okay welcome back um all right actually much better thank you I can look you straight in the eye now right it was for those who are wondering [Laughter] uh there are a couple members of the audience who have shaved their head the uh president of the uh Association as well as the head of negotiation committee have shaved their head how much money did we raise do you does anyone know how much the it's amazing it was worth it worth it it may grow back the board will not participate okay do we have any board correspondence this evening we do not okay great superintendent's comments Dr I'd like to welcome our student Representatives I know I think the last meeting you were scheduled to be at was the one that got cancelled maybe it's been a while between meetings so welcome back it's nice to see you or actually Juliana that's a we haven't seen you you in a couple meetings that's right um okay so just a couple of things um as not all board members were present at our last meeting and uh there was still some misinformation circulating regarding a presentation on consent and healthy relationships in our 12th grade health classes two weeks ago Mr bernberg just asked me to provide a summary of the information shared at the last board meeting I do want to apologize for interrupting the second speaker during public comment um I had clarifying information I thought would be helpful to share but in hindsight I should have waited till they were done I certainly don't ever want to stifle public comment we encourage and welcome when community members take the time to come to a board meeting and offer feedback so we encourage that and and want that to continue uh as I shared at our last meeting as required by the New Jersey student learning standards and as indicated in our curriculum guides that are posted on our website as well as our list of Health topics that are on our homepage for our PE and Health Department consent and healthy relationships is a core Topic in our 12th grade health course two weeks ago a health educator with zufall health provided a presentation for our 12th grade health students on the topic of consent and healthy relationships for those of you who may not know zual health is a nonprofit Community Health Organization that operates in Somerset County as well as six other counties across the state their mission is to provide access to quality affordable and culturally responsive Health Care to people in communities who experience barriers to care we have collaborated with them for several years they provide speakers on various Health topics as a free service to schools this particular presentation focused on healthy relationships and the cycle of how a healthy relationship can be impacted for example how dishonesty impacts healthy relationships as well as consent and coercion as I had received a call regarding a misperception as to the content of the presentation and one of the nice pieces of my office being in this building the presentation happen to be occurring right down the hall for my office uh I was able to pop in and attend one of the afternoon sessions which indeed was all about consent and healthy relationships a very important topic for our 12th grade students who are about to leave for college or enter their work Workforce or pursue other post-secondary plans I'm sure as we all are that our students have differing Comfort levels when it comes to discussing emotional and Sexual Health that's why we look to present the information in a variety of ways through a variety of presenters hoping that one of those modalities resonates with uh with our students a large part of our health curriculum is inviting presenters in um to help bring relevance and meaning to the curricular topics some through sharing their professional expertise and others through sharing their personal experiences our teachers and administrators put a lot of thought and Research into securing presenters to speak on topics in our 9th through 12th grade health courses aligned with our curriculum and our strategic plan some examples from this school year of the uh presentations that we've conducted or will be uh hosting in our 9th through 12th grade health classes include active consent and sexual viol violence prevention which is provided by consent 101 a presentation on Naran by an NYU undergrad student in association with strive to revive ending stigma and destructive behaviors associated with mental health issues by minding your mind coping mechanisms by Mosaic counseling organ donation by the sharing Network automobile insurance by State Farm it's an important one uh absence first through First Choice Real Talk teen driver safety pre uh prevent uh a teen driver safety presentation by the Somerset County prosecutor's office so I hope this provides some clarifying information and uh the only other comment I have uh with my uh portion of my superintendent's comments is I just want to highlight our School Musical that just took place this weekend Pippen it was outstanding I know a number of you were able to uh to attend and between the set design the music the performance by the students the directing the whole team of staff and students that put that that together um did an absolutely outstanding job and I just want to highlight that and commend them uh on an outstanding performance so that's all I have thank you Dr jitt uh I too had the opportunity to to see pipp and it's the first time I've been to a High School Musical and I'm not sure how long and bad my bad on that uh I'm one of the few people who probably also saw the original Pippen on Broadway which was a 19 72 with uh Ben something like that uh starring Ben verine who I believe won Tony Award and then oddly enough in the Revival the woman who played the leading players she too won the Tony one of the few times a man in a male and a female have won a Tony for the exact same performance uh but yeah it was excellent and uh certainly it's on my list to make sure I attend all the musicals uh Dr Jud I certainly appreciate your uh comments with regard to public regard to public comments again we have two times uh for public comment the first one allows everyone an opportunity to comment on uh what our agenda items are and then the second round of public comments allows everyone to comment on whatever they want to do and again to highlight it is a comment period it's not a debate period however sometimes uh you know if it's a simple question or simple answer that we can provide we will just for uh you know for clarity or for efficiency if it's more involved you know and I know that whether it's Dr JT or Mr sty or whoever may have the answer they'll provide the answer again whatever we can to provide the public information they're looking for we try our best to provide it uh and certainly I welcome the public comments because a lot of times that may educate me with regard to some issues that are within the district again and I do not have a student in the school and I'm not in the school so I'm not really sure exactly what goes on on a day-to-day basis because I'm not here so when we hear issues uh in the school you know you know then we address them and you know we talk about them whether at the board level or in committee and with respect to that and with respect to uh this specific item I've spoken to Mr morison who's the head of the education committee and I've uh said that we should look at all of our programs that Dr JW had highlight where we have uh independent uh individuals or groups that come in and speak to our students and Dr JW had highlighted about 20 of them I guess uh and they can go over all of those and let them you know fed any issue they have and if there's greater issues they can certainly elevate it up to the board level but I think it's important to do that because I know there's a concern that these individuals perhaps are not vetted properly versus our staff members who go through a more diligent deliberate vetting and uh we can certainly do that or you know if need be we won't let anyone into the district that's not vetted at all which is a very simple solution and then we would only have staff members in the district and not have to worry about who's actually speaking to our students and again I remind everyone uh my personal perspective it's about Student First and doing what's best for the students and certainly giving them an education and knowledge in some other areas that aren't necessarily the so-called uh three Rs um with that said uh Mr sty thank you Mr President um just a couple of compliments to the students and the staff on the play it was fantastic and one thing that's pretty neat on all our is the accounting teacher and the accounting students do the accounting work for it and it's always within budget which makes me happy and it's but they they learn from the best they they do a fantastic the play was great I was actually sat with Susan we had a good time it was it was so we had so we had a it was a great show but again that accounting piece that that's pretty neat I me you don't see that too often in a school play but I think that's pretty cool um i' like to see future accountants out there that's that's a it's a good thing we need some believe me um and the other thing is uh we I'm going to allow Carol to talk about the operations committee but as the board knows we presented the budget last meeting um and we I said we had to make a few changes which we did U one of those changes is we did we were notified we're going to get the regionalization study Grant so I did put it into the budget but so that's a positive um but you know Carol will go through maybe some of the things that we talked about in operations but but at the bottom line is the budget is due tomorrow and the board is going to be voting on that tonight so if Carol has has need some help along with her explanation I am here to help thank you all right uh comments from our student representative comments you guys are up thank you this month's student achievements are as followed congratulations to those that attended the junior state of America trip to DC on President's Day weekend kin Feinstein anel Mullen Sophia Fish Patrick Miller Gabby silver meline Mills Fatima Anum Ava long Alexa Cristo and Mary Honis all had bills passed a second shout out to Kevin feinen and Philip leonian for winning best speaker Awards the Watchung Hills Model United Nations Club visited Philadelphia to compete in one of the largest conferences of the year in what was an extremely competitive event senior Kevin Chen won for best delegate and nth ERS asharia nir and Kayla Boer won for best position paper we are proud to announce that the WatchOn Hills Regional High School math team was the overall winner in the 2023 2024 Association of Math teachers of New Jersey amtnj math contest coach flannelly and the team had a well-deserved win in addition the math team is currently second in the county and 10th in the state in the New Jersey Math League competition senior Anton leonian participated in the American invitation ational mathematics competition the watchong hills speech and debate Club competed at the annual Essex County schools of Technology Terrier Classic Tournament of March 9th congratulations to Kathleen Wang and Sarah Zang who won third place in the public forum noice debate the students improved with every round and were delighted to be recognized for their hard work over the past month and their attention to feedback from their peers and the ridge judges thank you to the President Andrew Yao for leading the club all season and especially for his advocacy of younger and experienced student so continuing on with our student achievements all 38 of our national art Honor Society members submitted work into the 2024 nahs jured exhib exhibition which is a annual highly competitive virtual Student Art Exhibit um a record number of 2782 entries were submitted this year and only 125 Works were chosen to be dis played Anna Ortiz's work the toaster is the only watchong Hill submission that was accepted this year and finally congratulations to senior ja dve who has awarded the New Jersey Governor's award in arts education for exceptional Artistry and community community leadership in dance today now moving on to our school events celebrity chef was held on March 8th in gym 78 students made a variety of food that were specific to their culture religion Andor ethnic group several hundred students came and participated and tried the food during lunch STI Brown a 10th grader and the diversity Club organized it and finally for our school events Elina par parrick and Grace elen two ninth graders in Miss lington social justice class hosted students for two lunch periods to make friendship bracelets for kids with cancer and finally our athletic update the spring athletic season tryy out period is underway with scrimmages is beginning this Thursday March 21st and we are happy to boast 11 spring sports with a total of 22 teams and that is all for our student report tonight excellent thank you very much appreciate that um the tour you're more than welcome to hang out with us or you can leave or you can leave at any time we are stuck here for the duration and it could be till midnight or so I've been told anyway with that said we have one committee report operations Carol you're on the operations committee has had two meetings since our last board meeting the first meeting was on March 8th with Dan Gall Heather tror Bob Morrison Bill marichak Joe Roselle board attorney Roger Jinx County Superintendent Bill poch County business administrator Elizabeth JWT Tim sty and my attending the sole purpose of this meeting was to disc discuss the the tuition rate which will apply to the sending sending District of Greenbrook for the upcoming School Year resolution d29 on tonight's agenda for board is on tonight's agenda for board approval of the 20242 tuition rate the second meeting was on March 15th with Michael bernberg Bill marich Heather johnp Elizabeth Jew with Tim sty and myself in attendance the meeting was to finalize the preliminary budget which is on tonight's agenda for approval we expect it to be posted on our website tomorrow for public review with the final budget presentation scheduled for Thursday April 25th I did not go into detail because folks can read this entire thing tomorrow anyone who wants to so that is my report thank you Carolyn thank you to the work for the operations committee and Tim and everyone else in your office and administration uh again the budget process is what appears maybe three or four months but it's probably a yearlong and once one budget is done I am sure Tim is already looking to next year and getting ready so it never seems to end so and obviously money uh is very important very near and dear to all of us and trying to work within a budget trying to make a budget that's responsible for the taxpayers while still benefiting the our children so again I want to thank everyone for all the hard work and the time they put into it okay first opportunity for public excuse any questions on the operations I apologize anyone have any questions for Carol okay yeah just let the record show I did show up on that second meeting Happ okay great thank you first opportunity for public comment the first public comment per period will be limited to agenda items for this meeting only the second public comment period will be open to any topic all comments are limited to five minutes are there any public comments on agenda items this evening and again if you have any comments please sign in at the uh there's a registration desk you can sign your name and uh the town you're from and what you'd like to comment on again are there any public comments okay seeing none first round of public comments is now over again there'll be a SE opportunity for SEC sorry an opportunity for second round of public comments okay now we're going to go into board discussion items um at the last meeting we uh spoke briefly and uh this talking about board goals and uh We've edited some of the goals and like to have a discussion with respect to that does anyone have any comments or qu in everyone packet there are proposed board goals Liz you want to open up I just wanted to clarify so the first two are the same goals that we had the third goal the board had agreed that was onl not that we don't think it's important we agree that we think it's pretty systemic within the district so it doesn't need to be a a deliberate separate board goal anymore um so we talked about making a goal around the Strategic plan I take no pride in authorship I just put something down that I thought um expressed what we were looking to do so so you can either discuss tonight you can send me revisions but again I take no pride in authorship it was just trying to get down the thoughts the sentiments that were expressed at the last board meeting Dr J just a point of clarification um the current uh strategic plan runs through this school year through next through next school year 2025 through next school year yes so um so September 20 or either July 2025 I guess technically would be the beginning of the next strategic plan and we always run this the the process the year before it's implemented correct that would be next year well it's because it would the 2024 25 school year is the last year of this plan and then the 25 26 school year would be the first year so it ends in June 2025 the next one starts in July or September 2025 yeah we could start in September we can get a two-month break item oh my bad I apologize Bob thank you um we had spoken briefly I believe at one point maybe a month or so ago with respect to board election the uh right now obviously the elections coincide with the uh the November elections the state federal elections stuff like that years ago I'm not sure if people remember uh but the elections were in April of every year and then the uh and I believe they were mandated at that point but then the state said that we can move all the elections to November uh there were some caveats on there with regard to the budgets because it was a budget vote as well and now the state has come back and said that we can go back to April election um and uh just thought maybe we can discuss that and see if anyone had any comments or thoughts if it wouldn't be obviously April's next month so it wouldn't be for now but if we were to discuss it and adopt it it would be for April of 2025 and that would replace the November 2025 election so there'll be an election November 2024 and then another one five months later and then it would be the year if I'm not mistaken the term would be shortened yeah that yeah the the attorney had sent I think we sent it out to the the board of an explanation of this so the term gets shortened from November to April for the following year isn't that a townto toown decision or because it cost money to have a it cost separate election just the high school we would have because it would be our election it would yes however even though different T towns are voting yes so would however the K8 I don't I can't speak to if you know how strongly they're considering it but they said that you know some of their boards are talking about it as well which means if we all switched to April then we'd all share the cost we' you know share the cost with each of them in the different towns if they changed but we could do it without changing but if again if if everyone else chose to do it it's like when we did our referendum vote we paid the cost of that in both counties but if the other but you would be just doing it as a Warren right no it because it's for the high school election they wouldn't be voting for their if it was just us people would be going to the polls to vote for the high school board members not their K so everybody would be coming to Warren to vote for no it would still be in like it is now they just wouldn't be like in Wang they'd come to vote for the watang representative for the the watang representatives on our board not their Ka board if their Ka board didn't move their election right but don't they still have to hold the elections in their town but we pay for that oh I see sorry no that's a good it's it's conf it's a Nuance it's a confusing Nuance so yeah which is which is obviously why it makes it easier if we were all were to switch it would it would make it you know a little more efficient and less confusing I look there are if if people aren't super involved in the schools or the election process I'm sure you've faced with where they're confused whether you're on the K8 board or the the high school board so um you know so I'm sure there would be some confusion about that of which one which board they were going to vote for at the time so we'd be footing a cost for all the towns including the sending districts for all the elections oh not the sending District it it would be it would be akin to when we did a referendum vote and people were only going to the polls to vote for something at for the high school for our referendum but we had to have a polling location in wung a polling location in um lill and a polling location in Warren so we couldn't just have it here in this school am I am I correct when we did that because it was for the referendum because it was just the referendum we actually didn't need as many locations because it was very small so the cost was not it's not a huge as big of a cost as a November one is and say if watchong wanted to do it move it to April and we did the other two towns didn't Wong would most likely split the cost with us so it's not all three wouldn't have to agree yeah if none of them agree we pay for the full but but I do believe they and I don't know if that would affect our conversation if we knew that they were considering it as well because obviously that would share the cost but I do believe that they were at least having conversations about it yeah sorry just in terms of the actual uh issues surrounding the change of of date in the Board of Elections um just two things come to mind one is what bill was talking about the cost and you definitely have incur some cost for an April election but uh I think the board should also consider the fact that the alignment of candidates in the November election is not necessarily helpful to decision making for the general public and I think it uh it could and I you know I'm trying to couch my words carefully but it could uh impart an assumption of positions on an ideological basis that is not true to the candidates um so uh while right now I think um it's a discussion item but I think it's just I think it may be worth the board's investment to get out of that situation and into something a little bit more fair in terms of the candidates positions um and I can explain that in detail um if you need be but basically just where the candidates line up on the ballot so just just a something to think about as we move forward any other comments or questions uh yeah just one more question uh you had mentioned the the budget and just wondering how this will affect the budget if it will this time you could only have move have the April election if you were going to have your budget approved also right yeah if you were going to yes and now they they that's why we're talking about this because they changed the statute where you can have your um election in April even if you're not voting on the budget if you're not going over the 2% and you just voting on the board numbers good good uh question clarification yeah build the time frame actually makes more sense for a school yeah if the April election because then I can move right into it I move a little quicker with the April election so I can kind of get it's easier for me let's put it that way for for the business office to settle in it's a better it's a better time frame for us for sure like November the main advantage was we we went away from a budget vote at that particular time um and you know I to me once they put the cap in really didn't matter but moving moving it away from that April election became a little harder to deal with in terms of operation April is a lot it's just easier for us well it seems it I think that seems a little more logical too is in a board member thank you as a board member's term coincides with the school year so it's not you know you're not switching from December to January in the middle of the school year when you have a lot of when we're in the middle of developing the budget and when you're in the middle of you know approving things for the following school year we're doing scheduling we're doing the program of studies and you end up with that Gap while you're trying first of all you have that that holiday Gap but then you're trying to form the new committees in the midst of trying to get approvals ready that you need for for February and March so I mean to in my opinion I it just seems to make more sense logically for a board member's term to follow the same term as a a school year um but you know which is how it used to be when the elections were in April the El one second problem sorry the elections in April would we have any discretion to move the election to May what's the magic to the April date versus that's what it's historically had been well yeah it's statute it's all statuto okay so it's one or the other but April's April would be better than May anyway uh and what does that mean as it relates to the time frame from the election to the reorganization it would go back to July I'm assuming right because was May was it was it may was that when it seems to me that it used to be a pretty quick turn around it was a very quick turnaround yeah I like that too better then you have new no they would start may they start right away they start okay I don't think I realized that they used to I don't I don't know what need to clarify right I don't know about this leg but that's that's what it used to be which was better by the way again operationally at least to be in for the whole school year instead of starting correct mid year does it really make sense in the far distant p I'm sorry in the far distant past it was July 1st way back I can remember I think before they made the change it was really there was started a couple weeks they were totally coincide witho yeah that's thanks Carol great you've been through all cycles of the the board voting haven't you anything else with regard to board election and if uh need be I can always create create an ad hoc committee and we can look a little further into that if people are so inclined uh but let me know but I again I just wanted to bring it up so we can start talking about it and Tim if you could just first uh find out one we have to make a decision for that so we know what kind of time frame we're looking at because if it's a decision we have to make within the next month or two that could uh preempt our discussion okay great do we have any addendum items we do have a couple in the yes not too many we have a couple in the A's um nothing Earth Shadow okay and anything you want to discuss anyone have any uh questions or comments with regard to the addendum items okay see n uh Mr President I'd like to move items A1 through A6 comments or discussion questions roll call Mr Gall yes M Lee yes marich yes Mr Morrison yes sober yes Potter yes rasa yes tror yes and Mr burmer yes motions carry uh Mr President I'd like to move item A7 and A8 second comments questions roll call Mr Gall yes Lee yes yes sorry Mr got good job Mr Mayor yes okay Mr Morrison yes sober yes Mr pra yes trur yes Mr Burber yes Carri Mr President I'd like to move items C1 through C11 second comments or questions with regard to those items roll call pleas Please Mr Gall yes M Lee yes Mr May yes Morrison yes obber yes Potter yes M pra yes M trur yes and Mr mmer yes motions carry and Mr President I'd like to move items D1 through d29 second comments questions with regard to those items uh Mr President I'd just like to call everyone's attention to D 26 uh the Board of Education accepts with gratitude a donation in the amount of $2,500 from aspiring kindness Foundation to be used for educational purposes that will solely benefit the public through the award of student scholarships want to thank them for that generous donation thank you for pointing that out and yes we thank you we appreciate that any other comments or questions with regard to those items roll call please Mr Gall yes M Lee um D1 D2 and d29 no the rest yes make sure I get this right D1 two and 29 and 29 got it Mr mayek yes Mr Morrison yes sober yes Potter yes rasa yes Miss trumpour yes and Miss bber yes okay motions carry okay I want to thank everybody because uh as Tim had alluded to this was the budget vote which could easily have gone till midnight as I alluded to earlier before but having uh voted for the budget again as Carol had also noted the booklet that she proudly displayed you want to display that again somebody else Tim's got it that'll be again online tomorrow and uh people are more than welcome to pour over that and go from there uh second opportunity for public comment again as noted uh this is open to any topic we welcome all comments does anyone have any comment see no comments I am going to close the second opportunity for public comment is there any other business that anyone would like to yes Mr Morrison thank you Mr President just one item I want to bring to everyone's attention last night the Somerset County school board's Association held their unsung heroes Awards and we had uh representative that was honored from watch Young Hills was santha Cole uh and so I want to thank her for or want to thank the Somerset County uh School boards Association for the recognition and for recognizing her uh last evening at the VOC what was I think it was at the Vocational techical School um it's a fantastic uh ceremony uh I would recommend at least one stirring term to try to get to the ceremony because these are really extraordinary students um that usually slide under the radar of most people but who are doing exceptional things in their in their own way so um and and we actually had a a board meeting for the New Jersey school boards Association um on Friday evening and several of the other counties were holding theirs we were just hearing from other board members just talking about how emotional it is how warding it is how uh incredible uh an experience it is so I would encourage folks when you have an opportunity uh to maybe attend the next year's ceremony we actually held the ceremony here I think the first one we held was here at watchong Hills for the county so yeah absolutely it was it Michelle darer attended on our behalf and she was the the main nominator for Samantha and we actually went to surprise her in her photography class so there's a picture of of her with her class um she was really really excited it was it was nice it's you know a fun thing to be able to do so and it's a really nice thing that the Somerset County School boards Association does thank you Bob for pointing that out and we certainly appreciate student achievements and what the students do in and outside the classroom and uh anything else oh bill Dan yeah bill you got that I just wanted to uh add my comments on the uh the performance of Pippen as well U I think they did a great job and it brought back memories because I actually when I was in high school we did Pippen and I was on the crew and uh it felt like I was stepping back in time they did a wonderful job thank you uh just a I guess a third how wonderful or fourth how wonderful the play was shout out to Grandma did a great job as specifically that character uh Tim um I didn't tell you I was going to ask you about this but traffic on the front is there any update on yeah well we're we're we're we're uh still struggling with the thought process of what when we want to do it the parking has been a bit of a challenge to try to move folks okay I'm just gonna put it out there that I drop off my kid almost every day even though she should take the bus um and it I just it's unsafe uh it's it's unsafe it really needs to get changed there is no signage for drop off there's no understanding of how drop off happens it's chaotic um and I just fear for the safety of everyone involved in that Crossing pattern so like I think it's been I'm going to say good 18 months at this point since I brought it up um you know it would be one ful if it could get addressed and I'm happy to do what I need to do as a board member to help that along and Dan what I can tell you because Tim has held a number of meetings that that we've been at we we keep thinking we find a good alternative and then we find an issue with that so we're trying to I I know and I know you've been patiently waiting um but we and we've involved our SRO our security our assistant principles because they're the ones directing and biggest fear is while there's it has its issues right now it's it's manageable and nobody has gotten injured I'm not saying that that's a reason not to change it but we're afraid of making a change that then actually makes it worse so we're trying to figure out the smoothest way to because it's going to require whatever we change there's going to be another issue but we want just because of the sheer volume so we're trying to be very careful about how we what signage we need when we make a change and when we actually make the change because the bottom line is no matter how much we communicate it and we've already talked about how we would need to do that there's people that may not pay attention to some of the communication so that's why we're we really want to be as careful as possible because we the last thing we want to do is make a change that then actually causes some kind of accident so but I can tell you that Tim has been diligently working on this we are just trying to figure out the best timing and the best alternative option because we keep finding problems and what happens too is we'll think we've come up with something and then the police are actually point out something that they're not comfortable with in terms of the change so that's what we're trying to work out I I just say this what we live in today is extremely imperfect and Perfection is the enemy of progress this really needs it's not safe I'm telling you from experience of well I've been doing it since 2006 and I'll be doing it till 2040 something so it really just needs to get fixed it just really um secondly uh you spoke about the speaker that came in I was able to review the uh agenda and the slideshow that was sent around um generally speaking uh I didn't necessarily find too much fault with the actual presentation with the exception of um there's a couple topics in there that I would take un with and how it was positioned uh to new minds on a and I'll describe my viewpoint as a conservative one versus a liberal one which I thought was a strong liberal bias uh and then secondly um I think generally speaking and um I think we just need to know where the speakers are coming from so that if there's questions about them we can bring out certifications immediately uh without any uh issue that being said I I as a board member really appreciate the fact that you were able to get firsthand knowledge very quickly and um and and make the conversation move forward um and again I I just want to encourage the public to speak and make sure that we get as much input as possible thanks Dan I just want to add one comment about Pippen which I failed to mention before which is a general comment the as good as the show was what I enjoyed more about it was there were about 60 or 70 kids that were involved between the uh the performers the crew uh the accountants the accountants the orchest the orchestra right there had to be I know there were some private individuals but there were at least 10 or so individuals you know students that were in it so and I saw you know during uh the intermission then after the show the camaraderie and the bonding that these kids have and again a lot of these kids wouldn't necessarily know each other just from the classroom because they have different academic Pursuits let's just say but you know they come together in a show like that you know it provides lasting friendships lasting opportunities and this goes not just for the shows but for the sports or other extracurricular activities because it puts people together where they wouldn't normally be together and you know in a classroom you're listening to a class you know some classes do have some you know like Labs where they're working together but a lot of them you know there not as much that work goes along together here they're working together as a unit they're you know U and that's what I gain from it so as great as the show is I think the students benefit you know we as the audience benefit certainly from the show but the students benefit from doing something collaboratively and anytime you get that that's as important as anything else because certainly that kind of skill set will last you uh moving forward so that's something I got out of it and I hope that continues and I hope the student it's they may not even realize what's going on which is great they're just naturally getting that benefit any other uh comments any other business or can I get a motion to adjourn second all those in favor we are ajour you talking about