[Music] I'd like to call this meeting to order is 6:02 p.m. this is a regular meeting of the township of Washington in accordance with the requirements of the New Jersey statutes regarding open public meetings notice of this meeting was legally advertised in the cier post in the South Jersey Times and posted on a Bolton board in the municipal building fire exits are located through the double doors to your left and right please silence all mobile devices this meeting is being videotaped anyone who does not wish to be seen on television may be excused this will be shown on Comcast channel 9 every week Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Friday at 10 p.m. and Saturday at 10 p.m. and we'll continue till the next meeting this meeting is being live streamed on YouTube and can be found at wttv Productions under live or on the agenda which is on the township official website please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please be seated roll call please Mr Bennett here Mr Brown here Mr delpia here Mr yoris President Mr delbello here mayor Burns here Mr Russo Mr Wright here we're going to move on to our presentations first we have the swearing in promoted police officer Andrew Nicholas to Sergeant by mayor Burns and chief gark for e [Applause] next I like to call up the Girl Scouts who have a presentation Community Partners play a crucial role in fostering collaboration building stronger communities and achieving shared goals that is exactly what what our Girl Scouts here tonight have accomplished with their annual dessert crawl fundraiser this past June Ashley Candace and Jill from the Girl Scouts along with their troops 62 310 61080 and 62324 are all here to do a presentation to the companies that participated in the dessert crawl [Music] hi good evening everyone I'm delighted to share with you the incredible success of the second annual Girl Scout dessert crawl organ organized by the Girl Scouts of Washington Township this year's event held from June 7th to June 9th brought together our community in support of a wonderful cause thanks to the generosity and dedication of our local small businesses Mama bums Donuts Edible Arrangements sweet talk Cafe Dolce Vita J and Ria Sweet Creations we were able to raise almost $4,000 each of these businesses not only donated up to 500 desserts but also invested their time and creativity to create unique treats inspired by different Girl Scout cookies I am pleased to announc that the top selling troops during the dessert crawl were troops 6231 with 69 tickets sold troops 61080 with 63 tickets sold and Troop 62324 with 36 tickets sold their hard work and enthusiasm truly made a significant impact all proceeds from this fundraiser will go directly to the Girl Scouts of Washington Township supporting activities such as camper stem activities community events like trunk or treat and the Taylor Swift dance these funds ensure that our Girl Scouts continue to have access to enriching experiences that shape their Futures I want to extend my deepest gratitude to everyone who participated volunteered or supported this event in any way your commitment to our community and its is truly inspiring let's continue to work together to create more opportunities for our Girl Scouts and build an even stronger more Super supportive Community can kind of like for [Applause] 6108 and Maria and then we have Matt from Sweet Cafe [Applause] we can wait a minute if anybody wants to leave before the meeting gets started for okay we're going to go to the bill list can I get a motion to approve the bill list for July 24th 2024 motion second roll call please Mr yuris yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr delello yes minutes can I get a motion to approve the public budget meeting minutes for June 25th 2024 and the regular meeting minutes for June 26 2024 motion second roll call please Mr jurus yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr Del barell yes going to move on to the budget resolution 205 resolution for conducting a public hearing for the option of the 2024 Municipal budget can I get a motion to approve resolution 205 motion roll call Mr yurus yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr delello yes anyone wishing to speak on the 2024 Municipal budget please come up to the podium and state your name and address okay we going to go back here can I get a motion to open to the public motion second all in favor I is anyone wishing to speak on the 2024 Municipal budget please come forward seeing none can I get a motion to close to the public for the 2024 Municipal budget motion to close second roll call please Mr yurus yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr delello yes resolution 206 resolution amending the 2024 minicipal budget for the township of Washington County of Gloucester can I get a motion to approve resolution 206 second roll call please Mr yurkus yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr delello yes resolution 207 resolution adopting the 2024 Municipal B can I get a motion to approve resolution 204 motion second roll call please Mr yurus yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr delello yes going to move on to ordinances ordinance Six B ordinance providing for various 2024 Capital Improvements by and in the township of Washington the county of gler state of New Jersey per creating $ 4,310 therefore and authorizing the is issuance of $ 4,945 in bonds or notes of the township to finance part of the cost thereof ordinance six is up for adoption after a public hearing can I get a motion to open to the public for ordinance six all in favor anyone wishing to speak on ordinance 6 please come forward and state your name and address to the podium seeing none can I get a motion to close to the public for ordinance six motion second all in favor can I get a motion to adopt ordinance six second roll call please Mr yurus yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr Del barello yes ordinance seven ordinance fixing the salaries of certain officers and employees of the township of Washington ordinance 7 is up for adoption after a public hearing can I get a motion to open to the public for ordinance 7 motion all in favor I anyone wishing to speak on ordinance 7 please come forward seeing none can I get a motion to close to the public for ordinance 7 motion second all in favor I can I get a motion to adopt ordinance 7 motion second roll call please Mr yurus yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Mr Brown yes Mr Delia yes Mr Del barell yes ordinance eight ordinance of the township of Washington amending Washington Township Code chapter 213 entitled storm water control to add article 8 privately owned salt storage ordinance 8 is up for adoption after a public hearing can I get a motion to open to the public for ordinance 8 motion second all in favor I anyone motion to speak on ordinance 8 please come forward seeing none can I get a motion to close to the public for ordinance 8 motion second all in favor I can I get a motion to adopt ordinance 8 motion second roll call please Mr yuris yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr delello yes ordinance n ordance of the township of Washington repealing and replacing Washington Township Code chapter 214 entitled storm water management ordinance 9 is up for adoption after a public hearing can I get a motion to open to the public for ordinance 9 motion all in favor I anyone wishing to speak on ordinance 9 please come forward seeing none can I get a motion to close to the public for ordinance nine motion second all in favor I can I get a motion to adopt ordinance nine motion second roll call Mr yurus yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr delello yes ordinance 10 ordinance of the township of Washington County of gler in state of New Jersey repealing and replacing chapter 212 Solid Waste and Recycling management ordinance 10 is up for adoption after public hearing various Capital Improvements and related expenses in and for the township can get a motion to open to the public for ordinance 10 second all in favor I anyone wishing to speak on ordinance 10 please come forward seeing none can I get a motion to close to the public for ordinance 10 motion second all in favor I can I get a motion to adopt ordinance 10 motion second roll call please Mr yoris yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr delber yeah going to move on to resolutions the following resolutions are by consent agenda and only require a vote for all listed each one must be read by title if any member of the council wishes to have one removed and heard separately they need to indicate it prior to the reading of the titles does anyone need anything read separately or up resolution 218 separ 28 okay he anyone else okay uh I'm going to turn over to Barb please read res resolutions resolution 20 208 resolution of the township Council of the township of Washington extending the tax due date for the third quarter 2024 property taxes resolution 209 resolution cancelling taxes for a totally disabled veteran at 11 clearbook Lane effective June 24th 2024 resolution 210 resolution canceling taxes for a totally disabled veteran 5 Lansbrook Court effective June 24th 2024 resolution 211 resolution authorizing an online auction on August 13th and 14th 2024 for the sale of Municipal property which is no longer needed for public use and authorizing the proper official to sign an agreement resolution 212 resolution approving the release of a maintenance guarantee for Kennedy University Hospital Phase 1 temporary parking lot and Lighting 588 Egg Harbor Road resolution 213 resolution approving the release of a maintenance guarantee for Kennedy University Hospital phase B portion of the new parking 588 Egg Harbor Road resolution 214 resolution approving the release of a maintenance guarantee for Kennedy University Hospital proposed patient Pavilion and parking structure 588 Egg Harbor Road resolution 215 resolution authorizing a change order from arak Paving Company for fiscal year 2021 New Jersey Department of Transportation Bell's Lake Road improvements Phase 2 resolution 216 resolution authorizing the release of a performance guarantee for Wawa and Burger King located at 101 and 108 Egg Harbor Road Su New Jersey resolution 27 resolution of the township of Washington approving a one-year extension of resolution r 92 a resolution of support of an application for a class 5 cannabis retail facility for greenvine LLC resolution 219 resolution of the mayor and Committee of the township of Washington requesting a six-month extension of of time for Award of a Construction contract from the New Jersey Department of Transportation for fiscal year 2022 Johnson R pedestrian improvements projects resolution 220 resolution adopting and affordability assistance manual resolution 221 resolution adopting a prototypical service agreement for the township of Washington resolution 222 resolution to retract request for proposal for foreclosure attorney for the township of Washington resolution 223 resolution approving the corrective action plan for audit report year 2023 resolution 224 resolution authorizing settlement of potential liability for Pure Earth Recycling super fund site thank you Barb can I get a motion to approve resolutions 208 to 217 and 219 to 224 motion second roll call please Mr yis yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr delello yes so go bring back to resolution 218 resolution 218 resolution requesting South transportation to reduce tolls at exit 41 on the Atlantic City Expressway during Route 42 construction C Brown just a comment on that we're allware and the construction that has uh Department of Transportation is embarked on Route 42 um in an effort and hope to um reduce traffic and have safety for not only the drivers but the workers we're going to uh Senate resolution with hopefully the support of Senator Mor Ary um and assemblyman Hutchinson and Miller to support a resolution to get a toll reduction during um commuting hours to hopefully encourage people to uh seek alternate routes such as the Atlantic City Expressway and not use Route 42 during construction so that's it thank you councilman Brown can I get a motion to approve resolution 218 so move second roll call please Mr yurus yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr Del barello yes going to move on to all business new business and reports starbo councilman Yus thank you um I wanted to let the public know that a lot of work went into the budget this year I'm sure that everyone who has a budget at home has seen an increase in groceries gasoline insurance medical we're all affected by it and uh I think a big Appo all the department heads here in our municipality who worked very hard the O came before us last month went through their budgets Some Cuts were made uh unfortunately uh as we found out that the revenue couldn't keep up with the increases so there is going to be a slight increase but I think uh the big shout out should go out to those people that participated in this in the municipality a lot of hard work was done and everyone in this building uh should be congratulated for a very good job and um I'm appreciative of the work that was done and went into this so thank you all department heads uh you deserve a round of applause uh the other thing I want to make mention was Spring Lake project uh we had gotten uh some money awarded for the dam and the work to be done out there and I want to let you know that um is being reviewed by the state of New Jersey environmental depart Department of Environmental Protection probably work won't start until next year next summer but I want to let those residents out there know uh that work is progressing and hopefully uh this time next year you'll see some big improvements out there um and that's all thank you thank you councilman yurus councilman Bennett a couple things uh yes I'd like to thank the administration working with us with the mayor to to get the budget to where it was where it needs to be um no one's happy with any type of increase uh but we need to be transparent to you the citizens of Washington Township and make sure you're aware of what we're doing for the best interest of the town and the best interest looking down the line so we're it's not looking for this year we're looking down the line to make sure that we're fiscally responsible and looking at the cost in in the future um also real quick is that uh restaurant week will be uh September 27th 22nd to the 27th in Washington Township um the uh Chamber of Commerce is helping us work with the restaurants doing that we'll have more information in the August meeting and I'll have uh Nicole come and get a little uh uh session for that uh from that standpoint another thing is that uh with the summer we have to also make sure that we slow down uh there's a lot more kids out and about in the streets uh and make sure that you keep out an eye out for that make sure you're doing the speed limit as I always say is that slow down whatever the speed limit is in the in your area for that residential which is usually 25 make sure you're following it it makes a big difference uh and just let you know that the police chief is having his uh uh police officers bre tickets so this is not a game you need to slow down so and that is it thank you councilman Bennett C Brown I too want to reiterate what council New York as councilman Bennett said uh was really long session to go through the budget and get it to where we could keep the uh fiscal responsible budget thank you to the mayor and other Administration for the hard work they did and the department heads who put a lot of time and effort into it um attended the 4th of July prayed uh with all members of the council and the mayor and thank them uh Public Works Lisa Collins and police Fire EMS who were on duty that night and kept everybody safe uh was well attended event we all had a great time uh lots of exercise uh but again thank you to everybody who came out and worked that parade and made it enjoyable for all the residents um from the library next Wednesday night July 31st they're having their annual truck night uh in the parking lot there's flyers on the front table um it's probably good for uh kids to go out and touch a truck um that seems to be a trend these days so uh again July 31st 6:30 p.m. and a [Music] uh um Saturday August 10th at 1 pm uh ja or I'm sorry Andrew Tim Kierney will be there uh he's a World War II veteran he'll be discussing his um be discussing his event or his part in World War II I attended it last year was very very well presented um and he has a lot of information and uh a lot of stories so again August 10th 1 p.m. at the library that's it thank you councilman Brown it was like a walk up song for a baseball team he come walking in as music was playing uh Mr Wright problem thank you Mr Russo no problem thank you Mrs mayor just a few things um I again would like to thank Colette Jim Joe and everybody that was involved with the budget this was my first one and again it wasn't easy it wasn't you know but we got it done and it's approved and I thank you guys all for that um and I also want to remind everybody National Night Out is August 6th from 6: to 9: at the park um July Fourth was great I'm glad I think we all had a good time at that event um also right before our meeting today at 5:00 we revealed we were with the veterans board Advisory Board along with um councilman Brown and Bennett and Council uh vice president Del delapa where we re unveiled a parking spot for veteran outside in the municipal parking spot but we also did seven others throughout town I'm going to turn this off because it keeps buzzing in my ear um we did seven other ones around town there's one at the library there's one at the dog park there's one at the senior center there's one here and there's four actually in Washington Lake Park two by uh one by the amphitheater one at field six and there's two spots with Signs by the um Ranger Station where the bathrooms are and where snack us um and they are dedicated to our veterans and then thank you Mr Mayor casin Deo on the spot here well first of all I apologize for being late got a got a got a couple things I want to go over first thing is um we have been doing something called we were saying walking your shoes it's actually working in your shoes We're Coming working inside your business here in Washington Township mayor and I were just working in the park this past uh Saturday we worked with Lenny and Dana's Party Reynolds Lenny uh he he worked us it was a lot of fun we're actually working tomorrow at sto's water ice so anybody wants to stop by at six o'clock we'll be we'll be there working at stos and we have other businesses are supposed to we're supposed to do the weather we're supposed to demo a deck uh make balloon animals I mean it's all kinds of crazy things that we're going to be doing uh to find out what you do we're working in your shoes we're finding out what your business does here in Washington Township to try to help and serve you better so that's something another thing I want to touch on is that we had an idea basically as a group to come up with a pledge let's be honest the elections in this town have gotten out of control the nastiness on both sides is is and the negativity has just become too much so we're signing a pledge uh we actually have two Mayo candidates and two Council candidates and everyone agreed all six agreed to sign the pledge it'll be a pledge based on that they'll just tell you what their vision is for Washington Township no negativity no haes you know just things that that are positive for washing town so we're very excited about this we think it's something that we're hoping that other towns and the county will adopt we think it's something that that's so needed in in in our world today where we just have just people come up and tell us what their ideas are so we're very excited about that we'll give you up the date on when that pledge is going to be signed we'll have a picture and we'll have all all six candidates signed and then hands and take a picture and we'll go from there the last thing obviously is the tax increase how how do we get here let's be honest with each other nobody wants their taxes to go up I have three children under the age of five I just signed somebody kids up for the for the I think it's called the five 529 and I'd rather put that money inside for them I'd rather take them on a trip I'd rather do something better than pay taxes with that money let's be honest but we got here because a pass Administration unfortunately didn't manage the money properly and if we didn't do this we'd have massive layoffs and let me tell you what that looks like so before I got here today I got a call from our clerk's office Susie and our clerk's office called me and said that a gentleman reached out he had no food tonight he was here in Washington Township he had no food he wanted to know about the food program we do have a food pantry that operates here tomorrow and she said uh can you make it through the night he says I have nothing to eat tonight so she reached out to Drew uh she didn't hear back from him then she reached out to me and I couldn't help him at that point I was in a car so I reached out to the council vice president he called up the McDonald's because he's he's doing something there and they made sure he got fed tonight so that's the kind of staff that we have and that's why we can't have layoffs if you walk around this building and you see the people that work here I can't name one that isn't working hard for you and you know what they do more of a job than any mayor or any ccil can do they keep this town running they're amazing I'm honored to work with them every single day so I couldn't see a a a building where we had to let some of them go because they're so valuable to this town and if you if you get if you want a tour and you want to know who they are come come in I'll introduce you to them they work hard I we spent a lot of time in this building all of us and and getting to see what they do and how much they care about this town that wasn't an option but here are some options we have some great things that are happening on our Black Horse Pike we have some great things that are happening on on our on our dely drive we will turn this around this will never be like this always it it seems gloomy now it seems dark right now but that's where I feel like I I excel and the people I work with here and the people in this building all feel the same way it's not going to be like this for forever right we did have to make some hard Cuts we made sure that that wasn't staff we did make sure that that we we got rid of things that weren't important and this Council didn't add things on there weren't necessary we didn't you know even the park that the council vice president's working on he's doing that through through grants he's doing that through money from the state he's doing that through money that that through fundraising but not from taxpayers so we try to do projects that we don't have to raise taxes through taxpayers we haven't added any projects on that were going to cost taxpayers any more money but I do promise you that we are working hard for you we will continue to work hard for you we do feel like that the future is really bright uh anybody who's struggling uh we understand I'm a father all of us up here have children we understand there's better places you can put your money than taxes but this this is not the the end all be all we will get this right we will continue to work hard for you if anybody has any questions we're not hiding we're here for you our numbers are out there reach out to us if you're having an issue or this is going to put you in some kind of is reach out to us we we'll help you and and the very very last thing I promise you is that the congressman Rec had an event over in Camden County had really great vendors there everybody from around the state from New Jersey transit to food banks to well food banks to uh BSA all kinds of different Jersey programs I got a lot of gr information I'll be posting up on social media continue to look out for that and we're going to talk to the Congress office about having one of those events here in Gloucester County because the information was I mean it was packed a lot of great veterans so many programs that New Jersey offers on a state level that I I had no idea about I didn't know that we could offer that to our constituents and that we had that those programs for so many people here so a lot of the programs were towards veterans there's a lot available so we'll make sure we make that available we'll get one of those events here in Gloucester County if anybody has any questions pleas go through Reta thank councilman U council president D um I just have a couple things um the prey was a great success I want to thank uh Chief gersi and his staff Chief dogus and his staff the EMTs and paramedics keeping everybody safe keeping the parade moving um it was a great time everybody seemed to have a good time my residents I spoke to were very happy with it the fireworks are really great so thank you to all them for making that happen um as council president mentioned about McDonald's um the four McDonald's in our area three in Township one in Glassboro have uh volunteered to help us fund raise for the playground we're building um everybody sees McDonald's is a big um chain National company but these McDonald are Lo owned by local people um when Council uh president called me today I ran over to the McDonald's offering to pay for that meal and Keith who owns the one on um Deli Drive in a haror said we got it we got it covered just have him come in whatever he needs we'll take care of him he owns that one and he owns the one in Glassboro in our area and Pat Uh Powers owns the one on green tree and on um tuo in the corner where Walmart Walmart is they're donating 15% of all sales from 5:00 to 7:00 uh this tonight Wednesday is the third night next Wednesday is the last night it's the one on Green Tree Road so some of these businesses people see as National chains are still just local people and it was nice to see them help out a resident so that we're grateful for them and thank you to them um last week uh the police department had a junior Police Academy um our town offers a lot of interesting things to get involved with uh my kids decided they wanted to do it this year so I signed them up and they had a great time um Officer Gary who's retiring this year I believe created this program and is retiring this year it was last year he did it and my kids are still raving about it a little tired sometimes they were sleeping in the car before I even got home so it's good um but you look at our website see what uh programs we offer what camps we offer the township has so many opportunities for kids adults to get involved um seniors veterans there's so much we offer so um you know look on our website you know our social media will have stuff posted as well um I want to thank Barb for stepping in our Deputy Kirk clerk um our clerk Christy had a procedure done and she doesn't have her voice but you know we're here for you and bar Barb's your voice so thank you for being up here um and I'm I'm going to touch on a budget too and I know everybody kind of touched on it but I'm going to give you some numbers so since 2017 uh up until last year we raised taxes or taxes were raised as the station say we one cent which equals about just under $500,000 and Colette you could jump in if I if I speak wrong so since 2017 till now which is um this is the eth year our benefits and salaries have gone up $2.8 million our pension payments have gone up $1.9 million our trash and recycling with bulk trash included went up $3.1 million and our health care costs went up just over $2 million so our costs to run our town went up $10 million in 8 years and taxes were raised 1 cent up until last year nobody no business no household can operate anything without increasing your cash flow and unfortunately it wasn't done um for whatever reason whether it's to win the next upcoming election or whatever but you know up here collectively we have to make decision that's right what's right for our residents what's right for our town so over the last two years taxes went up 11 cents but the cost went up 19.5 cents so it shows you that we are doing what we're supposed to do that we were not up 19 cents 11 cents is not great but 19 cents is a lot worse so we were able to balance the budget by only going up half of what should have went up over the last eight years you know we had American Rescue fund money come in you know correlated to get inheritance right get inheritance you don't work you're living living off your inheritance eventually runs dry so you know we were able to buy some years with that and unfortunately you know raising taxes was the only decision we had to made it was the financially smart decision to make it wasn't one we wanted to make like like P said I have three young kids um I feel it also everybody feels it but we wouldn't be doing our duty if we didn't do what was right and unfortunately sometimes doing the right thing isn't always the most popular so I just want to give everybody those numbers if anybody wants to hear them after reach out to me you talk to me after the meeting but I just want to let you know how we got here we didn't get here in one year or two years it was eight and it's going to take us a little time to get out of it so I I think I think um you know with everybody we have up here we're heading in the right direction um due to the excessive heat Taco palua has been resched to Sunday August 4th beginning at 11:00 a.m. in Washington Lake Park come join us for the best Fiesta of the summer and enjoy tacos beer sangia music and more National Night Out is August 6th beginning at 6 p.m in Washington Lake Park this free event includes pony rides petting zoo bounce houses and slides hot air balloon rides Touch a Truck barbecue giveaways and much more we encourage all residents to come be a part of this National event promoting neighborhood Spirit police Community Partnerships for a safer nation and we do have the best one in New Jersey please join us for our movies and music in the park more information can be found on the calendar and the website summer hours for missal complex are in effect we are closed every Friday until Labor Day we now move on to public participation please file the public chorum posted which has also been attached to a public agenda please limit your comments to 5 minutes once you've completed your comments or questions please take a seat I will then ask if any member of the governing body or their designate wishes to address your comments or question questions as by the person who just spoke can I get a motion to open to the public for participation motion all in favor I we are open to the public if anyone's wishing to speak please come forward to the podium good evening everyone in uh just one question today is the 24th I me next is the 31st if I am correct that's the last day of gold metal environmental picking up the track so and I happen to be on Thursday which would be the first and I just think everybody should understand that the first day especially the first day probably for a week or two that the new organization that's piing up the trash may not be as it may not be as as everyone is used to uh because it is a new route for them it may not be all the same people new people doing that the trucks are new and people should just be understanding for a little while that's about thank you Mr Davis um we I believe Joe and everybody's been preparing for to transition if you have any okay we have um I just kind of what you were about to say but we have something that's going to be posted on our social media tomorrow um that just pretty much says what you just said um bear with us these are the kind of changes to look forward to you know be prepared for as we move forward nothing major but just to be aware of it so that's going to be planned on being posted tomorrow so and then we were going to ask Chief um to post it on his page too after we do just to make sure we get it out to as many people as we can and I assume that we're pretty much going to uh if there are issues we'll have ability to call Public Works and get the issue resolved on a on a timely matter I again there there's always going to be a time hiccups and and getting adjusted to the route so you know we could expect that but again in the long run we're actually saving money uh in the long run and that's the best there will be some Growing Pains but just be patient contact uh mayor's office Ba's office any of us um and just let us know and if we don't already know we'll we'll get on it so our development is Thursday okay will be the first to day will be the speak and uh I just want everybody at least in our development we know that that is the first day see strange truck that you're not wondering who they are thank you Mr Davis appreciate it is VY v a sey uh 209 Lake Avenue in grenlock 33 years um I call and I call and I call and you know I get pushed to the back or or that's not important um call us only if you need us Grand loock Park the year that I moved in is the year at open and it is disgusting okay the New Jersey Transit were're like the guy from oh in one more year you'll be able to drink this stuff well guess what drink it see how it goes the docks shouldn't have been Bor they made them out of power uh precious Trea wood it should have been the track because it it's in the water so um the man who used to in Refinery has moved back to grenlock and he's restoring it the way it really was supposed to be we got to help him he's 90 he wants it to look pretty and he wants to do a a a a community event like that's why I would like to be put on an agenda for the next time I don't know know your next council meeting but um he was like well if it's a good one I'll go so anyway um you have little kids fishing down there you got glass all over you got stuff like I just learned last week that you guys get money from Green Acres like you got me 20 25 years of walking that Park cleaning it up um and they used have these really really great hooked on fishing n on drugs my kids had home field home field advantage it was like but they when I came over here and they're doing it out of that little pond that's like heartbreaking yeah so anyway that's all I got thank you our our next council meeting is April 14th and and what we August 14th I'm sorry and what what we can what we can do is we can uh look into the clean Community see if we can get some of the uh workers over there to look at the park me wrong like the parks do what they have to do and we can we can get the community we have a Tuesday meeting every week maybe Tuesday meeting sit down and then anyone else hi Maria harb 43 Saddle Brook Drive um we got a letter in the mail and what it says is that Washington Township's requesting that you refrain from cutting the area between Martino cardier and our homes um we've been cutting it um like I have said at previous meetings I guess it's 15 to 20 years um this letter was sent to us um it's dated June 18th and the Washington Township is in the process of hiring an outside contractor to maintain that portion of land but there hasn't been anything done yet so um my neighbor um did call the zoning um zoning off office and um he couldn't get any answers and this is who it's from the zoning office um the mayor actually visited us um two maybe two and a half three weeks ago and um instructed us to to followup but we can't get any answers so I just want to know what the plan is Mr R hi thanks for bringing it to our attention and coming to the meeting um so we are going to be sending our public works at out and then it's a process because it's a lean it's not considered completely open space where the town just goes out and maintains it so we we have a process we're going to have to maintain it and then lean the property and that's what we're going to be doing so it okay it it is going to be happening okay um it's you know it's been five weeks I know that you know one of my neighbors was called on you know for his property and it wasn't even two weeks but you know how the grass can grow and look crazy and then he got a notice for that um you know we have to be accountable so uh I mean I think we should be allowed to mow a little bit beyond at least because all the bugs the rabbits that have been around and and what such um so you know what can we expect you know someone's going to be there but when we're going to I mean with the min IAL Services director tomorrow and we'll put it on the schedule should be within the next week okay okay also um I don't know what the how the process is but for the resolutions I just wanted to inquire about something am I allowed to sure okay um for resolution 21 uh so online auction August 13th can you elaborate on that it's just equip it's not it's not any L correct no they're not L I believe these are the vehicles correct or spare vehicles that we're going to be auctioning off uh every year about this time we auction off vehicles that are no longer in use um yeah so yeah that's what they were they're going to be Vehicles okay all right thank you um website where the municipality will post them and they'll be they'll be listed for two days that's not Max band though right that's JJ Kee JJ okay yeah anyone else wish to speak mayor solicitor and council members good evening you individuals probably know me by now my name is Michael mclusky 41 Saddlebrook Drive uh I'm here just to get an update on what's going on with the open space uh off of V Harbor Road it's block 17711 lot 51 um I just wanted to know where does the in Washington Township what is their aspect on moving forward I I know Mr solicitor you're going to say it could be under litigation or it is under litigation and it's still under litigation well I accept that but is there any movement on it we know it's all under litigation based on your professional experience what can you address on that anything other than it's under litigation um you're not going to like my answer it's under litigation it's under litigation um since last time we were here the file has been assigned to me uh and an answer has been filed on behalf of the township um beyond that as as far as any kind of litigation strategy or what's going to go forward um it's in litigation so we're not going to discuss that oh you're working on it yes yes sir yeah does it look favorable it's litigation that's what I'm not going to answer so so my next question is and and my neighbor brought this up about the uh area behind the grass growing it's my understanding there's a row of 10 in that The Lawns need to be cut and uh my neighbor indicated that we the neighbors have been cutting that well it's it's more than 25 years we've been cutting that and I did meet with zoning uh this Monday will be three weeks and I was told that it would be cut as of today it hasn't been cut and I know you indicated that you're going to have the forces come out and cut it which is a good thing by the way um because I indicated and I guess I go on record and I I would go back cutting it again it's it's open space or considered open space it's under litigation so at this day and time no one knows who owns it other than the company that uh did not pay the taxes and we all know that company isn't in business anymore it was in arm of U the developer so we will save you money by cutting it and I would pose that would be a good good idea because we were just talking about funds being saved tonight so by having the neighbors cut it the township is saving money the issue with that as you said the um the property is is titled and and owned by a subsidiary of Orleans whether they continue to be in business or not um the township can't condone you trespassing on another property uh another prop another entity property um that's why we can't permit you or turn a blind eye on you guys entering the property uh but the township does under its police power have the right to enter upon property after notice of it not being maintained and that's what the process that's going forward now uh notice of the grass being too too long has been provided to the property owner and as Mr Roso said uh tomorrow he's going to meet with Public Works to put them on the schedule to be mowed within the next week another question so when the neighbors cut the lawn we cut underneath all the trees can we Define what will be cut is it just the open space or does that cut to me a cut means cutting it properly around the trees the open space like what was the last 28 years I'm going to have the municipal Services director go out and look at it along with the zoning officer kind of assess what area needs to be cut down and and kind of make an assessment Mr Morgan has been out there already so you can discuss that tomorrow with him because I met with Mr Morgan this afternoon he he will be part of the conversations yes because he brought that up and I said well I cut all around the trees and my neighbor cuts the open space so he will be part of the discussion my next question and this is this is in closing I noticed few months ago there was a u the company out there doing the analysis of the trees and at the best of my knowledge the trees are separate from what the litigation is going on right now and also there was a survey performed so my question was that survey performed by the township and if it was done by the township is that public record because it it appears no one has the definition of the points of boundaries for that open space other than what plan I provided to the township indicating where the points are so I was just kind of curious on where those where that sits is that in movement is that been addressed has that been closed is it still an an open issue with the a the gentleman who did the analysis for the trees that were removed from the open space and what was the outcome of the survey was that performed by the the township to identify what the exact boundary lines are all of that's part of part of the litigation um I knew you were going to say that Mr solicitor I knew I was ready for that um anything that is a public document you can request via opr request uh we'll review and answer it appropriately but any of the documents that are prepared for the purpose litigation are not going to be provided until they're they're filed with the court so I'm familiar with the Oprah because I already went through that but is the question if I ask the question will the answer be it's under litigation and I don't want to waste my time and your time in and individuals in the office doing research on it I I believe the report by the Tree Experts as well as the survey we're prepared for the purpose litigation and we won't be disclosed at this time understood keep me informed huh or is it best to come back so often and get it a status update everyone knows my phone number I believe everyone has my email give me a shout out you know I'll talk to you folks I appreciate it have a good evening anyone else wishing to speak Zachary Abrams 27 regal lane um I would just like to touch on what some of the fellow residents said and uh you know all the talk about the budget um obviously it's been uh you know very tough the past couple of years with everything going on and like Peter said it's you know it's the past nine years of an Administration but it's not just you guys it's the rest of the country as well uh everybody kind of knows that I'm not going to get involved but um I definitely think there should be something uh that the council can come to an agreement with uh to offer residents such as myself or anyone that would basically be a if their residents want to offer a public service that they would be able to get some kind of tax break you drive around Washington Township and there's a million giant signs that probably cost about $600 700 a piece and it says shot Washing Township well I got the stuff I got the card the whole nine you're not really saving any money so in my opinion and I know not everyone here made those calls but in my opinion that was a waste of Township money um and I think there's plenty of residents in Washington Township that would like the opportunity to lend their expertise to help better the township and bring the community together um me personally I'm an electrician you know I've been uh the James seakins Park in Gloucester Township and they had a brand new Pavilion build I had my daughter at the playground and I'm sitting there looking at the work and I'm saying this is completely against National Electric Code um I almost texted Peter about it but I was like I'm not I'm going to get involved and now I feel like bringing it back up none of the fittings are Rain Tight they're all outside it's completely against code and I was like is this even inspected I don't know maybe the county just does whatever they want but anyway I have another neighbor in my neighborhood who does walk and pick up trash I know we had the litter Patrol um The Other Woman mentioned about the other Park that I've never even been to but clearly people just don't care and some residents have brought it upon themselves to clean up uh and they really shouldn't have to do that because we're a Premier Community one of the top three places to live in the state apparently um touching from that to what you guys had talked about about some of the stuff getting built um it's definitely pretty bad driving down the pike and stuff like that you got empty buildings I personally am an electrician I've done work at all these fast food restaurants W Taco Bell McDonald's that's all I do um and I know for a fact that a couple years ago that Taco Bell they said we want to remodel it and the township said absolutely not we're not going to give you the variant to go a couple more feet back from what they want to do that's Insider information from my job um and it still sits vacant my wife runs the Little Jim Washington Township 17 years it's directly across the street she's got to look at it every day um the only other thing that I would like to to touch on and it might be a sore subject for some people but I find it a little bit um out of sorts that we removed the skate park uh I know it was there for many years uh and a lot of other townships have removed their skate parks most of them are prefabricated I don't even know the number but if I had to guess we probably spent almost a half a million dollars building the dog park um I myself don't have dogs I like dogs but you know I I understand the reason we removed the skatepark was because it was a people thought maybe bad people hung out there or something um you know most of these skate parks in other states are fully open no Gates lights and there's really no problems um I think it's a great way for our young people especially being a younger generation everyone's into more Sports than soccer and football these days or maybe they're in all of them uh I myself own a snowboard company I design and engineer snowboards live right here in Washing Township so um I would like to possibly get with you guys about maybe getting uh people involved to volunteer um I I do know some people that work uh full-time in building and designing concrete skate parks that last clearly longer than the one that we had there was so there's almost no repairs in the future I'm sure you guys you know see the baseball mounds you got a you got to put more dur you got to put the chalk um it's almost a no maintenance and I'm sure there's plenty of open space for in Washing Township so that's all thank you just I want to address some of the things that he said first of all U we'll look into that obviously that was removed before we got here sometimes it's just liability sometimes our our insurance carry might not you know our our rates might go through roof but we'll find out what exactly happened with that you you touched on a couple of good points and one of the things that that we we are doing and we talked about it a couple times is we're going to be talking to a lot of local businesses you know you said that you designed snowboards so we're going to have you as somebody that we're going to talk to find out your story find out I don't want to work with electric I I uh one thing I probably don't want to touch right so I don't think any of us want to touch that but but talk about you know your journey and what you've done and how you got there find out more about you I think that this this whole group even if you're here what what Susie did today and I want to thank her I didn't get a chance to thank or calling about somebody didn't have food having people volunteer and help is all we're about in this town I mean we really have so many great programs and there's so many things that people can get involved in so we always ask people listen if you have some time to to donate today I was actually in Camden we picked up backpacks from Campbell Soup and they filled them up for foster kids right so there's so many things to get involved with we're going to get that out we're working on that we're going to get that on our social media we're going to let people try to help out and get involved as much as possible so but but keep those ideas coming I've been seeing you coming to meetings appreciate that I think it's important I appreciate the ideas you bring forward and we'll definitely have more discussions but you're somebody we'd like to talk to about your business business and we're going to tell your story through our social media and and let people know that I didn't know that that's I knew obviously I know you from social media but I didn't know you you designed snowboard it's pretty awesome so I think it's something that that people would love to know that right here in Washington town we have somebody who designs them builds them so appreciate you I've seen that in a lot of townships actually thank you coun brown anyone else wish to speak Elward Brion 519 egg haror Ro I live right next door so I I just like to tell you I heard a lot of positive things tonight I've seen a lot of professionalism here tonight I've been in this Township for many many many years I served the Township in this volunteer fireman for many years been to many Council meetings where there you just couldn't stand to be here so I just want to congratulate you folks tonight it's the first Council meing I've been to in a while and it was very very refreshing and we thank you for that oh and by the way what are they building next to the storage place here there was a next to the storage right back here the trees are all cleared they're gone here are youing about no name pardon me are you talking about no name Street I don't no no right behind this building here yeah well next door then there's a field behind our our place and it it's cleared Jay anything you know not sure which project is I'll Mee okay Mr BR you were with fire I was okay I remember your name I'm with wood Square oh I'm sorry thank you so much thank you for you sir thank you thank you sir anyone else motion to speak see none can I get a motion to close to the public motion second all in favor I next council meeting is scheduled for August 14th 2024 at 6: p.m. can I get motion to adjourn motion second all in favor I meeting ajour