so e e e e e e e e e YouTube for for some reason I'm being texed the bctv no res I'll let Ricky know fixed Ricky says it's fixed okay thank you Ricky all owner names of non-registered dogs have been forwarded to the township animal control officer the council meeting for Monday April 22nd has been rescheduled to Tuesday April 30th at 700 p.m. also on Saturday please join Washington Township baseball and softball for our 68th annual opening day ceremony uh begins at 9:00 a.m. and last all day so I hope to see everybody there do I have a motion to open the meeting up to the public so move second all in favor I I know what the police chief is here for he's not unless he wants to make a public statement no he does not is anybody in Zoom want to make a public statement give him a second motion to close the public portion of the meeting so move all in favor thank you discussion 2024 budget discussion continues uh we will start on page 21 at um this is for chief discussion okay oh thank you okay thank you Mr so on page 21 we're going to start with zoning office code enforcement official 40123 2385 130 26925 requested 26926 recommended do I have a motion so move second second Mr Nar how many hours a week does this person work um he does about 10 10 hours of proactive Patrol on the weekends and during the week he generally does five to six hours answering emails phone calls responding back to to Residents going out like today he was here he went address some drainage complaints on Adam's Place but in addition to that he does 10 hours on the weekend the reason why he doesn't on the weekend so we can have a better chance of having face tof face interaction with the residents when you know instead of people just coming home with the door hanger unfortunately that causes you know stress and all kinds of questions and then it isn't available so he tries to do it um or does do it when residents are home on Saturdays and Sundays so generally 15 16 hours a week would it be a big I I know we made his salary the same as somebody else's salary oh somebody else's was brought up to yes with the amount of hours so we we we match the hours so at least they're both working the same amount of hours would that be something we could discuss I I don't want to respond we can but job is different so it's consistent with other he has similar part-time job in another town all right that's fine so the rate is the same okay right so I'm sorry so comparison to the other person's it's different it's a different job okay any discussion so this I'm sorry did I take a motion yeah we did motion second I'm sorry this individual does enforcement in another burrow or another Mr Dar Carlo can you just turn your microphone on please you got me I didn't get you they got you upstairs between s Ricky you know be honest uh yes I believe he is a um part-time code enforcement officer for another town I believe it's in Burton County but I don't know what town it is and you know he's has another part-time job doing something else so yeah so is is there enough hours in his schedule to support this you know is this under represented or under is there under enforcement oh no absolutely not I mean you you guys should be seeing you know last year I think all of 23 we are providing to the council his monthly enforcement reports uh the new council member should have definitely been getting it every month I get it consistently and the non sent to miss wowski and and it's sent out to you I mean we've had you know he was imperative on you know addressing those zombie houses that you had heard about that were just going on and on and on and on forever um we address like seven or eight just as a prime example but he's very attentive he's very good with the residence again this individual lives in town so he's invested in you know wanting to see these property maintenance issues and that's that's generally what it is it's a lot of lot lot of property maintenance stuff um sometimes things become epidemic for for a lack of better terms like maybe there's a lot of homeowners around the lake that have their boats parked inappropriately and it's addressed um and I I know the mayor and I really appreciate his style too it's not it's not um immediately addressed with a subm we have a system in place people are told of the violation they have 15 days to correct it with a violation notice then a final I think it's a final notice of violation goes out and uh our our what we do is look for compliance not summonses but when it gets to that point the summonses are addressed he does a good job in court I know he works well with judge and our and our municipal prosecutor because I touch PA with them on a on a periodic basis to see how code enforcement is doing um so he works very well with the different entities and um departments he also works well with his his colleagues of uh the similar office in other towns you know when we have trees that come down across the brook and we can't enforce it because it's on the other side of the Town such as Emerson he works well with his his uh colleagues in those counters yeah his counterparts thanks always in the search for a better word um so he does a very good job received a very good um evaluation this year hasn't received any complaints um and uh you know sustain complain you know there's always someone that's unhappy they got a door hanger on their on their door but then once it's explained and they work with him um he's very accessible for the residents and again he's extremely accessible to me even though he's part-time whether you know he's off duty answers the call answers my questions goes out and talks to Residents like we had something that came in because there's some stuff going on in Adam's Place with the new house that's being built went out right today and addressed it for two residents and and has a situation rectified already so very responsive very responsible any further discussion I I just want to add that during the election season um he was very thorough on making sure everybody was in compliance with their sign so I can attest to that so I I do see him out and um he handles it very well so roll call councilman CIO no councilman Sears is absent councilman Olman yes Council valz yes council president to sener yes page 26 Mr Dar Carlo had a change that he would like to discuss with us on page 26 yes council president thank you if I can call the council's attention to police and I did change that from records Clerk to Administrative Assistant today it's on the bottom of page 26 it's line number 40125 24180 I uh I had reflected the wrong salary on that line so the salary chart was correct however when someone asked me on the day if that was 2% I just blindly said yes because I was pretty confident it was it turns out it's a 2.5% raise um I would like to correct it before doing so I did bring this to the attention of uh the UN unfortunate attention to the the employee that it affects and and the police chief so and which they totally understood so the new number should be 49980 49980 and my apologies for that so the new recommended request for 401 25240 24180 what's that sorry 2401 sorry I jump ahead it's $ 49,98091 1980 recommended do I have a motion so moved I'll second it roll call CIO obain councilman Omen yes Council wz yes council president to sen yes do we know page dispatchers are on that should be very close this should be it should be close to this 32 we'll go to page 32 the chief has joined us tonight to discuss some of our questions on this backing on page 32 we are at um 40125 250200 263,000 uh excuse me 28,500 requested 28,500 recommended do I have a motion Some Mo second discussion Mr rman you want to you had questions I guess I guess the mayor and Mr doal brought the chief in to discuss and I guess the chief has handed us some papers correct so um I guess an explanation of what the holiday pay represents so there's footnotes um I mean the full-time dispatcher total um you know that's pretty self-evident the it's the uh incrementals the holiday pay the supervisor stien and the benefit time what which one would you like explained her in that order well we start with the 96 hours of holiday T yes you don't mind Mr is that okay start right now sure uh so as you see in the uh the full-time dispatcher terms of uh employment dispatchers are required to work to 12 uh holidays as enumerated in the township Washington Personnel manual as their schedule reputation provides the other Township Washington full-time non-contractual employees are given this time as uh paid time off dispatchers are compensated for this requirement with holiday pay microphone can I get you to slow down s I can't hear you when I read I read fast so but sure I know smitch dispatchers are compensated for this requirement with holiday pay of 96 hours 12 8 hour days annually uh so historical context here when we initially went to the full-time dispatch program uh I did watch some of the meeting and I saw there was a question about when they went to the the Pitman schedule they've been working the Pitman schedule since before the police were as soon as we implemented full-time civilian Dispatch they immediately started working the Pitman schedule uh it it was the most effective and efficient schedule we could come up with so they were always on P correct yeah okay uh so they with regard to the holidays the the 12 holidays for regular Town employees are eight hour holidays but for the dispatchers that's a 24-hour day because the the entire day gets covered and so all of that would be holiday time off if they were given th that time off there was a bit of an issue in the beginning and uh I dealt extensively with mayor ztz on this it was in the planning phase under mayor ztz and then uh it was implemented after she was no longer in office but what we had worked out was that the dispatchers in lie of getting the days off would get paid for the holidays uh the I have the numbers so what happens when they work on the holiday they're they get paid their straight time there's nothing nothing extra takes place when they work the holiday at the end of the year they put in a stien for the 96 hours so it's just bad luck you get the draw up working on the holiday correct so the way it works out is in in there's really three ways that dispatchers are compensated in the industry for working holidays some are uh given double time some are given double time and a half and some have it rolled into their salaries the ones that have it rolled into their salaries they're generally on the higher pay scales in the industry they're the ones that are making 60 65,000 plus uh to pay double time would have added 288 hours of pay annually to to that line to pay it this way the 96 hours is 384 hours total so for less than 100 hours we keep it even it keeps them in an industry standard level of compensation and it's just it's a way of uh giving them somewhat of a parody with the other Town employees because the other as you can see from some of the documentation I provide they work 2080 hours a year 280 hours a year whereas uh the the other Town employees and per the Personnel manual work 18820 hours a year so again it was another way to give them some par with the other Town employees because of the different nature of their schedule and the nature of the the shifts Etc but if they're not scheduled on Christmas Day they are still getting paid for Christmas day essentially well they're all getting paid for Christmas day the person on scheduled will get paid twice yeah there there could be up to three people to three dispatchers working on Christmas Day because Christmas day starts at you know midnight and ends at midnight the shift goes from 7 to 7 so one could be working midnight to 700 the other's working the 12 hours you know 7 to 7 during the day and then the last one would be working uh you know 7:00 p.m. to midnight during the holiday uh so the the confusion of scheduling that and compensating them on any other sort of plan was mutually agreed on with like I said then mayor ztz to to to streamline it and make 12 days exactly yeah the 12 holidays correct yeah I I think it's important chief that excuse me interrupt to emphasize that they would generally be covered by the townships Washington townships policy man annual which provides for civilian employees to have certain number of holidays and a floating holiday which are not entitled to because they're essential um personnel there was also a bit of confusion when we discussed it back then because there's the holiday and then the observance so Fourth of July falls on Saturday the town employees are off so they're given either Friday or Monday off so would that create in in essence two holidays for the dispatchers because they would be required to work the obs D holiday but the actual holiday as well so like I said back then it was agreed on and it's been the policy since to compensate them in this way it's 12 it's 12 it's 128 Hours days that's correct yeah it which again is parody with the other Town employees that that was the primary motivation for it sorry Chief but it's clearly the hardest job of police department I was there I don't know if you were ever dis I was it's the hardest job in police we we staffed the desk for many years and I did a lot of dispatch so when you're all alone in that room the 911 go would there was some discussion in 911 uh the other night that I saw which I'd like to just clarify at the end 2500 supervisor typen and the benefit time so the the benefit time is a to the way I factor it is a total of all the time that the uh dispatchers are entitled to which includes schedule adjustment time vacation time Personnel time and sick time so the way it works is because the dispatchers work a Pitman they are initially scheduled to work 2190 hours a year they get 110 hours every year of schedule adjustment time which they can use subject to Manpower needs of the department as it shows in the one memo uh that's to bring them down to 20 80 hours a year which is generally the guideline for fair labor standards Etc uh and it's again to bring them into a closer parody with the other Town employees in terms of the number of hours that they work even though they still work a significant number more hours per year but the 28 bringing them down to the 2080 like I said was an agreed upon uh with with former mayor ztz it's it's worked very well giving them those 110 hours though that's 440 hours that the desk is not manned that we have to pay someone else to be there we always go to our pums first and then if we can't get a pum we go to the other dispatchers and see if they are willing to work the overtime so that 432 hours vacation time vacation time is vacation time it's acur consistent with the Personnel manual uh this year that's 416 hours total uh Personnel time personal time 24 hours each for a total of 96 hours and sick time I factor the sick time based on what they get the the 12 days based basically 96 hours each per year however of course as we know as per the Personnel manual they can acrw more and carry it over Etc but I factor it based on the the sick time that they could use in that year I'm hoping that they don't use it so I take that number which is 1328 uh hours I have to cover that worst case scenario with another dispatcher on overtime and that comes out their overtime rate uh with the ask is $364 so I do the $364 times the 1300 128 for a total of of what their com you know what I need to cover their dis the their benefit time which is roughly $448,000 were we missing a dispatcher in 2023 because the cost came in so much on the budget one uh one left to go actually left the department to go for higher pay at another agency and so so for a while we were without a dispatcher we've since been able to to rehire an an excellent employee and uh and get us up to a full compliment okay no CU it's such a big yeah right correct the uh expended so you're factoring in 1328 hours of additional time to cover individuals who are taking uh benefits that are available to them vacation sick and personal vacation sick personal and those schedule adjustment hours in sick time can any of that acrew and be carried over by by the staff yes as part of manual Mr Carlo the uh is the is the note in correct because I have 24 I have 2448 for the supervisor stien but you show it as 2500 I just ran it up to 2500 it's it's the number you just reflected 248 yeah okay the Sal the salary chart is um is correct is correct okay it just Mr Dart so everybody's getting correctly I I I did the map they're all 2% that's fine um they their sick time it follows title 78 that they can Bank all they want but they can only retire with a $115,000 maximum payout correct title 7 oh whatever is chapter chapter 78 um well that's all employees in town but they're part of because they're in a weird they're in a weird category you know like public employees can't walk away with more than $155,000 sick payout if they've earned that much by the time they retire I just want to make sure because they're in this like weird caveat that they I apologize you can finish so they follow under our our Township Personnel manual which and you're not allowed to get civilians are not allowed to get paid out they're SI time upon but if they retire they get the 15,000 no pay upon leaving there's no pay so use it or lose it well employees can Bank it for uh serious medical conditions correct with the approval of you know Administration and supported by a doctors know so it's not it's not meant for like an additional you know I got a C it's it's to protect the employees God forbid they have a serious health condition or a serious injury I think it's um I think it's up to 60 days but they cannot leave with type payout so the max that can bank is 60 days yes so have to 10 days a year but once you get to 60 can you still you still continue to crew SI time no well the way we do it because we have Prime points we have a system that keeps track so we have SI time and then we have approval of Si time so at the end of the year whatever is not used for a maximum of 10 because they get 12 will grow will go into that um AC crude sick time okay up to 60 and then that that's it so if it's six years they get up to 60 days they're done they're done and then but they still have their normal sick time that they would get every year it just does not keep accumulating on top of that okay I understand thank you and personal time uh they receive three personal days and those have to be taken those have to be taken they do not accumulate they're use it or lose it right correct yes now I'm talking my civilians I'm not again is that in par with what disp yeah as as always everything is factored as hours so they get 24 hours of personal time correct would that gets paid out no no not for dispatchers so would they be able to take two full ships off not three full ships like the normal employees three days off you your dispatches only get two days off because it's 12 and 12 correct everything in the uh Personnel manual that says a day is considered eight hours of benefit time for a dispatcher how we work that out together yeah we did 8 hours not 12 correct no but they would they they wanted to take a full Shi off they'd have to use a day and a half of their personal days to make a full sh they'd have to use 12 hours because we Factor where whereas a uh a regular Town employee that counts for I believe seven hours is in the Personnel manual it counts for eight as a dispatcher uh because obviously if we went day for day they would get significantly more than the other uh they get 50% more than the other Town employees which you know is is not Equitable right correct okay so they can accumulate personal time no no no from the year so it has to be used use it or lose it and what about vacation time vacation time can be accumulated but must be used within the following so if I get five days maybe I'm the bad example if um if someone get if someone gets 5 days on January 1st 24th they have to use those 5 days from 24 by the end of 25 or oh we don't have half the policy has to be spent in the year that it's made no and this again was modeled right after what JF GIF was recommending so the time can be accumulated but it has to be used within two years and again they don't get paid out for um un unused vacation time so the Max has to be approved by Administration so the max you can carry is one time your allotment but it's got to be used by the following year and you can only carry it if it's approved by Administration by a certain date you have to submit you know a hardship letter letter but you know we have been accepting um emails and I can't talk T I don't know if that's good or bad but um and then we s we sat down with the employees to go over all you know we not a de my assistant and sat down with all employees make sure everyone's checks and balances were there especially because we went to the new system but we like the way that worked um people essentially kind of sign off for informally um but that's what it was and we plan on doing that the following year so but the system keeps track of what was the previous year so you basically have two years to use it or you lose or you don't ACW any or you don't or you don't lose ACW any new any new hours right can someone who is on vacation cover a refle we don't perm that in terms of can someone take off and then work their own shift not their own shift or cover another shift if they take it if if it's not sick time if someone takes a uh a personal day but and he and that person shift was 7A to 7p if we need coverage at 7 p.m. they're allowed to work over time at the 7M Mark good evening Mr [Music] dispatchers on 32 thank you any other questions mrman no but I guess the last thing we want to discuss is the 911 calls going to paramis and not coming to Township right that was one of the questions I remember in my not I do you have that yes well I I mean I feel like there there may be an opportunity to discuss dispatching in a much broader sense I mean you certainly if you would like to explain this evening that would be fine but you know uh when the decision was made to I guess keep dispatching and go to a civilian staff um you know there was a lot of discussion a lot of residents um you know voiced an opinion they didn't want 911 being out of town and now it's out of town so if there was uh you know that feeling uh if the residents had that opinion and that is no longer the case you know does this need to be reopened uh and reviewed you know because not only is it the salary and wages there's equipment and other support that's you know uh they require so it's you know it's a much larger amount so uh when Mike brought that up in just a general discussion it sort of caught my ear uh and so that's why I brought it up again but the 911 is an incident paramis uh we answered in uh triar communication which is located in Bridgewood uh I just want to go on record with that uh with regard to to Outsourcing the answering of 911 uh the outsourc that decision was made for a variety of reasons and I was one of the bigger proponents of keeping 911 in town once I did the research and and got down into the uh the specifics I became much more comfortable with it uh so to clarify a 911 call is is made and received in Ridgewood the 911 operator keeps the person on the line puts them on hold contacts our dispatch tells them the nature of the call our dispatcher then starts to get the resources send them over to the location while that 911 dispatcher keeps the person on the line gets more information and starts to deliver what are called pre-arrival instructions and those are prescribed instructions they have to go through a checklist that's from our dispatcher or the TR the 911 dispatcher the person who answered the 911 call yeah what so there's two components now of dispatch there's call taking and dispatch back when the 911 was initially discussed about Outsourcing Etc uh that was not the case now what the industry has gone towards is 911 call taking and 911 dispatching in the bigger dispatcher centers in the county those are two different individuals on two totally opposite sides of the room the 911 people are over here and the dispatch people are over here they receive a 911 call they're taking the information they relay the information over to a dispatcher who starts handling the scene the dispatch getting the resources like I said Etc while that dispatcher is given these pre-arrival instructions providing those pre-arrival instructions in a timely manner is prescribed by by 911 standards they have to be done and I'll give an example of a heart attack call someone calls in someone says having a heart attack what's your location that gets lateral the 911 dispatcher the 911 call taker stays on the line and starts providing are you willing to do CPR if so and they literally start walking them through CPR and that's just an example uh in Washington Township when those standards were raised now we would only have one person doing that the the the liability was significant but also our comfort factor with one now he had that that individual has to dispatch get the resources there and give the pre-arrival instructions obviously that creates more time the comfort factor for me was was big and spoke to a lot of residents with regard to this because I was such a proponent of keeping 911 in town when when all this came to pass and came to be the industry standard and came to be the requirement What was decided was for the cost to Outsource the 911 uh which actually had gone down from many years ago it's now about $5,000 and I have my paperwork where our original estimates were around $7500 a year but the big thing was we wanted someone in town who was familiar with Town familiar with our our demographics our street our Personnel our our fire department our ambulance Etc handling those people as far as the taking the call I don't want to oversimplify it but the first thing in 911 dispatcher says is 911 where is your emergency and that immediately gets relayed to the dispatcher who's sending it out so the comfort factor of the person taking the call versus dispatching the call that the person who's dispatching the call having an knowledge of the Town having an intimate knowledge of the officers who are responding the fire department the layout of the town that was judged to be worth it to keep in town to keep that level of service that personal level of service and I'm not going to I I don't put down any other one level of service how many towns have what we have and how many towns does tribe provide both of those people uh I I I don't even want to haard to guess uh as as far as who's answering 911 no no I'm saying how many TOS have our situation where we Outsource 911 and they dial our dispatchers versus they dial triar and they do everything I believe triar is servicing around a dozen but please don't quote me on that full full town like full B no just answering the 911 the way we have it they're servicing about a dozen uh I believe they're servicing with full dispatch maybe an additional eight or eight or 10 but again these are rough estimates and they go they go back several years I'm not I'm not but there is I know you won't hold me to it but these are but there are towns that have sent all of it there and correct okay to to and how many and do we have numbers for that for the county or no we don't have anything for the county I don't no Chief have you experienced any problems downfalls negatives handling it this way negative the there were one or two uh communication issues and I don't mean hardwired communication it was where the dispatcher the I'm sorry the 911 call taker because of cell phones was calling us for another municipality because the 911 system told the dispatcher that it was told the call taker that it was in Washington Township and it wasn't uh which again having the dispatcher in town matter either way yeah having the dispatcher in town was immediately able to say that's not Washington Township uh you know again it it sounds like paramis or something like that but those have been the only real issues so again those were more hardware and system related I was here at those meetings with you years ago and you know when I called them the pitchforks and the fire burners cuz that's what it was I remember this place was packed and you know we were like there's no way 911 is leaving because it's bad it's no good and then all of a sudden to find out it's gone and I'm not saying it's not it's it's working because we haven't heard any complaints about it but the reason we hired all the dispatchers was because everybody was here up in arms like there's no way it's leaving and all we wanted to do is move it to Westwood so now we moved it to Ridgewood which is even further so it just it's just something to think about because it's you know that was the the thing of building out the dispatch was to keep it here all of it here and I know there's costs involved with you you brought up and and and mayor calari brought up about the new dispatch lines we needed and all that but still the infinus of this whole you know when mayor sward you know and and the former councils were talking about moving to Westwood I I mean this place was packed yes for sure yeah I make a com I I seem to remember it was more the dispatch that they didn't want move I mean at the time because 911 always went hand inand with dispatch but please correct me if I'm wrong that they want to dispatch this stay no 911 911 was the big deal it was certainly both it was certainly both because closing the Dispatch Center closes headquarters during non- bus hours there like Mike I don't mean there's like you said it's definitely a topic for a bigger discussion I know a budget meeting tonight I did want to clarify a couple misconceptions why I asked about makes big you know like I'll always I'll always come talk about it fine and Mike if I can just achieve two other questions if I remember correctly that when we looked at that $5,000 number to Outsource IT training also we spoke about training that we would have to keep our people trained and just the cost of the training and even if you had to put a uh a police officer on the desk to fill in for a dispatcher you know you would have to train your whole staff cor correct a 911 call taker has to have uh significantly more certification than a 911 than a 911 dispatcher uh and to keep it in in town a significant number of officers would also have to be trained to that standard uh to keep it because if they had to pick up the 911 call they have to be trained to that standard so yeah there were there were a lot of factors there was a half million dollar uh that's where I was going to go infrastructure investment yeah so like I said I don't want to B down the budget meeting you know but but anytime you guys want to talk about it I'm more than happy and I can come with a lot more that may be a committee resar that may be a committee we set up and and and as a council we set up a committee to discuss it with you Chief and whoever your delegates you know I don't mean to pull fauler I don't think the council can set up a committee what can we set up can we meet with the can we meet with the chief you can me with with with my permission but but it can't be a formal committee all right so it won't be a formal committee but we'll probably have to meet with I would cooperate don't get me wrong have the so we may just have to invite the chief back here like we have now and just discuss it yeah we'll invite him back every meeting and then we'll get a committee it'll be a that's one way of doing I'll be thank you I just excuse me Sor go ahead um I didn't realize the chief was going to be here and I I didn't no no one did till I apologize for not being here Monday I was under the we uh so that was sick time yes it was no one had to replace me making sure um we had a discussion about Vehicles so I was going to raise it uh finished um the acquisition of two vehicles and the council agreed uh voted and approved that uh you know I page 31 uh it's 180 yes 180 okay so uh you know two vehicles every year given the size of our uh well Mike Mike before we go to Vehicles can we finalize dispatchers I just want I don't want to I don't want to if that's okay we have the G here so we're going to do him we're going to do vehicles if you'd liketh I was going to do next since he gave us the chart of salaries we asked if that's okay with you so uh is there any more discussion on dispatchers uh line 40125 250200 because we have a motion in a second on this line sure any other discussions ladies and gentlemen roll call councilman Casio yes councilman seers yes councilman Alman yes Council bz yes council president to sen yes so Mr Alman you are on page 31 the preceding page police vehicle acquisition 40125 2450 do I have a motion to discuss you second it Mr Alman second discussion so uh as I said uh Council approved two Tahoe type vehicles um you know in my personal opinion two vehicles a year uh seems like a a lot for the size of our staff uh the patrol staff so I reached out to my brother who is a council person in Maywood they have a similar size staff they're smaller a little more compressed town uh in terms of square miles uh and he explained that they uh only uh they provide for one new vehicle a year uh and there initially there was push back um because they were doing two uh they're doing one it seems to be uh working for them uh and I was going to uh ask the council or bring it up to reduce it to one so I know when we spoke uh and I don't know if it'll pass but I know when we spoke uh if it was reduced to one I believe um you mentioned that the maintenance might need to be increased for the staff so uh you know I just wanted to bring that up while you were here if I may sure I agree that two per year would be excessive what I would like is go to a 2121 that would be my ideal uh that was one of the reasons for switching from uh the the Wards to the tahos they're and we're experiencing this we get some more longevity out of them we used to get two cars a year and I think by switching over to the Chevies we could go to uh to one year one the next did we get the did we get any uh information on the one we're missing from last year yet or nothing uh yeah yeah we got information that it was not available and we were not going to be able to get it another another season that it it that order basically doesn't exist we can we can keep trying but it's not going to happen we have since lateral we're going to try and Dodge Durango at a somewhat reduced price because at least we will have something and we'll take a shot and see how it works out with us and check see how the longevity is ETC but there was no way they could meet that order what about the Expedition the the police no the police Expedition no is it the Explorer or the police explorer the the the Ford police interceptor is is a uh Explorer plator yeah uh have we looked at that we have because that's what we've traditionally had and with mixed results so the decision was made to because the durang was smaller than either one of those vehicles uh it's comparable to the Explorer uh sizewise yeah uh I did go check it out and and it's available it's on the lot and that was the whole thing was they could not they couldn't tell us if we were actually ever going to get it and this is the Tahoe correct the Tahoe we ordered last year but the durangoes on the lot so we said we'll take what you have on the lot and we'll use it as you know to see how it works it's going to be a Frontline Patrol vehicle it's going to be fully outfitted but we said as opposed to getting nothing and the fleet aging even further uh we we would try it and see how it does and it's a less expensive vehicle so if we have good luck with it you know that that could point us in a direction for the future wish you a lot of luck with it I not a fan I won't I won't disagree I'm an optimist so can I when we purchase a police vehicle we are required to go through a state contract is that correct and the state contract is that sort of farmed out to local dealers or is there like one massive lot in Trenton where they local dealers dealerships that are that participate in the program that's we give that dealership a deposit and everything and they have our money all this time or we don't give them anything we cumber the money and send them a purchase order which is our contract today we don't pay anything till we receive it and so it's that bad that they're just saying I don't care about your purchase order we're not going to honor it for for 23 yes when we said what can we get in 24 and they said you're in the same boote as everybody else who now is trying to make up the ground for what we couldn't provide in 23 so we can't guarantee you three vehicles in 24 if that's what you're looking for we can't even guarantee you we can I'm sorry they did verbally guarantee us two tahos for 24 but they would not be until September at the earliest and it's not even definite it's a verbal guarantee okay are we require are we required to use the local dealer or I mean can we you want me I don't want to contract will say you know this dealership and this dealership for this vehicle and then if it's the uh you know the Tahoe as opposed to Durango it might be two different or three different you I know when I was in Morris Township sometimes we drive down to Cherry Hill sometimes we just go right to East hand over so the state they're the award winners so it'll tell you where you can go yeah there's not many there's a few women in that have but there's different co-ops it's one Co-op could win the award for the Ford and then a different Co-op could win the the award for Chevy it's it's it's very difficult process it's the hardest thing to budget for the the lieutenant and Captain like I referenced last time they're my car guys and they they call the dealerships constantly they spent hours during 20123 trying to track down a car because uh like the administrator said we don't pay for it until we receive it so we could go anywhere we can pull it back from one dealership and go to the next they couldn't find one at any dealerships okay so what is your say Mr Elman well I mean so my I I would uh motion to replace one vehicle in the 2024 budget so 990,000 instead of one correct do I have a second I'll second just before you vote we we the police department just make sure you're fully informed the police department asked for two last year inorder receed one so if he's trying to accomplish the two to one it would be two years in a row with one just want to make sure you knew that please me and the last thing if I may uh Mike did did Maywood go with the Enterprise lease program to make up for the age of their Fleet I know when we were discussing they did not go with that okay I discussed it with the Maywood Police Chief uh and they were considering it at the time I think they um from my understanding the they presented the case Enterprise did uh but there were so many holes in the uh presentation and the the guaranteed savings or the perception of the savings uh that uh I don't believe they were moving forward with it I know I think they are going or the goal was to bring some EV into the uh okay police I'm not going to yeah I I I did yeah I did have a discussion with him because we were both exploring that at the time we leased before in the past least purchase we leas purchased them and I don't think that worked out there were small cars it worked in our situation because you needed new it was appropri at the time correct and that's why you had an aging Fleet and you needed something quick so it was a a quick fix but it's not a permanent fix that was why the the Maywood uh police chief was exploring the Enterprise option because of the his Fleet so you want to go on record like 10 years ago cor correct but again the the the one vehicle a year has him concerned as I would be about the age the age and wear and tear on his Fleet so I just want I just want that noted you know they were um they were looking Beyond though just a police Fleet I mean it was almost every Township vehicle and uh again they uh decided not to move forward with them thank you I just make a real quick comment before you vote um I don't know if we're comparing Apple apples you admitted the demographics of their town are slightly different but I don't know if they have uh SOS in their town I just want to remind everyone we have three SOS in our schools right who need a vehicle every day also even though it's not a Frontline car we want to give them something that shows nice that they're at a school and uh like that so just want to remind the Council of that thank you Mr May did Mr have a question you had a question Mr no I'm sorry I I thought you done councilman CIO yes you a question so the only here I acknowled just a reminder I acknowledge that when I pull in to the lot there are a number of I'm assuming there Frontline vehicles that are in front of the Dispatch Center at any in time there could be one or two uh and then there's like Murderers Row in the back that have some are you know I would say they look like front line they probably have a little age and then there are some that are certainly ancient but there are certainly I would imagine there's almost a vehicle for every one and a half and uh police officers so so it's a i acknowledge that but you know we're maintaining a large Fleet of primary secondary and tertiary those old I I I do stand by that those older cars are out there making money they're the ones that are being used for outside billing and they're the ones that enable us to to staff as many outside billing details as we can get uh we still can't staff them all because we have other people in town correct yeah so dur during the day that the murderer row is a lot thinner so thank you roll call please okay councilman Casio yes councilman Sears no councilman Alman yes Council valz no council president to Sena yes the last one while the chief is here we have our our salary chart we had requested Mr Alman uh the rest of day uh it's on page 26 we have not on this item yet we we taed it it is police salaries other than the chief 40125 24110 dri have a motion sub second discussion so Mr DEA this is in in line with the uh collective bargaining agreement these numbers that are shown in this or did the chief put this together I don't know who put this together the I believe the chief and his command St so this this accounts for all the the step raises and all that that's included for 2024 yes so the recommendation is 2955 and the projected based on a point in time is 2878 so so 55,000 115 I don't know a difference hold on I'm I'm I'm doing the math right now give me a second I got my calculator out and Y it should come out to approximately 2.75 needed it back there it is it's $186,900 299 I'm sorry that's what from exist that's from last year to the proposed I didn't do it to the actuals I'm sorry it's my bad my bad 76k so we're asking for 2955 the actual is 2878 a difference of 76k so if if the schedule accounts for the increase is uh is there a particular reason that line item I don't I apologize that I don't have the budget uh sheet in front of me for that line item uh that line item has always we've always gone to the uh actual and added approximately 2 to 3% for personnel changes or anything that could happen throughout the year thank you did we get a motion second yeah yes very it's about it's like in 2.5 that in years past I'm I'm I'm glad that the line has always resulted in a surplus uh 2022 we we came really close and it's always the uh we've always worked it out and then added I don't want to call it a a margin of error it's not a margin of it's a eventualities or potential eventualities of 2 and a half to 3% it's 2 and a half% almost exactly okay okay thank you any further discussion I I I'm I'd like to make a motion to just reduce it to 2,900,000 thank you anybody entertain it 15 above what the actual yeah look at the difference in in actual versus what they want it's still stillion so you're saying a 55,000 yeah make it 2,900 there's still a big cushion in there 22,000 cushion correct me if I'm wrong 2.9 versus 27 287 is like 13 yeah like 15,000 yeah I would be somewhat concerned with that with with that margin uh like I said it's it's a it's a contingency uh factor and when you're dealing with that many employees with the collective bargaining agreement that we're subject to uh well I asked if this these numbers are part of the colletive include all the collective baring correct yeah yeah so um excuse me Chief do you I know you can't project um are you anticipating any retirements yes this year yes and when they roll off they would be replaced with I'm assuming a lower priced staff member correct they have to be filled in uh the the initially there's absolutely a savings there uh my my concern like I said just with reducing it down to a margin that low uh like I said when you're subject to a collective bargaining agreement my concern becomes a potential grievance or something like that that results in some sort of award and I'm I'm proud and and very happy to report that we haven't had that but the potential is always on the horizon and that's where that would come from uh so that's why that yeah if I don't understand where grievance would come if they're getting the salary that they are that's in the collective bargaining I just don't understand how that happens there can be workplace Grievances and if the PBA was given any sort of monetary award on that right that's where it would come from that's that's my concern I like I said do I see anything Jeff the CL it depends what type of suit I mean you know sometime you know in my personal experience you not to talk for the chief but if someone should have been awarded overtime and they weren't usually they come up to the chief yeah but that goes under the overtime line well I'm just giving you an example where something wouldn't go to Jeff oh okay but I'm saying but if it's overtime it would just go to the overtime line we' consistently except for a couple years have always underspent by a lot which is a great a great thing Chief right give you a praise for that but you know I think that would go there so I just like I said I just want the council be aware that these eventualities can come up and and I'm comfortable having you know somewhat of a buffer there uh that I don't have to come to you and ask for for money to fill that in later Mike I know you have a um a motion yeah of 2900 yeah would you I I didn't do the calculation I don't know what that percentage but the 2955 is a full 22% gross up would it what would it be 2% going to ask yes so if we did 2935 I'm okay with that so if I could would I amend your motion or yeah you can amend so if I could make a motion for 2935 which represents a so we' lower it by 20,000 yes so the new motion for 40125 24110 is 2935 which would give them a 2% increase just like we've given all the other departments um but but this already anticipates all their collective bargaining numbers so it would give you a 2% cushion which we've given everybody else so the new Mo thank you very much I'm comfortable with that 2 million n so you're comfortable with that 2,935 uh Mr alond made the motion I'll second it roll call councilman Casio no councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president Des yes police overtime 40125 24120 135 requested 135 recommended do I have a motion I'm sorry 115 my my eyes are playing games I'm sorry you say a bigger number you were happy with that number right like I got was to correct I'm sorry make a motion the way this book is here with these lights I'm like what that's 115 so move your eyes are good tonight no they're not5 uh do I have a second second any discussion so the only discussion I would have is um we saw a dip I'm assuming that dip uh in Prior periods was when we uh moved to Pitman correct and now we're starting to see sort of an escalation um what's driving that and you know what can what could be done to control it if if anything because I think one of the primary drivers when the council approved Pitman was that it would drive overtime down the so what accounts for the trending up is up until last year we had we contined to have 20 officers but those 20 officers every year are gaining more vacation time and more time off so that has to be compensated with overtime when they take off assuming that the shift goes down to a a minimum Manpower uh the last Council approved two additional hires so we went from 20 to 22 and I anticipate that to have a significant um I'm really hoping to have a significant impact on overtime with that uh and I would have every intention of adjusting next year to see if that comes to fruition so you think the trend of you you know a significant decrease from 2022 to 2023 you think we can hopefully sustain that decrease Trend and then next year come in at a lot less that I I do hope so yes that was one of the mo invading factors for adding two additional officers [Music] I'm sorry Chief yes just you because you've mentioned 22 uh when I count this uh list that was provided I think there's only 21 are you included in the 22 I am not okay I didn't think so one the first uh the first line CPT that's Captain the chief is not on there but I do include in the to of 22 correct yeah there's 22 cost Chiefs 27 Oh I thought that's what we asked and you said no what's that if you would 22nd you if I said no I apologize I'm not the no was I am not on this list but I am included in you're the 22 command is 22 people including including me yes my no was regarding the list I apologize for that so it's 21 on the list and 22 total with you correct okay any other discussion on this line ladies and gentlemen John last year I'm sorry last year um we had the two the two new members right the two SL that's included no we have two full officers not two s we did not in 23 we did not no so really represents 20 officers correct okay Al you brought it down that much with 20 officers last year correct so the two it really should come down there there the retirements in 22 to 23 uh there was one retirement that had a significant effect on that uh and the that's why it got blown out of the budget 22 yeah uh because remember the the overtime doesn't just cover Ben it covers the sick time M and if we get with 20 and we get one or two officers out on a long-term sick which is what we had uh that can severely impact to that over time that was one of again one of the motivations for because in your collective bargaining agreement as you know you have the unlimited sick time provision uh so that can significantly impact one or two officers get you know and we have uh provisions and controls with regard to that that we put in place but long term it can really really take a bite out of that over time the increasing to 22 officers is one of those reasons that gives us a hopefully a margin of safety and a buffer with regard to that so so yeah I do that's those are the big reasons for some of the fluctuations from year to year one or two extended sick times will have a big effect on the overtime so 23 numbers of overtime don't even include the two new officers you hir that is correct wow they were hired at the end end of yeah for the last quarter yeah so so having having said that it's all projections uh and there's an unknown that you mentioned about the long term but if we came in if the department came in at 83 actual last year and we're adding officers we have some retirements the sick we don't know there is there an opportunity to shave a little off the one the 115 that was requested because that the 115 was requested last year it's being requested again this year and last year the actual was 83 I would be uncomfortable with shaving it because of that collective bargaining provision do you know what you're at sorry to interrupt do you know what you're at as far as usage already this year uh we have one officer that's been out since Jan so those are things that they eventualities that I have to be prepared for uh which is why I kept it flat and like I said I I do what I can to control those things and you have my commitment exact yeah you know uh it's so I'm I'm not comfortable because I I use this phrase often it's it's hitting a moving Target if nothing happens I'll be happy to give you a surplus at the end of the year on that you know it's not something that I say you know I've got a a piggy bank here and I want to use it I don't want to use it uh but if I have to I need it okay but next year hopefully we should see a significant we should come in this year for 24 corre we should come in for 25 with significant decrease in this line item we'll be all adjusted with the two new officers and even with the one person sick it should still not be as bad it was in the past when you had 20 and one got sick I I will prepare you though that there are with regard to the licensing thing which we touched on previously there is additional training mandated training that's going to have to take place for officers so that that also has an effect on overtime and has a tendency you know to to have to be paid the training has to be paid through overtime so I will caution that that even if I keep it down for this year I may have to ask for 115 depending on what there's a lot of talks with the chief association with the police training commission with the attorney general Etc as to what they're going to mandate uh and and a lot of it is still up in the air I know there'll be at least a bare minimum of additional eight hours of mandatory training added for uh 25 and there's talk that that could go up to 30 or 32 um so you so again we try to we try to do the training on their regular shifts you know subject to Manpower you but but that is something that would cause an eventual increase okay any other discussion on this item ladies and gentlemen Prof call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council below yes council president Des sen yes thank you Chief appreciate your time council president did you want to do his two um Capital request wise here in case you have any questions should be quick good news on one of them the other ones the alprs you had to get some information for you yeah let me just so we got flip to Capital on the beginning of the bug Chief's that okay yes I didn't bring my documentation information for okay you have what I provided okay thank you Capital budgets right behind this so we had the stationary alprs at 125,000 and the off-site dispatch operations at the emergency Services building for 20,000 if um we don't need a motion to talk about this right we can talk no about the uh the 20,000 um Council I think collectively asked me to look to see if there was still money in the uh Capital line for the USB building and I'm satisfied that there is so we can uh take that request off of the capital um list the 20,000 okay is there any money left for alprs out of the capital line yeah for the for the ESB yeah even if there was that'd be stretching what that ordinance was intended for okay and there I you did mention another line sir but it there is I think it was I don't remember if it was the intersection or acquisition of land for something something on Washington Avenue but there was nothing I felt comfortable that we could make that jump that jump to and that intersection line only has $125 left in it but that was more gear towards traffic and the P for the police officers and stuff like that and um Chief I don't want to steal your thunder but if you remember the number you wanted to revise it to for the alprs I believe you have it in 100 up to 155 which was what would cover uh venberg and Washington I I since I was uh before the council I did uh some research and got a quote for that as well and I I apologize for not sending it out to the council yeah can we can we package that I I'd like to see what these things act can we do we have like a a proposal what these things like a cut sheet or what these look like and all that uh of what they look like I can get it yes I don't have because I'm just curious what this is going to because I know everybody thinks that the um the motion sensors at the lights are your cameras which they're not they're just checking to see if there's pres pres the presence Loops that used to be cut into the ground which are now done by microwave above everybody thinks they're your cameras which I know they're not that's correct so Sho he had play play right there yeah he does so can we get that can we get that Mr Dar Carlo you want to continue the discussion no I think I I'd like to have that information before I make it informed decision no we got is it you need to keep going here and done yes ma'am come on I agree with you let's go where we need to absolutely we're on page 32 as soon as we're done 37 excuse me uh they did not these in 360s to put a little hustle you pull three minutes of discussion ma' I I think let's we're gonna get the capital at the end but I'd like the let the chief leave we don't okay yeah thank you Chief okay so let me be clear you want what do you want get together like whatever you got from them i' just like to see what it looks like so just a visual just yeah yeah and the prop and the quote it is not not okay so thank you Chief thank you so we're all done with the first 37 pages so basically so we're going to go to page uh actually we're on the bottom of 37 uh prosecutor's office prosecutor salary 4125 27511 0 7,576 requested 7,576 recommended do I have a motion I don't think that's it any discussion on what's that what page you want 37 37 oh 37 near the bottom oh third line up from the bottom thank you sure a motion by who Dr Mr Casio seconded by Mr Sears any discussion we've done I didn't check I didn't check it off I apologize any discussion on this line roll call councilman Cassio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes councilman bz yes council president to sen yes um prosecutor's office extra sessions 40125 2751 120 500 requested 500 recommended do I have a motion so move second any discussion they didn't use any money for the last few years do we need this yes can we lower 250 well we're going to have a bird bath [Music] so what's that it's $125 s session or something like that I don't there not a lot of sessions I don't think included in that amount they again reviewing this where our court administrator that's what she felt necessary and I have an explanation for the increase in next line just so you know all right so let's do this one extra sessions roll call counc Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes councilman valz yes council president the Senate yes prosecutor's office alterate prosecutor 40125 275 130 1,00 Rec requested 1,000 recommended do I have a motion so moved second so Mr you said you got a reason why it doubled yeah I've been informed by the court administrator again this is obviously our conflict of interest line and she already has cases that are anticipated to go that direction so that's why she had asked for $1,000 even though we've never used this line in the last five years yes she's in I know okay roll call councilman CIO yes councilman SE yes councilman yes Council W bz yes council president the Senate yes DPW permanent employees not superintendent 40126 290110 710,000 requested 710,000 recommended do I have a motion so Mo second why the big jump Mr Dar Cara uh salary increases um contractually when they go up from hman to Gman to fman to Ean um there's more people at the higher end and there's also safety education steps uh that we had to anticipate for everybody that they do their first two months and last year um it was underfunded by about $20,000 that we ully my mistake I didn't account for the um no I can't we we accounted for the education I don't want to call it a promotion but essentially it's a promotion so when you go you know from hman to a Gman and it happened in September I have to account for nine months as an H man and four months for a Gman so that's for that extra 20,00 that we did a transfer from last year that was emitted from the process um we went over this time and time and time again to make sure that we accounted for all the you knowall promotions or you know step increases that's probably a better better word for it then sa the education and then it's it's uh going to give me about a $10,000 offer I'd like to I I'd like to approve this tonight but can we get the same chart like the police department just gave us to or you have one already you you have one I think I learned I just let me just looken for a second so this is what we prepared I'm too far is your mic piure what's that yeah so as you can tell so it has the number of years completed okay years anniversary amen and this so in this one toal up to here we get yes so this is a salary as of 124 then this is um the salaries as anniversary date and then I have to add in their um their educational step so this and this right yes plus education can you have enough for everybody or just I don't can you just pass it down so we can take can I just oh yeah take a picture I was just going to start adding take a picture and then I'll start adding it can you just everybody just check their microphones cuz he's having a hard time hearing so Mark did you have another copy there that Mike can take a picture on that I'm looking if not we we'll pass it down I don't have a problem I just thought you had two copies canas I'm sorry I do not all right we'll pass out Mr Alman since you have your glasses and you up those numbers they please so what's this number sary has of 124 anniversary date salary so it's the combination of these two is that what you saying okay salary as this is the number I need plus the educational set and that's that's what I'm looking for in my notes but I we had to essentially project you know that everyone was going to um comply with what they needed so in their contract you know once you once you hit two years you can complete 20 years of training and get $1 an hour extra an hour an hour but it also gets accounted into overtime so then once you hit four years you can do 40 hours then once you do six years you can do 60 hours of training and get $1 that would be I'm sorry a total of $3 and who monitors this that oh we myself myself and we I gave them a a training plan um so last year was the first one um um and we put a system in place and had a meeting with DPW you know of course I want them to get what they deserve but also have a system of checks and balances and we weren't going to duplicate trainings unless it's something that's required so we required to do harassment every year so we allowed that to count but we also did a blessing plan with them that included storm water training um as as an example there's you know six segments to that as well as another two and a half hour training that I'll probably bothering all of you with in a couple wants to do your yearly training on storm water so we had a plan for the 20 hours the 40 hours and the 60 hours we also wanted to have a plan that was consistency so it was you know like Peter goes to the computer and selects his training then Mark goes and you know M goes so um some of those were electives but we had a core group of what was consistent and then it was brought up by them it was kept in Excel spreadsheet was then brought up um to my assistant rata that did the math checked to make sure that we had a certificate printed out for each train coincided with the number of hours and uh it's actually logistically pretty hard because once they achieve the 20 hours they get their dollar and then they work towards their 40 so we had like there was a bunch of work involv but uh I feel very confident that it was not only consistent it was productive and it was done correctly Mike what is the total of those lines that Mr DEA has provided us 664 4 68 678 so 664 678 that includes their training and all that the extra dollars or yeah this is what I was just looking for so here's my training leers you're going to have to just trust me you got to trust me you think I want to come back at the end of the year and ask for a transfer again um so this was the projection and of how much we would need if everybody did what they were supposed to do in the earliest amount of time right so someone takes till November to get their 60 hours it's not very beneficial monetarily to them but it would be to us because we haven't been paying all those hours I'm happy to tell you that everybody has complied with how with everybody so is this a permanent raise or is this a one time every a one time it's every year every year I'm saying but you reset back to your old rate as soon as the year is over yes so if you if you do 60 hours in the first month of January you're going to get $3 for the rest of the year yes but then January 1st you lose that $3 until you do 60 hours of training again or no yes yes so you'll start off at so everybody so if I'm making $25 January 1 yes I do my 60 hours of training I qualify for the $3 getting $28 now but then as soon as January 1st the next year comes I go back to 25 they're going to there's going to be a percent raise each year on their step and then there'll be the stepping increase yes each year but but that loic you're applying is the safety would go away until I qualify for my 60 hours yes it usually takes them about two months because that that's the only time of the year they have a little extra time to do training because of the winter all right now I understand thanks so see I actually got it down than we have a new number mrman 710 it was actually 711 thank you for the any further discussion on this item and this this whole this whole safety thing is in their collective bargaining agreement promise you y no I'm I'm just asking I wasn't here I wasn't here for it I just confirmed and I can resend all out no no no no I just wanted I just wanted to just put it on the record that you know we're not just are we good roll call councilman CIO yes councilman seers yes Council mman yes Council wz yes council president the Senate yes tpw overtime 40126 29120 43,000 requested 43,000 recommended do I have a motion second discussion what typically drives this Lea season definitely um Township events um but Leaf season and then you have um you have the yard is open on Saturdays that's overtime uh week season every Saturday um is overcoming um snow plowing you know if if it's not something we can attribute to the trust but generally we try to contribute to the trust but you know that down um as well and then you have Township events you have storms they're called in to remove a tree off the roadway um you know the contract I believe calls for a minimum of two hours for a call out which is actually favorable to the to other things hours add 433 you know my perception it's not very much as compared to what anything else Mr rman no anybody else on days roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman om man yes Council woman bz yes council president yes DPW seasonal workers 40126 29160 106,000 requested 106,000 recommended do I have a motion so move any discussion I'm sorry so move to a second second thank you how many how many people we look in the staff we try to maintain 5 to six but it fluctuates throughout the year you know so we have to generally wait till the end of April May till the college kids can come and then it's great until you know the end of August where they leave um and then sometimes we fall down to two uh to that we repeatedly continuously have come back um and then we try to definitely get more for the leaf season which is obviously the beginning November to the end of December do we have a do we have an average salary for them I don't see them in the chart Mr seasonals yes yeah so very appreciative last year the um the council we did a range and we increased the range so I think the range right now is 18 to 22 but they are on the salary ordinance yeah I was just looking for them I didn't see seasonal work I'm sorry 17 to 22 on page three do you need to do you have it or not was that sorry Mr where are we okay so it's 722 okay thank you so we're above minimum wage and all that yes and of course you know they range in in different expertise so based on their experience they could be the upper level and a young you know newcomer would be at the lower level yes any other discussion on the sign do they do they get uniforms do they get the seasonal to do yes it's it's the same rental uh agreement um that we do for the for the full Farm okay perfect ready oh come back yes uh roll call for seasonal workers please councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council woman bz yes council president to Senna yes DPW superintendent we didn't close we just have to vote for them in public [Music] 40126 uh 29019 96 757 requested 96 757 recommended do have a motion so move second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Oman yes Council Wes yes council president to Senate yes thank you page 40 is complete page 41 is complete page 42 we have uh one line at the B bottom recycling s wages recycling coordinator 40126 30500 1,000 requested 1,000 recommended do I have a motion some move second who is this person is it on the chart is on the uh oh both both well this this individual was was open but you know again you're not talking performance but this is uh Dina ter terok and Daryl saldi it was a DPW this is split by two people split by two people can we just put a note in there that it's split by two people Mr yeah and just so you know if you probably haven't been able to get to your emails yet I we did send the uh 20 three tonnage report you see how much work goes into that it's unbelievable if we just add a note to that I think be important yes any discussion on this roll call councilman Casio yes councilman seers yes councilman Alman yes Council yes council president to sen yes page 43 is complete page 44 is complete page 45 is complete page 4 six has um Health Department office supplies 40127 23210 250 requested 250 recommended do I have a motion some second Mr CIO Mr Sears any any discussion roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council BZ yes council president you s yes page 47 uh Health dues meetings and conferences 40127 33025 550 requested 550 recommended do I have a motion motion second additional 150 requested for recertification training in 2024 that's the only note we have any discussion yeah who who's getting the training me but me and I can actually tell you you can remove that 150 because something changed that I don't need that 150 anymore so you can lower that so we can go back to 400 yes I'll make a motion for 400 you'll make a motion for 4 A second all right just realiz roll I could do that um I'm sorry who was the second on that motion Mr SE Mr Sears Mr CIO Mr Sears councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman man yes Council B yes council president Des yes Health consult non-legal 40127 uh 330 320 contracted service agreement with Northwest Bergen Health 43,000 um $8 requested $ was coming um in 2023 um before I go any further fantastic I I couldn't be any more happy or satisfied with their service oh no they do a great job it's just such an I just wanted to throw that in there while I had the chance but um they essentially lost some of their funding and they were able to to I don't want to use that word but they were able to kind of uh carry it along for so long and that has kind of ended so they they really wanted us to get up to a larger number but a agreed to get us up there gradually okay um so that's how we did it so so this is going to be a stepped increase to aot I think it's going to be consistent so what's 37 to 436 I think they were hoping to get us to 18 we met with them we told them what kind of Burden that would be for us and uh they agreed to do it over the course of three years that's fine about six each year all right no they do a wonderful job I yeah get them on the phone their cell phone you get the people that are in charge and they they come or okay provide service right away is that the actual contract yes okay roll call councilman Cassio yes councilman seers yes councilman om man yes councilman bz yes council president to yes Health child healthare 40127 33067 525 requested 525 recommended do I have a motion second any discussion I'm I can't remember what what's this cover exactly do you mind no I don't mind um this is a almost like a shared service agreement we have with h and it's for families that don't have insurance and children need a physical or a shot or something they can go there and and so we pay for the contract and that's like I think $35 per child that we pay for okay so it's for our residents okay thank you thanks roll call K massio yes councilman tears yes councilman Alman yes Council bz yes council president the sener yes Health Public Health nursing 40127 33069 900 requested 900 recommended you have a motion a motion and question second second thank you so this is waiting on invoices from prior years service used in Prior years so yeah I embarrassedly say I wish this was that caught my attention sooner but in preparation for this budget again worked with Sue and um to to figure out what this was all about and so when I'm finished if you had anything to add but essentially we were receiving the services but they are not very uh quick with sending us the invoices so I mean so this is for the seniors I believe so if you want to expand soon I appreciate so I mean is it in the $200 range or you think it's going to be no it's quarterly it's $900 it was $900 a year before Co hit and when it was here they weren't here but they were supposed to start again and I believe they did start I don't even know which year 21 or 22 no so um we check with Miss riffkin at the library they do a program at the library we spoke with Mr Joyce who they do a program here in the senior center and he himself has actually reached out to say hello where is it so Mr Joyce and I are trying to work out to get something but it's been very quiet so the Serv we just don't want to get quot short we are getting the services exactly as long as we're getting the services I mean that's their bad that they can't account for that's as long as our seniors are getting the services that's all I care about roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council uh councilwoman valz yes council president the Senate yes Animal control officer 40127 340 000000 13,50 requested 13,50 recommended do I have a motion so move this is for Tao correct yes it's contractual to right it's just about the ask you roll so I know it's contractual but we didn't meet the contractual amount last year mark you want me do yeah sure um the only reason why is that you they charge extra for like they have a set fee every month that they do the services if something comes up that is a deer that's been hit and need be picked up we think there's an extra charge for some of that if it's they've got to go on the property and that so you have to build that in so that we're not short changeed at the end so I think I put like oh eight I like $65 a pop I think I put six or eight something like that in just in case in case we need it it's on their invoice and the report so they charge per like pial like a Hulk was injured recently they brought it to the Rapture house I tell do not call for squirrels do not call for rabbit do not call for CH sorry they can that doesn't happen no no no but chips count well I know they do this $65 a p i got a chm and squirrel shovel in my yard four petar they have souls too they sure do all right R anything else Mr alond no that was it roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes councilman valz yes council president Des yes maybe they can give us a rate on the little guys page 48 Recreation director 40128 37014 1,800 requested 1,800 recommended do I have a motion so move wait wait I'm sorry Recreation director the bottom page 48 that's the only line left on that page got it we have a motion by Mr Sears I'll second it thank you roll call councilman yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council woman bz yes council president Des sen yes uh page 50 is empty page 51 is complete page 52 is complete this is looking good page 53 is complete page 54 is complete no I'm sorry Town day um no holiday holiday celebrations and remembrances 40130 4201 10,000 requested 10,000 recommended do I have a motion some move I'll second it discussion this we pull it out out of town we pull Town day out of that for no Town day is the next line no I know we pull it out is there a particular reason why or what we're using this for I think just for the scope of town day so much larger it's our largest event roll are you looking Mr alond just I'll give you a minute sorry I saw I saw I saw flip his book open that's I'm still thinking of Steve with shovel I'll send you my little cage if you need it you have my dam my pick up every year four little guys to get get nailed it's do we know what the $4,000 what page you on Mike page 218 Mrs deser please remind me to bring my glasses I know she's watching John can you weigh in on that perhaps because it has your name to the 4,000 yes it was definitely a reallocation $4,000 um I I I I can't see the other account that was charged to incorrectly but I'm thinking it might have been the trust account that relates to this I mean I'd have to look it up I can't right now but that's I'm thinking I I I believe it was charged to trust and I think it should been charged to this one instead which is why I did the reallocation I know the answer yeah this was our polls that we we put up on pasak road so so we originally um charged it to the trust and we moved it over to holiday celebrations and remembrances okay I mean that's 4K yeah so the actuals last year were 56 and we're asking for 10 cuz that that four is not going to repeat I'm we already spent for this year for the brackets for all the holiday banners that are going to go on all the telephone poles so that's another one time yeah that's another one right [Music] any other discussion or any [Music] motion and um there the reserve for Town day what is where's that at at this point Mr corkman do you know what the reserve is for Town day I I don't know the account number of hand no uh what do you mean the reserve for Town day how much money is left in the res there's a trust the trust I don't know of a trust for Town day there there's a public celebrations trust it's not just Town day there is a press account for C I know that know what that what's left in that and where it is 34 as of 220 as of February 20th there's 34,000 on page 220 said Mike no so it I'll go down into the the grand trust Capital section and then you'll go to the second grouping you up on the top left you'll see the count range that start with T so the first two pages are Grant reports MH and then the third page you'll see t-12 all zeros okay go to account description go down to the fourth line trust Reserve celebration of public events far right column 34 so since we have another one-time expense uh I would propose that we make this reduce this to 4,000 excuse me 6,000 so you want to reduce holiday celebrations and remembrances yes to 6,000 may may I just make a comment sure um as a result of there not being a director there were several celebrations that were not had so summer concert summer movies we had summer movies didn't we no and we did there was no um fall movie either October that movie didn't have either I'm sorry we had a summer concert sorry but we didn't have summer movies um or we didn't have any of the Fall celebrations so for example the Halloween Home Decorating didn't happen the Halloween movies didn't happen so there were a few events that did not happen because there is no director so I appreciate that uh councilwoman all I'm asking to reduce that for there was a one-time expense this year or last year excuse me for the polls correct we have another onetime expense this year for uh apparatus braet so all I'm saying is pull those one time expenses out we have a trust that has $40,000 in it okay so what what's the use of the trust if we're not using it so it's not to say that we can't fund that it's just the line of funding do we fund it you mean 34,000 3 34,000 well if I may the town day when that does not when that gets exhausted then we do tap into the trust so it does get used how much we how how much of the trust have we' been burning for count day per year we um during Co because there was no sponsorship no there was that's where we went to fund basically all the events for those two years but I'm saying last year we didn't it was the last two years have been non-co years correct and how much have we pulled out of the trust in those two years I don't have those numbers Mr cor do we know how much we pulled out of the trust for Town day uh last year and the prior year I I don't know and I can't view it right now because I'm on here I can't there's no way for me to look at since you know since this these reports were grun $10,000 give me a minute I can sign on to admins and get the information thank you 43,000 thanks M well I don't know if it was all for Town day but we yeah yeah no we used we used last year we used 43,000 we used 51,000 last year wow well we pull 51,000 that might be a historic let me see let me just no that's charge year to date so how did we pull 51,000 out out of celebration of public events last think that's I don't think it's I don't think we're reading that accurately I know it says expended reimbursed year to date but yeah I mean could it be the 43 is reimbursed from town day but we uh charge 51 so the net often times a lot of money goes in and comes out of there while we're waiting correct for other funding to come in yeah but it's still showing the balance of 34 so you went from 85,000 in 2023 to 2024 having a balance of 34 you did spend 51,8 65 $868 there that's a lot of money for one year a second how many they're going to say you're right or while you're looking Mr darar if I may make one more comment about celebrations we made the investment of picking up those paying for the brackets um that will also once the veteran banners those will be up till November uh till Veterans Day then the idea is to purchase holiday banners because if you remember from past conversation Al so the 4,000 is just the brackets not that's just the bracket so we still need to purchase our holiday banners in lie of doing snowflakes which have increased in price can we can we do the holiday banners with uh donated by a family like other towns do and that'll offset the cost I will I will take that on if that's needed so like we're doing for the Hometown Heroes donated by a family so like you know the desender family would donate a holiday banner and it would say donated by whoever you know I mean I could certainly look into that can we look at that see what the cost would be and then we can put it out and get it started you know like if you'd like to donate to the you know happy holidays from you know the happy holidays Banner it would say donated by the calamari family by the family we made that investment in the brackets so we want to use them as as much as possible yeah but I'm trying to keep the cost out so I'm sure a lot of families would like to donate you know for the holidays or I don't know so you're planning on changing what two times a year or three times a year um twice right now the idea is to do the veterans then that would you know end in November then jump into the holidays which would stop inch po do um spring banners then you jump into Memorial Day with the veteran banners all the way for now if we just did the holiday banners and we have people donate them like we did the Hometown Heroes do understand there is an installation cost as well so it's I thought I thought the DBW was putting up we don't have a bucket truck I thought were that I thought they were using that Li it's not going as easy as we thought it was going to be we had we got rentals one one day rental was $1,700 what about baring Hillsdale like we talked about ear so we tried um so you know without without outing any Town everybody would a shared service agreement wants to know what we have to offer them oh and so far we haven't been able we're not bringing much to the table you're saying and squ that was good all right hey leave him alone car we got we're ready I got it I got it opening balance was 41,021 on the 1 of January 2023 along the year we dipped as low as 20 five and then we're able to grow it back up to the 34 let me just make sure that's accurate I'm telling you about 34 so how is this table being created well that's why it's it's a summary so it may be taking it from the history you know of what we had you know I didn't I didn't print it out just for last year it's probably accumulating the history of that trust count no because that trust account at one point in time had three figures it was in the $100,000 range just taking a quick look down the adopted column and the modified column look to be the same amounts John do you have the report in front of you at least in your in your budget book if you have any insight into I I do mark one thing I'd like to mention is that trust accounts work differently than current accounts because because they're on they're they're ongoing balances from December 31st to January 1st so I I don't believe that 85 number represents and Mark you just mentioned this though I don't think that represents the balance on January 1 I think that's that's a a cumulative balance well it definitely doesn't John because it it showed 41,000 trust accounts work differently because they're ongoing balances it's not year to year whatever you have at the end of the year is what you have on January 1st so so that's why that's why5 is a combination so uh so I I I would the only number I would really go with put confidence would be the 334,000 that we know is there we know there's 34,000 there and the opening Bal I'm saying so I would not I would not give that $85,000 and credit because there it's an ongoing account trust right so we know it's something you have to look at the you like how Mark this where you look at the activity from January 1 on yeah but that's where you're truly good see but Mr corkin it's showing that year to date we spent $ 51,8 6888 that's a lot of money right but I'm but I'm telling you that is inaccurate so I can't it's not that's not right I can't explain to you why the column is is presenting it that way but I I can tell you with facts that the opening balance on January 1st 2023 was 41 , 2569 41 253 41 25609 256 it dipped down as low as 25 and then we were able to go back to 34 a large reason for that is last year the 5K and the health fair were new so we had to pay for expenses before we were getting the reimbursements from the donations Andor all the runners or registration fees whatever you want to call them so then we corrected all of those lines and adjusted um the trust for 5K in healthcare so ultimately we spent the difference between 41 and 34 7,000 even I could do that one joh so mrte Mr Alman you wanted to cut this to 6,000 so I would like to see us use the trust I don't I don't know you know if there's a specific reason why the trust was established uh if it's been established for public events to celebrate public events and that's what we're doing celebrations and remembrances you know I think we should use it so you know I'm not saying we shouldn't have celebrations I'm just looking at the source of funding it should be the truster say so you know if we wanted to try to keep it um you know so we don't deplete the trust in its entirety maybe we could drop this from 10,000 to 8,000 so we could fund 8,000 out of current and start depleting the trust fund as it's you know as the expenses exceed that so Mr darar just to be just to be uh 100% on this in 2023 the actual show 9672 66 right yes that's the current line yes sir but in theory it was only we on on physical celebrations and remembrances we spent $ 5672 because we had the onetime $4,000 incum for the polls I would say yes that that's last year in 20 so this number is really not it's correct but it's it's showing a poll it's showing a poll number yes but there are also celebrations that were not had yeah so if we had another thousand for those each for those two well no every movie is 500 that's what I'm saying so we we missed we missed two movies which is a th and plus everything that come that came with the holiday Home Decorating all the events that were done during October you know pet costume the movie the pumpkin carving that was all eliminated you know all right so what I'm saying okay bottom line is if I may Mr Mayor go ahead we took this down from 12 to 10 as you can see from 2022 to 2023 because we felt we could make it happen now I know this is the argument everybody has used everything increases there was a time when I wanted to do snowflake and the snowflakes were 350 a pop oh that's a lot of money they're $900 now and then if we order in January we get you know it used to be 40% off now they give you 15% off right so it's fluctuated the price has increased and what I can tell you Mr Omen is that while I was running these events I did it as responsibly as I could and the volunteers and myself and thank thankfully when Sasha joined the team went out and sought sponsorship so that's a lot of hustle and you sometimes just don't have it as I'm sure you're aware sometimes people can't so I can tell you yeah you have that trust but that trust allows for the creation of new events so for example the 5K it allowed us to get that up and then you know create a little cushion so that we can get it moving but if we deplete the trust then God forbid there's another Co situation we're not going to have the funds to keep the town going because we've depleted it so well not to keep the town going to keep sorry sorry keep sorry sorry yes to keep the events tree lighting and whatnot sometimes it comes up short so we do we have the trust to to tap into when the need is there right and if you know anything that that can come along we have that buffer but I could tell you that that 10,000 has been spent as responsibly as possible I hope that the next director will do the same you know so I I don't understand how looking at the source of funds is questioning the Integrity of the spend I didn't question any of those expenses except for a 4,000 that has no descriptor in it I didn't ask about any of the other expenses I didn't say any of the other celebrations were worthy or unworthy the only thing I'm questioning is a source of funds so we have because we are now looking at this through a different lens because the report we were given or the report that I interpreted uh you know clearly I'm interpreting it incorrectly but we have $34,000 there and all I'm saying is that we have a $10,000 ask that we reduce it to 8,000 because we have two non-recurring uh expenses for 4,000 and that we tap into the trust a little more a little more heavily I'm not saying this bring it to zero no no and I I recognize that you're not arguing if the the events are needed but as you can see because we came close in the previous years but not close enough that's where let's get closer to our actual spend whats which was almost 10,000 that's why it was asked right so if you remove the polls and add a a new director who will bring back the events then we're going to get closer to that 10 is what I'm saying and then when need be we can tap into the trust so you know I just don't recommend tapping too much into the trust because it proved us absolutely needed when Co kicked in yeah but that's when we added 10 thou that's when the council added $10,000 to the budget to pay for Town day so it's it's a it's a you know what we're saying is you know because up until that point Town day was self-funded out of the out of the trust and then in 22 and 23 is when to day actually got its own funding line I don't you you look at the next line there was no funding for Town day up until 2022 which is the year after covid right we'll call it that so there was no funding for Town day previously and it ran you know without a director and it was still created a huge Surplus well I think that that's why the trust dipped because we went into it for those years and then in order not to dip the trust that's why the 10,000 was added for Town day but but but you see what I'm saying there was no there was no funding for Town day and it ran without a director and it was making a lot money was directors that I mean that was me 2019 that was me okay that's cuz if you know within two years this this 2 three years Town day the trust would be exhausting and you know just for the understanding you know 10,000 does not cover Town day that's and then you need sponsorship that's which you know thankfully we say you you had three you know you had no funding up until that and but then if you if you line up the years that's where you're going to see that depletion in the trust unfortunately we can't see it on no I know I know and we did in you know to be clear there was no Town Day in 2020 correct the year the first year of F I believe yes all right so Mr Alman you have a motion to make it $8,000 can you move it at least to n Mr ran I kind of if you don't mind kind of agree what your $9,000 request um mrman has an $8,000 ,000 but miss Val's request to 9,000 um there's always a fee like one time we couldn't get the stage and we had to pay for the stage and um the holiday we had to pay for a stage uh the county couldn't get us a stage so we had to pay I mean I understand we have a trust fund and that's always been my pet fee for over the years we should be using money out of the trust fund for certain items but I don't want to see uh councilman Council woman Le's um point of going away that 10,000 is used but I if he would a mold a m make it a change to 9,000 I I think that would be a good compromise so Mr S I guess m mrman you want 8,000 or you want to amend it to nine I mean Mr Alman I'm sorry you said Mr Alman thought I said my head said Sears I was looking at Mr Sears I sure all right Mr almond made a motion for $99,000 for holiday celebrations and remembrances Mr SKS will second it roll call before we do anything can I add jump in sure you know if you take $2,000 out of the 34,000 it's penis it's you can't tell me you don't have $332,000 worth of seed money to do more projects there's no way so I I don't want to hear the argument we don't have enough to to seed other programs with $32,000 or $30,000 for that matter because that's that's below me well sir listen okay that's to me that's that's a for you have this you have the money for a specific purpose and you're using it for that purpose you can see a lot of projects for $30,000 and you're not going to get it I don't think we're going to have another Co situation but again you never know and then if we do have another Co situation I don't have to worry about it because we won't be having events so that's just my two cents but I'll go along to your you can call the roll roll call please councilman Casio no councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council M bz yes council president Des yes I appreciate it 4130 4202 uh 10,000 requested 10,000 recommended do I have a motion so move second so do we know what the net cost is to run Town day after donations I'd have to look through the um Reserve that we were just discussing but um we definitely dip into that but I'd have to go through the detail and kind of informally add it up but I don't know off the top of my head I mean being on the committee I'll say we hold the expenses pretty much every year but the sponsorship still hasn't bounced back uh to what it was preco uh so we lost for tiny that was a $10,000 hit and the um the 10th rental increased significantly we can we everybody this year everybody increased their prices and not just $50 is there a reason why we don't net the revenue on this side I mean there's we've seen plenty of other examples where we're netting out uh on the revenue side against the expense in a single line is there a reason why we don't do it here do you mean put the credits back in the town day line do that what you mean yes do you have any not off the top of my head I do not Mr corkman do you have an answer for that um I I don't because I'm not aware of having something on the other side on the revenue side for that we col don't we collect checks and donations and stuff but just to clarify and I don't know that mrman was saying this we don't count this on the revenue side of Taxation as far as the credits we bring in that's how we build our reserve for trust that's you know how we're building that but we're not putting it back into the town day line because it will be gone once the end of the year comes it'll be gone so once it goes into the reserve we have a dedicated Rider so we can spend money out of that that's how we build it and that's how we continue our ability to use it okay any would anybody object to making this 90002 so we can be consistent just saying Town day is not a profitable event I didn't say it was no no just to to I never I never said it I I didn't say it was a profitable event so it is your statement not mine no I'm just saying to be clear that the sponsorship that does come in is you is turned around and used to pro make the day even better for example but it is not the town isn't I mean it's not a wash with can I you mind if I ask a question councilman Sears sorry to put you on the spot but when you when we set up our table for storm water management and green team is those expenses come out of town day or is that that come out of your green team came out of the Green Team it did no the helmets one year came out of town day when you gave out helmets that one year came out of town there the the bicy yes that was donated by U um Park rdge well we did pay it we paid it we p with like such a low but we did pay helmets and they came out of town day and stuff so there are expenses for that do come out of that line any further discussion all right 10,000 the motion 10,000 requested 10,000 recommended roll call councilman cassum yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen no council valz yes council president Des Senate yes emergency Services building electricity 401 31420 001 23,000 requested 23,000 recommended do I have a motion motion no still moved I'll second it any discussion yes I know I was just going to ask about the transfer Mr cing just to mention has been was a great of saving electricity um motion detectors but that was cut out of the budget for the even though it was included in the bid it was cut out yeah um when you have 25t ceilings and lights are going and I mean maybe we should really look to reinvest coming back into an efficient type of building um it was included it was removed by Administration I can't answer more that I just felt was a bad mistake to remove the efficiency that is a lot of money for electricity I have a full agreement with you Mr I know when I before I was removed from the committee it was included in the in the bit specs I know we did a CH I I wasn't on the day when we did the change order to remove it but I was in the audience and I objected it I objected to the removal from in that change order but the council at the time decided to remove it that with that change order that's all I can say to it but I mean we we're locked in now with Public Service cash and ELC I mean the rates of double what I would uh say is um we if you approve the 23 we'll certainly look relook at the project and see if there's enough left in the capital line uh to support the project once we know the cost I don't think we can you know do it so quickly to that we took a change order for so it's probably going to be more than I know have to put that out I'll motion to accept 23 at this time well that's the trend from 2020 2023 you really can't you're not going to spend less electricity you probably depending it's going to be the same or more because of the increase in tariffs and all that stuff P so research getting back to our C well he had the hbac monitoring the Electrical uh turn out the lights when nobody's in the rooms and that was all removed so it's going to be inexpensive to put it back so the motion's been made second and roll call councilman Casio regretfully yes councilman Sears yes councilman Oman no council valz yes council president yes so may I ask uh just along that line how much we have left in the ordinance and what is the plan for the ESP ordinances do you want to answer I certainly don't know offand what is left in the ordinances I mean it would be an educated guess yeah roughly $80,000 is left in that Capital line 20,000 or so would be accounted for the capital project that we just removed I believe was at your request so roughly about 60 20,000 at my request no at the that was the request the council had asked if there was money to take out the capital project of moving the secondary yeah the backup location backup location for the radio for dispatch so so we haven't we haven't talked about it yet but that was we talked about with the chief here that he was going to remove his requests because the administration was going to use the 20,000 instead of so he removed his $20,000 request because the administration committed to the chief that they would use that 20,000 I guess for that item correct Mr M so which reduces it to 60,000 correct but I think when I asked before how much money was left we said we had no money left but now we have $60,000 left uh I did not say that I'm not sure who said that I told you I'd get back to you I I asked if there was any other money left in the in the emergency service building to pay for the cameras and no you had you had said from what I remember land acquisition or something that's fine that's fine you did yeah I take it back so Tom I mean I I think or C to the council you know if it's something that we want we should voice that and let the administration know that that's of interest to us since I've been against I I was against that change order to remove it from the beginning and I would be all in favor for this Council take a mo a vote right now I know we suspend the budget and take a motion right now that we ask the administration to dedicate that $60,000 to nothing else than bringing Mr U um Energy savings management system back to the emergency services building so I will make a motion for that that we ask the ation to dedicate the $60,000 or whatever money is left after the 20 is removed for the secondary we don't know if there's anything Mr I think before we jump that there's with all do I don't know that you can do that Mike okay because the ordinance says what we can spend the money on I don't know that now you can change that and say but this but the original the original contract included that that I'm not disputing yeah yeah that that the the the the energy management system was included in our original Bond ordinance because it was part of the plans and specifications that went out for that building and it was removed by Administration and the committee at at I don't know whose request it was because I wasn't involved any longer but we you know it was brought up in public to remove it we do a research yeah let's research if you want let's put it on the next it's going probably be a lot more money than what it was in the beginning Mr yeah unquestionably um but again I you know when projectss are in winding down which it is you know that 60 you know may dwindle down to 40 U you know we need another 20 grand that's so again I would ask you let us get new proposals can we can we earmark as much of the money left to Mr Cummings you know energy management system that he had requested that's all say you know even if we have to add a little something to it it it's worth doing I don't I don't recall if hand why it was pulled in out of the original estimate I just don't and Mr Des that was one of those change orders that didn't come in from in front of the counsil before it happened it happened and then it came before happened and then it came before the council yes so that's the the history all right so electricity is done let's move to Township electricity [Music] 401 uh 33 420 003 44,000 requested 44,000 recommended this is for Town Hall the police department the old ambulance building the fields the parks and the field houses do I have a motion second any discussion do we know why there was such a big jump in 2023 Mr Dar Carlo you as I sit here trying to come up with a good answer for you I don't that's a huge you know we we under budgeted but we went over our 2022 numbers by almost you know 13 $14,000 that's a lot of lights being on for $144,000 and we have all new LED lights at Memorial so we can't blame the old lights yeah I mean I don't know I don't know the variables of the lights we didn't take on the old ambulance building until last year but I agree that should not account for the whole difference that's not 14 right the lights at my house would be 30,000 that little building is 14 what runs the sprinklers at the fields you're paying for electricity and water there we have droughts and lack a ring no we have we have a well we have a well at the field so it's not still electricity but it's minimal it's I know I'm just trying to guess yeah it ain't 14,000 it isn't 14,000 all right I mean maybe somebody could check the receipt know the the PSG invoices and see if there's a mistake somewhere or we got hit with a charge that we didn't have before and we now have because it's a huge it's a it's a I know the tariffs and all went up and the and the service rate went up but not to the T $14,000 just something up with that does 350 gas as well we 350 pass well the address so sometimes refer to 350 pasc sometimes it's 354 Hudson sometimes 350 Hudson and you'll see 47 what P you want Mike I'm in the detail of 221 the detail 221 it's it's the address that the the Energy company uses so earlier early in the year it was running 2,000 and then towards the end of the year it's running four and 5,000 wow yeah you're right it's not about Bri on Michael no but I mean you're right with the state W it's a big difference 22 2 2 is this electricity and gas Mr no it's just electricity CU I was going to say those are the winter month so that's maybe why the bill was so much higher but well we have forced hot air and we have gas so I mean Elric is us for both aren't all these buildings isn't this building on like an energy man yes this building is on an energy managment system so why didn't it pick it up doesn't Sue have a key to the thermostat she has two sweaters on freeze she that chat just can we can we do a review that Mr Dar Carlo just to see what happened there with PS and maybe dig into it a little bit because those months those months are almost doubled more than doubled the previous well it might have been you know it might have been double payments you know because we had to wait for a transfer so you know if we weren't able to pay that bill that would account for why it was 5,500 we did do a transfer on transfer resolution I don't know if our first first one was uh first one was actually December 18th know that's my guess if you take the other numbers and double it that's how you're going to get to that because it's really only and it was a void so and it's the same po so if you think you're I don't mean this sarcastically but no it seems as though you're looking at three charts only one no I saw I saw the voided check two times so if you double those other monthly charges you're coming to about that amount these wed checks kill me because then you then look at it again for 1226 it's back down to 2000 okay I think we we need to do some kind of audit on that and see what's going on cuz it's a it's a huge for one year you know it's it's a it's almost a 50% you know 50% someone's taking somebody have something plugged into the building somebody got their car charger we don't know that's one of a big car roll call counil CIO we did didn't we yes I said yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council valz yes council president street lights and traffic controls 401 31435 68,000 requested 68,000 recommended you have a motion Somebody by do I have a second I'm sorry he did motion Mr CIO motion I don't have a second yet thank you second I discussion yeah was just going to come down um because of our new traffic device at Washington and it's m never compar to one traffic light to 12 but it's all LED so it's probably less wattage than what we had to pay for it they chiping about I'm thrilled we don't have to put anything no reserve for repairing that don't have to go to Cal yeah yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president de yes telephone 40131 4400 got a flip page 40,000 requested 40,000 recommended this is forizon wirel wireless internet cell phone and interlobe service do I have a motion some second second these are all contractual numbers Mr Dar Cara uh um no no not not for um not for the telephone for the expense of the lease yes but you did that way back in administration okay um up in the the administration section but this is you know we get Verizon Wireless bill we get a Verizon bill and then we get interlop bill which is for the service actual dial tone as we explain so it's if I can paraphrase maybe it's month-to month but it's a steady expense right roll call Council CIO yes councilman sear yes councilman Omen yes Council bz yes council president to Center yes water 4131 44500 36 excuse me 16,00 requested 16,000 recommended do I have a motion I'll second it any discussion what's the what's driving this number up um most likely you don't remember but we did I did ask for I think it was $114,000 last year the council elected to lower it down to 11,000 and we ended up meeting 16,000 um again it's just it's water usage it's all of our water uses it's watering the fields it was a very hot summer remember did use a lot of water so do we monitor like do we have like a trickle thing that we does anyone they're all metered Mr Mr alond they're all all the field Sprinklers and everything are metered so if there was a leak we would know it you know we would see it okay oh and um this is the water for the new Firehouse tooo so we didn't have that the we didn't have that the year before so that was hard to to judge to okay not judge but estimate call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council woman valz yes council president the Senate yes Emergency Services building gas natural 40131 4461 8,000 requested 8,000 recommended it's the entire building for multi fire and ambulance do I have a motion do I have a motion yeah yeah sure Mr CIO and Mr Sears yes and yes any discussion so we went from the old building under three to the new building over eight or eight 6626 6600 oh we're asking for eight well last year I asked for nine I lowered again there's no energy management system so if you set if you set it to whatever Mike it's going to burn away okay it's gas that's what's fueling all those roll call councilman Cassio yes C seers abstain Council mman yes Council will bz yes council president the Senate yes Town Hall gas natural yes Mr was the ESB fully operational for the full year last year yes right Mr Mayor um when did the ambulance move in they got the temporary in September the ambulance moved in right around the end of the year okay so yes it was the prior year yeah yes so we would have captured like January February March last year corre in 66 correct okay thank you plus we entered into a co-op with the county that we're getting um lower uh Supply so PS still the delivery So based on what they told us we're anticipated to save a little bit of money we have a motion we have Town Hall gas natural 40131 44600 uh 3 motion 10,000 requested 10,000 recommended it's for police department and town hall building motion you have a motion second second check roll councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman om man yes Council woman bz yes council president Desa yes sanitary sewer fees Bergen County Utilities Authority 40131 45520 870,000 recommend requested 870,000 recommended do I have a motion motion any question we let's get a second first second it is contractual if that's the question but it's contractual to not to the dollar it's contractual to the gallonage right of what we bring well it's it's it's um it's an flow flow and and load you know yeah but yeah it is it is a bill it's it's separated quarterly so you know I may have rounded it up a few dollars but thank you roll call counc Casio yes councilman Sears yes hello you guys here hello yes yes yes yes Council mman yes Council BL yes council president to sen I will recuse myself just to be safe even though I don't pay their bills but they do work they do bring stuff to my work I you nice sanitary sewer other than bcua 4131 45620 65,000 requested 65,000 recommended this is for Hillsdale pamis and Ridgewood these are all contractual amounts correct uh essentially once did we get all the bills last year mot a motion we have a motion the year before we well yeah year before we were missing one the on that can yeah roll call coun Van Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council woman bz yes council president to Senate yes page 58 uh senior citizen van gasoline nothing no uh SE usage bcua monthly fees 40132 46500 66,000 requested 66,000 recommended do I have a motion so move yeah second second council president this is unfortunately excuse my language one of the two kicks in the gut I have to deliver tonight but um I think uh Sue had given you guys the shared service agreement that came in very recent recently from the county April 11th we received it um it is for a 2-year agreement our alternative to this would be going out to bid so I would recommend staying with Bergen County Utilities Authority unfortunately it went from $80 and this is for solid waste by the way and I already corrected that line name so I apologize for that so it's not bcua fees no it is bcua but it's for our solid waste disposal not sewer not sewer usage so my apologies that it's been named incorrectly um so I called and I spoke uh to the individual I forget his name uh Richard Weir the deputy executive director I got how much we used um last year and simply just multiplied it assuming we would use a similar amount which was 880 880 tons um at the going rate now of $922 brings up up to an Ask of 82,000 rather 66,000 and that's a price increase from 8445 to 9224 so the new ask is 82,000 yes sir and that's based on last year's usage so it could be a little less it could be a little more so I'm hoping it's less so I have so the Administration has amended this based on the new agreement with the county at 82 2000 versus 66 so it's a plus of uh did we did we get word that this was going to increase or was that the first time you heard of um the increase not not direct word but through my Municipal Managers Association everybody has been commenting through emails on how the price of solid waste disposal has been going up significantly a lot of it was for like household type garbage and things like that obviously we don't dump household garbage it's all our pickups our yard waste things like that um not our yard waste but when people come to the yard to throw away so that's all it is so it's a $116,000 increase from the original recommend uh what is that 6682 yeah 16,000 oh so what is what does this line represent you want to do you have the if you don't have the agreement brought a copy with it if you want to see but it's it's our Solid Waste Disposal we have a shared service agreement with the buron County Utilities Authority it's non-vegetative waste to the to the D effect okay okay roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council Wes yes council president desna yes statutory expense pers 401 36471 00 247 653 what's that yes that's three 651 oh 651 Council pres we just go back to the last one for a second yes Mr you want to go back to the solid W yes uh if we enforce our ecology permit will that lower the amount of solid waste that's being dumped off in at the dumps I know yeah I I I don't want to say that it's not being enforced without doing some checking with the Department well I guess I guess I I I've had this conversation with Mr Sears a bunch of times so we're mixing Garden wa let's call it vegetative waste which is lawn clippings and all that with all our other waste that comes into the to DBW yard on Saturdays and Tuesdays so we're dumping all that grass waste with our other waste and paying the tonnage as Solid Waste rather than ecological waste so there is a difference you do know what you're talking about I will check into that so like I like a lot of towns have a dedicated garbage truck for you know grass and we yes so would that help us in the future reduce our Solid Waste which it would because right now we're putting all the all everything else with the black bags and everything with all our yard waste in one in one truck or two trucks and driving two trucks is solid waste which it's really not Solid Waste it's vegetated waste or ecological waste or however you want exactly if you spent some time and I have had this conversation a bunch of times and it just never came to fruition I will check on that so vegetative waste is being co it's cold mingled with all the other stuff but it's that's the wet like if you have a rainy day that's even heavier yeah yeah gr gets heavy besides if you couple times I'm sitting up here and pickup trucks in Pennsylvania coming in and they're dumping in their yard oh I I don't understand how they are they checking permits they're definitely checking permits I I don't know an explanation for that I know we're comingling everything yeah that's that's where the the drives up the week yeah especially with that Ry day with the grass can I also make a suggestion because we have had so many new families move in maybe we need to you know advertise that you know Market that as a help because if you have people that have moved from you know an urban area to the suburbs they may not know that so we may need to educate yeah but it doesn't matter if they know it or not if you come up here on a Saturday it's all getting comingled so it's it's it's policy we have to change no but I'm saying we have to change the policy like because people are coming up on Saturday like I I come dump my grass and everything and it goes and I come up with uh you know Old Log you know old little uh scrapwood or something it gets thrown in the same truck so it's all going to solid waste a homeowner may not know that that's an option a new homeowner right if you haven't grown up in the suburbs and I I speak from experience you may not know that that is even an option yeah but you do get grass pick up once a week during the Spring my landscaper it usually just takes care of it but somebody may not know that yeah mind public mailing we do or can we just check to see if even in your newsletter Mr Green Team newsletter there you go we can add that in there too all right a couple of us would ask for a five minute break just I wanted to finish this page I ask that's okay with everybody so statutory expense purs 40136 47100 2475 651 requested 247 651 recommended do I have a motion so move that's the exact amount Mr thank you that's the exact payment Mr okay roll call councilman Casio yes councilman seers yes councilman Alman yes Council woman valz yes council president to sen yes dcrp pension 40136 471001 11,500 requested 11,500 recommended do I have a motion so move second go Daisy any discussion yeah we haven't are we aware of a rate increase well it's not a rate increase it's a rate contrib a contrib these are contributions that are being made to it Mr Elman so if so last year we requested 11500 we spent 1084 so we spent 1,500 less or 1,400 us we're making the same request again so I'm just asking did those contribution there those contri oh I got you for for for the people change I got you I am not aware of any contribution increase so can we lower that Mr Corin or no actually you have to keep in mind that if there's anyone of DCP that's getting a cost of living increase that might be why you might want to budget that so I I would recommend to leave it at at for that reason you don't want to under we get an invoice for this correct excuse me do we receive a monthly invoice for this no this is something that we that that we that we uh that that that that we that we send down uh the division pensions it basically represents or match that's everybody this is everybody I I would imagine yes we get an invoice or we have to figure out payroll it might be quarterly in pay you may pay it quarterly based on the payroll dedu not an invoice but essentially it's figured out by payroll yeah okay right roll call C Casio yes C SE yes councilman Omen yes Council bz yes council president yes can we take a 5 minute break everyone thank you thanks I just wanted to get to the B e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 59 State expenditures fight Social Security of Medicare 40136 47200 273,000 requested 273,000 recommended do I have a motion so moved yep second roll call councilman Casio yes sorry councilman sear yes councilman Omen yes Council wz yes council president Des sen yes State expenditures PF FRS not Pur 41 36475 1,800,000 $515 1,8 1, 8,515 requested 1,855 recommended so move I'll second it roll call counsman Casio yes counsman seers yes councilman Alman yes councilwoman valz yes council president Des sen yes Municipal Alliance match share Municipal Alliance 40141 72200 9465 requested 9,465 recommended so move I'll make a second any discussion is there a formula with this or there's a there's a state letter that identifies what the state Grant is and what the municipal share has to be as a minimum my understanding is this is that essentially the numbers were reversed the state used to give us the higher amount and we um the township contributed the lower amount but when funding changed the uh Council I guess was generous enough to maintain the same amount amount the same amount in total however the township had to take the Lion Share where the state did not okay I do have a supporting letter but it it was sent out to council but I for guys want to see it again you're more than welcome but the match we need to make is 9,465 like last year I I wish I could I wish I could give you that perception but that is not true um you do not have to give that much but consistently you have so we can maintain the same amount between the two lines so the the allocation for fiscal year 2025 including coordination funds is 3836 33 so that should be the next Line's at I just I rounded it up to 3837 correct and it says the required match is share so if you look at 2021 right and if you go to the other line yeah but the but the other line is now lower than it used to be right so that's what I'm explaining so and we didn't do anything last year because we didn't have any expenditures last year no no that's not true let's get to let's finish this line first yeah so we're on 2009 9465 requested 9465 recommended any other discussion well isn't that what we were just discussion yeah but I'm saying is there any other cuz the other line is reduced drastically the line below it so I don't know if we want we had no expenses to the other line below it last year no we missing a an entry Mr Corin it 2022 we're still waiting sorry I apiz no I didn't mean interrupt but 2023 we didn't have any expenses on the following line that may not believe we're still waiting for invoices from from the library I believe 423 for that which is why it's not shill anything well it's April I mean so it's we did spend money but remember we printed this out February 29th oh so we did come in already Yes I I believe that's the case okay thank [Music] you so last year we only spent 7,000 in change on this line is that an indication of like a again if something if something didn't post um all between when this is printed yeah so you know as you know Miss riffkin is very good at her budgeting and she assures that she utilizes um the allocations that she's permitted to for the municipal Alli shair I'm sure I don't have to justify the no you don't have to testify Mr Ren any other discussion roll call councilman Casio yes councilman SE yes councilman yes Council Wes yes council president to sen yes Municipal audence Grant State share 40141 73200 $3,837 requested $3,837 recommended do I have a motion sh Mo I'll second Dr any discussion so last year we did we did get a bill you think Mr Dar Carlo yes plus this is this is State money this isn't um this isn't you know let me just make how I can explain this this is the grant this is the gr St the money this is the state share as opposed to the municipal share it's it's included as a revenue as Municipal Alliance Grant 3836 and so did we get it last year we sure we got the grant last year okay cuz I no absolutely okay roll call councilman CIO yes Council SE yes councilman Alman no council valz yes council president the sener yes chapter 159 n non-alliance dmhs Grant 2023 40141 74200 4,620 requested 4620 recommended this isn't do I have a motion sh move second discussion who who's who's who's making the decision on what this is spent on our Municipal Alliance and Grant coordinator which is Laura rifken okay roll call counc yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen uh no uh I mean I don't understand why we're transferring money to a grant account so Mr corkin can you explain that yeah actually this is this is related to a youth leadership liit that started in 2022 and I this with war ring from the library when it gets approved by the state she gives me the information and I um and it gets budgeted that year it's been the same amount since 2022 the last year this is the last year yes it's reflected on the revenue portion of the budget but why so we're spent we've depleted the full amount of the grant but we're transferring we're transferring 2,800 to a grant account where do you see that I miss in if I'm reading the report right page 242 right so whatever is not L we don't lose the use of that money so whatever was unused as of the end of the year gets transferred into a Grant Line John if you'd like to on that be my guess yes any gr budget that that you don't spend the entire amount oh I'm sorry sorry wa have time okay we were we were voting do you have to go back to the discussion no we weren't voting on this Oneil said no I it's fine I thought we finished the vote continue the vote please Council Wes yes C president to sen yes Mr Alman you have a question about this Mr corkin can you continue now it's all right I'll follow up okay I mean we I really think we need to understand what's going on delve into these grants there's a lot of balances there if I may can I can I continue with the answer I was giving earlier certainly okay um basically any budget lines that are Grant whatever you don't spend you are allowed to set up a grant account for that and the reason for that is that unlike budget lines when when a Grant Line is created there is no time restraints in terms of how when you can spend that money so basically that basically that's the way that these items are set up which is why I did that with that specific line so Mr Cork and in these Grant we have this grant money sitting in an account you're saying yes we do okay absolutely so we got we got a you know $4,644.00 that that that that that's what is that earmark for the grant money left over can we use it for anything or yeah you have to use it for the same reason but again for the same purpose of the budget on itself has to be for municipal Alliance activities correct no it's spec we're on dhm oh I'm sorry dhas okay so John just maybe further explain that it's an accounting situation so if it hasn't been paid by the end of the year you need to do that entry to move it into a grant correct but it can still be spent we can still pay for a 2023 invoice if it comes in in February that's why we move it to a Grant Line so we're not just we're just not accumulating the balance and again um but if there is an accumulated balance we can use it for whatever no for for for its original intended purpose for the original okay original okay local Recreation improvements Grant 2024 4141 75200 6,13 60,000 U 111 111 requested 60,1 recommended do I have a motion it's just the way the shade hits It's have a motion motion I'll second it any discussion what is this for Mr Cara what Grant it's a local Recreation Improvement Grant uh as you can tell we received one in 2023 for 51,000 what is this one you're marked for for the uh Swim Club okay thank you roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes Council Elman uh yes yes Council Wes yes council president the Senate yes safer Grant 2024 40141 75201 21,000 requested 21,000 recommended to motion sove I'll second what is this for Mr this is for the fire department it's I believe this is the last year as well okay roll call councilman Cassio yes councilman Sears recuse myself councilman Omen uh yes Council bz yes council president to senent yes reserve for recycling tonnage um 401 417 31200 24569 requested 24569 recommended do I have a motion don't move second any discussion on the revenue side too if that answers any questions I'm sorry Mr Des no go ahead Mr the 70521 the safer Grant 18,000 what what is the safer Grant because it you're talking about 2023 expenditure Mr because we got 21,000 this year yes because we made a distribution to it looks like each of the firefighters from that Grant so what what what is the safer Grant what page are you on I am on page 243 of the detail I forget how much what is it like 700 something dollar a $516 you said 263 M yeah I don't remember the requirements of it 243 243 thank you council president the Senate yes Mr CL if I may I'm pretty sure that those amounts those that 50169 I believe represents the low no it's not no okay I apologize the wrong time I I don't remember the re believe this was paid out to Firefighters that made a certain amount of requirements yeah um um for that safer Grant if you needed to maintain a certain amount of points you are eligible to receive that payment is that the same thing this year Mr if if it's in the budget it's going to be the same it's so everybody that qualifies is going to get a little bit more going to get a piece of it is that what the grants intended to do is so that's my question I mean like what's the is that is that what the grant is intended to do to attract more firefighters to respond it was it was part of a I believe a a National Distribution to uh First Responders to maintain a certain level of alertness and and that's how if you maintain that level of credits and everything then you entitled to this this um grant money so was it to be used to buy something for the firehouse or no each individual got a a check okay it's likeing allowance basic a quick Google search is Staffing for adquate fire and emergency response to FEMA Grant that's what it is and it went up uh consistently over the course of I think it was a three or four year Grant so that's why you see it go from 18 to whatever 21 right so it's for response it's for response maintain your response credits we finish the T no there's a a motion second we didn't finish yet we finish the t Okay so we're on the tonage grant for recycling uh 24569 24569 we have a motion and second rul councilman CIO yes councilman SE yes councilman Omen uh yes Council valz yes council president to sent him yes body armor Grant 40141 73321 8487 requested 8,487 recommended do I have a motion so move I'll second it any discussion this is for what it says right Mr roll councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes councilman bz yes council president set yes clean communities um 4 414177 200 41572 requested yeah what what my my eyes I about 41572 that's what I said that's what he said I think you said 24 41572 s between the two of us do I have a motion I see no evil so MO any discussion second any discussion why' this go up so significantly mrar do we know because it was money that wasn't being used it was unappropriated money which means that we it was not introduced to the budget cycle yet so that's why it's on the revenue side okay roll call councilman Casio yes councilman C yes councilman Elman Council yes council president the Senate yes flipping the page is one item for uh green communities Grant 41417 86720 3,000 recommended 3,000 uh requested to offset the Green Team funding $3,000 do I have a motion so move second any discussion roll call councilman yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council woman valz yes council president Des sen yes Bergen County uh JF 40141 766 724 3,000 requested 3,000 recommended this is to offset the amount requested in police accreditation is that correct do I have a motion where are you yeah oh that's the department total I'm okay all right get rid of that one wait did we do that though what's that there's nothing there's nothing to do it's just a great team on that page so the next page on page 63 we have the municipal court court administrator shared service agreement 55,000 requested 55,000 recommended do I have a motion so move I'll second it any discussion have we entered into this yes so that's the it's it's in the third year of the three year this is Saddle River right yes okay councilman said not to interrupt you but I need to bring you back to that line when you're done please the Burgen County Jeff there's nothing there that's why I was reading it yeah I have I I don't know what happened but I have the number reflected on the revenue sheet but when you get to it I know you're on a different let's finish the the thir service agreement any discussion so roll call councilman Casio yes councilman sear yes councilman omen yes Council W bz yes council president to yes Mr car was asked us to go back to buron County jip as did iite yeah please I don't know what happened there but 10,719 needs to be um introduced there both requested and recommended yes and it's on the revenue s yes well it's money that's been received by the Bergen County GIF it's not technically a grant but it's the safety incentive program okay it's going toward our police accreditation yes so 40141 78766 724 10,719 requested 10,719 recommended to I have a motion 79 10,719 is what Mr correct Mr yes 10,719 it's on the revenue sheet on theone so move I'll second it so what is this for Mr Dar car so every year well hopefully every year we get money back from Bergen County gifs for the safety incentive plan it was adding up so it's not 10,000 um a year it was generally like 1,700 1900 1,800 1,600 and it added up and um it was discovered that it was there I called to make sure what it was and what we could spend the money on they said once the money is ours um they would like to see it have something to do with insurance wise um safety wise that's why we uh introduced it the offset the police accreditation as you know that includes training uh safety and insurance related issues when we're talking best practices and standards within the police department so that's what why it was decided to be uh used to offset police accreditation accreditation thank you so where was this so where was this money I it's great that we found it Mo like where was it like like like physically where it was I don't know was it under someone's uh desk in a mattress it could have been but wherever it was it was found and now we're using it well so so I don't that's a that's a you don't like the answer right definitely not no okay so but we found it now and we're using it appropriately you don't like that answer no okay what answer would you like I would would like to understand where we found it like who who found it it was found during our annual fiscal or what's the uh annual statement the financial annual statement annual financial statement I I can't tell you why things were done the way they were eight nine 10 years ago all I can tell you is they're being corrected now so vote no it's a to Mr alman's Point wait why are you tired of it it's a control weakness what what's happening a control weakness can you talk so I can understand go ahead I'll means that someone came in and gave a check for $1,700 to someone and it disappeared for years okay was I here I didn't say I'm not BL don't the answer I am not blaming I don't know the answer all as I can tell you is it found people have been paid before you there's a lot there's a lot of money there's a lot of controls there's a financial controller there's an auditor there's many people who are looking at this and it it's not found and now it's found so my question is how does that happen and I know I am not blaming you but I'm asking you what was how was it discovered I told you told you the answer the preparation of the AFS no the exit interview of the AFS that's where we found a lot of this stuff that you're voting no on all the grant money that you're voting no on that's money that we're using to offset your budget so you know I don't participate in the Witch Hunt activities so I'm not participating in it anymore this is not a witch hun holy crap man holy crap he right you think this is a Witch Hunt okay guys we have a budget to finish come on please ay man really a Witch Hunt but I I have the same concern because if we have all these people we have a CFO we have uh lince virie Higgins doing audit reports right we have administrators and not pointing you out particular Mark just we've had people in the past these and you said it's correct me from wrong this is like $700,000 a year been getting over time right so this is added up to 10 grand so it's obviously been happening for a long time someone to Mr point should have picked this up all of a sudden people don't come to you with a $110,000 check that should have been owed for five years right so and I can understand Mr alman's frustration because I'm frustrated with it as well we have controls in the Departments they're not being utilized so who came to you and said you had that's all I want to know did jff jff came to you and said we have this money for no I I I've answered the question I'll respectfully answer it again a lot of the information that we've been not information but a lot of this money that's newly introduced this year right was discovered during our annual Financial State I can also summarize it by saying I know my job better now than I did my first budget okay so in reviewing all those things and looking for money to help offset the taxation they were introduced into the budget so if you can respectfully understand my frustration seeing here is how do I answer the question that Mr Omen continuously poses looking for who's responsible I I don't want to sit here and always say it's not me it's not me it's not me well as I can tell you is I'm responsible for assisting and finding the money and introducing in an appropriate manner for the residents but again it's not directed towards you I just want to know how did you find these in particular L items in different years it's on the annual Financial St okay just for this year so last last couple years they weren't on that financial statement that's what I'm not understand I mean I I would imagine they would be okay but I don't know that answer okay I don't to the point I want to say yes I think it's a very good safe answer to say yes they were there can we see can we find out can we find out where they were previous to this because I'd like to know where they were absolutely and why they came because again if it's uh you know there might be other things out there and who knows I hope this is an isolated incident and I'm glad we have the money trust me I'm very happy for it but that's something if we have all these people looking at it the CFO uh our auditor um you know people in the in the department it should have been picked up by someone over five years that's all and again I know you're I know you're new to the program I get it and I appreciate the work that you're doing I really do I'm glad you found it but it's like we have to find out because there could be War out there who knows and I I just want to know where it was that's all thanks I appreciate that all right so getting back on track sorry yeah we we need the 110 has been did we vote on the side R shared service agreement yes yes so let's vote on this we have to go back to the G let's get our $10,000,000 roll call please CIO yes cman SE yes councilman om man yes it's late I know sorry Council mman yes councilwoman valz yes council president desent yes Mr n you'll make sure that the final print out of the final budget shows the 10719 oh yeah absolutely I don't know how that happen yeah no problem Municipal Court Judge 41434 160 12,29 requested 12,29 recommended do I have a motion so move second roll call councilman CIO yes councilman sear yes councilman Olman yes Council bz yes council president Des yes Municipal Court Judge extra sessions 500 requested 500 recommended do I have a motion so move I'll second it any discussion roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council bz yes council president to sener yes the next one the violations cler did we do her in close session or do we have to do we're done with that one okay municipal clerk acting judge uh 250 requested 250 recommended do I have a motion some move CER roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman om man yes Council wz yes council president Des sen yes municipal court office supplies it goes to the next page ending in 210 650 requested 650 recommended I'd make a motion uh I'll make a motion to reduce this to half because it's never even been close to be spent so is everybody okay if I could I when I U well let me get a let me get a motion first and then I I'd recommend we make it $300 as every have a motion a motion for $300 I a motion to discuss well motion 300 somebody got second by $300 if they want to right or no I disc oh motion to discuss I'm sorry I'm losing it hello yes motion to discuss the 650 I'll second it and then I'd like to make another motion to reduce it to 300 so you had a discussion M I'll second that I'll I'll make a motion he so he seconded Mr D you had a discussion there yeah just in speaking with the the potential for the shared services with the court administrator I went over the lines that we I thought we could bring it down she had recommended 500 I you know I understand you want to bring it down to 300 the best I yeah 300 you know the best I can tell you you know she felt comfortable with 500 but you know all right thank you roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears no councilman Omen no council blz no council president to sener yes does not pass I would motion based on Mr carer's comment especially since it sounds like it's going to be uh since sounds like it's going to be used uh how much Mr 500 uh we have a second for 500 I'll second roll call councilman Casio no councilman Sears yes Council vomen yes Council woman bz sorry president to S no Municipal cour passes thank you it's a reduction Municipal Court telephone uh ending in 23,700 requested 1700 recommended do I have a motion some move second what is this Mr D uh this is the telephone service so oh this is like the Translating service and all oh wait which one are we on the telephone the telephone so again this was another one hoping that we're not going to have the telephone in those offices that need to be used um the Court Administrator felt bringing it down to 1,200 was sufficient again we still have to maintain everything till that shared services in gr so 12,00 instead of 1700 yes I'll make the motion to reduce this to 1,200 do I have a second so move roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president Des yes Municipal Court interpreting services 2250 requested 2250 recommended do I have a motion so move I'll second it roll call I'm sorry councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president to yes Municipal Court furniture and Equipment 400 requested 400 recommended to have a motion so move second zero this house sir zero 400 y I'll make a motion to reduce this to zero do I have a second second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman sear yes councilman Omen yes Council wz yes council president to Senate yes Municipal Court printing 900 requested 900 recommended do I have a motion um yes I'll second it do any discussion we okay with this Mr she want zero I review this with her she's okay with the 900 okay roll call counc M CIO yes councilman yes councilman Omen yes Council bz yes council president the Senate yes Municipal cour miscellaneous 200 requested 200 recommended can we zero this out Mr darar um I don't remember see um specifically going over this line because I don't have a note I do see that we didn't use anything last year I me I mean in light of her other Cuts I would ask that we leave it at two in case she underfunded one of those others a motion for two one second we we did that yeah all right roll call thank you no you didn't have to go anywhere on that one a motion you didn't have a motion in a second oh motion for 200 we did yeah do I have a motion for this one for 200 so moved thank Mr SE doesn't matter G away councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman man yes Council valz yes council president to sen yes Municipal Court prosecutor change of venue 250 requested 250 recommended do I have a motion move second roll call counc Casio yes councilman seers yes councilman Omen yes Council yes council president to sen yes public defender other expense 3,000 requested 3,000 recommended do I have a motion 4952 495 200 sorry so moved second roll call councilman Casio yes couns yes coun yes Council blz yes council president to sen yes Capital Improvement fund uh 902 skip that sorry to interrupt you until you decide the capital page 65 do no I'm saying I'm saying page 65 you know I want to come back to it yeah yep we're at am reserve for ambulance 10 903 200 reserve for ambulance 10,000 requested 10,000 recommended do I have a motion I'll second it roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council woman valz yes council president Des yes flipping the [Music] page the capex 920 1 110,000 requested 1,10,000 recommended do I have a motion Debt Service payment so move second Debt Service um what is this Mr this is Debt Service right that's a that's a contractual number right yes roll call councilman cassum yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council bz yes council president to Senate yes Municipal debt service 40145 930 5961 100 requested 5961 100 recommended do I have a motion so move I'll second it roll call coun M Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president Des sen yes the next line is on the following page reserve for uncollected taxes 89900 635 requested 635 recommended do I have a motion second Mr porkman what's it says lch viny it provided this for us that's the minimum we can go or can we go less that's fine it last year I personally I would not recommend going v i I actually was not even favor of there last year but wasn't my call obviously but uh I I I would not lower it for that that's a pretty small number for for reserve for un collected taxes but what's our what's our collection rate our collection rate is like is approximately 99% so why is it a low number then I'm I'm trying to substanti well if you if you looked at and I don't know have the numbers in front but if you looked at the total tax levy and then compared it to what this number not even be 1% so um that that's why in my opinion I I I would leave it the way is I wouldn't lower any and and and basically that last year uh our financi advisor said that we could lower it but they they recommended not going lower than lowering by more than 80,000 Happ last year so so every year we use this go back what goes back into General funds all right yeah I understand it goes back to general fund but right that's what we show right we we we we we it's a placeholder it goes back yeah yes and and and you you really need to keep a buffer in here because something you know something unexpected can happen regarding taxes even though our tax rate is very high what is our Surplus right now Mr clarkman it's about 1.3 million right now 1.3 what do we taken out for this budget 1.8 what's that 1.8 wait we're reducing it no no no we we I'm sorry as a revenue we introduced. 1. and there's 1.3 left so there was two uh 3 so you know before we introduced it we had a little over 3 million and I believe it it'll be brought down to 1.3 that's you know again it's I know we don't tax to create a surplus but we introduce less money into Surplus from 22 I'm hoping that because we're budgeting better okay but without you know without that we're going to keep reducing as you as we all learned um the less we have in reserve affects our rating what is it S&P rating I think it's called we have a ra yeah we do have a actuallya plus which is excellent okay roll call councilman cazum yes councilman seers yes councilman Omen no council woman bz yes council president to sen up no uh non-budgeted items uh that's the last page that's all we're done so now we got to go back we have to go back to uh Council salaries and medical that's my two notes and then we have to go back to Capital once we finish those two pages hey counc president if I can bring one more line to your attention what page is that Mr 's I don't know which order you want to do it but it's under DPW and it's going to be um you know what page it's on no [Music] uh thoughts on page 38 38 yeah but we got to find DPW Parks DPW parks and and Fields maintenance this is our second kick in the stomach so not as bad as the other one but gpw Park the field mten that's you're saying yeah oh go to page uh 53 and it's going to be line 4128 37564 648 said 640 it was 55 yeah yeah so here's the problem uh it presented itself about a month ago and we felt that we had it rectified and we everything fell through kind of summarizing um it has to do with the cleaning of the bathrooms at Clark and Memorial so we had a very good company that was charging us very little amount of money they were charging us $30 a day to do all four bathrooms at two locations okay so it came $900 a month we were spending basically from April kind of supposed to be to the end of November but I guess football runs maybe not systematically so it was a couple weeks into December so we ended up spending um a total of 7900 with this company last year the company transitioned kind of to the the individual's nephew um and it didn't last very long so that's what about a month ago we found out that we had to find a new company okay in the meantime U not a month well yeah I think just as we were opening up the uh the bathroom so a little little bit less than a month that they were no longer going to be able to do it so right now it's cleaned every day it's cleaned seven days a week the maintenance of it isn't that bad because there's not much going on you know you you get into the summer kids they're not in school you have the summer camp every every morning so they started DPW started getting quotes and the highest quote was for $162 a day so from $30 to $162 of De we that they kept going at it in the meantime um one DPW worker has been able to dedicate cleaning it because it hasn't been that much it's they're not that bad yet unfortunately DPW contraction doesn't work on Saturday and Sunday so on Saturday and Sunday we've been having to pay overtime but at this point we're still kind of saving money because we're only paying extra on Saturday Sunday they have a two-hour minimum um and it so far it's been one of our lower paying people as opposed to one of the senior officers so we then came up with a company ens construction um that told us they can match the 30 which we were about okay turns out they realize they can't match the 30 there's no way they'd be losing money so they're willing to do it for $80 a day wow which you know is still half of 162 but more than double of a third so I know we don't want to hear it but I think we've been getting away with murder so to speak by paying the $30 a day $7 a B I don't know how but years ago didn't we hire a person to do the services here and at the fields what happened to that person I know when I was on Council know um when I was on Council last time we hired a person that used to do the maintenance services here and at the fields during the summer months what happened to that position am I correct Mr I'm I'm not losing it I and a lady they used clean number are they going to do it for less than $80 I I'm just curious where that person is because I know had a person that I can certainly find out but let me continue with the news so what's the new number you want to say so $80 a day April through mid December is roughly $2,400 a month which equates to $21,600 um which you know 21,600 minus essentially 8,000 is what $13,600 um additional than we spent last year to high this wow the other alternative you know that I wish I could offer would be to just pay the overtime on Saturdays and Sundays however I can't promise the commitment of having a DPW once all the grass is you know starting to grow at full length you know what about getting the seasonal worker to do um the seasonal workers are not entitled to overtime okay that's why we'd have to ask them to commit to working every Saturday and Sunday so we definitely knew we had somebody gotcha all right got so you know un I don't think a seasonal worker would be interested in cleaning bathrooms they're interested in like leaf collection and working I just you know yeah no any idea is worth bringing up so you know um I did bring in the overtime rate so I mean if the senior the senior individuals doing it we're paying $81 an hour so right now the 2hour uh minimum we're getting away with because they're not soiled as bad you know if it's the junior person we're only paying them $563 um an hour so I mean you know that's essentially going to add up too so it might it might be better to have the cons the consistency of knowing and the security of knowing we are going to have someone available to do it in the morning when they're soiled worse Saturdays and Sundays but unfortunately we're geared to spend $21,600 on that no 13,600 add additional but I want you to I don't I don't want to pull the wool over it's only 13,000 68600 is the newes unfortunately what's the new ask 68,69 if we or just an off the wall discussion what happens if we raise the fees for uses of the field to offset some of the course of the faom of the organizations that want to use the field the facility usage fees you mean yeah well we just introduced that Ordinance one a couple months ago and it's I think you know it doesn't it doesn't take cover all Fe but at least I I I'm not dis less burden on the community it's just a thought no I know it's just the way it's written now the different classes you know there's not that many classes of folks that actually will you know oh if you open Clark in March if you kept Clark open all year round if we could figure out a way to keep the meter there all year round it would be used all year round because the parents get upset in October and November when we take the meters out and they have no more bathrooms there cuz all the kids on the around them nowhere to go then so I mean you could make this a 12 month thing Tom if you could if you could keep the water on there somehow but there's no heater or in that building extend the cleaning no no that's what I'm saying but there's no way you can do it because there's no heat in that building but I mean that's how that's how used it gets it's not it's it's it's it's 7 o'clock in the morning when that door opens and those kids are on that playground that that bathroom's already you know all right just a thought all right so the new ask for uh uh this line 37564 is 68600 do I have a motion for requested and recommended at 68600 um we ran I believe we ran through uh $220,000 expense uh for the drainage work through the account this year or last year uh page 213 thank you so you know I don't know in Prior years uh if there were other one timers but I don't know what happened in 20 CU you're right I mean if we use 20 that gets us to 50 wasn't the whole ass but in 22 we used five over 21 we used we raised it and used all am but I don't know what the expenses were got 22 also 20,000 of the Memorial Field drainage got put to that 56 that was part of that big expense so yes you're right so then we wouldn't have to have money to this I mean it would be a gamble but I don't know why did we spend more in 22 cuz we were doing all the lights and all that stuff we were doing a lot of work there that year at Memorial would you be I mean I don't know if you want me to bar I mean would you be willing to split 13 and half to give me what about if we made it 60 all right I mean everybody okay with making it 60 yes Mr rman you okay with 60 sure rest of the council you okay with 60 but where where's the difference coming from there was 20,000 put into that line item last year for drainage improvements at Memorial Field the line was really less so we'll make we'll take a gamble that that won't you know we're not it shouldn't have been buil there anyway but it just had money left over I guess so the new motion is for 60,000 uh Mr Alman and myself rul Council Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes councilman valz yes now the president to Senate yes so we have to do two line items left in the budget um where's our salaries for Council in the beginning what's not in the beginning right P Township Council salaries 11100 30 31710 request what page on I'm sorry we're on page five first line 11100 31710 requested 31710 recommended do I have a motion move second discussion um I did get the information that Council um requested ready I can start presenting sure Mr um I did uh you know please apologize hopefully no one's offended by me providing the uh your pay up but it you know it it doesn't have any really identifying information that we normally have but it was so you guys could see the difference so where's the pur on so Mr you're you know the reason why you're there is because you make the higher salary as the house of President oh my God a little bit more yeah right so if you look up at the top half right where it says dcrp that that is the employees contribution the law requires 5.5% once the salary hits $5,000 mandatory but we're contributing that ourselves correct that's your amount that's what's being taken out of your check so that $92 that represents 5.5% of your salary if you go down to the bottom you're going to see employer contribution employ and you'll see dcrp match so $68 uh in total for you well yes so let me just break it down so you totally understand the DCR p is really three benefits it's pension it's life insurance and it's long-term disability the dcrp pension match is 3% by law that the employer has to contribute so basically you're contributing this is per this is one quarter so this is one so you're so the town is kicking in almost $250 no 70 Time 4 is 280 let's call it essentially essentially but that's not just for pensions for life insurance and disability so roughly $280 per a year a year per counc coun yes okay thank you well and then you know as you can see um with one of the council people there is no contributions or deduction and then so it's the $1,400 a year I was saying so I was close no oh you meant for everybody yeah I meant for everybody okay oh I didn't mean per person no I could person I was close I said 1400 so you did 280 * 5 is400 but I know one of them don't take it doesn't so it's less it's like you know 1120 okay so was close all right any further discussion Mr Alman not from me roll call what's on what's on the table 31,0 710 that's what we made that's what the discussion was okay councilman Casio no councilman sear yes councilman Omen yes Council bz yes council president is sener um no it still passes still pass is is there any direction for when I do the salary ordinance just based on our previous discussion we'll get back here on that let's finish up we got it's not yeah so now we got to go to the medic 31710 31710 is pass right now so the uh medical line which is where um that's the last one I have in my book is that's the last one you you should have two kind Excel spreadsheets is that the last one too or no um the only you wanted to do anything oh we have to do coral yes so we have to do so hold on one second what page is that on that's on page six that was the one I'm sorry page six we did we did revisit uh assistant to the clerk 401 page page 6 assistant to clerk 40120 12201 120 49980 requested 49980 uh recommended we do have a spreadsheet in our as as requested we have a spreadsheet of the in areas what the assistant clerks make right what additional Duties are they certified or Not So based on the person that we're discussing here without mentioning names does her salary compare or is she under appears she's under she under but the other ones are certified too so it's it's it's a balancing that all these are certified the ones well it just say w clerk it doesn't certifi right here oh but they're not well this one's okay well the ones in Black are the ones that got back to me the ones in red are from 2022 20 so I mean it could be more coming in you know with the next week or so sometimes people don't jump on their emails right away it's up to you but I what I was asked so it's on there so she's on there yeah she's on there she's on there do I make them I mean if I can make a comment before you make a motion personally I'd feel I'd be a little careful with this cuz we didn't ask any other employees to compare their salaries to other towns but but we've but we adjusted all the other employees some of them in similar positions without even doing a search we just brought them up to what we said was market so we've been provided the information that we requested as a council right and but this person has been in this position for a long period of time right how long has this person been in this position 11 years well again you know and it's just a friendly discussion are we paying what the position is worth or are we paying based on seniority in the position no we're paying on the market the I don't know what the I know the council in the past what what do we call it the fair market uh Market adjustment fair market adjustment okay um because you then I you know then I could say oh well then we should have uh gone out and see you know just to take take a position the tax collector we should have seen what all these towns were paying for tax collector that two years ago Mr Mayor and you brought her up significantly I I just I just said that as an example oh I'm sorry I could have grabbed any one of you did do that H have you not but it changes year by year changed have you not addressed specific employees yes I because they are there's a perception or in the case of reality I guess if you've brought them forward that there is a gross in equity in their salary I'm assuming you you brought them forward because through your research and through your due diligence you've identified that there is a a reason to bring them up absolutely yes but some did not get to the to the market level because it was considered too high of a junk like if we paying someone 60 and the market was 80 the council whoever it was at that time said all right let's compromise at 70 so we didn't bring them up to full Market you know these are full Market values what people are actually making and don't get me wrong yeah but Mr SE has but Mr Sears hasn't even made his motion yet that's why I asked the comment before anyone made a motion what is your motion Mr SE to accept what he's on the books here 49980 oh not giv it not increase what I thought we wanted to increase it in what you had asked for I thought we were going to bring try to bring it up to fair market well what would be fair market looking at this I I would be happy with 525 55 I don't know what the rest of the council feels I'm always in favor of increase in employees you 525 or 55 based on this I mean some of them without without their uh or at 60 67 uh 55 is there I have no problem 525 I have no problem at all with that you okay with you I'm I'm fine with 525 all right her up to market value I'll make a motion for 525 if you'll second it I'll second it well can I yeah sure Mr um if you know and this is not against or for this particular but just in the general conversation if we're looking to gradually increase everybody to fair market value then I think we need to do an analysis of all but we've done that I mean this Council in the past in all the in all the past three or four budgets that's been up on this day is people have all been brought up into fair market value and this employee has not I mean we hired new assistants making 20,000 versus the old assistant because that was no no but I'm saying a big majority a big majority we've clipped away and I think this position has never been clipped at I I can't say yes or no but I'm saying if we're doing it gradually you know this year it's three people next year it's two people then they need I think we need to keep track of exactly who we do when that's fine so you have a motion for sure the Administration has that yeah so I'm sure you have a motion from Mr uh increases and you can really look back just at the um at the budget books where they brought up you have it right now in front of you you look from 219 to 223 and you can see that there's been significant increases in multiple positions to bring up to market value whatever you call it and if you go and if you go back okay Pete and if you go back a couple more years we we've done it over over time yeah so you know and you don't really have to go Administration doesn't have to offer because it's already in your bu BS GL I'm thank you thank no problem uh and again I'm not scapegoating the person I'm only pointing out position if you look at the history uh in 2021 it was 35 yeah but she was working part time I think it was full-time already but all right well even then in 2022 to 2023 look at the increase 2020 but look at the increase 2020 2020 2021 there was no you know it's it's been a skill well it got two 2% I'm assuming the 35 to the 355 is what you're saying there uh but then you know it went up 5,000 and then went up 9,000 um so where do we stop bringing because then this almost looks like we're bringing people up to market value every year and we get the same sheet for every position in town yeah and please nothing against we're just doing this we're just doing this I we asked to revisit this one we got the numbers Mr Sears has made a motion I made a motion Mr Sears it so um I think we should vote on it what was your 52500 52 roll call coun Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman yes Council bz yes the president to sen yes where is medical benefits that's the last we have 25 Mike before we get into medical um I'd like the council to respectfully consider readdressing five items that don't totals $3,750 um and so if you want to do that before you get into medical um just to revisit a few items um I can just list them off quickly for you the admin travel and mileage I'd like to reinstate that to uh what it was what what number where can we do page you do yeah I I didn't write page numbers down I apologize um uh page page two 280 yeah we deducted $50 yeah and so let me just give you all of them quickly that way you'll see where I'm going I'd like to reinstate that one and the clerk and the UCC those are three of the five they're all mileage stiens um so for those three it you said it was 3,750 in changes well those are three of the five so I just wanted to give you all the stti the mileage s that I would like to rein you to consider reinstating but I have two more so we have a request to reinstate on page two right page two page seven page seven UCC mayor where's UCC Mr Mayor do you have an account number mayor uh account number for UCC I think again uh 22 195 280 22 195 28 page 24 page 24 all right so page two uh 280 it was approved at 550 do I have a motion from anybody to bring it back up to 600 it's all moved a second hold on a second I'm sorry right 22 195 280 no 2100 280 the uccc was 195 280 yeah I'm doing I'm doing page 2 oh I'm sorry what are you talking about okay I'm sorry I'm sorry page two I'm here I'm ready all right I'm sorry motion Mr Sears seconded by Miss W 600 councilman CIO no councilman Sears yes councilman Alman no council wz yes council president the center no page seven is the next one toship clerk mileage stien 12280 we have a motion to increase it as for the mayor's new recommend back to 600 uh 12286 the four okay uh yes I have a second second roll call councilman CIO no councilman Sears yes Council Omen no council bz yes C president toenter no page 24 is the next one correct yes it is uh UCC 195 280 1,00 I guess Mr Mary this one you want to bring back to 2 to 1000 back to 250 yes so back to 1,00 correct correct so mayor would like the the original J request of 1,000 for 195 280 do I have a motion so move second roll call councilman CIO no councilman Sears yes councilman Alman no council bz yes council president to Senate no what are the next ones with ring uh next one is on page uh 57 uh police gasoline and Diesel um I'd like you to consider adding what you took out so bring it back to 35,000 from 325 uh my reason is you know just in the past couple weeks uh we're seeing a lot of tensions in the midd East which always makes gasoline prices fluctuate widely um so none of us can tell where gasoline prices will be a month from now never m a year from now uh so I would just like you to reconsider that yeah at 32500 that's what it was it's 2 500 right so you'd like it to go from 32500 Back to the recommended 35 for that reason 461 Mr 35,000 we have a motion from Mr Sears do have a second second roll call councilman CIO no councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president S no so it goes to 35,000 right no we're raising it doesn't pass doesn't pass it's 30 stays not to raise what's the next is that the last one Mr no uh the last one is um the finance director I would ask uh for a couple reasons that you bring that back what page are you on unfortunat I don't have that hey I have the account number is 20 130 140 20 130 140 page it's on page n 21 3140 right in the middle of the page it was uh approved at $900 yeah um and so it's for two reasons I would ask you to reinstate it um number one if the uh existing Finance director chooses not to move forward with it I would like the ability to find another one but obviously I need something in there to pay the person with second is um I think your reasons that were said publicly uh could open the town up for a lawsuit because in our code the line of Chief Financial Officer says the Chief Financial Officer May simultaneously hold the position of the Director of Finance uh the reasons you gave some of you is you don't want him checking his own work but that is in the code that says m simultaneously hold the Director of Finance so I don't want this $900 to even risk the possibility of a lawsuit thank you do I have a motion to increase 130 140 back to 1800 second M valz Mr Sears roll call councilman Casio no councilman Sears yes councilman Omen no council mes yes council president to Center yes so it stays stays at 900 is that it Mr Mayor um yeah I mean just the comment uh I can't say how disappointed I am in that because in effect we will owe the current Finance director 900 to fill out the first and second quarter uh now you've tied my hands I cannot even look for a finance director for the second half of the Year thank you do we know where the last item is in the book for medical I'm trying to find it that was on page page page 25 25 page 25 ladies and gentlemen uh I went to thirst 22 23220 it's at 1 million right now we we Ted this um for discussion do I have a motion for the 1 million requested 1 million recommended someo second discussion if you guys uh and girls look there's two two sheets that will provided to you uh the first one I would like to do says it be easier if you look on the right side of the Excel spreadsheet it says H shdp premium total 2024 I did not receive was that given to us I was just here tonight it was on it was given to us on the day Mr wasn't in my you can have mine I share with marks up all right thank you all right everybody's there so essentially what I understood my assignment was to find out how much direct 10 slir 15 will cost us for the year okay so if you look at the first again we're looking at the right side 1,800,000 that is our basically our bill for 2024 that takes into account the percent increase from the 2023 premiums minus the so it's about 990,000 per month 264,000 yearly employee offset approximately 11,000 per month okay peray per mon per pay it comes to 86,000 that's our total bill right now that that's our total exposure right now at direct 10 taking into consideration the offsets of the employees yes correct the only other known is the waivers payouts and that's been rounded up to 22,000 like 21 J so that brings our known exposure to 838 the unknowns is change in life yep change in on um living condition someone gets married and has a child so if you look to the left of that to the left of that column you'll see what direct 10 is and what direct 15 is they're a couple dollars difference you you know maybe a little bit more different you know direct TS a little bit more so an employee only is 1283 that's per month if someone gets married and has a child in the same year they're going to go up to 35.81 a month so if you look at the next page it'll give you a better breakdown and difference between what direct 2035 is so the First Column you have direct 10 per month the same numbers employee employee spouse employee child family blah blah blah then you have the direct 25 comparison and then you have the premium difference monthly and the premium difference annually and then you have the direct 15 the only thing I cannot provide to you is what the employee contributions would be if we went to the difference card but what I can tell you if we go back to the other sheet that $816,000 that total minus the offsets with the difference card is expected to be $160,000 cheaper our ask is you know we I mean I feel comfortable speaking for you is that yes absolutely be and I still think it's a Smart Financial move especially you know hoping to save money for the township that this best option so you're saying the difference card would put you 160,000 less of the 16 yes that's what they're expecting so even if it's 100,000 it's 716 say that again if if you say it's not $160,000 savings it's 100 Grand it's your exposure then is only 716 so we have another 100 for Surplus I hate agreeing with you in these situations you know I'm right no I I think you may be right and I hope you're right it's just our maximum maximum exposure under the worst case scenario of going with direct 10 is $838,000 right or call it 840 well for the premium it's 816 no but you got to put in the the waivers because that's part of no I know but if you if you round this to 840 you know right but then that takes into consideration no getting married and no no child so moving it doesn't take yeah but I'm using I'm using the I'm using the the difference card money to take care of that cuz that's be peanuts versus even if you get a $50,000 savings and not $160,000 savings true not everybody's getting married right so I'm saying let's let's budget for the worst let's budget for the worst which would be$ 8.40 right and we're going to do the difference C because you spent all this time on it and it's been approved and you're moving forward with it so even if you get a $10,000 savings or $20,000 savings that'll make up anybody's life uh change that they would that they would acrew whe they get married or they switch from single from you know husband wife to family it's still going to account for that does everybody see what I'm saying or no Mr Alman you're holding your head I'm just so the 838 is basically current state with status quo uh acknowledging the uh increase in the premiums but you're also going to do direct 203 20 direct 35 right so the premiums are going to come down no matter what right before I answer your question can I ask the question is the council considering staying in direct 10 direct 15 is that was that seemed like that was up in the air last night well it it it is or it was to me because you didn't see the sa I I did not right so what I'm saying is the difference card based on their equations is expecting us to save 160 so right so right now it's it's 816 for direct 1015 take out 160 because remember that that slide I was showing you with the total of 916 that didn't take into consideration employee offsets because I can't tell you what that is without a ton of math right figuring out now you have it it's 20 no no no the offsets for when we go to 2035 yeah it's going to get even cheaper it's going to be less well it wouldn't be cheaper that that that less money would hurt us what's that in that regard the lower amount wouldn't be no no I'm saying no but I'm saying the cost of 2035 versus direct 10 is should be $160,000 less than 86 so I'm saying if we budget 840 you already have $160,000 savings just from changing from direct 10 to direct 2035 if you're going to go to the difference card so that's what I was still which you have to play you have to use it there if it's that much money we have to at this point with all the amount of effort you put into this you got to try to get the the savings I mean it's no we don't have I I know but it's a huge it's $160,000 you know I I I I I it may be total snake oil salesman at this point but we won't know unless we try and we we've been Grant you know we we at the worst case scenario next year if we budget 8 840 we have enough to go back to direct 10 with a minimal account whatever the increase is right I'm not saying to to take the 840 and deduct the 160 now because the 160 is totally fictitious so our worst exposure is we we budget 840 we get the $160,000 back in savings and it goes to Surplus which helps us and then next year if we don't get to 160 we say you know what this is total you know not worth it we go back to direct whatever 20 or 10 or whatever it is and the number is still not that far off from what we budgeted do would you happen to know the premiums based on the current uh family statuses the contributions you mean no the the for 230 for 2035 so second page look at that second your pen is on no the the aggregate so have you have you overlaid the employee only to the 10 employee ones I don't I really don't know what you mean so today we get bill for a million 80,000 and that's because we have people in direct 10 direct 15 we have singles spouses families like how many are in each so you know it this whole concept of the difference card because we have to fund if I understood it we have to fund the maximum amount so was like was it 15K 15 so we have to put that we have to have an account that we have to funded for that amount correct because that is our maximum possible exposure I I thought that was not only my I thought it was a requirement like a it's not a requirement you're not incorrect again I always give you wishy-washy answer but it's because it's like half yes half no we are on the hook for that 15120 that would be the worst case scenario what we have have to fund is enough to pay the premiums for 2035 which is which is no brain right then we have to have enough to pay the difference card to have the difference card which is that 53 and change times the amount of people which was like that just under 1,800 bucks then they're saying based on our experience reports based on claim history they're expecting it to only the $75,000 don't quote me on the numbers that's how we get to the $916,000 but that 96,000 doeses not take into consider employee contributions that's the only number I can't give you because I don't have that historical data we would have to sit down and figure it all out based on people's salary and what plan they have but there is the possibility God forbid you know all you know what broke loose that we could have to pay 15,120 times the amount of people that we would have on the plan right now I think it's 35 or 36 yeah but not the singles you have to fund it but they're only eligible for half that no the state law whether you have the difference card or not says you have to be prepared to pay the 15,000 but they're not eligible for is what that woman said life changes the maximum yeah yeah but I'm saying but this like how many other singles we have even though you had to fund the 15120 they were only eligible for 50% of that she said you had to fund them 15120 but they weren't eligible for the full amount of have to fund it we don't just have to have an account with money no we don't even have to have an account we just have to have available to us what last year's claims were however there's a possibility that we could go over to 75,000 claims that's where I said we'd start eating away from our 160 yeah so if we do 65,00 in claims we might save 170 if we do 85 in claims we'll only save 150 I said what's the possibility of us had being exposed to 35 employees and having to pay their 15,120 they said every you know this was whether it was an exaggerated example or an impossible example every person every employee would have to be in the hospital for every day with significant illness for over a year that now again that's that's the analogy that was given to me you know they essentially are describing impossible scenario to us to get to but I'm not going to tell you that there isn't a slight likelihood that it could be 35 memb times 15,120 that would be our exposure above the cost of the premium so if that happened we'd be in up on the hook for over you know know million but you know that's where I say the companies aren't you know they're not gambling they're going to not make money so they're expecting $75,000 in claims give or take a little that well okay and I know you just explained it but uh you know I could be a little thick at times the 15,000 was it 15120 that is the way I understood it it is a number that the state has created it's a mandated number and that not only do we have to be able to pay that but we had to fund it in a line item well that is our exposure but that is our exposure whether we have to difference C or not so if you just went to the state health benefits plan and you looked at the paperwork and it says nothing about difference part you're going to see that nothing 15,120 it went up from 14,000 something last year okay so what what if we went to the difference card the The Proposal is the premium cost of the C cost of the C which is 1,800 a year per a month per per employe per month per employee per month which total is just under 1,800 per month for all our employees oh okay that's like the administrative correct okay so 2000 time 24 times 12 Give It All right so that's 24,000 and then based on historical experience of a pool of employees similar to ours or even our actual employees our employees 75k right so we will we would fund a separate account so you're right there that's interest bearing we could it would be easier for us to just take 75 grand and put it in account rather than try than not that we can't remember but 75 divided by 12 you know whatever that is 7,000 a month take 75 Grant that's we we're expecting to pay out in claims and put it in an interest bearing account that's where your separate account comes from but we do not have to fund a separate account of 35 employees times $15,000 we only have to do the 75,000 so again it's approximate number I don't remember I know we've been having this sort of [Music] discussion but our maximum exposure of at 35 employees is half a million dollars and we're so we're saying that that's our maximum possible exposure the likelihood based on history is that it's only going to be 75,000 yeah I mean but the other thing again to account for is in 20 from 22 to 23 it went up at 27% Healthcare and then last year went up 8% we don't know what it'll be this year now 2035 is going to go up as well it's going to stay Rel to each other but the Exodus from the state health benefits plan the reason it went up 27% was because it was a mass Exodus from large communities in the state of New Jersey the larger ones like you know Trenton and New York to leave the state health benefit plans Horizon Blue Cross M shield and go to Etna so that's what that's what that's what created those massive increases that year because they lost 100,000 uh benefit people in the plan so they said well now we have new costs and but then last year it kind of leveled off at like seven or eight% which is you know a typical number like I'm not saying it's going to go but the 25% we got that one year was because the large cities in in the state of New Jersey said we're not paying this anymore we're getting out so you had a huge Exodus from the FL and when you have that you still have the liabilities that they weren't prepared for and that's what caused that so you know I don't I don't foresee at least that's what I'm being told I don't foresee though you know anything possible I mean we live in New Jersey anything's possible so do we know the premium for the it's on that it's on that second sheet you one your pens on no the the the total the the equivalent of the 180 the 1080 so well I have it broken down as revised fixed cost is Carrier plus the difference card is 843 so we do a rough number if you you know if you do 1800 time 12 and then graph late that number out of 843 so 1800 * 12 whatever that amount is now subtract from 843 3434 numberers 819 so 819 and 20 and the admin will get us to the 843 so the plan's actually like $200,000 Chief more than that because it it's from 10 1, 80,000 to what was the number you just said 84 three no once you took out the carry the differ oh 819 819 so that's and then it's $260,000 cheaper but then you introduce the the cost of the difference card which is so 819 is the premium 24 is rounding 24K is the you're not taking back the employee contributions that they're kicking in at 266 not yet not taking into account that yet 819 for the premium 24K to ad admin it brings us to the 843 that we've been presented and potentially funding claims for 75k yes and then there's an offset yes that I can't you know I wouldn't even want to throw enough so that's 918 I can just tell it's going be less than 264 yeah I mean so that's significant man what is this I think the savings yeah it's 160,000 estimate give or take but it's more that's for a whole year though yeah but that's the numbers you're talking M doesn't include the employee contributions going back into the plan no I understand that so it's just huge huge savings any other discussion on this what would you like to do Mr Alman well I think it's sounds like the direct 35 Plus difference is a huge savings is makes it's a compelling Financial y [Applause] um you know I think it's just a matter of how much we think we should uh that's why I made that's why I made the motion if you take the 883 and you take the 53,000 that was transferred out of this line and I just wanted to be safe and make it 840 I'd like to make it 840 this line 840,000 so my motion would be make this line 840,000 I if somebody else expect at that so you're saying 840 yeah do you want to go even lower no um I don't know if that's because we're at 918 yeah but before the 266 contribution you forget but the 266 it's coming back as employee contribution isn't that going to be le is be less be less it'll be but it's still 200 let's call it 200,000 you're at 718 and you put the 7 you know you already included the 75,000 liability there's still going to be money left over in this account if it's correct and what are you motioning Michael I would like the motion for 840 so all right just if you don't mind if you like just uh humor me for a second I'll so the total premium and administration is 843 if we break out the administration of the difference card it's going to be about $2,400 it's $1800 a month times 12 so let's just say it's 24K that brings the premium the inferred premium of direct 35 to 819 y you had the 75k and predictable liability right that's plus 75 that's 916 843 + 75 9 18 well close enough it's like $73,000 all right and now the offset last year was or last year was 264 yep we we know that's going to go down because the premiums are going down so 200 but I don't want to go that low unless you do you I don't want to make it 7118 I mean you could make it 718 no no so well I'm no I'm trying to go back to the number you're giving yeah so if we so let's say it was 250 MH 918 less 250 for the reimbursement 918 less to 50 is 668 so that's the net before the 160,000 H savings the potential $160,000 savings and then we have to add back the waivers the 23 $222,000 even if you had in more in case people all right and your again your motion is for 840 would you like to make it less I that was my motion I don't think making it less is are you comfortable seconding it at 840 I was thinking my original if you look at my book was 740 but I'm chickening out at 740 than is cuz I think it's going to be a lot less if this goes if this goes the way it's supposed to go we all hope so I know not that you're agreeing to the number okay to fun but agreeing to the numbers that we talk just discussed that that is your understanding as well from an administrative standpoint I I believe so yes I I would second 840 roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears no councilman Alman yes Council valz no council president set yes last thing we have left ladies and gentlemen is the capital plan which is on the tab capital I guess we have a 2024 estimate of $866,000 for the 2024 Road program um Mr D Carlo didn't you say you were looking for previous expended uh ordinances in order to expedite the road program well have that exercise accurate um just to update you too so the capital ordinance for Calvin for the New Jersey DOT um has gone through its a stopple period we can spend the money the line has been set up um so is this included in this 860 no but I'm kind of answering your question as to what you said was already funded so um I don't think going to get an objection but we're essentially ready to go after I get a decision from you guys on the on the um sidewalk so we've gotten the approval from the state to go out to bid so for Calvin for Calvin so Calvin will be brand new and then there's that little portion of Dos does everybody know that yes and then it goes up to a road I don't know the name but that has been recently paid what Roose is that beach or no what is do Calvin runs parallel to a road that dos links it to okay so dos is not very long so um the engineer included doors as part of that project because he believes it can all be done for the $300,000 that you approve that way we all have a nice Road a nice Road and a crappy link and that's fine okay all right so as part of the do Grant you have to do the Ada ramps correct Mr Beck Mar's interpretation and he brought it to the and I and showed us the documentation is that anytime you repave a road you have to address the sidewalks that are above an uneven quarter of an inch and or the ramps the 88 I agree with the ramps I do not agree with s okay so based on that the question of the council is um if we do the sidewalks on the roads that are not the meaning it's it's full Township money and we were going to um but I just want to stop you there Mr Dar Carlo the town does not own sidewalks that's been a big that's been a big you I know you aren't here but this has been a big ordeal that the Mayors had to deal with because we have reports that were given by the property maintenance officer of bad sidewalks all through town that are still not addressed but it is the residents responsibility for the sidewalks it is not a town responsibility our ordinance clearly states that side sidewalks are the prop are the maintenance of a homeowner not the town just let me finish it's part of my thing so I agree with you that the sidewalks are owned and the responsibility is on the owner okay but the way he's interpreting is no matter who the owner is when the road is repaved the sidewalks are supposed to be addressed if it's uneven more than the quarter inch or half inch whatever it is so what we're bringing forward to the council for the decision is if we take that approach and we come along and we pave Road a okay and those sidewalks need to be done we're now putting that financial responsibility on the homeowner or we assuming it so the question is we can't assume it because it's not ours to assume so then what happens when Mike desna says I spent $8,000 to replace my 100 feet of sidewalk at my own cost because they were had 1/8 of inch gaps or higher now you just paid my street why didn't you give me back my $8,000 sure because I was told at the time that it was my responsibility and I had to maintain my sidewalks so I went out and hired a contractor and spent $88,000 so and you just paid the street last three months ago so that's why sidewalks have never been you know is never been an issue so that's yeah that's your guys's decision just tell me we no but we have an ordinance it's not our decision the the town ordinance says that the the the sidewalks are the responsibility of the homeowners right am I I don't know where yeah you're correct but my question is is are we not going to do the roads because the sidewalks are it no he just thinks there's a responsibility to address the problems with the sidewalks when you resurface but I think how towns handle that that are in our situation is we send a letter to the homeowner the code officer goes to the homeowner and says these sidewalks are violation of the ordinance you need to correct it on on some streets in town because Mr Mayor was I when I was on Council last time this was a big this was a big topic and you it predates usat but you ended up with a huge list of all the residents in town that had bad sidewalks it was never addressed it just kind of sat there in the list but there's a list somewhere that our former Property Maintenance officer created of he went through voting district by voting district and said you know we have this many in this District I remember that you know this a big because I was involved in it and he has list of every vot this is It's 6 years old now but so and there all those homeowners were supposed to address their sidewalks and some of us already have because it was a you know like New Jersey Manufacturers told me hey your sidewalk has a one-inch height thing we're not going to ensure you if you don't fix your sidewalk so I had to fix my sidewalks and I paid that myself so now to say like oh we're going to start fixing sidewalks is no no no I'm bringing the question before you but the ordinance clear when I brought it up before it states it's the home Home Owner's responsibility I guess the bottom line we're going to pay it regardless what the homeowner does with it right well that's what I'm asking you I I'm figuring the town was probably not going to take on the expense of fixing the sidewalks right but that was the question I wanted to bring to you guys to make the decision and Lady either does the town want to pay for the sidewalks or have the home owner incur that expense or Not address it but again it's his interpretation that supposed to be addressed I agree with interpretation of the Ada ramps at these Corners if they're not correct or if they're in bad shape but the sidewalks we have an ordinance that says hey they're not ours we have we have to address the resident they have to know correct they have to be told but that's where the list was that was prepared but that's what Mark is trying to say we have to decide as a council what are we going to how are we going to inform the president the administration the administration to decide how are they going to inform are they going to say you have to do it before we not our decision it's not well then that's what they're looking for direction for we were we were only asking from a funding perspective we're not fing sidewalks PVE the road don't do the sidewalks put it on the resid No No but it's not but it's not the No No the council's not saying that our current ordinance in Washington Township says that sidewalks are to be maintained by the homeowner of the address correct and that's what we're following and then how that homeowner is advised is up to the administration the ordin says it's your it's the admin administration's responsibility to you know have the code enforcement officer because we have no power over that person or whoever is determined to be that person whether it's the building inspector or DPW or whoever to notify the people that their sidewalks are in violation Mark what's the what's the funding issue with well I mean it you want to put money in escro so no it would just be when we go out to bid is it just for resurfacing or resurfacing and in sidewalk improvements handicap ramps absolutely that should be part of the bid that has to be right no everything in between the intersection so if there's a sidewalk that needed repair and it's on private property you got okay so so the the but you do agree that it's the Township's responsibility to make the if there's sidewalks at an intersection it's our fin comp all right so and that's just like we plow the intersection and we're supposed to plow them so we don't I know we've gotten complaints where in the past former DPW used to plow the Ada ramp shut and then they said well I can't plow that because you put 4T of snow there and we've had to address that so okay so that's what we figured so um there's 7230 linear feet between Fern Carriage Bergen and Salem that's what we're recommending as our first four primary roads or streets or whatever okay Fern would be between Ridgewood and where does it end C then Carriage is off Carriage Bergen's off Bergen it's not it's not that um long and then all of s depending so that amount came to 866 th000 minus the 225 but you're going to see that at the end so this is long was a long way for me to get to the answer one of your questions is I want to use 225,000 the previous ordinances that is funded from 1306 and 2110 towards the 866 so whatever that number is knowing that you guys were interested in Expediting or increasing the amount of Roads we prepared a number even though it's in the 25 column to do coolage Hoover West and Ridgewood Boulevard North that's approximately a million those roads are identified because of the horse trading we did with P not all of that million dollars is because of P this would be to do the entire length of the road from Curb to curb but doesn't PS owe us the piece that they disturb right so remember remember Mr Ol Man was concerned about the scene going down Hudson I know but these people but see the problem we have here is like I wish we would have known more about the horse trading because the the the the east side of town has been neglected the the west side of town was recently all repaved within the last 5 to 7 years and public service decided to come through and rip it all up so now we have people on my side of town including myself that have waited 30 something plus years to have their Road paved right and we just got it paved and they did an awful job at it I I'm still not I don't I don't find it acceptable there's it's still an awful job and we waited 30 years for that it's still better than what we had but still a poor Paving job the manholes are 2 in deep some are an inch deep they're all over the place but now we're telling the residents on the other side of town that have been waiting on the master list to get paved that we're going to wait even more because now we're going to go pave a street we just paved within the last 10 years we're going to pave the whole street again I think that's a discussion we need to have as a council because it's really not fair because like Tom Tom lived on his side of beach he got paved twice in 30 years I had to wait 30 years and Dr Cassie had to wait 30 years to get to get paid so there's a lot like Fern hasn't been paved in 30 years M Mountain got paved with a grant but there's a lot of streets on on the east side of town that haven't been touched since the original Bond back in 1995 I know you don't know that Mark I I know and I I can tell this is obviously a passionate topic or discussion for you but I really just I'm asking you to let me finish so I can give you all the information yeah but we're talking about spending another million dollars on that side you but you don't you don't have to to it's just if you wanted to and I I got to tell you I take a little bit of exception for you saying you wish you knew more about the horse trading because it's been a topic of every council meeting yeah but we didn't know what you were doing we just knew you were nego I had it as a topic that we discussed you could have you guys ask me thousand questions all the time why wouldn't you ask me a thousand questions about that I told you my bad it's it's our bad then continue so um coolage when I give you this amount for coolage that's not what PS left us behind with this would be to do curb to curb so you know they were only responsible for doing the full Streets On Hudson and Robinwood corre right so to address the Integrity issue of that seam that we were worried about that's why we did the horse trading but you're right unfortunately it did leave these roads in a condition where um it's still going to have a TR with it but so roads aren't going to get paid by PS the ones that are remaining they are not and we we tried every option with them we're like can we piggy back the expense with you they're like no you know like you know essentially have their but are they coming back to do the trench or they're not coming back to do no they're not doing the trench they're because they've pulled they paved the full roads of the other streets so we we basically had our engineer we had several meetings with PNG we confirmed the linear length and then that's when we did the horse Trading of you know and to be honest with you we made out pretty well I think you know hopefully PG doesn't watch this but I think we got about a thousand more feet um in that tradeoff but it left us with roads that have a trench otherwise we would have only done half the roads and some of these roads need to be done its whole WID whether PG was there or not coolage being one of them but we still felt that Fern Carriage Bergen and Salem um were in worse shape you know by the amount of complaints we have about but out of that secondary list coolage is getting definitely the most complaints it was getting you know I think complaints um before pscg came along so it would be those four and then we're recommending those other four but out of those other four coolage Hoover West Ridgewood Boulevard North coolage is the worst now Hoover the section down by Jackson is getting um that's getting repaired by violia violia messed that up you know I you know say tongue and Chek messed it up so um that's the information on all the roads okay so next item is the sure I hope you're T the um is the is there 225 available yes so if we did not add coolage Hoover West rwood Boulevard so if we just went with the 866 MH the net would be 641 go to that first tab go like to the second page no like seriously like the second next page and then the next page after that I broke it down now in the projects and that'll give you the individual numbers so if you turn it so you can read it right it's really the paving is really 75950 and Engineering um estimate of 106,000 brings it to 866 then offset it by 50 and 175 for a total 225 I actually need 641000 estimated to do those M of new money that to do firm Carriage Burgen and sailing okay if if you're willing to throw more money at it this year than those will will be those other streets I would love to throw more money at it this year but because of the two massive expenses that we incurred as this Council already you know between the plan you know the the master plan reval and the um uh what you call it property reval the property revalve I mean we're at $400,000 between those two I would love to pay $400,000 but in my planning of when I was looking at this I never in a million years would have guessed we were going to have ADD $400,000 of expenses to this 2024 budget for those two items I thought they were already done and over with so I would you know that's my I I was actually going to say you may have to cut this a little bit in order to bring this down yeah and also do on goe I'm sorry do you do you have a what you want to do like do you want what are the are are these are these one through four in recommended order uh or they just in just general order yeah yes I I would just say they're in a general order just how I chose to write it I don't I wouldn't say it's in descending order of worst worst to best because I would like to to say Carriage gets done next year you know bring it down to even 800,000 that would be my take on it well I don't I don't even need 800,000 I need if you do the four I want to take the 60 so be bring it to 600,000 even then however you get there we got to reduce a little because it's just that $400,000 pit that I I I'm telling you that so so $600,000 is the recommendation for the road program well with the 225 so 825 you're going to I'm saying make it 825 no make it you got it we're I don't need 866 but see I think M said just take your 641 and make it 600 is now what I wrote yes but for some reason it doesn't seem like that's what you're yes I am that's what I'm saying you're so you're saying 600 and he I thought I heard him say no make it you just said make it 66 no that's what this is so so even though I'm applying the 225 I subtracted it from the the total on the BET the next page that's why I don't reflect the 600 in that First Column but as I'm writing for organizational reasons you're only authorizing 600,000 that's my that's my my you know saying I don't know about the rest of the council so is that but is that what you're going to vote on them right but then you're eliminating stre however you get however you get the most for your buck you know to get you know one of them is going to have to be reduced a little bit well if you're looking at it 90% of a road you're basically eliminating Carriage we're eliminate carriage and make it 2025 so take out 6,900 from the total number Mr De Carlo I'm sorry that would be my recation take what take carriage out totally and then reduce Mr Beck Myer's cost based on his percentage also and whatever that total is that's your new capital expenditure so it's less than 600 yes cuz we can't do a partial piece of a street cuz we've learned in the past that doesn't work I wouldn't suggest doing that but I oh no this the the the town has done that so don't your predecessors have done I I know but I I mean you guys got to give me a number I can't guess what new if 600 600 I mean again I would never tell you that it's inflated but historically it seems that it does come in a little better than the pricing so then we add carriage back because they come if it comes out at the bid that I can do it all for 600 that would be the mayor's decision our decision you're authorizing 600 for the road program and that's it with the understanding that I'm not doing half a road correct okay plus the what plus 25 yeah I know but that's where yeah I consider that is everybody okay with that third in the hand or okay with that 825 total instead of 866 total you're reducing it 36 yeah whatever it is all right so make that 825 Mr D car that's that's everybody okay can I have a motion in a second so the new capital number for the 2024 Road program so it's 825 then minus the 225 yes it be 600 600 right so I can use 825 yes but for the budget we got the the import number 600 because that's what we're going to base that 5% on okay gotcha all right the next thing is the EMS FD pager system 32,000 oh yes I'm sorry I'll make the motion for 600 Miss I believe second did it roll call 600 plus the 225 225 so 600's going to be coming out of the budget [Music] now well we just got these numers all right roll motion myself Council councilman Casio yes I still exist and um saying it's yes for 600,000 thank you councilman seers yes councilman Oldman yes Council bz yes council president Des sen yes next one is EMS fire department pedri system $32,000 this is what they talked about replacing the old uh ones they can't get batteries for all that right mrar I about batteries no pages but get rid of the old ones that they're trying to phase out right this is more like base unit that's here yeah oh this is a base unit you you have the quote if you go to that second tab you have the quote right after the project summary if you can even understand there's a Motorola quote yes purple purple P so my only question is what does it currently work or we is the equipment Obsolete and will does it back uh I forget the term technical term but does it work backwards will it support our aged pagers want me to answer okay um to answer your last question first it will support the existing dangers um yeah this was brought about because um one one of these pieces broke recently and it was off of a lot of people's radar when the place came in it's like oh this is old we got to scrouge up the parts to get it working um and you know so uh we asked them for a price on a new one uh what you see the 32087 uh you know it's it's an important uh piece of equipment for both ambulance and fire um so you know Tom you can probably speak better as to its importance is said this this this area is going to increase the reach of the pages uh if you're on the other side of town the page might not go off this is going to enhance the ability the ability to repeat a repeater anybody object to this or like it removed just where are they put in the two stations everything is quantity too so is it going into the ESB and Town Hall I believe it that's where the existing one is now no but it's got two two of them and there's one probably going in the oh I'm sorry I think it's separate one for fire vers ambulance that's why it's quantity two but it's one location oh okay yeah and that would be here and it's here you think yes it's here yeah downstairs right I can't any any any further discussion on this item I'll make a motion for the $32,000 second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman sear uh I have to recuse myself I believe on this coun yes obvious Council woman yes council president Des yes police stationary a PRS the cameras for 125,000 I know this was discussed last year and it was tabled I I think in light of this budget I think we need to table till 2025 again it's a lot of money I know it's important but it's it wasn't you know I know it was asked for last year I reviewed the notes from last year from the prior Council I don't know what anybody else thinks didn't we just ask the chief to us well the picture of it what it looked like I just asked for the but we already have the quotes the quotes are in our book it would probably go to 155,000 if they going to do vanberg in Washington he said that yeah he asked for yeah he's going to need more I I I just I'm so upset with this I know we need to do the rebound and and the T and the uh master plan but that really kicked the kicked me in the gut and I you know I'm going to say no to a lot of things coming up but that I don't want to say no to because thought we had more money in the budget but those that 400k really kick me in the gut so that you want to put I'm I'm asking the rest of the council my decision is to table till 2025 I don't know what everybody else put a camera at the Cleveland Avenue Bridge there you go I'm being serious what say you the rest of is I'm okay with putting it back here you making a motion I I'll make a motion to to put it uh move it to uh2 you know the chief did go into detail about the importance when there was that incident with the trunk um so we I council did vote to remove one vehicle today you made a motion to remove it to 2025 c i I did I'll second that roll call can I make a comment before you vote M just real quick sure um and I don't even know if the chief would agree uh but maybe you fund I'll I'll just throw a quick number 30,000 so we can get it set up at one intersection to start to get our feet wet with it and then maybe then but I'm looking at the quotes I don't think 30,000 will bu I I yeah I didn't look at the quotes I was just going off of 125 I'm looking at I'm looking at the 125 number M and and the 20 number you already have from the espb and then that's all I have is the 125 so I don't know if 125 would cut it I mean 30 your 30,000 cut I just threw that out yeah because I didn't I didn't get to the quotes yet it's there's no there's not a detail one it's not by intersection no no no it's just a general quote for 12 okay roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman man yes Council bz no council president to Center yes the 20,000 is already been taken out by the chief when he was here he said it's oh I I believe the I'm sorry the mayor said they found the money in the ESB budget correct the next quote is for DPW for 30,000 for two stainless steel Mason dump bodies for trucks T6 and T8 at 15,000 each and a field rake for clay and field groomer um I will make a I would like the I know the I know the town just took over the raking of I know why the groomer is needed um but I think we need to move it to 2025 I mean just a groomer I don't know I don't know what the the bodies needed also Mr DEA or they are yeah they they definitely it helps extend the life of the truck yes that's why I want to move the bodies but the groomer I I so I'm I'd like to make a motion to approve the 30,000 for the two bodies T5 and T T8 do I have a second second roll callman cassum yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes yes Council VES yes council president Des Senate yes like to make a motion to move the 46,500 for the field break to 2025 do I have a second um which field is that for all the fields well each uh all the fields have an existing like baseball owns uh a machine at all the fields now we we purchased it with our funds you know in the last few years Garder got one so DPW has full access to them this is for a better one I know ours are you know we have to buy we have to buy used ones we couldn't buy brand new one this would be for a brand new machine which I I'm not I'm not our our machines are totally maintained and they're good but they're old does it work they work so that's why I have no objection I age to move it okay right so I'll anybody second I'll second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman omen yes Council wz no council president the Senate yes uh next item is building of Park improvements INF field Rehabilitation all Seven Fields at four locations I know Mr scary put a lot of time and effort into this I I know the DPW has done a tremendous job uh getting them playable for 2024 uh they look fabulous so I'd like to make a motion to move this to 2025 I'm not saying they don't need to be done I think a professional should do it but our DPW I don't know if you've been there Mr Mayor or Mr Dar Carlo and seen what the wonderful job they've done with all the your Fields cutting them all down and getting rid of the lips and everything you definitely have better input in this than me I just would ask you do you feel it's a safety issue no we've had we've had uh little leag uh our district uh was out there we we the mayor knows we host a lot of L games and we don't want to lose the ability to do that so they've seen the fields and I I want I want Clark looks with the new back stops that we just put up it looks beautiful so I have no objection to moving this to 2025 I don't know what everybody else somebody will second it okay is there as long as you're com seriously comfortable I would not I would not I know you wouldn't I wouldn't Dan was very like this is a safety issue show but what after the DPW got done cutting the new lines and everything it looks you know it I'm not saying it doesn't need to be done next year or the following year but it's got maybe we can do three next year and four the following year or something we'll spread the her I'm sorry go I'm just trying I don't know enough about what does field Rehabilitation so so what happens is the Clay comes up and it it puts a lip underneath the grass the clay when when it rains with the with the machine driving over it it pushes the clay underneath so at the edge of the grass and the clay you get like a little bit of a bump yes yes so what they done now is they fix that bump but eventually like like seven years like No 5 years ago we paid a company to come in and fix Clark and do some work at Cherry ourselves but now it's come to every field needs it so Mr SC a lot 146,000 it's a lot of money work yeah there's a lot of FS okay I I don't we spent on our own we we spent over 40,000 on it for two Fields so you can see how it adds up yeah absolutely all right so uh batting so I'll make motion to move into you made a motion to 2025 I did second go ahead Mr C say just quick um can you know if we're concerned about the safety of the can we s Mr fedini out there and just take a quick look for GIF purposes I believe they were out there I know he does it for he does it for the other he does it for the playgrounds right I believe they did it already Mr May didn't they or they haven't done it for 202 I was just going to say I don't think they've done it for 24 send what he says um so a roll call for 146 being move to to 2025 Mr yes Mr yes I um I agree with moving some of this stuff out my only question is uh one are these quotes you know we have one for each field probably each Diamond yes um you know is it something we might want to consider uh starting smaller if they can do uh two Fields uh see say um let's look at his backup I just got to see what his backup shows I don't know how how he put his backup in the there's a quote for each uh I think there's a quote from there is yes so so the two the two most important uh ones that you know that the Sher is Sherry Miner would be one of them that we'd like to get done um but unfortunately like The Season's already started so we've already lost you know time but that's going to happen every year the budget goes well yeah depends yeah so so I I would say if we could do Sher Miner and um have it Sher West which I don't know no it's it would be Sherry minor I don't know where it is and Sher East near the brook yeah nearer is there three there or two three Sher Sher boys Min field yes that would be it that would be it sher's now Sherry has three Fields yeah his drainage issues like sher's not the third one have to so can I make a quick comment yeah Mr thank you um I just want you know I know the council probably knows it but just a reminder if we spread this 146,000 I'm going to say capitalized 10 years it's 15 grand a year um so it's not all in one year a project like this even if safety is mentioned um you know the difference of delaying it one year what are you really saving when we're talking bonding it over a 10year period that's fine I just want to throw that out there um but what there it's have I I guess what Miss Val says is a perfect example if we did if we approve it now then we could start hopefully get in October have people working on the field corre for spring so that does make sense what you said Cas um so if you're the rest I don't want I don't want to be the one that is asking for this because it's my organization so I I kind of want to State that's why I didn't have a problem moving it we've done a lot you know the dpw's done a wonderful job but like I said it does need to get done next year so like M says we'd have to start in October in order for it to be ready next spring so we may have to fund it this year but that's I hope she can make that recommendation or somebody else can make it mrman wanted oh I'm sorry the it's late I'm tired the one toor I guess is the 146 all inclusive because there there well there's a few on each quote there's are additional cost to remove and dispose of spoils is 1,400 or whatever and then they're not supplying the um they're not supplying the mix it's it's all in there um 46 yeah because if if you go to I don't know what I'm looking at I can just tell you that it's all included in there oh go to um it says partek Pete corporation okay it's like 4,706 um that's for the mix right yeah and then it turned out even though it says that um it's not included he gives me a price he gives us a price for it so we added that in because it's not that much money in comparison to how much it would be for be you know burden on us to try and get rid of it so it's like $1,400 a field so that's all inclusive at46 146 okay 14 so somebody make a motion to approve the 146 in the 2024 second V call so we're not moving it to 2025 leaving it right where it is okay so were you just being shy seriously or no I really think we could wait but Mr bz brought up a good point if we wait till June of next year it's not going to get done till 2026 because we need to start it at the end of 2024 in order to have it ready for the 2025 season Mr Dar car so she brought you know it's late and she brought up a great point no it's all I was trying to be yeah it's already tomorrow we might just stay here that's right five o'clock very soon all right roll councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes and council president Des I will recuse myself right is that the correct or should I abstain should I recuse or abstain recuse recuse okay recuse may I ask how long does this last a rehab like this five years 10 years it depends it depends you know Daisy what I really bet the weather the the radier it is the worse the lips get because the heavy Smith CES driving along the edge push the clay down we don't get much rain here so yeah right next one uh batting cages Clark and Sherry at 30,000 each we got new quotes right Mr we did cut that in half yeah it's 30,000 now oh that's much nicer so do I have a motion to approve the batting cages for $330,000 do both uh men and women or boys and girls benefit from this yes it's open to everyone it is open to the public and the only other thing I the only other question I have is my concern is these nets appear to be you know highly vulnerable to uh vandalism knck on wood we've never had an issue with them do we have I mean we have cameras there we have cameras at all the fields now so it's been a lot better we haven't had any graffiti or any damage in do we have signage that say yes yes yeah remember Mr Mayor I called you about that because somebody somebody as soon as we put the cameras up somebody says you're not telling me I'm being record it's illegal and then we found out from Mr P it wasn't illegal but we did put the mayor did put signs up it had volume sound just for do I have a motion for the 30,000 second roll call counc M CIA yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes councilman bz yes yes council president to yes Gardener field playground quote of 72,000 is a full replacement Mr Mr this will give us the uh second second phase yeah the second phase again is done okay plan I'll make a motion for the 72,000 for Gardener field playgrounds second roll call Council massio yes Council MERS yes counc Omen uh no can go ahead is this like I'm looking at these images um are these uh Ada accessible yes everything has to be you know it just seems like there's a lot of climbing a lot of elevated um you know so there are there are Ada components Mr Mr almond uh around the base of the unit that are are are uh Ada accessible typically um usually there's a ramp there's a ramp uh and we and is this one getting the Ada swing Mr already has it it already has the Ada swing all right I'll vote Yes you making me read if you want to see one of the most beautiful Ada parks that I can Pat myself on the back go to Midland Park done SE counc council president the yes all right we're going to keep you moving here we have one more Capital you have that other one that's in got your your things today where what in here the sheet that looks something like this [Laughter] no right there you go there wow there there you go so this is the wow the design is done this is the estimated engineering costs for the project is $639,950 and the estimated engineering cost which includes the bid and the inspection is 60,000 so$ 699 call 700 or $699 um it's unfortunate but it's been identified as a critical sanitary issue um that has to be done I thought we did it already oh no no this this is to umove thought didn't we re re redo the whole thing the brook but didn't we have a manhole that got exposed during the storm or something there's two two major manholes exposed and this is the cost to fix that to shore up the banks remove shs that will help us in add problem of water flow but also save us money and utilize it towards the material to shore up shore up the uh the banks the Rocks you guys really found every way to kill my 10% possible P so it actually came before you made that promise that we you know the project was not the number yeah no the so the work is you know we know this since can we can we um can we ask Mr Beck to review his cost versus what Boswell charges because his these Boswell's numbers for inspection and bidding are more appropriate than what Mr BM shows brid Road rehabilitation numbers well remember this is the design is done in this circumstance because I asked that question already I already made that note I already made that observation and the design and the specs are already done and how much do we pay for those I hate when I get asked for numbers but I no it was like $49,000 it was it they've been working on this for months and months and months so the 60 Grand is just to go out to bid and then do the inspection for the project so what does this add to our total so we're going to have a $2 million Capital program well it was 910 that I came up with and then add 700 so 1. 610 John and we and we were at 1 7 right yeah but you know again I I I will apologize if that's what need be but you know I've been hounding and hounding and hounding and it finally came through and we had a meeting on Tuesday to make sure could bond this for 10 20 years Mr May well can I I'm I'm there this isn't overtime um do you want to make any comment on on us having to borrow money or the because we're up to 1.6 now in relation to the other things we have so I know we've had this conversation so well probably I would say later this year we're probably going to have to go go out for a note a b because um our cash available between our two capital accounts is approximately a million 7ish take so you know once all these things go through um we're going to have to we're going to need to refinish our cap of cash that's for sure this this project doesn't help the people on cosmin does it Mr darara I'm sorry um I I really can't I really can't say that it will because the the critical sanitary issues are basally behind Chelsea okay so the critical the exposed manholes are behind Chelsea and the bacon Bank Oho they nowhere near C no but the sh we're removing is down towards the lower end of the high school so it's still coming around but you know I really can't say it's going to you know can can I ask a question so the the mus sink is sink Brook it goes from end to end mhm and we had the video the Drone yes and you gave us in our um meeting packages there's a recurring schedule of it's broken out by zones correct there's eight zones right so is this addressing from one to eight all of the issues no that's what I just asked that was my major the major issues so what will be left for us is um tree obstructions this will clear up some of the tree obstructions in those areas but there'll still be tree obstructions and there'll still be shs but you know this this is the emergency you know I can't tell you those are eem J can't cover this emergencies what this won't be covered by jff I don't believe so yeah did we ask no can we I mean since now this is a Waterway can we look for Grants we have we applied for the Gotham Meyer Grant over a year ago we haven't heard we it was a 1.25 million Grant um and we have not heard from them yet I mean have we looked into some of our assembly people Senators who I know they have been proactive Mrs sh or anybody about fling issues Maybe we can get some assistance through the state I um unfortunately you know I I understand we need to do this but we need money we we need money for we need 700,000 to do something I take half of it yeah take anything no because like 700,000 would do a lot at the swim club you know but now we're and I'm not saying we don't need to do this because it's a it's a hazard we have sanitary Moses that are going to fall over um but like it just hurts us in our in our vision of doing something for the children and and and doing something at the swim club because now you're putting us 700 you know this is putting us $700,000 more in the hole I mean C swim club like luckily there are grants I know the grant Rider has been pretty active and looking for stuff on that Avenue but now that we're talking about this Waterway this is an 800 this is $800,000 God willing we can they can help us assist us can we maybe reach out to Mr off and uh to B his economics what he's got it is shovel ready there is money out no but there isable money out there I don't know if it would qualify I mean I go shake your can you're going to be shaking a lot more than your cans because what does everybody say about this new what about this new 1225 bomb we just got dropped uh are we going to 700 a time so need a lot of no it's 1225 I I'm not discounting that it's an emerging condition but when you say it's an emergency and we have to do it is is like the D coming to us and saying this needs to be corrected or this is the biggest issue that we have identified we making DP and EPA are aware of it they have not come and done this however BOS engineering did a rather large presentation and identified this as an enormous emergency because if it if we have fail on one of these be me the sewage will be in the water dumping raw sewage yeah we'll be dumping raw sewage Mike at these fail I know ex now I know exactly which part of the report you're talking about when you said it was behind Chelsea that was the the area identified as the most critical you know worship so so basically the whole upper portion of the whole western side of the parkway Mike flows through there so every house would flow into the masus sink from the west side of the parkway because this is the trunk that takes it through town and gets it to Bergen County Utilities Authority correct yes I believe so can we do this in stages like the way they explain it no you can't if you're going to go in there you're going go in there they get cracked we're in deep trouble we dual mobilization and all like that so okay well looks like car so what do you want to add to the capital 700 Mr Dar Carlo or Mr Mayor what do yes you know 700 can we put Mr um I can't pronounce his name David Mr be and we put him on high alert oh he's already been we we knew this was coming we just didn't know the amount so this will be this will be advertised over 30 years this will be Capital 30 I have to leave that up to bond Council I would think to life expectancy well should be yeah can I just tell on what Cil woman Val says can we reach out to assembl poly oh AB this is a dire emergency we and there are shovel ready grants available right now from the federal government and since Boswell has the plans in specs done already maybe we could qualify for one of them maybe if we can reach out to the grant consultant yeah because there's there's there's grants right now that have to be spent by 2025 okay and we can spend this money instantly we have PL ready to go Road for year I'd rather put the roads off to be honest with you this is more I want to this is more important than the roads so I would I would move the road program back yes it's it' be breaking a campaign promise I get it but we didn't know this exist but we know the existence and this is more this is this is this is critical you know I can my shot and flers can handle a little bit you know it can come on we've all been used to it right you driving the Baja I live on Ben very well so your motion is to to to to suspend the road Improvement program this year they got we have no choice this is an emergency it has to be done no one wants to have this happen and as uh the administration said there could be a serious liability lawsuits and health risks I'm not going to risk the health of the township of Washington and everybody below us if those pipes break that'll be that'll be a problem so there's a motion to suspend the 2024 Road program and reappropriate the money the the six well we we appropriated what 650 well we have 2 would we would leave the 225 alone right so the road program could stay 225 Mr is everybody okay with that and we just take the remainder 700 and move it from would we do that's what I'm saying do 25 where the roads Mr Right is everybody okay with that you're taking away 600 yeah yeah and then we're going to add a $700,000 capital project to fix the sewer so we would do 225,000 should still be looking for money yeah we should still be looking for money and if the money comes through we just reallocate it back to roads so Dr C that's your motion no if if that does happen if we can find then we reallocate it back to roads we can throw the roads back on yeah does will to mobilize the paving 225,000 is a big Paving job so it's worth to utilizing or using the uh yeah I mean the money is there we may as well use it you know it's not like we're not doing it at all but this this is more important Miz all right so I came up with a total of $1,110,000 right okay Che we'll have to check it tomorrow yeah so the motion is to pave $225,000 worth of roads with the uh remaining ordinances 1306 to 2110 and then fund 700,000 for this emergency stream restoration repair of the sewer line on the max mfic you guys here your whole life masquat I even know how to say it now squap Brook squap Brook and and if we get and if we get fund and if the funding does come through the 700,000 will then go to roadways is every that's the motion is there anything else you want to take to be clear this emergency project is going to yes it has to be done but it's not going to satisfy any flooding or any issu no it's not going to help them person on no yeah absolutely yeah it's just going to fix a dire in sanitary emergency letal so the motion is to keep the 225 to PVE whatever we can get for 225 uh at of ordinance 1306 2110 remove the 600,000 that we were going to pave and move it make it 700,000 in order to do this emergency stream restoration project I'll make the motion do I have a second actually Dr CIO made the motion so I'll second it roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes Council mman yes Council woman bz yes council president the sener yes motion to adjourn Capital Improvement fund got Capital Improvement fund you got to put 50,500 you got to add 50,000 what page is that Mr car the end towards the end but it's going to lower actually what's that it's going to go lower from what we expected from the placeholder we put in 65 yeah that that's the that's it's 700,000 yes but we voted to reduce the P can I have a motion to no but we said we're going to move 700,000 to the ex stream restoration fund that's what we said so that's two for one all right 65 44 90300 I got a pizza in my car watch SCE don't I'm so starving I down ,000,000 what page Cy 65 W oh absolutely we have to do tomorrow all right 65 40144 92200 it was 5862570348 councilman CIO yes councilman C yes councilman yes Council valz yes Council council president yes I would just like to say thank you to everybody for getting this budget done I think we did a great job um I know we didn't agree on everything but I think we did a great job in what's best for the town thank you everybody thank you Mr May thank you with the call motion to adjourn second all in favor thank you everyone thank you glad to be here