[Music] oh e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I pledge allegiance to the flag States of America the stands na indivisible roll call coun Casio here councilman Sears councilman Omen here councilwoman bz here council president sen here let the record reflect also in attendance mayor Peter calamari administrat Mark D Carlo cmfo John corkran Township Clerk Susan wowski Recreation and DPW superintendent Dan scary superintendent Bill Lawler and Jord Casey I think I got everybody right okay no minutes tonight to be approved can I have a motion to open the meeting up to the general public so moved all in favor I I would anybody in the audience like to come up and address the council no one in the audience how about on Zoom world no no one on Zoom World we'll give them a minute for a few seconds good yeah motion to close the public comment period so move second all in favor I I individual resolution resolution number 2 4-26 authorized 2024 transfer of Appropriations $1,941 63 do I have a motion so move second discussion um yeah just uh these bills were were what what do we what do we need to 19,000 for good evening so if you remember the other night we tabled the Department of Law line specific ly referring to the law all others um Council had inquired as to what all kind of expenses come out of that line speaking with Mr paer uh to get information on our contributions our deductibles from the insurance company I inquired with our our consultant our risk consultant to see what was open what we had pending so essentially for elect better ter I turned over some rocks and this is what they presented us um in out in Bill two outstanding bills two out well yes two outstanding bills from 2021 and 2022 yeah so I guess my question is they're from two and three years ago how come they weren't paid in the last budgets is this something that was just discovered or so it was just discovered as I explained by talking to our insurance company when they inquired to see what we had pending um so I could prepare you better with answers for the the budget they sent me an email they sent me these uh there was actually three the one was a $16 uh expense so as you can see it was was authored to Mr tovo September 9th 2021 and the second one was authored to me at the end of December 14th and 2022 we had several other claims from this company that we paid along that same time frame I have no idea how this was missed if it did not come to me that this is the first I'm seeing both of them and therefore uh we're asking for the transfer so we could pay for it I spoke to our financial adviser to see what our options were obviously seeing that it was a bill from 21 and 22 we had three options one to either fund it this year which we would increase the request in that line to 80,000 from 60,000 we could do a transfer utilizing 23 funds which was appropriate or since we did the AFS and closed the books on 22 we'd have to go back lower the amount that we'd be putting into our Surplus and fund our um accounts payable line so those are the three options I saw best to do utilizing the 23 funds that's why there's the transfer okay so how much did we have in in the 203 three funds from left over like like total like The Big total that we could use for this pull out right I'm sorry I don't you're transferring the full amount right no yeah so we there wasn't there wasn't I think there was enough in there to pay the $16 one however we're asking for the total amount of so it's the same claim but two bills so it's claim number qm- 1815 but it it it's two invoices bringing the total to that 19,000 number 19,943 so there is um extra funds available in the health dental Life and Accident we want to transfer it from that line over to uh the Department of Law line that way it would cover these two outstanding invoices how does a company not get paid oh Mr record Mr Sears has joined us at 707 thank you Mr thank you council president sorry for delay no no problem no problem I think it's an outstanding question because we have several vendors that you think they want their money um but this is the first time they came knocking on our door with this this one again it's possible I may have missed it in 22 but it's definitely did not miss the 21 one and like I said that there was other claims um invoices that we paid in 2022 um and this wasn't paid so again I'm not you know I didn't go deep digging into it too deeply to see if it is something I missed or if it's something the company missed to send us um I just know we uncovered it last uh the other day when they sent this information to us okay so just a a question um who who's responsible to see that these claims get paid who's who's keeping track of is that the Department of Law is that our GIF consultant who well if once it comes to our side it would be our purchasing department to make sure to get paid we're aware of them right but who's who's following up on we have these claims made right towards us we know we know what the judgment is right we should know what it is because we've gone through litigation so who looks after that litigation that it's that it's paid or it's not paid or we win it I don't you know I don't I know I understand the question you're asking but I don't think it's that easy of an answer it says the GIF claims coordinator is that a certain person on on our staff or at GIF are GIF claims coordinator where are you seeing that please be reminded that you can contact your GIF claims coordinator for details relative to a deferred deductible and co- payment plan which has been adopted by your local Jeff I imagine that's somebody in Jeff and who's R Le a on to those those people well it would be Mr fine would be our Lia on our consultant again I don't I don't know how we get notified I don't know if it's our attorney that gets notified once something's adjudicated but I you know I I would was sent to to to you and Mr too correct I'm sorry this letter was sent to Mr that's who it's addressed to like I said this is the first time I'm seen it because we received other ones that we did process they were sent directly to me so again it it's quite possible I may have missed it um I don't know I'd have to go back and look in emails to see if this was one of the attachments okay but definitely not the other one from 2021 this was very other one's not no but I would you w here yeah I knew but they did know I was in the position at that time so um I would imagine if it wasn't paid they would come knocking on my door or someone's door over here so do we know what the litigation or the payment is related to yeah I believe it's all the Washington town Center I'm not very well versed in that that was a uh if you look at the claim it on the second page is this situation I think so that's the situation so this is the vape shop or or the tax appeal didn't they do a tax appeal as well it could be the tax that's right they did have a tax they have tax so the VAP a while ago who who signed off that it's a valid expense I'm not sure your question so they sent us a bill that we owe $20,000 I'm sure someone either in the tax department or the law Department could verify if this is a legitimate expense if you're looking to point your finger on somebody's fault I don't think it's there no but what I'm saying to you is that there's I would say our attorney would have the best information on that so was this given to Ken and say Ken not looking at the date or who's on the top Ken do we owe qve $1,000 because Ken may say no we don't owe them $111,000 actually you know later on WE netted out another agreement and it's 3,000 so the only question I have and I understand I am not looking to appoint blame or say anyone's to blame what I'm trying to ask is is this a valid expense if we get a car repaired we get a new tire on we could see the tire it's done all I'm asking is are these valid expenses and considering they're three and four years old or two and three years old I think it's a a legitimate question oh okay I I didn't disagree with you that it wasn't a legitimate question however today is the last day that we can do a transfer so what I'm hoping for is for the transfer to be approved the money is there once the money's there I can certainly look into it as deeply as um you guys or girls request before paying the bill however the best financial option I think for us is to do the transfer for 2023 I don't think the insurance company consults with us before they make um before the adjudication is done that's why I'm telling you if if you're looking for someone on our side that's why I'm saying I don't I can't point the finger at a certain individual or a certain Department Mr corkran is this going to be a audit comment uh no it won't because because you're allowed up to March 31st to do a transfer for prior year accounts and I agree with with Mark this is and and and the financial advisor that this is the best option for us at this point so again Mark the my question was that account for 2023 how much do we have in it in total for left over for unspent money in 2023 I don't know off the top of my head I can find out is it does it cover cover this oh certainly it would cover oh certainly oh there's yeah again I don't like to throw out numbers but I'm just saying it'll cover this and there's still in there correct absolutely we can't make any more transfers after the 31st I I understand that that's that's my concern because that should not be included in this budget obviously because it didn't happen this year my only concern is you know we have these claims made they're billing us I want to make sure that someone's following up so this does not happen again so if we can get someone on that whether it be Mr fedini or Ken when it comes in we know ahead of time so you know this things get lost you were new to the job had Mr too's name whatever happened maybe got stuck underneath maybe never got mailed who knows you know let's just see if we can be proactive next time I appreciate your understanding and and uh I can follow up by saying part of the email was to say there was no other open claims right um but again say that or it did say that there's no open claims however you owe this this and this let's just maybe run a report every month or every two months and then we can Reas thing I'm I'm okay with the transfer if we have the money from 2023 um so but again it's any other discussion it is what it is any any other discussion Tom no good I agree with you anything else Mike roll call Council M Cassio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen no councilwoman bz yes council president Des Sena [Music] no it's good what's not what's we we we vote again just I'm sorry I'm just concerned concerned vot again wa um I don't want I don't want to spend last council's money so I'll I'll just abstain I wanted I should have just abstained then it would have been fine sobody you're it's got to pass by two3 got to pass by two3 right well are you what are we increasing well we're spending last year's money and I didn't have transfer resolution it's a transfer resolution it's not an increase in the budget it's a transfer resolution it's it says it say right 23 of the memberships sorry guys we do another roll call please everybody okay with another roll call go ahead please what's the problem can you explain again I'm sorry I I said no because I don't want to spend the prior council's money okay but with a no then it doesn't the the transfer doesn't go through if I abstain it goes through oh I should have said abstain and I said No by ACD okay so I'm just going to re okay I see thank you yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen no council woman bz yes counc president to Senna obain thank you ladies and gentlemen Mr Dar car we're just going to start with them so we can get them out of here quicker yeah so thank you good evening gentlemen so we'll start uh which one's longer Rec or DPW DPW we'll start with DPW P 38 council president 39 wait a minute okay thank you so on the on the um it's really the page 38 um 3 so the first few lines are our um salary which we're not doing yet uh winter watch is that a stien or is that a salary is that just a budget that's a contract s contract read so I think we could do that one right um it's it's contractual so council president it's contractional it's actually underfunded because we supplement with our snow trust so if you take with the snow trust yeah yeah okay do we know uh Mr D do you know how much money is left in the snow trust uh if you you look at the the back of your trust report it would be as of the date I printed it out second to last tab okay trust reserve for snow so 29,000 on 220 that's what's remaining there that's what's remaining yeah that but again as a you know a month ago today but we haven't had any snow and so no but we I don't I'd have to look to see where we're currently paying winter watch out of and we you know any repairs that were made to trucks that are associated with snow plowing okay would go there so but it's not it wouldn't be significant right Mr law there's nothing yet DPW winter watch 40126 29-18 9500 requested 9500 recommended as for Mr D Carlo it's a a contractual amount it's funded with the trust also so um it's been that amount for a a number of years do I have do I have a um any discussion oh I'm sorry motion I'm sorry motion so move second discussion yesman has a question so is 95 the amount that is needed on a gross basis or are we netting what we plan on taking out of the uh trust so what we need for winter watch again I don't know the exact number um but I know that it's more than $99,500 and Bill I'm sorry Mr Lawler what would be the it starts and ends when and it's for 16 hours of overtime it starts uh mid December and it runs through midm March right now it's only a little bit later because the season can fluctuate right so it's 16 hours of overtime per week right at the overtime rate of the class man a Class B man you know B Class that's how it is it's like done by the seniority so one week it could be more one week it could be less um but it has been totally under over 9500 but we haven't asked for an increase because we're supplementing uh this the snow Reserve so my only question is to you and to Mr Corran is should we be netting the expense on the budget line or should we be reflecting a gross and the source of funds whether it's current account or Brant shouldn't matter I I would think so wouldn't we want to show our expenses on a gross basis so we can plan accordingly um well in this situation since we we have since we have that trust account that we use I I don't really think it would be necessary as long as we keep track of that in other words as long as we keep track of the fact that we're using both of those accounts I don't think it's an issue and each year we're still asking basically for the same amount for this fine the difference being we're also whatever whatever whatever short folder is we we're taking out of the the um the snow pile account at of trust understood but at some point down the line you know tomorrow we have a snow event and we split a plow on our uh you know on Van Ember because of all the potholes and we we utilize all of the trust for the replacement of that plow so next year when we think we only have to budget 9500 we actually have to budget 12,000 I again okay I it's uh if that's the way if it's okay it's okay but I think that you know we need to be aware of that that what replenishes sorry Mr what replenishes the trust just so you know just so you know since since this report was run we've gotten two reimbursements from the county for S so there's actually probably a little bit more money in that line as a starting point because we do get reers from Bon County for that so there is money continually coming in from the county roads for piling the County Road it's not like it's it's not like it's a it's a um a static trust where it's going to end be at zero one day it's always it's always got reimbursements coming in yes and I and and I I'm the one who keeps actually Administration they actually send a PO to the county and and they give me a copy so that I'll be on the Outlook you I'll be looking out for that money when they come in and and since this report was run we we've gotten two reimbursement from beron County for that so that so that that that would not that's not something that would happen with that trust line any other discussion ladies and gentlemen no roll call Council M Cassio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman no councilman valz yes counc president to send yes uh council president if I can fly interrupt you that contractual stiens not Foreman I I understand if you want to skip it but it is contractual it's to the penny according to the contract if the foreman stip yeah if you want to get it out of the way D DPW foran stien 40126 29090 191 excuse me 4100 requested 4100 recommended it is a contractual obligation do I have a motion some second discussion anyone roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes Council Elman yes Council bz yes council president to yes DPW SI sick leave payout 40126 29192 again it's a uh it's a contractual uh R part of their contract they can buy out their sick pay if they qualify right Mr uh Cara yes but not all employees they have to be here before 2013 is that correct it's all I'm sorry it's cap that's $155,000 but it's not all employees yes it is allw employees the state law it no no it's in our contract all right we need we need to we need to discuss that because I believe if you weren't hired before 2013 you can't qualify for sick lead payoff we're you know the bottom line is contract we haven't spent any money but I'm just saying I just don't want anybody to get in trouble when they retire and have to pay it back because there only nine of us too so before before it would ever be paid out we always yeah I just don't want somebody to end up having to pay a pck I'm not saying but the the law it's it's if you weren't hired before 2013 you don't qualify for the the payout I I don't I understand what your contract say I just want somebody to get a payout and then all of a sudden go to retire and the state come back and say you got to pay back state law May supersede your contract no we we will always check it will always be checks and balances any other discussion is this the max amount or no this is essentially maybe if this happens so as you can tell that line in the line below at the vacation buyback is hardly ever cashed in on um but when discussing it during budget prep we thought it was smart move Mr Lawler to at least have $1,000 in there so in in each one of the lines rather than making it zero based on it not being used because contractually they can come along and we have and we'd have to fund it so we're gambling that it's enough just enough but if five or six people come in it's not going to be enough but I ask one more question is it a um an Ever accumulating bank or is it just for the year it's just for the year sir so it's just if you don't use it in the current year oh I'm sorry I thought you meant the current line I yeah so no the sick leave or and the vacation so the sick leave accumulates you guys are going to know better about the vacation time I think no well you can accumulate up to 25 25 days Days a vacation and the buy back is you're allowed to sell back two weeks two weeks of the current year if you choose to right of the current area yeah and we haven't had that situation memory because usually they use them you know okay any other discussion ladies and gentlemen no roll call a motion we made a motion on the one before yeah no oh DPW SLE pay 40126 29192 uh 1,00 requested 1,00 recommended do I have a motion second roll call councilman yes councilman Sears yes counc om man yes Council bz yes council president to sener yes DPW vacation buyback 40126 2901 193 do I have a motion so move second 1,00 requested 1,00 recommended any discussion no roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council woman bz yes council president deser yes council president you go so fast I'm trying to politefully interrupt you you could also do DPW foran sement if you wish it's contractual it's to the penny we did that one we did that oh foran yeah we and it was approved no you did contractual stiens not Foreman for we did the 4100 oh I apologize then then I would ask you to go back to contractional stiens not forming where's that the top of bottom of 38 I apologize that's what I thought l50 oh bottom of 38 okay my DBW contractual stiens not forming 401 26 29150 it's uh in the in the agreement one mechanic two crew chiefs thirdy year appointment $ 7680 requested $ 7680 recommended do I have a motion sub move second discussion what is this for Mr Dar Carlo uh exactly that sir I think the contract actually allows for one more crew chief but they don't fill the position so it actually would uh be allowable under the contract to be more however we only filled the one mechanic into the two crew chiefs correct guys yes it's more it's a a supervisory position underneath for okay any other discussion roll call councilman Casio yes councilman sear yes councilman Alman yes councilman valz yes council president to sener yes I'm sorry would this role uh the crew chief would it be uh sort of a semi- management role are they are those people we're looking at to progress organizationally not necessarily perhaps uh it's really more a landscaping crew goes out or a crew goes out for degree collection and this is the person who want the the job okay just if if it was if it if it was a stepping stone not so much in the hierarchy which I understand but in terms of career progression and you know you're testing these people we should fill that third or I say fill the third crew chief if it's not necessary it's not necessary there's a discussion about that from way back okay any other discussions oh we're done with that one DPW other expense C2 licensed operator 40126 29195 3500 requested 3500 recommended do I have a motion s second is this a contractual number for our C2 operator we hire somebody to do this that's hired froms that's what I'm saying it's a hir we have a contract with somebody don't we yeah would that be the appropriate term this with counc I'm trying to think that's right yes we we have aned by resolu yes resolu any discussion what do they do if I might ask they are a licensed wastewater operator all right Mr L can you expand for councilman um you for sewer and Sewer work you have to operate with a license and we operate under this individual's license so in the storm water management totally different this is sanitary sewer not thank you for your knowledge yeah my my knowledge of the sewer is like any other discussion no roll call councilman CIA yes councilman Sears yes councilman nman yes Council bz yes Council VI council president president yes DPW office supplies 4 26 29210 10000 requested 1,00 recommended do I have a motion motion to reduce it by 100 right we have two conversations going on you had a motion second down here you have a motion to reduce I motioned motion to open it time second it for discussion councilman motion to reduce it so you'd like to reduce it to 900 Mr Alman uh if that's the motion on the floor yes well the motion was for discussion you discuss it yeah that's how we're doing so any other discussion on this Mr almond made a motion to reduce it to 900 I'll second that reduction any other discussion no call councilman Casio yes councilman SE yes councilman Alman yes Council woman bz yes council president yes DPW Do's meetings and conferences 40126 29250 1200 requested 12200 recommended do I have a motion so move second discussion sure excuse me regarding office supplies can I just say something sure okay to replace the toner cages in our printer cost $500 per replacement for each for the full replacement okay so 1,470 something I'm sorry so ,000 will give us two Replacements throughout the course of a full year that's what it's for well last year we only spent $586 58 so do we not replace it twice I think we were running low and when we run low we occasionally uses the machine upstairs okay thank you Mr if could we go back for another rev out now that now that we have the information we got to finish we got yeah let's finish 2 okay so you have a motion by councilman a second by Council meetings and conferences 1 1200 requested 100 recommended any discussion um I'm okay with that they they need training um so if that facilitates their training well training is another line another line I'm sorry the conferences sorry conferences usually training which yeah you get training at conferences you learn um so I'm okay with the 1200 if that helps our DPW stay up to date thank you so it looks like it's two people going to the league which I think is fine but is there we could discuss it at the end but you know we we send I know we're a municipality and I know we send a lot of people but we send a lot of people I mean is there a way to manage that or is there something that could be done at the top not so much at one Department versus another but something to think about maybe yeah and uh let me I don't know if you ever attended the league Mike there is quite a bit of DPW new equipment down there that they can look at and riew and like that but yeah reasonable refle any other discussion no roll call councilman Casio no councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president to sen yes DPW um radio expense 4126 29360 2700 requested 2700 recommended uh do I have a motion shall move second any reason do we have we had no expenses last year on this item Mr La we are in a process of trying to get it done through two companies and we are having difficulty getting replies getting supplies getting replies from companies may I ask are you is this compatible with the new County system I'm not aware of that so I thought it was supposed to be compatible with the county system I thought they were supposed to be on it so they could be with fire and ambulance and police well so they should be yeah they should be on the ice of 700 yeah that's I when we did the radio I remember when I was on Council we did the radios one of the biggest things was have making sure DPW was on the same frequency so they could you used to have a base station in your you don't have one now because they're in the tent so you might be running off of we still have the original base station yeah downstairs right but it's not running is it is it running with it's running yeah that's what you guys respond to or that's what you guys use to to talk to each other or police can still call us I don't know to yeah thank what about fireing separate Channel but does it come in on your radios or no no no but I thought that was why we spent 3/4 of a million dollars was that everybody could talk out their own and the police can get in touch with us that's it used to be years ago we W with the fire and the police and the ambulance right CU if anybody needed no we don't even hear the ambulance anymore neither no no no no that was the Genesis of the question yeah you know why so this repair is for like handheld so you can communicate internally amongst your team or amongst the trucks or the uh Crews who are out it's actually also four trucks and the trucks run $800 $900 per radio so this would cover three radio installations so I I guess my question would be should we be increasing this or evaluating it to bring you on to the standard so ambulance police and fire can communicate with you I mean that was you know I remember the diagrams the pillars and everything so um one of the things was they wanted DPW to be able like hey if we need roads closed or something they yes we do but fire yeah fire it might be just cuz the base is down in the basement now I don't know where the antenna is the an no but it's not a different frequency I believe the old one that was one of the problems right Tom the old frequency was is no longer Tech I don't know if you guys have to verify that yeah my knowledge of radios is less than zero but I seem to remember this and I may use the wrong terms the county couldn't give us enough channels to support each individual Department that's what I mean they want to split Channel and so we had to decide which ones needed the priority or something I think I have that more or less correct but um and that you know we we agreed to that because the county said we can't give you any more of the the digital channels you again I might be using wrong terminology it might be using our old fire Channel probably yeah the kdr 437 channel so is the I guess for your trucks as well as if you have handhelds is this just to maintain it is this just is this to replace one or two units or this is to install into in our new trucks okay that we're getting and your old trucks are they would they be compatible so well we're still using our old trucks you know so I'm saying when you buy a new unit they're compatible you're buying older you're buying older equipment to make it comp right yes the radio right and the old trucks will communicate with the new yeah yes um I remember sitting up here Mr Mayor and one of the big deals was that we needed everybody to be able to talk to each other in an emergency whether it was doesn't have doesn't have to be fire but if it was a snowstorm emergency or something else everybody was on one one radio that's what we wanted but the county stood firm that they couldn't give us as many channels as we needed and again you guys correct me if I'm wrong I think the solution we have works out we're not lacking in anything like you can communicate with the Poli with the police yeah okay all right I just yeah I just want to make sure if this calls on to I would have I would have said no way you guys can't talk to Fire and ambulance because when I was up here we were told that's what we're getting and you know sorry there you go all right Mr is it possible if the DMF DPW excuse me uh if they're having challenges with their vendor I don't know where it is but is it possible to facilitate that or to help facilitate it if it's multiple vendors yes I I understand I I mean I realize it's probably not a big ex uh big source of income for them but if it's important for us we should try to is it new vendors or existing vendors existing existing is it because of frequency or I don't believe so I believe one of the vendors is more of a supply chain issue than anything else it's takes quite a while well like there were they said the other night it's taking 14 months to get uh pagers so yeah it's the same thing we've had other issues they're not providing a quoteback bill pardon they're not providing a quote back or this company has provided a quote and then they tell us there's they don't give us a turnaround time but it's on back order that's all we get but did we order did we didn't place a purchase order for it no we did we have so should money encumbered we were taking out last year from 2022 because of this very problem and nothing came to that either but the money was incumbered in 22 yes so then we lost it I guess well we just lost the 23 money too because no 23 money we still have but if it wasn't encumbered in 23 where you know we can't we can't use it now we'd have to use 24 but it was one of the open Po's bill that we were working on so that was probably I think it was the only one that we weren't able to to satisfy so that you know unfortunately that money is is lost it's not lost I mean it's going to go to Surplus but we can't use it we'd have to use money out of 24 now okay so do we need to increase this based on that which is we actually decreased it a little bit right Al also it must have been based on yeah but that was 22's quote right I would just like to get something in some of the trucks doesn't have to be all of them Ian there's only a handful of trucks there's only a handful of trucks that that need them at the moment we have had them installed it just takes quite a while to get it done so the trucks that's not installed they have to use a handheld in the truck rather than a mounted radio the truck gotta what was the name of the company though uh this would be Regional that's one who provides a quote and has a turnaround time that we wait on and gown does not we can't even get a quote we get a rep but we don't get a quote wow are those State contracts do you know or yes interesting any further discussion ladies and gentlemen no roll call councilman Casio yes Council misss yes councilman man yes Council woman bz yes council president to sener yes DPW training 40126 29370 3,000 requested 3,000 recommended do I have a motion so move second discussion so I'm all for training if it's utilized um I would have expected the decrease spend during covid not coming out of covid um you know there are some classes that are offered that some of the employees are don't want to actually have to do with the how in depth it is so to speak well I think time we've also spoken that it's time away from the road time also there there is some training I personally would like to have these guys do and it's always offered in November we do and you know we we can't take people off the road for November or it's in the winter where the potential for snow you can't always schedule something for that these last two haven't been very that bad luckily however if you have a bad winner as you can tell I'm sorry Council we reduced it 25% in consideration of it not being used however we would like it there for the the opportunity to attend it um but obviously I can't argue or disagree with your uh insight into it it's just every time I talk to Bill about spending it's difficult to find the time is it's just one season after another you know I we we maybe stagger it so one person I you know I I think you know one person's got to call out sick during six season so we do deal with person missing here or there so maybe if we stagger it right and you know we don't send five people during for snow season we get one person going and and maybe the week after you know next year another person at least we get people trained because it's important you know we've always made a big deal about getting people trained up on this Das so you know well with leaves is one individual calls out sick a whole crew has to come off the road quite often because everyone we have is on the road and vacation's not permitted during those two mons correct right yeah is so we can we can come up with a training plan for them seriously and um you know even if Bill if it's something we need to mandate yeah that they do then then they do it you know but or an maybe an extra seasonal for believe me we try it's tough getting the seasonals you know you have the college kids when when they come home and then they leave early um we we sent out how many advertisements calling you know the uh the seasonal workers do not it doesn't apply to um what's that nepotism right it's one of the things that so we try to get employees you have grandchildren you have you know whatever Sons daughters cousins we're you know we try as hard as we can um it's very hard and the college kids actually work down very well bill it's just they go back yeah it's intensive for them so yeah some of them enjoy it and come back of course look forward to it yeah any other discussion ladies and gentlemen roll call joh Casio is the motion for three 3,000 yeah that's we made a motion you like to discuss something else well since we're not going on the road where we're not taking them off and we really haven't used it I'd like to reduce it 10% think get 2700 because I got a feel I'm not going to use so you want to take it down to 2700 that's 2700 that's my motion may may I ask a question what does the what do these training courses cost per individual does it depend on the depth it depends on a course the length of the course I so I really could we we get we get uh emails that se from rers of various other departments and we don't yeah it's all up in here depends right and Rockers increased their fees this year I mean drastically okay and just the expense that was incurred was not uh necessarily training related last year I can no I think Mr Alman has already just so we have a motion from uh Mr CIA to reduce it to 2700 I have a second I'll second that 2700 uh roll sorry just a quick question uh I forget who at first made the motion and seconded don't you have to finish that vote on the three that was for discussion we've been that it's been we've been opening it to discussion apologize and then if somebody makes a second motion for a reduction or an increase we've been doing that's how we running I apologize for last two weeks y so roll call for minus $300 of $2,700 councilman Casio yes councilman Sears no councilman Omen yes Council valz no council president to send yes DPW sign expense 40126 290 380 4,000 requested 4,000 recommended do I have a motion sub move second discussion do we know what we're looking to do or is it just on an ad hoc basis this is just ad hoc we've dropped it from as you can see 20 ,000 when we were replacing every street sign I remember that and so we've slowly brought it down um but you still are always going to need some sort of money for signs sure they knocked down knocked down taken for their that's a channel post to to hold them up right ex defly you know and it brackets nothing's cheap anymore no Jerry they're all breakaways off these signs now we replaced all of them as breakaways yeah if it breaks away then we just have to replace a b right but I'm saying that's that has been rectified right and they all compliant with the reflective coding and stuff especially the stop signs everyone we put in yeah even the street signs too okay yep do we pay for signs on the county roads if it's a matter if it's a matter of public safety such as crosswalk size then that's on us yes yeah okay stop sign comes down yeah got the county we got to put stop sign up because can't wait there not one there oh wait there's no stop sign even though you've stopped there 20 years roll call Council excuse me Council massio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes councilman bz yes council president to sener yes DPW uniform rentals 40126 29390 7,000 requested 7,000 recommended do I have a motion sub move any second yes second discussion is this a contractual number Mr Dar car um I don't think there uniform rentals in there the next line is definitely contractual I don't think it's contractual I think it varies based on how many we yeah I mean use from you know in my opinion an experience with it it saves us significantly from having to buy new uniforms so um each bill if you want to take this over it's f with me but they each each uh DPW employee is outfitted with a certain amount of something right whether pants shirt t-shirt sweatshir most of it is has the appropriate reflective color that's you know dot and uh a few years back it was looked into the cost of purchasing giving giving a uniform allowance to the employees against the rental and the rentals were cheaper cheaper yeah so so I think it sorry it includes is it every week launder yeah laundry service right so then they come and they drop off fresh pa pants they take them yeah it's an exchange yeah it's an exchange right which is great too if there's hazardous materials on it we're not having to buy new you know yeah always keeps them fresh and newer if it rips the button breaks you just write up a little tag need a new button put a new button on and actually we uh switched companies recently to save money so um that's what I was asking is if it's a contractual amount like it's a vendor it's a vendor right yeah I mean we have a I you know it's I don't like that word you know CU what it assumes or whatever but we do have a contract with the company but again it's at a lower expense better quality service right compared to what we were getting um we definitely weren't getting our money's worth um with the other company so actually uh so is the new company doing it for 2023 or they when did they take over it was it was a lengthly process because we were uh dealing with several different vendors they took over the thiss year they took over jary well we probably got it before January but I don't know when did you sign yeah like I said it was a little tough getting started because we wanted to make sure everyone had their some input cuz they're going to be wearing it we had several meetings it was actually our ping department and my assistant that head up the project for it um and I think ultimately you guys started getting stuff either early January yeah or late December yeah yeah can I just ask it does it include uh foul weather gear or and winter gear yeah we get the winter jackets and plus the winter jackets nice cuz the hive is and then you can take the sleeves off in like spring M and it turns into a vest doesn't include F doesn't include rainear doesn't include what R gear rain gear and how how do you secure that or how do you buy it well we had the old rain gear we just went up to rug it out I got it I think really last time we got good rain gear was uh one of the storms right bill so we we got it after that that would come under the next line okay any other discussion on uniform rentals ladies and gentlemen roll call C Casio yes yes councilman sear yes C councilman nman yes Council yes council president uh to sen yes DPW uniform and safety equipment 40126 290400 5500 requested 5,500 recommended it's $350 per employee per employ employee according to their collecting bargaining agreement um any discussion a motion so move second any discussion just is it enough I mean you mentioned okay things have gone up this year drastically just as an example uh gloves that we were using last year that were 16 or $17 went up to $28 a pair and these are still much cheaper than these are actually through Home Depo basically comparable to gloves we were getting from Lawson that were $48 a pair and they went up $89 or whatever it was this year alone and it seems like every few years we have to restock our safety equipment we'll buy 20 30 vests you know the high his vest that's enough to get you buy for a few years and then you you deplete it you know so but no it's everything is through the roof right now the r well the race go up last year Mr uh uh Mr law is 5,500 enough or do you need that increased I would say a little bit more would be nice it's hard to say because this is a time of year when we would be buying the safety gear so if we put an extra 500 into that we'll make it 6,000 with that I couldn't say well we only spent 3500 last year so yeah but we were still working on we were working on a a previous we still have $1500 to spend $2,000 more dollars to spend last year and we didn't spend it we kind of spent the same amount for like a bunch of years I understand there was a price increase last year but I don't think it's going to no but like I said the problem really is is this is this this quarter is when we need to restock our GE for the seasonal workers and we're working on a temporary budget unfortunately that's how it works I get that so that that's a problem so so Mr Dar Carlo this includes the seasonal workers the collecting bargaining agreement no 350 on just nine nine MERS nine CNAs times 350 so you know whatever that number is 3,000 about watch what I I was wondering how we came up to a 98 cents thing if it's what do you mean oh no it's not only for that okay it's not only for that I'm just I think the seasonals also we get equipment for them out this line comes out that's what I'm saying it's not just it's just not the 350 per employee there's other expenses for the other workers that comes out that's what I'm saying how you coming up with this crazy number if it's 350 per per that's I just want to make it clear that's for more things than just that any other discussion on this [Music] item roll call C gum yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council woman valz yes council president sen yes DPW oxygen and fire extinguisher 40126 29410 2000 requested 2,000 recommended do I have a motion so move second by me discussion is this a bill from somebody or how does this line I had didn't work are these just the fire Mr Lawler is this just all the fire sine this is settling torches and the extinguishers for this building and the ball fields okay thank you any other discussion ladies and gentlemen roll call councilman Casio yes councilman sear yes councilman Omen yes councilman valz yes council president yes DPW facilities maintenance and repairs 40126 290420 40,000 requested 40,000 recommended do have a motion some move second discussion um you mentioned older buildings is it primarily this building primarily yes the Parks have their own line it's the entire building now too including the police department and and and the uh the lot the lot that would be outside so remember the other night we were talking about the generator so the generator maintenance comes out of this line as well does the Ambulance Corp building still get maintenance from this line or no it would one it would get yes the old yeah the old on one the former ambulance so that's included in the L yeah thank you any other discussion on this line gentle ladies and gentlemen I got in trouble the other day I said gentlemen and ladies so I'm dirting myself how about this use people covers you all I like I like councilwoman stick with woman the only the only thing I would say is there's a note about the mats and I think they're coming out of the next line so does this need to be high [Music] the 40,000 if you if you fund it with 40,000 I I feel I feel very good about that like you said we talked about the wh and IES the other night U me me and my that's all included in this yes so uh as we were discussing other night Mr Alman like even it would be great to have a completely new HVAC but it's still more cost effective to make the little repairs here and there but they are getting up a little higher and as you'll see we have uh further down I think it's an HB line and it's in its own control though so a gist of these things gist of those expens I think there's a disconnect between the two of you I and correct me if I'm wrong is this an abbreviation for material cleaning or or is it mat cleaning the misspell well well if it's an abbreviation for material clean like janitorial supplies no I'm pretty sure I meant Matt okay all right sorry so so yes um I may have mistakenly put it on that line other than in the janitorial supplies and have to look at the uh the thing that I trust you that you're looking at where expense came from but regardless of that mistake I think 40,000 uh should be sufficient to run the building and the site thank you for for some reason last year we dropped it to 35 but overspent it so I don't know why it was dropped but consistently it approaches 40 okay I think the council was looking to cut expenses we try we try Mr Man roll call is that what Casio yes that might be the only line that got caught councilman SE yes councilman Omen yes Council woman bz yes council president Desa yes DPW janitorial supplies 40126 29042 8,500 requested 8,500 recommended do I have a motion so move second discuss second oh okay I figured nobody else would so I want to move along do we do we have janitorial or cleaning service in the buildings no it's done by one of our DPW employment uh employee for this building and the police department okay do we still have a private person doing the the the bathrooms that like Clark and stuff yes yeah I'm sorry yeah so is that in that this line no that's in the Parks and Fields one okay we do uh Supply some items to the gentleman who does buiild out okay that's fine any other discussion on this line ladies and gentlemen roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman om man yes Council W valz yes council president to Senate yes DPW equipment purchases for 0126 29490 8,000 requested 8,000 recommended to have a motion second roll call uh discussion um I have a comment so and I know it's not in here but I thought this was probably the best place to discuss it so we have been struggling as in the town has been struggling to hang banners um flag it's safely right we don't have a bucket truck correct now I'm not going to pretend to know about all this equipment so feel free to jump in but I know there's been discussion or or difficulties trying to ask other towns for assistance either they're using it then you know we're on a delay it's all backed up is that something that we could look to is it a piece is it a truck itself that would be a a a whole truck piece of equipment like you you buy a rack truck and it comes with you know you get the cabin CH chassis and you get what you request to come with and that we get a bucket lift and it's a $200,000 truck okay probably a little less but yeah by the time about 140 we just bought one okay because right now when the Memorial Day Flags go up how did the gentleman do that we can our our trucks we have a man cage that goes on the front of one of our bucket loaders the lift on that is 10 feet give or take um so you have the person in the cage he's got a horor on he's strapped into the cage in case something horrible happens so you can you have a 10- foot and then whatever that person can reach 13 14 ft 14 ft or so yeah so we can reach that high all you have to do is drive down Colonial Boulevard and look where the flag brackets are at a give or take approximate height we can reach would we be able to use the Army do do they make a basket that would fit on the Army I doubt it you know I got don't know what you want to call the the forklift the no it's not a fork the law thew on the Army wall that would get us more you see it's cu the forks on that are like part of the machine itself so yeah I'm saying do they make a basket like our like our basket that we' have to look into that I'm just saying it would help you hang the other banners but could we enter Mr Mayor couldn't we enter into an inter local Shar service agreement with Hillsdale to you know give them a certain amount of year to use their their I know they have a they have a li truck most towns actually will send their employees with it yeah so but that's what I'm saying if we like like Pam sends their street sweeper with an employee other than when we borrow so what I'm saying is can we maybe look into entering into a share service agreement with like Hillsdale right and have them you know it's $1,000 I'm making up numbers Hillsdale people I I don't know if that's the right number but they you know for Memorial Day they send their people here they hang out all of our flags they hang our banners across the road and it's a set fee like street sweeping is and then this way it takes you guys having to go up in this basket and takes it all the way because that's one of that's been one of the difficulties is if let's say it's Memorial Day if they're working they're doing us a favor correct right doing or do we pay them no no so it's a favor so we are at the bottom of the list that's what I'm saying so maybe we can enter into a shared service agreement to have them you know more formalized formalized so so we're just not calling in Bill saying hey I owe you I owe you a favor which is what we're doing now we if we formalize it I think it'll help our help because even do you I'm sorry no no no go ahead M do you have any experience and or kind of know how much something like that costs I do not know but I think just something I I think we look for somebody maybe somebody yeah would Ridgewood have maybe Ridgewood got I think a couple uh bucket trucks so maybe we can enter it in with rwood I know we use Hills de CU they're right next door but maybe just we'll put the word out put the word out and see if we can come up with something just to help us out yeah that would be you can you see them on online Etc or whatever and we also get a you know truck magazines you know um and it depends on the year the mileage you you can get a 550 from any from 50,000 you can get the brand new cap for 60 and what does the back cost I don't know have we ever seen one on the 1033 program yes could we keep our eye open under the 10 well I'd rather shared Service as piece of equipment around that we use a couple times a year that's why I thought it was a good idea maybe to enter into shared service agreement because then this way like the options hey Hillsdale you know we need our flag put and here's here's the agreement and they know they have to do it then then it's part of their cycle you know and whatever we may you we're happy to pay them a little something to incentify them to come when we need no it makes sense we would like to be able to help unfortunately I know I mean you guys are the best I I'm not no nobody disagreeing what you do it's just I I'm trying to help you by trying to get a shared service agreement so we're not out there beck and call to say all right now they got to send somebody at like you know you know off shift or whatever to get it done so and just to be clear so there there is no attach that goes to one of our existing trucks is there no there is that's what they're saying they have the they have the basket that goes on the loader bucket loader the bucket no to do the banner she means I think I'm sorry you mean to do the banner something well that won't reach the banner well we could look in no attachment that would fit what we currently have is what I'm we would have to do a little research off the top of my head I can't say yes but we'd have well I figured this was the time to bring it up so that at least it's on our radar I think the shared service is also a great idea you know always for less is more so if we do the shared service one less piece of equipment we need to maintain every day that we only use three four times store it we don't have so I agree bill before they or Miss before they vote um we're in need of a piece of equipment for Clark Field do you feel that this amount will'll take that into consideration and if not with that and our potential sh service agreement should we kindly ask Council to go back up to 10,000 on equipment purchases yeah no they will not no if we ask them for 10,000 no what because I mean you're talking the equipment purchases are your chainsaws uh your backpack blowers your weed whackers so you're actually talking about couple couple thousand dollars coming out of that already um I don't think we need the full 10 as a said your rates your shovels that'll come out of that we don't need the full 10 I don't believe but if you want to get a piece of equipment like we're talking about I I would think you should actually raise it to 25,000 25,000 I ask what the piece of equipment is yeah field we have to have a a mower for the infield of Clark Field we don't have one currently that can do it and bag it and keep it nice and safe and everything other than a push mower which you know hopefully we wouldn't you know the mower that we have is 74 in and it wouldn't we couldn't get a bag yeah it it mules we couldn't get a bag attachment for so we're looking for one with the bag so we can catch oh I guess I guess I mean I guess we could put it into our capital I hate to spike the line just for one year I think it was a capital expense wasn't it and Mr scad's Numbers if I'm not mistaken no no not to not for the lawn no no DPW has nothing capital you want to see it St you want to see St I I think as opposed to spiking it for one year because then we'll lose all this time next year saying what did it fight for well if we enter if we enter a service agreement where would that where would money come from for that equipment rental I don't think you have do you have an equipment rental that we didn't use a lot of money in there so we could put the service agreement in there the shared service agreement in that all right any other discussion on this line for equipment purchases can I just go back we do have a high school that maintains very nice press Fields you talk to your microphone please yes I'm sorry I'm a very softspoken person looking at tell have to be loud at they counsel Mee I scream with kids all day I'd like to come them out in the afternoon but anyway um we do have a high school that has that type of equipment we can surely ask them if we could enter share service agreement with them they're local yeah they do maintain they do maintain two grass fields I don't know what they have and don't have um well I don't know our our 72 inch is the same as that the high school was using is it could we actually you asked him if we could test it before we went and bought the 72 in we have sure and if there's no catcher on that machine no that one does have a they model they they they maintain pretty nice so I don't know what they have but that's the tiger we have the tiger too but ours was a newel you could get the attachment would have the problem exactly so maybe we can just ask them they they're local but it's not it's not mixing government Ando be a shared service shared service my only concern is we both need at the same time of year like that keep going back especially in the spring you know growing we can ask that's all we can do all right roll call councilman Casio uh yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes councilwoman valz yes council president to sener yes DPW miscellaneous 40126 29500 4,000 requested 4,000 recommended do I have a motion so move second discussion what was the looks like we um had 3,000 last couple years when we overspent the last two reasons I don't have one I'd have to actually look into the account itself U miscellaneous is usually a catch all phrase I would I would Hazard to guess we had r on monies in other accounts and we're trying to use this account to make up for it because uh for this just is say a padlock things like that that don't fit into another account line so to speak okay a lot of uh office equipment and your cable and then some air quality testing yeah that was we had to renew that for our generator um so that was $885 so is that a five year that's good for five years right so that that 885 won't happen again end not not this year no okay any other discussion ladies and gentlemen Mike you good yes roll call councilman Casio yes councilman seers yes councilman nman yes Council Wes yes council president to yes DPW drainage repairs 40126 29580 15,000 requested 15,000 recommended a motion so move second discussion yeah um is isn't there an open Capital project for the drainage because a good part of the fee or I'm sorry good part of 2023 went towards Memorial Field yes so there is a capital project or There Is We I had to utilize um funds from several different lines to get the project done so it's all the money on that project encumbered and completed oh yeah the Project's done the PO is sitting on my desk we just want to confirm that the work's done though are okay you know our liking and we're going to sign the P so there's I guess what else would come out of that then because last year 12 of the 15 was related to Memorial Field this would be uh your cat paent heads your back plates uh the mort mix or the block to repair if we're doing it ourself that would also be if it's something we're not capable of doing especially it's deep then we'll have to get a company into repair a catch Basin uh it would be things like that um the one manhole was $1,500 alone yeah and block can be expensive get Block this is another line that you know again we might need or we might not um well how's our inspection of all our storm uh we do it yearly no I'm saying do we have any identified for the 2024 that need we have quite a few that need repair repair work um don't I don't have the list in front of me I mean we do hand in a quarterly report of what needs it um there are quite a few again some we can't do some we can and if you see I waited till December 11th to incumber that money to a sure we had we weren't going to run out of money and then need it for drainage repair I mean it was to repair drainage but at Memorial Field okay any other discussion roll call counc massio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes councilwoman bz yes council president Des yes other equipment rental 40126 29059 5,000 requested 5,000 recommended do I have a motion so move second second discussion um do we anticipate using that all or well the way it works give or take number wise it's approximately $2,000 to rent a machine a mini excavator so to speak for a week M so this is given giving us two plus machines for a week each depending on what might come up two years ago I believe it was we had a uh if you recall Washington school had the flooding issue that had to do with the drainage behind Washington school that was a town easement we had to rent the machine wasn't wasn't foreseen by us we had to rent the machine in order to to clear out the line behind them so it's things like that I don't have anything on the plate right now now but you never know just Reserve right yeah we've actually dropped it over the years yes we dropped last year so this is I'm thinking enough for if any comes up the next this year that you know we'll be able to handle it was some of the Machinery used um in the brook do I remember no this this no was contractor oh it was a contractor okay any other discussion on this line r call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes councilman valz yes council president to Sena yes DPW tree removal Town property 40126 29600 45,000 requested 45,000 recommended do I have a motion so move second second discussion Mr Sears do we have a lot of trees identified on Town property that need to be cut down other than if a storm comes stand if a storm does damage but as of your last tree inventory like I know few you know for the last few years you've been going through the parks and you know decimating them because they're dead but we do have and here's the problem that we do have some trees that on Border for the Brooks that actually could be a town property which callus for us a bigger machine to come in to remove them there are some trees that we targeted up at Lincoln Park uh we only covered the um the path going down towards jacn we haven't covered the path going towards the parkway yet U they were marked by the arbor years ago we just haven't been down in that section okay um we did replace a lot of trees and clock that come down there is one that is by the playground that I think will have to come down it's it's a big one right off the the right side um Memorial is there hardly nothing there right now and Clark um we did clean out uh some uh not Clark Garder uh um Garder we did move some of the trees out of the way for the basketball court there are several that are still tagged to be removed down you so do you think we need the full 45,000 or we cut that if we get a storm I mean I do have a list of trees that were marked hazardous um bill could you go by with 40,000 instead of 45 we could um but like you said uh there's always a storm Factor but if they were hazardous in 2023 and we left 21,000 in the budget why didn't we cut them it was just not enough time I know well that's the problem I know is that does that line also include replacing the ones we take down in the park because I know the other ones were not going to well we did we did use part of the line item to replace the ones right so this was tree removal and and we're still 21,000 under budget last year could it be no I'm saying up upcoming projects the ones we take down we have the tree bank right so we have money tree bank I don't know how much we have in the tree bank now but yeah we do have trees that have to repl for two to we have to follow two one the bank has money yeah M yeah the tree trust we should have we have that we there are trees that were infested with this lanter fly really bad I mean we had to take down several along the school path um I believe there might be three more there that really have to come down because they're infested they're root to the we like to replace some of them I that this is just tree removal I know this is a tree removal not a not a replace like if I would I would just ask Council to look at the two prior years um I don't recall if there was storms off hand but you had Ida in there and you had it was used so again I'd rather budg it and get lucky that we don't need it than we funded but but I just I just you know if we have trees marked that are hazardous and we 21,000 in a bug that's you uh Danny and I are going to uh ruers this Monday Monday for hazardous tree environmental we we can leave that for 45 now and then you want to table it yeah would that be um everybody have anable table this until Mr well even if we do table it um we would have to do a complete Town inventory again and that was a lot of time I'm not a miss Mom any work all right I'll leave it at leave it at 45 all right roll call just one question sure is the per is this a preferred vendor I mean do we shop pricing or we do we get quotes we do okay and have they reached is there a threshold I don't know what it is if we spend so much with a particular vendor doesn't it should yes 45,500 with our own qpa we fall under the 45 number I would well there's there's this line but there are other lines that it was [Music] we're consider that so you know there's often times we'll have to use another company you know but um sometimes the prices are better with a different company but generally that we go between two or three vendors I think right Mr Sears or and and most of the vendors have arborous right on their staff so before we even right even take a tri down we have them come and certified for us right okay absolutely which the one vendor does at no cost right that correct they don't charge us any other discussion ladies and gentlemen yeah well you know in 21 and 22 we did have some storms yes and if we look back at 20 and 19 I think we had a storm in 19 if I'm not mistaken but we really if it wasn't for those storms I don't think we even come close to that so you know again i' rather before I vote on like to look into really what we're going to take down we don't have to take down every dream in one year I'd like to spread it out a little bit obviously if they're dangerous obviously take them down but you know I'd like to lower that so what's your motion Mr vote on vote on the 45 it's out there already okay roll call councilman Casio no councilman Sears yes councilman Olman yes Council W bz yes council president to sener yes DPW hardware and paint 40126 29620 2500 requested 2500 recommended do I have a motion sh move second discussion I would propose cutting it by 500 you'd like to cut it to 2,000 yes any other discussion actually if I cut it just 250 I'm sorry 250 yes to 2250 Mr alond would like to take it to 2250 have a second I'll second any other discussion excuse me didn't the price of your paint go through the roof Feld driving paint oh that's for the park as far as housing paint Etc I I don't know okay I I knew it was paint but yeah I forgot it's in field and it did go through sorry yeah is there nuts Bolts hardware things like that we have take up this would take up a touchup tapate for in here say if we need it yeah Mr I'm sorry Mr L do you have any explanation why in 22 2500 and then in 23 757 22 the 757 I don't again it could be like uh the saved equipment we went through say a company or a vendor and we got bulk them out and then we didn't need it for a while because we had the bulk could be that okay can I ask just a respectful question I'm sure it's going to come all sarcastic but I'll I'll do my best is if Mr councilman man you're reducing it to 250 which I'm assuming is the 10% is that based on the 10% or the the usage from the previous year because my my only concern is we certainly took into consideration what you had requested during the temporary budget of discretionary lines at 10% I know you know we may have disagreement as to what is discretionary um but several of these lines we did take down as you can see we already took it down 500 and then an additional 10% so that that's just my concern I guess or I'd like to point out is please observe the fact that we did reduce a line if we did taken into consideration that and then it's being further reduced by the 10% so I don't know if it's more of a statement or a question um that's kind of no it's it it it's it is the fact that we spent 757 last year 551 and 22 500 excuse me 551 and 21 520 2019 and 2522 so of in the last five years if we're doing a run rate we haven't you know we've only exceeded the number once um so you know I I do appreciate that it was taken down but you know the expenses that are running through that don't appear to support it thanks thank you roll call councilman Casio which amount you doing the roll call 22 2250 yeah Mr alond made the motion second yes councilman Casio yes councilman Sears um no councilman Alman uh yes Council valz yes council president de yes DPW Road repair is 40126 29630 4,000 requested 4,000 recommended do I have a motion some move anybody second I'll second discussion do we have do we use the county or someone's hot box to no and we are looking to find one find of rental I'm assuming it's because of the cleaning companies don't want to rent um it's find to it's hard to find someone who is willing to let us borrow so but we have been looking for a hot box for quite some time it's not on 10:33 good try hey those army bases and stuff have Road for uh County Roads do you pay for that or who repairs the county road Count's responsible for their roads you send an email to County operations Road operations and they'll WR the ticket you'll get an email no reply needed that the ticket has been created when do they get to it six years later I mean you know they originally said because I've sent yeah they have all towns in the county I've sent multiple emails to the county about V especially venberg I was speaking to the police earlier today and they have done the same thing uh we believe it's going to be that road is going to be taken care of soon but I can't I wasn't involved I can't tell you but we do put in for the repair for po yes yes it's brutal yeah yeah it's like a Minefield we just notified of a a recent complaint I think it's vanber turning in the clock yes we just told him about Road wasn't me we don't have I'm surprised we work at bags we don't have the material to be able to fill those craters yeah those are craters so can we send them Mar vehicle F hardd no what what does a a hot box cost we've been pricing them but every year they go up for one we've been asking for quite many years a lot of years based I think six 17ish or something like that but there's always been something else that we felt we needed that was more important and it's been pushed down a lot prob ask for it the hot box is for 2025 yeah I think for the drugs any discussion on this line it further discussion roll call counc massio no counc te yes counc om man yes Council bz yes council president to Center yes DPW sewer expense 40126 29650 10,000 requested 10,000 recommended do I have a motion some move I'll second it discussion just is it uh is it enough the Reas or are we do we use the cameras only on an ad ad needed basis the cameras usually well we use them with the road program so that isn't that is as needed but not looking for a problem per se um we have used one there was a single recently on the extension Road Extension we knew it was most likely utilities but we ran a camera there's a minimum you run anyway and just in case the utility company had an issue with fixing themselves because they they had given us a push back before prior to to uh the camera so there's that then you have to realize there manhole covers crack falling happens happens magnet to lift it out of there you have to replace man whole covers you so that's primarily and you would really not want to be stuck short with Crush line some any other discussion on this line item ladies and gentlemen it to me it just seems like I don't know an expensive insurance policy certainly in 2020 we went there but the last few years it's been under how many manhole covers do we have and how many miles of lines do we have oh right I know there's approximately 44 linear miles of roads in town right I mean Any Given Road could have two three four five men I mean I wish usually 200t is a man you know I'm no not sure to tell you something insurance policy um as you can see the manhole situation just at Manhattan and Hoover what happened their bill was $3,200 alone so I think we've been lucky certainly but with all the sanitary lines that we have and it's no shortage in um residents making the complaint CU they're always hoping that and I don't blame them they're always hoping that it's the town's problem and not their their lateral problem um but we've had a few already this year that we've had to camera and then we have um the alarm system correct on Prospect yeah we have the uh man monitor the manle monitor that we have to pay for line Y which might come up this year because we've been having false alarms and after speaking I believe I talked you about this and after speaking with the company um there could be a faulty sensor so we have to monitor how often these false alarms happen in which case you have to send this back to the company for a sense of replacement that should be it because we just bought that new one that should be under warranted you would think yeah but not that I want to argue against the money I told him I tell the truth all right all right roll call Council M Cassio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes thank you Council bz yes council president to Sena yes DPW street sweeping 40126 292 0000 30 requested 30 30,000 recommended it's a shared service agreement for foris in Berton County how many Street sweepings does this get us Mr La motion 30,000 I'm sorry I'm sorry motion so second discussion Mr law how many sweet sings does this getat four it runs approximately $7500 per swe uh using foram and paying for for um so have we had any success with the shared service with the county I have a call out I know we have the agreement I have reached out to the shared service representative of the county he was on vacation he called me back said he was on vacation and he's supposed to call me back so I can just get a little more information on how it works precisely I'm sure you don't show up and say Hey can I have a set of key just make sure when we show up we have whoever is running the machine that knows about the machine look at it to make sure it's not broken because if we accept it take a video take a video they do the deal you rent the car cuz I was in a situation we we we were the the borrower and it was broken before us but we couldn't prove that got we've into before that's that's not a fun that's not a fun day any other discussion ladies and gentlemen so that gets us four Street sweepings with the paramis contract one is scheduled already for the 8th of uh April the week of the eth weather perit is there any way we could do use the it's not an not a it's not an emergency but I know a lot of people people don't know the days that they're going to Street the sweeps and then they get upset because they Park their car in front of their house we put it out we put it on I reach out the has yeah I think there was a nixel was there a nixel last time no it was brought up I think either by Council or residents last year and because they had their recycling out and they guy went down Beach Street like this all around the recy about the last year we put it out okay yeah yeah all right thank you any other discussion on this item roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen uh yes Council woman bz yes council president Des yes recycling falls under DPW Mr de call yes if we can do it that would be great recycling coordinator will skip uh recycling paper plast paper and plastic curb fees 40126 305 210 C curbside pickup it went out to bid right we got G right that was the yes sir contract that came in uh proposed need of $100,000 offset by $75,000 Grant with unappropriated grants so there is a no I'm sorry I'm looking at the wrong item uh it's curbside pickup going it was given to Gada proposed need of 264,000 offset by a $75,000 Grant and unappropriated grants um so the line is asking for 189,000 re requested 189,000 recommended uh do I have a motion so move anyone second it second discussion yes go ahead Mike no you go first yeah uh just what the unappropriated grants are those specifically for recycle those grants or is it we taking them from something else no yes they are okay so to the point earlier and I understand that that um whatever one it was was uh is replenish the uh snow but this one doesn't appear to be replenish we seem to be uh reducing it at a high rate the grant yeah so the snow is trust yes right and this is a grant so so the but I think we used to make money on Recycling and that's no longer happening and I think that's what's C no but because we comply with um with the you know with the recycling coordinators what they do remember I was telling you how much work it is because we get the uh the reports from Atlantic Coastal and we submit them to the state that's why we get the grants each year so we get a recycling tonnage Grant each year so this this year's Grant uh it's further down again I don't like to say numbers but it was either 19 ,000 or 22,000 so that's that's including that that we can use so we have clean communities Grant and we have um recycling tonnage grant that we can utilize to offset that as well as leaf and brush disposal so taking into consideration what we have in our grant lines um that's why the ask is only 189 so and and again just just so you know cuz I had to learn this unappropriated Grant means it has not gone through the budget cycle yet so that's why you'll see it um on the revenue side as well on the revenue report but are we replenishing no once that's gone that's gone it'll just be what we get every year so it hadn't been being used another way understood yeah but unlike the snow trust which sounds like it was replenishing at a rate that was keeping it somewhat steady yeah so when you netted it off we would continue to see that net are we I don't believe we're going to have 75,000 next year available I agree with you yeah so it's going to go up next year significantly so my only question is should we reflect it at the 264 it's we have to use you know according when we had our AFS um meeting we have to use not all the grand money but we have to start utilizing it right so to get it off the books does it showing as no disagreement at all I'm just how it's reflected or how we're capturing it in the budget because I think it gives a impression that it only costs that much right that it cost 189 so next year when it's 26 or 270 something I'll put it in the notes hopefully I'll the notes that's 264 75,000 yeah but you won't see those notes from next year you know it'll be new notes unless you know you have the report with and we'll put in next year why it looks like a spike absolutely yeah have we have we looked at single stream and eliminating recycling did we was that one of the bids that went out because a lot of the shore towns are basically gone to single Street I don't know that answer no I don't know put everything in the put everything in the garbage because that's where it's all going to anyway right but we get we get I don't want to say we get money back from Atlantic Coastal but our amount that we're dropped off is reduced because they take the fiber the fiber is like the paper stuff and it's separated okay so we get a benefit from having it separate doesn't cost us as much as it might so like where I live everything goes in it that's what I'm saying it's all single stream right but we actually have a benefit of a reduced um what did I call it not curbside but I call oh disos so the disposal cost a little bit because we don't have the same amount of tonnage being right but also because there's actually there's a a financial benefit to the recycler for the fiber not the cans and glass I out but the fiber there is was that like benefits us getting like like next year like when we go out to bid could we ask what the rate would be if we goon year oh because it's a threeyear contract yeah um but remember it's probably more appropriate for a well I guess we have some ideas for that for next year remember we had talked about considering um changing the day and we really kind of talked about that there really wouldn't be any benefit um no it would be a big benefit because then there wouldn't be garbage cans on the streets of Washington Township every day so that would be a big no that's for garbage though for recycling is just one day it's just Wednesday memorizes came to you and said uh G had approached us and asked if we would consider Fridays but we thought that was way for $100,000 will do it no I know but that was my NE my first question to him is well is there any Financial benefit to the township he said no then stay Wednesday right so but there you know there he said there would be a financial benefit possibly if we took the fivr to him so um so we could pick it up and bring it to end yeah but I think there's a little bit more involved in that so that was you know one trucks 20 more people yeah we need need 20 more people something we need to look into and then bring to the C any other discussion on this item ladies and gentlemen well just going back to the single stream the nice thing about is they only come down your road once well stre sa saves on your roads yeah I mean you have how how heavy is one of your trucks your dump trucks could be bar trck 70 80,000 lb you have that twice as much twice as much it's every day no I'm saying it going down one road instead of one time coming right now they're coming twice right no no but on be Street there's a truck there's a garbage truck yes we know there's a garbage truck everything I'm just saying it reduces the wear on the thing if you have a single Street that's all every day concept There's a garbage can out on my street curb call Council massio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes yes yes Council woman bz yes council president Des yes recycling leaf and brush disposal fees 40126 35220 newly L newly named line to include leaf and brush disposal proposed need of 110,000 offet by 75,000 Grant with unappropriate grants 35 requested 35,000 recommended do I have a motion so move I'll second it any discussion again that Grant is specifically for that rent correct and that's the clean Community Grant uh yes so actually from the auditing standpoint as long as both are utilized for a DPW need which these two fall in it you can utilize um you can utilize them for either one for the recycling or the brush disposal however we're trying do our best to keep it cleaner so to speak um but if they cross lines they cross paths it would not be inappropriate use it would not it would not trigger an auditing or any type of you know problem that we do if we had to transfer later on if something happen no but I mean like if I use clean communities towards the paper and plastic it would not be a problem with with our Auditors or we would not be doing anything wrong it's just you know for the organization the cleanliness cleanliness of how it we're trying to to keep it just the way you you explained it clean communities for leaf and Disposal and paper and plastic would be um the recycling tonnage and both and by the way both lines were also offset by Grant amounts last year that's why if you're doing the math in your head and it doesn't add up to what I tell you we needed that's why okay any other discussion ladies and gentlemen I would just say we're going to run out of Grants on that one eventually yes yeah sooner rather than later as well roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman om man yes councilwoman bz yes council president to Center yes recycling brush disposal fees 401 26305 230 sorry the lines my bad it's getting late Green Team 40126 305 250 offset by a green communities Grant of 3,000 9,000 requested 9,000 recommended do I have a motion so move I'll second it [Applause] discussion um just what how come we're running or how come the green team is paying for hold on sorry um tree removal is that part of your mandate or is that what the grants are for Tom or Tre I think you are or maybe they're plantings they're plantings well on Infinity it was but seven infested dead trees right um and we replaced them with um uh cherry blossom trees okay I I can tell you one thing this new green environmental thing that the government's pushing there's so many grants out there now I just applied I'm working on two new ones for five and 10,000 hopefully uh we can get at them and do some more planting great thank you any other discussion on this item roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes councilman bz yes council president to sen yes DPW maintenance of buildings um no next line is DPW hbac maintenance and repairs 40126 310 460 7,000 requested 7,000 recommended do I have a motion so move second discussion I know I know I know Mr um uh coming coming uh you know replaced all the HVAC equipment in this building with grants from psj so is there an issue with that equipment that we keep getting these high bills or is just routine maintenance because it's only it's less than 5 years old the equipment would that be true yeah not that you're lying but yeah everything everything every single unit in this building was repl PSC G Grant we replaced all the uh units Mr Mr cuming got us a grant and uh we we paid it back through lowcost interest loans with psng so it's just just disheartening to hear that that equipment has had so many issues well I mean we pay for the wh and I service contract so $3,900 that $6,000 okay is eat up right there so then you know when you look at everything else and you got whenever you turn them on in the fall there's problems and then whenever you turn a on in the summer you know there's always problems all right just the equipment's not no I did not know that yeah it's less than five years yeah right you know there's a lot of Mr May what could it be six seven years old at the most I am I don't I don't even think it's that old Mark I'm totally surprised but I mean I I always look at it and I think higher and I think well and IES installed it think you're right I think I'm right yes it was installed by wh and knives I believe so would boilers have been under that yeah was it boilers or was it just boilers everything we did the boiler at the library Too part of Library Police Department tends to be something with the boiler we should look into because it's not that old of equipment so maybe we got to go back to the manufacturer or something I don't know any other discussion ladies and gentlemen on this item roll call Council M Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president to sener yes thank you can I request a uh I was going to take a five minute break yeah you want to do it now oh you want 10 no just five we take a five minute break ladies and gentlemen that would be welcome thank you I was going to do it at 9: so you guys beat me e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 6 3156 two garbage trucks at this point that need potential significant repairs 880,000 requested 80,000 uh recommended do I have a motion I'll move I'm sorry wae what number you on we are on 40126 3156 on page 45 what happened to what happened to the ones before the 2615 465 equipment all my bad I you know what it is that we had that check mark because we did that one in the middle of the page I went right to that one all right I take it back ppw vehicle tires 41 no go up Storage Rental 31,000 the P4 middle 44 oh wow sorry my check marks are thr way off DPW equipment Storage Rental 40126 310 465 31602 requested 316 SO2 recommended it is a lease agreement for which building Mr Dar Carlo uh this is for the the property at olgc for the the since we had the okay so this is the parking lot R okay any discussion on this motion shall move second discussion this is for the LGC parking lot was that was that agreement executed correctly and we're good because was a quick agreement done there by another organization that didn't go through very well so I just want to make sure we're all on as far as I know okay wasn't it discount approvement no no was a PRI special dispensation you didn't see the article can we keep going please roll discussion so um we cannot move these trucks to the swim club because we took the grant correctly actually received the money for it now okay and we can't get any like dispensation while we're waiting for it to be we asked once we took the money that was the deciding okay yeah any other discussion roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council woman valz yes council president to sener yes DPW vehicle tires 40126 3153 14,000 requested 14,000 recommended do I have a motion so moved I'll second it discussion do we know do we have a lot of tires that need to be replaced this year or the garbage shops are constant and now we're running five well eventually will be running five and so you always be place in re whether it's a recap which is not as expensive as a new tire but that's that's made by the company itself uh plus we have old 10 Vehicles 11 vehicles I needed I do know we have uh you know field carts you know little go carts for the fields they're going to need tires um I also know the backo we were looking at it today that's good yet a tire and they're not cheap so that's where we're standing at the moment until we do a rundown of every single vehicle you know and you go to one vehicle one month and everything looks fine and then six weeks later TR any other discussion on this item just if is are they something that we can um buy and store we do yeah the garbage have yeah so the only reason I ask so last year we budgeted 14 we only spent five that's an outlier we were short two of the garbage trucks for quite a few uh quite an extensive period of time and another truck has been at Ford for over a year and that would have taken Tires over a year yes quite then is shoes other towns have ran the same problem we call them we get four to five weeks call back four to five bill from the storm water compliance angle though we're not supposed to be storing tires outside they came and they were covered if you call right keep them cover that's not I mean they're they're allowing it but we're not supposed to be so they don't yeah they can't hold unless they're mounted they're mounted right yeah they're M so they're not they don't they're they're they're they're open if they're open tires they they're against regulation but they're mounted they're fine right is it a um is it a part issue or for that on truck part of the now is that a is that a new truck or is that a be so we still making pay do we own that truck outright or are we making payments on it prob making payments so we sto making payments on that Mr defal I'm sorry well I I would think U it's part of a bond that we took out to purchase it so I don't know that we can just stop making payments no no I'm saying if it's a if it's a if it's a finance vehicle and they've had had it for a year we should ask forward we had it year yeah we should ask forward for those payments back because we we we we've been paying for something we can't use and I know what are we talking about I I apologize I was is that uh truck 10 that J hook truck that's been at Ford since last January and what and you think we're making Finance payments on I don't know what year is it Bill do you remember off the truck 1920 okay should no payments that I'm aware of that we're making well again I don't think it's specific to the vehicle I think it's Bond payments that were part of a much bigger Bond weate we should ask Ford for those Bond payments back because you know they've had our you know an asset we bought that should be available to us we paid for it and I know like if you have a lease and you and you have a blown engine they give you a lease payments back when is it still in the warrant yeah we were told okay then we should ask if it's still under warranty I went through something like that with one of my trucks but it wasn't under warranty and I you know their answer was sorry you know since it's not under warranty but if it's under warrant Rec before we bought it there we were told it was under warranty okay I don't know so if it was purchased with a bond ordinance it was paid in full when we purchased it so do we have any recourse I guess for having lack of access for over a year uh we'll have to take that up with the dealership can or can you know yeah because usually like I know if if you blow you know like the Transmissions go on cars and when they have it in there because they can't get one for like a year loer they'll either give you a loaner and then say you know we're we're free but if they can't give you a loaner then they say all right you're not making payments for that period of time because you don't have access to your vehicle shouldn't make payments if you don't have access to it so do we know I'm sure you've checked but have we contacted any other heavy vehicle maintenance you know Pensky is down on 17 well in this case because it was a warranty issue you for uh if it's a regular vehicle and there's another we we it's out of warranty yeah if it's out of warranty then we have the Shar service for the county so my only thing if if we could get it fixed you know and we Sue I mean I yeah I mean I'm going to say everything everything that everyone is saying is legit however I'm sure Ford doesn't like having it in their lot for a year either so I imagine the other whatever Parts it's waiting on is not specific to that dealer um it's just supply chain but we'll we'll do some more checking thank I know another town had same issue with the same make of vehicle they had took a year for them wow they have the same problem yes I hope they remember they have our truck we call them somebody's using it right well you keep it reping it hope you wrote the mileage down any other discussion on this item R call coun Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council woman valz yes council president to Yes um let's get police we'll go down I think that's it no it is gpw 35 which one yeah that one checked CU that's one I started with yes DPW Vehicles equipment and repairs 880,000 requested 880,000 recommended do have a motion so move second discussion what are you thinking is going to happen well as it says with the notes there are two garbage trucks that we know of that needs significant repairs one is a radiator that's at the county as we speak with again it's it's there's no time frame when they're going to get the radiator um and there's another truck which has another coolant issue but it's so far underneath everything on the engine we don't know what it exactly is uh we haven't bought that anywhere yet we're trying to get these trucks taken care of slowly another truck uh got garbage truck it's not a repair like a radiator but it needs uh pistons on the rear Packer that's down at sanitation as we speak I know last year for a similar repair it was a little more than 3,000 for the repair I don't know this year I can't tell you we're waiting on a quote so we have I know that and just everything as I have been saying is more expensive last year we got everything with what we had service with oil etc etc all the trucks all the small trucks however we tried to get the Packers serviced on the garbage trucks before Leaf season and it were two trucks uh that we ran out of money before we couldn't do and so Lu SL the service two garbage trucks you're saying the pack I mean they're they're the newer trucks so you know we do keep up with the greasing as we can on our own Etc but you know so we we got through with them they don't need they weren't the ones that had an issue but they should have their service and the Packer service that should be at least yearly I me there there were times they would they would go multiple years but so so are you saying that had that line item been a little higher you would have been able to repair those trucks in time no no those trucks actually the two that are broken down not the Pistons those were in the middle of Le season but we got them back late uh early to late last spring because they were they were being worked on by somewhere else okay so we had them for six months I I can tell you right now because freight liner was known for those years anyway to have an issue with some of its uh radiators Etc I can't speak of what there was no recalls um but you know when you talk to them about it it's and I and I see it the radiators aren't covered under any kind of warranty because all the vibrations Etc it's wear and tear and so and Phil unlike the fire department um you your periodic maintenance also comes out of this line item because fire has a separate line item for periodic maintenance as opposed to repair so this includes your PMS yeah you said yeah this was all the oil change yeah I mean we used to be able to do our own pickup trucks etc etc no longer we have no way to get rid of the oil so I'll just speak from my experience when one of my trucks goes in for a PM even if they don't find something wrong with it $1,500 yeah the heavy duty truck always sent that the smaller Vehicles pickup trucks and maintenance dation DS we would do that ourselves do that I'm sorry what's PM any other discussion ladies and gentlemen just um so this is like up and down this line and um uh you know you mentioned newer trucks older trucks do we have a um asset inventory and uh that has uh useful life year purchase that type of thing yes we do where we can see uh you know when we can expect increases in repairs and then uh replacement you know perhaps that could be about now but you know part of uh an update at one point sure yeah and I seem to remember the spike in 22 for 90,000 that was a new engine for one or two trucks one one yeah that was a big spike in that year and so for we were working with the 50 for quite a long time M was short also but we were getting through on it and the trucks the garbage truck B 90 and then just because of uh Vehicles main up yeah and also now the garbage trucks again correct me if I'm wrong they get more mileage from Leaf season because we don't store a cherry anymore so they get a lot more usage during that season why wear and tear over the road right any other discussion ladies and gentlemen on this item roll call councilman Casio yes councilman SE yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president Des yes thank sir if you want to finish off the page you might as well there's there's nowhere to go with that Community Service Act condos 40126 325 36 recom requested 36,000 uh recommended this is a set fee right based on the tax rate essentially essentially I mean it's for violia and p and g for the the water and the street lights and everything that we have to pay as part of you know so move second second discussion any further discussion we can't get out of it no it's law just roll call councilman Casio yes councilman seers yes councilman omen yes Council bz yes council president to Center yes thank you John but you RW their Capital well there's still recation in Parks Parks arounds yes oh okay you wanted to go back to the one with the copier he had a question he raised his hand and he moved on to the next one yeah because we already made motion right right right right but he's he wanted ask why you can't ask now you can ask sure I was wonder if we could read without I that line for owner office uh that is on page 40 40 26290 2110 top one and if we don't he comes upstairs so what what are we if you guys did you guys do that line yet yes we did did it get take did stuff get taken over that yes so then you got take we took it we took it down on both departments Mr no I'm saying if he's going upstairs to that oh we took it down to both departments I would like to add we also another department does use our Copier on occasion which is that building building building you should send them to their copy well they were having issu they were having issue so one of them should go back to can we can we make a motion to keep it at a thousand if you'd like to second it we have a motion to put 1,00 back 4 40126 29 210 back to a th000 by Mr Sears and seconded by miss valz any other discussion roll call councilman Casio no councilman Sears yes councilman Omen no councilwoman VES yes and council president desna h no because we took it out of the other line also so I want to keep it consistent sorry D it's not against you it's just that we took it out of the other department all right what what page are we going to we're doing parks next right so that's on uh Recreation before that I think there's only two lines Recreation on 48 yeah yeah so we have Recreation cheering no uh Recreation summer Recreation program 4 Z there's nothing in team program where you looking I have Recreation Department 48 the bottom Recreation team program oh there's nothing oh there's nothing somewhere okay Recreation team program it's late 4128 37126 2900 uh requested 2900 recommended do I have a motion I'll second it council president can we have some discussion if you don't mind if from us um unfortunately the 2900 is not going to be enough and we'd like to raise it um I don't know if I can throw a number out right now without having Dan's input on it the the problem is when we try to get solid numbers to properly fun so this is to go to Westwood this is the team program is going to Westwood which is an important so we just you guys just passed the resolution to enter into the agreement again Westwood pays 60% of the program we pay 40% and then there's the $500 every year when we go to try and establish a funding amount it's difficult because we only get told count on 10 to 15% count on 10 to 15% So based on last year's expense we SP 2022 was $2,229 180 all together 2023 was 33154 so were we missing a bill here Mr car no no we had to D we get we pay twice a year and we have to pay for that $500 it's all in the agreement yeah no but Mr scary the line item here in our book shows you you spent 2,300 not 3,000 what did you say you spent 22 298 that was2 yes in 2023 2023 33154 but I believe we supplemented it with miscellaneous yes okay so that's what happens when the lines don't you know cuz now we're showing you you spent all your money but not not go over but you really went over by a thousand something dollars well that's because we% but there's no the increas is due to if deny I know but it's that's great I love the enrollment I I I'll put five there if we have to it's a higher enrollment then he gets more help and we have to pay more money okay so on January 12th of 24 out of recreation miscellaneous we paid a Bild of Westwood of $1,154 so that's what put you at 33 the number Mr scary is saying that okay yes sir so you want to make this 3500 would we be comfortable with that yeah yes yeah I'll make a motion you said I want to just be able to take it out of one line yeah I'll make a motion that we raise this line by $600 to 3500 second Ahad so the administration's requesting the 333 35 35 and you're motioning to accept that 3 yes I'm I'm I'm motioning to accept the 30 it's an important thing for our teens to be able to go somewhere absolutely and it's it's a it's a cheap cost to keep them off the streets off the streets motion who's second I'll second so you guys Mr scad you're okay with 35 Mr yes thank you to the council I appreciate that any other discussion on this item roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council bz yes council president to sener yes Recreation copier expense um 4013 4128 37029 uh 3,000 requested 3,000 recommended full year lease is approximately 750 per quarter so this is a contractual amount Mr Dall yes sir so we can't reduce this you have Contra do I have a motion second discussion roll call councilman Casio yes councilman SE yes councilman nman yes Council bz yes council president to Yes um next item is Recreation miscellaneous at the bottom of the page 40128 3705 2,000 requested 2,000 recommended do I have a motion some move second any discussion pain increase what's paint increase no missing basketball inrease where we pay the snap coordinator that uh it is Special Needs program that we uh go in with so that comes out of miscellane that that comes out of that miscellaneous okay and what is that $575 to the coordinator that's fine we pay that and what pays that also same 50/50 split on that one not the different split like it's a stien for that lady okay any other discussion on this line item ladies and gentlemen Mr you have something yeah um we want to make it 2,000 yes so the snap coordinator is 575 we increas the teen center but that now is going to the other line right yes yeah so that's not there okay and The copier we have adequate because it's contract so we have adequate copier so the only thing in that line is the snap coordinator okay it's also the only would be the only line that he may need anything else to run Recreation he only has three lines I'm self funded basketballs extra basketball even office supplies there's nothing in your office supplies I don't have any office supplies right s you still our no I I ask no I don't he borrows I don't have anything Bor he gives back a broken penc he borrows pens the pads that I have are from the going down to don't tell that Dan don't tell the little pads you one of those pen guys you can have mine I take it out of time GRE I think there's a bulletin out on you listen I got some extra pens and uh stuff from the you can have let you know mrman are discussion on this that's fine roll call councilman CIO yes Council yes councilman Omen no councilman valz yes council president the Senate yes uh the next line is online registration site on the bottom of page 51 40128 37800 3800 requested 3,800 recommended is this a contractual Community pass yes it is Sir that you said Community pass is it a community pass correct yes [Music] do I have a motion I'll second it any discussion roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council M bz yes council president to sen yes Recreation golden seniors activities 40128 37100 23,000 requested 23500 recommended uh do I have a motion so moved second any discussion this pays [Music] for Advance yes how old do you need to be to be into in the seniors Mr may do you know sorry I'm not saying that cuz you're in it I appreciate that have to be 60 and if you have a spouse that's 60 someone younger can join so as long as somebody you are your significant other is right I I thought so but I didn't want to commit to it than I just curious on joining I got that's why you know that's that's why I know yes I would motion for 22 Mr Almond's made a motion for 22,000 anyone second it I'll entertain it go second it yes any further discussion I think we should leave it at 23,000 these are for our seniors they it is a packed room when they have their senior meetings so I know they appreciate everything that this gets them and they have taken on more members last year and many of them volunte to join the golden C is enough [Music] some just my own sanity so I um and many of them volunteer at Town okay so I think we I I would leave it at 23,000 500 20 oh 23,500 well the request was 23 so we have a motion for 22,000 by Mr Alman seconded by Dr Casio roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears no councilman Omen yes Council woman bz no council president to sendum yes Recreation senior exercise program 40128 37200 1,200 uh uh excuse me 3200 requested 3200 recommended it's $60 per class um do I have a motion yes anyone second second discussion so this is an approximate amount Mr scary this doesn't fall under me oh this is not your okay Mr D car is just an anticipated amount of people taking classes yes the instructor gets a 60 per class and so but that's what I'm saying so it's just a if a lot of more people show up we could have a problem but right now based on who's showing up this should keep us all correct okay any further discussion roll call councilman Cassie yes councilman Sears yes councilman om man yes councilman bz yes council president to yes I guess we're going to Parks Building Maintenance right because that would be them yes that would be Mr wall right Parks Building Maintenance 40128 375 420 10,000 requested 10,000 recommended do I have a motion so move a second discussion um just looking at the Run rate what's you know we did 535 or we again this is one of those Plumbing goes you need to fix tree damage comes down onto it gutters fall off it you don't you know a lot of that so I can't give you an exact amount what we need for it you know we're going water's not on yet we might turn it on and find out the pipes are frozen over the winter we don't know until the meters go in next week two weeks excuse me use this for the sprinkler heads from the field no that's actually is that something else that's a different line yeah that's a different yeah I wanted to hold I wanted to suggest a tour through the Fieldhouse at Memorial Field if anybody's been there lately I've been there yeah what' you think it's Memorial Field yeah can't say what a straight face I said more thank you Mr for getting it to the way it is and we're continuing to get it better every day but not the not the field house not the field that's too I know it e your I'm just talking about the FI put in no that Fieldhouse has so much potential the summer camp coun could use it if there was air if it was nice absolutely they can have lunch up there they could they could just use it drafts could go up there if it's too hot outside can we get to can we uh put anybody can we brainstorm about that offline I have I have a great idea about that and I think I have a you're gonna fund it what I didn't say F Well we could all fund it we all give up no of course that could be used for many things but I I I have I have an idea and I think it has a lot of potential because they had offered something else once and we didn't follow through but we talk thank you any other discussion on this line item gentlemen ladies ladies I'm sorry is that the only is that the only building also yeah clarkfield is a building right and and technically you have all the sheds now on all the fields right stands sheds on the field so that has to be maintained some have multiple sheds yes yeah any other discussion ladies and gentlemen Council massio councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes councilwoman bz yes and council president Des yes Parks Park field maintenance expenses 40128 37564 55,000 requested 55,000 recommended do I have a motion some move I'll second it discussion so what has what has happened because the the the since the ask has increased and you've spent it all uh which is a good thing but what what's going on there is it uh are we taking on more or we is it just well yeah I mean we actually bu we have more equipment we we see Memorial on a weekly basis just to keep it up and running the fall maintenance at Memorial how we never did before Mike the fall maintenance is a Big Bill right with the blankets and blankets got would like to have one more uh and until you have all that can you purchase that additional one they're they're not they're not expensive no no doubt in my mind I you know it's just you know that was a great idea the greatest day I took Mr to Midland Park to see those Turf blankets because he Lov them yep somebody missed well I mean this is also I mean it's minimal to to the extent but it's a sprinklers to sprinkler heads you're talking about that you also have to think of the well yeah that's R well the well is running now so it does work at the moment yeah I mean I remember when it went correct eight years ago that was quite a bit you does a shed get the new shed up by where the be yeah well good yeah that sh counc president can I ask Mr Question Mr La you're also adding um mulch by the swing sets and right so you're going to be doing that Memorial Field and that's a $177,000 expense this year you know few years we you got a rem yeah we spray with playground mulch to modified Mulch and for it and we also and we have two new playgrounds which are going to need more mulch than previous years because scratch yeah instead of a top coat instead of just hopping it you start from scratch any other discussion on this ladies and gentem have we looked at rubber mulch is that an option or that's not something it's last time expensive to a lot more expensive but it's more expensive up front but in the long run is it cheaper it gets taken away yeah no it's I want to say that the the gentleman that's doing the work on Memorial Field he mentioned that that rubber mulch going to be a good idea up there I I forgot unless you do a unless you do a rubber a rubber walkway which is very very expensive the mat the rubber mat which is like 4 in thick of rubber that's the only way that's the only option that works but you got to worry about vandalism and and that doesn't last for doesn't last forever it doesn't need maintenance so in my EXP Mike the the the the certified playground mulch it's it's expensive but it's not expensive as those options um because unfortunately people you put the rubber mat down and then they destroy it it's flammable remember you have summer camp there just in that small time period a lot of kids a lot of foot dve yeah okay any other discussion ladies and gentlemen more than other more than the other part I'm good with it roll call councilman Casio yes councilman see yes councilman Omen yes Council one valz yes council president to Senate yes Parks portable bathrooms 40128 375 780 5500 requested 5500 recommended to have a motion so move second any discussion so I'm just going to make the argument as some parents have spoken to me about the portable bathrooms at the park is there any grants to have bathrooms actually built because it's not exactly the cleanest and easiest I I think one of the things we do have to do is I know at Sherry we do put a Ada accessible bathroom in the front and a and a and a regular one in the back one of the things that came up with me and I haven't had a chance to go through all the park do we put an ADA one at all the parks or just at G yeah sh are the only ones I get them those but like what about at don't we do we still put one put one put one put one no that the board does that okay but I mean is there any possibility not this year something ask the grand Consul I guess right that we can build bathrooms I remember we years ago we looked at um this is when I was first on Council me and Mr Beck Meer looked at putting a permanent bathroom down at sherfield and to run the line yeah was 125,000 it was more than that it was a stupid amount of money like 50 and then you got to maintain it so it's very expensive permanent or a new bathro because of all the the pling stuff I'm sorry I think 10 years ago we looked at putting a permanent bathroom we had gotten the council to give us permission at Cherry and we were looking in the hundreds of thousands of dollars um and we we just couldn't afford it as an organization but I I remember we did get like legitimate costs from contract in town that were going to donate some of it it was still coming in in the hundreds because of all the sewer lines that have to be run in the water lines and everything else that goes with it so okay and wasn't it because of wetlands one big we had got we had got we had got ay permit we were able to get it but it was just the question I'll speak to our grant consultant because the cdbg Community Development block grant has an ADA application for it so there might be a chance we can yeah that's a good question yeah um any other discussion on this ladies and gentlemen roll call councilman CIO yes councilman sear yes councilman Alman yes Council valz yes council president Des yes Parks field striping 40128 3375 781 prices doubl during 2023 for the paint 6200 is requested 6 200 is recommended to have a motion Mo second any discussion so the prices are pretty much in line with 2023 so we should be okay with that same right now 2023 we went out for lacrosse paint at 1490 a gallon and we went for football $30 in all 29 yes $30 yeah 29 just the cans of paint for the line stripers almost doubled or more than doubled any other discussion ladies and gentlemen CH roll call we it's we it's a very it's a very uh finicky product it is it is it gets a little humid if it's a little humid sticks there's always there's always a chance we tried we tried I tried we bought a truck machine and everything so cilman Casio yes sir your vote Yes sir okay councilman seers yes councilman man yes Council valz yes council president TOA yes I sir you out the page it's the state number and then DPW just has gasoline after that uh we have uh library library um Library contribution due 40129 39240 it's the state provided amount of 742 585 why such a big jump Mr car I don't know sir again it's just the the numbers provided by the state I don't know I don't know a better answer I'm sorry it's been jumping counc president the if I could oh yeah Mr from my experience because I get these reports Laur um I'm not saying we don't we shouldn't spend it I just want to know why it's such a it's just increasing at a very St rate well I can't explain why it's going up what I can tell you it's gone up approximately 40,000 or so each year from what I can see yep yeah so but that's a statutory number right that's based on our total tax rate and all that right that's the talk about third of a mill yeah okay any other discussion ladies and gentlemen motion make a motion I'm sorry motion second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman tears yes councilman yes Council valz yes council president Des yes page 57 sir uh DPW gasoline y page 57 um DP last line on the page DPW gasoline diesel 401 31463 50,000 requested 50,000 recommended uh do I have a motion move second any discussion pass it fast because it'll probably go up tomorrow it went up already happen especially once they put that tax high on 2 more per gallon any other discussion Mr Alman anything when we get the electric garbage truck $250 registration throw it out there come on left that's probably what they're pushing for there's a $250 electric vehicle go anything Mr Al I you roll call councilman Casio yes councilman sear yes councilman Omen yes Council woman valz yes council president TOA yes thank you you want to do Capital with them sir I I I was going to make a mo I was going to make a request that if there's any line items that any of the council would like discuss about their Capital that we get that to miss wowski and she'll get it to Mr Dar Carlo and we'll get responses from Mr Lawler and and Mr scary and then we can address that it's late I don't want to keep anybody here any longer so by the time we go through all those lines so if anybody has any questions on any Capital items please get them to M wowski and we'll get answers for you so this way they don't have to come back unless we need if if you require them to come back I hope you don't but um we'll do it that way all right motion to adourn so move I'll second it all in favor I I