okay welcome back we are uh concluded our executive session we're now back in the public session uh we have a new we'll get to board correspondents in a moment uh we have a new procedure with regard to public comment public comment sorry oh I'm sorry I'll speak a little closer to the mic because now I can hear myself um still going to have the public comments as scheduled uh however there is a sign in sheet so if you're intending to make a public comment please sign in uh your name and uh where you're from okay do we have any board correspondents is the sign in sheet on the podium it is there okay okay great so when you uh come up to the podium obviously still state your name where you're from but also write it down so we get the right spelling and everything thank you okay uh we'll move into uh reports and presentations uh Dr JW do you have any superintendent comments thank you so um before I give the just two I'm required to give these two reports um twice well once a year um for the report of graduates and the ssds report is given twice per year I did just want to mention that there were a number of us at the Murray Hill Chinese School New Year celebration on Saturday uh and it was was it was phenomenal it's always nice that they invite us and really Embrace us and uh we all thoroughly enjoyed the performance and I think a couple people availed themsel of the um Chinese Feast afterward so it was it was really very nice and in your folders um we actually got invited to another event that they're having at the Bridgewater Mall uh this weekend so the information's in your in your folder if anyone wants to attend and if you do want to attend if you want to let me know if you definitely think you're going because the organizers actually wanted to a knowledge uh any of you that that are there so uh it was it was really a wonderful event on Saturday so thank you for those of you were able to come uh with regard to the first report so each year I'm required to give a report of graduates and Pathways and what that means is what our graduation rate is but also how many of our students graduated via passing the state required assessment the New Jersey GPA and how many graduated met the ass graduation assessment requirement via an alternative assessment such as the cutoff score for the SAT PSAT Etc last year all of the class of 2023 were exempt from the state assessment uh graduation requirement so I still am giving the the report but the everyone there is no pathway report because everyone was exempt from the testing requirement so we had a 97.8% uh graduation rate last year so I just wanted to share that and then for the ssds report this is the student safety and data system report this is for the period from July 1st 2023 to December 31st 2023 so with regard to incidents of each type we had four incidents of violence reported that means a student fight one incidents of vandalism 11 incidents of substance abuse and then with regard to HIV incidents uh for that period we had one confirmed HIV case that was reported to the the board so that's all I have for my reports and comments uh and as I know we have a couple other presentations tonight thank you Dr JT uh I have no uh comments tonight uh with that being said uh Mr sty your business administration report uh just briefly I I we sent out the ethics uh filings and for those who haven't done it yet it's on email I hate I hate the new way they do it but if you can you have trouble just call our office and we can help um but yeah those are are due relatively soon and um I'll put together a list of which board members need the training and we'll try to get that out and get the information to you usually wait till like December and I don't want to do that this year so so that's that's coming just regarding the new member I think there's a been a change for those that are identified as new board members that are in their first year of service I think they have used to be you had the entire year to complete the the training now you have to complete it in the first 90 days so oh okay just thanks heads up already done that's it thank you okay well thank you well tonight we uh have our Auditors here and of course you may notice the next item after that is the initial budget presentation so we uh finish the old so to speak and right into the new so uh uh who do we have Gary and Chris just Gary great okay uh what do you need from us you have anything on the uh I'm going to project that onepage snapshot because I think that's what you're speaking to so okay yeah it's in the operating committee folder but it's in case you want to look at it at your on your Le just to introduce Gary briefly uh Gary's been our auditor for quite a long time he's very familiar with our books and records and he'll certainly give it you know in every year he presents and uh his son Chris has been working with him in um for quite a while as well he's not here tonight but both of them presented to the operations committee um I guess last week and tonight he's here to present thank you m think you [Music] okay that's okay sorry do you want me to start over is every everybody okay so the 5.9 included in that was 5 approximately $5.2 million that was used to pay down a note that the board issued to finance the 22 referendum project the referendum project was it just above 7.9 million there was a temporary note issued and instead of the board actually incurring long-term debt the board um decided to actually pay off the note by withdrawing money from capital reserve and you also received uh over $2 million from the state so that note actually is coming off your books during 23 24 so that withdrawal uh will reduce then the capital reserve to the 3.7 million that you do see on the top line um the other items you have a maintenance reserve of just over 1 million the maximum and I should go back to capital reserve you're well below the maximum amount you're allowed to have in a capital reserve the capital reserve Sor try this again there we go so the long range facility plan projects that the district has actually is above 40 million so even if you had that 9.7 you were well below the statutory maximum amount that you can accumulate maintenance reserve of 1 million is about 50% of what you are legally allowed to have um you're allowed to have about $2.3 million uh there's a new caption here called excess Surplus the state gives us a calculation as to how much Surplus a district is allowed to have and it's basically 2% of your expenditures you're allowed to transfer monies into the reserves in June and the board here has done that over the years any monies that are not committed or transferred end up in a caption called excess Surplus what that means is that as the board is entertaining the budget uh for 2425 you as a board have to have a revenue of $622,000 in the budget which basically is using your own resources to balance that budget if you look just further down there's another caption designated for subsequent budget second to the bottom 97300 you're used to balancing your budget using your own Surplus so the 2324 budget has 973 you have already set aside 622 for the 2425 so in order to keep the balance the budget balanced you then still need to come up with proxim 330,000 should everything else equalize um so the the bottom line the unassigned basically is the maximum amount the district is allowed to have based on statutory formulas um lower than last year but keep in mind that during the pandemic the state actually allowed districts to have 4% of your expenditures in unassigned that was only a two-year window um the state has now uh reversed that and has returned the maximum amount to the 2% where it was for 10 15 years prior to that um so as I mentioned overall at 15.3 the district has a very healthy bottom line when you look at the withdrawals I don't think you're going to see the same level at the end of 24 but I also think that was the plan from um the business office with the board since you are using almost 5.2 to retire debt um but still in comparison to your budget is a very healthy uh bottom line any questions on the schedule I have a couple thanks uh you alluded to the fact that uh we are way below the maximum that are allowed by the state uh in your opinion and you know based upon the other districts that you handle uh do you feel that our surpluses that we carry are prudent and if you could also iterate to my fellow board members in the public why it's important to have some of these surpluses I don't think you have an excess amount of surplus I think it's very important to maintain reserves I think the capital reserve and maintenance Reserve are two very important reserves to continue to fund on an annual basis capital as you have seen you can then take care of projects without going back to the voters asking for approval you can take um and use your own cash basically for Capital needs that arise during a school year um maintenance Reserve is another very important Reserve to maintain um provides resources for Tim should a boiler go down over the winter time and you don't have enough money budgeted the board is allowed to withdraw from the maintenance reserve on an annual basis um I think the unfortunate part is that the state formula for the maintenance Reserve has not changed in about 15 20 years it's still 4% of your replacement value so um not necessarily providing great amounts or resources for you but still I think $2 million would be a goal for the board uh to try to accumulate and uh have available for those types of uh emergent matters and obviously reserves do provide liquidity uh provides cash flow for the district um until this year interest rates were very low but at least now with resources that you do have uh you are also able to uh invest some of your idle monies and accumulate interest earnings during the year which obviously improves the bottom line too thank you you're welcome have another slide no that's the only slide that we have tonight the second report we had um which is the auditor management report uh it really summarized the areas that uh we did audit and test um and as we have seen historically here um Tim and his staff do an excellent job there were no hood it recommendations uh based on our test testing uh so I just wanted to make sure the board was well aware of that thank you are there any other questions from board members uh if the public has any questions of uh Mr Vincy this is time to ask okay see no questions thank you appreciate your time the work you do for us all right as I alluded to as we finish one year we move into the next year it seems like only a few months ago we approved the budget now we're starting again uh Tim you're on want me to oh he's oh great okay welcome to the 2425 budget so early um this is the very short version is only about eight slides it kind of just goes through the where we are enrollment and just basic items on the list am there you go sorry so the the tenative budget timeline uh we begin the budget in October typically uh we start we send out information to our dep departments and we ask for them to give us their items that they need for the budget so from October through January uh they're Gathering the data and we meet with them and discuss uh all of these items with them uh January 17th we got our state budget guidelines and on February 6th which is tonight we do our first um discussion in public on February 27th uh the governor and that's that is a um a tenative date will be giving his state budget address um and in two days later we typically receive our state aid numbers and all the other items that we need to complete the budget uh on March 5th we will have our preliminary budget presentation with all of our numbers and facts and figures uh for the public uh and then I I'm hoping March 19th will be the vote on the budget because I think it's due to the county office on March 20th at least that's the tenative dates I hope it works out that way because it works out perfectly for our board meeting um and then um from late March to uh mid April there's a county review and approval and on April 23rd again if if the dates uh go where I think they're going to go we have our public hearing on the budget so that's that's the basic timeline in between now and March 5th there will will be operating committee meetings there'll be meetings with the Personnel committee education committee and all of those committees will be discussing things uh that are included in the budget so just to be aware or be aware of that um actually I should go back I clicked over this slide and I I don't want to the board plays a a very key role in our budget presentation and our budget development um they give us proper guidance proper guidance lines they serve on the Committees so I didn't want to overstep or Overlook that slide so because they are very involved in the budget process for the board um and then these are the things that we're seeing in terms of what's going to have influence on this year's budget and I'll get into the rising Health costs later but I think the board's aware we've health Co health care costs are rising Nationwide and we're not um we're in a tough period right now negotiations with our whrea is ongoing um we are losing Esser federal funds that's from the covid grants that we got um we have a few recurring items uh a couple of them uh and we would like to keep some of those so that that is a factor in the budget uh special education I kind of joke about it with the with the staff um I gotten so many letters this year from private special education schools asking the state for a 10% increase that I I'm almost at the point where I'm like why didn't they just all put down their names on one letter and just send it to me instead of is I've gotten so many of these letters which tells you that the special education tuition costs will be rising I don't know if they're going to go up 10% but they're all asking for it so that is definitely a factor now that inflation things like that are hitting them so they're passing that on to us um transportation costs I can talk about that till I'm BW in the face but I think you're all sick of it and so am I but they are they are they are what they are um you know the gas prices and Diesel have kind of leveled off a little bit um certainly the cost of the drivers has gone up and I don't for see Transportation costs going down unless we do some significant items with our transportation uh the CPI for transportation at least tentatively is almost 6% in other words if you have a contract right now and you want to renew that you probably have to go to 6% to get that same contract back as the FYI and it's it's it goes back to about a year and a half ago of whatever the CPI was at that point in time bless you excuse me thank you um we do have declining enrollment you'll see that on the next slide and send receive tuition is something that will increase this year um and that's something we we're still working on and I always put down the regionalization study because it seems like we've been doing this for about four years now but but but it looks like and I'm not going to steal Bob stunder but it looks like we're we're kind of heading in a Direction with that so yay um our anticipated enrollments down uh just about 50 kids maybe 45 or so um so we we're on that still maintaining that steady decline um we do anticipate that to switch back but I think that's not for another 3 to four years uh on the revenue side uh the the 2% cap is $677,000 uh we do are eligible for two cap waivers uh and that's something you know if it if need be we can use it uh eligible Bank cap $300,000 and healthc Care waiver about 228,000 um the state aid we budget flat um we're you know if things go the way we're being told I believe it will be a slight increase for us um but we will see U it's a small number in our budget anyway it's about 5% the send received tuition we had a three-year contract with a fixed tuition uh that ends on 2324 which is this year and we're going negotiating a new contract with Greenbrook right now U um the um we do anticipate using a state formula going forward um and we do increase we do anticipate a an increase and our use of surplus and you just heard the auditor mention um we will be using Surplus in line where we were in previous years uh we try to maintain the same amount just about every year you don't want to fluctuate on that because then that tends to cause you problems elsewhere um we do have a tuition reserve a small small amount we put a nominal amount in there if we think it's coming this year we clearly don't need it but it's something that you have to budget um and then capital reserve we us last this particular year as Gary mentioned we used 5.9 5.3 was for the referendum which that worked out great um and that project is ongoing right now we did pay off the note and we did get our uh State money uh which was the 40% or 35% state aid for that project so that was a a terrific uh job and when this Project's done in the summer hopefully um you guys you can see what it brings to this school and and what it's going to mean um that's exciting stuff um and then the other piece of that was the TR uh the track we donated we put a little more Reserve in for the track if remember the track that we put into the budget and that actually is on um it'll be on the next agenda the the bid opening for that uh key Appropriations items I already mentioned it the teachers contract uh We've settled for the year we're in right now and the year before and we're negotiating 2425 and Beyond health benefits projected increase this one is tough 12% um that that is tough because that's $6 million line so that's quite 12% on that is a lot of money so that does make it a little tougher uh we've had good success with the school health insurance fund uh this year it's the the fund is having a little trouble um and again this is a nationwide thing and on top of that our experience ratings are a little tough um the instructional needs that you'll see later in the budget will have our typical items technology your Chrome Brooks your infrastructure items uh special ed cost I think I already kind of went through that one and and one of the things I talked about the Esser funds we're losing we do have a program here that's been successful it'll be part of the presentation but it's called the Empower program uh that was funded through Esser which was Federal funding and that Federal funding is gone so that's something that will be talked about in the committee and at the board level uh and in capital Improvement projects we do have some security upgrades that I'll talk to the committee about uh we don't like to go into too much detail in public uh we have two remaining HVAC units over the administrative offices they they're um uh they are past their life cycle and quite frankly we have a lot of uh humidity in the summertime so that's be causing some problems with our machines um and our hair so just joking on the hair hair is okay um and then uh there's a couple of athletic field press boxes for baseball and softball um um and they're very old and they're made of wood and they're not really good so uh and then there's some major carpeting things that we're talking about um and there are other things on that list that we kind of have to look at these are some of the main items carpeting in the main office which is not good in in the Performing Arts Center uh which is not it's kind of getting ripped up in a lot of spots so it's something we have to really look at um transportation I mentioned energy costs uh is interesting energy costs are actually going up the rates the percentages are going up um we are kind of Lucky in that or lucky I guess fortunate that we have our solar panels in they are helping us there's no doubt um and as time goes on I'm going to give the board I think I already talked about it once but I'm going to give the board more schedules on how much electricity we're saving through the EIP project that we've done um but that is the the rates going up isn't helping any of that you know it helps us our usage but it does not help the overall cost so and everyone's getting hit with that one it is that that's kind of Nationwide so it is what it is and that's pretty much it for now you want me to take questions here you want me to go down there thank you Tim I appreciate that uh very thorough detailed oversight of the presentation and uh I just want to thank Tim he's been doing this quite a number of years and he's been a u strong advocate of a conservative and a realistic approach to budgeting and spending and it's also a difficult process that we all face balancing the needs of all of our constituents whether they be teachers staff students taxpayers and the constraints that the uh the state imposes upon us and I think that him and his uh staff as well as the administration and of course in conjunction with the board uh try to do a good job of balancing everyone's needs and making it a realistic and a affordable and a beneficial experience for everybody uh are there any questions from board members for Tim yes Bob so a couple questions and a comment uh the first question sorry first question is related to the Empower program uh what's the amount of money that's tied up in that program so it's a fulltime salary and benefits of a staff member so it's it's probably close to about $100,000 maybe a little bit less than that okay and the um the second thing that I wanted to comment on was the insurance costs um because we actually have because of the change in Insurance health insurance that we went through what was it now six years ago yeah I believe um we've actually seen significant savings uh as a result of of being involved D in that program so the fact that you know six years in we probably saved millions of dollars over that period um the fact that we now have a year where it's you know kind of catching up with us um is is certainly we we we would like to be have it be as low as possible but the reality is we've actually benefited significantly from this particular um uh Insurance group that we're we're with so I think that's important to to to note um the third thing I want to comment on is the Esser funds uh we've got there are there are a number of districts uh right now that are facing fiscal cliffs as a result of their use of Esser funds uh unfortunately despite the uh number of uh messages that came out about you know planning for uh the end of these fundings there there are a lot of districts that have funded significant personnel as through the use of the Esser funds and now with the Esser funds going away um they need to either cut programs uh or you know come up with the money to be able to pay for those programs so I just wanted to you know again to they hat to the administration for being prudent with how we use those funds the fact that we're we've got one program that we benefited from uh that we may want to come up with funds to maintain because of the significant impact that it has had on the the district that's actually allowed us to kind of try before you buy using the federal funds to see is this a viable program is it something that we would want to continue uh and certainly based on the reports that we've been getting it seems like it's been very positive and hopefully we can find the funding to to be able to to keep that going in the future and the last thing I want to comment on is just the declining enrollment um just from the standpoint of I I remember when I started on this board uh 11 years years ago we were at about 2300 students and seeing the 2,300 turning into now just under 1,700 is is certainly jarring so yeah quite a bit thank you I just want to comment on something you commented about with respect to the insurance uh Jim Finn had presented to us and I know we reported in the operation committee several months ago that one of the factors that's driving our cost is our experience rating our usage we're much higher than we used to be and uh if that number reduces we can get a savings but you know Insurance costs are what they are and if they're being used we pay for it Dan Tim just a question on the track um I believe last year we looked at um spreading that cost over the lifetime of the asset value and I forget which we did that for might have been the Chromebooks um is that a possibility for something like a track that's going to last for 20 years as opposed to this year taking all the hit for the next 20 years of use is that something that could be spread over 20 years well I mean we're kind of locked into the track and the budget this year so we're all we're set with that I wouldn't I wouldn't spread that out now because we have the budget set for it we're we're pretty much locked in what we want to do I don't know if you want to do that and and it's harder to do that because equipment's easier for financial institution to to give you a provide you a lease and that sort of thing track would be a little tougher I don't think they'll like it they generally want an asset they can take that when they can but with that being said you know um there are things in next Year's budget uh that we may have to look at uh spreading it over time not not not like a track but something like there's a a number something they can take something they can take yeah but another like there's a large pieces of of equipment that we need to put in I talked about security those kind of things yeah okay I just want to just keep that top of Mind as we go through the budget thank you um the other thing I just want to comment on uh is the demographics um warrs in the middle of a master plan study which will take several years to complete um but we should have some really good numbers on where we headed uh with the addition of the experience of our affordable housing and market rate youit mix that is about 50% infill right now and we're not seeing a large um student population out of that housing per se right now um but we do have what's estimated is another 611 affordable housing and Warren required as of 2025 so we may you know hit that increase after all so we'll see thanks anyone else on the board comments questions uh I will also open that up to the public for any questions that they may have to Tim see you none let's move forward okay it's time for committee reports just keep in mind that these meetings were a while ago so some of the information may have been shared in other venues before it's uh shared at this board meeting right so I gotta be honest I'm not sure who's given the education because that was before we reconstituted the committee which has has been reconstituted so Janine thank you um we met on January 11th at 3 p.m. uh in attendance were Miss Ober Miss Lee myself Miss pra Mr Berber Dr JT Miss Caro miss failen doc Mr laera Mr Sabino and Mr delesio Dr dreu um uh said that there were some minor edits to the program of studies that don't require board approval um so it will not be an upcoming agenda item for board action but Mr um SA the director of School counseling reviewed the edits which included the following um AP art history no longer is being offered to 10th graders and they're adding a prerequisite that a student must have 80% or above in previous year's history class for their grade um aerospace engineering a is changing from full year to semester course Mr gallesio provided an overview of an adjustment to our math sequence for 9th grade algebra 1 students um for board members the details are in the egg committee folder but um they were shared with parents at the curriculum night uh for Rising nth graders which was on January 23rd um a Committee Member asked about summer reading and when that would be discussed and Dr jitt uh indicated that it would be discussed at the February education committee meeting but um was adjusted to March um uh they shared the feedback from the board from last spring um into and it's been taken into consideration and structuring the upcoming summer reading list um which will be shared with the board but will not require board action and that was all we discussed and the meeting was adjourned at 4M any questions of Janine great um again the Personnel committee report um most of it was confidential and it was discussed inside the uh during the executive session but if I'm not mistaken there's a couple items that are public and Nicole we'll address those yes um the Personnel committee met January 30th um president were Katherine Lee the Personnel committee chair Michael bernberg the Boe president Lisa dagio Heather trumpour Dr JT Tim sty um and myself um the committee reviewed the list of clubs included in the wha contract paid clubs not listed in the current contract and all volunteer clubs the administration is proposing an updated process where new club requests are collected once per year and would like to finalize and commence the new process this spring so any recently received new club proposals will be deferred until the new process is rolled out this spring and the meeting adjourned at 4 p.m. are there any questions with respect to those items okay great uh Carol operations the operations committee Met has met two times since our last regular meeting the first meeting was held on January 10th with Michael Burber Heather trom por Elizabeth JW Tim sty Chris Bick and myself in attendance Tim updated us on the fire alarm activities that occurred early in January the alarm was triggered twice caused by a malfunctioning Pull Station and the building was evacuated both times the alarm activated again the following Monday due to an issue in the crawl space in the south building and the building once again was evacuated until the fire marshal arrived Chris discussed the necessary procedures which must be followed to assure our students and staff safety Tim shared an email received from a parent regarding the elimination of late buses on Wednesday and Friday he noted that he had received two such letters since the beginning of the school year and we will continue to review the cost of light busing during the budget process uh during a preliminary budget discussion Tim reviewed the two-year settlement with the whrea he noted that the settlement will not affect the 20242 budget he further discuss the potential impact of salary increases on that budget Tim went on to note the actual increase in cost of health benefits we have already talked about this but initially Mr Finn our insurance agent advised us or that he anticipated a 10% increase but data indicated that the increase will be approximately 12 12% triggered by our experience rating in compliance with our legal and due diligence Brown and Brown our insurance broker is shopping for us however Tim noted that we must carefully investigate situations where companies offer a lower rate without any guarantees that subsequent years are not significantly higher resulting and a greater long-term expense to the system he also noted that if wung Hills opt out of shift the school health insurance fund we would not be allowed back in for three years Michael also cautioned that a short-term gain could result in long-term consequences second meeting took place on January 31st attending were Michael Burber Bill barich Bob Morrison Heather tror Elizabeth JWT Tim sty Chris Bick and myself also attending were Gary Vincy and Chris Vincy from our auditing firm of lurch Vincy and Bliss the Auditors presented a cursory review of the 2022 23 audit stating that the overall District finances are in good condition they specifically reviewed the reserve schedule which we saw tonight and attack so I'm not going to rehash that yet again Mr vincey first uh further noted that the maintenance Reserve balance of of approximately $1 million has remained consistent from year to year Tim further explain the rationale behind keeping an annual Reserve balance consistent perhaps most importantly the orders complimented Tim and his staff for their great work which is validated by the fact that once again there were no audit recommendations in this report the Auditors after the Auditors departed Chris Bick provided an update on the construction of the new health office suite the project is currently on schedule and he is hopeful it will be completed on schedule Tim reported on construction that the construction of gym 56 locker room and trainers areas are scheduled to be begin in March with robotics and Ceramics rooms scheduled for the summer bids for the track replacement are underway and will also are also slated for work in the summer this of course means that the turf field will not be available during the summer and our athletic director and coaches are planning accordingly um this concludes my report did anyone have any additions or questions hey great thank you Carol appreciate that uh negotiations is next that was covered in our executive session and Dan I don't believe there's anything that's not public great uh Bob do we have anything exciting to report in regionalization I hope I don't know that it's exciting um but we did uh we were contacted by the state uh last week um asking for a couple of technical adjustments to our application uh those te technical adjustments were made by Mr SI sty and resubmitted um there is a block of four districts that are in the queue for approval to together Watchung Hills is one of them and we're just waiting for the formal announcement of the approval and that should be coming at this point any day now um there is a meeting that's being held uh tomorrow in Rowan uh on the regionalization uh that the uh commissioner of the of DCA is going to be at and several others uh Liz and I are going to be participating remotely uh to hear you know some of the things that they'll be talking about regarding the regionalization process um but I think that once we get the the go-ahead from the state that it's been approved we will then be kicking everything into gear to begin the process of starting the regionalization study so I would hope that by the time we meet again in two weeks that we will have uh an approval uh and that we can then actually lay out the timeline for the next steps for the study questions about three years in coming for this it is over three years three years wow all right great are there any questions I used to have hair when this started okay great thank you uh first opportunity for public comment uh the first public comment period will be limited to agenda items for this meeting only the second public comment period will be open to any topic all comments are limited to five minutes and again if you want to comment certainly come up to the podium uh write down your name uh where you're from and then tell us your name where you're from and you're welcome to have your comment uh anybody have a comment for the first round public anybody seeing none let's move on thank you board discussion are there any uh excuse me any uh or discussion for any future action items any comments okay seeing none let's move on uh Mr president I'd like to move items A1 through a11 second any comments questions with respect to items A1 through a11 seeing none roll call Mr maio yes Mr Mayor yes Mr Morrison yes Potter yes rasa yes trur yes Gall yes and Mr bber yes motions carry Mr President I'd like to move items a12 do we have a second second great any comments or questions with respect to a12 seeing none roll call vote Please Mr maio yes Mr mayek yes Mr Morrison yes M proa yes M trur yes Mr Gall yes and Mr rberg yes motions carry Mr President I would like to move items C1 through c24 second second thank you any comments or questions with regard to items C1 through c24 you may just want to let them know is that the one it's really that's the walkin Walkin page it's wrong yeah okay right so again c24 is a walk-in item it was mislabeled c21 but we had a c21 so it's c24 thank you heather uh again any comments okay seeing none R call Mr deio yes Mr mayek yes Morrison yes M Potter yes M pra yes trur yes Mr Gall yes and Mr Burber yes motions carry and Mr President I would like to move items D1 through d17 second okay thank you um any comments questions with respect to these items D1 through d17 uh Mr President i' just like to comment on D9 uh the $400 contribution from the Rochester Institute of Technology is a minig grant for project lead the way and thank them for their generous support and also would like to call attention to D16 uh which was a donation of $1,000 from code ninjas Greenbrook to be used for the 2024 Hill hackathon event we appreciate uh and thank both of those organizations for their support absolutely thank you um anything else roll call on that Mr maio May yes Morrison yes Potter yes CA yes tror yes G yes and Mr Burber yes carry okay we are now move on to the second opportunity for public comment again as I alluded to before second round is open to any comment on any item do we have anyone who wants to speak during the second public comment okay see you none I'll close the opportunity for public comment for the second opportunity do we have any other business that anyone on the board yes Mr magio hi good evening um I just wanted to recognize because I got this in my mailbox and it was very exciting and my daughter's like what's Miss Kelly doing on the magazine um so it's the njaa uh we get a monthly um review and uh the 2024 njaa ESP of the year is watch Young Hills very own Moren Kelly uh yes and it's and it's on the website all the pictures but I had the hard copy I wish she would have been here I would have had her autographed uh bring it next meeting because she actually will be here at our next meeting we're going toled her yes and actually I did um copy the article for everyone um but we we're saving it to put in your folders for next time so thank you so yes so she'll be here in person so save your copy I'm sure she'd be happy to sign it for you sign um she's actually going to attend along with our so she was our Watchung Hills educator of the year last year and then this is a separate award that she was nominated for through njaa um so we're going to recognize her for that and we're also uh inviting our current uh ed teacher of the year and Ed specialist of the year so we'll recognize all three of them and know what that means lemon bar make sure that's exciting thank you anyone else uh okay motion to adjourn all those in favor we are adjourned thank you everybody