I like to call this meeting the order it is 6 o'clock right 6 o'clock this is a regular meeting of the township of Washington in accordance with the requirements of New Jersey statutes regarding open public meetings notice of this meeting was legally advertised in South Jersey Times as well as post on the bulletin board in the municipal building fire exes are located through the double doors to your left and right please silence all mobile devices that means me this meeting is being videotaped and who does not wish to be seen on television may be excused this will be shown on Channel 9 every week Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Wednesday at 7: p.m. Friday at 10 p.m. and Saturday at 10 p.m. and will continue until the next meeting this meeting is also being live streamed on YouTube you can go to WT production streams please stand for the pledge allegiance led by King you I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to Republic for which it stands one nation under God and to AIS visible with liberty and justice for [Applause] all roll call please Mr deell here Mr Delia here Mr Bennett here Mr Brown here Mr jurus presid Mayor Burns here Mr Russo Mr R and kid yeah King you say over for me all right now we're going to do our presentations you yeah all right so like anything that goes on in town uh school school sports is important and today we're going to recognize both the wrestlers uh from the high school and also the girls indoor track um these are Great accomplishments that uh the community should know about uh they're important uh to the community uh and these extra curricular activities are very very important uh to the youth and it really makes a difference in uh learning team building communications and being successful at your sport wrestling yep so for wrestling take off for wrestling we're going to recognize four four boys we have Dylan hell who had a 20310 season record he was the District 29 runnerup Region 8 runnerup and njsi a state qualifier if he was is uh Dylan here come on up [Applause] here thank you next we have Michael Horn he had a 25- 10 season record First Team all Tri County District 30 Champion third Region 8 njs i s AA State [Applause] qualifier Christian Hoops 33 and 10 season record second Team all Tri County second Team all South Jersey district 30 Champion Region 8 runnerup top 12 at the njs daa state [Applause] championship and next we have Colton Hagerty he had a 35- seven season record second Team all Tri County second Team all South Jersey district 29 Champion Region 8 runner up and placed seventh at the njs daa state championship [Applause] congratulations support would you like to come up all right real quick with [Music] [Applause] congratulations [Laughter] allor you want to come up [Applause] you okay so the next thing we're do is recognize the uh girls indoor [Applause] track save this one okay so we have Washington Township girls indor track and field the 202 were group four state relay uh Relay Team Champions their head coach is Lexi fraction Mills we have assistant coaches Josh Olive Karen [Applause] Johnson Chris [Applause] Mitchell Rich Boswick and tia Thomas I'm going to just apologize in advance if I mess up your name you can correct me when you come up um we have our captains we have Lauren Stanger Dakota Jones Dylan sorry [Applause] goali and D uh Beasley Dalia there we go I'm sorry Dalia I'll never forget [Applause] it the team itself was first state relay title in 25 years for the girls team overall team score of 46 points 17 points more than second place 2024 group four sou sectional Team Champions second ever indoor sectional title last title 2011 the team doubled second place earning a total of 82 points and CH uh state champion relays the high jump was how you say it again Dalia Beasley Alyssa Lopez the shot put relay was Ashley I'm sorry Ashley Lopez shot putut relay was Ella carp and Lauren Stanger and the 4 by2 200 meter relay was Dylan galali Alexandra hsel K uh K Kayla Di davano and Dalia [Applause] Beasley I'll get it by the end do we have the rest of the girls here too yes I have a portion you have a portion of them okay um we'll just go through them and recognize them all real quick any uh here I don't need this uh you can give them all to the coach we can do it that way and then she can hand them out and I have the roster right here so we have Captain Dalia Beasley Leila [Music] [Applause] Beasley Gabriel uh Gabriela chelik Kayla davano Dyan galali Riley gramble alexandraa hsel Ella Johnson Captain Dakota Jones Ella carp haly Kennedy Cali LaCava Ashley Lopez Avery Lynch z uh how you zarya olivant Emma Rose Phillips kayn Rodriguez Kayla rusen Russen Kaye Russen Hannah s [Applause] Carly skato Gian Shipley Captain Lawrence Banger talor Stout Taylor Stout Z tayor Birch and Rachel Wilson how do you say your first name MAA Ma micaa H congratulations [Applause] ladies all right we're gonna go under the wall over there we can go up too we here pict [Applause] yeah that's good I have what yes yes he's next yep next we have yesai brown stay up [Applause] there what he said it differently how do you say as a did I say right that's my brother that's your brother this is your brother well then do you want to give him his uh certificate yes yes okay all right buddy here you go great job [Music] [Applause] a Isaiah was a South Jersey group four sectional champion for the 55 HH hurdle High hurdle okay group four state champion 55 High hurdle New Jersey meet of Champions Champion 55 High hurdle New Balance Indoor Nationals National runner up 60 meter meter hurdles and nj.com indoor track runner of the [Applause] [Music] year [Applause] probably serves our country [Applause] please [Applause] you we have one more presentation you want to help so King do you like going to the library yes you know what this week is it's National Library week would you like to give the the library yeah okay you hold this for me Hi how are you Proclamation celebrating National Library week honoring the vital contributions of the Margaret e heagan free public library whereas the Margaret e heagan free Li Public Library stands as a beacon of knowledge providing Washington Township residents with the invaluable opportunity for lifelong learning every day of the week whereas the library hosts a wide range of enriching enriching programs throughout the year catering to individuals of all ages within the community whereas the library serves as a Cornerstone of democracy championing the fundamental principles of free expression and the exchange of ideas for all whereas the library boosts an extensive collection exceeding a 100,000 items including books movies magazines audiobooks music CDs and Museum passes readily accessible to the residents for borrowing and enjoyment whereas the library plays a crucial role within the community by Furnishing vital resources such as Internet and technological accesses at access fostering literacy skills and providing invaluable support for job Seekers Educators small businesses and entrepreneurs whereas libraries Librarians and Library workers are joining Library supporters and Advocates Across the Nation to celebrate National Library week now therefore I mayor mayor Lori Burns do hereby Pro Proclaim National Library week April 7th through the 13th I urge all residents to take advantage of this occasion by visiting the marget Eagan free public library and exploring the abundance of resources it offers if you haven't been to our library you should it's it's actually I was just there I read to um they do a class to toddlers what's the age group again preschool it's preschool and it's so cute they sing and they read books and the kids just love it um but it's it's very clean it has um a little bit of everything for everybody so I mean a lot of us probably Google everything but you should you should probably go check out their our library it's pretty cool you have anything you want to say as Leo is on I have the pleasure of being the liaison for the library um working with a fabulous group here uh they put a lot of time and effort um and deal with many different people daily weekly monthly um they should be really commended for the job well done that they do and what's the date of the for love of tree event while you're here I'll mention it is this Sunday if you have the opportunity there's a flyer on the front Council desk here uh giving you details and as always check our website for any upcoming events thank you Sheila and the rest of you for your hard work and great [Applause] job [Music] than what are we doing of we're just going to have a two-minute recess why everyone heads out you did a great job man they're they're young they have young wrestling man so they're going to be there for a great good job King appreciate your service be I I am I just fired myself that's on the record all right moving on to the bill list can I get a motion to approve the bill list for April 10 2024 motion second roll call please Mr jorz yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr deell yes can I get a motion to approve the regular Mee minutes from March 27th I'll make that motion second roll call please Mr JZ yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr Delia yes Mr debella yes moving on ordinance 0 0 3-24 ordinance amending the township of Washington code chapter 2 Administration Article 4 Department of Law this is for introduction only public hearing adoption will be held on April 24th can I get a motion to introduce ordinance 003 d24 motion second roll call please Mr jurz yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr Delia yes Mr debella yes resolutions the following resolutions are by consent agenda only require vote for all listed each one must be read by title if any member of the council wishes to have one removed and heard separately they need to indicate prior to the reading of the titles is any anyone separate no good no mad cler can you please read the resolutions resolution 122 resolution adopting a non-discrimination policy in accordance with title six of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended in connection with the operation of the township Senior Transport ation program resolution 123 resolution establishing a seat Bel policy Mobility device securement policy to assure maximum operator and passenger safety resolution 124 resolution establishing Township policy for Washington Township senior bus program assistance for Riders resolution 125 resolution awarding a bid to think pavers hardscaping LLC for Twin Ponds outfall improvements project resolution 126 resolution waving the tree replacement fee for the 100% affordable senior rental project located on block 113 Lots 23 24 and 25 known as Birchwood and Washington Township resolution 127 resolution authorizing the mayor to sign closing documents related to The 100 100% affordable senior project known as Birchwood at Washington Township block 113 Lots 23 24 and 25 resolution 128 resolution authorizing the mayor to sign an amendment to the payment in lie of taxes pilot agreement for the mstream apartments project on block six Lots 2 2.01 and three resolution 129 resolution authorizing an emergency temporary appr appropriation of funds can I get a motion to approve resolutions R 22-24 to r129 d24 motion yes yes that was take that one was that that should be struck it's not on there anyone else second second roll call please Mr J yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr debella yes right now we're going to move on to any old business new business reports we'll start with councilman Bennett all right coming up again the end of this month on uh April 27th is the annual 16th annual car show at the oldstone house um as Leon uh it's a great group of people there we raised money to improve the Old Stone House and in the Morgan house um again come out support us so we can uh make some funds uh to uh you know make the place a lot better also the week before on the 20th we're offering a cleanup program anybody who needs service hours in town whether High School uh church or scouting or Civic organizations uh please uh let us know um going back to as usual the uh slow down and you pay up so make sure that you are not speeding in our town you got to respect the speed limits also stop signs means stop completely not roll through them so make sure that you're doing that and then make sure that you're again as I I always emphasize helping the seniors in your area uh with uh stuff um another thing is that we do have the Washington Township parade coming up on July 4th I'd like to get more businesses involved um Civic organizations also and uh any groups churches uh we want the prade to be a lot bigger than it is and have more participation so uh do sign up for an application whether you come to the the building here or go online at Facebook and or our web page okay that's it for me C Brown um just a reminder love us please uh Wednesday April 24th at 2m uh environmental fiction book discussion um you're able to make it that day join those at the library um for a good book discussion that's all I have tonight Council yurkus thank you um as we all may or may not know the month of April is celebrate Earth and Arbor Day and I want to recognize two outstanding citizens who put an awful lot of time and effort into this year round that' be Leon and Vicky who are in the audience tonight thank you very much do a great job all month along their celebrations um you can go to the uh library and look at the exhibit on trees you can also do the Poetry walk at the Washington Lake Park near the ranger station uh unfortunately last night was the Magnificent monarchs you learn about the monarch butterfly that was at the library this coming Sunday the 14th 2 pm Hunters of the sky uh Washington Township Miss building right here there will be an event discussing which birds are of prey and Monday April 22nd is Earth Day and uh Arbor Day is the following week April 26th Vicky wanted me to remind everyone of the Township's effort for a project called Rel leafing that's L AF F uh it's a 10-year project where we plant 5,000 trees here in the in the municipality anyone who wishes to get involved uh please see Vicki or myself um or call us here and we'll get you involved Leon asked me to let everyone know that our Municipal bill Washington Lake Park we have six garden plots left they're 10 by10 they're $15 each if you're a resident you can go and a garden there or any kind of uh vegetables that you wish uh however you can't you can't compete with the state of New Jersey for cannabis um yes our yeah there is a flyer two pages talks about the different events for day it's well worth reviewing a lot of work has gone into this um I failed to mention that they're also talking about on Saturday the 27th from 9:00 till noon at Washington Lake Park near the Green Tree Road entrance just like last year there's a milkweed and marold giveaway first come first serve you have to prove that you are a resident of Washington Township okay and the relief day ceremony is Sunday May 5th 9:00 to noon uh that will be at Washington Lake Park again the parking lot nearest Green Tree Road entrance there okay the veterans Advisory Board we met uh we're preparing for the Memorial Day uh event Memorial Day this year uh we'd like everyone they please put it in their planners uh the Memorial Day event starts at 11:00 a.m. right behind the police station at Frank Aon Memorial Park so please try to attend uh it's a once a year event uh it's a little over an hour we have guest speakers and it's one way of you paying tribute to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in honor of their country uh last thing I wanted to talk about for the past six months been talking to Residents who live on Ward Lake uh over in the Spring Lake section um that Lake seems to become a mud pit in the summertime so we got some great news that uh we are going to get some funds from Congress um and this news came from uh our Congressman Donald Norcross that funds are going to be available to correct the spillway I was talking to our engineer tonight um the permits are up with the de P waiting to be approved um from everything we know the dam is not leaking as the spillway so hopefully when the work is done um the lake will still be a lake and not a mud pit but I want the residents of that area to know that we are working on it and you're not forgotten and hopefully um sometime this late spring or summer the work can begin and that's the end of my report all right thank you councilman mayor Burns I just want to say um this past weekend we kicked off the 2024 uh Youth Baseball season um and I want to thank all the coaches and parents and volunteers that um keep that program running it's a great program and everybody seems to enjoy it it was a kind of cold day and a little rainy But ultimately I think the kids had fun and for our I want to thank our public works for maintaining the fields and making sure that they're always in tiptop shape uh we also went to the event where we saw over what I think it was like 4 410 cars or something like that um what an operation that was it was like a Chick-fil-A uh drive-thru yes um you know two things you wa you know lucky I didn't get hit when I was directed in traffic but it worked out um everybody seemed to be pretty happy because there was really no weight um but our next one will be in October for the fall so we'll make sure that we put that on social media and our Facebook and advertise that a little bit because everybody seems to like it um and then the last thing I want to remind everybody that this Saturday at the wall at Egg Harbor Road from 8 to 10:30 is coffee with cop so go out get a cup of coffee and talk to a cop thank you mayor Mr R I have nothing to report vice president than president um I wanted to touch on the sh event as well it was a great event um thank you to all our Public Works and our employees for put that on um look for the look out for for the announcement of having one in the fall um I want to mention about the Baseball opening day it was a great event uh but the next five six weeks there'll be a lot of activity on purple friend Lock Road please slow down um there's a lot of traffic Crossing it a lot of kids crossing that road um and it's going to be crowded not just on weekends but during a week so please be conscious when you're on that road to know that it is baseball season and uh protect our kids um Super Saturday is May 11th so um I'm not sure if to if it Clos or not if you want to participate please reach out to Lisa Collins In the Park it's always a great event it is um from 10 till 4: on that Saturday um and lastly is April 20th is opening day for the softball uh program uh the Wildcats a challenge Council and the rest of the municipality to another softball game um I believe we bought up all the medic all the aspirin in town for uh some of our players uh we look forward to it uh it's always a fun event but for we to play with everybody up here and the rest of our employees so um you can get out April 20th at Washington Lake Park festiv you start around 9 o' opening for the parade and then our game will follow right after so please go in your calendar thank you thank you Council vice president I have a couple things as well first of all 94 fiveyear old D Wallace if you're watching the show she invited me over home she had something a problem in her yard with a tree we want you to come to the senior center from 95 she still drives she lives alone she's amazing so please come down to the senior center I know we talked about but I told you I was going to ask you one air to please come the other thing we had uh we actually had a celebration of life for uh Cole Fitzgerald what an amazing event I did not Co know Cole personally but anyone who was there could could feel the love that this town had for for this young man just just a remarkable individual what what a beautiful event uh just just so many people there that that maybe that knew him or didn't know him but they really did do such a job to make you feel that that you've known him and I'm sorry that I didn't didn't get a chance to to meet him uh the Wildcats we we they had a car wash this past weekend they did a great job with the cars but they really shouldn't been practicing because our team has been practicing so you know they did a good job on the car but I think they should have using that time to practice but that that's on them uh we have a Tuesday meeting a lot of people ask about what's going on with Taco Bell with Denny's with signs so we have a Tuesday meeting and this last meeting was was seven pages we go over all this stuff and a lot of times what happens is some of this stuff is is under NDA some of this stuff uh they we we can't talk about right now but know that this stuff is happening there's a lot going on with these projects I know a lot of people reach out to us continue to do so there's something that you see or something that that you want us to look into we'll do it we discussed at that meeting May mayor's there uh Council vice president's there a lot of other people Nancy and we go over all these issues so there are some things happening with Taco Bell and Denny's we can't get into that right now but know that we are actively working on that uh zoning board was a pretty busy meeting it was lot to do with the ganttown project you had people from both sides that were there to and speak their mind the meeting went well it is going to be uh it was postponed again till well it's actually continued till uh May 13th so please come back out I think everyone did a great job to come out and wanted to express themselves everybody handled themselves uh with with with digity on both sides to really come out and speak their mind so you'll have a chance to do that the public didn't speak at this this past meeting because it got right up to about the 10:30 hour and then the meeting has a hard stop at at at 11:30 there was another speaker that had to speak on on behalf of the project so please May 13th if you want to come out for that project and the last thing I want to talk about is uh when I was sworn in I don't know some of you people may have saw Sue Eggman was here uh unfortunately Sue has passed away um she passed away yesterday I kind of keep it together but you know I I think I said it before in my speech that you get involved because you want to make a difference in other people's lives and people like Sue make a difference in your life she was an amazing person she came out here uh you saw her with her oxygen she had lost her hair she she it was took everything for her to come but she was here and she held the Bible with such dignity so she will be missed Sue fought so hard for her neighborhood so we could just have a moment of silence for Sue please thank you honestly you know there's so many people and I'm looking out the crowd you see Maxine there's so many people that come and and really care so much about Washington Township and I I urge people to continue to do that there's people that reach out to us what councilman ykers was talking about was a letter that that a resident sent us we get letters we get emails we get phone calls we'll respond back you we'll we'll look into the matter we'll work together we'll get it solved so please continue to do that and even it's criticism it's okay to get criticism it's we're okay with that but please let us know if there's something that's wrong with your neighborhood and that's what Sue was great at she let us know in the Cross Key section anyone lives there knew Sue knew that she was fighting for that neighborhood knew that she wanted better for that neighborhood uh that will continue on I will continue to fight for that neighborhood and make sure that that that Sue's memory is never forgotten and people like Sue wigman are so necessary like Maxine people like that are just so necessary to continue to fight and and continue um that's all I have the oldstone house Village is holding their 15th annual car show on Saturday April 27th from 10 p uh 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. more information in the registration form can be found on the website we encourage everyone to come out and enjoy all proceeds will will be used towards the Stonehouse restoration project all dog in the township are required to be registered and vaccinated please stop in the clerk's office and register your dog for 2024 the primary election will be held on Tuesday June 4th the deadline to change your party affiliation is today the deadline at the register for the vote is May 14th all forms can be obtained in the clerk's office now we're going to move on to public participation please file the public the Corum posted which has been attached to the public agenda and limit your comments to 5 minutes once you've completed your comments or questions please take a seat I'll ask if any member of the governing body or their designate wishes to address your comments or questions asked by the person just spoke can I get a motion to open to the public police second all in favor we're now open to any like to speak good evening everyone my name is Michael mclusky and I live at 41 Saddle Brook Drive I'm here tonight right just a as a followup to two issues first being the open space it's block 1711 blot 51 um haven't heard anything or what was going on with that I know that last meeting I attended it was going to be I presume going to litigation don't know where that stands second question I follow up to the first question is what violations if any have been issued to the part part in question and what is going on with the violation want to answer um I'm actually not familiar with that litigation but uh I can follow up and report back to the council at the next meeting okay so when can I get an answer good that were issued or a court matter you want to ask uh see something with the court we can't we can't just really give out the information on on what the zoning violations are that's a court matter I I understand but my question was it's court so you would have to is it going to litigation well you're you're answering two you're asking two things here the first one litigation is most likely yes the open space issue will go to litigation but the violations that you're asking about that's a court matter we're not in that you would have to follow up with the court and who do I need to follow up with court which court Municipal here and and to whom do I need to follow up with is that 8 8 to 5 during the day okay um so you can't tell me if there's a hearing yet or not because you can't dis no one can discuss that is that correct okay so I will follow up with that um with the court individual this week second part of that question was the violation to the open space that I don't believe is a court order or is it so my understanding is that it's currently in litigation and we cannot discuss litigation in a open council meeting is that and what I mean by that is all the trees were removed and my previous meeting here I was under the impression that as two separate issues and the first one that I mentioned wasn't going to court and you folks cannot discuss that but what I just wanted to know was when that court date is so um I'd just like to know for myself the second part of that question was the removal of all the trees and I was told at the meetings prior to this meeting that there was a violation being issued to the individual party I don't know where that stands so any violation as councilman Brown said would be a citation issued in the municipal court and be hand handled by the Min Court you can contact them as to the status of the action and if a hearing is is scheduled if there's civil litigation going on I'm new to this and and not familiar with the status of that now but the details of any ongoing litigation can't be discussed in an open meeting so as you're stating both issues are a court issue correct sir okay thank you anybody else seeing none motion to close motion second all in favor I we will now be entering executive session for the affordable housing which should last anywhere from 30 to 60 Minutes can I get a motion to approve resolution R3 130-24 authorizing executive session motion second roll call please Mr YZ yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr Delia yes Mr Deo yes you