good evening I'd like to call the meeting to order it is 6:01 p.m. this is a regular meeting of the township of Washington in accordance with the requirements of New Jersey statutes regarding open public meetings notice of this meeting was legally advertised in a South Jersey Times as well as posted on the Bolton board in the municipal building fire exits are located through the double doors to your left and right please silence all mobile devices this meeting is being videotaped anyone who does not wish to be seen on television may be excused this will be shown on Channel 9 every week Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Wednesday at 7 p.m. Friday at 10: p.m. and Saturday at 10 p.m. and we'll continue until the next meeting this meeting is being live streamed on YouTube it can be viewed at a link on our website please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance flag United States of America the stands one nation indivisible andice for thank you roll call please Mr Delia here Mr deell here Mr Bennett here Mr Brown here Mr jurus presid Mayor Burns here Mr Russo Mr wendles all right first we're going to have a presentation in recognition of the Washington Township varsity boys soccer [Applause] team all right look at these guys here in the front you guys want to have a scrimmage we can push all the chairs out way we have a quick scrimmage what do you guys think you want to do it all right so today we have the this the soccer team here I actually got to see you guys play actually two games it was awesome uh Jeff told me when your game was going to be I came over to watch you guys I love the teamwork I love how you guys work together I love watching you guys it was it was just the way you move the ball down the field was awesome so it it shows us a lot that working together can win you guys want 182 and two is that correct congratulations that's a big accomplishment so here at the town we just want to recognize you guys let you know that that it doesn't go on notice to teamwork to hard work thank you to your parents because let's be honest with you you know they're the ones that get you they they travel to all the games with you it's a lot of time a lot of commitment from them as well so congratulations now mayor and all of us are going to read some names here get you guys your your award so come on up as we call your name in order go the coaches first head coach Shane Shane [Applause] Snider assistant coach Ed mccusker assistant coach Brett Sigman assistant coach Megan reigan then we have our captains Captain John D denoto captain aene [Applause] dwire Oh Captain Drew [Applause] heel we have Aiden Anderson Cameron bger come on up Cameron Owen Caffery Jack Connor Brett Egan Robbie finegan Tom Gracia Nick gu guak Don yeah Laden heel Luke [Applause] Lyon I'm gonna mess this up how do you say it I wrot really I'm sorry Max Madia Justin Pagano Mark Simmons Sean T tardan and Angelo TR [Applause] triola for is [Applause] you yeah okay next we're going to move on to the bill list can I get a motion to approve the bill list for February 28th 2024 motion roll call Mr Juris yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr deell yes Mr Delia yes move on to minutes can I get a motion to approve minutes from February 14th 2024 motion second roll call Mr YZ yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr deell yes Mr Delia yes can I get a motion to approve the executive session minutes from February 14th 2024 motion second roll call Mr YZ yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr deell yes Mr delpia yes going to move on to ordinances Ordinance one ordinance amending ordinance 27 amending chapter 2 article 4 section 2-4a and section 2-5a the code of the township Washington entitled Administration is up for adoption after a public hearing U Mr Windows you want to comment on the ordinance uh sure yeah thank you appreciate it can I get a motion to open to the public on Ordinance one motion second all in favor I anyone wish to speak on Ordinance one please come forward hello joh Carlo Doro I live in Washing Township I'm also a taxpayer regarding the sance I want to make a statement that it's illegal to vote on it tonight for the fact that it changed it from the first reading to the second reading I suggest that you make tonight the first reading and now vote on it since I believe it is a violation of the ordinance okay now if I can hear from you if you go to vote on it I I would like to talk about it okay I refer to um leg I'm sorry sorry and and you are okay so are you going to they going vot on uh yeah it's on the agenda I know it's on the agenda but you still have a chance not to make a mistake because I really believe that this is a violation of ordinances because between the first reading and the second reading the ordinance is different well I tried to look for the audiances and I can't find it on on a site this was two weeks ago and still not posted on the introduction so I didn't get to read the body of it this morning I emailed the clerk and asked for the Ordinance one the way it was introduced and the way it was today I received it just as in excuse me I want to interrupt you Ryan just to give you a little background this was introduced as two ordinances was Ordinance one ordinance two and since it's been combined to one ordinance to you know get it through I think that's what Mr tasio is Mr President thank you for clarifying that yes and I just wanted to kind of give you a little background of I think what Mr derio is bringing to our attention so I I agree with the president that it is not Ordinance one it has drastically changed but I don't know what changed in the body as I said I only had the first one when I walked in I don't know I didn't have a chance of reading but when I read by title only two main differences on 214 it was or resending or on today it's ordinance amending it's I mean the word is different without looking at the body of it so I'm just making that suggest but if you going to vote on it I would like to comment on it which yeah okay does any of the wording that has been changed in what Mr derazio is putting out change the purpose or intent of what we're trying to [Music] do does anybody have any opinion on uh voting or not voting I say we vote yeah I have no problem voting as long as it doesn't change the intent of what we're trying to do to correct something I have no problem with it Mr you're still fre free to speak and it tell us what what you vote with me I'm not allowed to speak with it it will be it will be the first reading am I correct it sounds sounds okay so you go to V on all right can process am it but the attend is already there because it's something that was should have been already should have been right from the beginning right from the beginning so we're not changing anything other than putting it back on I me Mr D is right there has been some changes but I think what C Brown's saying is the body and the purpose of the ordinance didn't change even though some of the other things have changed the main purpose of of this is to put back which was wrong in in our or in our um in our process for a long time change correct okay and again it should have never been the way it was that we were something happened and how long that this has been going I have no idea so uh from that standpoint so we want to make sure that we write it as a agreed so Mr R we're going to vote on it um based on our legal um advice um we feel that this is something I mean the decision is yours Mr President but I just want to explain to you the lawy the lawyer can only advise you yes but we feel that this is something after finding out that it was wrong needs to be fixed um again I don't stand by my statement whatever was wrong that you fixed people know that the first ordinance is totally different they the people that watching this they think that you are voting on resending rather than amending like I say I I totally disagree with you in voted on it but that's your decision okay yeah so so from my understanding is we were going to resend what we were doing and we're we're going to reintroduce a new one but after um Matt had looked at it said that it would be better to do everything the same but amend what was there rather than do two moves we're doing one okay that was that was my understanding we're good you're going to vote on he yes so as of this moment right now before you vote on it who has the powers to appoint a public defender or a prosecutor as I'm now it would still be the mayor yeah our our ordinance is um invalid so how did the mayor get the powers back from Council what what happened I did the mayor mayor would like to say something like welcome to I should ask you by the way so I did I did a shift from Council we said back to the mayor but it was never a mayor's appointment before this the the prosecutor or the solicitor did pick the people Department of Law for the last and and Department of Law and how many years maybe even back to the time that you were a councilman maybe this has been the same way correct so so so so again we're going to write it to the right to make sure it is correctly done and again we had Joe look at all type of appointments like that and make sure that they were fixed because again something happened it's m stake and we're going to resolve it as of today so my question again is the power is to the May at this moment the May has the power well I think I think I think trying to understand your question yeah I'm think I'm trying to I think your question is who has the power now but the question is where was the power always supposed to be and that's what we're trying to fix right now we're trying to fix moment at this moment because I hear two different answers here at this moment who has the power of get that appointment of the appointment of the prosecutor at this moment okay so we talking about this particular okay you're next go ahead I don't know who I'm talking to I mean in a big game but at the present moment because we passed an ordinance back no no no at the papers I'm getting to that you let me finish we passed an ordinance that allowed us to make the appointment to prosecutor and public defender based on information that was brought to our attention given that advice we adopted that ordinance back after further review we found out that that particular ordinance we should have adopted that ordinance and the power to point prosecutor and public defender for the Fon Act with mayor prior to this it was being um appointed by the Department of Law when it where how it got to that point we don't know when it started okay like councilman Bennett said when you were a councilman it could have been the same way you we don't know so hold on I'm not finished when we're when we're to a point that we're trying to correct something to make it right not only so that it's back the mayor but also that going be rfps request for proposals so that uh the candidates or applicants from position can submit resumés uh costs and all that so we can make an informed decision taxpayers Washington Council we're just trying to fix a law it should have never been that wayin first may I when I was on Council we did not vote on the second read Mee if something was changed in the ordinance that settles my question is Mr Brown MH Mr Brown my question is do you have who has the power of the appointment at this moment I just answered no you didn't answer me I did I said the we I said the ordinance that we passed am I hear something different the question to any one of you at this moment who has that power and again the ordinance that we passed what do you mean again did you just say the first time I did I said the ordinance we passed in early January we took the power to point public defender and the prosecutor at this point now okay we've been told that for a fer act we have to give it back to the mayor so to answer your question as of right now until we change this ordinance we as Council that ordinance it was adopted we have the power okay great okay we got to the answer Mr pres you agree with what he said personally yes I don't no no no is personally I don't Mr President if if the faul states by law that no Mr President do you agree with what Mr Brown just said and the power I'm speaking you keep interrupting me I believe that the law states that it should be with mayor and if that's what the fauler ACT States we don't have the jurisdiction or the power to take it from her so even though we had an ordinance in place to me that ordinance is invalid and that's what we're doing tonight to make sure that it's cleaned up moving forward so I do not believe that we have the power to appoint anybody because that is invalid if that's my opinion Mr Brown obviously has a different opinion but this ordinance is going to make it clear to everybody who has the power I'm not talking about what the ordinance you going to do but you you came up here worrying about what the ORD that's what we're getting to ask I'm asking you at this moment m who has the power Mr Brown said that Council has the power okay as I'm now let me clarify you so again my comment is based on an ordinance that we processed or I'm sorry we adopted that we believe was true right so at the time yes AR we believed based on legal opinion that was true we had no reason to doubt subsequently we found out that we do not have the power to do so my comment my clarification is we believe that we did I believe that we did until we were corrected and told that no you can't do it so tonight we're correcting so what we had we correcting so that the May gets back okay let me go real slow here Mr Brown when you voted on the ordinance 27 2023 when that ordinance was adopted the power went to councel am I correct either wrongly or not can we can we have the lawyer respond to this no no more no more we're just going to go right to you and you're going to make the statement are you a vo member sir sorry are you a body member have you signed off for that ordinance have you signed off on ordinance 27223 or has the president signed off for I think you had a comment com yeah yeah the comment the comment is a question who has the power at this moment Mr we have already answered this multiple times this is a game show so at a certain point though we've answered your question multiple time no no you did not answer my question you did Sir answer my question again Mr Mr Raz listen you can come up right and you can give us some some feedback let me finish and then you can speak you can come up and give us some feedback but this isn't a game show like you're like your questioning us we're telling you what we want to do to fix things right so if there's a wrong this Council wants to make it right I know you want to make it political and we're not here for that we here to fix things that are wrong we get to that later no we need to fix things that are wrong this is not political but is political because you're like who who has that who is that what's on door number one what's be on door number two what's be on door number three we we're here to answer questions right no it's me and your I'm going to ask you may I ask you a question not really because we we we went over I everyone everyone I answer the question for you already and you still didn't want to answer am I going to ask a question or the ordinance that you are about to vote you you asked are we going to vote on it we said yes and you said can I make a statement we said yes don't words my mouth isn't this my question is simple who has the power at this time before you vote on Mr D this public portion is about ordinance 1 2024 correct you're asking questions about previous ordinance no no no I'm asking the question of ordinance 27- 2023 I'm going to wait until the public session that's fine okay thank you thank you anybody else for public question to speak hi everybody um my name is Kevin duuk I live at six brial Lane in here in Washington Township I'm a proud Township resident um I also live in the Colts Neck development I'll speak about that a little bit later tonight um in the meantime I just wanted to commend you guys as a council because is one it's a tough job that you have to begin with two you're spot on Council you're spot on I do Municipal work myself not to render a legal opinion but the reality is if you introduce an ordinance if you're merely amending the title of that ordinance from one word to another it does not change the nature of the ordinance and the scope for which it's being submitted the inherent basis of the word rein is to retract what you've actually done is more of an affirmative action and benefited this community by amending what's already in place so for those reasons I would submit to all of you that you've done a great job um I I also want to commend you for the decision making to recognize the mistake that was made you know I'm a lawyer I'm not a mechanic if I go to Pep Boys and I say hey what's wrong with my car and they come out and they say well your doohickey wrong well guess what go ahead put another doohickey in what do I know you guys listen to your attorney you bought the wrong doohickey and that's okay it happens you owned it you're making amends and you're correcting it and that's commendable so thank you very much as a resident thank you thank you appreci for your time anybody else wishing to speak see none wishing to uh can I get a motion to close to the public for second all in favor I can I get a motion to adopt Ordinance one roll call Mr yurus yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr deell yes Mr Del yes going to move on to resolutions following resolutions are by consent agenda and only require a vote for all listed each one must must be read by title if any member of the council wishes to have one removed and heard separately they need to indicate prior to the reading of the titles anybody anyone anything removed and read visually Jack good resolution 83 resolution authorizing the collection of a fee for the use of the community garden resolution 84 resolution approving a large Gathering application for wigs and wishes Easter at Zoho at 22 Selena Road resolution 85 resolution authorizing the towns of Washington to solicit bids for property maintenance services for the year 2024 resolution 86 resolution authorizing refund of tax overpayments resolution 87 resolution of the towns of Washington in the county of glosser state of New Jersey amending resolution 48 to reflect corporate name change only to The Advocate from sa LLC to midnight greens LLC for the property located at block 15 59 lot 2.01 5100 Route 42 Blackwood New Jersey resolution 88 resolution authorizing a change order and accepting a maintenance bond from Earl asphalt company for the Whitman Drive various strainers improvements resolution 89 resolution awarding a bid to R mazowski Excavating Inc for Lebanon Street drainage improvements resolution 90 resolution approving participation with the state of New Jersey grant program minister administrated by the Department of Law and Public Safety resolution 91 resolution confirming the final agreement appointing appointing redeveloper and authorizing and and approving a Redevelopment agreement between the township Washington and JPC group real estate LLC resolution 92 resolution of the township at Washington in the county of Gloucester state of New Jersey in support of an application for a class 5 cannabis retail facility for greenvine LLC resolution 93 resolu resolution appointing a full-time zoning officer for the township of Washington can I get a motion to approve resolutions 59 to resolutions 80 motion roll call please wait hold on be resolutions 59 to 93 nope 83 let's try this again here it's probably from last meeting 83 to 93 let's try that again can I get a motion to approve resolutions 83 to resolutions 93 motion I just going to Bar second roll call please Mr yis yes Mr Bennett yes Mr Brown yes Mr deell yes Mr Delia yes sometimes that copy and paste gets us uh we're going to move into Old business new business and reports start with councilman Yus thank you council president um want to report on the open space advisory commit committee uh that we met this month and uh we voted after a snow Delay from January our president is Leon and Leon I'm not even going to attempt to say your last name I don't want to screw it up um we have a new vice president Jim Purry I want to congratulate these gentlemen uh there's a lot of volunteers and a lot of work that goes into the um open space advisory committee um before the meetings and after the meetings Vicki knows that and I just want to commend them for the job they did last year and for the work that's being proposed for this year um and encourage anyone who would like to become a member that to see me or see them and we need all the volunteers we can get I know that they're getting ready for the community lot uh over there at the park it's a 10x10 space $15 a year you have any question questions see Leon thank you councilman Yus councilman Bennett okay um couple things going on is one of my plights is as usual is the slow down and do not speed is very very important also to make sure that you come to a complete stop when you come to a stop sign not a California roll you stop breathe look right and left and then turn but the key thing is again things are getting better and down especially with the chief taking care of it on top of it but again people have to understand if you speed it causes problems that you could actually hit somebody or get in an accident we want to make sure we eliminate that also as I always say we got about a month month and a half left of um winter so if we have any winter storms between now and the end of uh winter make sure that you help out your neighbors by shoveling their snow make sure you get to know your neighbors and make sure you have ability to make a difference in helping them for for need um the high school is holding uh their musical which is the prom which will be on March 14th 15th and 16th I had a chance to see a little preview last night at the uh uh School Board they did a great job and uh we should support uh the Arts and the musical and come out and support them uh on that and then the last couple other things is that uh the annual car show will be coming up on uh April 27th it is a fundraiser for the old Stonehouse historical preservation commission to be able to um make things better at the oldstone house complex and at the Morgan house also if anybody wants to volunteer uh for uh helping us out we do need help with different events and the more people we have the more events that we can hold uh right now we're having a problem with trying to have a Halloween event unless we get some more um uh volunteers to come out and help so if you have that time uh and like to help us out we appreciate it and that's it for me thank you Council Bennett C Brown I'd like to recognize and thank Vicky benetti and the environmental Commission on their report um very well written Fant thank you for all you guys also with other commit evening is that your favorite topic again thank you all you guys do um from the library I attended the meeting last week um nothing to rep for upcoming events but um they up front to sign up for R Bridge so that when we push out notifications people can be notified important events within the cwn thank you councilman Brown councilman D thank you council president well this month is read Across America so I know mayor and a couple of us are getting to read to the kids uh I think with tomorrow and Friday and then next week and it's really exciting I got some books from our library so I'm pretty psyched about that the other thing I want to talk about is the Burlington Cod Factory yes everyone get excited we're getting a Florence the cor they're going to take up about 65,000 Square ft that shopping center has has has obviously seen better days but I believe when you put that Floor and Decor in there there's some great spaces so if someone wants to bring a business that's a great place to bring it in they have 220 locations they have nine here in New Jersey uh they are nationwide companies so I think they're going to bring a lot of uh a lot of life back to that shopping center so that's super exciting couple other things too on a personal note my son dressed up the other day in a police hat and a police shirt and he please call me Chief G so to all our police officers all our men and women in uniform it it really is uh you know I just thought for a second what an honor will be someday my son actually joined the Washington Township police force so thank you for that Community you know giving back and thank you for the community policing because it really does make a difference you really make an impression Peter's four years old so clearly uh AC was his K9 dog he said so clearly you know what you're doing is working with with our children so keep that going the other thing is we started a thing called The Giving train and really what it is is we're just taking donations from people for different things and if anybody we do a lot of it on social media but if anybody needs anything like the other day uh someone donated a jumper and someone here in town needed a baby jumper and then she sent us a picture and she said we could post it online so again if you have something medical equipment even the county the county has what you need so if you need a walker if you need a wheelchair they donate all that stuff and I'll go I'll pick it up I'll drop it off to you so if you need something like that ask ask us let us know if we can help you there's a lot of things we also have in the county county does free wills County gives away free GL there's a lot of programs so if you have questions or you need something you know somebody that needs something please reach out we we'd love to help you in any way we possibly can thank you council president thank you councilman um Mr Rell you have anything you want to add thank you Mr Russo mayor I don't have much to add but I want to thank um the police department for putting on the Valentine's Day celebration at the senior center on February 15th that we attended it was a great event for the seniors they loved it um I enjoyed being there we danced we they won prizes um we handed out food it was just such a great event so if you're a senior and you don't belong to the senior center I highly recommend you go check it out it's it's fantastic place for people to go thank you um I just want to recognize uh we appointed a new full-time zoning officer he's in the building uh Jay Morgan so Jay welcome aboard we look forward to working with you and anything you need you have our support so um congratulations um all the dogs in the township are required to be registered and vaccinated please stop in the clerk's office to register your dog for 2024 we'll be holding a free rabies clinic on Saturday March 9th from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. at the Public Works garage located at two McClure Drive the deadline to change of party affiliation for the primary election is April 10th the deadline to register to vote is May 14th forms can be obtained in the clerk's office and daylight savings time begins on March 10th be sure to set your clock uh ahead 1 hour and check the battery in your smoke detectors we're going to move on to public participation please file the public Corum posted which has also been attached to the public agenda limit your comments to 5 minutes once you've completed your comments or questions please take a seat I will then ask if any member of the governing body or their designate wishes to address your comments or questions asked by the person who just spoke spoke can I get a motion to open to the public participation motion all in favor I we're now open to public participation if anyone like to speak please come forward back again uh Kevin duuk again six Bridal Lane in Washington Township um I had an opportunity to speak with a number of residents in the Colts states where I happen to live about the issue behind some of those properties with Mr OWI I mean Mr rda's property um the question has come up and I was asked to sort of reiterate that here is what if anything does the township plan to do about the trees that were taken down in that area we understand there was a misconception about what Mr carder's abilities were to do with that property I did get an opportunity to walk the grounds and you know I don't want to exaggerate it's not a you know a godforsaken place by any means but it don't look good either right so just if the board could possibly Enlighten us as to what if anything you intend to do or are permitted to do I would appreciate that thank Mr Duke um I'll pass over to ba uh Mr Russo how worry sir um just to elaborate on your question a little bit so our code enforcement has issued a violation for the offense that took place and it's going to be litigated in okay so that's where we're at with that no nothing further thanks a lot guys day thank you hi joh Carlo dorio I am a resident in a taxpayer Washing Township uh I'm bringing this up because it has a lot to do with was Township although it's about a radio station that Peter is a a c and as a cost he announced the the vice president of uh the council in Washing Township and this is the reason why I bring it up oh last Saturday most of your program was pointed towards me a Lous citizen I don't know why I stand out but you blame me for a lot of things that are B to Republicans I I ask you to ask the five Democrat Commissioners at the county level I ask former Mary G former lawyer plat ask them what I do with them and I bring them am out and then make the statement again but what I want to say is this this I credit those people that stand by the Bible that they swore in when they took the alt of office and I Expos those who violate them so you mentioned that A bash people and you specifically mentioned Mar GN now I exposed Mar for doing the wrong things but if you remember remember the T-shirt that was given to me by you because you wanted me to do the D work for you by bashing Mar now now don't get me wrong I didn't do it for you I did it because I have an obligation to do it but you are not a saint yet you blaming me for what you did beyond the scenes you also made fun of my age my age that I'm too old for what to one for office or anything like that Mr I I can stop you right there first of all I never made fun of anyone's age ever so I spend every Thursday with the seniors so I never made fun of anyone's age ever as far as as you accusing me of that behind the scenes Mr T this is clearly you want to be political right so if you want to have a political conversation we can have it this is not the forum for that council meeting to discuss issues of Washington Township so I I I understand this is good for your website but this isn't really good this isn't what you is you're not bringing people together sir you're dividing people by coming up here by attacking the council sh I hope it still fit you you while I sure I I'll try it on we could find out but at the end of the day what what you're doing is you're just trying to come up here and just create content for your site I get it I understand right I understand maybe you're an influencer maybe maybe that's how you make a living now but at the end of the day we're here for for the for the residents to make things better when you come up here and you're bash and you ask all these questions you're not here for that sir you're here you have somebody here here taping we see them so you're just here to create content that's not what this is for this is for actual Town issues that's not to issue can you explain it to me why do you target me I'm I'm not targeting you sir sir you you said why am I targeting you you came up here and and targeted me and I'm answering you back I'm not targeting anybody you done because because I have five minutes no listen I'll wait with you all night oh okay great I got four kids at home that are up so I I I I'll be up I'll be here with you all night I'll answer every question you have but if they're legitimate questions and and they really pertain to the town not about a radio show not about a t-shirt not about things talk about things that are really you know Mr I don't know if you know this there's 71 food banks in this County 71 and you can come here every Thursday right this is where we have mothers covered and there's a line of people those are the issues I want to talk about I don't talk about t-shirts or radio shows or anything else I want to talk about the taxpayers ofing I did not come here to get a lesson from you I have specific questions oh I'm ready to answer why do you blame me I've having multiple Facebook pages fake ones when I'm ready talking to you right now I don't need a f a fake Facebook okay I do know I hope that you will stop doing that I I never said sir I never said listen listen you know as well as I do is I didn't say that you you know that but again it's good content but your silence not your silence does not absolve you I don't my silence doesn't absolve me it doesn't make me guilty and to say that I did you're right you're right I put my hand on the Bible and took a mo almighty God and that oath was to do what's best for Washington Township residents and I'll stand here and I'll listen to you all night long but your questions have nothing do with the the township res yeah this T this this this President this this resident is targeted no first of all I respect you as a formal councilman I think you're a council president I respect that I respect the office I think what you have to understand is you show the same respect that that you always want to be shown we're showing you respect as a resident as a taxpayer that's why we're here never that's why that's why we're fight for for res as a councilman and a council president yeah I never Target anyone I didn't say you did Sir I saying that I respect you and your position yes and and I and I still respect you as a taxpayer I respect you as a resident I respected you as an elder I respect you in a lot of ways if you could answer some of my questions I'll try I'll do my best if it's about the size of the shirt I don't know what size that is I'll try it on is that one other the questions okay okay to yes I do I do have other questions okay go ahead six minutes in so as far as the age and uh as far as the age as a matter of fact uh we went back when we talked uh Mr Delia called in and he mentioned that if I will spend so much time I could be an asset an asset what an asset what could be an ass to the town listen anybody that's what the ging train was about right so you have residents that don't know each other right nobody says Hey listen I'll give you this wheelchair if you're an r or D or how you vote it's all about giving back regardless of any of that an asset everybody in the town could be an asset if we want to be or you have the time to be or you have the item or whatever it may be okay well this is a question for the taxpayers to know sure why did you give the former solicitor back 4,000 40 000 from taxpayers money oh you're the one to answer well I can't listen Mr Rio you as a former council president know that you can't answer matters like that you know that but again it's good content I get it but at the end of the day you can't answer that you know you can't so if you want to be fair and you want to go back ask questions that are relevant you can't answer that question you can't it's a personal matter okay so we just pay out we don't know why what happened with uh Joe Paris case how much money that cost the taxpayers and you settled we don't even know you did if it wasn't for Mr aluro we wouldn't even know that you s the case believe that's a person matter again okay so on the on the park CH law playground that you both of you accus me that I bashed you or bring you that playground there are you kidding me I applaud those people that did that did that work what i b what I exposed is the process that you went about okay let's stop right there when you say exposed what was exposed right because we had a room full of people here with handicapped children sir so what was exposed those children there wasn't a dry eye I could not hold back to tears as any other council person was so when you say exposed what did you expose you exposed those people Mr let me finish Mr I'll let you finish but when you attack children when you when you say exposed what did I children please please in the audience he's 8 minutes in 5 minutes let go but but you're saying you're saying exposed like there was something you understand you don't understand what exclusive means these children there's there no let me finish let me finish there's parents right that have children that have handicaps that they can't take their kids to the park sir no I'm questioning you the way you did it not what you did what what did we do sir you did not have a video recording maybe technition wasn't available okay but you know how many people you deprived from watching that meeting how many parents of special children you deprived no no no that you're wrong you're absolutely wrong first of all we put it out we put it out there like we always do Chris did we not right Nicole Audy who who is who is let the parents know about video were you at the meeting no I'm talking about video recording on YouTube that those parent that could not make it here that could watch it just like they watch tonight's meeting Absolut listen okay if you're looking for if you're looking but but you're saying exposed like there was something that weuse me don't accuse me that I I'm not accusing you used the word exposed I didn't you said no yeah you accused me that I bash the kids I don't like the kids no no no what I'm saying is you just said to yourself said I exposed that meeting Expos what it was packed in here it there wasn't one it was one person in here it doesn't matter who was here you it doesn't matter how many people were here what matter what matters is those people that you deprived of watching that meeting when you say the pride what do you mean who who was the pride because it wasn't video recorded okay before last year it was never it was never broadcast we actually started the broadcasting sorry we actually started the broadcasting last year so unfortunately he wasn't available for the special meeting so that is why you have anybody look that person is recorded right now right you could have asked St in one of of your your friends who recorded I'm not talking about but here's the thing though a lot of the parents that came up and spoke I'm not sure they really wanted that out there like that I mean we literally couldn't hold but you made the decision before those people came up here no listen maybe somebody did record it you're assuming that somebody didn't record it we don't know that somebody didn't record it yeah but it never made it to the YouTube channel that you have right so if he's not available what what do you what did you want us tell me what you want to in the future tell me and then we'll we'll no in the future do the right thing you have we you have two weeks bring this to Wasington was the right thing you couldn't record it between the two weeks right that that was okay but also understand that that's that's it's not required but at the end of the day again you as a taxpayer and as a resident if that's the way you feel we'll take it under consideration I know that's not required but since you post that you video record every meeting record the same meeting if it's not available well somebody else do maybe you're available maybe we can get you next time maybe maybe you can do it why me well maybe you're saying that you can come and you could help us out with that no why me maybe you could help us out no you're the councilman well I'll take it next time I'll take you want me to do the job for you over 11 minutes in so we were 11 minutes in so you want to finish your question no no good let finish your questioning yeah these are the questions I have than for your answers thank you well Mr R if I could respond keep it short we were under a time constraint from what I'm I understand with this grant we had to get this thing done very quickly in order to get the money under circumstances I'm only talking about if you have you're making a mountain out of a mole hill I know under the time constraints and under the pressure we were under to get this money to get this grant to get this thing done we did the best we could we didn't try to do this on the table I commended you for that okay but now you're making right and I don't think it's fair you're taking up all our time I commend it that for getting together and do it I mean that's a great program that's a great Pro progress this meeting was advertised was open to the public anyone who wanted to be here could have been here a lot of the special children they could not make it here well how do you know how do you know oh how do you know that how do but how do you know that because we have more than 150 children like that that's all I know well some people chose not to some people don't go out at night some people are just grateful that this Council took the steps necessary to accommodate handicap people I'm one of them okay I'm grateful that you did that why are you take out a part time it's enough this no let's wrap it up where where's the part time so when you were running and you promised the Ain would rep place that all right thank thank you Mr Mr thank thank you we appreciate you coming up thank you anybody else wishing to speak seeing none can I get a motion to close the public participation motion second all in favor I next regular council meeting is scheduled for March 13 2024 at 6 PM Tak get a motion to adjourn