e e e e e e mics are on tape is on you ready this meeting is being held in conformance with the Sunshine Law notice of time date and place has been furnished to the Bergen Record in the Ridgewood news notice has also been posted on a bulletin board of the administration building would the clerk county take the role mayor gardano here Mr brenick here miss sakola here Mr martinello here Mr Richie here Mrs Weber here everyone kindly rise for The Pledge Allegiance Pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all let us have a moment of silence for all veterans especially walwick veterans who have served in our countryes Wars and who have given the ultimate sacrifice so that we could stay free and assembled The Way We Are Tonight let us never forget them and the service they have given to their country and to us CL do the prayer please dear Lord we start this meeting asking for your guidance and wisdom may we find unity and fairness the outcome should reflect our wishes to ass assist the bur in all their Endeavors thank you in his name amen good evening everyone and thank you to uh for for coming coming out to this meeting just a couple of items under my report first of all um if you are not at the 5K you missed a good time as always it was a great day weather held out which is a good sign we have also the car show coming up and uh we have other events that are going to be coming in through the community you'll be noticing it on Bulletin and all over uh uh Facebook and our websites and everything of that nature we have our Memorial Day Parade coming up or the veterans have their Memorial Day Parade we ask everyone to kindly come out and support our veterans and all veterans also starting next Saturday we will be um flowering the community this year we have uh groups of Girl Scouts that will be doing all the planting for us what they're going to be doing is the they're going to be planting at the municipal building they'll be at the public safety building they'll be planting at the 9/11 Memorial and they'll be planting at other areas in which we you know let them know they'll be starting at 9:00 in the morning if anybody wants to come by and cheer them on say hello to them uh if you do just bring a shovel so you could help them dig a hole so they could put the plant in it and uh that's really all I have to report Financial administrative committee Mr Richie thank you mayor uh very short um report sorry um just you you'll see today on resol Solutions a couple items um these are you know as we should mention just budgeted for uh in advance and you'll see I think some of is for road work and uh you know uh purchase of a hydraulic excavator all of these were were pre-planned so um I'll save the rest of my report for new business thank you fire and police protection committee Mr brck Mr Mayor I don't have a report tonight I have a comment or two that I'll make later on in the meeting thank you very much Public Safety Committee Miss saraha thank you mayor on Saturday April 20th wvac participated in the baseball and softball parade they also provided standby for the 5K and coordinated the assistance of Allendale Midland Park and hocus ambulance Corps who are strategically positioned along the Route wak will be participating in the Memorial Day Parade later this month and the car show on June 2nd as far as runs in April there were 49 total runs Ashley studo went on 26 which was the most of any member the majority of the April runs were on Saturdays Falls accounted for 16 runs breathing problems for six motor vehicle accidents for five and psychiatric problem abnormal behavior suicide attempt for five a unit was on scene in under 5 minutes for about 84% of all of the runs and I also just want to commend the Chamber of Commerce the sponsors volunteers everyone that participated in the 5K this weekend it was a great event thank you uh I forgot to send you my report but uh uh also if you could do do me a favor and uh just reach out to Mr papaik and just thank him for uh once a month sending the administrator and myself a report not that you the one you have is what you read but he gives us other reports and it's good to let him tell us what's going on and I owe you a report okay Recreation health committee Mr monello thank you Mr Mayor um like to report for the health department we have our walking program starting next Wednesday see uh mayor G Oro there leading the Walkers um thank you um baseball association had their opening day last Saturday it was a great event uh they'd like to thank uh walvac the fire department the police department for all coming out and making a great show for the kids we had a lot of great comments that uh they love being in the community and thank you uh Mr Mayor and the other members of council for coming out and uh that was a great event for for all um met with the wal R football program uh this this week they are in the middle of their registration Drive um they notice their their cheered numbers are are closed out unless they have so many girls participating but they're still um advertising for uh more boys to join the program for football and they have some uh information night coming up that you can find on their Waldwick Facebook page and on their website also uh the soccer re soccer department is having no registration Drive um still time to register for fall soccer make sure you get your registrations in early and also I'm sure um Kelly will be speaking shortly there'll be some advertisement coming out about our summer concert series and a great event coming up in uh in June that's it for today thank you thank you very much Public Works committee Mr Rondo's on vacation he said that once he returns he'll do a double report at our next meeting building and ground committee Mrs Weber thank you Mr Mayor um nothing too uh crazy this week uh we were're able to um or I participated in the townwide cleanup on Saturday with the mayor and uh with the environmental committee uh we had a good turnout and uh the weather was was nice it held out um thanks for the 5K always a big turnout and I really enjoyed that um the uh like I said there's not too much the library actually was able to start their bathroom Renovations I guess they've been waiting quite a while for that so you see a dumpster outside the library and uh um they're not really sure how long it's going to take they're hope in just about a month but we'll see and that's all I havek you thank you very [Music] much B administrator Steve uh thank you mayor I'll save my comments for other items on the agenda thank you Kelly bur clerk thank you mayor uh resolution 20241 15 um due to the Waldwick High School graduation being moved to Tuesday June 18th the council will need to move their regular meeting to June 12th so that resolution will do that and then I will advertise it accordingly 2024 151 the warrior football club applied for a raffle license for their event on June 21st all the paper was submitted to the legalized games of chance Control Commission and the license can be issued at this time and that's why that resolution is on there with regards to elections May 14th is the last day to register to vote in the June primary election and um my office will be open till 7:00 p.m. that night uh sample ballots will begin to be mailed on May 22nd and if a residents uh voters actually could remember to bring their sample ballot with them to the polls um it just makes it that much easier and quicker for you to um sign in because your barcode is on the front of your um your sample ballot um early voting is uh May 29th through June 2nd uh Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 8:00 P.M and Sundays 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. uh the two closest voting locations for early voting as the uh woff Public Library shop meire room um and the second one is Ty's senior center in Woodcliff Lake I just wanted to point on the uh homepage of our website all the way at the bottom where the where the meetings are but to the right is the voter instruction video um it'd be helpful for residents who have or voters who have not yet voted on the new machines to view that prior to going to the polls um it will really help you um to be be able to process through a lot quicker if you kind of know what to do um that's all I have for that and then if I'll just touch base quickly on the summer concert series um we were able to put together um three uh concerts um but the big one that we've been working on is going to be on Flag Day Friday June 14th um at the Waldwick pool um and we are going to have midlife crisis uh will be our entertainment uh we have uh contest for the most patriotic dress uh we'll have giveaways patriotic giveaways um and so we're kind of working on that we also are have reached out to the businesses actually Tatiana and I went out today uh and walked uh because it was nice out um and reached out to businesses to do specials from 5:30 to 7:30 that night um and we're going to advertise it for them so kind of helping the businesses if they if they were interested so I already we already have two but we did get feedback from the other ones we went to and so we expect those to start coming in and then those flyers uh will go out pretty regularly so people know what their options are um the other three concerts I can't I don't have them in front of me so I don't remember when they are um but we do have one in uh another one in June we have one in August and one in September and we're looking to do possibly a movie event in July um with um some sponsors so um we'll kind of keep you posted but as the material is completed we'll get it out and um hopefully everybody can join us on Flag Day on Friday June 14th now the pool's not available the pool is not available for swimming that night there will be no swimming um this is just a concert only in the field we'll have spill over onto the oval um and we're going to hopefully have hopefully we'll have a face painter so that'll be over kind of by the oval we having a beach balls going to be tossing around you know different thing so um just watch out for that kind of information to come out and that's all I have we're not going to paint the water red we're not painting the water red I know you want to but you have a blue a blue background and a blue W so I can put maybe a red balloon maybe someday I'll get something from you no okay I'll Grant administrator Matt uh thank you mayor just would like to remind the public that early discounts for pool registration ends on May 20th every resident can save $10 that the register by the 20th uh the pool opens on May 25th weekends until June 19th and then start open every day 10 to 7: on uh from June 20th on that's all for me mayor okay covering for our attorney Katie Fina anything I have nothing to report and we're not going to close for no issue okay thank you consent resolutions and resolutions of the governing body be it resolve that the following resolutions here with listed by consent having been considered by the governing body of the Bureau of walck are hereby pass passed and approved 2024 139 approval of consent 22440 approval of minutes regular meeting April 23rd 2024 policy votes a Nadia I'm going to say this wrong sir tattinger requests to use Pavilion B on June 15th from 11:00 a.m. to dust with alcoholic beverages being served B Charlotte shandorf request to use Pavilion a on June 22nd from 1 to 6: p.m. with alcoholic beverages being served C Nadia I'm going to say it wrong again certain c c cender request to use Pavilion B on July 14th from 11:00 a.m. to D with alcoholic beverages being served D Melissa agero requests to hold a block party on May 26th from 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. with Highwood app to be closed between Courtland and Summit with alcoholic beverages being served e the Waldwick Girl Scouts request to hold a pool party on June 14th from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. and request lifeguards and F appointment of James Schultz as a senior member of the Wald fire department 2024 141 award a fair and open contract to DNL Paving Contractors for the 2024 Road rehabilitation project in the amount of 47431 33 202442 award a fair and open contract to fully ink for hydraulic excavator in the amount of 8,467 123 202443 award a fair and open contract to Route 23 Automall for the 20 24 Ford F350 truck in the amount of $ 71,3 120 20 2444 award a non-fair and open Professional Services contract to L vincing Bliss LLP to per of financial advisory services for the burough of walwick and the amount not to exceed $20,000 2024 145 awarded non-fair and Open professional service contract of Boswell engineering for improvements to Harrison Avenue task two construction inspection and project Clos out in the amount of 13,500 2024 146 authorizes shared service agreement Bergen County for snow plowing and salting on uh of County roadway within the burrow for 2024 through 2026 2024 147 authorized the bcua solid waste Cooperative marketing program agreement for solid waste disposal 2024 148 award a contract with DBC LLC for concessions operations at the Waldwick municipal pool 2024 149 approval of chapter 159 for the local Finance Recovery Fund America rescue plan act in the amount of 1, 57,98811 20241 15 authorized amendment to resolution 20243 to change the council regular meeting date in June from June 18th to June 11th 2024 151 approval of raffle license 20243 for the warrior football club 2024 152 authorized release of Road opening escrow for Block 129 lot 17 2024 153 authorized release of cash maintenance Bond and escrow balance Dr DNR Waldwick LLC 2024 1554 tax over payments for Block uh 119 lot 3.02 2024 1555 Redemption of tax title lean 23-00 634 and 2024 156 payment of vouchers do I have a motion in a second to accept motion by Katie second by Andy anyone have a question on these uh a couple of I will talk about some Steve will talk about um the road program which is uh 20 24-1 141 that's the road prog program that we uh we are starting to work on uh also as uh Mike mentioned uh from the capital budget purchase is 2024 uh 142 and 143 2024 d144 that's our professionals doing a water rate study for us also 20241 145 is inspection services and project close out from Haron Avenue which will be starting in a couple of weeks also 2024 d146 and 147 is just renewal agreements that we have and then um 2024 148 is the uh the pool concession stand we got one person that bidded which was the person from last year so he's back with us he feels very comfortable being with us and I think everyone enjoys being with him and that's all Steve uh yeah I'll just comment quickly on um 202 24-1 149 um which is the approval of chapter 159 uh the American Rescue plan act monies this is really just to allow us to utilize those monies that weed through the um State local fiscal Recovery Fund um into the budget for this year um we'll have more on the next meeting um having to do with specific projects related to that money um so more to come on that but this is really just to start the process and allow us to bring that money into the budget anyone else uh Mr Mayor if I could uh under 140f uh I just wanted to point out that uh the fire department is accepting Jim schills as a me as a senior member of the department um Jim has been a fireman for quite a number of years in a neighboring town and he has uh requested uh an application he was investigated and uh I'd like to welcome uh welcome Jim aboard and wish him the best of luck thank you anyone else CL please take the role Mr bronck yes Miss sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay we have two public hearing ordinances with the clerk Harland Reed ordinance number 20247 ordinance number 20247 and ordinance amending chapter 48 fees section 824a dumpster container permit escrow required an 82 meeting what all this is is that we're cleaning up uh or clarifying the ordinance's language to make it compliant that's what we're doing nothing else is changing anyone else I closed the council's comments open up to the public anybody from the public would like to comment in this ordinance that was just read if not I close the Public's comments and ask for a motion a second to pass his ordinance on second reading at that the clerk be authorized to advertise in a local legal newspapers as required by law I have a motion and a second motion by Katie second by uh Michelle clerk take the role Mr brck yes Miss sakola yes Mr martinello yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay with Clark H read ordinance number 224-18 ordinance number 20248 an ordinance amending chapter 82 streets and sidewalk uses of the revised ordinances of the burough of Waldwick in its entirety anyone from the council would like to comment on this ordinance though it's just right what this is is as we discussed last time it's the same as number 17 we're just uh uh cleaning up a clarifying in the ordance Lang to make a compliant anyone else I close the council's comments and open up to the public anybody from the public would like to comment on this ordinance if not I close the Public's uh comments and ask for a motion to second to pass this ORD on second reading and that the clerk be be authorized to advertise in the local legal newspapers as required by law motion and a second okay we'll give one to uh Joe and then a second one to Mike clerk take the role Mr Mr brck yes I'm Sorry Miss s yes Mr martinello yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes introduction of ordinances we have one with the clerk finally read ordinance number 20249 ordinance number 20249 an ordinance to repeal and replace chapter 84 Street excavation a motion and a second is in order to move this and pass this ordinance on first reading and that it be advertised on local legal newspapers required by law setting a public hearing 2 weeks from tonight's meeting at 7:30 p.m. or soon thereafter as the mattera may be reached do I have a motion in a sec we'll give it to Mike again we'll give it to Michelle Steve would you like to uh yes so really this uh ordinance is kind of strengthening our current ordinance so we're going to completely uh replace what we have the biggest takeaway is there's requirements in there for moratorium roads um so after we have paved or repaved any Street in the bur no excavation permit shall be issued for openings Cuts or excavations in the street for period of 5 Years From the date of such Paving so any of our newly paved roads should be protected for a period of 5 years unless there's an emergency circumstance anyone else or take the role Mr BR yes Mr yes Mr martinello yes Mr Richie yes Mrs Weber yes okay any unfinished business from the council nope new business from the council just keep in mind starting in June we will be uh everyone here on the on the deis will be wearing uh the shirts that we'll be supplying everybody for the summer you don't have to wear a shirt and tie uh you need pants to wear so even though people don't see you you need to have something on the bottom but the shirts are all been ordered Kelly will let us know if we are going to get them in time which we think we will we're going to also try to see if we could get them for Memorial Day so when we March in the Memorial Day Parade we will have the shirts to wear there'll be all our names on them and uh also all the uh people that work in this building will have shirts also any other unfinished or new business yes yes sir thank you Mr Mar I just like to say attended the uh Board of Education meeting um last evening and I like to congratulate and welcome um as a for a member myself the new members of the National Honor Society um there a great number of kids who qualify for National Honor Society and they were honored last night at the Board of Education meeting congratulations to to them also it's teacher education teacher appreciation week and as part of that um the wal School District had um congratulated four teachers for Teacher of the Year from Trap Pagan school um Miss Jenny Boyd first grade teacher from Crescent School Miss Sarah Kiani kindergarten teacher from Waldwick Middle School Miss Christina mccan language arts and from Waldwick High School Mr Dan Freeman social studies um congratulations to all those teachers also at the meeting did cover their 24 um school budget there was an increase that passed along to our to the residents 2.7% they went into great detail about how they offset a lot of that from capital reserve to keep the um the tax increase as low as possible um was a great presentation and you could find more information about that budget on on the board of education website really encourage you to take a look at what they're doing um and also they reported that the the school construction is going along you know very well just about wrapped up um those uh School classrooms on the front lawn will start to get moved off um which will really uh bring everything together so um everyone's looking forward to that being completed thank you and also while we're on the subject of the Board of Ed we did cancel our meeting to make it another day because it's always been a tradition that we as a council support our school and our our youth so please try to make it to that event also uh I was invited to the scholarship ceremony which I'm going to give a congratulations to everyone and then also to the graduating up ceremony that Tuesday morning I was invited so I will be there representing everyone so um if we could try to make it let's try to make it for the Board of Ed and mostly for the children and and their families uh any other new business we have one item parking in burrow Park neighborhood and our administrator will tell us how far we progressed so far with this uh yes thank you mayor so as you all know we were um brought a petition from a couple residents in the in the neighborhood over there um specifically Alexander um I wanted to update you all that I met with that Resident yesterday to discuss some a proposed solution um which we're going to have the burough attorney work on an actual ordinance change for the next meeting um so I did present some options to them which is basically uh residential parking between certain hours um that would hopefully correct the situation over there um and not inhibit the residents in the area too much um but we did provide him that proposal so he could go back get some feedack back he was going to share that on the same petition platform um that he got all the signatures on so hopefully we'll get some feedback and we can make some progress on that and get an ordinance in place now those it's not just that street it's all the streets that lead into bur Park nobody will level flow into the next block yeah it also includes um nailan Irving Pennington Sherman all the streets in that area anyone have a question for our administrator right as you you know go along with this let us know and then you know we'll know about this when we have it on the agenda for the next any other new business if not publish comments anybody from the public would like to comment please come to the microphone please state your name only not your address I just thank mayor council supp this amazing event Sunday we had over 600 Walkers Finish Line years now people come across that line it's a wonderful event you know the town was Inc ceration between comps was amazing uh no intr report and just a great day around next year is May thank and Stan and Christine I want to thank you very much for honoring me on Sunday I didn't expect to receive a a plaque from you but Monday morning I showed it off to everybody and it's on the wall already I want to thank you very much and just a note uh everything that they last year they raised uh $36,000 and they gave away 40 they gave money to 40 organizations in our community and some on the outside so whatever they do they really giv back to the community and we want to thank you and uh you know maybe next year it'll be nice stand and I think maybe we're going to have to give you some tranquilizing a little bit something like that you worry but you know what you worry in a good way and we want to thank you anyone else um I noticed that in the at the Wells was starting to get tanks install I don't know has any of filtration started yet I don't mean inst not officially so only at well 6 where there was a temporary tank they they start that's the first one they're going to turn online officially do they have an idea of a start date when all the tanks will be fil during water all the at filter water attentative date when they think everything's going to be completed sir right now we're looking at July 31st thank you second all I realize that you got the big tanks up in m and you're not immediately going to get filtered clean water at your foring so take time to get through the system is there a estimate of how long that will take before we get actual clean water coming out of the for because uh I don't know how many gallons you got sitting up in white for another spot but it's not going to be immediate when you turn on the filters there's going to be a month before I can turn on my for and drink the water or does anybody know how long that process will take so it's hard to to put a solid number on that because every well is going to be turned up individually so everything's going to be staggered so it's not like all six Wells are going to be turned on automatically so it's going to be kind of phased in so pretty much by the time we're done you should have clean water at your faucet because one well is going to go on one week yeah do all the proper testing then that one will be turned online then the following week you know and so on okay I understand that and I don't I could be wrong but I don't believe the whole only like our section Ted is comes a lot from that tank yeah well I'm just using that as an no I know I know to to come along and just say in essence going to be diluting the water that has the problem okay and until that whole delution process takes place uh we're I'm skeptical of drinking the water so I'm just trying to find out well maybe you got to date that and I won't hold you to it yeah I can come to the meeting you can say there was a delay or there was an advance I'm here to listen and inquire yeah I think we'll be able to zero in on that date once we start getting things online officially once the filter media is installed and we get through all the testing phases I understand uh also Mr Mayor I'd like to give you something that I found from the county tal these are students from trapan they had their art oh how nice used in the county calendar I don't know if you or the council would like to turn around and dropped them a note just saying you know wonderful things uh however I came across it good it's good to see that wck was on there yep I'll look into it thanks thank you thank you thanks sir anyone else when the pool Clos last year we did a we did a survey we asked all the people surve all the people you want to explain it sure um fill in if I miss something too but yeah so it's kind of it's twofold um one was based on recommendations from the pool manager uh we don't have lights there so obviously sure um that was one one of the main reasons um and then as as the mayor just mentioned we did we put out a survey to all the 2023 members last year it went to everybody yeah we we did email it out to every registered member um so sorry if you missed that we shared it on all of our platforms and emails too um we'll be doing that again this year so please keep an eye out for it um but some of a lot of the feedback in there um was some of the hours a lot of the younger families wanted earlier hours so we kind of took that hour and put it towards the front end and are opening earlier to accommodate some of those requests problem is [Music] issue really not that I'm aware nope we could look into it for next year we can put into our budget the only thing is we can't have many events in the pool area because it's a liability with people going there just like when we do have the concerts and we keep the pool open we have to have somebody in the pool area watching the CH I know can I can I finish I can I finish what we have to do is we have to have somebody in the pool and one year Chuck farer and I were had to watch the young kids going into the pool area to use the restroom which they decided to play on the swings which was a big liability because the parents were listening to music and they wanted to have some time for themselves so we made sure the kids were safe but we will you know we will look into this for next year in our budget yeah the reason up lot of obviously yeah we do that but that is what we do at the concerts in the bur par when we have our concerts we have people come and bring food and they bring uh whatever they want to eat and drink yeah oh I see you there yeah we'll look into it for it we will look into this for next year in in the uh for the light we put that on the yep the agenda anyone else if not do I have a motion to adjourn motion by Andy second by Mike all those in favor everyone happy Mother's Day