okay great uh Dr JW you have any comments let's see if the sorry oh that's okay I would just like to um thank everyone who was able to attend graduation we had a beautiful day we had a beautiful ceremony um it was it it really the the high school administration does a tremendous job of putting that together the students were exceptional um the music provided was outstanding uh it just it was really really a nice day and and you know the the seats were full of our staff members um so it was it was really a wonderful celebration to culminate the year um and I'm glad for those of you who are able to be a part of it so thank you I uh Echo the sentiments congratulations to the class of 2024 and uh as we are now in this summer I'm sure everyone's excited that school's out but we certainly look forward to seeing everybody again in September or August I guess the end of August only a couple months away uh Mr sty any comments I do I just uh have to inform like I do twice per year uh that we did have a school bus emergency evaluation drill um it was it was on May 23rd between about 6:55 and 7:20 in the morning I he at the high school we have 41 routes it was supervised By Janice Ortiz our former transportation coordinator and it went very well that's it okay great thank you this is the first opportunity for public comment the first public comment period will be limited to agenda items for this meeting only the second public comment period will be open to any topic all comments are limited to five minutes uh if you do have any comments I ask that you um ask that anyone please sign in name and where they're from as has been our practice uh again are there any comments for the first public comment again solely with regard to agenda items for this meeting hi hi that was a quicker uh start to the meeting than last week last week uh two weeks we had a lot of uh it was great the staff reports and so on um hi my name is Anne Butler um I am a resident of long hill uh I'm speaking in reference to the proposed regulation r5200 attendance the regulation as written outlines clear guidelines for students who are Trent and the administrative response after five days Trent 10 days TR and Etc uh these guidelines are specific to un unexcused absences that acrw and I think that's fantastic because it creates consistency for your administrative team in addressing those students um in the current draft however guidelines are not provided for students with excused absences particularly excused absences for students with chronic illness and so as it's written and presented to the board today regulation 5200 is incomplete for students with excused absences in unfortunate circumstance that leads to an acrel of over 30 absences there are no stated guidelines for the administration for involving families referrals to irns confirming diagnosed conditions with District doctors Etc but with students with true Inc unexcused absence there are very clear guidelines for your administrative team with the referral to the ins team Etc uh guidelines should be added additionally section five of the regulation states that for a student with a disability the attendance plan and its punitive and remedial procedure shall be applied where applicable in ordance with the students IEP the regulation overlooks students with disabilities who do not have IEPs namely those with 504s or ihps or individual health plans I'm sure Dr J would confirm for you that there are students who have disabilities that do not require special education interventions so those disabilities often affect School in some ways and in those cases that's where you have a 504 student because they do not require that special education intervention so currently your policy overlooks this group of students it only speaks specifically to students with IEPs and it's you're overlooking a significant group of dis students with disabilities in the district those with medical disabilities who have 504s reaches the level of educational concern addressed through a 504 but not through the special education services so I urge you to ask the administration in your next education committee meeting how many of the district 504 students have medical disabilities that lead to an acral of 15 or more absences a year I know the policy is at 30 but I suggest asking questions around 15 you know of those students uh include those who may have been out in home instruction uh and how many of these students are at risk of losing Credit in their courses how many of these students have Provisions in their 504s or their ihps or health plans to ensure they do not lose credit when absences are directly related to their disability and verified via communication with their medical providers I would also suggest you ask how many of our students in general are denied credit each year and look at those categories of this number how many were medically medical situations which were appropriately documented how many students lost the ability to earn grades how many were removed from classes and placed in online learning because of their medical disability what percentage of these were medically related this is really important data for you to review as your role as B board members is to ensure schools are properly run and to review the data so you can ask appropriate questions uh I would also suggest the committee Circle back and check in on this data regarding this group of students and their needs like twice or three times a year because it is you know an ongoing issue for kids with chronic needs I hope the board sends a clear message to the administration that student students with medical Disability should be supported appropriately uh and I am an educator with 25 years experience I work in a high school uh in a nearby District uh I have a lot of friends in administration superintendents special education directors and neighboring districts in my research uh and I've checked about six districts watching Hills is an outlier many of the higher performing districts nearby they have special education support programs in place for students with chronic medical health needs programs that have special education teachers working with these students on strategies in terms of their executive functioning skills particularly when these students are missing assignments and instructions because of their illnesses so I implore you to ask your administrative team to just check into the strategies that other neighboring districts are using to support their chronically ill and to compare are we matching with with what would be considered best practice and do other districts maybe have an idea that's actually helping their chronically ill students not only you know illness uh through support of the teachers and finally I want to draw your attention to your strategic plan goals goal number one social and emotional growth and wellness says all students will be supported by programs and services that promote social emotional mental health obviously students with chronic medical disabilities are included in the category all students removing a grade or credit from them is detrimental to their uh emotional and mental health goal two is Pathways to educational success for all says all students will benefit from Equitable opportunities to engage in activities that expand their knowledge and experience in order to pursue personalized educational goals in and Beyond the classroom when we remove credit from kids with chronic illness we actually create an impediment for them for college application which would be a detriment for them pursuing their personalized educational goals and goal three and I like it uh imagination creativity innovation of critical thinking all students will learn through an enriched and Innovative educational experience to be competent responsible and ethical participants in a dynamic Global opport Community I question when we remove students from classes and put them in online learning how that is dynamic and and meeting that goal uh I just also wanted to add I did correspond with the full board since the last board meeting and I did not hear that update at the beginning of the meeting uh nor did I receive a response which I understand because we're all busy with our emails but I do think you had one board correspondence from me thank you so much uh I do appreciate your time and your commitment to the district and understand that it is a volunteer position that's difficult and thanks to the administration as well thank you appreciate that uh are there any additional public comments with regard to agenda items okay seeing none do we have any board discussion this evening okay none any addendum items okay U Mr President I'd like to move items A1 through A8 and a13 through a15 comments or discussions with respect to those items have been moved roll call Mr thy m deasio m Gall yes Miss Lee um Iain on A1 A2 okay uh Mr Mr mayck uh yes and all but no on 8133 okay Miss over uh yes Potter yes pra yes M trur yes and Mr Burber yes okay motions carry yeah was I was wake up uh Mr President I'd like to move items a n no no I'm sorry oh no no um I'd like to move items A9 through a12 um for approval do we have a second thank you any comments or discussion with regard to these four items roll call Mr sty Mr maio Mr Gall yes M Lee Mr Mayor yes sober Mr rasa M trur yes and Mr Burber motions carry I'd like to move item C1 through c17 any comments or discussion with regard to the C1 through c17 seeing none roll call vote Please Mr machio Mr Gall M Lee Mr Man yes M obber yes M Potter yes pra yes m yes and Mr bber yes motions carry thank you um I'd like to move items D1 through d25 any comments or questions with respect to D1 through d25 seeing none roll call vote Mr maio yes Mr Gall yes Lee yes Mr Mayor yes Miss obber yes M Potter yes M pra yes M trur yes and Mr bber yes motion carry thank you everybody okay this is now the second opportunity for public comment uh this can be on any matter that was part yes sorry I apologize second opportunity for public comment again this is for any item not solely restricted to uh um agenda items again all comments are limited to five minutes if you want to take the stage again I ask that you sign in and tell us where you're from and uh are there any comments for the second round anybody okay great seeing none we will move on to we're closing second session for public comment do we have any other business okay we have no other business um just so the public is aware we are going to go back into public excuse me back into executive session as we mentioned earlier uh one of the items for executive session was the CSA evaluation disc question of that during our first uh executive session from 7:00 to 7:30 we did not have time to address that uh so we are going to do that shortly uh Dr jitt has been rised she acknowledges that um again so we are going to going to uh executive session we're going to excuse everybody excuse the administrate yeah we're having we haven't done it yet I'm explaining what we're going to do but uh we will we will do that then we will come back out of executive session and then we will move for adjournment but again during that period the administration is not here and U just want everyone to know what's going to go on in about two minutes all those in favor okay great we are now back in executive session