good evening and welcome to the Tuesday February 13th 2024 business meeting of the Wall Township Board of Education please rise and join me in the flag salute to the flag of the United States of America to the stand one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all at this time I'm going to ask our board secretary Mr Smite to please read the sunshine announcement and perform roll call this is the Wall Township Board of Education meeting for which adequate notice under the open public meeting Act was provided by a notice to the co-star Asberry Park Press notice to the township clerk's office all Wall Township Public Schools and a posting in the board Administration office on January 4th 2024 I'll take a roll call Mr anesio miss barbier here Mr Buffa here Miss D Giovani here Mr malof here Mr Nasser miss shimko here Mr wandra here miss ties thank you oh here and thank you at this time may I please have a motion to go into executive session to the items that are listed on the agenda Mr M Miss dgani all in favor great at this time we're going to be recessing no executive session and we plan to return to this area at 7:30 thank you you good evening everyone good evening good evening everyone at this time I would like to reconvene the business meeting of the Wall Township Board of Education um for Tuesday February 13th 2024 at this time please join uh join me in welcoming the wall High School nncc color guard for our flag salute right wheel Mark salute the United States of America and to the for stands na indivisible andice [Music] car cut right wheel March guard order arms [Music] cut thank you to our nncc Cadets they always do a fantastic job for us at this time I'm going to ask our board secretary to please perform a roll call take a roll call Mr anesia here M barbier here Mr buffer here Mr D Giovani here Mr malof here Mr Nasser miss shimko here Mr wandra here uh Madison Brody here Christopher da here Megan Cappy here Michael southwell here miss tis here thank you this time I'll be turning the floor over to Dr handam we've got some student recognition this evening that we're excited about we sure do miss Stites and they are coming into the auditorium as I speak right now um this you'll notice that we have um an amazing amount of students that are here this evening and um it is um it's incredibly special we're here to recognize them for all of their accomplishments for The Fall season and uh here tonight we have members of the wall Intermediate School we have members of wall high school and we're forly recognizing them and their coaches on really just um some amazing championships and um you know I just gosh I it as you can tell by the numbers of student athletes that we have with us it was an incredibly successful fall season um they have set a standard that is so high and I congratulate all of them um as uh as they're settling in I would like to introduce I know um to some she doesn't need an introduction but our director of Athletics Miss Marne Henry oh that was artfully done Miss [Applause] Henry you did just that Miss Henry so um it is my it's my honor and privilege to introduce our director of Athletics um you know if you've spent any time in any of our secondary schools um if you ran into her you would remember her because her enthusiasm for our Athletics program and just our students in general uh you know it's you'd be hardpressed to find anyone that is in contention so with that Miss Henry I am going to invite Miss stes to join me and I'm going to turn the program over to you wonderful um thank you so much for V ation parents student athletes um everyone that's here this evening I get to be here to share some really exciting news um there are so many incredible things that are going on every day in our district but this fall season we had some really spectacular athletic performances so I just want to you know recognize all the student athletes that are here today first of all thank you parents for the hours that you drive to practice you put into your kids and and it makes a difference and this is why we have such a large amount of kids represented here tonight with all of these championships so the first team we would like to honor this evening if we can have our Middle School our Intermediate School field hockey team with head coach Lauren Riley and Lori MTH please come on down ladies we're just gonna have you come right on down the intered at school they won the short conference league and conference championships for field hockey this year and I'm going to have the coaches read out the girls' names and we're going to give them a certificate to honor them for their spectacular performance so I don't know if they're gonna be able to size thank you okay girls as I say say your name please come on up Ava Bist Avery [Applause] barchi do I still say her name do we say the abent do I say the absent ones okay Caitlyn Coman Delany Daniel Isabella defo Liliana defo Grace Hendrickson Phoebe [Applause] Howard kayn Hughes Liv eligius sole [Applause] ignatz brenley [Applause] jaros Kristen [Applause] Jolly Annabelle [Applause] Loval meline [Applause] Manzo Olivia Manzo Sadie ma [Applause] Nash Liv [Applause] Perry Emily Richards mateline [Applause] Seuss Charlotte Switzer Bridget Webster oh checked off Tula [Applause] Walker Brielle [Applause] Wright and Gian zenetti where did he go think we need a photo I'm thinking squish picture yeah can you um yeah I can fit them all actually are you ready um we have one young lady I don't know how but can we give a big round of applause qu okay you ready was a good one that's a good one okay all right good all right congratulations congratulations ladies and the next these ladies obviously worked hard I can't wait uh to see you guys in a few years some of you next year some of you in the next couple of years and hopefully we'll have some nice Turf for you guys to play on when we get up here oo very exciting our next group of incredible athletic accomplishments uh we're going to be recognizing our sixth and seventh grade wall Intermediate School girls soccer team who took home the mammoth County Intermediate School Patriot division championship this past fall congratulations ladies and if I can have coach Mark Kelly please come on [Applause] up all right coach they're all yours thank you um I'd just like to say I had a wonderful group of kids this year um totally unselfish uh dedicated they got along great um just a wonderful group of kids that that I look forward to growing up and and becoming high school players at some point um with that being said I'll start calling our players um Ashley Agnes um on that note too we have a handful of girls missing illness and I believe um some winter trainings tonight always contribute uh Jada Bola Emily Brett Gemma Brett Addison Brown Leah de bruan [Applause] Ava [Applause] desarno Nora farell Gia for salotti Finley frud Charlotte Lynch Kate [Applause] marock Sarah [Applause] marock Megan [Applause] Baron mateline o'halleran Camila [Applause] Reyes Molly Stoddard [Applause] Adriana [Applause] virgilio and Grace [Applause] wood okay you you ready okay good congratulations again ladies um I'm starting a notice a trend here we just had the sixth and seventh grade girls soccer and next we are going to be honoring our eighth grade girls soccer team um this year the sorry the eighth grade girls soccer team they were the mammoth County Intermediate School National B division champs so congrat congatulations ladies and we're going to have head coach Neil simino go over his ladies thank you Lila abagabo Angelica arcila Macy clawber Maggie daily McKenzie delin Cali Erick Tessa fors salotti Molly gatley Emily Gibson Jenna gtis Angelica Kishi Taylor Knight Delany Mitchell Saad Sutton Jamie tter Alexis [Applause] weel you ready [Applause] good as the ladies are making their way back again I wanted to give a huge shout out to the Intermediate School to have three teams that won championships in county is amazing so I'm so excited to welcome you guys in the next few years over to the high school be part of the Crimson nights and have you playing on the big fields big courts and we're excited congratulations again all right now we're getting into some serious Hardware here for the high school as we recognize our boys cross country team as their short conference a division championship um and head coach Mike nastasi to go over the Championships and then we have some individual words as well skip Alex lelt Lang ofelt John L [Applause] manowitz Ryan [Applause] lovas Steven Master itis now can I them Oliver [Applause] langenfeld and Matthew rovski [Applause] in addition to honoring these gentlemen for their divisional championship we have the last two gentlemen that we um called up here this evening first Oliver he had a ton of individual accomplishments as well he was the Central Jersey group two Champion individual second place finish Mammoth County championships fifth place individual finish sh conference a Central division championship third place individual finish Oliver take a step up amazing job so these boys have honestly this team has put wall cross country on the map they started a legacy excellent job and that leads me to our captain the man himself Mr Matt Rishi um he just was amazing and is continuing to be amazing through the winter season he has created when I said this Legacy this man right here we're going to be talking about for years to come he's been an incredible incredible Ambassador for his sport um he was the short conference a central individual Champion so first place in all the short conference the Central Jersey group two individual champion of every kid in the state group two all New Jersey group two second place finish and First Team all Mammoth County short track coaches association so M and Matt and Oliver and a lot of the other gentlemen you see before you are currently competing in winter track so I'm sure we're going to have them back at a board meeting in the future to discuss all the amazing school records and accomplishments they have been compiling in the past few months so congratulations again to our cross country [Applause] team right you ready good y all right we are now getting to one of my favorite times in this presentation the last team that we're honoring tonight is the team that has compiled the most Hardware went the furthest in the season this year as a team our girls high school soccer team as the Central Jersey group two sectional Champions and they also made it through the next round to compete for the overall group two title this is a defending Championship so this is back-to-back championships and I wanted to give a special shout out to our new head coach Miss Annie and she I've been saying her name wrong for the past year and she just told me about a week ago so it's manafa coach Annie manafa and I'd like to invite her up as well as Kyra lafita to talk a little bit about the girls and then give them their shirts mon thank you uh so as Miss Henry has said uh this is my first year as the head coach although being part of the program uh for six years but I couldn't ask for a better group of girls to start my head coaching career uh they hold a special place in my heart I mean everything I asked for they did 110% everything that they did this season they deserved um to the fullest I mean it's how awesome wall girl soccer right every team that we have here um you know in wall as a soccer team is here for the girls um so just super proud of them great role model for you guys and and obviously my future is looking pretty bright um so first up we have our captain aen Carr another Captain Aaron Farrell Megan Farrell Brooke halby Kelsey Hallock another Captain Ellie Harts Alexa Kerr Hannah Lee Alysa parpy Bridget patillo Jessica patillo Captain Aaron Richie and Taylor Suki AR [Applause] ready and again thank you so much for allowing us to come in and recognize his incredible athletic accomplishments but what is even more exciting for me as the athletic director is the incredible type of students that we have um you know you you hear things every day but walking in these halls and meeting these kids we have incredible incredible student athletes that are doing things the right way they're competitors but they do so in the right vein with sportsmanship and they're all there for each other so there's nothing better it's a great day to be a night and let's keep it going congratulations everyone love primary video it's so cute all right many congratulations to all of those student athletes from the Board of Education um and certainly congratulations to their families um who put so much time um into making sure kids get to their training and their practices we know what that kind of a commitment looks like and we appreciate it at this time I'm going to be turning the um floor over to Dr handerhan for an introduction um for a lovely video that we have from the primary school thank you so much Miss stes it's my pleasure to introduce to you this evening Miss aarin enban principal of Wall primary school and uh you know I think she has worked on something very special for you this evening to help um you know brighten up our winter [Applause] oh it's magic good evening Dr handerhan Miss McAn president sites vice president Mali and members of the board of education on behalf of Wall primary school I would like to say thank you for allowing us time tonight to share a little bit of cheer from our little school while primary school is an amazing place we're located on bedford's Corner Road right next to the airplane Park that no longer has an airplane but it used to um we have 21 amazing faculty and staff members who are Beyond dedicated their patience kindness and competence create wonderful experiences for our students and as firsttime wall students tonight we're going to show you a short video um highlighting some of our winter fun to help you chase away your winter Blues thank you thank you thank you to Jamie um to Jen sorry Jamie's her sister to Jen sertz who really did all of the work on the video so I think she escaped but she really amazing thank [Applause] you hello hello can you clap your hands hello hello can you clap your hands can you stretch up high can you touch your toes can you turn around Hello friends it is RO Prim we're making witer happy we met Leo the [Music] pigin [Applause] [Music] we have the blast at the Winter Fest [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you for watching our winter fun say word and keep [Music] smiling H hell okay thank you Mrs embon guys do beautiful work at the primary school we're proud of all those students and the staff that's there thanks for sharing that because it really shows everybody you know the beginning of why we're all here um really important so thank you very much for that okay at this time um this time I'm going to be opening the floor for public comment um I am going to mention that things are a little bit different this evening um Mr malof is going to be um Manning our uh timer for us um and the time is going to be started once you approach the podium and we get you there um I will ask folks to remember to please be courteous um and we'll have you start thank you are you ready to go so uh my name is Brian mess ler I have uh five kids in the district here three of them are in central school so uh everybody have a good time at the Super Bowl right everybody went to some Super Bowl parties and stuff so I was hanging out a Super Bowl party and I heard some stuff that was really crazy to hear uh I live in Wall Township as I said and I got kids that go to Central School so when I heard the stuff about Central School I was like what is going on um but basically um so about me obviously I'm from wall I got five kids here um I I started my career in software development and data analysis uh fraud detection uh in the United States Marine Corps so if you guys PID taxes uh thank you for my education um so I got out of the Marines and I started working at a law firm we specialized in insurance for our litigation our biggest client being allate at the time and they would let me into all their data and I would look around at all their documents and paperwork and really it's it's all the same thing over over and over again insurance fraud any type of fraud it's usually a game of analytics look at the data analyze the data run the numbers fou the money right that's where it is which which one of you guys is is Brian Smith Brian Smith see here Smite Brian Smite is that you sir if you would direct your comments to me as the president of the board I'm president of the board which one of these guys is Brian Smite sir this is a public comment it's not a back and forth okay I'm just trying to address who I'm talking to him and Ralph him and Ralphie it seems have been doing some shady things with our money as taxpayers and stuff for the schools and not only Shady things that could possibly be theft stealing money from us right and from the kids but I wouldn't be dragged out here if they were just some like common schmuckatelli uh scumbag criminals supposedly um there's kids that got hurt that got ill supposedly from being at these trailers at the central school oh somebody just said oh God who was it was it over here I think it was you oh God so you guys know what I'm talking about then right so supposedly there was like a purchase order a PO from the school for like $330,000 that went to purchasing four trailers um um there were about 15 there was four of them there's there were $15,000 each so I guess that was a deal to get the trailers right $115,000 for the trailer a few thousand for the plumbing a few th000 for electric but $200,000 for transporting these trailers they're trailers they don't they go on the back of tractor trailers and drive down the road to get here how in the world could it cost $200,000 to get these trailers from where were they from I I have some more stuff I want to say and then I'll ask some more questions um but that's going to be one of the questions where where do the trailers come from sir I appreciate your time is up sure it's it's up yes sir how much time did I get it's three minutes sir so my three minutes is up all right well in closing I just want to say uh you guys potentially hurt some kids and you weren't just uh you know stealing money from the people but you potentially hit some hurt some kids and then you guys got a subpoena okay you guys got a subpoena to not do anything to show to show records thank you sir and then what happened do we have anyone else for do we have anyone else for public comment at this time than you sir do we have do we have anyone else for public comment at this time sir at the top excuse me just a moment sir sir at the top are are you public comments okay sorry okay hi good evening can you hear me thank you uh my name is Mike tramber a lifetime wall resident and I would like to just make a comment on last month's uh school board meeting I spoke on behalf of project labor agreements after the school board meeting uh last month I was contract contacted by the wall board of ed to have a meeting regarding project labor agreements and that meeting included Dr handan Brian SMI Adam Nar and I could tell you I I do this quite a bit and I gave out paperwork for you guys to read and all three of you did a great job reading what I had brought brought to the board here so a job well done on that but me I'm a business rep for the plumbers and pipe fitters Union and my job is basically to put these men and women that are behind me get them a get them a job and also being at Walt to Township resident I want the job done pretty cheap also uh but it during our meeting I I it it was over an hour probably almost an hour and a half but uh I brought a letter from um the director from the M Mammoth County Commissioners and in that letter he stated why the county always uses a project labor agreement on any work that's over the $5 million threshold um it saves the county money and it puts local people to work and that's what I'm here for I want to save the save us some money here and put my guys and girls to work um at the meeting I also mentioned that there was a contractor that I was afraid that was going to get this project I mentioned him by name and that contractor end up being the low bid contractor that contractor is the same contractor that I mentioned would had problems over at manisan I don't know if you guys looked into the the problems that went on at manisan but this lowed contractor sure as heck was awarded to two schools in our area there I I turned into Brian uh last week they had over 15 violations with the Department of Labor for basically not paying the prevailing weight age and now they're in litigation with manisan this is a really bad contractor here normally I don't have any problems with getting work in Wall Township the men and women behind me have always done the work here but now you have a bad contractor and all I'm here today is to ask the board that if you're looking to award this contract shoot it down you don't want this contractor doing work and I believe you guys are going to be voting on it today if you're voting on this today or whenever this vote's coming on please vote this down and let's put it out to rebid with a pla thank you thank [Applause] you good evening uh Chuck mcfaden Iron Workers Local 11 business agent and financial secretary I've been living here for 25 years my kids participated in in all sports I got to commend you uh you know school system on what the sports do and what what how they bring people together you know the unions do the same thing we're only looking to make a good wage prevailing wage Manasquan had major problems over there on our ath Athletics facility it's still leaking they have problems over there today because of shotty work the reason you have shotty work is because you have shotty uh Journeymen I wouldn't even call them journeyman my men behind me all those guys up there in in their colors up there they've been trained just like all of our high school our high school students right and our grammar school students we work to give them a good education that's what we Union people do we have Journey ship journeyman uh programs apprenticeship programs to train people we have drug and uh drug resistance and employee assistance throughout our unions you know so we really need Wall Township to look at what are you buying because that's what it comes down to you're spending our money I live here I spend my kids aren't even in school anymore they graduate they're very successful thanks to you all and you know the work that you do but you have to there's more to more to a job than just the cost it's the training of the men you know it's the training that you guys ladies and gentlemen try to facilitate here from the high school you know everybody wants to go to college but everybody's not going to college you know some people somebody got to be like me just a dummy putting bolts in or running the finances of a union you know and those are the people you're going to support you're going to support our members and you're going to support your own Community because you'll get a better building these buildings weren't built by non-union people you want good people you got to pay for them you know and we're we're only call asking for the prevailing wage and for your participation in a project labor agreement thank you very much thank [Applause] you Betsy cross I live in Wall Township um I'm going to agree with everything these gentlemen are saying um we we can keep doing all the shotty work we're doing we can't be pretending that we've inspected things we can't pretend that electrical inspections were done and plumbing inspections were done when they weren't because there's no proof nothing was ever done in the trailers so it's taken 4 and 1/2 years to now finally get documents back from Brian SMI uh in January because he cherry-picked what he gave to the mouth County prosecutor's office that show he got a verbal Co temporary Co from Wall Township at 8:30 in the morning on September 10th as children are walking into Central Elementary School at 9:05 five that's unbelievable cuz I've checked around and nobody has ever heard of giving a temporary verbal Co over the phone my husband and I and Kathleen Duran met with Jeff bertran we asked to meet with Mr Quigley who supposedly did the plumbing inspections they would not bring him upstairs and I'm going to guess if he did those plumbing inspections like one of these guys they would have met with me but when you're not meeting and you're not answering questions I'm going to guess pretty much everything I've said all along has proven to be true those plumbing inspections were never done it might have been a driveby they are the trailers sign the piece of paper Brian SMI was the last person to work on those trailers with seven maintenance people from wall he worked on them the seventh 8th and the 9th Mr H thanked him for all the work he did and then November it's either November 6th or November 11th we get at the final CL look at these pictures we've had Union people look at them Plumbing inspectors Architects nobody nobody looked and inspected those trailers and gave that because if they did they should be fired and if they didn't do it they should be fired so we'll get to the truth via subpoenas you keep ringing up the bills and why are you paying my attorney now $10,000 to the GIF for the case you just lost hiding my own Facebook posts regarding the trailers why isn't Athena Cornell paying them is it because maybe Athena Cornell didn't tell Brian to do that and Brian did it on his own if that's the case he should pay it out of his own pocket we're getting sick and tired of him losing lawsuits and we have to pay so nobody should be paying that $10,000 I see it I've posted it all over Facebook I've sent it to the attorney general I've sent it to the controller's office they keep saying keep sending the information so I keep sending it they get stuff every day and so does the DCA so until we get to the truth this guy should this guy should have gone to jail should have went to jail decade ago it was criminal negligence with those trailers shoving kids in those trailers when they were unsafe never inspected and never inspected by an electrical or plumbing inspector because you cannot prove it so thank you Mrs cross your time is up right so where did the come from transport do I have anyone else for public comment at this time anyone else for a public comment seeing none I'm going to close public comment I got one can I go again no sir we only get 30 minutes and that's it yes sir there's a second public comment on action items toward the end of the meeting okay so a couple minutes I can talk if it's about something that's on the agenda yes okay okay so at this time I'm closing the floor for public comment this time I'm going to be turning the floor over to our student Representatives Madison Brody Megan Cappy Christopher daily and Michael southwell thank you guys for coming out we missed you last week or last month rather um but we're looking forward to the update so the floor is yours since the last meeting there has been a lot to happen at wall high school we successfully or not successfully completed midterm exams and are on to semester 2 this semester marks a fresh start for many students within School Mr kano's lost literature class conducted a band Children books research project that is proudly displayed in the media center currently the wall TV program made videos for all the electives to present to the eighth graders within the clubs at the school there's a lot going on student advisory are currently planning the second annual talent show last year the show raed hundreds of dollars for each grade he was and cool kids are about to make another trip to their elementary schools in addition to read Across America where several clubs would join forces to read to the kids lastly the athletic leadership Club will be hosting a fault Sports how do you pronounce that oh ESP espies on the 15th during first block in the cafeteria which will be a great event many are looking forward to the dames ball is taking place very shortly with signups having just taken place the sophomores are ready to dance the night away and hopefully dance better than Usher during the Super Bowl halftime show Chris came up with that by the way yeah thanks lastly I know they're not here anymore they didn't want to support us but the winter sports are wrapping up and shout out to a lot of my friends who just got um talked about so firstly with the hockey team U Junior Mikey horley just hit 100 career points which is a huge achievement in any sport let alone hockey um similarly uh seniors Emily tdick and Shane Aldridge both hit 1,000 points in the same week for girls basketball and finally senior Matt rosi he's not here uh he just set the 800 meter record in indoor track uh that was an accomplishment he was working a while for and also Oliver lingeri just won the Central Jersey group two 3200 M which is 16 laps in indoor track um so which is it's a big accomplishment and something that hasn't been done at well in a while and lastly freshman Karly Mizer who is a freshman just broke the 400 meter record at wall High School so big accomplishments for the track team and the bullying team and chess team also have state titles coming up I know they're not talked about a lot but a lot of good stuff going on and that's all we had but we thank you for your time and I also have to say uh I like I don't know if Miss emond's here the primary school video I'm a proud primary school graduate so it's good to reminisce on the glor [Applause] days okay guys we look forward to the talent show we definitely want information about that when that comments I know it was a huge hit last year we hope everybody has fun at Dames um and yeah it's new start new uh spring semester lots of exciting stuff happening and I know for our senior class lots of big decisions coming down the pike um so we wish you all well with that in the meantime you may certainly feel free to go do whatever it is you need to get done tonight please be careful driving thanks guys night everybody thank you okay this time I'm going to turn the floor over to Dr handerhan uh to introduce this speci special presentation good evening we have two special presentations this evening uh the first is um the Board of Education of AUD uh 2022 2023 audit and um I'd like to welcome Mr Matt hullman uh for coming out this evening to uh provide us some insight into that audit so Mr hman I'm I'm going to hand it over to you thank you very much good evening everyone yes so we conducted the TW 2022 2023 audit for the district this year uh my name is Matt hullman I was a partner on the engagement um everybody should have a copy uh hopefully in front of them I just wanted to bring up a couple of the more important pieces in the audit um just go over those real quickly with you first thing I wanted to point out you'll see on page 11 uh the district was once again awarded the certificate of excellence for financial reporting and uh this is a nice honor for the school board to receive again I believe this is the second year in a row that the district has received this uh if you look at page 11 you'll see the prior audit the 22 the 2021 2022 audit had been sent down to Georgia what they do is they review the entire audit to make sure it's in full compliance with all of the accounting regulations that it needs to be in compliance with and as as long as that compliance is is uh seen by the independent reviewers there they award the district this certificate so congratulations on that part uh next thing I want to point out the independent Auditors report this report comes from us uh homman fry Allison and this is our main report on the school district this is where we're attesting that the numbers that are presented in the financial statements are materially correct and I'm happy to say that this is an unmodified opinion you can see this on page 15 through Page 17 and here the financial statements are fairly presented in all material respects um and we call it an unmodified opinion because there's no necessary modifications that are required so if we did have any issues or we did find any material problems in the school district uh financials we would then have a modified opinion here so again congratulations on receiving a modified opinion is the best opinion that can be rendered for a school district all right just continuing on if you look at page 105 I just wanted to point out this is a particularly important schedule um on the bottom of 105 you will see your fund balances that are presented as of June 30th 2023 and uh in total the district has a fund balance of $12.2 million of that 12.2 million it's being retained by the district your capital reserve as of 63023 is 5 .5 million the maintenance Reserve that's set aside is $1.7 million you have an emergency Reserve set aside of 381,000 there's a reserve for unemployment claims of 285,000 and then you have monies that are set aside for the 2324 budget that is utilized uh it's utilizing the district funds to balance that 2324 budget there's two items there 292,000 uh for year- end incumbrances and 1.6 million which is designated for the subsequent Year's expenditures which goes into the 23 24 budget um that leaves you with unassigned fund balance for the year of $2.4 million and uh just an important schedule there that C1 exhibit shows your budget to actual throughout the entire year all right moving on to we have two further opinions that we have to give for the district they begin on page 189 this is the independent auditor report on comp liance and reporting over internal control so while we uh conduct audits uh a financial statement audit of the district we also are looking at the internal controls of the district and in this case again once again I'm happy to say that there's an unmodified opinion here we did not have to modify this opinion for any reason as part of our audit we also conduct audits single audits of the school district on the state programs and federal programs prrams so in conducting those state and federal audits those are for prog when your when your total amount of federal money that's received is over $750,000 that's where the federal single audit kicks in when you have over $750,000 spent in state money another single audit kicks in for the state side so this year we did a single audit on your education stabilization funds and on the state side we did the state aid public which cons are your Equalization Aid your special education Aid and your security Aid now I do have to report when we did the compliance testing there which is quite substantial we test about 60 different compliance items that are there uh the district had one deficiency that was noted during our testing this year you can see that presented as a comment and uh it had to do with the njsa 18a 22-8 which requires executive County superintend and an approval um for any line item transfers from the general fund line items that exceed 10% so it's worthy of noting that the district has already created a corrective action plan for this and it'll be put in play for the upcoming year to correct that going forward but that is an item that we did have to note in our report this year the third and final opinion is on those single Audits and um that begins on page 89 and in that single audit report we again have unmodified opinions for both your state single audit and your federal single audit those are the three opinions that we give in this report um certainly take time and review it if there's any questions concerns please feel free to reach out at any point in time um other than that we thank the business office for all their cooperation uh we do put the district through a lot of testing and to only have one item that that has uh been noted as a compliance issue at this point in time is is an accomplishment for the district and this is a a good audit overall any questions for me this time do we have any board members or have any questions from Mr Holman before he is gone I know this was also presented in our fnf to our fnf committee last week yeah and I'd like to thank that committee it was a much more extensive presentation uh little more time to kind of go over everything so thank you for that thank you do we have any board questions seeing none thank you thank you very much all right thank you have a great night when you do a presentation then you have to have public comment after at this time um yeah when you do a presentation you just did a separate presentation thank you Mrs cross there is not a public comment at this time when you do a presentation then you have to have at this time um Dr handam will you please introduce the second presentation with pleasure Miss Stites um before I introduce our assistant superintendent of curriculum instruction uh Miss Jennifer McAn I would like to invite the Board of Education to um the seats out front because uh uh Miss mccan has um a great deal of information to share um miss mccan this evening is giving the midyear presentation on our district goals um our district the Board of Education uh works with Administration um faculty to develop uh board goal uh develop District goals um in it there's District objectives and there are a tremendous amount of activities that um that we work on throughout the school year to to um address and to meet the objectives that were set earlier in the school year so without any further Ado I would like to ask the Board of Education to take a seat out front and introduce Miss Jennifer McAn I feel weird standing with my back to you so bear with me while I flip hold and have notes at the same time um but thank you all um for coming this evening and thank you for the opportunity to provide um where we are at this point of the school year with our District goals um as Dr handerhan had mentioned um putting together our goals is a lengthly process between receiving input from all of our administrators as well as working collaboratively with the board to really hone in on what our direction should be um for the school year so back in November um our board approved five goals for the district for this year each of those one of those goals was surrounded around um academics another one around student wellness um another around finance and Facilities student experiences and Communications so our first goal is our academic goal and I'm not going to bore you by reading it to you um but as Dr handerhan had mentioned within each of the goals we have objectives and then from those objectives we create action plans and um action steps that we plan to execute and accomplish throughout the course of the year so now that we are 5 months and two weeks into the year it's about time to let you know where we are at So within our academics we have our instructional programs and this year we are very proud of the fact that we implemented a new K to2 reading program called the magnetic literacy portfolio and this particular program is providing our students with the opportunity to learn how to read through the philosop through the strategies of the science of reading which is really based off of making sure that they all receive their foundational reading skills um in addition to that we made some revisions to our intervention programs by providing our students with what's called a win period in grades K to 5 that win period is what I need that's what it stands for and that period is built into the the reading block we also looked at our technology curriculum over the summer and we have implemented some new strategies in curricular resources um to make sure that we are Cutting Edge with technology as well as our g&t one of our highlights at the high school is the fact that we are putting together a dual enrollment program where we'll be able to offer possibly 26 courses at the high school that would qualify for dual enrollment credit for starting next September additionally as you saw earlier um this evening our nncc program was a priority for us this school year to grow that program and we have hired a new um instructor Colonel Jax who is still present with us thank you Colonel Jax and he in the short time of being with us from septe um from January has almost doubled the number of cadets that we have in the program we also have looked at new resources for our multilingual program as well as um examining the way in which we've been teaching our science classes at the high school and making it more meaningful um in terms of our instructional practices and our philosophy of our assessments at the high school additionally we worked on some best practices um from a curriculum and instruction standpoint we always want to make sure that we're implementing and supporting our teachers with best practices so these are some of the highlights that we had this year we implemented a new um evaluation model um which we've also introduced as an instructional model and provided all of our teachers with extensive training and that continues throughout the course of the school year the K2 teachers received reading training we've had a group of 31 teachers who are going through what's called a letters program which is a two-year commitment that the district is paying for through Grant funds that would provide provide them excuse me with um some more um concrete and extensive study in into foundational reading we've also had some opportunities where we've had some students who were twice exceptional so in ensuring that we provide our teachers and administrators with the appropriate training to meet the needs of those students and again the high school science program one of the other objectives within the academic goal was ensuring that we start to enhance our data analysis in the district we've implemented some diagnostic as well as Benchmark testing in all different grade levels Dibbles was administered and for all students in kada 5 which is a reading assessment we've continued with our practice with I in grades K to 8 and at the high school this year we started with benchmark assessments in mathematics with a program called linkit um in addition to that we've started working with each of the administrators and staff members that they've identified to do some data meetings within their buildings on a regular basis to identify our strengths and ch challenges for goal two which is centered around student wellness um Miss Steiner and her department has working really hard in um promoting and implementing the seven mindsets program um one of her objectives was to ensure that we had a comprehensive student wellness program that centered around the seven mindsets and providing teachers and staff with um planning and training sessions as to that implementation would look like those sessions take place throughout the course of the school year we've also set aside um student instructional lessons and activities each month the seven mindsets has a different Focus um you've seen her here before if you've watched our board meetings and participated in them she's presented a plethora of evidence on each of those mindsets um we started with we are connected um and then it was attitude of gratitude and there's a number of others that are coming at the next board meeting um as to what we've been working on um in addition to that one of her goals was to ensure that we had Community engagement Miss Steiner and a group of teachers um and kayln gilvar worked real hard over the summer to do a book club as well as continuing to um meet with PTO um groups in each of the schools as well as putting together and working with the wtea and putting together some fast BRS and parent workshops centered around seven mindsets one of her other objectives was to ensure that we continued with our postvention response system which is in our district our lifelines Trilogy um centered around that is ensuring that all of our schools has a crisis management team so all of our schools have been trained on what that looks like as well as our new um legislation where we had to implement some threat assessment teams separate in apart from crisis um and Miss Steiner again has been a critical part in ensuring that all that training has taken place Additionally the lifelines trilogy we've offered some parent workshops um and teacher workshops to ensure that that um um those lessons and those uh responses continue she also coordinated some systems of service um working with our administrators our school staff school counselors and other support staff members in continuing to provide professional tradings and meetings on hips on anti-bullying our HPS Intervention Program inrs 504s um student wellness just in general mental health so forth and so on we also worked around having students at our programs to ensure that all of our tier one two and three students um are meeting their needs and as well as again family and parent presentations to respond to Trends and needs in academ mic social emotional health related topics our third goal is centered around um inclusivity and providing students with more experiences the special ed Department under the leadership of um Kelly Bond worked really hard in continuing to provide our students with Unified sports um we've provided in the fall the students had a flag football team they'll be moving forward and having their kickball team in the spring um we've also received a proposal and which I believe we're moving forward with for unified PE and there are also other opportunities at the high school um to bring our students together in a more inclusive manner we've also worked hard in expanding our opportunities for family and community community engagement we've offered some parents nights out sponsored by the special ed Department um we had Polar Express and um another one I'm sorry it totally slipped my mind Miss Bond um we have a a special education parents Advisory Group as well as we offered all of our staff um administrative staff culturally responsive leadership Workshop um at the beginning of the school year our fourth goal is set around um our finance and fac facilities and we had our objective was the supervision of the referendum in this particular section we've provided a board meeting update at each monthly meeting we've updated our website as we've had information provided or updated um readily available for where we were in different projects and different implementation stages we had the completion of our summer projects as well as a lot of bit Awards ing that has taken place um since the referendum started in terms of our facility needs we continue to meet with our municipality um to have conversations about um just the different types of projects and expansions that are happening here in Wall Township and how it impacts the school system additionally in term um we've continued to research and evaluate potential locations for us um to provide our district Support Services with different um building structures our fifth goal in last school is centered around Communications and our first objective was to ensure that we continue with the districtwide communication plan and our way in which we do that is our website is really our hub for all of our information each of our departments each of our schools really utilize the website to share out all of our information additionally um we also send out a lot of social media posts regarding many of the activities that are taking place within the district we strive for a positive and collaborative relationships within our Communications um Dr handerhan sends out a number of communications our principes are required to send out a s'mores twice a month which is their school newsletters we have internal newsletters that come from the curriculum and instruction Department that are shared out um in K to 5 as well as um Wellness in the works from the wellness department and we also continue to provide parent workshops um whether that be uh through the wellness department or the curriculum Department our internal Communications we always strive to make that better and make sure that it's cular between all of our teachers our administrators um so we've continued to implement some monthly administrative meetings we also again as I mentioned have started using some newsletters in order to communicate and we also try to um make some adjustments to our website particularly the HR department um tab to ensure that our staff had access um to all of the necessary forms and information that needed they needed at a readily basis I just want to take an opportunity to tell you that a lot of what I just mentioned and I know I went fast but I don't want to belabor the meeting and and cause um it to go longer but can someone can you click on that for me thank you oh never mind there is a 14-page document um that outlin s all of the specifics with all of the details of everything that I just mentioned plus more information on all of our accomplishments that we have made thus far for each of our goals and our objectives and I have to give it to all of our teachers our principals our administrative staff at central office level it is truly a team effort to ensure that we can do what we do and make all the accomplishments that we have made um it has been a whirlwind of a year I would say because we've had a lot of great things happen as a result of these goals and it's only a taste of what's about to come for this District so I'm very proud to um mention all of those accomplishments and I encourage you once that document is available on the website for everybody to view it to really see um what everybody's been doing here thank [Applause] you thank you very much to miss mccan um and I will reiterate um you don't need to be um a member of the school district in order to access our website so I encourage people to take a look at the website um they'll be able to access um both of the special presentations there for for further review um at this time I'm going to be going into my report um which may be a little bit lengthy this evening um I apologize what I'd like to start with is recognizing our um certificated students uh for January 2024 um for grade nine we have Mason Thorne for grade 10 we have Christian gerardi for for grade 11 we have Cooper Breen and for grade 12 we have Aiden Cannon for our nights of the week the week of uh January 1 we have senior Christopher Dy our very own board rep uh for the week of January 8th we have 11th grader Mas an Adam another one of our board Reps for the week of January 15th we have 10th grader Sophia kepping for the week of January 29th we have freshman Quinn Butler and then we have our students of the marking period marking period one uh for grade 12 in art we have Monica kersen bomb for business we have senior Alana saian for Consumer science we have Junior M lario for English we have Junior McKenzie Riley for math we have 11th grader Andrew vario for media TV we have senior Sophie Quackenbush for music We have senior Jared mcclaflin for PE and health we have freshman Rees Shropshire for social studies we have Junior Joseph denafo and for technology education we have senior Damen Clayton congratulations to those students and their families um again we make these recogn these recognitions each month um this is a testament not only to the students but their friends and family who support them so way to go for them we're thrilled for them um in an effort to respond to topics and or concerns that have been raised at previous meetings uh Mr maloff the chair of policy will be reviewing portions of policy related to the conduct of our meetings um and Mr Buffa a member of our fnf committee will be commenting uh just in general on the topic of the project labor agreements during the board report um I'm going to take this opportunity right now to address several other topics um the first I'd like to address the topic of board members um accessing their laptops on the deis board members do use their laptops to follow agenda and access attachments with ease and without the reference need for referencing reams of paper copies if members do choose to consult their laptops to gather information they require a review reports that they are going to be delivering I fully support their ability to do so I personally keep my reports electronically and use my laptop to deliver them regarding board member conduct during public comment first let me say that this board does recognize the value of public comment and we have worked through our policy committee to make public comment more accessible to stakeholders by placing it at the beginning of the meeting as the president of the board I do give speakers my attention during public comment and make every effort to be polite regardless of um anything that is directed toward me I do so because my role requires me to do so but more importantly I am obliged to act as a role model for the students in the district when I am seated in this role um regarding an accusation of granting a speaker double the amount of amount of allotted time at public comment last meeting I'd like to clarify that the speaker question concluded their comments in 3 minutes and 6 seconds there was not a question of granting special favors when the timer was not implemented I follow the time on the clock above the exit doors um moving forward I've asked Mr malof to operate our clock so that our board secretary can perform his duties without that additional responsibility the wall school district has over 3,000 students currently and over 700 board uh 700 staff members this board is responsible for insurance uring their safety followed immediately by the pursuit of excellence and education for our students and the empowerment and advancement of the practice of our staff um unfortunately I I I don't really like to go down negative paths in our meetings um but but I do have to address this um we've been finding that the board and the District administration and staff spend hours and hours distracted um with NeverEnding barges of emails Oprah requests um this constant onslaught of criticism regarding issues that we don't necessarily have viable Avenues to address is an enormous distraction of time and attention from things that we could and should be doing for our students um it's getting to the point now it's not really a question of how it affects the board members it's how it's affecting our district and our students and our staff and what we are doing for our students who are in our classrooms um the amount of of time and energy and resources that are spent not focused on advancing our students and also supporting our staff in their advancing our students is is really becoming um alarming the board of education is not an arm of law enforcement nor are we lawmakers we are an elected unpaid party of nine community members who un who operate under applicable New Jersey laws and under regulations of the New Jersey State Board of Education um we do not run the day in and day out actions of the school district these meetings are our business meetings where we meet as a party of nine in public to conduct the business of the district these meetings are the only time that the nine of us convene together to meet and this is the law we vote to pass policy pay our bills hire teachers staff coaches substitutes approve building projects approve booster clubs uh and groups class trips and whatever else is needed to allow the district to function our meetings are conducted in accordance with board policy and our agendas are published as required we do have policy in place which suggests appropriate behavior and ensures that our meetings reflect the culture that we expect to see in the buildings across Wall Township we do represent the people of wall the students of wall and the staff of wall and we are proud to do so our hope is that when stakeholders come together they recognize the importance of these business meetings and act accordingly unfortunately that is not always the case um some of these meetings have rivaled reality television minus table flipping and that's sad because it diminishes all the outstanding accomplishments we see in our classrooms on stages and sports Fields across the district it tarnishes the good work that is being done by our students and our staff some of you may have recognized that we had a police officer in attendance this evening during our student awards this evening because a parent has expressed concern for the safety of their child due to contentious Behavior adults at a previous board meeting let that sink in what can we do about that there have been community members who have expressed frustration with the board that we have not had people removed from these meetings and let me just state that I as the president of the board and the superintendent have met with leadership at Wall Township Police and I think it's important to remember that we are living in the United States of America um and people are encouraged to come to public meetings and are protected and their speeches protected by first amendments I'm not looking to shut that down what I'm asking is that when people come in they speak at the appropriate times and on appropriate topics um we have no desire uh to need to have police called to our meetings um I think it's counterproductive and I don't think it reflects uh what our children in this District deserve um at this point in time I'm not going to Bieber that anymore um I we've also um had certain topics brought up repeatedly um as is people's rights um and we have I have attempted as the president of the board to have communication um with our Mammoth County prosecutor's office um through our legal counsil um they have declined an invitation to you know sit down or have further communication with me but they did have communication with Miss Cornell and at this time I'm going to ask you to just give a quick update for F folks as far as how that went sure we have reached out um on several occasions to discuss with the prosecutor's office uh some repeated um allegations of wrongdoing um in doing so the prosecutor's office has been very clear clear that they have investigated uh these allegations with regard to the trailers uh their investigation revealed no evidence of criminality and that the results of that investigation was put in writing to several community members many years ago uh approximately in November of 2020 um they consider the matter closed um they consider the matter having no evidence of any criminality on the part of the board um and yet we continue to be faced with what appears to be based on the results of this prosecutor's office um erroneous and um disturbing continued and repeated allegations uh so the prosecutor's office has been very clear to us um once again given their the results of their investigation they consider that the matter closed thank you in conclusion um I'd like to kind of be able to get refocused on our our main objectives which are our students and our staff um and certainly our community as a whole coming together and and being supportive of that is is a huge goal of ours as well um but I did think it was important that we kind of gave an update as to where the board stands right now um I am pleased to say that there was also a meeting with um Township committee leadership um that went very well I think we're United in um you know moving forward into 2024 and um participating in projects as they come about that that are mutually beneficial um and I think that that's important to know um I do thank the members of the trades who did come this evening um the board is very aware aware that our students are going to pursue a myriad of opportunities when they leave the high school um be it in the trades which is an honorable and outstanding uh Pursuit I think uh be it military be it College be it directly into employment um and I know that there was a meeting uh that Mr tranberg mentioned with the superintendent me the head of our fnf um and some other gentlemen and there was also some very productive conversation about supporting our students who are considering going into the trades and I think that that was also an excellent uh byproduct of that meeting and so I was pleased pleased for that too um at this point in time that is going to conclude my portion of the evening I'm sure everybody's thrilled and I am going to turn it over to Dr handam thank you madam president before you do so um can I just thank you for that update uh that's all I wanted to say sure thank thank you thank you Mr Buffa thank you Miss Stites I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the wall High School color guard and our student representatives to the Board of Education Christopher Daly Madison Brody Michael southwell and Megan Cappy for joining us this evening um I would just be horribly remiss if I did if I did not acknowledge all of the effort I witnessed today put forth by our operations and maintenance departments as they moved some of the heavy snow I have ever seen they work tirelessly to clear our entrances sidewalks and lots they gave it their all today and I am so appreciative thank you thank you thank you I would also like to thank our bus drivers I was out and about all over town this morning and I got to see the care they used in their driving and positive interactions with students as they completed their runs great job I wish to congratulate all of our student athletes for coming out tonight and for their hard work in representing wall intermediate and wall high school so wonderfully with their positive sportsmanship good sportsmanship is Paramount and I have seen these teams firsthand exemplify such great job as you probably aware another family night organized by our student wellness team including Miss Steiner and miss gilvar and sponsored by the wtaa is taking place at the Intermediate School this Thursday evening February 15th at 5:30 the theme is how to win and how to lose this Workshop conducted by integrated care Concepts focuses on sporting supporting your children in coping with adversity embracing both Victory and defeat with dignity and humility I've personally attended a few presentations by this organization and I'm confident it will not only be engaging but insightful at this event family style dinner will be served and child care and or transportation is available if needed please visit the district's website for more information and to register I would like to thank Wall primary school and principal mbon for sharing some sunshine on this very wintry evening I do not think I could ever grow tired of that video I probably saw it about six times um before tonight so um many thanks to M um Miss serwitz uh it is a Beyond adorable video I would also like to thank assistant superintendent Jennifer mccan for reporting out on our midyear District goals as you can see from her presentation The wtps Faculty staff and administrators have been extremely and I mean extremely busy when you have the opportunity to review the specific objectives and their supporting activities you can see firsthand the demonstrated commitment of the wtps family each day the employees of the school district strive to provide our students with the best educational experience possible thank you wtps family I would also like to thank Miss mccan for her steadfast leadership and for literally burning so much Midnight Oil the the curricular and instructional District goals and objectives this year were extensive and I thank her and her team for all of their hard work the midyear update will be available on our website tomorrow should you wish to examine it in detail each year superintend attend are required to report out on data pertaining to school violence and vandalism that occurred during a designated time period the school violence and vandalism reporting categories include alleged hibs confirmed tibs acts of violence vandalism weapons and incidents involving substance abuse please visit the district website to review the specific breakdown of reporting for each of our schools the data from the T time period 1 which is September 1st through December 31st 2023 speaks to the number of closed matters any ongoing matters would not be reported during this reporting period during reporting period one wall High School had a total of 17 NJ doe closed categorized incidents one confirmed Hib 10 alleged hibs one false public alarm two incidents of substance confirmed use and possession and one incident of substance possession one incident of assault and one incident of fighting wall Intermediate School had a total of 10 NJ doe Clos categorized incidents four confirmed hibs four alleged hibs and two incidents of theft which um is greater than $10 is the um citing Central School had a total of four NJ doe close categorized incidents one confirmed Hib and three alleged hibs old Mill school had a total of two NJ dooe Clos categorized incidents two alleged hibs West Belmore had a total of two NJ dooe Clos categorized incidents one confirmed Hib and one alleged Hib Allenwood school and Wall primary school posted no incidents during that time period if any member of the public has any comments with respect to the data time from period one you will have the opportunity to share that information during the sections of our meetings for public comment there is an agenda item that I would very much like to speak to this evening at the March 14th 2023 meeting this board of education approved a resolution declaring its unwavering commitment to supporting special education this resolution closed with the following statement now therefore four be it resolved that the Wall Township Board of Education is committed to Wall Township Public Schools becoming a model District recognized for demonstrating inclusive practices in serving students with special needs the Board of Education genuinely values all of its students and employees they along with our Educators honor the core value of equity for all of our learners they also recognize that educational needs are unique and that the unique needs are an absolute priority excuse me of this District pardon as a result of this priority you will see that our director of special services Miss Kelly bond is on the agenda for promotion to assistant superintendent of special services Miss Bond's experience and deep understanding of special education coupled with her proven leadership renders her exceptionally well suited to lead our special services department as assistant superintendent as we strive to become a model District recognize for demonstrating inclusive practices in serving students with special needs I look forward to welcoming Miss Bond to the deas next month I would also like to provide everyone with some insight regarding my decision-making process with respect to weather excuse me one more time some calls are are easier than others today's call was not one of the easy ones there are many many factors that weigh in to whether a school is opening during a weather event safety of students and staff is Paramount as a district with a high school the decision has to be made early because of the high school start time also I am always always mindful of new drivers in our wtps family local superintendents regularly Comm communicate with one another yet we recognize that each one of our districts is unique and the uniqueness probably the best example of that is um transportation Arrangements there are many many different Arrangements um of for transportation throughout Mammoth County within their schools I will certainly try to always give as much notice as possible to any school scheduled change because I vividly remember how difficult it was for me to make arrangements with my own daughters when we had last minute school closings or delayed openings I also prioritize timing temperature conditions and consider as many forecast models available to me these models are monitored constantly up until the point a decision must must be made regardless of whether a weather related decision is perceived to be a good one or a lousy one please know that a great deal of thought and consideration went into it that said there is a great deal of water on our surfaces um this evening following as I mentioned earlier probably the wetest snow that I've ever seen tonight's forecast indicates that temperatures will be dipping down into the 20s as such I have decided there will be a 90minut delayed opening for schools tomorrow note that notifications for this delayed opening will begin shortly after the close of tonight's business meeting I thank you for your time and it's my pleasure to turn the microphone back to miss Stites thank you Dr hand Oran for the Board of Education update I think we'd like to start with Mr Mala thank you just a few comments excuse me just a few comments on the uh conduct of our regular public meetings our policy 0164 states the order for a combined meeting reflected on the agenda shall include but is not limited to the following and then it goes on to list the items that occur at every meeting we often add to that agenda as we did tonight uh items that are placed where the board believes most appropriate items such as as we saw tonight student showcase special presentations or on some occasions required reportings replace uh placement of these presentations on the agenda considers the nature of the presentation which often includes recognizing students and staff at times we have guest presenters as we had a few meetings ago and we believe it is appropriate and courteous to place these early in the agenda these presentations in no way affect or prevent public comment which we welcome and in fact gives an opportunity for the public to comment on these presentations presentations that were on the agenda which you will be able to do in a few minutes in closing I'll just mention that njsa 10 col 7A allows the board to determine the length and portion of the meeting for public comment on issues the public feels may be of concern to Residents and we encourage our residents to do so thank you thank you Mr Mala Mr Buffa can you give us quick quick update please sure it'll it'll definitely be quick um in uh Mr nasser's absence um I just want to give a quick update because I know we've heard the um the the pla a few times last meeting and this meeting um so I just want for the rest of the board members that are not on fnf uh and and may not have had chance to review the the minutes from fnf yet um we did receive information um uh for on the on what a pla is uh right around this time last year uh it was discussed during fnf um we did uh rediscussed at uh in much more detail and length at our last fnf meeting um and as it currently stands we're we're kind of weighing our options and the pros the cons uh and we do feel that um moving into the future that this may be something that uh we'd be interested in doing uh depending uh basically job dependent um so more to come on that and and there's definitely some more detail in the fnf minutes uh if you want to take a look at that thank you Mr Buffa do we have any other members who have anything to add to the Board of Education report at this time seeing none we're going to move on uh for committee reports uh the each committee did meet last week um minutes from each of those meetings is published um are published I should say uh do any of my committee heads have anything to add okay thank you seeing none at this time we are going to move into opening the floor for public comment this public comment is for agenda action items uh meaning items that we're going to be voting on that are listed on the agenda so we have either the podium oops sorry up top or the podium down here bets across I live in Wall Township I did notice that that collective bargaining agreement there's still nothing attached so I'm not sure what you're approving and why you have to approve it again because I think you had approved it months ago um you know so I think it should be tabled until we actually see what you're doing and what what you're changing um like I said at the last meeting you uh gave Tracy handerhan a $22,000 raise for for God knows for no reason um I hope people are doing exit interviews when people leave because the business office is like rearranging ing the deck chairs on the Titanic um I'm glad you're writing that down Miss Cornell um who is doing exit interviews um if you could answer either tonight or send it back to me in writing on why the taxpayers are paying $10,000 to the GIF for my lawsuit for Mr SMI withholding public information on the trailers um and you know I'm I'm not sure why you're talking to the mammoth County prosecutor's office maybe the disc they had had nothing on it because basically everybody else that's looked at it can't believe that the prosecutor's office wrote that letter saying that there was no wrongdoing spoliation of evidence they destroyed the trailers during an open criminal investigation how could that not even be a problem from the prosecutor's office they were destroy destroyed June 29th and June 30th when they never should have been destroyed it just doesn't even make any sense so um I've asked to have meetings like so how Municipal did meet Mr malof I'd love to meet with you um I'm sorry which agenda item are you referring to miss cross um your your attorney bills so your attorney bills we keep paying lots and lots of attorney bills to you for very bad legal advice so I want to know why the taxpayers are paying the 10,000 um we do know now that Mr SMI maybe just asked for a favor to get a temporary Co on the trailers which action items are you referring to M cross this is not on the agenda nor does it have anything to do with my attorney bills attorney bills so if you could let us know we've been asking simple questions where trailers come from which is agenda items did anybody really inspect at this time thank you um the $10,000 let me know where that is coming from update on the buses where are you moving them too many redactions in executive minutes where's the Jenny De Carlo settlement you should be approving it um fnf minutes myself and Kathleen Durant asked about who Precision was it wasn't the two union workers so if Mr um would put his head up but he's not even here action items on the up during meeting maybe he could identify which action item you're referring to thank you thank you do we have anyone else for public comment at this time hey it's me again my name is Brian I'm from uh mess laner from Wall Township so I heard you guys talking about I'm new to the whole trailer fiasco thing by the way so I just heard about this stuff and I just I was shown some documents and some information sorry sir this is for Action items on the agenda these two people right here were just talked about like 20 they talked for 20 minutes about how the prosecutor said no one should be talking about the trailers anymore so I have so I have one question item on the agenda sir I asked I'm the technology not an appropriate time for a public comment $200,000 if you could identify which item on the agenda you're referring to for Action tonight that's what this second public com I'm trying to find out I'm trying to figure out I'm asking you trying figure out where $200,000 paid for these trailers for the transportation in setad of these trailers simple question where the item are you referring to on the agenda sir I I didn't see the agenda I just heard you guys talking about the whole trailer this public comment is um specifically reserved to items that are on the agenda for Action tonight how how do we get how do we get how do I get an item on the agenda for the next meeting specifically about these these questions that I have so again sir you this public comment is reserved for Action items only there's an initial public comment at earlier in the meeting that is for anything with regard to the operations of the school so so how do I get an agenda item on the meeting for it's not an agenda item sir so it's the first public comment for any items related to the the operation of the school the second public comment is with respect to agenda items so so meaning if you have a please hush thank you ma'am if you have an issue yeah I want my time back too if you have an issue that's regarding that's not on the agenda I do have one it is appropriate in the first public comment session where you came I I have something I want my two minutes back by the way so on in the presentation for the agenda there was a big section about the health and wellness of the kids right no this is not what this is about it's for Action items on the agenda so the items that the board is going to approve after um this public comment session that's what this is Reser I'm commenting on the presentation that was just given the the am that action item sir so the the beginning of the public comment no the one that you just showed the goals goal two was about the health the last thing on it was about about the health of the children right on the on the district goal presentation yes okay am I allowed to talk about that well it's a presentation that was on tonight sir but it's not on the agenda for action item I'm talking about the health shouting out M I'm talking about the health of these kids right sir Not only was these trailers that cost $200,000 about trailers or anything else some kid got sick from mold in the trailers no sir it's not so that didn't happen it's not on the agenda for tonight for kids right some kid got some kid got sick right did that happen sir that's not what the presentation was about kids got sick from being in the trailers not what the presentation was about sir that's what you're saying it's about health and wellness for the kids right so I want to know where any kids did any kids get sick with regard presentation tonight it's a it's just a general question did any kids get sick from the molden trailers yes or no sir as I mentioned to you earlier this is public comment this is an opportunity for you to express yourself at this time somebody up there could answer a simple question where did these trailers come from that it cost $200,000 to deliver I'm trying to explain to you that this is an opportunity if GP if you ask chat GP abnormally abnorm that would cost way that much I'm trying to explain to you what this is and you're not listening to I understand what you're saying but cutting me off and not letting me talk thank you your time is up it's it's up because you guys do I have anyone else for public comment thank you Mrs cross you can stop calling out all right this is not a question and answer session and I understand that this is sir we don't have a question and answer session in the middle of public com okay so when can we talk about this sir you you you can email the district certainly what's your email sir I'm not going back and forth with you anymore this is not how public comment is conducted thank you do we have anyone else for public comment at this time seeing none we're going to be closing the floor for public comment at this time may I please have um a motion for approval of the consent agenda I'll move second Miss djani and Mr Buffa Mr Smite please sorry um Mr anesia yes but I abstained from 15 C and 16 Roman numeral 3 number one noted M barier yes Mr buffer yes M djovani yes Mr Mali yes but I will be abstaining on item 15 number letter C uh 16a Roman numeral 3 number one and 16a Roman numeral 6 number 33 noted Miss shimo um yes but abstain from 15 say noted Mr mandra yes Miss stes yes thank you well that's going to be concluding our meeting this evening may I please have a motion to adjourn I'll make that motion Mr wandra may I have a second Mr adeso thank you hope everybody's careful driving um I think the temperatures are okay right now but they're going to drop a little bit later so thanks for coming out