e e e e e e e good evening everyone and welcome to the January 16th Board of Education business meeting for Wall Township Schools please rise and join me in saluting the flag thank you at this time I'm going to ask our board secretary Mr Smite to please read the sunshine announcement and perform roll call this is the Walltown Board of Education meeting for which adequate notice under the open public meeting Act was provided by notice to the co-star Asbury Park Press Township clerk's office posting in all Wall Township Public Schools and in the board Administration office on January 4th 2024 take a roll call Mr anesio miss barbier here Mr buffer here Miss D Giovani Mr malof here Mr Nasser here shimko here Mr wandra miss titites here thank you this time may I please have a motion for the board to go into executive session the items listed on the agenda I'll make that motion Mr Nasser second thank you the board will be going to um executive session at this time we anticipate returning for a 7:30 return all in favor great good evening ladies and gentlemen good evening ladies and gentlemen at this time we're going to be reconvening to public session the Wall Township Board of Education business meeting for Tuesday January 16th uh please join me for the flag salute thank you this time um Mr SMI you do a roll call take a roll call Mr anio miss barbier here Mr buffer here Miss D Giovani Mr Mali here Mr Nasser here miss shco here Mr wandra miss stes here thank you do the inclement weather several of our um pieces of the agenda including the student showcase are going to be postponed this evening so at this time we're going to be opening the floor for public comment on school related issues um if anyone has anything for public comment we have the um Podium down here and a Podium at the top of the stairs I don't think okay hi my name is Ellie razik um with elen wall I would like to begin by commenting on something that happened during the January 2nd meeting while Betsy cross was commenting on the possibility of bid rigging of the central trailers the board's attorney Athena Corell interrupted her twice mocking her observations as Area 51 conspiracy theories these comments are unprofessional out of line interrupting and heckling to intimidate a member of the public while they're trying to raise questions should not be tolerated the board does after all swear to an oath to support the Constitution if Miss Cornell does not take that oath should she be monitoring public comment next I'd like to highight two other board meeting incidents that share related concerns at the June 15th 20 21 board meeting I present cons I presented concerns that the covid-19 vaccinations were causing serious injuries and death deaths when a parent comes before the board to share a warning about something that was about to be mandated it should be taken seriously instead it appears my warnings were ignored you can ignore but you can't say you weren't warned here is where we are today on the so-called vaccines it is currently estimated that a Glo the global vaccine rollout has caused 17 million deaths it has been proven that the vaccines possess foreign DNA contamination to the extent that they can integrate into Human Genome the Florida Surgeon General Dr Joseph ladipo recently called for a halt of the vaccines due to his concern for foreign DNA contamination just because the vaccine hasn't been pulled doesn't make the reality of the harm that they're causing a conspiracy theory given all the information that has come out since June of 2021 one this board has a moral obligation over a doe obligation to remove any mention of them from our district website next I'd like to address the presentation made by Susan Barn at the December 19th board meeting concerning the new Rise program offered at the high school for students who experience extreme School avoidance don't feel safe or even trapped at school she stated that the program would support students who experience extreme panic when they walk into the building as a parent what immediately came to mind was maybe it's the environment triggering the Panic instead of creating another program that makes students feel broken maybe the district needs to do some serious reflection on the overall School environment and make changes there's so much emphasis on telling students to be kind but do all staff members model this behavior and have high standards for how they speak to students I recall stories during the mass Co days of Hall monitors yelling at students I recall a parent recently speaking a public comment about how the high the acting High School principal was behaving in a manner that was causing a student extreme stress is the environment overly clicky are staff members clicky with students do some students get preferential treatment are the school's words and actions in alignment if not I can see this causing distress and avoidance first address the school environment and leave the highly personal and delicate issue of mental health to parents as they know it's best for their kids thank you thank you do we have anyone else for public comment at this time Betsy cross I live in Wall Township um just wanted to say many people keep asking why I can't let this trailer investigation go and just move on W B president Christine sites the April 4th 2007 minutes withheld from the mammoth County prosecutor's office reflect the drawings are going to be for new trailers fvf it states and SMI will still pursue used units of available I'm not sure why why we would even do that we go on to April 23rd 10 days before the alleged sealed build opening bid opening and the architect David freek like a psychic has the prices for the new and the used trailers it also States Brian SMI and FF will inspect the units and report back to the committee on their condition in addition Smite as well as fvf will continue to look for potential used units that may become available please see the PDF files it took four years to get the attachments on May 15 2007 the minute States per Mr Smite the used units have been inspected by Ted Hopkins and nobody from the architect is there Brian SMI will plan to visit the use facilities ASAP uh two days later at 7:30 in the morning uh without Mr Hab there the board SEC the board attorney uh and four missing Board of Ed members we vote to buy used trailers not refurbished used trailers from mobile ease all rushes to have them even before the doe even approves them the May 17 minutes reflect Brian Stein saying he shall it it said that the trailers were inspected by the wall Administration and the architect Mr SMI was a licensed engineer so he he certainly could have done it um what we now know is from the deposition of Brian SMI on July 17th 200 and 23 that Brian SMI is a fraud um I've given copies uh of of um pages that were given to me from his deposition and it it's disturbing the trailers were never inspected they were never inspected by the wallboard of Ed they were never inspected by the architect so what more could you possibly need to remove him from his position as business administrator he has gone on and on for 4 and a half years hiding documents from the mammoth County prosecutor's office hiding documents under Oprah being sued and losing today I just got in the mail my attorney um um on the last case is getting paid $133,000 he's proven to be dishonest and a fraud so now it's time for the board to remove him from there please ensure Mr SMI puts these facts in tonight's meeting minutes wake up and do your job cuz he's not doing his and every day you have a liar that had access to destroy destroy public records in another day he dangers endangers children please direct Miss Cornell that you've been placed on notice of this deception and fraud of the dist district and she should guide you accordingly and please be sure you give Mr SMI a rice notice when you discuss his future employment um in his deposition he states to the best of your knowledge did anyone from the district ever inspect the trailers his answer is no prior to the board's purchase no they did not Mrs cross your time is up right I think it's important that you have this on the record thank you I don't know who else visited the trailers but I don't think it would be in the purview of the district administrator to inspect the trailers I'm giving you do we have anyone else for public comment at this time please put in the good evening my name is Mike tranberg I'm a wall resident uh I couple of months ago I I sent uh Brian some paperwork uh with the project labor agreement for the upcoming construction work that was uh going to be happening here wall schools been a referendum passed I don't know if the board or any of the members of the board ever received any of the paperwork that I submitted to Brian to see if the committee would consider putting a project labor agreement on this work coming up uh that was passed from the referendum uh I know you all do your job as far as construction with the schools and everything's always been very very good at Wall Township the problem that I see and I'm a construction guy I've been in construction for over 35 years is there's a lot of work going on and there's a lot of contractors and there's 's a lot of contractors that are horrible contractors and the project labor agreement that I gave to Brian to give to to all of you is basically just a protection for the taxpayers and for you to make sure that we don't get one of these bad contractors to come and do the work in Wall Township uh madis Squan if any of you are friends with any of the school board members in Manis Squan they're going through it right now and with all the work going on you're getting contractors from all over the place and they're horrible I just went on the Architects website to see who was going to be going to the pre-bid meeting I believe it's on Friday and out of the seven you do have three horrible contractors and and I'm not saying a non-union or a union because under a project labor agreement it can be a union contractor and it can be a non-union contractor but there's some really bad contractors that are probably going to this pre-bid on Friday uh like I said I I went and looked at the architect's website and this is what I was trying to protect the board members and the taxpayers to make sure that we don't have these contractors doing the work for us uh I real quick I just don't know uh if you can Implement a project labor agreement I'd be more than happy to talk to anybody about it but if if you can't do it I just want you to see if there's any kind of vetting that you're going to be doing to some of these contractors whether there's violations with the do or OSHA violations or any kind of you got to really keep your eye on that because if you're not going to put a project labor agreement on this work I just want you to do a little backround history on whoever is the low bid for these two schools coming up I thank you for your time thank you do we have anyone else for public comment at this time C lean Duran Wall Township I was hoping that um even before a public comment that there would be apology made tonight miss Stites um uh to Betsy cross for the improper behavior of Miss Cornell at the last meeting I'm very sad dismayed and disappointed that uh the board and Miss Cornell did not see fit to do that there should be no mocking like that she's on the clock and getting paid and speaking inappropriately to members of the public repeatedly it's not the first time sarcasm inaccurate information and accusations that members of the public have spoken improperly um and I also noticed the last speaker got double the time um just just noticing that uh um that again as we pointed out at the last meeting sometimes the order of the meeting and the conduct of the meeting seems to be really a fly by the CD your pants thing based on favoritism or what you deem is appropriate or maybe even what you've done accidentally I don't know but it it for somebody watching it it looks inappropriate what people don't understand is that about the trailers and I'm one of the ones who stood up here for the past five years not all of you have been here for that but I started with pointing out bad decisions by Mr SMI on lots of contracts I OA the cont contracts I went through the contracts I compared for example the school's cell phone bills and I compared the school's photocopier bills and we were paying I think for photocopiers 10 times the annual amount per copy that all the districts around us were and I took apart contract after contract and I came in week after week for the meetings and I offered the data to anyone who wanted to see it I still have it it's still sitting in at my office the contracts were poorly made to the point where one would question how and why they were made and why were we paying you know for example I'm just going to throw a number out there $1 for every piece of photocopy paper that's used versus 10 cents that Manasquan uses so I started pointing out with smaller bills and and such that they're all made poorly all the decisions are made poorly and it escalated and then we had the moldy trailer where is the improper padding improper Foundation improper sewage improper electrical they were never inspected it's now known that for years as we've been knocking on that door that Miss cross and I were both correct that he has not in fact inspected the trailers and those two investigations you paid for tens of thousands of dollars were done improperly which I also raised my hand and said I said I wasn't interviewed he wasn't interviewed Mr SMI was not interviewed so you paid a lot of money for for nothing for nothing for for more to be hidden we had the cafeteria workers debacle The Central School front steps the paving Fiasco the contractors one after the other after the other and the Central School steps is just the latest it's not it's not right I don't think I should have to go through 45 thank you 100 thank you I'll just take the other three minutes that you gave to the other gentl Mr an your time is up it would be great if Mr do we have anyone else for public comment at this time do we have anyone else good evening Robert shimko I'm a lifetime resident of Wall Township been through the school system I'm the business manager for International Brotherhood Electrical Workers Local 400 on Route 138 we've been there for over 50 years I want to expand on Mr tamber's statement about project labor agreements I'm hoping Mr Smite did share with the board the project labor agreement how that works uh with the board what you're actually doing is you're not going to be hiring a union or non-union company um either one of them can bid on the job you will take the lowest bidder but what it does is actually make sure that the people that are hired for that job are going to be from the local area right I have a 47 members that live in Walt Township they would love to work at that school right they're going to drive by with their kids in 10 20 years and they're going to tell them listen I worked at that school and for the board not to implement the project labor agreement to tell you the truth is a disgrace right you're going to hear stories I mean she talks about some of the construction problems you go to Manis squand they're pulling their hair out right now in litigation because they had a problem contractor on the job they get a contractor there their workers can be a Mason today they'll be a painter tomorrow tomorrow it'll be a carpenter the next day they haven't been trained thoroughly like the trades people that get a four or fiveyear prip program they are specifically trained to do the job that they are hired for and what you are paying them for you are paying prevailing wages for them to be trained specifically for that Duty so for you guys to overlook the project labor agreement you're making a big mistake right for the public right we're spending good money you should be getting what you are paying for so to not have the project labor agreement on these projects is very concerning to me as a taxpayer as a resident my kids went through this school system um I went through the school system this should be implemented and uh for everybody who's on their computer over there on the right hand side I'd appreciate if you get your the attention when somebody speaks to the board and for whatever reason why you have a computer is Beyond me right that should go right to the president I don't understand why you allow them to have computers when somebody is speaking to the board they should get their full attention and that comes right from the top so again I would love uh for you guys I'm hoping Mr Smite did share with you the project labor agreement paperwork and what it actually does um you're going to get the bang for your buck because you're going to be paying lot of money for work that's going to be done very shortly that's it thank you do we have anyone else for public comment anybody else for public comment all right seeing no further public comment we're going to go ahead and close the floor for public comment at this time um again our student representative report will be postponed in our special presentations are postponed um so that we didn't bring our students out on this evening um and we will be recognizing our Governor's educator of the Year award recipients um and the professional of the Year award recipients um in March March meeting okay at this time I would like to recognize our high school student certificate students students of the month um for grade nine Elizabeth Brown for grade 10 finnean Brown grade 11 Charles Clark and grade 12 Lucas seelinger and for our night of the week for the week of December 4th we had Michael southwell for the week of December 11th we had Kaylee grober and for the week of December 18th we had Brendan McKay um I'm going to be very brief this evening um I'd like to thank our staff um most especially who helped prepare our school grounds today um so that our students and our staff could come in for our um delayed opening um hopefully everybody's going to remain safe and obviously we'll be keeping an I not me but our Administration um on the weather and what's going on with driving conditions and that is going to be it for my report this evening Dr handam thank you Miss Stites I wish safe travels for all those who are traveling this evening in an effort to lessen the number of cars on the road this evening we have postponed some of our scheduled presentations please note that the educ Ator Educational Services professional of the year uh Board of Education recognition has been postponed and will take place during the March 19th business meeting also our student representatives and the nncc are slated to return for our February business meeting um I wish to Echo uh the sentiments of Miss Stites thanking our Opera thanking our maintenance our custodial department they did an amazing job this morning and um you know they really um are such an integral part of the school district we would be remiss if we did not U give them a heartfelt thank you it is one of my Pleasures to congratulate one of our intermediate school power professionals and leaders in the Girl Scout Community Miss Nancy Peterson for being selected as wall Township's 2023 citizen of the Year all of us at wtps are thrilled that her dedication and her hard work has been recognized in such a meaningful way Miss Peter thank you for all that you do each and every day for the community and for our students during the month of January the wtps family will be studying our next mindset from the seven mindsets program the mindset everything is possible teaches that everything that exists started as an idea that someone believed could become a reality throughout this month we will participate in activities that will take us through the process of setting goals approaching ing ideas creatively keeping a positive mindset and working through obstacles some of the student highlights from this month will be shared at a future board meeting thank you to all of the families that registered for our social media safety event tomorrow night at wall Intermediate School I am certain that it will be an extremely extremely worthwhile program attention all parents of high school juniors the junior parent night originally scheduled for this evening has been rescheduled for this Thursday January 18th at 6:30 p.m. at the wall High School auditorium I cannot stress enough how important it is uh to attend if you have a junior um it will unveil a lot of the postsecondary planning uh there are a lot of steps and um really participating in evening such as Thursday will um will really get you in uh starting asking the questions regarding uh the process that will certainly eat up the summer and the fall um of your child's senior year so parents of Juniors I hope to see you there January 25th is a big night for our elementary musicians as they present their concert this special event will take place at 700 p.m. in the Intermediate School auditorium on January 24th at 6:30 at Central School the curriculum and instruction department will host a workshop on I ready for parents in grades K through five the workshop will focus on why and how the district uses I ready as well as show an assessment and discuss how parents can use the information provided on the family score report to support their child at home just a reminder that February 28th will be a half day for students in grades K through 5 staff will be participating in professional development workshops that will enhance their knowledge about research-based strategies for teaching reading again the half day is only for students in kindergarten through fifth grade and congratulations to wall high school girls basketball players Shane Eldridge and Emily t veric for both scoring their 1,000th career points last week lady nights their hoops are on fire so congratulations to them and uh we look forward to uh an amazing rest of the season for all of our winter sports and all of our um artists as well so miss stes back to you this time for our Board of Education report I'd like to go to Mr Nasser for a referendum update please thank you madam president on this month we got bids back for the second phase of the roofing projects and analyze them with spel in our last committee meeting the recommendation of the committee is going to be to award the alternate which was a deduct of approximately 4 million over the full scope of the project the details of the applied project and uh I'm sorry the project will scope a liquid applied Roofing uh with a 25-year warranty uh after we had done previous scans uh for Imaging looking at the health of the um instulation on the roof so the recommendation is going to be to go with that liquid aide Roofing the referendum Gant chart was completed by the architect um it's for just the Public's knowledge will be a chart that will show the timeline of all the projects the bidding time frames the um construction proposed construction timelines all in one chart um we did ask for some changes just to make it a little easier to read for everybody um as soon as we have that back we will post that on the website the site work at Allenwood has come up uh obviously by now it's out there we rejected the stairs due to quality issues and they are being rebuilt additionally there were some water intrusion around the foundation that uh we're going to deal with at the same time so stay tuned on that that is all I have thank you please stop calling out thank you do we have any other um any other members need to contribute anything for our board report okay seeing none committee report Court uh committees did meet for their first set of meetings um for the new year um those minutes are posted online um do any of my committee chairs have anything to add okay seeing none we are going to move on to Second public comment the uh this comment section is for agenda action items please if you have anything for second public comment action um action items please either use the upper a lower Podium any Betsy cross I live in M Township um I did send in an email and I asked who the vendor was for the Allenwood steps and nobody replied so Mr Nasser if you could let us all know who the vendor is did the vendor walk off the job maybe like RIS did um or are we still using the same vendor please put it on the record so I don't have to follow up 18 times um and if anybody please anybody on the board know who the vendor is let us all know um thank God for these two gentlemen up here hallelujah what we've been saying this for I've been saying this for 12 years I don't know what's going on here the corruption is to the core so Public Notices um that 11:00 bid opening I will be there I hope it's online I hope I don't have to search for it to find it but I will be there for the bid opening um and to hear that three out of the seven are you know we've got problems with it it it's disturbing uh please we cannot have Adam Nasser be on the fnf chair anymore uh he says this is his specialty and the action item that you're referring to miss cross um these are for Action items only public comment 15 collective bargaining agreement between the W Township Board of Education and the W Township Administration and supervisor's Council WTC effective July for the period July 1 2023 through June 30th 2028 there's nothing attached so I do not want anything approved that we cannot see last time this happened Tracy handerhan I think got a $22,000 retroactive Race So when we're going back six months I get very nervous so um I do not want to see anybody voting for this I want you to tell us what it is and postpone it until the next meeting that would be the only sensible thing to do because we don't even know what it is um I have no idea what's going on with the roofing how how how many millions of dollars could we spend on roofs so now this got shoved in there I don't think this was there on Friday approval for the contract for the roofing but that would be Mr nasser's fault um what else um you know paying this attorney to keep doing really bad things and you know I did not get a did not get an apology and I should have gotten an apology um very nice somebody made a hat for me be a Betsy I'm wearing the shirt tonight uh the shirts are for sale um we need to what is the action accountability Miss cross this is for action item only can you please direct your comments to the action agenda I do not need Miss Athena Cornell to interrupt me thank you you run the meeting Christine States I know we don't know it because you never talk and you let Athena Cornell run the meeting and Brian SMI run the district um this nonsense letter from mobile lease talks about buying completely refurbished inlike new condition trailers in Princeton Regional High School and are available for your inspection so the corruption that went on with mobile action items pleas is either Mr was trying to injure children the agenda please or a kickback so let us know what it is thank you very much thank you Mrs cross do we have anyone else for a public comment Kathleen Duran Wall Township um I wanted to add my voice to Betsy's request that you delay your vote on action item number 15 without the attachment being disclosed to the public as is required and as would be appropriate I'm going to ask that you delay the vote uh so that the public can have Fair notice of what you are voting upon and I really hope this is not an agenda item specifically but I am concerned already that we have paid Betsy C cross's attorney twice because of of Mr smite's failure to comply with Oprah what Mr Nasser is now doing by not responding to who is the vendor who is the Builder contractor who has done a poor concrete item agenda section of the Allenwood school so that we don't have to com fight another $40,000 Oprah battle for Betsy to get her her information and a simple request what's the name of the contractor who made a bad concrete agenda for this evening pleas and we'll go from there we'll look into that retention of of that contractor too cuz like the trailers we don't like to see bad construction work pleas identify what action item you refering to on the agenda good and healthy and safe for both the staff portion of this public comment please Sor I recognize Miss Stites as the president you you're nothing to me Miss Cor except someone who has very poor professional maners again action items on the agenda please thank you very much Nasser who hasn't lifted his eyes to look at the nice gentleman who spoke earlier or with Betsy who was the contractor who did a bad concrete pour so I don't have to go take all the contracts AP again to comp to the proced your Contra any other Community member please thank you thank you are there anyone is there anyone else for second public comment anyone okay at this time we'll be closing the floor for second public comment okay may I please have a motion to approve the consent agenda I need a motion I'll make a motion Mr Buffa I'll second second Mr maloff at this time may I also have a motion to table as previously agreed upon 15a I need a motion to table 15a I'll make that motion Mr Nasser second Mr Buffa Mr Smite will you please roll call tbling 15a yes absolutely uh this is to table 15a Miss barbier yes Mr Buffa yes Mr malof yes Mr Nasser yes M shimo yes Miss States yes and now may have a roll call for the remainder of the consent agenda Mr buffer yes Mr Mali yes Mr Nasser yes Miss shimo yes Miss barbier yes Miss STS yes thank you at this point may I please have a motion to adjourn I'll make that motion Mr Mala second Mr baffa all in favor I I okay hope everyone has a great evening please be careful driving home um and that's going to join our meeting for this evening