good evening everyone adequate notice of this regular and executive meeting setting forth datetime and location has been provided in accordance with the requirements of the open public meetings act on January 12th 2024 by prominently posting a copy on the bulletin board in the lobby of the office of the Wayne Board of Education which is the public place for such announcements transmitting a copy of this notice to the record the Wayne today tap into the Wayne municipal clerk and the R's website Mr mofet roll call Mr Bill here Mr Faber here Mr gardano here Mrs lamandre here Mr Paul here Mr pavlac here Mr Pacos pres Mrs regoso here and Mrs wintech here at this time i' ask everyone to please stand for the flag salute followed by a Moment of Silence I Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you everyone please be seated at this time we will swear in our new board member Mr Moffett Ryan Paul Mr Paul will be joined by his family with Mr M are you ready okay I state your name I Ryan Paul do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established in the United States and the governments established with the United States and this state and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I state your name I Ryan Paul do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications do I possess the qualifications prescribed by law prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education for office of member of Board of Education am not disqualified as a voter pursuing rs1 194 I'm not disqualified as a voter pursuant RS RS 19 4-1 am not disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense not disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in listed in njsa njs say 18a 18a callon 12-1 call in 12-1 and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the office all the duties of the office according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God thank you did a great job at this time we will do our recognition award for this evening for our teachers and I can say I'm honored to stand before you tonight as We Gather to celebrate and honor the exceptional educators in our district who have been chosen by the New Jersey education educators of the Year award this recognition is a testment to their dedication passion commitment to Excellence and education our teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the minds and futures of our students they're not just Educators but mentors role models and inspiration to all our students day in and day out they go above and beyond to create an engaging nurturing learning environment where every student can Thrive the recipients of this Ward embody the values of innovation leadership and compassion they're exemplary exemplify what it means to be a dedicated educator going the extra mile to ensure each child receives a quality education and support the needs to succeed in a time where the landscape of education is constantly evolving our UC Educators have demonstrated a resilience adaptability and creativity in the faces in the challenges which they face they have embraced new technology new teaching methods and approaches to meeting the diverse needs of our students and providing them with the tools they need to excel in the 21st century I am immersively proud of the hard work and achievements of our Educators they are the heart and soul of this District and their impact extends far beyond the walls of the classroom on behalf of the entire board I extend my heartfelt congratulations to each and every one of you for this distinguished award your dedication to Excellence in the education inspires all of us we're grateful for the unwavering commitment to our students and to our communities and personally I thank you for what you do every day many people and I've said this before many people don't realize when the bell rings at the end of the day your day begins again when you get home I learned that lesson very well and then to deal with all the stuff the state wants you to do that's another task in itself but I behalf of the board I congratulate each and every one of you and I thank you for your undedicated you're undedicated and I can't say it enough commitment to this district and to our students thank you Dr toac so I'm just going to um quickly Echo some of Mr Pav's thoughts but it's our honor this evening to recognize outstanding Educators from across the school district Mr pavlac spoke a little bit about the qualities of great Educators I'm going to talk a little bit about their impact our teachers and our Educational Service professionals are in fact the lifeblood of our schools they make our schools a great place for our students to grow and learn and as you can see by the crowd tonight you are loved and appreciated by your colleagues students friends and families so congratulations and let's get started I'd like to turn things over now to Mrs Richman for the recognition program come up later or come now um good evening everyone it's it's not always a good thing when we have a room this packed this is a great thing um it's it's wonderful to see you all here tonight the governor's educator of the Year program is designed to highlight educational Innovation student achievement the rewards of teaching and important Services outside the classroom environment that lead to Student Success this celebratory program integrates the teacher of the year program with the governor's teacher Educational Services professional recognition program to recognize our state's best teachers and Educational Services professionals we recognize one teacher and one Educational Service professional from each of our 15 schools tonight before inviting each award recipient to receive their certificate I congratulate all of our winners for their commitment and dedication to our students and school Community it's truly an honor to be here to congratulate you all on your daily outstanding work to support our students and our educational programs we know that your contributions to our district are invaluable and are genuinely grateful for our excellent teachers and Educational Service professionals I would also like to give additional recognition to two of our staff members who decided to move move on in this program to be considered for the county teacher of the year award this opportunity was extended to teachers who won the governor's educator of the Year award it required completing and submitting a comprehensive application including many essays detailing their professional background teaching style exemplary lessons and Leadership Vision I had the opportunity to read and review each submission you're all winners and I congratulate you for taking the time to be considered for this honor here are some things that I learned about our two um submissions Adrian Celli uh where are you Adrian I know I saw you wrote about her journey as an educator Adrian talked about her passion for shaping the future by equipping students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed she explains how teaching is a dynamic process that goes beyond transmitting information and involves motivating students fostering a love for Learning and preparing them for challenges they must overcome Miss Chelli has contributed to our school community in so many ways she served on the panek School site based committee participated in curriculum writing committees and serves on the special education liaison committee I had the privilege of working with Miss Celli when I first started in Wayne as a fourth grade teacher Adrian's welcoming nature and collegial spirit have been ongoing throughout the years and she truly contributes to a culture where staff learn and grow together Nicole missina Nicole here hi Nicole Nicole shared that she wanted to be a teacher from a young age she sought out leadership opportunities in grade school as a safety patrol officer and joined the peers educating peers Club so she could teach many lessons to elementary students this was her first experience in front of of a group of students setting the stage for her teaching career during one of her most challenging times I'm sorry during one of the most challenging times we've all faced in education the pandemic Miss missina completed the Wilson Reading Program certification this is a huge undertaking and was a big commitment to make during a time when her students and CH young children needed her the most Miss missina knew that completing the certification would give her the skills and training that would be much needed by so many of Wayne students so she persevered Miss missina is also a student council adviser assembly coordinator and the unified Club adviser her involvement and contributions extel extend well beyond the classroom and are worthy of this recognition we wish Nicole continued success and lots of luck to both Nicole and Adrien at this time I would like to invite Rob Sardi the president of the way Education Association to say a few words hi everybody so like M rman says I'm Rob Sardi I'm the president of the Wayne Education Association it really is an honor to be here tonight to celebrate all of our Educators and our asps um of the year throughout all of the schools I know for a lot of you it's a little odd being here sometimes it's really difficult especially for educators to accept the accolades from our staff members and from our Community because that's not why we became part of teachers that's not why we became into this field most of us are usually too busy trying to find different ways and new ways on getting lessons and figuring out ways in order to focus or revamp our lessons making sure that we not only meet our the educational needs of our students but also our emotional needs as well we do all that in addition to balancing our own personal lives it can be so overwhelming at times that we may not feel the appreciation we know that everyone in this educational field so deeply deserves even when we're given it like tonight it's kind of hard to accept I've been in Wayne a while I did my student teaching with Bob pril back in the 90s and he gave and I always get that every every time I say that every single time ladies and gentlemen we know the prail people yes um he gave me some really great advice when things get difficult and we're in education things are going to get difficult at times just remember how lucky you are to be in this profession the fact that you get to share and contribute to the growth of these young adults is truly a gift tonight we're all here to gather to just celebrate you we see all of your hard work that you do on a daily basis the time that you've given up of your own time like Mr pavlac has said you're here tonight because Community wants to celebrate you may I offer my own words of advice I want you to enjoy this moment you deserve this moment it belongs to you I know that there are so many things that go on in all of our lives that will take your attention away from enjoying this time so even if it's just for a few minutes take the time to celebrate yourself somebody or some people felt the urge to recognize you try to see yourself as they do I know it's difficult to do that we get lost in the other aspects of our lives and do not allow ourselves to celebrate our own achievements usually we're too busy celebrating the achievements of our loved ones and our students I sat in your seat last year as teacher of the year at Skyler I didn't let myself enjoy the moment when I found out this honor and my principal Miss Weinstein would know I just I just couldn't accept it at that time it was just months after my mother had passed away I chose to focus on what wasn't in my life rather than what was in my life I know now that she had the best seat you know she was right there with me the whole time seeing me so I want you to take my advice and to enjoy this time there's a lot of stuff that goes on in our in our lives take just a few few moments and this is not just for the people who won this is for everybody take a few moments each day just to appreciate all the stuff that you give to everybody else it's truly special so to all the teachers and Educational Service Professionals of the year on behalf of the Wayne Education Association I offer my heartfelt congratulations and profound ad admiration for your exceptional dedication your passion and unwavering commitment to the excellent in education may you light may your light continue to inspire and illuminate the path for your students again thank you for all that you do and congratulations once again on this extremely welld deserved honor thank you well done we'll give them their certificates okay okay at this time I'd like to recognize all the recipients for the 2023 24 teacher of the year and Educational Services professional when I call your name please join me up here with Mr sardy and Dr toac to accept your certificate um if you're principal can join you that would be great we're going to line up um all the way along there and then we'll get a group photo after we give out all of the certificates we'll recess for about 10 minutes so that you can take um Family Photos take additional pictures and and also a special thank you to Tracy Lee and Mrs fante we were um navigating some technical issues but they worked really hard to put together the special presentation highlighting and showcasing all of our recipients uh it'll be online for you to enjoy tomorrow as well all right we're ready at our Early Childhood Center congratulations to preschool teacher Christina Wright and our esteemed par professional Carla Thomas from EP tur Hune Elementary School congratulations to fifth grade teacher Beth Deo and our school psychologist Janelle Manny congratulations from James Fallon Elementary School congratulations to our kindergarten teacher Maria Cornett and our school psychologist Jennifer NAS from John F Kennedy Elementary School congratulations to our special education teacher Daniel kusik and school social worker Danielle leino from Lafayette Elementary School congratulations to music teacher Danielle Valencia and Power professional Susan sanetz from panak elementary school congratulations Adrienne casselli grade four teacher and Karina rebello School par professional from Pines Lake Elementary School congratulations to special education teacher Melissa Ford and school counselor Karen OA from Randall Carter Elementary School congratulations special education teacher Nicole MSA and power professional Liliana barol keep going we'll go all the way around from Ryerson Elementary School congratulations to kindergarten teacher Alexa Anderson and power professional Kathy telerico from Tunis day Elementary School congratulations fourth grade teacher Jacqueline Tangi and power professional Gina yanuzzi from Anthony Wayne Middle School congratulations to special education teacher Bren pel and power professional Elizabeth Rosendale from George Washington Middle School congratulations ESL teacher Kimberly Kiren and power professional Tracy an Griffin Yano from Skyler cfax Middle School congratulations to our language arts teacher Victoria valow and power professional Risa Rizzo from Wayne Hills High School congratulations to our special education teacher Sarah Egan and power professional Jason staggers and finally from Wayne Valley High School congratulations to special education teacher you could stay in front Roberta OK Conor Rell and learning disability teacher consultant Katherine pen courner congratulations to all of our award recipients um we're going to try and get all of you in one big picture like we do every year so we can squeeze super super tight together like call people in the back for me please come on come on come on let's squeeze in all of you all of we got to be really tight in here guys slide up I you holdbody turn to the side to the people in the back people conat are than oh really oh boy I wanted to put something else in my te but it's just girl you keeping those kids in lying over Garfield we're going to take a 10-minute recess right soon as we close the door Dr Tobak you're on okay so for um our administrative summary report um obviously it's kind of hard to follow on what we just did so I'm going to keep my report very brief um I also recognize that our student Representatives have some very good reports and some great news to share about their schools and our board members are also going to be sharing more about their committee meetings many weeks of preparation went into our community Forum on February 15th about 70 people attended for the in-person audience and the live stream had about 325 participants with many many more people watching the recorded version over the past week overall we've received positive feedback from many community members and we hope the event was helpful in educating way residents about the upcoming referendum on March 12th in addition to the many other referendum related Publications we're also producing a weekly referendum podcast as a way of conveniently helping residents understand some of the details behind the referendum today's episode which is based on the popular TV show MythBusters will be released either tomorrow or Monday um we've been getting a lot of traffic also on our website so so as of now we have 876 total visits to the referendum website of which the vast majority of people are very interested in seeing the improvements so what improvements are included with the referendum building by building improvements um just another um quick announcement regarding George Washington Middle School so um recently six New Jersey middle schools only six received National Schools to Watch recognition for 2024 from the national Forum advancing excellence in the Middle grades six Exemplar middle um grade schools in New Jersey were recognized by schools to watch as part of the recognition program developed by this National Forum George Washington is one of those middle schools so congratulations to the students the staff and the administration of George Washington Middle School okay um so let's go to just a few more things well the Hib report so there have been 15 incidents of HIV that were investigated since my last report and seven of those cases were actually deemed to meet the criteria of an HIV incident that concludes my report for tomight thank you Ava good evening 11 members of the Wayne Hills engineering club traveled to Bayon high school on Saturday January 13th to have two teams participate in the njaap PT physics Olympics they competed against 36 other teams in six events including fery questions a propeller powered car and a marble roller coaster the Wayne Hills team consisting of basan Assad Noah Kim Vivic lame anged Singh and isan Sinha won first place trophies in two events and came in fifth overall they built the tallest spaghetti in marshmallow tower for the grab bag event Hills also took home first place in the paper helicopter event in which a copter built of only paper and tape by Noah Kim took the longest time to twirl to the ground from a 12-ft drop congratulations to Wayne Hills on their success at the competition the engineering club is looking forward to preparing for next year's competition which will be held on our home turf at Hills next January the glamour gals Club attended care one nursing home in Wayne New Jersey this past Saturday to give residents a manicure and makeover the residents enjoyed the conversation and the Glam while our members felt an impact within their own lives the Wayne Hills photo program has won the Wayne lifestyle monthly picture this high school photo contest this contest was open to all local high school students new student images were published each month for the past 6 months culminating this week Wayne Hills won 18 of the 22 published photographs including the first place overall winner Christina verick whose images even appeared on the cover of the August issue kicking off the contest congratulations to Christina vck Ibrahim mahul Kayla Doro Olivia galambos Sophia Peterson Allison lozo Farah Schwarz Carol Salazar Alex Whitmore kolina binsa Alissa kuchi Madison Paretti Miranda Hune Emily Bolinger and Lauren falus whom all had work published in the magazine we would like to thank Philip Baron and Wayne lifestyle for creating this contest and allowing our students to the for these opportunities we look forward to participating again next year the Wayne Hills band is proud to announce that several of its student musicians have been selected to perform with area and region honors ensembles for the Coldwell College honor band Shawn Mobius Marcus nees and Sadi Valencia for the north Jersey area band Helma Maser Joe Catalano Juliana steer Aaron Schwarz Brandon hang Ian Quan and Ani tangu room and for the north Jersey region band Marcus nees congratulations the Wayne Hills High School chapter of triim the National Music Honor Society held its 2024 inductions on Tuesday January anuary 23rd president adith BAGI vice president Sarah mamoody and secretary Bren Buckley organized and ran the event which featured musical performances and information on the meaning of Tri M adviser Mr pno spoke to the relevance of Music in schools and keynote speaker Justin Rothstein spoke about what music means to him congratulations to the Wayne Hills Millennia wintergard on their second place finish at the Pegasus guard show on February 12 10th the Wayne Hills competition cheerleading team has hit the ground running this season they won first place in Grand Champs at their first competition of the season this earned them a a paid bid to the Merit cheer Internationals in Orlando Florida in March they have since went on to earn three more first place finishes and look forward to a great season ahead both Wayne sheer teams will be competing this weekend at States good luck to both a huge congratulations to the Wayne Hills girls basketball team who won the 2024 pay County champions for the first time since 1982 they defeated Eastside High School this past Saturday with a score of 50 to 47 congratulations to Matthew Paul fonte for winning third place at the Special Olympics area 2 bowling competition he earned a bronze medal way to go Matt the girls of SDA have been working extremely hard these past few months months and our show is this Thursday Friday and Saturday we will be selling some tickets at the door for Thursday and Friday show we hope to see you there that's it thank you for your time thank you a captain good evening this month Wayne Valley opened its doors to seventh and eighth grade families for a Technology Expo the cad robotics graphic design Automotive TV production manufacturing and photography programs all gave presentations for the incoming high school students showing what Wayne Valley technology has to offer the event was sponsored by the Wayne Education Foundation summer camp program and even included presentations from college representatives in the spirit of in the spirit of Valentine's Day Wayne Valley is collected Anon is collecting Anonymous compliments written by students soon they will be printed and distrib to families excuse me to students and faculty to spread kindness thousands of compliments are gathered each year helping to make Wayne Valley an even more friendly Place artists Craig lra Rebecca makado and Simon Cal Calderon bouar have been selected to have their artwork displayed in the annual fresh perspectives high school art exhibition the exhibition will be hosted by The Morris Museum starting on March 15th to celebrate the Museum's 35th Anniversary over 250 art students across New Jersey entered into the Showcase but only 50 were chosen to have their artwork displayed congratulations to these gifted artists the Wayne Valley culinary program won second place in the NJ proart gingerbread house competition with a SpongeBob inspired build winter track athletes Rin lafredo Athena giottis Sarah Paul and Ava Maher recently broke two girls winter track records the Sprint medley relay and the 4X 200 M relay their new spr Sprint medley relay time is 4 minutes 18 seconds and their new 4x200 M relay time is 1 minute 52 seconds congratulations to them for their hard work the boys winter track 4 by 400 meter relay team won fifth place at the group three state sectionals meet earning them a spot at the group three championships the girls ski team finished the regular season sixth in the state earning them a spot in the state championships both Gabriella batelli and Khloe KRA finished top 30 in the state qualifying them for the race of Champions the Wayne Valley dance team had the amazing opportunity to fly to Florida to compete in the national championships cheer won first place and palm won fourth place both at the small Varsity level Wayne Valley's fencing star Karina Festa represented Wayne Valley in the junior World Cup Championship all the way in Prague she won third place for individual girls saber the wrestling team finished second place in district 7 with a total of 163 points and they won the North Jersey group 3 sectional Championship also both High School cheer teams are competing in the States Championship this weekend good luck to both for the first time in Wayne Valley history the boys basketball team won the pic County Championship they won the championship in a victory against Eastside High School the defending Champions with a score of 44 to 38 this qualified provides Wayne Valley's team for the state championship congratulations to these hardworking athletes thank you thank you Mr mofet revisions to the agenda yes we have two tonight uh under T emergent Human Resources we have a revision on number seven approval of District staff Revis number six Lisa gurnie G R NE e that's SP SCPA SC revised hours from 2.67 to 2.5 we're going to revise number eight approval of appointment of extracurricular advisor again that's under T emergent Human Resources revise number one Jason carage c a r c uh Wayne Valley drama and Theater Arts advisor from 33 to step four uh which is at $1,530 to step uh I should say6 of step four which is 76 $65 and that concludes the changes to tonight's agenda thank you at this time at this point in the meeting will this portion of the meeting is open to Citizens for comment on agenda items only residents are asked to State their name address and subject matter comments may be limited to three minutes per person members of the public are discouraged from speaking negatively about an employee or a student board Bears no responsibility for comments made by the public comments regarding employees or students can not be legally responded to by the board other comments may be responded to tonight at a subsequent meeting under old business do I have a mover move Mr jordano Mr pakis anyone from the public wishing to speak on an agenda item seeing no one I move to close second this Mr pakas Mrs wintech do I have a mover for the uh committee report reports Mr pakis the communications committee met tonight for the first time for the year it was with um the administrator Dr toac board committee members Mrs lamandre Mr Paul and myself we zoomed with Janelle mannon and Mrs Renee janowick from Laura Bishop Communications we began the meeting by reviewing the board committee standard operating procedure handbook then we went through the referendum communication strategy from now through March 12th with the ladies from Laura Bishop Communications uh it's for the final push we looked at uh the social media campaigns the FAQs and we also uh went through that there's three ways to ask questions about the referendum via the thought exchange via let's talk and the Wayne school's future email there will be two more podcasts and tomorrow there will be a press tour where members of the press will be able to tour um our facilities and have a look uh themselves and so they can um ask questions and and educate the community we also looked at the uh recent media cover and the recent e newsletters that's it thank you uh facilities and transportation met this evening uh in attendance were myself Mr Bell Mr pavlac Mrs Tibbits Mr Roma Mr skitzki and Mr mfet uh many items were discussed during this we went over the improve the minutes from the January 18th meeting uh we have some potential items that we were discussed uh during this uh was also mentioned March 13th the baseball season starts and they're kind of counting whether or not it's going to snow again whether they can pull off the uh uh those carpets which are really working well those blankets on the ball fields um so we're kind of you know looking at the sky hoping for the best that the kids can get out there and start uh immediately on a nice uh well groomed field uh some of the uh some of the jobs that are worked on at Fallon and Valley hot water heaters uh had to be replaced uh tunist day there was a sinkhole uh that was fixed um we're discussing the potential of moving the Sall feel that Valley because it floods there right into the parking lot next to it all the time um these are all small projects that are ongoing uh all the time irregardless of the uh referendum this work still has to get done and uh I salute them they do an excellent job on that um under excuse me under projects uh we're reviewing drawings for the uh press building skin which is the roof and window replacement uh 25% completion on the data center and Generator right now for that one we are also looking at we're in the preliminary phases of some Rod grants uh specifically the AP tune roof the tunist day roof the Ryerson roof um whether or not these things make it through the referendum they still got to be the stuff be looked at and we're trying to work ourselves uh work the our own crew with this a little M as possible but we're hoping for the best in that one uh as Mr praco said there's a press tour specifically they're going to be going through uh Hills Pines Lake and pness um outlining some of the needs in those buildings be able to show people what exactly uh are the issues and um how we're trying to address those issues uh at this point over in Transportation uh the big ones are uh we have two new drivers that have passed the CDL licenses um we are not in the crisis mode we were the last meeting but there's still needs for drivers we're actually taking in drivers from uh other businesses and we're training them and receiving tuition from them for that so it is working um the the whole idea of training and sitting out ourselves is working out very well hopefully we can um attract some of these drivers some of these other places to come work in Wayne and uh take care of our students right now the description for transportation is driving pool is okay but that can flip and a heartbeat there are people retiring uh so they're always on the lookout for new drivers they are always welcome anybody interested in becoming a bus driver in the district and want to get their commercial driver's license um that we can make that happen for you um and that will be all for the uh transportation and Facilities meeting thank you any other committies uh I like to move the entire agenda in one second Mr gardano yes Mrs lamandre yes Mr Paul yes Mrs regalo yes Mrs witing yes Mr Bill yes Mr Faber yes Mr Pacos yes Mr pavlac yes motion carries retirements I'll start down to my right I am going to read about Victoria valo Victoria has been dedicated has been a dedicated educator for 34 years she started at St Francis of aissi in hackensac for 5 years out of college and then came to Skyler and was hired as a sixth grade grade reading teacher she then taught two years in seventh grade and then moved back to sixth grade where she has been ever since in Room 122 Vicky bleeds the burgundy color of Skylar and has been and has spent 29 years alongside her besti Karen Gorman being the backbone of Skylar for students and staff on top of her teaching role Vicki is also a team leader for the Pumas and heads the I and rs teams she also represents her colleague as a union rep and suffice it to say leads from Room 122 Vicki was honored this year with the governor's educator of the Year award which she humbly shies away from however it is a long time overdue and welld deserved Vicki will tout her thought her thess her toughness and is famed for her loud stomp down the hallway to defend her colleagues and Friends however her greatest strength comes from her unending compassion and empathy as well as her commitment to do what is right for the students and staff there is not a time that Vicki is not looking to create the best for her kids and for the kids at Skyler and believes in delivering the highest standards of education and service what Vicki remembers are some of the crazy Antics at school the Barbecues in the courtyard the Duncan runs while watching two classes through the Clusters and having water gun fights with students in the hallway she attended countless DC trips and all the craziness that comes with and along with them getting stranded on a class trip with no cell phones no bus to pick anyone up all of these events are seared into her brain fondly as she thinks of the Skylar staff and what brings people together and closer during good times and bad what she will miss most are the people as they are Vicki's family in so many ways when asked about it Vicki describes the job of teaching as looking vastly different than it did when she first started what has remained the same is working with phenomenal people who became her friends and family to quote her scms has been my home for 29 years it is a place where I grew up I will miss it and I will be quite and it will be quite the adjustment not coming here 5 days a week in her spare time she likes to read and go shopping and mostly be with friends and family Vicki will look forward to traveling with her husband Dominic and getting that good old retirement glow Vicky your voice will echo in the hallways forever and we wish you and your family all of the best health love and happiness as you embark on the next piece of your journey and retirement we love you that's beautiful okay I have the honor of reading about Karen Gorman so your best friends and you retire at the same time and you work together that's just awesome that's so awesome Karen Gorman has spent the last 31 years dedicated to being a guidance counselor only two of those years were spent at Queen of Peace High School in North Arlington and 29 of them have been spent at her home scholar kofax middle middle school she and her bestie Vicky valow who is also retiring this year and we will hear about we just heard about have been the backbone of Skyler in many ways Karen is truly the definition of what a counselor is and should be there's not a time that Karen does not put the students and their families first and works tirelessly to ensure that all their needs are met there is not a problem that Karen has faced that she has not seen as simply an obstacle to be overcome her Outlook is consistently positive and optimistic and she is the light that shines through Dark Times helping not only students but also colleagues see through we joke about Karen's shoulder shimmy and the sparkle in her eye when she gets an idea or even feels a bit frustrated and may refer to the stinker bugs around her attempting to bring her down we all know this will not be the case as Karen exemplifies what overcoming challenges look like our students seek Her counsel consistently and share with her the things that trouble them throughout the middle school and what makes her so happy is when former students come back to her after Middle School to tell her of their successes and feel her comfort and support again there are too many to count as Karen's Legacy will live beyond her having touched so many lives in the most incredible way she is truly an angel Karen will remember many things about Skyler including the Skyler cup assembly we had after Co when we were able to all be together again the eighth grade breakfast with her eighth graders and celebrating three years of accomplishments and memories together one of her most favorite back in the day memories memories is when the staff competed against the students along with the New York Giants in a fundraiser volleyball game she will miss even the smaller things like the many hearts to hearts with the kids group activities and her visits from the former students which she will always cherish what Karen will miss most of all are the students all of her past students and her current sixth graders schoolwide events and the staff which are like family to her she is looking forward to spending more times with her more time with her family family and friends trying new things and visiting new places Karen we will miss you so greatly as Skyler and will and it will always be your home we wish you and your family as you move on to the next chapter happy travels and experiences as well as health and love we love you you are the goat God bless awesome this is thank you um I will read retirement for lorri colum Lori has been working in Wayne for 20 years she began at George Washington Middle School as a CPA and then a substitute for their guidance office secretary and then went to AP turun for three in a half years and pacn Elementary for one year landing at Skyler middle school for last 12 years as a pirate professional Lori has also worked for eight years doing esy summer school and Anthony of Wayne Lori has been dedicated part of our staff at Skyler and can always be found doing things for others and doing out of and going out of her way to make sure if help is needed in any capacity that she makes herself available to do so our students have benefited greatly from Lorie's selflessness and support as well as her kindness and nurturing approach when asked Lori remembers fondly one of her students that she was one-on-one parah for letting her know through his emotional tears how much she meant to him upon leaving Skyler to go to high school Lori is also supportive of her colleagues knowing the way to their heart through food Lori has been a consistent um culinary contributor to the sky uh Skyler Breakfast Club feeding everyone that treat everyone treats that she creates out of love she is responsible for always creating one Wonder F baskets of the most needed things in our staff bathrooms as well as placing special specialty soaps by the sing and for Added Touch at home when Lori retires she plans to spend time with her family and friends by going to concerts and dancing she also looks forward to going to the beach going on banana boats and rafting she loves barbecues and fire pits with her friends and having parties Lori loves college basketball and is going to live hockey football and college basketball uh going to live uh football college basketball games she loves playing with her dogs and hanging out with her family watching movies especially in front of our wood burning fireplace Lori will definitely be missed by students and staff at Skyler we wish her all the best in her retirement thank you Mr J Dan thank you uh this one's very special to me personally I had to fight Miss wck for it and uh was two out of three pitfalls but I finally got it away from her thank you m m monck um this retirement uh goes out for Judy vaugh we'd like to congratulate Judy vaugh on her retirement from the Wayne school system jud's been working in Wayne since 2006 Judy started a career in Wayne at George Washington Middle School and transitioned to the elementary school as a resource room teacher at Pines Lake for 4 years before eventually Landing in Ryerson school where she quickly felt at home Judy has been a special education resource room teacher and was trained as an Orton Gillingham instructor where she helped many students who struggle with reading over the years Judy has taught both math and English language arts to all grades from first to fifth grade at Ryerson Judy was also the Ryon School WEA rep and was known for her kindness fairness and friendliness towards everyone Judy has been a dedicated and positive staff member who advocated for her students endlessly she enjoyed watching them grow and learn especially when she had students for years as a staff member Judy was always ready to help someone in need she was a true team player whether it was stepping up to participate in the faculty skit or volunteering to share her voice at the Holiday sing along Judy always was willing to step up when asked Judy's loud hearty laugh could always be heard through the Halls of Ryerson and wish her years of continued hearty laughing Judy's looking forward to traveling with her husband Don as well as finding time to visit her son Kevin in California spending Precious Moments with her older son Ricky his wife and cherish grandchildren Caleb and Kira the riers community will miss Judy terribly but wish her the very best in her well-deserved retirement on a personal note um as an educator and a person who knows what word really mean and really sink in Judy you did a lot for my son my son loves you we miss you God bless and you made a difference excuse me you made a difference for him he's 18 and he still speaks of her good luck Judy you were the teacher's teacher thank you Mr Paul Francis tuso Francis will be retiring from transportation department on March 4th 2024 frand her career as a van driver on April 21st 1999 over the course of her 25 years of service to the Wayne Township Public Schools she has been dedicated to her work responsib her work responsibility of transporting students with special needs with care and concern every day of her employment FR has truly been an asset to the transportation department and her daily humor and quick wit will be truly missed she enjoyed talking I'm sorry she enjoyed taking uh the same special needs uh School routs each year to have the same children to watch them grow and mature friend also drove our youngest students are halfday preschool students daily her years of service and commitment of transporting the special needs of the district will be hard uh to replace Fair will be missed but never forgotten from all your friends and co-workers best wishes for a long happy and healthy routin retirement to all our retirees we thank you for your dedication to the district and to the students of this district and we could have done it without you Karen Vicky congratulations at this time this portion of the meeting is open to Citizen for comments on any topic residents are ask to State their name address and subject matter comments may be limited to 5 minutes per person members of the public are discouraged from speaking negatively about an employee or a student the board Bears no responsibility for comments made by the public comments regarding employees or students cannot be legally responded to by the board other comments may be responded to tonight or at a subsequent meeting under old business do I have a mover move Mr Jun second Mr pakus anyone from the public wishing to speak Jennifer Bell 63 Camilo Drive I once stood here speaking of a darkness and unfortunately that Darkness has arrived it is disheartening to witness declin of this board as it has lost its Integrity morals and class meanwhile Pacific self-centered individuals perceived their role as a form of Celebrity Status which directly contradicts the fundamental principle of putting Children First during Mr Bill's speech addressing tox toxic Behavior at the October 16th meeting in particular slander and gangstalking I stand here today to tell everyone that the attacks against me continue with the latest from board member Mrs Roso no one should endure such character assassination which has continued relent relentlessly for over a year I also state for the record that I have never been fired from the PTO it is just another fabricated lie and anyone who knows me knows I have very little spare time especially for petty jealousy as a member of the public I have the right to express my thoughts on social media platforms and no one must infringe upon another person's First Amendment rights equally important is the need to refrain from bullying coercion or blackmail what is even more troubling is that the board members who are expected to set a positive example hold the ability to influence influence a students HIV case furthermore I firmly support showing Respect by by refraining from reaching out to spouses a concept that seems to elude these born members and their Li limited special interest group regarding my spouse he possesses a independent mindset a quality that the board should greatly appreciate regrettably this is not the situation with the specific Pacific board in closing voters can turn this all around and send a powerful message that good triumphs over evil this November election and that while the darkness May temporarily hold power the light will ultimately Prevail anyone else from the public wishing to speak Stuart resmer 82 New Street um to give you a little perspective I'm originally from Santa Monica California our school district is the Santa Monica Malibu School District Malibu is 7 miles north of Santa Monica there's like four schools there they can't afford a uh full School District if I could call it that you wouldn't think so because of who lives there and and you know the value of property and the taxes and the whole nine yards that goes with that but they have a problem in Malibu running their own District so Santa Monica manages it to listen to Mar vergano say the things he had about this referendum was absolutely stunning to me so I do have a question did he contact any of you in advance to tell you he was going to make that statement the way he did do the video because I thought that was pretty low road it seems to me that a phone call an email maybe a visit in the office was in order where he could say you know what I disagree with you on this and you uh you could maybe work it out instead what we got what we listened to was all those things that he repeated somewhat last night and I asked him for a uh for equal time I said I'd like 15 minutes for what you did at Council I'd like 15 minutes for what you did with that video they haven't responded neither has the city attorney's office I walked into the city attorney's office that's the kind of people we're dealing with here um I don't think he should have done that I don't hear any alternatives last night he said well you know come back you know later in the year in California the schools are condemned at 50 years because of earthquakes makes sense right you've heard of California's earthquakes they just had one out there a few weeks ago 4.7 4.7 will roll this room but compared to a 7.3 a 4.7 is not that big of a deal they shut the schools down when that happens and the engineers go out and they inspect the school before the kids come the students I'm sorry before they come if a school breaks down from one day to the next the school board's got a problem they have a broken school what are you going to do with three or 400 students and everything like that the City Works it out I've been involved with a school board out there since 1973 when my son was born I have never heard a mayor do something like Mr vagano just did I am perplexed by it um and again he offers no Solutions so if you could tell me uh did he contact any of you I'd like to know that thank you thank you anyone else from the public wishing to speak see anyone else I move to close second this is Mr M right any old business new business board member comments Mr Jano uh first off I'd like to congratulate all of the teachers who were uh the 23 24 Governor's educators of the year uh you sat in a room with the best of the best and the best that Society has to offer and those are our teachers and I'm not toting my own hor because I'm a teacher myself I can sit back and see what a good teacher is and I know most of them and they're excellent and they put me to shame quite frankly um moreover those who are retiring and moving on also represent the best of the best and they're all going to be sorely missed because of that and I certainly hope we'll be able to have new teachers step in and fill those positions I know the governor teacher the ward teachers will will fill their slots great but who's going to fill the slots of those teachers as they move up here um teaching is a at a crisis point in New Jersey it's at a crisis point in the nation right now um we stand up here and we bash these people from political standpoints and over ideologies which is quite ridiculous because when everything is all said and done you want to smile and say hello and say what a great job you did like Judy vaugh did for my son all of these years um this has to change and the culture of it has to change um I'm one of these people on this piece of paper I'm on my way out also heading to a New Horizons and I'm worried about the people they're going to bring in what what can we bring to them when they give everything when they're actually here for 4 5 6 7:00 at night and then go home and work till 8 9 10 11:00 at night and the teachers will know the letters we talking about things like sgos and 40-hour PDS and uh unilateral meetings and you know Mr Sardi can give you a hundred letters for them and it all spells out a whole lot of work and effort that doesn't go into teaching these kids and it's making this unfortunately not as attractive as it used to be and it's high time we salute these people and say thank you to them every day and it's high time we start working with these people God bless you all and have a good night anyone else Mr P yeah I also personally wanted to congratulate the governor's educator of the Year award-winning professionals and teachers I also want to congratulate all the high school students that were mentioned in the the student rep reports and I also wanted to say I'm supportive of the proposed referendum and I hope that our community continues to educate and inform themselves by going on our website by listening to the podcasts by um you know there's there's plenty of information out there there so it's a strategic and a proactive Bond referendum that's going to strengthen our school district's future and our community um thank you anyone else wch thank you I also would like to congratulate to all the recipients of the governor's Educators award for the year 2023 2024 and the students uh or student athletes and I'm really excited about the Wayne Valley and Hills cheer team coming on Saturday to Brookdale College to uh hopefully win their state championships um I did want it to also address the uh referendum and I know people have concerns about the cost and the number Price Tag is very high but I did wanted to point out that in 2015 the district wanted to or had a referendum for security projects that was less than $15 million I don't have the exact number but it was less than that and it didn't pass and that's 9 years ago and we did not complete everything that we wanted to at that time things are getting only more expensive so if we were going to spend let's say 15 million 10 years ago it's probably triple if not more now so I want to put that in the perspective to just consider that yes it's a big price tag but if we delay the projects and delay everything it's going to be just more so I also support the referendum and I would like our uh you know taxpayers and parents really look at the data look at the facts and think about it it's for the future of our children thank you anyone else Mrs regoso so I've been getting a lot of phone calls about the referendum and I can't tell you how to vote but I can tell you that we live in a great town with a solid education system I'm only talking from experience my seven children received a great education and now are young adults with good jobs Wayne education is one of the best in the state and our teachers and programs are exceptional however our schools need attention we need to put our thoughts together and come up with the way to plan uh uh plan of the future so the people of our community I I'm asking you educate yourselves on the referendum go on the Wayne Board of Education read Dr toac letter it has everything broken down and if there's any questions please ask questions and uh we would like to hear from you we hear you and we'd like to address your concerns so before you vote please educate yourself on the Wayne referendum thank you this is L um good evening um we've been talking about the referendum over and over again and it's um it's the the same thing we can correlate buying your property buying your house it's 25 years old you have to repair this and that and whatever else um it does really complement your property values when you have a house that has new things and the same thing holds true for your schools teachers go in there they want to be proud of the place that they work they want to know that they work in a safe environment they want to have functioning Windows not leaky ceilings um so again there are so many places to look at what's been presented and um we can't tell you how to vote I can't tell you how to vote but um check it out yourselves educate yourselves like Barbara said um and if you have questions we're here um Dr toak the administration and the rest of us are always open we receive emails from plenty of people and you're always welcome to do that I welcome you guys to do that um also the governor's educator of the Year award it's always awesome to give people awards for doing a fantastic job what is better than that right so so many people don't get acknowledged when they do a great job so I think it's wonderful that we acknowledge these people and um so kudos to all of them congratulations and for me to read somebody's retirement letter is a blessing really because I think about that and somebody worked for 34 years in the Wayne school system that is really um admirable and wonderful and so again to all those people who are retiring all the best to you enjoy and thank you very much anyone else so speaking about our district as a whole we all know that our teachers are phenomenal they are the backbone of the whole process without our teachers our school district is not going to work the fact that we got to honor just a small section of them for this award is tremendous but it it's they're all amazing so we have to keep that in mind while we're honoring these people there's so many more of them that are excellent with regard to the referendum um I've been hearing a lot from people that they're saying well I'm not getting anything from my school or not every school's being addressed the thing to understand is this referendum is meant to address Big Ticket items that are going on in specific schools so that doesn't mean that other projects won't be funded out of the operating budget or other ways so just because there's not something specific that you think is a good idea in your you know that's going to be for your specific school doesn't mean that everything else is going to stop but some of the key things that I wanted to point out that are in there are the boilers so I don't know if anybody saw the boilers and the pictures of them but it looks like something you would see on a steam ship from a 100 years years ago it's unbelievable what they looked like the fact that you can only turn them on or off and there's no thermostats that you could manage literally we are taking money from the taxpayers and we're burning it with the you know by having to pay for all that extra fuel because of the inefficiencies so the goal of replacing the windows and the boilers is to give us the ability to cut costs and actually save money while you know having something that you can so you can run it separately and you don't have to run it all the time and it's just to me these are things that I guarantee you in every one of your houses none of you have a boiler from the 1960s they just aren't meant to last that long having to manage it and replace the parts for those the parts have to be custom made it's if something breaks you can't just go to the parts store and get it you know today we have to have people fabricate them so they get pretty expensive uh same thing with the Windows the windows they're single pane uh glass so basically the you know all the heat is just escaping to the outside you have no thermal protection to keep that in I know that people have been asking for air conditioning and they want that to be there but I guess when you look at the possibilities what's more important we have two really hot months that are potentially going to cause issues out of a 10-month school year I think it's more important that we address the heating first because that's going to be a problem if the heating goes down and we have to shut a school um all the prices of everything have gone up so the cost of gas the cost of um the natural gas that you used to do the furniture food um the windows of the boilers like Eevee said they're only going to get more expensive over time and every project that we're trying to do is going to become dramatically more expensive over time we're also facing a teacher shortage and a driver shortage so everything that's going on right now is not going to work well within the existing budget so we can't have we're not going to have a lot of excess to be able to manage this and people just don't put these things together and don't realize the implications of the choices that we're trying to make so like everybody else said we can't tell you how to vote but we unequivocally support this referendum because it's what's necessary to enable our schools to continue to work and operate safely and effectively for our kids thank you Mr Paul thank you um I like I what everybody said and congratulations to the teachers who were honored here tonight um and like Mark said there there's many more out there so um you know thank you to them as well um quickly on the referendum um you know obviously there there's a lot of talk and you know something that I hear is you know why haven't we been maintaining these things why do we have to put all this money in now um we been maintaining these things for 60 years right eventually they get to their lifespan and they have to be replaced right so this is all Necessities that need to get done whether they need to get done now or they need to get done in the near future this is what we're planning for right every one of us I think move to this town that has kids for with the school district right we we came we looked we we bought our houses and when we sell our houses most of the people that are going to buy our houses are coming here for the school district if we don't keep up with the maintenance on our schools our school district is not going to have the same appeal so any tax increase that you get in your home is an investment into your property when you resell it and I promise you're going to get more than $240 extra dollars when you sell your house because we have a better school system right um so I support it please if you don't that's okay be educated if you do also be educated know what you're voting for but come out and vote thank you okay Mr Bish thank you so I was unfortunate enough to miss the last meeting traveling to the UK so I have a few items to address over that period of time as well um but firstly I want to say to the governor Award winners and all the nominees that worked through there this really gives us a good view into what we have in this Township for the Educators that we have here right I know one of the people that came up during that time and she was fantastic to us when um uh when our kids went through that school and I would believe that every single one of them is as good not just the one ones that managed to get Awards the nominees the people that are coming up behind them the rest of the people that we have in this District we are very lucky with the teaching staff that we have and we are very lucky with the school system that we have and so I think that is an amazing thing I'd also like to address uh the assignment of Mr Paul to the board seat because I am strongly disappointed that the board chose to deliberately hold the final interview on the day that I was not available after stating I wasn't available a number of times and expressing concerns the interview still went ahead I had nothing of the concerns that I raised the results of this of these serious concerns I had about Mr Paul's answers in the first interview I have not been able to verify how he was able to overcome them in addition I'm highly concerned that a resident who came to the podium gave better answers and hit almost every criteria that we would have been looking for even though we didn't even interview them them we had plenty of time to make a good decision and even to interview more candidates but chose not to the original objective was to reach consensus on a candidate that all of the board members could support but the process stopped abruptly at Mr Paul then arranged a time when board members with concerns were not available to finalize the outcome and ensure that a vote was recorded for the public now Mr Paul has achieved his board seat they only need five votes and a quorum to be able to do that that is fine he managed to succeed with six votes and one no and my vote being completely ignored that is almost the bare minimum vote and certainly less than unanimous I sincerely hope that the board members who were allowed to vote have found someone who can have a large and impactful position in the next couple of months as an independent datadriven decisionmaker and leader that I would have expected us to appoint secondly I'd like to discuss discuss a referendum I'll ignore the letter while I was not given notice or time to add input I was absent from the meeting that is unfortunate but there was no followup and I hope it's not a surprise to any of my colleagues that my signature is not a rubber stamp for their ideas however I will thank the administration for putting on the community Forum The Forum did detail a significant amount of issues and the reasons for the referendum the issues with the facility the reasons why where and why education and fiscal responsibility fits into the referendum and additionally I'd like to point out the difference between tax burden and tax impact on average the tax burden is $370 however the Anthony wayed Bond completion the tax impact to each individual is actually only $254 on a per 100K basis that works out to just about 30 cents a day I was one second I was happy to see the slide um in the Forum that detailed the true impact when so many numbers passed around are actually about the burden which is just under 50% higher than the actual impact in addition to this in discussions with Mr muffer the administration is looking into ways to reduce the impact and soften the increase over a number of years this will allow us to create a repayment plan that will ramp up and phase in the full cost over a few years I wholeheartedly support this approach and look forward to any other way to reduce the impact on this complex issue with Creative Solutions in addition to that for seniors I strongly recommend looking at the tax freeze program this state covered program can freeze your tax level based on requirements if the school board or even the town should raise them there may be other programs that individuals can take and I'm not a financial adviser but I would recommend doing some research so please consider the full impact when it is ramped up in a few years of 30 cents per day per 100K of assessed value you know part of our role on this board is to be an ambassador for the community it's our responsibility to ensure that this referendum is in line with the community and it is as much a vote on the Bond as it is a reflection on this board but how are we going to exceed succeed at that if we are spending our time attacking free speech of people on Facebook spreading rumors and attacking community members the Administration has done great work based on the board's guidance based on this though I must apologize to my wife as per her comments tonight she has taken significantly more attacks and abuse than even me as a public figure even prior to be being sworn in it is deeply troubling to witness individuals associated with those running for the board friends of theirs and now even board members themselves engaging in such toxic Behavior towards my wife this alarming trade reses raises concerns particularly when we consider various factors such as a power imbalance of many going to one and also the abuse of authority all of which are criteria for HIV cases in schools it's crucial for us to uphold a higher standard of contact conduct surpassing what we would expect from children failing to do so may cast doubts on our suitability to fill the roles in the board and I hope we own our responsibilities and outcomes but I'm sure the community will hold us responsible thank you thank you um accolades to our teachers as usual uh they what they go through day in and day out is incredible and unless you walk in in those shoes you don't get it you don't understand what teachers are it's not just about standing in front of the classroom writing on the Smartboard it's about handling family issues it's about handling just about everything else in the world that those these kids face every day so we owe them all great gratitude for what they do each and every day to the referendum as you all know I fully support the referendum and I have always supported the referendum our schools are the Cornerstone of this community everyone knows that Mr pakas and I sat at the council meeting last night everybody agreed at that our schools are the best that's why people come here how many board meetings I can't tell you in the last whatever years Mrs Kazan as well every parent who walks in I came here for the schools everybody you keep great schools for a great community and unfortunately the referendum has been getting some negative press by uninformed people so I'm going to help to inform tonight a little bit about one I heard the I got I heard the comment well why don't you just do like the town does when they want a million dooll fir Tru they go and bond a million-dollar fire truck all right it doesn't work that way for us as a school board our process is much different we have to go out to the voters we have have to ask them to spend beyond our budget we don't have bonding ability like the town does the town could take $164 million Bond referendum they could put it on their agenda give you all five minutes to speak about it and pass it and that's all you get you never get to vote on it yeah well that's great I can do a million dollars this month I can do $2 million next next month whatever for me for us sitting here in a school district if we want to go out to another referendum it costs us a lot of money because all the poll workers that are at the polls we pay for the county doesn't pay for we do so it's not as easy as oh why don't you do it like we do it and just you know Bond it every now and then we can do a referendum every three months asking you what to do but that's what some people are basically suggesting the referendum is a testament about our commitment to transparency in the community it provides us an up every resident to have a voice in shaping the future your vote is not just a formality but a crucial step to determine the direction of our educational system and ensure that we meet the needs of every student and staff in our meeting tonight we're just looking at the projection of our special Edge students next year our transportation for special ed students and believe me I am not bashing special ed students at all and never would but just think of this to transport the added District children we we have to every year as of today now we don't know what's going to happen come September and we're just starting to find out now we're over a million dollars a year just in transportation not the not the tuition for the school just the transportation the average tuition for an added District placement it runs anywhere between 60 and $70,000 per student so when people say well why don't you have the money in your budget because I'm going to care for the students who need to be cared for that's what we're going to do and we'll always do that I have always done that and I will always continue to do that as long as I sit here the other thing to my senior citizen friends who live at Cisco Village who live in Summer Hill Estates who live in Sienna Village this referendum does does not affect you at all zero whether it passes or doesn't it does not affect your taxes those three developments are under the New Jersey pilot program which is payment in Li of taxes the program is set up in designated areas in the town the town has the ability to designate these areas as pilot areas Cisco Village as I said Sienna Village and summerh Hill Estates you do not pay school taxes anyone living there you do not pay a dime towards a school you pay town taxes you pay County taxes nothing towards the school that's what I talk about being informed when other people are talking about oh how bad it's going to affect the senior citizens and everything else yes some it will I grant you that but a majority it will not so let's talk about the businesses in this town the businesses it was brought up the number I think it's 3025 or $350,000 to wil Brook Mall will increase in taxes I would like to tell you the company that owns the willbrook mall their estimated net value of the company is $56 billion with a B Way toown Center company who owns that net value of the company $1.8 million then we have FedEx Drisco Foods FedEx is a multi-billion dollar company so when I get it nobody wants to pay more taxes our businesses as well I understand that but when you have a good school system and a good Community those businesses flourish with that so let's stop the negativity and let's look at the real facts our children's safety is an issue that's being addressed in this Bond referendum then I hear oh well oh how any money's going to pregnant school no 26% of this Bond referendum is going to that school to pay to in the anticipation of the number of students we are going to get and the thing is when you look at a demographic study which was done and the one that the town did on this I think was just postco when you do a demographic study on population of schools they look at birth rates in North Jersey during the pandemic where did most of the people come from not from New Jersey not from North Jersey they came from New York so all those children who moved in here who were around 2 years old 3 years old we have real numbers to show we're going up because a demographic study doesn't take that into account because they're looking regionally at this area not to anyone's fault but that's what it is I don't want to touch the class siiz thing because I was here the last time that class siiz thing quite guide came out and it wasn't fun to be sitting on this side of the bench I'll tell you and the people were right to fight for that that's one of the unique things we have in this town when you have a class of 35 students you can't get to everybody folks and you know what it's not the top and the bottom who lose out it's the middle who lose out this referendum is working on schools that have been around since the 60s 70s and some even before that with a 2% cap with the millions of dollars we've lost and state aid remember one year we got cut to like $125,000 and guess what when you have a 2% increase in your budget the next year guess what we just got knocked for about $8 million so all the money we lost there so everybody's saying why hav you been doing this so long we have go back look at the presentations of the budget that are on the website under the business office look at the money we've been putting into the infrastructure you can only put so much duct tape on it you know you keep piling the duct tape on it wrap it around the pipe it's not going to leak anymore you can't put any more on and we try to do little pieces and no we are not doing every room roof in the district that is another fallacy that's out there roofs are expensive especially flat roofs and you can only patch so much and then the patches don't work anymore as someone said oh my student my my two kids went to school they had they were great we you know classrooms it's about the teachers not about the classrooms well yeah it is is about the teachers and I agree with that person 100% but if you don't have a classroom to teach in you have a problem if a roof collapses in a school where are you putting 300 kids 400 kids tomorrow morning I don't know I don't have an answer to that what that means is you're going to spread them out and people are not going to be happy about that I ask people to be informed this is not a wish list we got rid of that wish list a long time ago this is our needs now this is what we need to keep the structure together and as Mr Faber said why change the boilers when the heat's going right out the windows you have it's counterproductive so you do one with the other believe me our facilities Department we've had engineer look at this this is what they're telling us is going to be the best for our district we need to do this we don't want to do this I don't want to raise your taxes and we're raising everybody's taxes sitting up here on the day too they want to but I'll take the 30 cents a day all right I'll forgo my Starbucks coffee on Saturday morning to make sure that each child in this district has a classroom to be in and has a quality teacher in that classroom that's what it's about and Mr resmer to your question and I'm answering for me only I was never contacted at all any other Dr Tobak right motion to adjourn motion favor Mr Bader