[Music] I'm going hire him every meeting it's [Music] beautiful start [Music] dancing yes she is here's collect I said I was going to T up the meeting you didn't believe me [Music] that's [Music] right Peter's like the Ryan you know like American American R yeah I do really [Music] oh my God wait wait wait wait hold on you see what he said we should all turn around I'm gu like the voice like the [Music] voice oh that was the best the first of uh there's a guy from delaw it just put you in a good mood yeah I love it yeah I'm going have him play my wedding I want his number that you're coming to I'll come to your wedding I'll come your wedding I'll come with oh yes 1 million yeah Peter's going to turn him into a millionaire Peter's turn gonna turn him into a millionaire his biggest fan thank you so much for reaching out I appreciate it yeah I actually want to I never hit I never hit send yeah I will thank you I really appreciate it I'm ready whenever you are whenever you're ready with me [Music] you want to introduce them or now Luigi how Luigi are you sure s [Music] [Music] ch [Music] [Applause] I like to call the meeting to order it is now 6 605 this is a regular meeting of Council of Washington accordance with the regular deps the national the New Jersey statutes regarding open public meetings notice this meeting was legally advertised in the South Jersey Times as well as posted on the bulletin board in mpal building fire exits are located through the double doors to your left and right please silence all mobile devices this meeting is being videotaped anyone who do not wish to be seen on television may be excused this will be shown on Channel 9 every week Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Wednesday at 700 p.m. Friday at 10 p.m. and Saturday at 10 p.m. will continue until the next meeting this meeting is being live streamed on YouTube you can view it at YouTube wtp production streams please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge Alle the flag flag United States to stands one nation God indivisible libery and justice for roll call Mr tpia here Mr deell here Mr Bennett here Mr Brown here Mr yis President mayor Burns here Mr Russo here Mr Wright here now we're going to move on our presentations [Music] okay as mayor I'm privileged to have the opportunity to recognize and honor two extraordinary women who have dedicated their lives to volunteerism and helping others their selfless commitment to serving our community has left an lasting impression on C on countless lives and their contributions are truly commendable if Michelle friend Fran aone and Renee d uh Randy davidon would please come up first I want to express exess my heartfelt gratitude to Michelle Fran auni her dedication to volunteerism spans decades and her impact on our community is in measurable whether it's organizing community events leading charitable initiatives or providing support to those in need Michelle has always been at the Forefront of making a difference her compassion kindness and tireless efforts have touched the hearts of many and we are incredibly fortunate to have her as a Beacon of Hope and inspiration in our midst next I want to extend my sinc sinere appreciation to Randy Davidson her lifelong commitment to helping others embodies the true spirit Spirit of altruism and service Randy's tenure as president of The Washing Township Rotary Club has been nothing short of exceptional throughout her leadership Randy has embodied the core principles of rotary's motto service before self in every aspect of her work her dedication to serving others goes beyond mere words it is deeply ingrained part of who she is from her previous role as mayor of Washington Township to her current position at Rowland College of cell Jersey Randy has consistently demonstrated a profound commitment to helping those in need her tireless efforts boundless compassion and dedication to community service have left a permanent mark on our Township and Beyond ry's leadership style is marked by genuine concern for the well-being of others under her Guidance the washingtonp Rotary Club has flourished initiating initiating and supporting numerous projects that have positive imp on the lives of countless individuals Randy's passion for service shines through everything she does her ability to inspire others to join her in making a difference is a testament to her leadership skills and commitment to the rotary's mission as we reflect on ry's tenure as president of the Washington rotary club we are reminded of the profound profound impact one individual can have when guided Sorry by the principles of service and compassion we we we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Randy for her outstanding leadership vision and dedication to helping others her Legacy of service will continue to inspire and uplift our community for years to come together these two remarkable women exemplify the best of what our community stands for compassion unity and the power of giving back their tireless efforts and commitment to service have made a profound difference in the lives of so many and for that we are internally grateful please join me in expressing our deepest gratitude and AD admiration for the incredible contributions to our [Music] community absolutely here you guys can have the mic you want to come around I don't know where you know once a mayor always a mayor you got to say something right you can't you can't walk away um I just I'm so honored thank you so much to the council mayor um but I do want to accept this on behalf of my rotary family because you're not um a a standalone band you have an orchestra of people who are with with you always and that's the wonderful thing about rotary you always have people to back you up and we do wonderful things but it's a community and I also want to dedicate this to my son Paul who got me inspired to be a rotarian and because of rotary I had the opportunity to finish the journey he could not so thank you so much Michelle would you like to say next that's okay yes I just want to say thank you so much I'm really really honored to to get this award I do want to have I do have to give a plug for where I I live and breathe every day the volunteer Center of South Jersey we're located over at the Rowan College of South Jersey I am very passionate about keeping people engaged in volunteerism and ging giving back it's it's just I sleep very well at night for what I do every day and I enjoy that and I'm very very uh passionate about getting the younger the Next Generation and cultivating that next generation of volunteers it's really important right now so I just wanted to say thank you again for everything thank you Anthony I know you wanted to say a couple things about Randy thank you Michelle it's first time I got to meet you so congratulations thank you for all you do Randy you kind of stole my thunder um you know as mayor and uh the last year and a half I got to know you at Rotary and our rotary family is important tell us um it's not what you do but it's who you are and you are very special to everyone you've touched a lot of hearts and you're a great family person I see you at soccer with your grandchildren so not only are you out day and night working for you know your constituents you're there for your family as well and um you know I always said it's not what you do it's who you do it with and that's what our rotary is I mean I look for as much as rotary is great I love the people more so thank you for everything you do please continue to do what you do and we'll be here to support you move forward do it with the family yes thank you [Applause] [Music] did you have more no I just want I just wanted to add today when I was in the shopping center to act me I ran into Luigi and uh I hearing him play that music was perfect time for these two wonderful ladies they really are inspiring both of you inspiring both as a mentor just as people so it really can learn so much from both them so thank you very much for both of you Luigi uh meeting you today was really a highlight I'm saying wow this is like the perfect you I believe in that sence and perfect timing so thank you so much [Applause] thank somebody May your [Applause] yeah we could let you go yes it's a oh yeah [Music] [Applause] p [Music] how was that good good [Music] You Can Dance May no no no I haven't been here long enough to show you my dance I'll never be here long enough to show you my dance we saw his baseball moves that was enough where where are the appetizers at rich is like I was to Car Mar half power ago leave it to Rich to think about [Music] food I'm at H for every day just be my office all day put leit was you just playing with the Acy [Music] yeah make sure you give his name and all yeah all [Music] right thank Luigi [Applause] can I get a motion to approve the bill list for April 24th 20124 so move second roll call please Mr YZ yes Mr pennet yes Mr Brown yes Mr Delia yes Mr deell yes can I get a motion to approve the regular minutes for April 10th 2024 motion second roll call please Mr Jin yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr deell yes so can uh we were supposed to have an executive session tonight that's been canceled no no no that's the from last week oh this is from okay can I get a motion to approve the executive session minutes from April 10th 2024 motion second roll call please Mr jurus yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr debella yes moving on ordinance 00324 ordance amending the township Washington Township Code chapter 2 Administration Article 4 Department of Law this ORD suffer adoption if public hearing can I get a motion open to public participation make that move second all in favor I now open to public anybody like to speak about this seeing none motion to close to the public motion second all in favor I can I get a motion to approve the ordinance 003 d24 I'll make that motion second roll call please Mr JZ yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr deell yes the following resolutions are by consent agenda only require vote for all listed each one must be read by title if any member of the council wishes to have one removed or heard separately they need to indicate prior to the reading of the titles anyone need anything read separate no I would like to pull out resolution 135 and do that one separately okay anyone else okay Madam clerk can you please read the resolution please we got to do a motion to take it out right motion motion we don't that's what thought okay yep Madam clerk please read the resolutions you want to do 135 first yeah you want to do the first yeah please Okay resolution r135 2024 resolution approving the agreement between the township of Washington and PBA local 318 effective January 1st 2024 through December mber 31st 2027 before we vote on this I think Council vice president like to talk a little bit about it yeah so I wanted I didn't want just to kind of get bury where everything else um detective Sims is in in the audience uh this has been six seven months going on and this is a new contract between the town of Washington and the police department um there's been a lot of things have been struggling that we I hope we fix with this um to get us new quality recruits and keep the keep the quality we have um everybody says there are negotiations who won I think this one both won um I think the police got a lot of good things you can't put a value on what they do but we have to be financially responsible to the town and I think this contract does both for the town and for the police department so um I didn't want this just to get thrown in with a group of resolutions so I wanted to pull it out and I want to thank detective Sims for all he did uh Russo uh thank you for all you did to get this there it was a smooth process and um I'm glad both parties work work for this so thank you thank you Council vice president sto my thunder roll call please a motion motion to approve R 135-20 2024 I'll make that motion I'll second roll call please Mr jurz yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr debella yes resolution yes resolution r131 resolution authorizing refund of tax overpayments resolution r132 resolution cancelling taxes for Raymond razelli totally disabled veteran block 1707 Lot 8 to Buffalo Run effective April 9th 2024 r33 resolution authorizing an emergency temporary appropriation of funds R 13 34 resolution awarding a contract through the Camden County Educational Services Cooperative to South Jersey Turf concer LLC for Turf application and service for the Washington Township Soccer leing Memorial complex r136 2024 resolution authorizing the mayor to sign a community benefits agreement between the table Washington Township lihtc for the 100% affordable senior project known as churchwood at Washington Township located at 4500 Black Horse Pike block 113 Lots 23 24 and 25 R 137 resolution authorizing mayor to sign the amendment to the pay payment and L of taxes pilot agreement for the county house Village project on block 16 Lot 8 R 138 resolution establishing a Mount Laurel subcommittee and appointing members to assist the Township in complying with its affordable housing obligations r139 2024 resolution authorizing the mayor to sign documents to subordinate the Township's loan for the Millstream apartment's affordable housing project on block six Lots 2 2.01 and three can I get a motion approve resolutions r131 d24 to r139 d24 motion second roll call please Mr yurz yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr deell yes moving on to any old business new business reports start with councilman yurkus uh thank you uh did want to report as I mentioned at the last meeting that April is uh Earth Day recognition month and Arbor Day and uh this coming Friday at noon uh over at the pollinator Gardon next to this the dog park in Washington Lake Park uh several trees are going to be planted by the open space committee uh anyone who wishes to come along and join in uh you're welcome to attend again that's noon this Friday at the pollinator Garden next to the dog park at Washington Lake Park I think the entrance is off of Chapel Heights Road Vicki the entrance it's off of uh chapal he Road okay thank you thank you coun you're good Council Bennett also as part of the environmental there will be a bird walk at uh washing Lake Park this Saturday the 27th at 7:30 a.m. uh Leon I guess will be our leader um and then also um on Saturday April 27th from 9 to noon milkweed and marago giveaway that's at the Green Tree entrance to uh Washington Lake Park um also this weekend uh since I'm the L on to the oldstone house historical preservation the car show the 16th annual car show will be happening you know we want people in the town to come out uh you know it's an event where they do raise money to help the old stone village and also the Morgan house so do please come out and uh check out the cars uh spend some money with the vendors and we have you know different Raffles and also uh uh you know different events going on and as usual I think the the C uh the police chief put out a brand new thing on the web page it says slow down give us a break slow down or you pay up so I want to commend um uh Chief Pat BC on the radar it's important that we get the people to slow down in this town now that it's starting to get warmer we got to make sure sure that we're aware of um kids are out more frequently on bikes walking going to Parks um and then my last thing is complete stops at your stop sign go look both ways right and left don't just roll through that that stop sign so that's it for me all right thank you councilman Council Brown today the library had there for love of tree event unfortunately I was working couldn't attend but how'd that go Vicki good and then uh we'll have some more events coming up in may keep an eye um on the website and as soon as I get the information I will pass it along uh I want to thank chief gersc for um handling a community issue uh Chief the residents were happy and they wanted me to express my Express their thanks to you um they were very appreciative um one of the things we got to keep in mind now uh the three-year project on Route 42 is going to be getting its full swing uh we are going to experience some inconveniences a lot of the work is going to be at night but we also have to watch out for new traffic patterns and uh keep in mind uh the workers uh their safety is important so we need to watch our speeds and be more vigilant when out there driving on the Pike um in work zones and lastly um Council played the wild cats this weekend it was a an experience it was a great game uh we did escape with no injuries um and as usual we lost um but looking forward to do that again next year it was a very great Community event um a lot of people came out to watch and it was fun so thanks to all the employees that played um and uh we need to practice a little bit more next year and councilman dth uh had the only home run of the game so thank you that's all um one I guess we're going to get Vicky a microphone moving forward keep throwing out to Vicki um thanks Vick um no I just want much softball game it was a great day opening day to parade um everybody was there um maybe next year we can get you know Joe Russo to play um but no it was a fun time um Dona speaking for himself about injuries I know I was sore for a few days um one of the people just walked in Johnny Sawyer was a big part of putting it together thank you to her her husband and her team um it's a it's a great event it it it's a way for us to show that you know we are a part of these programs as well and uh it was good so Chief thanks for playing did a good job out there I know you were sore like I was when we talk but uh it was a great time and I I just want to thank Luigi um councilman D called me told me found v l today I I had no idea what he was talking about I didn't believe him so uh thank you for coming the great music and it's been a great addition thank you it's an hon to be here and i' like to thank you again for inviting thank you thank you that's all I have thanks first today is um Administrative Professionals Day and I'd just like to give a shout out and say thank you to all of our employees for what they do to keep the Township offices running smoothly your hard work and dedication is truly appreciated um second this past weekend was a softballs opening day as they all said and I just want to say thank you for to the organization for inviting us to participate in such a funfield day and a special thank you to the wild cats for showing us just how awful our softball schools are but despite how despite how awful they are we really did have a blast it was a lot of fun um and a shout out to Ros Su for being our sponsor and thirdly I want to um promote again the washingt veterans wall of Honor plaques are available for veterans who are residents at the time of their military service current residents immediate family members of current residents and applications can be obtained um at the municipal building and I believe there's a link on our website it that you can get it and download it as well um having a plaque on the wall is a meaningful way to honor and recognize the service and sacrifice of our veterans and their families it serves um as a lasting tribute to their dedication and bravery ensuring that their contributions are remembered and appreciated by the community additionally being able to see the names of loved ones displayed on the wall back there um can provide a sense of Pride and comfort for veterans and their families knowing that their service is valued and respected overall having a plaque on the wall is is a powerful symbol of gratitude and Remembrance serving as a constant reminder of the sacrifices made for their greater good that's all I have Mr no reports Mr Right no reports okay yeah read you first okay yeah first let's do a move in silence for Donald Payne uh Jr who was actually a congressman who passed away today from a heart attack so please let's keep his family in our prayers thank you first I want to congratulate uh Randy and Michelle they really are inspirational people they really made such a difference in our town in our community they do so many great things I it's so so important to honor both of them want to thank Ras for their D and donate they had over 600 people there it's amazing what we can do as a community and it's amazing the businesses that step up and really want to be part of it so thank you so much for them and I want to just talk touch upon that for a second with business closing you know you I try not to read things online but people send me different things I want everybody know we are not defined by the business that close in our town I know a lot of people are upset about the CVS closing first of all CVS and TD Bank are huge corporations and and the rise of companies like Amazon have hurt these type of of companies right so they don't have the need for these physical locations like they they once did but that doesn't Define us what defin us is how we treat each other what defines us is what we do for the businesses that are here right what Reus did for for a family right that's what defines as a community not not the businesses that close right and what we take from this is what can we do better you know a lot of this construction that's going to be happening on the Black Horse Pike is not going to be pretty right when it's all done in three years it it'll look nice but we have to remember these businesses on the blackr plate we can't forget them I know we're going to avoid it because of traffic but let's not forget they're there let's remember that that these are our neighbors our friends our family that own these businesses let's continue to shop local and and let's you know try to change that that Trend as much as possible we'll never be defined by businesses that close you know we love the businesses open unfortunately I've made that decision myself sometimes to close businesses it's not an easy decision it's different from a CVS level but think about the people who work there right sometimes they're able to get jobs in other places sometimes they're not so think about those people and if you're one of those people reach out to us we have a great Community um Center down at the Gloucester County a job center where we could try to find you another job here within the county maybe in here within Washington Township I know a lot of places are looking so if you're that person please reach out to us don't feel embarrassed reach out we'll if we could find you something we we definitely will uh I touched on the on the blacker bike and then just wanted to thank uh Council vice president for working on this Police contract I I want to just kind of picky back on some of the things he said it's so important that the the men women uh and and and blue know that that we support them uh the detective Sims thank you so much thank you for for really I hope this this inspired some people to become police officer I know that starting pay was low hopefully this this inspir people to want to come out and really want to be within our town I hope this this says to people like we do care about your service and we do truly appreciate appreciate you hopefully this is a starting point we'll continue to do that uh if there's anything else please please just just let us know that's all I have yeah sure of course um I wanted to remind everyone that uh this year's annual Red Cross Battle of the badges blood drive will be at the senior center April 30th from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 uh this is where you can donate in the name of the fire department or in the name of the police department and we'll see who is the winner this year uh that's April 30th at the senior center on located on Green Street Road from 10:00 in the morning till 8:00 at night and hopefully uh Super Saturday which is scheduled for May 11th 10: to 4: will not be a rain out this year but come out support your community uh especially those in need of Blood by donating on April 30th I'm sure that our police and fire would be very happy to see us and uh oh at the senior center of the flea market in pray fair is May 18th they are accepting vendors to reserve your table stop by the senior center to pick up an application so any vendors out there um we had a few at the softball uh game this past Saturday uh come on out uh we get great crowds at our functions and I'm sure you'll do well both at the Super Saturday and the senior center flea market and uh I think that's it Peter Peter can I I think that pattle of the badges is actually here not at the senior center yes it's actually it's it's here it's not at the senior because I signed up and I P this so the battle badges is here at this building in this room um I'd like to add um that the primary election will be held on Tuesday June 4th the deadline to register to vote um is May 14th forms can be obtained in the per office um or at the Board of Elections um our Municipal complex summer hours will begin on May 31st and Runway August 30th offices will be closed on Friday from Memorial Day from I'm sorry from Memorial Day to labor night anybody who would like to go to our beautiful Park to uh have their job have some exercise theer Lake Park is open we do have permits available here at the park office if anybody would like to license their dog to um go over over to our our Park all right last thing I want to add is is May 12th is Mother's Day so wishing all the mothers out there a Happy Mother's Day especially my mom and and Meg who's also a wonderful mother now we're going to move on to public participation please follow public toor posted which has been attached to the public agenda and limit your comments to 5 minutes once you've completed your comments or questions please take a seat and I'll I'll ask if any member of the governing body or their designate which should address your comments or questions by the person who just spoke can I get a mission a motion to open to the public please motion second all in favor all right we are now open to public if anybody like to speak Maxine no okayo mayor [Music] good there you go now you got it how's that oh right perfect well good evening and um I just wanted to a some of the statements that were made before about all of our wonderful April celebrations um we've already mentioned that Arbor Day is on Friday and as part of that we are planting some trees in Cedar Lake Park near the dog park um it actually is the kickoff to a big CommunityWide tree planting campaign and that is what we're calling Washington Township Relief l e AF f get it and uh as part of that what we're hoping to do is plant 5,000 trees over the next 10 years that's partly planted by the municipality um and I think mostly planted by the community um and to demonstrate how that can happen on May 5th one of those events that was mentioned we are Distributing uh more than 500 perhaps 600 barel root tree seedlings that people can grow in their own yards and it's always been very very successful we've distributed several hundred each year and I hope that our council members will come out again as you always do to help us distribute those um so we think that'll be a great start and we'll be able to make a very large mark this year and we're looking to community organizations to help us plant all those trees we think it's important because um it's kind of a losing battle you know we want development we want good things to happen in town but there are not many clear flat areas left and that means that as development occurs developers are looking to tree lots and when we lose those trees there is some compensation that we require but it's never enough it's a losing battle so we're trying to make up for that and I think we can do it and will be a tree community so just wanted to mention that um also wanted to say that on this Saturday we're Distributing our milked and maragold plants that's part of our Monarch rescue project for monarch butterflies and again we will have oh gosh I I forgotten the number now but we'll be Distributing more than 800 milk we plants and nearly as many maragold plants and again we're hoping that council members and Madam mayor if you're free come out and join us um Mr Russo you're welcome as well uh but in any event that's always a very successful event too and um if I can I don't want to steal any Thunder but on Saturday this Saturday the 27th um that is also National Drug takeback day now our police department does that every single day um you can drw drop off unused or unwanted medication to a Dropbox right in the police Lobby and no questions asked and in fact it's the safest way to dispose of unwanted medication um there is a national effort to do that twice a year Saturday is one of those dates so that's just kind of a reminder to everybody but you can actually do that any day of the year visit our police department and they take care of it for you thank you thank you [Music] anyone else wishing to speak seeing n make a motion to close motion all in favor I the next council meeting was scheduled for uh I'm sorry the executive session will be canceled for tonight there will be no executive session the next council meeting is is scheduled for May 15th 2024 6 p.m. can I get motion to adjourn second all in favor this meaning is adjourned take us way [Music] Luigi s good song I don't know yeah yeah yeah [Music] he's going to play my [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll give it to you [Music] listen that was my sales P when I had my franchise right because I tell you l no one's ever cash more bad checks than me but I cash a lot of good ones too so yeah she Jack about milk it's [Music]