10 or 15 203 because they started work reconcile everything so that's why there's so many at once but the actual answer to your question is the current year another year so at the end of 23 we had to work very hard to make sure everything was closed 2022 which we did then 2022 21 Etc so just a followup from that does everything that's unspent so on 1231 if there's $100 in 10 account that's hasn't been spent right does that all roll over or does do we have to make a physical entry to encumber if it's it has to be encumbered before the end of the year right however we well I take that back it depends what it is so right now if all of a sudden a bill comes in from a contractor from something they did in October and it's something how slip through the cracks we can create a 24 purchase order utilizing the 23 monthy we can't do that once 24 years old that that'll happen sometimes um but not very often because you know people create the requisition purch order when it's appropriate but sometimes things sneak up no understood so mrman could you speak into the microphone please I'm sorry so would um so you answered my question question but uh created another one no no I I guess really the the specific question is how how are these balances encumbered is there a physical entry or at year end whatever is unspent rolls over yes and yes so when if if the line starts with $1,000 and then I encumber something for $1,000 but I don't spend anything else and I didn't reconcile it before the end of the year the balance the money that's still there is 10,000 because we didn't pay anything but the available balance is 9,000 the encumbered balance is a th000 so when we when I do these printouts and admins like I gave you all those gave the council all the history for the first quarter that's what it'll show I mean there's a couple other comms there but it'll show you what is the budget amount 10,000 thousand is encumbered which means we didn't actually pay anybody yet and then the 9,000 would be the balance meaning that's what we have available to spend so that's just how it I I I don't know if I can say it automatically does it you know John doesn't have to the CFO doesn't have to physically enter that money in there it stays in there but once the following year closes then that's when it all goes to Surplus from Reserve okay thank you anything else Mr anything else sorry about that sorry uh councilman cassum yes Council Sears yes councilman yes counc BL yes C president yes PSA for May 20th 2024 the Memorial Day parade and ceremony will be held on Monday May 27th from 10:00 a.m. to noon please visit our website for further information election information primary day is Tuesday June 4th polls will open from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. early voting locations will open Wednesday May 29th through Sunday June 2nd please visit our website for hours and locations the ballot Dropbox is located at Town Hall the lightning detection system at all Fields is fully operational once again at this time thank you Mr Dar Carlo for getting that you're welc and the DPW I guess absolutely pscg is replacing existing electric meters with new smart meters throughout the town please visit our website for further information Motor Vehicle Commission was in town May 16th and serviced the following 63 real IDs were issued two driver's licenses two IDs 11 registrations 26 surrendered plates three handicap placards one DV placard Eight titles and eight motor vehicle inspections were performed thank you for the Motor Vehicle Commission for providing this to us at our convenience in town what is beeping it's saying low recording levels are found uh is it coming from the there also Township offices will be closed Monday May 27th in observance of Memorial Day the veteran Banner sales will reopen to all on June 1st 20124 please visit the township website for further information the next council meeting will be held on Wednesday June 5th at 7:00 p.m. thank you approval of minutes public meeting meeting August 14 2023 conference meeting August 14 2023 do I have a motion so Mo second roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman omain Council M valz yes and council president C abstained public meeting September 5th 2023 conference meeting September 5th 2023 do I have a motion so second roll call councilman CIO yes councilman seers yes councilman Alman abstain councilwoman VZ yes council president to Sena abstained public meeting September 18 2023 conference meeting September 18 2023 do I have a motion all moved second roll call councilman Cassio yes councilman seers yes councilman omain counc valz abstain and council president to abstain public meeting October 2nd 2023 conference meeting October 2nd 2023 do I have a motion move second roll call councilman Casio yes Council yes counc Alman abstain councilwoman GES yes council president abstain Mr Dar Carlo Administration followup report yes sir good evening council president TOA council members and uh the public uh the biggest thing to advise everyone of is we're happy to say that the bid for Calvin Street resurfacing went out last week with a bid opening of May 29th that'll be for Calvin and do um Mr Olman had sent uh a request for Capital balance as of the uh date of our last meeting that was sent to the entire Council along with our first quarter expenses for 2024 which have been reviewed by myself my assistant and our finance department there are still a couple of Corrections that need to be made um but I'm unable to make it until the uh until the actual budget approves itself in June 5th and we we fund a couple lines one example would be olgc that we're paying out of the capital line um the other thing uh we requested to get a concept for the ambulance building which the mayor will discuss later during conference and the last uh followup was just uh I don't remember really the question I think it was you know how what was the um Grant award amount for open space so I had prepared an email sent the council I just like to real reflect Council when the grant was applied for the anticipated purchase price was in the area of $880,000 this was based on the two appraisals we had completed Mr par was able to successfully negotiate a lower purchase price the grant award will be for 63% of the total cost of acquisition not to exceed a total Grant Award of $550,000 however total cost also includes legal fees survey title work recording fees at this time until completed the definite amount of Grant reimbursement is undetermined however will not exceed $550,000 based on the anticipated purchase price and the fees we should come close to that thank you thank you council president that concludes my report thank you motion to open the meeting up to the general public so move second all in favor I would everybody in the public like to comment what a gentleman good evening Julie Li 184 for good evening Mrs lipnik uh first some accolades uh councilman Sears thank you so much for those banners pasak Road looks absolutely beautiful and I know councilwoman um I'm sure you've gotten accolades I know I have a lot of people very very impressed uh my second Accolade is to Laura Riften at the library what a professional she reached out to US based on the upcoming construction giving us you know all the information we needed and to go ahead regarding lighting and noise I mean she really is a wonderful wonderful person and asset to the community um I was on website and I did not see a construction official's name listed do we have a construction official yes we do oh it should be on there um was about a month or two ago and I didn't see any okay so I just wanted to find out if we had one um we do have one he may not be listed there miss lipnik but we do have one correct okay it's not that we have to go to another town one in a staff member um my other matter that is of great concern um I know mayor you as well as everybody on Council has been extremely concerned about the flooding here in town um even though I am not impacted directly doesn't say that I'm not concerned about two months ago there was on Power and politics on channel 12 the governor had a session mayor of Manville called in and addressed his concern because Manville had a lot of flooding a lot of the residents there hadn't been back in their homes for almost two years because of all the flooding the mayor of Manville executed a moratorium on building across Manville so that they can somehow try and mitigate the problem the governor's answer oddly enough was oh you're to be commended but just know this just because you're doing something about a moratorium doesn't mean you're not going to be impacted because it's also what goes around you what's north of you what have all plays a factor so that said that was probably one of the most intelligent things I heard come out of the threatened recently uh recently what caught my attention is an article that appeared that Phil Murphy is addressing flooding in New Jersey and has come out with this 1,058 page document regarding flooding scientists he says say that the Shore area is going to be obsolete the ocean will be like all along Manahawkin and just going to swallow up the Earth so to speak so he went ahead and because the sea levels are increasing he has come up with a plan however in this 1,58 page document and I read it the Murphy Administration is also forcing communic communities across New Jersey to build high density residential apartment complexes and affordable housing and economically preserved and sensitive areas some being South Jersey and Central Jersey those affordable housing mandates one minute Mrs lipnick are forcing towns to allow developers to clearcut thousands of Acres of green land and untouched land annually so my question is what can we do to fight against this mandate and we know what it does here and I also know from my history and construction Department there was once a builder north of us who was dumping construction waste into the Saddle River flowed downward turned the saddle Riv orange and yes he was fined heavily by the de Pig his answer was I'll pay the fine because the fine is equal to the profit on the sale of one house so it is a big problem and I'm just addressing it tonight to see what can be done and I'd be more than happy to join anything that uh you plan to do thank you thank you m Li would anybody else in the audience like to come up and address the council at this time Paul Fury Hampshire Road good evening Mr how's everyone doing um couple questions I have uh I wanted to know will the town request the owner to replant the trees at one East Clen that were clearcut a couple of months ago I believe we were in litigation with the owner of that uh property they don't live in the state of New Jersey right Mr poer Right they are out of town owners um I know there was what's the resolution that you're going for they are fin correct and the does include replanting correct Mr power um they have to re the property also they have to what replant the property replant the property okay but it's in court we it's still in court it's in Municipal Court it's the Municipal Court Mr so right now there's a heavy fine I say that right there was a heavy fine issue to the owner issue it's up to the court it's up to the court a fine was issued but there's a there's a requirement for for uh rep for for replanting yes okay but again Mr they will not be 50 foot trees no no but you know people in town think we're going to you know it's going to be what it they're going to replant trees there but it won't be to the caliber they took down without permission that's um and then as a followup to that um Can the town purchase one East Glen for open space being that it's a lot that's been a difficult lot to sell and hasn't been built on for a long since Inception I guess it'll put e and the parkway Mr could you just speak into the microphone please you can look it up a little bit too I wanted to know if one Spen qualified to be purchased by the town is an open space well it's not contiguous to any open space in town it's not what it's not there's no open space attached to it like you know like it's just a residential lot is that a requirement I mean there are pocket parks that exist yes speak up everybody Mr is saying that we you can't you can't take property unless you condemn the property and there's either the person wants to sell the property voluntarily or you have to go through condemnation well it is for sale and I know that the town has a fine against it I'm wondering maybe that you got Comm mitigate the price with the fine you know possibly get it at a very discounted price well is a inutile lot you can't get to it it the lot you can't get access to it that's why it's been for sale right for since since the beginning of time is because there's no access to that lot so I don't you know Town made the lot well zoning made the lot yes not the town would would may I council president ask a question would you be uh against the town purchasing that property and storing it excess equipment down there um instead of storing it up at Our Lady of Good Council and paying a chunk every month buy that property and then we would store I would be opposed that because it's a residential Community it's you know not really commercial I I think that's I I I I hear what you're saying Mr buff it's it's a tough lot to to come up with a good Grant application cuz there's no if you did anything with it you're going to be parking on the street you know if you made it a pocket park like Miss Val had said you'd be parking in front of all those Neighbors on doesn't have to be a park I mean just dedicated to trees period let green space but we can't be in the we can't buy property just to buy property unless it's got a use to it's got to benefit the town so would benefit the town because it wouldn't be uh you know uh built on you know would be aesthetically that you can't we can't do that just we can't buy property like just to prevent building you have to have you have to that a a legitimate for for condemnation all right I just thought maybe it was a solution to a difficult you know situation there I think the situation is being rectified in Municipal Court I you don't have an answer from when it'll be but the intent right now is that the fine has been levied and as part of the fine they do have to replant the property Fury is that a fair statement Mr may I agree all right I just thought I pass yeah no I appreciate it um anything else yeah and then you have one minute by the way okay I was just involved with a variant situation and I wanted to know why the public only gets three working days notice on the information that's in the variance because it gets posted Wednesday night at like midnight the town not gets notified so we can look at the website Thursday and then the zoning board meeting is Tuesday so unless you have like no plans and you could juggle schedule get to the zoning board meeting and kind of put in your opinion it's I think three days notice is a little is that legal T corre is there reason for that he's saying that he got notice three days before it was posted on the website he notice not you got notice that there was a VAR I got I got the certified letter and when I called the town they said it's going to be posted on the website it didn't get posted until Wednesday night at like midnight but you got the letter I got the letter so but the letter does say you can come up to town hall and look at it but it just didn't get posted there's no legal requirement to post it that's just something we do for our residents so the the the letter of the law states that if the the letter is telling you it's here for your review at Town Hall we why is it posted anyway then just so you have people can look at it that up though I mean it's they're you know it's a very busy department and it's something we don't we do as a courtesy to the residents is not a requirement I just find it odd that you know well you got to think of it to get those scan those big sheet scanned is not something we do in house so it's got to be it's got to be all coordinated to get them scanned and PDF and all so it's it does take time all right and then the last thing if I could just take one more minute um Can the town ask the parkway to conduct a decibal reading to determine the current noise level of the Parkway and if a sound wall is required we we I I've spoken and I know the mayor has the the the parkway is not building sound walls at this time so i' I've gone and met with them I know the mayor I believe you did this year I know I went two years ago I went and met with a representative and at this present time no sound wall construction on the turnpike or the parkway is occurring okay is there Catalyst to have them build it at this time no they are not building any sound walls anywhere that was right Mr May that's the response you got this year and I got two years ago they're still opposed to it they're still opposed to any sound walls anywhere on the turnpike for the parkway since they are one Authority right now I see all right because I we did go meet with them and they said absolutely not we're not build we won't build them for you we won't build them for anybody else not you not you personally I meant like the township presid I mean seem more more traffic um maybe the town here can get together and at least start the process because I can imagine five or 10 years from now it's going to be 10 times worse you know so just well I I guess the the process of petitioning them to do it was asked uh by myself last time I was on Council I know the mayor went what January of this year you met with the turnpike I believe well we met with them on a different topic uh but we reached out to the right people who said yeah they're not entertaining that they they're not doing it for any municipalities uh and they have them for quite a few years it's just not on their radar any longer is there any legal recourse to take I defer to Mr Pao but I doubt it what is is there any legal recourse for us asking the parkway to build sound does it affect the noise ordinances in town or anything like that our ordines don't govern them it's all right thank you Mr would anybody else in the audience like to address the council at this time seeing no one uh is anybody on Zoom seeing no one motion to close the public meeting so move second all in favor I I thank you just quick recap I know the past council president used to read a little thing about like theorum at Council meetings I personally as council president will not stand for anything that happened last meeting so I am not going to read a statement I will just shut it down with Mr wowski and if anybody on the day subjects to it they can object to it but I will not I will not stand for any type of of of of actions like at the last meeting so I'm not going to read a statement like we've done in the past which was very nice but I don't think we have to I think we're all grown adults and you know residents should follow the rules without being told to follow the rules so happened to the state I did take it out cuz I thought it was asking for attention that the thing is beeping against saying we have I apologize everything is on everybody's microphone on everybody's I unless everybody just tried speaking into the microphone a little bit more I don't know what else to do and I apologize unless you shut it down we're going to hold the public you want to take five minutes and shut it down restart it I could do that if you want you know what let's get the public he's here we have a public hearing for Bergen County open space trust fund Park Improvement program application the township of Washington desires to obtain funds for open space and recreational use to part to uh to participate in the public hearing por of the meeting please click on the link below to join the webinar star N9 to raise your hand star six to unmute do I have a motion to open the public hearing so move second all in favor I Mr buo Mr the public you make a statement if You' like I guess Mr buo just tell us what we're going after here procedurally Our obligation right now is to ask the public who may be listening in if they have any comments about the plan and then we can address any questions okay there is no one on Zoom right now anybody in the audience like to address the public hearing no okay motion to close the public Mee hearing excuse me some move second all in favor I Mr bu could you just give us a quick recap of what you're doing just so the residents know had a public hearing for just very quickly you don't have to go through every aspect of no problem basically we're going to Bergen County open space uh requesting $100,000 for additional uh preliminary work and at the U forign Recreation club uh there's $100,000 maxing fund requirement with this but as we've mentioned before we have the money in reserve ordinarily although we're asking for 100,000 honestly I don't anticipate the award to be that high it could be60 $80,000 again it would be for preliminary design work surveying additional testing um and we characterizing it as phase two thank you and it's necessary to complete the project and come up with file design and request thank you Mr thank you ordinance adoption second reading ordinance number 24-7 an ordinance revising the criteria for losap awards to members of the township of Washington volunteer Ambulance Corp resolution 24-25 authorized second reading and opening of continued public hearing for ordinance 24-7 do I have a motion so move second roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes Council Omen yesc yes council president yes motion to close public hearing for ordinance 24-7 so move second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman seers yes coun Omen yes Council valz yes council president to yes motion to adopt ordinance number 24-7 at second reading by title do I have a motion move second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen no councilwoman Le yes council president the Sena yes ordinance number 24-8 calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap Bank njsa njsa 44-45 period 14 resolution 24247 authorize second reading and opening of public hearing for Ordinance 24-8 do I have a motion so move second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman C yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president to Senate yes motion to close public hearing for Ordinance 24-8 do I have a motion so moov second roll here councilman CIO yes councilman SE yes councilman Omen yes Council bz yes council president to sen yes motion to adopt ordinance number 24-8 at second reading by title do I have a motion don't move I'll second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman seers yes councilman man yes Council yes council president yes ordinance number 24-9 an ordinance permitting overnight parking for active First Responders of the township of Washington resolution number 24248 authorizing second reading and opening of public hearing for Ordinance 24-9 do I have a motion second roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president to yes motion to close public hearing for ordinance 24-9 so move second Okay coun C yes second go ahead councilman Sears yes councilman man yes Council valz yes council president to Senate yes motion to adopt ordinance number 24-9 at second reading by title I'll make the motion second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Zer councilman Alman yes Council bz yes council president to sen yes ordinance number 24-10 bond ordinance appropriating $1,110,000 and authorizing the issuance of 961 th000 in bonds or notes of the township for various improvements or purposes authorized to be undertaken by the township of Washington in the county of Bergen New Jersey resolution number 24249 authorizing second reading and opening of public hearing for Ordinance 24-10 do I have a motion so move I'll second it roll call councilman cassum yes councilman seers uh abstain councilman om man yes Council valz um this just open for discussion correct yes this is just for discussion yeah this is opening the public hearing so a public hearing okay yes council president abstain motion to close the public hearing for ordinance number 24-10 have a motion move I'll second It Go call councilman Casio yes councilman seers abstain councilman Omen uh yes Council valz yes just closing the public hearing yes council president the Senate abstain motion to adopt ordinance 24-10 at second reading by title do I have a motion second are you seconding are you I'll I'll second roll call I'm wait for you to finish typing I'm done can councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes councilman [Applause] valz um no council president to I will well can I vote because it has funding for is is this for Capital yeah oh I I apologize I I'm sorry you had three no no you're not good one perhaps four perhaps we can but the exension doesn't go to a yes I don't I'm not you know that's our our ordinance for says that but I'm not sure when it comes to bonding whether you have to have it says affirmative votes and and I'm not sure that just the interpretation was it okay for me to vote on something that what do you have well they're doing work on the fields I just don't want it what what's Fields got to do with I'll vote I'll vote Yes okay I mean your organization uses the fields but you're not know you also use the roads correct use the buildings you're Absol walking walking on people's grass let's revote that line we revote that line can we revote that Mr PA is that okay we take a revote make a motion to can I take a motion to revote on to adopt ordinance 24-10 second reading roll call hold on one second okay so hold on I'm um all right let me just do something Qui all right motion to we vote adopt 2 motion was by I'm sorry Mr Cassie I believe uh Mr she what's going on ready yes councilman yes councilman seers no councilman man yes Council woman valz I just you know I'm not looking to hold up our Capital but I will say I'm disappointed in that we cannot add our road program back back on I know we have this flooding issue that needs to be addressed well I'm committed to see if if we get the funding money I will add it back on I that's my commitment I don't know what the rest of the council is I think it's your commitment and Mr sir's Commitment right so I think we have we're not going to get that money potentially for a while and I'm hoping not I'm I think we're going to be behind schedule on our road program that's my concern I I'm not disagree with you but if again with that letter that I got from Alex where we have the money to cover to add and it's in capital it's only going to increase about $111 and and I know you don't want to fall behind on the road department which means that we're going to be two years behind on these on the road um I'm just looking ahead that okay $11 I I don't it is it is an 11 half a million roughly well half a million but the bond is only going to increase $11 over the uh 2025 yeah but then when you add it to the to the rest of the bonds we're putting in there we're at like 20 you know it's going to it's a lot of money may I ask the mayor a question sure on Mr Mayor on that the bond when we talked to Alex yeah uh he said it would only increase $11 over what we got now 11 to 15 I'm sorry the um the the rule of thumb um has been even with uh the current interest rate climate is that every million dollars in borrowing over 20 years plus the average uh obsessed property in town about 21 to $22 a year and so if but the average assess you're using is $466,000 correct which nobody has a house that's worth 466 anymore well they still do under our current assessments correct so it's probably like $50 when you when you have the new assessment so we're doing new assessment yeah so it's it's I I'm not I'm not disagreeing with you Mr Mr Sears but as long as we all commit to you know pursuing Mr gimer and and his group to get us the money back we should be able to get back on track to get it paid by the end of the year I'm I'm hoping I'm being optimistic oh too bad Mr you know left but what is you know when are we going to see that money you know God willing we receive it but in the mean time what happens to our roads same thing that happened last year we didn't pay when we paved this year so they do they do miss a year sometimes you know we did miss last year's Paving and paved them a year late so it's not the end of the world it's it's I know if you live on that street like I did for the last 30 years and you're not getting paved it's it's very hard it's a very sad day but we did miss last year's Paving and paved a year late so it'd be the same reason the 2020 there was a reason for that though because we hit winter time but got to Christmas and we could wasn't there work being done which was delayed no I don't I don't recall was it Viola that was doing the work on some of those roads I'm I'm I'm Sorry Miss why did we miss last year's Paving cycle um yeah if you canate ultimately the answer is it went out too late that's why we split the DOT road this year with what our anticipated roads were so because of the lengthly approval process that was involved it didn't go out to bid till September then the prec construction meeting and then would we lose that do funding for this year now no we already did that road that we did that road we're doing that road year that was Beach Street so by time you know December came along it was too cold to do it we weren't convinced the work product was going to be great so that's why what I did yeah so let me let me just put this out there if next year right with this flooding situation we're just covering a small portion for 700 if next year we have to cover another portion does that mean we once again are going to put the road program on that's why we've asked for a capital plan to see how much money we need I'm this no I'm I'm hoping I'm hoping we don't have any more hidden sanitary well I wouldn't say it's hidden it was on the website for the last two years so but but we didn't know what the costs were until now but I'm hoping that there's no other magnitude of this of this nature that needs to right you know so next year maybe we'll double it I don't know we have Council Affairs but I'm hoping that our our our I hope we get that money I hope money well according to uh congressman's office so I called once or twice on it um usually those uh Congressional funds are dispersed very quickly because of it's emerging issue it's what they said and again I have no problem bonding later on if we get that money in no problem I'm going to hold you to that I'm told you you think you think I don't want to fix the rades no I'm I hope so because it was your campaign promise that's exactly right that's exactly right I feel like I'm fighting for it more than you are so really okay there you go well I'm saying I'm I'm in favor of I think everyone's in favor of good roads right but a a a sanitary issue is definitely more important than going down a bumpy road at this point I agree okay there's no doubt about it and as soon as we get those funds I have no problem you know spending that amount and more we have I have no problem with it you know hopefully you know this year we don't spend as much and in two years we have Surplus from this year that we can spend in 2026 all right we got to finish this vote okay so with that being said you know I don't want to hold up Capital but it is disappointing we can't address that I will vote Yes because we need to keep moving forward thank you I'll vote yes thank you ordinance 24-11 an ordinance under chapter 87 of the code of ship of Washington setting forth the rate of clothing allowance of officers and firefighters of the fire department in said municipality for the year 2024 resolution number 24250 authorizing second reading and opening of public hearing for Ordinance 24-11 do I have a motion tell I'll second it roll call councilman yes councilman Sears I recuse myself councilman om man yes Council bz yes council president to sent yes motion to close public hearing of for Ordinance 24-11 do I have a motion I'll second it roll call make sure there's nobody on here is okay no I'm just saying no okay thank you councilman CIO yes councilman Sears we myself councilman man yes Council woman bz yes council president yes motion to adopt ordinance 24-11 at second reading by title a motion any second think we just did that we didn't no ad don't we did close public hearing and then we I have you down us twice so no yeah I know what you're doing there I know what I'm doing here all right we adopt it again motion to adopt I got myself and C thank you councilman yes councilman seers recu myself councilman Alman yes Council bz yes and council president Des yes introduction first reading ordinance number 24-12 an ordinance under chapter 87 of the code of Washington Town excuse me the code of the township of Washington setting forth the rate of compensation and manner of payment of employees for the year 2024 motion to introduce and pass ordinance number 24-12 at first reading by title so I have a motion second I'll second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman seers no councilman Omen yes councilman blz no council president the sen yes all right C you've got three yeses and two NOS Mr ordinance it's goodine yeah I don't resolution number 24251 authorized publication of ordinance number 24-12 and schedule a public hearing do I have a motion so move I'll roll councilman yes councilman SE no councilman Alman yes Council bz no and council president the sen yes so passes right the introduce yes yes the introduction yeah resolution consent agenda the following items have been determined to have the unanimous consent of council and will be enacted one motion should any item require independent consideration any council member may have such item removed from the consent agenda consent agenda does anyone have any resolutions to be removed from consent agenda for discussion um 255 255 thank you any any others ladies and gentlemen resolution number 24253 authorized refund of summer camp after care registration fee Sol it in the amount of not to exceed 1,450 50 resolution number 24254 authorize a refund of summer camp registration fees for movies urino and the total amount not to exceed $25 do I have a motion to approve the consent agendas as presented some move second second roll call councilman Casio yes councilman SE yes councilman Omen yes Council valz yes council president yes resolution number 24-25 authorized disposal of Surplus property by auction on gov deals do I have a motion second second discussion so my only question is um the Scott packs do we open ourselves up to any type of um litigation by getting by selling this type of safety gear I mean I'm assuming we're selling it because it's out of uh out of date out of date so I'm just they would have to be scrapped they cannot be you if these are um their uh testing rates have been over a certain amount of years you need to replace them so if these are the ones that have to be replaced they go to scrap they can't be used for breathing apparatus but we're looking to sell them they can be refurbished they have a scrap value if they not use components to buy for the other oh yeah the breeding yeah these are tanks air Brea tanks well they buy it these are just the the packs with the harnesses all that stuff can be sold but they they have to refurbish like Dr Casio said the breathing uh uh applicator within the pack itself they just can't be thrown back on they need to be tested you know they need to be certified and tested that they're allowed to be used so do we when we list this do we put a disclaimer on it of any type I'll have to check into that but when fire chief um MOS provided me with the list he would discussed other items that cannot be resold these were one of the ones that could so I'm assuming his word for it I could certainly find out from you know do deals or you know what the liability risk is but he he had vetted all this information out so he had told me I forget what it was that we couldn't sell because of that reason um but this was on the list that he said can we just put a caveat that this is not a life- saving device any longer or something like I said yeah I will before we listen to with goals I'll check all the liability of it unless you have other suggest no I think you check and maybe a disclaimer when you uh listed maybe that this is not fit for firefighting operations at this time or something no warrant no warranties or disclaimers ex Express employed roll call councilman Casio yes councilman Sears yes councilman Alman yes Council yes council president toer yes motion to adjourn to conference agenda council president one second yes um I just have a question I guess this is for Council as well as the mayor um I know we already voted on the salaries but what's our game plan with a Director of Finance since we know we don't have one it's not up to the council it's the administration yeah but we didn't fund it we fund it I believe we that was just to pay get him to have for this year yeah that's all we need to worry about half this year we don't have a Director of Finance so that that leaves us in a little bit of a situation which has Mr Corin submitted his resignation from Director of Finance no he has not thank you but does our ordinance allow him to be the director yes there's wording in the ordinance that says that the CFO may also be the director of the uh finance department so when his time is I'm sorry no no no I I actually pulled that for that reason when his time is up you have to go out and rebid or do you ask him what you would like to be the next six months well um the council funded half a Year's worth of director salary um and so I don't I let me say I don't know what he will do I have not asked him if he will do the whole year or not um and I don't want to put words in his mouth I I don't want to ask him till the budget process is complete um I you know so I I don't I don't I don't agree with what you're saying Mr Mr sear is that we funded him for half year we gave a 900 we gave a a salary for one year it was not the salary ordinance does not say it's for six months it's $1,800 1800 we gave him nine no no no no the request was 1,800 we gave him nine but we didn't say it's 900 for 6 months it's 900 I must disagree with you Mike because when I brought it up I said he's already been do you wanted to cut him to zero right and then I said no he's already been doing the position and by the time the budget gets passed you know it's not fair to not give him the pay he was expecting so that 900 is for half a year okay so legally how does that affect our audit coming up or at the end of the year and how does that leave us well there's nothing in our ordinance that says we need a Director of Finance there's nothing we have nobody to supervise these departments now Director of Finance dor Finance any is I'm I'm reading the ordinance as it what's that Mr the Director of Finance was a vacated uh position for years upon years that's correct I'm just I'm struggling to understand why the CFO is so responsible to to to run the department no it's not the director is responsible to oversee the department well who oversaw the department all the years we didn't have a director per se no one did if the town did something wrong that's that's the way it's in the ordinance I studied it a lot when you guys didn't fund it fully you guys undou sorry da all right well until we have a resignation of of that position we'll we'll discuss it then we'll put it on the agenda I'm just saying that the reason that you do not want to include him goes against our ordinance or give him the position goes against what's written here that it specifically says but it's hard to fund something I don't want again I'm not getting into uh labor about a specific employee until we write them and we discuss or we discuss en closed because I have I have an exact answer but I don't know if I I can give it without getting myself into trouble so I will I will I will refrain from what I wanted to just say but I think it's something we need to discuss once if we do get a resignation we'll discuss it you know the reason that the books are getting you know better organized these days with the assistance obviously of Mr Dar Carlo is because we are filling these well the mayor's filling these positions and now we're it almost feels like we're going to go backwards if we start leaving these departments open that's that's I mean we already voted but that's the reason why I voted no because I wish you would so we should do that while we're voting we didn't offer just like I couldn't answer Mrs lipnik you know we didn't discuss you didn't ask the about what to day is about the open space you just went on to the next person so I couldn't answer about open space for yeah like or I'm sorry the um what we were doing about flooding our opinion on it so we're just maybe we're moving too quickly we just back fine so we can discuss that's fine I mean Mike if I can just make a real quick follow uh ordinances are meant to be changed so I would hope if an if he gives his resignation the council will entertain putting a new salary ordinance in effect that is a possibility once we receive if we do receive his resignation so all in favor to adjourn to conference agenda hi hi next meeting of the township Council will be on June 5th 2024 beginning at 700 p.m. sign up for nixel TCH 07676 to 888777 key code TWP Bergen www.town of washington. us so conference agenda is back here DPW building stop Mr May Mr Carl um yeah I'll I'll take the lead on it this evening um I'm going to combine uh A and B if that's okay ppw and police department expansion um I hope you all saw in your packets the um the three designs that uh Anthony iino did as far as repurposing the ambulance building uh if I could ask WCTV to put up the uh current slide uh that way the public can follow along as we're talking thank you so that's the uh the current layout of the ambulance building uh yes is that more uh that's ex exhibit one of thank you okay uh then uh you can quickly move to the uh next one that is the overlay slide and what that does is uh in that uh hatched area below um it shows the existing courtroom size so the this room uh it shows the existing size and so it shows that the building uh is a little bigger than what we would need to support the existing size and then uh if we wouldn't be losing that much space no no not at all no uh what do you mean like it's it's we're only losing six 14 feet by a coup by 10 ft it's not like we're losing half the room it's only a SW it's a corner that we're losing you can see what it and it orchestrates you can see it with the seat you could orchestrate and see what it looks like yeah and uh so you know he came up with this just as a uh quick thing to see if the uh Council likes the idea uh the concept of it um you know we showed it to both the clerk and the uh Planning and Zoning secretary because they use the rooms uh the Planning and Zoning was fine the clerk did have what I thought was an excellent idea and that was maybe to uh fact spin that 90° to put the de on the wall where the kitchen and storage are I think good idea so I thought thek good idea and then move the chairs correspondingly yes and then it would give you more chairs so it works it would work out better yes um and uh you know he left the kitchen in but and again this is you know just to see if if the council likes where he's headed with this uh I suggested that we remove the kitchen and make the Laboratories bigger than just one stall as we know many nights when we take our break we kind of flood the restroom so we'd have to take a 10-minute break to uh single thread through the restrooms the way he has them he said that's not a problem at all um but you know he said if the council's okay with this can we can we have them quickly spin it and show us what it would look like the May yes the other reason why also uh yes um and he had mentioned that uh uh to make the day it's also handicap accessible uhat yeah which was mandatory anyway even though he didn't put it in this preliminary design give us extra we should be able to get Ada money for that yes true um question just because it's not here um do we need a kind a room for a judge or I know we're thinking of we're we're hoping uh with the council's consent obviously to Outsource the court uh by the first of next year um and so that removes the court in total so we wouldn't need room we can always make that storage the Jud room yes we can also do that and perhaps an exit door from there so that you're not yes if you ever needed it yeah yeah yeah um so you know if the council is okay with this preliminarily um what what I will ask him to do because you know he doesn't want to spend the town's money if he don't like the concept can we spin it and add the ramp Mr Mayor yes uh and then he can start to come up with cost estimates uh for assuming the council likes what they see and then also what I would like him to do is you know in combining police and DPW is have him uh bring the price current for the original DPW building that just supported the DPW uh so give us current pricing on that and then give us pricing for the uh police department to take over this space and go out the side to give them the Sally court that they're asking for so in effect uh we would get all cost estimates for those three um that'd be great yeah and you don't need an elevator because this is one story and we with the ramp coming up the side of the room it's it's it's Ada accessible then corre and then that'll open up that solves a lot of problems for hopefully a very cost effective yeah way when you say Rams for add you're ad sorry um referring to Future Council people yeah or board attorneys or members of coun or members of counc the boards the boards could have an AB you know it's a requirement requ this this D is not as AB accessible as you want but if we're going to build a new one we have to make an ABA requirement okay require thank you Mr Mayor the uh pricing you're going to get for the police Department do is not the one going up it's corrector pricing from a meeting or two ago I think it was 4.5 million or something like that uh yes so uh that would not be part of this project they don't need to go up if they get this and the sally port outside have we have we started to compile a um a capital plan like I had asked during the budget of what all our expenditures like a high in the sky now I know we don't have exact numbers but just putting placeholders for 450 for the swim club for all our all our other expenditures that we know we have coming up um we we haven't yet um I know you know we're I say almost done with the budget because it's not adopted yet uh but I would think you know give us the summer months to get that done and then in September you know we should have a good Capital plan going forward and I know it's not on the on the conference agenda but has the rec Advisory board made a decision on what the uses we had a meeting uh most I I want to say all the members like the plan uh I asked them to you know please give it some thought come up with any hols they can find when do you think Council can have oh I I I will leave by next meeting next counc meeting thank you yeah um one more question suggestion since you're going to give this back to the the architect would it be too much of an expense to do the bump out so that we Square Off the space just because of the visual of the last row on the right hand side well you won't have that once you spin it well will it fit in that new space without that bump out you know the bottom left do you know what I mean well you're going to put you're moving the de to the back wall along the kitchen storage wall so your seats are going to go in front we still going to have a couple rows back there so will will these people in the back now struggle to see the left not anym than they would here I mean it's the same layout yeah I mean it's a similar layout just cut out that corner there where the where the uh metal detector is in this room that's pretty much what it is I'm saying if we Square it out I mean what do we what is that additional cost going to be you have to rip the whole roof off you got a lot it's a lot of work it's a brick facade yeah it's a brick the M yeah we don't we really don't fill the room half the time anyway unless there's a Public Presentation okay and even when we have those it's standing room anyway so okay you know because as it stands it's said it said 76 so I'm wondering how much more or less you'll get I'm hoping that when he makes the revision we'll get more you know you'll have more seats than SH now and again more for the public because I'm everyone up here this 64 now4 this gives us Max of 100 chairs in this room okay everyone up here probably knows about it but just for the public um this is a a space that gets used give or take a little 68 times a year approximately 30 Council meetings including the budget meetings Max of 24 planning board meetings unless there's a big application Max of 12 zoning unless there's a big one and two times a year for elections um so I you know I I'm very excited about this plan um I hope that the costs come in reasonable I hope so too yeah good thing we did not ordinances and legislations commuter lot continued discussion fees current rate pro rated to $60 um is everybody on the day is okay well M wowski issuing um commuter lot registration starting June 1st correct Mr mowy well if everything's good I mean Mr the problem what were some of the things we would I mean we had gone through it briefly but then we had talked about my mother said the pro rating would only be for this year it's not the ordinances pro rated we said this year we would make an exception correct right um and then I there was also an issue with signage I think also we were talk about the designation of what spots were fire department what spots were going to be commuter but that Mr D was supposed to Mr Dar Carlo and the back he's leaving back he's like hiding like wow I was like where'd he go know light yeah no um I believe so yes yes so I mean so I guess we were going to designate the spots that the fire department's only allowed to use we'll paint each spot with either FD or number each one a you FD 101 or you know well they have the they have the big decals that say FD from the old lot right they could just lay down and spray okay they did it on I think along with yeah so right now um under the mayor Mark Mr dor going out there was 24 spots for the fire department and 29 spots for commun lot okay so again the other thing we used to do is when we used to do the beforehand we used to do U over oversell the lot I should say and it was first come first serve so I don't know if you still want to do that or not I mean we do we are getting phone calls I'm not going to say getting 60 phone calls I would CU it's new I would sell only amount we have that's why that Direct became a problem maybe next year we'll do more we'll do 50 next year just like we used to but I think now with the newness of it and people waiting this long to get it I don't want to sell 40 and then have 11 people every day says well I needed a spot and there was no spot so I think we sell 29 is that okay that's the I'm fine I need these things to you know because I don't want to open it up and have 50 people oh yeah we first 29 get the first 29 spots how's that counil everybody do with it make sure they have their tag in the wood yes yes they will have your hand if they don't have their tag the police are going to give them a ticket exact yes we revisit that for 2025 2025 we'll revisit how many we'll sell based on how many we have used every day because I'm just nervous that it's been missing so long that if we sell 50 again and 21 people every day are going to be like I had nowhere to park and I want my money back and then we have to deal with refunds and all that so I don't want to do that either yep do you want to revisit the cost yeah I mean you saw the only a few towns that get back to me said they had them there were some towns in the area the pasc valley did not get back to me some people don't even have commuter cost so I don't know if that's the other thing what you want to do or if you want to just finish off this year and then do that for 2025 yeah I think revisit the price and the the number of spot on 2025 I think we leave it Al for now Mr Alman unless you like to raise it I think it's a service we've missed for so long to we'll we'll we'll address it I'd say in November we'll start discussion about it and we'll have a plan for dece for January 1st if that's okay with everybody I agree well you have to you want to have it in place for January 1st you have a whole October November we'll start discussion commuter lot so put it on a note for the agenda for commu lot for October November to have it for everybody okay with that yes ecology permits uh continued discussion um we talked about the ecology permits last meeting yes we ask for questions suggestions nobody got back to me nobody got back to miss m on any suggestions about the ordinance or anything so everybody okay with the way they are do we want to make changes no I I I think it's got to be more enforce than what we see now I mean you can't have a caravan of pickup trucks show up repeatedly and dump and dump and they don't have the right they have to have the red permit for a pickup truck a green for a car and like I said last time I saw pickup trucks in Pennsylvania rolling in like if they doing construction work you don't put your construction materials in in our dumpster I mean you saw the green the grass and conrete Bricks you know council president yes Mr um I totally agree Mr Sears I just want to give DPW the foundation to be able to do that if you're not a so what do we need you want to get put if that's okay with you to suggest some revisions to council okay if you could put together some revisions on what you'd like to see if you can just I'd like to definitely Define construction material and that I I believe it's a no right no construction material at all and then Define what light trashes I think it was and vegetative way so yes well I think I think construction material to an extent like you can't gut your entire house and bring it but if you have a it us to be like a wheelbarrow full we got something you do end up you do end up with little every now and then but I understand like truck full of Sheck 2x4s guy breaks up his sidewalk and he's dumping the big concrete well we should not accept any concrete blocks like that like all that kind of stuff and then the other thing was how we wanted um residents to identify themselves whether it was because everything seemed to have a loophole like if it was licensed what if they didn't change their address yet if it was a sticker what if they gave the sticker to their friend is there any way you'd like to see that go my suggestion would be the license and if they haven't changed it yet they can bring a utility bill correct that's that's fine by me okay right is everybody okay with that I think I know you used to get those little stickers I know they said they don't give out the little stickers anymore yes we do they do we just don't have stickers now we changed them to the the Cs because people were leaving them on their cars and they were going byebye when they TR in the car and then they like no no we're talking about stickers for licenses no no do any don't do any so I mean if you if you want Township and you've been here you have a utility bill you come with your license and utility we need to advertise that that's what we need to do really one thing we've been saying this past week when people have come in with them we've looked at I Play Do not share with anybody so you cannot give it to anybody else we can refor it verbally that no because the amount of tonnage that we're paying for is ridiculous to dump if um if I may just one suggestion I kind of brought it up the last time we discussed this is as new people move in perhaps they're moving in from the city into you know more suburbs and they're not aware of this so maybe we need to work on educating our you know our new residents on the changes because they may not even know that this is a thing so if maybe we can havei when she gives them the ticket you go you go over what the do well we tell them whatever you we usually give them the flyer for the BCA and say whatever you see on here you cannot drop off but I think what councilman valz is saying is if someone so moves into the township how do they know they have to come for a sticker sticker or usually when they get to the yard that's how I found out I need stickers I got turned around that's why we have this problem well they're not checking oh okay well I know when I moved into town I got to the yard and I was told hey you need a sticker you can't dump today and I have to go home and then come in on Monday and get a STI some people don't even know there's opportunity to dump yeah so that's what well that's the calendar they ask the calendar right away have one but we don't have a cal so if you know I'm put together little can we can we do like a town letter we used to do and just I was just discussing with the mayor maybe we can put it in um one of the tax yeah the quarter bills that go out we could take advantage of a couple things maybe we want to tell the residents something definitely going to look at and that'll be their tax bill picture not everybody looks at their tax bill sample ordinance prohibiting sale of dog M as oh yes thank you so um we we had this on last time um you had asked to just uh bring it back I don't know if you had a chance to take a look at it it's this gentleman has reached out a few times to I believe all of us um yes this is not I I don't think this is a problem we currently have because we don't have a pet store um but I did tell the council last time that when there are pet stores they are Infamous for selling um dogs that are probably not of the best health so this and then not only is it bad for the animals but as you know a customer you're also getting you know bad a bad dog right an unhealthy dog so this avoids all that um but can we Mr par I know with the past experience we've had with our commercial Zone in our town can we prohibit tenants from going in can we change our ordinance to prohibit yeah it's just a sell of of well cats and dogs you probably can legislate uh an activity by the seller by the by the by the seller of the store uh but I have to look at it can you look at it I just don't want to do like what happened last time and then we we end up in court over it so so M it's okay Mr par just take a quick peek at it and let us know and just to be clear you know this is to protect responsible breeders because you should be entitled to buy a dog that would suit your family absolutely so that's we're you know I'm not trying to avoid that just putting it out there because there are bad there's bad business thank you thank you are you proposing that we use the ordinance that was included as a template or are we going to um I mean I think that would I would leave that up to Mr par based on what we're allowed to bring to the table it does read okay for for me um because it does discuss the ability to have pet adoptions and still protect you know responsible breeders um I think it's coming from the idea is just to keep puppy M dogs out that's can you look at the sample ordinance provider thank you uh under financials overtime Mr Alman uh yeah ask look that oh to you okay yeah so Mr Mr PA is ready to speak on that is that correct Mr that's I think you as Mr PA review this Mr Alman yes so Mr can you all right I mean I'm just try to get an overview okay so with respect to overtime the fair labor standards act requires that uh employees be paid for uh overtime at not less than time and a half of their regular pay for all hours wor over 40 hours in the work so that's a federal law okay uh there are exemptions um and they're pretty they're fairly specific um so uh there's an exemption uh has bonafied Executives administrative professional and outside sales employees I'll go through these in a you know a little bit just to give you an idea over okay uh it also exempts certain computer employees which I don't think we have um to qualify for the exemption the employees have to meet certain test that their of their job duties and be paid a salary of not less than currently $684 a week which is 35,5 68 however the uh there are new regulations that are that are out and as of July 1 of this year they're raising that to 43888 so if you make under 43888 you are not right you're not entitled to overtime right so uh and and then in January of 2025 it goes to 58656 uh job titles do not determine exempt status in order for an exemption to apply an employee specific job duties and salary must meet all the requirements of the Department's regulations okay so just to give you an idea of uh you know each and I picked out a couple that might apply to us um so there's an EXE cutive exemption now when I say executive you know the two things I'm thinking of is executive and administrative okay however there are two categories exe there's executive and administrative so could but it could overlap so you know but I just want to give you an idea of of to qualify for the exemption so to qualify for the executive exemption um all the following tests have to be met the employee must be compensated on a salary basis at a rate not less than what I just gave you the employees's primary Duty must be managing the Enterprise or managing a customarily recognized department or subdivision of the Enterprise the employee must customarily and regularly direct the work of at least two or more other full-time employees or their equivalent the employeer must have the authority to hire or fire other employees while the employees suggestions and recommendations as to the higher ing firing advancement promotion or any other change or status of other employees must be given particular weight so in our organization only one person could do that yeah so I don't think the I don't think the executives in order I the mayor it's the only person that can hire a fire the and exactly what the administrator but the mayor is what his Direction yes yeah exactly um so no other no in our form of government no other employee other than the mayor or the administrator could hire a fire anybody correct there's no other employee correct that's right all right so that right that pretty much eliminates every employee that works in any Department that would be the exemp that qualif the exemp Ken does that mean I can put in for [Laughter] overtime you're executive I'm only kidding now on the other hand administrative exemptions and that's kind of like another category but you know could fall into what we have so to qualify for the administrative employee exemp all of the following tests must be met the employee must be compensated on a salary or fee basis as the numbers I gave you the employe primary Duty must be the performance of office or non-manual work directly related to the management or general business operations of the employer or the employer's customers and the employees primary Duty includes the exercise of discretion and independent judgment with respect to matters of significance take that for what it's worth Okay so there could be an administrative category all right um the uh there's also a professional exemption not applicable computer employees also not applicable um I according to the the fair labor standards that the exemptions apply only to White Collar employees who meet the salary and duties tests set forth in the regulations the exemption do not apply to manual laborers or other blue collar workers who perform work involving repetive operations with their hands physical skill or energy okay exemptions also do not apply to police officers so that's kind of the overview of of of the overtime thank you so Mr PA I know you're GNA ask me to interpret these in ter okay go ahead so that same flsa indicates that every function for every person has to be identified as exempt or non-exempt right okay so we need to do that and and really the reason this came up and you know it is quite possible I misunderstood Mr Dar Carlo's comments but there's a difference between having a policy to not pay overtime and a policy where people are working Beyond 35 hours and are not being paid over time and what I interpreted Mr D Carlo's comments to be were that we didn't have to budget for overtime because none of our lines include overtime other than um police I believe and DPW uh because of collective bargaining because of collective bargaining correct so so there's no overtime paid anywhere else for any other department but that also means that people who people can't work in excess of 35 hours and that's that's the rub because that's not what I understood that to be the case I understood that they were finishing a task that may take them Beyond 35 hours but they were not being compensated for it because there's a policy of no overtime can I clarify Mr Des if Mr alman's done I don't know if he's done with his comment but I had before you jump in Mr so I mean Mr Mr par would you recommend that the administration look at the salary uh compensation we just had and add an exempt or non-exempt uh teach or gr not no not required okay I just wanted to make sure just implementing whether they get paid or not is so you would he wouldn't be putting into an ordinance okay that's what I want he would do that so our policy indicates that no one will receive overtime without the approval of the chief executive officer which is the mayor since I've been here no one has been approved for overtime overtime with Mr PA just said and under my own research is 40 hours not 30 employes our employees work 35 hours except for the bargain unit members but are we are we providing uh a question that I when I was reading what Mr poer has are we providing comp time to our employees if they work overtime because that becomes a whole different animal that's what I was told have no comp time we don't well do we have comp time do we not have comp time it's in the policy whether we issue it or not so we provide cuz we're providing comp time that's a different animal it said in the in the fair so if we're if somebody's working overtime and then putting in for comp time then we technically are paying them overtime because they are getting paid for the hours on hours they were supposed to have work so if we're doing that then we got to revise this but I don't know I don't know if we are or not I'm just looking at it and saying if we're doing that if that's part of our day-to-day operations which you're in charge of I'm not trying to take that away but if that's a caveat we have that some employees do get get comp time for coming in at different hours or staying late then that's a form of overtime according to that yeah there there's no formal formal comp time and again my understanding overtime is over 40 hours our employees are 35 um you know if someone Works a half hour you know late and I let them go a half hour early another day I do see that is you know our day-to-day operations but there's no formal confine that's being established all right this is my only question any other questions on this Mr R or anybody on the dice so follow do we need to identify the exemp well let me you need to identify you just need to implement so if it's if it takes an identification to do it yeah you should as a matter of practice to do it not a requirement it just you need to comply by paying if there's work if somebody works over time so you know again you don't have to have a formalistic uh being laid out if you wanted to administratively you could but and overtime is defined as time and a half after 40 correct the difference the time between 35 and 40 it's straight time it's not covered by this so if someone Works those five additional hours there there's no protection under the law were over 40 hours they work 39 and a half it's whatever the town decides the policy is but it's 40 hours under this under lab under the fair labor standards Mike I just like to make one additional comment and you correct me if I'm wrong Mark uh our overtime policy that's in the handbook we took basically from Jeff and so they have vetted it and uh you know if they're okay since the town would possibly get sued over I think that lends credibility definitely gives us a leg up right yeah okay thank you yeah um processing fees refunds Mr almond under miscellaneous so this was just a I don't know if we're continuing from the last but we're waving the processing fee for for refunds for sports Recreation things yeah and I just you know there's a cost to do that um if we elect not to do that or if we elect not to recover it that's fine but there is a cost you know there's a cost to process this there's a cost to do ordinances there's a or resolutions there's a cost to prepare the entries there's cost all around so as if we're okay with eating that then that's fine but well do we really need to do a resolution to do a refund Mr parer or because if it's under six out like I'm using like Mr deal said anything under $ 6,660 right was that the magic number was it yeah I mean Mr P not to jump you but I I do have the answer from Mr yeah we do not need a resolution for refunds it's a practice you know but you do not need a resolution for a refund he he definitely said it's definitely best practice to do a resolution for um estro and uh tax refund that I understand but he said even if you don't do a separate resolution for those two there's still a resolution covering the bill list which they're on but he said this is our current practice he wouldn't suggest you know moving moving away from it for tax refunds or for but what about all the other refunds but all the other refunds refunds right what's like the sports yeah do we really have to read all those sometimes like yeah he's not suggesting not to not do it or to do it but he says you're not required to do it so you guys could make a can I make a motion to eliminate all things other than tax and Es did he provide you a list of did were those the only two those are really the only refunds we do recreational you know whether it's facility building yeah and building and building ESC yeah so I think building ESC we still want to see tax we want to see but all the others for recreation if we can eliminate that I'll put a motion to eliminate yeah it saves us some paper and reading time so I'll make a motion to eliminate the uh the refunds for recreational refunds we have a second just for the resolution just for yeah we're still going to give the refunds but we're not we're not going to read them on on the give no refunds um Mike again if I can make a quick comment uh years ago we used to charge a processing fee of like 20 $25 that's when we were issuing checks back to people and that had a cost uh now everything we get through wreck is through Community pass which is credit card uh and so there's no longer what the coordinator does to process a refund go in the community pass yeah we still a 3% fee on it yeah but that's absorbed by the program so again it's not a taxpayer expense yeah yeah but I'm still yeah still note in proportion to how many registers we get for all of our programs the amount of refunds that processing is minimal so I don't want the council to think we're spending big money in processing refunds no it's not a so I'll make a motion to suspend uh to eliminate the re the recreational refunds so I have a second yes Council okay roll call councilman CIO yes councilman Sears yes Council Omen yes Council Wes yes and council president desna yes Zoom public comment hybrid meetings I had asked to put this on the council after um I I I'm I'm all in favor of eliminating Zoom from our meetings I don't think we need to do it any longer I think the pandemic is over and I think it's opening up an Avenue that we don't need um I I think based on the amount of calls we you know we've had in the last six months we've had a couple callers and they've been you know not the nicest of callers they were on there for their own uh Vengeance or whatever you want to call it and I don't see anybody raising their hand ever during the meetings so I'd like to make a motion to suspend the zoom uh part of our meeting going forward for the next meeting Public Public public you want to keep Zoom I want to keep Zoom for us in case somebody's sick or somebody's away and for experts experts Cor I want I want I want to I want to uh discuss this sure a motion second discuss I made a motion so you second this to eliminate it now we'll discuss it after hello let's over I made a motion to eliminate out of the public portion of the you can you have to have a motion motion second discuss to discuss no no it's a motion a second and then you have discuss on okay so so I made the motion Mr Sears had uh seconded it discussion ladies and gentlemen go ahead go ahead can discuss I agree with you 100% that you know if it's that type of um person or Behavior Uh they're too much of a coward to come before us and they they hide on the internet absolutely uh I would just like to leave one option open if there is a sick or handicapped person yes that they reach out to the clerk and the clerk will establish their identity and if they happen to call in on Zoom she will know that that this is the person yes she will give out only a call number to people that are requesting it I have no objection to that um and it would just be like any professional or person on the day instead of coming on Zoom that day you would only get a a a code from Miss wowski so that would be the only way you could access that portion of the meeting so any other discussion I know miss you did you steal his Thunder did you steal your my thunder it well me back did all this research no go ahead um no no no I actually agreed um my issue of getting rid of it totally was for some of the reasons that you stated earlier but as well as as you saw in the packet there were a bunch of different cities where you had to register yeah but those are big cities no no I understand we can you know tone it down but the reason for that was for a resident that could be homebound uh one of our elderly residents who can't drive at night not drive so there are methods that they can register and then miss wowski would send them a link as guess what we'll do is M if it's okay with the rest of the council We'll add a little caveat to the meeting going that you know like we have if anybody has a disability please reach out to the um to the clerk for any disability requirements we'll we'll go forward and if anybody has any disability requirements for the open public portion of the meeting please reach out to the pre for before the next meeting to OB a code so what has been done in the past is usually it opens up let's say the the registrations opens up like Thursday let's say because we have Mondays it'll open up Thursday morning and you have until noon the day of the meeting to register and get you know get it set up so if everybody's okay with that we'll just change the language at the meet at the beginning of the meeting M macowski to read that if anybody has a disability requirement out reach reach out to to you and we'll provide a number and you will obtain a code to register okay for the public portion of the meeting one more question because I know Mr Dar Carlo had sent us that email regarding you know first amendment and whatnot does that does this affect what you had found in your research Mr Dar car in terms of no again I mean it was it was um the recommendation and advice from the labor attorney as how he did research on the First Amendment um and he had given up you know a sample decorum resolution but the decorum resolution is more for a burrow for I read it it's really Geared for a burrow form of government it would have to be retweaked by Mr par because it's not for our form of government because it puts the power in the wrong person but I don't want I don't even want to go there because I think it sets us up for people coming here then to to to you know be obnoxious and rude to us because we're issuing that toor so I think we we leave it alone for now we remove the zoom from the public portion unless you're disabled or you have an issue or and you register first before you come here if everybody's okay with that yes Mr no that's I think that's great but is it one or the other what do you mean well you can't be in person call on Zoom no no no but you mentioned disabled or elderly You Know M wowy will have to use her judgment on to why they're requesting but how am I going to know if somebody's disabled if they're on the phone I mean without getting Hipp I don't know about if they need to register that could be a problem they would know their ad you would know you know their address you'd know where they live they would be a town resident follow up by a phone call back to them to verify they're there they don't have to be a town resident number one well yeah they don't have to be a town resident and whom they they give you yeah I live on 725 do Beach Street sure you can there are some of these links actually have that as a I would have to go back to see spe I put a page in from the zoom link here so when I and I've never done it because we've never had a situation where I can put in there that you are required to register in advance that's one of the pages I gave you so we can do that then they're going to have identification if I have the right to ask them that though under Hippa you don't I don't know I mean you're not getting diagnosis they're comfortable with giving me offering me the information yes well there were like Fields where you could enter that in I'll look at the zoom and see if we can do that can I just make a real quick comment I like uniformity where it makes sense and although we can't impose anything on the zoning and planning I would ask them to do the same thing yeah I was going to say uh councilman Alman and I can bring it back to planning if the council wants to write a quick letter to the zoning board this isoun I'll prepare I'll prepare a quick letter to Z Zing I'll reach out to the zoning board president and uh chairman and make a recommendation to him if you don't have councel is that okay agre all right so Mr Alman and Mr and mayor Kari reach out to planning board and I'll reach out to the chairman of the zoning board and and tell them what we've done for the council and see if he'd like to follow he or she would like to follow do it at uh Board of Health as well because that's open to the public yeah but they don't do recordings oh no it's an Advisory Board they don't do anything like this they'll have to come in person all right uh count uh we're going to move the council meeting safety procedures to close session as for Mr PA's recommendation from miss valz the uh shared service agreement with Ridgewood expanded col stying packaging Recycling services uh Sue and Mr Sears that's coming up we need to U uh renegotiate that so did they ask us for more money or anything or it's the same agreement as it was no I don't think they ask for any money any extra I'm okay with putting on for the next meeting if everybody else is got to call reach out to that stof all right the current agreement in the package I'm lazy I read so I Tom so increase it did not increase did not increase all right um last thing uh we're going to close session resolution number 24- [Music] two want 257 257 yes resolution number 24-25 7 to discuss the council meeting safety procedures motion to enter into Clos session so move second all in favor I let's take a five minute recess so Ricky can turn off the uh cameras and the microphones and we can clear the public out so many people here a [Music]