't know there's no backup well what I've been told up there is that about that facility is they have to change their filter a lot more often right now because uh it's the H too small can't handle it and so the count of lead in the air is too high so we're actually spending more money to change the filter more often and we have to shut down while it depends for that replacement and uh there's opportunity would say to make that more of a proper Center we're able to rent it out after our agreements with the current uh expiring 26 because we will be able to PR the facility and use it more departments so we don't be able we get any additional income till 26 but if the lead level's High I think you're right I think you're right I think you have to need we need to know that to know whether I mean if it's out of compliance because of the lead level that's oan that's that's that's a couple years out maybe what they need is even more than 500,000 I mean prices have gone up in a couple years I don't know just yeah we have we have you would have to zero in on the cost a little bit more and this does include the roof also which I know was repaired but the HB takes up most of the roof so if you're doing it it would be a good time to ro hasn't the roof been done not fully it was a patch a big patch but a patch and when is everybody's contract up with the the Consortium is up in 26 and are we guaranteed that they're going to stay with us or they're going to move on somewhere else it's eight other towns it's us eight towns I think seven we're still short one because when we were doing projects and I told St already we were doing the project in the beginning yeah and that when Gary was here at the inum and we sat down and talked to all the May and right away one of the mays decided that they were going to put a pistol r everybody with us they decided oh we'll go there so there's no loyalty yeah I see that so we want to improve do the improvements prior to getting people to yeah it's right before the renewal they could just spend the money and then everybody say later but we have to see if it's really I want see what the terms of of their current agreement on to I mean they give $500 a year toward capital I think we have to figure out if there's air quality problem there yeah and I like to hear they also pay toward the operating expense oh okay but that's not much how much roof space is up there when you take out right you put the new system in is there a possibility to add solar to that site so that maybe there's grant money available that when you put the solar you can say the roof improvements are due to the solar and then you get and you offset the overall cost definitely a good idea to explore and then the other thing is if the solar is able to power that site you reduce the utility cost so the Rober P pay pa I I think we need a little bit more information what going on but again it all comes down to if it's if it's not safe right if it's not safe it has not safe we got to do it but if it's if it's a matter of our pm has to go every quarter to replace filters and that gives us the short term to get someplace where we can do a bigger project that we might be able to offset with money we should we should first bring somebody from investigate what year proposing can get some money somewhere else I don't know if this can work or not because I'm new here but um you say that the the contracts for the current clients are up in 2026 is that correct right um so if we go get a an air quality survey whatever the technical ter is for and then we go to these people and say listen um we're going to build you this facility um and we're going to put money away every year between now and then to offset the total cost of this roof and HVAC project um if you sign back up with us for another four years that way we know we have our Consortium oh yeah absolutely yeah we know that the already commun that we can't leave right and now we have time to put money aside can we do that I mean is that allowed or not I don't know I don't see why I don't know what you can it's kind of what we're want to do like why spend the money today to fix it and then next year they're like buy right but we don't have to we don't have to spend the money now to do it correct um just a I think we have to get more information like's aou moving there you all want I'll PD and have them put together full presentation the current estimate things I mean they can't commit to us that they're going to everybody that's that is here now is going to stay with us but they could have a general feeling of what you know I know everybody's happy all the people that are in part of this yeah St are very happy they like the average cost of the Town using range they go to County they go to the County convenience for them the county is they can't get the space fast enough like you want that's one good thing we we have out and then where would they go if it wasn't without that um oh my no I forgot where it is but everybody you know we only lost one one town and everybody else is happy to speak to the police the only reason I ask is I wonder what their what their fees would be somewhere else that's why I asked add that you know PBA is different than private people maybe we should ask Drew might one found yeah yeah I think we have to talk a little bit more I think what we have to do is we have to bring in the police to talk them about that we have to question the shed what's going on with that what do you need it for why I think that's done or you just don't want to do it that's oh okay all right and then we have to talk to DBW good so where are you so without DPW 400,000 we at million and that's where you want to be no he wants to be at two doesn't look like two is going to be possible if I'm being honest with myself there's a halfway to 2.5 if we push the one more year which again go a long way for us again we're looking at bonding a very high amount in 2026 compared to previous more than that's actually question I have you look at the we're all Focus there's a big number sit out 2026 for another don't that Andy I I don't think it's quite time to even discuss that no just because Mike's trying to get to a number and he wants to keep it to whatever if we're kind of sure that those next couple years there's not going to be that huge expenditure that's get there then we might be to get to his goal but you have that one sitting there on the spreadsheet so that's I agree again we have the arrest every every dollar we spend in capital is just another payment that we have to make right so um it's going it's just fund balance Deb [Music] service so not bad we we cut quite a lot out in one night when would you be looking for the presentation from the next our next regular meeting is the 13th is everybody here are you here I mean i' rather get them in and I rather and then we you know tomorrow to the yeah just make sure the agenda is sure Madam no problem we will try please no problem we'll make it work while I mean customary that they could get us the number sooner than that they had them and then give you a just so we had them in advance or is that not customary yeah I mean whatever we can pull together as soon as possible we'll share it out and then you know things come back and you know it's necessary just so if there's questions maybe we can adjust in and then they don't you notail thank you you look at I want to put them on the spot it you know program so it used to be people would question uh you know what's the right number for for for Capital and you know when I first got into my CFO uh experience I used to think oh lower the better you know everything absorb into operating be best but then as as time progressed I uh really was educated in terms of why Capital programs are in existence that for RO programs for instance okay some some heavy dollars that are being spent even if you had $700,000 that you willing to take out of fund balance or get from your taxpayers it's not fair to the existing taxpayers who might not be living here when by the that bond gets paid out so it makes sense for certain expenses uh that are longterm to be spread out over time so that number one your current taxpayers aren't getting hit you know all at once but some of them might not even be here to have benefited from 20 years worth of Roads or or whatever it is so yes in as much as it would be great to have no debt it really makes sense to have some Deb um the state does allow for up to three and a half percent of your assessed value in uh in bonds we are nowhere near that um we're at like 6% so technically we be authorized to do much larger uh you know bonds and whatnot and I'm not recommending that at all um but just perspective wise where we are in terms of what you know we we could be um the other thing too is my mention so right now we have two Bond issues out 2014 and 2020 historically we've been bonding like every six years or so so that's why we're anticipating come 2026 and the way you look at it is okay we have 2014 and then 20120 when the 2014 falls off that's when the 2026 is going to come up on So You minimally like to you know try to keep it as smooth smooth as you can um but to the extent that we are increasing you know our needs it will drive up the the the bond and interest payments you know in the future so From perspective the original 2014 Bond uh for General Capital was four four and a half million um and then the 2020 issue was uh just about 7 million so we're guaranteed that there's going to be increases in terms of the 2026 setting us on a higher you know projection um the 2020 when that comes due you know that is higher already so you know who knows maybe bring it downward but just a little history on what we have Katie are you all right with everything that we've uh decided so far Katie sorry I couldn't hear that are you all right with everything we've done so far and how we going to go back and ask them to help us with everything you good yeah I'm good with it okay great thanks Satur anything else your next no everyone okay with this format I mean last year we went line by L I thought maybe okay we'll see everybody Saturday February 3rd what do you mean at 8:30 February 3rd oh Saturday this Saturday for operating my friend should we bring breakfast sure you buying we take it out of my budget I will do I have a motion toour motion by Mike second by Andy all in favor oppos