e e e e e e e e [Music] uh this is a Wong burough School District Board of Education meeting uh it's June 13th at 7 p.m. the Wang burough school district is committed to inspiring Learners to explore inquire and collaborate on their joyful Journey towards Discovery independent thinking and creative problem solving our culture of acceptance and inclusion provides the foundation for Learning and social and emotional growth reflection in ethical decision-making we continue to learn and grow Embrace differences and prepare for an increasingly complex everchanging world I have a call to order okay there we've done that we just to pledge allegiance their Pledge of Allegiance then uh stand for the Pledge of Allegiance through the flag of the United States of America and for Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all welcome to a meeting of the Board of Education of The Bu of Wang please be advised that this and all meetings of the board are open to the public in media consistent with the open public meetings act and that the advanced notice required therein has been provided this is a regular meeting of the Board of Education of The Bu of wung at which formal action may be taken this meeting is being live streamed on the district website where a recording of the meeting will also be posted the public will have an opportunity to be heard as shown on the agenda at points in the meeting provided for the public to address the board reporting or photographing other than for private personal use requires the consent of parents SLU Guardians whose children may be included in the image um mishop Johnson can I have a roll call yes Mrs agly Arrow here Mrs Amadeo here Mr fr here Mr Gonzalez is absent Mrs Harvey here Mr Ang Gracia is absent Mrs jet here Mrs Santos here Dr vinc Kua here and we're going to move on to a presentation uh by Creature Comforts pet therapy yep so before um we introduce Cindy and Moy um one of our teachers at Bayberry school who was not able to be here tonight because of her own child's graduation and feels really passionate about um creature Comfort pet therapy asked if we could please read a statement there's also a PowerPoint um about Moy and Mo's friend fouchi um visiting her classroom um and I'm just going to read this cuz it's easier than me trying to figure it out my name is Kristen stack and I want to share about my wonderful experience and the experience my students were able to have this school year because of creature Comfort pet therapy I work closely with Nancy Fernandez and Mary Beth Cooney from ccpt to help fund this incredible program for my students ccpt teams Moy and Cindy Ruth and fouchy visited my classroom with monthly VIs visits and my students got to practice and enhance their literacy skills on some visits my students would read their own writing pieces from Writers Workshop they were eager to finish and publish their drafts so they could present them to moy and foui our furry friends and always enjoy listening to my students read their own writing other visits my students would read aloud to the dogs from their readers Workshop books I have been incredibly passionate about bringing this program into my classroom for seven years several years sorry I've written several grants to try and fund the program and thankfully ccpt helped me with funding it for this school year research supports that reading and interacting with dogs helps reduce stress that's why I brought them here today um so this program was the perfect way to help my students feel less anxious improve their overall mental health and social emotional skills research also support that reading to dogs is a great way to improve self-confidence and public speaking skills this is because it gives students an opportunity to truly speak loud and proud as I often say to my students they read beautifully they are not afraid of making mistakes because they know Moy and fouchi love every minute of reading together our last visit was just this past Monday and my students invited Moy and foui to join them in our morning meeting we we sang Two of our good morning songs together and then had a very special care to share Ruth and Cindy helped share from Moy and fouy I feel incredibly blessed to have worked with ccpt this school year I'm looking forward to qualifying for another Grant to help this program in my classroom during the next school years so that's from Kristen you can see what's going on I'm going to say I I had the pleasure of meeting Cindy and Moy um with the Valley View students actually in the winter they were doing um one of their service projects a collection um for women's shelters and and I kind of fell in love right away I I will tell you that I looked for Miss bitner's weekly report telling me where Moy was going to be so um I do want to introduce you and all of you have that opportunity if you'd like to read something you can but we're going to um fellas I'm going to drag you into this going to do this with me come on um well moie lives near me I know wait until you see what I'm going to get you to do with Mo I actually love this sure you're in the camera good for you de P attention first good job yeah thought it was just thing I was going to read [Laughter] so we teach the kids feed them and all the kids so teach them to put the right [Laughter] can I sing you are all the whole Community is in trouble now [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] take her down I guess I'm all [Music] [Laughter] should have brought him right last right there in the corner yeah reading with the kids Dr said they just down a that's how I knew about taking nap he lays down there [Music] allbody just so you know you guys aren't in the camera if you want to go a little by phis C [Laughter] actually [Music] oh great nice [Music] got and [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] thank you Cindy thank you thank you thank you thank I'm a whole new person from 20 minutes ago who knew they Bor me I knew my hand do I love that oh that's so nice so you can so I think we go to exective so now we move into executive session whereas the open public meeting act permits the Board of Education to meet in Clos session to discuss certain matters now therefore be it resolved that the Board of Education of watch Young adjourns to close session to discuss matter rendered confidential by federal state law student matters and prospective or current employees unless all who could be affected request an open session further resolve that the minutes of this closed session be made public when the need for confidentiality no long could I have a motion please motion second all in favor roll call I think we just all in favor we have e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e it's me again sorry we are going to move on to superintendent remarks to the district update a year in review and I will also be doing um the principal's reports they've been out with us with all of you honestly too every night I just didn't have the heart after they were missed it one today just say stick around till um so uh Aaron you have the yep there you go thank you so you can see where we're starting I can't believe actually that today was the last day for our staff and students this nine months has gone by at lightning speed I I don't know they say the older you get the faster it goes maybe it's that but I have never never seen anything go by that fast so I want to start off tonight with our most recent events what you see up there today was the fourth grade clap out at Bayberry we have our andon you can just is it running automatically so you don't have to push it if you want you can just push it right through you can just literally just scroll through you can just keep pushing it until it stops um that so we had the fourth grade clap out the fourth grade picnic um last night was our lovely lovely eighth grade graduation um this week we also were able to honor our la oh that's kindergarten moving up ceremony their future so bright they've got to wear shades um I know they're so cute um we um on Tuesday we surprised our um longtime custodian Frankie Kenner at a surprise party um to wish him well in retirement on Monday our Valley View students did their annual there's Frankie um our annual miles for smes fundraiser they were able to raise $750 that they donated to Haven veteran North in honor of our beloved staff member Mr Dan who did pass away in uh may there's all of our retirees um we were also able to gather at Chung Lake to celebrate Mr Dan's life it turned into a beautiful day um you'll see there's the check and some lovely pictures I just again it has been four days this week and about 30 events and I would like to recognize all of the staff and students who contributed to making a PTO food truck who contributed to making this week just so very special um Kathy and a ay uh the Valley View secretaries Marlon and Camille the Bayberry secretaries our principls are amazing chairs in the park like I I amazing for them um Christina Franco and Lauren Miller Carissa stanzak all here at Valley View working on um those two events Cindy Degan who was Mr Dan's co- teer um just so many others we are blessed we are truly blessed to have the above and beyond people that we do and and honestly I am grateful to work with each of you too because board members you all came out every day this week too you were at the events you were with our students and that is the kind of community that um I signed on for so thank you the staff received a letter from me this morning thanking them the full staff for their efforts and support this year and our families also received a letter and review of the year um this afternoon both of them are available on the district website so uh for the sake of our fourth night out I'm not going to go through all of them in detail um we have a long agenda but I do want to say despite all of the with our transportation crises our budget crises our transition stress this has been a year of of progress and achievement we have completed a significant number of site Improvement Safety and Security building and referendum projects just during the course of the year um completed those um sidewalks and concrete repairs installation of our security window film the casew work at Bayberry and Valley View the music room the faculty room all of that 85% Aaron I know you're still pushing through through the slideshow about 85% of the it upgrades cameras access controls Communications Pas you can thank Aaron for researching and getting all of that done this school year additionally um we've revised and improved our Safety and Security Systems and protocols I know you couldn't even get in um we have structured all the planning and bidding and the supporting purchases and materials and the furniture and the casework for everything that's going to happen this summer and I know that when I came people were very um concerned that we weren't going to get this referendum done they were very concerned that these projects weren't going to go forward and I have to tell you that over the summer we will be completing the upgrades to the heating ventilation and air systems the security upgrades at both schools roof replacement and maintenance electrical and plumbing upgrades at Bayberry all of the Interior Renovations and upgrades to the media center and the art room and the front office at Valley View it's exciting this community should be excited for what's coming um during the budget process all of you your board prioritized restoring staff and programming to improve and enhance curriculum and instruction assessment um adding resources staff professional learning maintaining those Sports and clubs the goals that you know you'll get to vote on in a few minutes I think reflect your efforts right it's all of these things that in the long run are going to help with outcomes at every level of the district achievement social emotional learning facilities stability sustainability and and I hope I know I am proud of what's been accomplished this year but I I truly hope that you are also proud and Karen Bishop Johnson I'm just going to say this three and a half months our budget that approved budget creates the start of a framework for financial and operational stability that could be sustainable it reflects creating a sound financial Foundation it looks ahead to the Future years it projects initiative IES that maybe we haven't even thought about yet or Staffing that we couldn't do but we knew and you reserve those funds for use in the future and again just a masterful job thank you you should be proud to um transportation what we are hoping to accomplish for the fall what's been developed um expanding those shared service agreements for busing with watchong hills and spending the time to review and address every issue so it wouldn't be repeated in the fall again something I think to be proud of for the community that full plan the town hall all of that is on the website um in the letter today we also linked everything including the forms to volunteer please please please take advantage of that um because finally after tonight's meeting and all of this planning we're moving out we are out of the school buildings um from tonight until perhaps August we will have no access um and I want people to understand that doesn't mean that the district is closed we are here not here we are working um Monday to Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. there is no July Board of Education meeting because of the construction we will be sending a reference referendum update mid July so everybody knows what's going on um we will also obviously communicate for back to school in August I just need to reiterate this Connor from Legacy Management asked me to reiterate this it was not just on our website today the burrow also um posted all of our schedule and this information please please please neighbors the schools are an active construction zone there is no parking in the parking lots there is no access to school grounds we are telling you it's not it's a hard hat area if we can't be here please keep your pets safe your children safe the tires of your car safe no access please thank you it has been maybe not the year I expected but uh it has ended in for me in a beautiful way so thank you all thank you Dr Glazer thank you thank you and I that was for the principals as well all those uh slides that Aon went through it wasn't just this week you got to see field day and um Sandy Hook you got to see the PTO food truck festival so so many things so we kind of just just that it makes sense scooped them up into the same then we'll move on to the business administrator's report so in the business office is uh as normally busy I say this every time um I also would love to thank uh my staff because I can't do anything without them so I would like to you know also recognize them for a great year and uh we will be busy this summer so getting ready for next year well first you got to finish this one well actually that is true we have to close the Year yes so we will close the year we've already opened the new year so basically we're doing two years you know simultaneously right now so it's a it's a busy time of year it's you know when I get here and tell you it's we had we didn't do anything all month I want to know yeah then we're going to move on to committee reports um so I'm going to start with Personnel um the personnel committee met on Thursday June 6th 2024 at 5:40 p.m. in person uh the committee members that were there were uh myself and I was virtual until 601 until I actually came into the board office Miss Vince skua and Mr Ang Gracia who was virtual the entire time um and Dr Glazer uh so we discussed the reappointment of Staff the reappointment of unaffiliated uh administrators the amendment of renewal from 10 years sorry amendment of renewal tenur certificated staff just to add longevity uh we discussed the re-approval of the manager of it uh we disc discussed the approval of a salary guide level advancement for two people we discussed the district stiens we discussed the approval of various esy staff and related Services we discussed the approval of child study team members for the summer of 2024 um the approval of certificate certificated staff to participate in summer IEP meetings um the appointment of a teacher to the ESL program the appointment of a summer program coordinator for before and after care the appointment of a District bus driver the appointment of assistant care provider or multiple assistant care providers and we will receed that Staffing list before the next meeting and two leave of of absences right and then we're going to move on to curriculum Miss jet okay well the Comm uh the committee did not meet but uh Dr Glazer gave us a lot of information as to what's on the tonight's agenda approval of the submission of the NJ doe language instruction educational program Li 3year plan 2024 to 2027 this is a requirement to receive the bilingual uh waiver from multilingual learn uh Learners and instruction this plan must have a board of ed approval date for submission but it is not due until the end of July and we do not have a board of ed meeting in July therefore to be in compliance we will use the June date for submission and Nicole doota will discuss the requirements of the plan at the July curriculum committee meeting we will submit the completed plan for Board of Ed approval for the August Board of Ed meeting and will make a public presentation on the plan at the August Board of Ed meeting the new approval date will be uploaded to the njd O E's Home Room site thank you thank you and on to policy Miss Harvey sure um we met on Wednesday June 5th the meeting time was between 527 to 7:05 it was virtual and in person uh those attendance were Dr Glazer Mr fras myself uh Mrs Amadeo and Mrs jwet um I'm just going to skip around through our minutes here um there are a couple items on the agenda for a second reading no one got any feedback from any board members or any questions or anything so those are on there for a second reading um policy 3211 34213 1 and 9323 um the committee agreed to all the language on those and they are on for a first reading tonight um going back up to the top for 201111 guidance counseling the committee decided to stay with the original um options uh from the existing policy that's on for first reading and then we have policy and regulation 2423 bilingual education um the committee received background on what the district currently does with multilingual students our district qualifies and uses a three-year waiver that give students one period a day to support them in speaking English as their second language the rest of their classes are in general and special education we applicable uh we won't qualify for the waiver in the future if we have 20 students who speak the same language we currently don't have 20 uh multilingual uh students who speak the same language so uh we still qualify for the waiver if we get to the point where we have 20 students speaking the same language that isn't English then policy 2423 goes into effect and this is on for a first reading we also have policy and regulation 24 31.4 prevention and treatment of sports related concussions um all outside groups that use our facilities get a copy of this policy and that's on for a first reading uh 3216 dress and grooming the committee asked the administration to review the policy and provide feedback on what options to select the policy is not currently recommended for a first reading 3324 right of privacy the committee agreed to all I'm sorry to add the option after receiving the background on the practices and procedures in the schools and this policy is ready for a first reading uh policy and regulation 3432 sick leave uh we abolish this policy at a previous board meeting and we will be replacing it after the wb's contract is renegotiated policy 5440 honoring student achievement the committee agreed to remove any language related to the high school uh the committee asked the administration to weigh in on what we should include in the policy language based on our school's practices they will review the language from the existing and new policies to merge some of the information this policy is not currently recommended for a first reading policy 7510 use of school facilities the committee asked the administration for feedback and we'll postpone this policy until the end of the summer to give them some time to work on this it's not currently up for a first reading and then we had some new business where we discussed the 5-year strategic plan a committee member asked about the Strategic plan process the superintendent gave an overview the committee discussed how new topics can be discussed by the committee or offline we reviewed sending an email with a topic and questions to be answered to the chair of the committee the board president and the superintendent before the committee meeting keeping in mind to give the administration time to research the topic the Committee Member M should um ask for the topic to appear on the committee agenda or to have information provided offline outside of the committee structure the vice president who is also the chair of the operations committee was asked to bring this topic to the operations committee to start working on the process of interviewing companies who would facilitate the 5-year strategic plan in hopes of the board voting to hire a facilitator at our August meeting um um that's about it thanks and Miss aguilo could you read uh the minutes for operations and finance sure uh the operations and finance committee met on June 4th the meeting was virtual and attended by Dr Julie Glazer Manuel Gonzalez Conor O'Brien Dory Harvey Frank BBY myself Karen Bishop Johnson Muhammad fras Ricky Boyd and Ernie Turner um for the referendum we got a roof update and it turns out that some parts of the Bayberry roof are under warranty which is great news um uh the fire alarm panel po was submitted there's going to be Friday meetings uh for organizing all the contractors so Connor from Legacy Management Ricky Boyd the principles and Dr Glazer uh the chimney on Bayberry was found to be cracked and chipping and could potentially damage the roof so the will be repaired and uh the repairs fall under the scope of the referendum uh under roof maintenance and repairs uh work in the library had already begun the furniture had been moved out new furniture has been identified some of the offices such as caring kids uh have been moved and preparation for construction as well as the teachers have been moving out as well in preparation for the referendum project starting and reaching out to some electrical contractors for quotes on Breaker connections from the business office um the add denum with ESS which is substitute Staffing and special education staffing has been completed and the rates were changed to be more competitive the audit um correction action plan and the COI need to be approved for 2023 we should have done it in January but just with the transition in the business office um wasn't done so we'll be doing that tonight uh the municipal tax levy has been sent to the town for approval and they were happy with it uh we're in the process of renewing our Property and Casualty Insurance we need to pre-authorize payments for the summer due to the closed buildings so there's some extra stuff on the agenda tonight um professional development for a crisis intervention class in September we're putting that on the agenda now just to make sure it goes through in advance of the summer closing uh before and after care rates have been changed the rates gone up by $25 to account for staff uh the payroll schedule has been approved it took all the duty time sheats to be paid once a month on the 15th and that streamlines the process F statements um for some contracts are inconsistent and should be reviewed um with the executive County Superintendent um and also there is the renewal of Karen Bishop Johnson's contract that the executive County Superintendent approved we started about 5 and finished just after 7 great uh moving on to to the legislative leaon Miss Harvey sure on uh June 5th Governor Murphy signed s- 2930 A- 445 a bill that revises the state's open public records act into law this measure uh contains several important changes that update the 22-year-old law including but not limited to Provisions that further clarify any agency's responsibility to protect personal information with which it has been entrusted including debit card number bank account information month and day of birth and personal email address required by public agency for government applications Ser any person provided to a public agency for the sole purpose of receiving official notifications as well as any um indecent or graphic images of a person's intimate parts that are captured in a photograph or video recording without the prior written consent of the subject of the photograph or video footage enhance protections for video surveillance systems by exempting uh from Public Access security alarm system activity and access reports including video footage for any public building facility or grounds unless the request identifies a specific incident that occurred or a specific date and limited time period a particular public building facility or grounds and is deemed not to compromise the Integrity of the security system by revealing capabilities and vulnerabilities of the system uh provide greater flexibility to public agencies and fulfilling records requests by limiting immediate access records to only those budgets bills vouchers contracts including Collective negotiations agreements and individual employment contracts and public employees salary and overtime information produced in the last 24 months all other records must be provided within seven business days if the record is for a commercial purpose then the request must be fulfilled in 14 business days a requestor shall have 14 business days to retrieve the government records following notice from the custodian that the request has been completed and the records are available require government records to be made available to the public on a publicly available website to the extent feasible if the records are on the website the record custodian may direct the uh requester to the website as a means of fulfilling the record's request if the requestor cannot locate the record on the website assistance shall be provided by the record's custodian if the requester is still unavailable to locate the oh I'm sorry still able to uh locate the record and request a physical copy the custodian shall provide the requestor with a physical copy of the record for a fee not exceeding two times the cost of the production of the document the custodian shall provide the requester with the physical copy of the record within seven business days of the request for a physical copy specify that Anonymous requests will still be permitted under Oprah however an anonymous requestor will not be be able to appeal a denial of uh the record's request clarify that requesters will still be entitled to urement of their attorney fees when an agency acts in quote bad faith in all other instances reimbursement of attorney fees will be at the discretion of the court or government records Council the law goes into effect 90 days after the June 5th signing date thanks thank you um now for the Somerset County Educational Services Commission which is also miss rvy but yes I have no update they had a meeting I was unable to attend because it was on the same day as our policy meeting so I believe we meet every two months so when uh we meet again I should have an update and then the Somerset County School boards Association leaz on Miss Amadeo there any update um yes just sharing that let me find my information um there are events coming up in October oober and November that might be worth everyone's while the agendas aren't out yet but mark your calendars October 10th and November 18th I think y then moving on to the School Board Association Miss aguilo yeah I was just going to um point out since we made professional development one of our goals that there's been a change on the njsba website and now there's a watch button for all previous webinars so if you want to go back and watch anything you can um there was yesterday a webinar on goal setting so it was a day late but I still watched it because we still have to do our action plans and I'm happy to say we did a really good job and we followed all of the recommendations that they s forth in the webinar um on that note if you go on to the website and you click on your account you can see your transcript and you can see how many credits you have um and you can see where you are as far as getting uh uh board member certification I'm not sure if that's something we want to be looking at um as part of our professional development action plan there's also a board certification and we were board certified in 2016 in May I believe of 2016 and it expired in 2020 so I wasn't sure if we wanted to think about as a board as part of our professional development in our action plan if we wanted to look into becoming board certified again I don't know much about it all it says is that it requires 16 credits so something to think about um and since Danielle and I are the Liaisons for the School Board Association I was going to volunteer us to develop the action plan for that goal if everyone is fine with that um and we're also both willing to collect ideas from everyone as to what types of professional development you'd be interested in I know Financial reports 101 was definitely something that was mentioned um it's kind of a dry topic but I would also love to know the difference between policies regulations bylaws protocols and procedures dry but important I think um and then we would be able to coordinate with Gwen as far as setting up some of those webinars or presentations that's it for me I know that we put out uh in April we talked about if we were going to go to school boards in October is uh a board I know not everybody can go because of work but we would have to Reg and you definitely want to you know at least reserve a hotel room um dinner something because it's everybody down there so maybe if you're going to coordinate that you'll have to give care in that direction if you want to just us and so maybe everyone I believe it's October 21 is and we have the board meeting that Thursday right it's weekday so I know it's harder for everybody um who's working days correct I think it's or two and a half yeah so if you're everybody take a look on the website and if you're interested in going then email either myself or Danielle and then we'll put it all together and send it to Karen does that work yeah cuz I I would have to do the registrations for yeah so maybe we could do that um when would you want that by I'll take whenever you can but it's the hotels I'll tell you that that's the one thing because when they run out of room you don't then get the hotel where the conference is or near it and then you're taking a car service Uber whatever July 15th So the faster the better July 15th too late I know it's hard because let's say by our July committee meetings okay what do you think about that yeah I think that's the same week so we can do a reminder at the committee meetings and then we're on July 7th we down for the one day or do we have to stay stay over maybe Tuesday did last year we went down you guys that was that was a whole different ball game approv but it we we would stay right you would want to go to the sessions Tuesday Wednesday maybe even Thursday some people I I we do have a board meeting Thursday night um and if we're all going we should find a way to to meet other boards is the agenda out yet for I haven't seen it not usually it's hard to decide they still asking the agenda people to like to I just we put in a proposal to present so okay I'm not sure that they have that out yet it's all I'm going to say I've been except for last year I think I've been and I actually did go for the day last year but I I think I've been every year and I have gotten something powerful out of it every year and I know that the boards even just by virtue of meeting other boards and talking they have a huge vendor floor meeting some of those vendors it's a really good experience for board members um and then on to the regionalization committee there is no updates provided this time we have a meeting June 24th at we have yeah we have a meeting on June 24th but that is the update I have a w report even there's nobody here yeah so there's nobody here from PTO we do have a w report yep on Saturday June 22nd there is a community picnic at mobus field from noon to 6:00 p.m. um we is doing a fundraiser with the burough they'll be hosting the beer and wine Garden as well as a 50/50 raffle so they hope that everybody if they're coming to the picnic will also stop by and support their efforts to support the schools they they do a lot for us um you'll see in October when we do our ribbon cutting for um the summer work they funded the refurbishment and professional learning um for the adventure course so we could bring that back here at Valley View just as an example all right and there is also nobody here from CAG um so now we're going to move on to comments from the public agenda items we welcome input from the public sorry there are two times during the meeting when the public is invited to speak the first opportunity to comment on agenda items only is now the second opportunity for public comment is towards the end of the meeting time allotted total time allotted for public comment is 30 minutes before you make your comment please stay your name and Municipality of residents in the event that it appears that the public common section sorry public common portion of the meting meeting May exceed 30 minutes the presiding officer May limit each statement made by a participant to 3 minutes duration our public forums are not structured as a question and answer session but rather are offered as opportunities to share input with the board in instances where the board feels a response is needed the presiding officer or superintendent will address the comment uh New Jersey statute statutes I can't speak do not permit the board to discuss Personnel or hiring in public session names of students should not be used members of the public should consider their comments and light of legal rights of those affected and identified in their comments and be aware that they are personally legally responsible with potential liability for comments that they make to the board the board shall not be held liable for comments made by members of the public and seeing as there's no one here we're going to move on to action items uh Miss adeo could you move administrative items yes um I move administrative items one approve minutes of previous meeting two affirm the superintendent's hi report three accept Bayberry and Valley View School security drill reports four approve special education placements five approve the safe return plan six approve Board of Education goals should I read those um goal one Foster a more positive and supportive working environment during Board of Education meetings and committee meetings create an environment of civilian and professionalism with more straightforward communication among board members and the superintendent during all meetings two the board will engage in professional development on identified topics as needed that will enhance our Collective governance skills and knowledge three Provide support within our role as board members for the district's strategic plan seven approve District goals um there are two District goals one develop a sustainable budget that supports identified curricular changes and Implement program initiatives in professional development to support both and two to develop a strategic plan during the 2425 school year second any discussion I have a quick question actually um on number two affirm the Hib report there are two items there in discussion one of the reports you said was not so they're both hi reports they both still need to be approved by the board and then um by legislation uh the alleged offenders and victims get followup letters with the disposition of the investigation okay all right um Miss Bishop Johnson could we have a roll call please uh yes Mrs Harvey yes Mrs jet yes Mrs Santos yes Dr vincis Kua yes Mr fras yes Mrs am Deo yes Mrs agaro yes and Mr Gonzalez and mras are absent so motion passes uh Dr bcua could I have a mo could I have a motion to move personal items yes let's um move the first item authorization to hire staff to approve renewal and contract SBA ba and the attachment five three approve renewals and salaries for administrators with attachment six approve number four approve renewal of manager of Information Technology attachment 7 item number five approve appointment cert certificated staff item number six amend renewal tenur certificated staff item seven approved salary guide level advancement for 2024 2025 item 8 approved stien positions item number nine appoint 2024 to 2025 program coordinator for before and after care item 10 approve Nicole toota to serve as learning disabilities future consultant item six excuse me item 11 approve um esy special education instructional staff item 12 approve esy related Services item 13 approve esy special education staff item 14 approve child study team members for summer 2024 evaluations and case management item 15 approve certificated staff to participate in summer IEP meetings item 16 appoint teacher to prepare the 2024 to 2025 e SL program item 17 appoint summer program coordinator for before after care item 18 appoint District bus driver for esy 2024 item 19 appoint assistant care providers item 20 approve esy before and after Care staff is 21 item 21 approve leave of absence cot that too um and item it 22 approve summer externs I have a second second second any discussion is uh Bishop Johnson roll call please yes Mrs Amadeo yes Mr fras yes Mrs agaro yes Mrs jet yes Mrs Harvey yes Mrs Santos yes Dr vincis Kua yes uh Mr Gonzalez and Mr engrassia are absent uh seven yeses motion passes uhero could you read operations Finance please or could I have a motion for operations and finance sure I move items under operation Finance number one approve payment of bills number two approve transfer of funds 2023 to 2024 three accept Financial reports four accept audit audit and corrective action plan for the school year 2022 to 2023 five accept certificate of implementation six authorize Municipal tax levy payments seven approve professional development School business and related expenses eight approve addendum to extend agreements with ESS Northeast LLC nine approve addendum to extend agreements with ESS Support Services 10 approve annual maintenance service agreements 11 appoint school health insurance fund fund commissioner her shiff 12 appoint 20242 school year before and after CARE program and tuition rates and 13 approve the disposition of instructional property second any discussion Mr Johnson roll call please Mrs Amadeo yes Mr fras yes Mrs Harvey yes Mrs jet yes Mrs Santos yes Mrs agaro yes Dr Vince Kua yes and Mr andraska and Mr Gonzalez are absent seven yeses motion passes and on to curriculum uh Mr okay curriculum one approve submission of the L 3year plan second any discussion Bishop Johnson roll call please that was fast sorry Mrs aarrow yes Mr fr yes Mrs Harvey yes Mr Mrs jet yes Mrs Santos yes Mrs Amadeo yes Dr vincis Kua yes and Mr angrai and Mr gonzal are absent seven yeses motion passes all right and then for policy Miss Harvey sure I move one first reading and two second reading second second any discussion sorry again roll call please okay Mrs Amadeo yes Mrs agaro yes Mr fras yes Mrs jet yes Mrs Harvey yes Dr Vince Kua yes Mrs Santos yes mran and Mr Gonzalez are absent seven yeses motion passed all right is there any board business to discuss and there's nobody here from the public so can I have a motion to adjourn moved second second second all in favor I great everybody have a great summer e e