for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Ricky comment or where does that Happ WCTV we're getting comments that there's no sound on YouTube it's fixed okay Ricky just responded thank you Rick go ahead and see thank you I not be heard okay mik's on um just re know we will be having a revalence you probably would need more office supplies for that I believe that's where she will be requ questing that money tax collect not tax assess yeah but you're going to probably get more information people who be paying the taxes before the assess come you know and that's the way I'm looking at it any other discussion I'm sorry I'm just getting to the page oh Sor okay page 11 no I'm at that page oh the audit Trail yes I no question questions so Mr Cassio has made a motion to reduce it by 10% to 1170 do have a second I'll second it roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears uh no councilman Omen yes council president to sener yes Finance Tax Collector dues meetings and conferences 40120 14525 1,200 requested 1 12200 recommended any discussion yes it was um uh 619 2021 and 822 uh looks like we had it up at sure no problem looks like we had it up um to almost 13 the year before so I just want to know why there was uh you know big increase between 22 and 23 that's my question that be coming out of Co and then taking hard classes could be I don't know and they they they they overspent the line last year is there a reason that they over spent the line did they need more training or something that we didn't account for or did they attend something that we didn't account for 14550 [Music] training and7 page 46 and 47 down membership membership council president if I may help out Council a little bit sure uh the returning members to the council remember during budget season last year I had requested the increase the increase was denied then at the end of the budget uh for very generously and appreciatively the council went back and revoted to increase that line again the individual employee requested to attend two conferences that year that um provide cus again respectfully I provided all the information to assist the Council in making these decisions job classification has the amount of mandatory training this position comes with a lot of requirements and mandatory training that line was given permission to be over encumbered by me as the administrator I was well aware of it so we are uh respectfully requesting $1,200 again this year can I ask is the conference the only Avenue to secure those uh cus I would imag there is other ways with the conference is uh you know it's Consolidated into generally two or three days where you're being provided all the training in one location so it adds up it's not a cuu here or a cuu there thank you any other discussion it's all I'm sorry the uh there's also two organizations that um I believe there's a county organization and a state organization that is um belonged to by this employee so if you see like TC tcta of New Jersey and tcta of Bergen County it's two two organizations is there two employees who are part of this uh in another line yes so um the qpa and the tax collector are both members I believe of tcta County and State but this this should just be the tax collector dues and meetings line okay so the after the three expenditure lines uh the first three lines yep there's a new jersey and in New Jersey and both appear to have debited the a balance right so um in speaking with the tax collector today um I think it coincidentally came up that one of the memberships was incorrectly um attributed to this line if if what I'm talking about was correct and I believe it was corrected I'm just trying to find where the correction correction is Mr D is this the only Department that attends to um no function uh uh no the purchasing department does as well okay that's fine and I believe the clerk's office does as well okay that's fine any other discussion gent yeah I guess my my question wasn't years passed and we spent a lot less so did we not get certified did we not see us for those years or why were they so low is it because it was Co no one was traveling well I would imagine the same formula would apply as we utilize to the other departments like the clerk's office and Council it was increased over years as well so it's not isolated to justice department okay but I guess my question is with those years did they get cus I imagine they did Sir I was not here okay thank you I'll make a motion to uh fund the 12200 i' second that motion call councilman Casio yes councilman sear yes councilman Olman yes council president Des sen yes Finance Tax Collector furniture and Equipment 41201 453000 uh requested is 700 uh recommended is 700 requesting a new lockable filing cabinet that go in the office Mr yes sir and uh this is just another example of when we asked for two computers last year that's why it's a significant decrease and just um going over again the the expense it would there's the need for a fireproof filing cabinet that's lockable is that the exact like roughly the cost of that cabinet the 700 or um I I did speak to them they feel that 500 could could um well that's what she told me all right so I'll reduce it I'll make a motion to reduce it 600 600 I know I got some guidance over here so I'll make a motion to reduce it to 500 I'll second a question on that Mr Dalo can we get a filing marking fireproof cabinet for 500 I probably should have said 550 or 600 but um I don't I don't specifically know but in all honesty and going over this with the the uh the department had again they felt that the prices may have come down um you know if you guys could just reconsider maybe going in the middle for 600 just just so I can definitely cover the cost all right I I'll amend my motion to 600 thank you I appreciate that that's probably significant shipping for a piece like that who's carrying it can we can't we look locally for it like I'm sure yes I will definitely try and get the best price that my work so I I'll revise my um motion to 600 a second can I uh ask about last year um the expenses so it's furniture and Equipment uh we're putting computer software in there and Hardware again uh I don't know if did that the chart of accounts if if F if furniture and equipment is where we are should be putting computer software and computer hardware well we took it out remember I explained that last night you you took it out but it uh it you know we we looked at it as I'm sorry go ahead so it makes it difficult to follow the trends so if there was no computers in the furniture and Equipment line this line would be much flatter and or it be zero and it would be 600 for this year and you know it makes it difficult if we're doing a run rate budget to perform the analysis so I guess my question to Mr Cochran is you know is it appropriate that we're putting software computer software and computer hardware in FN wh why why are we debating something that took place last year if I may respectfully request who do I satisfy do I satisfy administrative needs yourself or the council that had no problem with this last year I I I just I need some direction because you seem to need tailoring no I I don't actually I don't need any tailoring okay my need is to my need is to ensure that's our job that the books sir that's our job no I I beg to differ okay I would you like to argue what we did last year or what I did to correct it this year okay I would like to understand if it's viewed that this was correct last year it was correct that's my answer council did those two did those two did that department receive those two computers Mr def yes I did I just wanted to ensure that that was council president I I just Googled fireproof cabinets and they're over $1,000 and this is for a one two three four drawer and a two drawer is 1,200 I mean but the ask was only 700 they must have a price from somewhere to get it yeah all right so we're on um anything else Mr rman on that line are you waiting for Mr corman's answer we answered the question coun so there's last year you know we have to take all the numbers with a grain of Sal all sir you have the audit Trail which you're you are very excellent at reviewing so again I don't know how I go back in time and correct what you would like corrected okay yeah I'm going to say you know excuse me Mike may make a quick comment sure um that there's more than one right way to do things and so last year it was decided that was the right way this year you know we're trying to get better we're always trying to get better and so this year we're deciding to go through the admin line for all the computers and council president can I just clarify so I understand why I'm here are we reviewing a budget for approval or are we reviewing performance can you please clarify that for me I don't think performance was ever spoken until okay sir had nothing to do with budget approving asking me why we put it in that line so please just clarify why I'm here sure here for The Bu okay thank you Finance Tax Collector training 41 do we do we take a vote on no we didn't you did a because I'm still when I was looking at cabinet are like $1,000 so if he has an an enroll for a cabinet for 700 all right well the motion has been made for 600 seconded so take I'm sorry I thought we voted thank you roll call councilman C yes councilman Sears no councilman Alman yes council president de Senate yes Finance Tax Collector training 41201 14537 the request is 800 the recommended is 800 um we spent that much last year I'm okay with it um any other discussion no you fine with it yeah at this point I'm fine with it you know hopefully it's not a you know these are for cus and well I'm hoping there for C I'll make a motion to approve the 800 second roll call coun CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman om man yes council president to senum yes Finance Tax Collector tax bills U 41201 45460 requested is 5600 recommended is 5600 it's an anticipated increase from Edmunds for 3 Billings is that been finalized Mr DLo we don't uh yes sir we haven't actually had our first expenditure need yet um I did review this with um the department head today and again we totally understand uh T be need who's very very concerned um that we could budget this with the 5600 um approximately 34 to 3500 bills go out um there is the increase from Edmonds um it includes the envelopes the printing the stock and a minimum of three mailings which would be in my notes the estimated Bill the reconciled bill and the added the added assessment billing so I I did review that you know approximately 5100 was spending the 5500 that would be understandably noticeable um and you know there there was a strong strong desire and uh concern that it would be funded with the 5600 bucks $5,600 so that's say so we're saying that's basically a contractual number with that uh again I don't want to lead you in that direction it's not it's not contractual um but it's close to it yes we do yes I just don't want to give the impression that there was a contract that was signed and we have you know no choice but obviously we do use admins for our tax um so I just I don't want to give you the wrong impression but okay any other discussion joh Mr Alman Ser no I'm good than you no no questions someone like to make a motion to approve it sure I'll make a motion I'll second it roll call councilman Casio yes councilman seers yes Council M Omen yes council president to yes Finance Tax Collector miscellaneous 41201 145 500 500 is the request 500 is the recommended um any discussion G reduce it 100 my motion redu it in $10000 second that right roll call councilman Casio yes councilman seers yes councilman Omen yes Council pres to S them yes that takes care of page 12 starting page 13 uh we have some salaries at the top council president can I Polly interrupt you just not that you would you would forget but we did um have some information on some of those table things if you wanted to do that or at some point tonight just want to remind you um especially that copier expense we did get an exact price okay let's go back let's just go back what where was that on page uh seven correct uh 41201 12300 yes sir and I appreciate U Miss wowski she was able to get it and it is the same price as last year um so you know 12287 if you could make 1,300 just I'll make a motion to approve that for 1300 have a second a second you do 1300 do you want to do the 1287 give 13 bucks in case just in case Mr coun never know you may have to pay stamps on roll call councilman CIO yes Council yes councilman yes counc president the Senate yes do you have another one Mr carlet you can yes um I'm not sure if Council was able to review the email that I sent out about the financial services fee and the audit Services fee again I know there might be a decision on audit services but either way um we would need the the funds for it that's on page you know I I do also want to point out that Financial Services fee has the qpa typen in it so I forgot that might be why you want did we get any anything on the code publication or not yes so all right let's stay on where you are if you don't mind I'm sorry I'm no no no that's okay my adult ad acting up my finan the financial services fee I sent out the email but I just remembered that that line also includes a stien for qpa so I understand if you want to skip over that you're doing that um with the uh the salaries and then there was audit Services what page is that on bottom of 10 and the top of 11 inial Services Fe yes we Ted that soorry y so we tabled the we tabled 13500 because it has a um no that that one doesn't have the uh that has the qpa typ in it yes right for 35200 audit Services based on the email I would reduce it by 500 to the to 36500 I believe that's sufficient that was exact which so you want to reduce audit Services audit Services uh 13500 uh the First on page 11 you make a motion to reduce it to 36500 that's correct any second a second question sure m the call are you satisfied with that or should we stay on the 3700 no I mean it's accurate to the penny um the only thing is I know I think you guys asked Miss rowski for is it RFP or RFQ for it yes you know I guess there's the possibility of some someone else is selected it could be more but you know I wouldn't know how much more so to go exact is probably you know right because I don't think you have to choose based on price no hopefully we be able to uh convince for hopefully they'd be smart enough to see our budget meeting and see what the cost is there you go yeah I thank you m councilman Sears I think it's it's sufficient yes 365 is good yes okay so for 40120 135-200 Mr Alman has made a motion to reduce it by 500 to $36,500 Second it did you second it I did Mr CIO roll call Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes council president to sen yes and we're going to leave 13200 since it's a stien and we haven't talked about that and then we had the on the top of page eight which is the um code publication um 41201 2460 uh we had some questions about that that I guess is in our notes yeah so I I was impressed that you you pick that out from the list CU code publications's on there so I uh I want to make sure I was right from what I told you I'm trying to look for it and um our financial advisor confirmed that it's for a total revision and codification of ordinances so you know all of these you know a through I are not little expenses it it's bigger expenses like a reevaluation hundreds of thousands of dollars so it wouldn't be just for um you know revisions for tree ordinance and then we're updating revisions to the summer W program um but that I was impressed pretty good to know that list so unfortunately we cannot because it's referring to a total C codification of the so 7,000 is required however I like I said last night I did check with them the last set of ordinances I sent to them to incorporate have not been built out yet and the quote came in between 16 and 1800 but can't we use the money remaining in 2023 yeah that's what I'm saying yeah but it'll be it's going to bring up to close to you know like 6,000 and change yeah so it's still be still going to be but again if we do master plan and stuff like that we do more you know again you've got some things so any other discussion gent no I would make the motion to keep it at 7,000 I'll second the motion roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes council president the sener yes thank you are there any others to go back to I think that was the last allow me to interrupt you with that no that's fine Mike can I just go yes Mr came off uh Financial Services Fe 132-2 200 13200 yes sir yes we're going to table act a s I understand but I I'd just like to ask the question and it is not at this person or this stien it's just what we're calling stiens ver salaries and the reason I asked that is we're calling it a stipend and typically the stiens don't escalate and there's a line in the salary table that you provided that has an escalation so I'm just trying to understand is it is this salary that has been allocated to this line because of the function or is this something else so that's where it traditionally was um to to to go back to give you a specific answer I would respectfully ask to answer that um privately with you because it it does pertain specifically to the individual employee the answer um but a general answer is that's where it was so um when I came the qpa stien was from uh a person that you know it was an employee because they got paid but it wasn't like a full-time employee and once this individual um that I'm talking about here received their certification we transitioned it um the stien to this person so then last year um coming into last year the stien was 4,800 Council approved a um an increase of $1,000 to 5800 so in 2023 it was $5,800 of this line was um for that qpa stien in the salary chart we asked for 2% this year on I don't want to say everything you know but most of the line so so last year when we came in we didn't ask for 2% on the stiens and I believe this year we did but again don't please don't take me you know definitively to mean all I'd have to go and look at it but uh hopefully that answers your question generally but I think I Mr daro I also think before your time this person was not a it was a consultant acting as our qpa he wasn't the person wasn't even an employee technically of the Town other than Consulting as our qpa and I think that's why it was in this line because there was no other place to put it because technically they were an outside person acting as our qpa right but not here every day yes you're if I may call didn't we create this stifen uh for people that um for extra skill sets that they have for academic advancement wasn't that part of the stifen that we put in play well yes and I mean you know I don't think you know I'm I'm not getting that you're questioning that not at all questioning where the location is and and that's what I guess I'm asking if I can privately you know answer that question well we've table this and it's going to remain table so yes but and and again I know you weren't questioning the qpa stien but obviously there's a benefit to the township because it increases our bid threshold to the 44 and change rather than 17 to change which which saves US money thank you any other discussion Mr Helman on this state have no okay I'm going to go back I will answer your question I'm going to go back to our normally scheduled uh Pages um we're on 17 the end of 17 is complete we're going to the top of page 18 what Happ till 13 13 13 13 14 15 a huge why am I missing pages oh I'm sorry it's the holees being punched in the wrong place I'm looking when you said I'm looking for you I'm back tax assessor all right we're back so the first two we're going to skip because they're their uh salaries uh first one is Finance Tax assess or office supplies 41201 15210 recommended is uh requested is 500 recommended is 500 any discussion gentlemen make a motion we accept 500 exp F over here I I'll second the motion R call or were you looking at something Mr Alman before we take a vote no that's fine councilman Casio no councilman sear yes Council mman no council president to send yes I made the motion so it ties so it uh what happens there wait comes have to wait till Daisy comes I'm I'm pretty sure Tai stays with but I think so too yeah hold on my I think stays with request I believe that's correct all right we got a check no it's right that's correct a tie that's correct okay m wowy is looking at our notes I I don't have it all right but correct he something different we can I know it's correct Finance Tax Assessor dues meetings and conferences 41201 15250 request is 300 recommended is 300 any discussion gentlemen yes um this individual we share with another Community but it's not a shared service correct right she may work she might be employed right somewhere else but it's not sh that's correct yes so are we paying 100% of these sort of uh this fee or professional development or you know is there any agreement on that just look at the audit yeah while you're looking I'm pretty sure that when we spoke to her that she does prate amongst the different municipalities she works for oh so spent 180 last year I'm okay we're bringing it down to 200 if everybody else's I don't know why it spikes year to year but in 19 it was 180 and 23 it was 180 well also just keep in mind it's a different employee so um they might be um has you know satisfying it somewhere else I'm not sure I'll make a motion for 200 second question um Mr coun yes Mr is she's close to if you follow over 250 200 different employee this employee Works multiple I know but so you can't look back at the past experience I I just look back at her she was the per the person was here in 2023 so well what you saying okay and way back when in 2018 somehow they spent the same 2019 excuse me they spent the same amount and you don't have the same employee the history is difficult assume that she was with us got it she was part uh part any other discussion roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears no councilman man yes council president desum yes Finance Tax Assessor travel 40120 15028 requested is 250 recommended is 250 is this a contractual agreement with the employee or is this say this is a stien um in the salary ordinance all the all the mileage typ I'm sorry yes all the mileage sens are okay per this for clarity could be you know easily renamed to match the other ones so technically this as mileage like the other one yeah I think you know is that what it says like for hours admin we did rce that that can be easily changed to say tra the other one say travel and mileage typen the other one says mileage typen so we're going we so this this employee specifically this employee drives around town doing the added assessments and the you know things like that any discussion gentlemen and what did we reduce the $50 on every one of those they're much higher St corre any particular reason does anyone have recollection of why it went down from 3 to 250 um I do not recall what that is there was an assistant one time you think it was ever shared or I'm okay with leaving in at 25 okay make a motion I'll make a motion leave it second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears uh yes councilman om man no council president to Yes uh nothing else on that page continue the page to um legal advertisements Finance Tax tax assessor 40120 150 320 $50 requested $50 recommended any discussion sorry we make a motion we accept $50 I'll second it roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman om man yes council president tum yes Finance Tax Assessor assessment notification 41201 5460 $2 2750 is requested 2750 is recommended it is a state required mailing annually increased request due to postage increase make a motion we accept the 2750 you can make I was oh okay however you want to do it discuss we've been doing discussion first and then would would this line the postage in this line would this be captured in the administrative postage it or is this different I I don't know the exact answer to that and I understand the question I'm sorry I don't you know I'm just looking at what was used um as the actual 2610 so that you know the what is that like $140 $139 increase car you need to speak into your mic please I'm sorry you're right the mic was on though thank I don't know that answer we can move them closer to us yeah I'm sorry I I don't I don't know that answer I have to be honest so just based on the description there's something called printing fee and there's an annual mailing and I don't know if the mailing is the um Postage and if it is should it be in the other line so yeah a fair question you want to table it until we got an answer on this just check with uh Mr corkin to see if he has any any insight into this um Mark I'm not 100% sure but for some reason I always thought this stood on its own one for tax assessors I know I know a lot of the departments were Lo together in that other line but I I don't believe I'm 100% sure but I don't believe the assess I just did anybody did you look Mr ran let me just oh yeah it's just the annual mailing assessment cards 2500 and then the printing Fe you know if if you're willing to table it um otherwise I just you know respectfully ask you to approve it at the 2750 so we're we're covered you know obviously you know it's a state required mailing but if you'd like me to get more specifics I definitely will my preference would be to understand if it's the postage is in that line or should be included you okay with tbling it until Mr Dar car can get us an answer Mr Sears Mr um yeah no problem table until we flag until Mr dear you'll try to get that answer yes thank you uh Finance Tax assess or Appraisal Services 41201 15500 10,000 requested 10,000 recommended any discussion you what is what's the driver of that number so for I think uh you know this this was a a very big um topic discussion last year as well the best way I can describe it is you know quote unquote insurance policy um we did have Miss I'm sorry our tax assessor and um Mr weigh in on it it's one of those if we need it we need to have it there um because the alternative obviously if we don't I don't think I have a better argument for you um but there was there was a lot of talk about it last year I'm sure the council members remember um thankfully they did fund it with the full 10,000 as you can see we did not use anywhere near that so I think it would just be a gamble if we funded it less than 10,000 but again our tax assessor um I believe in her abilities and and that's what she'd like to continue to fund it at and if I can add to that um since we're I'm pretty sure we'll be doing a revow um I would hope to make that number lower in future years but uh since we're so far off of Market uh I see more appeals coming in um so I would again ask that we leave it this year and hopefully be able to reduce it next year after the townwide reassessment do we have a docket at the moment of appeals that are pending or that we sorry I I can't answer that I I don't know sir well Mr Pao would have had to present those to us correct if there was a no um again I think it may have been tabled last last year too like I said it was it was a big discussion and so I you know I understandably know why it is this evening so we may have tabled it and I may have gotten further information as you know Mr parer is not generally at the normal budget meeting so I think we discussed it further at a normal meeting where he was at and uh it was his recommendation to leave it leave it where it was as well you know based on my memory table now we'll table that until Mr power what his perceived gentlemen are we okay with tbling this there something or somebody want to make a motion question to Mr too yes sir um I know we have last year we had a couple of um appeals were pretty big shopping center was one and naturally we had um one of um I won't make the Mr speak up speak out I won't make the I know we had the the shopping center one that was pretty big one but if we want to terrible it for that $425 I don't have a problem getting more information it's just getting it's an appeal not um actual I don't have a problem T to get information car would thank you uh moving on um uh special emergency special emergency tax map Provisions 500 uh 41201 53200 500 requested 500 uh recommended I believe the reassessment program includes a fee to redo to tax maps Mr darar or it does not we have the proposal here we can certainly look it over but I don't think it was a requirement unless it was a reevaluation okay but we can you know I can certainly try and look at it real quick but I don't think it is I I remember reading it somewhere that's why this was another one um that was you know obviously it's not as much as $10,000 but last year it was another topic because historically we're not using it and it was explained again you know if we need it we need something there so Council last year reduced it from a th000 to 500 you know I respectfully um asked for the 500 to be approved again so there's something there God forbid we need it I I believe the tax map update is not part of the reassessment no I think you're right it's part of the reval reeval right yeah if you look yeah I'm sorry I cut you off the Burgess proposal the reevaluate oh I'm sorry you the the master plan thing yeah the master plan oh I believe I thought that was in his uh in his update because I think that's a significant amount of money yeah it's a huge under yeah I think it's even more than just the 85 that was proposed but when you look at the paragraph for revaluation as second last sentence says the price does not include the required cost for a complete overhaul of the Township Tax muds done by the engineer and when we were going through the different options I remember she specifically said it was going to be a lot of money I don't want to throw a money a dollar out there but it was you know well north of 50,000 you know I I thought it was thrown out there at 100 so I guess I am going to throw a number out there but I don't think it's part of I think you're not that far off Mr with your second number right so it does say it doesn't specifically address it in the other options but it does say no further costs are required okay so I hope that would mean we wouldn't have to do the tax maps I don't know the last time they were done either but you know I mean if we're tbling the other two we can I can certainly find out more clarification on this or we can go with the 500 we haven't spent a dollar on this item anyway right um in the three years it's funded so two years it's funded so if they're interr I mean if it's if it's one question or two questions to the same person you know and there's some level of interdependency something no um I I mean I'll uh motion for the 500 thank you anyone second I'm okay with it somebody second second roll call C CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes council president Des Senna yes 2024 reassessment program 41201 53201 2024 tax reassessment program current countship rating is 73.33% um discussion gentlemen is well I know the Sarah said we don't do it Count's going to force us corre so I mean we have an opportunity to get it done then we can go on a rotational basis like a fellow town does um basically we're we're between a rock and a hotstone we have to do it and this can be capitalized no yeah this one cannot I confirmed today can't it has to be the reassessment has to be funded through the budget revals can be funded through that special emergency but the reassessment even if it's a one-year assess reassessment or rotating it has to be done uh through the budget and how much how much is the rebound so she has the price would be 300,000 then there's the cost of the tax maps on top of it I don't you know I wouldn't want to take a stab at explaining um why the reassessment was recommended by the tax assessor but I do you know every time it's been gone over either with the older old you know the previous Council or the new Council you guys have seem to agree that that's uh the best option the last though you guys from what I remember agreed that the rolling reassessment was the best option but you wanted her to get numbers on a fiveyear and a six-year but regardless of the fiveyear and six year the first year is the same price at 230 we also asked her because it was a year old by that point that number and she was able to confirm that the 230 is still a good estimate um our qpa believes there may be if we're lucky keep our fingers crossed there may be a state contract for it so that would relieve us from having to go out to bid but that's not 100% confirmed but those are our options on the table so you have to excuse me because now I'm a little confused I thought we had the tax assessor present those options yes and there was an agreement or there would seemed to consensus to do a full revaluation and then because we couldn't start the yearly 20% until we had a new Baseline which I thought was the full reval and then every year after that they do 20% they couldn't start the you're not talking about payment option when you say 20% right you're talking about 20% yeah town that would be a reassessment the re-evaluation is done the reevaluation is done in one year started in and and completed in one year that option can be funded over the five years under that special emergency but I remember everyone um agreeing to the reassessment the rolling reassessment however wanted to get information on the fiveyear one or the six-year one what why why wouldn't we go with the the complete reassessment for 265 total cost again that's what I that's remember I started off by saying I don't want to try and recreate why she recommended it um but whatever she said was convincing to to to you gentlemen and ladies that it's not in the room councilman you know or councilman Casio that was here last year um if you remember it any differently why do we pass on it last year and now it's on our La well it came up after the budget season I think last year um so well actually no it didn't it it began in the fall of um 22 I think we we started telling ear winter early winter telling the council for it um we had a presentation and I we did not put it in the budget because I think the council wanted to put it off a year then is that year thank you as that year was eaten up that's when our tax assessor said hey it looks like it's coming close it hasn't yet but we were on the list and then you guys had another presentation and she went back and said they're going to do it um kind of pulled the Wolves off a little bit so I don't have my I don't have the memo of the presentation but and it sounds like I am uh misremembering but again I thought it we had to do the full I'm sorry is it the reevaluation and then they could do the rolling reassessments I don't want to prolong anything but you know if we got it table the other two yeah let's just table's okay with it maybe we can have her present or you know she likes to zoom in I think because they her other responsibilities and just go over it again it's a I know it's a big decision so if you like that we can I think it's going to be a quarter of a million dollars this year and 400,000 going forward we pick that option or the 265 option to just do it as a one time less than expensive and no further cost requ sure do try and set it up for Monday I mean I can't imagine it being more than 10 or 15 minutes but yeah she was pretty good last she had it pretty much nailed down if we could May is that okay yeah of course all right so we'll table that until Monday if or if she either Monday or Wednesday Mr Dar Carlo or Mr Mayor I mean if Wednesday we only have one Department coming so maybe if we can do Wednesday this way we'll have two on Monday on Wednesday if that's okay yes I mean the the only thing I would say is I think there was consensus that we have to do we have to do we have have to do what's the going to be the cost and how is it going to be executed yeah yeah because if you look at the complete reassessment on the second page uh excuse me on the first page it's saying they would do everything in one year for 265,000 and there would be no further costs so why wouldn't it is less expensive than a reval the approach utilizes the existing data in the assessor's office therefore it is L expensive than a rebal the price would be 265 both options would satisfy the goal of achieving 100% market value for the assess values in the township therefore any pending order to revalue set forth by Bergen County Board of Taxation would be satisfied so why wouldn't we go with the Lesser she must have had something that convinced you guys otherwise but I definitely I definitely did remember asking her for the five year and the six year the foure and the fiveyear plan they definitely know that but I don't know why we didn't pick this one yeah well we're going to find out next Wednesday okay thank you or Monday if she can't make Wednesday oh okay we prefer Wednesday because this way we have two and two and up got if every's okay with that right yeah all right so we'll table that whatever's convenient for you know what all right departmental law salary we're going to skip um other Legal Services 41201 55260 requested is 60 recommended is 60 any discussion gentl yes um there's payroll in this do we know who that is yes that is our Township attorney okay um does this include like our law litigation yes so it does have litigation cost from the other from other attorneys uh well the the labor attorney in there um one of the things um that I unfortunately found out that we had no idea was coming was um you know there was lawsuits out there that were um concluded and then we had to we had to give our portion of the one second you record state that M joined us at 903 thank you good evening no go on Mr I'm sorry that's all right towards the end of 22 and the beginning of 23 if I remember correctly if you so if you see if you go to Department of Law other Legal Services what page is that there was claims uh page 53 there was claim claims that we just received um in the mail that we had to do our C share from QBE which was is basically some at risk and there were several of them so um you know there's always the potential for something from our past to rear its ugly head um you know again I don't know over off the top of my head what's out there um but that has been accounted for in this line as well as our labor attorney in this line that would be whis and borgy and then when you see QB specialty Insurance that's where you know there was claims uh made and then payroll is uh for Mr par for litigation purposes and so I don't know if this where this line where the line is but is this all of the additional fees from Mr PA I believe he may Bill to let's see uh I'm just looking at tax appeals and and appraisers I don't see any pay well it looks like yes it looks like the answer your question would be yes what all other services legal all other would include the litigation for our Township attorney it looks like the other lines at least in 23 have been other professionals CG p& um McNerney QV you know the claim again is whis and borney so uh I don't believe we historically had a labor attorney until uh probably the last time I was on the council when we asked for some assistance with a contract negotiation which at that point was a one time it seems like they're on a retainer now and I guess what it's not consistent so I'm assuming it's not a standard or an agreed amount so every month we get a bill and you know what what services are they providing to the township so if you remember this year um borgie was presented to the council um it was not approved by resolution so the way the code is written is if you know we need a labor attorney if it you know exceeds M I don't want to say Mr PA's capabilities but if it's in the field of labor law we um and we don't have a appointed labor attorney we have to get the approval from Mr paer as the Director of law so this year we have specific charges to whis borgy to assist us with the um transition in the healthc care to the difference card because it involved negotiations with the unions it involved theou involve the resolution so um we lost half hour sa off the top of my head that's 2024's expenses for whis bourgy uh this year you know last year we had some Personnel uh issues um in the police department there was the difference card last year um you remember what what else we don't expect any major no there's labor the but other than the two uh pending litigations that's all we have right now that you're aware of that would be built to this longine kind of so there is you know other litigation that's out there I just don't know at what step of the process it is so you know again this would be a major insurance policy um to have because if those bill you know attorney bills come in I'm not talking about from more labor attorney or Mr PA but if claims come in there there is other suits out there um that we've either been notified VI tort or whatever besides the two that I know you're you're reference all I know is about the two you're saying there's more oh yeah yeah yeah so I mean at the people have made claims you know again I don't know I can't I don't want to Rattle up we can't discuss it but at the next council meeting can we sure prepare a list of what's yeah or I could send it out to the council I don't know yeah yeah I mean if it's okay with Mr I will check with Mr parer but he would be included which I think would cover us for the okay you know um but yes I think could we table this line until we receive that list I'm just curious how much litigation is out there or pending towards and does do we get a so uh the difference card for instance that's current not looking at last year's uh as it's uh we want to focus on this year uh have they provided us with their estimate of the fee for the difference C yes oh yeah it's it was part of the presentation again I don't know off the top of my head I'm sure there's going to be be further discussion we get down to that line if if you wanted to wait till then or you know I'm not withholding the answer from you that's just I would have to look at their presentation to see what it is but it's a monthly free per employee that has Healthcare yeah we had that number in the presentation we have the exact number of what it's going to cost I think it was like $138,000 savings the first year right I think I'm with yeah why no no so I'm on board ref question I'm on board with the difference card you made a a statement that last year they supported us in a number of efforts uh with and borgi and this year you felt that was focused on the difference card so their efforts around the difference card yes so have have Weiss have they provided us the township with an estimate of their billing or how they how much they think it's going to cost to execute the difference C I think we're all caught up I mean we we basically have the mou signed so I mean guess unless there's you know another formal that comes up the next step is to send all the paperwork and the resolution and the signus down to the state so I don't want to lie or misspeak and say he's totally out of it but I'm not expecting anything more of of significant on that topic on that topic okay so if that is put to bed and it's $20,000 whatever it is no it was yeah nowhere near right and we don't have anything on the horizon I I guess I'm trying to understand it's one thing to have an insurance policy and I understand that concept uh Ken has you know explain that uh on quite a few occasions at the same time is it is 60 the number or should it be 40 I think 60 is the number and you know let's see have we I think Mr Alman in response to your question I think that's why I asked how much how many torts are there still outstanding that are going to require yeah I mean I I have the information I fingertips I could give it without you know no I think we we discuss that without no it wouldn't be specifics but I mean no that's fine I'm I'm not going to push to give you information that you're concerned we can't give but you know there's volunteer injuries from 22 you know there's you know there's there's stuff out there but I I have no problems compiling um I think that's all we keep track of everything so okay no there is there's the two you know about but the council knows from CBA and that's charged to this line well if we you look it's the last two entries Mr Alman on for one's for L ltina and ones for Cen prone if you look okay I mean part of it being insurance is uh again we didn't know the beginning of last year how how involved the difference card would get um you know I and the town's going to save significant money for that so in that case it was good that we had budgeted at 60,000 because uh uh wi and borgie did put in significant work last year to get us to the point also if we didn't have that cushion um I'm not sure where we would have found that much money to against save the town significant money so you know the best I could tell you there there was some trip and falls from sidewalks uh most recently you guys were informed that we were named as a defendant there wasn't really a monetary value assessed with it you know um I guess I don't know if I can um and then there was an you know an injury to a volunteer back in in 2022 um you know so you know there's a couple that are unknown that we may receive torts on that we haven't there's definitely two that are in the works that I know of other than the two zba ones okay thank you so we'll table that until we get that information and we'll go from there that's okay else yeah just one other one last question do we have the chance to um uh some of these accidents not so much the difference card but the uh the accidents that you referenced uh do we go to JF and you know is that uh reimbursable do they share that cost is you know I don't know if you know how that works or if it's something Ken can explain yeah it does go to Jeff um and it it depends your answer about whether it's reimbursable so you know since I've been here we haven't paid out anything until it has become a claim and then it's our cost share but those were significant ones like you know the Town Center or previous employee um you know I I know it's not specifically answering your question it's just it's not an easy thing to answer okay all right so we'll table that one uh Department of Law Consulting non legal 40120 one55 320 requested is 2000 recommended is 2000 we had zero build last year um do we even know what that is I I was trying to think of an example um we didn't build anything no I know but I even in historically I can't think of an example sometimes it's like the tax access you know another one that we need you know any other uh can we reduce it to, 1500 is that your motion Mr I I motion to drop it to $1,500 anyone second it I'll second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears no councilman man yes Council woman bz no council president Des Senate yes COA planner fees 41201 15628 thank um 17,500 requested 17,500 recommended um is there anything on the horizon this year that Mr AP has to bring to our attention about COA or I don't think there's anything this year right you know not that I know of sir you know it would be best if we got that information from him too you know obviously we he provides his input with the budget and those are the numbers he he said to go with um but I would respectfully request for any support to be you know requested of him Mr Mayor can we reach out to Ken and see if there's any um involvement from our planners on the COA or the COA master that we need assum he'll be on Monday's meeting since it's a regular meeting okay so we'll table that for Mr P if that's okay everyone yeah all right I would expect Co to not tail off until off soon Tails back on uh Co special Master fees uh 40120 156 290 requested is 3,000 recommended is 3,000 um any discussion so who is do we know who cgp I'll have I'd have to look it up to see what the expanded you know name community community planning grants okay um yeah that's who the special Master works for yeah so what do they do exactly we have a special Master that's been um Works witht she's she's our court approv well she's she's the ma she's the co master and um she basically decides on our on our Co stuff she reviewed the plan does that go with the recent presentation for um when he discussed that's the the plan towards that yeah and then creating that 25% what did he call it himself this is the the special master that so that's separate from what he would provide yes Mr Mr Burgess would not provide this this is a person appointed by the state that handles all our COA like agreements agreements like the court so it's almost like a liaison a liaison okay so it stands for Community grants planning and housing LLC and the emails I have are for annual affordable housing monitoring reports yep so we haven't spent more than 19 well we spent a lot of money well that was the years we had vivana that's why so those are those are years that you had a lot of money to go back what are your thoughts ladies and gentlemen I would keep it I wouldn't jeopardize 25 is coming up real fast oh it's still 25 I mean if if the new rules haven't come out and we're operating under the existing rules it's been on a decreasing or you know it went from nine and 10 to two and two or three and two uh I mean if I may re make a recommendation if we were going to consult with Mr Paul and the other ones would it hurt to wait till Monday for the last two you know the next table table this one and and appraisers too you know same same question is going to come up which is fair you know everybody okay tbling these two till Monday yeah I think that would be thank you okay will he have he handles the tax Appeals yes uh well let me I take that back let me yeah could could be if it's not resolved like in the first round then he gets involved yeah it's tax appeal of appraisers so this would be for the appraiser so if we look at the audit Trail um you know Nick ner and Associates was used on you know so I I guess my question is if we know what being appealed yeah again I I would ask kindly if we can have him answer these questions I'm fine with that thank you okay Engineering Services uh Department of salaries and wages we're going to wait um General engineering 40120 65201 60 is requested 60 is recommended we have a 45,600 retainer for the year of 2024 correct Mr Dar Carlo yes and there's no way yourself is going to vote to reduce an engineering line there's no way I don't I was going to make it the retainer oh no way there's no way you would do that you know I mean I've come to learn everything is engineering you know like everything is engineering so you know we do have a couple of projects that are you know um that we are currently working on and you know engineering fees you know total up quick so we would respectfully ask for the 60,000 and also to uh piggy back on that uh we met with a representative of Boswell today and uh it was spoken about that we you know they're closing out projects but we could still use a retainer for the projects that are being closed out so again I would see uh the difference between the 45 and the 60 to you know come closer to the 60 I'll motion for the 60 I'll second it can may I ask may I continue to ask a question yeah absolutely um so do have they presented plans for these additional expenses I you know I understand you mean they Boswell they Boswell you know so that's one two is and I know we don't want to revisit last year but you know there are certainly projects that Boswell charged us for that were done at the request of council or general I guess it was acknowledged uh they weren't capital projects so for instance Wayne Place uh that's not a capital project but then I see others that work capital projects you know and and the evaluation of the swim club site I would assume would go against the capital budget not engineering right but if you know I would I was going to say you remember you weren't on Council we didn't have a funded Capital line at the time for the swim club so at first it was going under General engineering and um you know again without looking through it in my reviews I most likely had some of them reallocated once we did fund a line for Capital and then once we received grants um we were able to utilize the capital funds but you know we're definitely um CAU is in of not wasting money that was already spent by recreating the slicing of bread in other words so we don't want to lose the work that basell engineering has already done in some circumstances because because the intimate knowledge that they have transferring some of those projects to the new engineer would definitely waste money because we'd have to catch why can't we go with an hourly rate for Boswell to instead of a retainer because they're building it's a retainer Plus on top I think what the mayor was you know it hasn't been said but we met with Mr Boswell today and it was to clear up invoicing um questions and concerns that we had um which were cleaned up and it's my professional opinion that the best way to move forward is to always have a proposal with a sealing expense abs and not and not to do by the hour because well this is a different situation so I think can we get a proposal to for them to I guess can we be we need a little like summary of which projects are still open with them well yeah I mean I can tell you well yeah like I'm curious like how many do they have left that we that they owe us to complete well that would that would not be attributed to a capital program yeah so you know there's there's things that you know we have the PSN resurfacing project we have the violia resurfacing project that they were involved in the preconstruction meetings beforehand um you know nothing's free and and you know that and again I'm not I'm not I'm not saying it's free no I'm just reiterating the fact that you know you have conversation with Gen engineers and they're expecting to build um we do have you know the Wayne School Street issue you know whether it's sidewalks or not we didn't put in for that we still have the safety and traffic volume problem there that we're working we still have the exit 168 issue um that we're working on you know those are all continuous um projects that have been going on for well over a year um that I don't know when the end is in sight so that extra 15,000 above Mr Beck Meers retainer is is nothing you know and we're going to try and do it all for that 15,000 so again learning myself how much engineering is involved in everything from the simplest water runoff from the neighbors gutter um please fund this line with the 60,000 that we're asking because I've only mentioned stuff that is current and that we know about there's all the unforeseen stuff we don't know about for the remainder N8 months um in that law and what how is it determined that an item is within or outside the retainer so in their proposal they listed um what is you had it as part of your resolution that you passed in January so again off the top of my head it's it's um you know attending meetings it's addressing neighbor um drainage complaints Township drainage complaints um you know assisting with Grant preparations like the New Jersey do Road resurfacing you know it's a slew slew of them you know so I know I know in years past when I was on Council we did get a engineering report of all the active projects and the status from the engineer Mr Mayor is that something we can revisit now that Mr beckme is on board and yeah I don't we don't need his attendance but at least if we get a report of what he did like what he's got pending this month or what he's got pending next month that was a big help to the council I thought absolutely any other discussion ladies and gentlemen Mike in your experience uh what Mr D Carlo said is absolutely correct and unfortunately I'm going to have to say I'll make a motion for the 60 because it's we're take a roll call we're moving here we're cooking with gas try roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen no councilwoman valz yes and Council president the sen yes storm water management engineering fees 40120 65202 requested as 6,000 recommended is 6,000 any discussion ladies and gentlemen do we know what the rest of the monies were for were used for what do you what do you mean sir uh if you look at page 58 yes and 59 there's only 3400 of bills does it say but we showing 6,000 or the 2500 residual balance was used um let me just take a second a 2,000 I don't know that's weird I don't know why something must have happened between February 5th and February 21th so the audit was printed out on February 5th and then your budget was printed out on February 29th so I I could certainly find out I just don't know off the top of my head with that remainder of whatever it was 1500 I mean you know is this are these they may not be contractual but are they mandated Fe fees or whatever the the correct term is you know do we have is there another one for the 25 and there are three fees that we have to pay every year or is there something that is variable uh I believe from my memory these are variable um you know again some of this was a learning process for me as as we went along you know you receive a bill um that you know the the discharge was or the general permit or an annual site remediation um so I don't know off the top of my head what we're expecting um for this year however you know it it does cover other things that we have to do once our storm waterer compliance Grant runs out so when the ms4 reporting has to be done this year which is done every year uh the possible updating of our sp3 um our storm waterer management plan this is all the money we would use utilize luckily last year we received a $25,000 grant for it I'm not sure if that's going to be an option this year so again there's there's a lot of requirements as you most likely already know with storm water management um so you know I know I'm answering it in a roundabout way but I don't know specifically what what Bill we're going to receive this year where did that $225,000 Grant get put to Mr uh we use it to update our s um what is it our storm water mapping system which was required by the D that was a significant amount of money um and we also used it to contract with um storm water compliance for an overall storm water management system that assists Us in keeping organized and uh as well as updating our sp3 and our storm water management plan do we want to wait until we figure out this dis before we vote on this you want to table it till there 3400 outstanding yes 3400 outstanding that [Music] doesn't I should be able to get into admins I mean maybe table it for a few minutes but I can keeps kicking me out but I can I can figure it out we're going to that's going to be our stopping point so for tonight yeah what you want anybody want to go a little longer I know this just got here but what say I'm okay to keep going but I know you've been here much longer we got a lot questions that get answered from what's that I said we got a lot of questions to answer from legal it's up I don't care we can go we can go a little bit long all right we definitely stopping at 10 is everybody okay with that yes yeah let's go for half hour fine so we'll skip that we're going to hold off until Mr D can get admins to work on his computer public Affair salaries and wage we're going to Swit skip excuse me public affairs uh event coordinators we're going to skip right and then we have uh public affairs employee holiday party 40120 406 230 10,000 requested ,000 recommended any discussion so um this is a evening event corre daytime event evening event okay uh so I understand the importance of employee morale and employee uh recognition uh it's uh something I do as part of my function uh day to-day uh for my employee uh I guess my question is uh you know can we revisit this and the uh what the party consists of can it be done during the day as a lunch in uh you know the firm I work for is having a off year and instead of having dinner and a party we had pizza in a conference room and I'm not suggesting that we have pizza in the conference room but uh you know if we could evaluate uh an alternate uh to an evening uh event council president Mr Al you done for Mr S one you done or you still talking no I think I I think I've said enough I make a motion we accepted 10,000 I'll second that we got to treat up employees better than slice of pizza I don't think anybody's saying we need no I know he was saying but I mean they look forward to it it's it's if you've been to those with them they appreciate it it shows a lot of respect for them and I think um I've seen parties that more than 10,000 but they they really deserve something and they they look forward to it it's a really appreciation from uh the council the administration you know to reach out to them and give them something nice so my motion is for the 10,000 I I'm going to agree with councilman Sears the employees um look forward to it they talk about it um and it's a nice way for everybody to get together in a relaxed environment they work very hard all year going above and beyond I've seen it so this is you know it's not happening on a Friday night this is being done very very reasonably for a large group of people so I agree with councilman seers we have a motion to second I have a motion I have a second we do not have a roll call roll call councilman Casio no councilman Sears yes councilman Omen no council bz yes council president to sener no I'd like to make a motion to reduce it to the 2023 $9,000 budget and see if we can make it work um I don't I don't see I don't I don't think it's an unrealistic amount to make it work um the the reality is there's a the cost of every everywhere is up tremendously we could we could re we could I think it's so are we supposed to cut out employees because I'm not saying to cut out employees we can cut out something to make it worth for 9,000 food well I'm saying it's strictly for employees spouses are not I'm not disagree I just think it's it's gone it's gone it's it's it's it's a required event I agree with that we started it when I was first on councel uh the mayor you know we all we all decided up on the day is to do this for the employees because we thought it was something they needed I I still think we need to do it but I just think we need to well if we can look at the history 2019 you have 8,000 it's jumped 2,000 in almost what five years that's not unreasonable considering the cost of living and the expenses I'm not disagreeing but we got to we got to bring stuff down and it's just but you just telling the employees you're going to get we don't really appreciate you instead of having this don't put words in my mouth I'm just saying that we it's coming out I mean you started it so you know the incentive of of this I'm not dis it's point to them you know I think we could bring it into I think for $99,000 we can have a beautiful event um so that's my motion so I don't know if anybody will second it but that's if we continue on this path gentlemen we are going to lose good employees and I'm not saying just for a holiday party but the way that we are you are moving towards our employees this is going to cost us all everybody on you said you I have no you gentlemen it's not the opinion of myself and I don't want to speak for councilman seers but if we don't treat our employees correctly we're going this is going to cost us much more in the long run $2,000 over a course of almost five years is not unreasonable it's not and I agree with you it's Mike may I make a comment sure um the the average price per head uh where we have the event I think is about $100 ahead um and you know we do get close to a 100 people uh because we invite uh board members uh you know who volunteer their time uh you know to show our appreciation for that also so it it does get close to a 100 people um you know for the sake of $1,000 you know I don't think the existing place will come down in their price because you know by today's standards $100 ahead for what we get is already a good price uh now we'd have to start looking at outside venues who I'm going to say don't have the incentive to give us a better price I think we get a good price because we're in the same town um and so you know again I would respectfully ask that you uh readdress the 10,000 based on that U because again I don't know what we would cut and I can't think of another the facility that will do it for less than what we're currently getting thank you thank you I guess nobody's willing to Second my motion so I'll second the motion you second [Music] it roll call Council M Casio yes councilman seers discuss to say that we have to vote on $1,000 to give our employees something nice and this trend is going to affect all the employees so definitely it's a no but you reap what yourself thank you councilman Alman yes Council woman valz I hope you gentlemen and yes now I'm saying you gentlemen the three of you I hope that you step up and volunteer and do more for this community and show up because you are not appreciating those that do I I I I my vote is no yeah but you just said I I do aot for this community I do I I volunte I see neither of the three of you show up of any community events nor volunteer what community events did I next show up this weekend alone we had two events in town we had Ramadan and we had the Irish at the LI at the library I mean and you guys don't and neither of you have ever volunteered at any of the Town functions that operated under public affairs but but these employees and these volunteers show up and we can't give them $1,000 I've been a zoning Board member I I was at basketball and I and I sent the person running the ram you're you're you're all pushing we're not pushing our volunteers our employees away because you don't want to show up for them that's not I I I I disagree with you totally that's fine you can't but I see the evidence if we if we have other things going on then you know what make up for these thousand put it out of your pocket put it out of your pocket I'm going to donate part of my my council salary so we'll see when that line comes there you go M because Lord knows that councilman SE and I are always doing so much for this community and you get thanked for it all the time we do thank you for it and I do a lot for this thank my volunteers thank my volunteers by giving them giving them a a a party that all our volunteers fine agreed the Town volunteers and our Our Town employees show up for them and give them a thousand my vote is no thank you council president to Senate yes public affairs holiday declarations 40120 46240 2000 is requested 2,000 is recommended do we know what these decorations are for just all all holidays in general yes [Music] any discussion ladies and gentlemen I'm okay you're okay you like to make a motion sure I'll make a motion for the 2000 I'll second that roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes coun Alman yes council president sorry councilwoman VZ yes council president to Senate yes public affairs social media 40120 46250 3800 requested 3800 recommended any discussion I just have a quick question and these me you can answer this when you had it in 2021 it was 2000 what was the the $2,000 increase 4 call I don't social media goes to the mayor it was not that doesn't operate with me it's just hear your question the question was um in 2021 it was two 2000 now we're almost at 40 you know what the increase was over last year and year prior why that went up just taking a look now sure is there something we added upgraded um I believe it's um it started um when we just had a town Facebook page okay and then uh previous councils approved a um public affairs and Recreation combined Facebook page corre to get the word out gotta okay basically two pages now one it's been very successful in getting communication I'll make a motion to fund the 3800 CL Mr I just what is the difference between the social media and the website is there overlap or um no it's done by two different companies the social media is just the content not just but it's the content versus the website which is hosted uh hosted and managed yes and updated so is that um my apologies no worries so when you go to washington. us that's theb that's the website correct okay and is that a are these contracted yes I'm yes not sure yes okay yes we have an agreement with the individuals any other discussion not for me anyone else okay roll call we have a second motion M yeah roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council woman bz yes council president to sener yes public affairs website 40120 46320 7500 requested 7500 recommended any discussion assuming that's a contract agree as well I think we should take it lower based on the Run rate well there's a contracted amount which hasn't um has not increased since last year and the amount of work that this individual does that does not bill us extra however if I have to do the math there's a few hundred at $25 an hour which is like slave labor if I can even say that um to even consider this person would work for $25 an hour so there is a few hundred buffer if we have some type of special project um that we need done on the website so you know again I respectfully ask you not to reduce it um if you've been on the website lately which I'm sure you all have it's it's excellent It's excellently maintained it's updated right away uh the amount of work that's put in for the amount of money we pay is not even comparable I'll make a motion to approve the $7,500 I'll second that roll call Council M cazo yes councilman Sears yes councilman om man no Council woman valz yes council president Senate yes public affairs printing 401 20 46470 1200 requested 1,200 recommended any discussion just do we know what that is it's for a printing of our different events the Flyers things like that um also now that we have the two polls up on pasca um I'd like to do more banners to advertise was that holiday decorations um well it's some of both you know again now that we have the polls up there's more banners I want to order that would go above and beyond the holiday decorations like if we do a summer concert to advertise that um you know just those type of things now that we have the polls you know we want to put them to good use so then not to uh Point not to point out the obvious but if the road signs are 800 each we're not going to get very far no there's a banner that was printed for 288 if you look at the Run rate of a pre in in the one task I believe the vendor printed the banner that went up for the holidays or something for 288 is what I saw isn't that this no that was something it says it's not that it's something different I'm sure you're looking at me so I'm wondering if you have a question no no I'm wondering if you knew if I was right with the 288 number from so there are all different size banners plus um but I know it's a local vendor that was in in the Run rate that yeah I saw for 288 for a banner for Mr Mayor if I may elaborate of course um so the printing from experience the printing has been all different types of flyer sizes postcards um advertisements lawn signs anything like that that goes with some of our more um less annual events right versus like the tree lighting or so if you notice the decrease there hasn't been a director since July because it's a very difficult position to fill considering all the work that goes into it so there we there has been a little bit of less events as a result there was less printing just for this year in comparison um but it it covers like the summer concerts um movies that has been done um Halloween events Memorial Day Memorial Day so a lot of um random sign signing that'll signage that'll go through that line item V Day y it's true too I'll approve uh or I will um motion for the 12 mon excuse me I didn't I'm sorry didn't hear you I'll I'll second the motion for the 12200 okay thank I'll second councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes councilwoman Le yes council president to sener yes public affairs archive social 40120 46500 4188 requested 4188 recommended it's supported by grp does someone can someone explain what that is I'm not familiar with yes um since we have a couple of Facebook pages now and also it covers some of the volunteer Facebook pages like the the fire department Library um if we get an oer request um for something that was on one of the Facebook pages this company monitors and can supply that information to the clerk so it's cost of doing business since we're now on Facebook good fact however however I need to interject something conversation I just got something today that there's a law change that could take that away from them so if I could ask to just request to table this for a week until maybe the next discussion see if anything else comes down they're trying to work out something the company itself um I'm not sure where it's going to lead us so I'd rather just kind of leave this alone just that's that new whole Oprah argument that's happening at the state house today okay so um are we okay with tbling thisi gets us more information yeah we can save that's all right table it if we can save it thank you I'm sorry but before we get into fur discussion that might be on M is there a list of the pages that are captured by their um service the service I'm I'm sure there is because they would have to know which ones to monitor I I don't know it off hand I mean I threw out a few obvious ones I I I think it was up to five that they covered in 12 to see are we using it to the full potential for the money and they said it's you know I thought it was up to five myself and they said no it's up to 12 okay so I can I can look at that and thank you public affairs calendar 40120 46510 5,500 requested 5500 recommended any discussion uh based on the postage discussion uh I think this is where the followup discussion is uh my view is that we should eliminate the calendar I I know uh councilwoman bz uh you know had some uh comments on that but my feeling is it's outdate it's outlived its life in the era of social media uh access phones uh so do we have a cost Mr Mayor of what it costs per calendar like if we were to instead of instead of mailing 3,400 to each home right let's just say we print a th000 and say if you like the old Calendar please come to town hall and pick it up you know limited Supply and because like Mr D says the new the new the new Township page is gorgeous it's a it's a beautiful page all the information is on there yeah and like it's a lot easier than the calendar because you forget where you put the calendar there was a couple comments I saw today on on on Facebook about like I saw them all yeah we take the calendar we put it right into the recycling pile so I saw more of those than anything else bring them back here because other people came in today looking for them we couldn't find any yeah so there you go so what I'm saying is if if we I know it was brought up that some seniors don't have access to computers I wanted I wanted to my my recommendation would be that if we find out it's $5 per calendar and we can have you know 500 of them printed and reduce the cost by that much um so people could come and pick up if they're seniors or they don't have they don't have to be seniors just that was the comment that was made but just so we have some available for people that don't have access to a computer but I think my uh my only concern with that would be uh the sponsors that we have for the calendar who put their ads in uh that's somewhat based on blank getting the whole town uh so they know people who open the calendar will see their advertisements uh I I do have a concern that if we go that route we'll lose our sponsorship money which you know off hand I don't know well did the sponsorship money cover the 5500 I don't think it covered all of it no but I was just going to say I don't have the exact numbers but uh I don't think it covers all of it but may have covered about half of it to my since that comment was made last week I had a ton of people saying that they want the calendar they they feel that the calendar is a guide for them they know when they have to put their recyclables out it's on the calendar they know when they have to get the door permits it's on the calendar they have numbers to reach us it's on the calendar um just a lot of people are upset about that and we're here to give a service to the community not to take something away from the community um and that that's just my statement on that that there are people that are upset that and and that's why thinking of a limited run on the calendar versus sending one to everybody um because this way those people that are that want it it would be aailable limited quantities and they can come pick it up or you know however um that just that's my that's my thought if I may yes M um so I shared your sentiments last year I felt similar um but after during the course of that that time period this scene was said to me so many people look forward to the calendar and like I said yesterday um they expressed all the reasons which Miss councilman years mentioned a few and it was communicated that it was best to leave the calendar because it's just it's one of those things that you know the the younger people they don't want the calendar but our older residents they want the calendar so it's a balance I felt based on those that approached me and spoke to me last year that more people wanted the calendar than not and I did see those post as well but it's almost like you can't win because in January and February they were being bombarded why isn't their calendar of course there's no calendar you know and then now you have a calendar people are like well why do we need a calendar so it's one of those Catch 22 yeah can we find out what the what the uh Journal ad generated and if we table this and we discuss it I'm just curious what the you know is it did we did we you know did we get a a 50% of that 5500 captured back or was it a third of that I don't know what the number is but can we find that Mr Carlo I mean you know to me again just real quick math in my head I think there's around 3300 households in town so if we say this is 5500 of it and whatever the postage is I'll call that another grand so you might want to say $2 per calendar off hand you know if I did that very quick math correctly that's I was saying do we you know do we maybe say you know reduce it to half and only print half the calendars and not mail them and say they're at Town Hall first come first serve and you know we meet in the middle everyone because then half the town has got the ability to get count yeah I mean and the other half that doesn't want it and we save on the postage and we save on the on the printing that was presented last year and you know it was it was a I know you know like I I know Mr SE is saying but like I have a reminder right now that when I get home my recycling's got to go out right you live on Beach recycling go out tonight right so it's on my calendar so I wouldn't want anybody that doesn't have access to our beautiful website you too Mr C for since you out um but I wouldn't want to do any if that's the road that's traveled I wouldn't want to do a first comfor serve because we do have a population in town that perhaps can't get out of their homes are older seniors so we would have to make some some kind of accommodations to make sure that they receive one but if you also print L might cost you more well that's why we we got to find out that's one of the things we got to find out the more we table it if we can just get that information of what the sponsors brought in Mr Mayor Mr car yes all right uh we'll stop at public affairs because it's 10:5 yeah I'm sorry in in other municipalities and I'm going to bring an example in next um you know they do give out it's not as basically a nice big sheet of paper with all the information with your particular dates that you have Cass your microphone to your face other Miss pal okay they do give out of count but it's not as as elaborate as ours okay so I understand it's nice to have a piece of paper stuck on the uh refrigerated door because that's where my other one is and it works out very nice you know it doesn't cost the whole heck of a lot of money and it very effective you know information that you need can be on a one page it really can be so I'll bring an example in for next meeting because I'll have it you just take a look council president before you shut down the the last one I wanted can we just do cable I do public affairs videotaping Council meetings and then we'll no no I mean cable TV it's the only thing wear okay thank you and then we're going to do public affairs videotaping Council meetings 40120 46520 9,000 requested 9,000 recommended any discussion no I'll make a motion to approve the 9,000 second It Roll CL councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes counc manman yes Council wz yes council president desum yes WCTV cable television expense 40120 470000 8,000 requested 8,000 recommended um any discussion I would make a motion they they do a wonderful Jobing job motion so and um we can get them to bring forth to us Community it's well worth supp did it said thank you very much so this is line 0000 Z right yes so I what was the run over for last year or close to run off because it was 90 96 wasn't there a server problem or something remember they had to it was 96 yeah but they were on they 959 yeah I understand that we there request an eight so I wanted know why you want you talk about getting cut short wasn't there a Ser a problem remember they talked about it I do not remember that was their if every I did forward everybody the email we received 8,000 was what they've asked for and I I don't know what the I wasn't on Council I don't know what the answer is to the 9600 from last the 959 I thought maybe Miss FZ or Mr she remember but I been a one time purchase they needed last year yeah okay great so I would make the motion for the 8000 second roll councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes Council mman yes Council valz yes council president to s yes we will stop at L use we'll pick that up on Monday night just a reminder the the mayor Mr D is going to try to have the TP two of the Departments here Monday and two of the Departments here on Wednesday correct so one by the two you're including tax assessor right tax I'm sorry if you don't mind so which departments will be here we're going to we're going to try to do two departments per night do we know which two we don't know because see who's Avil I didn't want to we didn't want to say these two we originally started like all right let's pick this one and this one but we availability so we said be the first well the May back get back to everyone we can prepare will you pick up where we left off if they here here you'll start with them we'll start with them so they can start so Mr May you'll let us know which departments are coming on Monday and I guess you'll let M mowy know and she'll let the council know got it thank you motion to adjourn all in favor thank you everyone we'll meet again Monday night at 7 p.m thank you