the adequate notice of this regular meeting as required by the open public meetings Act was provided by the posting mailing and delivery and filing of this notice on January 9th 2023 this notice was on that date posted on the bulletin board in the township office sent to The Courier News and tap in the Warren and file with the Township Clerk of the township of Warren all in accordance with the requirements of the open public meetings act please stand for the plge of Allegiance good good evening everyone it's my privilege tonight to uh enter into the minutes of the results of the election held on November 7th 2023 from the Somerset County Clerk certified results um on that date three board members were elected to three-year Board of Education seats they are Laura Keller Steven T and Todd Weinstein at the same election um one board seat for one year was also elected and that uh that seat was won by Richard Metta at this time I will administer the Oaths of office separately to each of those um each of those new board members and I will be starting with M K front now okay see 18 h the next item on the agenda is the call of the role I will do that now Mr deay you miss fight bomb Mrs f m ker here Mr molfetta here Mr Otto here Mr Tor here Mr Valentino here Mr Weinstein here Mrs Z here the next item on the agenda is the election of a president at this time I will uh solicit nominations for the office of board president I would like to nominate Mrs Patricia Zan to the role of board president for Warren Township schools for the year of 2024 second nominations don't actually require a second so the nomination yeah okay Miss Miss Keller will uh Miss Ker's nomination is is entered into the record are there any other nominations if there are any if there aren't any nominations can I uh solicit a uh um motion to nominations motion second that one you do I'll take a quick Voice vote on that motion to close all in favor any opposed all right I will now call the role um electing Mrs Zan as president Mr deay yes Mrs White bom yes Miss ker yes Mr Metta yes Mr aotto yes Mr tour yes Mr Valentino yes Mr Weinstein yes Mrs Z yes the eyes have it congratulations thank you um at this time I will accept nominations for vice president of the Board of Education I'd like to nominate Miss Keller are there any other [Music] nominations may I have a motion closing nominations for vice president motion to close nominations for vice second nominations for vice president have been closed Mr havid [Music] all right this is the roll call Miss ker for vice president Mr Des yes Mrs spom yes Miss Keller yes Mr moletto yes Mr Otto yes Mr Tor yes Mr Valentino yes Mr Weinstein yes Mrs Z yes congratulations Miss K okay moving on to annual reorganization action items there are a few things I would like to draw the audience's attention to um in section seven item D the board member code of ethics each board member annually receives and agrees to uphold the board member code of ethics if sometimes anyone out there is wondering about the job of a member of Board of Education this is a good place to look for a better understanding so I just wanted to draw anyone's attention to that um also item e um is the district mission statement I believe going forward we're going to include that at the back of all of our agendas so that you can access that at any time um for ease of reference but that's a a good thing to go and just remind yourself of what the district's mission statement is at this point um I'd like everyone to on the board to refer to F which are the annual appointments each year at the reorganization meeting the board appoints members to serve on various outside bodies it is the custom of the board to First first offer these positions to our newest members acting as an appointee to one of these bodies is an excellent way to become more deeply involved in public education in New Jersey to form connections with members of other boards of education and to enhance the training and skills that make each board member so valuable to the work we do here in Warren the bodies that we seek appointments to are the New Jersey school board's assem Association delegate assembly the assembly meets approximately twice a year on weekends and it least this last year a virtual option was available for attendance the Somerset County Education Services Commission meets approximately once every four to eight weeks in the late afternoon um I once served on that and they fed us so that was a good one to be know um and the watching Hills municipal Alliance which meets periodically typically in the evenings uh at this time I'm going to ask if there's any board member who served on these um three bodies if they would like to offer any insight into their role in these bodies to assist our newest members and understanding um what it is like to serve on do we have anybody wants to comment on your service with us it's um interesting to get Le a lot anyone else um all right then at this point um I would like to invite our members to choose to serve as an appointee or alter to the New Jersey school boards associate delegate assembly do we have any takers for the appointment position I'll take it Mr Metta thank you very much I'll take the alternate event Mr we the Somerset County Education Service Commission will Appo you and the alternate excent thank you and for the watching Hills new St lines Mr to as the appoin Mr Valentino as the alternate that was painless thank you everybody um okay uh at that point does any board member have any item under the um reorganization action items that they need to pull for a separate Vote or discussion same none a B6 C E11 e f as amended do we have a second right I'll call the roll now but before doing so I have to be clear on item app I have Mr Metta as the board rep to the njsba Mr Weinstein is the ultimate um Miss Keller as the board rep to the Somerset County ESC Mr Desai as the the alterate I have Mr tour as the board rep to the municipal and Mr Valentino as the Al I get that right all right very good and also if I could add on the ethics item each of you received a copy of the code of ethics left at your spots if you could sign that and return it to me before leaving tonight I really appreciate it thank you with that I'll call the role Mr Desai yes this SP off yes Miss Keller yes Mr Metta yes Mr yes Mr tour yes Mr Valentino yes Mr Weinstein yes and Mrs Z yes Miss Keller the mes resolve that the Board of Education approves the public session minutes of the December 11th 2023 second right I'll call the role in the minutes Mr Desai yes Mrs Miss Mrs Fon yes Miss Keller yes Mr Metta yes Mr Otto yes Mr tour yes Mr Valentino yes Mr Weinstein yes Mr Z yes Dr mingle correspondence in the Comm thank you no correspondence to report there were four HIV investigations two at the middle school neither was a confirmed incident of HIV harassment intimidation and bullying one investigation at Mount horb that was a confirmed incident and one investigation at Woodland that was confirmed and we had one suspension reported which was an out of school suspension at Central School good evening everybody Happy New Year to everyone and congratulations to our newly sworn in members MERS both the pre returning members and to instrument feta our newest member um just a few free remarks um this is my eighth year as a board member and my 20th year as an active participant in board meetings at this in in that time 47 Warren residents have served on this board of education having served with now 27 of them myself and witnessed the hard work of 20 more I believe each of them is an unsung hero of our community the sacrifice of time and energy that is required for this job I am sure surprised us all when we took off yet time and again I have seen board members rise to those demands without the sacrifices made by these members and by their families we would not have the thriving and impressive School District that we Curr as we look ahead to 2024 the board is going to have to lean again on the T and energy of each one we have much work to do and each and every one of us is an essential part of getting that work done so thank you in advance for the time and energy that you put into our board meetings our committee meetings outside preparation and for bringing your unique voices and perspectives to this world each of us is the community's voice in this school district and it is a great responsibility so thank you again for all that you do atation with that Dr mingle do you have superintendent remarks thank you Mrs Zan congratulations to everyone who was elected and sworn in tonight I know I say something like this every year but uh maybe it's the social studies history teacher in me but it's always it it's the moment where democracy is most visible as a local election and the swearing in process and it's always nice to see family members whether they're in person or online seeing uh parents especially be sworn in to serve the community in that way so congratulations and thank you for stepping into that role just one General comment which is to make sure that everybody has their eyes on the weather as I will uh tomorrow night's forecast is one of concern as far as rain and wind the governor has already declared a state of emergency being at 5:00 pm tomorrow so we will be making decisions about after school and evening activities by noon tomorrow so we'll be communicating out about that but uh that is a a general winter reminder as well that we try to make those decisions as early in the morning as we can typically by 5:15 or so we've made a decision if we're going to have delayed openings or any kind of adjustments but let's hope for well depends on your perspective it'd be good for the kids to be able to do some sedding I personally like that on a Saturday and a Sunday thank you Dr mingle um we do not have any presentations for discussion scheduled on tonight's agenda so I'm going to move on to committee reports um the curriculum and Technology committee Mr D thank you Mrs Z the curriculum technology committee had two meetings over the last few months of the year on October 16th there was one member president along with Dr mingle and Mr kimick so it was an informal meeting um we reviewed curriculum guidelines andest scores the November meeting myself and Mr cyber presid along Mr kimick we've been over the I ready update and compare trending from year to year since live I ready um so now we have several years in there we can actually see the trends where the students are going and everything is moving as projected and the I ready is nice because it allows you to see where students or different groups of students to AG groups Etc need some assistance um and they're being implemented as results are Shing thank you thank you Mr Valentino that was our last set of the reports for 2023 I am going to start immediately working on the committee assignment ments for 2024 I ask that each board member please send me your committee assignment references for our standing committees this reor meeting is actually taken place a little later in January than in past years and we have rapidly approaching community meeting dates uh the first of which is only days away so please get me your list as quickly as possible send it to my board email address I hope to have the Committees set within the next couple of days so tonight would be great when you go home tomorrow morning and the latest things thank you very much and with that at this time we need to public commentary this is the first opportunity for public commentary I ask that everyone interested in addressing the board please raise their hand or use the raise your hand feature on Zoom each speaker is asked to limit their comments to three minutes M please begin your comments by stating your name and address and by directing your comments to the presiding officer that's need um please know that the Board of Education welcomes and encourages input from the Public Public commentary is intended as an opportunity for the board to receive such input but is not intended as a communion session following public commentary if appropriate the presiding officer or the superintendent May provide some response for this first opportunity we ask that your comments be limited to items that appear on tonight's agenda there will be a second comment opportunity for all other comments later in the meeting so at this time we'll be to our audience is there anyone here who would like to make a public comment seeing none going to zoom if anyone on Zoom would like to make a comment about the leg any agenda item please use the raise your hand feature seeing none do I have a motion to close the first public commentary motion all in favor I oppos abstain first public commentary is closed Dr mingel do you have anything you wish to address on motion yes thank you just two things item A3 I just wanted to mention for the benef of the public that the reason those are there are for an every three years the district every District goes through something called the quality single accountability Continuum which is a state monitoring program and we were advised that we need to make sure we had kindergarten and first grade World Language Cycles uh which will be a brief introduction in place in the curriculum there and then there were some formatting adjustments that had to be made in the others that'll all be up on the website tomorrow and then this was in the uh community briefings but the calendar revisions there are simply based on feedback we received from the community after adopting the calendars for the next two years about which day of the DU celebration would make the most sense for the school day of to be and this just revises those the the revisions are on the district website and we'll communicate that out as well thank you Dr M um does anyone on the board wish to pull any action item for a separate Vote or discussion okay seeing none Miss Kell motion to move items A1 through A7 B1 through B5 C1 through C15 and D Mr want see that was a second yes yeah okay right I will call the role Mr Desai yes Mrs spom yes Miss Keller Mr moletta yes Mr aotto yes Mr tour yes Mr Valentino yes Mr Weinstein yes Mrs Z yes motions Karen okay thank you um we do not have any unfinished business sentiments agenda is any board member have any new business none having been noticed in advance see none um this will now be the second opportunity for public commentary and it is open to any topic you wish to raise to the board's attention again I ask that you raise your hand or use the raise your hand feature on Zoom remember that comments are limited to three minutes and please state your name and address before beginning looking first to the room seeing no one looking to [Music] zoom last [Music] call okay do I have a motion to close the second public commentary motion to close second all in favor I opposed abstain the second public commentary is made closed motion to adjourn second in favor I thank [Music] you