##VIDEO ID:VxNPH7eoB6k## e not wish to see on on television may be excused this will be shown on Comcast channel 9 every week Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Wednesday at 7 p.m. Friday at 10 p.m and Saturday continue until the next meeting meeting is being live Streed on YouTube W live please stand for the pledge of Alle flag the United States of America to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all call please Brown here here Jus here burs here we're move on presentations presentation is going to be by theem Dan hey everybody how youall doing today uh so on behalf of myself assemblyman Hutcherson and senator Paul Mor Ary we're happy to be here this evening I'm sure you've all been made aware uh that we advocated uh in the state budget for $450,000 for the first all-inclusive uh playground in bloster county in Washington Township and I just really want to take this time uh to thank everyone who's worked so hard uh to raise money the Blackbird Foundation I know that the township was a recipient of Green Acres fund and I also want to commend the mayor too because the mayor reached out to our office uh when she knew that we were in the process of trying to Advocate on things for the new towns that we represent within the district and this was a project that was near and dear to her and that's why she called Dan and said this is something that we want to get done and fortunately all the budget requests that we put in in our legislative district uh were awarded we got money for multiple projects and we are really really proud of that and we said said that we were going to work on behalf of you and work with you and we're doing just that with this funding here to see something that's truly going to be amazing for not only just the residents of for the residents of Washington Township but also for all of Gloucester County so I really want to thank you mayor I want to thank you Council I want to thank you to the Blackbird Foundation uh we all work together to get this done and I think that this is commendable and on behalf of Senator Mori Ari assemblyman Hutchinson and myself uh anything that you need from us to to see this project come to fruition I it's my understanding that with the money that's being presented now the 450 that the Project's going to be able to be done in record time correct all right so and assembly man Hutchinson would like to say a few words as well I'd like to consider myself The Reluctant speaker um Peter thank you very much I appreciate you letting us come here mayor thank you very much Anthony I know that um when I first encountered this this project um I I saw that the three of you guys working together uh together with the rest of council and it was very inspirational um this really is a Washington Township success story so um anything we can do to help you guys uh We're All in This Together okay thank you and we'd like to do a photo off with everyone so Nicole if you if everyone wants to come up to do this we'll do a check presentation now you can't cash this you you got to you got to wait we're still working on the funding aspect that's coming from DCA I'm going to carry the bank give me a [Music] every a [Applause] oh you want me to no you want me to sing okay it's Sophia's birthday all right let's see if I can do this everybody together please happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday Sophia happy birthday to [Applause] you than youbody [Music] uh yeah if you want to if all of council wants to come down so they can see the presentation the next presentation that'd be great yeah today I'm thrilled to introduce a new partnership that represents a significant Leap Forward in how we manage and maintain our roadways we are welcoming vitic a leading expert in intelligent Road Management Systems who will be presenting their Innovative technology this Cutting Edge system utilizes artificial intelligence to provide realtime data and analytics on the conditions of our roadways it allows us to detect surface distresses potholes and other roadway deficiency genes to address maintenance needs with unprecedented accuracy by implementing this technology we will be able to prioritize repairs more effectively improve our roadway conditions and ultimately save valuable resources I'm also pleased to share that this program will be funded through our already established Capital Road program by utilizing these existing funds we're able to seamlessly integrate this advanced technology into our ongoing Road M maintenance efforts without requiring additional Financial Resources this strategic approach not only ensures that we maintain our commitment to infrastructure improvements but also demonstrates our prudent management of Township funds in essence this intelligent Road management system will enhance our ability to keep our road safe and wellmaintained while delivering substantial cost savings over time now without further Ado I would like to invite Dan laugher of viol litics to pres to present their groundbreaking system and show us how it would transform our approach to Road Road management excent thank you everyone ready all set excellent uh to introduce myself uh thank you for your time my name is Daniel laugher I'm a senior manager at viols um I'm here tonight to tell you a little bit about our technology and more importantly how it's being deployed in the township to create better safer roads not only for the people sitting in this room but for Citizens and visitors visitors across the township as well this relationship before I jump into a little bit it came through through a strategic partnership ship that vitic has with Remington and Vernick Engineers Remington and Vernick Engineers identified our AI our technology as a leading innovator in our industry and what we're doing and we have a strategic partnership as we grow in New Jersey and as we implement it especially in the township a little bit about the company uh vitic was founded in stutgart Germany uh in 2018 smack dab in their Automotive Innovation Hub our two primary investors owners are the vault Volkswagen group Inna truck company since our uh founding in 2018 the company has grown very quickly uh the United States being our seventh country globally uh we Now operate in over 400 different municipalities uh managing over 40,000 miles of Centerline Road under management uh just here alone in New Jersey uh we're Incorporated up in Edison in just over a year a year's time we're currently operating in 15 plus municipalities uh Washington Township being one of our firsts again uh mayor burns the engineering team and the people who are responsible for caring for the infrastructure recognize this as a leading tool to help really change the status quo on how roads and infrastructure are being managed um if you were to Google VI atics these are a number of awards that we've uh since one overseas we're excited to win a number here in the United States uh the one that I like to focus on the most is that award we won for a user experience design that's in the bottom left uh two of the largest reasons for our very quick growth has been we have a very uh highly functional tool with a lot of unique capabilities but it is Inc also incredibly easy to use so we had a training uh a couple of weeks ago with Frank and his team uh really were able to get uh any employee any Public Works worker up and running using vitic uh in under an hour now the way our technology works and it's actually very simple so Vio litics as I mentioned we're an artificial intelligent AI uh Road and asset powered system and our technology primarily works just by mounting an iPhone or a mobile phone into the windshield of any Municipal vehicle and going for a drive the driver can focus his ention on the road it's completely hands-free as the driver moves the vehicle the iPhone will snap a picture of the roadway every 10 to 12 feet and there and then via litic uses AI image recognition we automatically detect up to 15 classes of damage within the surface of the roadway while detecting damage within the surface of the roadway we're also going to catalog and maintain inventory of all of the Township's manholes catch basins and street signs so the ability for the township to what's conduct what's called a condition assessment on this infrastructure what typically would take a was a monthlong process with visual inspections by Engineers can now be done in a matter of days and those Engineers instead of spending their time looking at the road we now have live upto-date information with a condition assessment of the services are roads and all of the remaining infrastructure in addition to the mobile application our technology also includes a web application where the mayor council members Frank and his team engineering they have access to all of this information at the click of a few buttons where they can not only view this data but dynamically create action from it as well so the vitic system is broken down into a number of modules the first one being Inventory management where again we're going to not only automatically create an inventory of all of these Hol storm drains and street signs but on an ongoing basis we will begin to detect if there's damage to any of those assets as well so from the formation of a road hazard to detection to assigning a work order to to to fill that pothole that entire process becomes significantly expedited by simply increasing the intake of data that we have from the surface of the roadway and the infrastructure itself our maintenance in our core modules will allow any engineer any user within the township to individually identify individual latitude and longitude on the surface of the roadway of where specific types of damage exist so in within VI atics we have 15 classes of damage as an example if we're looking for individual points on a road map where alligator cracking exists or we have critical potholes which need to be filled before an upcoming winter season we're able ble to dynamically and immediately identifies those areas of distress and and and deploy assets and resources to go out and fix them a short clip for all in the room this is how our AI will function on the back end so after the pictures are taken and the driver is moving our AI is going through each and every single one of those millions of pictures tagging the class of damage again we identify 15 classes of damage and we're also identifying the severity of that damage as well one other cool feature on the technology for those that care about ride quality as well we also have a 16th damage class we use What's called the accelerometer in the mobile device and we will even gauge ride evenness for the engineers as well so even if you have a smooth road that might not be smooth again we can identify that all of the different modules and these are live snapshots from assessments that have already been done by Frank by RVE by other engineers in the township this is a uh a couple of weeks old snapshot of the S of the road conditions across the township again one of the key benefits is being able to individually identify each of these damage classes as they exist but also identify as new damage starts to pop up so when we talk about saving significant dollars for the town if we can begin to identify early onset cracking in our roadway ways before your standard freeze entha cycle or before more inclement weather comes in the winter we can avoid more critical damage by by dealing with that damage in its infy stage another key benefit and this is not only a one-time benefit but an ongoing benefit for years to come is the ability to inject 100% objectivity into the Judgment of the surface of your roadways so prior when a visual inspection was done it was often reliant on the individual of opinions of a number of Engineers that would take weeks to uh assess the roads by deploying via litics we're not only able to do this in a number of days but we're also using that same objective scale each and every time to to maintain that system objectivity uh this is a snapshot of all of the storm drains and manholes in the surface of the road Network as well so not only is viol litics cataloging and creating an automatic inventory for the township but on an ongoing basis we will track if damage begins to exists to any of these assets as well in particular if we have a raised manhole or a storm drain uh viol litics will even trigger a road safety alert as that specific damaged asset may be a danger to a biker to a pedestrian or as well as to maybe you know car tires as well traffic sign management this is our particularly very cool function that's relatively new uh to vitic um after just one drive on each of your roads we will create an automatic inventory of all of the traffic signs that are managed and owned by the township and then on an ongoing basis we will also to automatically trigger uh damage alerts if the sign becomes faded if the sign becomes dirty if we have a some uh mischiefs running around town and they decide to put a sticker or graffiti on the sign or after a a particularly bad storm will also trigger a um a damage alert if the sign becomes blocked by a branch or other foliage as well so again we have four different damage classes which really help automate a lot of the management into a lot of these very critical uh infrastructure items one important thing to note because you know we have iPhone cameras that are being deployed out into the streets taking picture of the right of way VI litics is a European company which means we are 100% gdpr compliant it's the highest Glo uh standard of global data privacy we ensure that in each and every one of our pictures we are blurring out faces and license plates to ensure 100% uh data privacy from all of the citizens and anyone else driving through the township and last but not least and again very similar to uh and uh the relationship that Remington and Vernick has with the um with the township uh via litics we are not only a software company we are an active partner with each and every one of the municipalities that we work with in addition to working handson with Town leadership with your engineers uh we also get involved on on a personal level in terms of uh really trying to improve uh Road Safety um um infrastructure management across Parks and Recreation again there are a lot of different benefits in Washington Township uh the mayor Public Works they're really taking full advantage of the benefits with which both in the short and long term are going to save significant time and dollars for the township um if any was and that is it for my presentation if anyone has any questions please of course uh feel free to ask and I thank you for your time and looking forward to being a new constant visitor here so thank you so I just have one question this is a matter of so they understand it what is the difference from this program to what we do now so a resident calls and says there's a PO hole in my RO on my roadway right now what we would do is send it to our Public Works and R&V they would go out and assess it yep and then we would make a decision on how it needs to be repaired y that can be streamlined now because we'll be able to pull that up because Public Works would be able to pull up the address and already have a very upto-date exactly picture of that roadway because it's being driven constant correctly I'm going to jump back here to this screenshot here and I actually just discussed this with Frank uh right before this meeting started on average right now the township receives around six complaints a day in which Frank needs to actually deploy someone to that site to get a bird's eye view and that's just those complaints that we have to send someone out which we deem critical enough the first thing that we do now that we have vitic is instead of sending an asset and a resource out into the field we can immediately type in that address or that latitude and longitude and get the Township's most recent condition assessment from that particular point of view we no longer need to send someone out into the field because we have that most recent image data from out in the right of way um so doing some very simple math we just did this if each task let's say takes an hour we're doing it's six times a day 6 hours a day 5 days a week that's 30 hours a week 4 hours a week that's 120 hours a week off the bat saved just from not having to send people out into the field we can also go into the cost Savings of being able um the LA U the last time that the township conducted a full condition assessment it's been quite a number of years with Vio litics we are an unlimited use tool the township can now if you have the resources deploy a condition assessment 365 days a year and not only track how our infrastructure and roads are deteriorating but we can also now track the performance of the labor the work and the Investments that the township is putting into their assets as well it'll also help identify if there's a more serious problem as well because if you travel a road right out here every single day and there's nothing wrong with it and then all of a sudden there's something wrong abs and it comes up a couple weeks later and shows that there's a problem it may just be deep if it was perfect at one point and now it's not Absolut we can dig deeper into that quicker absolutely before it becomes major and this is not only for the surface of the road but for any issue or condition within the right of way with vitic we're not deleting any of the images from the right of way that you've collected so what this is also building is a digital bank with Visual Evidence a visual documentation rather of what the township right of way looked like on any particular day so if something were to occur within the right of way you would have visual documentation from last week two weeks earlier two months ago you know and a year from now we begin to really start looking at your infrastructure and how it's performed on a month over Monon basis and we are also the if and correct me if I'm wrong the first municipality in gluster county in Jersey to have this type of program correct yes which is very exciting for us I agree absolutely and one of our larger ones actually in the state in the state in the state okay absolutely does anybody else have any exactly exactly exactly and we didn't even jump into those features there is also a feature in here what the township is using which is going to attract the uh efficiency of spending within their Road Improvement so one of the other features that valytics will do within our what's called our road planning module is we'll identify if the township is efficiently spending Capital based on the overall damage to the road Network as well what do this cost sure so vix our pricing is based on total Center Line Mile and it's an annual subscription basis with unlimited use yes please sure exactly it would sure thank you for your question that's a great question so the first thing of course we would want to do is try to access that image data from the right of way within vitic and see when we did that last ition inspection one of the magic of the very easy deployment of our tool is that because it's only Iphone based we have no expensive Hardware we're not installing sensors anywhere in the town the phone or the iPhone can be mounted in any vehicle which is already running on static routes across the municipality so whether it's Public Works workers or whether we decide to mount them in sanitation Vehicles street sweepers again there are a lot of very efficient ways to create this incre increase of data intake without having to uh expend more resources out in the field yes great question um it's one annual fee unlimited use all inclusive so there aren't any additional options or premiums that we have have we're an all-inclusive tool excuse me um in addition to that we are actually constantly improving our product releasing system updates part of our ongoing conversations with the mayor Frank and his team is ongoing trainings ensuring that when we do release these updates all of our partners all of our users become educated and power user users on using this functionality and in return we actually ask for you know your feedback there feedback so we can improve our own user experience and the functionality as it relats to being the best tool for the streets here as well is it cloudbased or cloud-based and we use uh Amazon web services their government option as well sure please oh I'm so sorry yes sure so the initial assessments were done by Frank and RVE and the team and we're right now currently working on a way to uh most resourcefully and efficiently deploy it on an ongoing basis yes that includ that's a great question and something I can touch on as well so within the vitic system the county roads can be assessed however we can work to ensure that those County Road scores do not go into the overall Township score as well however there is also a very uh positive benefit in assessing those County Roads because what we can now do is create digital documentation for the county of you know we just identify damage on your roads here we're sending you image documentation with the location of that damage you know let's see if hopefully you can fix it within the next coming weeks and then on the following condition assessment we will continue to create a digital breadcrumb trail of identification reporting and and we we're covering ourselves almost from a liability perspective while helping the county to improve their own roads that run through the township would that be an additional no the the cost to the town is a static cost it will not change there's unlimited use um we do not uh overcharge if you know for extra miles it's solely based on the number of miles that are under jurisdiction by the township and I believe the cost is already it's already it's it's funds being reallocated that are already in our Capital Road program correct corre so it's already it's not costing us any additional money whatsoever because it's money that's already budgeted corre that it's just being reated to this particular program correct I oh I don't have that the the exact number off the top of my head but I can absolutely share that at the end of the meeting it's you the township has unlimited users and it's bring your own device so we we did Supply as well for iPhones included in the pricing to deploy this without having to remove the phone from the workers's hands but it can be our app can be downloaded onto any phones the township has unlimited users um was there a question in the back Chief I actually like the stops on feature yes we had a triple F on accident where stop sign was y absolutely absolutely any additional questions sure you have any sure sure so via lytics as an organization and a feature of our technology we are working on a public facing tool that the township would be able to deploy um at the moment it would be up to the township to uh post results and screenshots things of that nature as well any I think that's something that we can assess as we go forward and learn the program and then I wouldn't see an issue with putting it up on you know the website once we get it and learn about it and know how to work it and then can explain it to the general public when they log in absolutely so like if you wanted to look up your roadway correct and say where we're at with it and the status of it and look it up yourself I think that's something we can look into but like you said it's new or may or start in China if someone comes and says well you paid this road but you didn't pay my road and it's just as bad and you can point back and say look we have a program that evaluates the road condition and this road is worse than that road and here's the data to prove that we didn't choose not to Road it's just another project priority because of the RO yeah well as of right now we have a biner book with a road plan you know 10year plan on one roads are to be you know paved and this that and the other thing but that doesn't take into consideration the deterioration that could take place within those 10 years so this is going to help that and then and you know hopefully get it to the point where we're not repaving and we're just keeping up with the maintenance of it yeah you know and and then I think it's like any As Time Goes On It ultimately saves the Town Money absolutely what one of the indicators that we actually have within our planning module is with in Road management there's an indicator called remaining surface life so using a round number if a Township manages 100 miles of Road each year 100 miles is going to deteriorate off that road so the township is challenged with investing to extend the life cycle total of their roads by 100 years to maintain even for that one year so what our tool will help track you do it will help you track is how many years are you Lo how many miles are you using this year and what are your most efficient spends to not only become neutral but to start gaining back some of the years that you've lost on your roadway as well Hydro locations great question so at the moment our AI isn't doing that automatically um I forgot it in my case over there one of the very unique tools that our technology comes with is we have something called a smart button with the smart button enables is a very safe and quick and seamless way for anyone using vitic to collect data from the right from the from the right of way so as opposed to now where let's say there was um a large bulk item of trash or road kill or a dumpster that may have been placed in an illegal spot right now the process was the driver stops the car gets out of the vehicle takes a picture tries to figure out where they are with the vitic smart button and the phone mounted all we have to do now is click that button once as you drive it takes a picture there's even a recording functionality for the user to create a voice note uh that attaches itself to that image and again they can do all of this without even stopping the vehicle as well so the use case of creating uh um a dynamic asset collection of our fire hydrants while we don't have that automated we can very quickly just uh catalog them using the button as well very simple way of doing that we have a a partner um two of our stronger larger Township Partners up in central New Jersey we work with Edison and Lakewood and outside of the typical assets that we're collecting automatically those cities themselves are deploying it for their street lamps for their handicapped parking spots uh for their playground equipment baseball fields uh the tool it's a really an open ecosystem for the township uh to dynamically manage infrastructure any questions thank you excellent okay thank you very much for your time everyone [Applause] all right I appreciate you good seeing you [Applause] [Music] we're not keeping a check a check take a big check ready all right moving on to the uh Bill list can get a motion to approve the bill list for August 14th second roll call Mr YZ we're doing b list yes Mr Brown yes Mr delpia yes Mr de yes moving on to minutes can I get a motion to approve the regular minutes for July 24th 2024 second roll call please Mr YZ yes Mr Brown yes Mr Delia yes Mr derella yes yes yes moving on ordinances ordinance 11 ordinance amending chapter 92 of the code of the town of Washington entitled fire prevention this ordinance is for introduction only can I get a motion to introduce ordinance 11 motion roll call please Mr JZ yes Mr Brown yes Mr Delia yes Mr yes council president may I comment yes so this was at the request of the fire department to update uh this ordinance was in introduced and adopted last year this is an update to the fee schedule that they can charge for reimbursement of certain services from insurance companies that they provide okay great question discussion on that moving onance ordinance 12 ordinance amending area and bulk standards Within Chapter 285 the code of the township of Washington entitled zoning this ORD up her introduction only can I get a motion to introduce ordinance 12 motion second roll call please Mr JZ yes Mr Brown yes Mr Delia yes Mr derella yes Council vice president you want to talk about this so dis ordinance has been brought to my attention that some of the pool stores are having issues now with um coverages so a lot of pool applications are getting denied for properties that have plenty of space so um languages needed to be more def defined directive of what it was and what is allowed and what's not allowed so this um makes a little more clear of what is allowed and for the basic pool installation they shouldn't have any issues moving forward thank you council president thank you mov on resolutions the following resolutions are by consent agenda only and require vote for all listed each one must be read by title if any member of the council wishes to have one removed and heard separately they need indicate prior to reading the titles anyone need anything no M clerk would you please read the resolutions resolution 225 resolution accepting a safety and stabilization bond from ingr development company LLC 4390 4400 and 4430 Route 42 Turnersville New Jersey escra number 0057 resolution 226 resolution accepting the required fees and bonds from the Sero construction Corp for a Road opening permit at 214 and 218 East H Avenue resolution 227 resolution authorizing interlocal Services agreement between the township Washington and the Washington Township Board of Education for school resource office officer services for the 2024 2025 school year can I get a motion approve resolutions R 225-2220 to r227 d224 motion second second roll call please Mr YZ yes Mr Brown yes Mr yes Mr deell yes moving on to Old business new business and reports start with Council yurus and the report at this time all right Council Brown um from the library they are sponsoring a Garden State Consortium New Jersey Public Gardens Tuesday October 20th I'm sorry Tuesday August 20th at 6:30 p.m. um 1 hour presentation filled with with beautiful imagery that takes you on a virtual tour of almost 30 New Jersey Public Gardens uh that are member state of Garden State Gardens uh so the Flyers up front check their website also unfortunately I was unable to attend the week over the weekend but councilman council president Delp and the mayor uh got to see the veteran who spoke um he is a World War II veteran and he shared his experiences as a field medic and I did have the pleasure of meeting and seeing him last year his stories were very insightful and moving and uh not only did he share in words but he also shared in pictures hopefully we can get him to come back next year he's 101 years old U you know so hopefully he has another year to come and share with us but uh we thank him for his service and uh the experiences that he shared with us um also councilman council president do p and I I'm do barell and I I attended a meeting with the herl uh Heritage Valley Association last night address some of their concerns um and we'll be take we answered a lot of their questions and looking into some of the concerns that they have just as a reminder we're always welcome to come out and meet with Civic organizations uh to discuss their concerns and any other groups that would like to meet with us to uh address anything that's it all right Council vice president um first I want to say uh congratulations to the Chief and the staff that na night out it's a huge success um I can't picture any Town doing what we do for National Night Out I had the honor of being in the dunk tank um it was a fun time um it was a great time so hopefully everybody made it out there got to see na out um ordinance I forgot to thank Jay patango for working on that so Jay thank you for working on that ordinance appreciated it um our next meeting will be after Labor Day so enjoy Labor Day have a safe one kids will be back at school so slow down watch the buses give yourself a little bit more time to get back get to work um you know speeding's still kind of an issue I know the chief's been on it um but with the kids getting on the buses uh please take a little bit more care and be careful that's all thank you thank Council vice president I want every note that September 11th meeting will be canceled we have a walk in the park so that meeting will be canceled that night so that meeting will not be happening just have a couple things that I want to kind of mentioned too absolutely first of all uh National that was a lot of fun Chief you did a great job Public Works did a great job everybody had a good time I was also on the dunk tank and the kids in this town have arms that are unbelievable I mean the the athletic ability in this town is amazing I got to be honest with you uh also the mayor and I were at a couple events this past weekend Tri-State veterans fund had a run that I did not run but they they had a run Megan and the kids ran and they had a great time with that and also I did get to catch the veteran who spoke he is 101 years old and Vicki and Leon were also there 102 thanks Barb Barb actually reminded me about this and it was anyone who gets chance to hear him speak it's unbelievable if if you get a chance I don't know if somebody taped that bar someone wanted the whole thing I did tape a little bit and post it so we can get that maybe we can post it on on our social media but really just amazing to hear him speaking remember dates Barb I mean he he knew dates he was so sharp for 102 years old and uh the other thing was the senior center tomorrow turns 32 years old so happy birthday to the senior center anyone uh stopping there tomorrow just it' be a great celebration there from Judy told me today that they're having a celebration and and like Don said you know if you have an issue in your neighborhood reach out to us we're we're always here to meet with you we'll meet you at your home we'll meet any civic association here in town we'll meet anybody who has an issue we' like to do it here because it's kind of centralized but if you want us to come to your home and meet about an issue that you're having please reach out and that's all I have all right now we're going to open up for public participation please follow public theorum posted which has been attached to the public agenda and limit your comments of 5 minutes once you've completed your comments and questions please take a seat I'll ask if any member of the governing body or their designate wish to address your comments or questions asked by the person who just spoke can I get a motion open to public for the public participation motion second all in favor I anyone wish to speak the public seeing none can I get a motion to close the public motion second all in favor I okay the next council meeting will be will be scheduled for September 25th 2024 at 6 p.m can I get a motion to adjourn motion all in favor I we're Jed for