[Music] love e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e here councilman Sears here councilman man here Council woman valz council president to Sena here let the record reflect also attendance mayor Peter calamari administrator Mark De Carlo cmfo John Corran and Township Clerk Susan wowski general public comment limited to five minutes can I have a motion to open the public comment period some move second all in favor no one is in the audience is there anyone on Zoom no give a second no hands motion to close the public portion of the meeting so move second all in favor I discussion 2024 budget discussion continues I I think we can start on page 37 Gent uh with the Department of Law uh prosecutors salary everybody's okay with that oh I'm sorry I have to do a quick public service announcement for our milling and other things on Wednesday March 27th from 7:00 a.m. until approximately 3: p.m. the following roadways are scheduled to be milled and preparation to be paved Wilson Avenue from Manhattan Avenue to Lincoln Place Lincoln place from Hoover Avenue to Jackson Avenue Edison Street from West place to Jackson Avenue the paving contractor has posted no parking signs in the area so that all vehicles are off the roadway during the projected work hours residents in the area are asked to move their vehicles out of their driveway and onto a neighboring Street if they plan to travel to and from their home during the projected work hours vehicular traffic will be limited and area residents may need to park outside of the work Zone while work is being conducted the police department will have officers present in the area of the work Zone to assist Motors as needed attention Zone one residence if your road is being milled paved on your scheduled bulk pick up day please you your debris at the curb and our DPW will pick it up either later in the day or the following day on Wednesday March 27 at 1M the Bergen County Superintendent of Elections will be at the township of Washington Senior Center to give a demonstration on the new voting machine equipment the March 27th senior exercise class has been cancelled playground closures due to facility upgrades the playgrounds at Memorial and Garder fields are temporarily closed Township offices will be closed Friday March 29th in gerance of Good Friday thank you everyone thank you sir did you want to do the tabled ones earlier on before we get to page 37 sure Mr they on thank you uh the first one I have um Mr lowski unless you have something else is on page 10 Financial Services fee and I'll remind you why it was tabled and why I was going to ask you to move forward with the line when you're there you're ready yep Financial Services 40120 13220 23,000 requested 23,000 recommended do I have a motion so move second discussion thank you um so the 23,000 included the qpa STP and if you remember we had a discussion about that we're removing that um and it'll be requested in the uh employee salary line so if we take that 6,000 out and we reduce it to 177,000 that will cover uh the quote that I had sent you from lvb for the services for the AFS the budget review the ads and the low sa so 17,000 would cover that thank you so Mr de caror has explained the 6,000 qpa has been removed so we we reduce line 200 to 177,000 do I have a motion for the 17,000 is that his motion to he can't make a motion only we can so I'm I'm asking for a motion that's our new recommendation you that's right man new Administration recommendation um from motion I'll second it roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes and council president to sen yes thank you sir the next I have would start with um Department of Law Department of Law yeah you're right page 15 yep we have Department of Law other Legal Services um 41201 15526 60,000 requested 60,000 recommended do I have a motion move I'll second it discussion yeah just one question um I just want to be sure it's clear to me uh 155 260 uh just that um there is a salary connected with uh the Department of Law and there's other Billings or uh additional services and all of those are captured in this line yes okay the if it says payroll that would be exclusively for uh Mr par when he builds for litigation purposes okay any other discussion on this [Music] line I'm good any suggests not to take it down no we did not suggest to take that I'm still I'm In conflict with salary versus what his job title entails so that's my dilemma with this line um well here's the here's the thing again in the um Charter says he's responsible for all legal services litigation everything ordinances resolutions attending Council meetings and me and Mr Bor have been at odds for a long time regarding this particular line item I think it's included in his salary he tends not to want to include it in the salary he wants to go outside for um uh litigation uh we see it a different way um and in the past they've always put it in um the salary ordinance for his additional fee for this for I think it was I think it's up to like $130 an hour I have no problem putting uh that in there for the money in that line item for $60,000 but I do have an issue with the additional hourly fee so I think it might be a good idea to put it in there but when it comes to the salary ordinance I am going to request that to be changed as just a salary with no additional uh hourly fee for litigation I was going to ask that if if you guys would entertained going back to to 45,000 for it because that kind of is the Delta between the two if you get your your change okay well Mike what do you think of that Mr Sears well if we listen to what Ken told us about the upcoming litigations some of them are going to have to be taken out outside of his domain which probably this is where he's asking to draw this money from other legal fees so um we do know this is Vivan coming we do know goo place is coming we do know um uh Co is coming so I would well Co is next year yeah but we still have uh to deal with the two housing and then we have the master plan we'll be dealing with legal issues with that how about make 54,000 you know cut sorry Mr s if we need extra for the two zv as well you guys uh I think we did 15,000 each anticipated for each case um you know if it goes over it we would have this line to draw from if it you know had had sufficient amount and then we have also Seasons uh that we have we have another line out for that yeah all right my motion fails nobody seconded so we'll go along with the original $60,000 motion I'm sorry my what was your motion I wanted I'm okay with bringing it down to 54,000 I didn't hear that either Mr I said 45 and then I said before I'll change it to 54 I didn't he say so I'm sorry I didn't either I I I'd make a motion to bring it to 54,000 if I didn't say it we heard it down here you did hear number it was very quiet I got your back on that I'll make a motion to bring it to 54,000 I'll second that loo counc CIO yes councilman seers no councilman Omen yes councilman council president Des yes at the bottom of the page we have planner fees COA 41201 15628 uh 2500 is uh the new request from Mr par 2500 is the new recommend do I have a motion I'm sorry plan fees yeah 175 goes to 2500 we can reduce it by 15 000 Mr do I have a motion in the bottom of page 15 uh 156 280 yes 156 280 Mr Po's new request was 2500 and 2500 recommended is that a second yes I had WR you'll second it okay Mr Alman Mr Alman you motion Mr motion thank you roll call Mr ran seconded yes ok councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes council president TOA yes on the next page we have COA uh special Master fees 40120 56 290 the new recommend is 2000 excuse me the new request is 2,000 the new recommend is 2000 do I have a motion so move second any inspection roll call councilman Cassio I did have a question why why was it reduced Mr per said it was okay to reduce it okay yes Council M yes councilman nman yes council president desum yes tax law of tax appeals appraisers 40120 60210 um we tabled it uh we did not change the number it's still at 15,000 uh request and 15,000 recommended do I have a motion motion I'll second it any discussion so my only thing is um if we move forward with the tax appeal uh not the tax the revaluation um I would I would expect that that would go down so so would I but hopefully next year I don't think we can do it for this year by the time we do whatever we're doing I always get some confus the appeals have to be inv April 1 right so not a lot of appeals this year so I think we can bring it down this year well I would imagine that most of those would be in ready right and we should the tax assessor should know where we are there wasn't that many we were told so you want to table it once more and we can get a firm number um I guess yeah there's no rush you know if if if we know we don't have that many sure that would be wonderful to save a couple dollars there yeah let's take that table thank you Peter for I was checking in on that my only thought is is that although the revaluation doesn't won't impact till 2025 people would be likely hesitant to undergo the expense for one year correct so I I don't know if we would see a large number of appeals but if if the mayor can get us that number for next meeting I don't think it's going to okay the next one I have is on the following page storm water management engineering fees 41201 65202 6,000 requested 6,000 recommended we table this because we're going to get more information on that's a contractual item or what that is I gotta be honest with you I know we talked about it again I just don't remember where we went I think you guys were really happy with that $6,000 number we were happy with it yeah from what I remember you know just CC pres the yes Mr I just want to get back down this this is related to I had to do a journal entry but uh the entry was done after this detail report was run this report was run on February 5th and I did it after that to just some yearend balances uh and I had I was advised by the financial advisor to tie in some numbers with the AFS so I would ask the council to go by the what's in the budget report as opposed to the detail because the detail is still showing that it has 25 balance uh basically that's what it was and since it was stormw related I was able to credit that account back to zero that out and also make that entry for this particular line which Z this out as well so it it it solved all the problems with with the one entry that I did thank you you're welcome any further discussion on this line gentlemen okay Lo councilman CIO yes councilman sear yes councilman Olman no Cil president to s yes on the following page we have the archive social that we were going to see F quote was correct yes 4 let me just 40120 46500 4,188 requested 4,188 recommended do I have a motion some Some Mo second discussion so that is the bill so it's a direct passord Mr wowski saying that the 4,188 is a direct password okay I mean if it supports our it supports everyone right the Departments everybody yes I think up to 12 accounts right yes I that's what I brought with me tonight um option have as many as 11 accounts connected right now we have two Facebook well the Facebook and the the Twitter account uh let's see and then says you also gave me a little more detail which I put in one of your packag um yeah it talks about linking anything and everything that's related to government accounts together so there is room to put extra accounts that you know any of any of your I'm going to say political ones that use your Township email and all it does arches all it does is archives that if somebody does put a request in we can go through them to get the post that's all it means it doesn't mean so if you delete the post it's still there right right I mean not that it's still there but they can retrieve it just want to make sure the public deleted deleted it's archived it's archiv yes right so that's what that is any other discussion gent no roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes council president to sener yes thank you I'll leave the next one till Miss VZ gets here because I know she'd like to be involved in that discussion so I don't want to is okay with that or you guys want no no yes let's leave it until she returns okay um next I have is on page uh where are we going I had it marked until we started doing those which is fine Mr Mr Dar Cara would you be able to provide a report uh or Mr corkin would you be able to provide a report of what the revenue was from the building department for 23 for 2023 yes yeah go to go to the revenue oh uh you know what if you're looking for let's see I think it might do it collectively I don't think it's got yeah well has construction code 23390 was realized under fees and permits construction code so 203 390 right we had budgeted 200 or or you know estimated it at 200 and we did a little bit better than that not to distract you but did we skip planning board office supplies or maybe I just we didn't get there we didn't get there yet you're okay sorry um so we had a realize we had Mr corkin is that correct 203 390 is what the building department Revenue was last year yes and if we take all the salaries it's adding up to 200 is what you're saying Mr DEA no um when we did last year's budget we estimated a revenue of 200,000 we actually did $3,090 better uh $3,390 better in the realized column so um and then we based we always base it on the projected amounts from the previous year so you know if you if you don't mind if I just take you on a detour for a minute yeah if you go down the 24 proposed budget yeah I see you got 201199 201121 total recomend request that and recommend what you looking at yeah I'm not sure oh I'm sorry are you on the revenue report no I'm in the um if you go down to the line total the department oh I apologize okay page 25 I'm sorry I thought you were talking about the revenue I got yeah if you go to if you go to page 25 your department total is under what you brought in last year so let me see where am I okay planning department are you where are you I apologize 24 if you if you go if you go to the top of page 25 the total budget for the Department is 201 um 021 everybody see that yes yeah requested and and recommended so it's underneath it's it's just under below what we brought in last year so I think with the I think we project that out this year I'm okay with that for the discussion of all those line items as long as we're not funding the building department I don't I don't have an issue with it because in years past the you know the residents were funding the building department and the law says that the building department should be self-funded so I have no objection to that line items I don't know what you're you know my first year on Council I think we put like a lot of money into the department because it was under fund and you know I've been in departments where we've let staff go because the revenue didn't come in and by the end of the year we had to let staff go you're not going to get an argument from me yeah I mean as long as you understand we're just estimating off of last year but what I'm saying is some of our original budgets we were putting tax dollars you know we put like 75,000 into that department out of taxes to pay for them where the state says that we should be self-funded yeah so what we're doing right now is correct I'm in agreement with so what say you gentlemen do we go through them or do we wait um I would say go through go through it okay I would go through it uniform construction code you okay with that Tom UCC official 40122 1051 1110 3240 requested 30 excuse me 31040 requested 31040 recommended do I have a motion is this this is on page 23 the top yeah but is it is this salary yes we weren't going to so as long as we're not going to it's paid through the it's paid through the building department so as long as we're okay with it we don't have to rise them as long as we're not going to discuss who it is or anything like that that's what Mr Po said you're not going to get another argument unless you want to write some Mr Mr almond no no but I do want to just can we have a second please I second Mr sear second I I hear now did thank you is this person on this list yes on the stary chart yes they all will be right in the middle of the page they begin I see right underneath that double yellow line yes that's where they begin well one below that dou okay all right any other discussion roll call this is this is 11 110 the Top Line okay but my question was this is an increase of how much per it's is it the one 2% 2% 2% you need to speak up counc cass bring your microphone closer please no problem thank you I just want to know what the percentage was and that was mine actually can I um I believe uh councilwoman VES is working with uh Mr beire Mr beire and is doing a re review of the building department I I I wouldn't call it a review that sounds a little too broad but a few select areas and uh now we're also bringing the the uh planner in on it to make sure they're working all together in harmony so my only question would be I don't know if she's identified anything that might impact this discussion I I know you know more or less what they working on um I don't believe it would it's just things to streamline to make it better for the residents when they have applications and things like that okay does that answer your question or some it does and um is the hours that are noted here are they office hours it depends uh which person you are referring to but you know in the building the Department office hours time they have to do inspections but they get their work done so if it takes them longer than what's noted that's what they do so you know when you're looking at the TA and the second ta that's walkus hours they don't build out on inspection if you're looking at the uniform construction code official it's going to be a combination of both right they have to go he has to go and make inspect do inspections as well as the office hours are reviewing plans and such so is this a um exempt or non-exempt position uh do you mind what do you mean exempt overtime but yeah no nobody nobody receives overtime better none of the Town Hall nonunion workers receive um overtime and everything you have my word reflects a 2% um increase it's show it's shown on that chart it is yes so I I guess my question so is it um not overtime from a time and a half or whatever that overtime might be but uh can they can a person be paid more hours than noted here no okay you good roll councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes council president to sener yes uniform construction code pum Plumbing official 41221 195130 $2,068 requested 20 $2,688 recommended do I have a motion so move second any discussion roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes yes council president to sener yes uniform construction code 2 ta 41221 95150 $ 32,2 requested $322 recommended do I have a motion so move second any discussion roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes council president Des s yes uniform construction code El electric official 41221 95160 1558 requested 1558 recommended do I have a motion so second any discussion roll call councilman Cassio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes council president to yes uniform construction code fire code official 41221 95170 9,123 recommend requested 9,123 recommended do I have a motion so move second can ask a question yes is this individual a member of the Washington Township voler Fire Department no no [Music] okay any other discussion no call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes council president TOA yes I'd like to table the next one until I have more information so I'll just table it that's 180 or 185 180 is that okay everyone is it something I can try and answer no not not in public okay Planning and Zoning liaison 41221 95185 8,160 requested 8,160 recommended do I have a motion a question what's that oh yeah well a motion I'll second what is this person's responsibilities we can't talk about that so we can we can it if You' like is it classific in the job classifications Mr SE yes at the back of the book that's fine with I'm good with it any other discussion I I think table you want a table gentleman I I'd like to that's my thing but mik Mike Mike was before me so let him answer ask this question yeah I I mean okay so so is there let's not discuss it we'll table it and we'll get back well I I the hours I you know there's 35 hours for one rle and there's no hours allocated to the other two roles so how many hours what what is the expectation that someone's working 45 hours a week or 50 hours a week or they is it 35 hours for those let's have let's have the person know that we're talking about the hours that they work and then we'll get back I I I hear question that's why I table so I'd rather table it and be safe fine uniform construction code building plumbing inspector 41221 95187 17167 requested 17,1 167 recommended do I have a motion motion second any discussion that's 2% as well that's 2% as well according to the Char yes um 17167 it's two positions building inspector and pluming inspector correct 16 so this is the one we M so has has this been have we replaced this Bas Okay you Okay M I'm good roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman man yes council president to senum yes uniform construction code CCO inspections 41221 19589 12,500 requested 12,500 recommended can we reduce this Mr Carlo because I mean we fund this so there's enough money um to pay for those inspections and then obviously the resident um supplements it and it's brought in through the revenue side um I don't feel comfortable giving you that answer I you know if you if you want to reduce it I'd ask ask you to let me table let us table it and if you don't mind can we table it because I you know the I'd like to see what we forecasted the first three months of the year versus last three last last year's first three months because of the housing market being kind of okay volatile right now on the following page uh gentlemen uniform construction code office supplies 41221 95210 750 requested 750 recommended do I have a motion second you any discussion just can I get there sure sure I'm just being polite and asking for disc just let us know you're getting there that's all you like all of a sudden like taking off Pages at a time do we actually print a lot of color copies and or is there a need to print a lot of color copies I don't know I'm sorry and and I'm not talking about this Department per se just in the building across all departments because I keep seeing you know yellow was it cyan or whatever magenta you know we print a lot of color M uh you know the organization that I work you can print as much black and white basically as you want but the color copiers and printers are key coded and it's tied back and it's monitored because of the expense associated with it so you know I don't know what the the building department spefically has but we only have one color printer upstairs um that we all operate out of if we need need something so again you know it's not discretionary most likely would be because of professionalism or you know the presentation of something the need for it to look more you know especially maybe our account logo if it prints on certain forms I certainly don't use it that much I don't I certainly wouldn't think it's abused in any way but there is only one printer everybody doesn't have one well they have their own color printer downstairs don't they who yeah the buildingart oh that's what I meant I I didn't know if they have one no there's a lot of cartridges being built to it that's why I'm right well a regular printer down there okay any other discussion not for me roll call councilman yes councilman sear yes councilman Omen yes council president desna yes moving down to uniform construction code mileage sien 41221 95280 1 requested 1000 recommended do I have a motion any second second discussion how many people are covered by this it's several I wish I had uh you know what let me let me pull up last year's salary ordinance because it says on there spend 750 for years and they've only spent 750 so right because I think I think the ordinance calls for specific um positions but they that one person tends to have more positions you know like I don't if that makes sense I don't know so he only gets it one time right so can we make it 750 again uh let me just pull this up real quick so I can give you a better answer so it's one person no it's multiple people but one person hold multiple titles so he only gets one stien is that correct what I just said Mr D I think so uh salary ordinance the building Plumbing inspectors 250 the electrical subcode officials 250 the fire code suboficial is 250 and the tax assessor is 250 so um yes it could be brought it can be brought down to 750 yes because those two share okay I'll make a motion to reduce it to 750 you have a second yes second is that the recommendation from Administration yes yes sir okay thank you it's the revised recommendation C at the requested Council roll call councilman Casio yes councilman seers yes councilman Olman yes council president to sen yes uniform construction code furniture and Equipment 41221 195 300 300 requested 300 recommended do I have a motion so moved second iend 200 I was going to make it 150 Mike you you want 200 200 Please Mr alman's made a motion for 200 any anybody second that I'll second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes counc president sen yes uniform construction code training 41221 95 370 500 requested 500 recommended do I have a motion some move second discussion they have training in mind uh Mr Dar Carla I don't know off the top of my head but please just consider this is uh several people in that office okay and you know as if you look if we went to the job classification um there is cu requirements most of them are achieved at no cost but again with the amount of people in there one one course you know could could eat up a lot of that I'm okay with it thank you are we um I'm assuming they some of these individuals have professional licenses again we'd have to look at the job classification I wouldn't want to Short Change anybody um but yes they definitely have certifications I'm not sure if licens would be but the job classifications spell all that out I'm more than happy to look one up so I'm just wondering okay go ahead um if they have if they have a license are we paying to maintain that license or is this training outside of that again my time here I don't remember ever expending an expense at the uniform construction code for a license um and more would be trained I just want to see if I can get to somebody for an example construction code official out of anyone you he going to have most and do we share these individuals we don't share them but these these job titles tend to have you know they're part-time job so they tend to have the same job or similar job in another jurisdiction so you know our code official may be a CO I'm sorry our uniform construction code official may be the same in another town or he might only be the plumbing inspector in another town they tend to have multiple okay so uniform construction code official I won't name the person specifically but on the back certifications required no licensing required construction official license issued by the Department of Community Affairs mandatory training mandatory continued education credits for each Technical and administrative license every three-year renewal period so I I mean we've I don't think we've ever dictated whether we would run going to pay for someone's license R but I just I haven't seen call either right thought that we would or wouldn't I just we haven't seen it we haven't been it has not been asked okay any other discussion gent just just general discussion you know you you hold a license and you're required to get C to me that's part of a licensing that's part of a licensing fee because if you don't main pay those cus and you go to the state you lose your license basically so you technically are you paying for the licensing fees no in reality you're paying for their licensing fees now I don't think as a profession who holds a couple different licenses I have to get them renewed my cus and if I went to another job position I wouldn't expect them to pay for them because that's my responsibility that's my professional lure so you know in the future you know maybe we can discuss that with new employees maybe current employees that it's really there responsibility to maintain their ler and their cus to maintain that license and again that's just a general discussion nothing regarding right now but that's that's how I would I would do it most most professionals are like that and if you're uh a conscientious professional you would make sure you you got it done on your on your own time but that's just just my opinion thank you well councilman cassum yes councilman seers yes councilman Alman yes council president to yes uniform construction code printing 41221 195 470 500 requested 500 recommended do I have a motion so move second I would go ahead I'd reduce it again until to spend it I'm okay with 250 is everyone make a motion for 250 council president May respectfully yes at the beginning of this week we had a discussion on how tax dollars aren't funding this and that the revenue is covering this and now we're reducing these lines so I just I'm they're not being used we got to we got to be prudent on you know and I understand that that side of the argument but then we don't have a chance to but we gave him you know gave last year to spend one well how would we have the I don't mean to S over but how would we have the ability to show you that we need have a need for because last year they spent zero dollars they spend one penny so that's not considered Frugal or prudent it's a a penalty for not using it yeah it is okay I understand I would ask you to reconsider reducing it so if they so being Frugal is not they shouldn't be penalized but did they tell you we need 500 and what for so we can either do run rate or we could do bottom up but I I don't understand what either one of those are I'm just I I wouldn't want to encourage our employees to waste the money either run rate is you look at the number and you see it going across and you say oh there's a trend here they spend uh 6 50 150 650 740 you know what's the trend and do we expect that to occur this year and you forecast off of that well we already did what you asked and we brought down to 500 and you want to bring it down even further so it was like my comment the other night it it we're increasing what you asked us to do and I worried that it's just going to underfund it that's it that's that's my request and um if I may um this line for some reason is up and down a lot but uh three of the last five years they came close to spending the 750 that was allocated uh I can't say why it was zeroed last year perhaps that was an anomaly year uh so again I I agree with the administrator you know we cut it to 500 uh if they don't use it again this year then I would ask them to um you know uh update their ass for next year because they haven't used it two years in a row what say you G I wouldn't reduce it 250 but I would reduce it um you know maybe maybe $100 or 50 bucks you know if we're giving it it's self-funded I hope they would use it for good cause yeah no I'm not saying well I don't you know I don't want to cut them short if they're going to do printing please do printing if we're putting it in there please use it if you need itly if you need because if you if if you don't Here's My Philosophy if you if you put it in a budget and you don't use it that's really double taxing your your your uh citizenry because they trust us to use the money for something and we don't use it they're not getting product for it if we're putting money in we should get product no product so reduce it but please use it if we give it to you make sense right so the original motion still for 500 I'm sorry Pete yeah council president um I I don't like that word double tax because it makes it seem like the original went into a fund that we can never touch again uh we do use it in not the following year but the year after so I don't want to make it seem like double tax like hey we didn't spend it so it got wasted somehow it does get used we need for the Public's benefit CU I don't like that double tax if if that's if that's a term you don't care for I'm okay with it but you know but again it's money that we're we're taking we're not using right now and the the ask is for now right you we all talk about the Surplus two years down the down the road right and things lot lot of things change in two years right we seen that happen with Co and everything you know I really want to use whatever we asking the citizens to now so that's the that's just my comment thank you so the original motion is still for 500 500 recommended um okay leaving it I'm I'm okay with 500 all right but please Mr Alman you good Mr Ser are we roll yes please at 500 councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes council president to s yes uniform construction code miscellaneous 40122 195 500 6,000 requested 6,000 recommended do I have a motion somebody motion I'll make a motion we'll make the motion will second it discussion um I guess the the big one is why did it go from we all the new software that year right is that the software that's the software Year Mr Mayor the 15 ,000 year I I don't recall it so I would take your word if you're recalling it that way yes I believe it was they had a big software operation something it was so you know so tiny three years ago it's huge jump from this line yeah even if you take out I think we did do this software but I can't think of the name of it what is it called since we have a separate line item special a separate line for them is for sdl that's the licensing y oh that's right below it that's the yeah so why is this line so high I mean I'm not on the history yet what did The 4400 go toward computering and Main like everything else I think that was thees I'm going to guess Inc and and I don't know if this is [Music] mag I have no idea what all right Mr what where's the detail on this one you page8 line 8 page 86 excuse 86 okay where are we we are my label I mean I'm guessing that this is printing which is why it's not in the other line right which is why it's zero no maybe not let's not assume it was a mistake I didn't say it was a mistake I just said I think printing really refers to something of some extraordinary yeah outside as opposed to well CDW use computer equipment that's that's what's there's a lot of computer equipment built to this H or there rubber stamps missed you or not approved yeah those are stickers I'm sure I believe all the algra stuff is the stickers Mr Corran what that be that would you know the algra is that the vendor that provides all the stickers for the building Department um Council presid I'm not 100% sure about that okay Mr D do you know if that's it it seems like that right yes I mean this is really their only line that they have to draw from for things that are not specific such as books or you know Furniture 200 you know again it's we didn't count on them needing the new computer it wasn't forecasted but we needed to we needed to dedicate a computer to their uh their the one software I don't want to call it a television but the one screen that they had so you know again we don't we don't know where that whole building Department's going to go in a year $6,000 it was brought down from $15,000 in the spirit of cooperation I'm comfortable changing the recommend to 5500 mayor's asked to change the recommend the 5500 motion it you'll motion it you second it no no I anybody someone motion Mr Sears I I'll Mo I'll second 5500 okay call councilman Cassio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes council president to yes thank you uniform construction code DL which is the license it's for four licenses 95 it's 401 22195 830 9550 requested 9550 recommended do I have a motion some have a second second Mr dalala is this the exact cost easy yeah it's an exact amount supported by quote we need the four licenses yes Mr maybe it's just a uh a shorthand or something but it references five licenses or five computers where where is that in the detail on page 87 so I don't know if the right so this is going to sound crazy but we needed to spend money to save money so we didn't need five licenses anymore unfortunately there wasn't um I guess there was like a lower price for having five so only having four cost 90 um it was 10,500 for five why that showing only 8900 I'd have to get back to you on that but I SP to woman myself and wanted to understand how you know it wasn't a bigger reflection of savings when we went down a whole license and it was essentially we were losing some credit for not spending more money I don't I don't know off to my head five licenses were 8900 thank plus there was also pay there was also an increase in uh from year to year thank you the bottom page top of page 25 thank you uh tablets is that part of this no they're not on ta no only the code official is uh the code enforcement officer okay any other discussion just is the will the 95 be sufficient yes that's the quote correct for the for license yes yep Daisy we're at the page 25 uh it's it's the line is uniform construction code sdl on the previous page 95 195 850 8:30 excuse me I'll make a motion who's already okay roll call counc cassum yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council will bz yes council president to Senate yes council president just I know you guys voted yes and I appreciate but just for it was $8,400 for four licensing and one portal charge at a cost of $130 so I brought it up to 95 9530 okay um want to keep going on the same page Let's see we got those are Al uh provided well most of them are provided numbers well the next two were provided numbers liability insurance 40123 210 00 $28,995 a, 59,000 recommended do I have a motion sorry second second our premium went up 10% Mr the car yes and they provided a letter on all these numbers it has nothing to do with usage or claims or you know uh not that you were asking this but nothing we did wrong because the mayor and I specifically went looking to see if this is because of something that was going wrong access claims or anything there was no excess claims nothing no it was all just a 10% increase just because we want to I I I know I have the letter in here because I knew that would come up and I don't blame you for it coming up is this is gif yes y they provide us with a bill that has like three numbers you already did one of them already like the other day I think it was like the GIF ambulance contribution or something something relatively inexpensive compared to this line so this is a direct passor this is the this is our invoice for the year for 2024 yes sir just amazing that's two years in a row we've gone it for 10% incre it's a a lot of money wait till you get a sewer the number the number do we motion it already what's that motion discussion yeah motion we're in discussion any other discussion joh ladies roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman om man yes yes councilwoman bz yes council president the center yes workman's compensation Insurance 40123 21500 252 329,000 requested 252 329,000 recommended do I have a motion so move need to speak up so moved thank you second second discussion who provides our Workman is that the state that's through CHF as well through CHF as well wow and did they provide an explanation yeah it's all like again I could give this to M wowski to send out that's a 25 that's like a 20 some per increase that's crazy do we ever shot B to the other JS I never have G State I I think uh if I remember correctly when we asked uh our risk uh risk person last year uh the answer came back that the gifs are territorial for lack of a better word uh that you can't go outside your territory to another j i well this comes from oh from the Mel yeah this is from Mel this isn't from ber and Jeff I don't think that's I don't think that's correct because pamis doesn't use who we use MH so I would urge want to get more information I would love it if we can save a couple thousand that would be I I would like to go back and then look at the liability also because it's coming both coming from the same place yes yeah this is It's a bill yep D and mail I think it's hard to switch Midstream this at this point yeah but maybe for next year next year that's investigate you there's it's almost 15% increase it's a lot it's a lot yeah just did the numbers I'll double Che Mr Dar Carlo is there yeah yeah Mr Dar Carlo I know we have a single person who is our risk manager yes and other towns have a risk management group does that change things or you don't know enough about it I don't know but I don't see why it would um what do you a group Michael like other towns don't have a single person like we do they have a they have a like a it's an or it's a risk management organization like if you go to you know New Milford pamis Park Ridge all of them they don't have a one person operation it's a it's a group so I don't know if that would bring us a different premium I'm not saying it's not it may bring us a higher premium like you said but is that something we can entertain because you know these numbers are just bagging 32,000 33,000 yeah it's a lot of money almost 34 and 33 yeah yeah we we can research it I I'll even ask at the uh mayor's meeting in April it would be for next year yeah yeah it would have to but I'm just saying start now so not you know yeah that's a big joke it's a it's a a joke before they change the former government Washington Township there used to be a commission of three uh three professionals that would do it so we're talking uh pre 70 pre pre 80 okay so those three would work the work the system finding the best price ohuh okay now the way um our Charters we have one risk manager and we have to do is to be a producer um from what I understand that person doesn't have to be certified in risk management but many many are um and I know Mr Vini for 40 years 50 years and he's doing he's doing a great job but there are other avenues you can go on um again I'm don't want to I like Vic but if we can shop it out to get a lower price by all means it's something that we need to do your car everything else we can do as a big number if we can reduce the increase by you know 5% over the years that well it's it's got up almost ,000 it's gone up over $50,000 in two years got it's a lot of money yeah both line items have gone up that I'm okay with that cuz the price of the price right now someone motion for that yeah that's motion is second roll call roll call Council Casio yes councilman Sears yes those are scary numbers Council Omen yes Council woman valz yes council president yes health benefits 40123 22000000 1 million requested 1 million recommended do I have a motion uh motion to discuss motion yeah we motion a second now we can discuss so did we have a savings of 183,000 with the new system Mr Dar Carlo so again I don't want to I'd have to bring up the paperwork so I don't want to commit to a number but the savings that was anticipated was over the course of a year where uh we sent all the uh we finally got theou signed by the um unions and I don't mean finally in a negative way it's just things take formalities take time it's sent down to the state we're waiting for the State Health uh I'm sorry State Health Plan benefits plan to approve Us in that HRA simultaneously we're working with the onboarding and the new implementation with the difference card hopefully for a um implementation date of June 1st or July 1st which mean which means by the time that happens we're already six uh five to six months into the year into year this year is going to be very hard to project um because we don't have any history so what we did in preparation of that is if you look just look below you don't have to discuss if the you'll see a new line was created extracting Dental Life and Accident from the health benefits line so the health benefits line is purely by itself and we can track only the health costs we're anticipating there to be a savings but it' be very difficult for us we've tried and we came up with this being the best strategy to present to the council the request to fund it that this amount with the uh you know the definite belief that it's going to be less than this preparing for next year in our tracking history and we also uh asked I believe it was councilman Casio you know as far as taking that money and funding it into a trust in the future which we can certainly do it's just that wouldn't happen until 26 so we have to so but in 26 when we close the books in 25 we'll be able to take the extra money that's left in here and start putting it into that trust and building and bilding and bilding it and using it to offset uh the request each year I hope that makes sense and you know the bottom line is we just don't have the history there to present you with Mr Corin could you explain the transfer to this line uh yes well there were actually um there were actually two transfer resolutions sorry yeah go ahead there were that's what that's what that negative 53,000 is is is basically if you see a negative by a transfer line that means that they were involved with a transfer resolution where where we took money from this account because um because there was money left over in this account but really last year we only spent 83,000 not 883 yes that's correct if you Ed out yes the we over funding this line by at the time you know almost $0 and something thousand well you know again I I understand those I just those words but I wouldn't accurately describe it is that because we fund this without the contribution of the employees so the employees contributions comes in we have to make huge payments at a time and we also um fund this line with some unknown circumstances so Mr porkman do you know what the employee contributions bring into this line as as uh return out of out of the 83 you're muted Mr corkin you're muted I apologize um I could find it I I don't know the exact number I just know that we get reimburse every pay for for a portion of it I'm just curious what the 12 month return was on this line based on I know it varies because everybody puts in a different contribution but I was just curious what that number was let me see I might have it I would just like to add also um right now because of the delay and going to the difference card we're paying the 2024 rates on the State Health uh so that's also a reason to you know that we have to leave it at a million because we're incurring that higher cost for obviously but the employees are incurring the same high SP based on yes but I mean for budgetary yeah no but it's it's the employees also because they're not getting the benefit of the lower lower cost yep if you want to give me an opportunity to answer the question on the uh sure okay two approximately [Music] $266,000 that was in 2023 okay thank you that's again just to reiterate this million is a a guesstimate number uh because we're in transition this year next year we'll have how much Karma number that hopefully is less than a million just a 23 number was so out of line with the with the actuals versus what was budgeted it's crazy is a $26,000 Delta there I I don't understand the the explanation to overfunded due to timing time so if we look at page 90 of the detail in we look at the second line we paid the State Health Benefit of 80 and the library of six and if I'm reading this right we are taking in in April an offset of 22 based on two payroll Cycles so I don't see a need to overfund it at that rate if the time if there's there's not a timing difference or it's minimal it's it's one payroll cycle well I think when when we said overfunded um at least what my interpretation was is we have to overfund it to a certain extent uh for people who obviously go from a single to a married married to a family plan uh mid year where we don't know that when we're doing the budget so that that was what I meant by overfunding it we just overfunded to a certain exep I still point where I was cut off I didn't get a chance to finish the sentence but I think the 266 is still coming back in it is yes MH the the 883 less the 53 so it's 8:30 is 8:30 in true cost in in net cost in net cost we have to 266 coming back no with the two no I respectfully tell the council that we met Mr corkrin how many times collectively with the mayor the entire finance department reviewed this several times got the input from the difference card um you know we're asking for the million dollars to be safe there's there's not much more argument or supporting facts I I can provide at this point I mean we're trying to Trend it lower uh but we're just asking to do it in a controlled fashion since we are transitioning this year we don't want to cut it short obviously so Mr corkin yes the 883 yes includes the transfer out of the 53 it's really 8:30 so the expense the um the expense the me the health expense on this line is 8 approximately 830 yes but it does that doesn't work out exactly because if you look at the ending balance in that account that doesn't go with that number which makes me think that you'd have to factor into reimbursements well the because because in my mind that that would reduce what you're spending if you're looking at the budget line itself I mean I I'd have to really look at this clo more closely and you know actually you know jot some numbers down to make to verify that I'm 100% sure about that yeah but M Mr corkin if you go to the if you go to page 92 right yes the balance left in that account before the transfer was $1 18,26 to.5 right then we have the two transfer resolutions which brings it down to 152 so disregard those two transfer resolutions because that was money because it was there we needed to move it but the remaining balance of that line was 180 260 250 when you do all the plexes and minuses of all the um you know expenses and the contributions back because you can see the contributions back are adding are adding back into the total when you look at the pages when they put the the the the contributions back it's putting money back into that account right because if you didn't have those two transfer resolutions the basically would be 152,000 plus the uh 53,9 yeah so it would be the 180 260 250 which is the last line before the two transfer resolutions right what I'm saying is 265 the 265 is only one of them though there was another one and 1250 was another one so there's two of them well no 12 1250 is actually an expenditure that's not that's not a yeah the two were 274 and 265 don't forget to take out the amount we moved into the line below too so I would take out another 72 to 80,000 out of that 189 CU out of 189 we are counting for dental Life and Accident too but that includ that's already included in here Mr Mr D that was in the 880 that was in the 830 right but when you're looking for the difference I'm asking for you to look at it minus the 72,000 yeah but that doesn't then then you're not you don't show any savings for the difference part then in that line so even if we say the difference part there's no there's no savings and the whole thing of doing this whole difference C thing was to get the savings I mean that's why we did this the whole so even if we take 50% of that savings we're still not realizing it on this L like I said I I can't I'm I'm not GNA agree with the facts I understand what you do it's your decision at this point if you want to Less in the fund then do it you're absolutely right we're only indicating what like an $188,000 difference we just don't know but I'm saying know better respectfully I'm just saying I'm not being argumented but respectfully if you know better please fund it for a lesser amount I don't want you to but again I'm I'm just not going to agree your facts I don't suggest Mr corkin agrees to those facts either it's very difficult I came out very transparent in the beginning of the conversation no you did thank you exactly what we're looking to do here so you know I'm hoping I'm wrong as far as like how much we need and next year we'll be able to give you a better idea would does anybody know the exact amount that I I don't have that that presentation with me do you know what the one-year difference card savings was up yes if you don't mind because even if we do six months of that savings because we're not going to get to till June or we do seven months of that John um do you have an a house handy or if not can you get uh what our monthly premium is under the 2024 rates this year uh um just in this particular line yeah yeah what we're paying like with the 880,000 number that we were paying last year um what what are we paying the first two months of this year if that's something you have handy I I I don't know the exact amount I I think it's I think it's comparable I don't think there's a big difference I mean I I I seem to recall it went up 8% or so was the estimated increase from I believe it did go up yes I'm just not sure the exact amount okay um but I I I think it's running a little bit higher than what we were paying last year at this point even if we Round Up to 10% with the library it's 80 called 87 that would be another 8,700 times at least five months uh before we can get to the difference cost that's what I'm saying with duct tap right yeah it's been approximately 80,000 is like a month if I if I remember because when I check the bank accounts I see I see that that transfer going out sure that councilman to sener they're projecting 16,21 160 212 yes between July 1st 24 and June 30th 2025 okay so would everybody be okay if we reduce this by $50,000 since we're going to realize technically an $80,000 Savings in 2024 I'll make a motion for for 950 anyone [Music] second I I just feel we don't have the data right now uh to be on the safe side and like what car said well nobody's second my motion so I guess it's going to fail so anyone second it all right any discussion yeah so I don't know why we went through this whole difference card to save money and we're still budgeting it higher than we were you know I don't understand you know we have a due diligence to to to you know we we did our employees a huge uh Thing by you know Mr G spent a lot of time and the mayor spent a lot of time getting the difference card but we're not taking advantage of the savings it's it's it's supposed to give us 16, 212 ladies and gentlemen so if we're funding it at the same same exact amount as last year it's we know it's going to be at least $80,000 less and it's 7 something, because we moved that money into the other line so I mean it's it's basic you know I don't understand but that's my that's my opinion I agree Mike I I guess you know we are getting an invoice every month we're three months in you know what have we spent to dat let's project that out for six months you want to table this and we I I'm more than happy to table it I mean I I I think we you know unfortunately I I understand what Mr Doo and the mayor is saying that it's it's a it's a moving Target because it's a new thing but we were promised $160,000 savings that's why we did this and to not at least take an $80,000 savings on this line is is not right so if we could table this and get I guess what would you like to have Mr Alman the uh the three months of the the first quarter of the Year cost yeah what I mean what's what's the run uh so what is the expenses the actual expenses in this line for the first three months or I mean and we know what the payroll offset is and if it's not going live until July we know exactly what it is all right everybody okay with tabling it so we get more information um yeah I'm okay with tabling but you know again it's it Insurance sticks I'm tell I it every day it's very hard to estimate what you're going to need benefits all that stuff and I I understand now the mayor inst Carlo probably pull some hairs out I'm not I'm not saying I'm not saying but the last I want to do is I don't want to underfunded we are we are overpaying we supposed to make a savings I'm just uncomfortable with with 50 I would I want more I'm being I was being I was being being conserv I was being conservative I I I would want I want to deduct the 72 and the and the 80 because that's how much is there ccil president if I may I guess I do have a little bit more arguing in one I just wanted to respect in case you just misspoke there was no promise of $160,000 savings so I don't want to be in the same seat next year hopefully I will be but being told that it was a promise and it came in at 150 or 140 I don't want it to come in at 10 and that's the question I asked her because i' I I've I've gone through this in life and we were made lots of promises and then had to go back because the promises that were presented didn't not come to fruition I know but there was a it's an estimate an estimate I don't need I'm not saying it's going to be exact that's why I only wanted to do 50,000 so I was giving you I get it I'm just like again you know of course you know I I express my frustration it's just because I I I don't want to be at the end of the year and then we're in a predicament okay that's why I like trying argue with please don't do it but I also just wanted to remember the the idea Mr councilman Casio had about using the excess to fund a trust you know again I'm not saying we're fattening it up so we can do that but if there is that fat at the end we will be able to satisfy that I it was a request him it was a good idea okay um so you know it will satisfy several things it'll give us that cushion if there is excess it'll give us the time to get that um the confidence in the numbers y um and then if there is extra there then you know like councilman casio's request we can we can start funding that trust you know can we can we get a report of the first quarter numbers and medical and the contributions back and then we'll table it for now yes but still won't still won't help us with you know what we're I understand it's still a crystal ball I agree with you but I I just can't in good conscience say that we're not going to bring it down from last year by anything knowing that we're you know we have this option for $160,000 savings yes sir I will get it all the paperwork has been filed with the state to make this change yes with the State Health at least our knowledge because things keep changing we think we submitted everything and no we definitely submitted everything but then Sometimes they come back and say you did but this Chang yeah to our knowledge we have filed everything right I don't I don't think that's the case here you know the person on our end that was involved did read receipts receive receipts and uh okay you know some have opened it and read it some haven't so but it's not holding up the implementation that's the biggest thing to to respond to Mr Ol Man is even if the state's gonna you know put us at the end of the pile it's not affecting our ability to move forward operating in parallel yes thank you we'll table table we don't Implement tomorrow it takes 60 days to implement so we're we're trying to get this ready for open enrollment of April first correct me if I'm wrong Mark the state did change something from 203 oh they Chang yeah that's why we had back drawing board at nobody's fault it was it wasn't council's fault wasn't Union's fault wasn't our [Music] fault all right so we'll get the numbers for dental life and that Dental when we get those from Mr corkman so we'll table that also my next thing is on page uh 33 uh fire prevention outside Consulting sorry what page M 33 thank you we had tabled fire prevention outside Consulting C president can you just so I make sure I get what you guys need what did what we wanted the actuals for the first quarter of the year for for health I'm sorry for dental too Dental also yes just so we could track the cost and the employee contribution so the medical dental and employee contributions kick back you got you have both of those John yes yeah I can get you report that will show the first quarters thank you so I have fire convention on page 33 was tabled outside Consulting 401 25264 320 18,600 requested 18,600 recommended um do I have a motion so moved 33 Mr second Mr Mrs Miss valz and Mr Cassie any discussion I guess we tabled this Mr Dar Cara do we know yeah you did um I think I think you ultimately tabled it because you you considered it a salary um well this is what we didn't know if they were employees or an out no we did know and I think you were just probably confused because it says outside Consulting again it's probably just one of those things that never clicked in my head um they are not you know they are okay so then this stays table Yeah correct me if I'm wrong I think they're in the group that you're rice noticing also that's fine okay that's I'm looking at as outside again my bad it's 0 can I why we're kind of on the topic of the rice nose since you did some of the positions from the UCC is that alleviating them from being rice we I think we did all of them except for two or three right so all the rest we don't need the right any longer so we may be that together yeah so we may be able to do it in two meetings now right because we've got we got a rid like 10 or something of them I don't know about that many but you got rid of some was not 10 go back those people have multiple jobs oh they have multiple jobs all I take it nice tryline nice try people thinking all the stamps we couldn't seen no no stamps no charge okay good look at that paper paper oh you were waiting for Miss FZ to come for the calendar oh yes we tabled the calendar because we didn't want to we wanted you to be here we did that whole page except for the calendar so 18 18 thank you thank you 18 uh public affairs calendar 40120 46510 5500 requested 5500 recommended do I have a motion so second discussion so the mayor I believe had gotten us some cost correct Mr Mayor on what the actual calendar costs were Mr Dar Carlo one yes um the council was I don't know if you have it tonight miss wowski had it on your uh on the day for you a couple nights ago but I can quickly RW it for you if you don't mind thank you yes so the information we got for 2024 calendars postage was $693 6 for the bulk mailing of the calendars out of the pramis post office the cost for the calendars from Beacon offend printing LLC was $5,490 and that was for 3500 calendars this equated to $156 per calendar for printing we work okay so I tend to tell you that we're working on a quote which I'll have and I said for interest sake the calendars were approximated 1 52 each in 23 a133 each in 22 uh and then you guys had kind of some questions on how we broke up the expense so the expense of the $5,490 was broken up between two account lines the first was the trust account for the celebration of public events for 3,690 the control account for the calendar did not have sufficient funds it's Standalone account it didn't have other sub accounts to draw from so I would have I wasn't able to over enumber that line the remaining $1,800 was taken from the trust account reserved for Township calendar the $1,800 was the amount the township received in advertisements from several companies so that's why we chose the amount of $1,800 so um we actually received $1,900 see how honest I am we received $100 um more but it was after it came in after we had done the expense for the ,800 so so we were so I mean if we were to print 1,000 calendars for people to come to Town Hall that would approximately be 18 let's call it 1,800 we'll leave it at that line so we received a quote be $1,560 but so we we then asked for a quote so you know that they gave a bunch of you know it's going to be this text and this size and this boss and whatever but essentially it was for 500 calendars it's $2500 for 1,000 calendars it's $3,000 and for500 calendars it was $3,550 wow for 500 it was what for 500 calendars it was $2500 and we order 3 3,500 3,500 or 5,000 5500 5500 yeah she received more than double for I know dead comparison not dead but more you order the less exactly you get a volume discount yeah it wasn't as it I thought it would be more inexpensive for 500 calendars but it really wasn't that's where all the work is in the setup and then once they're printing it um I mean I would just like to add I heard from a few people and I'm paraphrasing so please um they said we still like to get the calendar for our tax money you know we feel it's worthwhile expense to the taxpayers um but you know everyone sees the calendar differently obviously but a few people came to me and said you know hey for our tax dollars we should get a calendar and they mail and then I have people saying it goes right into recy everyone is different that's why I was thinking you know we try something different to save costs and you know get a certain amount printed and have them available at town hall for pickup you know I think that's more than everybody's here you know you know it's it's a if I can just add one more they come and pick them up what's that I don't think they'll come and pick them up I think the people that need them will be you know I I think we can give them out at the you know to the senior group uh we can hand them you know have have you know have it done at the meeting so therefore that would be handled um and then anybody else that would like to pick one up because they like the the calendar I mean the website's great I and I understand the the the mentality that not everybody has access to a computer so that's why I'm saying do not eliminate it just give people the option to come pick it up um well if we're going to do that could we do would there be a potential sign up like you know like a pre-order if you will we to judge how many to order or to mail to those people I I I think the mailing is is is an expense that to to mail you either have to do bulk or not at all once you get into individual changes the whole post what is V consider how much is oh $9 $690 but that close basic 3300 it's easy to do bul mailings but you can't if you start doing individual that's something coule I'm saying if if in the fall usually a calendar comes out in February yeah yeah um if in the fall there was a like a pre-order and that way we have a better number of what we're looking for again my one of my concerns with that would be again the same audience who likes the paper calendar how are they going to sign up if they don't like computers to sign up they have to come to swn Hall and sign something up you know I like to save money right but I think right now just leave it alone we can deal with it figure out figure out different way you know we do again there's other that do it that are noten I know other towns do calendar not as as beautiful and elegant as ours but it's supposed to be informational more than anything else and um but that's why we have our great ours is great that's why we have our great web page I mean I I I think we our our new web design is is is topnotch it really was worth the expense and I understand that people you know don't have access access to it but you know I think I think we can reduce the cost of the calendar but I think every every household should get it I do okay that's that's my opinion we can so why don't we fund it this year and then explore maybe that's something you can take on exploring the calendar because it does require a lot of work so maybe C Casio that's a project not to volun tell you but I don't volunteer enough da well you know listen I've done a lot of volunteering in to so well in terms of the calendar perhaps sure I will look that sure okay well do we have a motion on the we made a motion for the 5500 and so we're in discussion right now Mr Alman okay I believe it was Mr Sears and counil Sears I just think it's it's I I I don't mind don't use it myself personally because I I use the website it's so much easier you can bring yours back and recycle it so somebody else can get that I will if it wasn't already if it wasn't already if it wasn't already out in recycling I would have done that so uh I I know there's a motion at the 55 if it was up to me I would uh keep my motion that was made at the last meeting when this was last reviewed which was Zero because in my opinion uh we should do away with the calendar so that's my feelings on the subject uh than more than happy to is that your motion to make it zero no the motion is 55 y all right roll Callan CIO seers yes wait I'm sorry 5500 the 5500 okay Council mman no council Wes yes council president deser no anybody like to make a motion for a different amount I would motion uh to bring it to zero uh and basically eliminate the paper calendar eliminated totality correct do you mind if I ask a before you vote on that may I gu a question if you if you approved the zero I wouldn't be able to pay back the money to that I took out of public events I just not saying that you don't you care you don't care but I just wanted you to know I wouldn't be able to do that I guess if you were going to vote zero and didn't want to move forward would you be willing to do the 3690 so I could replenish what was taken out of so I call it public event celebration of public Fair events or whatever trust with the understanding that there would be no calendar for January 2025 sure so and again as we talk about this you know we we talk about 5500 but it's really closer to 10,000 9100 that we're talking about how how is that well because is 55 memor it's rolling because the temp budget doesn't allow us to spend the full but we have to expend the full 5500 to get it in the mail for February so we go through this kind of every year but so so a rolling I understand but perhaps I didn't understand the numbers that were uh explained where where's the 308 so the temp budget doesn't have the 55 in it only a quarter of that yeah it's a quarter of it so we use I'll you bar 389 the seasonal bills we get 3690 came from celebration of public events that's what it's called and then 18800 came from the uh donations yeah what they're paying to advertise in the calendar so just just so just so I'm right Mr corkman this this whole this whole uh calendar cost us about $6,100 a year and we're getting 1,800 back in donations approximately okay no that well that's that's why I'd appreciate if you ask me the question because question I apologize it's just I you know I'm the one that prepared the information so so I'd like always answering you guys questions in a Wishy Wasing because it's not that clear this year we took in $1,800 we did have less um what are we calling them um spor sponsorship sponsorships than last year so that's why you know I don't I don't ask for Less knowing there's going to be a definite offset amount otherwise I would do that so we did get less sponsorships like I said at that point time it had only uh total 1,800 it was actually 1,900 so um again we'd have to look at the uh the trust to see how much was left in there I don't think it's very much maybe maybe a little bit north of $500 or $600 so that's why I borrowed the 3690 from the celebration of public events and then the bulk the bulk mailing um I don't know that I can necessarily attribute it all to the to the calendars but you know essentially it is but that's what it costs for us to have that bulk mailing you know I mail the town at 693 yeah so I would not so the celebrations account is not short changed because of the accounting gations you know whatever whatever that number is required to make it hold I would motion for that I mean I don't know have this thank you and but it we would it would we would have a 25 we wouldn't have a 25 I mean I mean because in theory it comes out two months late which is a lot of work to do in two months so it's really a 10-month calendar for you know $5,500 no it's it's a 13 month calendar yes jum because it's you guys and when you do your scheduling and what you do your SCH just so there so there I my Cas Peter um somebody come in today just just to pick your M didn't we um like probably eight years ago we talked about funding it for the year ahead of time didn't we do that one year we funded that so we had the money to do it to do it to do it one year ahead so that we yeah I mean I can't say this I know we've had that discussion on certain accounts this could have very that was one that we did where we had it money if it was fully funded to spend into the following so we'd have it at the end of December in so it goes after 25 that's what we did in the I know we did that at least once with um mayor sopt and I think we do once we different May something maybe a little modified from that but we can't use one year money for something that's totally in the next year but if you well I'm G to say since there a trust account maybe we fund a trust account I don't know how we got away from that something like that we had it was it was available how to put the the following Year's Council meetings on you don't know the dates and stuff well you know the the that's what we wait that's why it doesn't come out until February it's all the but some of that some of that stuff wasn't on the calendar at that time the the meetings were I know but right now people that's what you're saying people want is to know the DAT I'm just telling that's pick all right so there's a motion to move it to Zero from Mr alond corre Mr to to not fund next year's calendar there is a there would be a funding request to to make whole the other line the other line zero for this line 369 3690 for the other line to reimburse public to reimburse public affairs okay and eliminate the count 2025 I'll second that motion roll call cman Casio yes councilman Sears no councilman Alman yes yes Council Wes I think that's a bad move there should be a compromise the answer is no thank council president sen yes do we have a do we know what that other line item I'd rather do that line now so this way we don't forget it which one's that we're the 3690 gotta go oh it's right there is it the next line no no you funded that one with 3690 did you just vote on zero or 36 zero they vot on zero but we're going to add 369 we're going to go back to the other line and put 369 not do a transfer they're just going to refund public affairs so where's that one put that no it was a trust it was a TR trust line so I was going to do an accounting thing where you know you were GNA properly well again that sounds too accusatory I was the hopes was that the calendar line was going to be funded with 3690 well 5500 but the second best option was 3690 you fund that then once we did that we would just make John what would you call that the journal entry basically it' be a bank transfer if you want Trine yeah to go from current back to trust that way right that would make everything whole I'm sorry if I confused the uh the process there but that's what I was I can understand if that's how the paper trail came out of the account to put it back into the account yes to that way when someone looks at it next year there's a full paper trail okay so 3690 right we just passed it Z I understand that but I the the motion that I made was to put 3690 the other account yes and I believe what Mr Dar Carlo and Mr Corran are saying is it has to go back into this line okay and then they will is that correct Mr to follow Mr which which line were you thinking that you wanted to fund with 3690 we were going to put it back into that celebrations but it came from uh but you were talking about a current line I was talking about a trust so is there is there a public Affair I think we could put it directly into trust can no you can't I I don't it doesn't matter where you put it I it was just going to be cleaner at least in my brain to make this one 3690 that's all but you I didn't know that you were talking about another line so my I thought there was a another operating line operating line that you borrow from no I'm sorry it was a trust okay my so then sorry for confusing if I did so the new motion is to make 40220 46510 $3,690 requested 3,69 recommended to reimburse the trust fund right um my um I'm not willing to change my recommend okay so not the 3 3690 is the new motion for 40120 46510 would you would you gentlemen be open to at least funding half the calendar the, 1500 for the 35 so at least we can offer some of our residents a calendar I mean I understand if the town is split 5050 some throw it in the TR in the recycling some want it then let's at least satisfy some of our residents sorry and also if you do that we will have the sponsorship money hopefully to offset some of that cost correct so if if it 3500 for500 calendars correct is that the number you gave us I'm sorry Mr d y and then the sponsorship uh yes 3500 for, 1500 yes 3550 I mean then leave it at 5500 and that's whatever is there is there and then so we'll take from the 5500 we'll reimburse public affairs that trust and then the rest will be used for the calendar we'll print out many that allows us to print the difference in the dollars everybody El okay with that so at least we give some of our resident because it's clear that some do want the calendar well we're not I I'm not I'm not I'm not I don't want it mailed I want it to be to pick up but at least we have 00 over here it's an option I mean let's a good engage for next year we can use it as a pilot I'll second your motion roll call $5,500 for 0120 46510 right CIO yes councilman SE no councilman Alman yes Council valz yes and council president Des sen yes motion to adjourn didn't even notice the time do I have a motion to adjourn move second second all in favor I thank you everyone good night um e