yeah e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e scheduled regular public meeting of April 30th 2024 of the township of Washington Township Council adequate notice of the meeting was given in accordance with the open public meetings act by the Township Clerk to at least two newspapers on April 9th 2024 and this meeting has been posted on the township bulletin board electronic Message Board WCTV and on the township website please notify the municipal clerk for any disability requirements necessary for attendance at Council meetings the fire exits are located through the double doors to your right and through the door on your left please silence all cell phones could everyone please stand for a salute to the flag IED flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all roll call councilman CIO here councilman Sears here councilman Omen councilwoman valz here council president to sen here let the record reflect also attendance mayor Peter calamari Township administrator Mr De Carlo Township attorney Mr par cmfo John corkran and Township Clerk Mrs W payment of bills resolution number 24- 24 authorized payment of bills March 29th 2024 to April 22nd 2024 do I have a motion so move second R fall councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman councilwoman bz yes council president yes PSA for April 30th 2024 on Thursday May 16th from 9:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. the Motor Vehicle Commission mobile unit and the mobile Inspection Team will be at the Bethany Community Center at 6:05 p road to offer registration for real ID driver license renewals and changes license plate surrenders non-driver ID cards registration renewal or duplicates placards applications to apply for an exam permit and vehicle inspections please visit our website for further information Township of Washington has launched a Hometown Heroes Banner program as a living tribute for our community to honor past and present members of the Armed Forces please visit our website for further information all owners names of non-registered dogs have been forwarded to the township animal control officer psng is replacing existing electric meters with new smart meters throughout the town please visit visit our website for further information late night primary election voter registration will take place May 14 2024 at the township clerk's office second floor and will be open until 900 p.m. the next council meeting will be held on Monday May 6th at 700 p.m. thank you Mr Mar you have a proclamation for 2024 arbit Day celebration yes thank you council president good evening everyone uh it's my pleasure to read the following Proclamation whereas in 1872 J Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of trees and whereas this holiday called Arbor Day was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska and whereas Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and the world and whereas trees can reduce the erosion of our precious top soil by wind and water cut Heating and Cooling costs moderate the temperature clean the air produce life-giving oxygen and provide habitat for wildlife and whereas trees are renewable resources giving us paper wood for our homes fuel for fires and countless other wood products and whereas trees wherever they are planted are a source of joy and spiritual renewal now therefore I Peter calamary mayor of the township of Washington to hereby Proclaim April 22nd 2024 as Arbor Day and I urge all citizens to celebrate Arbor Day and to further support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands and further I urge all citizens to plant trees to Gladden the heart and promote well-being of this and future Generations thank you counc president thank you Mr Mayor no approval of minutes tonight and Administration follow-up report uh Mr buo from old Associates is here you want to take a seat here or you want to stand at the podium whichever e good evening good evening I'll go first you don't if you don't mind Mr I'll set you up sorry I'll go first if you don't mind I'll set you up it's going set you up look out set you up fair thing it didn't tell me it was setting you can you hear me now you might want to sit down for a setup uh thank you council president just stand a good evening everyone um I had one followup from uh our latest our last budget meeting and then a few updates that are outside of the project tracker later on during the conference agenda uh last budget meeting the council had requested me uh to determine why the Bergen County CHF safety incentive program accumulated $1,719 without being used as a recap the money originated from a stien for a lack of better terms from Bergen County Jeff the allotments each year vary and then I uh indicated when I sent the council to please see the attach email just gives you a history of um the stiens and the allotments going all the way back to 2007 some years there wasn't an award some years it was 1500 200 um all the way up till 2023 um I looked into this prior to the budget meeting as you can see by the date on the email because I was inquisit of also as to why we were receiving that money um what I can't answer is who is responsible for not making the determination of available fund soon um but I also included the last three years of the annual financial statement 2122 23 the funds are listed in the unappropriate Reserve portion of the grant appropriately by our financial advisor from lsv so the first time that actually we received the money even though we were given allotments in those years we received $821 19 in 2021 2022 we received 750 2023 we received 1750 and as I uh advised during the budget SE B budget meetings um that's when I located the money in its availability to use uh to offset our uh police accreditation line that is uh the background for that just to follow you catch you up on a few Township projects I'm very happy to say that we completed the enrollment of our employees for the difference cart that deadline was April 30th I really appreciate our members are you iions and uh especially jet Joy AAR um who's our benefits coordinator it was a lot of work we did a lot of scrambling towards uh the last week um so I'm happy to tell the council that we were able to do that with an effective date of July 1st also advising the council in the community that we are up to date and in compliance with all of our storm water General permitting which includes our storm waterer ms4 mapping which has been placed on the on our website as well as submission of our annual report the commuter lot if you haven't driven by there it looks great the lot was paved last week the Landscaping was done uh they also did the line striping and the only thing left is defense fence installation which began today and should complete tomorrow uh the PSC and G roads that they came back to pave uh they have completed the paving and I'm just have to check if they finished all the striping once they have a fi a final um list of what they completed and the linear feet I'll pass that on to the community and the council Calvin Street just waiting for uh the finish up from Beck Meer engineering so we can go out to bid on that Sunset and Clark was paved today uh the mayor and I want to especially acknowledge and appreciate the fact that the residents on Clark and Kenedy were inconvenience today with not being able to really get out of the road and having to make arrangements so we appreciate that but that should have been uh completed today Sunset Clark and completes our 23 Road program uh as for the paving in the streets uh we had indicated that we were looking to try and find a company that would be able to spread the mulch in our three playgrounds sooner than the end of May happy to say that uh we were able to do that and save a significant amount of money by finding another company to do it um so that's taking place today and tomorrow uh also um that vehicle that has been without that we've been without use um we found out yesterday that they're now telling us no later than the end of May it's very frustrating U but we keep getting pushed along as I inform the council um once we finally get it back I will you know going back to them to see how we'll be compensated for it uh it heads up for the next meeting on May 6th you'll be receiving a change order which is a final reconciliation for the work done on uh Salem Road to the sanitary lines it is a reduction of 11,000 000 um so I'm happy to report that to the council and finally um it's it's almost your turn Mr I want to thank Mr buo the mayor and I want to thank him for being here tonight to give us in the council an update on um some grants that are going on as we know we alerted the council during budget Capital discussions of a $700,000 necessary project uh to repair the critical sanitary issues along the mclab syn brook the um Council of course reasonably asked us to look into uh grants I was very pleased the mayor and I because councilwoman valz found one brought it to our attention and we immediately got Mr buo on it we are he filed it and I believe there's a resolution tonight so I don't want to steal your thunder if you could just update the Council on all those measures thank you Council uh president this thank you thank you council members good evening Council for poing this out to us it's a very important application we had tried to do this last year without success but it was a a different type of project and a different amount of money um this year we're looking for $699,950 based upon the last estimate given to us by uh baso engineering for the swap syn I hope I got that right Brook uh project uh it also ties into the Clean Water uh act uh under the United States EPA uh because that Brook flows into a a reservoir um in any event it's a very involved project and process uh with respect to getting this before the House of Representatives on the next uh it will be FY 2025 budget it's even though we're submitting it now it'll be for the 2025 budget um so in any event last year we had tried for about 1.2 million but we're unsuccessful uh however in addition to this application because I don't like to put all my irons in one fire there's a second way we can get money for this it might even come in sooner and that's through uh the state senator uh shapy uh we can do what they call a state budget resolution request she has sent a uh uh an email to the mayor which I responded to and we're drafting a similar request what we doing on the federal appropriation through the state budget resolution process so I like this think we're going to get it one if we don't get from one we'll get it for the other or we combine it we go after NJ do discretionary for this sorry what NJ do discretionary aid for this I'm sorry sorry could we go after a discretionary Aid Grant grant for this Mr Mr bu uh this is more for one of a better term this is the old Christmas tree process which I think uh we might have a better shot at at this point okay that's fine okay uh that's pretty much it we should hear something uh right now they're still under a uh continuing budget resolution there'll be no real action taken on this until the official budget for the year is adopted so but we are in the they've acknowledged it and hopefully we'll get some attention and get some money either through this or through the state budget process thank you Mr any questions for Mr buo what was the um because I can't recall right now maybe you know the the date that we potentially if we were approved because I know it only 15 municipalities that would be granted it would be only 15 municipalities that would be granted this yes aimer every uh municipality in his congressional district is eligible to apply he will select 15 uh municipalities that he'll send that he'll recommend for funding um that's one reason probably we didn't get it last year but uh we keep trying I think we'll hit at some point I think we have a good application the amount that we're requesting is a lot more uh reasonable and we provided a lot more detail than we did last year so I'm confident at least we'll get some type of action on it but again I'm hedging our bet by going with the state budget resolution which I think will have an even better shot and the other thing if we do get both we have ability under the state uh budget to do reallocation once the money is awarded under the federal process it's actually put into law and you can't reallocate but we have the ability to reallocate it we also get the state money okay what I mean if Council agrees maybe we can reach out to gotimer office I ask I was ask if the mayor could reach out and set up a meeting with Mr gimer maybe and see if we can meet because this is a safety yeah because this is a sanitary you know we have exposed sanitary Mains that could cause devastating effect to our Township so now on the the deadline also downline from us yeah yeah no no we go right to the reservoir all the sewage so that's why maybe we could have a meeting with them to express our concerns and if think could or at the very least we can draft a United letter to his office stating how important this is for our community as a whole from a safety concern well I would take more than the community I would take basically Bergen County south of us it feeds into the Oro Reservoir at the end of the day so it's it's it's a now Mr buo since the deadline was on the 26th right that was just this Friday yes um when would we anticipate that did it did they go into detail when they'll anticipate reviewing it so that when we address them they'll be reviewing it soon that's why I strongly recommend reaching out to him now and maybe getting a meeting and okay I would Happ to go with you with the engineer and whatever and uh articulate our position how much we need this and the fact that I discovered this actually through doing some research on it that through Ruckers University they did a complete study on on this Brook and how it it uh feeds into to a reservoir it's not only a question of storm water management it's clean water for a reservoir for a water supply that serves over 800,000 people correct so so maybe we can all put our heads together and and you know send some encouragement what I also did with the assistance of the uh business administrators that he provided me with various emails and photographs from residents uh indicating the need for this and evidence of the problem so that was also attached to the application so again I think we have a stronger application before but if we can get a meeting and again articulate our position what's the old saying the squeaky wheel gets to grease gets the oil sometimes it gets replaced so we have to be careful how we squeak that's true but I'm sure we could uh get his attention thank you absolutely thank you Mr thank have a good evening Mr Alman joined us at 708 for those that didn't notice he's here uh motion to open the general public comment period of the meeting to I have a motion second all in favor anybody in the AUD you're the only one Mr I just wanted to say something about previous speaker was speaking I believe that has got a million dollar Mr farar can you just give your address your name yeah I believe Emon has gotten got give your name we know your name I know it's we know you but you got you got to just tell us back I'm sorry just got to tell us your name Just For the Rest William Ferrar thank you that's all we need um I believe once again I believe Emerson has gotten a million dollars on this program and another town I don't know whether it was Hills Westwood also gotten a significant amount of money it was in the P press a couple of months ago so I mean my question about it is this is the six $99,000 that you were talking about does that cover all eight sections no what covers all eight sections why don't put it all in there and see what it because we need millions and millions to cover all the in yeah well the federal government has the money that's easier statement to make to get the funding will try to get more money for us there are storm waterer drains that drain into the brook just south of the bridges one on each side and the others would they be covered by this some sort of would they still be allowed to drain into the brook given as he said that there were uh this goes right into the water supply yes that's it would continue okay okay well so we will I think as a council and and as Administration we will try to have Mr buo achieve as much success in finding grants for any of this work as possible okay but this only covers it doesn't even cover a full section it only covers a small segment between manhal and man Hall the sanitary sewer line so it's not like it's covering thousands of feet or anything if that's what you think it's a small little section so then it probably benefits us to get all the towns that are boarded on that Brook together and present a united front to attempt to get more money to cover more than just one section that's what I'm working on with the mayor's Association from the different town good I mean the federal government has money it um I wanted to bring up something that um happened uh at the last meeting um I think it was the last meeting Mr seers showed the pictures of what happened at the bridge yes so preface I saw Mr cers yesterday in um fresh grer and spoke to him and I had previous to that I had walked down little C I walked down after this report and saw the two signs that say surveillance cameras under surveillance all the time 24 hours a day and I looked around I couldn't see any cameras so Mr C has indicated to me that the cameras have been purchased but have not been installed so why not why haven't they been installed are you what was it time was it Fe January February the uh the Cabas would not purchase they in a process of getting the funding to purchase the cameras so we don't have the cameras know right now there's um a camera there I'm not going to tell you exactly you know okay but there is a camera there now so if there's a camera there and the sign says that is it's under surveillance 24 hours who's surveilling it is there some of town employees somewhere sitting there looking at this I mean what's going bit phous but I wonder what you know this is and i' I'd rather not say because I would be giving away to the public things yeah but but it is being it's being watched it's being monitored just like your home system would be if you had if you had a home camera system and something happened that night you'd go back on the tape right you roll back the tape okay even though it's not a tape anymore right I'm dating myself we'd roll back the hard drive yeah so I don't know uh what the results were but on my way here tonight I passed the sign at the high school where it congratulations to the big sign congratulations to the cathlon team and I know they went out to Pittsburgh last week to perform I know the results but when they're congratulating them I suspect you may have to have another grouop up here pretty soon they probably won or came close to it because that's a tremendous accomplishment win the state then go out to Pittsburgh um now I want to go to the my notes oh this is a favorite my son one son lives in Midwood and I drive down lywood Avenue whatever I drive down lywood Avenue after the day that they picked up garbage all the garbage PS are lean lined up up PL down on the on the on the private property can we require that the garbage men who pick up the garbage do the same here I mean I understand if it's windy empty cans blow all over the place but quite often they just dump them on on the street I mean it's looks pretty messy doesn't doesn't look very nice so we when they request that they put the stuff based down on the on the private property then I have another question there's a bill to be paid tonight to the Washington Township Recreation Basketball Association $88,000 a referees fees isn't the Washington Township basketball program a town program yes it's a town program so why are we paying a recreation program $88,000 why are we just paying the referees out of the treasury does is there who is who are they because I've seen the same thing for La Cross and that's also a town PR why are we going through some some Washington Town rather than making direct payments one minute left Mr F have to look it up I'll get back okay um excuse me Mr F if I may I think at one point we were providing the funds to a resident who paid the refs during the course of the year we had I believe changed it yeah we did change it that was years ago we changed it yes and but I don't know when we reverted or why we reverted but it was addressed pre previously because the concern you're raising was raised by get into the whole can of wors of separate set of books and udit and all the rest of that stuff certainly [Music] um so in watching the budget discussions there have been various discussions with certain programs are self-funded others may or may not be so a couple of two examples one example would the $125 fee for the veterans banners would that have cover made the self-funding program yes you know yes I I believe there is a selfed but that would not cover the holiday B so that would be the town's budget right that would be separate the holiday banners is separate than the veterans um so the the the the the onetime cost is to have the the banner produced right and then there's other cost to have them installed that you know that's separate but that's just the $125 plus Mr far just to have the B okay okay um then there was another one I was going to question but I don't make didn't make a note on it so I forgot it and then okay that's the way it goes um you were discussing the water bill during the budget how high it had gotten is clarfield on a meter or on well clarfield is on a meter on a meter it's been watered at least seven of the last eight days in a row I'm serious every morning I wake up look out the window to meet it's go they go and they go for two to three hours I don't know why because I don't all the Lawns are green in the area nobody's ordering anything so I don't know what you know why are he going it's just running up an water fi well it was just fertilized and our DPW workers did did uh you know do adjust it as needed based on the fertilization rate so do we own 350 pesc is it 350 or 450 we do not own 450 P we don't own it yet at the 800,000 hasn't there's no closure on that at that point at this time no okay it's a discussion topic at the end of the meeting all right do we have any uh knowledge of what's going on at the old Charlie Brown's property are they actually going to build the montauri school I believe there's a demolition permit in the window right I think they just got their demolition permit if you look there's a there's a pink placard in the window for demolition to tear down the building and what about the old vivano property I guess now the havan property well it's not hannanian yet so it's not havan yet it's still so they do not have any permits but the Mont the montor school I believe earlier this week they just posted the placard in the window for the demolition permit if I'm not mistaken so I want to bring up the same thing I brought up last year I know Mr uh the CFO is comfortable at $635,000 as the uh tax assumed non-collectible taxes but I looked at the financial statement that just went up on the website last week we collected 99.5% of taxes the average collection over the fourth year last four years is 99 and 3 3.37% we reserved last year at 98 8.55 so I think maybe he's a little bit too comfortable that should be reserving closer to 99% and given that you're talking about a 40 plus million dollar tax bill a half percent means a few hundred, so I would look at that 635 and see if it can't be reduced more in line with what the history recent history is not what makes the CF I brought that up respect to the CFO um because he's doing his job I used to do that job so I do um I looked at the tri balances a few things that I wanted to bring up before I run out of time um the American Rescue plan has still has $144,000 sitting there we introduced that as a revenue this year excuse me we introduced that remaining balance as a revenue this year so essentially it'll be it's zero so we're not going to charge anything to it my point was that you know there's some expenses that you put built into the budget that may be able to be applied to that and then reduce the expense side of budget I I don't know you know you have to look at it I think it's 6 to1 half dozen the other because we introduced that 144 as a revenue so that reduced our taxable need okay okay we're still eligible to get money from that out of the plan right I don't believe so I don't believe John or Mr corkman do you have any I think it's over sorry no it's over that was 21 and 22 we got those yeah that was a CO program if I remember correctly we got it for two years that's been over for a couple years thank you um welcome were the um excuse me sorry were the uh Library Renovations completed no they haven't begone depending on because you still have the $225,000 reserve sitting on the trial balance is a $25,000 res for Library Renovations it's been on the tri on the trial balance for a number of years I'll have to look into that and it might be used to be offset some expenses only 25 it's not a lot there's an account called Recreation donations that's not that's separate from the fees and the expenses of $100,000 there's an ambulance Reserve $60,000 now I'm going to bring up the personal thing I had two instances where I was taken to the hospital after 911 call one in January one in March I'm here I'm fine but the people who came the police came um very quickly the EMTs came one set is from pasek Valley and the other one I don't know where they came from both ambulances came one was the Valley Hospital ambulance and the other one was the counting ambulance I had a friend of mine who fell outside a restaurant in montale and had to have a 911 call that was in February his ambulance came from the county because trior was busy I'm wondering whether in fact we have got to look at the viability of the ambulance core and should we be putting money into a reserve to buy an additional ambulance when with all du respect to all the people who do wonderful work there and hopefully they are successful in getting more volunteers it looks like we may end up not having an ambulance car and we end up have to go to commercial operations I know I know Tri Park rdge and so forth they were requested to pay $9,000 a person in order to get him to do it that was in the paper year and a half ago so that's my concern about that and the other thing I know you did mention you're going to have a br discussion of the um police um answering service dispatching service dispatch service so my wife called the first time she called both times but the first time she was listen when she called she identified who she was where she was what was going on she spoke to the dispatcher the dispatcher took all the messages then she could hear him passing off to the Washington Township dispatcher and then a few minutes later the polican showed up so there's a possibility to some extent there's a duplication in the middle there's a middle there there I don't know whether that should be consideration consideration also but it just seems to me that we can't do a road program this year because taxes are going up so high um that we got to start looking at some of the the tried and true ways and see if they're still viable thank you Mr car that's it thank you nice seeing you again glad you're back you're welome hope to see you tomorrow no no Tom the weather's good you good walking that's right well I generally don't go because I don't like to drive at night so it I could pick you up have a good night there is no one else in the audience is there anyone on Zoom with their hand up no one on Zoom motion to close the public comment portion of the meeting second all in favor I thank you ordinances adoption second reading ordinance 24-7 an ordinance revising that criteria for loap awards to members of the township of Washington volunteer Ambulance Corp resolution number 24-25 authorizing second reading and open public hearing of ordinance 24-7 do I have a motion second any discussion yes uh is it possible to table this any reason Mr well uh one of the reasons we've heard that we want to change the schedule is to increase participation that is correct uh I would like to be able to measure that uh so I was hoping to get some information on uh the response rates the number of calls that have come in and the response rates for 2023 and year-to date 2024 uh and so until we have a baseline to know this is effective would you be able to share that with Miss wowski so she can get it to the rest of the council once you receive that information certainly if is everybody okay Mr Al would like this tabled until we all receive more information I I just feel like we've visited this multiple times already and I agree and I I think Mr alman's made a what have we visited multiple times discussing the M up for the amulance you had the ambulance call people right here you ask the questions then they presented and they were comfortable when you're talking about that's just getting people not taking classes as much as getting involved okay well we'll see if that happens and the only way we'll see if it happens is if we have some way to measure it I've made a request to the administration and I haven't heard back from them uh so maybe it's in the works uh maybe it's not but you know I motion to table council president the S if I can comment um we just got to get over this motion hold no anybody second that motion I'll second the motion roll call to table 24-7 until more information is provided by the administration does Mr Dar Carlo have information that would satisfy I just wanted to clarify at least me hearing what councilman nman said if I was listening to that not knowing it would be suggested that we didn't respond to his request I did politefully respond to his request I asked him to speak to the mayor about it so there has been communication with councilman nman from the administration thank you roll call CIO yes councilman Sears no councilman Omen yes counc woman valz no council president to Sena yes so we'll table this until I guess uh Mr D Carlo gets the information from the mayor can you share that information with Miss wowski so we can get it to the councel I I'll talk to Mr Alman about it we've been I'll say missing each other for lack of a better ter okay introduction first reading ordinance number 24-8 calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a c bank njsa 40a col 4- 45-14 motion to introduce and pass ordinance 24-8 at first reading by title do I have a motion show move second roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council woman bz yes council president desna yes resolution number 24 okay uh we ask um can I ask a question about this sure just there's no um expense or uh Levy by establishing this bank is that correct this is this allows us to create a bank uh sort of a uh an off balance sheet account it's it's basically a reserve account just just in event something unforeseen would happen if we were if we went over the 2 and half% uh we this is just getting prior approved to the state in case anything unforeseen happens but just to just be very to be very specific uh Mr corpin we're not raising uh Revenue to pay for this there there's no expense here it's a book entry at the moment no there is and just just so the council knows if you if you look at the budget sheets sheet 3B and Sheet 19 if you want to see the breakdown of where those numbers come from those would be the sheets that you can look at that would show there's no expense it's really just it's it's really two things it's it's creating Reserve account and getting prior approval from the state in event something unforeseen would happen Mr Mr corkman you said in the in the um 3 the municipal data sheet Municipal data sheets 3B and 19 yes correct thank you that was it thank you thank you m Mr Corin one question if this if this uh c bank is not spent during the year what happens to it it goes to revenue in two years out or the next year it Bas just remains at what it is now it's it's it's I'm trying to more distracted we're really not spending the money we're just we're getting approval for a higher number in case it does happen but it's just approval just it's just asking permission spending that extra money and and then getting the back yeah it's just we're just asking the state for permission if we need to to go out above two and a half% yes because if you don't get the permission now and something were to happen it's harder to get it later yeah then it would be a bit of a problem okay so there there's no expense it's just getting prior to we state resolution number 24216 authorizing publication of ordinance number 24-8 and schedule a public hearing do I have a motion so move second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman om man yes Council bz yes council president Des yes ordinance number 24-9 an ordinance permitting overnight parking for active First Responders of the township of Washington motion to introduce and pass ordinance number 24909 at first reading by title I'll make the motion 7 second second roll call can we have this oh sure um there doesn't appear to be an exception or guidance on if there is a uh a snow emergency there's no leave we talked there was no they would not be allowed during the snow emergency is what the chief had said should Peter didn't was that made um I I honestly don't recall off hand I believe there there was there was no par parking rules yeah I'm going to say a snow emergency almost overwrites everything everything they will void right so do you want to put that have Mr paer update this to include that I mean I I I think we should if it's if it's granting permission to for lack of a bettered term break a law yeah should we I know we talked about it and there was no there was no exemptions during a snow emergency they would have to be removed off the street I mean I think it should be I mean personally I I would like to see Mr Po can we approve this as is and we make an amendment to it yeah I don't don't think that's a major change so I think that's okay to do as a matter of fact um why don't we why don't we just put it in there right now and introduce it that way uh uh I don't have the is the draft on here on the uh you have it in your packet Mr PA I do let me this is 24-9 Mr PA yeah no just I want to get to one second hold on okay would go in section B most likely second here 248 we just put it in D in 1D Mr power yeah one sec I'm getting to it hold on don't you also have any others in 1D that right right by the way I I had asked anybody else if they wanted that that should come out obviously yeah so put no parking when snow de no parking Fe issu of Prem to a first respons wi any road okay uh all right after Washington Avenue semicolon nor during any Municipal declared snow emergency or any Mr Mr we have hurricane we have hurricane or something so any e well emergency who declares it well if it's a state of an emergency because we already have it orance for you know for no parking during snowstorms I mean you could include that ordinance in and add all yeah so just put so I think you just read is fine Mr PA right right okay and then hey if there was an emergency they'd all be at the firehouse with their they would be parked in front of their house right right right yep hopefully well not hopefully you don't ID they're good they doing their job they'll be doing their job is there a reason why we are not allowing a commercial vehicle I'm assuming some responders use a work vehicle possibly whether it's theirs or a company provider the reason why and this came from the members that there's really maybe one or two people that actually have a commercial vehicle but commercial vehicles should not be on the street at Night War par yeah we have an ordinance prib from their driveways also so really they shouldn't have a commercial vehicle so okay why we Exempted it Mr and the last is active um are isn't the term active defined by each of those departments or Corps that means that you have to be an active member maintaining your credits to you know respond to fire calls or ambulance BS or right or core you have to be a member and good an active member in good standing is that a way to put it you can't be a a uh a uh say a u a relief Association member because you don't respond part easier for active members but this is all this is saying is the active member is defined as a first responder who is on call to respond to emergencies emergency calls emergency call so their respective emergency service so you have a relief member that is not quote an active member an associate member but he's not an active member and say an and it's and don't forget this all has to go through the director for approval yes right and the Ambush call goes through the captain so they will know who's an active member and who is not an active member anything else was wrong can it be revoked sure anything can be ROK do we need to say that or no no I don't I think the director and the captains too M you know their Department roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman yes Council woman valz yes council president the Senate yes resolution number 24217 authorizing public publication of ordinance number 24-9 and schedule a public hearing I'll make the motion somebody else second it second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council woman valz yes council president the sen yes ordinance number 24-10 bond ordinance appropriating $1,110,000 and authorizing the issuance of $961 th000 in bonds or notes of the township for various improvements or purposes authorized to be undertaken by the town for Washington in the county of Bergen New Jersey motion to introduce and pass ordinance number 24-10 at first reading by title do I have a motion second counio did you have something Mr I just had a couple questions sure go ahead hold on as question do we know what the current rates are on these banss no but we do have several options once we get to that point and what would those options well we have CIA we have the county I believe right borrow money through excuse me Mr C please speak into the microphone I believe we can borrow money uh utilizing Acasia which the council approved uh is it was it Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix and then also I believe we can borrow uh money through the county well we don't know what the carry rate would be no I don't know what those rates are yet okay and how many what's our current band balance how much do we owe in Bose to bonds right I don't think we have any bands correct John no we we don't have any band we have two bonds two bonds correct yes totally I don't like to throw out numbers but I think it's between the 19 and 20 million I don't have that P I believe that's what it is don't hold me to it okay and the last thing is would it make sense to split the mus syn uh improvements and do a shorter term for the other because I I believe it says we can do these for 15 years a bond once again gets capitalized and you know I don't think the useful life of any of the things that we're purchasing comes close to that other than the the uh capital expenditure around the uh Improvement for the musk musk sync do you have an answer John um well to be honest I mean our our next move probably later this year is um especially if this were to get approved we're going to have to probably go out for a note probably later this year I would imagine based on the money we have in our Capital bank accounts and and and what's and what's being you know this our capital budget um that's that's going to be our next move is is to do a ban probably later this year I would say understood but is that um what is it section 4 B where it talks about the useful life that we can bond for 15 years does it make sense to bond some of these items for 15 years I guess is the question well I mean just you know typically every two to three years we have to go out and do a ban and in my opinion a ban is better to be done because basically when you do a ban you have to pay off within a year which means if you were to do a ban this year it wouldn't hit the budget until uh 2026 so doing a ban as opposed to doing a bond gives you an extra year before it affects the taxpayers basically um so that that that that's why in my opinion that would be the the best option understood that this is a tactical solution and the long-term solution is permanent bonding right my question is this talks about a 15-year Bond it's authorizing it I guess that's what we're approving this evening and I guess my only question is one of the things we're doing is um this the batting cages you know I don't know if it makes sense to bond or pay interest and service debt for 15 years on batting cages that likely won't last that long so you know we have one large infrastructure project that I could understand is 15 years similar to the service building my question is should we be bonding at a shorter duration I might have to consult with the the bond Council about that um to get a clear to get a clear answer for you on that um basically how how it works too is in terms of how much we can go out for a band it's basically any bond ordinance that that we that that that are unfunded that we haven't utilized yet um and then it's a question of how much money we have how much money I think we'll need which will determine how much of that I will utilize like when we do a band because you don't have to do you don't have to utilize all the money so um and and the reason why I bring it up is because that's something to keep in mind because like I said eventually that will have to get paid off you're GNA issue a bond and then the next year it's gonna hit the current fund so and and we already have two Bonds on the books already so I'm just saying that's something to keep in mind too okay because that that that that's that's the way I look at so I would want to get enough money to make sure all these projects get done but maybe not put us in such a bad spot where two years from then you know you're going to have another you know $10 million raising the budget you wouldn't want that either so it's it's kind of a 50-50 thing now okay thank you discussion I I I just want to bring something up I you know we we've spent a lot of nights in this chamber till all hours of the morning and I appreciate everybody's hard work both on both sides I I just have one comment and it just upsets me that the $700,000 for this emergency repair was not given to us until the final night of the budget I know we did Capital at the end of the budget like we always do but if we have if we have something of that magnitude in the future please you know bring it to our attention as soon as possible because having it dropped on our lap the last night of the budget meetings at you know late hours it just it was a little disheartened so roll call well can I respond to that Mike yes Peter thank you um we didn't get the numbers till from Boswell until about a week before that last meeting but we could have had him a week before that then to wait till midnight to go over a number of that magnitude is just it's just not whether it was midnight or 9:00 at night to wait till that last meeting I I think you know it would have been it just it was a it was a big thing to swallow at at midnight that night to have $700,000 that we didn't even know about we knew that you know so I'll just leave it at that I have my own opinions about meetings going till midnight but we have to get it done thank you roll call councilman Cassio yes councilman Sears yes Council Omen yes Council valz yes council president Des Senate yes resolution number 24227 authorizing publication of ordinance number 2410 and schedule a public hearing do I have a motion second roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes coun president de sen yes resolution number 24229 authorized temporary capital budget section cya 2024 do I have a motion second second roll call councilman cassum yes councilman sear yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president to Senate yes ordinance number 24-11 an ordinance under chapter 87 of the code of Township of Washington setting forth the rate of clothing allowance of officers and firefighters of the fire department and said municipality for the year 2024 motion to introduce and pass ordinance number 24-11 at first reading by title do I have a motion council president yes may I I'm sorry Mo I'll second it discussion Mr Che uh this is on 24229 this is on 24-11 did we skip something no I missing because no we did the you did the temporary work on page five you just did the temporary capital right you feel like you're missing no I feel like something was cut off no no no the author Capital bud you go back to two 24229 I I got confused here something in the paperwork um that was my hesitation uh I would love to change I want to change my vote to no on this um I think we should go back and end the uh 500,000 to finish up the road program um we still have the 225 um we left the 225 yeah and with the 500 to give us enough to continue working on the road department uh program so um Mr President I I'm sorry I I I voted yes on this but I want to change my vote to know on this please can we do that Mr PA we already voted Mr make a motion to I make a motion to reconsider you want to make a motion to reconsider 24- 227 or 229 229 please well 229 only appropriates the money 227 is the ordinance where the money is laid out right Mr par yeah that's the 29 is to authorize the temporary capital budget spending but it's the same part of 227 I don't understand either no all right now you got conf 227 thect and that was 227 is the ordinance that lays out all the funding sort right what we're buying 700,000 in in uh that was for the bond yes yes that's different that's different than so then the temporary capital budget is what I want to vote that's the capital but that's the capital is is is 2410 is is is the capital 2 24227 is the capital ordinance so you want to raise the 2 24 10 by $600,000 500 $500,000 say that again yeah so the motion is Mr Mr Sears you want to raise 24-10 by another $500,000 that would cover the the road work that we actually uh can continue to stay on target with and hopefully with the grant money that uh Mr Bruno was talking about um we can move ahead and satisfy our continuing Road Department going forward um I think $500,000 and if we Bond it out I think over 20 years about $15 a year $14 a year more than that I've just adjusted the estimate but um so you want to make a moot motion to amend 2410 by a half a million dollars yeah I to change vote on the resolution and it's going to pass anyway then you can reconsider and have a vote on the resolution on on just the resolution but if you're going to start changing the actual Bond ordinance that's got to go back to the bonding attorney and it's got to go back to LGE VY to create a whole new St correct correct correct it's kind of well this is the we have to the whole we' have to redo the whole introduction package that's in our folder right now because you'd have to change all the numbers for the additional 500,000 everything would change yeah you would just do it for next meia I suppose if if I can make a suggestion that the council can can introduce a capital ordinance at any time during the year so well if we got the grants we could take the money back and and reallocate that's what I that's what I would anticipate if Mr buo is successful in these grants the money we removed for the map sync Brook would back to roads so you know to that that was always the intention we discussed is that if we got the what we don't we we not redo all the math that we've agreed to for another half a LGE viny would have to redo every all everything we'd have to reintroduce everything but that's his job yeah but we already we already have to int we have to introduce it tonight in order to meet the deadline we have toce just said that that's capital he's saying not Bud the budget numbers the way they are have to Beed tonight Capital it's different from the capital but the capital numbers are in the budget right so we could always add $500,000 later on but tonight we have to leave it the way it is because it has to be introduced or we're going to miss our deadline yeah I mean if you have enough council members who don't agree it doesn't have to ideally it would but it doesn't have to if Mr Mr s do you want to make a motion or not because we need to continue yeah um my motion is to increase it to 500,000 but as it exists now I'm voting no for the capital budget and no for well you've already voted yes so we have to name so how do we do thise yeah you've got like three different things going on here right now at a time all right now let's let's go slow okay fellas uh ordinance 2410 pardon my voice by the way I'm sorry uh so you you actually introduced 24 the bond ordinance has already been introduced right yes all right and Mr seers what you want to do is you want to change your vote and and vote not to introduce it correct correct all right so it's just the mo the bond ordinance is not changing you're going to make a motion to reconsider the introduction of ordinance 2410 at first reading by title so that's the first you're going to do if that passes then you'll do a motion to introduce it and you'll vote the way you want to and you'll see if you have three votes to pass it okay you GNA vote to reintroduce it and then you're G to vote on that motion to reconsider it have have a motion to reconsider 24 with the same number all right okay 24104 see that that that resolution got mixed in here that's suppos to be the capital that's just the order yeah that's where mine okay yes Mr Sirus you want to make a motion yes we make a motion to reintroduce reintroduce reconsider reconsider I'm sorry reconsider yeah the introduction and passage of ordinance 2410 at first reading I can't hear what he's saying got it you just have to say who second anybody okay coun Casio yes couns no wait this is the motion to introdu I'm sorry okay then you say yes introdu yes say no yes sorry been a long day all right let's TR this again councilman Casio yes yes councilman Sears yes okay um councilman Alman this is to reintroduce 2410 yes yes Council yes council president Des yes all right now Mr Des now you're GNA just start like ordinance number 24-10 bond ordinance appropriating $ 1,10,000 and authorizing the issuance of 961 th000 in bond notes of the township for various improvements or purposes authorized to be undertaken by the township of Washington and the County of Bergen New Jersey motion to introduce and pass ordinance 24-10 at first reading by by title do I have a motion someone second roll call well is there any discussion discuss we just discussed it just had it I will discuss should no I understand what you want but we we haven't within the motion we haven't changed anything so we're going to vote exactly as it is yeah yeah okay all right then that's fine right okay um councilman Casio yes councilman Sears no councilman Alman yes Council woman valz no council president to sener yes resolution number 24227 authorizing publication of ordinance number 24-10 and schedule a public hearing do I have a motion second roll call that's okay councilman Casio yes councilman Sears no councilman Omen yes Council bz yes council president resolution number 24229 authorized temporary capital budget section cya 2024 have a motion sir can I interrupt you for a second I apologize this is what I don't understand what is this for what is this resolution for yeah I don't even see this resolution it's in there it's in there yes it's in there but what would this authorize us to do the capital budget it's your temporary capital budget it's temporary it's temp capital budget that you put put through so we would get a percentage of it to get started it would give you the ability to go get don't tell your vendors that you're going to do the work that yes I'm sor the one that looks like this should be right behind it did we we have done that last year yes oh so that's why I went and I saw the exactly what we did last year so it dictate it'll dictate how much or what percentage of each line we can just whatever your capital budget is oh wow okay sorry confusing page from had a 10d for the first all right let's continue resolution 2429 authorized temporary capital budget do I have a motion are you going backward on that one too right did we didn't do a motion a second on you did all that you did that we have to redo it Ken do we have to redo this just to be safe all right resolution number 24229 authorized temporary you make the motion to reconsider already voted on it oh motion to reconsider resolution number 24- 229 so move authorized temporary capital budget section cya 2024 just on that yes we have to we have to reconsider it because we got to open up again because we got to open it up I'm sorry so motion is by Mr Casio and second by thank you very much call can you just clarify what we're voting on because this is getting really confusing you look at 24-2 229 this is your resolution you're looking for I this is your capital budget yes what you're voting on but we just that's the bond ordinance correct council president may I ask Mr par question sure Mr par Mr PA has a question and I apologize because I know probably have rocks thrown at me or not but the bond ordinance since it concerns the borrowing of money does that need four out of five votes or just three out of five needs three it needs three for introduction four for passage okay thank you don't throw any rocks thank you no rocks no rocks roll call yes councilman we yes councilman om man yes Council Moes for reintroduction correct for reconsideration reconsideration right yes council president the sen yes now we're going to take another vote right Mr PA right right on the resolution number 24229 authorize temporary capital budget section cya 2024 do I have a motion so move second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Alman yes sorry councilman Sears I'm sorry um no councilman Omen yes Council one valz no council president to sener yes so the capital budget fails no no temporary capital budget um I know the bond ordinance needs four I I believe this only needs three but we have to check that okay so might pass okay we already did we did the clothing allowance that's where Mr Sears got us all so we have a motion the closing allowance already right Miss macowski let just make it real quick I'm sorry sure all right Ken so tomorrow we'll double check the votes you you'll get back to us tomorrow Mr Po on 229 yes you only need three I think it's it's not an increase I think it is three but I want it's three check we'll check so we introduce 2411 already we have a motion in a second and then Mr Sears went back so we have a motion we have a second on 24-11 right yes we have a motion by councilman Casio and we have a second by Council sen council president the sen and then we went into Mr a question yes go ahead M so there are three grants or three not three grants excuse me three um reimbursements for lack of a better term for the fire department one is the clothing one is loap and I believe there's safer grants or a safer grant that is distributed yes do are all do all three of them use the same criteria or do they use different criteria and are they getting to the same point basically the sa for the clothing are all based on your uh amount of fire calls that you respond to you have to make your 50% loap is based on your fire calls plus the amount of internal meetings and trainings that you attend okay so safer and clothing of yeah yes not to put words in your mouth that's answering a call correct uh calls drills you perfect thank you you're welcome roll call all right councilman um where am I motion no you did a motion you did a second and now we're doing a roll call councilman cassum yes got a councilman ears I have to recuse myself councilman Olman yes Council valz yes council president Des yes resolution number 24228 authorizing publication of ordinance number 24-11 and schedule a public hearing do I have a motion second roll call second councilman Casio yes councilman SE uh recusing myself councilman Omen yes councilman bz yes council president to sen yes budget resolution resolution number 24-28 introduction of the 2024 Township municipal budget do I have a motion so second second any discussion um my only question is why isn't the temporary capital laid out like this one under this headline budget resolution because the capital follows the bond ordinance funding you have your project the way it was and may I ask why there's an asct all we SE it was a resolution it was not part of it just so it stood out that's the only reason why I did that so you knew it was Capital it was not just a part of the resolution adoptions any other discussion roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes counc bz no council president Des yes res resolutions consent agenda the following items have been determined to have the unanimous consent the council will be enacted in one motion should any item require independent consideration any council member may have such item removed from the consent agenda council president I asked that anybody want anything yeah does anyone want does anyone want anything from the consent to be removed at this time does anyone want any of the items removed no I just have one question question sure Mr El how do we make our reimbursements back to the the refunds for these fees the W fees specifically does it go back the original method of payment or do we cut a check we cut a check we cut a check yeah if you use Community you get charged the fee to do it Mr we don't we don't get any fees for writing checks no no no no no say if you were to use Community pass it it would charge you the 3% what ever fee it is to issue the refund back because it would be another credit card transaction if that answers your questions no it does but I thought we did away with processing refunds or I thought we wav the refund fee because we were doing it via the original method of payment it was an administrative fee of I think $25 that was was taken out the mayor insisted on that being out a couple years ago I think right mayor um I don't like the word insist but I suggest it no you felt very yes I do yes you correct but always the council's decision yes so there you know it costs a lot of money to process a check so if we're something to bring up during the next agenda item Mr if you'd like to bring it up certainly the next agenda item you got it all right let me so no no no resolution is being removed from this consent agenda right okay resolution number 24219 authorized the appointment of Municipal representatives to Bergen County Community Development Regional committee actually we do need to vote on that so we'll pull two 24219 for now so we're going to pull 24219 all right resolution number 24220 authorize the mayor to execute the solid waste service agreement with the bcua for the collection processing and disposal of solid waste from June 1st 2024 to May 31st 2026 resolution number 24221 authorized refund the boys cross registration fee Charles and the total amount of not to exceed 155 resolution number 24222 authorize refund the girls request registration newal in a total amount of $145 resolution number 24223 authorize refund of summer camp registrations fees for zoo and movies who know in the total amount of not to exceed $90 resolution number 24224 authorized refund of summer camp swim pass registration fee Steiner and a total amount of not to exceed $175 resolution number 24225 authorize refund of full before after care registration fees Kim in the total amount of not to exceed $770 resolution number 24226 authorize refund of MD Lan registration fees sers in the total amount of not to exceed $80 res solution number 24230 authorized refund of summer camp registration fees for swim pass in the total amount not to exceed $140 that doesn't have a name to it so I don't know who that goes to should we pull that one no NO3 yeah 2:30 doesn't have a name so it doesn't I mean it's um it is t m i resolution number 24231 authorized submission of fiscal year 2025 congressionally directed spending request application for storm water infrastructure repairs resolution number 24232 authorize refund of engineering escrow block 3304 lot 38 and the amount of not to exceed 18575 resolution number 24233 authorized refund of engineering escrow block 2329 lot two in the amount not to exceed $115.50 resolution number 24234 authorized refund of engineering performance guarantee block 2504 lot 5 in the amount of exceed $ 3,859 75 resolution number 24235 authorized refund of engineering escrow block 4302 lot 9 in the amount not to exceed $1,581 resolution 24236 authorized refund of engineering escrow block 2319 lot 3 in the amount not to exceed $1,000 resolution number 24237 authorized refund of engineering escrow block 2412 lot 17 and the amount of not to exceed $445 resolution number 24238 authorized refund of engineering esro block 140201 lot 13 and the amount of not to exceed $11,000 motion to approve consent agenda resolutions as presented so move second second roll call councilman CIO yes councilman SE yes councilman yes Council bz yes council president yes thank you resolution 24219 authorize the appointment of Municipal representatives to Bergen County Community Development Regional committee do I have a motion for any who would like to be submitted discussion oh hold on Mo discuss so move second do I have any nomination I would like to nominate uh Mr Sears I second we need two right yeah well do one at a time oh you want to do one at a time yeah I think that's I wanted to nominate you so I would like to nominate Mr sear and Mr CIO well let me be honest with you I I the time the meetings are scheduled okay I cannot I cannot make it I would love to be there but I've done it in the what time of the meetings Mr they're usually in the afternoon afternoon so I can't make it from uh nework up so there's no what is the commitment to that what's that what is a commitment to that it's a it's a meeting once was maybe once a month once a quarter not too often very infrequently I just can't I just can't sit on the board there so when they yeah you know there's really there's really not much you have I think it happens at it's one person in an alterate if it's once a quarter I could do if it's once a quarter I can't break away I mean if we're not on the board when they decide up the money someone has to be there so I I make a motion for Mr Sears and I'll I'll do the alternate spot second Mr roll call all right so resolution 24219 yeah just try to fure this well if you ever need an alternate to the alternate let me yeah Al the alternate to the alternate the alternate to the alternate the assistant to the at might call me okay um councilman CIO yes councilman SE yes Council Alman yes Council valz yes council president de yes motion to adjourn to conference agenda second all in favor I thank you everyone uh next meeting of the township Council will be on May 6 2024 beginning at 7 p.m let's go that's Monday let's go to council conference agenda in the [Applause] back okay current business conference agenda April 30th 2024 DPW building I know Mr Mayor and Mr Dar Caro have that on here uh I know we have it as a placeholder I don't think because the budget we haven't gotten anywhere right um yeah by next Monday uh we expect to have uh I think what you asked for might the price about going up on okay but since it's only less than a week away DPW uh excuse me your term can I ask question sure yes well just because I missed the approval of the expenses oh okay and there is something about the DMF building um we're charging the capital ordinance to rent the DPW uh to rent our lady good Council and I was just wondering I and perhaps I am misremembering if that's the term but I thought we had a discussion that this should come out of the current account not of the capital account I'll be happy to answer that we can't do it until the budget's approved I can't it's a new line item there was no temp Budget on this new line item so we will reimburse that thank you any other any other discussion Mr Alman on that no that was it yard permits Mr uh Carlo or Mr Mayor me sir yeah please okay thank you council president U at the request of the council you guys um some of you had brought up that there was the co-mingling of vegetative waste and debris um when the yards open on Tuesdays and Saturdays um I know no one's looking for an apology from me but just to give one um it really was nothing that something that wasn't on my radar and once I was last to look into it I I did make a couple observations that it does certainly happen and that yard is extremely busy on Tuesdays and Saturdays I mean it is vehicle after vehicle so uh you guys and girls do have the um ordinance in front of you but before I I get to it I just want to tell you that me and the mayor met uh with DPW superintendent found out how it was uh the norm so to speak of how it was being run um and then what we did to put you know to put some change in place until and hoping that um the ordinance is cleaned up with some suggestions that we do have but um starting last week they put out two um trucks now there's two garbages two garbage trucks out Tuesday's a little diff difficult to have two because of their pickup routes and if if a truck goes down Saturday is very easy to have two but the uh the current process of procedure now is to have two trucks again unless there's something we can't control like the truck is down and it's out for uh a maintenance where we have too many going out for so we going to have a vegetative truck and trck yes so I guess the main reason for that was isn't there a difference in cost to dump when you have a there is so I mean you you know everyone knows from talking about the shared service agreement that it went up to like the low 90s which includes the Tipping fee so you know we went through the whole thing the mayor and I with him as to what happens what how is it compacted but when it goes to the to the solid waste dump you know what do they do with the vegetative waste and things like that the only thing that's really kind of hard to control is I did see in the past when I recalled when you guys had mentioned this and what I was really actually seeing is sometimes people will come with a small garbage can or whatever that has some leaves mixed with some debris and I mean short of making them pick it up but you know we have definitely you know assured that there are two trucks one for vegetation and and one for debris um moving forward and you know we do want to not necessarily have a training session but make sure the ordinance and its rules are being interpreted uniformally um by the nine different members of the DPW that could potentially work the yard okay so that L us go into to reviewing the solid waste and and um in reviewing this and I know we've talked about construction waste several times unfortunately the ordinance does not discuss construction waste at all what it does discuss is Garden debris and light trash and if you asked me to Define light trash I couldn't um because the only definitions are commercial vehicle e ecology facility a non-commercial vehicle it does go on to what is prohibited um and what is um not prohibited and then the means of on page two paragraph a is probably you know the second most important after defining light trash Andor saying no construction material um is how we identify the appropriateness of someone being able to uh dump and you know the mayor and I are prepared this evening to make a recommendation this is after talking with Sue as well as the clerk as to how administered um we think the best way to identify someone as a Township resident is to have them provide their driver's license um it does call for it in the paragraph but it just says uh that I think that someone you know resident can be asked sh show for it so it says in addition any Resident using the ecology facility may be required to sign a certification as any matters related to the UC ecology facility It also says in there that they may be able they may have to show identity um there's been concerns about the sticker you know being adhesed to the vehicle and someone gets rid of it and then having to come get a new sticker which personally I don't think is a a big deal you know that the stickers are not very much money well I think there's a fee if you need a new sticker there is but I think you get two right up front or two without having to pay or whatever it was I don't remember it for them and then you know if you don't put it to the to the uh to the car there's the sharing of it so what's unmistakable is you know someone having to provide a driver's license um there has been some times where maybe a council person has seen um what they believe to be a DPW worker not checking something um but currently right now it's a business card it's not a sticker well that just changed so that Lally just so yes well I have a sticker on a on a piece of PVC like a piece of plexiglass because I didn't have it mount in the car cuz you know we got right so I mean essentially you could share that not that you're are absolutely but but I think I think I think the main concern is if like you know I go up there everybody knows who I am because of my your ID if if some like we don't want to get like into the old um you know former mayor sitting up there for six hours on Saturday watching everybody and asking for ID if she didn't know you but I don't think we need to that extreme but I think it's just a matter of just if we see somebody we don't know we should say Hey you know I need to see the IDE yes last week while we were there the Green Team handing out this evening I watched the Caravan of pickup trucks come through only one was challenged for a sticker and you're supposed to have a red sticker for a pickup truck he had a green one oh there you go I didn't know that a different sticker pick up truck from Pennsylvania d construction to break and then one two three times the same two pickup trucks came back fully load dumping construction the break now we're talking about paying a huge fee for dumping we should not be collecting people's construction material uh there was gentleman d uh cracked up the sidewalk and he's throwing all the huge concrete bricks truck yeah that's going to damage the truck that's you know and then when I challenged him he said oh he lives in town that's that's what the person told well I could understand like a garbage I could understand a garbage can full of construction debris but if you have an entire pickup truck that's that's a different animal I mean we're paying a heavy fee for dumpling so you do you mind repeating what you just said Ser I didn't hear the first you can see what I can see somebody coming in with a little garbage like a regular garbage can full of a little construction debris because you know stuff happens but when you're filling up an entire pickup truck Mr SE Mr SE say that's a that's a different animal right a couple pieces here there I agree with you but the problem with that is we'll have nine different interpretations of what's a small garbage can what's a large garbage can that's why you correct the interpretation here then you ordered it that's what I'm saying if if if we I don't think I don't think we we want to lock up the yard that nothing's allowed to but if you show up with a pickup truck full of debris that fits a Bagster then that's a different animal but like if it's a garbage can full or something Pennsylvan yeah I can't well and I guess it's a discussion we need to have we need to maybe have some discussions on this you know everybody should review what Mr Dar Carlo's provided us and see what uh recommendations you'd like to make to it you know because to the agenda we can add it to the next agenda and enough time that give us a little bit more time to review it okay maybe the follow you know we'll put it on the agenda for for review so everybody's got the ordinance for Mr Dar Carlo let's see how we want to revise it or make changes to it and we'll take it you know we'll have a meeting on it do we um do we have we received feedback from the DPW staff uh regarding their ability to challenge residents or is there a concern there because I I my my thing or what I would observe is that you know there's uh a hesitancy for someone on the DMF or DPW staff to challenge a resident uh maybe they're not known maybe they don't you know they're public you know they're in the public but they may not be well versed in to approach someone you know and I could understand that so I I think that's a terrific point and it's definitely something consider that's why I think we should Hammer home in an ordinance what you can you can't do because back they have an ordinance to back up they have a foundation to stand yeah because then we can make a sign up for the ordinance and post it somewhere and the way to do just like you and get your car inspected show your proof of registration license you just have to show your license right it's posted then you then they really don't have to ask they know if you don't present the license no no dumpo except I did bring one thing up to Administration that I was doing marriage licenses and people come in with the driver's licenses they did they could move change their names they don't get the stickers anymore so they could be a resident here and they don't have their license until they renew which could be 5 years down the road come we can make a utility bill or something yeah you'd have to come in with a utility bill with your matching driver's license's your name your name on and once once that established they know who these people are come in but it's the unknown group yeah that seems to be coming here every Saturday and dumping pickup trucks full of construction material and the residents are paying that R hey I actually took something out of the truck and brought it home so scary it was a uh was it yours no wasn't mine no something I saw it and it it hit home and I it was a planing table okay so well Mr Dar Cara will will uh we'll review that project tracker Mr Dar Cara uh yes we we hadit a bunch of these a different SP updated you want the GSP intersection of Washington Avenue we're waiting for a schedule can follow up do we have a date we have any time FR for we don't we're waiting for stantech engineering to get us all together again I spoke to them uh probably about a week and a half ago now and you know it's matter of waiting for the for the email uh the intersection the bus shelter were're really no movement on that Memorial Field we completed uh I told you tonight we found a less expensive contractor for The Mulch and that should be done within a day or two ms4 storm water mapping is done it's up on our website Northgate HOA uh they're still plugging away they're hoping to have that uh swarmm water um work done by the end of May storm water pollution plan sp3 has been um completed and provided to DP and is up on our website that's another big accomplishment uh the swim club Recreation plans the mayor's waiting for a followup I'll let him discuss that it's on the agenda uh the County Paving of Washington Avenue and pasat for hocus unfortunately there's no update I did try and get a hold of the County Road superintendent today was un uh successful 23 Road program I gave you up as well Clark and sunset we just had um one or two resident complaints from left over from last year that we have to make sure it got done one is just the replacement of a catch Basin on Cyprus and uh there was something just left open-handed on Beach Street nothing too big the communter lot we talked about uh DPW facility we talked about we're still waiting for the second vehicle uh that we purchased last year through capital for DPW Garder field the same thing it's done thank you for approving resident did notice that you approved it and I heard from her today she was very much appreciative uh that we're going to have some more funds available to uh replace the remaining equipment that had rust spots and was just deteriorating down at gers pack and uh Town Hall elevator we uh it's really in limbo only because they told us once we signed a contract and get everything going 14 to 16 weeks just for the the parts and stuff like that and then do Grant on Calvin we spoke about um the mapic brook I I don't know I'm the only one that doesn't live in town I'm the only one that can say it a swap syn um but there hasn't not been any more um obstructions that were taken from the book in in any of the eight sections we're waiting um really for the formalities to get that going and then we're going to clear up a a lot of stuff in section seven and section four by fixing that credit sanitary issue and I really think that brings you 2024 salary ordinance yes I really just wanted your opinion real quick I didn't want to linger too long um so I didn't have it prepared for you I don't want to make any mistakes with the numbers but I did want to ask the council if you are okay with the following and I you probably don't have it in front of you but under department administration at first box it had floating staff tax office and it had $18 per hour the council approved a budget line account to allow for $21 an hour but in the ordinance I want to do a range of 18 to 21 so someone leaves you know we may not bring in that person at 21 so I want to just alert you to that hopefully you didn't have a problem with that same thing for floating staff and the payroll you approve $21 an hour however we'd like to do a range for that of 18 to 21 um I did just want a little bit bit of guidance on the mayor and Council section um I know you funded the line for the total amount needed um but you guys and girls did have discussion on individual salaries so I didn't know if you wanted me to do AR range if you wanted me to do um individual salary I just do arrange okay so arrange from that $49.90 was it 4 49.99 up up into the number including 2% well how will I know who's GNA be what eventually someone will provide us with a letter okay we'll have everyone submit whether the I had to submit a letter okay to uh pay okay just okay so I'm sorry I mean to do arrange and then you'll get a letter if anybody wants to change okay that's how we'll know how to pay yeah okay thank you and then uh the only other thing would be uh just alert you to the Department of Public Safety the crossing guards um would be $18.71 to $20.50 just from 18871 to 20 and then the only other range there another range what was it I think those are the biggest things I feel like there was another range but if you didn't have an objection to the if it's got to be a range make it a range and just advise what the all good that was it that's all I really needed to all right under Council uh commu lot parking fees review of ordinance uh Sue I guess this is yours right well it's a combination um you know the par lot is now paved we do have phone calls coming in asking about when it will be back into use so is it ready to be used Mr def that's for cler off um Can the clerk start issuing departments they can I don't see anything really in the ordinance that prohibits that other than it really definitely needs the wording cleaned up so if you're not opposed to us you know doing that or me working with Mr PA and providing that to the council but it reflects the firehouse parking lot you know it's no longer that um all right so if you could bring it back to us the next time we meet and can you I mean the only other thing I would add is um um since this year it wasn't an option for people uh under 22337 it's says fee not PR rable obviously want to prate this year since it wasn't available so we just do s month June or July 1 to the end I would say well right now to be open so we could technically do May 1 not May 1 because that's when can they use it though would you want to clean up the ordinance first do I I defer to the Council on that since it's I go May 1 I mean it's ready to be used so if anybody you know we PR it the ordinance don't we have to change the ordinance no I think it's arrange the ordinance well it says a permit fee of $100 shall be do and pable on issuance of a permit so it's $10 a month so if we do june it'll be $50 I mean it's $10 a month I mean no less than $10 what calendar are you looking a change so pro rated to whatever you divide 100 by 12 and May May 1 all right so clean it up so the wording is accurate and then allow to be pro rated just for but only for 2024 okay all right so I would put that in there so in case it gets left by accident that is prated only for 2024 and then if it gets left we can clean it up later but if you don't put it in there then somebody's going to come next year and say Hey thank you anything else on that uh miss valz you had sample ordinance prohibiting sale of dogs and cats by retail pet stores yes thank you so this gentleman Larry Cohen he has sent multiple emails I don't know if Council has received it um so I just wanted to bring to the attention of the council more formally um I was a foster dog foster parent for quite some time and there were some um situations and that I came across personally from some animals that did come from puppy mills or dogs that came from puppy mills so you know I wanted to at least put bring this to the council we currently do not have pet stores we only have a groomer corre which is is much different so this is not really a problem that we are facing but if there was any interest and potentially can we re I I we just got this the other day so if we can maybe ABS review it a little bit more I just I didn't get a chance to fully understand it so sure you know just to to provide a little bit of of context um pet stores typically get their animals from puppy mills West and there's a lot of inbreeding there's a lot of um mistreatment and therefore the animals tend to be unhealthy so while we don't you know my intention by no means is to stop reputable licensed breeders because people should have the right to Vibe the pet that suits their family um this is more just to help those animals that are being brought and sold under the wrong okay so that's I just wanted to bring that and yeah can we just keep this on there and then we'll I just didn't get a chance to it's a it's a nice little you got Westwood's ordinance in there too so yeah and you know we can modify it to what would we would need but again we have we don't have a pet store um or anything on our books corre in regards to that but yeah if you don't mind taking a look and if you have any questions um I'm happy to answer anything based on my experience as a f thank you that is all uh yes Mike this ordinance is Westwood's ordinance I'm sorry I'm looking at another ordinance it's just a a the following thing the film ready theil the film ready movie I'm sorry I just it just caught my eye the way I flipped through the pag I was like wait is that what it said all right Financial non uh miscellaneous Mr Alman remote working so uh I had this added uh I guess I have a question uh on remote working uh for staff that is based in town hall okay and you know what are the rules around that and is it something that uh we want to review and perhaps address okay we're going to just You' like you going to so you want to discuss it at the next meeting again we could discuss it I mean we could discuss it at the next meeting or you want to discuss it now what's the what's question so the question is the we are public servants uh we Serv as the public and in my opinion uh we should be available in person so not working remote uh not being out of the office uh we should be here in town hall uh to meet with constituents um you know that's my personal opinion uh and you know I would like to I personally would like to see that introduced or limit the amount of remote working that's available to staff so I I guess uh Peter and and Mr Mayor Mr Dar Cara um I guess years ago my first sent on Council we had gone to summer hours right and that's how this whole Friday afternoon off became but it was only from Memorial Day to Labor Day right and now we've pretty much implemented that 52 weeks in the year is that a is that a correct statement it it is because we got such positive feedback from the residents to have one night where they can come in year round but there's only one Department that's here one night a week not every Department's here who's that building Department's here well building well there's two Department two departments building department and and the clerk's office the other departments are not here at night during those those days was that I I just don't know off hand to be honest with well we it started with the tax office the clerk's office and the building department it didn't prove to be beneficial for the tax office we went back to it when it's necessary during the grace periods the two employees in that office stagger other times to do the best and cover the extra hours for the people so but that's how this all I'm just trying to give a little like background that remember we had introduced it as a Memorial Day the Labor Day thing as you know for summer hours so the other departments were also not forward facing to the residents outside of the clerk's office in the building department so you know no one from the public is coming to see the purchasing department for you know so that's really that's where that originated why those offices were chosen to stay open till till 7 at night on Mondays so Mr Alman you saying you you would like to see everybody here so I think there's two different topics that are being discussed one is the use of uh for lack of a bed term uh summer hours year round that's one the second is if you have a job that is based in town hall you should be in town hall I mean I go into my office I'm asked to go into my office oh so you're saying physically attend here not not remote work you're talking about remote working now yes okay all right no that's fine yeah like you're you have the remote working okay uh you know the summer hours you know that certainly could be a discussion should they be limited to summer hours sounded like there was positive response from the public for those that are public facing and but then there are only two departments that are public facing so or three so I mean that's uh so you're concerned is with remote working that everybody should be at their desk or here for 35 hours a week in some fashion yes i' I'd like to play play Devil's Advocate on that if the work is being done there are no resident complaints and the administration feels that the employees are doing exactly what they need to do then for those that are not facing the public day in and day out what's what's the reason do we have if we have to wait for complaints to react I don't know if that's I you I think we should be proactive I think if we have if we have a responsibility or we have a role that answers somewhat to the public that we should be available to the public public in person if someone walks in the door they should be able to come up to an office and find someone sitting there and have a discussion with them about concern that's not happening if nobody is coming to those offices so you're no one comes into town hall no no no I'm saying if nobody comes into those particular offices like for example they tried with the tax assessor in the evening it proved to you know not be worth so that assessment was made so why can't we follow suit if we see that there is no need and the people can work successfully and efficiently from home you know for whatever reason they may you know I don't know that's up to the administration what they allow and don't but what what's the harm I think the harm is I don't know if there's particular harm I think the I think it's a matter of of perception uh in that if you're in the office you're working uh and you are available to answer calls to not to answer calls but to answer someone calling on you if you're not in the office that is that opportunity is not available to you well I will say from my experience when I did work from home I've never worked harder than when I was at home in comparison to being in the office into the building that's been my experienced and again if there haven't been complaints and it has been running smoothly then I'm not saying let's not be proactive but if there was a problem and then I would be 100% behind you but you know if we can keep an office with the lights off and no AC and whatnot then maybe there's a savings in there well sure but then we have to have remove everyone from the building I don't so we have to force everyone we have to force everyone out of the building when we have remote days because that's who falls under remotes but I'm just saying if they're not in the building they're not using whatever components that they need to to function again my comment is more that if there's efficiency there's no complaints and they're getting the job done then you know if if it were different then I would I would completely support your statement understood Mike make a comment hold on go ahead up Mr no I thought you can say something okay um yeah and you know with all due respect you know this is an area that falls under Administration uh happy to listen to what whatever Council input wants uh but and can you please correct me if I'm wrong um you know the the administration controls working hours and people's working remote um it is handled on a caseby casee basis um some people do find it better to work remote because if the phone is constantly ringing or they do have people coming in uh they do need some quiet time to get their work done um and so you know it is but also in today's climate um I think we can use it as a tool to uh hire people and retain people to say hey a certain amount of your job can be done remotely um and use that as you know a tool to like I said uh hire people and retain them anything else B not on that n yeah just just two quick observations the the first observation is yes working for the home is nice but if you have not everything is electronically accessible to you so there's hard hard documents that you can't get online okay uh so if someone needs something down and Records or whatever I'm just making it up they're not here to get it you can't get it so you have to wait until they're in office number two the Daisy's Point yes when we went remote teaching it was just a different animal because no one's ever done it before so yeah we worked harder not definitely not efficient it was definitely not efficient and you know when you have when you show up a workplace you have other people watching you whether you like it or not making sure you do your work and a lot of people I would say most people that um do work remote yeah it's kind of nice but there's no one watching you there is a lot of downtime so it's it's the truth of the it's the truth of the matter and that's just my observations so I'm not support for or against but that's just observations I mean I've never worked harder in my life I I I understand books and everything now I I agree with you police dispatching Mr Alman yeah so this came up uh during the budget hearing or budget discussions excuse me and there was um I guess an observation made that the 911 or 911 excuse me uh police or answering component uh is now remote were done uh is outsourced um and a question arose or I raised the question about the ability to look at all dispatching uh the chief uh Chief kalamari was at our last budget hearing and gave a detailed explanation discussing the inbound 911 call the coordin ation between that contact center and our local dispatching and the outbound uh La better term distribution of resources yes and how that process takes place um acknowledging that I also recall when uh a number of councils ago the discussion was raised about Outsourcing or going to a shared service for dispatch ing that you know there was no cost that was too high for our residents to feel safe and that it was you know it would result in uh decreased uh response rates and you know there were any number of cons to doing it and it was not moved forward and since that time and this goes back to Mayor sawitz and uh Joe so and Fred gets Council people uh since that time we have outsourced it uh or a component of it and we put a price tag on it because we said it's going to cost X number of dollars to upgrade and maintain and you know so we we made a decision not to do that and maybe there's more efficiency prior Council made not we we haven't made that the town made a decision corre you know collectively uh I'm not going to attribute it to one person or no no I just want make clear that we didn't do it so my only thing is that now that we're finished with the budget is this something we want to explore in Greater detail because if we wait till we get the budget book next February it's to so is that something that this Council would like to explore uh not to say that it's going to happen but just to understand what that might look like if we outsourced or shared a service for endtoend dispatchment well let me speak that Mr alond um when I was first on the counil um I held a special meeting regarding Outsourcing dispatching to the county and the pitchforks were definitely out I packed this room um with a lot of police right John and a lot of residents and there was a lot of push back against it at the time there was also a number of members that were for it as well because there was a savings and we also explored going with Westwood now obviously technology has changed uh budgets have changed so I'd be more than happy to revisit it but what we have now is I think it's it's pretty effective I can say but I would never you know not want to revisit it at all if there's a savings the true savings to the to the taxpayer and it's in the resident's best interest uh safety wise so I have no problem revisiting it you know it is a Hot Topic uh for uh numerous reasons but I don't think why it's like anything else we should always revisit any issue that we have it's our job to do that to research whether it's doing something with the uh you know puppy sales of retail or roads or whatever may be um you know I'm more than happy though look into it and I think maybe as a council we should all look into it again and that's just my comment all right 450 pasak Road Purchase Mr hman yeah so you know there was a agreement for the purchase price that was announced last November and we've had up dates uh in Clos session about it and I guess I would just like to understand are we any closer to closing the deal is this something that we need to go into close session to discuss but you know we announced proudly that we one had an agreement on the sale price we have grant funding uh but we don't have a piece of property so uh are we any closer to that at this point in time okay so I will give you an update um up to the point where I thought you think you might want to go into close session if you need to go further but let me just tell you where we are so um the contract took a while a long time to negotiate um the seller um there were a lot of people involved um and I explained those to you in um in detail in close session uh we had what but Mr Po just to to make it clear to the public we are we do not own the property as of no you don't have I know but November 1 November 1 it was announced that you had negotiated the deal and we were going to close on it and we're at April 30th and we still don't own the property so I just want to make that point well when you say you negotiate uh the deal the deal is negotiated in terms of buying the property and how much it's going to be as far as um the closing of a title and closing of a deal uh as you well know there's a contract there's um due diligence that needs to be done there's title searches there's there are things to be done so when you say announcing that we we have a deal it was a deal in terms of the purchase price the um the main parts of the uh of the um uh acquisition which was the purchase price the uh uh Grant um and but there it takes a a contract to to get the deal um Mo moving along to the point of due diligence and I will just tell you that uh it has not been an easy or a um a a quick uh turnaround and I and there are many many reasons for it which I gave to you in close session I don't think I should be going into what is the Clos well wait a second closing that's really what we want to know all right you don't have a signed contract yet you still do not have a signed contract yet and I will tell you this late last week uh I was contacted by a new lawyer who is now representing the seller and he said that uh he's taking over because the other lawyer had a bit of a conflict in terms of the contract purchaser that was there before us so he basically uh said he was going to send some comments um about the contract that he would want us to consider uh he sent a draft to me with some changes they were not the substitute kind of changes they were legal new nuances pardon me I can't Mr Mr um paer would it so let me let me let me finish I was just going to say is would it be better to wait for a Clos session maybe next week when your voice recovers and all right you can prepare you know at this point so there's nothing you could say publicly that we right we're closing tomorrow so correct that's correct that's all I wanted was yeah we can put this on close is there we go into the close session next meeting about 450 Pak and see if we the rest all right uh Mr last thing Swim Club repurpose analysis so I think uh Mr Dar Carlo had it on the tracker tracker that there was an update last week or earlier this week I guess my only question again is you know we made a purchase which kept it uh undeveloped and we accepted some grant money but there's been a lot of in my impression there's been a lot of work done by by Boswell to assess the property there's a subcommittee or committee the rec Advisory Board you know that are giving input but at this point you know we really haven't seen much actionable externally maybe internally there is and I just wanted to know you know when when do we plan to understand because grant money is is great uh hopefully we can get a bunch more but at some point we're going to have to put a bill somewhere I'm assuming correct um so yeah what I U as the administrator said uh we did get uh new drawings from Boswell either Friday or or as recent as yesterday um so I am calling a meeting of the record Advisory Board uh what you know what I had told the previous Council can we share that with the council before we share it with the record Advisory Board well as I was just going to say I as with the previous Council that was in place they were okay um with the rec Advisory Board doing the preliminaries and then uh bringing a couple suggestions to the council because the record you know like the council the rec Advisory Board um knowing that these projects are coming down the line I purposely put on there a mix of people uh you know a couple seniors some parents um you know different different representation through town um to get everyone's opinion um and so let me say I'm happy with the what Boswell has proposed I'm hoping that the rec Advisory Board will uh also and so I think uh this will move along quickly at this point so not to um put the screws to you but that's okay when so if you're going to socialize it with the recre Advisory board when do you think you'll be in a position to socialize it with the council um I would say first first council meeting whenever that is in June so basically a month 30 days yeah okay anything else ladies and gentlemen motion to adjourn all second second all in favor thank you everyone [Music] respect respect yourself don't respect your