but it's not everyone welcome to the special public meeting of March 11 2024 of the township Washington Township Council adequate notice of the meeting was given in accordance with the open public meetings act by the Township Clerk to at least two newspapers on March 5th 2024 and this notice has been posted on the Township bulletin board and on the township website would everyone please stand for a salute to the flag pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for our all roll call councilman Casio here councilman Sears here councilman Omen here Council valz here council president senent here let the record reflect also in attendance mayor Peter calamari administrator Mark De Carlo cmfo John Corin and Township Clerk Susan wowski there are no approval of minutes tonight do you have a motion to open the meeting to the general public please some move second all in favor I I would anybody like to come up and address the council at this time Mr ad good evening good evening I'm just coming to ask if there's any information I understand that the uh 666 Corporation whatever uh Seasons Corporation has postponed their County lawsuit against the town because we're now negotiating on the property we talking discussing other Alternatives no M Mr par is not on tonight but it is in Clos is being discussed in not tonight in closed but it's something we can't discuss at this time Mr okay well my second question to if it wasn't a yes would be is it possible that the the people that border the property be part of the discussion rather than town just have a conversation with one resident to see what's best for a corner why not include all the property owners that either touch or come within 200 ft of it 50 ft of it whatever you want to look at it so that there's more input to maybe come up with the best solution I don't know the answer to that question but Mr Mayor if we could reach out to Mr par or Mr Dar if Mr Dar car could reach out to Mr PA for only it's possible I don't know if it's possible or not right I mean do you Mr Mayor is it possible or uh sorry I I don't know this is all new to me this type of lawsuit and like that so I don't want to misspeak so we'll have to get back to you Mr AG on that on that question thank you all right is that something Mr D car can get back to Mr anybody on in the audience no one else in the audience unless Mrs AG wants to get out anyone on Zoom nobody that has a hand raised motion to close the public for of the meeting mov second all in favor hi thank you we're going to start the 2024 budget discussion I guess we'll start on page one and proceed okay on page one um we're not going to do salaries until we uh determine what night we're going to race those employees correct gentlemen and ladies correct I have nothing my statement to that is I will not take part in any R notice okay I will remove myself from the deis and sit in the senior room until you finish your acquisition of the employees that's my statement thank you Mr sharers I am just for the record I'm also not in favor of racing our employees I don't think it's necessary thank you Mr Mr Alman Mr Cas yeah I I agree we could uh leave all salaries to the end of the budget discuss those at that time okay does anybody have any uh questions or comments for page one yes [Music] the and it starts uh the grant consultant um is that a contracted amount and is that a multi-year contract that we're signed up for uh the answer is yes and yes I'm sorry two years two yeses two years this is the second year all right so the 32,400 is is the exact number yes contracted amount and it expires at end of this year year in 24 correct thank you council president yes Mr just I just want to understand how we're going to go through this in past practice we've gone um by Page and then taken a vote on the page well I was going to I was that's why I that what we're doing yeah that's what I intend to do I was going to take yeah that was the intent but uh I was going to ask a question if anybody had any you don't wanted to discuss anyone on page one like that one so we Mr Alman had a question I believe you have your response now mran yes okay anyone else on page one okay page two oh we got on page you can't because you didn't discuss the you didn't discuss we're going to vote on the grant consultant just that one line we can't vote on that page because we still have to WR employees right but we can we can vote on the grant Consultants right well then then it would be line by line you do one line you should do line by line if you're not doing if you're not doing the whole page and it's line by line well I mean the finished page we missing one two three four that we can't discuss tonight because we didn't write time we can't do that page F so we just some pages one of salaries on them mid all we'll have yeah so we'll have to flag page one until we determine when we to race those employees when will that determination be made I guess as as as we go through the pages Council we'll figure out when we can because how much time do we need to race the employ hours 48 Hours okay so for Monday I'd have to give it to them on a Friday they'd have to sign up on a Friday okay all right page two does anyone have any questions on page two yes uh I'd like to reduce office supplies by $300 to a total of $2,700 is that 10% that represents 10% yes then I'm a yes for that I'll second that motion I guess we're we're going to take a vote on 4-1-2 0-10 d210 to lower it by $300 to $2,700 we have a motion by Mr om man and a second by Dr CIO roll do do you discuss it I'm sorry discussion um my question is so you're lowering it to 2700 are we keeping a tab of all these Cuts yes I will keep it in I I I will hold I'll I'll reconcile and then we'll reconcile at the end so everybody can see may I ask a question excuse me may ask a question sure um last year 2946 was used uh what's the basis for cutting 10% um since how do we decide that we're going to stop buying paper clips or Staples or well the year before we only used 2436 so yeah but the year before that we used 2,800 so and the year before that so if you're going to go that route look at all five years I'm okay with the time my concern is no one's answering my question what are we going to do when we run out of money yes correct well we have to be fiscally responsible and not run out of money this budget is fiscally responsible and past practice shows that well if there are overages in the other accounts within the control you could do that like you've done this year or my apologies like you did in 2023 excuse me so uh you know I I said what I had to say I just you know I I don't see how we're going to do this if this going to be the practice throughout a lot of the budget well you know here's you just shut down permits of papers needed you just can't give them to the uh the citizens that's it that's the bottom line they just flagged it for now okay yeah there was no there was nothing there was nothing contra it's a contractual agreement I oh so you don't have to vote on that line no we will vote on it but we're going to flag that page I got thank you can we split the difference lower it at 150 if we're going to I mean I'd like to start at 300 and if we need to come back we can uh move up excuse not move up my apologies uh revisit it but uh I'd like to leave it at 300 at the moment any other discussion Mike just saying there are no salaries on this page will you be doing the whole page in this case yeah so we right now there a motion to lower that by 300 any other on this page I do just have one further question if we look at the uh order Trail on page seven you said page seven is th it's the audit Trail on page seven yeah yes y um if we move down about halfway there's a 58a cf258a Tona cartridge uh that would be in the description I could give you a PO I see it so it's it's there's $71 there there's $71 immediately below it and then if you go down one two three four five six lines M there's another 71 another 71 and another 71 and it's the same po it's being paid in multiple checks so I'm just trying to understand so if you look at the first paid for the check number 43024 okay right under it that check was then voided I don't I wouldn't be able to give you the reason why it was voided the new check number 43179 and then that one was voided and then there was a new check for 43275 so it was actually only paid once okay and you don't have any insight into that no I do not remember that and the only reason I ask is it makes it difficult uh and I understand that there's a need maybe to make these corrections but if you go to the next page you know we see that again uh for the the Whiteboard the bulletin bar the toner um you know so was there an issue at this point or is there anything that we should be aware of uh nothing that I'm I'm aware of that you should be concerned about okay and then the one last question is at the the very front of this uh or the top p on page six the first lines is there uh did something change within the system where these are being entered differently page top of page six for office supplies yes yes uh I'm sorry I don't understand the question if you look at I see it's all one Po and I'm guessing it went against the temporary budget right if the first is an expenditure then then often times you'll see the same po where it shows it's paid and then sometimes checks are voided because the contractor or the vendor will call us and say they never received it sometimes it wasn't an updated address sometimes it was lost in the mail and therefore it avoided that's just one example of why something would be voided out um but I you know I don't have a more specific answer as to why the typing is different it does look like there may have been some type of internal note for that one p0326 and post can you just talk up this sorry yeah I I I have no specific answer that I could remember from April of 2023 under but when you when you take all those voids it adds up to more than $300 that we're trying to cut so it would it would it would put that item close to what we're asking for right now yeah so there no I I don't think yeah satisfy well the control line if you keep track of it whether they're avoided or not it still keeps adding them up it doesn't them so when you see those asri it does not affect the balance of it so there it's accurate that that amount was spent okay if that's if that's the you know the ultimate question then that yes it was accurate at $2,946 98 C was spent okay all right thank you you're welcome anything else on page two we'd like to discuss oh yeah um so are we discussing line by line well we Mr Miss well asked if we went by page but it seems like you want to go line by line so I guess we'll go line by line well I have questions for individual lines okay then I guess m BL to answer your question we're going line by line okay um for postage can I ask what what should be flowing through there and did anything change uh from moving from last year to 2023 because from 22 to 23 probably is your question from 20 excuse me from 22 to 23 and then you know what has continued to go through there so all Township postage now runs through this account line so the change from 22 to 23 is we Consolidated lines so last year in my in the budget there was a note I think it was in the tax collector's uh lines that we were not funding that line and we were moving the anticipated expense to this postage line that's why it went from 9,000 to 135 so we were expecting about $4,500 to come out of that and that's from sting out the tax bills or the anticipated tax bills so this year the request of $500 is because of the increase in postage I think postage is 68 cents now so it went up two cents or three cents okay and is this just the machines or is this just postage this is just postage this is not the machine Mr darar yeah if I may I have your note from last year okay thank you it says postage for all departments T tax office purchasing clerks PD DPW Court planning zoning certified mailing and there's a note that the increase in postage went from 57 to 60 and I know that it has increased once again thank you thank you very much so we should have we should be showing the the other line items from 2022 and the budget still right Mr Corin because it's got to show for five years in the book it it is in there yes okay so we should zero balance okay okay so so it encompasses quite a few departments and offices it's all departments all mail through that postage okay so this may be premature because we haven't discussed the uh Township calendar but uh does that flow through here also well the postage for the calendar is in here which is why I'm bringing it up uh and there was $1,341 uh of postage for the calendar and uh you know when we get towards the when we get to that line uh it would be something I would like to discuss uh to not do the calendar so uh if that if that's the case I would like to reduce that by the 13418 that was done for calendars in 2023 so I'm proposing a reduction of $1,341 can you just point out to me where you see $1,300 uh the first line of the book of the first line of uh so it's page eight excuse me page nine the first line is $641 and then if if you turn the page there's a postage for 2024 calendars which is 700 okay so you're you're stating that as you get further l in the budget you're going to propose not to send out Township calendars that that would be my intention so that's that's why I'm explaining you why I'm asking for that reduction I mean it it's we budgeted 13,500 we used all 13,500 very difficult for me to set up here in March and anticipate how much mail is going to go through the township I mean you know again not to express frustration but this is the postage Line This is How we conduct correspondence through the town and this is this is the early onset indication and what's going to happen with this budget this is postage this is a discretionary line well it's a discretionary line frustration as it relates to the calendar okay and I try to I try to EXP explain the reasoning behind it and if if that's not adequate my apologies M Mr Omen if I may just to to make you aware a lot of the fundraising and sponsorship is conducted through the postage system we send it through the mail and that is how sponsors become aware which brings money into the town for us to fund a lot of the activities that happen so if we do not have the adequate funds for that we're not going to seek the sponsorships to maintain the events for our community so so the $500 ask is minimal in comparison to what we get for sponsorship okay so can I ask um not asking if you agree or disagree with my comment about the calendar because oh I can give you my opinion um last year I did bring it up because we tend to move a more modern fashion and it was the opinion of many who I spoke with that many of our residents appreciate having a physical calendar and after hearing it from quite a few people they changed my mind and I agree that we should send out the calendar not only for the physical accessibility to our seniors in particular but also how businesses get to advertise within the calendar and once again support our community so I think the minimal savings there is going does not outweigh what we get in return if if I can clarify um that was two years worth of postage so in the beginning of the year that was postage for 20 um 23 and this was 24 so if if that's the direction I would ask you politefully politely not to do 1300 however I guess do 700 so it wasn't $1,300 in 20124 for postage I I would say it was 700 which would probably be a little more moving for for 25 so we're we're in that line item we're at we're doing 23 and 24 for that so we paid the calendar a year late Mr De Carlo is what you're saying no what I'm saying is most likely we didn't have enough money at the end of 22 to pay for the postage for the calendar so we had to wait till 23's temporary budget came out to pay for that this year we were had enough money in the line that we were able to pay for it therefore using left over from this year from last year to pay for calendars went out in February of 2022 and we're saying we didn't pay for the postage until January 27th of 2023 you you load the machine with postage well this I think was direct Mr Dar you got to talk into your microphone please I'm sorry that's okay I don't know to be honest with you I I don't specifically remember that that expense okay so then I uh Will based on your explanation uh if I could amend my motion to reduce it by 700 I'll second the 700 which 700 where 700 from postage still on postage we're still on postage okay so we're jumping back with the calendar so TR understand the postage to the calendar is what cusing the item on page two or further down page two item page two item two 10220 we're discussing all right anything else on this page uh yeah uh books and subscriptions we budget 75 and 100 and 120 in the past five years we've used 25 the ask is 75 I want to reduce it by 50 even to 25 you're not spending it apparently it's not used so I'll make a motion to reduce that by 50 to $25 from 75 C Cassie you need to speak into your microphone too right hearing you people okay is that better yes I think wonderful maybe so uh line item2 40 their the ask is 75 they've only spent 25 in the last four four years per year except for 2021 they spent nothing so I'm asking to reduce it by $50 to $25 I'll second that any discussion can I ask a question sure um for office supplies you said the cut is based on hopefully there's enough line uh money left in the control but now going line by line you're cutting every line so it seems like you're going to decimate the control also at least based on these first few line items anything else on this page the one second so the can I ask the on furniture and Equipment just to your point um in the details there's uh lease of the pro postage machine uh I'm assuming that's monthly with Great America and then it switches to quarterly do we know what the amount is that the lease is going forward so this year we're not going to have a lease uh we elected to purchase a machine last year which is why you see such a a dramatic decrease in funds requested from 2400 to, 1500 so now with that, 1500 we're just going to be uh spending money on the quarterly meter fee what is that Mr what does that mean there's a fee to have a meter in the postage machine I do not know what that specific amount is off the top of my head and then it's just the maintenance Fe and the yearly maintenance fee yes so that's why we reduced it by $900 yeah my my recollection from my early days is you can't buy a meter that always has to be leased you can buy the machine but not the the meter itself I can I go back to uh travel in the mileage s at 100 280 well let's finish with Mr Alman on this furniture and Equipment first Mr Alman does that answer your question on it does thank you okay you want to go back to 1280 so right now we have the stied of $600 right for travel for the number of uh individuals and we're starting with this one so my ask is to reduce that by $100 to 500 that's my motion so change the annual stien from 600 to 500 yeah this particular position travels throughout Town looking for poles and other items MH so in a personal car mhm I thought we had a vehicle available for the employees of the town to use during the day time Mr Mayor is that not correct I must confess I don't know off hand I thought we had a pick up or a a little car um I forget what type of car it is but there is a car there's a hyand day that has label code enforcement so it's utilized by the code enforcement officer and sometimes the zoning officer for so yes there's one car and that's not just for this I I think that should go for all s is for uh mileage and travel so I'm not just Hing it on Administration um you want to 500 I'd like to go to 500 so that's PL ask so are you saying 100 or is that a percentage that you're looking at no just 100 okay 100 off 100 off across every position that has Aon for travel and mileage any well most most of them are I should say most of them are 600 I could be wrong I think they're all 600 no like I said I could be wrong so for this one I'd ask for five that's L and the other ones that are six I'd ask for five as well that's my ask anybody second that uh Steve would you if you're going to propose a reduction would you consider uh 50 in line with the 10% that has been discussed previously I consider it sure I'll change my ask to 550 I'll second that okay anything else on this page well you got what's that never mind anything else on this [Music] page I can think of Mr Dar Carlo the advertisements we only used $30 and we're asking for 500 what would that be for do you want my honest answer or my sarcastic answer well you probably give us both the indications that you already affecting the money that's going in the employees Pockets I would significantly consider the fact that you may be looking for new employees but we reduced to 250 so again I don't have a crystal ball I have no idea okay what positions will need to be filled thank you so on page two on page two we have a a motion uh to reduce office supplies by 300 reduce postage by 700 reduce books and subscriptions by 50 reduce travel and mileage typen by 50 and everything else the same do I have a motion for that post changes so move second second roll call this is for page two right Council Casio yes councilman Sears no councilman Alman yes Council Wes no council president TOA yes page three um moving on the control for number one is training at the top of the page so that first line is for training which is at the end of page two just if anybody will catch that do we have a plan a training plan for the year so there's no formal training plan but if you were able to review the job classifications you have in their mandatory training that's required by the specific position that would that would essentially be our training plans some some positions require mandatory training it's like the tax collector or the qpa or the clerk's office and then some positions don't require um mandatory training and then some positions require you know the joining of organizations attending conferences you know dues things like that so the recycling public policy would that be a class that would be taken again in 2024 or would there be an alternate class of and not an alternate would there be an alternate topic that might be undertaken by one of the employees in this line the recycling public policy I know recycling but I'm sorry I'm just thrown off by the public policy part but but yeah well recycling is probably a great example to use that there's so much training and continued education this recycling that I could definitely answer yes there is yearly um you know the good thing is you can use some of the recycling tonage Grant to pay for that however we're utilizing that to offset the um collection yeah The Dumping and curbside feed lower so but you know again in full transparency you you can use that so um in the job classifications you know my my line spe I'm sorry my job specifically Believe It or Not does not call for any mandatory training but as you can see this this line is shared by myself the administrative assistant and qpa the qpa does have uh mandatory training so again I don't remember it off the top of my head head but it'll say something like you know 15 cus over the course of 3 years okay understood thank you you council president are we GNA vote line by line or we going to do page we're g to do p i just the previous page we we went through the whole page and then I made a motion to do the whole what the changes were on that whole page right so we're not doing line by line well we're going to discuss page three right and if anybody makes a motion and gets seconded I'll put it into my book and then I'll make a motion and I'll read them out loud like I just did right and then we'll make a motion like you said no to the the changes on page two correct yeah but if I may so I say no to changes but there's some items there that are yes so then maybe we do have to go line by line if we're picking apart the budget taking it the budget I like so the motion was to to change the page to to you know eliminate minus 300 in office supplies 700 in postage 50 in books and subscriptions 50 in travels and mileage dipen and then the rest of the lines remain the same so you said no but the page Still Remains the Same other than well I might want I might have wanted to vote uh yes forage if that's if that's how I don't if you if you have we should go back okay line by line sorry we have to go back since we're picking in a part line by line you're fine that's how we'll do that's the way we've done in the past I guess that's how we have to do it all right so we'll go back to page two and redo right if I could just make a comment uh council president yes I I I don't think we're picking it apart I think I didn't even Pi that're that's what we're doing you have question I have questions I mean if you're satisfied with all of this uh anyone on that's great I I was just explaining to Mr Sears how I did it and I thought it was okay but now Mr here is saying he may have said he may have agreed to some of our reductions or not agreed to a certain reduction so he'd like to go line by line and I believe Mr Le said the same thing it's so we're going to go back to the old style we're going to go line by line if that's okay everybody because I think that'll address Mr sir's comment right let's just go historically historically historically we've gone by line by line except for the past two years 23 and 22 uh 23 and 22 where um M Morgan want to do it this way okay years we did it line by line I'm a personal line by line because if Mr Sears agrees with one thing and then he agrees with he doesn't agree with something else he can particularly pick that out I I think that's the way it should think it should be Mr SE I didn't I didn't even think of that concept that's fine here it's line by line I'm okay so let's start the first one we were going to do is the grant consultant 4-1-2 0-10 -170 keeping it at $32,400 do I have a motion so moved second roll call councilman CIA yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president Des sen yes admin office supplies 4-1-2 0-10 2110 we have a motion to lower it by $300 to 2700 recommended do I have a motion so move second roll call Council M CIA yes councilman Sears no councilman Omen yes Council W bz no council president the sen yes admin postage 4-1-2 0-10 -220 there's a motion for reducing it by $700 do I have a motion so move so do I have second second so it'll make it $133,300 roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears no councilman Omen yes Council woman bz no council president the center yes admin books and and subscriptions 4-0 1-20-1 0-240 is a motion to reduce it by $50 and making the line $25 so move any second second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears no councilman Omen yes Council valz no council president set yes admin dues and Conference 4-1-2 0-100 -250 requested is 12200 recommended is 12200 do I have a motion don't move second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council valz yes council president Des Sena yes travel and mileage type and four 4-1-2 0-10 -280 there's a motion to reduce it by $50 to 550 do I have a motion some second rle councilman CIO yes councilman Sears no councilman Omen yes Council bz no council president to sener yes admin copy machine 4-1-2-1-2 290 the requested is 1450 the recommended is 1450 do I have a motion sh move second roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council woman valz yes council president to Sena yes admin furniture and Equipment 4-0 1-20-1 0-3000 requested is 1500 recommended is 1 1500 do I have a motion so move second roll call coun CIA yes councilman seers yes councilman Omen yes councilwoman bz yes council president to Senate yes admin advertisements 4-0 1-20-1 0-31 0 the requested is 500 recommended is 500 do I have a motion so move second roll call councilman cassum yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes counc valz yes council president Des yes training page three uh 4-1-2 0-10 d370 discussion is everybody okay with it yes do you have a motion second call councilman CIO yes councilman um Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council M bz yes council president the sen yes so I guess we if it's okay with everybody I'll I'll I'll introduce the line and then if anybody has a a motion they'd like to make it to reduce it I'll leave it the same we'll go there all right admin telephones admin PD and Emergency Services building 4-0 1-20-1 100470 it's supported by contract leasing for the for at the Town Hall and the Emergency Services building any discussion yeah I just I'd like to know um why it went up uh $1,500 is that a new contract or how was that it's the same amount I guess by time out mayile de should be oh you think there's a there's a line there's a month missing of of of payments yeah and this year's contract is the same as last year's contract yes I'll make a motion to approve it as is to recommended and requested of 14244 any a second second roll call councilman CIO yes councilman sear yes councilman om man yes Council Wes yes council president desum yes admin miscellaneous 4-0 1-20-1 0-500 requested is 600 recommended is 600 any discussion can we reduce that by 50 bucks it's my request that's my motion I'll second it any other discussion roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears no councilman Alman yes Council W bz no council president TOA yes all right I'm gonna I'm G to I don't need to do the zeros correct Mr uh you could do you could do the well right now like you're in the 100 2011 you have 79 790 was a placeholder so I'm not going to do 790 no well 790 well oh you me those no yeah I don't need to do 7 I'm sorry I'm count members admin Computer Service software excuse me 4-1-2 0-10-810 requested is 20,500 the uh recommended is 20,500 I just have a question sure the server for 2600 is that a one-time expense or is that something will continue to see yearly it's our understanding that that's an annual expense on wcvs part to uh televise all the meetings that take place in council chambers so Council zoning meetings um know anything that's going on here it it covers all the different meeting zoning and correct is that for a a web uh cloud-based server rather than a no no it's a piece of equipment that they need to support it and I believe that's the annual maintenance yeah fee if they if I remember how they explained it or the annual M I know software or Hardware combination it is an annual Fe yes okay any other discussion on this item is that the only addition yes the the cost for Edmonds and goov went up uh slightly oh okay so the that yeah that's a year year by year so when we're doing the budget I always asked them for an updated quote sorry Mr an updated quote to make sure we're budgeted correctly okay so is the Edmonds and goov 168 like last year Mr darara or is it no it's it's a little bit more okay I'll make a motion to approve the 20,500 so moved roll call councilman CIO y councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council W valz yes council president desna yes admin IT services 4-1-2 d103 D200 requested is 36 ,000 recommended is 36,000 any discussion um if I may yes Mr Carlo so these computers yes um are we looking to update over expand of years to you know not take one big front every essentially for my understanding is we bought all new computers at once in 2018 which obviously was a you know came at a high cost I don't know what it was but I know know we purchased them all our re the recommendation from our it provider is to obviously not wait and do that again and then we're spending a large you know large amount um at once so last year uh Council approved I think we were able to get five so the recommendation this year was to replace another five to six and that's why you see um the addition so again just to clarify last year our um the way we did it is we funded the office supplies in each one of the Departments for the computer this year we asked for all the computers to be under admin IT services so to just to clarify that if we were anticipating um you know actually what we did we could replace the two computers in the clerk's office and we put it in the clerk's office supplies so this year instead of doing that we put it all in admin it again that's that's just really just for organizational purposes but it's the same amount they're anticipating um the expense to be about $2,100 each so the extra money requested would be to uh purchase five to six new computers to keep us on a reasonable rotation so we're not what is our total what is our total amount of computers we have through our staff Mr you thought you going to get me on no I couldn't remember in 2018 cuz I remember I was on Council it was my first year we got hit with a big number if you just give me one second absolutely it it doesn't include the police department so just let me go one two three four five six may I ask you a question um Mr Carlo isn't some of these based also on uh what the software grade is some of 10.1 they're being moved up to 11.0 when some of those computers can handle the new apps or upgrades I can simply uh answer yes but I love when the mayor answers the it questions if you have a better explanation to help me out with that yes but that is our concern um but we I guess do we how many computers do we have for our staff there's 24 24 we bought six last year or we bought five uh we think five we have 19 more to upgrade yes but you know it also comes with try to do the the you know the machines that are getting smoked like the clerk's office is doing you know a lot of use on the computers where um you know I I don't want to call someone out for you know indicating that they might not use the computer that much but you know yes depends on perhaps you know like myself and you know the clerks office were're on the computers all day long where maybe you know someone in DPW is not on there because they're outside working so you know we're trying to take that into consideration as well so you know five sixcy would be um a good a good um rotation the other reason why we organize it in this fashion is um we don't want to be hard fast on that so again if I ask for a computer in the clerk's office we might make a decision that it's not going to go in the clerk's office for example so that's why we just put it in this line as opposed to um separating out in the other in the other lines but you know long-winded way to say yes asking for five to six to keep on a reasonable location that we don't need a lot of money all at once can I just add what what is a current uh useful life is it about five years about five years for business yes so we'll have after if we do six we'll have 12 five give you five years worth six would give you four years yeah so right the schedule that you have Mr Dar Carlo would you be updating that to show uh currency of the computer and the cycle that we'll be doing so something prospective uh for the next you know X number of years simple answer is yes it's just the reports generated by our it provider that's all okay so he updates it maintains it and you know the years and you know how new and this and that it's it's program that it has I'm the most eloquent about it stuff sorry any other discussion on it service I know councilman SE I'm sorry Mr you had a question no he answer oh you did did well Tom I don't think you got maybe a full answer um yeah um Windows 10 uh end of life I believe is sometime later this year uh typically once Microsoft drops support for an operating system they will not put out security updates to it uh and so we have to stay very Vigilant with the computers to migrate them all to Windows 11 sooner than later so you know we agreed to uh spread it over the cost of a few over a few years uh to not burden the town with with it all in one year but we do have to be diligent in getting them upgraded to Windows 11 two questions please if I make can we ask the auet is that yeah thoret yeah can they uh put together a full schedule of you know expected um obsolesence and how quickly we're replacing them the other question and this is to Mr Co Cochran excuse me um is this the right line it's ITC services and we're buying a capital I know it's a PC not the biggest Capital but I mean my experience with this is yes it is is it it's always ran through this line um I'm not really sure if it would be capital or not well no I I wouldn't say it's a I I wouldn't want to make it a uh I wouldn't want to Bonded I think current but my question is should we break it out it Services you know when I look at this it's authorin net exchange online Zoom uh their monthly fees uh verse PCS which I would consider you know a more Capital intensive item so I guess my only question is should we have another line uh to reflect that okay so if I'm understanding you're right you're saying you would want to create a new line to uh the best way to say would be split it up uh terms of the type of expense that that's incurred yes I mean I think it's in my mind it's a little cleaner and'll it'll be easier to follow going forward as we undertake this refresh I mean it's it's something that could be done you know obviously you know I'd like to you know confer with the mayor and administrator but yeah I mean you could you could set up into account if everyone is in agreement that that that that's what they want yes well I my other question my other question is the math the math dictates six but we're saying it's five or six so which one is it it depends how they come in at final pricing oh the the 2100 is not a firm price no the price of these change you know month-to month in it and and the one thing I would like to add is the 2100 each also includes their labor of uh you know moving the apps off of the old machine so it's about 5050 for the computer Compu itself and then 50% for their labor to install the new computer get things moved over so that 2100 is not just all Hardware costs thank you CH if I may I mean the only place it looks like it would make more sense would be supplies yeah then it's going to it's going to skew that number yeah if you put it there then it's going to skew that number in the future right because all of a sudden when we stop buying you're going to have this huge decrease I just you know I'm not I'm not looking to ruffle any feathers but I see that as an administrative process and that's how I'm choosing to organize it and what's that don't keeping the purchasing of the computers in this line I that's easier for me and my people because then it it doesn't force that the department is guaranteed a computer I I agree with you been there done that Mr I agree with you yeah this makes total sense thank you I'm I'm I'm I'm I knew exactly where it came from Mr car just to be clear I wasn't asking that it be split and allocated to each of the Departments I was simply asking that it be pulled out of IT services and called admin computer purchases not that it be allocated to to the yeah again again it it it it doesn't take much to make that concession however this is where I found it the most appropriate place to be and I would respectfully request that where it remains okay I'll motion for the full 36,000 a second roll call counc massio no councilman seers yes councilman Alman yes Council wz yes council president to sen yes M before we uh flip pages can I just ask a question kind of about the previous control in in total previous control total okay um yeah you said um that we could take from the control total if any on line item comes up short uh and again just you cut the office supplies by 300 postage by 700 books and Subs by 50 uh dues and conferences was the same but that gets used every year travel and mileage got cut copy machine is contractual furniture and equipment is mostly contractual for the postage machine uh advertisements uh would be the only one but last year was more of an anomaly yeah but we didn't cut that one no that's what I'm saying though that's more of an anomaly so it may all get used this year um telephones is contracted miscellaneous you cut computer software stayed the same and that's mostly contractual so when we come up short for postage what line item are you suggesting we would have money to I'm hoping that we could not have that discussion and we stay within budget okay but there is a Poss there's always a possibility we come up shorten a lot of items Mr Mayor that's why we have to make uh transfers at the end of the year because it does happen it's not an unheard of situation so I think that's will I'm just saying potentially we could run out of money on some of these line items earlier than we could do transfers because transfers can't happen till November I don't I don't I don't believe that that these minimal changes are going to are going to cause you to have that I hope you're right okay we're on page um four Office of the mayor um so the other excuse me just to answer that question one of the other things um we had a situation uh with the last list of bills uh and I had questioned why a particular item was charged or why we split a dollar amount and I believe the explanation was uh we didn't have money it wasn't in the 10 budget and we booked it to another account that was close I don't believe they're in the same control line so we we actually crossed control lines to book that until we make some further edits corre and then reverse it back so the precedent has been set to basically book anywhere in the uh expense later mhm okay yes so you know that's I would not agree to that again I was necessarily I was just acknowledging his statement sorry that's okay that you know again respectfully Miss councilman Alman that is not comparing apples apples and oranges orange the question was if there's nothing if there's no money in this control line what are we to do and I gave an example Le of what we could do which has been done as recently as the last uh set of bills so um I I think your example incorrect but I say that respectfully you're not comparing the same thing I I would just add quickly that if you do that with all the control line items going forward we won't have an account to borrow from so can you educate us and we come up short what's the game plan I I believe you said something like that at a previous meeting so so the control line has a certain amount of money in it it has a certain amount of count lines in it not all control lines have that for example the one of the charges that council mman is referring to is heard of town calendar it's in a control of it itself there's no other control there's no other account line within that control to take from so what I I needed to do because we had a temporary budget was find the most closely associated line that I could take from and that's why the money was essentially borrowed from the trust I have to conduct Township business I have to do that so it's not um willy-nilly me finding something to charge to we have to conduct Township business and last year we did it very efficiently because the council allowed for us to have the buffer you know ccil president Morgan and I shared jiia moments where she said there's 10% and I said I promise there's not 10% increase knowing thinking knowing you're thinking that the council is going to reduce it 10% so as you could tell a lot of these lines maybe are inflated by a dollar or two or rounded up to the next dollar but in most circumstances like you know the telephones it's down to the dollar so if I don't have a buffer there transfers can't be requested until the first meeting in November so that's why I respectfully disagree I I understand what Mr oman's saying and he's not incorrect totally but the example is is in my opinion is is not comparing you know similar situations and is there the do we have the capacity to amend the temporary budget Mr car what's what's the question please do we have the ability to amend the temporary budget well you have the ability to go for a second temporary budget which would bring to 50% but at the time that we were spending the money for the township calendars we did not have that so I could not over enumber a control line that's why the money was Bor there but my my bigger question is at the end of all of this if we come up short towards the end of the year where are we finding the money to conduct Town business well if it's prior to transfers we would have to request a special you know emergency of of fund appropriation through the council and the state so we would have to go to the state so basically we're telling the state we can't budget accordingly I've been sarcastic enough I think that's yeah but okay you know all right page four um Office of the mayor 4-1-2 0-11 0- 000000 mayor salary and wages 4-1-2 0-11 0-10 I again I don't know do we need to race ourselves or can we discuss our own salaries I think we should do all salaries at the end okay so we're going to skip that one okay mayors office supplies uh zero subscription and books 4-1-2 0-11 0-240 the uh request is 50 and the recommended is 50 any discussion no motion to keep it the same second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen no council woman bz yes council president Dum yes mayor dues meetings and conferences 4-0 1-20-1 1 0-250 [Applause] excuse me recommend requested is 2100 recommended is 2100 any discussion I just uh from my personal knowledge how come the mayor's meeting goes very so much um I believe sometimes uh they don't fill it necessarily every month uh so the billing from them might be up and down okay oh so it's just not a a monthly inv corre be a quarterly invoice correct okay any other discussion on that line do I have a motion some move second roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes councilwoman bz yes council president desum yes mayor miscellaneous 4-01 20-11 0-500 requested is 300 recommended is 300 any discussion no discussion I recommend that we cut it by $60 so you'd like to make it $240 no that's 600 is it no 300 300 maybe think you're looking at the next line sorry do you no no change on this line from 500 no do I have a motion so move second roll call councilman Cassio yes councilman sear yes councilman Olman yes Council bz yes council president to sener yes mayor Trophies 4-0 1-20-1 one0 d790 the requested is 600 the recommended is 600 any discussion I I mean I think we've seen a lot of of success within our community so the cheerleaders and the football team so I think we should actively pursue um trophies I recommend we leave it at 600 you mean batters not trophies right we we didn't give either one trophy right I'm saying PL recognition yeah well I gred to 600 because the price of uh everything's got off the wall now and the the acknowledgement for the children is wonderful and adults any other discussion do I have a motion so move second roll call councilman Cassio no councilman Sears yes councilman Omen no council woman bz yes council president to sen yes going to the next page Township Council we're going to skip salaries and wages for the council um so going table that one the next one is office supplies Council 4-01 that is zero Council subscription and books uh 4-0 1-20-1 one1 d 240 the requested is 150 the recommended is 150 do any discussion I make a motion reduce it half you like to make $75 this is for your legalities I think I read that book so I mean if we spent a 100 bucks last is that is that $20 subscription for everybody yeah is 20 $25 ahead last year was 25 a person yeah so that's you know about 25 and the mayor's well the mayor's comes out of his right so correct all right so we need 125 minimum in there I'll motion for the 125 was everybody okay with the 125 we reduce it by $25 so it's covering its cost I'll second that second roll call councilman CIO no councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council woman valz yes council president to yes Council dues meetings and conferences 4-0 1-20-1 one1 d250 the requested is 4,000 the recommended is 4,000 any discussion yes do we know what the 521 MLK 23 expenses related to do you know what page that is on on the yeah on page 22 of the [Applause] detail uh it's the second line down for $85 the 521 ml MLK 23 yes was something for the league of municipalities what I'm sorry what page page 22 of the uh transaction audit Trail and it's the second line down it's a check 42- 342 it's a 521 MLK 23 for $85 at the league of municipalities that might be your dues I don't know why it's written in like that but that may be the dues you have an annual dues to belong to the Le municipality which is not the 25 no that's the book that's the magazine I think this is your dues I have it up in my office it's going to be for April so I H off until we have more money in there I don't know why it's coded like that though so that's the the council's dues for the 2023 yeah to belong to M League of municipalities this we give you all the access to everything and anything help anything do we want to uh can we keep it the same as 2023 and reduce it back to 3,000 since we only spent 2007 we would like to make a motion to reduce it by a th000 can I make a comment sure the only thing I can say is that there was money in there to go to the conference and we had some people back out at the last not and that's why it's but we've never spent more than 2,000 well you haven't had more than one or two people go well last year we had a bunch of people but people did not go yeah but we didn't get a credit for we still paid for it should have beened no it didn't now we um m wowski is um is accurate shows Mr um well I'll answer it this way we we made sure that everyone was well aware that what the cancellation date was right Miss wowski and if they were going to cancel there was a drop dead date that we were unable to get our money back so um I believe that is the explanation why more money wasn't expended giving given the impression you know I understand why had the impression that you know only 2,000 was used so and again it's not an AR that you definitely need so the other three people would have went it would added roughly another $1,000 to it so at least I'm yeah can we make it I'm okay 32 3500 35 how about 3,400 Mr 3450 34 I'm okay with 34 that's another 100 35 35 all right I'll make because I expect to see you there this year I will be there okay so we're going to need the money for you yeah um I'll make a motion for $3,500 colge didn't Council one for that I'm sorry Mrs I'll I'll second it I'll St in it thank you call I'm sorry I was writing I was putting it in the book that's okay councilman Casio no councilman Sears yes councilman Alman no council bz yes count the president to Yes uh the next few lines are just holdovers from years ago we'll go to page uh six um miscellaneous Council 4-0 1-20-1 one1 d500 the requested is 200 the recommended is 200 um any discussion I mean I don't know what we've spent it on previously but we've never spent we go back to 22 excuse me 2020 so we get to 200 and 29 so last year we spent zero I mean take it down 100 I'm going pay with taking it down 100 I I motion to reduce it by 100 if if May um I I would ask that you leave it only because um we take out a my line item uh for flowers and things like that to send to people who have passed away either Township employees or direct members of their families uh but I would like yours as a little buffer since we always send it from mayor and councel um and we already sent one this year for uh person who passed away already um so I would just ask that you leave it as a buffer if if for nothing else but that that reason I'll amend my motion then it wasn't seconded was it no so uh to leave it at uh the requested 200 I'll second you move motion yeah and any motion to keep it at the requested I'll second it R coun Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman om man yes Council woman bz yes council president the sener yes Council trophies and plaqu 4-0 1-20-1 one1 d790 request ested is 600 recommended is 600 any discussion I my only comment is we we should use this as a council we need to be more proactive in recognizing members of our community um if we're going to do banners you need to add an extra 200 to this line item if we're going to be doing banners do we have to change the description to include banners because right now it says 12 I think it's I think it's I I'm okay with leaving it as is and I recommend the council you know we should do more like what we just did with the cheerleaders let's work it's important that we acknowledge correct our youth and our seniors and whoever it may be on motion to you said two because you you I I I made a motion to keep it at 600 do I have a second I'll second you second roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears no councilman no council bz no council president deser yes I make a motion to uh reduce it by $50 to 550 that is not going to cover across the banners one Banner alone 355 is $60 no I'm sorry 65 on the cheap end yeah with minimal colors and you're looking at almost 285 how much some of the big banners we're putting up yeah Banners are not yeah plus the graphic artwork that goes with them that's why I figured we're going to do banners yeah I I hear you just I mean that's expensive we're not that was 285 yeah yeah they're not they're not cheap the graphics alone or stud having somebody do the artwork is I mean what we we what we to the community on that and you saw all the girls that were here they were like girls and boys and boys yes they were you know like I apologize for not being here I was at basketball and I lost by one point I would have rather been here no can't we lost 1615 after back and forth you know that's almost as bad as the buzzer shot yeah so uh Mr Mr Alman has made a motion to reduce it to 550 have a second okay I'll motion Mr councilman Sears to increase it by 200 so you want to make it 800 correct because we're very much aware of the cost of banners and artwork how about 700 and we're already in with this two banners yeah 700 okay I'll second that who's take credit for the motion mrz oh okay if she unless she doesn't want no no no that's fine I'll second it okay roll call councilman CIO no councilman sear yes councilman Omen no councilman bz yes council president to Center yes Office of the Township Clerk Town we're going to skip uh items one and two uh clerk extra Council meetings 4-01 what's that but isn't that a set number um or it would vary if you didn't okay so we'll have to skip we'll have to skip uh 110 120 and 130 will'll be tabled Township Clerk other expense um Township Clerk Office Supplies can I just ask a clarifying question if you don't mind sure why are we skipping over extra Council meetings but not skipping over stiens it's all it's all we did not skip over stiens but we're going to skip over extra Council meetings it's it's even though is that a stien I was everything's paid through through payroll if you're an employee so so a siping goes through payroll just like the extra Council meetings okay then let's go let's let's go back to clerk extra Council meetings 4-1-2 0-120 d130 the requested is 2100 the recommended is 2100 um discussion so that is allows for four meetings to be conducted by the assistant clerk are we anticipating extra meetings tonight is one of them just these these are the ones we're referencing okay so perhaps I don't understand it allows for training of the assisting clerk to run a meeting in in you know the unforunate absence of our clerk one so even if if you know to either a company Miss wowski to get training so it would be the time that she'd be spending doing that so so is this is this a s in for the assistant Clerk or the clerk I don't again I you know I don't know if I should get hung up on the on the um on the word on the words but it it's for it's allowing for the training of of those meetings so we're we're hoping to do it fun because that as you can tell is a perishable you know um what's the word before paral you know ability you yeah yeah if you don't if you don't run a meeting in a while you're GNA forget how to do so you know importance of running a meeting so it allows for four training sessions throughout the uh throughout the year at one which would be at 125 each and last year did we not do for is that why we we didn't do any we didn't do any we spent $900 that was for the regular clerk to do extra meetings oh okay right okay that's oh so on top so that's why we're adding the six the six okay all right I'm sorry it's 1:5 in the meeting I apologize I'm okay we're leaving that 1500 if everybody's okay with that I'll make a motion for the 1500 I'll second it any other discussion I'm sorry Mike can I just Mr the car Mr Kowski the line if there are extra Council meetings above a certain number the clerk receives a further payment it's above uh 22 I believe it's above 22 they get an additional amount yeah and it's also not to exceed I believe right so she didn't I'm sorry no no but in addition you're also providing for a training for the assistant assant clerk in that correct yes but we're you know I'm a I'm gam well I don't want to say it's a gamble I'm accounting for the fact that the whole 1500 may be utilized by the Township Clerk therefore that's why I'm asking for the 600 in addition you know preparing for lack of a better terms worst case scenario and we have to use the whole 1500 um this extra 600 would allow for the four training sessions of the assistant clerk um you know that way we have someone to run the meetings if um in the you know in the absence of the clerk okay I made a motion to to keep it at 1500 I believe seconded it second it excuse second second it I um roll call Council massio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen no Council woman valz yes council president desum yes Township Clerk Office Supplies 4-1-2 0-120 d210 Rec request is 1900 recommended is 1900 any discussion uh just based on the Run rate uh I would ask that we back off $200 so your motion is to make it 1,700 that is correct do I have a second I'll second roll call question yes I'm Mr Mr Sears thank you uh we are having the clerk's office start registering the tree companies and we actually ran out of um if I'm correct the stickers for the tree companies um and we had to put a plastic tape over 2023 to make it 2024 so she's going to be needing the clerk's office is going to be needing uh extra money to cover those shouldn't the registration fee for the tree companies lot and now I'm saying but the cost shouldn't that be included in the feed for the registration of the uh tree company but she still has a buy that comes in a different line and we're also and we're also going to need uh she's going to be registering the overnight parking permits for the First Responders yes so um I would say don't cut her too much on that please she's taking up that extra Duty on absolutely so the motion and by Mr Alman to make it 1700 and um seconded by Mr Casio any further discussion V call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears no councilman Omen yes councilman bz no council president to sen yes Township Clerk ask an inventory 4-1-2 0-120 d220 any discussion yes I'll make a motion to discuss sure so this is a inventory that we have an outside vendor de it is a contracted rate well it's a proposal I get every year it's a proposal yeah and is it down 600 because they did most of it last year no because it just it just came in lower and I double checked triple checked and he said tap was the price okay so I don't argue those prices I hear I hear that's why I'm I'm just asking why it's slower so that's any further discussion on that and this um inventories items in excess of $500 M this is the the comment we got years ago because we weren't doing it and now we're doing it correct [Music] Mr so this is technically this should this should have a note in it that it's a contracted uh proposal right the 3,000 Mr de could we consider that Mr cor what are we consider like in in a lot of your other other spots you had you know contractual uh you know yeah I mean you know again I often put those there if it's something out ordinary to remind me um it would just help us in the future councils if we could add that note I don't know who adds that Mr corkman or Mr D Carlo you know just would help thank you I'd like to make a motion to accept the requested so moved roll call councilman CIO yes councilman seers yes councilman Alman yes councilwoman valz yes councilman desna yes Township Clerk's prescription and books 4-0 1-20-1 120-240 recom requested is 250 recommended is 250 do you have any discussion yes so these are the books that you get every other year right yes and I didn't get it last year yes I can see sorry I'm just checking yeah title book so we're that's why we had zero last year because we didn't get it's every other year sheet means the subscription and that follows the the budg yeah any other discussion on that I'd make a motion to accept the recommended so move so move roll call councilman yes councilman SE yes councilman Alman yes councilwoman valz yes councilman council president to sener yes Township Clerk dues meetings and conferences 4- 01-20-20 d250 requested is 2200 recommended is 2200 do you have any discussion that's just my only question is um why the jump just I budgeted for fees to go up you don't know what year in advance you know sometimes in the fall when the spring is coming um I don't have I have my paperwork FR me either sry do you anticipate that much of an increase that's a big jump I I like I said I just booked my stuff for the conference the spring conference um I don't have any with me though how much it is's you know budgeting sheared this as department head chose supporter you know utilized office reest did support the other departments appreciate this is also for local meetings and um Coria also being associated member in this as well I can't give you an exact number it's mostly don't number what I have upstairs I'm sorry okay I can I get back to you with it you want table it okay yeah I'd like to cut at 200 so I know it's not a huge cut but it's you know I'm just looking at out the past the history so it's a big jump for me so I'll second you'll second that Mr motion is to reduce it to $2,000 um by Mr Casio second by MZ roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears no councilman man yes yes councilman bz yes and council president Des Sena yes Township Clerk office equipment repair 41-20 d120 d270 requested is 450 recommended is 450 CC president this is an example where we had the purchas last year oh that's why it was so high okay anybody have any um discussion on this did that department receive those computers Mr yes okay last year estim 2500 piece oh wow number got better year for that for the clerk yes two of thank I'd like to make yes Mr Alman is the annual maintenance agreement part of that or is that a different line or different uh [Music] system there is something mow isn't there something for line it's for the the court recording system there's part out of Us Part out of court and part of Planning and Zoning Board we split the bill yeah so this 450 is a third of the bill so for the recording system yeah to keep maintenance on this I'd make a I'd like to make a motion to accept the recommenda of 450 second second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman man no council valz yes council president Des Senna yes Township Clerk marage typen 4- 01-20-20 d280 any discussion yeah I'd like to make them uniform I what we decide on the last oneus 100 we took 100 off same thing for this one that's I'm sorry 50 I'm sorry 50 we original was 50 it was 100 and then we made it 550 so my motion is to make the same make it 550 so we have a motion for 550 do have a second second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears no councilman om man yes Council valz no council president Des sen yes Township Clerk copy your fees 4-1-2 0-120 D300 requested is 1500 recommended is 1500 any discussion is this a contractual amount Mr um Dar car I believe it is look at Thea see Contra do we know if the contract went up because the 2023 is the exact amount I don't think there's an increase in that contract but I'm not 100% sure so it was 107 oh and this might also be 25 a month sorry times 12 it's 1287 which is what we paids conc not that answer is everybody okay tbling that until D provides us the invoice yeah that's fine or can we okay Mr Dar is your is your microphone on Mr D you need now just now need to talk the right to lie about the microphone only only the microphone Mr Kowski I I was just you were pretty good at getting quotes for everything do you remember if you got this is a I think a five three four four or five year contract and I don't remember if it was an increase as it went I okay we'll look into it all right I I have a table um on the okay Township Clerk advertisements public notice 4-1-2 0-120 d310 requested a amount is 3,000 recommended amount is 3,000 just big jump from 2023 Mr C and as I say every year advertisements is all your legal notices if we do anything with the master plan anything with the master plan anything with um zoning ordinances have to be published in full so you can go from a $35 ad $40 ad to at $250 $300 so I always ask to leave this in here because I don't know what you people are going to do I don't know where we're going to go so I I need to have that money there because it's not cheap and the rates are up yeah the rates are up but I also you know I notor Rize all of the affidavits too which saves you at least $30 per if so I respectfully asked if you could just kind of leave that thing I've also reduced it since last year this definitely a reduction no no nobody's just okay move Target if we move ahead with the reassessment that'll be that might fall into that as well we may need to advertise on that so I'd like to make a motion to approve the uh recommended of 3000 second roll call councilman cassum yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council W bz yes council president TOA yes thank you clerk training 4- 01-20-20 d370 750 requested 750 recommended we had none last year and any specific training M casy or is it just anything anything there could be anything coming up I try to do things during the conference and the leag but in case something extra came up that I needed to do or something changes rapidly that I need to go to a class that's the reason why it's there it's also shared by by your assistant yeah so for the two of you yes do you have to maintain I don't know what they're holding yes that and regist right so that that's another page yeah that was one thing I wanted to clarify Mr wowski is which you wear many hats so which training um comes out of this line be CL what is it clerk it's just that just clerk not the register okay so um if I could ask uh as we finish this year's budget and think about next year's budget if we could have a training plan to support the ask understanding that there are certainly uh there may be training opportunities that come up uh sort of ad hoc but if you know a particular function has to do so many continuing education units um if we could have a clearer idea I think we could do that yes and one thing I'll say also is uh training like everything else uh has gone up significantly the past couple years all right any other discussion on training clerk no anybody like to make a motion I'll motion for the 7 you motion for all second that roll call councilman Casio yes councilman seers yes Council Omen yes Council bz yes council president to Senter yes Township cler Code publication 4-0 1-20-1 120- 460 requested is 7,000 recommended is 7,000 um same as the advertis does it need to dat that can we lower it to 5,000 I lowered it from 2022 to 23 what happens is again depending on what you do with master plan or anything all those ordinances have to go into the code book and it get to be codified Mr corkin can we Finance some of those c codebook um codification changes in the I know there was this um The $86,000 Proposal could have been broken up into five years after for your uh response can we include the ecod changes into that financing plan this way we share you know we break down the cost instead of dumping it all into Miss Wow's budget for for the code publication Mr Corin hold on second I just wanted to clarify that was um the response that I gave the council today that was from our financial advisor oh I'm sorry I thought it so I actually was able to review uh with Mr Barce what is allowed to be deferred through DCA and that wasn't that wasn't one of them on there so you know we were talking about the reassessment the reevaluation the master plan actually was specifically in there um so the answer that I just know because we went over it today more than welcome to speak to Mr cork but I just wanted to clarify um where not include the code changes in in the fiveyear financing plan or we could no no you cannot you cannot and Mr corkin again if you have anything to expand on that you know you surely can I just want to clarify for the council where where the information came from because you probably would have been confused because you weren't I'm sorry I thought it came from Mr no that's okay no I I I remember talking to you about it but yeah no I'm I'm I'm I'm fine with what you just said yeah perfect good job Mr car well only thing I might add to that is uh the master plan plan is a professional service whereas this is just an advertisement so that might be a distinct difference also no this is for the eode this is the eode okay eode also there might be a difference every ordinance gets put into the eode there's a maintenance fee that goes along this every year that's why I was wondering if we make changes in the master plan it could be included in the master plan changes but it still got go yeah but it would be charged to the master plan uh 5year breakout um so the annual maintenance is 11 is $1,200 there's a supplement 13 that was either 2100 or 1800 46 page 32 thank you on the detail so it looks like it was um yeah it was one for 2195 what okay we this 1831 I don't understand the I'm sorry I'm sorry I can't follow all these different things either my [Music] apologies I have to get back to you and let you know what I put in my purchase orders well my guess is that it is 11.95 for the maintenance and 1838 for the supplement which is the 2105 less the 267 that sound sounds that right so I mean is the supplement is that additional maintenance based Bas on activity or volume or is it a flat fee the flat fee the maintenance is a flat fee the supplements of when I send the codes up and then they send back hard copies for these TR books that I have out there they get supplemented plus it goes up on the website it maintains their maintenance of keeping it online they make sure everything is in line with Le Rule and laws and all that before they even post it anything that that's not comes back and has to be reviewed she been lucky they haven't m m Mr cor I don't know if you know the answer to this or maybe Mr Dar Cara does do we have avoided check fee from the bank I'm sorry did we have a what avoided check fee from the bank we did not we do no we don't they don't charge us any fees as part of our you know checking account yeah checking I just wanted to make sure because I understand no just of America we'd have a lot of a lot of a lot of money yeah no ju just keep in mind too you know there's two different types of voice checks so the these voice checks are really just in-house entries that and a lot of these any any items that have an asterid don't are are not really transactions they're not affecting the balance but but if we have to actually Avid a check that we've issued already there's no there's no uh there's no fee for that or if we have to put a stop payment on there's no fee for that as well okay while we're on the topic because it has come up a couple times and it's a very good question why does there appear to be give the appearance to so so many voids can you give us an example of why that happens I I I really don't know because Mark to be honest because I I tend to see that afterwards as I'm running reports um I I would I I could you know check with you know the person that's that's doing the posting for that um why there's so many of them because there shouldn't be really to be honest with you all right I'll follow up for Council tomorrow it's a very so Mr porkman what you're saying is the check physically gets printed with that number but then it gets destroyed in a shredder it's showing a check number so we are wasting all those checks yeah you're right we are I mean yeah I mean there's no charge for it obviously but you're right yeah but we're still we're still shredding hundreds of checks well it's better than the check going there and getting cash or the amount right no you're right and you're you're right when you and it is it is kind of wasteful to do that but unfortunately things like that do happen and um like and and just I'm just glad we don't have avoided check right no no and and and like I said you know when you see all these items uh these are not checks that were actually obviously were never sent out they're just shredded they were put in the system and the person that did the posting realized that was a mistaken that's what that's that's why you're seeing those asers right if I can provide an example so for Town day if we have a vendor that say you know balloon person and they send us their po everything is all done then I am I was handed a check but let's say that person cancels last minute they're ill or whatever it was especially during postco then I would just give it back too that makes sense and then that check was destroyed so it would show up in that sense but that's my experience with void checks on that end they were only like the all no because then we wouldn't have vendors everybody shov to event look for face paint and there's no face paint H I'd like to reduce this amount I know Mr there's still some ordinances in here I do not believe posted yeah have been built for either oh that's what I'm just looking at right now the new loss in 23 at back end of 23 I can get back to you with a better total if you want is everybody okay tbling this item until we have more information is that okay thank you flag it thank you I'll get you more all right uh Township Clerk printing for that you just on your question of the cost of the voided check uh remember there may not be a cost associated with that but there is a cost in terms of time and effort to enter these to process process absolutely so it's it's not without cost it's just a direct cost you are you are absolutely fine Township Clerk D printing 4-1-2 0-120 d470 requested is 900 recommended is 900 any discussion any reason we blew this out of the water last year mrow are looking at SC this is where we got our decal decal idea how theat venders were going to take off and they took off and this year like I said I I'm trying to find a balance to put extra money into get we've got but where is that tree those tree registration money going to goes well it goes what's that does it go into general fund or where does it go Mr de well if it's on the anticipated Revenue side then it would it would go towards that otherwise it would go into Mna which is our unanticipated revenue account but you know I'd have to look at our Revenue because the fees are kind of categorized um generally not individually so you know again I I'd have I don't know what specific account it goes into I'd have to ask our tax collector she's a central cashier but uh just a note to the council no not even individual sub account lines are allowed to be over encumbered without my permission and I specifically gave permission to uh clerk's office to do that on this line because we had sufficient funding in the overall control account okay is that is this the state of Indiana yeah where we get our decals no no Department of Corrections that's right start it's Department of Corrections in New Jersey okay I don't know what the IND is maybe it's incorporate I know indd but work they made the labels first yeah yeah we do everything to get a good price through a Corrections Facility stop with the license plat so they got to do something our tax pay any other discussion on this line so we're we're going to taable oh no that's that was the printing this is uh no is printing yeah printing right I was going to take it down 100 but we'll just leave it at 9: you make a motion to leave it leave it at 9: do I have a second because we again we don't know where we're getting the stuff from do I have a second on this to leave it at 900 second call councilman Cassio yes councilman sear yes councilman Elman yes Council valz yes councilman council president the sen yes that's fine Township Clerk miscellaneous 4-1-2 0-12 0-500 150 requested 150 recommended I make a motion to leave it as we did for the other miscellaneous so un moved roll call so I'll second I'm sorry um councilman CIO yes councilman yes councilman Alman yes Council woman bz yes council president deser yes is everybody okay if we take a five minute break and we I was just going to ask so I second I saw 9 o' I saw 9 o' and I said we take a break and if everybody will go to like the 9:30 tonight if that's okay guess like 10 12 Pages done I think that's a good start into the 66 right so is everybody okay with that yes yes we'll set 9:30 as our we'll get to the the wherever page we're closest to at that time okay so let's take a five minute recess I'll let Ricky know five minut St elections um God we're going to skip salaries and wages we're going to go to ballots uh election ballots 4-0 1-20-1 21-23 0 requested is 11500 recommended is 11500 um it's going to be a big year right because you have two elections presidential I'll make a motion to leave it as the requested and recommended second roll call Council Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman man no council valz yes president Des yes elections Mr just one quick question for Sue on the the balance so that's for a primary County does everything it's it's the printing it's the and the general we have to pay for we have to pay for it they B it goes out for primary and it's it's what what primary is going to into the general right okay so it's not two separate it's one big and everything goes out at once mailing ma bance everything okay we have to participate yes I don't have a choice sorry sure get on we have to get on get on the do Colorado and no elections miscellaneous 41-20 d121 d500 650 requested 650 recommended um is this for Neils Neils for what fine with NE make a motion for the amount second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Oman yes councilwoman bz yes council president to Center yes okay going to finance um we're going to skip up until um Finance treasure um office supplies it's in the middle of page it's at the second line up from page nine from the bottom second line up from the bottom four- finance treasur office supplies 4-1-2 0-130 d210 400 recommended 400 requested 400 recommended any discussion I think they've come down quite a bit so I motion to keep it 400 how did we expect spend exactly 400 last year a finance office Amazon what's that Amazon Finance Amon take it down 350 they only SP 350 next year everything's more expensive don't forget I'll make a motion to leave it at 400 second roll call councilman Cassio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen no council wz yes council president to sen yes flipping the page to page 10 Finance treasur dues meetings and conferences 4-1-2 0-13 0-250 1,200 requested 1,200 recommended this line is used by the CFO qpa and the purchasing department make a motion accept second may I ask you have discussion is Mr Coran if he goes uh he would be charged here yes goes to and just one other question what is TCT Association thank you dou tax question we have a motion by Mr Sears to uh leave it at 12200 right Mr yes council president we have a second that I second I'm sorry roll call councilman Casio no councilman sear yes councilman no council woman yes council president to S no any more discussion on this line just want to make a motion to reduce it by 200 to even th000 you want to make a motion to reduce it to $1,000 yes cilent I sure the other I believe noted this line [Applause] make issue well we did reduce the Township Clerk du's meetings and conferences also by 200 Mr T Council was reduced also by 500 so I we did reduce the other dues meetings and conferences for all the other departments also [Music] thank [Music] you I'm getting the text now Mr Dara yes is everybody's microphone back on excuse me Mr Alman everybody's microphone back on thank you yes Mr Alman uh I on the top of page 38 in the detail yes um there is a conference program uh with the hotel and and an individual and then there's another hotel but there's not a second individual do you know where that second individual so Finance treasure dues meetings just just one just I'm sorry I just got my eyes on it if you don't mind repeating yourself if you read it down is you know the conference uh fee line M and then there's a individual that's named I'm assuming it's associated with that and then there's another conference line but there's no individual not do you know who that was for and where their fee may have been charged to so the the the person you're you're referring to starts with a D in that line is that what you're talking about mention a name he's referencing that that's for the cost of attending that's not for the hotel that's for the badge correct yeah that's for your badge to enter the conference Mr Alman okay maybe then I I mean based on what I'm saying Mike but this is just a guess U I would think that this was the tax collector because she may have stayed two nights or more than one night um but just a guess okay would her fee have been picked up somewhere else possibly maybe but people do stay different amount of nights some some people stay one some stay two yeah per Fe like I said I maybe it's in one of her other training or something like that if she chalked it up to education okay no other questions so Mr Cassie you made a motion for a th000 yeah reduced by 200 anybody second that motion seeing no one else uh seconding that I'll make a motion to make it $1,100 anybody like to second that I'll second it roll call councilman Casio yes councilman seus no councilman Omen yes Council valz no council president toam yes Finance treasure furniture and Equipment 401 -2- 130-30 requested is 200 recommended is 200 it was higher last year cu the computer was in there correct Mr yes please please disregard that note that's my fault yeah no but I just it was good because it it it was easier to figure out why it was so much different no the mayor noted for me to take it out it's fine either said I'm not doing it I forgot I'll make a motion to uh accept the recommended so move roll call Council Mass yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes councilwoman the yes council president to yes Finance Treasurer payroll service 4-1-2 0-13 0-320 requested is 18,500 recommended is 18,500 any discussion is this a contractual amount Mr Dar uh yes it's not ex act if if you guys remember I I believe it was the new Council that uh approved the resolution for the um for Prime Point um we do use we do offset this as in the summer there's an influx of the counselors for that job and that's why um in the summer there's a little bit of an increased fee for our pay because there's more people to pay so shouldn't that be picked up in the cost of the camp it is oh it is yeah that's that's what I mean so it's it's actually it is offset then you're saying it yes it is offset so um it's a it's a little bit more and again if the next question is going to be why we only spend 14,58 I guarantee it's because by the time I printed this um it was missing yeah it was missing any other discussion on this item and we competitively bid for this these Services uh yeah if you remember we we searched for um a company that could do ab c and d and this was the only company that could do ABC and D other companies could do A and D A and B um but yes we did come TR I'll make a motion for the 185 you have a second a second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president desum yes Finance treasury training 4-1-2 0-130 d370 requested is 650 recommended is 650 any discussion yes yes um I'll make a motion to discuss got make the motion that's how you go ahead Mr okay are based on the description are these training for the function or are these training for uh Town requirements and should it be a different L is there you know when I see combating sexual harassment I don't think of Finance uh I don't know if there's a training at the Town level because I would assume that everyone has to take sexual harassment training may maybe not I know in at least in my The Firm that I work for now we take you know sexual harassment uh there's any number there's it um you know anti-fishing you know uh securing data things like that that are done at sort of the U entity level not at the department level so I'm going to let Mr corpin answer this but I'm going to preface it by saying um the township does do yearly uh mandated harassment training that we do through our MSI learning however cus are not provided through there but and I'm pretty confident Mr corkran has to prove cus and it's probably one of the ones he can select from but Mr cor if you'd like to expand on that yes yeah if I may C uh this is basically uh every two years I need to get 30 credits to renew my cmfo license um so this this is this is the account that that that that that runs for understood um I guess my uh the question then is if we're taking if uh to Mr to Carlo's point uh everyone within the township takes a sexual harassment course is there a particular reason why it's being taken again well when when was that train it's not it's not related to that like like I just mentioned it's related to the maintaining my cmfo license and basically it's 30 credits every two years and I get all those credits actually all through webinars so I'm taking like seven or eight a year you know to maintain credits okay because each webinar two credits so so I think I think he's 15 of those I think he's looking to see something that fits the you know closely associated with what a CFO does so where did the option come from for this course was this one of the options that they provided to satisfy your credit yes it's run through the through ipd Institute professional development they're they're the organization that that provides all these webinars uh I need like I said it not only is a 30 credits over the two-year period but uh you need to get um at least four credits in in four different categories so so you have to kind of trigger that out as you're going along in terms of what webinars you choose so this was one of the offer hes for credit through ipd yes he suppose they're the organization that runs the webinars for not for not just me for for you know qpa tax collector uh they they they they do the majority of the courses for that to to renew your license thank you very much you're welcome any other discussion on training anybody like to make a motion for the 650 I'll make a motion for the 650 do I have a second second roll call Council M Casio no councilman Sears yes councilman Omen no council woman bz yes council president to S him yes Finance treasur miscellaneous expense 4-1-2 0-13 0-500 requested is 500 recommended is 500 any discussion make a motion to accept anyone second second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes councilman bz yes council president desend yes Financial Services fee 4-1-2 20- 132-2 requested is 23,000 recommended is 23,000 discussion it's for uh lvb Financial Services AFS budget review ads losap and qpa stien I'd love for you to talk about that if you're staying consistent this does this does include the stip in that the qpa receives is the if you want to skip over is the remaining amount a contractual amount that you could provide to us if we table it um it it's an agreement I don't know if I could call if I would call it a contract but yes it does I do have something that lists the fees associated with each of those um those tasks is it okay for everybody if we table this and Mr Dar Carlo provides us those fees for those tasks for and we do have to table it since it is a salary of one of the employees would be great all right so I'm going to table 200 and just to be uh to be certain what you're talking about you want to see the documentation that lists the fees for for those Individual Services buw by everyone except for the qpa statement gotta okay right is that that work yeah corre because that's a separate person right I mean it's really two individuals making up this line item right or affir an individual right yes and it's okay if I just share it with you informally through you want me to send it through through miss wowski or if you can send through M wowski no problem way we can't cut in trouble audit Services um I guess we'll do audit services and we'll stop there because we're going into another department if everybody's okay with that uh 4-0 1-20-1 35-200 37 37,000 requested 37,000 recommended um any discussion on this item yeah I mean uh just looking at the expenses um Mr ber is charging us in the financial services fee and he's also charging us for audit services and uh while I uh am in the receipt of uh the email and the letter that Mr Dar Carlo forwarded for from lurge Vincy uh you know I think he has a um vested interest in saying that there's no conflict uh but if you have a person auditing preparing Financial Service documents uh or documents and then having to audit them you know it it is uh presents a conflict in my mind me so i' uh you know just like so is this a contracted amount or is this a hourly amount how it's a contracted amount again it came as um when when requesting quotes or you know proposal for in order to complete the budget Pro preparation that that's where I received that information so Mike to your question there's an annual audit fee of 355 I don't know if that has changed for 2024 and then we were charged I'm assuming uh some type of hourly service by bur uh who was I think the senior manager uh he Char we were charged $750 can we get both of those um Mr if everybody's okay can we get that with table this one and get that one Mr Dar car if we can too mhm everybody okay with tbling this one I mean I can oh well you have a you have a yeah I mean I can send it to you guys right I can send it to M wowski now so you have the numbers but I don't know if that helps you know we're gonna stop we're going to stop at that line anyway so okay all right all right just to um just to let you know as weart here also I'm going to send it to miss wowski the only increase in proposed amount was the audit from 355 to 365 which I just rounded up to the 37 the AFS was remain the same as 7500 the budget review the same at 5500 okay so it's pretty much it's pretty much 0s at a th000 in the low at 2500 oh so it's broken down by the different categories this is this is very informal it's just the an email that I received from Mr Vincy that's Mr Vincy to Alex and and Alex sent it to me for Budget prep but I will send it out to miss wowski right now thank you thanks so I don't forget is the audit services for we choose the auditor for 24 we have to choose one for 24 right when do we do that after the budget you do it whatever you want yeah I mean as long as it's going to be doing 2024 I was going to mention it would anybody would anybody be okay if we put out an r p for audit Services is that something you've done that in the past right Mr we did it last year and I don't think we received very didn't we we got a couple we got a right but I think you had to send it out a couple times didn't you I think we might have yeah I think the first time now is everybody okay with sending out the the RFB just so we can get the ball started I'm not want you do uh you should do that a general meeting yeah we should you do it or not you don't do it at that's fine just keep in mind this is just budgetary for you are correct not budget somebody somebody's getting paid for it motion to adjourn um before you adjourn Mike just a housekeeping question sure um what what do you have any preference nights if the three big department heads want to come in uh or should I just give them the dates and see which ones work best for them uh leave it up to them with with the remaining budget meetings um what is the uh council's desire do we want the department heads here or since Mr Mayor and Mr Dar Carlo put all his time already with the department heads do we need them here I think without the department heads you we just not getting a clear picture on what they need we we just can't read off a book uh and they're going to tell us what their needs are um it's always always been an invite to the council to listen to him to make a clear decision um so I would love to have him here and that's how I would U vote for it I I agree um just tonight alone we had questions for mski and we had to table the CFO as well and we had to table a couple of items because we needed more clarification so I think it's important for us to understand um some of the the wants or needs for these departments so it's important that we all hear so that we have some clarity before we make a decision either way okay any other discussion if you and I can uh maybe we'll talk and we'll figure out when we like I mentioned at the last meeting since we've done it the past six years they expected to come in so they may not have gone to into as much detail with Mark and I as they would when they're here just assuming that they would be coming in for a seventh time okay any other discussion um my only question is will we have some direction as to when those departments or I if I can discuss it if every's okay I'll discuss it with the mayor we'll figure out dates of when it fits into into the nights we're going to meet correct and then I'll have M wowski send it to everybody so we know that does that work everybody I I would just say maybe we want to stay from the 8 o'clock start nights because that so trying to keep it for the seven absolutely age I totally agree yeah council president you're just going to pick up where you left off and just go Page by Page yes is there anything from the other council members that they want to focus any specific attention on that I should be better prepared on or more prepared on and I know it sounds sarcastic but I'm being sincere um if there's if there's anything anticipation for tomorrow night I would appreciate that if you if you know off I guess the reassessment number okay that's a big one for me so I thought we were going to finance that so if Mr corkin can maybe uh or whoever is going to help us figure out how to finance that Mr binefeld or Mr corkran how we're going to finance that um to break it out into as many years as possible to dep you know I I will certainly um ask for clarification again but the information I've gotten is the re a reval can be done over that special 5year emergency if the reassessment has to be funded in in the individual yearend but I will certainly clarify tomorrow with with for that but thank you that's the biggest one I see coming up that I you know that was a big deal anybody else have any um just I Will Be Tardy tomorrow as I told you when we first laid out the meeting tomorrow is 8 o' right yes so be yeah unfortunately so I will be here as soon as I can okay you want to delay just a little bit you want to go can we delay at half hour or we're not allow ad that's fine so but I I'll be here just a little anything you want to go back to if you're not here we'll go back to it oh I appr if I have any questions yeah we're go speed I think we're everybody okay with the speed I think 10 pages a night or 15 pages a night we'll try to go get six nights or four nights depending on how many pages um motion to adjourn so move second all in favor I thank you everyone have a good night thank you [Music] Michael