ability of the um employee to prevent issues and discussions regarding that person's employment Personnel matters conversation things that might affect that person adversely to be put to go from close session into public session they have the right to do that now uh years after there was a case taken up by the Appel division the Keen case where the Appel division decided to expand rice further than just what I explained and it basically started to uh engrafted on the open public meetings act a requirement that if there was going to be discussions of any Personnel matters that you couldn't really discuss anything unless you gave employees notice things of that nature uh and there was a there was a bunch of of there was a time where uh the protection of notice and all that kind of stuff was more expansive than really what the open public meetings act seemed to indicate ultimately the Supreme Court took up the case and reversed the Appel Division and basically kind of went back to the basic um approach of rice which which was all right if you want to discuss uh Personnel matters where somebody could be adversely affected and you're going to go into close session you have to give the employee 48 hours notice um and the employee can opt to say I do not want this to be in closed session I want it to be an open session however if a public body intends to discuss a matter in Open Session and not go into session then the necessity for right notice is not there any longer uh and you can discuss things publicly uh the only caveat there is no the court has not commented upon any comments regard any any effect on reputational harm or anything that goes along with that if something should come up uh they specifically did not want to get into that and they never did get into to it U so that's kind of just out there but the basic the basic premise of the rice notice is uh it's the ability of the employee to uh prevent discussion regarding uh their personnel issues matters where they could be adversely affected in close session without the prior notice being given and the ability to kick that out of plow session and make it be in public session so that in a nutshell is basically what a rice notice is all about thank you Mr you mention um sorry about that uh you had mentioned uh adversely affected is it only adverse or is it discussion of personnel matters and the choice have that it it appears it appears that it's supposed to be adverse it appears to be um that's what the ca that's what these cases involved um if I took a if I took a an approach and said uh you want to uh discuss giving a raise to an employee of $5,000 or $110,000 um I don't believe and and you want it well let me put this way um I I believe you probably could do that without the rice notice however my problem with that would be during that discussion it's very rare that you could actually make sure that um something negative or adverse could come up and that would violate the uh the the rice notice approach so uh you know the the the the better approach would be if you're going to discuss personnel and you want to go into closed and assuming that the um uh employee knows you're going to do that and knows that it's not going to be bad or adverse um they probably would have no problem with getting the rice notice and letting you stay in closed so you know you see it would work in Reverse there but Mr par I seen agencies for promotions send out right notices which are not ad it's not a an issue it's for a promotion and they've had to send out right I that goes a little against what you're saying it's only for we're going to talk about somebody in a negative this is what I'm saying this what I'm saying remember what I just said about what year it occurred Michael so the law did change about sending out the right notice and there was that case from the Appel division which required right notices but the current law is that you don't and if we're splitting hairs on you know negative versus uh adverse I would not subscribe to making that distinction I would feel that if you're going to discuss um Personnel matters you should send out a rice notice otherwise you run the risk whether they're positive or negative correct right that's when I was on Council last time that was your recommendation is to send out the r notice whether we're talking positively or negatively than I just want to make sure we're still on the same page yeah may I ask a question go ahead Miss W um so in the past when we've discussed positions without using names in general meetings it it's never been an issue so is this because it's salary or why have we been able to do it in the past and now we can't if it's just a position without names well if you're talking about for example um you want to hire a code official and you say let's have a discussion on what the code official would do I there's nothing wrong with that being in public you know uh there's nothing wrong with actually discussing anything in public I mean the all like I said the right notice only kicks in if you are going at the close and it's your it's your choice in the initial phase of whether you're going into close if you said I'm going to we're going to discuss XYZ employee we're going to talk about it publicly in not going at the close there's no rice notice you're in Open Session no rice notice and so what we what we've tried to do over the years and of course as I said the law has changed somewhat and develop but what we've tried to do is when you we got into personnel and you want people wanted to make some have some candid discussions and things of that nature because don't forget I've seen a lot of Personnel in in my day so there have been times where people want to you know have a little freedom of of discussion and didn't feel as comfortable doing it in public so they wanted to go at the close but then again you have to give the rice notice if the employee says it's okay then it stays in closed if the employee says no it comes out public which we've had an employee do that as well us okay and then I just have one more question um if we are just voting on a position's standard 2% if it's just a regular vote without discussion of the position itself then do we need to race somebody if it's just a vote no no if you're if you if you're first of all again if you're going to discuss something in public there is no rice there is no rice no so just a regular standard vote it's fine regular vote regular vote you're talking about you're talking about this is what we want to do for our zoning officer regular vote in public you want if you want to do something for you know whatever regular vote in public okay and unless comes into question that position for whatever reason then there really isn't a need if it's just going to be a one two three vote there's the positions not in question if we're not going to do any discussion correct correct if it's just a standard vote then there's no need to race because there's no need for discussion correct okay right Mr P there's no need for disc no need for r i going to take your direct if we were going to take the director of Law and say we're paying there's a recommended of 1,800 and a recomend and a and a requested 1,800 and we take a vote we don't have to right Mr Pop correct no if you're doing that in public you don't no okay is that question yes any other questions from Mr Pa thank you Mr paer okay so I I'm not going to hang around for the rest of the meeting is that okay sh all right have a good night Mr pal you have a good evening okay thank youer all right okay bye bye good you like to join us at the table thank you for your patience police starts on page 26 if anybody's page 26 is the beginning of 92 on the uh what's that 92 on the um details on the details yes all right um good evening Chief good evening good evening sergeants and lieutenants thank you for coming yes Chief Kari Captain pakor is here I call him Sergeant still but Mr Sheriff's here lieutenant what's that Lieutenant chair Lieutenant chair yeah my glasses aren't on I thought it said Lieutenant but I didn't want insult him so good evening Lieutenant sherff all right ladies and gentlemen um page 26 to beginning Mr Dar Carla can you I know the first one we're not going to discuss but it says it's a contractual obligation the uh 110 line yes that can we get a can we get a breakdown of how that's that's being accounted for C you usually provide me with that number and you usually have it based on what everybody's salaries are going to be throughout the year yes that's a basically a contractual breakdown of the new increase per the contract the CBA um with any um potential promotions that are involved in that all the step raises um we have you know six or seven officers that are in steps okay um so you have to figure out you know what they're getting the first half of the Year second half of the Year depending on when they were is there but there's a tabulation sheet yes we we get a copy of that uh yeah I don't have it with me now though well we if you can get it Mr Mr can you get it to M wowski and yes yes thank you all right um we going to skip to police uh crossing guards is a is a salary position right correct crossing guards uh you want to skip overtime well overtime is uh contract I want to get the I want to get the salaries first before we go over time okay so we have a police crossing guards 401 25240 d150 9,425 requested 90425 recommended um are we getting more crossing guards just one second so the current salary ordinance call for $18.71 to $20 an hour for crossing guards uh which is really now just marginally above the state uh minimum which is $15.13 an hour the crossing guards work three hours a day Monday through Friday but the hours require the employee to be available during two separate time frames during the day uh the hiring and retention for the position is increasingly challenging and demanding uh I requested a 2.5% raise uh for 2024 over 2023 uh for retention and potential replacement I'd like to get them all up to that $20 an hour do that bring them over 20 or is that bring 220 this number uh in the sliding scale uh they go from that1 18 to $20 an hour now and it would put them at uh not even I think $20 and change $21 and change an hour do I have I'm sorry I do a motion do I have a motion for uh second roll call can I oh sorry how many crossing guards do we have five is this a shared cost with the school district or no no crossing guards are not because they work off the school grounds thank you and do they receive health benefits no and I'm sorry how many hours a day three three in total correct one and a half correct how many questions was there five five is that the standard or are we still in need of more crossing guards that covers us and we have one per DM that that fills in okay did we have five in 2002 as well uh I believe we increased one didn't we did yeah no we had four back then and we since increased second one on School Street but that also we're not using a SLO there anymore no he he he does go up in the yeah in the course of his duties we have him posted up there uh but he's not required to be there he we have him go up there to cover traffic because the crossing guard can't direct traffic and just as a best practice it's good to have him up there during that time frame also he handles the traffic while the they coordinate while the crossing guard is uh crossing the kids but the problem is the crossing guards as we know can't direct traffic and that's the big problem up there okay thank you they won't listen or he's not the crossing guard is not stat statutorily prohibited he can they can stop traffic and that's it they can't say when when to go and you know yeah exactly requires three people to manage School Street one is down at pasak Road okay uh and handles the crossing guard The Crossing duties there one is handling Crossing duties at the corner of school in uh Wayne place and the other this the SLO to is handling the traffic to keep things moving it gets chaotic so they got two at George three at Washington two at George three crossing guards at Washington you have two at the high school technically you have one at Ridgewood and you have one right by the high school and then our officer directs traffic and cross the kids in front of the high school the church so that same officer goes from the high school when he's done and then he goes over to Washington School helps with the traffic okay so any other questions roll call councilman Cassio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council mes yes council president to sener yes police vacation buyback 40125 24060 70,000 requested 70,000 recommended do I have a motion so move second what is can ask what what is this calculation the officers as per the contract the collective bargaining agreement are entitled to sell back uh up to half their vacation time and the the current ask is based on last year's expenditure it's the problem with these things is often hitting a moving Target uh but more officers are acre additional vacation time based on seniority so we expected to go slightly higher so this is based on prior year not the 50% of contract contractual excuse me correct we hope that they're not all going to sell back half of their time if so it would be significantly higher okay any other discussion yeah sorry um the increase is also for the increase of the office we just had correct so you know that increase would cover their their two positions correct correct okay thank you roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council valz yes council president to sen yes police personal day buyback 40125 24017 70 17,000 requested 17,000 recommended to have a motion so moved second how did we overspend this buy so much last year Mr it was contractually obligated well why didn't we budget for it correctly then if I may this is another one of those cases where we're hitting a moving Target uh if officers they're entitled to sell back all of their personal time their personal dat personal days are different than vacation how many personal days do each officer got uh did we go based on hours so it's 36 hours uh and if officers haven't used their vacation time they don't that generally a personal day is done because based on the nature of the work and the scheduling we give that at at pretty much a moment's notice if the officer is assigned to a shift and he can't make it and he calls in a personal day he gets it for an emergency or something like that whereas a vacation day has to put in be put in significantly in advance the officers I even have notes they're they're good about holding that personal time just for emergencies so I'm I'm happy to report that they didn't have many emergencies this year but uh it's unfortunate with regard to the budget Factor uh and again this is a case where we're hitting a moving Target because it's almost impossible to predict exactly how much uh and for last year we based it on the previous years and this year it was just significantly higher but it's it's a contractual benefit and more than usual took advant of it thank you any other discussion roll call C Cassio no councilman seers yes councilman Alman yes Council valz yes council president Des yes ask one question sure I assume Mr M Sorry by uh for both of these lines these buyback policies prevent acur long-term correct sir correct at the end on December 31st every officer in theory has either taken vacation or s or bought it back and the same with their personal time that is correct okay and would you know if we have any officers who continue to maintain a bank or has everyone been brought out the beginning of the year it starts fresh there is a comp bank for comp time which is acrude overtime that does carry over from year to year okay how about vacation but no one has vacation that's all been that correct vacation and personal time is all zeroed out at the end of the year do we know what our liability is for that compound I'm working on that now since taking over that's been one of my priorities I've been a little busy getting my getting up to speed but it is something that I want to uh get a handle on per federal law an officer can carry over up to 480 hours each year so at 40 48 not an additional 48 yeah what's that their their comp bank is maxed at 480 hours so if an off if an officer were to get up to 480 hours he can't put more in his bank he would have to take the overtime as pay 480 is a quarter of a year so it's it's three months it's a lot of time correct it's a lot of money yeah agreed don't we disclose that in the um in the budget isn't that disclosed on one of the sheets and the final budget I think it is a liability it is shown liability if I if I can clarify the generally accepted practices at the officer is entitled to take that as time but not as pay so he can he can use that time for time off but and this is something that actually can or or labor Council would have to ring in on there's two schools of thought that the officer cannot take that cannot put in to get paid on that uh we actually had an issue where that was addressed this past year uh an officer put in for that time to get paid and and it was denied and that was accepted so they can put in they can use it as time off but he or she could take 3 months off correct but we have an internal policy where comp time cannot create overtime you cannot take a day off if it requires you to be replaced on comp time okay so they taking comp time and getting paid so it doesn't it saves the town foot in the bill at the time but then that time is available at the end so we take a we uh next few are uh s we're not going to discuss um is a sergeant differential uh St is that a uh contractual obligation yes police Sergeant differential 4125 2401 91 n 6,000 requested 6,000 recommended do I have a motion move second and is that the maximum potential no we use that that's an escrow line uh so the way that works is if an officer is the senior if he's not a sergeant or hire and he's in charge of the shift he gets compensated I forget what the uh what the actual hourly rate differences uh We've also since put in the contract that for the rank of Corporal the first 300 hours per year that they work in that capacity is not additionally compensated uh so we've worked out here as you can see $9,000 you know we we've gradually brought that number down you'll see the big move from 22 to 23 that's when that provision uh kicked in it saved the town significant money but it is something that we need to Escrow because if if a sergeant were to go out on some sort of extended sick leave the that Corporal would easily exceed those 300 hours uh so that's why we we try to be reasonable about it it's another one of those moving targets where we need the money there if we need it but no it does not represent the the total exposure because of the nature of the collective bargaining agreement which has uh unlimited take time so thank you any other discussion roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman om man yes Council mes yes counc president to sener yes the next line uh says it's being paid for by the Westwood Regional School District the entire line or just por most of it not all 77,000 of that is for to pay our sleo 2s and that provides for one full-time and one part-time the rest is paid by the school uh for the sleo 3s that's accounted for on the revenue side of the the budget if you look at the revenue it says reimbursement by board that and they're also if correct me Chief you're not asking for an increase from last year's salary for the special one and the special two that is correct so how come we show this gross and many other lines we Show net I mean do you mind rephrasing the question I'm sorry just I don't understand what you're looking for so many other lines as we reviewed the budget if there were revenues directly associated with the line they were netted out so the amount being raised uh um was on a net basis here we're raising the total to 57 as opposed to the 77 that's Our obligation because it was it was um a better accounting um for us because we have to pay salaries out of this and as you know the Board of Ed doesn't coincide coincide with our salary you know our payment so often times we had to wait for the reimbursement checks to come from the school district our our SLO 3s also get paid on a 12mon basis schools you know I don't know how many board event meetings they have during the summer so it was a lot easier for us to uh facilitate all this by adding the amount into the budget and then accounting for it on the revenue side but we're but we're increasing we're increasing taxes by you know the the differential Mr darar that's no we're not sir well it's shown as a $257,000 expense right and we're accounting for 167,000 I think on the revenue side so we are not increasing it you're just giving me that that much in the budget line so if you go to the revenue you see shared services Board of Ed we're asking for 16,400 in one in 2023 three we received 16,826 started to to run very low towards the end of the year uh so this was just commonly agreed upon as a more effective way to avoid that uh as long as we could account for the revenue of that monthly bill thank you 167 167,00 Mr Al is what's shown on the revenue side I appreciate that it's uh just a matter of the uh what I personally feel is a the consistency of the depiction of the expenses any any other discussion did we motion that did we have motion for that I for got it no you know what you guys were sorry I have a motion mov second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council woman bz yes council president to yes police stens 40125 24195 3,000 requested 3,000 recommended do have a motion so move second discussion um yeah Chief look back at 2022 and 23 was there a contractual uh change uh yes there was okay can we lower this Chief so the 1500 uh from last year is because one the only stien left in the contract is for assignment to the detective Bureau last year we had one person uh initi year we have two people so they're both entitled to $1,500 stien for their assignment to the detective Bureau any other discussion yeah was that with that contract with the decrease was that because they we're having one less there used to be three no the way the decrease yeah as I explained before with regard to the Corporal in those 300 hours the Corporal is no long the Corporal is used to get paid through a stien set by ordinance that ordinance was uh repealed this uh the corpal are now paid as a salary loan in the collective bargaining agreement so that's what accounts for that uh the 4,400 thank you any other discussion roll call councilman C yes councilman Sears yes councilman yes Council valz yes council president the center yes police office supplies 40125 240 2 210 4500 requested 4500 recommended do I have a motion motion to reduce it by $250 we have a motion to make it $4,250 I have a second a second any discussion roll call councilman cassum yes councilman seus no councilman yes Council woman bz no council president Des sener yes police accreditation 4 council president can I playfully interrupt the chief salaries contractual as well if you want to get that out of the way um it's contractual okay it's not police chief salary 40125 24199 28,800 requested 28,800 recommended do have a motion so move second any discussion roll call oh sorry no problem and again um Chief it's no it's not directed towards you but you know what I'm going to say no other employee in Washington Township has a contract or an agreement the chief does it's something that should be done away with you know how I feel so I will be voting up for that line just to let you know again nothing personal it's the position understood okay thank you any any other discussion counc Cassio no councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes councilman valz yes council president to Sena yes police accreditation 40125 24220 4281 requested 4281 recommended do I have a motion so move second I saw your what what do we have to get a credits for this year I thought we had I thought we had it is to keep it it's an ongoing service fee the line that the Lex is a contractual number The Lex pole accreditation service contract uh which is part of that is offset by the the GIF uh we contract with lexipol they provide policy and procedure updates uh legal updates case law comes out we need to change a policy they're obviously serving many clients with many similar cont with many similar uh Sops and Provisions and they notify us right away they tell us exactly what needs to be put in there they also assist us with providing our proofs so we become the accreditation thing I could go on and on about but I'll be concise but is this is this a contractual number Chief 42 it is that's what Le that's what Lexa Paul contracts and you said it's subsidized by JF correct so is that shown on the revenue side Mr the car the um sorry the original ask was higher oral ask I think was how much 15,000 15,000 so the is covered by Jeff yes if you look on the top of next page it's 10 107 10 got cut off on yeah so if you look at the revenue it's actually the last line Bergen County GIF Grant 10,719 and then there is a line that was created in the budget for that is that a is that a a standard thing for D to pay that much or is it a one time deal so next year we have a 10,719 liability that we don't have in 2024 so it's a kind of we're going to most likely hopefully because it's a safety incentive program so the reason it's 10719 is because because it has accumulated over years yearly it was generally a little bit less than 2,000 so I believe we will get it it just will be in the teens range rather than the the thousands range so we have like an $8,000 liability next year to to handle another $8,000 so it be a $12,000 line item not a $4,000 line I would anticipate that yes Chief if you um stick at The Lex poll and you say we don't want your service anymore do you lose accreditation do we lose accreditation not that day but over over time like how much time well week no once you're accredited you're accredited for three years uh what Lex does is they keep us active with our accreditation that's what we're paying so we have to provide proofs to the uh New Jersey State uh Association Chiefs of police that's who accredited us and those proofs for our initial accreditation period we took 18 months to to build our policies and then to show our proofs from the day we got accredited which was just earlier in the month from that day forward you have to start building your proofs again you have to show three years worth of proofs and the service that they provide for that is is is fantastic and it is a force multiplier if I had to pay someone to do what they're doing I would have to allocate hundreds of hours to it uh so no would we lose our accreditation we we won't lose our accreditation for three years if we did nothing to to remain compliant we're still in accredited Agency for three years I think that would be atrocious obviously but that that is the case we're still in an accredit agency for three years but we would absolutely lose accreditation if we don't stay on top of it they help us manage it and if without them it it's a heavy lift that you're going to have to put one officer specifically on and now you're losing that salary you know just to do this so that's what what happened with accredidation so this helps us defray that because they assist that officer in doing the work that needs to be done every single year to break into third okay more than half of the departments in Bergen County are now accredited and I know of only one that is doing it without Paul how does that differ from are rdms or power DMS that part of this they they sell the product they they sell Power DMS power DMS is the document management system that helps us track the dissemination of of any information that's where our Sops are held that's where we provide the proof through we actually uh obtained an additional service called Power standards that works through Power DMS we we also provide as much of the training as we can through there we're allowed to provide a certain portion of it simply through uh Power DMS classes which then have Associated tests for the officer to prove that he's assimilated the knowledge and all of that works through Power DMS they work together power DMS is is an incredible asset for accreditation is it it is not required for accreditation but some sort of document management system is is required so the way you explained it perhaps I misunderstood is Lexapro lexo is that it uh Lex aole Lex aole excuse me is that um does power DMS is is that part of that contracted amount or is is there another line there that's contained in another line okay any other discussion roll call councilman Casio yes councilman yes councilman yes Council bz yes council president Des yes police subscription in books 40125 240240 1,00 requested 1,00 recommended do I have a motion so move second discussion make a motion to cut it by 200 we have a motion to make $24 800 by Mr Caso do have a second uh this is two 40 yeah 240 Mr Al I'll second that any discussion if I could jump in on the discussion second sure Chief uh so the 2023 the amount that was used uh provided for our basic subscriptions uh for our case law books are our title 39 which is our motor vehicle books and our title 2C are updated books which we get every year but the reason that was lower is because in 2023 we didn't have nearly the number of change in title and promotions Etc the the additional in with regard to that is going to go towards providing business cards and stationary things of that nature uh so I would ask that the, despite the uh you the previous expenditures I would ask that it be maintained so that we can provide for those so we can still get the the books and subscriptions that we need but that was for books but your cards and stuff should come out of office supplies correct uh we traditionally have not the office of supplies we generally consider those the consumable office supplies uh paper pens tape glue highlighters Etc ccil pres the chief pres Chief don't do you also uh use those uh baseball type cards with the officer names on them does that come out of this line item that the kids love uh it does not that has traditionally been paid for uh by Grant and community policing Community Poli thank you Chief do you think 900 would be more acceptable could you do 900 uh I haven't gotten a quote because we haven't instituted the other uh promotions but we've got five promotions already uh for this year and we're probably anticipating another two by year end so uh I would be hazarding a guess if I told you I knew exactly how much it would be four business cards uh but we figure about 100 or so business cards uh per officer per promotion uh and and I think that's a conservative number because the officers who are on the road give those out very consistently I give those out consistently uh so have you ever thought of printing cards in house with our our our staff uh we did that one year uh the problem with that was the amount of time that it took for the we didn't have anyone on staff who was very graphically proficient uh and I don't know that we have someone on staff now who who's who who's up to that and making them look as as professional I'm try yeah I I totally understand well we'll have to put the ink cdges back in the budget yeah and the and the card stock Etc so so okay just so I understand the books that you're referencing when an individual is promoted they have to get a new set or an I'm sorry not no the books don't have anything to do with the promotions basically the $683 that was spent last year was spent strictly on uh the books and subscriptions our updated books we generally get two of each one of those so that's a total of six books uh that are updated versions and they have to be the statutes are always changing the case law certainly always changing that book has grown significantly uh so so the overage that that I'm asking for and asking that it be maintained is to provide for the things that go along with the the promotions which there is a significantly more uh number of those in in 24 than there was in 23 so we have a motion a second forus 200 for 800 roll call would you gentlemen consider 900 I mean that's your 10% versus 20 I would consider it I'll motion I'll revise my motion so we go minus 100 now if somebody second it second it we go to 900 roll call councilman CIO no councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes councilman valz yes council president Des senum uh yes police does meetings and conferences 4125 24250 6500 requested 6500 recommended do I have a motion some move second discussion do we anticipate another trip to uh California no so I mean that was a buk of 2200 or 2100 $2,200 in lie of that expense are we anticipating other expenses the the $2,200 I expect to be significantly less because the uh International Association of chiefs of police conference is in Boston this year so that would save the airfare so that's what I reduce that by uh with regard to the other uh conferences those generally have to do with the New Jersey State Association of chis of police down in Atlantic City as well as the juvenile conference uh and confence yeah the lead conference we try to send our officers to any conference that is within State uh and also the uh like I said the IP which will be in Boston this year any other discussion did you say something uh no I mean I would propose that it be reduced I me if we're basing it on this so there's you know I don't know if Chief Kari is you know going to be a short-timer but there were expenses related to the existing the former Chief's departure there was significant airfare or airfare hotel uh so that event you plan on attending but it's in Boston so there would be no air or different corre type of air correct I mean and I can tell you I have a three-year contract so well you we we hope here for three years thank you and then some let's not be crazy see how he does salaries are only going up so will you wrise notice for that comment so volunteered you know I I would propose that we reduce it by $500 you want to make it $6,000 yes do I have a second yes second roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears no council M Omen yes Council woman bz no council president to sener yes police office equipment repairs 40125 24270 5,000 requested 5,000 recommended do have a motion so move second discussion and what keeps breaking everything years old yeah computers that we burn out monitors I mean there's that's different yeah it's a different um there's a lot of stuff I mean we we're 247 365 days we use our stuff all the time it's never not being used it's not like a regular office that's 8 hours a day just not so so the wear and tear is significantly more so I appreciate that it is a 247 operation there's a backup server a a management of the server backups which I don't consider equipment repair and a replacement of a Spen radio Spen radio so is that were these repaired replaced and should that uh the server service should that be another line so there is a different line for computer equipment uh this is one of those line items where I talk about where we have to Escrow things I hope I don't use it all traditionally it does get used just because things break and like I said I I try not to use it all if I don't have to use it all I don't but if I don't have it and and a critical piece goes down and we don't want to replace it but we want to repair it this is where it comes from so can can you just uh we just did a significant upgrade with our radios is a spin radio or SPN radio is that related to that upgrade that radio was not rep that was still our old radio that was over what is this radio Statewide radio Statewide police emergency network uh that is what enables total interoperability between agencies I don't have to have the free I don't have to have the frequency or anything programmed into my radio if I have to call uh I'll just use if I have to call Fort Lee for some reason and get them in an emergency situation uh we can commun we just pick up the radio and call on Spen and they pick up and you replaced that last year did replace or repair it was repaired yeah it was repaired that's why I came from that line yeah is it yeah it was just it was so old that it just stopped transmitting on our dispatcher so they were trying to trans so it sounds like it's an important piece of equipment um do you know what a new radio is a new spin radio we haven't priced it because it's not cheap I I would say it would be upwards of$ 4500 oh upward and again at the but knowing what my mobile radios run you know so the the only thing I would say is if it's a if we have you know a state-of-the-art communication now after the recent upgrades if there's you know it's only as strong as the weakest link and this sounds like it might be I mean is it worth understanding what that cost is and just move moving it Forward absolutely and what I was thinking and we haven't gotten into Capital but I'm providing some of that for some of that in capital because I don't want to put the car before the horse but with regard to Capital we also have an ask out there for some various upgrades with regard to the emergency service building so that we can have redundant dispatch if we ever had an incident in the building we could transfer operations over there I was thinking of rolling it into that because over there they would also need that you know obviously like you said it's an essential piece so I was thinking of rolling it more into a capital item because it's an item that once I spend I wouldn't expect to spend more on it going forward so uh so that's where I had anticipated that for that particular piece okay I guess we'll get that in another line but I I had a question about that sure any other discussion on this line item ladies and gentlemen roll call coun massio yes C seers yes councilman Omen yes Council woman bz yes council president to Senate police medical 40125 24280 14,000 requested 14,000 recommended do I have a motion so move second discussion why the big increase Chief uh we instituted excuse me an employee uh Mental Health wellness program a number of years ago uh it's something that's becoming more widespread uh every officer attends a mandatory 1our counseling SE well I don't want to call it counseling session uh a one hour mental health session with a qualified provider and we do that every other year the cost for that is $200 per session so uh so the cost is roughly $5,000 just for that uh so that is the increase that's something that I would anticipate moving forward uh I I would to do it every year uh but but like I said that's the reason for the increase from one year to the next Mr Dar Carlo can our employee benefits cordinator look into it because I know state health benefits has uh I know this is probably specific to PD but they have uh online mental you know like similar counseling like you're talking about that's administered by a group for the for the uh for the state health benefits at no cost have a com on that yeah uh former councilwoman uh uh desire Morgan did a significant amount of of research on that and she was not able to come up with with the funding that that was required as far as getting it through any other source we use a we use the same uh company that provides for our psychological testing for new hires Etc we we kind of prefer that just because police work being a a specialized feeli with specialized consideration we want people that are specialized in uh in working with law enforcement thank you and you said it's every year or every other year I would like it every year we've been doing it every other year um so what would the what would the ask go to well this includes the ask right for this no no if you for every year to do it every year yeah um I agree with you Mr om man that number that number this is the number for every year they're doing it this year I'm sorry we are doing it this year we didn't do it last year uh so going for so that number that's provided for in here the remainder of that goes towards uh all of our uh psychological screening health screening etc for new hires and if there's ever any need for an existing employee uh to use those services or or or anything that's what's for there having it done this year correct correct everybody having a session correct yeah I I would anticipate submitting the same for next year I would like to see it done every year I believe it's been uh it it's been extraordinarily successful uh some some skeptical officers have come to embrace it so I think it it's a smart idea just a qu the there's a line for police physical and there's a number at the end of it uh 2,400 is that for one officer or is that like an invoice for I I believe I believe that was two two yeah they're required to for that before they attend the police academy and we currently have two officers in the police academy we have we have uh our SLO 2 is attending uh the waiver portion of the academy but it still requires a full physical thank you roll call coun massio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes counc president desent yes police copy expense 40125 24029 2000 requested 2,000 recommended you have a motion some move second any discussion roll call councilman Casio yes counc SE yes councilman Omen yes Council bz yes council president Des sener yes police furniture and Equipment 40125 240300 4,000 requested 4,000 recommended I have a motion so move second any discussion would this be just for General upkeep correct to replace uh things that cannot be repaired uh we haven't purchased a as a as a total the office equipment desks Etc are over 25 years old the stuff in my office was donated uh we got what we get about a dozen filing cabinets from the pr we we make deal with what we can but this is so I don't Capital something like that and and come to you and say I need $50,000 in one year I'd much rather replace things as they go okay I mean just uh I mean 4,000 obviously is life support we just want to be cognizant if we are thinking about a big spend that we may be doing something with the overall facility and maybe delay that large SP no this is just pretty much upkeep our dispatch chairs to give an example up $700 a chair um unfortunately the business end of it they try shoot more um so if I got to replace one or with those chairs you know that's a huge junk of there and then the officers you know desk chairs as well and you know they're about four years old now so again we in them all the time they get torn up okay where did your donations come from when you say that some of the equipment is being donated the office uh everything in my office was donated by a law firm that was uh that was closing uh the the Dozen file cabinets we got were old leftover file cabinets when the prosecutor's office uh was redoing theirs and significantly upgrading they put it out to the local PDS and we took as much advantage of that as we can so so that's common is it common no we you know we understand we try to stretch a dollar you know and when we can we make to R call Council councilman Casio yes Council yes councilman Omen yes Council woman valz yes council president the sen yes police interpreters calibrations 40125 240 320400 requested 1400 recommended some of second second any discussion calibrations what are they the radar guns the that's the vehicles so the vehicles get calibrated so the speedometer is certified this when you're matching what the radar says to the speedometer you can testifying cour thank you it's also significant uh during Pursuits the the the MVR system the video cameras record the speed and it gets that from the speedometer so to know the speeds that that the vehicle achieved that during a Pursuit is critical uh for for having a meaningful review of that incident do they uh certify every vehicle the Frontline patrol cars not the cars that are used uh the rear end cars that are used for details the vehicles that are used for the the slos we don't we don't patol anymore can't do it yeah they they shouldn't be used for Pursuits anyway okay roll call yeah um I'm just looking at the the past spends in 2021 and 20 why were they so uh 2021 they suspended it uh for Co 2022 uh there was an issue with the company that we use uh the owner it's a sole proprietor kind of thing and he had some health issues so it didn't get done that year uh councilman Casio yes councilman seers yes councilman Omen yes councilwoman bz yes council president the sen yes police radio expense 40125 240 360 22,000 requested 22,000 recommended it's a service agreement for all Motorola radios and atte dispatch desk radios supported by Quil didn't we just get all new RS and and their original service agreement is over one year that's all they want there was no way of extending that from the original purchase we inquired what is each one of these radios worth and how many do we have Chief I'll refer to my radio your your desk radios are minimum 60,000 each each section two that's 120,000 right there um so if anything goes in that system it's covered by this one yeah and what about the handheld radios the handheld radios are still under warranty for another the rest of this year then when a service agreement for those those are the port the handheld Portables are over $8,000 each so this is just a one-ear service agreement so what we so this is going to be an annual thing what we did was that 20,000 includes our old radio system that we still had a um contract with because it's so old um so we had them roll it in and give us one price so why are we keeping the old radio system if we have to have it as a backup because the road department still runs they run on our old fire and our old PD is still in the background as well the ambulance has has their old frequency as well they actually had a radius break on them you and and finding parts for these things are challenging so we have a good company that gave us a better quote than Motorola and it's what we' like to use so so we're maintaining two complete radios systems systems correct your dispatch desk and then you have your backup next to it the backup is we have a storm excuse my Lang H Breaks Loose they can call in another dispatcher or an officer and they can answer phone calls or the other person dispatches so it's redundancy in case the first one does go down as well so we can still stay in housee and dispatch do we o require the second though if I understood that because we don't have gmf on the county correct so we get a double use from that second backup or from the backup we get a backup for the police and then we get the DP I thought our backup for the police was the County dispatch we're at 911 go no that's not 911 doesn't go to County it goes to uh Tri B sorry I thought the backup was Tri if we had a problem because all 911 was there not for radio communications and the 22 for this year for next year we expect it to go up because it will be it will cover the hand units as well that would be a separate service agreement I don't have a person it might not be worth it honestly once I get the price we have to see because those are those are things that are not stationary inside they're outside getting weather so I don't know what that contract would be and I'm sorry just just amazes me that we spent that type of money and now we're spending this type of money so what does this cover does this cover you know I don't know if there's a lightning strike and the system blows up do we get it replaced is this is this insurance is this a service agreement do we when they come in so I have a service agreement on my AC but if it breaks when they come in and start replacing Parts I have I'm responsible for that and I'm sure that's how our service agreement on the AC works here is this a service agreement does this just guarantee that someone shows up is it is a service agreement and it guarantees that they will show up um the company that we're using shows up within an hour usually um again again this is the same company that we're using with our old radio system now we just got to roll in this service agreements that of using Motorola um directly motorol uses a separate company which we don't really care for um but this will ensure that all the hardware and software is updated yearly as part of the agreement and any repairs are done on the equipment and they have stock of all the parts that we need because they're an apte dealer and I'm sorry just I'm sorry to be so specific but when they do those repairs it's covered the equipment the hardware any any uh parts that they bring to the table that's covered in the 20 yes it's it's kind of like insurance so is there a service fee when they come out no no it's all part of this AG any other discussion R we didn't do a motion again we did no jum in no jum I'll second it councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman yes yes counc pz yes council president the center yes police training 40125 24370 20,000 requested 20,000 recommended you have a motion so move second why the big jump Chief the increase in mandatory training uh accreditation requires some but the state is coming down with significantly more training uh mandated training and the availability of it just isn't there uh I don't know if you're aware of the issue that the the Burton County Police Academy had uh so they ins sure sorry they're in service training uh has has significantly curtailed and the private sector is moving to fill the section uh and this this number still only accounts for less than $1,000 per officer for training uh those courses the least expensive courses are averaging $150 to $200 per day of training uh we're up to what now 72 hours of mandatory training uh it it's gotten significantly more expensive and challenging to meet those needs the the the spend in 23 uh you know I knew this would would be a discussion because it is an increase uh however the uh the captain has has a list if you want to go over it we can but it's it's a very significant increase from the state uh with regard a big thing is licensing uh for the first time time police officers in New Jersey are being licensed we were all issued licenses at the beginning of the year to maintain your licensing the the training requirements to keep up that licensing have increased probably about 20% for what they used to be prior the mandatory training thank you compl the motion can I can I ask what the Rogers Group provides the Rogers Group provides 12 modules of training every year for every officer they they they work it through Power DMS those are the power DMS courses that we purchase uh that's everything from Pursuit and use of force training that that's mandated to case law update they they put the courses together they get them approved through the police training commission and then they issue them to us personalized to us that also reflect our Sops so anything individualized to the department that that's in addition to the attorney general mandates and the beron County prosecutor's office directives that's where we get that training from it it helps us significantly to uh to achieve that how many courses do off officers on average take minimum mandatory yeah training I I'll refer to the captain for that so mandatory nine mandatory every year next year it'll be 10 some of them are inhouse like like you said U the plexicle can um uh provide those and those are 12 so we get those 12 so um but then there's there's ones like active shooter um you know Firearms um next year is going to be defensive tactics they're making it mandatory that's going to be a minimum of eight hours um that's going to be additional in 25 so um there's just a lot like I said we have 72 hours accounted for just a mandatory and that's not even to keep up with the other stuff and then next year we're guaranteed 80 so John the CBA is required um that um that we pay for your licensure that's not provided for in the the CBA it's not provided for in the CBA technically the township wouldn't have to pay for that because it's not providing the contract right I'm going to leave that up to the administration but question is the CBA the CBA is the CBA does not provide there there's no the word Li in does not appear in the CBA okay but there are how many courses required for that per year are we talking about the CBA the the the CBA doesn't provide for the training for the courses or the are we talking about licensing fees those are different from training costs training and you said now you need a license every year correct they they're for three years correct for three years yeah the license is good for three years but to maintain the license you have we have to show the police training commission that the officer has attended these courses to keep their license correct and that's nowhere in the CBA nowhere in the CBA that is no not that I'm aware of okay when was that instituted by the state this year 202 2024 is the first so the way it worked was everyone who currently has a police training commission number and is employed as a police officer or has been employed in the last three years was issued a license automatically those licenses were done on a rotating basis that some onethird of our department will expire at the end of this year onethird will be expire at the end of next year and we have to relicense them the relicensing requires a completely new background investigation be done on an existing officer uh it it requires a significant amount of paperwork and we have to certify the training has taken place in order for them to receive the licenses any new hires will be forwarded there is a cost of $500 for that license to to them yeah well right now where where does the p maybe it's not the right uh probably not the right um form for the the question I was going to ask so there's no um so these are unfunded mandates coming down from the state okay I would characterize it like that absolutely like everything else in the state just the background checks alone for an existing officer are going to take and they prescribe what is in the background check now it's it's going to take at least one officer 40 hours to conduct a background check on an existing police officer said 40 hours correct wow correct I think so an officer 20-year officer has to have a background check complete that is correct every four year every three years the license is good for three years so when you submit the application for the license and that's the police training commission recommends that 40 hours based on what they prescribe as the mandatory things in background check that have to be certified wow yeah it's it's the equivalent of a new hire for for an existing officer to get these background checks so it's it's a Manpower thing you know that that alone accounts is going to account for seven or eight hour seven or eight weeks of one officer's time it has to be done by a officer it does correct and officers specifically trained in background investigations do we have one of those do we have okay train he's training himself to this year also uh our guys get uh trained in CPR recertification every two years so they're due at the end of this year so that's going to be included in this also thank you that's why there's an increase there's a cost per officer cost per officer online training by an outside agent thank you roll call councilman Casio yes I going to poke you thank you councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes councilman valz yes coun president the yes police Chiefs uniform allowance 412540 390 1,000 requested 1,000 recommended do have a motion moved any discussion have about a second oh sorry roll call second it's not that late is late I believe it's it's contractual sir that's correct who second I'll I'll second it since I scre it up any discussion sorry roll call um councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council bz yes council president Des yes police safety equipment and uniforms 40125 244 19,000 requested 19,000 recommended do have a motion so Mo do have a second I'll second it any discussion sure in four years it went up 20 uh 10 grand so it's increasing stead of because the idea number of people uniforms both of those things the cost the the the cost has gone up uh significantly for our items it seems like every private vendor as soon as you say it's for police or or probably any government but I only have experience with police that that the cost has gone up significantly but there is also a provision now uh under accreditation that we provide officers with their bulletproof vests and so those are $1,000 each we allow the we allow the officer to upgrade it if he chooses with the caveat that it always remains the property of the department and what is the expiration five years five years those vests are good for five years and we have to mandatorily provide those so that that is the biggest reason for the increase in the expense so accreditation just like the the state has unfunded mandates accreditation comes with unfunded mandates they're not mandates they're only mandates if you want to be accredited so it's a there standards that you have to meet if you want to have accreditation they to I don't want to make I don't want to confuse the two they are mandated if you want to be an accredited agency and it is best practice because then the department owns the best because technically officer can't own because the destruction of it is our responsibility so there was some inity back in the day because officer paid for some of it we used some of the funds from our best fund to offset that so then technically the officer has claimed to that can't have that anymore so Chief um I don't believe you knew this but um towards the end of our preparation we did introduce 8,487 in the budget for body armor Grant okay would that assist you in any way absolutely yeah I was unaware of that but thank you I'm sorry Mr what was that it's called the body armor Grant did we receive that Mr D yes so it's it's being placed in the revenue it's also later on in the budget for $8,400 and I'm sorry $848 so I'm not sure how much that would Offset you in your that line safety equipment in un forms we have almost half the department to do this year so $10,000 so takes a good junk out it is is that 10,000 was included in this number cap uh yeah with the best fund um money is that we get from the state so this is a separate I'm assuming from that yeah I mean you you know you can use so we lower this by 8,000 being that we got 8,500 8,847 that's that seems we got 8,847 the the increase was to provide for the revest for the Reves mandatorily we were counting on our funds for that which you get I believe through the grant what was it yeah there like 25 yeah still and also just because I'm not aware of it is this an is this an annual Grant or is this again I think it's another one that totaled up but that it was unappropriate because we hadn't used it prior right it had never been introduced into the budget that's why and it's strictly for body armor correct yeah um yeah that's why you know if uh if we were to we lower it back to 2023 in light of what I just heard 17,000 is that you're saying I'll make a motion for the 17,000 I'll second that can can I just add can so I'm clear cu first I fully support everyone having the best body armor they can I'm just trying to understand so you're required or as part of maintaining the accreditation uh vest have to be provided they have a life span of five years and you're looking to purchase for half the department this year or the entire department no almost half ofart almost half the second half will be taken care of next year be another two years another two years yeah we're about 3 years apart the and then we have a couple stragglers we try to do them in blocks yeah okay you know being that we've done some hiring in the last couple years there's some people that are offset from that would it would it be easier or would it make more sense to divy it up into five and just roll them on a fiveyear roll or that doesn't make sense we can't because of where they're at now they all have different expiration dates right yeah I don't want to phase out a vest it's still usable for another year or two I just don't want to incur that that expense could theoretically could we but I'm I'm I'm truly worried that we would be disposing of vests that have another two or three years of life left in them to get them on that that role because it's based on hiring dates they have to have them for the police academy for range week and you know so so they're kind of rolled with with hiring okay uh it's also something that is personally fitted to each officer so I can't take one from a retired guy and give it to a new guy even if it has time left in it so what's the upgrade on that you said so each vest is a thousand what's the up that's for the model basic the minimum protection level they can go for a higher protection level but increases significantly and increases the weight and the py of the v as well right roll call we're voting for the 177,000 correct correct yes Council Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council bz yes council president to Senter yes police oxygen and fire extinguishers 40125 240 410 17700 requested 1700 recommended to have a motion so move second discussion okay roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman om man yes Council woman bz yes council president Des yes please yes um assuming you're ending at 10 we're just at a halfway point could we maybe Take 5 minutes since we're at the halfway point or everybody okay with 5 minutes sure yes Mr okay thank you we just let Ricky know we're going to take a 5 minute recess e e e e e e e e um police equipment maintenance and licenses 40125 24450 9250 requested $9,250 recommend amended uh anticipated vendor increase do we have a contract for that Mr motion sorry so I can Mr car we have a contract for that or chief do we have a contract for that yes and I also have a note here uh a line so I did reorganize some budget lines uh some things were getting paid from lines that I felt was more appropriate a line later on uh which is software leasing uh I actually decreased and that is the reason for the increase here uh so where's software leasing software leasing is uh later on software on page oh it's on the bottom of page1 31 30 on the second line up on page 31 uh you took you took 2900 out of that line [Applause] correct you still added more than that so is that the increase on top of that or it is this is this pays for our infocop license which is the the service that the the vehicles get for the uh the mdts uh it pays for our fingerprint uh system for the service for that our tuning fork calibrations and yes so the the increase of the difference is the anticipated increase from the vendors the uh same thing with the uh the fingerprint software that is also the original service agreement which was purchased when we purchased it has ended and now we have to purchase an addition it's it's not that it's nowhere near what the radio system is I can tell you that anything else ladies and gentlemen roll call councilman Casio yes counc Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council woman bz yes council president Des sen yes police medical supplies 40125 2449 1,00 requested 1,00 recommended motion so moved second discussion R sorry what is seems like it's related to Lifesavers is that just the aeds or they is that the vendor for all medical supplies all medical supplies all medical supplies this goes for all the oxygen Mas uh Band-Aids bandages anything that we have in our uh yeah we carry our medical bag so whenever we go on an ambulance call we need something we have it any other discussion a quick question you guys carrying the north Camp yes on your on your persons when you go in they're in every one of those medical bags and they defibulators as well okay so you go into a scene have on you or you have to go back and get it look if they go to any medical call they will have it if the nature of a call is a medical call it goes in with them okay roll call councilman Casio yes Council M yes Council Omen yes Council woman bz yes council president Des yes police miscellaneous 401 25245 8,000 request ested 8,000 recommended do I have a motion so move anyone second that second discussion this a big jump that that was caused I believe because we were reimbursed for two radar signs that were struck by vehicles and the reimbursement went into that line item so the the actual expenditure was much closer to the to the 7500 $ 3549 was one and $1,550 was a second those were uh credits and $2500 2550 can you talk in please I'm sorry all right 2500 1500 and that our first initial number 3549 and that was for radar guns it was all reimbursements damage yeah the the two uh two of the signs those portable signs uh that we erected got hit yeah yeah do they reimburse was Insurance correct yeah they're fantastic but in those locations uh no pole or tree had ever been struck before and as soon as we put those out they hit those so they get hit every year 2020 2021 hope not well you know I see I see the expense so I just trying to understand what the expenses are for the expenses under the miscellaneous line item are exactly that uh they can be they anything as you know that's a catchall and uh that's for something that just doesn't fit in any of the other uh line items it it consistently is something that that emergencies come up or something that wasn't anticipated uh as a percentage of the budget we try to keep it as low as possible but again that's an escrow account that if I need it there's nothing else that'll that'll take its place we also take the car washs out of there try to get the car that's correct yep yeah car washes so I mean that that's gone up you unfortunately you go to get your car wash they give us a discount how much it is now car wash well last year they had $13,000 is run through there so well we ran them through there because we got the reimbursement of of insurance funds right or no I mean the purchase isn't there we're just taking the credit there so we've you know if I'm reading the report right we had 5300 in uh then we have to gross up to 5,300 by the 7,000 or 8,000 that we were reimburse yeah because we did buy the signs right is what I'm saying no what I'm saying is no you had the you had the expense of the signs but then you got reimbursed the money well I don't know I don't to that sign is not in this expense the credit is in this expense the original cost is not because it was what previous it was what previous years years ago so that's just a new expense of buying a new sign to from the insurance and it's not the full amount yeah that's just what we got why would pay the full amation 2500 is subreg right so if it if it was someone else's full we'll get the insurance reimbursement minus our $2500 uh deductible and then through subreg they go after the faulted party that's where that money is reimbursed so do we get our subreg back Mr gal or not yet yes that's that's what that $2,500 is and then does that pay for a full sign Captain will we do that like they I forgot what the total amount is now they're 4300 yeah yeah they're well over they're well over 3500 so it's so it's 43 did pay for the full right so on the van urg speed sign they gave us our subreg which is the 2500 and then they gave us $1,550 on top of that and then then there was the Beach Street a acent shouldn't those just go to General I didn't get the ticket those credits he Liv around that I have to do some more poking around you know unfortunately I wasn't prepared to to answer those questions reasonable questions just wasn't prepared so I'd have to do some fking around to see why we did what we did any other discussion on this line John just one question on the building there's a thing for mag user fee m m sorry mlin is I don't want to butcher it uh midatlantic uh I can't even remember the I'm sorry it's so long uh but what it is is it's a Cooperative that we subscribe to uh and it has to do with Detective Bureau investigative work it's gives us access to databases Financial lookups it also gives us access to some hardware for surveillance as long as we can link it to a multi-jurisdiction it's the big thing is the multi-jurisdictional uh as long as something has any sort of multi-jurisdictional component to it we can tap them for a lot of great resour sources I use them consistently in the bureau uh there even just the financials alone are well worth the the cost uh it's just an asset and a resource that is a uh like I said it's it's a regional Collective and the ma is the midatlantic it doesn't seem like a big spend for that looks like a good bargain it is it's what they offer is fantastic thank you are any of these so that service some of the ones we discussed earlier in the evening can any of them be used on a uh for multi uh towns multi municipalities or does everyone have their ownership for something like that every municipality membership so the only thing I would raise is that you know um if I'm doing the math right there was like 13,000 in miscellaneous could be doing it wrong well we reimbursed 7,599 there's 3,100 incumber and there's 2,173 or you spend so um no I would think I understand how you're coming up with the 13 um Mr corkran if you want to try a better explanation at the different columns yes if I may if you take into account those straight reimbursements that 2173 is roughly 9700 so you know if if those re verions didn't come in that been over by like roughly 2200 if I'm doing right 22 okay any other discussion roll call councilman cassum uh yes councilman teers yes councilman Omen no council woman valz yes council president Desa yes police guns and ammunition 40125 24054 20,500 requested 20,500 recommended do have a motion I'll second it any discussion uh yes I can tell you that ammunition is quite expensive he's gone up a good 20% since last year thank you R Council massio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president TOA yes police 1033 program 40125 24560 10,000 request 10,000 recommended do I have a motion oh did you do traffic lights's nothing [Music] there thankfully we're out of that business now who speed trap would be nice do we have to I need a motion in a second for 10:33 program discussion do we have any 1033 grants or anything on the horizon that you think we should get we're looking if something looks worthwhile like one of our pickup trucks unfortunately that we picked up the engine compl dead so we're just waiting for the year to and then we sell some parts and then pick truck through that program then to figure out transport cost again here um and then any repairs that we might need turn it into a police vehicle you know lettering and stuff so that encompasses all of that you know we get the uh the tower lights you know got to tune up um we actually converted one of them over to LED last year like 3500s just for the kit to convert them um so we get more life out of so anything else ladies and gentlemen can we can we reduce that a little bit uh not if we want to take advantage of opportunities that that's my concern uh I was actually we were actually recognized uh by Josh gimer and his office uh for judicious use of it uh for maximizing our return on it with regard to a $10,000 item for line item for what we've acquired uh reducing it reduces the ability to take advantage of it you have my commitment that it's not used frivolously uh it's used for for I'm all about value and if I can get value I don't want it unless there's value in it for me uh so reducing it reduces opportunity but this is for upgrading repairs correct some of it that that note was put in there because in3 it was right no it does no I'm saying the 2023 number does include some transport transport that to me that's important it gives us more range to get things from other bases where we can't drive to then we have a chip to to us Mike did you have any further no I don't roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council wz yes council president desate yes police excuse me oh counc presid can we just go back to Traffic Light maintenance and repair sure so I realize it's zero but [Music] um when we did the new emergency service building I was under the impression that there were going to be traffic control lights for the trucks entering and leaving that's what was presented to us and it didn't happen for some reason so I I guess my question is would this be where we would purchase them or can we talk to the county about it or is that I guess we need to have the administration talk to the county about it because it was part of the original agreement that they give us the ability to turn the traffic light green and red when we needed it and they were going to put flashing lights that said trucks exiting or ENT in you mean it's the new intersection no there's two there's two caveats yeah the first one the first one was they were going to give the the fireman a remote that would operate the signal and change the lights at the intersection at the intersection which don't have yet well let me stop you there cuz I just looked into it uh County said upon further checking into it the intersection is too far from the building uh and so they no longer recommend or they they're out and out refusing to do it because they say it's too far but that was the recommendation I that then it was changed I I checked literally less than a month ago and then what about the fleshing vehicles exiting and entering I I didn't ask about that specifically um I can reach out and ask about that because that was one of the things that was shown on the original plans was uh trucks exiting and entering uh the firehouse it certainly help when backing up yeah that's what we were supposed to did they get a new ruler to measure anything else on that Mr no I'm I'm sorry just no where else to police computer supplies 4125 24820 7500 requested 7500 recommended do I have a motion mov second any discussion roll call councilman Casio yes councilman SE yes councilman Omen yes Council bz yes councilman Des yes police dispatch desk software licenses 40125 24300 21,500 requested 21,500 recommended dri a motion so move I'll second it any discussion just why would um maybe that's where it belongs but the duty billing the time sheet calculator why would that be at the dispatch or is that just where it is that was part of of my reallocation it's always been in there and I didn't I I didn't want to shuffle around too much to show line items I didn't want to make anyone think I was playing a shell game so I wanted to keep things consistent uh it's not inappropriate there uh but it that's just that is where it has landed traditionally because back when officers were on the desk the desk officer was pretty much the one who maintained the schedule and so that's why it went in there when we went to computerize scheduling and that's where it's lived since so we saying this could be almost just $6500 increase in Vendor increase Chief we only spent $ 15,000 last year we're looking for 215 yeah I'm looking right now it's a big it's a big you know the uh voice and telephone recorder the that includes the service contract there we weren't paying a service contract they wouldn't give us a service contract on the old system last year the new system system does not roll in a service contract you purchase it separate so we purchased the new system last year but now we need to get a service contract on that for the new voice recorder this it was repl the system itself was replaced last year the hardware uh that runs the software itself was not replaced but to get a service on the hardware and the system itself but they wouldn't service it anymore it was that old get very expensive to upgrade maybe we should stop upgrade work problem holy crap I don't disagree it seems like everything has planned obsolescence built into it it's just you know we're presented and I don't think there's anything uh nefarious but you know we're presented a number and I think many of us feel like we're biting off a big chunk and we're paying for it and then right behind it a year later you know they have these short warranty lives and all of a sudden there these bills coming in and it's nothing I mean I'm sure if we dove into some of the other departments it's the same thing it's just you know maybe it's more transparent here but it just is a large number and you know maybe something we should think about in the long term when we talk about these things is I don't know if it's possible to capitalize those maintenance agreements or negotiate them up front and include them in the um original bid uh but we we've taken a shot at that and when it comes to Public Safety they won't do it okay it's cuz I agree completely I would like to know the full cost of something over its service life sure and they give us one year and they won't quote the service agreements at that time we've tried with several we tried extensively with the radios we've tried extensively with this so I I couldn't agree more you try to negotiate with them for a low price to try to capitalize it for the life of it because I'm going to have to buy it anyway so I I completely agree with you okay thank you roll call councilman cassum yes councilman Sears yes counc Omen yes Council valz yes council president desum yes police community policing website 40125 24400 3500 requested 3500 recommended have a motion a second second any discussion is any of this covered by grants or trusts not that I'm aware of we uh I'm sorry let me rephrase that uh I've just spoken with Laura down at the library and there is some Grant opportunity there she's gotten some grant money and we're going to work uh with her on a few uh initiatives things that happen traditionally I was thinking in the past but going forward there are a few things that we can expand some community policing activity from money that she's gotten know uh I'm sure I'm not uh remembering right or misremembering I think that was the term I thought there was like a community policing Grant so I think that's for the the um junior Police Academy correct looking for it now what it was uh called I think there may have been a trust that Mr om man is referring to I mean it's fine I don't I remember getting a grant for Jun police account not Grant there I think he's referring to maybe a trust account there may have been a trust account because things were donated for the purpose of community policing uh I you know I allow my community policing officer to govern that and there was an account that had received donations specifically for uh the junior Police Academy right yeah uh it it was a general I remember some of the things that were purchased out of that and it generally comes down to uh you know things like water uh t-shirts and bags that kind of stuff it's been supplementing those wasn't there money out a municipal Alliance for the junior Police Academy we we use that also yeah yeah the the $3500 we spend significantly more from whoever we can partner with they generally come on board with additional funds and this is what we roll call Council cassum yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council bz yes council president Sena yes police vehicle Acquisitions 40125 2450000 180,000 requested 180,000 recommended do I have a motion second any discussion yeah why are we using tah all of a sudden I have my two vehicle guys next to me and I'll let them explain T are way better vehicles in our opinion um they seem to um be a lot more reliable than the Fords were um however in both cases Fords and Cheves right now it's very difficult to get them we're still waiting on the on be ordered last year so we still haven't gotten so um you know and unfortunately that puts more wear and tear on the sleep because we're not getting that new vehicle in there to help spread the loads of speed so we got a new Taho last year captain no we did not we were supposed to get we ordered we ordered one we're still waiting on and how old are the other tahos that are in the park 2022 was the last time we got new vehicles and how many of those are there two two tahos so we have three tahos that are less than two years old no uh we have two we have two tahos that are less than 2 years old and then I have a 2020 time but we have a brand new one technically that we paid for but we just don't have an when do we anticipate getting that one I was told that the first batch of orders may be coming in right now and then we may get it by June just to clarify we haven't paid we've encumbered the money we've encumbered the money from last year and this is this is the problem across the state unfortunately with GM and Ford and everybody else having their strikes and stuff on top of Co um shutting down plants retooling you know we get every excuse in the book we're just not getting vehicles in my experience the the tahos are are a more robust vehicle and what I'm hoping for is that as you remember Steve we've traditionally come and ask for two vehicles every year what I'd like to see it be is two vehicles one year one vehic the next year to so I expect them to have a longer service life and I think our experience right now the oldest one is what 2019 2020 2020 and and it's still doing well I believe it's doing much better than a Ford of the same vintage would be doing uh so that was the reason for the switch okay at the end of their life as well resale value is a lot higher what's the lifespan so the 2020 you when do you think that one will expire in our department the lifespan is probably 10 plus years because that's what we keep our vehicles um a viable Patrol Frontline vehicle three maybe four years then you're going to have too many miles on it you're going have to wind up with a lot of issues is the delay because it's a Tahoe or no it's a delay you get a Ford or you get a Taho the only thing that we've heard is in stock right now or Dodge don't rangos which don't have a great raing either so it's a universal lament I was just with two dozen Chiefs in the list and nobody can get cars uh people that are ordering 12 10 and 12 cars get three uh so it's across the board so two questions do we have a um an aging schedule of the fleet it's definitely not one that that's written in stone because each one depending on the the use it gets is relative uh I've seen these guys maximize a vehicle life we would hate to phase something out that's kind of like how the 1033 program survives they phase things out that still have a useful life we try to get every every Mile and every hour of life out of these things so I I wouldn't because our Fleet is small enough that they know every vehicle intimately they're I trust them and they're in a good position to say when a vehicle is still viable versus when it's not so so how many Frontline Vehicles do you need to operate the department efficiently seven how many we currently have we currently have seven seven correct and when we get the new one that'll make eight yeah well the some of the the older vehicles that have high mileage on will then go to the back end of the rotation and we can hopefully retire I about 2010 uh for that we have that's got High language on it but it's it primarily gets used for like outside details and stuff it makes us money right now you know so is there is that is the so last year we got one vehicle we we we we budgeted 75,000 and I guess we covered the 67,000 on the state contract because that's what the cost of the Tahoe was and the rest would be and the rest the vehicle and then the rest is and and the upfitting yeah and then we haven't even swapped over radios put the radar in it put the video system in it put the cargo box in the back you know put the U well we're jumping we're jumping another 15,000 this year so does that mean there's an increase in the vehicle we were told on upfitting to estimate at least 20 to 30% increase on the upfitting alone that's the lights the cage you know all that stuff are there are there new what's that are there new regulations that you have to do anything different that that's why it's more costly it's just the market right now that's what the vendors are charging yeah they've upgraded it these are State contracts correct for the vehicle and the the equipment yes so can I don't know you gentleman can or the administration so in 20 up to 2021 and actually through 2022 we were leasing our vehicles last year it looks like we did one lease and one purchase and now we're doing all purchases so last year the one lease was just making the final payment on the 2022 is which released so it was a twoyear it was a threeyear but we we want to pay it early so but did we keep that vehicle or were they were leas to buy they were leas to buy so so why aren't we leasing to buy now we spread it over three years that way but it you know the the fleet at that time had gotten severely compromised uh we had gone a while with these cars beyond what should have been their service life so at that time it was agreed that we would upgrade several more cars than we usually do uh I and when we did it it was the catchup because we were at such a hole with cars so that one year we got five cars basically and that's why we were able to by using the lease we spread it over three years so what what was is it the same cost essentially is it just a matter of spreading it out you you pay a finance for the leas of purchase that's that's why we decided to get out of that again it's a bank that's giving you any loan basically you make your free payments and then at the end it's a dollar and you it's yours and you usually raise the dollar the That's mighty mighty Grand to that should find more Banks like that willing to wave those dollar fees I mean I'm I I I I'd make a motion we buy one vehicle this year I was going to say the same I'll make a motion to buy one for 90,000 this year and then put buy another one next year it's just too much of hit in that line item to buy two this year so I I i' make a motion to to make this one vehicle at 990,000 do I have a second I'll second hopefully get them within a reasonable time we might get our last from last year I get it in five years who and putting in for one they do put you at the back of the line I'm not going to lie I talk to these people and people that order you know multiple units they tend to get more so the only comment I'd like to make is if we are going to go in that direction we'll be addressing a uh vehicle repairs line uh and I had done that amount based on getting two new vehicles uh so I would respectfully request that that time we consider increasing it due to the increasing age of the fleet so any discussion I so um I don't disagree with you Mike um the one thing is uh you know truly understanding the the where we are in the cycle of the seven and and that one hasn't been delivered so even though we're only buying one you'll effectively receive two for this year or you may receive one this year from that one next year um and then we budget for another one next year so we're always going to be be behind one that's the problem SL older yeah we got seven Vehicles now we should have eight by sometime this year and then nine for next year like I ask them a question yes um guys um the one we haven't gotten yet are we price locked on that or on the vehicle yes we already got a uh an increase for the upfitting okay but the vehicle itself with price lock was good for last year you know I already got hit with that went up ,000 yeah and if we you know if we wait another six months might go again so yeah I mean that's I want to point that out as you know even if we don't allocate the money this year next year the prices will go up like everything else is absolutely so just want to point that out that you know hey if we do it this year at least we get a price lock on the vehicles right I'd be I'd be more interested in revisiting it this gives us the purchasing power to go out and order two and if we get those two we can revisit our uh our status next year that's my concern is this this whole supply chain thing really has us us messed up and being able to order two this year and hopeful that hopefully gets us you know what we need and I'd be much more comfortable getting the two this year and revisiting it next year and see how we did uh that would be my comfort zone thank you so potentially next year's vehicle will be 105,000 right if it's 90 now we're going up by 15,000 that's 90 plus it's 67,000 for the vehicle and the remaining the remaining uh 23,000 is for the outfitting so so let's so yeah just it'll keep increasing I think everything's going to go up I I agree with you on that but I I I think we can't afford two vehicles this year right I would like to add also uh three of the tahos our new vehicles primary have low mileage the other explorers I know one of the vehicles has 100,000 miles that's a primary the other two three have 8 ,000 plus miles so you got to figure by the end of the year they're going to be over 100,000 miles on three or four of the primary vehicle so you know how long is that engine going to last Transmissions you know you're talking big dollars unforunately yeah I have a big those are the primary means for us to respond and uh it's one of the biggest priorities one of the most critical priorities uh so so I would urge a reconsideration of the one vehicle and and respectfully request two for this year uh and then revisit it next year but but based on this supply chain thing I'm really concerned I'd be more inclined to request two vehicles this year and uh council president to said I heard you say one vehicle this year one vehicle next year you know and I do get budget constraints I really do but I have a big concern that if we don't order two this year it's going to set us way back uh you have my commitment that we could revisit this next year in its entirety and and at that point if we were able to pull three vehicles in this year you know we could we could certainly see where the state of the industry and the the state of the business is at but but I have a big concern because like I said th those they're not just the off the officer's primary office they're how we get to where we're going would you consider um a Tahoe and a second vehicle a smaller vehicle I'm going to refer to the captain on that he stays more current on the actual industry outside of what we have yes the price difference is not as large as you would think it's only about $5,000 the difference between a Tahoe and say for explor because we do have some officers that um you know small in stature and need a smaller vehicle um we would definitely consider getting a smaller police interceptor Ty vehicle but it's not that much cheaper like $5,000 is the difference between a Ford and a shevy that's that's what it is not saving a whole lot the upfitting is going to be the same it's the same the install for all the stuff is going to be the same the boxes are going to be the same at all you know it's really just a difference in the price of the car thank you any other discussion roll call for the one vehicle please Council massio yes I'm sorry what are we so what's the 90,000 90 councilman Sears no councilman Omen um no counc bz no councilman to s yes any other any other like to make another motion make a motion we buy two of them at the price of 180,000 I'll second that any discussion roll call councilman Casio no councilman Sears yes councilman om man yes Council valz yes council president to sen no police car cameras 40125 245 001 2500 requested 2500 recommended do I have a motion so moved I'll second it any discussion is there a particular reason why it wasn't utilized last year yeah we had no um repairs until the beginning of this year and we had to replace a DVR and it cost $1,500 so so we made it through the calendar year made through the calendar year and then January it died it died right right on it was the first it was the first voucher I signed it doesn't look at the calendar to know what it should go did you say d R yeah it's basically the you know D is the brain for the system we still use that yeah the lenses and the cameras are fine roll call councilman uh cassum yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council bz yes council president the Senate yes police computer software leasing 40125 24600 25 requested 25,000 recommended I have a motion I'll make the motion something second second any discussion this is the line item that the chief said they move 2900 out of into the other line any discussion Mr roll call no councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president to yes police pistol rain uh rain rain trenle excuse me 40125 24800 10,000 requested 10,000 recommended do I have a motion some move I'll second it any discussion just um we can't go to North Arlington more we can't get North Arington more everybody's using nor Arington including Jersey City where do we going to so we split um we do our our pistol um our handgun I should say um qualifications in Paramus and we do our rifle um in North so it's become increasingly difficult to get days at North at night um you know where sometimes it's difficult to capture daylight um like last week you know we were there you know after 3:00 and so so you know thank God the light has changed a little bit now but um we we try to grab as many days as we can go on because it gives us more flexibility there um but unfortunately you know there's going to be an increase we're expecting an increase from pamis and possibly North as well they become too popular now large departments are using them where when we first started using them we were one of the first ones that to go in there as a smaller Department like West uses them now too um the County swap team uses them and I said Jersey cities had to shut down their their range they're there every single bit and this is somewhat self-evident but there's no range that's provided for by the county or they do they have a range they do have a range um it is very difficult to get on their range um especially for rifles they only do it once a month it's usually the first week um and you have no flexibility so we started there and um so if I would go there with my guys i' have four five guys that have to do their rifle and if there's two or three other departments there we all have to do the same thing you can't deviate so I can't do any kind of add training all I could do is call the line the way it would go just for a qualification so I can't do any practice I can't do any active shooter you know we utilize North Arlington because we get that that range and we can do whatever we want we also do our taser there uh we do our OC as well so it it works out a lot better and it's relatively inexpensive yes that's yeah really inexpensive we were whispered that it was going to probably go up so they're looking to do some upgrades Paris is doing upgrades as we speak so typically after the upgrades we get ancree roll call councilman Cassio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council Le yes council president sen yes police nixel 40125 250100 4,500 requested 4,500 recommended have a motion so moved second any discussion roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president the sen yes uh we going to do all we am I guess council president if you don't mind since the Chiefs here in case he has a comment about that OEM miscellaneous expense that's what I was I yeah that's I was I just ask if it was all right to do OEM thank you sir OEM other miscellaneous um expenses 40125 25220 6,000 requested 6,000 recommended uh do I have a motion I'll make the motion somebody second somebody second it second it's a request of additional 3500 to upgrade light tower lights to LED brighter and more efficient um any other discussion wasn't that in the 10:33 we did the one how many do we have that we have to two so we did one last year one last year but didn't that come out of the other line last year so why are we taking it out of this line now that's OEM and and they have their own they purchased new uh and we got additional through 1033 I'm I'm not comfortable discussing o because it's not my department you know I don't want to counter the chief but that's not I understood it I understood it as um it was a 1033 speak up please I understood it that it was a 1033 piece of equipment however accounting for 3500 out of the 10,000 approved would bring you down to 6,500 for anything new so when we had discussed it we had discussed rather than asking for 13,133 that adding the $3500 expense for the new lights in OEM I won't doubt it I'll just just say I don't I don't recall it that's all it's we knew we were going into this year with that expense so in other words it would essentially bring down the approval of the 10,000 you just did for 1033 Program start start them off with only 6,500 so knowing and we were able to buy we had two towers that we needed to do that too we were able to do one last year okay yes that I am recalling yes we want to do this I apologize for my lack of recollection that is ACC didn't want it look like we wer so what so what is going on this is for the additional Light Tower correct correct to upgrade the other one I I do recall them buying the other the other Light Tower and that's why I apologize one is OEM and the other two are rs correct three I thought two were 1033 that is correct Y and then we just bought a brand new one that is correct Year yes and OEM agreed to pay for the to upgrade it the other one to an LED correcte were from 10:33 so we bought a new one that's not l no we bought a beautiful brand new one that is so we have we we have two OEM has one uh OEM agreed to assist us with upgrading the other one that we acquired through 1033 we we upgraded one and OEM is going to upgrade one for us and like I said now I recall the whole conversation I apologize what are these you I where are these deployed uh any special events where it's you you know after dark uh they've been used extensively for the uh the concert some of the summer concerts they were used for tree lightings uh they're also good to have we've used them uh for some crime scene incidents uh a few that were uh that that went through the night uh so it's as a matter of course they're used for community events as a matter of emergency or or response I hope we use them as little as possible uh but we have made use of them for for some of the more uh higher profile incidents that we've had we have a storm takes out power we can throw them in an intersection light up the intersection at least so people are not going into a dark intersection highlights the stop signs Mike I ask them a quick question sure do those units also have generators so you can plug things in also correctly they do correct yeah can operate without the lights as Standalone generators thank you um where where is OEM situated and the only reason I ask is there's a cable service for them as well as for the police department they have an office on the third floor and their cable isn't covered by building or we split it up between the three accounts OEM police and DPW so this is only a third yes okay any other discussion ladies and gentlemen roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Zs yes councilman om man yes Council W bz yes council president the sen yes if you want to sorry to interrupt you again sir but amulance GIF premium that's that's given to us that number if you want to do that one and if you want to do first aid contribution real quick it's up to you uh first aid organization contribution 40125 260000 40,000 requested 42,000 recommended do I have a motion for which one uh first aid contribution for 40K motion I'll second that any discussion is is this for the ambulance fund no that's a separate line somewhere else I think we fund that like a 10 grand a year memory servs correct yes yes so this is for their operational yes roll call question sure Mr if we're funding 40,000 for what 42 now when they were in the old building now they're in the new building and we're paying their electric their heat do they still need to carry 40,000 you'd like to make a motion to reduce it well just a question I mean when when I excuse me I respond go um when I upu it to 42 as you can see it's been 40,000 for a while uh we all know the price of things is going up so to me um even though the town is absorbing that it's a way to keep them you know current with what 40,000 used to buy in 2019 as opposed to what 40,000 buys today anything else Mr no thank you roll call Council M Cassio yes councilman seers yes councilman Omen yes councilwoman bz we're voting on The 40,000 yes the 40 okay yes council president to yes ambulance J premiums 40125 26200 6,95 requested 695 recommended do I have a motion I'll make a motion do have a second I'll second is that I'm assuming that's a uh a contractual amount inv it's an actual roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council blz yes council president to sen yes okay capitals in the orange tab right did you want to tires and gasoline so sorry uh 45 it looks like is their first one no uh 44 for police PES 45 44 Sor 44 uh 44 where are we vehicle Polie vehicle tires 40126 3151 7,000 requested 7,000 recommended do I have a motion so move I'll second it any discussion roll call councilman cassum yes councilman Sears yes Council Omen uh yes Council valz yes council president the sen yes police vehicle equipment and repairs 40126 3154 19,000 requested 19,000 recommended do I have a motion so moved second discussion what does that note mean it it says anticipate expenses for 2024 already so you guys must have mentioned to me that there's already repairs in the works for vehicles that you knew of coming into the year we have oil changes that come every three four months I think it was more substance that there's there's a lot I mean again our older Fleet cost us more you know we got the wheel bearings going we got you know front ends that need to be repaired we had uh several vehicles at the OBD ports where the computer plugs into just stop working in the Fords they have to be fixed and replaced so that the cars can get inspected because now that's the only check um you know every time you do that what y bre parts are you know have doubled you know uh a break job from the county now you have to remember that all our repairs are being done down the county you know it's not our DPW mechanic doing so just a break job uh you know is $1,500 to $2,000 of vehicles so you know you're putting 20 30,000 miles a year on a car you're getting a brake job on every car once or twice a year so just all the expenses uh you know increase substantially so I understand that there is a escalation in the cost of the items but at the same time aren't we experiencing the same level of repair I mean isn't that the whole idea of buying new cars putting them on the front line and allowing them to age and age out so yes we have to put brakes on car a but last year we put them on car B Because car B was on the front line so like are we experiencing a $5,000 escalation in the cost of the repairs or do we anticipate more repairs because one you quite honestly neither I fully agree with you know so if costs are going up 5,000 seems like an awful lot and if the repairs are grow going up shouldn't we have a baseline that you know is constant I just pretty much everything is you know oil changes you know on every vehicle that's $100 a vehicle you know pretty much and we're doing oil changes you know every 3,000 miles on these cars so you know everything just compiled and how many cars do we have what do we have 15 cars 15 total cars you know and 15 yeah now you know some of those are outside building vehicles but for every hour one of those Vehicles is running it's equal to 30 miles of you know actual driving time so you know they're getting the oil changes also so you know you're talking a lot of money here and we barely made it last year and you know with the doesn't the outside billing Mr shouldn't the outside billing be taken into account the wear and tear on those Vehicles oh it generates quite a revenue um that that's on the bigger repairs you know uh we don't use it we can't use it to supplement those lines but we do account for it as a revenue when the car's out there is making money okay that's we don't get that right no no but it's going back to us to pay this line item right so it's you're making money with that outside we're not making anyy but we yeah I would just hope you get your vehicle sooner and so you don't have to use all of this but I think you need it in case you don't so that's part of this is because we didn't get that other vehicle last year we don't know we going to be this year you know if we get all three vehicles this year then that number potentially could go down because then you know the fleet stays younger instead of Aging more and again like I said we have 2010 that's still on the road you know and for police vehicle that's veryable also three three of the cars in that Fleet are used strictly by the three officers they they go back and forth they come to headquarters and they take the vehicle to the school that was part of an agreement with them for the visibility Factor so that if the if the car is there people know there police officer in the building uh you been done as an obvious deterrent but we maintain three additional cars that we hadn't up until just just two or three years ago with the implementation of that program so that's minimal use minimal expense on those Vehicles when you hear 15 cars you know I want you guys to know what accounts for that that includes Theif those three include the 15 are included okay any other discussions roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen no council bz yes council president to sen yes sir just page 57 police gasoline is left police gasoline diesel 401 31460 001 35,000 requested 35,000 recommended do I have a motion some move we barely touched 30,000 last year as there I guess we did drop at 5,000 unfortunately it's a very volatile number through the year correct need a second please what did you want to bring it down to I'm sorry I just asked it went down five it's already reduce 5,000 I was wondering if we can make it 32500 second please Al so we got a second second thank you I'd make a motion to reduce it to 32,500 do we want to discussion now well somebody second my motion or no yes okay to discuss the original was Tom counc SE and counc Casio councilman Des made a motion to reduce it to 325 you have a second on that yes Mr Cassie okay do we want to jeopardize knowing the price of fuel is going up that towards the end of the year July 1 we yeah July the 1 we're going to have to pull money around I mean it went up N9 cents in three days it crazy and it's still going up I mean we we did this if you remember we did this once before and we caught the short end of the stick towards the end of the year yeah if you remember we did this if you look at the line items underneath uh you did fully fund those even though you they hadn't been fully used in the prior year so on the police's behalf I would ask you give them the same consideration yeah but the DPW lower there is by 10 it's also high right their usage is also higher so whose usage is higher well DPW used 36,000 29 and don't forget they also got a shop truck in the shop for a year it's not being used what's the um the tax now on gas it's going to be two cents 1 Point what is it two cents for every Gall I don't know we from the county we don't pay that we got a different rate then Mr Mr we don't we're not paying the uh pum rate the pump rate Vault from the county but we're still going to pay higher and but it's not but it's not nowhere near like you said it a not going up we're going to pay more and you remember we got caught a couple of years ago towards the end of the year there's also that outside billing Factor where some of that goes to those and and again is regenerated should be on the safe side okay motions for 32500 roll call Council massio yes councilman Sears no councilman Omen yes Council bz no council president to Sena yes any other line item back here Mr I believe we're good sir the capital would be next okay the orange tab ladies and gentlemen so in the three-year Capital plan we really need to put cars in this because it's showing new vehicles none Mr the Calla Mr Mayor and you know we had two vehicles tonight that one well it's because they're not Capital we fund out operating but we should show like an expense there like at least we should sh somehow show them even if they're coming out of C you know it's it's a big it's a it's a big expense nobody's saying it's not warranted but we should we should show it as as a a projected plan or something I would be more inclined to show it in the notes area for that line item uh I wouldn't want to confuse this since it's a solid Capital so police we have uh stationary alprs estimate $125,000 what is that Chief that's for Washington and pasak and pasak and Ridgewood both intersections there would be four cameras one pointing in each Direction at both intersections and we purch the hardware and we partner with the county on running the backend and the software uh those alpr cameras are operating 24 hours a day seven days a week capturing license plates that are moving through the intersections running literally every single plate all that information is is processed and stored at the county we have access to it anytime we want by getting in on that program we also get access to everybody else's alprs uh their video their plate records Etc uh the every surrounding agency uh has is deploying cameras in some capacity some are employ some surrounding agencies are employing up to 30 in their towns uh those two intersections being the primary thorough fares in Washington Township very little goes on that doesn't pass through those intersections the the the handiness of it the Intel that it gathers uh we all know that this community has faced significant influx of people coming in with things like the catalytic converter theft the motor vehicle test they're coming in in vehicles there we also have a couple by the uh the Garden stfe Parkway that are not ours we we don't own them we didn't purchase them the county did we don't have access to that system we can get it but we don't have real-time access so the county even recognizes the importance of Washington Township as somewhat of the gateway to the pasak valley and by getting the plates that roll through there by getting they also take uh videos of the actual vehicle so that the plate matches the vehicle and it's not just criminal intelligence um you all remember the uh the the trunk incident that happened a couple weeks ago had we had aprs in place we could have closed that entire incident within two hours at the most because what I tell we're consistently getting great video from our residents of vehicles in the street but we're getting no plates and the picture of of of a white Toyota when there's 30 other white Toyotas on the road in Washington Township at that same moment is is not really usable but if any of those vehicles went through one of the intersections and we had a plate the intelligence that that gets us is is invaluable you're saying we can't get that from the county right now or we could we can but not in real time we would have to we would have to we would have to do a Monday we would have to do a Monday through Friday request of that of the vehicles that went through there that ran through there because it would be handled we don't have access to the real time information through the system because we're not we're not a signature to the system so who would be monitoring this real time system we would just it's not a case of monitoring it's a case of access we would be able to go right into the system and pull up any plates that went through say Washington pasc for a given time frame time frame and then we'd be able to to view the video talking about rwood and pasc and Washington and the one at the Parkway those are already there we have access to we would we would have access because now we would be partnering in the system access we would get access that we would that more real time access correct these these have been a priority for me for for a long time uh and I understand for various budget reasons you know they they've been put off uh but they they are a big priority they're they're a Cornerstone piece of technology that we're really late to the game on there any goheer Grant Mr Dar car that we can go after for this money not that I'm aware of we have talked to the grant writer on several occasions and yes I've I've talked to him as well uh trying trying to spearhead this what happened is because the county is operating the back end if the county wasn't operating the back end we'd be looking at over double the cost way more than double the cost because we'd have to purchase our own Standalone back end to to process all of this as well as the bandwidth that goes along with it because the county started this initiative in Bergen a significant amount of grant money went towards them for the back end and that's how they came up with the program where you you contribute and you get to uh particip you share this proposal with us what's that can you share this $125,000 proposal with us yes can you send that to Mr D can you disseminate that to council thank you any other questions on this ladies and gentlemen there's no risk on the west side of town like van urg and Washington leing Camas I would I would like the UR in Washington uh but I was trying to keep it reasonable a lot more because that is an older intersection they have to run power basically to the system whereas rwood the location of the lights was also an issue both set up already newse but I I'll be happy to upgrade the quote and go for that as well because I do believe that that's another key intersection are those a three that you're looking at if you had a choice or is there any other locations uh I would prioritize those and I would call that a good start I would also like to get a mobile one in the in a vehicle because that just gives us that additional capability it can be it can be placed somewhere and and parked there and left there and it's Gathering intelligence so it's you know it's the it's a force multiplier in my opinion it can Al that's something that's also used for more motor vehicle work because that can be set up to run plates and then notify the officer immediately if he's sitting in a static location if a vehicle drives past the it captures the plate runs the plate and tells the officer you know that that blue Honda is is unregistered or the blue H that that plate comes back to someone uh you know with an expired license or a suspended license so that's more of an enforcement thing which I'd be HP happy and would like to get also don't we have plate readers in our police CS we do not so right now the the ask would just be those two intersections Washington correct we we've obtained yeah we've obtained quotes for an additional vehicle as well so that that is into that uh 125 the two intersections and one and a vehicle correct so can you please provide us be great the next ask go ahead um you mentioned it can read and it would it I guess passively reads does it run every plate yes it SE yes so if someone is unregistered you get a notice notification of that with the mobile correct you can set the the static ones to do that as [Music] well it stopped the the stationary ones can be set to do that they have the same capability the issue with that is because it's not notifying someone on the road that information goes to the desk first so the desk would have to dispatch that to somebody and by the time that happens what they generally found is that vehicle is no longer in the area if you don't have your Patrol vehicle in close proximity the information loses its validity because of the timeliness of it whereas in a uh in a vehicle mounted one the officer on the road gets that look up he may recall seeing that blue Honda uh and he can go and and see where it went so it's so it it it has that enforcement component to it as well offsite dispatch operations at the emergency services building $20,000 estimate so this is to build a secondary uh dispatch that doesn't cover the whole cost set to me is a is a phased in so ideally right now we have uh we have radio we have a radio there and no phone no phone and we have no computer back up there yeah right now we can handle radio communications from there don't we have a phone like what do you mean by not having a phone the fire we can't get one of the when they build the building we would have to have capabilities of pulling our lines oh your physical phone corre not a phone General we would have to set up like a crash card like the county has so if we would have an issue right here and it's just just ours we can call the county and the county comes in with a crash card they call it they can set up the phones and we could use that temporarily but if it's a County Wide thing so um we would need our own dedicated system that could be redundant to what we've run here so is that why you're asking for an additional 60,000 next year correct what what I would like to see is is a a phased in increase of capacity uh the first two being radio and telephone Communications that means I can dispatch out of there but I can't do anything else I can I can take a phone call but my off my dispatcher is writing things down on a piece of paper hopefully to get transferred into the records management system later uh the idea of looking for more money is to increase that capacity up to the point where I could fully dispatch out of there and operate my record records management system everything else that we're doing is is uh is cloud-based 911 is based out a tri anyway why wouldn't we go up to Tri B and do it there you'd have to pay them they don't have yeah no I'm saying why like couldn't we just go to triar and use a desk if our system crashed youd have pay them to do it and they don't have a desk available for like I'm sure they would be happy to take that that role on uh I have not explored that but to the best of my knowledge they'll continue to handle our 911 operations but our full-blown dispatch operations I'm not saying I'm not saying every day I'm saying no I know in the event of an emergency they would have to have that that capacity and I don't know if they do is that something we just look into I can absolutely explore we can look into it I I'm going to tell you warn you they're going to ask for money as a contingency to be like an mlu you know basically with them they're not doing anything for free care about me no exactly I mean you know when this was all sold to me you know we were never supposed to lose 911 here and we don't have 911 here any longer so it's a big it's a big ask and I just want to make sure we've bet everything because you know one of the big deals was we had people standing here with pitch work saying you know we can't lose 911 and it miraculously left and there was no more pitch works and you know that was that was are doing that was the state no I understand that but I'm just saying yeah but I'm just saying that was like I remember years ago being that Council how dare you take away dispatch you know and it it went away and was it's a big deal so I just like to vet all the options before make a decision the I would much prefer to have 911 answered here the Practical realities became overwhelming for me to even justify it so upwards of $500,000 now for the system yeah and other jurisdictions are having a very difficult time get for that okay that's all I think we have is those two items for this year right yes um just sorry I just want to check something so do we know um how much so we have a million 067 and 1704 probably for the DPW building I mean we have there quite a bit of money in that funded ordinances so before we start looking to uh you know capitalize or recapitalize we should look to uh extinguish thean that been approved yeah remember that that's also categorized it's not um specific so there's probably other Lines within that that 174 that are totaling that amount but I I really believe a good chunk of that is set aside for the de W building so I'm just looking that's just just just off the top of my head I mean I'm looking at the uh presentation that was on the website so 1704 1821 1919 and [Music] 2109 uh you know can we explore and see what's left of those we can take a look uh but however I know while the building is still under what it was funded for it's getting closer so I can't imagine there's a million left to that part of the project so like Mark is saying oh for I'm sorry for the ESP yeah oh no no way yeah yeah so I imagine there that ordinance is covering other things but we'll take a look all right I mean if we can find that money and build that radio dispatch thing and with that money from that existing ordinance we could do it in one shot with that money great y and possibly the station stationary lprs and the uh trucks exiting and and entering signs if the county won't do it I mean so so just so I can clarify what is the question of is there money left in that ordinance Mr Alman right is what you're the ESP there's yes they want to build a off-site dispatch at ESB so why wouldn't we pay for it out of that ordinance okay and build it out and be done with it spend the 80,000 this year if there's 80,000 left over and put it into that ordinance I'll look to see how much is uh specifically in the line for the ESB okay and if there's any money left in the original line ordinance for land acquisition for the intersection because we put away almost half a million dollars I believe for land acquisition in an ordinance it's like 440,000 if I if I'm not mistaken if there's any money there for the alpr is because that would be part of the intersection because that's definitely not familiar to me yeah that was before yeah before your time but if we can have Mr Corin or and just do a review of that see what's left for it was the land acquisition cost for the new intersection Mr corburn so there was an ordinance I think that's TI because I think once Ken told us the final number is where we increased it so I think that's pretty close to actual take look just just trying to find some fun sources the anything else ladies and gentlemen oh Mr Alman yes didn't we just buy body cameras yes three years that's all a they already came to ver of the ones that we have we have the v300 they the v700 now I say this we'll look for Grants when the time comes three years they've gotten beat up you got to realize they the officer's body and they go through all the weather um we've gone through one set of batteries already on them obviously it always has to be on the outside garment which is it's never covered you know and it's just they get a lot of anything else Mr ran well I mean we've talked a lot about maintenance and some big ticket items and you know even though this is certainly qualify for Capital based on the dollar amount it's almost like they're consumable so you know we want to give thought to putting this into our operating expense you know it's the conv ation that captain and I had earlier today actually this they're mandatory and they're part of an operating expense so it's something we can absolutely explore you know it's every department is expensive I think um I don't know I don't yours is it more expensive it just seems like there's a lot of a lot more consumables like a fire truck last 30 years or whatever you know we're trying to get cars for less than that we're trying to get other equipment I mean they have fire department has the Scot bottles that I've spoken about so it's just can we think about forward-looking expenses and maybe not look to capitalize and look to dump them into the Run rate the operation my my only concern with that would be as you said uh they'll be 3 years old then but there's already a newer technology um I don't know if it affects you guys to support two or three different Technologies if we try and do a rolling replacement as opposed to if three years is their useful life just get them that was one of our discussion points because that was exactly the the v300 which is what we currently use the v700 is slightly different smaller in stature so you need a different dock to put them in the back end is fine but now you need a whole new docking system and that's 1,500 plus just for the eight position dock so say we order 10 cers you know that's $1,000 a piece just so argum say and then you your dock that's almost another 2,000 you need to get two docks to be able to do those and now we're running out space to so yes to to the mayor's point it would could we do it yes is it going to be difficult because it is changing technology and it's not changeable is the current version still offered yes so obviously we want to try to be on the best and the most current but you know to be one release behind may not you know diminish your capacities that much yes you know it's a it's a balancing act just food for thought as we absolutely do this get ready to do this again in a few months you know I don't disagree the and as we discussed earlier the issue becomes this planned obsolescence that seems to be part of everything I would totally agree because the existing models are working fine that operationally they do the job uh I would be concerned with buying the the Lesser model and having them all of a sudden make it institutionally obsolete because they're not supporting it that's my big concern with that but uh Steve I'll actually give you while back you said if you need something to operate it should be an operating and that's what precipitated this so uh so yeah it's literally a couple hours ago we had the exact same conversation an example the older version Isa and you can't get them anymore so but it's still supported in the computer and you can still access the video obviously but now they have the v300 700 so it's just a matter of time before they phase at the 300 to your point so I don't want to belor but maybe a compromise would be and I don't even know if this is possible if we put this in a trust account and you funded 30,000 a year and then it's there at 100,000 when you want to do a full replacement um maybe that's a good compromise also something we can look into to explore absolutely yeah very very creative idea all right thank you gentlemen thank you thank you I would just like to thank you all uh when we when you you decide to go over salaries and wages I would respectfully ask to be present for that you know for my department uh I understand we need to get you the the numbers yeah we just want to see because it's you know there's a there's a line in there that says it was calculated so we just want to see the calculation that's so I want to get my homework straight so we need that and you want the uh the alpr the alpr quote yes we see exactly where we're getting okay was there anything else I just want to make sure I get Tri B if we what happens if we expl yep okay great thank you thank you so will we be discussing police salaries no we're not going to be discussing no just once we get that information as long as everybody's okay with it so I don't think I don't think we'll be racing anybody in the police department because we're just there's also our uh our records Clerk as well as our uh dispat okay okay yeah so we will be there will be yeah okay thank you um so next week uh we don't have any meeting scheduled because of the holiday is every I know there's two Council people that won't be here right correct going away so if we look at the following week is everybody good with doing a Monday and Tuesday night so sue can uh so sue can advertise everybody okay with doing a Monday Tuesday just like we did this week uh what days will be hold on let we already have a council meeting say April 8th we have a council meeting so it'll be conference agenda will be the bud yeah budget yeah so April 8th will be uh a budget meeting instead of you know and then April 9th if everybody's okay with that that works for me is everybody okay with that you but you at 8:00 still because it's Tuesday night no that'll beine so we do 7:00 yes so both nights at 7 I don't believe the 9th I can do so how about the 10th Wednesday night is there a planning board meeting that night yes there is okay I mean I don't have to you know if we can't have a full uh what do you call it is it a Time issue well they're gonna be in here anyway no no we're talking about Tuesday can you be here at 8 o'clock or no I'm I have a commitment I can't so we do Monday and Thursday is that okay I can do Thursdays you cannot do Thursdays okay that's not good um so what if we do Monday and then the following Monday and Tuesday is that okay with everybody else can we check those dates 16th is his only board meeting but the 17th is open so can we do Monday the 9th right no Monday the Monday the we don't have to advertise that one because that right um the 15th is open so can we the 15th everybody okay with the 15th is a Monday right right yes 16th is a board me uh zoning board the 17th is open so can we do can we have our advertised those three dates if we need and then 8151 17 yep 815 and 17 and if we have to cancel we have to cancel we have to do anythings and then really quick if you go to the tab with the employee salary comp comparison I'd like to R the first 12 people on the list for the first night hold on hold on hold on and then split the rest in two in the following two nights where where what's I'm sort what in the uh yellow tab for uh job classification employee salary comparison so I I don't know if we want to split them into even thirds do the first third the Monday night the second third the second meeting and the third third the next meeting so everybody okay with that so can race them accordingly well we have a meeting tomorrow night correct yes we won't be ring anybody tomorrow night I'm saying rice the first third the Monday night after the break rice the next third the following meeting and rice the the remaining thirds the following meeting so bring them up into thirds Mr darar this is everybody all our employees correct yes uh are you going to include the um special officers um you already appr you already approved their their line anyway remember that was the the ones that did not go off their salary P the $25 so we could so we could remove the two officers so at the bottom of the first page at the bottom of the first page we can remove those two officers okay um are you including the prosecutor and the judge no so let's just go through it really quick uh we're taking off those two those two SOS right um you're not going to do the crossing guards we're not doing crossing guards no we're not doing um I would take off the violations clerk violations clerk no we're not doing her or him all the public defender public defender we will not be doing the directors directors uh we will we will race them because we do have to do their we haven't done any of the director salary so and then how about the dispatchers the four dispatchers we should Rite them let me just look over the front page I don't think there's other than the two special officers at the bottom on the front page I don't think there's many uh you don't obviously hopefully you know not to do the plumbing sub code that is uh listed there so first page bot yes and what's in the plumbing sub code that's listed on the first page we're not going to we will be discussing that first oh no he I sent out an email to the uh Council a few weeks ago yeah okay anything else so one3 one3 one3 this way to get you can get the so if I can just quickly the council members get R I believe so I don't think we've never done coun no I don't think we've done do that in public I don't think we've ever done on okay R them just to be safe who cares just send them so just to clarify this Mr PA said is there anticipation that the council wants to talk about the employees en closed well it's up to them to take it out of closed so but but that's your intention is to talk about closed okay thank you so can I just review real quick so I have the apping sub code the say no two special officers yeah the prosecutor the judge the violations CL the public defender I feel like I'm missing one the crossing guards the prosecutor hold on the cring guard crossing guards at the top of the page right at the top I'm sorry I the we got we didn't going to do them yep we're not doing the public defender or the prosecutor right you got all those right yep those got did you want the two police officers as their roles in OEM be race notice uh where where's that uh on the second page oh no we don't have to WR did we do those already I thought we did those already you do the Sal all right then [Music] WR oh how about um on the bottom second page as recy no we we don't have to do that okay just question um I know the no judge police are covered by a CBA CBA there was a question about overtime or can we have a discussion about over time yes we could and not specific to one person yeah exactly we're going to do it in general yeah as long as it's General yeah that can be public Mike as long as we do it publicly we're fine so to be clear oh I'm sorry S I was just G to say is there's something maybe Mark should be sent out from the contract where it's got written out about over time do you maybe an explanation of what's in there is there something in there that maybe police overtime yeah oh there's nothing in that just police overtime is needed police over I've just thinking what's in the document there something I mean there might be something about their rate you know but where it's time to Happ for over time but nothing nothing important to specific specific um expenses okay anything else ladies and Gent gentlemen just a question so basically these meetings these race meetings will take place on those last two the last three last three not tomorrow night the last three will 15 and 17 so essentially 15 and 17 will be solely closed session meetings no we still have other lines in the budget to do so but we're leaving so we're going to go we're not we're going to go through the remaining lines that aren't and then when we come across that individual okay no but we'll wait till the end just at the end close all of them in close session okay and then unless they ask we had an employee in the past come and want it in public okay so I I think perhaps you have to take a vote on the right notices of the body that was my next sure yeah I'd make a motion to uh accept Mr PA's um guidance that he gave us at the beginning of the meeting and has been done with previous councils including the one last year and the one before uh that we WR the employees so we can uh discuss it I that's my motion will somebody second it I'll second it R call just I'm sorry I'm sorry my not working now take your time um and then we're going to do a second from CIO Casio okay roll call Council councilman Casio yes councilman Sears no councilman om man yes councilwoman VZ no C the president to set yes m w if you can send out the right notices as we discussed in the schedule motion to adjourn some move all in favor good evening everyone one